Fr. Perrault

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( Chronological Timeline

Fr. Arthur Perrault

Date of Event Description of Event Supporting Tab
March 05 , 1938 Fr. Perrault was born in Hartford , cr ASF.FRPerrault.00020- 001
to parents Romeo Perrault and Cecile 00021
Landry .
1964 Fr. Perrault graduated from an ASF.FRPerrault.00133 002
unknown seminary .
May 07, 1964 Fr. Perrault was ordained/ ASF .FRPerraul t.00008 003
incardinated into the Archdiocese of ASF.FRPerrault.00012
May 07 , 1964- Fr. Perrault was assigned to Blessed ASF.FRPerrault.00004- 004
October 1965 Sacrament - East Hartford, cr on 00005
May 07, 1964, to St. Joseph (Yale
Campus) - New Haven, cr in April
1965, and St. Francis - Naugatuck , CT
in October 1965.
November 23,1965 Fr. Perrault arri ved at Via Coeli. ASF.FRPerrault.00020- 005
January 13, 1966 Fr. Perrault began treatment/therapy ASF.FRPerrault.OOO44- 006
( with John Salazar due to "homosexual 00045
approaches to some of the young men ASF.FRPerrau l t.00046-
with whom he was working." 00047
March 1966 Fr. Perraul t was appointed to teach ASF.FRPerrault.00008 007
religion at St. Pius High School. ASF.FRPerrault.OOO44-
March 28, 1966 Fr. Perrault was granted faculties "ad ASF.FRPerrault.00019 008
revocationem" with the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe.
April 26, 1966 John Salazar told Archbishop Davis ASF.FRPerrault.OOO44- 009
that, as a part of Fr. Perrault's 00045
assessment, he corresponded with the
Archdiocese of Hartford and that Fr.
Perrault had been sent to Via Coeli
because of sexual misconduct
allegations, stating " ... [we] are
acutely alerted to what Father Perrault
will do in the future ."
Mid-1960s /
Fr. Perrault abused Victim # 1 at the ASF.PRlEST .12286 010
Archbi shop' s house.
1966-1970 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #2 at ASF.032346 011
Queen of Heaven Parish. ASF.032344
1966-1968 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #3 at ASF.031763 012
Queen of Heaven Parish. ASF.PRIEST .12124-
1966-1969 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #4 at Fr. ASF.047894 013
Perrault's home. ASF.047892
Late 1960s Fr. Perrault abused Victim #5 at ASF.050196 014
Queen of Heaven Parish. ASF.050259
ASF .PRIEST.12124-
1967 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #6 at Our ASF.047710 015
Lady of Guadalupe Parish. ASF.047841-047842
April 25, 1967 Fr. Perrault announced to Archbishop ASF.FRPerrault.00202 016
Davis that he will be a counselor with ASF.FRRutowski .00513
Upward Bound at the University of
Albuquerque while remaining at St.
Pius and working at Queen of Heaven
Parish on weekends .
August 01, 1967 Archbishop Davis contacted the ASF.FRPerrault.00014 017
Archdiocese of Hartford, asking to
incardinate Fr. Perrault. He stated that
"with the exception of one incident,
he has given satisfaction and done
very good work."
August 08, 1967 Fr. Perrault was excardinated by the ASF.FRPerrault.OOO 15 018
Archdiocese of Hartford.
August 14, 1967 Fr. Perrault was incardinated by the ASF.FRPerrault.00016 019
Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
1967-1972 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #7. ASF.057873 020
ASF.PRIEST .12 124-
1968 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #8 at the JD64_Complaint.01 021
University of A lbuquerque Upward
Bound Program.
1968 Victim #8 reported the abuse to the 1D64_Complaint.01 022
Upward Bound Director, Musio Yslas, AffidaviCVictim #8
Jr.. Victim #8 was subsequently
confronted, chastised and threatened
by Fr. Perrault for reporting the abuse.
1968-1969 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #9 at ASF.046061 023
Queen of Heaven Parish. ASF.045952 c045953
Sometime prior to Fr. Perrault abused Victim #10 at St. ASF.FRPerrault.00627 - 024
1970 Pius X High School. 632
November 1968- Fr. Perrault abused Victim #11 at St. ASF.043493 025
1972 Pius X High School. ASF .PRIEST .12298
February 1969 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #12 while ASF.031776 026
assigned to St. Pius X High School. ASF.031771 -031772
August 02, 1969 Fr. Perrault requested permission to ASF,FRPerrault ,00200 027
chaplain for the New Mexico Air
National Guard,
August 22, 1969 Fr. Perrault received permission to ASF,FRPerrault,00061 028
chaplain for the New Mexico Air
National Guard while remaining at St.
Pius High School.
1969-1970 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #13 while ASF,038481 029
assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe ,
1969-1970 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #14 at Our ASF.049518 030
Lady of Guadalupe, ASF.049516
1969-1970 Victim notified a priest who was ASF,FRPerrault,00542 031
assigned to minister at Our Lady of -00544
Gnadalupe Church about Fr.
Perrault's sexual abuse,
Sometime arouud Archdiocesan priests, including Fr. ASF,FrPerrault.00624 - 032
1970 Robert Sanchez, confirmed to 00633
concerned St. Pius X high school ASF.061110
board members that the hearsay of Fr.
- - Ferrault being a '~practiGing~~ - -
- - - ~

homosexual" was true, The board

members met with Archbishop Davis
who did not want publicity around the
matter; He told the board members
that he had placed Fr. Perrault under
psychiatric care and that Fr. Perrault
had voluntarily removed himself from
that care,
Sometime around The parent of a St. Pius student who ASF.FrPerrault.00624 - 033
1970 was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault 00633
became involved in the ASF,061110
communications between the
concerned St. Pius board members
and Archbishop Davis ,
Fr. Perrault was eventually transferred
away from St, Pius High School.
January 27, 1970 Rev, Baca informed Fr. Perrault that ASF,FRPerrault ,00199 034
his services would no longer be
required at the Queen of Heaven
June 25,1970 Archbishop Davis wrote a letter of ASF,FRPerrault,00059 035
presentation "opening the way" for Fr. ASF,FRPerrault,00008
Perrault to serve as Chaplain of the
University of Albuquerque; Fr.
Perrault served as Chaplain from June
1970 - June 1971.
September 1970- Perrault saw Dr. Herman on an ASF.FRPerrault.00011 036
1972 ongoing basis whil e chaplain at the
University of Albuquerque .
Early 1970s Fr. Perrault abu sed Victim #15. ASF.057060 037
1970-1971 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #16 at St. ASF.03 9881 038
Charles Borromeo School and at St.
Pius X Hi gh School.
1971 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #17. ASFDEPOS .33 141 - 46 039
ASF.PRlEST .12124-
1971 Fr. Perrault abused Victim # 18. ASF.FRPerrault.00826- 040
May 13 , 1971 Fr. Perrault requested and was granted ASF .FRPerrault.OO 198 041
a transfer from the University of ASF .FRPerrault.00009
Albuquerque to Our Lady of
- Guadalupe Parish to-ser-ve-alongside-- - -
Fr. Walter Cassidy .
November 03,1971 Fr. Perrault was appointed Director of ASF.FRPerrault.00008 042
Liturgical Commission of the
Archdi ocese of Santa Fe.
December 1971 At the urging of his parents, and in ASFDEPOS .33 147 - 043
spite of the urging of Fr. Walter 33 156
Cassidy to "forgive and forget ,"
Victim # 17 wrote a letter to the
Archbishop of Santa Fe notifying him
of the sexual abuse perpetrated by Fr.
December 04, 1971 Fr. Perrault wrote a letter of apology ASF.050093 044
to Victim' s mother.
1972-1976 Fr. Perrault and two other priests ASF.032122 045
abused Victim # 19. ASF.032117
1972-1974 Fr. Perrault abused Vi ctim #20, a ASF.039837 046
vulnerabl e 20 y/o male, at the ASF.039835
Archdiocese on Morningside. ASF.03 9856
Victim #20 would participate in the ASF .FRPerrault.00376
soli citation of underage boys for ASF .FRPerrault.00390
! sexual abuse by Fr. Perrault. Fr. -9 1
Perrault asked Victim #20 to move ASF.FRPerrault.00416
into his apartment. - 417
ASF.FRPerrault.00405 -
October 1973 FI". Perrault became the Music ASF.FRPerrault.00197 047
Director at Our Lady of Assumption
Parish in Albuquerque, NM .
1973 FI". Perrault abused Victim #2l. ASF.0405 18-040519 048
ASF.PRIEST .12124-
1974 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #22. ASF.048157 049
1974-1976 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #23 at Our ASF.050061 050
Lady of Assumption Parish. ASF.050097-050101
1974-1976 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #24 at Our ASF.056711 051
Lady of Assumption Parish. ASF.056849
January 22, 1975 Fr. Perrault applied for the pastorate at ASF.FRPerrault.00 197 052
Our Lady of Assumption Parish.
March 1975- FI". Perrault abused Victim #25. ASF.040461 053
December 1980 ASF.040440
ASF.PRIEST .12124-
1975 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #26 at Our ASF.052675 054
Lady of Assumption Parish.
April 11,1975 The Personnel Board transferred Fr. ASF .FRPerraul t.00007 055
Perrault to the Annunciation Parish in
Albuquerque, NM, effective April 22,
1975-1977 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #27 while JD63 Settlement 056
assigned to Our Lady of Assumption Agreement
Fall 1976 Victims' mother told Archbishop ASFDEPOS .30116- 057
Sanchez about the abuse of her two 30123
sons and demanded Fr. Perrault
receive proper treatment and be
removed from ministry with children .
She later met with Fr. Starkey several
times to make sure the Archbishop
was keeping his agreement to deal
with Fr. Perrault.
Late 19705 A young man informed Fr. Starkey of ASF.DEPOS.30104- 058
Fr. Perrault's past sexual advances 30109
towards him. Fr. Starkey did not
forward the allegations to the
Archbi shop or otherwise act on them.
1978 Fr. Perrault abused Victi m #28 after ASF .038314 059
meeting him in confession . ASF.038327-038329
ASF.PRIEST .12124-
1978 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #29 at ASF.FRPerrault.00820 060
Annunciation Parish.
1978 or 1979 Fr. Perrault was on staff and taught ASF.FR 061
li turgy at the Albuquerque Villa, ABEYWICKREMA .
Servants of the Paraclete facility, in 00416-00417
Albuquerque, NM. ASF.FRPerrault.00575
- 576
November 1979 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #30 while ASF.036909 062
giving a mission at Our Lady of ASF.036906
1980 Fr. Kemper was told by parishioners ASF .055969-055970 063
at Annunciation Parish that Fr.
Perrault was abusing their children .
Fr. Kemper told police in 1993 he
"never reported thi s to the
Archdiocese because he knew from
past experience that nothing would be
October 1980 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #31 at ASF.049871 064
Annunciation Parish. ASF .049867 -049868
ASF.PRIEST .12124-
Spring 1981 Victim' s mother told the Archbi shop ASF.PRIEST .1 2 179 065
about the abuse and resulting suicide ASF.PRIEST .1 2 174
of her son . ASF.PRIEST .121 92
Spring 1981 Sister Mary Mortz told the ASF.PRIEST .12169 066
Archbishop about Fr. Perrault' s abuse ASF.PRIEST .12172
of children.
Spring 1981 Sister Doletta Farias told the ASF.PRIEST .1 2 169 067
Archbishop about Fr. Perrault's abuse
of children.
May 19,198 1 Dr. VanDenHeuvel, a clini cal ASF.FRPerrault.00036- 068
psychologist, evaluated Fr. Perrault; 00040
Archbishop Sanchez sent Fr. Perrault
for the evaluation because Fr. Perrault
had "been in trouble because of illicit
sexual activities with students ." Dr.
VanDenHeuvel noted that "thi s man
has apparently acted out his
homosexual ori entation only with
youngsters" and recommended
biweekly psychotherapy.
1982-1987 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #32 ASF.PRlEST .12207 069
together with Fr. Sabine Griego. ASFDEPOS.14106
January 06, 1982 Archbi shop Sanchez assigned Fr. ASF.FRPerrault .00006 070
Perrault to St. Bernadette Parish to
assist Rev. Msgr. Rabbit on weekends .
Apri l 1982- Fr. Perrault abused Victim #33 at St. ASF.046230 071
September 1992 Bernadette Parish . ASF.046247
1982 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #34. ASF.057437-057438 072
ASF.PRlEST .12124-
January 1983 Dr. VanDenHuevel examined Fr. ASF.FRPerrault .00024- 073
Perrault and reported to Archbishop 00025
Sanchez that "Fr. Perrault denies any
homosexual activity for six years and
has no longer any interest in working
with youngsters".
Early 1984 Fr. Starkey met with the family ASFDEPOS .30136- 074
members two victims of Fr. Perrault. 30139
He heard their all egations but did not
forward them to the Archbishop or
otherwise act on them .
June 15 , 1984 Archbi shop Sanchez gave permission ASF.FRPerrault.00194 075
for Fr. Perrault to apply for a
commission as a chaplain in the
United States Air Force Inactive
September 1984 After with victims, Fr. Donald Starkey ASF.DEPOS.30126- 076
told the Archbishop about allegations 30130
of Fr. Perranlt sexually abusing
1984- 1986 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #3 5 at ASF.03137 1 - 72 077
Queen of Heaven Parish. ASF.PRlEST .12124-
January 24, 1985 Dr. VanDenHeuvel reported to ASF.FRPerrault .00026- 078
Archbishop Sanchez that he was 00027
continuing to see Fr. Perrault once
every six weeks to two months .
1985 Prior to his assignment(s) at St. ASF .FrRutowski .00510 079
Bern adette Parish , members of the - 512
clergy were aware of Fr. Perrault's ASF.FrRutowski .005 16
hi story of sexual abuse against - 517
children, and specific instances of
sexual abuse of children within the
April 25 , 1985 The Personnel Board appointed Fr. ASF.FRPerrault.00193 080
Perrault as Pastor of St. Bernadette
Parish, effective May 01, 1985.
April 29, 1988 Archbishop Sanchez knew that other ASF.FRPerrault.00191 - 081
priests were calling Perrault a "queer" . 00192
Fr. Perrault wrote to the Archbishop
to complain about the situation.
1988- 1989 Fr. Perrault abu sed Victim #36 at St. ASF.055827 082
Bernadette Pari sh. ASF.055826
March 19, 1989 Unknown (name redacted) person ASF.FRPerrault.001 87- 083
wrote to A rchbishop Sanchez and the 00188
Archd iocese of Santa Fe, telling them
that Fr. Perrault had been making
advances and/or abusing hi s cousins
and himself. He noted that "everyone
knows about Father Perrault' s
advances" and requested an
investigation into Fr. Perrault's life
and activities. Archbi shop Sanchez
noted that he met with Fr. Perrault ,
who received a similar letter and
denied the allegations.
1991 Fr. Perrault abused Victim #37 . ASF.045929-045930 084
ASF.PRlEST .12124-
1991-1992 Fr. Perrault repeatedly ab used Victim JD D Settlement 085
#38. Agreement
JD D Deposition.63-65
July 19 ,1992 Fr. Perrault received hi s first clinical ASF.FRPerrault.00031 086
assessment at Southdown.
September 14-21 , Fr. Perrault negotiated a recurring ASF.FRPerrault.OOI77 087
1992 salary and insurance benefits while on ASF.FRPerrault.00178
sabbatical from the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe.
October 10, 1992 Victim #36 met Albuquerque Police ASF.055958-055962 088
Department Detective M.E. Schaller
to fil e a criminal police report against
Fr. Perrault for Criminal Sexual
Penetration of a Minor.
October 13, 1992 Victim #3 1 fi led a report with ASF.055962-055963 089
Albuquerque Police Department
against Fr. Perrault for Criminal
Sexual Penetration of a Minor.
October 19, 1992 Victim #28 reported Fr. Perrault to ASF.055963-055965 090
Al buquerque Police Department for
Criminal Sexual Penetration of a
October 20, 1992 Archbishop Sanchez suspended Fr. ASF.FRPerrault.00054 091
Perrault's facultie s with the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe due to
"all egations that presently exist".
October 23, 1992 The Chancellor wrote a letter to Bruce ASF.FRPerrault.00079 092
Pasternack regarding Fr. Perrault,
explaining that the Archdiocese had
"lost contact with his whereabouts".

888 . 003079


1'e: Via Coeli tlonastery

Pro t, r0 , ;:,
V~C:.-=-:- _ _ _ __ Date ___1_1_/2_4:...
/6_5_ _ __


1, Name _____________________________________________________
Perrault, Rev. Ar thur J oseph ___

Archdiocese of Hartford
2. Diocese or Re 11giotls Comllluni t y
3, Hart~fo
Plu c" of Dirth _ _ _ _ ___ rd,
__ Conn
__ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,

4, Date of Birth ____'_1a_r_c_h_ 5_, _1_9_3_8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Romeo Perrault
;;;; P~rents: Father
Cecile Landry
NQther (Naiden name) ___ .___________ _____ _
Hay 7, 1 964
6, Date of Ordination ________

7, Date of arrival i n Archdioc~se of Santa Fe 11/23/65

8. Briaf Sllnme.!'y of rea8011 for being a t Via Coeli _ _ _ _ _ ___
"Emotional disturbance "

9~ Faculties en j oye d : Archdiocese of Hartford

QC Hass:

1) _ 2 ) Not restricted

3) Hou restricted

h,. ConfessioDs :

:\) llestrictell 2) Not r estri cted _ _

3) EO\1 r estric t ed

c,; Preec lliD/i):

1) Re s tricted 2)
Not r estri cted

3 ) Bow re str icted

- - ---------- .--- ---.
FRPerrault.00020 ASF.

100 C Ulonical Penalties:

(Please enumerate all penalties under appropriate headin[!;)

0.0 Excommunication

b o Suspension
c. Vindictive penalty _________________________________________________
do Interdict ______________________________________ ~ ________ ~ ____
eo Irregularity ________________________________________________________

110 In vlhat diotlese ia priest-guest now actually incardinated,. or to w!lat

religious community does he now actual ly belong?

Via Coeli
120 Present address

130 Next of kim

Name ____________________________________ Relationship =-_________


Address ____ __________________________________________________


City ~ _ _ _--''--_ _ __ State _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zip Code _ __


ASF. FRPerraulL00021
Offense_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No. _ __


ALBUQUEROUE POliCE DEPARTMENT Addre .. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




03-05-38 / 05-07-64


Unfound ed 0 Inve,s ligoling Officer
Cleored by Arrest 0
Exceptionally Cle ored _ __ 0 ~9n e d dOlI!! ,19_
I, Inactive (Nol Cleored) 0 Chief of Command ing Offic er

Th Is form is used by Officer assigned 10 a case to report progress after !hret' ond seven doys and .week ly thereo ft e r-olso 10 report signif icant
deyelopmenls .

ASF. FRPerrault.00133"


May 14, 1973

The Rev. John R. Beno

Executive Secretary, F. D. L. C.
225 Clark Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003

Dear Father Beno,

I am pleased to recommend the Rev. Arthur Perrault of this Arch-

diocese of Santo Fe for the office of Executive Secretary of the Federa-
tion of Dioceson liturgical Commissions.

Fother Perrault wa5 ordained for the Archdiocese of Hartford , Connecticut

on May 7, 1964. In March of 1966 he was appointed to the faculty of St.
Pius X High School in Albuquerque to teach religion . He served for one
yeor, Jl,Ine 1970 to June 1971, as Chaplain at the University of Albuquerque
(0 Cotholic College}; from June I, 1971 to November I, 1971 he was assis-
toni pCiStor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Albuquerque. On November
3, 1971 he was appointed Archdiocesan Director of the Liturgical Commission
of this Archdiocese.

Notoble service in this latest assignment has been given in the publication
of a monthly bulletin for the parish liturgy; and in the organization and
direction of the Southwest Liturgical Conference Sessions held in Albuquerque
in January of thi s year.

Father Perrault was cananioclly received into the Archdiocese of Scnta Fe

by incardination on August 14, 1973.

Sinc;)rely yours in Chrj$l,

James P. Davis

cc : Rev. Arthur Perrau It





b~..'r.!tY.A. .R.:m.B1Lih.'Q.1 '1'








ON 14 AUGUST 1967 .

Given this 15th, day of September, 1969


. (S E AL)

ASF. FRPerrault.OOO 12



DATE & PLACE OF ORDrnATION: McA''j 1,1%4 $,. -;::\C'JSet'h Ccd1edrnl



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S 'J, bq ~\Essed SOCrQl't\@f\t I E Q'j',+ Had-taro; CoQtleC".bc.ur
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Iq$(3-~S 'b\i'?dnc) Levdio :?C5\mJ aNi Ado\; Fd!,ecrt;o!l

Ed\tof' of' ''=P~te,csP Goo" An,\)Ci't DU"SDn 'M~LlJ>?qpGf"
<p. \''bS Pastor, S=L13erMclele.) AlblJ~ne~p:Q

7 I

ASF. FRPerrault.00005

S'lar.c er:y Off i ce. 888 .0 03079


l'e: Via Coeli flonastery

F'rot. 1:0, "'V.;:;C_-_ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _

5 ___ _


1, Narue ___________________________
Perrault , Rev. Arthur Joseph ______

2. Archdiocese
Diocese 01' Religious Co:nrnunity _ _ _ ______ of _Hartford
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Hart~ford, Conn.
3, Pluce of uirth
Harch 5, 1938
4 e Date of Birth __________________________________________ __
Romeo Perrault
5; Parents: Father
Cecile Lan<Lry
Nother (Naidan name)
Hay 7, 1964
6, Date of Ordination
Date of arrival in Archdiocese of Santa Fe 11/23/65

Brief s unIile.ry of reason for being at Via Co-eli

IIEmotional disturbance If

9, Fa cultie s pr e.serltly enjoyed: Archdiocese of Hartford

S e Hass:
1) Restricted 2) Not restricted ~

3) How restricted

be Confessions :

1) Restricted
- 2) Not restricted
3} liot'l restricted

c, PreaehiDgj:
\ 1) Restricted 2) Not restricted

3) TIOt} rest.ricted

100 C ~llol1ical Penal ties:

(Please enumerate all penalties under appropriClte heading;)

Uo Excommunication

b o Suspension
Co Vindictive penalty __________________________________________________
do Inte~dict ________________________________________________ ~~

eo Irre6ularity ______________________________ ~ ______________ ~=__ _= __ _

110 In wha'!; diocese ilil priest-guest now actually inoa:rdine.ted, or to wpat

reli gious community does he now ac t ual ly belong?

Via Coeli
12 0 Present address

130 Next of kin:

Name _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Address ____ ~ _________________________________________________

City _ _ __________ __ State Zip Code _ _ _

Telephone ___________________

ASF, FRPerrault.00021


NOSi: Reverend J ames P. Davis

Archbishop of Santa Fe
Chancery Office
P.O. Box 2248
Santa .Fe, Ne't'7 Mexico

~: PERRAULT, Arthur J. (Rev.)

Your Excellency:

Fat.ler '''./-.... e ...1-0 yo
P. erran I t h as as 1t e d u s td 'trr1 31~o to forvard
to you a copy of the psychological re Ol-t \vhich 1ve itted ou February
28; 1966.

As you \Jill see from cur ~ . )ort, F " ler Perrault \'7as eJ>:amined o$nd
. undeX'1'Jent treatment at our cl n e from .a uary 13, 1966 to the presr;nt (/
He has nO~1 been aS,s igned to a osition as a teacher at the
St. Pit.l:;J X High School. l':e have ';; ~ . cOhtinued contact with Father
Perra"ult and w'e - be very happy in his new ass;i.gnment.
For "this reason :t - to j.nfol"m you of sQme 0:( the
probiems th&t p.l "ece t the :rehabilitation hou~e at: Via
CoeLi . As part of this matter we haq
"ith and talk~d ot),

"""""e--"; ... .:.~ _ather Perrault.. came to the at tention of

his .... ry Offic e beca'u se of t..-WQ all eged incidents of homosexual ap
to some of _ Ie young men l1ith "i;'lhom he 'illS S \~~orking ou!.:'

with the Ch 'e ery Office I gather that they are convinced that
d incleed take piace , My approach t .O this matter
has been 1 ';.;e are not !=IO much conc1;'ned 't,yith v..'hat may have
happened . i tIe . s t, bllt rath,'" are acutely alerted to 'ihat Father
Perrault "lill do in the future . As my r eport indicates, w'e find no
evidenee or patholQgical se:xual disturpances in Father Perlault, 811d ,ye
did advise him to $ee1< reaSq:l.gnment away f rom his dioc'ese in Connetticu,t.

We p'elieve .that in Fa ther Perraui t \'7e are dca 1ing vlith an intel-
iigent . y~~~g n~p:. 't:i~0 h as h,a d some probl~tnS, but \'Je do not belit=!ve that:
these _'pr.p .blenJ6 J.1'e ed handicap nor incap11c1.tate him irt carrying out useful
flli1cti6ft~>'as a' pries.t and ,a s Ci. teacher .. He feei that his problems
primarHy sgIC'Il,.froTI! the fac t that he i''l an only child; ' and the acided
fact that he ~ needs: ftirtnel; help to assure' his continued emo tiqnal grot'7th ~ ~t~;bt~~~~\
and maturity t '01vards an effective life as a priest and as a pel"SOl1 . "",

ASF.FRPerrault. 00044

Page 2.

'j:.le \.mulc1 like tq -recommend that you cons.ider hint for acceptance to this ~
Diocese "lid to p~rmE.ncnt assignment to k,eep him at either the high ech'o ol or
c o llege level. He be.lieve that his present.c temporaryassignment can serVe a .s
a good t e at ped.od that will alia>, 'your Excellency good oPll rtunity to observe
Father PerraUlt is behaviQur and 'i..rork outs il~ the protectiv . environ.ment of Via
Ce o Ii , and in this way be .in q bettei-- pOSition to deterlllin the feasibility of
a permanent ass-jgnme:n.t for Father Perrault: by the new scho 1 term n ~~t fall .

Pleas~ be assured . of our continued interest ' _.- ,., .. ,- "rrault and his
in the Chtlrch ! and if there is any furthe- .~r'formatiQh \rll!-;. vl~ can
proviae to asslst the Church in this matter "( \,Teicom,e your contac ting
~U8 .
. ' .....' .

JAs : eh D.
E"nc " Psychological Report

CC 1;:.0 Father Perrault

ASF. FRPerrault.00045

February 28, 1966

Path",. Art;hur J. Perl."!"ult

Ed.: 5 Mttrch 1938 .;;-'.
Archdioces e of Ha~tfotd, Conrt. "', -
Thefollo,)ing 1'lill be. '" prog:"Ss report on our ther~Pt(~Hc am! diagnostic
contacts with Fathe;: Perrault. As you ;lia remetpber; F~thef' Perratilt first came
to us on January 13, 1966. Subsequent to this first visit, .vl.e did request .and
have received copies of th", me<;lical, psychiatric and psycho16gical reports of
the examination of Father Fer rault at st. Vincent's H",l3pital, Hest Chester Bra nch,
Harrison, Nett York. It is our understanding that the t'-~ason fb"r requesting exam~
ination pf Father Perrault/at St. Vincent's revolved around an alleged cldm of
psycho-sexual d~sturbances 'Dnbis part. It was specificallyindicatedthli'ji Fath.;r
Perrault nad inil:!iateci homosex,,,il hell"vior with some young inen ;r:!-th whom . he was
~lOr!d,ng as a prie~t. In vie"l of the above . it hil" heen Qur objective t:o~r.y to
determine the extElat to "hich pl!ycho~se"ual disturhances of any type are p;:-esent
in this rna,,' s pers',;nal:J;ty structtii:e, as weil a.s to assist him in tm(
himself better. . .

~vehave reviel,red in. some de'CI):i.l the psychcilogic?l and psychiatric reports Qf
St. V:LllCe(lt i s Hospital; '~hirihlfep.Qrts we undera,t nd to .PB inc9nclusive regarding
any psycho~seltual Pilthology .. It does appear that the 'ebe reports indicate the
presence of factors p ointing t'oernodonal ill1<'!,"i::U1-ity. 'O'{;r therapuetl.c conferences
to date have centered around the latter pl;"oblelii.

Olir best ju<;lgement to dat;e do'ls indica;;e the presence of som2 :factors of
emotional itiunaturity. This shotildf.:eithe, he 8u:rprising'- :n:11;: unexpected in vi o.,~
of the tact that most youngrrteh wllO I:!re ordained as p;':iesi: f '~ilve pdo!:' to their'
ordination experienced Ii prol<inged perl.od of life in Ii s!~ettered a"d protective
env:i.:ronrl).eir~, which may handicap'.. them, "at least in P;:ltt", by ;limititlg their "expo"sure .
to SOUle of ther;r"t>Us.t ic problem$ of' living. In add'ition, there are the$pecial
problems tnat g\h,ert>Uy occur in t .b e rear:tng of any only chi1d, and this is a part
. Cif the reality of Father. Pertt>ultis situation. Pernaps whAt Wi: $06 . ; 1l Father Pe""rault
.should not be see" as-pa-tbolo~:tcal immattijj;;~ but rathet lis i;heel;pecteci. results of
somedenl:l.lI.a.tlon...oE...QE!!ortunity. ~7e would ' ;incHcate that Father Perrault can function
ir; ~.he ~o~e ni3ture ~'ay .of prie~t1y Hfe, and lye I.muld aek that,ve .not condemn him fo,;
something ",hich is .a normal product of a slightly abtlOcmal situation .

ASF. FRPerrault.00046

Father Arthur J. Perrault

Anothe:c queStion ,that has ,ari$en in this case is the matter of this
person 's self-~ssert.iveness a.nd li.bei'alneSs o~ think.i ng. l,te find no -evidence .
of any. abnoy;mal ~'ty in -this ..area. .In- ~rl?s e ss"ing this "characteri'Stic of person-
a lity, vie, should perhaps recognize tr,at s e If'assertiveriess ie a healthyanc1
wh01esome ,ehal:;ecterfstic, ,as 'long "-s it can be 'k ept within 'socially a'c ceptable
~nd l.J..iBi~s". If it goep beyond these limits, -W0 should p"er'haps u'ri-
derstaqd it as ' ane~aggerated 'mechanism of adjustment, or perhaps "a 's an ';-.<pected
o~ e:r-.cotri.pen~at.iqn .;ci~ - the part::' of young' m~n~going int9 eBtablil?he~ __ professions . in
their .atte'mp~ ,t'o ~~.nd r9r tbemselY~G a pr6p~r ro'le within thoSe professions.
Rather than conderririing this behavior on :the part of these young professional men, ;
it is our 'halle k to channel this 'motivation into 'heil>:lthy and constructive
.activ;i.ties. ;i ,!
f j
In ~~ry ;it .i s this examirier f S opl.uJ.on that Father P~Lrault ' s eXposure " ,
to the . spil.oituat, rehabilitative Sl:vices and environment of. Via Coe l :t, as v7e ll
as the intensive psychotherapy "'rich he pe:csonally requested , and maintained, have :,
been of much value ,and benefit to hi",. He .. find no present 'evidence of active or
latent homo,se~ua1ity in this man. Father Perrault doe,S have ,t:l!.I'! normal and ex-
pected phYSiological "ai1:d. psychological capacities for establis~ing meaningful
eB-~tional ' relatioo qhips ' vlith both people of the opposite' sex, as '-7 el1 as his own~
He \1ill experience, the normal and e""pected challenges that all young priests must
feel in their sO.cial contacts tfith l?eop'le to whom they must minis'~E!r as priests.
It is oui ' further opinion that he 'possesses both the inteliectual and psych(jlo g~ii:al
resources necessary to deal 't-lith t4ese .challenges if a;!.looed . a ' n~rmal opporttlnit:y '
to so So.

Thi,s man is in our judgement now ready to assume the responsibility of the
a.ctive ministry . He has expressd an .i nterest i n, and we have discussed at . lengt;h,
his desire to wo,k 'with Yl'lUng pecii;1" at the college level. His special int,e rest
Seems' to be in the area of teachipg religion lilt that level. , It <vouid appear to us
'that his interests and abilitie,S carr best be utilized in the teaching field, -and ,,e
would therefoi"~"':i-ecommend tn-at cpns:1dt'ati"oTI be given t9 th:1.s type ' of aSSignment.
I t ,v~mld be 0ll,#,:,' further thought that it is in the be,s t inte~ests ' of' all concerndd
that Father Pel;,;ault be assigned to. a diocese other than Hartford. It is pur hope
tha;; this repo!;t serves to convey our clinical judgements and opinions on ,this mat-
ter. If ' there a'1;e any . f1,!tther questions, please communicate directly "-lith us, and
we shall be most happy to try to answer them. Please be assur ed o'' our continued
interest in Father Perrault and the Church.


Clinical Psychologist



May 14, 1973

The Rev. John R. Beno

Executive Secretary, F. D. L. C.
225 Clark Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003

Dear Father Beno I

I am plectsed to recommend the Rev. Arthur Perrault of this Arch-

diocese of Santo Fe for tha office of Executive Secretary of the Federa-
tion of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Father Perrault wos ordained for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut

on May 7, 1964. In Morch of 19 was a pointed to the faeult of St.
Pius X High School in uquerque to teach religion . He served or one
year, Jl)ne 1970 to June 1971,05 Chaplain at the University of A lbuqu~que
(0 Catholic College); from June I, 1971 to November I, 1971 he was assis-
tant pelStor of Our Lady of Guodalupe Parish in Albuquerque. On November
3, 1971 he wos appointed Archdiocesan Director of the Liturgical Commission
of this Archdiocese.

Notable service in this latest assignment has been given in the publication
of a monthly bulletin for the parish liturgy; and in the organization and
direction af the Southwest Liturgical Conference Sessions held in Albuquerque
in JOlluary of this year.

Father Perrault was canonically received into the Archdiocese of Santo Fe

by incordinotion on August 14, 1973.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

James P. Davis

cc: Rev. Arthur Perrau It

ASF. FRPerrault.00008

April 26, 1966

~IDst Reve,end James P. Davis

lh'chbish"op of Santa Fe
Chancery Office
P. O. Box 2248
Santa Fe, NetV' Mexico

1<e ": PERR4.iJLT, Atthur J. (Rev.)

Your Excellency:

Father Perrattlt has asked us to 'trrite to you al~o

to forpard
to you a copy of the" psychological report hich we itted on February
28; 19b6.

As you will see from our Fa' let' Perrault; 'C'la.S e:n;-amined and
. underl;,;rent treatment at our el n "a uary 13, 1966 to the presr;nt~
He has nO~i been as.-signed to a os ition as a teacher at the
St. Pius X High School. '-ohtiL"11.H~d f;ontact \'lith Fat.her
Perra"ult and He be very happy in his ne'\,' ass;lgnment.
For 'this reaSOn to 1.nfol-m you of sQme of the
probiems. th.:1t p.rece ~e the rehabilitation hou~e &1: Via
CoeLi. As part of this matter we ha<l
\vith and talked orr

~""e--"'dvi-sed '~~~ _ather Per1;'ault. .came to the at;tention of

his ChfL .... ry Office because of i.""W"o alleged incidents of homosexua1 ap~
p-roache to some of _ 1e young met! whom he t<1a.S \-vorking o From ou:r
,;ith the Gh "e ery Office I gather that they a r e convioced that
'd indee<l ta:ke piace. Hy approa:ch t o this matter
in W 1 ,ole aYe not ~o II1ilch conc1;"ued ".7ith 1'Jhat may have
i " e . "st, but rathe;: are acute ly alerted to uhat Father
will do in the futl,lre. As my report indicates; ". find no
e.vidence of Pt2thological sexual disturbances in Father Perrault, arid we
did advise him t9 $eek reas~ :i.. gnment away f~om his diocese in Connecticu ,t.

Ive J;"e lieve that in Father Perrault we are dealing an intel.-
iigent ' y6jingma)t',;J:1O has h"a d some pro"b lems, but "'e do not believe that
9pleUls ~t"eed handicap nor incapaeitate him in carrying out 1.JSe:rul
these pi'_
furtcticiTis ::as a: pries.t and as a teacher .. t.Je feei that his problems
primariLy " "S1i~"frol1! the fact that he is an only child; and the added
fact that he~ needs; fliz-the];:" help to itssure his continued emotiqnal grot'7th .,'"\>,:;{;~,t
and maturity t"OHards an effective life as a priest and as C1 person . . :'

ASF" FRPerrault.00044

Page 2 .

~,Je v:roulcl like tq recommend that you consider him for acceptance to this
Diocese ap.d to permanent assignment to k,eep him at either the high sehoc l or
cQlieg~ level . 'We believe that his pre$en~c temporary .a,ssignmel1t eart p'erve as
a good test ped.od that will alIa", Your Excellency good oPP. rtunity to observe
Father Perrault is behaviQur e.nd t]or.k olltsie~ the protectiv. environment of Via
Ceoli, and in this vfay be .iIi' 'a be"ttei" position to determin the feasibility -of
a pcr"raanent a.s9jgntrrE:nt for Fat.her Perrault: by the new scho( 1 term n~~:t fall.

PleaSl; be assured . of our continued interest. ,"~,;;,~".~",~,;:ti[;;;:.,i.,j,,:srrault and his

O:;"10i;-k in the Church~ and if there is BEy fur thc",_.-'"---,,;,,] v~h -i. T;le;. can
pro~vide to assist the Church in this matter ' ueicorue your contacti~g

JAB :eh D.
E"ric" Psychological Report

cc to FatheL Perrault


March 28, 1966


Reverend Arthur Perrault

Pius XII Villa
Pajarito Road
Route G, Box 344
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105

Dear Father Perrault:

At the direotion of Archbishop Davis, I am happy to grant

you the faculties Of the Archdiocese of Sauta Fe. These faculties arc

granted to you ad revocationem.

Hoping that your work in our Archdiocese will be blessed

by God, I am ,

Fraternally in Christ,

Lnis Jaramillo, J. C. L.
Vice Chancellor - Vice Officialis

LJ: jb

ASF. FRPerrault.000 19

April 26, 1966

~bst Reve~end James P. Davis

Archbishop of Santa Fe
Chancery Office
P. O. Box 2248
Santa ,Fe , Net] Mexico

Re: PEIUl~ULT. Ar.thur J. (Rev.)

Your Excellency:

Father Perrault has asked U$ to t.,rr'it-e to yo .a18 0 to fOl1:'lard

to you a co!>y of the psychological report which ,;e itt ed on February
28; 1966.

Fa lEt' Perrault,: t'18S 1tamined ~nd

"a vary 13, 1966 to the presc::nt'(I
He haS nD~;; been osition as a teacher at the
St. Pius X High OhtirfU:'!d cpntact 1:1i th Father
Perrault and "le be , 'r y happy in his ne~'l assignment.
For ' this reaSOn P to i.nfol~ m you of 89m! 'of the
probiems th.a t p,r ec e:t e t the rehabilitation hou~e at Via
CoeU o As part of this matter we hac! corre$pondence
"ith and talked orr o th e Chancery Office at Hartford,
Connec tiGut .

""''''''-''''_ather Per~ault.. to the attention or

his of tvn) alleged incid ents of homosexual ap -
pr oacheto some of _ Ie oun ' 'men ,-lith - om he t'1a s ,.for ~nO" g our-

in 'W ---
cery Orfice 1 gather that I:hey a re convinced that
. {
ocl indeed take place My approach to this matter
- - -
1 ""';-le are not 130 much conce1;"ned 1;7i th 1'1hat may . have
i. "lE' at, but rather are acutely alerted to what Father

will do in the fut1lrE . As my r eport indicates, we find 110

evidence of patholog ical sexual disturpances i n Father Perrault, alid ,>1e
did advise him t o .seek r eas~ ignment a'ivay f t:'om his dioc'ese in Connecticut .

We ):, eI:tev e that in Father l'errault "le are dealing tl:Lth an int el -
iigent > ~b~~g :n~_~ 'tA~o has some pro'b l ems, but \'7e do not believe tha t
need handicap n01: incapaei tate him in c arrying out us eful
fUb.ctiori~ ":: as 2: pries.t and a~ a teacher . t-Je feei t-hat his problems
prima"l.1.Y 6!.f ~lRfrom the fact that h e is a n only child, and the added
fact that he " ~eeds' furtheJ; help to assure' his continued emoti'Qna l gro'Vl1;h
and ma tu~ity tm'7ards art effective life as a priest and a'S a pers"On.

AS F.FRPerrault. 00044

Page 2~

We ,{.]Quld like tq recommend that you consider him for acceptanc e to this
Diocese and to permanent assignment to k,eep him at eitber the high sChool or
colieg~ level. 1<le believe that his presentc 'temporary 4ssignme1.1t can serve a,S
a good t est pe~iod that \'lill a11m7 "Your Excellency good opp rtunity to observe
Father Perrault t s beMviqur end Hor.k outsifle the protectiv _ environment of Via
Ceo1i, and in this way be .in 'q. be't t ei position to determin the feasibility .of
a pcr'manent as;;-.jgutilE:nt for Father Perraul t by j:he neYI sehoe l term n~!:t fall .

Please be assured. of out' continued interest ~_;;,";:"~T.'~,i:tiiU2:"-i,-J<i~rrault and his

wOi:k in th e: Church! and if there is .2.1.1y urth~",,"
- """"""-' wll "'1. Trle can
pzoovide to aS8:lst the Church in this matter l.:reicome YOUl" contact ing
.-.....' .

J AS:eh iN A. S, T AZAR, Ph _ D.;I Pgychoiogical Report i .lical Director .

cc to Father Perrault

ASF. FRPerrault.00045


1- - - - - - - -
PHONE: -ILII~I-I_ _---'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ATTORNEY: _--,-,
=",= ==---________________
, ::=



-. i
SEP 5:,: 2006



entered into this 16th day of August, 2006, by and (hereinafter

. ..E~.J\t.,.~_,
"Claimant"), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sole, (collec~~";:,,.Di,nafter,
""0 ?i,oY'C ./vl';. .
"Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a f{;'ll~1l'>lo:Yplete
settlement. 10..,


WHEREAS, Claimant has made certain claims against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc.,

Father Arthur Perrault and Father Ronald Bruckner and others for damages for personal injuries

arising from several incidents of alleged sexual contact with Father Arthur Perrault and one

incident of alleged sexual contact with Father Ronald Bruckner alleged to have taken place in

New Mexico from approximately 1967 to 1969;

WHEREAS, the claims of sexual contact are disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Inc.; however the Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defined

hereinbelow, which were raised, or which could have been raised by Claimant;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual promises

contained herein, the Parties agree as follows :

1. Defi nitions

1.0 I As used herein, "Claimant" shall include:

A. , personally and individually, and his heirs, successors,

assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an intimate relationship

with Claimant, affiliated business entities; trustees, partners, insurers, guarantors, credit.ors,

employees, agents, attorneys, and other representatives, executors, administrators, personal

representatives, heirs-at-Iaw, legatees, and all other persons claiming by or through Claimant






. PHONE. _ __




Father Ar"thur Perrault. restricted October 1992, absconded.

Father Ronald Bruckner, restricted September 2005.


First abused age 10 in 1966 ,.,..hen he was an altar boy at Queen of

. Heaven Parish when Fr Perrault fondled him over his clothes and
later under his clothes. In 1967 while on a retreat there was
mutual masturbation and mutual oral sex. On a retreat in 1969 when
he was in the seventh grade chaperoned by Fr Perrault and Fr
Bruckner during which fondling and mutual oral sex took place
.between himself and Father Bruckner on two occasions. Followi~g the
retreat there were continued incidents of fondling in the sacristy
';'1ith Fr. Perrault unti-l _ was about 12 years old when Fr
Perrault left the parish.

ARCHBISHOP / CONTACT DATE: -.,,!f"-=J'4f--"-=:.-,,--,,--,'Z~),,-fi]--".----------

ARCHBISHOP SIGNATURE: _+1-11f-,1II14. " 0:" k" u" ,g-\-iJ-;/'~"<-~, ,/Ij"'J\J.LA.LC,\"'-L,J-'-"-._ _~7<.L)"'-I?-jc.D:."-/
_ _ __




DATE : September 19, 1994

TO: Archbishop Sheehan

FROM : Sr. Na~~Vkg;zik , OSF

Vice-Chancellor/Case Manager


.. alleges that the abuse occurred while he was a student

at Queen of Heaven School in Albuquerque and Fr. Perrault
apparently assisted there; Fr. Paul Baca was pastor.

He alleges the abuse occurred between 1966 -68. Fr . Perrault

arrived in Albuquerque , first assignment shown is March 1966, he
was assigned to Pius . He was not incardinated until August 14/
1967 . He could have been at Queen of Heaven between 1966-68 when
I11III alleges that this had occurred .
Counselinq began on May 6, 1993, to date we have paid _
IIIIIIIIIIIIaccording to the report is married and has chil~

ASF.03 1763



Archdiocese of Santa Fe
.woo S,\JXT JOSEPJ 1'S PLKE, x,\\'.
~UBl'Ql'EHQl'E, XE\r ~1.,\ICUB7120-1709

A.H..E'-\' CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford .
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National

Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's nyno,,.. and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. IIIIIIIIIIII continues
to receive counseling. """"WhIie""" addi tional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ al was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~1986. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe s C()UI1S,alino , and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has on his behalf. ...
_ continues to receive counseling. Whiie
'a'dc!'It'lonal investigation is m,e(le'l, nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our e>,pe,rj,erlcE of this
type, we settlement value
range of




January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

has not been participating in the
s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our expe rience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~leaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ .1 _ I,
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~ in!l!\i0 ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf . 1
_ I continues to r e ceive

.1_ 1
psycho counseling.
~onal investigation is ne eded, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we
range of
_ I_
s ettlement value of

I al
claim in the

was sexually abused by Fr.


Pe rra~ ~1974. has been participating in the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe' and as of November
12 . 1993, the Archdioce se has on his behalf. . 1
II1II1 continues to r ece ive psyc counseling. While
~ional investigation is nee de d, given the nature and duration
of the a lleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we s e ttl'e ment va lue of _ I's claim in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in been participating in the Archdiocese
of arid as of November 12, 1993, the
be half. _ I continues to
settlement value of

_ I_ I
_ t While ad~investigation
, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we ~e
s claim in the range of _

alleges that he was sexuallv abuse d by Fr.

Perra~in January 1988 - Dec embe r 1988 . 11IIIIIIII1has not been

participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.

