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S07-05 School of Spirits

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S07-05 School of Spirits

pathfinder society season 7

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School of Spirits
By Alex Greenshields
School of Spirits
Pathfinder Society Scenario #705
Author Alex Greenshields Publisher Erik Mona
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #705: School of Spirits is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- to 5th-level characters
(Tier 15, Subtiers 12 and 45). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, but can
easily be adapted for use with any world.

This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 edition of the worlds oldest
fantasy roleplaying game.

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Pathfinder Society Scenario #705: School of Spirits 2015, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo,
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School of Spirits
By Alex Greenshields

early 20 years ago, Junia Dacilane was the
otherwise unremarkable 11-year-old daughter WHERE ON GOLARION?
of a prominent Absalom family. The only School of Spirits is set in the city of Absalom, and most of
child of Lady Miranda Dacilane, a noblewoman of the action takes place in the Precipice Quarter, which was
Chelish descent, Junia lived in a large manor home in devastated in the massive earthquake in 4698 ar. More
the exclusive Ivy District, and attended an elite academy information about this event, the neighborhood, and
in the cliffside neighborhood of Beldrins Bluff. Junia, Absalom can be found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The
who was not overly interested in her studies, preferred Inner Sea World Guide and Pathfinder Campaign Setting:
spending time with her older classmates Grishan Guide to Absalom, available in bookstores and game stores
Maldris and Cassiel Marlinchen. The three loved everywhere and online at paizo.com.
exploring the spooky necropolis Grishan had discovered
beneath their school, the Tri-Towers Yard, and wearing
the jewelry and other finery they found amidst the
burial goods.
Her friend Grishans story was a bit more complicated.
Grishan grew up in the shadow of his older brother
Colson Maldris. Grishan idolized his brother, and
wanted more than anything to become an Eagle Knight
just like him. When Colson approached Grishan and
asked his brother to spy on the families of his classmates
at the Tri-Towers Yard in order to gather intelligence
for the Eagle Knights, Grishan immediately accepted.
Colson promised Grishan that the information he
collected would be put to use to defend and promote the
egalitarian ideals of Andoran. Grishan began accepting Junia, Grishan, and Cassiel had been playing in the
invitations to all of his classmates parties, and snooping necropolis when the earthquake struck. Even though its
around in their parents offices and studies. After a few sturdy construction saved them from being immediately
months, Grishan had collected enough secrets that he crushed to death, the tremors collapsed their only exit,
felt he could finally take them to his brothers contact in trapping them without access to food or fresh water. After
the Eagle Knights; sadly, fate intervened. a few days of calling for help, they came to the conclusion
Both Grishan and Junias childhood came to an end that they would not be rescued. Junia soon realized that
when a massive earthquake struck Absalom in 4698 ar. unlike Grishan or Cassiel, she seemed to not be suffering
The calamity caused serious damage to every district from hunger or thirst, but did not connect her good
of the city, but no neighborhood was hit harder than fortune to the ruby salamander ring she had found in the
Beldrins Bluff. Whole streets broke off and tumbled into dark. The ancient bauble was actually a magical ring of
the ocean, wiping out entire centuries-old family lines sustenance that kept her healthy while her friends quickly
in an instant. Even though the Tri-Towers Yard avoided began to suffer the effects of severe dehydration. Cassiel
this watery fate, most of its buildings collapsed or sunk died first, afraid and angry at the unfairness of her fate.
into the ground, crushing or trapping the students, Grishan hung on a few days longer, wracked with guilt
staff, and teachers within. for having led his friends into the necropolis to die. Now


Her mother has stopped each of these attempts, but has

GM RESOURCES become tired of keeping her daughter a prisoner.
This scenario makes use of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Grishan has been encouraging Junias desire to visit the
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, Pathfinder Precipice Quarter for his own reasons. Hazy memories
PRG Bestiary 3, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4, Pathfinder RPG from his life as a spy have begun to reemerge in the
NPC Codex, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures (OA), and phantom, and now that Junia can take care of herself, he
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment. All rules referenced in longs to complete his lifes unfinished task and ask Junia
this adventure can be found in the free online Pathfinder to recover his notes so that he can finally take them to
Reference Document at paizo.com/prd, and the relevant his brother.
entries from the Bestiary volumes and the NPC Codex are Lady Dacilane feels that with her daughters eighteenth
reprinted in the end of the scenario for the GMs convenience. birthday now behind her, it is past time for Junia to join
Absalom high society. She has enlisted the help of an
all alone, Junia crawled into an empty sarcophagus and old ally, the Pathfinder Society, to escort Junia to the
awaited death. Drownyard and finally exorcise whatever demons she is
An allip drifted into the necropolis to feed on Junias still carrying.
suffering, but found that she was not alone. Grishans
spirit, unable to find rest in the afterlife, had returned ADVENTURE SUMMARY
as a phantom to protect his friend. Knowing he was no Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng asks the PCs to
match against the allip, Grishan instead hid Junias still accompany him to the home of Lady Miranda Dacilane.
living soul deep in the Ethereal Plane. Without the spark The noblewoman asks the Pathfinder Society to
of life within her, Junia fell into a catatonic state between escort her daughter, Junia, to the dangerous Precipice
life and death, while the ruby salamander ring kept her Quarter. After brief introductions, the PCs and J. (as
body alive. Grishan guarded his friends soul in this she introduces herself ) leave the manor, but a group
manner for the next 10 years. of ruffians waylays them before they reach their
In 4708 ar, a group of Pathfinders explored the destination. During the ensuing fight, a ghostly figure
necropolis beneath the Tri-Towers Yard. To their emerges from J. She explains that the PCs witnessed
amazement, they found the comatose Junia still within the phantom of her dead friend Grishan. The phantom
her sarcophagus and returned her to her mother, Lady introduces himself and admits that he has also been
Dacilane. Sensing that she had been rescued, Grishan pushing J. to return to the Precipice Quarter for his own
reunited Junias soul with her body and caused her to reasons, specifically to recover a stash of intelligence he
finally wake. Fearing that he would be exorcised should hid in the Arboretum Arcanis shortly before his death.
his presence be discovered, Grishan remained hidden Both J. and Grishan plead with the PCs to help them
and silent within Junias consciousness for years, only accomplish their individual goals.
emerging when he felt she was mature enough to deal At the Arboretum Arcanis, the PCs discover that the
with him. To the phantoms delight, Junia quickly building is in ruin and overgrown with dense, sickly
accepted Grishans presence, and the two resumed their vines. When the PCs step inside, the mandragora
former friendship. Majordomo Pip greets them and offers to take them
Junias adolescence was not a happy one. The other to the Master Gardener in exchange for a bit of their
children marked her different and odd because of her blood. Once the PCs make it past the mandragora, they
traumatic history and her habit of talking to herself meet the Master Gardener Khaya. Khaya is a ghoran,
when no one was looking, and they began to avoid her and a rare type of plant creature. She is in the process
talk about her behind her back. Junia kept to herself and of growing a number of others of her kind, but the
increasingly relied upon Grishan for companionship. corruption of the Arboretum has driven her insane and
Her mother, terrified that anything else might happen to makes her aggressive and suspicious. After dealing with
her only daughter, rarely let Junia leave their Ivy District the ghoran, the PCs recover Grishans package and learn
home, a restriction that only amplified the young girls of a number of damaging secrets about various Absalom
sense of isolation. noble families.
Junia has recently begun to be troubled by survivors When the PCs travel to the Drownyard, J. asks to
guilt, the feeling that she is somehow at fault for having experience its haunt. Specifically, she wishes to trigger
survived when most of her teachers and classmates did it in order to fully experience the horror her classmates
not. She has attempted numerous times to sneak out of experienced at the moment of their death. The PCs must
her house to visit the Drownyard (as the Tri-Towers Yard decide how to protect J. from coming to any permanent
is now known) and somehow make peace with her past. harm. Finally, J. asks to visit the necropolis. There, the


PCs meet the spirit of Cassiel Marlinchen, whose trauma Assuming that the PCs follow the eccentric Dreng,
sustains the haunts in the Drownyard. The PCs must continue to read or paraphrase the text below.
either convince her to finally accept her fate or destroy
her once and for all. Youre probably wondering where Im dragging you, eh?
Finally, with Grishans information in hand, the Seven years ago I sent young agents much like yourselves
PCs can confront Colson Maldris about conscripting on a preliminary exploration of the necropolis below the
his young brother into spying for Andoran, and decide Drownyard in the Precipice Quarter. The Drownyard is the
whether or not to let the secrets within Grishans name that was given to the old Tri-Towers School, once home
notes see the light of day. to some of Absaloms wealthiest progeny. It was
destroyed in the great earthquake of 4698
RETURN TO THE ar , and we thought that all of the children,

DROWNYARD teachers, and staff had perished.

But let be back up a bit. Eight years
School of Spirits is a sequel to one of the ago, the Society discovered an ancient
earliest scenarios, Pathfinder Society necropolis under the Drownyard. It
Scenario #6: Black Waters. Knowledge of the dates back to the third century ar , and
classic adventure is not necessary to play or if you know anything about Absaloms
GM School of Spirits, but might add to the history, youll know that we know
enjoyment of this scenario, since certain almost nothing about those early years.
plot elements and characters reoccur. It took me almost an entire year of
negotiating with the parents of the
GETTING STARTED children who died in the Tri-Towers
The PCs receive letters instructing Yard to convince them to grant
them to meet Venture-Captain Drandle us access to the site, and when
Dreng outside the main gates of the we did, what did we find? A
Grand Lodge at noon in formal attire. lot of spooky stuff: undead,
Once they have all assembled and haunts, and some nasty bugs. But
made their introductions, read or we also found something completely
paraphrase the following.
Drandle unexpected: a survivor. A little slip of
a girl named Junia Dacilane somehow
The fall rains have come early this year, Dreng survived in a death-like state for 10
and a chill wind blows off the waters of years. The only thing that kept her
Absaloms harbor, bringing with it the alive was a ring of sustenance that she
smell of a storm somewhere far off at sea. Venture-Captain had found among the crypts. Junias mother, Lady Miranda
Drandle Dreng hurries down the street in a most unusual Dacilane, was of course beside herself when we pulled her
outfit for the aging Venture-Captain: some sort of blue military living daughter from the ruins and she vowed to not only
uniform complete with a green sash displaying a pair of ornate give the Society full access to the property, but personally
medals and a black umbrella. underwrite our archaeological efforts there. Soon thereafter
Ah, there you all are, he half-mutters to himself. Is I set up an archaeological dig at the Drownyard, and weve
everyone here? been pulling out fascinating fragments from Absaloms
Without waiting for an answer, he turns on his heels and early history ever since. Every year I visit Lady Dacilane to
heads off at a brisk pace, occasionally turning around to make renew our contract to maintain the dig, but this year it seems
sure everyone is keeping up. that she wants us to jump through an additional hoop. She
wants us, or rather you, to escort her daughter back to the
If the PCs wish to identify Drengs uniform, they can Drownyard. It seems that Junias become a bit obsessed with
attempt a DC 12 Knowledge (nobility) or (local) check. If her alma mater, and since the Precipice Quarter is no place
they succeed, they recognize that it is a dress uniform for pampered young noblewomen, she needs an escort. Think
of a junior officer in the Taldan Navy. If they succeed you can manage that?
by 5 or more, they also recognize that he is wearing two Without giving the PCs a chance to interrupt him, he
service medals: a Combat Action Ribbon and a Counter- quickly adds, Oh, and dont forget to call the Drownyard the
Espionage Ribbon, the latter of which is rumored to Tri-Towers Yard while were at Dacilane Manor. No one who
only be awarded to members of the Lion Blades, Taldors lost children in the earthquake likes to be reminded of that
secretive espionage organization. tragedy even the ones who got their child back.


