Why Preheating & Interpass Temperature Required
Why Preheating & Interpass Temperature Required
Shops preheat weldments to slow the cooling rate to produce a more ductile metallurgical
structure; allow any hydrogen present to diffuse out and reduce the potential for cracking; reduce
shrinkage stresses in the weld and adjacent base material; and to help attain specific mechanical
properties. Heed the following advice to know when and how to apply preheat.
To preheat prior to welding, an operator heats the base material, either in its entirety or just the
region surrounding the weld joint to a specific temperature called the preheat temperature. He
may continue to apply heat during welding, but often the heat from welding sufficiently maintains
the desired temperature. The interpass temperature, defined as base-material temperature
when welding is to be performed between the first and last passes, cannot be permitted to fall
below the preheat temperature.
Preheating produces many benefits; however, without a working knowledge of the fundamentals
involved, one risks wasting money or, even worse, degrading the integrity of the weldment.
Why preheat?
It slows the cooling rate in the weld and base material, producing a more ductile
metallurgical structure with greater resistance to cracking.
The slower cooling rate allows any hydrogen present to diffuse out harmlessly, reducing
the potential for cracking.
Preheat reduces shrinkage stresses in the weld and adjacent base material, particularly
important in highly restrained joints.
It raises some steels above the temperature at which brittle fracture would occur in
fabrication. Additionally, preheat can help attain specific mechanical properties, such as
notch toughness.
Welding codes will also typically specify minimum values for preheat temperature, which may or
may not be adequate to prohibit cracking in every application. For example, if a fabricator wishes
to weld beam-to-column connections of ASTM A572-Grade 50 jumbo sections, with joint
thickness ranging from 4 to 5 inches, with a low-hydrogen electrode, it must preheat to a
minimum of 225 F, per AWS D1.1---Structural Welding Code---Steel. However, for making butt
splices in jumbo sections, fabricators need to increase the preheat temperature beyond this
minimum prequalified level, to around 350 F. This conservative recommendation acknowledges
that the minimum preheat requirements prescribed by AWS D1.1 may not be adequate for highly
restrained connections.
When welding without using the boundaries of a welding code, to determine an appropriate
preheat temperature engineers can turn to AWS D1.1, Annex XI: "Guideline on Alternative
Methods for Determining Preheat." This annex presents two procedures for establishing preheat
temperature, developed primarily from laboratory-run cracking tests: one for hardness control of
the heat-affected zone (HAZ), the other for hydrogen control. The HAZ hardness-control method,
used only for fillet welds, assumes that cracking will not occur if the HAZ hardness stays below
some critical value. This is achieved by controlling cooling rate---the critical cooling rate for a
given hardness can be related to the carbon equivalent of the steel. From the critical cooling rate,
a minimum preheat temperature can then be calculated. AWS D1.1 states that, "Although the
method can be used to determine a preheat level, its main value is in determining the minimum
heat input (and hence minimum weld size) that prevents excessive hardening."
The hydrogen-control method described in the D1.1 Annex XI assumes that cracking will not
occur if the amount of hydrogen remaining in the joint after it has cooled to about 120 F does not
exceed a critical value dependent on the composition of the steel and the level of restraint. This
procedure is extremely useful for high-strength low-alloy steels with high hardenability. However,
the calculated preheat may be somewhat conservative for carbon steels.
Determine the minimum preheat temperature from the restraint level, material thickness,
and susceptibility index.
Torch it
Selecting a method for applying preheat, consider material thickness, weldment size, and
available heating equipment. A furnace might work best for heating small production assemblies,
while preheating large structural components might require banks of torches, electrical strip
heaters, or induction or radiant heaters.
Preheating carbon steel to a precise temperature is not typically required---fabricators can usually
exceed the required minimum preheat temperature by 100 F or so. However, when welding some
quenched-and-tempered steels such as A514 or A517, operators must closely follow the
established maximum and minimum preheat temperatures in order to ensure adequate
mechanical properties in the HAZ.
When heating the weld joint and surrounding base material, AWS D1.1 requires that the operator
establish the minimum preheat temperature at a distance from the joint at least equal to the
thickness of the thickest member, but not less than 3 inches in all directions from the point of
welding. To ensure that the full material volume surrounding the joint is heated, the operator
should heat the side opposite of that which is to be welded and measure the surface temperature
adjacent to the joint. Finally, he should check interpass temperature to verify that he has
maintained the minimum preheat temperature just prior to initiating the arc for each pass.
There are other times when a designer may want to limit the maximum interpass temperature.
For example, if he expects a minimum strength level for a particular component that could
experience extremely high interpass temperatures, due to its size or welding procedures, he
would specify a maximum interpass temperature. Otherwise, weld strength may be unacceptably
low. A maximum interpass temperature is also necessary for quenched and tempered steels. Due
to their heattreating characteristics, engineers must control interpass temperature within limits in
order to provide adequate mechanical properties in the weld metal and HAZ.
Maximum interpass temperature control is not always required. In fact, AWS D1.1 does not
impose such control.
A delicate balance
One way to monitor and control interpass temperature is to use temperature-indicating crayons. A
surface-applied temperature-indicating crayon melts when the weldment reaches the crayon's
melting temperature. Available in a variety of melting temperatures, each crayon is labeled with its
approximate melting point. Welders can use one temperature-indicating crayon to measure the
minimum specified preheat and interpass temperatures, then use a second higher-temperature
crayon to monitor interpass temperature, if required.
The operator first heats the weld joint and checks base-material temperature at the code-
designated location by marking the base material with the first temperature-indicating crayon.
When he attains the minimum specified preheat temperature, as indicated by the melting of the
first crayon mark, he can then begin depositing the first welding pass.
Immediately before the second and subsequent passes, he applies crayon marks to verify
attainment of the minimum and maximum (if specified) interpass temperatures. The lower-
temperature crayon should melt, indicating that the temperature of the base material exceeds the
melting temperature of the crayon, while the higher-temperature crayon should not melt,
indicating that base-material temperature registers below the maximum interpass temperature.
If the lower-temperature crayon does not melt, the welder must apply additional heat to the joint
until the crayon mark does melt. Too, if the higher-temperature crayon melts, the welder should
allow the joint to cool slowly in the ambient air until the crayon mark no longer melts, while still
being sure that the lower-temperature crayon does melt. Only then should he begin the next
Codes and industry standards specify where on a weldment operators should check interpass
temperature. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel and D1.5 Bridge Welding Code require
that the interpass temperature be maintained "for a distance at least equal to the thickness of the
thickest welded part (but not less than 3 inches) in all directions from the point of welding." This
makes sense, and is conservative when controlling minimum interpass temperature. However, in
cases requiring control of maximum interpass temperature, the actual interpass temperature in
the HAZ may significantly exceed the maximum specified interpass temperature. Here, the
operator should measure the temperature 1 inch from the weld toe.
In other cases, specific industries have adopted self-imposed regulations. For example, one
shipyard I know of maintains interpass temperature 1 inch from the weld toe and within the first
12 inches of its start. Operators apply preheat from the back side of the joint so as to completely
"soak" the base material.
Although there is some debate as to where to measure interpass temperature, most experts
agree that it must be maintained for some reasonable distance away from the welded joint. Since
this decision may greatly influence fabrication costs, fabricators must determine a reasonable and
practical location. One foot away from the joint is probably excessive, while a tenth of an inch, or
on the weld itself, is not right either. One inch from the weld toe seems appropriate.