While additional investigation is needed , given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other , claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

claim in the ranoe of _ .

Perra~ 1991. .1_1

af this type, we estimate the settlement value af.1
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
has nat been participating
in the Archdiacese af Santa Fe ' s cO,unseling program. While
additional investigatian is needed, given the nature and duratian
of the alleged abuse and our experience with ather clatms of this
type, we est~ttlement value af_l _ r s claim in
the range af .............
_ Ialleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~r 19BO. _I has nat been participating
in the Archdiacese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duratian
of the alleged abuse and our experience ims af this
type, we ~e settlement value af claim in the

perra~1 was sexually abused by Fr.

been participating in the
Archdiacese af Santa
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
and as of Navembe
an his behalf.
_ I cantinues to receive caunseling. Whi1Le
~nal investigatian is neededl, nature and duratian
of the alleged abuse and of this

.1 _I
type, we ,tt:1E,me,nt value
the range of
_I allei1es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"iiTt"""Iii. has been participating in the
Archdiacese of Santa Fe's counselinillPo
12. 1993, the Archdiacese has paid
ram and as af Navembe
an his behalf.
I cantinues to. receive psyc 0 aglca counseling. Whi1Le
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value af
the range of .............
_I _ a l l e g e s that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1 has nat been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed , given the nature and duratian af the alleged abuse and

ASF .PRI EST.12126


January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1_~ 's claim in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's , and as of November 12. 1993, the

Archdiocese has .on his behalf. continues
to receive counseling. Whi~additional
investig"tion s given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims. of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I s that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrault. been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12 . 1993 , the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ I
to receive psycho counseling. ~additional

investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type , we
settlement value of claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s cu'unLoc,~ing program. While additional investigation
is given nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of ' s claim in the range of
_I he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settle ment value of _ f' s claim in the range of

perra~17 "1 he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of cDun,seling program . While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ I
alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S"'Co'iiilSei_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf . . _ I
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca . Wh'iIe
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we e tlement value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I he was sexually abused by Fr .
PerraU!t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of CCi;nn,sE,ling program. While additional
investigation is neede d, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ttlement value of s claim in the range
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

1s~~u~,~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe
cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.
Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.

e', ~:;tJ<~ Jt'"""'J~? M I



i c, \



entered into this [I-h day of May, 2003, by and berwee:n (hereinafter

"Claimant"), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc. a corporation sale, (collectively, hereinafter,

''Parties'') in order to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and complete



WHEREAS, Claimant has made certain claims against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Inc., Father Arthur Perrault and others for damages for personal injuries arising from one or

more incidents of alleged sexual contact with Father Arthur Perrault alleged to have taken place

in New Mexico from approximately 1966 to 1969;

WHEREAS, the claims of sexual contact are disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

me.; however the Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defined

hereinbelow, which were raised, or which could have beeu raised by Claimant;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutnal promises

contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions

1.01 As used herein, "Claimant" shall include:

A. personally and individually, and his heirs, successors,

assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtne of an intimate

relationship with Claimant, affiliated business entities, trustees, partners, insurers, gnarantors,

creditors, employees, agents, attorneys, and other representatives, executors, administrators,

personal representatives, heirs-at-law, legatees, and all other persons claiming by or through


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. - - _..- - - - " ' - '.

" :.-
..:.", ';.",
".,' -, -.

. ...,,- ..

ARCHBISHOP :";-' '.:'

'-" . ...
.. .<::\h. : " :
, '
'-; ,-, ,"


... -- -~---- .. - -.-. --.. ~-.-':-':. r'.' -


FEB-21-95 TUE 11:46 SII"10NS CUDDY FRIEDtlAN FAX NO. 8847163 P. 02



day of February, 1995, by and between and the Archdiocese of Santa

Fe, a corporation sale (the "Archdiocese"), (hereinafter collectively "the Parties"), in order to

bring a maiter in controversy betWeen and. among the Parties to a full and complete settlement.

The P,rues to this Settlement Agreement and Release hereby agree as follows:

1. has made a claim for physical and psychological itljuries against the

Archdiocese and Frs. Sabine Griego, Anthony Gallegos, and Arthur Perrault arising out of

alleged sexual abuse andlor sexual misconduct which occurred in the late 1960s, in New Mexico

(hereinafter referred to as "the Abuse").

2. The claim involves a disputed matter and the Archdiocese, by entering into

this agreement, does not acknowledge liability or responsibility for the claim, and liability and/or

responsibility is specifically denied.

3. In consideration of this Settlem~nt Agreement and Release, the Archdiocese

agrees to 'pay _ the sum of

_ the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. The parties agree that _

_ _ satisfies all claitns by .

against the Archdiocese of Santa Pe as weI! as any and all claims as to any other knOWD Or

unknown tortfeasors. These monies are being paid for compensatory damages and not for lost

wages or punitive damages.

a. Archbishop Sheehan a n d . have agreed to a' private meoting

between them at a mU!1,1ally 'convenient time.




Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 S.~.L\T J OSEPH'S PL \ CE, X .\\',
ALBl 'QlTERQl'E, X\\' :'-1E,.' \I CU 87 120-1709

AREA CODE 50583 1-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105 - 378 4 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Sant a Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the r e cent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops I and very much appreciated your expre ssion of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times . . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Conne cticut . At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr .

been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's n"()(Tn and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ I continues
to receive counseling . ~ additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience ,claims of this type, we
settlement value of , s claim in the range of

_ was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~1986. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe ouneieJ,irlg and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ...
_ continues to r e ceive psyc counseling . WhITe
~ona1 investigation is needed, given nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
s couns e ling program. While additional
inve stigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

1lllllllllllllllE1leaes that he was sexually abus e d by Fr.
pe rra~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!lMi0 ram, and as of November

.1_ 1
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ I continues to r e ceive psycho ogl.ca_ counseling . While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
type, we settl ement value of claim in the
range of

_I _ I
alle ge s that h e wa s sexually abus ed by Fr.
Pe rraUIt""'in n'12-197 4. . 1_ I ha s been participating in the
Archdioce se of Santa Fe's counseTing_ o ram, and as of Nov ember
12. 1993, the Archdioce s e has paid on his b e half. .1
II1II1 continues to receive psycho counseling. While
~ ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our exp e rie nce with other claims of this
type, we settle ment value of_ I'sclaim in the
range of

he was s e xually abused by Fr . Perrault

in been participating in the Archdiocese
of , arid as of November 12, 1993, the
his behalf. _ I continues to
r e c e ive
settle me nt value of

_ I_ I
_ t _I . While addIt'IOlliii'investigati.on
, given the nature a nd duration of the allege d a buse and
our expe rience with other claims of this type, we
s claim in the range of

alle ge s that he wa s sexuallv abused by Fr.

Pe rraill" in January 1988 - De c e mbe r 1988. ha s not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Sa nta Fe's counseling program.
While a dditional inve stiga tion is n eed e d, given the n a t ure a nd
dura tion of the allege d abuse and our e xpe rience with other cla ims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

_ rs
claim in the ranoe of _ .

perra~ 1991. .1_1

of this type, we estimate the settlement value of .
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating

in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,unseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claj-rns of this
type, we est~ttlement value of . I_ rs claim in
the range of .............
_I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~r 1980. _I
has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program . While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the

Perra"ii'!t"""" .1
_ I alle~t she was sexually abused by Fr.
_ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
l l 8 J and as of Novernbe~
on his behalf.
continues to receive psyc 0 og~cal counseling.
acrcrrticmal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience wi of this

.1 _I
type, we tlement value of
the range
_I allei1es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"ii'lt"""'I. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinillJo
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
ram and as of Novernbe~
continues to receive psyc 0
on his behalf.
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s claim in
the range of .............
_ I
~alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~1 has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and




January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of.1 _ F'S
claim in the range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-19 7. I has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse B P ronram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid .on his behalf. . 1_ I
to receive psycho og1ca counseling. Whire---additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims. of this type, we
settlement value of _~ s claim in the range of

_ I eges that. he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrault. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's couns and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has on his behalf. _ I
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the natUre and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~ 's claim in the range of

that he was s e xually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s unlsEuing program. While additional investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra'iiit"iii"'" 1 has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of ing program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f 's claim in the range of

perra~17 he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of ~Ant~ program. While additional
investigation is needed, the nature and duration of the

ASF.PRIEST .1 2127


January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

.t1:lE~ent value of s claim in the range

_ Ialleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ .1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S""CciiiiiSei_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf . . _ I
_ I
continues to receive psyc a og~ca . WhiTe
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we value of claim in
the range of

perra!lt I!IIJP!
Archdiocese of
he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been partiCipating in the
ing program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ttlement value of s claim in the range
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

"tS:J:;u}.~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Shee han

Archbishop of Santa Fe


cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.

}lr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq .
. L~A/~~~
P' ~,?




is entered into this 2nd day of August, 1996, by and between

(hereinafter IIPlaintiffll) I and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

a corporation sale, (collectively, hereinafter, npartie.s lI

) in order

to bring .the matter in controversy bet\'/e en the Parties to a full

and complete settlement . . ..- -.--;..


WHEREAS, Plaint if f has made certain Claims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Bishop Robert Sanchez, and Father Arthur

J. Perrault for personal injuries arising from one or more

incidents alleged to have taken place in New Mexicoj

WHEREAS, Pl aintiff's Claims and allegations are expressed and

described in Cause No. CV-95 in the Second Judicial District

Court of the State of New Mex i co (hereinafter IILawsuit ll ) i

WHEREAS, the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archd i ocese of Santa Fe I as set out in the pleadings 1 and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and a11 - Claims, as

defined hereinbelow, which were raised , or which could have been

raised , in the Lawsuit i

NOW t THEREFORE, i n consideration of the premises, conditions

and mutual promises contained herein, the Parties agree as fo llows:







February 20, 1995

Sr. Nancy Kazik, OSF

Vice-Chancellor/Case Manager
Archdiocese of santa Fe, Inc.
4000 st. Joseph's Place, N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Re: John Does v. Roman Catbolic Cburch of the Archdiocese

of santa Fe, Inc . , et aI.

Dear Sr. Kazik:

I am writing to follow-up on Merit Bennett's request Df

February 14, 1995, regarding cDunseling for our new clients . It is
my understanding that the Archdiocese is unaware of the claims of
the five individuals about whom Mr. Bennett wrote you on February
14, 1995. This letter shall just serve to give you basic
information regarding the dates the abuse started and the priests

IIJIIIIIIII!I" was born on _

was sexually abused by Father Ar-':flur the~
when I11III
was approximately nine (9) years old in 1966.

was born on IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. His abuse

's in Santa F~se started in
approximately 1964 and occurred periodically for many years.
Several different Christian Brothers were sexually abusing l1li .
Brother AbdDn was the first Christian Brother to sexually atmSe
_ . Brother Tom McCDnnellsexually abused _ at the end of his
n~nth gr:ade year at st. Michael's. Brother Lu~s Breausau sexually
abused _ in 1972. I would like to point Dut that the
Archdiocese of . Defendant in the claims
being brought by but rather the Christian
Brothers are the

abused bv Brother
1960 _ was sexually
Christ~an Brothers. As is the case with
like to point Dut that the claims of
primarily against the Christian Brothers . is
only seen as a potential secDndary Def endant .

'UctllScd in ?I .lnd nc. 425 SANDOVA L STREET, SANTA F E, NEW M EXICO 87501 (s0S) 9~6-0269 FAX: (j05) 982-6 698
lOOi recycled P"P'"
AS F.047841


Sr. Na:nay Kazik

February 20, 1995
Page Two

_1JII!~~~~!I!~.~_l was born on _ _ He was I.

sexually abused by Father Barney Biss~al abuse
started in approximately in L974/L975.

IIIIIIIIIIIII was born on was sexually

abuse~Barney Bissonnette started in
approximately L972.

I trust that the aforementioned information will be suff icient

for the Archdiocese to make its initial determinations with respect
to providing counseling for our clients.

Please call or write if you have any questions. Thank you for
your cooperation in this matter.

cc: Paul Bardacke

AS F.047 842


ST. P IUS X HIGH SCHOOL 2 140 l,. OU 1S1A N A B L VD. N . E. P. '0. BOX 3 429 P H ONE 299- 9591

AL8UQU~RQt.iE. NEW M ~X 1CD 871110

AprU 25,1967

Dear Arc h bishop : ._\


(1) I ju st returned from th, e CY:O convention where \

I ta u ght th e G u itar Mass to a ll t h e de l egates ,; i t was \\
really inspiring. You cou l dn ' t h e l p bu't be inp'ressed \, ,

with t h e sense of the C h ri s t i a nc o,m rri unit y Ma n y p r i est s \

and spons o r s h ad n ot, sung . "
it before .a.nd ' were'
" most \ ~

a n xious to get all sorts of information .o'n differ,ent

Masses, what is good or n ot, how , to g,et started e t c.
I t h o u g ht t hat I co u 1 d ' rea 11 y be of a s ' s i s ta n ~ e t o t h e f
Archdiocese in getting stenci l s to t 'hem, a l ong wi th ,I
guitar cords for various Masses and hymns. The n I ~
wo ul d be h appy to g_ettoge th er w ith t h e group the y &
form and teach them the music. W ,ould it be pres u mptiousi'
of me to volu n tee r to head a department of liturgical I
m u s i c u n de r the 1lilt u r g i cal com in is 's i on ? ~
(2 ) Si n ce I bega n teaching a t Pius, I have bee n on 9
temporary certifica t ion pendirtggradua t e oredits. To ~
fulfill this req u irement, I wi l l b'e a counselor inth e I
" Upward Bo u nd" program at t he University of Albuq u erquE1!
this ' s u mme r . T h is was arranged b y t h e A r c h dioc 'e sa n offfce
of Eduoa t io n . It w il l provide me w i th 6 g r aduate c redi t S'
and certfi ficatio n as a Gu i dance Counse l or. I wi n ' I
co n tin u e my weeke n d services to ' Q u ee n of Heaven i
Paris h . >' I
Frater n a l ly your i n Christ,

- - - ~' , - - -ASF,FRPerrault.00202

August 1 , 196 7

The Nost Reverend John Fo Hackett

Office of the Vicar Gene ral
134 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, Conne cticut 06105
Dear Bishop Hackett:
Since March of last year, the Reverend Arthur . Perrault,
a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartmord, has been serving
as a faculty member of st. pius X High School in Albuquer-
que . \\lith the exception of one incident, he has given
satisfaction and done very good work.
Father Perrault has expressed his d esire to transfer
formallv to the Archdiocese of santa Fe. I am '''illing
to .incardinate him and ,.,ill apprec~a1:.e your assistance
in letting me ]cn01" the mind of l'xchbishop O'Brien in
this matte r.
Please give the l'xchbishop my kindest r e gards and best
with since re tha nks for your kindness$ I am,

Fraternally yours in Christ,

James P. :Davis
CG : The Reverend Arthur Perrault
150 Federal street
Bristol , Connecticut 06010

ASF .FRPerrault.00014


Dilecto Nobis in Christo ...................!l.r..t.ur.o...... .

Archidioecesis Nostrae Hartfortiensis, Salutem in Domino!

Quum Nobis constiterit te ex justis causis litteras excardinationis a Nostra Archdioecesi petiisse,

instantiis Nobis a te porrectis annuentes, tenore praesentium te ex hac No~tra Archidioecesi absolute
et in perpetuum excardinamus et excardinatum edicimw: e t dec1aramus in ~urp. finem ut/Dioecesi

............... ,......................,...............................................................................5a.n.c.t.a.a.....F..idai.....................................................................................................
Archi- Archi-
adscribi valeas, et ad Ill.mum et Rev.mum/Episcopum praedictae/Dioecesis te remittimus ad quoscum..

que juris effectus, omnem jurisdictionem quam in te habemus ad eundem transferentes servatis tamen

s~rvandis praesertim Us quae in C. I. C. praescripta sunt.

In quorum fidem has litt;eras, manu Nostra subscdptas et Cancellarii Nostri subscriptione munitas

fieri jussimus.

Datuum Hartfordiae ex Aedibus N ostris, die......B.a ......mensis ....................8. Vg ..y..t."j..................A. D .....!.2. 9.?

Archiepiscopus Hartfortiensis




Dilccto Nohls i.n Christo


Sal.utem in Domino

Cum Nobis cOllditerit te Rev. dum D. num Ar.t uro Perrault

in maior Ibu$' ol'dlllibttB constltutnm, qui hucusque Archldioecesi
Hartfort~Bi f 'LIel'a& ad;3criptus, ab illius TIlustrissimo ac Reverendissimo
Al'chiepls oopq, D. no HElll,rico J . O'Brien, iustis de c'a usis exoardinationia
litteras obtiuuiese; nee 40n eli: ptaedlcti DoInini Archleplscopi testimonio
carrom NQ1;lis sit, te legitimis osse natalibus, intagris moriblis at suffienti
praerutirtn scientia; quum praeterea tu praestlto luramento declnravel'is
vel1et~ in hac Nostra ArchidioeceEll ;;;e!XlPer manere at hulo Nostrae
Ec(:leslae iugitsr desertir", Nos mott ritudio, quo ex.ardescimus, bonum
huius EGc1esiae Nostrae aurae commissae procurandi, ts quem utilO1ll
Ecclesi'[lel1tilc Nost.r at;l pro praesentibuE; eius adiuuctia cy.lstimamus,
absol;rt(j ot in perpetuum Archldioecefl! Nostrae Sanohe Fidei in America
fiEipt9ntrion~li ad$crlbimus at adscriptu:tn ronuntiamus at deolaramus ad
norman, Can. 112, sperantes ts alaeri ;;nimo i ll futurum bono an!llli'1rUm
Inhac Nostra Archiciioecesl udluboraturum, et omnibus fideUbu8 Nostras
ourae oomL'llssifl bonum Christi odor.,m futurum.

L, quorum fidem . ..

Datum Sanctae Fidei, die 141l menals AugustU, A. D. .lB67.

Archiepisoopus Sauctaa Fidei in Amer. Sept.


:Lucian G. Hendren
CUl'Iae Gnncellarlus

ASF. FRPerrault00016



entered into this 31st d a y of March, 1994, by and between _

and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a

corporation sole (the "Archdiocese"), (hereinafter collectively

"the Parties"), in order to bring a matte r in controversy between

and among the Parties to a full and complete settlement.

The Parties to this settlement Agreement, Release and Covenant

Not to Sue ("Agreement") hereby agree as follows:

1. IIIIIIII has made a claim for physical and psychological

injuries against the Archdiocese and Father Arthur J. Perrault

("Fr. Perrault") arising out of alleged sexual abuse and/or sexual

misconduct which occurred in approximately 1967, 1968 and 1972,

primarily in and near Albuquerque, New Mex ico (hereina fte r referred

to as "the Abuse ll ) .

2. The claim involves a disputed matter and the Archdiocese,

by entering into this Agreement does not acknowledge liability or

responsibility for the claim, which liability and/or responsibility

is specifically denied.

3. In consideration of this Agreement, the Archdiocese agrees

to pay IIIIIIII the sum of , the

receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. The parties agree that

satisfies only the claims by

IIIIIIII against Releasees (as hereinafter defined) but not claims

IIIIIIII may have against the United States Air National Guard, the

AS F.057873



~ '71
-',-'-_ _ __ ~_ _ Date:~
' ~~~~ 7"7--3

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Pbone:

Insured by: _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ Policy #: _ _ _ _ __

Address of Insurance Company: , -_ _ _ _,---_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ __

Psychologistffberapist: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Leogth of time in therapy: _ _ __

Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-----------------

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ __

Incident Infonnation:

Perpetrator: -"&
d.-"'~"'=-""""d""'-<""Ps....-:1:<:L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Relationship: _ _ __ _ __

Occurred,t: I =/2/ ~-oldL~ Incident Date: t 'j. 7 /

Age at time of incident: I '7 ~ d-<' ct-z al D

ASF .057865


'\ "

R ecommendatioJJS: ~7

Interviewed by: -tfh-=-0JLf-IJ-------'----------




Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4U00 S.\L\T JOSEPII'S PL-\cE. x.\\'.
:Ulll'Ql'EHQl'E, XE\\' ~lE..,\ICO B7 120-1 709

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims ariSing from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut . At this time, the

s that he was s!"xually abused by Fr.

been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's , and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf . . . . . . . . . . . 1 continues
to receive couns e ling . ~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~1985 . . . . . . . . . . . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe'~n_ro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ...
_ continues to receive psycho ogica counseling. wh'Iie
~onal investigation is needed , given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience ims of this
type , we s e tt l ement value of claim in the
range of




January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s ciaim in the range of

1llllllllllllll1El1eaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!l!i0 ram, and as of November
on his behalf. 1111

12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
_ I continues to receive psycho og~ca counseling . While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of . 1 claim in the
range of
_ I_ I
alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra'iilt""'In ~19 7 4. . 1_ I has been partiCipating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseTing_o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf .
II1II1 continues to receive psycho og~ca counseling.
. 1
~ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of _ I's claim in the
range of '

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 70. I has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse~n ro ram, arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _I continues to

_ I_ I
_ t _I
receive psychologica counseling. While add'It'IOriaI'" investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

alleges that he was sexuallY abused by Fr.

perra'iLrt in January 1988 - December 1988. has not beEm
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alle ge d abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

.1 _I
ef this type, we estilllate the settlement value ef
claim in the ranee ef _ .
. 1_ .
_I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. has net been participating

.I_ rs
in the Archdiecese ef Santa Fe's co.unseling pregram. While
additional investigation is need e d, given the nature and duratien
ef the alleged abuse and eur experience with ether clapns of this
type, we est~ttlement value ef clailll in
the range o.f .............

_I alleges sexually abused by Fr.

perra~r 1980. has net been participating
in the Archdiocese o.f s ceuhseling pregram. While
additional investigatio.n is neede d, given the nature and duratien
ef the alleged abuse and eur experience aims o.f this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the
range o.f IIIIIIIIIII.
_I alle~t she was sexually abused by Fr .
P erra~ . 1_ I has been participating in the
Archdio.cese of Santa Fe's co.unselin
12. 1993, the Archdiec ese has paid
M P I f and as ef No.vembe
en his be half .
continues to. receive psyc 0. eg~ca1 ceunseling.
Whi le
"adc!iticmal investigatio.n is needed given the nature and duratien
of the abuse and wi o.f this
type, we value of

the range
_I alle!iles that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"U"it"""Ii. _ Ihas been participating in the

ram and as ef Novembe n
Archdio.cese o.f Santa Fe's co.uns elin!fliffe
12. 1993, the Archdiecese has paid
centinues to. receive psyc 0. o.g~ca
en his behalf.
~nal investigatien is needed, given the nature and duratien
o.f the alleged abuse and eur expe rience wi o.f this
type, we est~ttl ement value of s claim in
the range o.f .............
that he was sexually abus ed by Fr.
has net been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling pregram. While additienal investigatio.n
is given the na ture a nd duratie n of the alle ge d a buse and

AS F.PRIEST. 12126


, :':}Jt1j?(

January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of.1_~'s claim in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
. 1_ I

Archdiocese has on his behalf. continues
to receive counseling. Whi~additional
investigation s , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims, of this type, we

Santa Fe's
settlement value of s claim in the range of

that, he was sexually abused by Fr.

been participating in the Archdiocese of
, and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf. _ I
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~ ' s claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and ,
our experience of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I t he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of eling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f's
claim in the range of

perra~17 "1 t he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

tlement value of s claim in the range

_ _ _ I alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ .1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S"CoiiiiSe'i_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. llil
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counsel . WhiTe
~al inves tigation is needed, given the nature duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we es lement value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I he was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraUlt~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~tt1ement value of s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Revere nd Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.
Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq .
. L~/V~~~
~?f~~ .~,1f~(

12/21/201612:19:31 PM
James A. Noel
Latoya Grayes



JOHN DOE "64",








Plaintiff, by and through his attorneys, states as his complaint:

I. Defendant Archdiocese of Santa Fe (hereinafter "Archdiocese") is a New Mexico

corporation with its principal place of business in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New

Mexico and which operates faci lities in central and northern New Mexico, including


2. Defendant Servants ofthe ParacJete ("the Paraclete" or "Paracletes") is a Catholic

religious organization with its principal place of business in Jemez Springs, New Mexico.

3. Plaintiff was born in New Mexico in 1951 and currently resides in New Mexico.

4. Plaintiff was a victim of childhood sexual abuse while he was a minor student in

the Upward Bound program at the University of Albuquerque. He was sexually abused

by Fr. Art Perrau lt on the University of Albuquerque campus in 1968.

5. Fr. Perrault used his status as a priest to ingratiate himself with Plaintiff,

manipulating the confessional process to initiate conversation on sexual topics. Perrau lt

12/2 1/201612:19:31 PM
James A. Noel
Latoya Grayes



JOHN DOE "64",








Plaintiff, by and tlu'ough his attorneys, states as his complaint:

1. Defendant Archdiocese of Santa Fe (hereinafter "Archdiocese") is a New Mexico

corporation with its principal place of business in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New

Mexico and which operates facilities in central and northern New Mexico, including


2. Defendant Servants of the Paraclete ("the Paraclete" or "Paracletes") is a Catholic

religious organization with its principal place of bus iness in Jemez Springs, New Mexico.

3. Plaintiff was born in New Mexico in 1951 and currently resides in New Mexico.

4. Plaintiff was a victim of childhood sexual abuse while he was a minor student in

the Upward Bound program at the University of Albuquerque. He was sexually abused

by Fr. Art Perrault on the Un ivers ity of Albuquerque campus in 1968.

5. Fr. Perrault used his status as a priest to ingratiate himself with Plaintiff,

manipulating the confess ional process to initiate conversation on sexual topics. Perrault



v. D-202-CV-2014-05322




Upon oath, I state that I am providing this testimony, that it is trnthful, that I am

over the age of 18, and thalI am of sound mind and body.

I. I am a life long New Mexico resident. I was bom in Bemalillo County in


2. I was raised in a traditional Roman Catholic and Hispanic family in New


3. I was recruited as a teenager from within the Church and my Parish to

participate in the Upward Bound program, which I believe was directly

overseen by the University of Albuquerque, a Catholic University at the time

within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

4. Upward Bound was a program that reached out to bright young men deemed

to be college material, but from poor families. The program prepared young

men for college. The Upward Bound program placed teenaged boys into

dorms on the campus of the University of Albuquerque.

S. The University of Albuquerque campus is now in 2014 the St. Pius High

School, the Catholic Center, and has offices of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

6. \\Then I was first recruited to be in the Upward Bound program, I moved in

1967 into a dOlm on campus at the age of 15, where I turned 16. Some dorm

proctors, I believe around age 18-20, mentioned in passing as I settled in, to

watch out for Fr. Art Perrault while in the dorms or anywhere on campus . I

had no idea what the warning meant, as I was a small and sexually naiVe IS

year old.

7. The next summer, I returned at age 16-17. During this second sunmler in the

Catholic program, the year was 1968. One day, Fr. Perrault knocked on my

door and entered my donn room, closing the door behind him. I was sitting on

my bed reading.

8. In 1968, I believed Fr. Perrault was either a faculty member at the University

of Albuquerque, or had been assigned to work within the Upward Bound

program by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

9. I did not know at the time, but now I know from what I have read, that Fr.

Perrault had recently been treated at the Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez

Springs, N.M., for sexual problems involving boys. At the time, it was a

facility jointly operated and run by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the

Servants ofthe Paraclete. I did not know at the time the he had molested boys

back east, nor that the Archdiocese knew that he had molested boys back east

and hired him nonetheless .

10. When Fr. PelTault entered my dorm room in 1968, he sat on the edge of the

bed. He brought up the sacrament of Confession, and he told me that he was

my spiritual advisor. He wondered ifI had ever had immoral thoughts about

the girls, about their bodies, and ifI masturbated. He wondered ifI thought

sex was a sin. While quizzing me about sex and sin and masturbation, he sat

closer, and put his arm around my shoulders. Fr. Perrault then fondled me and

touched me, in a sexual way, and was fondling my private parts. His touching

me changed my life.

11. I became scared, and ran. I later found one of the RA's or 'proctors', and told

him that a priest had come into my donn room and molested me. He

recommended that I go tell the Director of the Upward Bound Program,

Musio Yslas, Jr. I did, and I reported the sexual touchings to Mr. Yslas.

12. I did not know whether to tell my dad what had happened, as he was an APD

Detective. I was afraid to come out of my room for about three days. When I

did, I was in the rec area by the gym with a female program student, playing

shuffleboard. Suddenly, Fr. Perrault burst into the gym doors and yelled,

get over here now!" It looked to all present that I was in big

trouble. Fr. Perrault took me outside and verbally lit into me, in a raised voice,

for reporting him to the program director. He said he was going to make my

life miserable for telling someone that he had molested me, and that no one

will ever believe me, and that I better never tell anyone ever again. He said he

could make me the problem, not him, because he was a priest, and that all the

priests know, and they all can do what they want.

13. I psychologically shut down at that point, and soon lost my faith completely. I

got through the summer, and went to UNM. I have since obtained mUltiple

degrees and have worked in govenunent in the Albuquerque area for nearly

forty years. I am now 62 years old, and still believe and know that my

spirituality was severely torn and ruined by Fr. Perrault.

14. Over the years, I have met many Catholics and priests involved in one way or

another in the so-called 'priest-abuse cri sis' . One day in the mid-90's, I was

in a room at the Law Offices of Bruce Pasternack as a potential client, when

Conroy Chino walked past me w ith a camera crew from a local TV station. I

watched the interview, which kept me rapt, because they mentioned by name

Fr. Art Perrault. This event shook me deeply, and I left without becoming a

client of Mr. Pasternack.

15. Since, then, I also have come to know men by name who have been lovers of

local priests in this Archdiocese over the years, and know where and when

'gay priest parties' have taken place. In recent years, I began singing in a local

parish choir. Recently, I went to confession for the fIrst time in forever,

specifIcally to tell the story of Fr. Art Perrault molesting me as a teenager in a

donn and me getting in trouble for reporting it. The current priest listened to

the story, and then told me that it was I that should do penance, not the

Church. I have not been back.

SUBSCB:JBED AND SWORN to before me on this _ _ _ day of November, 20 14, by




(hereafter "Agreement") is entered into this __ day of June, 1994,

by and between (hereinafter "Plaintiff"), and the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc" a corporation sole, (collectively,
hereinafter "Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy
between the Parties to a full and complete settlement,
WHEREAS, Plaintiff has made certain claims against the
Archdiocese, the Estate of Father Joseph Anthony Gallegos
(hereinafter "Fr, Gallegos"), Father Sabine Griego (hereinafter
"Fr. Griego") and Father Arthur Perrault (hereinafter "Fr.
Perrault") for personal injuries (physical and psychological)
arising from one or more incidents of alleged physical and sexual
abuse alleged to have taken place in approximately 1967, 1968,

1969, 1970, 1981 and 198 2, primarily in or near Albuquerque, Santa

Fe and Clayton, New Mexicoj
WHEREAS, some of Plaintiff's claims and allegations are
expressed and described in Cause No. CV-94-~ filed in the
Second Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico
captioned "John Doe v. Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe. Inc .. a New Mexico corporation and Estate of Joseph

Anthony Gallegos. deceased" (hereinafter "Lawsuit");

WHEREAS, the claims and allegations of the Lawsuit are
disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as set out in the







RR : This is Investigator Robert Romero. Today ' s date is February

4 , 1993. The time now is 1621 hours. Present is myself,
Robert Romero, and Joe Cordova, and would you please introduce
yourself? \

RR: And your wife/s name?


RR: Okay. We're here today to interview you wi th regards to what

happened in earlier years with a certain priest. Would you
mind nami ng that priest?

LM : Father Anthony Gallegos .

RR : Okay , and the location for ...

LM : There ' s more than one priest.

RR: Okay. I ' m sorry .

LM: And Father Art Perrault.

RR : Both o f them?

LM: Yeah. :. .

RR: Anymore?

LM : Urn, t here was an other one, but i t was at a later date , and it
was , u h, u h , how do I want to put i t ? I already know .. . maybe
I shoul d n' t mention the name , because I would like to protect
other children from t hi s priest if h e ' s ...

JC: Okay.

RR : Were you a juvenile at the time?

LM: No , no .

JC : That's quite alright. We'll go ahead and continue. Go ahead

ASF .045952


'; , .. \

and start with Anthony Gallegos . .. Father Gallegos.

LM: Oh, okay.

RR: You don't want him to name the third one?

JC: Sure .

LM: Father Sabine Griego.

RR : Sabine Griego?

LM: Yeah .

RR : Okay. Were you an adult at that time .. .

LM: Um-hm.

RR: . . . with Father Sabine?

LM: Um-hm.

JC : About how old were you?

LM: Let's see. I think 29 or 30, I'm not sure . It's been . ..

JC: Um-hm.

LM: Urn, my main concern was that the fact that he had come onto
me, and I just don ' t want h i m to do that to y ounger kids, and
I was able to . .. 'cause I was older , I was able to , to stop him
and put him in his place.

RR : Okay . Let's establi sh the years that these took place . The
year f or Anthony Gallegos .

LM : I bel i eve it was '68, '69 maybe .

And how old were yo~ at that time? '

LM : Uh, about 12 or 13.

RR: Okay , and urn, Arthur Perrault?

LM : It was about the same time - frame.

RR : Okay , 12 , 13. Location of occurrence?

LM: Uh , Queen of Heaven .

RR : And the sacristy where . . .


:..... ..- .



is entered into this 2nd day of ltugustl 1995, by and betyteen _ ".

,. (hereinafter IIPlaintiff II), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe l

a corporation sole i (collectively, hereinafter I II P arties II) in order

to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full

and complete settlement.


.WHEREAS , Plaintiff has made. certai.1J. , QJ,.a.~s

-~ .. - ...
-~---. the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe l Arthur Perrault, Father Biladeaux for

pers onal injuries arising from one or more incidents a ll eged to

have taken place in Nel,'l Mexico i

WHERp'...8, Pl a intif~'? Claims and allegations are expressed and

described in Cause No. CV-94 -11111 in the Second Judicial District

Court of .t he State of New Mex.ico (hereinafter 11 Lal,'lsuitII ) i

WHEREJI..5, the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as set out in the pleadings, and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims , as

defined hereillbeloi,'l, which were raised I or which could have been

raised, in the Lawsuiti

NOW/ THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises I conditions

and mutual promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows :

- l-



c.vUv- 'j '>;J'~1/... /:,."!/-

(}/rnJk 0 ltv", ("J;-";;~ o,;J; Pi
." -\-11/5
Abuser: Arthur Perault

Case settled on August 2, ~ for Iattorney was Bruce Paste~ack

Th~ occurred to from November 1968 to 1972 when Fr. Perault was
assigned to St. Charles Borromeo and St. Pius. _ claimed tha performed oral sex
and sodomy on him numerous times during those years. ).>-'
On the green sheet your comments are: 8/24/95 9pm I left a message on tape to call me
at the office no reply! Called again 3/25/96 number disconnected Need correct nnmber
or no chance to speak to him. From the notes it does not appear that yon were ever able
to speak with him.

On 2-17-96 Wayne Pribble received a very long e-mail (2 pages single spaced) from
_ .. In brief he re-told his story to Wayne. On page 2 he does state that you agreed to
schedule a time to have a cup of coffee with him, and never did, a quote from his letter, "I
just need for someone from the Church to say so1I." He goes on to say how much he is
still in pain and thinks about his abuse constantly. The couns~g has not really helped
iinElr, .fucIhe is reading more self help books to try to get on with his lite. He states
many times that he wants to m eet with someone from the church to say how they are
sorry for what happened to him.

ancl DllOn,e nnmber he has listed on the e-mail is:

Let me know if you need more information






' ATTORNEY'---.L;?il~~2-~~'=:Q~e:!d~ilL+"...&"i-~"----_ _ __ _

,/,1 jdf #d'r '/ ~42dJ~c:,JJ ~~ ft' ;~,g.d0~

W;M,) .4-+--vJa<Jr} zr }f:/d.4-d )W ~---47M a d) )'r:?~.
S/I qi}/
" "
qb' '1 P.f]
COMHENTS, j liJ~.IYl~Cl/}-~7.1 fllA '~ 4 ~ '----tJv
/,>"'1'-1 (fJJ,.

_ ~ ~Q ~( ult",I I'f~1
7/J-r,fhC ~/1~ )
~.r:J:;J . N-.d w,;:;f fN,,~I~ f'I;r~ c~ ~ ~.i f j~ "


!-M-I--Ar\pLU-'-"-"Vl""l!Li'\!""f}.J'-'--"'________ _ _
. )~



- : ,-
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
.woo S.\l:\T J OSEPH'S PLKE. :'\W.
,\LUl"Ql "EHQl'E, XEW ~lE..'\I('U 8 71 20 17{}9

AREA mDE505 831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave .
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I e njoye d our visit during the r e c e nt meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreci ated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this lette r is to provide additional
information conce rning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual mi sconduct by Fr. Perrault, who carne to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

_ that he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

Perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf . . . . . . . . . . . continues
to receive counse ling. ~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settleme nt value of _ ' s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

p erra~198 6. 11IIIIIIII has been participating in the
Arc hdiocese of Santa Fe'~n_ro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his b e half. ...
_ cont inues to receive psyc ho ogical counseling. Wh'Iie
~ona l investigation is needed, give n the n ature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of




January 3, 1994
Page 2

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ _

_ 's
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

.111111111111111 alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ . _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Pe's counseIin. o. ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf . III
_ continues to receive psycho counseling. While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature .and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with . of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of
_ _ was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraUItIii n"'72-19 74. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' , and as of

_ '5
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has on his behalf.
II1II continues to receive counseling.
~ional investigation is , given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr . Perrault
1 bee n participating in the Archdiocese
arid as of November 12, 1993, the
his b e half. 1IIIIIIII continues to

_'s _ I
caunse ing. While ad~investigati.on
, given the nature and duration of the alle ged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of
_ _I alleges that he was sexuallv abused by Fr .
Perraill"in January 1988 - December 1988. has not bee n
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is n eeded, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims

AS FPRI EST. 121 25


January 3, 1994
Page 3

of this type, we estim~te

claim in the ranae of
Perra~ 1991.
th settlement value of
a eges t at he was sexually abused by Fr.
_ '5
_ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,u nseling program . While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we est~ttlement value of" i claim in
the range of _ .

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~r 1980. 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of santa"'Fe""SCounseling program. While
additional investigation is nee ded, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type; we ~e settlement value of claim in the
range of _ .
_ alle ~ she was sexually abus e d by Fr.
perra~ . . . . . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s counselin! ! l f and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. While
rurcrrtIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our wi of this
type, we value of claim in
the range
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra'UTt""""Iii. III _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's couns elin! l0l ram
f and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to rec e ive psyc 0 og1ca counseling. WhiTe
~nal investigation is ne eded, given th~ nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type , we est~ttl ement value of s claim in
the range of _ .

_ ~ lleges that he wa s sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is neede d, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

ASF.PR IEST, 12126


January 3, 1994
Page 4

settlement value of. _" s

our experience with other claims of this type, we
claim in the range of

LLeqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 6-1 7. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse . n ro
. ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
_ Icontin'ues

_ 's
Archdiocese has paid ,on his behalf.
to receive psycho og~ca counseling. Whirr-additional
investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims. of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra' been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's nr'oo'ra , and as' of November 12. 1993, the

_ "s
Archdiocese has on his behalf. _ _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additiona l
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa eling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience of this type, we estimate the
settlement value s claim in the range of _ .

, _ alleaes that he , was sexually abused by Fr.


_ ."s
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement valuE;! of claim in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ _ allaa.as_ tn.a.t he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ . _ has been participating in the
Archdioces"e of Santa Fefs-couiiSe.L_On ro r and as of November
12.1gB, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. . _
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og1ca c . White
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we estimate the settlement value of
the range of _ .

__ he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~t ~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S counseling program . While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type , we
est~ttlement value of ;16 claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close Off any p ossible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Conne cticut . Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Conne cticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

<1S::15:u}Jt:t~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe


CCl Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P . Re ynolds, Es q.
Luis G. Ste l zne r , Esq .

I'. ~?lt~?1i..J.1


AUG 121998



entered into tbi~day of July, 1998, by and betwe,:n (hereinafter

"Plaintiff"), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc. a corporation sale, (collectively,

hereinafter, "Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full

and complete settlement.


WHEREAS; Plaintiff has made certain claims against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Inc. and Father Arthur Perrault for personal injuries arising from one or more incidents of

alleged sexual contact with Father Perrault alleged to have taken place in New Mexico from

approxinlately 1967 to 1969;

WHEREAS, the claims are disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc. and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defined herein below, which were

raised, or which could have been raised;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual

promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions

1.01 As used herein, "Plaintiff" shall include:

A. _ _ personally and individually, and his heirs,

successors, assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an

intimate relationship with Plaintiff, affiliated business entities, trustees, partners, insurers,

guarantors, creditors, employees, agents, attorneys, and other representatives, executors,

administrators, personal representatives, heirs-at-law, legatees, and all other persons claiming






May 15, 1998

Arthur O. Beach, Esq.

Keleher & McLeod
Post Office Drawer AA
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103

Re: _ v. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, et aL

Mr. Beach:

As you have now completed your investigation of our client's

claims and damages in the above-entitled case and are aware of
the overwhelming evidence of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's
negligence that we have accumulated to date, our client,
. . . . . . , has authorized us to make a demand for settlement in l~eu
~ing a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

Pft!l - is the -
annual confe rence of the Uni
for the
Al uquerque, New Mexico, is' married and has two childr'e n.
As you know, this is a case involving sexual molestation of
. . . . . . . by Father Arthur Perrault while Father Perrault was
assi~o Saint pius High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

As you also know" this abuse occurred in February or March

of 1969 while . _ was a senior at Saint pius High School
and consisted of masturbation and oral sex
_ h a s felt guilty and personally responsible for
the sexual encounter with Father Perrault ever since and was
unaware until recently that the incident was a of
sexual abuse by an inveterate predator which to '
suffer harm throughout his life. As you know, is
suffering from depression, has a severe pornography and
is confused about his sexual identity to the detriment of his
marital and family relationships.

Based upon vocational evaluations a nd economic loss

valuations we have commissioned on behalf of other clients who
have been victims of clergy sexual abuse, it is clear ' that the
d a ma ge to a life is insidious and perva sive and will be valued by
a New Mexico jury well in excess of Redacted See enclosed
report of William E. Foote, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist .

425 SANDOVAL STREET. SANTA Fe, NEW M EX!CO 8750[ (505) 986-0 269 FAX; (505) 98 2-6698
100% n:cydcd p>pc:r
AS F,03 1771


Arthur o. Bea ch, ;sq.

Ma y 15, 1998
Page 2

In order to f a cilitate the immedi at e resolution of . 1

I111111l sclaims aga inst the Archdiocese of santa Fe without
havlng to file a public lawsuit, 1111 liliiii1 is willing to
substantially discount the value of his clalms and will ,accept
the sum of Redacted for a full and complete releas e of the
Archdiocese of santa Fe against any further liability.
Please "advise us how we are to proceed.
Thank you again for your




'. I




~ ) ~~r~~


August 22, 1969

Reverend Arthur J. Perrault

76187 EUc1:i.d, N.'E. ,
Albuquerque. Net'!' N~ico 87108
Dear Father Perrault:
I am pleased to grant permission for you to apply for a
commisSion as Chaplain' in the NevT !-1exico Air National
Gua'r d.

It, is ul1derstoodthat yOCir services to the ,Ai r National

Guard \\Till , not interfere \\li th your duties at at. P ius X '
High s9hooi. '

Sincerely yours in Christo

James P. Davis

ASF, FRPerraull.00061

c c


entered into this2J,D! day ofMa;ch, 2005, by and between (hereinafter

"Claimant"), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Inc. a corporation sole, (collectively, hereinafter,

"Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and complete



WHEREAS, Claimant has made certain claims against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Inc., Father John Esquibel, Father Arthur Perrault, Father Paul Rodriquez and Father Sabine

Griego, and others for damages for personal injuries arising from one or more incidents of

alleged sexual contact with Father John Esquibel, Father Arthur Perrault, Father Paul

Rodriquez and Father Sabine Griego and po,"ibly others, alleged to have taken place in New

Mexico in approximately 1969 and 1970;

WHEREAS, the claims of sexual contact are disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Inc.; however the Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defllled

hereinbelow, which were raised, or which could have been raised by Claimant;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual promises

contained herein, the Parties agree as follows :

1. Definitions

1.01 As used herein, "Claimant" sball include:

A. , personally and individually, and his beirs, successors,

assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an intimate

relationship with Claimant, affiliated business entities, trustees, partners, insurers, guarantors,





is entered into thiS~ of January , 1994 , by and between

~II ~r(hereinafter II Plaintiff If) I and the Archdiocese of Santa

Fe, a corporation sale, (collectively I hereinafter r "Parties II) in

order to bri ng the matter in controversy between the Parties to a

fu l l and complete settlement .


WHEREAS , Plaintiff has made certain claL~s against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Father Arthur J . Perrault for personal

injuries arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken

place from 1969 to 1971 i n Albuquerque , New Mexico ;

WHEREAS , Plaintiff s claims and allegations are expressed and


described in Cause No. CV-92- in the Second Judicial District

Court of the State of New Mexi c o (hereinafter "Lawsuit lf ) ;

WHEREAS , the al l egations of the La,.suit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as set out i n the pleadings , and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims , as

defined hereinbelow, which were raised, or which could have been

raised , in the La't'lSuit i

NOW, THBREFORE ,~ in consideration of the premises, condit i ons

and mut ual promises contai ned herein , the Parties agree as follows :

- ~-


AS F.049S1S




ATTORNEY: -L6t:~~~::.-



::..'CJ'If-J"'0_4<--________ ____
COMMENTS: ~ ,,-,,-l~~j
"if", J L
V-e..;:) <>.v-:EJj",./ le-<r.Xl . ,J:w--Ll""
U' I I~
,{\A1":"J~ ~LA
v ..
"" '~'" G, J) , . &qEd ~) rA.N" ;;u/,+j~ rt )""A ~I ;",L ,

ARCHBI SHOP SIGNITURE: _i--'--"~'-.2n.Lu~

..>=,v<""J""'I\-",~"~""j----'G'-'I'-'. a., -'. L~ILo~;6,--_____

AS F.049516


, ,
, ;

CORDOVA: Today ' 5 August 31st, 1992 . I t's approximately

12 : 20 in the [noon. I ' m here to interview
fIlr. _ Nr . are you aillare
you're-bei ecoraea?