If the PCs ask Dreng about his uniform or about the stern-looking, yet attractive Chelaxian woman with sharp
service ribbons, the Venture-Captain explains that the features, a fair complexion, and black hair accented with
upper classes are impressed with this sort of pomp, gray and white. She is dressed in a well-made, floor-length
and that he wore it to make a better impression on Lady black gown streaked through with crimson. A plain-
Dacilane. He does not reveal further details about his looking silver pentagram necklace is her only jewelry.
outfit, and chides the PCs to stay in the present. Dreng immediately jumps up to greet her, bowing and
kissing her hand in a formal fashion. He then quickly
Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (local) introduces the PCs before launching into a prepared
The PCs may know more information about the speech about the importance of Lady Dacilanes ongoing
Precipice Quarter. support of the Societys activities and the many important
10+ The Precipice Quarter was once a wealthy artifacts they have been able to recover from the Tri-Towers
neighborhood called Beldrins Bluff, until an earthquake Yard necropolis. Lady Dacilane listens politely, making
in 4698 ar broke several blocks of the district into the sea a few pro-forma inquiries into several details about the
and killed hundreds. management of the site before getting to the heart of the
15+ After the earthquake, the people of Beldrins negotiation and addressing the PCs directly.
Bluff moved away. Many people in Absalom believe the
district is cursed, and restless undead and vermin roam As I am sure Master Dreng has already informed you, I have
the streets at night. The most prominent locations in a particular request of the Pathfinder Society this year. My
Beldrins Bluff were the Tri-Towers Yard, an academy for daughter Junia has recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday,
the children of Absaloms wealthy and powerful, and the but she maintains a certain obsession with the traumatic events
Arboretum Arcanis, which displayed rare plants from all that befell her at the Tri-Towers Yard so many years ago. I have
over the Inner Sea. stopped her from sneaking out of the manor and visiting that
20+ The Tri-Towers Yard is haunted. The spirits of the place several times, and I feel that her past is keeping her from
children who perished in the earthquake are unable to fully embracing her future. I would ask that you accompany her
reach their final rest. For nearly a decade, a man named to the gods-forsaken Precipice Quarter and let her see her fill of
Deris Marlinchen, the father of one of the young victims, the decay and misery. Perhaps those sights will cure her of her
wandered the yard, speaking to spirits no one else could unnatural obsessions.
see. Since his departure seven years ago, the haunts at the
old school have grown increasingly malevolent. If any of the PCs played Pathfinder Society Scenario #6:
Black Waters, Lady Dacilane makes a point of thanking
DACILANE MANOR them again for returning her daughter.
After approximately 10 minutes of walking through the Lady Dacilane answers any questions the PCs ask,
rain, Dreng and the PCs arrive at their destination. although she grows visibly uncomfortable if asked about
Junias personal life. She simply doesnt feel that it is
Dacilane Manor is an imposing four-story townhouse of proper for Pathfinders to be asking about such private,
heavy masonry with a parapet roof that is festooned with family matters, but she answers them for the sake of
numerous leering, demonic gargoyles. After knocking on the ending her involvement with this entire encounter.
door, a middle-aged halfling woman in a large apron answers She answers any questions about additional help or
it. Please come in. My lady will join you momentarily in the compensation with an icy stare and silence. If the PCs
drawing room. persist in such demands, Lady Dacilane shoots a pointed
glance at the venture-captain, who quickly tries to hush
The interior of Dacilane Manor is just as imposing the offending PC and change the subject to something
as the outside. A wide foyer with a grand staircase leads less sensitive.
to the second floor, while open double-doors lead into Where do you want us to take her? Take her wherever
the drawing room. Heavy black draperies cover all the she wishes within reason in the Precipice Quarter. It is a
windows, shrouding the manor in shadows. All of the dangerous place even during daylight hours, so use your
furniture in the common areas is oversized, expensive, best judgment. Let her stay as long as she wishes, but
and gothic, made of dark-stained mahogany wood. If the bring her back before nightfall tomorrow.
PCs ask the servant woman Bettina if she is a slave, she Do you know specifically what troubles her? Junias
proudly insists that she is not, and that she has worked experiences during and after the earthquake were
for the family for many years and is quite content. terrible, and they have left lasting mental scars. Despite
Lady Dacilane enters a few moments after the PCs and my efforts and those of some of Absaloms best healers, I
Dreng have gathered in the sitting room. She is a tall, have been unable to truly help her. Nevertheless, it is time


for her to put her childhood experiences behind her and Dreng excuses himself at this point, claiming that he is
face her adult responsibilities. needed back at the Grand Lodge. Before he leaves, he hands
How old is Junia? Junia did not age mentally or over a large, iron key to the PCs, telling them that it opens
physically while sleeping in the crypt. It is a mystery the wrought iron gates to the Tri-Towers Yard. He warns
that has never been explained. Even though we should be them that although the necropolis below has been cleared
celebrating her twenty-eight birth year, she appears and of undead, the partially restored surface structure still
acts like a child of eighteen. holds a dangerous haunt. Try to stay away from there,
Eighteen isnt exactly a child, is it? Lady Dacilane he mutters, weve tried to eliminate it several times, but it
bristles. Clearly, you have not met my daughter. keep coming back. If you do need to go in there, take a look
Why are we being asked to escort her? Why not hire in the supply closet, you may find it useful.
some bodyguards? Junia has a particular affection for Once the Venture Captain leaves, J. picks up a backpack
the Pathfinder Society, most likely because it was your from a stool in the corner and pulls out a kukri, which
members who rescued her from the necropolis. It is she sheathes at her hip. She then straps on the backpack
my hope that she will be more forthcoming about her and looks expectantly at the PCs. Well, shall we go? Im
condition with you. ready when you are. If any of the PCs played Black Waters,
Lady Dacilane calls for her daughter once the PCs have she takes a minute to collect a several heavy volumes
finished asking their questions. If they have any for the from a side roomthese books are Pathfinder Chronicles
Venture-Captain, he unsubtly suggests that they hold featuring those PCs adventures.
them until they have all left Dacilane Manor.
INTRODUCING J. Female human spiritualist 2 (Pathfinder RPG Occult
Lady Dacilanes daughter comes bounding down the Adventures72)
stairs and into the sitting room a few moments after CG Medium humanoid (human)
he mother calls her. She has her mothers height, Init +4; Senses Perception +3
black hair, and fine facial features, but thats where the DEFENSE
similarities end. Unlike her mothers carefully coiffed AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hair, Junias is short and practical, and she carries hp 16 (2d8+4)
herself with a confident and unladylike swagger. She Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6
is dressed in grey breeches, knee-high leather boots, a OFFENSE
white cotton shirt, and an azure blue riding coat with Speed 30 ft.
tails with a golden eagle pin on the lapel. Beneath her Melee kukri +0 (1d41/1820)
coat, it is clear that she is wearing a mithral chain shirt. Ranged telekinetic projectile +1 (1d6)
Any PC from Andoran or a member of the Libertys Edge Spiritualist Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
faction immediately recognizes that Junia is attempting 0 (at will)mage hand, message, open/close (DC 13),
to look like a member of the Andoran Eagle Knights. stabilize, telekinetic projectileOA
Other PCs may attempt a DC 15 Knowledge (local) check STATISTICS
to recognize her attire. Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 13
Upon arriving in the drawing room, Junia clicks her Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 10
heels in a military manner and greets her mother with Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
a mischievous grin. Lady Dacilane immediately turns Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering)
bright red with embarrassment, reprimanding her +6, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Sense
daughter for appearing in such a ridiculous outfit in Motive +8, Swim +1, Use Magic Device +5
front of our guests, and then throws up her hands and Languages Common, Halfling, Infernal
storms out of the room without another word. SQ bonded senses (2 rounds/day), etheric tether, phantom
Junia introduces herself to each of the PCs as not Junia (Grishan Maldris, devotion), shared consciousness
but J., like the letter, and shakes everyones hand. If Combat Gear alchemists fire, antitoxin (2); Other Gear
the PCs ask about her outfit, she claims that it is just mithral shirt, kukri, backpack, belt pouch, everburning
something she threw together, but gives away her true torch, explorers outfit, ink, inkpen, paper (5), scroll case,
intention with a conspiratorial wink. tindertwig, trail rations, 35 gp
If any of the PCs played Pathfinder Society Scenario #6: SPECIAL ABILITIES
Black Waters, she recognizes them immediately, even if Bonded Senses As a standard action, J. can see, hear, smell,
they never spoke to her during the adventure. She greets taste, and touch with Grishans senses for up to 2 rounds
such PCs enthusiastically by name. per day.


Etheric Tether J. can sacrifice any number of hit points to

prevent the same amount of damage to Grishan, but only if J. DACILANE, SPIRITUALIST?
an attack would send him back to the Astral Plane. Grishan J.s relationship with the phantom Grishan has transformed
can travel up to 50 feet away from J. If he travels farther, she her into a spiritualist, a class from Pathfinder RPG Occult
must succeed a concentration check (DC = 10 + 1 per 10 feet Adventures. Her sheltered upbringing and determination
between them) as a full-round action each round or Grishan to keep Grishans existence a secret have prevented J. from
transports to the Ethereal Plane and cannot return for 24 developing the full powers of her class. She is not even
hours. If Grishan is outside J.s line of effect for longer than 1 aware that there is such a thing as a spiritualist. As a result,
round, he returns to the Ethereal Plane. J. cannot cast any first level spells, and is not even aware
Phantom J.s dedication phantom, Grishan, may dwell inside that she is casting 0th-level spells. Instead, she believes that
her mind, or manifest fully as an incorporeal creature with Grishan produces their effects in response to her telepathic
a 1-minute ritual. When he manifests as an incorporeal requests. In addition, Grishan cannot manifest in ectoplasmic
creature, he gains the incorporeal ability (making him form. He can either hide inside J.s mind, granting J. the
immune to physical attacks, and reducing damage from bonuses listed under her shared consciousness ability, or
magical attacks by half) and can attack incorporeal manifest in the incorporeal form listed in his statistics.
creatures, but cannot affect material creatures. A J. prefers to hang back in combat and use her knacks from
typical phantom can instead choose to manifest as an a distance unless otherwise stated in an encounter. Grishan
ectoplasmic creature, but Grishan has not yet learned how cannot attack corporeal creatures, so he does not participate
to take this form. in most combats.
Psychic Spellcasting Junias spells lack verbal and somatic
components. Instead, any spell with a verbal component STATISTICS
instead has a thought component, and any spell with a Str , Dex 15, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 14
somatic component instead has an emotion component. Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
She cannot cast a spell with an emotion component Feats Iron Will, Toughness
while under the effects of a non-harmless effect with the Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (nobility) 1,
emotion or fear descriptors. The DC of any concentration Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +6,
check to cast a spell with a thought component is increased Stealth+6
by 10 unless she spends a move action to center herself Languages Common
before casting. Junia Dacilane has the spell telekinetic SQ link, share spells
projectile, which appears on page 188 of Pathfinder RPG SPECIAL ABILITIES
Occult Adventures. The spell is reprinted below for your Dutiful Strike Grishan gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls against
convenience. any creature that attacked Junia in the past minute, and his
Shared Consciousness When Grishan isnt manifested, J. slam damage increases to 1d8+2 against that creature. If
gains a+4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting another creature attacks Junia while this ability is active, the
effects, +2 bonus on Will saves, and a +3 bonus on effect transfers to the new attacker.
Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. Once per day, she may Link Junia can direct Grishan as a free action.
reroll a failed saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, Share Spells Junia can cast spells with a range of personal on
but doing so removes her other shared consciousness Grishan as if it had a range of touch.
bonuses for the spells durations.
GRISHAN MALDRIS School evocation; Level occultist 0, psychic 0, spiritualist 0
Male phantom Casting Time 1 standard action
CG Medium outsider (incorporeal, phantom) Components V, S
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
DEFENSE Duration instantaneous
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex) Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance no
hp 27 (2d10+5) You fling an object weighing up to 5 pounds at the target.
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5 You must succeed at a ranged attack (not a ranged touch
Defensive Abilities incorporeal attack) to hit your target; if you hit, you deal 1d6 points
OFFENSE of bludgeoning damage to both the target and the object.
Speed 30 ft. The type of object thrown doesnt change the damage type
Melee 2 slams +4 (1d6+2) or any other properties of the attack, even if you throw a
Special Attack dutiful strike weapon or magic item in this way.


TO THE PRECIPICE QUARTER Creatures: Neither group is interested in inflicting

Once out of her home, J. breathes a sigh of relief and visibly serious harm upon J. or the PCs; they simply want to
relaxes. She asks the PCs how they would like to proceed blow off some steam. They attempt to get in Junias
to the Precipice Quarter, and admits that she hasnt gotten face and shove her around. Having lived a sheltered
out of the house much in the last several years. If asked life these last few years, J. struggles to deal with the
where in particular she would like to go, J. shrugs and sudden burst of hostility. She casts telekinetic projectile
suggests that they head toward the Drownyard. (see page 8) to throw pieces of junk from the alleyway
There are two main ways of reaching the Precipice at the people surrounding her. Because of the unusual
Quarter from the Ivy District. The most direct route is nature of her spellcasting, she believes that Grishan is
through the mercantile Coins district and then along the throwing these objects at her request. On Junias turn
edge of the Merchants Quarter. The second is through in the second round, or as soon as someone physically
the Foreign Quarter and then through the Docks. A PC knocks Junia over, Grishan manifests briefly and runs
who succeeds at a DC 10 Knowledge (local) check knows around the battlefield. The PCs catch fleeting glimpses
that today is a market day, which means that the Coins of the blue-tinged, ephemeral outline of a boy with
are packed with shoppers and merchants. On the other hollow eyes. After the encounter, Grishan disappears,
hand, even though there will be less traffic in the Docks, returning to Junias mind.
going through that neighborhood is not without its risks, If the PCs encounter the House Damaq hotspurs
as it is one of the citys rougher districts. instead of the Chelish marines, replace their opponents
During their walk through the city, J. asks the PCs chain shirts with leather armor (this change reduces
questions about their lives and their adventures as their armor bonus to AC by 2), and remove the short
Pathfinders. It is important that the GM not portray J. swords from their equipment.
as an annoyance. She is a young woman who has been
cooped up for too long, and has an obvious interest in Subtier 12 (CR 2)
the Pathfinder Society. She does not press PCs to share
more than they wish, but she is an enthusiastic audience CHELISH MARINES (5) CR 1/3
to any stories that the PCs tell. This could be a chance for Human warrior 1
players who enjoy talking about their PCs backstories to N medium humanoid
shine a bit, and perhaps try to recruit a new Pathfinder. Init +1; Senses Perception +0
J. is reluctant to talk about her past, particularly her DEFENSE
experiences surrounding the earthquake itself. However, AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
she is quite happy to speak of her rescue, praising the hp 8 each
courage of the Pathfinders who saved her. If any of the Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
PCs was involved in her rescue, she is star-struck for the OFFENSE
rest of this scenario around that individual. She pulls out Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/1920) or
copies of Pathfinder Chronicles featuring that PC and asks sap +3 (1d6+2 nonlethal) or
for autographs. short sword +3 (1d6+2/1920)
A. LOOKING FOR TROUBLE (CR 2 OR 5) During Combat On the first round, the marines (or hotspurs)
The PCs eventually run into trouble before they reach surround Junia and attempt to shove her around. If the PCs
the Precipice District no matter which path they take. draw weapons, they also draw their weapons and attack
If the PCs go through the Coins, they run into a group the PCs. If Grishan appears, they call Junia a freak and draw
of young hotspur noblemen. These are young men of their weapons if they havent already. They use their saps
House Damaq who are dressed in the latest Qadiran- to deal nonlethal damage unless the PCs start dealing
inspired fashions (turbans, flowing silk scarves, heavy lethal damage.
eye shadow, and impressive jewelry). They mistake J. Morale The marines (or hotspurs) flee if any of them is knocked
for an actual Eagle Knight and begin throwing insults unconscious or killed, or if the PCs succeed at a DC 15
at her in Kelish and Common, such as calling her a Intimidate check to scare them away. The DC is reduced to 10
cowardly abolitionist, and goading her to fight. after Grishan manifests.
If the PCs go through the Docks, they instead encounter STATISTICS
a group of Chelish marines who are just returning to Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9
their ship after a late-night binge. They also mistake J. Base Atk +1; CMB +13; CMD 14
for an Eagle Knight and hurl insults at her, calling her, Feats Step Up, Toughness
among other things, a traitorous peasant. Skills Intimidate +3, Profession (soldier) +4, Survival +1


A. Looking for N Languages Common

Trouble Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear chain
shirt, dagger, sap, short sword, 10 gp

Subtier 45 (CR 5)


Guard (Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex 267; see page 27)
hp 22 each
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+2/1920) or
mwk longsword +6 (1d8+2/1920) or
sap +5 (1d6+2 nonlethal)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds Other Gear chain
shirt, dagger, mwk longsword, sap, 44 gp
During Combat On the first round, the marines (or hotspurs)
surround Junia and attempt to shove her around. If the PCs
draw weapons, they also draw their weapons and attack
the PCs. If Grishan appears, they call Junia a freak and draw
their weapons if they havent already. They use their saps
to deal nonlethal damage unless the PCs start dealing
lethal damage.
Morale The marines (or hotspurs) flee if any of them is knocked
unconscious or killed, or if the PCs succeed at a DC 19
Intimidate check to scare them away. The DC is reduced to 14
after Grishan manifests.

Development: J. is shaken after the encounter, and takes

a few moments to collect herself. She is reluctant to talk
about the apparition the PCs witnessed, as she has been
trying to keep Grishan a secret for many years. However,
she also believes that she owes the PCs an explanation.

I guess I should tell you, considering who you are and where
we are going. Ive been keeping him a secret for far too long in
any case.
Grishan, can you come out, please. These people would like
to meet you.

Grishan steps out of J.s body, revealing himself to be

a green-tinted apparition that resembles an emaciated
14-year-old boy with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes. He
is still wearing his school uniform consisting of a blouse
covered by a vest. His legs end just below the knees, trailing
off into nothingness and he floats above the ground at
the same height he stood in life. He introduces himself
as Grishan, leaving off his last name, and tells the PCs
about his history with J. GMs can draw on the information
presented in the introduction to tell his story, though
Grishan himself focuses on how they became trapped in the
necropolis, how he refused to leave J.s side after his death,
GameMastery Map Pack: how they were rescued, and how they have been coexisting
ever since. He leaves out the information about his spying
1 square = 5 feet Ambush Sites


for the moment. Grishan speaks in a calm voice that sounds

as if it is traveling from some distance away. He is unaware SCALING LOOKING FOR TROUBLE
of his brothers position as a Society faction leader, nor does Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
he remember his familys true shameful history. of 4 PCs.
Once he has finished his story, any PC with at least Both Subtiers: Remove two hotspurs or marines from the
one level in a class from Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures encounter.
realizes that J. is a spiritualist and that Grishan is her
phantom. PCs who do not have levels in any of these everything inside safe. Inside the dome, each greenhouse
classes recognize the nature of J. and Grishans bond with had its own magical temperature and moisture controls,
a successful DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check. Neither J. and was watered by artificial clouds that rained only at
nor Grishan has ever heard of a spiritualist, and they are night. The earthquake of 4698 ar cracked the crystal
both eager to learn whatever the PCs can tell them about dome, disrupting and twisting its magic. The magical
their connection. rain turned dark and acidic, causing the plants to melt
Grishan admits that it was he who has been pushing J. away or transform into horrid mockeries of their former
to sneak out of her home to visit the Precipice Quarter. selves. Other plants came to unnatural life and strangled
Through their personal link, the phantom understands their former caretakers, feeding on their pale corpses for
that there is something in the Drownyard that J. needs lack of other nutrition. Now, even the aggressive undead
to see or experience in order to understand both herself that plague the Precipice Quarter at night avoid the
and her powers. He also admits that he has his own Arboretum Arcanis.
reasons for wanting to go to the Precipice Quarter, and Most of the Arboretum now lies in ruins and is
comes clean about how his brother asked him to spy on inaccessible. The crystal dome is
his friends and their families, how he hid the collected cracked, with a large central
packet of intelligence he gathered in a place called the portion missing at its apex. Vines
Arboretum Arcanis, and how he never got the chance to have grown through the cracks
place it in the secret dead drop. He pleads with the PCs to in the dome, so thick that the
take him to the Arboretum and allow him to accomplish interior of the dome
his lifes greatest unfulfilled mission. If asked about the is shrouded in
intelligence he gathered, Grishan admits that there are
many aspects of his life that are missing or incomplete;
the exact location of the intelligence is one of those. He
does remember that it was important, however, and is
absolutely certain that it is located somewhere in the
Arboretum Arcanis.
If the PCs seem reluctant to help the phantom, J.
chimes in that in many ways she and Grishan are the
same person now. When he is happy, she is happy, and
when Grishan gets annoyed at something, she is barely
able to keep her frustrations in check. If the PCs arent
willing to help the phantom for his own sake, J. asks that
they do it for her sake.
Rewards: If the PCs do not defeat the marines or
hotspurs, reduce each PCs gold earned by the following
Subtier 12: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 71 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PCs gold earned by
172 gp.
Subtier 45: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 274 gp.