_I: Yes.

CORDOVA: Do I have your permissiqn to record you sir?

Yes you do , prov i ded it ' s conf i dential and the

information isn ' t released i'lithout my okay.

CORDOVA: Okay. Uh, li ke I said, let ' s go ahead and start

20 years ago. You ...

Approximately 20 years ago I was on the st. Pius

School ' Board. Uh', and I had children at St.
Piu s. In fact, I ' ve had six children graduate
from there. So I ' ve been verY I very deeply
involved " wi th that schooi . Uh, si nce on the
school board I was pretty well known as one who
uh, was out in the open and would take causes to
who~ver the cause needed to be taken to. I got a
phone call one night from a , a gentleman. Sh ou l d
I mention his name?

CORDOVA : Yes you can.

And 'he uh , told me he had got
a bomb shell news about a teacher at St . pius .

CORDOVA: Excuse me , let ' s go off the record for a second.

We're back on the record , go ahead.

He said it's something that uh , we needed to talk

about in person. And uh , I don ' t think he ,.,as on
' the school board at that point, although he ;,as
la t er on . And he as ked me to g et a couple of
other school board members that \ere
trustworthy , to uh, meet wi t h him and he wou l d
exp l ain this bomb shell situation. So I ca l led
two c l ose fr i ends on the school board , . _
, who is a very
close friend of uh,
he's still myse l f
and _ met at the
( Inaudible) ll ow i ng ni ght .

ASF, FR Perrault. 00624



That's the place we used to go to after school

board meetings a lot. And he then told us that
he had information regarding Father Perault that
he was a "practicing homosexual, 'I Well, this
certainly was a bomb shell. Father Perault was
head of Theology. Led the choir. Was a very,
very open and uh, well recognized leader at St.
pius High School. Uh, rather than just accept
his information, because after all, what he knew
was hearsay -from a couple of other people. Uh ,
we decided to uh, ascertain the ~eracity of that
uh, al.legation. So uh, . took i t upon himself
to call nm1, Archbishop Sanchez , who \,las, \',as in
Mosqueto at the He \1aS pastor up at a
church uP good friend of the
Archbishop. s gonna call Father
Don Barsak who \1aS a r at St. Pius. And
then . I was gonna call Father Frank Edgar who has
been a IOz:!.g long time friend of our family _. And
so we decided that we would make our phone calls
and as soon as we'd all made them we would then
get together agatn a nd uh, give our findings.
Everyone of th~ three people then immediately
acknowledged that they knew about Father Perault
and his problem. In fact, Father Edgar, I
remembered " when I called" him uh, up in santa Fe ,
he was Director of the Seminary at the time. Uh,
made sure that we were not being listened to by
anybody else . And I just asked him point blank,
" Father, is Father Perault a practicing
homosexual?" And uh, his exact respo nse , "Oh my
God, yes, yes, yes." Uh, Archl:;lishop Sanchez
confirmed what Father Barsak , there was no
question about it . So we were certain that this
was the case. We th e n went to, I'm not sure in
what order this was. But I think Father Scott
was probably the first one . He was principal at
st. pius. And he refused to even listen to us.
Said he just wouldn't discuss it with us .

CORDOVA: Okay, what year Vias this?

Wel l , ab out 20 years ago . I ' d say uh . . . .

CORDOVA: So '72?

About, right around in there , give or . take a

couple of years.

AS F. FRPerrault. 00625


So our, our next step was , by the way we then
agreed we would keep this quiet . That 0e didn't
want to hurt Father Perault or anybody else. We
just wanted him out of st. Pius , away from our
kids . priests are getting transferred a l l t h e
time without no apparent reas6n known to other
people . So \'le agreed we \-lOuld not tell anybody
v,hat \o]e knew. Uh , but that uh, \'1e just, . "'QuId
~et t6 the Archbishop and try to get rid of him .
CORDOVA: Let, let ' s stop right there j ust for a second, if
you will.
CORDOVA: What was Archbishop (Inaudible) at the time?
KOLLER: Well uh , alright, I ' ll , I ' ll come to that in just
a minute.
But we went to Father Paul Baca, vlho ' s a pastor
at, we ll, he was at Queen of Heaven at the time.

And Father Perault was a residence at Queen of
Heaven at the time, I believe .

CORDOVA: Hmm hmm .

Or maybe that \',as later. He may have been a

reside-nee at the Bacillian House, I don ' t th i nk .
I think he was at Queen of Heaven. Anyway , we
went to him because he was head of the priest

CORDOVA: Hmm hmm .

We wanted to go through the channels , to the

Arc hb.i shop . And he knew a ll about i t . And he
agreed that he would help get us to the


AS F. FRPerrault. 00626

Then we also went to Father Hendron who was uh,

Chancellor at the time . Because this was
supposedly the chain of command ,.,.e \'lere supposed
to follow. He agreed to help us get a, an
appointment with the Archbishop. So , shortly
after that we in fact did have an appointment
:\\1'i th Archbishop Davis. And the four of us met
with him there may have heen another one, Dr.
I retired dentist . I'm not sure if
he or not. He was on th.e (Inaudible)
of th is thing. So we went to Archbishop Davis
and, and he immediately acknow l edge this problem
and said he had put him under psychiatric care.
But that uh, Father Perault had himself
voluntarily , re.moved himself from the pyschiatric
care .

CORDOVA : Hmm hrom.

He said that uh , \',e must void publicity at all

costs. And he ~aid he would re~ove him from St.
) Pius. Some time went on after that. And uh"
some'i;,rhere ala,n g the line uh , a fello\1 named.
who just died a few months ago, I was a t his
funeral too. He had kids graduate from Pius.
And how he found out about it I don't know. But
he contact,e d uh , either me o r ., or _ .
Wanted to talk to us . And he said that one of
h is sons , he had several sons . I ' m riot totally
sure of the . name. I t could be _ ' but I
wou ldn't swear to it. It's one of his sons that
was at Pius had ' been involved with Father
perault. To "hal; degree I can ' t recall after 20
years, but that he was a recipi~nt of his uhf

CORDOVA: Was it during the time when he, was a student or

there, thereafter?

When he "as a student.

CORDOVA: Okay, 'Vlhen he \1aS a .. .


CORDOVA: , .. okay .



And uh, they had found out about it. I ' m not
even sure to this day if, if the mom knew about
it. I koO\'l the dad did. In those d'a ys, you
knm'l, it's something you didn't talk about . And
he said the son in fact uh, was so messed up that
he had been thinking about suicide. And uh, _
had gone to the Archbishop on this and the
Archbishop said, "Look, we 'll take care of it but
we can't have any publicity. We must be
Christian about this. II And. emphasized that
in order to be really Christian he would leave it
at the hands of the Archbishop and, and not
bring, he was gonna bring an action of sodomy uh,
against him.
COROOVA : Okay , how old, can you, more or less know how old
WaS lIIII ' at the time? Was he ...

If, there are about , at
least iliililililllIIiIiIiIiIiI
I thi nk i t was He 'tlQuld h ave been in my
son ' s 's class . So , gees, he'd be about 40
years old now.

I think, roughly. And uh, so, uh, apparent ly ,

that may be when the Archbishop put Father
Perault under psychiatric treatment. There may
have been other cases , I don't know. But u~;
time went by and nothing happened. In the
meantime, one day, I don ' t know how much of this
is extra~eous but ' I'm telling you what i told
Father Wolfe. Uh, one day I got a call from uh,
someone over 'at the school. I can ' t remember who
it wa.s . Someone 'on the faculty that , that ",ord
had g6tten out ' that uh, Fa~her Perault
(Inaudible) in class. That there'S a home and
school ' to night and I you students to go
to ask
and they , went to see the
A ) because I thought ,
my God he, why take a chance on saying
that . He, unl~ss he knew we would never spill
the beans on him .

ASF, FRPerrault.00628


uh, so
I right away, I called Father Scott and
s~id, "Fathe r, tonight is home and sch601.'' In
those days ' parents came out of the woodwork and
there were all kinds of students and I m&an it
filled up the cafeteria at Pius.
COROOVA: Hmm hmm.

Big, big meetings . I said , "Father, ! understand

that this is uh, gonna happen tonight. So I just
want you to know about it and , and , don't tell
them that you know why we \vent . there. II
CORDDVA : Hrnm hmm.

Okay . was uh , a Realtor. He

head 0 us school board. I called
He knew nothing about th is. I met with
restaurant, spent almost all afternoon that day
with him. I said, n for God sakes , don't
tell them. They ' re gonna ask you and Father
Scott maybe and us, why did ,,,e go to the
I) Archbishop. I'm telling you why. Don't tell
them why. We ' re not gonna . " Okay . That night
some girl got up and cussed me out and every
6ther darn thing .
CORDOVA : A student?

Yeah, a student. And demanded to know why I went

to the Archbishop.

CORDOVA: Hrnm hmm.

Well first they r Scott. He didn't

knqw . . They asked and he had no idea I
knew nothing abo d them to , by the
vlay , to say ",hen, if someone asked them , "Well,
yes. we do know but uh, it's for a CJood purpose
for the go.od of . the school but ""e can ' t say ""hy.1!
But they didn ' t say that, they said, they knew
nothing . So they called upon me for, this girl,
(Inaudible) case . Real~y kind of v~cious. I
said l ook , "You students and rents, if you knew
vlhy, you'd be behind I ' t tell you,
it's confidential. H stood up and
said the . same thing _ , but we
wouldn ' t te ll them. Afterward this, gal came up
) and cussed at me and swore at me and every other
darn thing.

ASF .FRPerrauIL00629


CORDOVA: Do you recall who, what h e r name \.,ras?


I think I may know, but I don't want, I just
don't know. I, I can ' t, too long "ago . Those are
the days of , you know, like the vietnam War and
everything. And kfds were , you know how . things
were then. Anyway uh, boy then the ltlord got
around somehow and uh, got to where our, our name
was mud. thad uh , a couple of priests ' call me .
I, I think I knew who they were but I ,.,on ' t 'say
because I " I can't be sure of their identity.
But I'm pretty sure they were priests.

CORDOVA: If you knew would you tell me? If you knew?

If I knew I would.

': But I can ' t be sure so I don/t want to say.

Cuss"ed me out uh l something a wful. God! It. was
terrible. I mean, this was really a , a horrible
t~me. And uh ., but I , I'd never talked t.o Father
Perault about it. I might mention this. When
uh f when we got together after being sure that he
was do i ng these things. Father Edgar met wi th us
a couple of times . And uh f I told him ',.,hat I
w~nted to do. I said , II Father , I want ~o go with
orie witriess to Fath~r Per?ult in private and ~ay ,
Father , I knm'l your problem. I'm sorry about it."
Don ' t want to hurt you. Leave pius. Get out of
Pius . II Father Edgar said , IINo , John , don ' t do
that because if .you do , before you leave the r e ,
he' l l have you as a homo to discredit you .

CORDOVA: Can 'I'Ie stop just, (Inaudible) for just a ~econd .

Yeah .


AS F. FRPerra ult.00630


CORDOVA: Uh, . how, how did you find out about Father
Perault's problem? Because you , because, do'you
know anything personally or did someone come to
you other than Nr. and ...
Uh , well , this III III did .
CORDOVA: _ . okay.

.: About his son and one other party?

CORDOVA: Okay . But do they , are they parishione(s of


4: No. But the DIll' s were. But they Ii ve in

Silver City now.--... died .
Six months ago. And his wife I ' m not sure
if she even knew about this. I 'm not tota ll y
CORDOVA: Hmm hrom.
But the dad , well I ' ll come to this in a mi nute
here .

CORDOVA: Okay , go ahead.

But, uh, it ' s because of w h a t . said ,
because of our calling Father Edgar, the
'shop a nd Father Don Bar?ack and t h en III
coming to us tel~ing us about his son. You
, I mean we kne\', that he l:~as doing this .

CORDOVA: ~ntm hmm.

We heard other rumors too . I .don ' t kn9w if I ' Ll
go into that cause they were j ust rumors.
CORDOVA: No , I, I want facts .
Okay. Uh, then let me see uh . Time went on ,
nothing happened.
And uh , then one day I go t a
call trom Marylou Scott . She was the secretary
to Archb i shop Davis and then the sebretary to
) Archbisho~ Sanchez, and she retired about two
years ago.



CORDOVA: Hmm,hmm.

And uh, she said , " The Archbishop wants to see

you next Sunday over at Idlewilde , " where I th i nk
the Archbishop sti l l lives there doesn't he,

Idle , Idlewilde Lane?


Yeah , when Archbishop Davis lived there before

him . !'Wants to see you there , 'l just me . Well, I
told uh , by this time III III was kind of i n the
group beq;tUse of hi s son. I said, !l Bcy , I got to
go over there and see the Archbishop. Wonder
~hy .'1 So uh , these guys and t6eir wives ca~e
over to our' house and sat there , including my
wife, and waited for me to return. Wondering
what has happened . As soon as I get in there,
there was, I th i nk Father Scott and there was
maybe a Dr . , about four of us and he gave us a
drink and then , then he said, " _ , I \vant you
I ) to knm., that uh , I ' m not gonna remove Fa the ["
Perau lt from Pius . 1I And I said , IIWhy?1I He said ,
(Inaud i ble), . li lt ' s under control and i t ' s our
problem. Not yours. No,,", I just, \'le' 11 handle
it. II

CORDOVA: H~m hmm .

I tr i ed to persuade him to do something different
li ke r emove h im . I said, " You, but you promised
you would." He sald , "Well , no , we're gonna
hand l e . this in our way . " He never d~d explain
\vh at his \vay ,.,as . But he was gonna l eave hi m
there . So uh , tr i ggered wi th the informa t ion
that I!!III" gave me, before I \'lent over t~ere
_ to l d me, he said, ". ' if per chance
the Archbishop says h e t s go nna le a ve him there,
Y9u tell h i m this for me. Tell h i m, I I I am know

saying , 1_
gOl1na bring a sodomy suit." And r remember
you \,lOu l dn' t do that. tJ And he
s~id , " I do n' t know , I th i nk maybe I would. " And
so ,after the 'Archbishop told me that I as ked him,
I . said, "Archbish op Davis , can I see you alone
afte r (Inaud i ble) leave? It He ~aid , nOkay . II They
l~ft and I said , pardon me, I didn ' t ment i on t h e
name. _

ASF.FRPerrau lt.00632


I just said , I tA certain party who's son has been

molested told me he's gonna bring a sodomy suit. 1I

and said , n_,

And uh, I remember to this day what , Archbishop
Davis did . He put h i s right arm on my shoulder
we can't have that. I ' ll honor
my commitment ." He did t three days l ater Father
Perault was gone. That's hOi" he "las gone.

CORDOVA: Do you know where he was sent to?

U ofA. He went to u of A from there. Then he

went to Guadalupe.

CORDOVA: Okay in, in ~hat capacity?

I'm not sure exactly what he was doing at U of "A .

A counselor or a uh, teacher. I'm not really,
Theology teacher, I'm not totally sure .

CORDOVA : He was a 11m-led to be around kids again

Yeah. Yeah. That's where he went right straight
from, to there . Another incentive. uh ...

CORDOVA: Hold on, you jus t said something important here.

Then you said h e went to our Lady of Guadalupe

Hmm hmm.


~~ah , he did . And uh , he was also in residence

at uh , sometime . during this period at Quee n of
Heaven with Father B~ca. And Father Baca kind of
removed him from the residence there. Uh,
allegedly I think because maybe this was
happening. I , I don' t know . But another
inc~ntive as to why I knew he riad to. go is
fr om

my wi f e 's uh , sister married ~ fellow
, named (Inaudible)
had severa l children.
then , their son

~~. .~. . , go to school . We

come and stay with us during his senior year.

Now a l though he's not a Catholic, he went to St.

pius for his se nior year . Uh , you know , there
were conversat i ons on the phone and stuff .



The Catholic Center
4000 St. Joseph's Place N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87120-1709
Pbone (505) 831-8100

PERSONAL Born: March 20, 1934

Parents: Julius C. Sanchez
Priscilla Fortune Sanchez
Brothers: Julius E . Sanchez
Rozier E. Sanchez

E lementary: Mt. Carmel School, Socorro, New Mexico
Secondary: Socorro High School, Socorro, New Mexico
Saint Mary's High School, Phoenix, Arizona
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Santa Fe, New Mexico

COLLEGE Saint Michael's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico (1952 - 1954)
Gregorian University, Rome, Italy (1954 - 1960)
Catholic University, Washington, D.C. (19 61 - 1962)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1963 . 1964)

DEGREES Bachelor of Philosophy ... . . Gregorian University (1956)

Licentiate of Theology ..... Gregorian University (1960)
Teaching Certificate ... . .. University of New Mexico (1964)

Ordained a Roman Catholic priest - December 20, 1959
Associate Annunciation Parish, Alb., NM - (1960 . 1961)
Teacher and Counselor, St. Pius X High School, Alb., NM (1960 - 1961; 1962 - 1968)
Pastor, St. Joseph's, Mosquero, NM (1968 - 1971)
Pastor, San Felipe, Alb., NM (1971 . 1974)
Ordained the tenth Archbishop of Santa Fe - July 25, 1974


Committees of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops:

a.) Ad Hov Committee for Hispanic Affairs (1974 - 1990)
Chairman, 19771987
b.) Communications Corruruttee (1974 - 1977)
c.) Social Development and World Peace (1974 - 1977)
d.) Catholic Relief Services (1974 - 1976)
e.) Ad Hoc Committee for the Family (1977 - 1980)
f.) American Board of Catholic Missions (1977 -1986)
ChIDrman (1983 - 1986)
g.) North American College (1983 - 1986)
h.) Evangelization (1987 - 1990)
L) Economic Concerns of the Holy See (1988 - present)
Board of Directors, Mexican American Cultural Center, San Antonio, TX (1976 - 1987)
Chairman, 1977-1987
Pontifical Corrurussion for Migration of Peoples


i ,


Today's August 31st, 1992 . It's approximately
12:20 in the afternoon. I'm here to intervievl
Nr. !II!!
you're eing recorded?
Hr . are you aware

Yes .

CORDOVA: Do I have your permissiqn to record you sir?

Yes you do, provided it's confidential and the

informa tion i sn' t released '\Ii thout my okay .

CORDOVA: Okay. Uh, like I said , let~s go ahead and start

20 years ago. You ...

Approximately 20 years ago I vlas on the st. pius

School Board. Uh, and I had children at st .
Pius . In fact, I ' ve had six children graduate
from th~re. So I ' ve been very , very deeply
involved with that school . Uh, since on the
school board I was pretty well known as one who
uh, was out in the open and would take causes to
who~ver the cause needed to be taken to. I got a
phone c.all one night from a , a gentleman. Should
! mention his name?

CORDOVA : Yes you can.

Named And he uh, told me he had got

a bomb about a teacher at st. pius .

CORDOVA : Excuse me , let's go off the record for a second.

We're back on the record, go ahead.

He sa id i t's something that uh, we needed to talk

about in person . And uh, I don't think he was on
the school board at that point, although he was
later on . And he asked me to get a couple of

other schoo l board members that were
trust\'lorthy , to uh, meet with him and he Vlould
explain th is bomb shell situation. So I called
t\,lO close fr i ends on the school board, .
_, who is now de very
'Ci'O""S'e'friend of mine and uh,
he's still alive. And myself
and _ , at the
(InaudTbie) I think ng night .

ASF. FRPerrault.00624


That's the place we used to go to after school

board meetings a lot. And he then told us that
he had information regarding Fa~her Perault that
he was a "practicing homosexual. I. Well, this
certainly was a bomb shell . Father Perault was
head of Theology. Led the choir. Was a very ,
very open and uh, well recognized leader at st.
Pius High School. Uh, rathe.r than just accept

his information, because after all, what he knew
was hearsay -from a couple of other people. Uh,
we decided to uh, asc~rtain the veracity of that
uh, al.legation. So uh , took it upon himself
to call now , Archbishop Sanchez, who was , '!,"las in
Hosqueto at the time. He "as pastor up at a
church UP there. good friend of the
Archbishop . call Father
Don Barsak who was a eacher at st. Pius. And
then. I was gonna cal l Father Frank Edgar who has
been a long long time friend of our family .. And
so we decided that we would make oUr phone calls
and as soon as we'd all made them we would then
get together again and uhf give our findings .
Everyone of the thr~e people then immediately
ackno"ledged that they knew about Father Perault
and his problem. In fact, Father Edgar , I
remembered when I called him uh , up in Santa Fe,
he was Director of the Seminary at the time. Uh,
made sure that we were not being listened to by
anybody else. And I just asked him point blank,
I'F ather , is Father Perault a practicing
homosexual? II And uh , his exact response, 1I0h my
God, yes, yes, yes. 11 Uh, Archbishop Sanchez
confirmed what Father Barsak , there was no
question about it. So we were certa i n that this
was the case. We then went to, I'm not sure in
what order this was. But I think Fa~her Scott
was probably the first one . He "as principa l at
st. Pius. And he refused to even listen to us.
' Said he just wouldn't discuss it with us.

CORDOVA: Okay, what year "'las this?

Well, about 20 years ago. I ' d say uh . .'..

CORDOVA : So ' 72?

About, right around in there, give or . take a

couple of years .

ASF .FRPerrault.00625



So our, our next step \'laS , by the "laY we then

agreed we would keep this quiet. That we didn't
want to hurt Father Perault or anybody else . We
just wanted him out of st. Pius, away from our
kids. priests are getting transferred all the
time without no apparent reaso n knO\vn to other
people. So we agreed we would not tell anybody
what we knew . Uh, but t hat uh , we j ust, wou l d
get t6 the Archbishop and try to get rid of him.


Let, let's stop r i ght there just for a second, if
you "ill.


What was Archbishop (Inaudible) at the time?

KOLLER: well uhf alright, I'll, I'll come to that in just

a minute .

But we went to Father paul Baca, \,-lho ' s a pastor

at, we l l; he was at Queen of Heaven at the time .
CORDOVA : Right.

And Father Perault was a residence at Queen of

Heaven at the time, I believe.

CORDOVA: Hrnm hmm.

Or maybe that was later. He may have been a

residerice at the Bacillian House, I don ' t th i nk .
I think he was at Queen of Heaven. Anyway , \ie
went to him because he was head of the priest

CORDOVA: Hmm hrnm.

We wanted to go through the channels, to tlJe

Archbi shop. And he knew all about it. And he
agreed that he would help get us to the
Archbishop .


ASF. FRPerrault.00626

Then we also went to Father Hendron who was uh,

Chancellor at the time. Because this was
supposedly the chain of _c ommand we \',ere supposed
to follow . He agreed to help us get a , an
appointment with t he Archbishop. So, shortly
after that we in fact did have an appointment
with Archbishop Davis. And the four of us met
wi th him and there may have been another one, Dr .
_ , retired dentist. I'm not sure if
he \,a~ o r not. He was on th.e (Inaudible)
of this thing. So '1e ",ent to Archbishop Davis
and, and he immediately ackno>11edge this problem
and said he had put h[m under psychiatric care.
But that uh , Father Perault had himself
voluntarily, re,m oved himself from the pyschiatric
care .

CORDOVA : Hmm hmm.

He said that uh, we must void publicity at all

costs. And he said he would re~ove him from st .
) pius. Some time went on after that. And uh,
some\:,here alo.n g th e line uh a e110\'1 named.

_ who just died a few months ago, I was at his

funeral too. He had kids graduate from Pius.
And hmv he found out about it I don ' t know. Bu t
he contact~d u h f either me or _ l or _ .
wanted to talk to us. And he said that one of
his sons, he had several sons. I'm ~ot totally
sure of the name. It could be _ , but I
wouldn't swear to i t . It's one of his sons that
''las at Pius had been involved with Father
perault . To >1ha~ degree I can ' t recall after 20
years, but that he . was a recipi~nt of his uh,

CORDOVA: Was it during the time when he. was a student or

there , thereafter?

When he was a student.

CORDOVA : Okay, when he 'tlas a .. .

Yeah .

CORDOVA : ... . okay .

ASF. FRPerrault.O0627


And uh , they had found out about it. I'm not

even sure to this day if, if the mom knew about
it. I know the dad did. In those d~ys, you
know, it's something you didn't talk about. And
he said the son in fact uh, was so messed up that
he had been thinking ahout suicide . . And uh, _
had gone to the Archbishop on this and the
Archbishop said, C1Look, we'll take care of it but
\,e can ' t have any publicity. We must be
Christian about this. II A n d . emphasized that
in order to be really Christian he would leave it
at the hands of the Archbishop and, and not
bring, he was gonoa bring an action of sodomy uh,
against him.
CORDOVA: Okay , how old, can you, more or less know how old
was _ . at the time? Was he ...

If , if i are about, at
least I I

He would have been in my
So , gees, he'd be about 40


I think, rougply . And uh , so , uh, apparently

that may be when the Archbishop put ~ather
Perault under psychiatric treatment. There may
have been other cases, I don't know. But u~,
time went by and nothing happened. In the
meantime, one day, I don't know hmv much of this
is extraneous but I'm telling you ""hat I told
Father Wolfe. Uh, one day I got a call from uh,
someone over -at the school. I can't remember who
it wa_s. Someone on the faculty that, that word
had gotten out that uh, Father Perault
(Inaudible) in class. That there ' s a home and
schopl tonight and I want you
to the home and school and ask
and I and I why they
Archbishop. This (Inaudible) because I thought,
my God he, why would he take a chance on saying
that. He, unl~ss he knew we would never spill
the beans on him.



uh, so
I right away, I called Father Scott and
s~id, I' Father, tonight is home and sch~ol." In
those days parents came out of the woodwork and
there were all kinds of students and I mean it
filled up the cafeteria at Pius.
CORDOVA: Hmm hmm.

Big, big meetings. I said, 1'Father! I understand

that this is uh, gonna happen tonight. So I just
want you tp knelt' about it and, and don't tell
them that you know why ''Ie went there. II
CORDOVA: Hmm hmm.

Okay. ''las uh I a Real tor. He was uh,

head of us the school board. I called
He knew nothing about this. I "met with him at a
restaurant, spent afternoon that day
with him. I said, for God sakes, d"o n't
tell them. They're ask you and Father
Scott maybe and us, why did we go to the
Archbishop. I'm telling you why. Don't tell
them why. We're not gonna. 1I Okay. That night
some girl got up and cussed me out and every
other darn thing.
CORDOVA: A student?

Yeah, a student. And demanded to know why I went

to the Archbishop.

CORDOVA: Hmm hmm.

Well first they asked Father Scott. He didn't

knqvv. They asked and he had no idea,
knew nothing about it. I asked the~ to, by the
way, to say when, if someone asked them, "Well,
yes. t,'le do know but uh, it's for a good purpose
for the go.od of . the school but we can't say vlhy."
But they didn't say that, they said, they knew
nothing. So they called upon me for, this girl,
(Inaudible) case. Really kind of vicious. I
said look, '!You students and rents, if you knew
why, you'd be behi an't tell you,
it's confidential." up and
said the same thing but we
wouldn't tell them. came up
and cussed at me and swore at me and every other
darn thing.

AS F. FRPerrault. 00629



CORDOVA: Do you recall who, what her name was?


I think I may know, but I don ' t want , I just

don ' t know . I 't I can ' t, too long ago. Those are
the days of , you know , like the vietnam War and
everything . And kfds ,.,rere, you know how things
were then . Any'ltlay uh, boy then the ''lord got
around somehm. , and uh , got to where our, our name
was mud. I had uh , a couple of priests ' call me~
II I think I knew who they were but I won't 'say
because I" I can ' t be sure of their identity.
But I ' m pretty sure they were priests .

CORDOVA: I f you knew ,;ould you tell me? If you knew?

If I kne\" I would.

CORDOVA: Okay . .

But I can ' t be sure so I don't want to say.


Cuss'ed me out uh, something awful. God! It. was

terrible. I ~ean , th i s was really a, a horrible
time. And u h ., but I, " I ' d never talked to Father
P~rault about it. I might me n t i on thie . Wh en
uh , when we got together after being sure that he
" "ltlaS doing these things. Father Edgar met "ltli th us
a coup l e of times. And uh , I told him T,1hat I
wanted to do. I said , "Father, I "want -to go wi th
orie witriess to Fath~r per~ult in private and ~ay ,
Father , I know your problem . I ' m sorry about it."
Don l t want to hurt you. Leave Pius. Get out of
Pius." Father Edgar said , " I~NO, John , " don ~ t do
that because if "you do, before you l eave there,
he ' ll have you as a homo to disc r edit " you.

CORDOVA : Can we stop j ust , (Inaudible) for just a second .




CORDOVA: Uh, how, how did you find out about Father
Perault's problem? Because you , because, do' you
know ' anything personally or did S0rneone come to
yoU other than Mr. and ...
Uh, well, this", . . . did.
CORDOVA: _ . okay .

About his son and one other party?

CORDOVA: Okay. But do they, are they parishione~s of


No. But the l1li's were. But they live in

Silver City now.--... died.

Six months ago. And his wife I fm not sure
if she even knew about this. I'm not totally

CORDOVA: Hmm hmm.

But the dad , well I'll come to this in a minute
here .

CORDOVA: Okay, go ahead.

But, uh, it's because of w h a t .'
because of our
Archbishop and Father Don
calling Father

. . coming to us tell,ing u s about hi 5 son.

kI'l:ow, I mean ~.,e kne\'l that ' he ,.,as doing this.

CORDOVA: ~~m hmm.

We heard other rumors too. I .don't knpw if I'll
go into that cause they ",ere just rumors.

CORDOVA: NO , I , I want facts .

Okay . Uh, then let me see uh. Time '-lent on,

nothing happened. And uh, then one day I got a
call from Marylou Scott. She was the secretary
to Archbishop Davis and then the secretary to
Archbisho~ Sanche z, and she retir ed about two
./ years ago.




CORDOVA: Hmm-hmm.

And uh, she said, liThe Archbishop wants to see

you next Sunday over at rdlei.,ilde, II i'lhere I think
the Archbishop still lives there, doesn't he l
Idle, Idlewilde Lane?


Yeah, when Archbishop Davis lived there before

him. ~IWants to see you there," just me. Well, I
told uh, by this time was kind - of in the
group beep.use of his son. I said, IIBoy, I got to
go over there and see the Archbishop. wonder
~lhy. II SO uh, these guys and their wives carne
over to our' house and sat there, including my
".,ife I and wai ted for me to return. Wondering
what has happened. As soon as I get in there,
there was, I think Father Scott and there was
maybe a Dr., about four of us and he gave us a
drink and then, then he said, II_ I, I want you
) to know that uh, I'm not gonna remove Father
Perault fro~ pius." And I said, "Why?'! He said,
(Inaudible), "It's under control and it's our
problem. Not yours. Now I just, we'll bandle
it. II

H~m hrnm.
C: I tried to persuade him to do something different
like remove him. I said, "You, but you promised
you would." He said, "Well, no, we're gonna
handle this in our way." He never d~d explain
what his way was. But he was gonna leave h~m
there. So uh, triggered with the information
that ~. ga.v e me, before I ,,,ent o,":,er tq.ere
told me, he said, " _I, if per chance
the Archbishop says he's gonna leave him there,
yc;m tell him this for me. Tell him, I I I am kno",
gonna bring a sodomy suit." And I remember
saying, "_ you \llouldn't do that. II And he
said, 1t1 don't knO\" , I think maybe I ,,,ould. II And
50 .after the ~rchbishop told me that I asked him,
I .said, "Archbishop Davis, can I see you alone
after (Inaudible) leave?" He l?aid, 1I0kay. II They
l~ft and I said, pardon me, I didn't mention the
name. _

AS F. F RPerra ult.00632


I just said, "A certain party who' 5 son has been

molested told me h e 's gonna bring a sodomy suit.1t
And uh, I remember to this day >lhat , Archbishop
Davis did. He put his right arm on my shoulder
and said, "_ , we can' t have that. 1'11 honor
my commitment." He did, three days later Father
Perault was gone. That's how he was gone.
CORDOVA: Do you know where he vias sent to?

U bf A. He went to u of A from there. Then he

",ent to Guadalupe.

CORDOVA: Okay in , in ~hat capacity?

I'm not sure exactly what he was doing at U ofA.

A counselor or a uh, teacher. I'm not really,
Theology teacher, I'm not totally sure.

CORDOVA: He was allowed to be around kids again


Yeah. Yeah. That's where he went right straight

from, to there. Another incentive. uh ..

CORDOVA: Hold on, you just said something important here.

Then you said he vlent to our Lady of Guadalupe

Hmm hmm.


,eah, he did. And uh l he vias also in residence

at uh, sometime during this period at Queen of
Heaven with Father Baca. And Father Baca kind of
removed him from the residence there. Uh,
allegedly I think because maybe this was
happening. I I I don' t know. But anothe r
inc~ntive as to why I kne,., he had to go is
becaus~ my wife's uh, sister married a fellow
from , named (Inaudible) They
had several children. IIli
TihieIY.r~lii.i. But
then, their son _ II
iilil.iii, go to school. We
come and stay with us during his senior year.

NO>l although he ' s not a Catholic, he >lent to st.

Pius for his senior year. Uh, you knbw, there
were conversations on the phone and stuff.

ASF, FRPerrault00633


The Catholic Center
4000 St. Joseph's Place N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 871201709
Phone (505) 831-8100

PERSONAL Born: March 20, 1934

Parents: Julius C. Sanchez
Priscilla Fortune Sanchez
Brothers: Julius E. Sanchez
Rozier E. Sanchez

Elementary: 1ft. Carmel School, Socorro, New Mexico
Secondary: Socorro High School, Socorro, New Mexico
Saint Mary's High School, Phoenix, Arizona
Immaculate Heart of Mary Serrilnary, Santa Fe, New Mexico

COLLEGE Saint Michael's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico (1952 - 1954)
Gregorian University, Rome, Italy (1954 . 1960)
Catholic University, Washington, D.C. (1961 - 1962)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1963 1964)

DEGREES Bachelor of Philosophy . . ... Gregorian University (1956)

Licentiate of Theology .. ... Gregorian University (1960)
Teaching Certificate . . .... University of New Mexico (1964)

Ordained a Roman Catholic priest - December 20, 1959
Associate Annunciation Parish, Alb., NM - (1960 . 1961)
Teacher and Counselor, St. Pius X High School, Alb., NM (1960 - 1961; 1962 - 1968)
Pastor, St. Joseph's, Mosquero, NM (1968 - 1971)
Pastor, San Felipe, Alb., NM (1971 - 1974)
Ordained the tenth Archbishop of Santa Fe - July 25, 1974


Committees of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops:

a.) Ad Hov Committee for Hispanic Affairs (1974 - 1990)
Chairman, 19771987
b.) Conununications Conunittee (1974 . 1977)
c.) Social Development and World Peace (1974 - 1977)
d.) Catholic Relief Services (1974 - 1976)
e.) Ad Hoc Conunittee for the Family (1977 . 1980)
f.) American Board of Catholic Missions (1977 -1986)
Chairman (1983 - 1986)
g.) North American College (1983 - 19S6)
h.) Evangelization (1987 - 1990)
i.) Economic Concerns of the Holy See (1988 - present)
Board of Directors, Mexican American Cultural Center, San Antonio, TX (1976 - 1987)
Chairman, 1977-1987
Pontifical Commission for Migration of Peoples


53 10 C LARE M O N T. N. E .
ZIP CODE 871 10

January 27, 1970.

RaVa Arthur Perrault$'

7618 Eucl id Ave" NE,
Albuql..1erq1Jr!!~ New Hexlco, 871100

Dear Fr~ Pe~Tau!t~

~nen you moved bad< to the faculty house, you asked if you
could continue to say one o f t"he t-Jass es here in the pa rlshG' As you
!iell knotl. I "'llG happy to have you because r have al"... ys felt that
you v @ry much to off ~ , in :: h~ s er v t CQ !'J f the Lord. I believe
you have brougalott ma"y blessings to our pal'ish and for thl ~ and yOU:i"
r,,,,,diMss to hell', I run very grateful.

It w111 no longe!' b<!t neee. s ary for Y"u to came on Sund!!~'s

b/:!ocause as you knew ~ how ( she ~1S.S8CS on Sundays now ~nd. ther.e
Ilre three of us living here . in the p"rlsh. I reel e special r<>sponsi ~
blUty . fo Fr, Atkinson for the ",a ny long ,,"",-"8 of service ~n the
I~ehdioce~e in difficult and remote places. He is eager to be of
same servlc(!, t:hougn for reaa ons of healthl' this service It. limite d
to saying Haas a nd helping a little with confessions. The ", t oo, r
do get a little coneer ned from time to time about the pe~s!st ent
criticism that"" the pal:'lsh priests dOl,'t do ~oo much. He here at
Que en of Hea'",,, !;"uld expose oursel""9 to tth!s crltic!sm if three
of us would continue to get extra h e lp for sil' Hasses. I do t....,nt
to assure you th~t 'ooilen need ar'.isGsg you will be CUi" first cons id C:> 1II
e:ra t i one 101

I<now1ng h~.J an..'"(ious you ere to kee p contact with parih

,"or!<, I trould like to point out to you the fact that both Bo"..".U110
a nd Alameda are n~~ without assistants, AlGO Fr. George Boeninghau~ sr,
who wes helping at ~~unc!atlon p is no !or~r able to help because of
illness, Fr. Hammer has mlso been looking fo~ a re~Jlsr Sunday
help~r since Fro Eaqulb@l l~rto

Enclo5~d !.::: t h e check for Sunday help duri~ Januaryo

Gratefully yours,

. ..

C. LiturgIcal Cammlttes,
C" La s Sho})&
Co Dh~yne Sheppard c

ASF. FRPerraulL00199

June 25, 1970

The Revo Arthur Perrault

. The University of Albuquerque
StoJoseph plo NoWo
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dear Father Perrault,
Herewith is a copy of my letter of presentation to
Mro Frank Kleinhenz, president of the University of
p..lbuquerque, opening tl:ieway for your appointmentt6
serve as Chaplain to the religious and student community
of the Universityo . .
lVith prayerful best ,.,rishes,I am,
S.incerely yours in Christ.

James Po lJa'\t,;!;s, DoDo


ASF. FRPerrault.00059


May 14, 1973

The Rev. John R. Beno

Executive Secretory, F. D, L. C.
225 CIc;lrk Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003

Dear Father Beno,

I am pleased to recommend the Rev. Arthur Perrault of this Arch-

diocese of Santa Fe ror the office of Executive Secretary of the Federa-
tion of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Father Perrault wos ordained for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut

on May 7, 1964. In March of 1966 he wos appointed to the faculty of St.
Pius X High School in Albuquerque to teach religion. He served for one
year I June 1970 to June 1971, as Chaplain at the Univel5ity of Albuquerque
(a Catholic College); from June I, 1971 to November I, 1971 he wos assis-
tant pastor of Our Lady of Guodalupe Parish in Albuquerque. On November
3, 1971 he was appointed Archdiocesan Director of the Llturgiccl Commission
of this Archdi oeese.

Notable service In this lotest assignment has been given in the publication
of a month ly bulletin for the parish liturgy; and in the organization and
direction of the Southwest liturgical Conference Sessions held in Albuquerque
in January of this yeor.

Father Perrault was canonically received into the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

by incordination on August 14, 1973.

Si ncere ly yovrs in Christ,

James P. Davis

cc: Rev. Arthur Perrou It

ASF .FRPerrault.00008

September 29, 1970

The Rev. Arthur Perraul~

University of Albuquerque
St. Joseph PI. N.W.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Dear Father Permu It,

/J..s you know, the expense incurred through con_ullaNon with

Dr. Hermon is hOt covered by your insurance. The bIll was paid
from Diocesan funds so cis not to prejudice our ';'redit and yours.

Now thot you ore settled and receiving regular compensation I shall
be grateful for your ccoperation in taking core of this matter. Please
get in touch with Mr. Roy Ryan one! arrange to pay 0 specified omount
monthly until the amount advance is repaid in full. I am sure thot you
understand our position. The Archdiocese is not in a position to accept
these obligations.

With prayerful b"st wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Jomes P. Davis

cc: Mr. Raymond Ryan


ASF.FRPerrau lt.00011 .


THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE is entered into this : ; day of

June, 1992 by, between and among 1 his wife (the

_ b, THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE, a corporation sole (the ARCHDIOCESE)

and FR . ARTHUR PERRAULT (PERRAULT) in order to bring a matter in controversy

between and among the parties to a full and complete settlement.

The parties to this agreement hereby agree as follows:

1. The _ I have made a claim for personal and psychological injuries against

the ARCHDIOCESE and PERRAULT arising out of events which allegedly occurred approxi-

mately during the early 1970's.

2. The claim involves a disputed matter and the ARCHDIOCESE and PERRAULT,

by entering into this agreement do not acknowledge liability or responsibility for the claim,

which liability andlor responsibility is specifical!y denied.


The ARCHDIOCESE and PERRAULT hereby agree to pay, provide and convey

the following consideration to the within thirty (30) days of the execution of this


a.) The sum of
1,_ _ _ _ l and _ _ I, their attorney;
payable to _I
b.) .;f?oA certain piece of real estate, described as follows:



Archdiocese of Santa Fe
-woo SA.L\T JOSEPH'S PLKE, :".\\"
:\..LUl'Ql'ERC..!CE, XE\\' ,\I.'\I('U 67 1:WJ 709

AREA WOE 505 831-8HXJ

January 3 , 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S . T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connec ticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFiDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I e njoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Pe rrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

_ s that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's , and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. 11IIIIIIII1continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation ne given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

p e rra~1986. IIIIiIIIII
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe ' ~n_ ro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ...
_ continues to r eceive psycho counseling. WhITe
additional invest i gation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experi e nce ims of this
settlement value of cla im in the



January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

lIIIIIIIIIIIIII~leaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

pe rra~ . 1 _ I.
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!!lti0 ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1111
_ I
continues to receive psycho og~ca counseling . While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experie nce .with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of . 1_ 1claim in the
range of
_ I_ I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .
perra'ii'lt""'T'n mi-1974. . 1_ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's coun5eringM o f
ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdioc e se has paid on his b e half. ~
II1II1 continues to r e ceive psycho og~ca counseling . While
~ ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we _
settleme nt value of 1'5 claim in the
range of

he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's c arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has his behalf. _I continue s to
receive psycho

_ I_ I
_ t . While adCl'It"l'Olliii investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the allege d abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we ~e
settlement value of s claim in the range of _

alle ge s tha t he was sexually abuse d by Fr.

Pe rra~in January 1988 - December 1 988. 11IIIIIIII1has not been

participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.

While additional inve s tigation is n eeded, given the nature and
dura tion of the alleged abuse and our e xperience with other claims

ASF .PRIEST.1 21 25


January 3, 1994

Page 3

claim in the ranoe of _

perra~ 1991. .1_ 1
of this type, we estimate the settlement value of
I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating

in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co.u nseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other c1apns of this
type, we est~tt l ement value of . 1 _ rs
claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
_I alleges sexually abused by Fr.
perra~r 1980. not been participating
in the Archdiocese of S ,,~:~~:s::~;~n~,,)p;;r~o~gram . While
additional investigation is needed, given . and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the

_ I alle~t she was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra"ii'I't""'" . 1_ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseli~ and as of Novembe~
12 . 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf .
I continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca1 counse ling. While
adc!itIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our wi of this
type, we e value of

the range of
_ I alle~es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra'UTt""Iii"". _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin . " o ram and as of Novembe rr
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his be half. ~ I
_I continues to r eceive psyc 0 og~ca counseling . Whi le
adc!itIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the Archdioces e

of s counseling program. While additional investigation

is given the nature and duration of the alle ged abuse and

AS FPRIEST.1 21 26


January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1_~ 's claim in the range of

alleqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr . Perrault
in 1966-1 7. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse .n ro
. ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I_ I
to receive psycho oglca counseling. Whi~additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
Santa Fe's
settlement value of

Archdiocese has
s claiID in the range of

s that he was sexually abused by Fr .

been participating in the Archdioc e se of
, and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf._ I
to r e c e ive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our e xperience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~ 's claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ has not be en participating in the
Archdiocese of s eling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our e xperience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f' s claim in the r a nge of

perra~17 he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investiga tion is n e eded, given the nature and duration of the

AS F.PRIEST.1 2127


" ,y

January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience aims of this type, we

ement value of s claim in the range

_ I alleoes
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ .1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S"CoiiiiSei_
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai
ro r and as of November
on his behalf . . _I
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca . Wh"ir'e
~al investigation is needed given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our e wi of this
type, we value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I he was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraU1t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S ounseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ettlement value of s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe
cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JeL, Ph.D.
Hr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.



c c
The Catholic Center

December 10, 2007 '

Karie BrandenbUrg Esq. DA

2'd Judicial District
520 Lomas Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Dear Ms. Brandenburg,

The purpose of this letter is to report a case of sexual abuse which occurred in Bernalillo
County. The alleged perpetrators were Fr. Lewis Prefontaine SSS and Fr. Arthur PelTault. Fr.
Prefontaine has been deceased for about 20 years according to the Congregation ofthe Blessed
Sacrament (88S). The whereabouts of Fr. Perrault are unlmown.

The alleged victim, is represented by Mr. Jeffrey Trespel, Esq. The alleged
abuse occurred during school years at 8t. Charles BOlTomeo School and
St Pius X High School and included fondling and vaginal penetration with a foreign object or
objects. is currently residing ill Los Angeles, California.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Sincerel ,

Wa e Pribble, PhD
Victim Assistance Coordinator/ Case Manager

Phone (505) 831-8144

4000 St. Joseph's Place N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120 (505) 831-AS-F~039881


Page 41

1 Q How long were you in Scouting?

2 A I was in the Cub Scouts and then Boy Scouts. I went all the
3 way up to Eagle Scout.
4 Q Do you know what age you were \vhen you were an Eagle Scout or
5 what grade you were in?

6 A Yes , I was in seve-nth grade. And then I quit Boy Scouts

7 because of this thing , t oo, because I wasn ' t going to go to Scouts

8 when it was at the same church.

9 Q Do you have any relatives that are members of t h e clergy?

10 A No. My mom and dad had close friends , and they would come
11 over for dinner, and I knew them , but they weren ' t -- I mean , I

12 just knew them because they associated with my parents.