The Arboretum Arcanis was once a haven of exotic trees,
bushes, and flowers from all over Golarion. The enigmatic Junia Dacilane and
wizard Beldrin built the Arboretum in ages past, covering Grishan Maldris
it with a crystal dome that let through light while keeping


Creature: The foyer is the lair of Majordomo Pip, a

WHICH WAY DO WE GO? mandragora who once served the head of the Arboretum
It should be clear that the PCs now have a two related Arcanis as a gardening assistant, but who has become
missions: one is to accompany J. to the Drownyard, while twisted and evil due to the corrupting influence of
the other is to recover Grishans intelligence packet. The PCs the crystal domes magical rain. He has spent the past
are free to accomplish these objectives in either order. J. and 17 years hiding from the undead and vermin of the
Grishan remind the PCs of their objectives if necessary. Precipice Quarter and is biding his time until he can
take control of the Arboretum. He was about to declare
victory several weeks ago when a strange, humanoid
perpetual dim light, even on bright, sunny days. Large plant creature known as a ghoran (see area B3) found its
skylights in the Arboretums greenhouses open the way here and claimed the central greenhouse. He now
interior to the corrupting rains. These days, the artificial pretends to serve the ghoran druid while plotting to get
clouds crackle with soundless, purple lightning and emit rid of her as quickly as possible. Pip appears as a short,
a slow drizzle of acidic water from time to time. This gnarled, gnome-like figure with a beard of green mold,
liquid eventually corrupts all living things it touches, but an oversized, misshapen and bulbous head, and long,
the corruption takes days to take hold. A PC who succeeds branched fingers. On his back he has numerous small
at a DC 14 Knowledge (history) or (local) check has heard sack-like growths about the size of a childs fist.
of this rain, and a PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Knowledge Majordomo Pip is quite well hidden amidst the exposed
(arcana) check deduces its effects. roots of the thorn trees when the PCs first arrive. A PC
Standing before the Arboretum, Grishan has a sudden who succeeds at a DC 30 Perception check notices that
flash of memory. He tells the PCs that he is sure that one of the roots of the tree looks like a little old man who
the packet is inside, and that he now remembers that he is bent over. Pip quickly sizes up the party and decides he
placed it in a red lion statue that was part of a fountain. probably cant kill them all himself and instead intends
He doesnt remember the location of the fountain. to make them Khayas problem.
He detaches himself from the tree as the PCs enter and
B1. The Foyer (CR 3 or 6) makes a low bow, greeting them politely in Common.
As long as the PCs dont attempt to move past him into
The foyer of the Arboretum Arcanis is in shambles. Debris area B2, he continues to speak with them respectfully.
and dead or dying plant matter cover the mosaic-tiled floor. A He does not know about the Grishans cache. If the PCs
gnarled black thorn tree still clings to life in a giant masonry attempt to enter the door to area B2, he informs them that
planter. Two massive skylights in the ceiling afford a view of they must first pay a small fee for the privilege of visiting
low-hanging, purple and black clouds above; the crystal dome the garden: they must each grant him a small portion of
is completely obscured. Piles of rubble obscure most of what their blood to him for ongoing research. In exchange, Pip
once may have been doorways, but a door to the west is free promises to lead the PCs to the Master Gardener who he
from debris. claims will answer all of their questions.


B. Arboretum Arcanis N
To B5

B3 B4

P C4 C3
C2 C1


P : Majordomo Pip

1 square = 5 feet C : Cockroach

If they all agree, Pip approaches each PC and

transforms one of his fingers into a thin, translucent, SCALING ENCOUNTER B1
syringe-like tube with a needle-sharp tip and withdraws Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
a small amount of blood, dealing 1 hit point of damage. of 4 PCs.
The blood flows through the needle and via a long, Subtier 12: Remove Pips poison special ability.
translucent vein to one of the nodules on his back. Subtier 45: Remove Pips poison special ability and two of
Once he has done this to all the PCs (including J., who the corrupted cockroaches.
reluctantly agrees if that is what the party decides), he
leads them into area B2, and offers to explain the magical
plants in area B4. If the PCs do not submit to his blood hp 27 (5d8+5)
draw, or forcefully try to move past him, Majordomo Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +2
Pip attacks. In Subtier 45, his screech awakens several Immune plant traits; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10
fiendish cockroaches that were sleeping under the trees Weaknesses vulnerable to supernatural darkness
roots. These creatures emerge and attack the PCs on the OFFENSE
second round of combat. Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee bite +11 (1d4 plus grab), 2 slams +11 (1d3 plus poison)
Subtier 12 (CR 3) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks blood drain (1d2 Con), shriek
Young mandragora (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 293, 185) During Combat The mandragora begins combat with his shriek
CE Tiny plant special ability, then moves into melee. He prefers to attack
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 nauseated creatures to avoid attacks of opportunity.
DEFENSE Morale Pip flees through area B2 once he is dropped below 10
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+6 Dex, +2 size) hit points.


STATISTICS Vulnerable to Supernatural Darkness (Ex) In areas of

Str 11, Dex 22, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10 supernatural darkness (such as those created by deeper
Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+11 grapple); CMD 17 darkness, but not by darkness), a mandragora is slowed, as
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon the slow spell.
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 when jumping), Climb +8, Perception Subtier 45 (CR 6)
+9, Stealth +20 (+28 in vegetation); Racial Modifiers +8
Stealth in vegetation CORRUPTED COCKROACHES (4) CR 1/2
Languages Abyssal, Common Fiendish giant cockroach (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292, 58)
Poison (Ex) Slaminjury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception
for 4 rounds; effect confusion (as per the spell confusion) +4
and fatigue; cure no saves but act normally result on the DEFENSE
confusion behavior table ends the effect. AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
Shriek (Su) Once per day as a standard action, a hp 8 each (1d8+4)
mandragora can give voice to an unsettling shriek. Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0
All creatures within a 30-foot spread of a shrieking Resist cold 5, fire 5; SR 5
mandragora must make a DC 13 Will save or become Weaknesses light sensitivity
nauseated for 1d4 rounds. This is a OFFENSE
sonic, mind-affecting ability. The Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor)
save DC is Constitution-based. Melee bite +1 (1d4)
Special Attacks smite good (1/day)
During Combat The cockroaches mindlessly attack the
nearest PC.
Morale The cockroaches fight to the death.
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 19, Int , Wis 11, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB 1; CMD 10
Feats DiehardB, EnduranceB
Skills Climb +8, Fly 1, Perception +4, Stealth +9; Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
SQ hold breath
Smite Good (Ex) A corrupted cockroach can smite a good
creature as a swift action. If it does so, it deals 1 additional
point of damage on all of its attacks against that creature
until that creature is dead or the cockroach rests.

Advanced mandragora (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292, 185)
CE Small plant
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+6 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 47 (5d8+25)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +4
Immune plant traits; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 10
Weaknesses vulnerable to supernatural darkness

Majordomo Pip Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 40 ft.

Melee bite +10 (1d6+4 plus grab), 2 slams +10 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks blood drain (1d2 Con), shriek


TACTICS The door in the northern wall was once a living shrub,
During Combat The mandragora always begins combat with painstakingly shaped to function as a door. It leads to a
his shriek special ability, then it moves into melee to lash collection of corridors and ruined galleries, as well as the
foes with its tendrils. flourishing Plants of Eastern Garund Greenhouse (area
Morale Pip flees through area B2 once his is dropped below 15 B5). The door to the west leads to area B4.
hit points.
STATISTICS B4. Gallery of Magically Enhanced Flora
Str 19, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+10 grapple); CMD 22 Dozens of healthy plants with vibrant and colorful leaves, fruit,
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon and flowers emerge from the decay in this small greenhouse,
Finesse spilling out of the pots and berths that once contained them.
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 when jumping), Climb +17, Perception
+14, Stealth +18 (+26 in vegetation); Racial Modifiers +8 The plants in this room result from magical
Stealth in vegetation experimentation. Several of them are enhanced with
Languages Abyssal, Common beneficial effects, which affect anyone who eats the
SPECIAL ABILITIES correct part of the plant. Others have acquired negative
Poison (Ex) Slaminjury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round effects from exposure to the Arboretums corruption.
for 4 rounds; effect confusion (as per the spell confusion) The entire room radiates a faint aura of conjuration and
and fatigue; cure no saves but act normally result on the transmutation magic.
confusion behavior table ends the effect. If a PC eats a plant that is not listed in the treasure
Shriek (Su) Once per day as a standard action, a mandragora below, that PC is nauseated for 1 round, and experiences
can give voice to an unsettling shriek. All creatures within an unsettling effect for the next hour that is within
a 30-foot spread of a shrieking mandragora must make the bounds of the spell prestidigitation, such as his lips
a DC 17 Will save or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. turning black or tasting rotten meat.
This is a sonic, mind-affecting ability. The save DC is Treasure: Among the plants in this room are pair of
Constitution-based. walnuts that each provides the effects of a potion of shield
Vulnerable to Supernatural Darkness (Ex) In areas of of faith, a tough length of ivy that functions as a potion
supernatural darkness (such as those created by deeper of spider climb when chewed, two cherries that function
darkness, but not by darkness), a mandragora is slowed, as as potions of reduce person, and two watermelons that each
the slow spell. produce the effects of potions of enlarge person on the first
person to eat a bite of them. Eating any of these unusual
B2. Vine-Choked Gallery potions takes a standard action. In Subtier 45, the
garden also contains a snapleaf (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate
Decaying vines carpet the walls and ceiling of this room. The Equipment 319) still on the vine.
floor is riddled with narrow cracks and fissures, extending A PC can identify the properties of each of these
several feet below. enchanted plants with a successful Spellcraft check at the
standard DC, or with a DC 14 Knowledge (nature) check
The vines spanning this room were once covered (DC 18 in Subtier 45). If the PCs resolve their encounter
with fragrant flowers. Now, the only odor in this room with Majordomo Pip diplomatically, he directs the PCs
is the earthen smell of decay. The vines shrouding this to these plants and truthfully explains their properties.
room reduce the light level to darkness, and the cracks Rewards: If the PCs do not collect the magical plants
provide difficult terrain. from this room, reduce each PCs gold earned as follows.
Subtier 12: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 50 gp.
B3. Flowering Shrubs of Taldor Gallery Out-of-Subtier: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 81 gp.
Subtier 45: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 112 gp.
A collapsed sign near the door lists the exhibit that was
on display in this gallery at the time of the earthquake: B5. Plants of Eastern Garund Greenhouse
Flowering Shrubs of Eastern Taldor. Plants once grew in (CR 4 or 7)
the large, ceramic planters that still hug the southern wall. Several corridors and galleries from area B3 eventually
Dozens of branches clinging to decaying leaves emerge lead to the entrance of the second intact greenhouse in
from the wooden door to the north. To the east, a room with the arboretum. A wooden plaque outside reads Plants of
healthy trees and shrubs is visible through a glass door set in Eastern Garund: Please proceed with caution, as some are
a wrought iron frame. poisonous.


B5. Plants of Eastern Garund Greenhouse N





K : Khaya
Y : Yellow Musk Creeper To B3
V : Assassin Vine
1 square = 5 feet

Unlike the dead and warped growth in most of the Arboretum, life. The carnivorous plant lurking in one of the earthen
the plants growing in this greenhouse seem to be relatively beds (or a pair of carnivorous plants, in Subtier 45)
young and healthy. Several raised beds of earth host strange- return the favor, assisting Khaya if combat erupts.
looking plants with long, sinuous vines, and a small, gently If Khaya sees the PCs approaching, she yells at them
flowing fountain with a red lion statue at its center sits near the in Common to stay back, and accuses them of being
middle of the chamber. Against the wall stands a worktable gardeners from Quantium who have come to harvest
and chair covered in gardening tools. her and her companions. Even though the ghoran is an
unusual creature, a DC 12 Sense Motive check is enough
Creature: The arcane greenhouse is the home of a to know that she is not in her right mind. PCs who
ghoran druid named Khaya, an anthropomorphic plant succeed at a DC 15 Knowledge (nature) or (arcana) check
creature who smuggled herself to Absalom as a seedpod intuit that her suffering might be due to the corrupting
from distant Nex along with a number of her kind. rain within the Arboretum. Any movement toward her or
She recently sprouted and discovered the abandoned the raised beds prompts her to attack.
greenhouse, and thought it would be the perfect place Khaya begins the encounter with an attitude of
to awaken her kin. As a plant-based life form, she Unfriendly. If the PCs are able to shift her attitude to at
unfortunately fell prey to the corrupting influence least Indifferent or if they cast a spell such as remove disease
of the magical rain. Although it has not altered her on her, Khaya visibly calms down and seems to regain some
physically, the corruption has begun to take hold in of her senses. It is at this point that Khaya lets the PCs
her mind, giving her hallucinations and inducing approach to search the Red Lion statue on the fountain.
paranoia. Despite these problems, Khaya was able to
plant the seedpods of her companions in the raised beds Subtier 12 (CR 4)
just yesterday and is now waiting for them to sprout, a
process that requires several more days. She is extremely YELLOW MUSK CREEPER CR 2
protective of these plants, and defends them with her hp 22 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 285; see page 27)


KHAYA CR 2 SQ ghorus seed, nature bond (Plant domain), nature sense,

Female ghoran druid 3 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner trackless step, wild empathy +3, woodland stride
Sea Bestiary 14) Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear leather
N Medium plant armor, greenwoodUE heavy wooden shield, greenwoodUE
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7 club, belt pouch, gardening tools, holly and mistletoe, spell
DEFENSE component pouch, waterskin, silver brooch of the Master
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +2 natural, Gardener of the Arboretum Arcanis (worth 20 gp)
hp 26 (3d8+9) Delicious (Ex) Khaya takes a 2 penalty on Escape Artist and
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5 combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple against any
Immune plant traits creature that has the bite attack with the grab ability.
Weaknesses delicious, light dependent Ghorus Seed (Ex) Ghorans create a seed that when planted
OFFENSE in fertile soil creates an exact duplicate of themselves, but
Speed 30 ft. then causes the old version to die.
Melee greenwoodUE club +5 (1d6+2) Light Dependent (Ex) Khaya takes 1d4 Con damage per day
Special Attacks wooden fist (+1, 5 rounds/day) without exposure to sunlight.
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5) Wooden Fist (Su) As a free action, Khaya can make her hands
2ndbarkskin D, spider climb, summon swarm as hard as wood, covered in tiny thorns. While she has
1stcalm animals (DC 13), entangle D (DC 13), obscuring wooden fists, her unarmed strikes do not provoke attacks
mist, shillelagh (DC 13) of opportunity, deal lethal damage, and gain a +1 bonus on
0 (at will)create water, guidance, light, purify food and damage rolls.
drink (DC 12)
D Domain spell; Domain Plant Subtier 45 (CR 7)
During Combat Khaya casts spider climb on herself ASSASSIN VINES (2) CR 3
and climbs the wall to hp 38 each (Pathfinder RPG
get away from melee Bestiary 22; see page 27)
combatants, casting
ranged spells or KHAYA CR 4
obscuring mist if Female ghoran druid 5
she is targeted from (Pathfinder Campaign Setting:
range herself. She Inner Sea Bestiary 14)
prefers to leave N Medium plant
melee to the yellow Init +5; Senses low-light vision;
musk creeper. If any PC Perception +10
attacks the raised beds, DEFENSE
Khaya screams in anger, AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+2
casts shillelagh on her club and armor, +1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield)
enters melee. hp 41 (5d8+15)
Morale Believing that the PCs have Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7; +4 vs. fey and
come to kill her and her companions, plant-targeted effects
Khaya fights to the death. Immune plant traits
STATISTICS Weaknesses delicious,
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, light dependent
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15 Speed 30 ft.
Feats Combat Casting, Lightning Melee greenwood club +6 (1d6+2)
Reflexes Special Attacks wild shape 1/day,
Skills Climb +5, Knowledge wooden fists (+2, 6 rounds/day)
(nature) +6, Perception +7, Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th;
Profession (gardener) +7, concentration +8)
Spellcraft +3, Survival +8 Khaya 3rdcall lightning (DC 16), plant
Languages Common, Druidic, Sylvan growthD, spike growth (DC 17)


Wooden Fist (Su) As a free action for up to 6 rounds per day,

SCALING ENCOUNTER B3 Khaya can make her hands as hard as wood, covered in tiny
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group thorns. While she has wooden fists, her unarmed strikes do
of 4 PCs. not provoke attacks of opportunity, deal lethal damage, and
Subtier 12: Remove the yellow musk creepers pollen gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
spray special ability.
Subtier 45: Remove one assassin vine from the Treasure: Carefully tipping over the Red Lion statue
encounter. on the fountain reveals that it is hollow. Inside is a small
package wrapped in many layers of wax paper: Grishans
2ndbarkskin D, spider climb, summon swarm, warp wood intelligence packet. Reading his notes reveals a number
(DC 16) of secrets, all in Grishans hurried script, along with
1stcalm animals (DC 14), entangle D (DC 15), faerie fire, documents that provide proof of the allegations made.
obscuring mist, shillelagh (DC 14) Distribute Player Handouts #13.
0 (at will)create water, guidance, light, purify food and A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Appraise check (DC 18 in
drink (DC 13) Subtier 45) realizes that this information could be quite
D Domain spell; Domain Plant damaging in the right hands, but also quite lucrative for
TACTICS anyone trying to sell it. The information is worth 500 gp
During Combat Khaya casts spider climb on herself and on the open market (3,000 gp in Subtier 45).
climbs the wall to get away from melee combatants, Development: Grishan has forgotten the details of
using ranged spells or obscuring mist if she is targeted his notes. He struggles to believe what he reads about
from range herself. The purple lightning in the clouds his family, but recognizes his own faded handwriting.
above is sufficient to count as a storm for the purposes of Attentive PCs may put two and two together and ask him
her call lightning spell. She prefers to leave melee combat the name of his brother. Grishan now wishes to talk to his
to the assassin vines. If any PC attacks the raised beds, brother, but is willing to postpone the conversation until
Khaya screams in anger, casts shillelagh on her club and after they visit the Drownyard. If J. hears the information
enters melee. about her mother, she is distraught and slightly disgusted,
Morale Believing that the PCs have come to kill her and her and quickly tries to change the subject.
companions, Khaya fights to the death. If the PCs dont kill Khaya, she asks that they keep
STATISTICS her presence in the Arboretum a secret long enough for
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10 her companions to sprout and grow. She wishes to grow
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16 a presence of ghoran within the city and then petition
Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes the Absalom government to ask for her people to be freed
Skills Climb +5, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +10, from captivity in Nex.
Profession (gardener) +10, Spellcraft +3, Survival +9 Rewards: If the PCs do not complete their objectives in
Languages Common, Druidic, Sylvan the greenhouse, reduce each PCs gold earned as follows.
SQ ghorus seed, nature bond (Plant domain), nature sense, Subtier 12: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 87 gp if they
trackless step, wild empathy +5, woodland stride do not calm or defeat Khaya. Reduce each PCs gold earned
Combat Gear potion of barkskin (CL 6th), potion of cure light by 83 gp if they do not retrieve the intelligence packet.
wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear Out-of-Subtier: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 255 gp
darkleaf clothUE leather armor, greenwoodUE heavy wooden if they do not calm or defeat Khaya. Reduce each PCs
shield, greenwoodUE club, hollywreath bandUE, belt pouch, gold earned by 208 gp if they do not retrieve Grishans
gardening tools, holly and mistletoe, spell component pouch, intelligence packet.
waterskin, silver brooch of the Master Gardener of the Subtier 45: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 424 gp
Arboretum Arcanis (worth 20 gp) if they do not calm or defeat Khaya. Reduce each PCs
SPECIAL ABILITIES gold earned by 333 gp if they do not retrieve Grishans
Delicious (Ex) Khaya takes a 2 penalty on Escape Artist and intelligence packet.
combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple against any
creature that has the bite attack with the grab ability. C. THE DROWNYARD
Ghorus Seed (Ex) Ghorans create a seed that when planted in The Drownyard is located a short distance from the
fertile soil creates an exact duplicate of themselves, but then Arboretum Arcanis, and is surrounded by a tall, wrought
causes the old version to die. iron fence. The key provided by Drandle Dreng unlocks
Light Dependent (Ex) Khaya takes 1d4 Con damage per day the front gate. Once they have entered, read or paraphrase
without exposure to sunlight. the following.