13 Q Did Arthur Perrault ever come to your house?

14 A I don t think so , no. I think he had come after Father John
15 Rodriguez and Father Niemeyer. Those were the two .priests that my .
16 parents \"lere very close with r and they were prior to Father

~.- ,
17 Perrault coming to the parish.

18 MS . KENNEDY: Okay. We're going t o take a short

19 break, and then we ' ll start again.

20 (A brief recess was held.)

21 MS. KENNEDY: Th anks. It ' s .still June 21st.
23 Q We ' re here after the break. II1II I ' d like you to describe
24 for me what happened t hat day i n December of 1971 with Arthur
25 Perrault.


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by : Anne E. Delion., Cc:R
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842~0840


Page 42

1 A Well, I had been an altar boy, and Father Perrault was in

2 charge of the youth. I had known him for, I would say, maybe
3 three or four months that I can best recall right nOW4 I knm,..,. I

4 had known him ever since he got to the parish, anyway.

5 Q And during those three or four months, there was nothing

6 unusual that h appe ned?

7 A Not that I can recall. I was just -- I would serve mass as

8 an al tar boy. Al l I knew is I didn't know him as . well as I had

9 some of the other priests. He hadn't been there as long, and I

10 hadn't served a lot of masses with him in particular. Well ,

11 there's three priests, I believe t Father Mike, Father Perrault and

12 Father Cassidy, who was head of the church at Our Lady of

13 Guadalupe.

14 Q And Father Mike's last name was?

15 A I have no idea. I just know he was a little guy.

16 Q Okay.

17 A And on this one particular day, we were to have an altar boy

18 meeting, and , after that , I had been asked if I wanted to serve a

19 wedding. And all altar boys will jump at serving a wedding

20 because you always g o t five bucks .or some type of money the

21 priests would give you, because they would pay the priest and the

22 priest would pay the altar boy some money, and it was kind of an

23 honor to be asked to do a wedding. And so we went to the altar

24 boy meeting, and he asked me and another little boy to go into the

25 rectory, and -- I think he had first asked us to go and get some


Certifieq Shorthand Reporters
.Repo;-ted py-: Anne E. Dehon , CCR
Albuquerque and Sallta Fe 842 -0 840


Page 43

1 knives , and he also said he had something for me. And I'd gone in
2 the rectory several times as an altar boy, and they'd give us
3 trinkets, medals, sometimes Cokes. And on this occasion , I went

4 down - - it was down a long hall towards his room , and I had been

5 back there to Father Cassidy ' s room , even , to get trinkets before,
6 so I didn't think nothing of it. _ and I went dmm there, and
7 then he had l1li stay in another room.
8 Q What's _ s l ast name?

9 A liliiii. And he took me into his room. It s down the hall

10 to the left, and then you go down a real short hall and into the
11 back room where his bedroom was. We 'vent in there, and he shut

12 the door and locked it, and that had never happened before. Then
13 h e told me to sit down on the bed, and he "ent into the bathroom,
14 and he carne out a short time later and laid me down on the bed.
15 And he started caressing me, and then he started gently kissing me
16 like on my shoulders and then on my chest and --

17 Q Were you clothed?

18 A At that time, I was. And then - - and then he started rubbing
19 my genital area , and then he unbuttoned my pants and unzipped
20 them , and then he started actually touching me underneath my
21 clothes. And he kept commenting on my -- on my body, saying that
22 I had ~trong legs and -- and then he asked m~, he said, "It's
23 getting close to the wedding. Do you want to come back here
24 later?" And at that point in time , I was scared to death. I
25 wanted to run out. As a matter of fact, I even recall the


certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: .Anne E . Dehon , CCR
Albuquerque .and Santa Fe 842~0840
ASF.D EPOS.331 43


Page 44

1 cleaning lady knocked on the door. It was a Spanish lady that

2 served them their food and cleaned the rectory, and she knocked on

3 it three times, and he told me to be quiet and not to answer hera

4 And then, when she went, he kept touching me for a little bit.
5 And , like I ' ve told my therapist , thinking back now, ,.,hen I got

6 that letter from my dad that I wrote that you have, I hadn't seen
7 that letter until last October. I didn ' t even know they had that
8 letter.

9 Q That they had kept a copy?

10 A Right. I didn't even know that t hey had received a letter on

11 that Our Lady of Guadalupe stationery till then either. It wasn't

12 until I was contacted by my mom that they found out Father

13 Perrault was still in a church setting. We had been t o ld he

14 wasn't. When I read that l ",tter , I had -- I had minimized

15 everything and thought i t \Vas just touching. I didn't even

16 remember the kissing part like I had in the letter or a lot of

17 that, and that was one of the reasons like , when I started having

18 all these memories , I didn't know whether -- like this one, when I
19 see him touching me with his mouth , I don ' t kno\V whether this is a

20 fact or \vhether it I s just - - I don I t know \vhat I s going on in my

21 mind, So that's when I finally got the courage to go to the

22 therapist, was mainly because of that , because I didn't kno\V if it

23 was true or fact or what was happening.

24 So he said that asked me if I would come back and also

25 mentioned going to a movie. And he made a big deal out of this


Certified Shorthand ' Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. Dehan, CCR
Albuquerque and San,ta F e 842-0 8 40
ASF, DEPOS,33 144


Page 45

1 color TV they had, b e cause, at the time, I only had a black and
2 white TV, and he made a big deal that , if there wasn't n othing on
3 at the movies , we could go watch his color TV . And so he said,
4 "Would you corne back here after the 1;-'Vedding?" And I said,

5 "Sure."

6 And he said, "We need to clean up some of that ''lax on the

7 carpet," where the bride and groom were going to be kneeling, so

8 he gave me a knife to clean it up. And so I wa lked out , and, as

9 you come out the main doors, it's an L-shaped rectory, and I could

10 see him standing at the windo\\1 , watching me, because I wanted to

11 run but I knew, if he saw roe there, it was a pretty big, open

12 space and he ' d find me. So I walked back to the church, and I
13 c ould see him ",atching me all the way as I "lalked from the south
14 to the north where the church was from the main door. As soon as

, 15 I hit inside of the door, there was about, I think, three other
16 altar boys there that were going to help serve the mass. I ran
17 straight across , threw the knife right near the altar area and ran

18 out the opposite door .

19 And I knew he knew "here I lived, and so I ran to the
; 20 north and then ran east . There was a big drainage ditch that was

21 to the northeast of the church, and I was afraid that he "as going
22 to look for me, so I ran to that drainage ditch. I ran and got
23 down in the drainage ditch, because it was winter, and I remember

24 there being ice and mud, and the reason I was down there is I knew

25 I could run dOlm there and no one could see me from the street .


Certified Shorthand Report;ers
.Reported by: Anne. E . .Dehon, CCR
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842-0840


Page 46

1 So I ran do~V'n that ditch for awhile until I came up to the street

2 called Cherokee, and I knew I could run straight down Cherokee

3 through the high school and go straight home.

4 And as I ltlaS running down Cherokee, I saw him -- what I

5 thought was his car. It was a greenish-blue car coming up. It

6 was kind of a small, compact car coming up going \V'est, and I was

7 running east towards my house, and, when he got closer, then I

8 knew it was him. And he got out of the car and he said, "I'm
9 sorry , _ Come on , get in." And I know I said I think I

10 said, "Fuck you." I was so upset, and I didn't think I could keep

11 away from him.

12 So I knew a _ boy I and his name is I

13 didn't know him real well , but I had dropped him off at his house,
14 my morn had a couple of times, from basketball practice, and so I
15 ran up to his house. And Father Perrault followed me up in the
16 car , and he parked in front of the house and kept calling me back

17 to his car, and I knew he wasn't going to leave. So I just ran in

18 that house, and I remember being muddy and hi s mom standing there

19 when I burst in the door because i t was like Saturday morning

20 about 9:00. I know everybody was asleep except her and her

21 youngest daughter, and I was -- I was c rying and screaming , and I

22 told her that I needed to call my mom , that there was a priest
23 chasing me. And I knot; i t probably sounded scre,"Y to her .

24 And I called my mom, and my mom picked me up. And I told

25 her what happened, and then my mom kept saying, "Are you sure?"


Certified . Shorthand Reporters
. Reported by: Anne E. Dehon, CCR
Albuquerqu e and .Santa Fe 842~0840
ASF.DEPOS .33146


Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 SAl:-.T JUSEPH'S PL\CE, X,n'.
,UUl'Ql'EHQL'E, ~C\Y )IE.\:I CU 87120 -1i09

AH.EA COOESUS 831-8 100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave .
Hartford, CT 06105 -3 784 CONFiDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe


Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdioc e se of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Co nnecticut. At this time, the

tha t he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra. been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ continues
to receive

_ 's
counseling. ~additional
needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settleme nt value of

claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

p erra~1986. 11IIIIIIII has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's couns eli n~ 1 and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid 1IIIIIIII on his behalf. ...
_ continues to r eceive psychological counseling . WhiTe
acrcrrtIonal investigation i s needed , given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ 1IIIIIIIII has not been participating in the

_ 's
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of

claim in the range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ . _ . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's Counse!in. o.
ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ continues to receive psycho oglca counseling. While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature ,and duration
of the al abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of . _ claim in the
range of
_ _ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraiiIt""'In n'r2-'1974. _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseilng_ o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Ardhdiocese has paid on his behalf . _
II1II continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling. WhTie
~ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of _ 's claim in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
been participating in the Archdiocese
Dr'ocrr;~, and as of November 12, 1993, the

_ 's
his behalf. _ . continues to
receive ing. While adctrtIO"iiarinvestigation
is , given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of
_ _I alleges that he was sexuallv abused by Fr.
perraUIt:in January 1988 - December 1988. 11IIIIIIII1has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims

ASF. PRIEST. 12125



January 3, 1994

Page 3

of this type, we estilnate the settlement value of

claim in the ranae of _ .
_ a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991.

_ 's
_ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,u nseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we est~ttlement value of' . 1 claim in
the range of _ .
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~r 1980. 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type; we ~e settlement value of clailn in the
range o f _ .
IIIIIIIIIIIIII alle~ she was sexually abused by Fr .
Perra~ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin! f ! W I and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. - I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~cal counseling. WhiTe
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we ement value of
the range
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perraii'It""l'ii". _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinJM O ram and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf . - I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 oglea counseling. WhiTe
addItIOnal investigation is needed/ given th~ nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s clailn in
t~ =n~of _ .

_ _ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

ASF.P RIEST, 121 26


January 3, 1994
Page 4

settlement value o f . _"5

our experience with other c lai:ms of this type, we
clai:m in the range of

LleqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-1 7. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse . n ro
. ram, and as of November 12.1993 , the
_ Icontinues

_ 's
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
to receive psycho og1ca counseling. While""'"additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clai:ms of this type, we
settlement value of clai:m in the range of

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the

_ "8
Archdiocese has on his behalf. _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
a~~"'\J"'U abuse and our experience with other clai:ms of this type, we
settlement value of clai:m in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we esti:mate the
settlement value of s clalin in the range of _ .
_ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of eling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other ciaiffis of this type, we
settlement value of _ " s clai:m in the range of

he was sexually abus e d by Fr.
not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the

ASF. PR IEST.12127



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience !:~:E }a.lllis of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ _ a~le_Qasjha.t he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ . _ has been participating in the
Archdioces"e of Santa Fe/S~_'n ro r and as of November
12...-.l9Jl3, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf . . _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 oglca . WhiTe
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we estimate the settlement value of claim in
the range of _ .

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraU1t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ettlement value of : s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford l Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims .

~s~r~u~.~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe


cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, ph.D.

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq .

. L 'A/~~~
~?ft~~ .~,l1~(


- : ,- ,
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 SA..I:\T JOSEPll'S PL\CE, x.\\' .
..\.Llll'Ql'ERC..!L'E, ,\'E\\' ,\I.,\ I CO 67120-1 709

A.REA CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D .

Archbishop of Hartford .
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe


Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the Nationa l

Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your e xpress ion of
support to the Archdioc e s e of Santa Fe during these difficult
tilnes. . The purpose of this lette r is to provide additional
information concerning pote ntial claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault , who carne to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Co nnecticut. At this time , the

_ that he was s"xually abuse d by Fr.

perra~ participating in the Archdioc ese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additiona l
investigation I give n the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement v a lue of _ ' s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he
was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~1986. 11IIIIIIII
h as been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin!!Wiro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ c o ntinues to r eceive psycho ogical counse ling. While
~ona l invest igation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and o ur experience aims of this
type , we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
program. While additional

.111111111111111 alleqes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~. _ . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's C~in_o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. . . .
_ continues to receive psyclio og1ca counseling. While
~ona l investigation is needed, given the nature . and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of III _ claim in the
range of
_ _ alleges
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraUIt'"""irt m2-1974 . _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's CO~ing_O ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _
_ continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling. WhITe
addItional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of _ ' s claim in the
range of
that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's and as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese behalf. 1IIIIIIII. continues to
receive While ad~investigati.on
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ ' s claim in the range of

_ _I alleges that he was sexua11v abused by Fr.
perraii'Itin January 1988 - De cember 1988. has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While addit ional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims

ASF.PR IEST. 12125


" ""

January 3, 1994

Page 3

th settlement value of III

of this type, we estllnlJ!ii!!te
claim in the ranoe o f . "
_ a eges t at he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. III _ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co,unseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we est~ttlement value of' 1111 lIIIIIIII's claim in
the range of _ .
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~r 1980. 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the riature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type; we ~e settlement value of claim in the
IIIIIIIIIIIIII alle~ she was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin- . , and as of November
12,. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~cal counseling. While
acTditional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we value of
the range of
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perraiiI't""'Iil'm. _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinllllPO ram and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 oglca counseling. WhiI
~nal investigation is needed, given th~ nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s claim in
the range of _ .
_ ___alleges ' that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and



January 3/ 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value o f . _ " s claim in the range of

ll~aes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 7. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse M Iro Inram/ and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf . - I continues
to receive psycho oglOa counseling. WhiTe"""""additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type/ we
settlement value of _ ' s clai1ll in the range of

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has on his behalf. _ continues
to receive counseling. ~add itional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clai1lls of this type, we
settlement value of _ "s clai1ll in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa program. While additional investigation
is needed, given and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience of this type, we esti1llate the
settlement value 's claim in the range o f _ .
_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clai1lls of this type/ we
1IiIiiIiiiIi~ settlement value of _ " s clailn in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S program. While additional
inve stigation is needed , the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

value of s claim in the range

_ _alla@J3_tha~t he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~. _ has been participating in the
Archdioces"e of Santa Fe' s~_ n ro r and as of November
1.2----l9Jt3, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf . . _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca . Whn
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we estimate the settlement value of claim in
the range of _ .

_ he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraU!t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ttlement value of ; s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J . Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe


cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D .

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.

e'_ ~~!t~?1f../.1
AS F. PRIEST.12128

. , \

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real hon6l:,_
r1?gardh irn
s~ethe pos .... I
imp cirtan t
this as - a
parish life
to offer

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._" . '" --'c ;C;~O~;N:';:F~ID~E:";N~:T~~I'A~~L2i::Sfu';bidi3hiL-'-,=--~x~ F_FRPerraultOO 198


May 13, 1971

The Rev. Arthur Perrault

The Univehi ty of Albuquerque
St. Joseph Place, N. W
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120

Dear Father Perrau It,

Thank you for your letter of May 3. I believe that you will find in
a change of assi gnment from your present one to that of a parish, the
opportunity for service which yo~ .desire.

I have talked to Father Walier Cassidy and he wi II be pleased to have "'"

you as his associqte in Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Albuql.lerque.

Please let me know";'hel1 you wi II be free fa accept this new appointment.

With prayerfu I best wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

James P. Do";is

ASF. FRPerrault.00009


The Rev, John R. Beno

Executive Secretory, F. D. L. C.
225 Clark Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003

Dear Father Beno,

I am pleased to recommend the Rev. Arthur Perrault of this Arch-

diocese of Santa Fe for the office of Executive Secretary of the Federa-
tion of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Father Perrault was arcloined for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut

on May 7, 1964. In March of 1966 he was appointed to the faculty of St.
Pius X High School in Albuquerque to teech religion. He served for one
year, June 1970 to June 1971, as Chaplain at the University of Albuquerque
(0 Catholic College); from June I, 1971 to November I, 1971 he was OMis-
tant postor of Our Lady of Guodalupe Parish in Albuquerque . On November
3, 1971 he was appointed Archdiocesan Director of the Liturgical Commission
of this Archdi ocese.

Notable service in this latest assignment has been given in the publication
of a monthly bulletin for the porish liturgy; and in the orgonization and
direction of the Southwest liturgical Conference Sessions held in AlbuquerCjue
in January of this yeor.

f ather Perrault was canonically received into the Archdiocese of Santa Fe

by incordination on August 14, 1973.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

James P. Davis

cc: Rev . Arthur Perrou It

ASF. FRPerrault.00008

Page 47

1 My mom couldn't believe that this had happened. And she says,
2 "You're telling the truth?" And I s a id, "Yes," and she said,
3 "Well, "'Ie need to go to your grandparents' f" and that s where my

4 dad was because my grandfather had a stroke, and my dad was there
5 taking care of him. So we went to my grandparen"t s I .

6 Q That same morning?

7 A Right , from that boy's house, yeah. I had to tell my dad.
8 And my dad , again, said, "Are you sure this is happening? He's
9 the head of the youth ." And I said , "Yes." So then he said,
10 "Well, you have to go back v-lith me, and we 're going to confront

11 him." And I remember arguing with him because I didn' t tv-ant I

12 didn ' t want to confront this priest again. I didn ' t want to look
13 at him face to face . And my dad said, "You have to go in there,
." .
14 and I want him to admit it i n front of you. "
15 And so we went back to the church. We 'vent in and Father
16 Cassidy was there, and he said he wanted to talk to my dad alone .
;. 17 My dad said , "No , we ' re going to talk to Father Perrault. " And we
18 went in his office, shut the door, and Father Perrault said he was

19 sorry that he h ad touched me, and, at that point , my dad says ,

20 "Go, s hut the d oor behind you."
'. 21 So I went out through the office area , back down the
22 steps, and I stood at the sidewalk a little \Yays from my dad's
23 car. And I guess my dad talked to Father Perrault, and that's
24 ,.,he n Father Cassidy came out, and he told me I ne eded to pray and
25 f orgive, and he told me we needed to keep t his within the church,


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. "Dehon, tCR
Al buquerque and .Sarta Fe . 842-0840
ASF. DEPOS.33147


Page 48

1 and he just said that what he had done -- he was just trying to
2 express love for me . And he kept saying, "You need to forgive and
3 forget and pray. II And then I remember he tried to put his arm

4 around me, and that's the last thing I wanted him to do, and so I

5 shrugged away, and I told him to leave me alone.

6 And I went and stood by the car, and he told me, "Pray
7 and forgive and forget," and then my dad came out, and he took me
8 home . And he said write a letter so the Archbishop could read
9 it. I "rote the letter, and that's the last day my parents and I
10 basically spoke about this incident. My parents are the type that
11 it was over and done with, and they just told me that they would
12 handle things with the Archbishop, and we didn't ever go back to

13 that church again.

14 Q Did, you change parishes?

15 A Well, they dragged me from parish to parish for six weeks,

16 about six weeks or even longer. I refused to go to church at

17 all. And then they told me that I had to go, so they took me to a
18 lot of churches, Catholic churches, trying to find a church that I
19 would approve of. And I remember hating them for it, and I still
20 don't have pleasant memories about that. And then they went to
21 the Newman Center, and they said, "Well, you've got to at least go
22 once in a while." And so the Newman Center was at least -- it

23 wasn't your traditional Catholic church. They played what my dad

24 called hippie music. It was just a different -- it was totally
25 different than the traditional Catholic church I had gone to, so I


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by:. Anne E. Dehon, CCR
Albuquerque and Santa Fe . 842-0840
ASF .DEPOS.33148


Page 49

1 would go once in a while/ and I had to go on holidays. My parents

2 made me go. But that ' s about it.

3 Q Did your father tell you -- let me back up . When you fi rst
4 get back to the church, there's a meeting in Father Perrault ' s

5 office that you're there, .Father Perrault is there , a nd your dad

6 is there?
7 A (Witness nods head yes.)

8 Q Who says what during that meeting?

9 A I think my dad said, "My son is saying this happened," and

10 Father Perrault said, "Yes, I'm sor;r-y. I w'as just trying to be

11 affectionate," or something like that , and , as soon as he made

12 whatever his admission was , my dad told me to l eave.

13 Q Did you, in that meeting, have to describe what happened?

14 A No. I just told my parents he touched me, my privates, and

15 that's -- I didn't say a whol e lot other than that.

16 Q And the chronology was, as seon as you r an away and called

17 your mOID .' she picke:d you up, and you told her; She :then said ,

18 "We 're going to go to where your father is," your grandfather's

19 house, and you told your dad. And was it immediately after that
20 that you and your dad went back to the church?

21 A Yeah. It had only been an hour and a half, two hours, at the
22 most( becau s e I remember arguing with him and crying t hat I didn't

23 want to go back to that church .

24 Q When , that day, does it come up about you writing do. ..,n ';.'{hat

25 happened?


Certified Shorthand Reporters
,. Reported by: Anne E. Dehon,CCR
t ... Albuquerque .and Santa Fe 842:- 0840


Page 50

1 A That -- when we got back, my dad says, "I want you to sit

2 down, write out what happened, and I'm going to go to the

3 Arc hbishop, and we're going to make sure that he doesn't do this
4 anymore." And so --

5 Q I have that handwritten letter, and I '-londer if you could

6 just read it for me since it's in your handwriting. This was
7 attached to your response to the First Request for Production.

8 A "On December 4th, 1971, 10:00 a.m ., I had a meeting at Our

9 Lady of Guadalupe , altar boy meeting. I was sitting in the

10 rectory, and Father Perrault asked me to corne into his room. I

11 just t h ought he wanted me to see some thing or give me something.

12 Well , before I knew it , he was hugging me and rubbing my thighs.
13 Then he said , 'We better go to the meeting. I It was a very $hort
14 one, and he had asked me to serve a wedding before everything

15 happened. Then he asked me and 1111111111111 to come and get a

16 knife. I didn't think nothing CQuld happen, since l1li was going

17 to be there.
18 "Well, he asked _ to leave, and I knew what was going

19 to happen. He took me to his bedroom and then hugged me and then

20 started rubbing my t esticles. He asked me if I thought it was a
21 sin. I just went along with everything he said 'because he might
22 have gotten mad, and I ' would tell" -- "he might have gotten mad

23 and thought I would tell , so I didn't say nothing against h im.

24 He then asked me, ' Do you want to go to the movies

25 tonight, ' and if nothing is showing, he said 't-le c ou ld ''latch his


Certified ' Shorthan~ , Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. Dehoni CCR
Albuque rque and Sant a Fe 842~084 0
", '
AS F,DEPOS,33 150


Page 51

1 color TV. I told him I might not be able to because my

2 grandfather was sick and I would have to vlatch my sisters. Then

3 he took me to bed and hugged me, and he was kissing me and asked

4 me if I ~'lanted him to rub my testicles I and I said no because I

5 didn't like it. And he said, 'Okay, we better get over to the

6 wedding,' and he gave me the knife to clean the carpet. The knife
7 to clean the carpet had fallen. I left about three minutes before

8 him.
9 "I walked to the church, threw the knife on the carpet
10 and ran down the road the opposite way of my horne. I ran about
11 one mile through the ditch and finally up the road, then I started

12 walking . I saw a light greenish-blue car. I didn ' t think it was

13 him, but it was, and he pulled up next to me and said, "r'm sorry,
14 _ . Come on." I just turned around and ran five houses down

15 where my friend lived. He turned around and went, and he didn't

16 see where I went . I called my mOID, and, while I was waiting, he

i; . 17 passed one time do'wn the street, and that ' s all; and then -my mom

18 picked me up. II

19 Q The next attachment to that is a letter written by Arthur

20 Perrault. Did you ever see that letter?

21 A Not until October.

22 Q Of 1992?
23 A (Wi tness nods head yes.) And that's ,,,hen I asked my parents

24 why I had never been told about this, and my morn said that she

25 just let it go, and I was too young to discuss this when it


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: ArineE.. Dehon, CCll
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842-0.840



Page 52

1 happened. And then she told me that he carne over several times

2 trying to convince her to not let me you know, to get out of

3 the parish and that h e was sorry, and my room had to lock the
4 screen door and told him to leave us alone. And she said she
5 didn't want to tell me that he was coming around because I wou l d
6 have been more scared. And I didn't see this until last October .
7 Q When your mother picked you up that day, were you still
8 crying?

9 A Yeah . I didn't think anybody would believe me. I had never

10 heard of anybody touching a kid before, especially a priest.

11 Q Did your mom believe you?

12 A Yeah. She just kept asking me to make sure I was telling the
13 '\l7hole truth, because it was real important { and I told her it

14 was. And then my dad kept asking -- you know, made sure I was
15 telling the truth.
16 Q Did you be lieve , after they were questioning you, that your
17 mother believed you were telling the truth?
18 A After my mom took me to my grandpa ' s, she didn't talk to me
19 anymore, and then my dad told me to write the l etter , and that was
20 it. The only other thing they communicated to me was they talked
21 to the Archbishop, and they were taking him out of the church and

22 he wouldn ' t bother anyone again, and that ' s the l ast I heard.
23 Q At the time you told your dad and mom, did you feel that they
24 believed you?
25 A Yeah. They're very stern parents, and they were -- it's not


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. Dehon, CCR
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842-0840
AS FDEPOS.33 152


Page 53

1 like you sat there and discussed what you ...,ere going through and

2 how you felt. They just said, "It 's over. We took care of it,"
3 and

4 Q Did they ever talk to you about seeing a counselor or talking

5 to anybody professionally about it?

6 A No. As a matter of fact, my mom frowns on me going to a

7 therapist now, says it's a sign of weakness. And she's a very

8 predominant Spanish woman, and, in her mind, if you talk about it

9 once, it's over, and that's it.

10 Q When you were gro~.qing up, _ , ""ere you the kind of kid that
11 told the truth to your parents?

12 A Yeah.
13 Q Did they have any reason to doubt that you were telling the
14 truth?

15 A I don't think so. They -- I mean, after I t .o ld my dad, he

16 immediately went over there to confront Father Perrault.

17 Q Was that one time the only day on which there was

18 inappropriate contact between you and Father Perrault?

19 A Yeah. When I read 't he letter, when I read it that one time,

20 that 's "hy my mind is a little confused. It sounds like he

21 touched me once, and we went back. I mean, just briefly touched
22 me, and we went back a second time, and I don't know. And when I

23 keep thinking of this other stuff, I dont know . I just don't

24 know exactly how far it went. I always thought it was this brief
25 touching, but I don't know.


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. Dehon, CCR
AlbUquerque an(l Sarita Fe .. 842 ~ 0840

( ASF.DEPOS.33153


Page 54

1 Q You said earl i er , you used the phrase "since I ' ve started

2 having all these memories . " What do you mean by that?

3 A Well , I told my therapist , when I got that letter - - it
4 wasn't until I actually got that letter and read it , and then I
5 started having dreams of me being a little boy at night, and
6 Father Perrault , being that - - I mean, he's a big man. At least

7 from my memory , he seems like a very big man. And I would have
8 those dreams at n i ght and wak e up sweating, and then I started --

9 I kept thinking about it and t hinking about it after I got that

10 letter, and I keep seeing him doing stuff with his -- oral sex

11 with his mouth o n my penis.. And I've told my therapist -- that's

12 one of the first things I told her. I don ' t know whether I'm
13 making more of this than there is. I mean, I just don ' t know. I

14 dop ' t know whether it happened or -- and then the letter, I

15 thought it sounded like I said that I knew it was going to happen

16 again, and I only think I remember one -incident, but I don't know

,. 17 why I would put in there we went back again and I knew it was

18 going to happen again." So I don I t know.

19 Q How did you first get contacted in 1992 about Arthur

20 Perrault?

21 A My mom called me up, and she said that she had heard t hat
22 there was an attorney handling a case with Arthur Perrault and

23 that he was doing stuff, and then she says , "You ' re not going to

24 believe it, but he ' s been back in the church and, n ot only has he
25 been back in the church, but he ' s the head of this big church


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: "lilrie E. Dehon; CCR .
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842 - 0840



Page 55

1 call ed St. Bernadette's." And she said , "It ' s the largest parish
2 in the Albuquerque area. " And she says , "I heard this attorney
3 was asking for i n formation , if there was any other" -- "anybody

4 out there." And I just said, "Well, you ' ve got to call him." I

5 said, "This ain't right. 1I

6 And then my dad got on the extension, and he told me they

7 had these copies , and I didn't know they had these copies, and I
8 said , "Well, I' d like to look at them first. " And I said , " If you
9 could give them to my sister so she could FAX them," because i

10 wanted to see them ri ght away. And then I couldn't read my letter
on the FAX , becaus~ it's -- it's hard enough to read there , and so

he mailed me another copy , and that ' s when I said, "You need to

contact this guy and give him my numbe r and give him these
letters . "

Q In these ans'\17ers to written questions we sent earlier, we

asked you who knew about this event that you ' ve just described,
and one of the people you listed was Father Cassidy. Did you have
any discussi on with Father Cassidy, other than his coming outside

and talking to you while you were waiting for your father to
finis h his conversation with Arthur P errault?

21 A He knew . Be just said , _ ,.. he says I "We re sorry.


22 Father" -- I think he said, "Father Art messed up. " And I

23 remember my dad having me by the hand . He says , "I'll talk to you
24 later." And I remember Father Cassidy saying , uNo, you 're upset.

25 We need to talk and pray , and then you can talk to Father Art . "


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: Anne E. Ii.ehon , CCR
Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842 - 0840


Page 56

1 And then, when he came back, he gave me the impression that he

2 knew completely of what happened. And I even remember, whi l e I
3 was talking to him, I said , here's this man trying to tell me to

4 pray and forget, and I can smell alcohol on his breath. And it

5 was -- and then, \'lhen he tried to put his arm around me I I

6 distinctly remember wanting to get away from him, too, because I


8 Q And this happened December of ' 71. You were 13 years old?

9 A Yes. I was in seventh grade, because I remember I h ad a lot

10 of friends that I was in Scouts with and also went to school with

11 that went to that church, and I just remember going to school and

12 wondering how many people are going to know abou t this. And I

13 didn 't want no one to know nothing.

14 Q Did you ever talk to any of your friends about what happened?
15 A No, no. That's -- I didn't talk to anybody until right
~. '
16 before I got married, when I told my father-in-law and

17 mother-in-law that I didn't want to get married .in that big

18 church, and I just told them it was because I was abused.

19 Q What did St. Therese have to do with this? I mean, was it

20 just because i t was a Catholic church?

21 A Yeah , I didn't like it.

22 Q Okay. None of this happened at St. Therese?

23 A No, it's just another Catholic church, and the last place I

24 wanted to be was there, especially for my own wedding.

25 Q Did you tell -- what are your in-laws' names?


Certified Shorthand Reporters
Reported by: Anne E . Dehon, CCR
;".. Albuquerque and Santa Fe 842-0840


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( (


TillS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE (hereaft~r "Agreement") is

entered into this 27th day of August, 2007, by and betweem

(hereinafter "Claimant"), and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sale; (collectively,

hereinafter, "Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy betw"een the Parties to a full

and complete settlement.


WHEREAS, Claimant has made certain claims against the Archdiocese of Santa Fe,

Father Robert Smith, Father Arthur Perrault and Father David Sharp and others for damages

for personal injuries arising from several incidents of alleged sexual contact with Father

Robert Smith and Father David Sharp and one incident of alleged sexual conta~t with Father

. Arthur Perrault, alleged to have taken place in New Mexico from approximately 1972 to


WHEREAS, the claims of seA'llal contact are disputed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe;

however, the Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defIned hereinbelow,

which were raised, or which coujd have been raised by Claimant;

NOW, TIfEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual

promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions

1.01 As used herein, "Claimant" shall include:

A. ., personally and individually, and his heirs,

successors, assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an

intimate relationship with Claimant, affiliated business entities, trustees, partners, insurers,

ASF .032122



NAME: __~IIIIIiIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIl. _____~____~____


PHONE: _---,

SETTLEMENT/ CONDI'rIONS;~F.~=-'-';';';===""'==-'_~~~~~_ _

Fr. Robert Smith, deceased.

Fr. Arthur Perrault, restricted, whereabouts unknown.

Fr. David Sharp. removed from active ministry in Diocese of

Phoenix (administrative leave) inve:stigation in ' progress by The
Basilian Fathers.


Fr. Smith 20 to 50 incidents 1972 thru 1975 including . ,

pornography, drugs/alcohol, oral and anal sex.

FR. Perraul t Grabbed genitals over clothes, asked for sex,

(refused) .

Fr. Sharp - Grabbed genitals when wre stling, apprbx 10 times. Also,
~Walked around nude', in front of boy s and girls on Pius X camping

ASF.032 117



is entered into this ~~ of January, 1994, by and between

(hereinafter nplaintiff II) I and the Archdiocese of

Santa Fe, a corporation solei (collectively, hereinafter,

II Parties n ) in order to bring the matter in controversy between the

Parties to a full and complete settlement .


WHEREAS, Plaintiff has made certain claims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Father Arthur J . Perrault for personal

injuries' arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken

place in the 1970 ' s in. Al buquerque , Santa Fe, and J emez , New

Mexico . WHEREAS , Pl aintiff s I claims and a'liegations are

expressed and described in Cause No. CV-92-_ in the Second

Judic i al District Cour t of the State of New Mexico ( hereinafter

nLawsuit U )

WHEREAS , the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe I as set out in the p l eadings, and the

Parties des i re to terminate and settle any and a l l Claims I as

defined hereinbelo\'i , ",hieh were rai sed, or whieh could have been

raised , i n the Lawsuit ;

NOW, THEREFORE, in cons i deration of the premises I conditions

and mutual promises conta i iIed herein I the Parties agree as follow"S:

-1 -

( ASF.039837



SETTLEM ENT/CONDIT IONS.~~~~~~~~~~c-~~~_

PERPETRATOR/STATUS: d.-r &-u_a" rLr - ( A ilU a L.....,


~_ 4-P -<t--~
" ,
?J "'- < , ) p e 4-<--c /~ , r:J- a ~ 0 "

~ OJ< "'2- 0

"'l 0

ARCHBISHOP SIGNITURE :_-'f-L=-=-i/-fY1->:;VJ,y,.~.

. :c; L,,,,
' """,-"l".~"')~'4-}
...,-_--'04/,:,[1<-:5'--_ _ __



FAX: 877-2973
P,O, Box 1564, Albuquerque , N,M, 87102, Tel: (505) 243-0700



Name: 41 years old)

Insured by:
-,I Address of Insurance Company:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Length of time of therapy:
Psychologist/Therapist Address:
Incident Information:

Occurred at: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Incident date: 1972 to 1974
Age at time o~ incident: 20 Years of age
Interviewed by: Investigator Robert Romero on
) 10/12/92 .


ROMERO: I'm gonna pause this for just one moment. Alright
we're back on tape now. Uh, r've asked you for
the names of people that have had sex with uh,
Arthur Perrault And you've given me these names:

I ~ould pronounce it





ROMERO: And those are the three you remember. Now you
said you brought some other uh, boys or men, or by
the \'lay, we re these I we re there, is there anyone
) under the age of 18?

Uh, let's see,
of 18 .
and -_?
All, every last one of them.
Even _ ,
they were all under the age

Yes . They were all under 18.

ROMERO: Okay. So we have _ , _ and ' and you

don't remember therr-iast names?

No, I don' t.
Okay. For _ _ and _ , you told me
that Father ~l~d pai~ $20 dollars a
piece for sex and you'd bring them over to the
Archdiocese uh, uh, hall up on Morningside, is
that correct.
That's correct.

And in his office he wou l d perform fellatio on

- _) ROMERO:
these boys?

Yes he would . And this was usu ... and these were


ASF.FRPe rrault.OO390

always done either uh, on a Saturday morning or if
it wasn't done on a Saturday morning it was done
late at night at the Archdiocese.
ROMERO : Okay.
When no one else, you know, was there.
ROMERO : Let me ask you a question. What do you want from
the Archdiocese at this point,
I, I just, I just feel like I need some uh,
counseling ' and uh, . you know, I need to talk to
someone. Tnat's, I just feel that I need some
counseling.. I'm sort of confused still. uh, I'm
just trying to figure out what I should do and
what I shouldn't do;

ROMERO: Okay. So, then I'm going to put it on tape. I'm

offering you counseling on behalf of the
Archdiocese. Will you except it<

A I, yes I will. I will. I, I would.

ROMERO : Okay. Now is there uh, anything else that you

would like to see happen by the Archdiocese ,
I don't know what you mean by that question, You
need ...

ROMERO: Well, I mean, it's v~ry broad. Uh, is there

something that uh, you want to ask the Archdiocese
to do for you in any, in any case?

I e Oh, are you talking about like money or

anything like that,

ROMERO: No, not, I'm not talking about money.

Settling anything of ~hat n~ture,

ROMERO : No. Are, are you thinking ~ettlement?

I would, there's, you knm'l, I, it has passed my

mind. Yeah, it definitely it passed my mind.

ROMERO: So you're, you're, you're wanting the

Archdiocese ...

1. ..

ROMERO: .. to offer you money, is that what you want?

well, if, if, they, if they were willing to offer


ASF. FRPerrault. 00391


, .

J said, "I don't really beli~ve SOD, because 'i was young . anq
innocent, I wasn't street wise~1I

writer asked i f II1II felt anxiety or guilt because he did not

fight in the vietnam war? II1II said that he did not feel guilty
for not participating in the war. He felt against it.
writer asked if II1II
felt that the Archdiocese was responsible for
what Father Perrault had done to him? _ said, "if they didn't
have any idea that this was going OD, I~t blame the church one
hit. II

Writer then asked if th", church knew about what Perrault was doing?
II1II said, n I don't believe th~y ev~r did know." "I don't see
how they possibly CQuid trave. 1I

Writer asked if II1II

had repressed any of this? II1II said that
he has been aware of what happene d to him right along.
claimed ' that he destroyed the love letters that Perrault had
wr~tten him.
II1II said that the type of sex he had with Father Perrault is the
performance of Fellatio on _ by Perrault. sai>l that
"'< there was never any force inVOiVed the sex.
) _ stated that there were at t\~O atte~pted rapes of his
person by other Marines. II1II claimed that he reported the
attempted rapes to the proper Marine Authority. .
that he tried to have s ex with a 'lOman by the name of
. one time. He had met this \Oloman at T. V. I. _ 1 said
atternoted sex with her several time however~could
not perform. ~ed Perrault was 1;.he cause for him not being
able to perforrn-:-~-._ said that h e preferred sex \.,ith a woman,
but was not functionlng properly. II1II said that he doe's not
find men attractive.
_ claimed that the following persons had sex ,,,ith Arthur



, 6.

AS F. FRPerrault.00416

j 7. '.
All of these boys according to II1II
were under the age 18. II1II'
claimed that he had solicited these young men as prostitutes for
Perrault, who paid them each $20.00 in order to perform oral sex on
II1II said that he wanted Counseling from Archdiocese. II1II said
that he was willing for the Archdiocese to offer him some money to
forget about his lawsuit.

II1II claimed that he h ad kept a diary on all of the things that

had happened to him. He claimed that he kept a record of his
dealings with Perrault,. including. the molestations of the boys.
.. _. - - -- - - - -
II1II told that he obtained Bruce Pasternack's name by
watching the and sister on T.v~1 said that he
had _ said that ~anted him to
speak to her I indlcated if he (Pasternack) wanted to
speak with him, could call him. II1II
said that the
next thing he kne't'l he \"a5 in Pasternack I S offlce the next day
aiving statements. _ said that Pasternack had called him.
I11IIItold writer tha~elt really rushed by Pasternack and what
he had seen on T.V.


. conf irmed at this tilne.

Pasternack had told him that h e had a good strong

id that Pasternack had told him his case was worth

_ said that he came to this writer 'Hith three things in mind.

1. - He needed counseling.

2. He viaS conc::=rned that Perrault's sex appetite \' out of


3. He Has after money from the church, since Pasternack's office

had told him how much his case Has worth. _ said that it
then crossed his mind that the church could~he same from
him in that way.
_ said that the brunt of the conversation while, "at the
lawyers office with him talking about money, money, money, money.n
(P21, L8-16.)

_ said that during the time that Pasternack spoke "lith him,
Pasternack indicated he was interested and made a joke of Perrault
asking his victims along to Jemez, \'ihile he obtained treatment.
_ said Pasternack, Blake and Mazone were joking about it.
(P23, L7-20.) The Joke ,,,as, it \-las ironic that a priest took along

ASF. FRPerraulto0417

ROMERO: Was there sex involved with the 11111111 ki ds or

anyt hing?

No , no, no , not at their house. No , never .

ROMERO : Okay , March the 20th printers .


ROMERO: Bank account on March 22nci , If'lhich . . .

Which s how~ I had 1111111111111 in there.

ROMERO : Okay . And then we have March 23rd, Perraylt)

tour of Sandia Base .

He gave me , a , as being a Air Force Captain, he

gave me a complete tour of the base' on that
particular day .

ROMERO: On March 26th, you ha in your I;>ank



Yes I did.

Anything significant happen on that day?

Uh , I can l t remember unless I see the calendar.

April 3rd, Art called.

T Uh , that , that probably was the day that he called

me and, and had one of the boys over at the
Archdiocese .

ROMERO: Okay. And what did Art tell you?

ll.lh, probab l y I I beli eve he called me and we "lent

to go pick up one of the boys.

ROMERO : Okay.

And say we were g onoa go meet him somewhere and

pick him up.

ROMERO : lives at, Apr ~l (l th .

Okay, April the 4th is when I bel iev e it was___ I

but it, it was , all I can remember is the ....---
name is \'lhen Arthur Perrau l t brought one of the
boys .. .h e was a teenager , to the
8rcnalocese of Santa Fe and molested him there .

ASF. FRPerrault.00405

And the boy was obviously upset. And I, I don't

ld his mother or what happened with

ROMERO: Okay, and this is all 1973 is that correct?


ROMERO : Okay, and uh, April 5th, horne two hours.

Yeah. We went over one time. The mother wasn't
there and pe stayed there for two hours.

ROMERO : ' Did you know' what he was doing?

I did not see his e v ery move, no. I remember
spending a whole ho ur watching television with one
of the boys.

ROMERO : And th e n the other boy was missing with .. .

Two of the other ones were miss i ng.

Two of t he ot hers?
.' Yeah . .But I don't kn ow if uh, they were t og ether
or not .

ROMERO: April the 8th, Pearl Printing again.

I was there the whole day.

ROMERO: Okay. And then April 13th, the mention of

Northgate Apartments, what 's that?
Uh , ~h, Arthur Perrault! rented a real nice
beaut~ful apartment at the the Northgate
Apartments on Hontgomery Blvd. And that's when he
wanted me to move in with him. So (Inaudible)
instrumental, that I had mentioned the Northgate

RmIERO: Okay. And do you know how l ong he was there?

Uh, I don't know how l ong he wa s there.

ROMERO : April 29th, J emez Hountains.

Uh, him and I went for a ride up, that's one of
the ti me s we went up to the Jemez Mountains and I
stayed out there.

ROMERO: Okay, and then he, he stopped where?



He stopped at th~, it's the church places out

there. The paraclete or something like that, I . . .

ROMERO: Paraclete"?
Yeah, the Paraclete, yeah.

ROMERO : Okay . And May ...

It was a white building with the arches on it.

ROMERO : uh, May the 6th problem with Perr ault.

That was uh, ' the time we had a huge, huge fight.

ROMERO : Over what"?

Uh, I wanted to lea ve him. I didn't want to be
with him anymore or live ... that, that was time
when he wanted me to live ''l ith him in the
apartment and I didn't want to. And we had a big
fight and, and uh , he chased me allover the place
and we end, we ended up at some park and he tore
my shirt. We got in a r e a lly big fight tha t day.
ROMERO: Was it a fist fight"?
It, it wasn't really t h a t physical. It's just
that he tore my shirt because I was trying to get
away from him.

ROMERO : Okay, May 7th you got i t bl ank .

I don't know if there was, I, he's just probably
mentioned in there.

ROMERO: Okay, May the 11th, r e feren ce to party .

, that was probably when he
wen apartment, who used to live
on III to be -exact. ,Uh, uh,
the on there and he would go
down there and, and try to pick up one of the boys
that were there.

ROMERO : on _ "?
on _ , yes.

ROMERO: Who lived on _ I"?
_ did . He lived on
ROMERO : Do you remember his last name? '


ASF. FRPerrault.00407

"" ....

RR: What were their names?

One \'las named _ and one was named

Do you remember the last names?


III Not for l1li but . . . his last name is

RR: Okay, and \-,here, have you run into _ or . 7

Well I, I talked to . . . oh , maybe ten years ago.

He's since been ma rri~and had three . kids himself
and was in Cal ifor nia.

RR: DO you knm;r ,,,here I f we can reach him?

Dh, I have no idea.

You know what town in California?

Colorado Springs.

RR: Colorado Springs, California.

( NO, no , Colorado Springs, in, in Colorado.

RR! Okay. Colorado Springs. ~nd his name uh , his name

again is ...

RR: Hang on, let me make some notes here.

Hmrn hrom . And they live in Black Forest actually,

which is a suburb of uh, colorado Springs.
RR: Okay , where els-e ?

And l and t he boy, the other Qne, l1li.

RR: Yes.

I don't know anything, I jus t , all I know is th at

he was as buddy of mine briefly and I hung out with
him. And, and, and we went to parties and stuff
like that . And so I don't, I really don 't know
cause he , I .introduced him to Perrault . And
Perrault went .out with hi m a couple of times and I
don't know what happened after that .
.( )

AS F.FRPerrault. 00426


RR: Did he have sex wi th either boy?

He had sex with both boys.

RR: Okay.

Wi th boy of them. And he paid them for the sex.

Because they were sort of on the. streets and doing
drugs and stuff like that. And they needed money.
And he pa i d them.

RR: Okay. Anybody else?

Uh, okay, and; and, you mean .sex with other people?