The grounds of the old Tri-Towers Yard have been cleaned up in

the last several years, and several old ruined school buildings HAUNT SIPHON
that stood too close to the cliffs edge were demolished. All of The following magic item appears in Pathfinder Adventure
the gnarled old trees were removed and new flowering bushes Path #43: The Haunting of Harrowstone, and is reproduced
and trees have been planted in their place. Despite these below.
efforts, the few ruined classrooms that remain look sad and PRICE
forgotten. Just inside the gate sits a small, locked storage shed HAUNT SIPHON 400 GP
marked with the Pathfinders Glyph of the Open Road. SLOT none WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint necromancy CL 3rd
J. falls silent as she steps on the grounds of her old
school, as she has not been here since she was rescued These glass vials are held within stylized cold-iron casings
seven years earlier. She asks the PCs to remain quiet just etched with strange runes, necromantic designs, or other
for a moment while they remember the children and eldritch markings. Within the vial rolls a small wisp of white
adults who died there. vapor, churning as if caught in a miniature vortex of air.
Once the moment has passed, she nods, as if she has To capture a haunts energies within a haunt siphon, you
made a decision. She states that she senses something need only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the
within the haunted classroom (area C2), and that it has same round that the haunt manifests (a standard action)
something to teach her, something she needs to learn. She this can be before or after the haunt has acted. You must be
refuses to change her mind about entering the haunted within the haunts area of influence to use a haunt siphon.
classroom, and the only way to keep her from going When you activate a haunt siphon, it deals 3d6 points
inside is to physically restrain her. She does, however, of positive energy damage to a single haunt. If it deals
listen to reason if the PCs suggest that they take some enough damage to the haunt to reduce the haunts hit
preventative measures first, or stand by to help should points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows green
she get in over her head. Exactly what this help might if it does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt
entail is left up to the imagination of the players, but J. siphon is still expended and becomes nonmagical. It may
insists on staying in the classroom until she understands take multiple haunt siphons to destroy powerful haunts.
why she feels drawn to it. A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be
used to harm haunts, but it can be used as a grenadelike
C1. The Supply Shed splash weapon that deals 1d6 points of negative energy
The storage shed was once locked, but its lock is damaged damage with a direct hit. Every creature within 5 feet of the
and no longer functions. It contains various supplies used point where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative
by the archaeological teams that work here including energy damage from the splash.
large rolls of twine, wooden stakes, brushes, sacks,
shovels, trowels, and various measuring implements. A CONSTRUCTION COST 200 GP
large sign hanging on the back of the shed reads: Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate
wounds, gentle repose
Entry to above ground structure in the Yard is strongly
discouraged. It contains an dangerous supernatural
force. Items in the yellow box are for emergencies only. Subtier 12: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 67 gp.
Signed, V-C Dreng Out of Subtier: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 100 gp.
Subtier 45: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 133 gp.
A group of treasure-hunters raided this cache, stealing
everything within except for the haunt siphons. This C2. The Classroom (CR 3 or 6)
group met their end inside the Drownyard at Cassiels
hands (see area B3). The small classroom is all that remains of a once great school.
Treasure: The yellow box beneath the sign contains 2 School benches and chairs are scattered about in a haphazard
haunt siphons (see sidebar). In Subtier 45, the box contains fashion and a chalkboard hangs crooked from a single nail on
4 haunt siphons. A short note inside the box describes the the western wall. The sound of the ocean beating against the
function of the haunt siphon. The box is mostly empty. It cliffs in the distance is the only thing that breaks the silence.
contains several holding slots for papers and vials as well
as several empty cloth pouches. Haunt: This was the classroom where J. and Grishan
Rewards: If the PCs do not locate this cache, reduce studied in their youth. The building completely collapsed
each PCs gold earned as follows. during the earthquake, trapping dozens of students and


four teachers inside. Many died immediately, but many school children run for the door, but just before they escape
more were trapped for days within the rubble while there is a mighty cracking sound as the ceiling collapses.
rescuers attempted to find them. Few were brought out All creatures within the room take 4d6 points of damage
alive. After J.s rescue, public interest increased, and the from falling beams. Additionally, affected creatures are
classroom was partially rebuilt as a memorial for the frightened for 1 minute (DC 17 Will negates). The ceiling
dead. At the same time, Deris Marlinchen, the father beams do not pin creatures within the room. Any attempt
of one of the students, finally left the Drownyard after to dig through the debris simply causes more debris to
a decade of speaking to spirits no one else could see. form. After 7 minutes, or after the haunt is destroyed, the
However, Deris was not hallucinating, and his presence debris vanishes.
soothed one of the angriest spirits in the ruined school Destruction The pain and death suffered in this room can only
his daughter, Cassiel Marlinchen. Cassiels rage inspires be permanently erased when the spirit of Cassiel Marlinchen
the children in this classroom to inflict an echo of their finally finds rest or is permanently destroyed.
fate upon anyone who enters.
Several childrens names are written next to small Development: After the PCs deal with the haunt, J.
memorials with their portraits. The names include thanks them for their guidance and protection, but her
Badru Ahnkamen, Grishan Maldris, Cassiel Marlinchen, voice grows distant as if listening for a barely audible
Stilonius Morilla, Anaretta Nimz, and Jaran Shamyyid. whisper. After a moments pause, she tells them she
is certain another restless force still calls to her from
Subtier 12 (CR 3) below. Grishan agrees with her and senses a vengeful
supernatural presence emanating from inside the
BURIED ALIVE CR 3 entrance to the necropolis (area C3).
CE haunt (everyone in area C2)
Caster Level 3rd C3. Necropolis Hallway
Notice Perception DC 15 (to feel a slight vibration of the
ground) The reek of death chokes this narrow stone corridor, where a
hp 15; Weakness tricked by hide from undead; Trigger trio of corpses slowly rots into the stone.
proximity; Reset 1 hour
Effect As the sound of rumbling grows louder, the ground The bodies of the unfortunate treasure hunters who
begins to shake and the sky grows black. Dozens of spectral robbed the Pathfinder cache lie strewn across the ground
school children run frantically for the door, but just before in this room. A PC who examines the bodies and succeeds
they escape there is a mighty cracking sound as the ceiling at a DC 15 Heal check deduces that these people died two
collapses. All creatures within the room take 2d6 points of months ago, and notices that two of the three people have
damage from falling beams. Additionally, affected creatures no signs of physical injury.
are shaken for 1 minute (DC 13 Will negates). The ceiling Treasure: In addition to their own gear, the treasure
beams do not pin creatures within the room; instead, they hunters carried the rest of the Pathfinder cache. In total,
block off the rooms exit. Any attempt to dig through the the PCs find the following treasure on the bodies: three
debris simply causes more debris to form. After 3 minutes, or suits of leather armor, three short swords, three oils of
after the haunt is destroyed, the debris vanishes. magic weapon, two potions of cure light wounds, a scroll of
Destruction The pain and death suffered in this room can only remove disease, a wand of lesser restoration (6 charges), and
be permanently erased when the spirit of Cassiel Marlinchen a wand of protection from evil (18 charges), a collection of
finally finds rest or is permanently destroyed. excavation tools and sundry items, and 105 gp. In Subtier
45, the PCs additionally find a pair of ghostvision gloves
Subtier 45 (CR 6) (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 236), two potions of
cure moderate wounds, two potions of remove fear, and a
BURIED ALIVE CR 6 scroll of breath of life. The magic items are each marked
CE haunt (everyone in area C2) with a small Glyph of the Open Road, the symbol of
Caster Level 7th the Pathfinder Society. The PCs recognize this symbol
Notice Perception DC 20 (to feel a slight vibration of the without a skill check.
ground) Rewards: If the PCs do not retrieve the items from this
hp 30; Weakness tricked by hide from undead; Trigger hallway, reduce each PCs gold earned as follows.
proximity; Reset 1 hour Subtier 12: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 147 gp.
Effect As the sound of rumbling grows louder, the ground Out of Subtier: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 459 gp.
begins to shake and the sky grows black. Dozens of spectral Subtier 45: Reduce each PCs gold earned by 624 gp.


C4. The Forgotten Friend N

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Map Pack: Dungeon Rooms

C4. The Forgotten Friend (CR 3 or 6) other children that are lurking nearby follow her into
This wide chamber lies just beyond the hallway where the the afterlife. Additionally, the haunt from area C2 is
treasure hunters met their end. permanently destroyed.
Creature: The spirit of a young girl with blond hair sits If the PCs do not succeed at this Diplomacy check,
in the center of the room. As J. and the PCs approach, the Cassiel attacks. On the same round, ectoplasmic
spirit gets up, turns around, and addresses J. children the tortured remnants of other spirits trapped
beneath the Drownyard emerge from the floor. When
Ive been waiting for you a long time, Junia. Waiting for you combat erupts, J. stands back, too paralyzed with guilt
to come back. Why did you leave me? Wont you come back to to strike against the remnants of her former friends, but
me? Then we can all be friends again. Grishan fights to protect J. and the PCs.

J. is paralyzed by fear and guilt, and can only mutter Subtier 12 (CR 3)
Cassiel, Cassiel, Im so sorry, please forgive me over
and over again. Grishan explains that this is the spirit CASSIEL MARLINCHEN CR 2
of their friend Cassiel Marlinchen who died with him Variant allip (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 13)
in the necropolis. The PCs only have a short time before CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
the innocent-looking spirit assumes her true, undead Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
form. If the PCs make no effort to speak for or defend J., Aura babble (60 ft., DC 13)
or to somehow reason with Cassiels spirit, she screams DEFENSE
in rage and transforms into the creature below. If the AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+3 deflection, 1 Dex)
players make a reasonable argument about why J. should hp 22 (4d8+4)
be forgiven and Cassiel move on to her final rest, along Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
with a DC 18 Diplomacy check (DC 21 in Subtier 45), Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, incorporeal;
the spirit dissipates for good, and the spirits of several Immune undead traits


During Combat The ectoplasmic children lash out wildly,

SCALING ENCOUNTER C3 attacking the nearest creature.
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group Morale These tortured spirits fight until destroyed.
of 4 PCs.
Subtier 12: Remove Cassiels babble special ability. Subtier 45 (CR 6)
Subtier 45: Reduce the Constitution drain that Cassiel
deals with her touch to 1d4, and the DC of the Fortitude CASSIEL MARLINCHEN CR 5
save to negate the drain to 15, and remove her ability to Wraith (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 281; see page 27)
gain temporary hit points when she deals Constitution drain. hp 47
Remove her create spawn special ability. Remove two of the TACTICS
ectoplasmic children. During Combat Cassiel targets PCs with obvious holy symbols
first, and saves Junia for last.
OFFENSE Morale Filled with rage over the injustice of her death, Cassiel
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) fights until destroyed.
Melee incorporeal touch +2 (1d4 Wisdom damage)
Special Attacks babble, touch of insanity ECTOPLASMIC CHILDREN (4) CR 1/2
TACTICS Ectoplasmic human (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 82; see page 28)
During Combat Cassiel begins babbling on the first round of hp 7 each
combat, then targets a PC with her touch of insanity. She TACTICS
targets PCs with holy symbols first, and saves Junia for last. Before Combat The ectoplasmic children wait underground.
Morale Filled with rage over the injustice of her death, Cassiel During Combat The ectoplasmic children lash out wildly,
fights until destroyed. attacking the nearest creature.
STATISTICS Morale These tortured spirits fight until destroyed.
Str , Dex 8, Con , Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15 Development: Cassiel thanks the PCs profusely for
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes freeing her spirit. If they managed to convince Cassiel to
Skills Fly +14, Intimidate +8, Perception +5, Stealth +6 forgo her vengeance, J. smiles warmly and proclaims that
Languages Aklo, Common she wishes to follow in the PCs footsteps and help other
SQ madness trapped spirits. If they had to fight Cassiel, J.s mood is
SPECIAL ABILITIES more subdued. She remarks that not every encounter
Babble (Su) Cassiel constantly mutters to herself, creating a with the supernatural can be resolved with kind words.
hypnotic effect. All sane creatures within 60 feet of the allip If the PCs have not yet visited the Arboretum, Grishan
must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or be fascinated for 2d4 reminds them as they leave the Drownyard that they still
rounds. While a target is fascinated, Cassiel can approach have not collected his evidence, Junia asks the PCs to help
it without breaking the effect, she cannot attack it without Grishan find peace as well, so that she will no longer need
breaking the effect. Creatures that successfully save cannot be to return to the Precipice Quarter.
affected by Cassiels babble for 24 hours. This is a sonic, mind-
affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. GRISHANS BROTHER APPEARS
Madness (Su) Anyone targeting Cassiel with a thought detection, As the PCs and J. leave the Precipice Quarter, Grishans
mind control, or telepathic effect makes direct contact with her brother Major Colson Maldris catches up to them. Junia
tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. mutters under her breath, brother is here. Colson has
Touch of Insanity (Su) Cassiels touch deals 1d4 points of been patrolling the outskirts of the Precipice Quarter
Wisdom damage (DC 13 Will negates). A successful critical hit searching for signs of the PCs for several hours. During the
causes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and 1 point of Wisdom conversation, Grishan hides inside J.s mind, and J. does
drain (instead of double Wisdom damage). With each not reveal his presence. Read or paraphrase the following.
successful attack, she gains 5 temporary hit points. The save
DC is Charisma-based. A man in a uniform similar to Junias, but with more medals
and polish, emerges from a side alley at a brisk pace. Finally, I
ECTOPLASMIC CHILDREN (2) CR 1/2 found you. I heard around the lodge that a team of Pathfinders
Ectoplasmic human (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 82; see page 27) was headed in to the Tri-Towers Yard. Colson bows his head.
hp 7 each My brother was one of many children who died when the
TACTICS earthquake hit. As a result, I take great interest in expeditions
Before Combat The ectoplasmic children wait underground. leading in to that cursed site. The last Pathfinder expedition


seven years ago found his body, and as a result, my family in situations such as this one, it is important to
was able to give him a proper burial. Those agents also found consider the bigger picture, the greater good, and the
some... Colson pauses, and then continues delicately, reports unfortunate realities of politics. Skilled orators can take
about my brothers after-school activities that would have even the hint of scandal and spin it into a mountain
been quite embarrassing if made public. Did you, by chance, to bury their target, preventing almost anyone from
find any information about my brother? seeing the accomplishments and value of the people
beneath. Remember what we discovered two years ago,
Colson gives the PCs time to respond. If the PCs falsely my friends, and the seeds of corruption threatening
claim that they did not find any information, Andoran that sparked the decision to
Colson is suspicious, and the obvious separate Libertys Edge as its own entity.
conflict in Junias expression allows Were this information to become public,
Colson to realize that something more members of that conspiracy among
is going on. He implores the PCs to Andorans politicians would use
share what they have found, using a their oratory against all our works,
less detailed version of his response to which would deal a crippling blow
the first question listed below, as he does to our causes influence. They would
not know what the PCs know. If the PCs still tarnish not only my own reputation, but the
persist in refusing to admit that they found reputation of the Libertys Edge as a whole,
anything, Colson is saddened, but he allows and by extension, the reputations and of all
them to proceed. of the Pathfinders who tirelessly work under
Otherwise, he asks to peruse what our banner to promote the cause of freedom. It
they found. Once he learns what it may even spell the end of our movement
contains, he asks the PCs to to promote the cause of freedom
give it to him. If they are throughout the Inner Sea and
unwilling to give it to him, beyond!
he asks them to destroy Did you know that your
it. Below are several likely brothers spirit is still clinging
questions that the PCs might to this world, and that hes here with
have for the leader of the Libertys us? Junia shoots the PCs an annoyed
Edge faction. Use these questions Colson glance. Major Maldris is taken
and answers to guide the PCs
conversation with Maldris. They are
Maldris aback. His eyes flash with fury, then
soften as he realizes the PCs arent
a guide, rather than a script, to be playing a cruel joke, and he whispers,
used as they fit the direction that the PCs conversation G-Grishan? Grishan does not emerge from Junia, but J.
with Maldris takes. speaks a few words for him, Brothernot yet. Grishans
As the GM, be sure that any Libertys Edge players at the conflicting emotions cause tears to roll down J.s face. If
table are able to actively participate in this section, and pressed, J. explains that Grishan isnt ready to talk yet.
that other players do not drown out their voices. If there Major Maldris is distraught, and he apologizes to his
are no Libertys Edge PCs and the PCs actively despise brother for not being able to save him.
the Libertys Edge faction, Maldris takes a different Why was Grishan spying in the first place? Grishan
route to convince them not to spread the information. had a brilliant mind, and he was eager to do whatever he
For example, he might encourage the PCs to keep the could to serve the cause of freedom. I suggested that if he
packets contents from going public by asking them to helped the cause of the Eagle Knights before he was old
consider the damage that information could do to the enough to be eligible, they would certainly accept him.
reputations of the families whose misdeeds it records. It falls to the PCs to decide what to do with the
Why should we not turn over this information to the information packet. If they give it to Major Maldris, he
authorities/sell it/give it to the Pathfinder Society? I thanks them profusely and ensures them that they will
know this looks bad. Colson refers specifically to any not regret their contributing to the cause of freedom this
facts within the documents that the Pathfinders have day. If they instead decide to destroy the notes, Maldris
shared, such as his family heritage or his decision to is slightly less pleased, but he still thanks them for
conscript his younger brother to aid in spying. And Im preventing what could have been a catastrophe. On the
not going to try to justify my actions. These notes paint other hand, if the PCs take the notes with them, Colson
everyone they touch in a negative light. But, Pathfinders, Maldris shakes his head sorrowfully and departs.


After Major Maldris leaves, Junia speaks for Grishan. Maldris sends a hefty sum of gold their way if they give
If the PCs had a lengthy conversation with the major, J. him the notes or burn them, and both the Pathfinder
simply says, Thank you. From me and Grishan too. The Society and independent buyers are happy to pay for the
rest of the journey home is uneventful. On the other hand, information. If the PCs sided with Maldris, Libertys Edge
if the PCs decided very quickly what to do with the packet, PCs receive the Loyal Liberator boon on their Chronicle
Grishan provides some additional context, I always Sheets. If they gave the information to the Pathfinder
wanted to be an Eagle Knight like Colson. He got his Society or sold it, Libertys Edge PCs receive the Libertys
wings so young, and I wanted to follow him anywhere, and Revolution boon on their Chronicle Sheets.
fight for freedom, no matter what. Grishan was conflicted Several weeks later, Venture-Captain Dreng reports that
on what to do about the notes, and he believes whatever the haunts at the Drownyard have all disappeared, and he
decision the PCs make with the notes is the right one. For thanks the PCs for their efforts.
example, if the PCs give him the notes or destroy them, he
muses, Im not alive anymore, but I can still help Colson. Reporting Notes
Good. If the PCs take the notes for themselves, he instead Do not check boxes A, B or C unless at least one Libertys
remarks, Now everyone will know. Colson said he trusted Edge faction PC played a role in the decision of what to
me, but he lied. He hid our family from me. do about Grishans information packet. If the PCs hand
the packet to Colson Maldris or destroy it, check box A.
CONCLUSION If the PCs sell the packet or turn it in to the Pathfinder
Both J. and Grishan have learned much about themselves Society, check box B. If the PCs eventual decision about
and their power. J. feels that she is ready to finally leave what to do with the packet runs counter to the opinion
the Drownyard behind her, but has come to realize that of the majority of the Libertys Edge players at the table,
she cannot follow in her mothers footsteps. She instead check box C. If there are no Libertys Edge PCs at your
wishes to strike out on her own and get to know her table, check box D.
newfound powers better. She also asks if any of the PCs
might be willing to sponsor her to begin training with the Primary Success Conditions
Pathfinder Society. If at least one PC agrees to sponsor her, The PCs primary mission is to safeguard the life of J.
each PC earns the New Recruit (J. Dacilane) boon on her Dacilane. If she survives the scenario, award each PC 1
Chronicle Sheet. Prestige Point.
Grishan, for his part, has a better understanding of his
past and his relationship with his brother. He realizes that Secondary Success Conditions
his bond with her is far stronger than the connection he If the PCs recovered the information packet in the
still feels with his brother, and he is determined to follow Arboretum for Grishan, and let J. fully experience the
J. wherever her journeys might take her. haunt at the Drownyard and face Cassiel, award each PC 1
As long as the PCs found Grishans intelligence packet, additional Prestige Point.
they receive the money for it listed in area B5; Colson



Case M7 In process, expect updates after Stiloniuss birthday party.

Case D4 Lady Miranda Dacilane is rumored to have committed
numerous amorous indiscretions during her youth. The most outrageous
was that she was the mistress of Orias Deckland, a scandalous member of
Absaloms upper classes, and bore him a child. She is also rumored to have
belonged to a secret society known as the Harbingers of Fate. Rumors come
from a drunken but reliable source.
Case A1 Badru let slip that his sister is heading to Osirion to
participate in a secretive excavation of a tomb from the time of the Pharaoh
of Forgotten Plagues.


Case M12 It is well known that the Morilla family runs the Guild
of Wonders, Absaloms most prestigious espionage and assassination
organization. What is less well known is that the Aspis Consortium, a Chelish
band of fortune-hunters, hired the Guild of Wonders many times to spy on
the Pathfinder Society and the Blakros family. I successfully created
a diversion for the servants attention, and was able make copies of several
documents that prove that Lady Annasendra personally oversaw contracts to
assassinate members of the Pathfinder Society. If the number of events I am
invited to is any indication, they havent caught on yet, but I m afraid to dig
deeper in to this situation.
Case N4 After hours of searching and days of asking subtle questions,
I ve turned up absolutely nothing of interest. Surely people this boring must
be hiding something.
Case L3 The servant in charge of the kitchens has a penchant for gossip.