RR: Yes.

well, I was i nvolved, now this is , this is a really

thing of my past that's really hard for me to talk
about and stuff but ... you need to know this. But
he, I was involved with a bunch of, with a bunch of
boys and in 1974. This is a little bit after '73.
It could have been ' 73, '7 4 I don't remember. But
uh , he was inval ved I I was inval ved Vii th these
(/ boys . I was living in this house, in this
apartment on IIIIIIIIIIIIIII And I lived
there with ~s . And uh, they were
involved in a burglary ring okay . And uhf they,
Perraul t knew them. And he had sex vli th two of
those boys. And uh . ..

RR: Did he kno;l that they were burglarizing?

Yes he"did. Because uh, they burglarized a couple

of uh, the people that were going to the church
that he knew very .tlell.
burg l arized.
Their homes wer~
And the only reason why they knew
those people 'I,eren ' t . home is because
Perrault . .. cause they knew Per ra ult must have told
them. I mean, he didn't actually te ll them to do
anything like that but they just happened to know
that this couple happened to be out I<ith perrault,
you know somewhere i n town that particular evening.
But anyway , we all got arrested . busted all
of And at the time, which I
I joined the Marine
t au


ASF. FRPerrault.00427

22 J anuary 1975
P e r sonnel Board:

I w ish to apply for the pasto r ate of Our L ady of the Assumptio n P a rish
in A lbuquerque .

Since Octobe r 1973, I have been music d irecto r at Assumption.

Consequently I h ave l ed m u si c a t a ll the sund ay m asses , and I feel that
I h ave good r apport with the peopl e .

Our L ady of the Assumption i s a litu rgically vib rant pa rish a nd I fee l
strongly that it must go fo r ward in this d irection .

The d ebt of the pari~ h is e xtre mely hi g h a nd this i s worrisome . However,

the paris h has a competent fina ncia l committee and if they a r e a llowed
to co nt inue the ir projections and influe nce with the pe ople , payment of
the debt can be r ealized .

The parochial school is a vita l influe n ce in t he par ish; I fee l that it

should be continued and believe th at the commu nity w ill make the necessary
sacrifices fo r this goal .

The deep spirituality of Assum ptio n Paris h i s due in l a r ge m easure to

the charismati c praye r m eetings . Pentecosta lism a long w ith nume r ous
othe r prayer oppo r tunities is well establis hed a nd must not only be
allowed to continue, 6ut ce rta inly should be e ncour aged .

Father Carl Ham m e r' s influe nce in the Parish has been dynam ic and
e x tremely pos itive . I believe that the d irection in w hich he h as l e d the
Paris h sho uld co ntinue a nd I believe t hat I c a n give 't his direction.

The only area which I feel must be strengthened i s a P a ris h Council which
can unite the many varied activiti es a nd accel e r ate thi s positive d irection.

I w is h to be considered by the Board and Archbishop for this challenging

oppor tunity .

Si nce rely,

Rev. Arthu r J . Perrault



t _ - -
B U TT, THORNTON & BAEHR ~~rllCj.;.::2 C~:.E-===:-:=:.":::~ .-
ABO H \".\ .. 871!) l-. ~~e l '~n-:-{\i I;taiKi'0~:.:tli;:;~- i

\',;~O:;~;;:i~ii~:~l~_G ~~~~1~
P_O S T OF FI CE. B O X 317 0



Fr . Ron Wolf , Chancell~~;L

The Ca t holi c Center .~;~(.
4000 st. Joseph ' s Pla ce :;c;' N . W.
Albuqu erque , NM 8 71 2 0 ...

II" I,h" I",1\" \, III" ""III", \II" ,\\'" ,I"\I

- -_ . --- ._. __ .__ ... ,. . ... ,'. _ . _. , - ----_.-------_
. .. - - '-'
"- - -- - -,'. -- - - - - .

ASF.04051 8


Archdiocese of Santa Fe
-4000 SAJ:\T JUSEPII 'S PL\CE, x.\\'.
A.Llll'Ql-EI-{Ql'c, Xc\\' ;\1.,\1 ('0 B712U-1 709

A.REA CODE 505 83 1-8 100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's , and as of November 12 . 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf . .......... continues 1

to receive counseling. ~ additional

investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ al was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~1986. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe co~~01:n , and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has on his behalf .
_ continues to receive counseling. WhITe
~onal investigation is nelecie(i, given nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience ims of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of

ASF.PRIEST.1 21 24


January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~leaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _I. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's ccmnse!in!ll'0 ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1111
~ I continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling . While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other c;t.aims of this
settlement value of . 1_ 1claim in the

type, we
range of
_ I _I alleges~-nhat~-!te- was- sexuaHy- abused - by - Fr.
Perra"iiI"t""'in ~1974. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counBering_ o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1111
II1II1 continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling. While
~iona1 investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settle ment value of _I's claim in the
range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 70. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseMn ro ram, arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _I continues to

_I _ I
receive psychologic a counseling. While adC!'.it"ici'lliinvestigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

allege s that he was sexually abused by Fr .

Perra~in January 1988 - De cembe r 1988. 11IIIIIIII1
has not bee n
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims



{;~'t (


January 3, 199 4
Page 3

.1 _I
of this type, we estimate the settlement value of
claim in the ranae of _ . .
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cqunseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other clapns of this
type, we est~ttlement value of . I_ r s claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
_I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~r 1980. _I
has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of san~ounseling program . While
additional investigation is needed, given the riature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the
_ I al1e~t she was sexually abused by Fr.


.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinWl!t and as of Noverobe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
continues to receive psyc 0 og:tca
on his behalf.
"adcIiticmal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and experience wi ims of this

.1 _I
value of 's claim in

_ Ialle~es that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin~o r and as of Noverobe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf . 1
_I continues to receive psyc 0 og:tca counseling. While
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
not been participating in the Archdiocese
of ~vu".~c,~ing program. While additional investigation
is the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

ASF.P RIEST.12 126


January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1_ F's
claim in the range of

alleqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-1 7. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse Miln ro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid .on his behalf. . 1_ Icontinues
to receive psycho counseling. Whi~additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims. of this type, we

Santa Fe's
. settlement value of _~ s claim in the range of

Archdiocese has
that he was sexually abused by Fr .
been participating in the Archdiocese of
, and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf. _ I continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value o f ' s claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of ' s claim in the range of

_ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

pe rra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of eling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f'sclaim in the range of

perra~17 he was sexua lly abused by Fr.

1 has n ot been part icipating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration of the



, j{r

January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience ims of this type, we

value of s claim in the range

' - '1 alleoes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ .1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdioces'e of Santa Fe' S"'COiiIiSei_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. 1111
_ I
continues to receive psyc ooglca . WhiTe
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we es lement value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I he was sexually abused by Fr.
PerraU1t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of co,ur,sEuing program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ttlement value of s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims .

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe
cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.
Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Re ynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.





day of January, 1994, by and between

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sale (hereinafter
UArchdiocese !! ) , collectively , (here inafter 11 Parties II ) , in order to

bring a matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and

complete settlement.
The parties to this Settlement Agreement and Release hereby

1. .1 _I
agree as follows:
had made a claim for
ari sing from an occurrence alleged to have taken place in 1974 in
personal injuries

Albuquerque, New Mexico. This claim ,k;

expressed in Cause No. CV _I in the Second

JUdicial District Court of the State of New Mexico (hereinafter

IILawsuit ll ) .

2. The Lawsuit involves a disputed matter , and the

Archdiocese, by entering into this Settlement Agreement and
Release, does not acknowledge liability or responsibility for the
claims . asserted in the Lawsuit , ,.hich liability and/or

responsibility is specifically denied.

3. In consideration of this Settlement Agreement and
Release , the lI..rchdiocese agrees to pay _ I the sum of _

Such payment represents recovery

f or damages on account of personal i njur.:!-es arising from an

occurrence within the meaning of 104 (a) (2) of the Internal

Revenue ~ode , as amended. _rtilm~gE~~kl&i}JI\[~13~'11~i:~



Archdiocese of Santa Fe
-WOO SAI:\T JOSEPI ['5 PL-\cE. X.\\',
ALBl'Ql'RQCE, XE\\' ~IE.'\ICO Bi I 20-1709

,-\.REA CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe


Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National

Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra. been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's ny'O(Jn and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. 11IIIIIIII1continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of ; s claim in the range of

sexually abused by Fr.
participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. . .
I11III continues to receive psyc counseling. WhITe
~onal investigation is needed, given nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s councse'ling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration .of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value .of s ciaim in the range .of

IlllllllllllllllElleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _I. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!!Wie ram, and as of Nevember
on his behalf. 1111

.1_ 1
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
_ I continues to receive psycno ceunseling . While
~onal investigatien is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with ether claims .of this

type, we s e ttlement value of claim in the
range of
_ I _ I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"iilt"i"n ~1974. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's ceun5ering_ re ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiecese has paid on his behalf.
_ I continues to receive psycho counseling.
~ional investigatien is needed, give n the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settl'ement value of _ I's claim in the
range of

he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese his behalf. _ Icontinues to

settlement value of

_ I_ I
_t _I . While addIt'IOflai'investigation
, given the nature and duration of the alle ged abuse a nd
our experience with other claims .of this type, we
s claim in the range of

alle g e s that h e was s exuallv a!?used by Fr.

perraiiTtin January 1988 - Dec embe r 1988. has not b een
participating in the Archdiocese .of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional inves tigation is nee ded, given the nature a nd
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

perra~ 1991. .1 _I
of this type, we esti1l1ate the settle ment value of
clai1l1 in the ranoe of _ .
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
. 1_ .

has not been participating

in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co.u nseling program. While
additional investigation is ne eded, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other of this

type, we est~ttl ement value of . I_ rs

claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
_I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~r 1980. _ I
has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience ims of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the
range of
_ I al1 e ~
she was sexually abus e d by Fr.
Perra~ .1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseliM l t and as of Novembe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counse ling. WhiTe
adcIiticmal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi i1I1s of this

type, we value of 's claim in
the range of
_ I alle~es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Sa nt a Fe's couns e lin!f!itf0
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
_I continue s to rece ive psyc 0 og~ca
on his beha lf.
ram and as of Novembe ~
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abus e and our experience wi of this
type, we est ~ttl eme nt value of B claim in
the r ange of IIIIIIIIIIII.
that he wa s sexually abus ed by Fr.
s not been participating in the Archdi ocese
of cDun.s e'Ling program. While additional inves tigation
is give n the na ture and duration of the alle ged abu se and



January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1 _F 'S
claim in the range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-1 7. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse!!llln ro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
. 1_ I

Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. continues
to receive psycho oglca counseling . Whi~additional
investigation is needed, given the n at ure and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
. settlement value of s claiID in the range of

_I eges that. he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrault. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _I continues
to receive counseling . ~additional
investigation s given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~' s claim in the range of

s that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa ing program. While additional investigation
is needed, given nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I t he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ 1 has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
sett l ement value of _ f 's claim in the range of

perra~17 t he was s exua lly abused by Fr.

has not bee n participating in the
Archdiocese of Co~,seling program. While additional
investigation is n eeded, the nature and duration of the

ASF. PRIEST.1 2127


January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience aims of this type, we

es value of s claim in the range
_ I
alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ .1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' ~_. 0 r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. 1111
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. While
~al investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our of this
type, we
the range of

_I - I he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraU1t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of DunsiB.ting program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our expe rie n ce of this type, we
est~ ttlement value of I s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close Off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are reque sting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settleme nts of the se claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe
cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph . D.
}rr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Re ynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Ste lzner, Esq.

p, ~~tt"""l~?-rt.J.1




is entered into thi s day. of January, 1994, by and between

_ _ (hereinafter I1 PlaintiffU) / and the JI...rchdiocese of

Santa Fe, a corporation sale, (collectively, hereinafter ,

Itparties H ) in order to bring the matter in controversy between the

Part i es to a full and complete settlement.


WHEREAS , Plaintiff has made certain claims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe , and Arthur J . Perrault for personal

injuries arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken

place from 1974 to 1976 in Albuquerque, New Mexico;

WHEREAS, Plaintiff ' s claims and a l legat i ons are expressed and

described in Cause No. in the Secon d Judicial District

court of the State of New Mexico -(hereinafter 11 Lawsuit 11-5 ;

WHEREAS , the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe , as set out in the pleadings, and the

Part i es desi r e to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as

d efined here i nbelow, which were raised , or which could have been

raised, in the Lawsuit;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises , conditions '

and mutual promises contained herein , the Parties agree as fo l lows:




BRUCE E. PASITR.'<.-I.CK nro \\"QOD'(r.-\..RD CE~lER

700 LO;l.[AS X.E .. SeITE 100
A Professional Corporation ALBCQl"ERQL'E. ::'I.""E\\" ).lEXICO
AlTOR.."\'''EYS AT L\\\ 50518 -\21800 ./
505124297G2 FA.l:
OR('"CE E. P.\STER'\".KK
:\"E[L R. nu..KE January 20, 1994
Paul D. Bardacke, Esq.
Ii Eaves, Bardacke & Baugh, P.A.
6400 Uptown Blvd. N.E., #110-W
~ Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Re: Additional Claims Against Arthur J. Perraul t FEB i 5 iS3:t

and Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Dear Mr. Bardacke: ATTORNEYS AT LAW

You have requested not ification of ,additional c l aims that

this office has been instructed to pursue with regard to Father
Arthur Perraul t and the Archdiocese of'Santa Fe. The purpose cf
this letter is to respcnd to ycur request and provide the fac~ual
background ' pertaining to the claims of these clients. This
letter is submit t ed pursuant to the evidentiary restrictions of
S.C.R.A. 11-408, and is not to be used for purpcses other than
settlement discussions.

With that preface, the following represents the

identification of the individua ls and ,the specifics of their
abus~ and injury.

I. ____

J.1LUTIl J.a.
younger sister
is also a Perrault victim .


younger hrc>t-h,>r , _ ,

were a devoutly Catholic Family who taught their

o ne

children to believe and have faith in the Catholic Church and the
parish priest.
The _ family left in
:".Pl'roximately late 1964, After
a few months in New Jersey, _ s f to
employment at as a
After arriving rque, family
Parish until approximately 1974 when the
family beg~TI attending Assumpti on Parish , As soon as he was old
enough, . . . became an a l tar boy a nd enrolled in CCD classes .


In approximately September of 1 974, Father Ar thur J.

Perrault was introduced to the II1II family by Father Carl
Hammer . Father Hamme r was another priest at As sumption who asked
the family if t hey would befriend Perraul t. What we know n ow in
view of the discovery that h as been done i s that Father Hammer
was often a condu i t through which priest pedophiles were given
parish assignments and ingratiated in~.r ish fami lies . At
Father Hammer 's request , the II1II fam iTy' befriended Perrault ,
and h e became a respec ted and honored gue s t at their h ome. The
family would h ave Perrault over for dinner, and Perrault would
take'" a nd l1li to various r e staurants, outings to Kirtland Air
Force Base, and even to engage in act ivities like viewing the
bombs s tored in the Manzano Mountains. The boys felt honored
that such a powerful man wanted to be with them.

In November of 1974, when'" was eleven (11) years old,

Perrault b egan to sexually mol es t him . As is typical with
p edophile s , this began with f o ndling o utside of the clothes,
proceeded to fondling ins ide the clothes, and progr essed on to
demands by Perrault that mastu rbate him.

Perrault had a c ert ain ritual with ' " that we have not seen
before. As you ma y know from n ewspaper articles, Perrault was a n
a dvocate of uface to face con fess ion". He would take " , into
IIIIs confess to III , have ~ confess to him, and then
masturba te while III masturbated~m. III r emembers that
this ritual occurred nume rou s times, and often while Perrault was
wearing a' c l erical colla r.

. . . estimates that Perrault engaged in the . .. . ,

fondl ing/abso lut ion ritua l , and other episodes of fondling, on at
least fifty (50) occasions f rom November of 1 974 through the end
of 1976 .

. . . did not want to say anything to his parents about the

fondling because he was afraid that they would not believe him
and that h e would go to h el l if he said these things abou t a
pr i est . However , on one occasion , . . . and l1li
did tel l their
parents that they each had b een fondIed once. They d i d not tell
their parents what really happ ened. Shortly after the y dis c losed
this, Perrault came again to the f ami ly h ome and the parents
confronted Perrault. As you know, liliiii later confronted the
Archbi shop .

. . . and were very embarrassed about what had happened,
felt tha t they had done something wrong by getting Perrault into
trouble, and were impacted by the advice given to their pa rent s
by the Church that this matter should be maintained
confiden tially within the Church and should not be disclosed.
Neither the family nor the boys were offered any counseling or
ass is tance , and obviously the Church did nothing to curb




Perrault's appetites or activit ies . The Archbishop denies

r emembering the conversation with liliiii.
After the p arents confronted Perrault and liliiii confronted
the Archbishop, neither'" nor l1li ever dis cussed between
the mse l ves or with a nyone e lse what Perrault h ad done to them.
~~~ '.
Over the years , _ had been very "m':iy', aloof and u nabl e to
social i ze. He saw several mental health practitioners for this
problem including Dr. Ruth Mondlick in the Fall of 1 983 , Dr .
Penny Cl emens , a psychologist in Santa Barbara in 1984, a nd Dr.
Harold Cohen in January of 1992 , in Albuquerque . With none of
these mental hea lth practitioners did III ever disclose the abu se
b y Perraul t because he did not believe lt had injured him and
because he h a d r e pressed mos t of the recollections about i t .

In the Spring of 1993, . . . began 'see ing Dr . Edward Snyder ,

an Albuquerque psyc hologist. By June of 1993 , he had switched to
Dr. Carolina Yahne, a l so an Albuquerque p s ychol ogist. Both Dr .
Yahne and Dr. Snyder will testify that III did not kno w and c o uld
not h ave known of his inj ury a nd its c a use until their therapy
with him bega n in 1993 .

. . . has had a very difficult life . After the molestation by

Perra ult , h e beca me socially isolated. He never had a da te in
high s chool , rarely dated in college , and now live s with his
mother in Lb'llUHe.rcrue He -works at ~-
.. " # . : ,

time although he h a s a Bachelor of in

cannot h ave re
attribute this to t he
' an
and in
young man who
the me'ntal health practitioners
by Perrault .

. . . h as never had a substan ce abuse problem. He describes

himse lf as heterosexual by orientation, and would like to have a
rel a tionship with a woman, but f inds himse lf u nab le to do so. He
tells us that he f ee ls as if he does n ot deserve a wi fe , c hildren
,and a happy family life. As with mos t priest pedophil e victims ,
_ has l eft the Catholic Church.
II. ___

was b orn ,m _ _ , in Union , New

_ _
Je rsey, where the fam ily was stationed In between San Pabl o,
California and Albuquerque. l1li is two (2) . years younger t han

In Albuquerque, l1li was five ( 5) years old when , the family

b egan a tt ending Annunciation Pari sh , and nine ( 9 ) ye ars o ld when
the fami ly began attending Assumption. Like his brothe r III,
l1li became an altar boy and enrolled in CCD cl asses as soon as
h e was old enough.



At the same time that Perrault . began his nUmerous

molestations of 111, he started engaging in similar activities
with l1li . l1li remembers he was nine (9) years old when
Perrault began molesting him, and that the molestation , generally
foq.dling, often occurred in the presence of the family with
Perraul~ 's hands exp~oring ..... s gen~Jk~p under a blanket while
the fam,ly was watch~ng telev~s~on . =:"... .

Perrault was always at the family home, and would come into
lIIII's room to talk tc him after he went to bed, masturbate l1li,
a nd ask l1li to fondle him. l1li estimates that there are
approximately three (3) dozen episodes of mutual masturbation and
fondling . As with III, these acts of sexual abuse occurred from
November of 1974 to the end of 1976.

l1li recalls what we would now describe as a pattern of

psychological abuse also perpetrated by Perrault, and presumably
done to keep the boys in line and intimidated. One morning,
while the family was at breakfast with Perrault after Mass,
Perrault presented the boys with a present, an industrial
retractable razor blade. The boys thought that was a peculiar
gift and apparently were unenthusiastic about it whereupon they
were chastised by Perrault for not expressing their thanks.
After breakfast while Perrault was driving them home, he asked
the boys if they had the razor blade, and they were ashamed to
tell Perrault they had left it at the restaurant. Once they
arrived at their home, Pe'r rault pulled the razor blade from his
coat, . confronted the boys with it, and l ectured them on the
importance of being truthful and moral . These staged reprimands
from Perrault were designed to create a psycholog ically
intimidating environment which would keep these little boys in
line during the sexual abuse, and both boys recall other, similar
episodes of it . Perrault essentially lived with the family for
this period of time, was apparently at the house almost every
day, and was molesting the boys almost every time he was there.

l1li was a very bright student even after the molestation by

Perrault, although a l so socially isolated. After
high school with very good marks, he attended
in San Antonio where he graduated with a degree
Religion in 19B7 .

After graduation, l1li worked for a short time in

Albuquerque, and then mo'red to Washington, D .C. He has worked as
writer for a civil engineering fi~, and now is
of an organization called IIIIIIIIIII
l1li also describes himself as heterosexual, but seems to be
unable to start a relationship with a female. He has never been
married . He says he would like to meet a girl and get married



some day, but the relationship difficulties which Perrault

inflicted on his life have crippled him fro m being abl e to do so.

In 1989, . . . . began receiving counseling from Dr . Harold

Goldstein in S11ver Spring , Maryland. The counseling began
because l1liwas suffering from suicidal ideation and depression.
During the first four (4) years of th~y, l1li never disclosed
what Perrault had done to him because ne~~itl not r ealize that was
the cause of his injury. Ho wever, in approximately October of
1.992, _ disclosed to Dr. Goldstein the fact of the sexual
abuse by a priest . Both _ and Dr. Goldstein will describe the
the rapy as h aving vastly l~proved after that disclosure . l1li .
has to pay for the the rapy himself, and the therapeutic expenses
are approximately $300 . 00 a month. He has been on anti-anxiety
medication, and continues to suffer from depression and sexual
ident ity issues. Dr . Goldstein will testify that l1li did not
discover his injury or its cause until approximate~992 when he
disclos ed the abuse by the priest, and that the issues pertaining
to sexual identity , isolation and depression are directly related
to what Perrault did.

As with almost all priest victims, l1li

h as left the
Ca~holic Church and does not believe in God. He is an
intelligent and likeable young man who will make an excellent


born ~n Albuquerque.. His

_ _ _ 'has' a brothe r
three (3) years a s one (1 ) year younger . :rhe
family were d e vout Catholics, .a~d attende d St . Charles Borromeo
Church in Albuquerque 'from the time II1II was in the first grade
through the middle of his eighth grade year . In the fourth
grade , II1II became a n altar boy.

II1IIwas molested not only by Perrault, but also by another

priest whose name he does not r emember . While an al tar boy at
St. Charles Borromeo, and in approximate ly 1966 when he was
twe lve (12) years old, I recalls that he was f ondled by a
priest at S t. Charles Borromeo. He does not remember any other
contact , nor does . he remember the ~ame of the priest.
St. Charles BOTromeo in the middle of the eighth grade
hed the schoo2. yea.r at Jefferson Junior High.

In 1968, he enrolled at St . Pius High School for ninth

g rade, a~d noticed almos t immediately that Arthur Perrault , then
a teacher at St . Pius. was inte~ested in him. In about the
seventh week of the school year, and therefore approximately
November of 1 968 , Perrault introduced himself to , and t hen
began ingratiating himself with II1II,
ultimately proceeding on



r?,,?; l 1 \39'5


is entered into this _____ day of January, 1994, b~ and between

(hereinafter HPlaintiffll) , and the Archdiocese of

Santa Fe, a corpo ration sole i (collect ively, hereinafter,

IIParties") in order to bring the matter in controversy betwee n the

Parties to a full and complete settlement.


WHEREAS, Plaintiff has made certain claims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Arthur J. Perrault for personal

injuries arising from one or more incident s alleged ' to have taken

place from 1974 to 1976 in Albuquerque, New Mexico;

WHEREAS, Plaintiff ' s claims and allegations are expressed and

described in Cause No. CV- 94 -11!11 in the Second Judicial District

Court of the State of New Mexico {here inafter IILawsuit ll ) j

WHEREAS, the allegations of the Lawsuit are di sputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as set out in the pleadings, and the

Parties desire to terminate a nd settle any and all Claims , as

defined here inbelow' I which '\'18re raised , or ' which could have been

raised, in the Lawsuit ;

NOW, THEREFORE I in cons idera t ion of the p remises, conditions

and mutua l promises contained herein, the Parties agree as foll ows :




~.I ..


700 LOi\I.AS X.E .. Sl)JTE 1I)()
A Professional Corporation ALBUQlIEHQUl!. XEW j\IEXTCU
ATIORN'EYS AT LAW 505 /842-1800
505r.a42-97Cj~ F~L\':

l\"ElL R. BL-tKE Auqust 4, 1993

Karen C. Ke nnedy , Esq.

Butt, Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
P . O. Box 3170
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190


Dear Ms. Kennedy:

Confirming my conversation with Debbie Manc hester of your
office on August 4, 1993 , it would appear that Mr . was II1II
first sexually molested by Father Arthur Perraul t in
approximately November of 1974. The abuse continued until
approximately September of 1975. These dates are subject to




700 LO:'-lAS X.E . . SeITE 100
A Professional Corporation ALBU'Qt.'ERQUE. :\""'E\, )IX[CO
AITOR.VEYS .l"T LH, 50518-\2-1800 ./
50512429762 F.-L",{ .' /

:\"EIL R. nu. .1:LE January 20, 1994
Paul D . Bardacke, Esq.
Eaves, Bardacke & Baugh, P.A. ~-<
- .....
6400 Uptown Blvd . N.E., #110-W
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Re: Additional Claims Against Arthur J. Perrault

FEB i 5 i53i
and Archdiocese of Santa Fe '-SIMO:--IS, CUDDY & FRIEDMAN
Dear t4r . Bardacke: ATTORNEYS PiT lAW

You have requested notification of additional claims that

this office has been instructed to pursue with regard to Father
Arthur Perrault and the Archdiocese of' Santa Fe. The purpose cf
this letter is to respond to your request and provide the fac~ual
background ' pertaining to the claims of these clients. This
letter is submitted pursuant to the evidentiary restrictions of
S.C.R.A. 11-408 , and is not to be used for purpos es other than
settlement discussions.

With that preface, the following represents the

identification of the individuals and the specifics of their
abuse and injury.


(1) younger sister

is also a Perrault victim.


The I11III were a devoutly Catholic Family who taught their

children to believe and have faith in the Catholic Church and the
parish priest.

The family left 11IIIIIIII, California, in

."pproximately late 1964, and moved briefly to New Jersey. After
a few months in New Jersey, IIIIs father was transferred to
employment at as a
After arriving in Albuquerque, the family
ion Parish until approximately 1974 when the
family beg~n at tending Assumption Parish. As soon as he was old
enough, III became an a l tar ' boy and enrolled in CCD classes .

'. .

In approximately September of 1974, Father Arthur J.

Perrault was introduced to the II1II family by Father Carl
Hammer. Father Hammer was another priest at Assumption who asked
the family if they would befriend Perrault. What we know now in
view of the discovery that has been done is that Father Hammer
was often a conduit through which priest pedophiles were given
parish assignments and ingratiated in~rish families . At
Father Hammer's request , theII1II fam:i.Ty'hefriended Perrault,
and he became a respected and h onored guest at their home. The
family would have Perrault over for dinner, and Perrault would
t ake'" and l1li to various restaurants, outings to Kirtland Air
Force Base, and even to engage in activities like viewing the
bombs stored in the Manzano Mountains . The boys felt honored
that such a powerful man wanted to be with them.

In November of 1974, when", was eleven (11) years old ,

Perrault began to sexually molest him. As is typical with
pedop hiles, this began with fondling outside of the clothes ,
proceeded to fondling inside the clothes, and progressed on to
demands by Perrault t h a t ' " masturbate him .

Perrault had a certain ritual with'" that we have not seen

before. As you may know from newspaper articles, Perrault was an
advocate of I'face to face confession". He would take", into
IIIIs bedroom, confess to III, h ave III confess to him, and then
masturbate", while . . . masturbated~m. . . . remerr~ers that
this ritu~l occurred numerous times, and often while Perrault was
wearing a clerical collar .

. . . . estimates that Perrault engaged in the

fondling/absolution ritual, and other episodes of fondling, on at
l east fifty (50) occasions from November of 1974 through the end
of 1976 .

. . . did not want to say anything to his parents about the

fondling because he was afraid that they would not believe him
and that he would go to hell if he said these things about a
priest. However, on one occasion, . . . and l1li did tell their
parents that they each had been fondled once . They did not tell
their parents what really happened. Shortly after they disclosed
this, Perrault came again to the family home and the parents
confronted Perrault. As you know, liliiii later confronted the
Archbishop .

. . . and were very embarrassed about what had happened,
felt that they had done something wrong by getting Perrault into
trouble, and were impacted by the advice given to their parents
by the Church that this matter should be maintained
confidentially within the Church and should not be disclosed .
Neither the family nor the boys were offered any counseling or
assistance, and obviously the Church did nothing to curb



Perrau l t's appetites or activities. The Archbishop denies

remembering the conversation wi t h liliiii .
After the parents confronted Perrault and liliiii confronted
the Archbishop , neither'" nor l1li ever discussed between
themselves or with anyone e lse what Perrault had done to them.
~~~ ' .
Over the years, h ad been very "ril'i:y', aloof and unable to
socialize. He saw several mental health practitioners for this
problem including Dr. Ruth Mondlick in the Fall of 1 983 , Dr.
Penny Clemens, a psychologist in Santa Barbara in 1984, and Dr.
Harold Cohen in January of 1992, in Albuquerque. With none of
these mental health practitioners d i d ' " ever disclose the abuse
by Perrault because he did not be lieve ~t had injured him and
because he had repressed most of the recollections about it.

In the Spring of 1993, . . . began 'seeing Dr. Edward Snyder ,

an Albuquerque psychologist. By June of 1993 , he had switched to
Dr. Carolina Yahne, a l so an Albuquerque psychologist. Both Dr.
Yahne and Dr. Snyder will testify that III did not know and could
not have known of his injury and its cause until their therapy
with him began in 1993 .

. . . has had a very difficult life . After the molestation by

Perrault , he became socially isolated. He never had a date in
high school, rarely dated in college and now lives
mother in Albuquerque. He -works at as 'a part-
time , although he s degree in
Advertis~ng 'and Photography from in _
_ _ . . is .a!l i .. young man who
cannot have relat~onsh~ps, and the mental health .practitioners
attribute this to the abuse by Perrault .

. . . has never had a substance abuse problem. He describes .

himse lf as heterosexual by orientation , and would like to have a
r elationship with a woman, but finds hims el f unable to do so. He
tells us tha t he feels as if he does not deserve a wife, children
. and a happy family life . As with most priest pedophile victims,
. . . has left the Catholic Church.
II. ___

_ _ was bern Qn _ _ , in Union, New
JerseYt where the family was stationed In between San Pablo,
Californi.a and Albuquerq~e. _ is two (2)' years younger than

In Albuquerque, l1li was five (5) ye a rs old when. the family

began attending Annunciation Parish, and nine (9) years old when
the family began attending Assumption . Like his brother III,
l1li became an altar boy and enrolled in CCD classes as soon as
he was old enough.



At the same time that Perrault . began his numerous

molestations of III, he started engaging in similar activities
with l1li. l1li remembers he was nine (9) years old when
Perraurr-began molesting him, and that the molestation, generally
foqdling , often occurred in the presence of the family with
Perrault ' s hands exploring _ s gen:i,.tal13 under a blanket while
the family was watching televislon. ~~""

Perrault was all.ays at the family home , and would come into
lIIII's room to tal k to him after he went to bed, masturbate l1li,
and ask l1lito fondle him. l1li estimates that there are
approximately three (3) dozen episodes of mutual masturbation and
fondling. As with III, these acts of sexual abuse occurred from
November of 1974 to the end of 1976 .

l1li recalls what we would now describe as a pattern of

psychological abuse also perpetrated by Perraul t , and presu mably
done to keep the boys in line and intimidated. One morning,
whi l e the family was at breakfast with Perrault after Mass,
Perrault presented the boys wi th a present, an industrial
retractabl e razor blade. The boys thought that was a pecul iar
gift and apparently were unenthusiastic about it whereupon they
were chastised by Perrault for not expressing their thanks.
After breakfast whi l e Perrault was driving them home , he asked
the boys if they had the razor blade, and they were ashamed to
tell Perrault they had left it at the restaurant. Once they
arrived at their home, Perrau l t pulled the razor blade from his
coat , confronted the boys with it , and lectured them on the
importance of being truthful and moral. These staged reprimands
from Perrau lt were designed to create a psychologi cal ly
intimidating environment which would keep these litt l e boys in
line during the sexual abuse, and both boys recall other , similar
episodes of it . Perrault essentially lived with the family for
this period of time, was apparently at the house almost every
day , and was molesting the boys almost every time he was there .

l1li was a very bright student even af ter the

Perrault, although a l so socially isolated. After
high school with very good markS, he attended
in San Antonio where he graduated with a
Religion in 1987.

After graduation, l1li worked for a short time in

Albuquerque, and then moved to Washington, D.C. He has worked as
a t echn ical writer for a civil engineering firm and now is

of an organization called IIIIIIIIIII

l1li also describes hims elf as heterosexual , but seems to be

unable to start a relationship with a female. He has never b een
married. He says he would like to meet a girl and get married




some day, but the relationship difficulties which Perrau lt

inflicted on his life have crippled him from being able to do so.

In 1989, . . . . began receiving counseling from Dr . Harold

Goldstein in SlIver Spring, Maryland . The counseling began
because l1li
was suffering from suicidal ideat ion and depression .
During the first four (4) years of th~~~, l1li never disclosed
wha t Perrault had done to him because ne~~i~ realize that was
the cause of his injury. However , in approximately October of
1992, _ disclosed to Dr . Goldstein the fact of the sexual
abuse by a priest. Both _ and Dr. Goldstein will describe the
the rapy as having vastly lmprove d after that disclosure . l1li .
has to pay for the therapy himself, and the therapeutic expenses
are .approximately $300.00 a month. He has been on anti-anxiety
medication , and continues to suffer from depression and sexual
identity issues. Dr . Goldste i n will testify that l1li did not
discover his in j ury or its cause until approximatelyl992 when he
disclosed the abuse by the prie s t, and that the issues pertaining
to sexual identity , isolation and depress ion are directly related
to what Perrault did.

As with almost all priest victims, has left the

Ca~holic Church and does not believe in He i s an
intelligent and llkeable young man who will make an excellent
witness .


in Albuquerque.. His
are has a brother
three (3) years , year younger . The
family were devout Catholics, .and attended St. Charles Borromeo
Church in Albuquerque from the time was in the first grade
through the middle of his eighth grade year. In the fourth
grade, II1II became an altar boy.

II1II was molested not only by Perrault, but also by anot her
priest whose name he does not r emember . While an altar boy at
St. Charles Borromeo, and in approximately 1966 when he was
twelve (12) years old, II1II recalls that he was fondled by a
priest at St . Charles Borromeo. He does not remember any other
sexual contact/ nor does.~e remember the ~ame of the priest.
III!I left St. Charles Borrome8 in the middle of the eighth grade
and finished the schoo:: year Cit Jefferson Junior High .

In 1968, he enrol l ed at St. Pius High School for ninth

grade, a~d noticed almost immediately that Arth'lr Perrault, then
a teacher at St . Pius. was inte~ested in him. In about the
seventh week of the school year, and therefore y
November of 1968, Perrault introduced himself to , and then
began ingratiating himself with II1II, ultimately proceeding on



22 January 1975

Personne l Board:

I wish to apply for the pastorate of Our L ady of the Assump t ion P ari sh
in A l buquerque.

S ince October 1973, I h ave been music directo r at Assumption.

Co n sequently I have l e d mus ic at a n the s und ay m asses , and I feel that
I have good r a pport w ith the peopl e .

Ou r L ady of the Assum pt ion i s a lit urgica lly vibra nt parish and I feel
strongly that it must go fo r ward in this direc tion.

The d ebt of the par-i9h i s extremely high and this is wo rrisome. Howeve r,
the parish has a competent financial committee and if they are a llowed
to continue their p rojections and influe nce with the peopl e , payme nt of
the debt can be r ealized.

The parochial school is a vita l influe nce in the parish; I feel that it
should be continued and believe that the community w ill make the necessary
sac rifices for this goal.

The deep spiritualit y of Assum ption Parish i s due in large measure to

the chari smatic prayer meetings. Pentecostalism a lo ng with nume rous
other prayer opportunities is well es tablis hed and must not only be
a llowed to continue , but c e r tainly shoul d be e ncour aged.

Father Carl Hamme r' s influe nce in the P a rish has been dynam i c and
e xtreme ly pos itive. I believe that the direction in w hich he has l e d the
Parish s hould continue a nd I believe that I can g ive this direction.

The o nly a rea w hich I feel must be str engthe ne d i s a Parish Council w hich
can unite the many varied activities and accele r a te this positive dire ction.

I wish to be considered by the Board a nd Archbi shop fo r this c halle nging

opportunity .


Rev. Arthur J. Perrault


, ...



~ day of January , 1994, by and between and the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sale (hereinafter

"Archdiocese ll ) I collectively (hereinafter II Parties " ) I in order to

bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and

complete settlement.

The part i es to this Settlement Agre'ement and Release hereby

agree as follo ws:

(1) :~; made a claim for personal injuries

arising from an occurrence alleged to have taken place i n the 1970s

ih Albuquerque , New Mexico. This claim and occurrence are

expressed and described in Cause No . CV 92 . . . . in the Se"eand

Judicial Dis"tritt Court of the State of New Mexi Co (hereinaf t er

"u La\\rsu it'l) .

(2) The La"'Suit inVolves a disputed matter, and the

Archd i ocese, by entering into this Settlement Agreement and

Rel eas e , does no t ' acknowledg'e l 'iability or responsibility for the

claims asserted in the LaYlSuit, which liabil.ity and:./or

responsibility is specifica,l ly denied"

(3) In con 's ideration of this Settlement Agre'ement and

1 1 the silin of,

Such payment

. repres~ilt.s recovery fbr damages on aC'coiriJ:t of personal injuries

arising from an occurrence within the meaning of l04 (a) (2) of the

Internal Revenue Code, as amended . liliiii expressly acknowledges



,~ :: : p . . ..


, '
- -I"
PHom' ____~n-------~~---------------------------
ATTORmY '~'-f7L-=.o..::....;:=-.--===========::::::::====:=--------------

PERPETRATOR/ STATUS , _________________________________



,- ,
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
-woo S.U:".'T JOSEPlI'S I'L\CE. X.\\',
ALllCQl'EHQU:, XE\\' ~JE...'\ ICO 8 il~O 17 09

A.RA CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D .

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDEN1'IAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the
of Fe is

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ been participa ting in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe 's and as of November 12 . 1993, the

Archdiocese on his behalf. _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additiona l
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~1986. 11IIIIIIII
has be en participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin_ro ram , and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ continues to receive psycho ogical counseling. Whm
addTtional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we settleme nt value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ 1IIIIIIIII has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ _ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~. _ . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseIin_o ram, and as of November
12. 19 93, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ continues to r e ceive psycho oglca counseling. While
actd!tional investigation is needed, given the nature .and duration
of the al abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
type, we s e ttlement value of _ claim in the
range of
_ _ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perraiirtin ~1974. l'1li __ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co~ng_ o ram, and as of
12 , 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
II1II continues to receive psycho og1 ca counseling.
~iona l investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlernent value of _ 's claim in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1 been participa ting in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's , arid as of November 12, 1993, the
his behalf. 1IIIIIIII. continues to

receive . While addItIOria.linvestigation
is , given the nature and duration of the allege d abu se and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of
_ _I alle ge s that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~in January 1988 - December 1988. 11IIIIIIII1has not been
par ticipating in the Archdioce se of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other cla ims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

of this type, we estiln~teth settlement value of . _'s

clailn in the ranae o f . ..
_ a eges t at he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991.

_ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,unse1ing program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other clailns of this
type, we est~ttlement value of 1 clailn in
the range of _ .

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~r 1980. 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience ilns of this
type; we ~e settlement value of c1ailn in the
IIIIIIIIIIIIII alle~ she was sex ually abused by Fr.
perra~ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin ! ! I J and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~cal counseling. WhITe
a.ctditional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value of clailn in
the range of _ .

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~. _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinl!l!f0 ram and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his b e half. - 1
_ continues to receive psyc 0 ogl.ea counseling. Whne
~na l investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we est~ttlement value of s clailn in
the range of _ .

_ _alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ has not been partic ipat ing in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program . While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

ASF. PR IEST.12126


January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other clailns of this type, we

settlement value of . _ " s claim in the range of

in 19 -1 7.
of Santa Fe's counse!!pn
Archdiocese has paid
receive psycho oglca
on his behalf.
LLeqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
has been participating in the Archdiocese
ro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clailns. of this type, we
settlement value of _ ' s clailn in the range of

_ eges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraUIt: been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12 . 1993, the

_ "8
Archdiocese has on his b ehalf. _ continues
to r eceive counseling . ~a dditional
inves tigation is I given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clailns of this type, we
settlement value of clailn in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we estllilate the
settlement value of s claim in the range of _ .
_ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ I has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our e xperience with other clallils of this type, we
settlement value of _ " s clailn in the range of

perra~7 1!1
he was sexual ly abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience aims of this type, we

ement value of s claim in the range

_ he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s c 'u,'~"-'-- and as of November
12. 19~3, the Archdiocese has on his behalf. . . .
_ continues to counseling. Wh'IIe
~al investigation is given nature a~d duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ettlement value of
the range of _ .

III _ he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~t~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of ling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
est~ttlement value of :' s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Conne cticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

cfs:rnu}.~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan

Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, ph.D .
Mr . Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner , Esq .
. ,-,HV~~~
~?fi~~ .~ . i!~(


August 6 , 1996
Summary Phone Convers ation
11IIIIIIII & Sr . Nancy Kazik, OSF

Ii.ll.f.absolutel Y necessary)
l1li alleges sexual abuse by Fr. Art Perrault. The abuse occurred
in 8th or 9th grade, at age 13 or 14 in 1975 or '76. The abuse
occurred twice ; one time was very extreme, sodomYI oral sex;
occurred in Fr. Perrault's apartment on Montgomery for 2 to 3
hours , l1li left and he said nothing to his morn about this . His
mother asked what's wrong? She suspected something and called Fr .
Hendrick s . (Archdiocesan records show Fr. Hendricks was at
Assumption from 11/19/67 - 1/20/80 . ) The other occurrence Vias t,lO
days later in a car. (They were going to work on a model (?)) Fr .
Perrault left Assumption soon after . (Fr. Perrault's CV does not
list an assignment- at Assumption Parish nor does the Parish
Assignment file list Fr . Perrault as being assigned there.)
However , Fr. Perrault assisted in forming the choir , wi th masses
and baptisms . There is one baptism recorded on November 29, 1975
in the parish records. .

Twenty years of his life was destroyed, his trust and faith. _
spoke with a Deacon about it after twenty years; did not know-whO
the Deacon was . Recently he spoke to Fr. Jaramillo about it . Fr.
Jaramillo called the Case Manager's office about this and s a i d _
would be calling.

l1li is divorced has three children to support and can no longer

a f fo r d to pay his counsel i ng bills . He does not wish involve the
milita ry in the counseling because he does not want it to get on
his record . He has counseled with John Humphreys (884 - 9411) for
one year . He has told the counselor and his former wife about the
abuse by Fr . Perrault.

He has read about priest sexual abuse cases in the newspape rs.

Sr. Nancy informed that the Archdiocese would provide

counseling for him in accordance with Archdiocesan pol icy . His
counselor will b e contacted and given the necessary informat i on.



April II, 1975

Rev. Arthur Perrault

6500Montgomery; N.E.,Apt. #320
Albuquerqlla,. New
. Memoo 87110

Dellr Father PerrllU!t..

At tbe Personnel brei Meeting whicb was held yesterdQY I it WQ$

decided oncU have conCllrred, ro assign y O'J to Annunciation Parish,
AlbUquerque, New M~lqeO holf time. This metlns you will be obliged
to spend tWo days~ plus Surnlays, in service to the parish.
The other two (!lld!1Jn,e..nalf doys you may devote to your work with tRe
liturgy. ThisQ$signmentwill beGorileeffectiveApril22nd. I have
discussed YQl1t QSSigpmenfr with ~he new pa.ta.r~ Father JQ.mes Kemper 1
and hewilfbe tU05fhappy to receive yail: sel'Vh::es.
BecQuse of the half timeC!$sigllment, please flote the following regarding
your salary; ABlpriest incal'dlnated for eight (8) years in the Archdiocese
of Smlta Fe, yOUfl~ entitled to Q monthl)' salary.of $190.00, plus $50.00
~car allowance; for Qiatui of $240.00. Th? Archdiocese of Santa Fe will
pay one ..half of Wiis Clmeunt ($120. 00) and Annlim;iation Parish will pay
one~llalf ($120~OO). hill sure that wi th oddhional stipends from your
daily Masses tlioi' youwUl have adequate fl1nds for ye'.Jr perSonal needs.

I wish cli this dme to thank you for the splendid seNice which you have
. rendered to ASsumpfionParish during the past two years. CertQinly they
will miss YQU, Wt at-the sometime I a.mwre ;that they will pray for your
continued sucC:ess. WIShing you God~s Blessings in your future ministry
and ill you. life, tam, .
. Sincerely ~

Robert F. Sanchez

(;c: Very P>s. Luciqn .!:tendren, Chllncello;

Re.v . Msgr. SlpioSC!los .
~ev,Jam~ .!.<ell'l~er )Y/
C~NTIAL ASF.FRPerrault.00007

THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE (hereafter "Agreement") is entered into

this {giL day of July, 2017 by and between and the Roman

Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sale and Our Lady of Assumption

Parish (hereinafter collectively the "Archdiocese") and ~and the Archdiocese to be

hereafter collectively refened to as the "Parties"), in order to bting the matter in controversy

between tile Parties to a full and complete settlement.


WHEREAS, lihas made certain claims against tile Archdiocese for personal

injmies arising fro m incidents alleged to have taken place in New Mexico in a lawsui t styled

John Doe 63 v. Archdiocese a/Sanla F, No. D-202-CV-2016-04803 in the Second Judicial

District Court, CorUlty of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico (the "Lawsuit");

WHEREAS_cla ims are disputed by the Archdiocese, and the Patties desire

to terminate and settle any and all Claims from the allegations, as defined hereinbelow;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual promises

contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions

1.0 I As used herein, _ shall include:

A. and individually, and Ius heirs, successors, assigns, spouse,

family or atlyone claiming through them or by virtue of an intimate relationship w i t l _

affiliated business entities, trustees, pminers, insurers, guarantors, creditors, employees, agents,

attomeys, and other representatives, executors, administrators, personal representatives, heirs~at-


PAGE 1 OF 10


1 privileges that surround it . So it is Father Starkey who

2 will alert us if he feels there's privilege, because of the

3 confidential relationship betl.een the person speaking to him

4 in his role as a priest . I t's not something I have personal

5 knowledge of either, because of that confidentiality

6 relationship.

7 MR. BLAKE: I'd like to take a break for just a minute.

8 (THEREUPON, a recess was taken.)

9 Q Father, have you read the New Mexico statutory

'10 evidentiary privilege that concerns communications between

11 parishioners and clergy?

12 MS . KENNEDY : I'm going to put i n an objection. This

13 man is obviously, from his testimony , not qualified as a

14 lawyer. I don't think having him comment on the legal

15 aspects of the evidentiary rules is a proper line of

16 questioning .

17 Q I just want to know if you have read it. Have you .read

18 it?

19 A No.

20 Q Why don't we go ahead and talk about the second

21 incident.

22 A Well, the reason I mentioned the word !'confidentia l!! is

23 in reference to the name of person, because the person

24 approached me, not in connection to Father Perrault

25 specifical l y, nor in relati onship to the civil law in any

(505) 880-0060



1 way . The person approached me with the question, "How can I

2 make Archbishop Sanchez do what 'he promised to do?"

3 That was the basis of the conversation, seeking my

4 private advice .

5 Q What had Archbishop Sanchez promised to do?

6 A I have no idea . We never discussed it.

7 Q In what context was this conversation between you and

8 this individual that you won't give me the name?

9 A The context was the fact that she alleged Father

10 Perrault had -- and I us e the term in a very wide possible

11 meaning -- molested her two sons. And she had gone to Bishop

12 Sanchez pri vately and discussed this, and they had come to

13 some kind of agreement . And some three to four months after

14 this, she felt he had not kept the agreement. And her

15 question was, "What should I do? How can I motivate him?"

16 These are not her exact words , but as I generally remember

17 it, "How can I motivate him to do what he promised or agreed

18 to do? II

19 Q Let me just stop. Are we spea k ing oflllllllll


21 A Yes. You said her name, I didn't.

22 Q Can you give me a date when these conversati ons took

23 place?

24 A It would probably have been in the l ate 1970s. I don't

25 specifically remember.

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1 Q Did the conversation take place in your office?

2 A No. I believe I met her the first time in front of the

3 church.

4 Q What church was that?

5 A I beli~ve it was Annunciation church where I sometimes

6 went to help out when a priest was sick or something.

7 Q You say the first time you spoke with her?

8 A I don't remember the first time .

9 Q But you spoke with her o n more than one occasion

10 concerning the archbishop's promisej isn/t that correct?

11 A There was an occasion when she brought this matter up.

12 The conversation was primarily about what to do to get Bishop

13 Sanchez .to keep his agreement.

14 Q Was that the first conversation?

15 A This was each and every conversat ion. There was only

16 about hlo of them.

17 Q Tell me about the first one. Where did that take place?

J 18 A I don ' t specifically remember . It was probably in fr ont

19 of the church . It may have been in the chancellor's office .

20 I don't remember exactly .

21 Q Was there a conversation in the chancery office between

22 you and

23 A No . She didn't particularly come there. She has a

24 problem with authority . That's my opinion. She asked me to

25 lunch one day. I think that's where one of the conversations

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1 took place.

2 Q Where did you have lunch?

3 A It was probably --

4 MS. KENNEDY: If you recall, Father. Please don't

5 speculate.

6 A vlyatt's, I think, on San Pedro and Lomas, or whatever

7 that restaurant is there . It's not Wyatt's , it's Furr's.

8 Q Would that have been the first or second conversation?

9 A I don't remember . She spoke with me severa.l times on

10 separate occasions. I don't remember the order.

11 Q Three, four, five, six, approximately?

12 A Three , four, five times . She'd still discuss with me

13 ab out it today, probably .

14 Q This was before or after you had spoken with the father

15 and the son in your office in the late 1970s?

16 A It was probably before that.

17 Q This was before that?

18 A Probably so . It wou l d probably go back to the mi d

19 1 970s . You'd have to ask her the prec i se dates. I don't

20 know .

21 Q Tell me what you spoke of.

22 A What we spoke of?

23 Q Yes .

24 A It generally revolved around, HI took this matter to

25 Bishop Sanchez , and I don't think he ' s kept his agreement

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1 that h e made wi th me. Now, how do I get him to keep his

2 agreement? II This was in referen ce to Father Perrau lt having

3 molested her boys over a period of time.

4 " What i s it you wanted the bishop to do?"

5 IIThat is not your concern . II

6 "What help do the boys need? We can take care of it. "

7 " I"m studying psychology . My h usband is a scientist.

8 We're quite able to handle our affairs. 1I

9 liDo you want to go public with this?"

10 "No, I don't,"

11 IIWhat do you want?"

12 "We want Father Perrault to receive proper treatment and

13 be removed from the ministry with c hildren , and Bishop

14 Sanchez hasn't kept that agr eement in the way I want him t o ,"

15 That's the general gist of all of our conversations.

16 Q Did you ever tell _ that, "The Archd iocese had to

17 do something about Father Perrault , or they would be sued out

18 of exi stence " ?

19 A No, I didn't.

20 Q Have y ou ever told _ that Perrault was ruined ?

21 A No, we never discussed him in any detail. She' s not a



vind i ctive person .

She wanted him to be treated.

Did you ever speak with the archbishop about

conve r sations with you?

_ 's
25 A No, no t that I recall .


'--_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _----'<_5_0_5.:..)_8_8_0_-_0_0_6_0_ _ _ __ _ _ ---"SFDEPOS.30120




Did you ever speak with any other individual about

conversations with you?

4 Q Did you ever investigate s allegations?

5 A No.

6 Q Did you ever speak with ' s children?

7 A I me t her two sons many years ago at Christmas time , I

8 think, at a Sunday service.

9 "These are my two sons I X and Y. II

10 "How do you do, boys. Have a nice Christmas."

11 That was about the extent of it.

12 Q Do you kno\1 if Archbishop Sanchez ever investigated

13 lIIIIIII's allegations?

14 A No, I don't.

15 Q Do you know if Father Perrault was ever put into

16 counseling or therapy of any kind because O f _ ' S

17 allegations?

18 A No.

19 Q Do you kno\1 if Father Perrault was in counseling at this

20 time; i . e ., when s children \1ere allegedly molested?

21 A It's my impression he was still in counse ling from

22 Bishop Davis' time, 1973 or so , with Mr. VanDenHeuvel . Now,

23 how long he remained his patient, I don't know . I assume

24 about eight, 10 years.

25 Q Do you have any reason to believe that Father Perrault

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1 ever stopped his counseling sessions with a psychologist?

2 A No.

3 Q Do you know if .Archbishop Sanchez participated in any

4 way in Father Perrault's psychological counseling?

5 A How do you mean that?

6 Q Did the archbishop make sure that Arthur Perrault was

7 going to counseling? Did he check up on him?

8 A Well, since we paid the bills, I assume he did .

9 Q The Archdiocese paid the bills for Father Perrault's

10 counseling?

11 A They had to at the time.

12 Q Do you know that for a fact?

13 A No.

14 Q Did you ever speak with the archbishop about Father

15 Perrault ' s counseling?

16 A No .

17 Q Did you ever speak with anybody about his counseling?

18 A No.

19 Q Did Father Perrault ever speak with you about it?

20 A No.

21 Q Did _ ever ask you to do anything about Father

22 Perrault?

23 A No. Her persistence was to make the bishop do what she

24 wanted him to do. My constant answer to this day, " You have

25 to go to the district attorney and fil e civil charges if you


'---_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _('--5_0_5-'-)_8_8_0_-_0_0_6_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.KSF.DEPOS.30122



1 want to force the bishop to recognize this as a civil crime,

2 other than whatever counseling he might receive,1I

3 Q Is there any particular reason why allegations of this

4 n ature would warrant the removal of Father Perrault?

5 A At this time, he wasn't in his pastoral ministry.

6 Q Would it warrant the suspension of his faculties?

7 A Only if the matter could be proven.

8 Q Allegations would not be enough; is that what you're

9 saying?

10 A Allegations would be the reason for prudent care and

11 some watchful concern.

12 Q Do you know if there was ever watchful concern over

13 Father Perrault?

14 A No, I wasn't privy to that. I don't know "'hat the

15 bishop did .

16 Q Was the bishop aware of the. allegations concerning

17 Fathe r Perrault, that you know?

18 A No, I don't know what the bishop would know.

19 Q What's the third occasion?

20 A The parents of Ms . IIIIIIII.

21 Q You gestur ed toward

22 A She introduced herself to this lady and this lady.

23 Q Have you ever s e e n _ before?

24 A I vaguely remember her face , yes.

25 Q \-lh en did the parents of come to see you ,

"--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _('-5_0_5.:...}_88_0_-_0_0_6_0_ __ _ _ _ _--ASF.DEPOS.30123



1 Q Are you aware of the complaints made against Father

2 Perrault concerning misconduct of any type?

3 A Mental reservation. No . Okay, I'll tell the truth .

4 Q You said, IIMental reservation.1! You're not going to

5 employ it now, are you?

6 A No, I'm going to tell the truth. In reference to Father

7 Perrault, on four occasions, people approached me on an

8 advisory situation seeking my advice . And I can't exactly

9 give you the chronological order. One is in reference to an

10 error in this letter that you have sent .

11 Q Why don't you give me the four occasions, and then I'll

12 get into what you brought today .

13 A I can't give the exact chronological orders. One day, ' a

14 man in his early 60s, I would guess, and his son, who was

15 about 19 or 20, came rather suddenly into the office on

16 Morningside and wanted to see the bishop.

17 Q Which bishop?

18 A It must have been Bishop Sanchez. It would probably be

19 in the late 1970s. They were rather pushy, obnoxious. Kind

20 of an impolite situation. And I wound up talking to them and

21 inquired what the purpose of this intrusion was, because I

22 felt they were intruding, in the sense of just, "Uh-huh,

23 okay, but what is your problem?"

24 lIWe came to tell you something."

25 "Okay . You mean me personally?"

' -_ _ _ _ _ __ __ --'(...::5...::0.:..5.:..)_8.:..8_0.:..-.:..0.:..0_6_0_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,ASF.DEPOS.30104



1 "No, the catholic church. The bishop, all of you

2 people . "

3 IIWhat is it?"

4 lIWell, my son can speak for himsel f . II

5 "What s your problem? II


6 tlFather Perrault made sexual advances to me when I was a

7 teenager. I!

B "We ll, why are you telling me this?/I

9 "We want you to know about it . II

10 "Are you willing to go to the district attorney's

11 office?"

12 IINc , we're just telling you this,"

13 " Why are you tell ing me this?"

14 "Because I just came from boot camp at San Diego, and I

15 learned in boot camp that there are certain people that were

16 queers that have to be dealt with harshly , and I d i dn't know

17 that before I we nt to boot camp . "

18 So this would have to be an attitude before the military

19 to deal with homosexuals -- we l l, nobody did, I guess , with

20 understanding .

21 "Well, do you want to file charges?"

22 "No . We just want you to know. 11

23 JlDo you want something done about it?1I

24 "No , we just want you to know we think some priests are

25 not good people ."

"-_ _ _ _ _ __ __ ---'(-'5-'0..:.5.!...)_ 8.:...8_0_-_0--'O--'6_0_ _ _ _ _ __ _,ASF.DEPOS.30105



1 And they left.

2 Q Did they tell you how old the son was when Perrault made

3 sexual advances?

4 A No, they didn't give me any specifics. Then the second

5 time

6 Q I'lell, let ' s talk a little more about the first occas ion.

7 You asked them if they wanted to file charges?

8 A That's right. I d o everyone .

9 Q You do each and everyone?

10 A That's right . It's a policy .

11 Q Did you mean Vlith the police, or did you mean Vlithin the

12 Archdiocese?

l3 A I mean it this way : These people come in accusing us of

14 a civil crime . We're talk i ng civi l law. They have a

15 responsibility under civil law . If a crime, misdemeanor ,

16 felony or crime is committed, they h ave to go to the district

17 attorney and file charges . If they Vlon't do that, then I

18 tend to dismiss it , because we're not -- we're talking

19 separation of church and state.

20 And you l awyers have set up -- not you personally , but

21 you as a class -- there are civil laws -- I'm very hot about

22 th i s , so you have to -- civil laws pertaining to human

23 conduct are penal . If you get caught , you take the

24 punishment . If you don't get caught , nothing h appens .

25 That's the way we have to deal with these subjects.

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.-.:(:..::5:..::0~5~)_8
:c,8:c,0'---:..::0:..::0-'-6-'-0_ _ _ _ _ __ _ iASF DEPOS.301 06


1 When pe ople come in and make allegations, and they're

2 not willing to take the matter to civil court and pursue ' it

3 under civil law -- because we cannot do that. And it's been

4 alleged that this is a coverup on our part . But we must work

5 on the principle that a person is innocent until proven

6 guilty . That is the civil law.

7 Q Did you take any notes?

8 A No, I never did, because I was in a consulting -- I was

9 n o t an official that could act on any of this informati o n.

10 People consulted me because they couldn't get to th e bishop ,

11 probably.

12 Q You asked the son if they wanted something done about

13 this?

14 A That ' s right. They're accusing him of a crime.

15 Q They said no?

16 A They said, "No, we just want you to know that this .man

17 in some way needs to be watched , " or -- I don't kn ow the

18 specific statement.

19 Q They said , . "This man may need to be watched "?

20 A I don't remember specifically . The purpose was, "We're

21 bringing this to your attention . Then our obligation and

22 duty is fulfilled. What you do with it is your concern, " is

23 what I got out of it. They were trading the responsibility,

24 is what they were doing.

25 Q Do you kn ow what the man's name was?

L _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _(c:5:..:O.::
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1 A No, they didn't give me their names. They came in,

2 stayed about 10 minutes, and left.

3 Q Did they ever see the archbishop?

4 A No, they didn't want to see him.

5 Q Did you ever speak with the archbfshop about these

6 particular individuals?

7 A No .

8 Q Why didn't you?

9 A Probably he wasn't there, or they didn't bring any

ft\.:t1\(";(, n. or. \.,l.--.
",e l'.OJ"" \

10 speci fic allegation or charge againsth-i:m,. They didn't want

11 to pursue it. What's freely said is freely denied.

12 Q Did you take this as a serious matter?

13 A Not in that particular instance, no.

14 Q Why not?

15 A Because they didn't want, to do anything about it. They

16 wouldn't make any charge. They wouldn't specificaily state

17 what he had done or where he had done it. I deal many times

18 with people that have visions or all manners of

19 statements, all manners of things.

20 Q Did you believe what they were telling you?

21 A As a fact , no. As an allegation, possib ly .

22 Q As an allegation, did you think it was something worth

23 looking into?

24 A Not if they didn't, no.

25 Q Why do you think they came to you?

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1 A Because he had an experience in boot camp, and the

2 training that t hey got at that time was offensive to people

3 that were considered sexual misfits. There was kind of an

4 i dea that they should be beaten up , they're to be mistreated

5 or punished or persecuted. That was an attitude of the

6 military and society 30, 40 years ago. That was just the

7 first occasion .

S Q Did you follow up on this meeting in any fashion?

9 A No '-lay. No. I dropped it . Totally forgot it.

10 Q Did you ever speak with anyone again until t h is matter?

11 A N0 1 not unti l I made a reference of it{ b e caus e it was

12 somewhat simultaneous -- this i s why I say - - they say I told

13 them about a case of a man and his daughter .

14 Q We'll come back to that .

15 A Wel l , that ' s why I brought that up , because of that.

16 Q Had anyone ever come to you before alleging that one of

17 the priests in the Archdiocese had made sexual advances

IS towards them?

19 A I have never had any discussion wi th anyone concerning

20 priests in the Archdiocese , other than Father Perrault. And

21 that was on fo u r separate occasions . I have narrated one.

22 Q I just want to make s u re I have this clear. You did not

23 take this allegation of the father and the son seriously; is

24 that correct?

2S A No, I disagree with your use of the word "serious , tI I

"-_ __ __ _ _ __ _--'-
( S_0_S--')' ---S_S--'0_-_0_0_6_0_ _ __ _ _ _ _ AS F .DEPOS .30109



THIS SET-T.LEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELE.2illE (hereafter "Agreement")

is entered into this <1~ day of March, 1994, by and between
; tI.""L"inafter " Plaintiff 11 ), and the Archdiocese of

Santa Fe, a corporation sale, (collectively, hereinafter,

nparties lI ) in order to bring the matter in controversy between the

Parties to a full and complete settlement.
WHERE~B , Plaintiff has made certain claims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Arthur Perrault for personal injuries

arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken place in

New ~rexico i

WHEREAS" Plaintiff I s claims and allegations are expressed and

described in Cause No . CV-92 -11111 in the Second Judicial District

Court of the State of New Mexico (hereinafter 11 La''lsuit n) ;

WHEREAS, the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, as set out in the pleadings, and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as

defined hereinbelo't'l, which were raised, or which could have been

raised , in "the Lawsuit;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions

and mutual promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follo~ls :




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,\TTONSEr:-; :\T UW .~OJ;IIH:': UIOO
,~1)lit..N!,!,;J71!:! I',\)(
HlWl.:li J:. 1'I\:',n~ll ,"\:\CK

.\"Ell, IC UI..\K[~
February 2, 1994
Paul G. Ea~dackel Esq.

Eaves , Eardacke & Baugh, P.A.
P,O . Bax 35670
Albuque.rque., New Mexico 87176-5670
r~a n ~ 1'~~~1
~ '_. Iv <I ,

Re: . --
.. ,

Dear Paul!
Thank you fer your letter of February 1 , 1994 . !
that you meant, in geod faith, the things that you
is clear to me that they are a reflection of your
into these cases. The fac~o~~~atter is that
is damaged far worse th~, something
you would have kno~m if - yo~ve attended the
interview and been given mo~e access to the factual
For example, although bot h only
raceived on~ (l) episode of oral
have been ' remarkably Thore profound.
performance, relationship wit.h his other life.
dynamics did no t appear to
I fter the abuse by
Perrault. On the other hand/ life took a
pronounced turn for the worse has only been able to
cope through sheer st~ength of wi l l .
l1li , for example/ is heterosexual, is quite comfortable
'1ith ~fact that he is heterosexual. and suffers from hO
t:rauraat i c sexualization . _ does not know 'whether he
is a boy or a girl . Since~ested him, he has only had
one (1) relationship with a woman, and that was just a fe . .' bri~f
dates While he was in college . Since that tine, and prier to
that time, he has never been Hith a woman . He has engaged i n se.~
with nen as a outlet, but he f~els he cannot have a
rela t ionship with a woman - although he would prefer to do so -
because he feels that he would be molesting a woman as Perrault
molested him. As a result , and because of his felings of guilt
about acting out homosexually \vhen he i s not truly gay I he tends
to lead an asexual lifestyle and practice cbsessiv~ masturbation.
Indeed, during his intervie\-i, t.;hen _ was asked II
orientation, his answer~tl confused. If
on the other hand, has never had any ccnfusion about




The fact of the matter is that Arthur Perrault put 1IIIIIIII

. . . into a lifetime of sexual confusion and dysfunction.~
not be able to have a trusting relationship with a woman. He
11'111 not be. able. to have children. He will not be able to have. a
loving, trusting relationshi~ with anyone. He will lead a life
of loneliness and isolation where his only outlet is to throw
himself into his work. You seem to think that because he wakes a
living, he was not inlured. There is a lot more to life than
having a job, and II1II will ~ have those things. .
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that II1II1111
me.t Perrault in confession. -----A_s_so many of these. sexually ~s'!Va
priests do, Perrault asked ~~hen a devoutly Catholic child,
whethe~ he masturbated. When confessed to the priest that.
he did, the priest began grocmlng im for his own sexual :
pleasures. When Perrault finished his sexual escapades with:'
_ , he said IINow isn't that than masturbat.ion?!!
Tnerefore, the isolation which feels, the lack of ability
to have relationships, and the the damages he has
suffered, are compounded by the fact that he can no longer have a
relationship with .God. God betrayed him, and that completely
eliminated his ability to have faith in the Catholic
church. NaYbe you do not think that is bad damage. I disagree.
Loss of religious faith is a profound injury.
After Perrault directly sexually ab~ , he -began to
call II1II1 at home on the phone and ask ~ngage in phone
sex 'IvlCn nim. Perrault's charming idea was that they should both
masturbate while speaking to each ether on the phone. On one
final occasion, Perrault insisted that II1II
come over to his
house, and while there Perrault began to a~t~mpt to masturbate

him claiming that there was nothing wrong y,'ith such activity I and
that he used to do ~'t with the brothers all the time back
in Nassachusetts. is one of several people to whom
Perraul t alleged that e vtas a child molester because. he had been
,se;<ually abused by the and thE. fact that they are
Democrats lends some cr~y to that allegation.
If you view less injured than _
_ , you need evaluating. Now that
Neil and I have aone throuqh our notes 1 ',,'e think his d~:nages may
match those of _ .

since let us talk about II1II

liliiii and in a mental institu~~on
as we speak directly pertaining to
the abuse Sigler prior to his current
institutionalization, he has been in every inpatient care
facility in Net." Hexico t and failed at each of them . He has
nu~erous episodes of suicidal ideation, physical abuse
p~rpetrated upon others l depression substance abuse and

traumatic sexualization . He is a laundry list of the worst



-FEB- 2-94 WED 11:08 Br u c . E. Pa$t~rn~~k~ PC P . ":;:14

things that can happen to people who are sexually abusad by

The same ~oes for
flunked cut of fewer ~,en,a"
charming entry in his medical
feces on the ~!all inwhat appears
h~s done to hi~. SurelY I
have far greater damages
you think? Nhy don't we
each, and let us only doub

Thank you for sharing your thcu/r:d Wi!~

Bruce E. Pasternack

ASF .038329



Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 SA.L\T JOSEPH'S PL\CE, .\W.
:UBl'Ql"EHQl', XE\\' ~1E..,\ICU 87120 1709

.-\REA CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese 6f Santa Fe


Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National

Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12 . 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additiona l
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of " " s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~l986. IIIIIIIIIII has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin~1 and as of November
12 , 1993, the Archdiocese has paid 1IIIIIIII on his behalf. III
_ continues to receive psychological counseling. Whire
additIonal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience aims of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 199 4
Page 2

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr .


_ '6
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

.111111111111111 alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr .

Perra~. _ . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's C~in_ o ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. III
__ continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling. While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature _and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of _ claim in the
range of
_ . . alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .
Perrai'iIt"""irt m2-1974. _ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counset1ng! l 0!ram, and as of November

_ '5
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
!111m continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling.
add!t ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of
he was s exually abused by Fr. Perrault
been participating in the Archdiocese
nY'nr,r.,m, arid as of November 12, 1993, the

_ 's
his behalf. _ . continues to
'UI""'.L.L! While add'itIOriai'""'investigati.on
is , given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

.. _I
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of
allege s
claim in the range of
perra~in January 1988 - December 1988.
he was
sexuallv abused by Fr .
11IIIIIIII1has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program .
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994

Page 3

of this type, we estim~te th settlement value of .

claim in the ranae o f . .
_ a eges t at he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. _ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe'S co.unseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we est~ttlement value of 1111
the range of _ .
lIIIIIIII'sc l aim in

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~r 1980. 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the riature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the
range of _ .

was sexually abused by Fr.
been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his b ehalf . 1111
- - continue s to receive p;l~n~t~~~ counseling. WhiIe
~nal investigation is ne jl " nature and duration
of the abuse and our of this
type, we 's claim in
the range
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~. _ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin! l !
12. 199 3 , the Archdiocese has paid
0 !
continues to receive psyc 0 oglea
on his behalf.
rami and as of November
~nal investigation is needed r given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type , we est~ttlement value of
the range of _ .

_ _ alle ges that he was sexually abus e d by Fr.

perra~ has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional inves tigation
is neede d, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and



January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . _= 's claim in the range of

LLeaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 7. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse ~n ro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid .on his behalf . _ Icontinues
to receive psycho og1Ca counseling. Whi~additional
investigation is n eeded, given the nature and duration of the
,a.L~' ~~'U abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ ' s claiID in the range of

_ that he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraUTt7 been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the

_ "s
Archdiocese has on his behalf . _ continues
to receive counseling. ~addit ional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this Lype, we
estimate the settlement value of claim in the range of
".... :
,~. ~
' .

that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa ,uIlsE, program. While additional investigation
is needed, given and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience wi ims of this type, we estimate the
settlement value of s claim in the range of _ .

_ alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ has not been participa ting in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the

settlement value of _:'s

alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
claim in the range of

perra~7 "
he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of ling program. While additional
investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the

ASF.PRIESr.1 2127


January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa ~
'n ro r and as of November
.l2_~19Jl3, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. Wh-.rIe
~al investigation is needed, given the nature a~d duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we estimate the settlement value of ' claim in
the range of _

__ he was sexually abused by Fr.

PerraUIt~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s ing program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
est~ettlement value of :, s claim in the range
of _ .

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims

and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims , as
well as close Off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe


cc : Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, ph.D.

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq .
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.




. a f&;m ber.;<~

SA: From the servants of one of the priests from the area
who were probably in the program where the servants
would take it over for them.

JC: Urn-hm.

SA: So , we have b e en running the parish since '47 . .

JC: Since 1947 .

SA: Yeah.

lC : Okay. And what specifically does, does this, this

paraclete .h andle? Hha.t k~.nd of problems?

SA: (Inaudib Ie)

lC: Uh - huh. Excuse me . Specific::a.l Jx, what kinds of


>,y" SA: . Alcohol ism and pedophilia IlOd, you know, any other
kind of nervous breakdown or whatever.

lC: Urn-hm . While you have been assigned here as a,

assistant director?

SA : I'm an assist .. . I'm a novice directo~?

lC: A nqvice dir

SA: I'm a novice director.

lC: Okay . . Db, did you have the oppo.rtunity to J to know .or
meet a Art Perrault?

SA : I met Father Perrau lt. ..

lC: Urn- hm .

SA : Uh , at Al.b uquerque Villa.

JC : Alb uquerque Villa?

SA: Albuquerque Vi l la, which is known by the (Inaudible),

maybe twice there . Uh. to when . . uh, another time I
met Fa t her Perrault was when there was a fune r al,. a
priest .

JC : Okay.

- 1 -



SA: At ... from St. Jose ph 's Hospital. The funeral was

JC: Ahout what year, what was, what was, wh ~t year. was. the
first time you met Father Perrault?

SA: I couldn ' t. . maybe about '70 ... '78, ' 79. I just. .. it
was just a hello, how are you?

JC: Okay. Are you aware that he was employed here at one

SA: He was . not employed he r e .' He was employed at Albu-

querque V;llp. .

JC: Albuquerqu.e . Vi.lIa. wh;Lch is located .

SA: Which would be in the South Valley .

JC: South Valley . Qkay. And do. you knQ:w what his posi-
tion was when he worked there?

SA : He was the r e teaching liturgy,_

. ~~ ... JC: Teaching liturgy , okay. And do you know, do y?U know
what year that was?

SA: I, I. .. let's see. Maybe about '7R, '79.

JC: '78 , '79, okay, l\lere you aware that he ever, uh,
" taught a class on moral psychology? Or was t~at part
of i~?

SA: Not that I would (Inaudible).

JC: Okay. Urn , as we go on, I'm gonna ask ~ome more

intense questions abou~ concerning a paraclete . So,
um , . I ' ll just move into that. Urn, have you ; . okay,
you have professional people that work up here, is
that correct?

SA: Oh, yeah, they're professional , yeah.

JC: Are, are they clergy a1so, or are they just civilian,
or l aid people?

SA: No, like Father, Father, uhf what's his name? He ' s .
the direc t or to the program . I don I t know if he I s
public director. He has hi.s PHD. psychology . .

JC: Is that Father Lector?

SA: Peter Lector.

- 2-

-- --:


,, "



4 SR: This is investigator Robert Romero, The time now is 1410 hours, October 30,

5 1992, Sir whai is your name?

6 JL: Jim, James G, Uermann,

7 SR: Okay, Mr, Liermann, do you have a post office box or some way we can get a

8 hold of you or we could write' you?

9 JL: Yes, ah, " Ron has my cards with my box and I live in Farmington, New Mexico,

10 I work in Farming10n and live in Aztec, New Mexico,

11 SR: Okay and for those who listen, did you want to put your telephone number on

'2 the tape or did you just want to leave it but?

13 JL: That's no problem, My home number at this time is 334-8671.

14 BR: Okay, now, go ahead and tell me what you have to say,

15 JL: Well, I was a brother with the Servants of Paraclete and while I was in the

16 paracletes I was stationed in Albuquerque, Father Art Parrot was one of our

17 staff members when I was in the" We were stationed at, down in Pajarito in the

18 south valley here in Albuquerque, we the paracletes that were, several priests and

19 a couple of brothers were in the paracletes completing at this time, I believe it

20 was around, somewhere around 1980, And, ah, at that time it was known to be

21 a house for priests who had problems, The Servants 01.. had a house in S1.



Louis that dea~ with alcoholism problems with priests and brothers that had

alcohol related problems. The place here in Albuquerque, Pajarito was a house

3 for priests that had other problems and most known as sexual problems. I

4 became more aware of this later. We the ,. had to go through the whole

5 program with the "guest priests" they called them. They're not .. And I, from the

6 classes that I had attended were strictly sexuality and I was well aware of some

7 of the priests having had some sexual problems. Father Art Parrot was on the

8 staff with us at that time. He taught and I'm not sure which class he taught us

9 at the time. I have some records probably somewhere filed away. But Father

10 Parrot taught, I believe some how or anotiher he was suppose to be in the

11 program with the "guest priests" that were there and I knew some problems that

(2 he had. I am very active in Alcoholics Anonymous. I have not had anything to

13 drink in many years, since 1971 actually. And at the time I became acquainted
14 with people in the Albuquerque area. Young men and going to some AA

15 meetings and stuff or their.families, and being helpful for them in recovery , this

16 was about 1980. And these young men and their famili es actually would raise

17 an eyebrow when Father Parrot's name was rl1entioned. And I, two different

18 famili es that I knew that the families were aware of some thing that Father Art

19 Parrot had been involved with boys, alter boys or kids at the ' school or

20 something. I don't recall, I believe it was at the school, one of them, but

21 somewhere a long the line one of the boys had been, had served for Father

2 (

ASF. FRPerrault.00576

1 brothers who were there at the Servants of the Paracletes and this was going on

2 while they were under therapy. They're there to be counseled and guided and (

3 helped and they're allowing this to go on.

4 JL: Correct. I never saw any youths, any kids there. Okay, but I know some of the

5 men that were there had some problems with kids, young, like Art Parrot had

6 had some sexual contacts with kids under age. Not adults.

7 BR: Okay.

8 JL: I know some priests that had this.

9 BR: Now he was chosen by Fully, Art Parrot was.

10 JL: Yes.

( BR: Okay and was Fully aware of Art Parrot's problem?

( 2 JL: Oh yes . . ~ I became aware of it, how I found out about via Jerry, via Ed
13 Bombara and Ed Bombara would tell Jerry everything there. They were extremely

14 close friends.

15 BR: And if you knew about it, was there any doubt in your mind that the doctors

16 knew about it?

17 JL: Correct. I have no doubt in my mind th at the doctors knew about this.

18 BR: How can we prove that Dr. Joe Vandenheuvel, Annette M.D. and Dr. Feierman

19 knew that Arthur Parrot was having problems?

20 JL: As I say any kind of records and there would have to be some kind of records

21 I would imagine that they would have had to been, and maybe from witnesses

14 (;


1 there were encouraged to continue with their drugs or alcohol because Mike and

2 Bill Peri did not see any problem with that. I know that they all drank. I know

3 that they all smoked some. II was acceptable behavior to drink and smoke

4 weed.

5 BR: Mike Fully being on the staff then knew what was going on so did Art Parrot

6 who should have been really counseled at the time.

7 JL: Exactly.

8 BR: Instead he was on the staff too.

9 JL: Right.
10 BR: And he was counseling people for their problems when in fact he had problems

11 of his own is that correct?

I{ '2 JL: Yes, yes. And I wasn't sure to what degree Art Parrot had problems other than

13 the fact there were a couple of families that, and I'm not sure if I talked to Father

14 Ron about this or if I had this on tape where the two families specifically here in

15 Albuquerque that knew Father Art Parrot and would raise their eyebrows when

16 I had mentioned their friends in the family here that Art Parrot was on our staff

17 and they would raise eyebrows and the young men both had been aware of him

18 having some sexual problems.

19 BR: Okay so that we get into the drugs was permissive?

20 JL: Yes.

21 BR: And would you say rampid inside the the Servants of the Paraclete?





entered into this Jk day of February, 2006, by and between (hereinafter

"Claimant") and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sole (collectively, hereinafter,

"Parties") in order to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and complete



WHEREAS, Claimant has made certain claims against the Archdioces~ of Santa Fe,

Father Arthur Perrault and others for damages for personal injuries arising from one or more

incidents of alleged sexual contact between Claimant and Father Arthur Perrault, alleged to have

taken place in approximately 1979 in New Mexico; and

WHEREAS, the allegations ofllie sexual contact are disputed by the Archdiocese of

Santa Fe; however, the Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as defIned

hereinbelow, which have been raised, or which could have been raised by Claimant;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual promises

contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

I. Definitions

l.01 As used herein "Claimant" shall include:

A. ,personally and individually, and his heirs,

successors, assigns, spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an intimate

relationship with Claimant, affiliated business entities, trustees, partners, insurers, guarantors,

creditors, employees, agents, attorneys, and other representatives,.executors, administrators,

personal representatives, heirs-at-Iaw, legatees, and all other persons claiming by or through




NAME:-~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _______~________~__~~__________~~

pHONE: -IIII-IIIIIII ____________________ ________ ~ ~--~---

ATTORNEY: ____ ~P~r~o~S~e ___________________________

. ,

see the Archbishop W~~t~h~~hji~s~p~a~r~e~n~t~s~,~1Illiiliilllililliilllt=a:n:d~IIIIL_:

11 .

PERPETRATOR STATUS: __~A~r~t~h~u~r-LP~e~r~r~a~u~l~t~.~R~e~s~t~r~i~c~t~e~d~.______________~

DESCRIPTION OF ABUSE: The sexual abuse occurred on one occasion

a pproximately November of 1979 when ' was 14 years old. " The
event consisted of anal penetr ation. Fr . Perrault was giving . ~
mission at the parish , Our rLady of Belen. He was invited
~ 'family t? dinner wherEj he offered to 'have _ . stay .
with him. The family agreed . .' It was ' d\1rincr 't his'lrisitthat the
abus e happened .

. .. ...


~ i~d~
~ 6~2~




i (
~P~________~________ CASENO,JlIIIIIIIL



said that her f ami ly met Father Perrault at Annunciation Church.

said that her son, II1II,
was a n alter boy at the church when
Perrault joined the parish as an ass is tant . said t ha t wa s in III II1II
either the seventh or eight grade at t he t i m e . said that s omet ime
during this time period Father Per rault hired to work at a l o cal
II1II l1li
with him. said that on several occasions, came
home upset from . . . on one o ccasion asked wha

,I was wr ong.
. . with
think he is,"
he didn't want to go back to
also told her that "Perrau lt is not

I "

IJ . . . said that II1II

didn't tel l her about the problem he had with
Perr ault until recent ly . . . . said that at the tim e she never suspe c ted
Perrault had sexually 'abused II1II. _ said that several months prior ,
I! to th e Perrault case being made pubIiC, fina lly t old her that II1II
,I Perrault had sexu al ly abused him .

Sinc e II1II
shared the same information with his mother and father
regarding this incident . was the only individual from the
family interviewed. For addi tiona'l details' refer to I s ilir


obtained a possible home phone number for Fa ther Kempter. -I called

Ii,..I I
the number and spoke to an individual who identified h~mself as Father

Ii Father Kempter was informed of my investigation and the fact that his
name was mentioned by several of the victims and their family members
during this investigation. Father Kempter. stated that he would perfer
not to be "involved in this matter; howe v er, he did agree to speek with
II me briefly about Father Perrault.

Father Kempter said that Father Per r eult worked as his assistant at
II. Annuncition church for approx imat ely t~n years. Father Kempter said
that he and Father Perrault didn't get along with one another ,
especially when they were' dealing with issues" concecning the chucch.

1! Father Kempter said that he did " recall several of his

telling him that Father Perrault was sexually abusi n g
parishioner s
ildren . I
asked Father Kempter if he recalled the and the families .
Father Kempter said that he "did recall both families. said that

I -This form Is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change of status, etc" must be submitted upon the ap"'
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer file,
______________________________ 0045 2- 01 -93 __
~~----D ATE

10 NO.


_______________________________---;;::=-___ DATE ____________
10 NO,
,I AS F.055969"
1 J.

OFFENSE __C~S~P~__________________ CASENOIIIIIIII
VICTIM _ _ _' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


II1II IIIIIl did tell him that Perrault had abused her son. Father
Kempter sal a that he never reported this to the Archdiocese because he
knew from past experiences that nothing would be done .

victim, IIIIIIIIIIII, r Arthur Perrault invited him to
, I his home~t sometime between January 1st,
! J!
1988, and December leges that while visiting Father
Perrault at his home" Perrault armed fellatio on him. _ stated
that this occurred on three separate occasions ~uring the year.
i1 _ was living with his grandparents,
,. time these incidents occurred. a II1II
furnish formal statements regarolng thi
ii agree to talk with me about Father Perrault
characterized Father Perrault as ood man and
~ said that he doesn't ve Father Perrault sexually
vlctimized his grandson, _ . ~ said that _ has
, ,
emotional problems and has a-rQn g o~.
, ;
Victim, ....... ,
~~ J
.. ,,~
said that he was serving as an alter boy at
.' '~p

Annunciation Church in 1980, when Father Perrault invited....... to

his home for counseling sessions. This invitation e~.~Ii~~t~o
I ! liliiii som~time b~tween october 1980, and November ~
I..,! acceoted the invitation to Father Perrault's at
while ' he was visiting Fathet Perrault, he fondled over
the top of his pants.

\1 liliiii reported this incident to his mother, IIIIIIIIIIII , who in .turn

reoorted it to the head priest at Annunciatio~ther Kempter.
, 1 II1II said that she never heard anything from Father Kempter or the
I!_JI Archdiocese regarding the report.

Victim, stated that he attended school and church at

,I I, Annuncia seventh and eight grade years. said that II1II
L.J this would 1978. It was during this time that _ met
Father Fe . that he was hired by Father Perrauit to
u work at a
Father Perr
then performed
day while working at the
s pants and removed his oenis. Perrault
left th~ l1li
and never returned.

"This lonn is for additional narrative Information only. Any additional persons, property, change 01 status, etc., mus: be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACQPS supplement fonn to update the computer file.
_____________________________ ~,._--D~E


- . '-.~ ~"" I




THIS SETTLE!".lE!:,l'T AGREEMENT J!...1>iTI RELE]\..3E (hereafter IrAgreement ll)

is entered into this 2nd day of August, 1995 , by a~d betw~en II1II.
_ ..: o (hereinarter UPlaintiff") I and the ]\,Xchdiocese of Santa. Fe,

a corporation sale, (collectively I hereinafter I II Parties 1/) in order

to bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full

and complete settl~~ent.


NHBREJl-S, Plaintiff has made certain Cla.ims against the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Arthur Perrault for personal injuries

arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken place in

New Mexico;
WHBREAS I Plaintiff I s Claims and allegations are expressed and

described in Cause No. CV-94 in the Second Judicial District

Court of the State of Ne\" Mexico (hereinaft~r If Lawsuit II) ;

WHEREAS, the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe I as set out in the pleadings I and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as

defined hereip..below, which \'lere raised , or which could have been

raised, in the Lai'lsuiti

NOW, THEREFORE, in considerat i on of the premises, conditions

and mutual promises contained herein, the Parties ag:r:ee as follows:




. ". " ;"

_, . ; i i .... ' t ,,' '.' r


________________________________________________ Pbone: ______________

Currently in therapy
PsychologistrIberapist: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Length of time in therapy: _______

AddrMS: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ ___

_________________________________________________ Pbone: ____________

Incident Information:
Parish Priest/Counselor
Perpetrator: Father Arthur Perrault Relationship: _ _ _ __ _ _ ___

Occurred at: Father Prraul tIs home Incideat Date: Oct or Nov/1980

Age at time' of incident: ----'1=4"-'y'-'e=ar~s'------------'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Details of incident: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:--_..:...._ _ _ _~_ _ ____,_,......- - - - - - - - - _

At Annunciation Church lojent" to Father Perrault for

confession. The subject of counseling came up _ Father Perrault gave

liliiii his home phone number and suggested making an appointment.

liliiii made an apoointment for a Tuesday afternoon after school

and rode his bike to Father Perrault's home. Father

unbutton his shirt and remove his shoes to get comfortable. Father

suggested they be friends. They did discuss the issues about which

liliiii requested counseling .

On the second visit, one week iater, Father again asked liliiii
to unbutton his shirt and remove his shoes. Father sat next to

_ o n the sofa, put his arm around liliiii, kissed him and

fondled him. told Father he did not like that and left.

told us, his parents, he was not going back for any



more counseling and why. 1\1e contac t ed Father James Kemper, then

Pastor of Annunciation Church, and met Id th Father Kemper in his

offi'c'eY 'when 'He told Father Kemper what had happehed', ' he' Has not'
- ' .y , ' f ' . r
surprised . He told us Father Perrault had a history of problems
' r"
inth altar boys and had even, on occasion, served boys alc(rhol '~ r '-r
Father Kemper said he woul d inform Father Starkey about the incident.

That was the last we heard about it . There was no follow - up

. r -.

----- -- --

J ,' _ __ _ _-"-_ _'-'-'--_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _-,-_ _ _ _ __ _ _-,-_ _ _ _ __

. J :'

, r ( ' ::) 1 ,' ! ( ,." -.' '-J -

~ ",' ') :r r,r. f ' c~, " f :) . .,

.J ~i ,

~ ".- '., .. "r ' .

".' - I :' J i'" ':"': ." ... ~

Recommendations: ,__-,~_--,-,--::----------__,-_,_--

.. ' ; ," . Jr. . . !

Interviewed by: _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __



Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 5.\1:\1 JOSEPI( 'S PLKE, X.\\'.
ALl3l"Ql"EHQL'E, X\\' :-1.,\1(0 67120-1709

AREA CODE 505 831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFiDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was s!"xually abused .by Fr.

been participating in the Archdioce se of
Santa Fe's , and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. IIIIIIIIIIII continues
to receive psyc counseling. ~additional
investigation is given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience ,claimS of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_all was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~1986. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe s c 'LlJl""~JLlI , and as of
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has on his behalf.
_ continues to r ece ive counseling.
~onal investigation is nature and duration
of the abuse and our aims of this
type, we s e ttlement value of claim in the
range of




January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

IlllllllllllllllElleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in.,o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1111
_ I continues to receive psycho og~ca_ counseling. While
~o nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of . 1 _1claim in the
range of
_ I _ I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"iiTt""'in ~ 1974. . 1_ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's coU:ns.ering_o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. . J
_ I continues to receive psycho og~ca counseling. While
~ ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settl'e ment value of _ I's claim in the
range of
he was sexua lly abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1 been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese his behalf. _I continues to
receive ing. While addIt"I'Oiial investigation
is , given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~ s claim in the range of

_ I_ I alleges that he was sexuallv abused by Fr.

perraUT'tin January 1988 - December 1988. has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, give n the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other , claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

of this type, we estilnate the settlement value of
claim in the ranoe of _ .
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. _ I
has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,unseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our expe rience with other clapns of this
type, we est ~ttlement value of . I_ rs
claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
_ I allege sexually abused by Fr .
Perra~r 1980. 1 has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of s counseling program . While
additional investigation is needed, giv en the riature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our expe rience ims of this
type, we ~e settlement value of clailn in the
_ I alle ~t she was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ . 1_ I
has been participa.ting i n the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
on his behalf.
continues to receive psyc 0 og~cal counseling.
0 J and as of Novemben
Whi le
actdIti'Onal investigation is needed , given the nature and duration
of the a abuse and our wi of this
type, we value of

the range
_ Ialleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .
Perra"Uit""'Iii". _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pa id
_ I
o ram

continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca

on his be half.
and as of Novemben
Whi le
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience wi of this
value of

_ I
~alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1 has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature a nd duration of the alleged abuse and




January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience of this type, we

settlement value 's claim in the range of

~ .1
a ll eaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1966-1 7.
of Santa Fe' 8 counse
Archdiocese has paid
1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf. _ I continues
to receive psycho og1ca counseling. Whire---additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with claims. of this type, we

Santa Fe's
. settlement value of s claim in the range of

eges that. he was sexually abused by Fr.

1 has been participating in the Archdiocese of
, and as' of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has on his behalf. _ I continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our expe rience claims of this type, we
estimate the settlement value of ' 's claim in the range of
". . ~ .. I

s that he was sexually abused by Fr . Perrault

in 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa eL1ng program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with of this type, we
settlement value of ' s claim in the range of

_ I t he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our e xper i ence with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f ' s claim in the range of

perra~17 he was sexually abused by Fr.