Information Broker I read in a diary that that an information broker lives

in Absalom named Torch. I hear hes well worth his coin, but is not to be
trusted, because hell sell information to anyone.
Case Maldris 8 To my shame I have learned that my own father,
Merrin, is a charlatan who used the chaos of the Andorans Peoples Revolt
to change his name from Vanoecker. I later learned that the Vanoeckers were
an Andoren noble family with a tyrannical reputation. The worst part was
that I discovered that my brother knew about this all along. So much for his
glorious, egalitarian ideals and Andoren purity. Were just as guilty as the
rest of them!
Case T3: Theres some big ceremony coming up at the temple of Asmodeus
in a few months. People were muttering about a great fire to honor him, but
I couldnt hear many details. I cant shake the though that those devil boot-
lickers are planning to burn slaves in that pyre. I must investigate further.



The following stat blocks are used in this scenario. DESCRIPTION
This slimy, shifting mass has the shape of a humanoid, but is
ASSASSIN VINE CR 3 made out of what appears to be some form of sticky cloth.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 22 SPECIAL ABILITIES
N Large plant Horrifying Ooze (Su) Any creature struck by an ectoplasmic
Init +0; Senses blindsight 30 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1 creatures slam attack must succeed at a DC 11 Will save or
DEFENSE be shaken for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, 1 size) Phase Lurch (Su) An ectoplasmic creature has the ability to
hp 30 (4d8+12) pass through walls or material obstacles. To use this ability,
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2 the ectoplasmic creature must begin and end its turn
Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10 outside of whatever wall or obstacle its moving through.
OFFENSE An ectoplasmic creature cannot move through corporeal
Speed 5 ft. creatures, and its movement speed is halved while moving
Melee slam +7 (1d8+7 plus grab) through a wall or obstacle. Any surface it moves through is
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. coated with a thin, silvery mucus that lingers for 1 minute.
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+7), entangle
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int , Wis 13, Cha 9 Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex 267
Base Atk +3; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 19 (cant be tripped) LN Medium humanoid (human)
SQ camouflage Init 1; Senses Perception +5
This gnarled vine, as thick as a mans arm and bearing hand- AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 armor, 1 Dex)
shaped leaves, slithers and convulses across the ground. hp 22 (3d10+6)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +2
Camouflage (Ex) Since an assassin vine looks like a normal OFFENSE
plant when at rest, a DC 20 Perception check is required to Speed 30 ft.
notice it before it attacks for the first time. Anyone with Melee mwk guisarme +7 (2d4+3/3) or mwk longsword +6
ranks in Survival or Knowledge (nature) can use either of (1d8+2/1920)
those skills instead of Perception to notice the plant. Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+2)
Entangle (Su) An assassin vine can, as a free action, cause Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with guisarme)
plants within 30 feet of it to animate and grasp at foes. This STATISTICS
ability is otherwise similar to entangle (CL 4th, DC 13). Str 15, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 14
ECTOPLASMIC HUMAN CR 1/2 Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (guisarme)
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 82 Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Sense Motive +4
N Medium undead Languages Common
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 Gear chain shirt, javelins (3), masterwork guisarme,
DEFENSE masterwork longsword, manacles, 36 gp
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2 Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 285
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits N Medium plant
OFFENSE Init +2; Senses tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +0
Speed 30 ft.; air walk DEFENSE
Melee slam +3 (1d4+3 plus horrifying ooze) AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
Special Attacks horrifying ooze hp 22 (3d8+9)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1) Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Constantair walk Immune plant traits
Str 16, Dex 11, Con , Int , Wis 10, Cha 12 Speed 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13 Melee tendril +5 (1d4+4)
Feats ToughnessB Space 5 ft., Reach 10 ft.


Special Attacks create yellow musk zombie, pollen spray flickering pinpoints of light where its eyes should be.
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 16, Int , Wis 11, Cha 8 Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 (cant be tripped) wraith in 1d4 rounds. These spawn are less powerful than
DESCRIPTION typical wraiths, and suffer a 2 penalty on all d20 rolls and
Coiling around several human skeletons, this wet green plants checks, receive 2 hp per HD, and only drain 1d2 points of
sickly flowers smoke with a nasty yellow vapor. Constitution on a touch. Spawn are under the command of
SPECIAL ABILITIES the wraith that created them until its death, at which point
Create Yellow Musk Zombie (Su) As a full-round action, a they lose their spawn penalties and become free-willed
yellow musk creeper can bore dozens of tendrils into the wraiths. They do not possess any of the abilities they had
brain of a helpless creature within reach, such as a creature in life.
entranced by its pollen. This attack inflicts 1d4 points of Constitution Drain (Su) Creatures hit by a wraiths touch attack
Intelligence damage per round. When a creature is reduced must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points
to 0 Intelligence, it dies, and the tendrils break off inside of Constitution drain. On each successful attack, the wraith
its brain. One hour later, the creature animates as a yellow gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Charisma-based.
musk zombie. Lifesense (Su) A wraith notices and locates living creatures
Pollen Spray (Ex) As a standard action, a yellow musk creeper within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.
can spray a cloud of pollen at a single creature within 30 Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) A wraith caught in sunlight
feet. It must make a +4 ranged touch attack to strike the cannot attack and is staggered.
target, who must then succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals do not willingly approach within
entranced for 1d6 rounds. An entranced creature can take 30 feet of a wraith, unless a master makes a DC 25 Handle
no action other than to move at its normal speed into a Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.
space within the yellow musk creepers reach, at which
point an entranced creature remains motionless and allows
the creeper to insert tendrils into its brain. The save DC is

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 281
LE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense; Perception +10
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.)
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+5 deflection, +3 Dex)
hp 47 (5d8+25)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, incorporeal;
Immune undead traits
Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness
Speed fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee incorporeal touch +6 (1d6 negative energy plus 1d6 Con
Special Attack create spawn
Str , Dex 16, Con , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 21
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Skills Diplomacy +10, Fly +7, Intimidate +13, Knowledge
(planes) +7, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +11
Languages Common, Infernal
This ghostly creature is little more than a dark shape with two



Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-05: The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (Wizards). All Rights Reserved.
School of Spirits 1. Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/or trademark
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) Derivative Material
means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations
(including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction,
addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other
Event Date form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)
Distribute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) Open Game Content means the
GM # GM Character # game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines
to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an
enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified
GM Name GM Prestige Earned as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) Product Identity means product and
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts,
A B C D creatures, characters, stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio
representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural
Character # abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark
Prestige Points or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of
the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content;
Character Name (f) Trademark means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are
used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) Use, Used
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains
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Character # terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content
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as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied
Character Name to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
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Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License,
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your
Character # original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed
Prestige Points
by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Character Name portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holders name to the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
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Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent
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that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
Character # updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
Prestige Points License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
distributed under any version of this License.
Character Name 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due
to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any
Character # Open Game Material so affected.
Prestige Points 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
Character Name aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors:
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary
Character # Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Prestige Points Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Complete 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Character Name Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Dark Archive The Exchange Grand Lodge Libertys Edge Pathfinder Society Scenario #705: School of Spirits 2015, Paizo Inc.;
Author: Alex Greenshields
Scarab Sages Silver Crusade Sovereign Court


Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-05: Character Chronicle #

School of Spirits Core Campaign

SUBTIER Slow Normal

12 252 504
Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction
SUBTIER Slow Normal

This Chronicle sheet grants access to the following: Out of

601 1,202

Libertys Revolution (Libertys Edge faction): You decided to allow Colson Maldriss indiscretions to come to
light. In so doing, you established that you are willing to stand up to people in positions of authority. You gain a SUBTIER Slow Normal
+2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks against members of the nobility and other political leaders, and a +2
competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against known members of rebel groups or resistance movements. 45 950 1,900
Loyal Liberator (Libertys Edge faction): You helped Major Colson Maldris bury an old mistake for the cause
of freedom. Colson Maldris is grateful to you for your help, and provides you with some of the wisdom he has
SUBTIER Slow Normal

learned over his years as an Eagle Knight. You may activate this boon to gain your choice of a +2 bonus on

weapon attack and damage rolls or a +1 bonus on all spell DCs against known slavers and slave owners for the
remainder of the scenario. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle Sheet.
New Recruit (J. Dacilane): Your team of Pathfinders sponsored J. to join the Pathfinder Society. In exchange,
she is eager to assist you on one of your future missions. You can direct J. to cast a spell from the spiritualist Starting XP
list (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 76) as a standard action. The spells level can be up to one third of your


character level (minimum 0). J.s caster level is equal to your character level 3 (minimum 2), and her Wisdom +
score is 17. J. is a noncombatant, and she is considered to be in your square for the purpose of determining the XP Gained (GM ONLY)
origin of her spell. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle Sheet.

HAUNT SIPHON 400 GP Final XP Total
SLOT none WEIGHT 1 lb.
AURA faint necromancy CL 3rd
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
Small wisps of white vapor churn within these glass vials. To capture a haunts energies in a haunt siphon, twist the metal GMs

casing to open the vial in the same round that the haunt manifests (a standard action)this can be before or after the haunt +
has acted. You must be within the haunts area of influence to use a haunt siphon. When you activate a haunt siphon, it deals Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)

3d6 points of positive energy damage to a single haunt. If it deals enough damage to the haunt to reduce the haunts hit
points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows greenif it does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt siphon
is still expended and becomes nonmagical. A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be used to harm haunts, Prestige Spent
but it can be used as a grenadelike splash weapon that deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage with a direct hit. Every
creature within 5 feet of the point where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative energy damage from the splash.
Current Final
Prestige Fame

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate wounds, gentle repose; Cost 200 gp
Starting GP
All Subtiers Subtier 45 GMs

darkleaf cloth leather armor (760 gp; Pathfinder RPG greenwood club (450 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate +
Ultimate Equipment 49) Equipment 50) GP Gained (GM ONLY)
ghostvision gloves (4,000 gp; Ultimate Equipment 236) greenwood heavy wooden shield (657 gp; Ultimate GMs


haunt siphon (400 gp, limit 4) Equipment 50)

hollywreath band (5,700 gp; Ultimate Equipment 252) haunt siphon (400 gp, limit 2) Day Job (GM ONLY)
potion of barkskin (CL 6; 600 gp, limit 1) potion of spider climb (300 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp) scroll of remove disease (375 gp)
scroll of breath of life (1,125 gp) wand of lesser restoration (6 charges; 540 gp, limit 1) Gold Spent
scroll of soften earth and stone (150 gp) wand of protection from evil (18 charges; 270 gp, limit 1)
snapleaf (750 gp; Ultimate Equipment 319) =

For GM Only

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Masters Signature GM Pathfinder Society #

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