1 has n ot been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the

ASF .PRIEST .12127


January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience aims of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ Ia1leaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' 6""'Cciiii1Se_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. 1111
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. Wh'Ile
~al investigation is needed given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our with other claims of this
value of I'
claim in

BI _ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrauh "in"'i'9"7'4. I has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
est~ttlement value of rs claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdioce se of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.
Hr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.

e>. ~~Jr~?1l.J./


Joseph G. VanDen Heuvel, Ph.D.

cli nical psychologist

N. Mex. Board Certification National Register of Health Service

in Psychology No. 130 Providers in Psychology No. 18290

Ju ne 1, 1981
"';;;~'-~ng,)~-;;Z- '' -:-far 't:

Most Rev, Archbi6hoP R~bert F. Sanchez ' Summery and Recommendations

,100.6- ldl ewi:lJ:! SI> -' ....- "' ........... ~ -
Albuquerque!'NM .87108


Dear Archbi shop:
Th i s is in respo nse to yo ur request for a comprehensive assessment of Fr.
Arthu r J. Perrault's personality f unctioning. Fr. Perrault was seen for
purposes of this eva luati on on May 19. .
To promote the accuracy and comp l eteness of the diagnostic conclusions, stand-
ardized psychological test i nst ruments, in addition to interview, were used,
and procedures were sel ected to yi el d data from a vari ety of so urces. Thus,
procedures used i ncluded the following:
1. History .
2. Extended cli nical in terview.
3. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
4. Hand Test (a projective i nstrument which is particularly
sens i tive to both environmental and i nterpersonal action
tendencies whi ch pl aya maj or r ol e in everyday li vin g).
5. Interpretation and integ rati on of the complete range of data.
6. Development of r ecommendati ons. .
The conclus ions presented are based on an anal ys i s of the body of data as a
whol e, rather than on any singl e test or procedure .
Response Set
Init i al rapport was somewhat marginal, primaril y because this man fe l t that
"the Archbishop sent me for a psychol ogical evaluation to cover himself."
In this connection, he made menti on of the fact that he had "been i n trOUb l e"
because of illi cit sexual activi ties with students . ' Response set was cha r - -
acterized by a tendency to mini mi ze. or overlook personal shortcomi ngs and to
present himself ina more favorab l e li ght in regard to human frai "ti es than
~Iarranted. However, th i s t endency was not so 'severe as to inval i date t he data
obtai ned.

41 00 silver s.e., suite c albuquerqu e, new mexico 87108. telephone 262-1472 if no answer, 268-1420

Page 2


Init i al Observations
Appearance, dress and beha vi or Vlere withi n normal 1i mi ts, although an overViei ght
condition Vias noted. There Vlere no obvious phys i cal impairments.
Identifi cati on
This i s a singl e; 43-year- ol d Catho l ic priest, Vlho Vias born on March 5, 1938 .
He is 6' ta ll and wei ghs 220 l bs .
Present Si tuati on
As indi cated above, th i s gentl eman came for .a psycho l ogi ca l eval uation, not
because he Vias personall y moti vated. to do so, but because he Vias instructed
by you. He states that he has not been "i n troubl e" because of homosexual
acti vity for a peri od of approxi mately six years . l1e further states that he
feels that i t is "safer emotionall y" to be homosexual , even though he also
believes that he "coul d have been heterosexua l j ust as easily . " Yet, he further
indicates that he has no des i re to change hi s sexual ori entati on and Vlo uld l i ke
to engage i n further homosexual acti vi ty , but i s aware of the danger. Inquiry
shoVied that t he term "homosexual " is used in a rather restricted sense . si nce
t hi s man has apparentl y acted. out hi s homosex ual ori entation only Vlith young-
sters and has never had an ongoing, ad ult .homosexual re l ati onship.
He l i ves by hi msel f in a tOVinhouse . He hol ds various part- t i me pos i tions i n
the Archdiocese, i ncludi ng . nationa l Guard Chaplin, di rector of a center
for education and sp i ritual direction, and director .of . l iturgy. In additi on ,
he offers Masses at a l ocal pari sh and Vlrites a Sunday bulletin.
He enjoys painting . Though he used .to play t he organ, he does not do so pre-
sent ly. He repor ts no outdoor hobb i es .
Soc i al li fe appears to be someVlhat restri cted. He does not enjoy associating
Vlith pri ests Vlho, in hi s estimation, compl ain too much and are excessively
"turned i nVia rd . " As a result, he prefers to soci ali ze Vii th 1ay peopl e.
He reports no diffi culti es in performing the Vlork assoc i ated Vlith the pos i tions
1i sted above .
Famil y Hi story
He i s an onl y ch il d, Vlho Vias born Vlhen both of hi s parents Vlere in their forties .
He descri bes early famil y l ife as "diffi cult." He states that hi s fathe r , Vlho
died a feVi months ago, Vias a carpenter and that hi s mother Vias an i nspector in
a factory . He descri bes hi s mother as "overprotective" and feels that he had
a some\~h at better rel ations hip Vlith his father, t hough he reall y did not know
ei ther parent verYVlell at all. Personal experiences were not read i ly shared
i n t he fami ly. .
School Hi story
In add i tion to hi s train i ng as a Catholic priest, he reports having completed a
Maste r' s Degree i n psychol ogy approximately ten years ago and, more recently,
near compl eti on of a Doctorate i n mi ni stry .

ASF. FRPerrault.00037
., .
Page 3

Phys i ca 1 Hea lth

Complaints presented include an overweight condition, occasional dizziness when

he gets up too quickly, intermittent back pain, and occas i ona l headaches.

He reports no accidents l eading to injuries or surgical procedures. Except for

a brief period of time in the hospital for traction in connection with his back
prob 1em, he reports no peri ods of hospi ta 1 i zati on .

He reports no fai nti ng, . sei zures, grogg i ness or numbness. Neither does he re-
port problems with coordi na ti on, vi si on, heari ng ,to uch, tas te or smell.

Concern in g drug use the following information was obtained: he smokes a pipe.
He uses a coup 1e of cups of coffee per day . In the past he has used di et pill s
(amphetamines) 'and on r are occas ions (such as with his mother's death), he
reports having used .tranquillizers. He reports no use of cocaine, barbiturates,
narcotics, hallucinogens, i nhalants or other street drugs . In regard to alcohol,
he reports using "maybe a drink per day on the average."


These findings are based on integration of data from all procedures used, as
li sted earli er. Except for "a couple of counsell in g sessions'" in the past,
this man reports no previous psychotherapy or hospitalization for reasons of
severe psychological di sturbance .

Thought Processes
Though this evaluation was not designed to assess inte lli gence, clinical impres-
sions are that intelligence falls i n the bright-normal range and that he i s quite
imaginative and can probably be quite creative. There are no gross impairments .
in the ability to concentrate, remember, reason lo gically and realistically, and
to form appropriate .concepts. .

Relation to Reality ' and Judgment

Orientation as to time, pl ace and person is intact. Though there is no evidence

of gross perceptual distortion or misjudgment of reality, such as hallucinations
or delusions, he does experience some difficulty at times in coming to gr ip s pra.c tical matters and tends to focus on abstract interests and fantasy 1 ife,
at times to the neglect of peop l e and practica l matters.

The self-concept is underdeveloped and characterize'd by immaturity, excessive

self-centeredness, dependency and a bas i c pass i vity. In additi on, there is a
tendency toward self- dramatization which i s often attention-seeking and seduct iv e.

As you know, judgment is in termittently impaired, even though he has adequate

awareness of the consequences of his actions.

Interpersonal Relations

The ability to form and ma in tain lasting, satisfying relationships with others
is chronically impaired. In l arge measure due to deficits in the self- concept,
he tends to limit interpersonal functioning toa superf i cial level and shys

ASF, FRPerrault.00038
Page 4

away from emot i ona l i nvo l vement, Functioning in th i s area is further characte r -
ized by a well -devel oped susp i ci ousness and di str ust of others , He is li kel y
to be stubborn, touchy, and oversensitive,

Contro l and . Integration of Thought, Mood .and Impu l se

Frustrati on tolerance and impu l se control are somewhat impaired , He tends to

overreact to difficulties and i s easi l y exc i table , He has long had di fficulty
i n effecti ve 1y reso 1vi ng emoti ona 1 confl i cts, tends to ma ke excess i ve use of
den i al and repression . ~nd, as a resu l t, is vu l nerab l e to somatization and the
development .of. non - spec i fic, functiona l physica l complaints, There is; how-
ever, no indicati on of depression ,

Mastery- Competence

When properl y mot i vated, i nteract i on wi th the env i ronment is qu i te effect i ve,
Energy l eve l i s excellent and, as . noted above, he has the abi li ty to be quite
cr eat i ve and i maginative in hi s approach to tasks . However, he does not have
a we ll defi ned and'. consistent I He goa l , Thus he tends to live from day- to-
day, rather than pl anning hi s li fe .


On May 29, the results of th i s eva l uation were conveyed to this gent l eman in
language manageab l e by hi m, rather t han the direct cl inical modes of expression
used in th i s report to you. Fortunate l y, he was able to accept the f i ndings
as accurate and rapport was cons i derabl y better .during this seco nd session
than during the init i al evaluation session, Thus, though he was qu i te re l uc -
tant at first to participate in .th i s .undertaking, he now expresses a definite
i nterest and a desire to see me again, : in order to explore in further detai l
the deficits i n personality function i ng enumerated above and to deve l op ways
of i mprov i ng,

Though he expressed no interest in changing his sex ual orientat i on, it is not
outs i de of the rea l m of possibilities that he mig ht manage to make some changes
in that area ,after all , part i cu l arl y since hi s sexua l orientation is not of a
vle ll -devel oped adult nature and i nstead represents primar il y an .express i on of
lack of development i n the self~ concept and, as a result, in the area of inter-
persona 1 functi oning generally.

Though there are a number of aspects of persona l ity funct i on i ng wh i c h warrant

i mprovement, with emphas i s on the under ~'devel oped self- concept and def i cits in
i nterpersonal funct i on i ng, there is no i ndication of gross pathology ,

Fi na ll y, it is nbbid that, dur i ng the second sess i on, this gentl eman stated that
he has complete confidence in you, even though he di strust's members of your

Accord i ng l y, I would recommend psychotherapy on a once - every- two -weeks bas i s

init i all y . Assuming that this .recommendation is acceptable to you, we wi ll
not be ab l e tei implement it immed i ate l y since we presently have no openings and
are strugg li ng with a rather extensive waiting l i st. However, I may be able
to see him at least on an occasiona l basis when vie get cance ll at i ons.

, .
Page 5

Thank you again for your referral. As always, it is a pleasure to work with
you. If you would like to .receive further information about any aspect of
these findings, please be sure to let. meknow.

Please let me know your reaction to my recommendation concerning psychotherapy,

so that we can make the necessary arrangements~

With bes)~rsonal Wi:~S. d

'l,,",~ ... )... ~
Jif:~ G. VanDenHeuvel, Ph.D.


ASF. FRPerrault.00040

The Catholic Center

November 9, 2005

Karie Brandenburg, Esq., DA

2'd Judicial District
520 Lomas Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 871 02

letter is to inform you of a case of sexual abuse which occurred in BeIJ)alillo County. The
.c.. allege'i perpetrators were Fr. Sabine Griego and Fr. Arthur Perrault.:ft. 'Griego's address is
. FL Perrault's addjess is unknown. The alleged victim is 1111

The following is excerpted from Steven Tinkl~r, Esq.:

.,>.. . "The reading of_ _ 's sworn statement reveals that he was sexually abused by
Father Sabine Griego on a regular basis from 1982 to 1987. Fe. Griego engaged in all forms of
sexual abuse and even introduced him to Fe. Arthur Perrault so that the two of
.. !h"ill cpuld . together. was sexually abused by Fe.
:. '~~rrau1t from approx. December 1986."

Father Sabine Griego was pastor at Queen of Heaven Church from 1979 until 1991. His faculties
were restricted in 1993. Father Arthur Perrault served at Sl. Bernadette Parish from 1981 until
1992. His faculties were restricted in 1992.

[fyou have any questions do not hesitate to contact rile at (505) 831-8144.


4000 St. Joseph's Place N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120. (505}8[\~:8;t()0
.. . .--_.. . - - ',' . . _._- " 'F '




! v. Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Page 54 Page 56
1 A. It was right after my birthday. 1 A. In the next couple weeks, when I'd come to
2 Q. You were born in -- 2 see him, he'd kind of pull on my pants and say, "Oh,
I '
3 A. 68. 3 I'm just trying to see if you have underwear." Or
i i 4 Q. -- '68, so you were age 14. Had anyone 4 he'd reach over and say, "Are you excited to see
5 ever touched you in a manner like that before? 5 me?" and grab me and say, "Are you excited to see ;,
co 6 A. No, sir. 6 me?"
,L! l': 7 Q. Had anybody ever done anything sexual to 7 And I'd say, "Yeah, I'm excited to see
8 you before? 8 you."
9 A. No, sir. 9 And he'd say, ''I'm excited to see you,
10 Q. Approximately how many times did Father 10 too."
11 Griego sexually abuse you in any way? 11 Q. When you say "grab" you --
12 A. How many times? 12 A. Grab my penis.
13 Q. Yeah, approximately. 13 Q. Over your clothes.
14 A. I have no way of -- I'd need a calculator. 14 A. Yes, sir.
15 Q. Okay. 15 Q. All right.
ij 16 A. I'd have -- I would need a calculator and 16 A. And this went on. We talked about --
I ; There was a case he was working, he was -- somehow
L, 17 just sit down and figure it out. He abused me from
'82 to '87.
18 worked with other priests in their assignments or
19 Q. Do you remember the month? 19 something to control where they were at. One of the
,1 '
20 A. It was the month before we saw the Pope in 20 priests had a doctor's appointment, and I think his
L. ! 21 Phoenix, so it would have been in August of '87. 21 name was Father Rodriguez; I could be wrong. And he C

22 Q. All right. 22 said, "Oh, Father Rodriguez has this problem. '
23 A. Sometimes three times a week, sometimes 23 Believe it or not, the doctor said that he doesn't '.
24 five times a week, sometimes five times just on a 24 have enough sex. He said he's having a prostate
25 Sunday. 25 problem because he doesn't have enough sex. And he

I' 1 Q. And at that time, you would have been age

Page 55
1 told him, 'I'm a priest.' And he said, 'Well,
Page 57

2 19? 2 priests, they have to masturbate.' He said, 'It's

3 A. Yes, sir. 3 the only way they can take care of this natural
4 Q. After the first incident, tell me about 4 problem .'" So he said this thing on masturbation.
5 what happened with the sexual abuse. What -- You 5 He said, you know, "It's important for young men to
6 said it happened frequently; sal obviously, you 6 masturbate. It will help you sleep better. And I
7 probably cannot remember every time. What do you 7 know you're thinking about sex because I know you
8 remem ber after that first time after he grabbed your 8 better than you know yourself, and I can tel! what
9 crotch? Did anything else happen? 9 you're thinking because I've been there."
10 MR. TINKLER: You mean on the first 10 And so he said! "This is okay. And if you
11 time? 11 need to do thiS, n he said, )lin my bathroom on top of
12 Q. On the first time. 12 the -- there's a toilet and a little cabinet for
13 A. No. No, I was -- I turned around and I 13 towels." He said, "I have some magazines in there."
14 gave him a hug. It was kind of like an accident, 14 He said, "If you need to," he said, "just go in
15 you know/ just kind of reach around, and he squeezed 15 there and/' you know, "take care of business ."
16 me. I was like/ you know -- So I gave him a hug; he 16 Q. Okay. What did you do in response to
17 gave me a kiss. And he gave me like a kiss with his 17 that?
18 tongue . And I was kind of like, "What's up?" It 18 A. I said, "Okay." And the next time I went
19 was} you know, I'd move my head to the side and gave 19 to the rest room, I checked; and sure enough/ there
I '
f !
20 him a hug. And I said, "I'll see you later}" and -- 20 was Playboy magazines and Hustler magazines in ,
I :
u 21 Q. Left? 21 there . And I kind of fingered through the magazines
22 A. Yeah, and I left. 22 and, you know, "It's cooL" So I remember next time ,
23 Q. Do you remember the next time you had 23 I went there/ I wanted to go to the bathroom to see
L ;
24 some kind of contact with him, that you remember, 24 magazines.
25 sexually? 25 And just from there, it led to, "If you


15 (Pages 54 to 57)


Archdioces e of Santa Fe

_ _ __ _ ~_ _ _ Department
Referenoe AREA CODE 505 2684572
January 6, 1982

Rev. Arthur Perrault

Pastoral Center
7208 Arvada, N .E.
Albuquerque. New Mexi co 87110

Dear Father Perrau It,

May God's Peace and Love be with you!

Please accept my sincere apologies for the tardiness of this letrer. With
the ,holidays and a very busy schedule I simply have neglected writing to

I n any event, I am pleased herein to assign you to St. Bernadette Parish

for weekend assignm ents to assist the pastor, Re'v. Msgr. James Rabb i tr'
effective December I, 1981. Also, I would ask, Father Arthur, that you
would assist Monsignor Rabbitr when necessary during ' the week upon his
request. No doubt there will be times when Monsignor will require your
assistance on special occasions.

According ly, please know that your salary wi ll be paid as ,follows:

For the month of December - one-half by the Chancery Office - $122.50 plus
car allowance of $95.00 ($217.50) , and one-half by St. Bernadette Parish
($217.50) .

As 'you know, effective January I, 1982, the car allowance has been increased.
Thus,you will receive a check from the Chancery for one-half afyaur salary
($230.00) and one-half of your salary ($230.00) will be provided by St. Bernadetre

Thanking you, Father Arthur , for your the good people of St.
Bernadette Parish, and to the Pastoral Center, while wishing you all the
Lord's Blessings throughout, this New Year, I am,

Robert F. Sanchez
cc: Msgr . .J. Rabbitt
Rev. LASF,FRPerrault.Oooo6 Ie,

,- )
,- ,



is entered into this 2nd day of August/ 1995, by and bect'jeen

. (hereinafter 11 Plaintiff II) I and the ltrchdiocese of

Santa Fe I a corporation sale I (collectively I hereinafter,

II Parties II) in order to bring the matter in controversy between the

Parties to a full and complete settlement .


WHEREAS , Pl aintiff has made certain Claims agains t the

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and Arthur Perrault for personal injuries
arising from one or more incidents alleged to have taken place in
New Mexico i .

WHEREAS, Plaintiffls Claims and allegat ions are expressed and

described in Cause No. CV-94-11111 in the Second Judicial District
court of the State of New Mexico (hereinafter uLawsuitU}i

WHEREAS, the allegations of the Lawsuit are disputed by the

P.~rchdiocese of Santa Fe I as set out in the pleadings I and the

Parties desire to terminate and settle any and all Claims, as

defined hereirlbelow , which were raise~, or ltlhich could have been

raised, in the Lawsuit;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions

and mutu-a l promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows ;





. ~


The Catholic Center

August 5, 1993


The Archdiocese of Santa Fe is attempting to meet the needs of survivors of clerical sexual
abuse. The purpose of this letter is to maintain a sense of personal contact and sensitivity to
your needs.

I understand that it is especially difficult to discuss such matters with a priest, but I am a willing
listener. In specific cases, counseling is provided by the Archdiocese. All that is asked that you
contact me first and that a simple intake form be completed. If you have completed such a form
counseling fees will be paid by the archdiocese. The psychologists are independent of the
archdiocese or you may choose your own counselor. The counselor must be certified.

Finally, I don't want to neglect your needs, if I can provide specific information for an interim
report about an on-going investigation, I will give you such information. I am concerned about
your welfare. Please feel free to contact me. I wish to thank you for your concern and for your
cooperation concerning this matter.



4000 ST. JOSEPH'S PLACE N.w., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87120 (505) 831-8100


, ,
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 S..u~1 JUSEPII'S PL\CE, x.\\'.
:UBl 'Q lERQL'c, XE\\' .\JXICU 87 1:WJ709

AREA CODE 505831-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford .
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe


Dear Bishop Cronin:

I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National

Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

_ leges that he was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~ 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12 . 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _
continues I
to r e ceive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience ,claims of this type, we
settleme nt value of s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

p erra~1986. _ has been p a rticipating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe'~n_ro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his b e half. ...
_ continues to r eceive psycho ogica counseling. WhITe
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse a nd our experie nce of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
co>uTItseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience clailns of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr .

Perra~ , _ , . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!lli0 ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1
_ , continues to r e ceive psycho oglca_ counseling . While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of . 1_ , clailn in the
range of
_, _ , alleges that he was sexually abused by
perra'ii'lt"""in ~1974. . , _ , has been partic in
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseTing_ o ram, and as of
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
1liii' continues to receive psycho oglca counseling.
~ ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience claims of this
type, we settlement value of s clailn in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in has been participating in the Archdiocese
of nrnnrA>m, arid as of November 12, 1993, the
his behalf. _ , continues to
receive counse . While addIt"IOriai'investigation
nature and duration of the allege d abuse and
is I1~):;~:~i
our E e with other clailns of this type, we
settlement value of _ ~ s claim in the range of
_ , _ , alleges that he was sexuallv a b used by Fr.-
perra~in January 1988 - December 1988 . 11IIIIIIII'
ha s not b een
participating in the Archdiocese of Sa nta Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is n eeded, given the nature and
duration of the alle ged abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

.1_ I
of this type, we estilllate the settlement value of
clailll in the ranae of _ .
. 1 s
_I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's cO,u nseling program . While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claj-ms of this
type, we est~ttlement value of . 1 _ rs claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.

Perra~r 1980
I' sexually abused by Fr .
has not b een participating
in the Archdiocese of S program. While
additional investigation is needed, given , and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience !~ ilIls of this
type, we ~e settlement value of c 1 aiJn in the
_ I
alle~t she was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ .1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseli~ and as of Novembe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
Icontinues to receive psyc 0 og~ca
on his behalf.
Whi le
adciItIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our of this
type, we

the range of
_ I
alle~es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~. _ I
has bee n participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin~o ram and as of Novembe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ~ I
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. While
adciItIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlernent value of s claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
not bee n participating in the Archdiocese
of coun~e, ling program. While additional inve stigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

ASF,PR IEST, 12126




January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1_F 's claim in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has .on his behalf.. 1_ I continues
to receive counseling. Whi~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims. of this type, we
. settlement value of _ I s claim in the range of

_I that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrault. s been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's , and as of November 12 . 1993, the
Archdiocese has on his behalf. IIIIIIIIIIII continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation , given the natUre and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of I 's claim in the range of

s that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra'U'it"""Iii' 1 has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f 's claim in the range of

perra~17"1 he was sexually abu sed by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we

es value of s claim in the range
_ I
alleoes that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~.1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S""C'Ou'ils9i_'
ro r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf . . _ I
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca Wh'iI6
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we tlement value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I was sexually abused by Fr .
PerraU1t~. not been participating in the
Archdiocese of coun:se:Lillg program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
est~ttlement value of s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our effort~ to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, ph.D.
Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq .
. LA/~~~
~?f~~ .~,il~(

" ,
, y- 888.003074
Joseph G. VanDenHeuvel, Ph.D.,
dinicol poychologlrt

Now _leo Boord c.nlf1e, tIon NatJonai Reglstor of H86Ith ~rVk.e

In P;ychology No. 130 Providors In Psychology No. 18290

January ,4, 1983

Most Rev. Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez
1006 Idlewild SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Dear Archbishop,
This lsin response to a request by Fr. Arthur J. Perrault that I give you
a brief sunmary of his present status.
As you know, I evaluated his personality functioning in May of 1981 and
reported the findings to you in' my report, dated June 1, 1981.
Though attempts were' made to see Fr. Perrault on a regular, i. e. once-
every-twa-weeks basis, this turned out not to be possible 'due to con-
flicts with Fr. Perrault's own schedule of activities. Thus, I was able
to see him for purposes of psychotherapy on seven occasions during the
second half of 1981 and on nine occasions during all of 1982.
I'm happy to report tha~ Fr. Perrault has been quite stra.ightfo'r.ward'
with me and has the psychological mindedness, and motivation 're!:juired to
benefit by psychotherapy. As a result, he has made significant progress
in the develepment of the self-concept which, in turn, has made poss-
ible an improvement in interpersonal relations., Thus, he now 'functions
at a less superficial level, has become somewhat less suspicious and
over sensitive, and is more prepared to take risks in the interpersonal
sphere. In addition, frustration tolerance and impulse control have im-
proved. Finally, his ability to come to grips with emotional conflicts
and to resolve them effectively has increased significantly.
In view of chronic deficits in the personality functions enumerated above,
more work remains to be done. However, indications are that he will make
further progress especically if he can see his way clear to come on a reg-
ular basis. Furthermore, indications are that his growth witl be further
promoted by increased opportunities to interact with adults on a regular,
on going, one-to-one basis. Thus, I would recommend that full-time parish
work would be considered at this time.
Finally, it is noted that Fr. Perrault denies any homosexual activity for
six years and has no longer any interest in working with youngsters.

4100 oliver avenue t.e., rults c albuquerque, new mexico 87108 office (505) 262 1472

ASF, FRPerrault.00024
, '-
If you would like to discuss these findings in further detail, please
be sure to let me know. In the meqntime, I will assume that you wish
me to continue to see Fr. Perrault in psychotherapy . unless I hear dif-
ferently from you .
Thank you again very much for the .opportunity of working with you and
Fr. Perrault.
With warm regards and/best personal wishes for a fulfilling 1983.
1~ ~ ). u. J.. 1\=-'" .. t
J~~h G. VanDenHeuvel. Ph.D.
JGV: s 1


ASF. FRPerrault.00025



meeting betvleen you, _

A No.
and _?
Do you remember an interpreter being present at the

There was only three of us.

4 Q Let's go to the meeting Withlllllll and s parents .

5 Where did that take place, Father Starkey?

6 A In the same office in the chancery at 201 Morningside.

7 Q Did they call ahead to make an appointment?

8 A I don't believe so .

9 Q Who was present at the meeting?

10 A Just the three of us.

11 Q What was talked about at the meeting?

12 A Essentially, they wan t ed my advice about what to do

13 about a problem.

14 Q What was the problem?

15 A In some manner they alleged, and I underline "alleged, It

16 that their daughter had been molested by Father Perrault, and

17 what they wanted to do about it. The second question was,

18 "How could a priest do this?" And the third question was,

19 obviously, "vlhat could be done to prevent this from happening

20 again?" That was the general gist of our conversation, those

21 three subjects, as reflected in their letter that they wrote

22 to their ch ildr en .

23 Q Let's take the first question first . What could be

24 done? What did you tell them could be done about the fact

25 that their daughter had allegedly been mo lested by Father

(505) 880-0060
' - - - - - - - -- - -- -'---'-------------ASF.DEPOS.30136




1 Perrault?

2 A My policy has ever bee n the same , and I learned it in

3 the Navy in 1941 to 1946, that when persons come t o a

4 superior and they allege moral turpitude, sexual misconduct

I 5 against an equal or a superior, they're stating that this

6 person has committed a crime .

7 Under civil law, the laws of the Navy , that must be

8 substantiated by an affidavit or a claim or an i ndictme nt or

9 whatever the law requires. Then the persons in authority

10 take that, the y arrest the accused or they take them into

11 custody . Then there is an arraignment, then a presentation

12 and a qourt martial I i n t he court, of a proof, pro or con.

13 Then the individual is either declared free, or he ' s sent to

14 the proper punishment.

15 Now, with Mr . and Mrs. _ , they say, "Father

16 Perrault has in some way molested o u r child . How could a

17 priest do this?" My answer is there. It was an opinion.

18 "What can be done about it?"

19 "You have several options . First , you must go to the

20 district attorney , since a crime has been committed , by your

21 statement ." Secondhand knowledge, by the way. They chose

22 not to do that because th'e y didn't want to be involved in any

23 public scandal or have any shame brought to this family name .

24 I understand that .

25 So , fine. "You're not going to go to the police or to

(505) 880-0060

\ ' - - -- - - - - - - - --'-=...::..::-'--'--'--'----'--'----- - - -- -ASF DEPOS .30137



1 the civil authority. All right. Then your second

2 a lternat i ve is to hire a lawyer , take the matter to our

3 lawyer and see if it can't be adjudicated privately without a

4 jury, without publicity ." They didn't feel they could afford

5 a lawyer.

6 The third question is, !!You can go and discuss the

7 matter with our lawyer privately and seek his advice, b ecause

8 I I m not a la\vyer . II Now 1 that was misconstrued in the letter.

9 I did not tell them that our lawyer could handle their case

10 as a lawyer. That's obvious ly a conflict of interest. But

11 A, they didn't want to go to the district attorney or police .

12 B, they didn't feel they had the money to hire a lawyer. C,

13 "Then go talk to our lawyer to seek his advice in reference

14 to some private settlement between yourself, the bishop and

15 our lawyer. II

16 Q Did they tell you they didn't have the money' to go to a

17 lawyer?

18 A I don't specifically remember , but they did not wish to

19 hire a la\/yer . They didn't state why , Then the next thing

20 comes up .

21 "Since you have not seen the bishop, then the final

22 choice is to Ylrite down a letter, sign your name to it , and

23 send it to him or give it to him privately. Since you

24 haven't been able t o see him -- because the matter must be

25 ad judicated by him - - you only seek my counselor advice ,

(505) 880-0060
L - - -- - - - - - ----'---'-------------ASF.DEPOS.30138



1 because I have no dire ct authority on any of this matter."

2 Then we chatted awhile. But that was the gist of the

3 conversat i on.

4 And then I t old them , " If you do not go to the civil

5 authorit ies , if you do not ta lk to a l awyer , or our lawyer,

6 if you do n ot writ e a l etter a nd sign your name, then nothing

7 can be done,ll That's the conclusion. And the reason I say

8 to these people and to them , n othing can be done because a

9 p e rson is innoc ent until proven guilty .

10 Q You keep referring to t hat, that "A person is innocent

11 unti l proven guilty."

12 A Because that's my thinking.

13 Q Is that the policy that you operated under when you were

14 chancellor?

15 A No , that's my personal policy .

16 Q Concerning all egations against priests , that you would

17 take no act i on unless, in other words , they wer e innocent

18 until proven guilty?

19 A No, no. I object to y our assumption that I could take

20 any action in t he case one way or the other. I cannot,

21 because I wasn't bishop. That's the thing that you don't

22 realize. You 're dealing with an ab so lute dictatorship in a

rti.." o.'ch'l
23 sense . j.H~~flY i s what the word means . In our customs, in

24 the affairs of the d io cese ~ the bishop is the sale aut hori ty ,

25 civil and ecclesiastica l. Therefo re, I cou ld never take any

6201 UPT0I1N BLVD. , NE SUITE 207
(505) 880 - 0060
L - - - - - - - -------'-----'-- - -- -- - -- -- - A SFDEPOS.30 139


June 15, 1981j.

Reverend John A.Collins, C.SS.R.

Chief of Chaplains
Department of the Air Force
Washington, DC 20330

Dear Father Collins:

Father Arthur Perrault has been granted permission by his Ordinary,

Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez, to serve as a chaplain in the United States
Air Force Inactive Reserve.

With this letter I am pleased to grant the Endorsement of the

Military Vicariate for Father Sanchez to apply for a commission as a
chaplain in the United States Air Force.

Fraternally in Christ,

+Francis X. Roque
Auxiliary Bishop



1 Q When did you speak with those two?

2 A Probably after September 1984.

3 Q It's your testimony that you spoke tolllllllland II1II

4 before or a f t e r _ and s parents?

5 A Well, the sequence would have to be after they received

6 the letter from their parents , probably . I don't recall who

7 came first. I would assume the parents came first. Then

8 they wrote a letter, then _ a n d _ approached me l ater

9 on. I don't know this. I cannot say what the sequ e nce was .

10 Q Let's just do it this way : Let's talk about your

11 me et ing w i t h _ a n d _ f irst, and then we ' ll talk about

12 you r meeting with the parents after that , okay?

13 A Okay.

14 Q Tell me approximately when you met wi an~


16 A Probably in 1984 . I don't remember exactly .

17 Q Where was the meeting?

18 A It was in the office I had on Morningside , the old

19 chancery office . 201 Morn i ngside .

20 Q Did you or did your secretary or anyone set up an

21 appointment prior to them coming?

22 A I don ' t recall any appointment, no .

23 Q What did the conversation consist of between you and

24 _ a n d you and~
25 A I don ' t recall any input from I don ' t

(505) 880-0060
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - -- -ASF'OEPOS.30126




1 Q When did you speak with those two?

2 A Probably after September 1984.

3 Q It's your testimony that you spoke tolllllllland II1II

4 before or after and s parents?

5 A Well, the sequence would have to be after they received

6 the letter from their parents, probably. I don't recall who

7 came fir st . I would assume the parents came first . Then

8 they wrote a letter I then _ a n c t _ approached me l ater

9 on. I don ' t know this. I cannot say what the sequence was.

10 Q Let's just do it this way : Let's talk about your

11 meeting with _ and _ first, and then we ' l1 talk about

12 your meeting with the parents after that l okay?

13 A Okay.

14 Q Tell me approximately when you met with l l l l l l l an1llllll

15 _ .

16 A Probably in 1984. I don't remember exactly.

17 Q Where was the me eting?

18 A It was in the off i ce I had on Morningside, the old

19 chancery office. 201 Morningside .

20 Q Did you or did your secretary or anyone set up an

21 appointment prior to them coming?

22 A I don't recall any appointment , no.

23 Q What did the conversation consist of between you and

24 _ a n d you and _ ?

25 A I don't recall any input from I donlt

(505) 880 - 0060
'----------------'-----'---- - - - - - - - - - - - A S F.DEPOS.30126


1 recall her having said a word. In fact, I didn't remember

2 she was there until I saw her face. Then I remembered I had

3 seen her face someplace before . Obviously, she must have

4 been there. I think, did all the talking .

5 Q Was it just you three?

6 A That's right .

7 Q In your office?

8 A Yes. No more could fit in there. It was very small.

9 Q Did you take notes, by any cha nce?

10 A No.

11 Q What d i d . tell you?

12 A Primarily that he had been living in Denver, that this

13 matter concerning IIIIIIIIIII was a great worry to him, that

14 he wanted the matter to be handled in some way properly, that

15 he had spoken to a lawyer in Denver about prosecution of

I 16 Father Perrault, that the l awyer had' told him that he did not

17 think they had a very strong case in evidence ; two 1 that the

I 18 statute of limitations would probably interfere on a criminal

19 chargei three, that if he wanted some kind of treatment or - -

20 I don't want to use the word punishment to Father

21 Perrault, they would have to take it to the Archdiocese of

22 Santa Fe. And I assume that was the reason he came down from

23 Denver and wanted to see the bishop, and probably because of

24 he carne to talk to me to see what \-le could do

25 about it.

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'-(5
=-0=-5,-,)---=8-,,8-,,0_--,-0-,-06.:...0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--ASF.DEPOS,30127



1 Q What could you do about it, Father?

2 A. I personally cou ld do nothing about it.

3 Q What cou l d you do about 1liii's a l legations?

4 A I pers onally couldn't do anything about it . I could

5 only advi se h im to take the matter to the bishop or district

6 attor ney .

7 Q You cou l dn ' t personally go to the bishop?

8 A Yes, I to l d him about it .

9 Q You told the archbishop?

10 A I pres ume so .

11 Q What did you tell him?

12 A I don't r eca ll . Just general l y the problems, "These

13 people had allegat i ons of Fathe r Perrault," and he ought to

14 see them.

15 Q What all egations of Father Perrault?

16 A They didn't state . As I said earlier, I have - no

17 specific information of what he was supposed to have been

18 doing. Touches , caresses . I don ' t have any specif ics

19 against him.

20 Q Hm-l do you know about the touches and caresses?

21 A I read t he civ il statutes about misdemeanor and felony

22 and civil c rime.

23 Q Did _ or _ tell y ou that they ha d been either

24 appr oached or touched inappropriately by Father Perrault?

25 A liliiii, as I recall, didn't s ay anything. . . all eged

' -_ __ _ __ _ __ _,<.;5:...:0:...:5:..!.l---.::8..:.8..:.0_-..:.00..:.6:...:0'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _-ASF.DEPOS.30128



1 III had been molested over a period of time in some manner by

2 Father Perrault.

3 Q When you say , "molested," what does that mean to you?

4 A Molested? It has a great meaning to me. People molest

5 me when they inconvenience me, irritate me . People molest me

6 when they -- I don't necessarily have a fixation on sexual

7 molestation . The word "molestation" has been focused in on

8 sexual i ntimacy in our SOCiety.

9 Q I s that how you understood and _ to use

10 "molestat i on,!! sexually?

11 MS. KENNEDY: Let me just Object because you in your

12 question put a n d . , " and yet he testified that she

13 didn't say anything.

14 Q When _ spoke wi th you and he used the word

15 "molestation . 11

16 A That's my suggestion. I don't know that he used that

17 word.

18 Q When _ spoke with you and he may have used the word

19 "molestation , II did you take the word "molestation" to mean

20 sexual molestation ?

21 A Yes, in some manner.

22 Q Di d you learn any of the spec ifics co n cerni n glllllll ' s

23 re l at i onship wi th Father Perrault?

24 A No.

25 Q Did you learn any of the specifics concerning Father

(505) BBO-0060
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - ' - - - -- - -- ------.ASF.DEPOS.30129


2 A
Ferraul t's alleged molestation of

_? 61

3 Q Did you learn any of the specifics of Father Perrault's

4 alleged molestation O f _ ?

5 A No. I wasn't aware that he approached him.

6 Q Did you feel this was a serious matter?

7 A Yes, it's a serious matter.

8 Q Would it be correct to say that that's why you went to

9 the archbishop and spoke to him about the allegat i ons?

10 A No. These matters are brought generally to the b i shop,

11 the head of the church. When they can't see him t then I, as

12 a delegate, would act as a mouth, as a tape recorder, so to

13 speak, and at the first opportunity , relay to him what

14 occurred or what happened or what was said. And then he, as

15 the responsible authority, it's his conscience to take it

16 from there.

17 Q DO you know if the archbishop investigated the

18 all e gations that _ and _ m a d e ?

19 A No, I don't know what he did about it.

20 Q Did you ever undertake an investigation?

21 A No. That wasn't my function .

22 Q Were you concerne d that there might be other individuals

23 who were simi larly molested by Father Perrault?

24 A I don't believe I speculated on that .

25 Q Now I at this particular time, we knm"l for sure you have

'--_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _-'-(5_0_5...:.)_8_8_0_-_0_0_6 0 - - - - - - -- -ASF.DEPOS.30130


The Catholic Center

July 8, 1993

Dear _ :

The Archdiocese of santa Fe is attempting to meet the needs of

survivors of clerical sexual abusea The purpose of this letter is
to maintain a sense of personal contact and sensitivity to your
I understand that it is especially difficult to discuss such
matters with a priest, but I am a willing listener. In specific
cases, counseling is provided by the Archdiocese. I was most
delighted to see that you are availing yourself to such a service.
Finally, I don't want to neglect your needs. If I can provide
specific information for an interim report about anyon-going
investigation, I will give you such information . I wish to inform
you that Fr. Perrault is still missing and contrary to what others
may say, I absolutely do not know where this man is . I personally
feel that If I knew where Fr. Perrault was, it would certainly help
our situation in the Archdiocese because then we would able to
interview him concerning the facts of these many cases.
I am concerned about your welfare and please.feel free to contact
me at any time.


Copy: to file

4000 sT. JOSEPH'S PlACE N.W., ALBUQUERQUE, l'mW MEXICO 87120 (505) 831_81~~031371


,- ,
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 S.\1:'\T JOSEPII 'S PL\CE, X.\\',
AL13t'Ql"HQl'E, X\\' ,\1.'\1 ('0 87120 -1709

AR EA CODE 505 83 1-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much apprec iate d your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Pe rrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

been in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's Droar and as of 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. continues
to receive counseling. additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience cla ims of this type, we
settlement va lue of s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

p e rra~19B6. 11IIIIIIIIhas been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe'~n_ ro ram, and as of November
12, 1993, the Archdioces e has paid on his b e half. III
I11III continues to r ece ive psycho oglca counseling. WhiTe
~onal inves tigation is needed, given the nature a nd duration
of the al abuse and our experience of this
type, we set t l ement value of
range of




January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience th other claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

1lllllllllllllllE11eaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ . 1 _ Ihas been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c~in!l!i0 ram, and as of November
on his behalf. 1111

.1_ 1
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid
_ I continues to receive psycho ogl.ca_ counseling. While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of
_ I _I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra'Qit"'in ~1974. . 1_ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's coUllSering! l 0 l
ram, and as of
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
II1II1 continues to receive psycho counseling.
~ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we _
settlement value of I's claim in the
range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1970. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseMn ro ram, arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
continues to

_ I_ I
_t _I
receive psychologica counseling. While addIt'l"Oii'a'l'investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

alleges that he was sexuallv abused by Fr.

perraill'" in January 1988 - December 1988. has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program .
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

clam in the ranee o f _ .

perra~ 1991. . , _I
of this type, we estmate the settlement value of
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating

in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co.u nse1ing program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other clapns of this
type, we est~ttlement value of . , _ rs
claim in
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
_ Ial sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~r 1 has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of counseling program. While
additional investigation nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value claim in the
_ I alle~t she was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ . 1_ I
has been . in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin M l \ t and as of
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ Icontinues to receive psyc 0 counseling .
'adciiticmal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we value of clam in

.1 _I
the range of
_ I alle~es that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra'i'iit"""iii. has been participating in the

_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 oglca
ram and as of Novembe~
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinJ!!i!!J0
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
counseling. Whiie
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with of this
type, we est~ttlement value of
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
lIeges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of coun. se~ing program. While additional investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and



January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other claims of this type, we

settlement value of . 1_ f 's claim in the range of

~ .1
alleqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-1 7. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counselMlln ro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
_ I

Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. continues
to receive psycho og1ca counseling. Whire---additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with othe~ claims of this type, we

Santa Fe's
settlement value of

Archdiocese has
s claim in the range of

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

been participating in the Archdiocese of
and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf. _ Icontinues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our expe rience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _~ 's claim in the range of

aLLE'ge,s that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in 1 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ I he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~ 1 has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of ling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ r 's claim in the range of

perra~17 he was sexually abuse d by Fr.

has not bee n participating in the
Archdioce se of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the

AS F. PRI EST.12127


January 3, 1994
Page 5

experience of this type, we

tl,emenlt value of s claim in the range

_ I
alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr .
perra~ . 1 _ I
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe,S"'ColliiSei_' 0 r and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. 1111
_ I
continues to receive psyc 0 counsel Wh'iI8
~al investigation is needed, given the nature duration
of the abuse and our experience wi of this
ettlement value of claim in

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S s counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
est~ttlement value of I' s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are reque sting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settle ments of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

't%~ t
Most Reverend Michael J . Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe


cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P . Re ynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.

ASF.P RI EST.12128


I Joseph G. VanDenHeuvel, Ph.D. 886.003072

I ell nicl>l p.y choI ogI st

I ~ Mu:1co Board Cortifk.atlon

In Pl'(chology No. 130
N. tlone! Rool _ of H. elth SoNic.
Provldol'J In Pl'('Chology No.1 S290

January 24, 1985
! The Most Rev. Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
1006 Idlewild lane S.E.
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
Dear Archbishop:
This concerns Fr. Arthur J. Perrault. I am continuing to see him in psycho-
therapy approximately once every six weeks to two months.
I am happy indeed to report that he has benefited significantly by psycho-
therapy in that frustration tolerance and impulse control have improved .
significantly, even though there was one episode at the end of last year ,
'when he shouted at one of the sisters in his office. However , episodes .
like this have become very rare indeed. In general, he is able to modulate
his emotions and the expression thereof much more effectively.
In addition, he has learned more effective ways of resolving emotional con-
flicts and', as a result, has become much less vulnerable to somatization .
Though interpersonal relations continue to be somewhat superficial, he has
also made progress in that area in that he is less apt to shy away from
emotional involvement, and has become somewhat less suspicious and dis-
trusting of others. More progress can obviously be made in this area,
particularly since the self-concept plays such a crucial role , in this
regard. In that connection, it is noted that he continues to feel (as he
has since grade school day~) that he is "on trial" and is at risk of "being
thrown out of the ball park" at any time. He attempts to compensate for
this existential uncertainty by working very hard and attempting to attain
"good marks!'
In a word, he is quite uncerta in about his acceptability to and his place
in the larger society simply on the basis of being a person created and
maintained in life by God. Existentially he believes that he will probabl y
be "kept around" as long as he performs well but is apt to be "sent into
the desert" if he does not.

4100 .ilver avenus s.e. , SUM c albuquerque, new mexico 87108 off ice (505) 262 - 1472

ASF, FRPerrault.00026
Page 2
88 8. 003073

Given his true loyalty , especially to YO)l , his many talents and hard work,
and finally the fact that there has been no indication whatsoever of homo-:-
sexual activity or even ideation, it is indeed sad that he should continue
. ' to feel so unsure about his worth qua person . Anything you can do to build
his sense of worth and his importance to you will be most helpful .
In the meantime , r would like to thank you again mOst sincer.ely for the
opportunity of continuing to work with Fr. Perrault and you. I will
continue him on this schedule of visits , unless I hear differently from
you .
nal wishes and warm regards .


ASF. FRPerrault.00027

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Most Rev, ;Robert F, Sanchez, D,D.

'.Archbish op of Santa F~ AREA CODE 505 2684572

April 25,1985 '

Rev. Arthur Pe rrault :,

7208 Arvada" NE
Albuquerque, NM S'1ll0 ',

Dea r ' Fath er Pe rrault,

May God's Peace and Lov e be with you! '

As you h~ve ,already b een informed the Archdiocesan Pe rsoimel Board '
has un'an imously ' recomended that you be appointe d pastor of St.
Bernadette Church in Albuquerque:. Accordingly; I am pleased to
accept'their r'ecommendatiQn and h ere in apPQint you as- pastor 'Qf ' St.
Bernadette effective May 1,1985'. ' '

As you knOW; this will b e a very challenging assignment to. YQU , bQth
'because of the size of the p'a rish, as welJ" as its diverse compQsition .
I WQu ld ask yQU to call a meeting of your staff (priests, r ei igious;
d eacons, lay leaders) in the near futur'e so. as to. receive from them '
th e ir advke and guidance in estab lishing a prQper procedur'e , in minister-
ing to thes,e fin e peopl e; I w,ould also ask y QU 'to meet with Mr. Tony
Salgado in the Archdioce s a n Offices so as to familiarize yourself with
the financial situation of the pari s h . I would a lso ask that the sacra-
me ntal books be properly signed, indica ting 'the transfe r Qf pastoral
responsibility frQm Monsignor Stadtmueller (p ro tem administrator) to.
yourself. A fo.rmal installa tion with the pri ests of the Dea nery in
attendance can be planned in the n ear futul" e .

I woul'd also. lik~ to meet 'w ith you p ersonailyin the n ea r future so that
I might have 'an QPporturiity to share with you iny own thoughts and
, r eflections Qn S1. Be rn adette Parish and offer to. you sQme advice.

BefQre clQsing, I want to. ex tend to you my sincerest apprec iatiQn for
th e splendid leadel'ship which you have offered to. th e variQus programs
and Qffices at our Centro Pastoral. As yQU know, Fath e r Jack Oster,S.J.
will be replac ing you in that position. I am expect in g that you will CQn~
tinu e to. edit th e Archdioce sa n Catholic 'Newspaper , "People of God ."
, I would lik e t o discuss these d eta ils" with you wh e n we ' are a bl e to get
tog e th e r.

In clo s ing, thank you once again for hav ing accepted this major r esponsi -
bility for our Archdiocese. Wishing you th e Lord's bl ess ings in y our futu re
life and ministry, I am,

Frater~/ / , ( /
Robert F.- Sanchez U '
...... ~ ...... . ,".- ... . ' ----ARr.r,mt<.;!-In!?'-n/:;sH1t'bNPlDENTIAe- - ---~:: ' -"'-" '.. ,. __.... ASF, FRPerrault. 00193- --

29 April 1988
Dear Arcllbishop:

I am writing to YOU again because the situation with Ray Bouffard

has changed dramatically since my last letter, I think that a little
background is important, When I first became pastor. Ray made it
very clear that pastors can come and go. but he has l ived in the
parish for yedrs. and he intended to stay ! I think it is safe to say
that I have been pretty intimidated by him; he has a very strong
personality, I also have respected hi s age, For three years at
Deanery meetings and "Monday Club". he has frequently all eged that
my priorities are the newspaper. the Air Force. and if time is left
over. the parish, He indicates that he carries the load, I have kept
my mouth shut. because I fe lt that it should be obvious to people the
amount of work I do,

Two weeks ago on Saturday. shortly after Ray was appointed to the
Budget Committee of the Archdiocese. he asked me how much Las Cruces
is subsidizing Santa Fe for the time I spend doing their newspaper,
That really pulled my cork! r informed him that I spend only an hour
and a flalf a month. and that should be no concern of his, I also in-
formed him that I have not appreciated the above comments which he has
been making, The following Wednesday was the day he told me that he
had asked you for another assignment, It was at this time that I wrote
the first letter to yoU , DUrihg the conversation with Ray. he told
me that he would accomplish the weddings he has Sched ul ed fo r himself,
Thursday. the next day. however. he informed the receptionist that
May 1st, would be his last day. and he would no longer take any
telephone calls , On Saturday he cleared out his office , He did not
show UP for Sunday Mass or Baptisms, On Monday. I had two funerals
and Ray simply sat in the office,

1800 MARTHA N.E. 0 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87112 298-7557

ASF. FRPerrault.00191

I have treated Roy very well. In fact , the main fault in all of
this, is that I -have allowed him to walk allover me. He never Dsked
regarding time off or .vocations; he just informed me wilen 11e would
be gone. ~10 st days, he spent three hours, four the mosL on the job.
I ne~er complained . In fatt, he was ~ iven the some salary as my~elf,
and I split al l tile stipends down the middle. Deacons Blea and
Martinez have hod a rather difficult time in that Roy did not allow
them to toke any weddings; people were told that they did not do

This week I have found out something which sti ll has me stunned.
Tom Urioste, our custodian told me that whenever there was a new
member added to the stoff, Roy pOinted to my office and said : UYou
know he's a queer"! This is totally reprehensible. Thank God, I was
unawa re of this for three yea rs. He told me that the janito r he fired
when I was on vaction was let go because he foiled to obey him. Tom
informed me that Roy told the staff he was fired because he was a
queer. I hod never heard this vers ion. Roy has some ki nd of on
obsession in this area.

I cannot allow to have thIs white washed, or have holy water

sprinkled upon our relationship. In al l justice, Roy simply cannot
be allowed to return as associate pastor. He is a negative influence
upon the parish and certainly destructive towards me. The greatest
sadness is that after ten years, no one is disappointed by his
absence. His negative attitude about everyone and everything~ plus
his gruff manner in dealirig with people has caused him to stand out
in a ve ry detrimental way in on alive Christian community.

I'm typing this myself because I don't wont any more people involved:
than is abSolutely necessa ry. It is most painful to put this in wr iting.

r1vC'1800 MARTH A N.E. 0 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 871 12 298 -7557

ASF.FRPerrault. 00192



day of January, 1994, by and between 1 and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a

corporation sale (hereinafter "Archdiocese"), collectively (hereinafter "Parties"), in order to

bring the matter in controversy between the Parties to a full and complete settlement.

The parties to this Settlement Agreement and Release hereby agree as follows:

1. has made a claim for personal injuries arising from an

occurrence alleged to have taken place from late 1988 to early 1989 in Albuquerque, New


2. This claim involves a disputed matter, and the Archdiocese, by entering

into this Settlement Agreement and Release, does not acknowledge liability or responsibility for

the claim, whicb liability and/or responsibility is specifically denied.

3. In consideration of this Settlement Agreement and Release, the Archdiocese

agrees to pa>l!!!!!ll!!ithe sum of __' _ _ .~ I . Sucb payment

within the meaning of 104(a) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended . _I
represents recovery for damages on account of personal injuries arising from an occurrence


acknowledges that he will accept all tax consequences arising from the characterization of this


4. By this Settlement Agreement and Release, _ releases and forever

discbarges the following:

a. The Archdiocese, its parisbes, affiliates,

subsidiaries, related entities , officers, attorneys,
employees (except for Arthur J. Perrault),




""',T01>nl> FOLLOW-UP



All.CHSISHOP /CONTA~TE '_-'-"-_-'-'--+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __





Archdiocese of Santa Fe
:U utQl"ERQlOE. XEW ~ I E..,\ICU t:!7 1:W 17U9

.-\REA COD E 50583 1-8 100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington , Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFIDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Confere nce of Bishops, and very much appre ciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
times. The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential claims arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr. Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra. been participating in the Archdiocese of
santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
on his behalf. 11IIIIIIII continues

to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given t he nature and duration of the
allege d abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

_ alle ges that

he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~1986. IIIIIIIIIII
has been par ticipating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselin~1 and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdioc e se has paid _ on his behalf .
_ continues to receive psychological counseling. WhiT'e
additIonal investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of



January 3, 1994
Page 2

_ alleoes that he was sexually abused by Fr.


_ 's
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of claim in the range of

IIIIIIIIIIIIIII alleoes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~. _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's C~in_o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _
_ continues to receive psycho counseling . While
actdIt!onal investigation is needed, given the nature . and duration
of the abuse and our experience .with other claims of this
settlement value of _ claim in the

II1II that he was sexually abused by Fr .

~1974. II1IIhas been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' co~ng. o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Al;dhdiocese has paid on his behalf. _
II1II continues to receive psycho og1ca counseling. While
~ional investigation is nee ded, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we settlement value of _ ' s claim in the
range of
he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
been participating in the Archdiocese
n~nnr~m and as of November 12, 1993, the
behalf . .......... continues to
While adJ'it"ici'iiai"investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and
our experience with other claims of this type, we ~e

settlement value of _ ' s claim in the range of _ .
_ _I alleges that he was sexuallv abused by Fr.
perra7i"'l"t'in January 1988 - December 1988 . has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe ' s counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims




January 3, 1994

Page 3

of this type, we estlinJ!l!il!te

th settlement value of
claim in the ranoe o f . ..
_ a eges t at he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ 1991. _ has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co.u nseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other clalins of this
type, we est~ttlement value of 1111
the range of _ .
clalin in

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~r 1980 . 11IIIIIIII has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our e xperience ims of this
type, we ~ e settle ment v alue of clalin in the
rangeof _ .
IIIIIIIIIIIIII a11e~ she was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinl ! t ! i J and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 counseling. Wh1ie
additIOnal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we value of clalin in
the range of
_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~. _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counselinlM 0 ram
1 and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ I
_ continues to receive psyc 0 counseling . WhiTe
additIOnal investigation is needed, given th~ nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we est ~ttlernent value of s claim in
the range of _ .

_ _ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr .

perra~ has not been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional inve stigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and



January 3, 1994
Page 4

settlement value of. _"s

our experience with other claims of this type, we
claim in the range of

LLeqeS that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 7. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counse!!iiin ro ram, and as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _ continues
to receive psycho og1ca counseling. Whi~additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
. settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ that. he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra~ been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf. _ continues
to receive counseling. ~additiona l
investigation S I given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value o f ' s claim in the range of

B that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault

in not been partic i pating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience wi of this type, we estimate the
settlement value of ' s claim in the range of _ .
_ alleqes that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program. While additional

_ :'s
is needed, given the nature and duration of the
and our experi ence with other claims of this type, we
settlement valuE;! of clam in the range of

he was sexually abused by Fr.
has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, give n the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

alleged abuse and our experience aims of this type, we

lement value of s claim in the range

_ _ alle_Qe_~that he was s exually abused by Fr.

Perra~ . _ has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe'S~_'n ro r and as of
1.2.~~3, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf
_ continues to receive psyc 0 oglca . w n~ie
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ettlement value of claim in
the range of ............
_ he was sexually abused by Fr.
perraUIt~. has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of s counseling program . While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
est~ttlement value of 's claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. Accordingly, we
are requesting that the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut assist us
financially in our efforts to reach settlements of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, ph.D.

Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Stelzner, Esq.

p, ~?~~~?j!~(
ASF.P RIE ST.12128



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i3l"i~"-f)u.TiICS. QRTI4DL'::;-\:.. C'_ H0i' C.H Ar-::' i.l C'L'l-()/,'Cl

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--PC:5S ':;::13" L '1 HAll E. 16orTcr.) EV1"r~: 11; k'::j: I i1


FAC;: THAI ]:is- IS y.... c,T. I Ot0D~RSTAIJ'il ,HI, I

THlOSe P,R E SEl<It>OS A ('.~ 0~ PiT':;:: O/.)S A0'.l) 1$ E L::1- E. v( rn~

l..J I-IE'!'.) ::r "S A '-( :r K r0 r:a..! THe .:s ~ R :';V 0S N CS S

L C1/~r., ASF.FRPerrauIL00187


I3.CL-u10E.,:rJ0G Ar0b FA+TH Al0b =+10 D0l>, '?~:rC?T A SE.NSE:

"" r STRuutS.Ttl. AIVD (60-T.Il-T''::>G . -:r S EOE TII-T S fY'>R-o P"<,-,,,<:.l-l

(HE WoK\} eF <'>01) ANn FE.E.L s,+<:.t: 4"'S,:j:i:>E, THE

I \ JI
IHauG H T TRA, TIt:;:s ('f)AN ~F 8,DIl C'..A~ C'-QA)T.:P.)8 <'-. T,-'

qUE. A L:rE AAYD PRE.AC'H TH,G "ClaRD"/ T.", <:ODD" / Ho,o<,S"

Lov::rt06 l"><':&L(O SE<fof""\S 1"0 rn<=. T= \>,Eo T"<>T09Ll'i C)OTRFl"I'.D(JSr

A,,)D A?"sDcuTLE.'1 cnAc.C.<'--PTADLE! f"J1fl'-l!3E -SC1"l8)t0E, .:sTbULl:>

::C~ AI\..'b ~OT "Dr C-HL>R<U-t. ALTHuoE,t-\ FRTi-/E.R, ~RRf1D\...1

=t:s A Poc.X.f<.Fc) L (n 'A"" +N tn'i e,,,ml'h)N:r.T'1 T R< ros<

'<>IA'- ADuflJ\JTA6.;:, bF D=I1, ~-l',"<'.TJ'l~b<' f'.<::,-'\,/....6, '''Xr.:J

CU:OS-TNG ::r ~OLl:> L:J't<E.. IV ::'P''--1 --ntAN.. '--R-'0 FD-J<

YouR i..r:fY'1-E /OA.mE.RST"iObTAlE,

(Y)A'--j f'r1A,,6To HE..L-P,


Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 5.\1:\1 JU SEPH'S PL-\CE. :\ .\\'.
:Um "Ql'EHQCE, :\EW ~1E.XJ CO 87120 -1709

AREA CODE 505 8:31-8100

January 3, 1994

Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.

Archbishop of Hartford .
Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut
134 Farmington, Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105-3784 CONFiDENTIAL

Re: Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Dear Bishop Cronin:
I enjoyed our visit during the recent meeting of the National
Conference of Bishops, and very much appreciated your expression of
support to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during these difficult
tilnes. . The purpose of this letter is to provide additional
information concerning potential clailns arising from the alleged
acts of sexual misconduct by Fr~ Perrault, who came to New Mexico
from the Diocese of Hartford, Connecticut. At this time, the

that he was sexually abused by Fr.

been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese on his behalf . ..........1 continues
to receive counseling. ~additional
investigation given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

_ alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~1986. 11IIIIIIII
has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ...
I11III continues to receive psycho ogica counseling. Wh~e
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience of this
type, we settlement value of claim in the
range of

ASF.P RIE ST. 12124


January 3, 1994
Page 2

he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating in the
Archdiocese of program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

IlllllllllllllllElleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perra~.1 _ I . has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counse1in!Mi0 ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. 1111
_ I continues to receive psycho og~ca_ counseling. While
~onal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the abuse and our experience with other cfaims of this
settlement value of . 1_ 1 claim in the

.1 _I
type, we
range of

_I _I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perra"iiTt""in ~1974. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseiing_o ram, and as of November
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. . J
II1II1 continues to receive psycho og~ca counseling. While
~ional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the al abuse and our experience with other claims of this
type, we _I's
settlement value of claim in the
range of

alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 19 -1 70. has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseM!!n ro ram, arid as of November 12, 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. _I continues to

_I _ I
receive psychologica counseling. While add'It'IOriai'investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the alleged abuse and

our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of s claim in the range of

alleges that he was sexually a);msed by Fr .

Perraiirtin January 1988 - Decembe r 1988. has not been
participating in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's counseling program.
While additional investigation is needed, given the nature and
duration of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claims



January 3, 1994
Page 3

of this type, we estimate the settlement value of . 1 _rs

claim in the ranoe of _ .

perra~ 1991. .1
_ I a~ he was sexually abused by Fr.

has not been participating

in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's co.unseling program. While
additional investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience with other claj-ms of this
type, we est~ttlement value of . I_ rs
claim in
the range of .............
_ I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~r 1980. _ I
has not been participating
in the Archdiocese of San~ouhseling program. While
additional investi gation is needed, given the riature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we ~e settlement value of claim in the
range of ...........
_ I all e~t she was sexually abused by Fr.
perra~ .1 _ Ihas been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe's c o u n s e l i n w t and as of Novembe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf. ~ I
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 og~ca counseling. Whiie
acrdit'icmal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this

.1 _I
type, we e value of claim in
the range of
_ I alleges that he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra"ii'lt'"""Ii. has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa:pe's counselin~o ram and as of Novembe~
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has paid on his behalf.
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 counseling. Whiie
~nal investigation is needed, given the nature and duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience wi of this
type, we est~ttlement value of
the range of IIIIIIIIIIII.
that he was sexually abused by Fr.
s not been participating in the Archdiocese
of program. While additional inve stigation
is given the nature and duration of the al l eged abuse and

ASF.PR IEST. 12126


January 3, 1994
Page 4

our experience with other clailns of this type, we

settlement value of 11111IIII~ 's clailn in the range of

alleoes that he was sexually abused by Fr. Perrault
in 1966-1 7. 1 has been participating in the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe's counseMiiro ram, and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has paid .on his behalf. 1111_ I continues
to receive psycho oglca

counse l ing. Whi~additional
investigation is neede d, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clailns. of this type, we

_ I
. settlement value of s clailn in the range of

that. he was sexually abused by Fr.

Perrault. been participating in the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe's and as of November 12. 1993, the
Archdiocese has on his behalf. IIIIIIIIIIII
to receive counseling. ~additional
investiga tion , given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other clailns of this type, we
settlement value of _~ 'B claim in the range of

that he was s exually abuse d by Fr. Perrault

in 1 not been participating in the Archdiocese
of s counseling program. While additional investigation
is needed, given the nature and duration of the allege d abuse and
our experience wi of this type, we e
settlement value of s claim in the range of
_ I t he was sexually abused by Fr.
Perra~ has not bee n participating in the
Archdiocese of eling pro gram. While additional
investigation is needed, given the nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our experience with other claims of this type, we
settlement value of _ f 's claim in the range of

perra~17 t he was sexually abused by Fr.

1 has n ot been part icipa ting in the
Archdiocese of S program . While additional
investigation is needed , given the nature and duration of the



January 3, 1994
Page 5

al1 7ged abuse and our experience of this type, we

value of claim in the range

_ I alleaes that he was sexually abused by Fr.

perr!'~.1 _ I has been participating in the
Archdiocese of Santa Fe' S""COiiTiSei_' 0 r and as of Nove.mber
12. 1993, the Archdiocese has pai on his behalf. 1111
_ I continues to receive psyc 0 . Wh"TIe
~al investigation is needed, given the duration
of the alleged abuse and our experience of this
type, we es ettlernent value of claim in
the range of
_I _ I was sexually abus ed by Fr.
PerraU!t~. not been participating in the
Archdiocese of S counse.lillg program. While additional
investigation is needed, given nature and duration of the
alleged abuse and our e xperience of this type, we
est~ttlern e nt value of s claim in the range
of _ .
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe would like to settle these claims
and thus begin the process of reconciliation with the victims, as
well as close off any possible liability to the Archdiocese of
Santa Fe or the Dioce se of Hartford, Connecticut . Accordingly, we
are reque sting that the Dioc es e of Hartford, Connecticut a s sist us
financially in our efforts to reach settleme nts of these claims.

Sincerely yours ~sen Lord,

'f%~ t
Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan
Archbishop of Santa Fe

cc: Very Reverend Ron Wolf, JCL, Ph.D.
Mr. Tony Salgado
Charles P. Reynolds, Esq.
Luis G. Ste lzner, Esq.

e', ~~tt~?MI


THIS SETTLElvlENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE (hereafter "Agreement") is entered into

this Iq1~ day of November, 2015 by and between and the

Roman Catholic Church ofthe Archdiocese of Santa Fe, a corporation sole and St. Bemadette

Parish (hereinafter collectively the "Archdiocese") and (_and the Archdiocese to be

hereafter collectively refelTed to as the "Patiies"), in order to bring the matter in controversy

between the Parties to a full and complete settlement.


WHEREAS, _ has made celiain clainrs against the Archdiocese for personal

injuries arising from incidents alleged to have taken place in New Mexico in a lawsuit styled

John Doe D v. Archdiocese oiSonta F, No. D-202-CV-2014-05322 in the Second Judicial

District COUli, COUllty of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico (the "Lawsuit");

WHEREAS, _ clainrs are disputed by the Archdiocese, and the Patties desire to

terminate and settle any and all Claims arising from the allegations, as defIned hereinbelow;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, conditions and mutual promises

contained herein, the Patiies agree as follows:

1. Definitions

1.01 As used herein, _ ' shall include:

A. personally and individually, and his heirs, successors, assigns,

spouse, family or anyone claiming through them or by virtue of an intinrate relationship with

_ affiliated business entities, ttustees, paliners, insurers, guarantors, creditors, employees,

agents, attorneys, and other representatives, executors, administt'ators, personal representatives,


Page 63
JOHN DOE "D" vs. ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE, el _1. lohnDoe "D"
D-0202-CV-2014-05322 November 07, 2014

church, have you attended other denominations,

2 churches from other denominations, since that time?

3 A. Only Lutheran for my wedding .

4 Q. Is your wife, _ , still a practicing

5 Lutheran? Does she still go to services?

6 A. No .

7 Q. Did she stop going -- well, prior to your

8 marriage, if you know , did she regularly attend the

9 Lutheran church?

10 A. No .

11 Q. And so, since you've been married, neither

12 one of you are churchgoers?

13 A. Correct.

14 Q. Do you still have a belief that there 's a

15 God?

16 A. No.

17 Q. And at what point in time did you basically

18 lose your faith that there was even a God out there to

19 go to church to worship?

20 A. It spiraled out of control approximately in

21 1992 with Perrault.

22 Q. Okay. When was the -- well, let me ask you

23 first, have you ever drank alcoholic beverages in your

24 life?

25 A. Yes .
Page 64
D-0202-CV-20 14-05322 November 07, 2014

I Q. When was the earliest time that you ever

2 consumed alcohol?

3 A. Altar serving with Father Perrault.

4 Q. And how old would you have been at the time?

5 A. Approximately 10, ll.

6 Q. And as far as the alcohol, was it altar wine

7 or some other type of alcoholic beverage?

8 A. It was altar wine.

9 Q. Okay. And that was provided to you by

10 Fathe r Perrault?

II A. Correct .

12 Q. Was there ever a point in time where he

13 provided you with other types of alcoholic beverages?

14 A. Not that I'm aware of .

15 Q. And when he would give you the al tar wine,

16 would it was it in connection with his abuse of

17 you, or was it, like , in the sacristy after mass, or

18 before mass, or how did that work?

19 A. It was after mass .

20 Q. And I g uess that ' s - - what I ' m trying to

21 understand is, did his providing you alcohol have some

22 role in his abuse of you? In other words, would he

23 try to get you drunk or intoxicated on altar wine, and

24 then that would lead to something else?

25 MR . MONAGLE : Obiect to form . You can

Page 65
D-0202-CV-2014-05322 November 07, 20 14

1 answer .

2 A. There was a lot of groping and touching, but,

3 normally after mass is when I would meet up with my

4 mother, which would have been waiting for me outside .

5 Q. Okay .

6 A. And the occasions occurred when there were --

7 when one of the deacons was absent .

8 Q. When you say " the occasions," are you

9 talking about with the alcohol, or are you talking

10 about the abuse, or both?

II A. Both. They kind of stemmed together .

12 Q. Okay . Do you remember who was the what ' s

13 the name of the deacon that you're referring to?

14 A. There was a few of them , but there was

15 Deacon Al .

16 Q. Is Al his first name?

17 A. Oh, yes . Al McClain .

18 Q. Okay. Any other deacons that you can recall

19 from that ti me period?

20 A. No, not at this time .

21 Q. Okay . And if I ' m understanding, then, when

22 Deacon Al was not around is -- on those occasions is

23 when Father Perrault would give you wine, and also

24 when he would commit abuse on you; is that right?

25 A. Correct .
--; .- . .
..-- . (~ {..-:;.::..:..
- -1
'1. (fit"')}
Southdown fJOnFmEnT'Al
1;335 St. John's Sideroad East
R.R. #2
Aurora, Ontario L4G 3GB
Telephone (416) 727-4214

June 26, 1992

The Most Reverend Robert F . Sanchez , D.O .

Archbishop of Sante Fe
Cat h olic Centre
4000 Saint Joseph Place N.W .
Albuquerque , New Mexico
USA 87120

You r Excellency :

This is a confirmation that an Assessment has b een booked for

Father Arthur Perriault. Father Arthur has been asked to be
at Sout hdown by the even ing of Sunday , Ju ly 19th .

The feedback session will be held at 2:00 p . m. on Friday ,

July 24th. Please let my Secretary , Patricia Kett, know if
you wil l be attending in person or if you prefer to have the
feedback handled by phone . If you are flying , please contact
Patricia with your f li ght details and she can arrange to have
Reliable Taxi meet you at Pearson International Airpo rt .

If either myself or Patr icia can be of any further assist ance ,

please do not hesitate to contact us .


Ruth Droege , O . P ., Ph.D.

Director , Assessment Program

: pk

Encl .

Emmanuel Convalescent Foundation
.--, THE Ei1fm.~t~ER
~_)chdiocese of Santa Fe 0

- -_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Departmenl AREA CODE 505 831-8100


september 21, 1992

MEMO TO: Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez


RE: Rev. Arthur Perrault

Based upon my discussion with you, the f ol l owing is a summa r y of

~xpected compensation to Fr . Perrault:

Mo nthly

Sa l ary $ 502
Auto allowance 350
Mass stipends " 150
Room and board 600 estimate

$1,602 ($ 1 9,224 annual)

Health i nsuran ce wi ll be prov ided and pa id for interna ll y . Half

social security will be reimbursed once his 1 99 2 tax return i s
fil ed and sche dule SE is provided t o me. Education al needs will
be re imbursed based on supporting documentation. Archbishop , I
assume that F r . Perrault wou ld need t o obtain prior approva l on
these .

cc: Rev. Ron Wolf, Chanc e ll or

Bette stephens, Accounts payable



Date: September 14, 1992

To: Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez

Mr. Tony Salgado

From: Fr. Ron Wolf ~

Subject: Salary for Fr. Perrault during sabbatical

1. On September 12, 1992, Archbishop Sanchez, Fr. Wolf and Fr. Perrault met to
negotiate Fr. Perrault's salary.

2. Archbishop Sanchez carefully reviewed existing Archdiocese guidelines with

Fr. Perrault.

3. Fr. Perrault's social security (half), health insurance and car allowance will be
paid by the Archdiocese.

4. In the computation of Fr. Perrault's salary Archbishop Sanchez indicated that

Fr. Perrault has given considerable financial assistance to the Archdiocese. He
has made great efforts to cooperate in FIA and parish assessments. Fr. Perrault
will still be responsible for the ne w spaper (People of God). To hire some person
to edit the paper would cost easily $20,000 - $25,000 per year.

5. Archbishop Sanchez decided that a fair and just salary for Fr. Perrault (that
would include editor of the newspaper) would be $18,000 (take home) plus

6. I have discussed the matter with Mr. Salgado and the moneyw ould come from
Priest Subsidy and "People of God" funds.

7. Could this matter be immediately approved. Fr. Perrault will need notification .


] OFFENSE __~C~S~P___________________ CASE


AKA: Father Art, Art
ADD: 5308 Thomas N.E.
Ii Albuquerqu.e, NM
DOB: 03-0 5-38
AGE: 54
I] SSN: 041-30-0960
POB: Unknown
EDU: Unknown
( PHO: HOME: 293-8623
U EMP: Ex -Pa stor st . Bernadet t e's Church
DES: White male, 6'2~ , 250 pounds , brown hair.
APD: None

I !


Thi s form is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change 0/ status, etc., must be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer file.
DETECTIVE M.E. SCHALLER 0045 2-0 1-9 3 __
INVESTIGATING OFFICER: _______________________________ ~~---DATE __________
10 NO.

REVI EWING OFFICER: __________________________________=,,-__ DATE ____________

10 NO. P'''S2B

!j ASF.055958



S~p_ _- - - - -- CASE N0.I _ _L




i I

\ ,
PHD: iiiiliii S

i, I.

Th is form is for additional narrative in formation only. Any additional persons. property, change of status, etc., mus: be submi!ted upon , the ap-
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer file ..
DETE CTIVE M . E . SCHALLER 0045 2 - 01-93
iNVESTIG ATING OFFICER: _ _ _ _ _ _, -_ _ _ __ _ __ _-,;=_ _ DATE _ _ _ _ _ __
eel 10 NO.

REVIEWING OFFICER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - ; = ; - - _ DATE _ _ _ _ _'--_

\ to NO. P111528

II ASF.055959'


l- I


VICTIM _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - -- _ _ _ _




\ :
~~D: 700 Lomas N.E.
Li Albuquerque, NM
EMP: Attorney
PHO: WORK: 842-1800
\i Criminal Investigations Bureau,
Violent Crimes Section, Sex Crimes


1_1 Field Services Bureau, John Carrillo Memorial Substation, Watch II.


The cassette tapes were tagged into the Albuque~que -Police Department' s
Evidence Room located at 400 Roma N.W ..
I i

I -alleges that Father Arthur Perrault fellated him

U on
e occasions between . January of 1988 and December of
was fou "r teen when these sexual incidents . started.

1 This form is for additional narrative information only. Any addi!ion2.1 persons,:property, change ot's tatus, etc., must be submitted upon the ap.
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer tHe.

, DETECTIVE M.E. SCHALLER 0045 2-01-93

_ _ __ _

REVIEWING OFFICER: ---------~-'---------m~--

10 NO,

DATE _ _ _ _ _ __
I, 10 NO. "111;;'11


1- ,1
OFFENSE_::.CS"'P'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CASE No. _ L



victim, IIIIIIIIIIII, alleges thee Arthur ' Perrault performe d

fell at i o ~uly of 19i8. was fifte e n when this incident
occu rred.

Victim, IIIIIIIIIIIIII, alleges that Fa th er ,Arthur Perrault fond l ed his

penis, ~f me between October 1st, 1980,
and November 30th, 1980 . I was fourteen when this incident
t oo k place.



I received a teleohone call fr om Bruce Pasternack, who i s a local

attorn ~r uce inf ormed me t~at he was contacted by I and l1li
Ii that I11III wished to file a police report regarding Father ArthUr
Perrau~asternack told me tha t he is currently representing several
individuals who claim to be victims of Father Arthur Perrault's sexual
[.I improprieties. Pasternack said that he is concentrating on the civil
aspect of the case only and that he would send all victims who wished
to file police reports to me . Pasternack told me that _ was

U instructed to .come t o the main polic e station at 14 00 hours and contact

me in order to file a police report.
1400 BOURS

I met wi th in po l ice station. I wrote an initial

and obtained a formal statement from

u house. ~aid that he lived with his grandparent's,

contain the fo ll owing information:

l1li said that he first met Father Arthur ?erraultat his grandoarent's
liliiii -..alII, while he attended high school and t hat i t was during
his sophomore year in seha?l that perrau lt sexually abused h i m.
u Prior to
regular basis .
movinq into his grandparent's homer he v~sited them on a
said that Fa ther Perrault was always at his
grandparent ' s ~ome and that he was treated as one 9f the family.

Ii l1li
recalled that on one particul a r e v eni ng t after he had move d into
grandparentts horne t Father P.errault invited hi m to his home . _ .

u st~ted that Father Perrault wa s l i ving on Thomas Street at this

partIcular time. _
there by Perraul t .
agreed to go to Perrault's home and was driven

This form is for additional narrative Information only. Any .2ddltional persons, property, change of status, etc., must be subm itted upon the ap-
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer file.
DETECTIVE ~! . E. SCHALLER 004 5 2-01-93 __
IN VESTIGATING OFFICER: ______________________________ __________

10 NO.
DATE _______ __
10 NO. "'111528






Shortly after they arrive~at the h~me, Perrault invited l1li

II hot tub bath ~ith him.
garage~ Perrault's hous e .
to take a
said that the hot tub was set up in the
Prior to entering the hot tub, Perr~uli
told _ t ha t he had to remove all of his clothes. perrault told l1li
II th~t ~hey di dn ' t rern9ve their c l othes the ho t tub je ts would Glog .
l1li and Perrault rem oved the i r clothes and entered __the hot tub. While
si tt ing i n the hot tub, Perrault put his arm around Perrault t hen l1li.
iI starte d to fond le _ ' 5 penis . After exi tinq the hot tub /
~ather Perrault went into the bedroom .
performed fellatio o n h im while in the bedroom .
said that Perra u lt
said that after
perrault had finished, he gave l1li.
fifty dol lars and drove him horne.
.1 8.P.-p_r.ox i mat ely one wee k l ater _ . went back to Father Perrault's house .
l1li said tbat Father Pe rrau~showed him pornographic movi es on the
television. ~ tate d that t h e movies contained sexual act s involving
homosexuals.--.... s moked a marijuana cigarette while he watched t he
pornographic mOVie. After smoking the marijuana cigarette', and l1li
Father Perrault pr oc eeded .. into the b e droom where Perrault performed .
II fellatio on l1li.
Approximately 'two wee ks later, ~v'- visited Fa thec Perraul t at hi s

II home. l1li said that on t his particular occasion he didn' t watch

pornographY movies or take a hot tub bath. said they went
directly into the bedroom where Perr au lt aga i n performed felIatio on
him~ ,l1li said that this was the last time he had sexual contact with
IJ Father Perrault.

l1li said that shortly after his last sexual encounter with Perrault,
II his g r andparent ' s made him move out of their home. said that his l1li
relationship wi~h his grandparent's h ad deteriorated, so he decided to
move to I11III . l1li
said that he never di scussed these incidents with uililhe heard that other victims had come ' forward . th en l1li
II contacted Bruce Paste r nack and wa s referred t o the police to file a
report .

II For additional details refer to 1111111111111'5 stat ement .

\'-'i 'erra was dispatched to 3135 Co manche N.E. to meet
. When Officer Va lti erra arrived at this lo cat ion,
, I sed .him that i n 1980 Father Perrault had sexua ll y
valtierra docum ent ed the follo wing informati on in
lJ poli ce
l This form is for additional narrative in formation only. Any additional persons, property, change 01 status, etc., must be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACOPS supplement torm to update the computer file. ' ,
DETECTIVE M. E. SCHALLER 0045 2-01-93 __
! __________________________ __________

10 NO.
REVI EWING OFFICER: __________~------------------'"Nc>---DATE - -- -- -- - - - - -
10 NO. p" 1528

U ASF.055962'







shortly after they arrived at the home, Perrault invited to tak e a l1li
hot tub bath with him . l1li
said that the hot tub was set u p in the
garage __~ Perrault's hou s e. Pr i or to entering the hot tub , PerraulL
told l1li that he had to remove al l of his clothes. Perrault told l1li
~a~ rem~ve their clothes the
if they d i dn ' t hot tub j ets would Glog.
l1li and Per ra ult remov.ed their clothes and entered~he h o t tub . While
sltting in the hot tub, Perrault put his arm around Perrault then l1li.
started to fondle _ ' 5 penis. After exitinq the hot tub, _ and '
Father Perrault went into the bedroom. said that Perrault l1li
performed fel l atio on him while in the bedroom . said that after l1li.
Perrault had finished t he gave l1li
fifty dollars and drove him home .
!) ~Ju:oximately later _ : went back to Father Perrault's house.
l1li said Perrau~showed him pornographic movies on the
television .
homosexua ls.
tated that the movies contained sexual acts involving
smoked a marijuana cigarette while he watched the
p ornographic e . After smoking the marijuana cigarette ~ _ and
Father Perrault proceeded .. into the bedroom where Perrault performed .
I fellatio on l1li.
App roxi mate ly 'two we eks later, l1li visited Father Perrault at his
II home. l1li said that on this
pornog r 'a'Phy movies o r take a
particular oc ca sion he didn't watch
hot tub bath . . . said they went
direct ly into the bedroom wh ere Perr ault again performed fel Iatio on
him; . l1li said that this was the last time he had sexual c ontact with
IJ Fa the r Perrau lt .

l1li said that shor tly after his l ast sexual encounter with Perrau~t,
his grandparent's made him move aut of their h~me. said that his l1li
re latio n ship wi~h his gra ndparent ' s had deteriorated , so he decided to
move to I11III. l1li
said that be never d iscussed these inci dents with
anyqne unt~ l he heard that other victims had come forward. _ then
II contacted Bruce p as ter nack and was referred to the po lic e to file a

II For additio nal details ref e r to lIIIIIIIIII's statement.

_ J erra was dispatched to 3135 Comanche N.E. to meet
, When Officer Valtierra arrived at t his location t
I I sed . him th at in 1980 Father Perrault had sexui11y
!J the police rep 9 rt:
Valtierra documented the following information in

1 This form is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change of status, etc., must be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACOPS supplement/orm to update the computer tile. ' .

I DETECTIVE M. E. SCHALLER 0045 2 - 01 -93

-I INVESTIGATIN G OFFICER: -----------------------------,----;;=c---
10 NO.
DATE - - - - - - - - - - -
DATE ____ _ __
REVIEWING OFFIC ER: -----------..,--------------- - --;;;'0"""0.--









I! ""I,,. I11III
to hl.s ~for private
told Officer valtierra that Father Perrault invited him
counseling sessions in 1980. ) was
fourteen at this particular time. went to Perrault's home for
the counseling session during which Perrault put his arm around
II and sat close to him on the couch .

Approximately two weeks later, went to Perrault's home for a

II second counseling session. On this particular occasi

f o n d l e d ' s penis over the top of his pants.
Perrault that he was uncomfortable with what he was doing .
that Perra~lt stopped the fondling and he left the house.
II proceeded home and told his parents what had occurred at
pe.rraul t' s home. said that his parents contacted the head
II priest of Annunciation Church and reported Perrault for his conduct.
A formal statement was obtained from ) and will be
addressed later in this case. For additional details regarding Officer
II valtierra'S report, refar to the initial police report, case number


I received a telephone call from . II1II advised me that he

. was also a victim of Father Perrault's sexual improprieties. I
II initiated an original police repoit, case number I as a result
of this phone call from II1II . The inform~tion that I documented in the
report was also documen~n a formal statement, which II1II provided
Ii two days later . The specific details o f ' s statement will be
addressed later 1n this case.


I obtained a formal statement from

0929 HOURS

I ........B. The statement contains

the following information:

II1II said that he atte Annunciation Junior High School for seventh
and eighth grade. met Father Perrault while he was at
Annunciation School . said that he also served as an alter boy at
Annunciation Church, is affiliated with Annunciation School.
_ said that Father Perrault was a visiting priest at Annun ciation
Church and School during this time.
This form is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change of status, etc., must be submitted upon the ap.
propriate ACOPS supplement farm 10 update the computer file.
INVESTIGATING OFFICER: _______________________ ~=--- DATE ___ ~ _ __
10 NO.


\0 NO.




F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CASE NO. __

VICTIM _ _ _ _


!!I~~~ I11III told Officer Valtierra that Father Perrault invited him
I! to
hl S ~for priv~te counseling sessions in 1980.
at this particular time .
went to Perrault's home for
the counseling session during wh ich Perrault put his arm around'illI. .
II and sat close to him on t he couch .

Approximately two weeks later, Perrault's home for a went to

sec ond c o unseling session. On this particular
ra ult
fondled '$ penis over the top of his pants.
Perrault that he was uncomfortable with what he was doing. said
that Ferra~lt stopped the fondling and he le ft the house.
I) !!IIIII" proceeded heme and told his parents what had occurred at
Pe.rrault's home. said that his oarents contacted the head
priest o f Annunciation Church and reported ~errault for his conduct.
Ii A forma l stateme nt was obtained from and will be
addressed later in this case . For additional d e tails regarding Officer
II Valtierra's report, refe.r to the initial police r eport , case number


I received a telephone call from I'~~I!!II"~I 11I".:a dvised me that he

was al~o a victim of Father Perrau lt ' s rieties. I

in itiate d an original police report , case numbe as a resul t
of this phone call from II1II . The information in the
repo rt was also documen~n a formal statement, which rovided
j two days l ater. The specific details o f statemen will be 1liii's
addressed l ater in this case.


1.1 I obtained a formal statement f rom The statement contains
the following information:
LI II1II said that he a tt Annu nciation Junior High School f or seventh
and eighth grad e . met Fa the r Perrault while he was at

u Annunciation Scho ol.

Annunciation Chur ch,
said that he also served as an alter boy at
is affiliated with Annunciatio~ School.
II1II said that Father Per r ault was a visiting priest a t Annunciation
Church and School du ri ng th is time.
This form is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change of statlJs, etc., mlJst be submi tted upon the ap.
propriate ACOPS supplement form to update the computer file.
DETECTIVE M. E. SCHALLER 0045 2-01 - 93
INVESTIGATING OFFICER: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _" " " '__ DATE
10 NO.
REVIEWING OFFICER: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _;;;-;;;;-_ DATE _ _ _ _~_ _
10 NO. P'11528

iI ASF.055963


OFFENSE __~C=S~P__________________ CAS ENO ~IIIIII.
OFFENSE REPORT' 5308 TH or-lAS N.!:.



that Father Perrault was in charge of.'~II~~~II~~~1I1II

Ii during these ye ar s. recalled
rault asked him if he was interested in
that he a eed to assist Father
II "iiiilllijljiil work at
stated that Father Perrault
which was
siana N.E .. This .business is no longer

II in existence .

..... started work ing in the summer of 1978. II1II

~d on numerous tasks while of his activities
II were closely monitored by Father
Perrault was extremely c riti cal o f all tb e work
said that Father
id~ said that II1II
Perrault was very intimidating at work and const~ntly criticized
II _' 5
work. On one
working in the
IIIIIIII and exami ned
. ar dav, possiblely in July of 1978, _
FatheL PeLrault entered the
s ~ stated that Father Perrault

II started to fondle his al area. Perrault then unzipped 1liii's
pants and Father Perrault then performed fellatio on
F ollowing this inciden"t , _ left the business and he never re turned.
U II1II said that none of~ other employee's at the knew 11IIIIIIII
~~ad happened in the IIIIIIII.
u Later in
the eveninq, Fathe r Perrault called
asked II1II
to come to his home,
that had taken place earlier in the
v could discuss the
' said that h.
at his home. Father

II went to
Father Perrault's home, which was located at the Landmark
c omp lex next to Winrock " Shop ping Center.

II1II said that he went to Father Perrault's and met with him at his
IJ ~ _ said that Perrault was casually dressed when he arri"ved at
the home. Perrault then blamed ~r ~hat had 'happened at the
11IIIIIIII ~arlier in the day. WhiIellllll was sitting on the couch and
u ~ith Father Perrault, he (Perrault)

started to fondle
qenital area. II1II told Perrault, lIyou have to stop . " At this pOint,
stood up from the couch and exi'ted the horne.

u II1II said that he had several future contacts with Father Perrault.
All of these contacts were either at school or at church. There were no
add~tional sexual contacts .

This form is lor additional narrative information only, Any additional persons, property, change of status, etc" must be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACQPS supplement form to update the computer file, "
DETECTIVE M.E. SCHALLER 004 5 2- 01 -93
-I INVESTIGATING OFFICER: ----------------------------------IoIO"NO:O.---- DATE --------------
_____________________________ -,~c---DATE ________ ~~
REVIEWING OFFICER: - 10 NO, p111528 "
; I . ASF.055964'

i i
OFFENSE _-"-C"SP'----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CASE NO. _ _ _
VICTIM _ _ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-

well. _'5
didn't tell anyone of these occurrences involving Father Perrault
untll the case, involvinq additional victims, was made public. Once the
case was made public, . . . told his parents that he was
a victim as
_ , was interviewed and her statement.
will be dlscussed later 1n thlS case.

For additional details refer to _ : rs statement.

1 conducted a background check on Father Arthur Perrault. The
"background check was conducted through the Albuquerque Police
Department's Identification Unit and the Albuquerque Police
Department's Records Section.
II The check through the Identification Unit was negative. The check
thiough the Records section revealed thr~e past reports filed by Father
Perrault. The reDocts all list Perrault as either the victim or the
Li - I, _ ,

reporting person . The case n.umbers are and _ . '

These reports did list Father perra~te--qr-birth and social
security number. The reports also identify Perrault at two different
II churches in Albuquerque. Copies of these reports are includeq with this
case for review.
I r
I obtained a statement from 1111111111111111. The statement contains the
following information:

said that he met Father .Perrault in either 1976 . or 1977.

said that he was an alter boy at -Annunciation Church when he
me r Perrault. liliiii
said that Father Perrault was a very
I intimidating individual and was very strict with the alter boys.

_ said that his first uundesirable contact" with Father Perrault

I occurred at
Thomas N.E. .
rrault's} home I which said was located on
d that he rode his bicycle to Father Perrault's
residence. . arrived at Father Perrault's home he was
I, I invited in
was then asked to sit an a large couch inside the
said that he sat dawn on the 'couch and Father
Perrault sa to him . Father Perrault told that he should liliiii
u relax and that they should become better acquainted. Father Perrault

""This form is for additional narrative information only. Any additional persons, property, change of status, etc., must be submitted upon the ap
propriate ACOPS supplem'enl form to update the computer file.
INVESTIGATING OFFICER: - - - - - -- - - - - - - ------;;;-cn-- DATE _ _ _ _ _ __
"I 10 NO.

REVIEWING OFFICER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-_ _ _ _ _--;;;=_ _ DATE _ _ _ _ __

10 NO. O~11.;?1l.

II ASF.055965'


Archdiocese of Santa Fe
WOO SA1;l.T JOSEI'll 'S I'LK E, :'\,\\',
ALB[;Qt 'EHQCE. XEII' ~IEX ICO 87120-1709

'lost Re \', Robe rt E Sanchez, D,D,

.- \ n:hhish op of Suntll Fe AREA CODE 505 83 1-81 00

October 20, 1992

Reverend Arthur Perrault

St. Bernadette's Parish
1800 Martha NE
Albuquerque NM 87112-3161

Dear Father Perrault:

May God's Peace and Love be with you!

There are no words to describe my distress over the allegations of sexual misconduct in our
Archdiocese. The pain inflicted upon victims, families, and clerics greatly affects me.

Given the allegations that presently exist, your faculties are hereby suspended until further notice_
However, you may celebrate the Eucharist privately with no parishioners present. Hence, you may not
exercise your ministry In parishes or in other ministerial situations. If for any reason your ministry is
required in another context, you may seek specific permission from my office.

I am aware that this restriction may be difficult for you to accept. I have a pastoral and canonical
concern for your welfare. You know that I stand ready to assist you in any way possible. However,
I do have a mandate to safeguard the common good of the Archdiocese. I must never lose that focus.
It is in such a context that this action is taken_ Thank you for understanding.

Wishing you God's blessings, I am,

Robert F _ Sanchez

cc: Rev. Ron Wolf

Rev. Ronald Bruckner
Mr. Tony Salgado
V file

AS F,FRPerrault00054

The Catholic Center

October 23, 1992

Bruce E. Pasternack
Attorney at Law
Two Woodward Center
700 Lomas NE, Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Re: _ v. Perrault,
Cause No.

Dear :rvlr. Pasternack:

This is a response to your letter of October 19, 1992, concerning Father Perrault. We have lost
contact with his whereabouts at the present time. His last attorney of record was Nancy
Hollander. I do not know if this association continued. This situation was primarily facilitated
by you and your partner Mr. Art Geiselman in your alleged arrangement for public trial,
conviction and sentencing via the media. Again, this is only alleged by a victim who described
your procedure to me. It was after that media blitz that contact with Father Perrault was lost.

I feel sorry that you interpret the law to mean "public exposure" of sexual abuse means public
destruction of the person prior to the judicial process.


Reverend Ron Wolf, J.C .L., Ph.D.

cc: Ron Koch

Charles P. Reynolds
Karen Kennedy
Nancy Hollander
Tony Salgado
Tom Masserini

4000 ST. JOSEPH'S PLACE NW., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87120 (505) 831-8100

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