3-Children and Youth Learning Activities
3-Children and Youth Learning Activities
February 24, 2015 | By Sarah Young ***This content is based on a webinar presented by Reading Horizons Reading
Specialist, Stacy Hurst. ***
Some might think that direct instruction involves simply getting in front of the class and teaching
the required material. But direct instruction can be so much more than that! We, as teachers,
need to be doing more to get our students engaged in taking an active role in their learning.
Research shows that students whose teachers spend too much time talking are less likely to be
engaged during direct instruction.
List of Engagement Activities for Students
The good news is that there are many activities that will enable you to spend less time talking
and more time getting your students engaged in the classroom. Here is a list of fourteen student
engagement strategies from Reading Horizons Reading Specialist, Stacy Hurst, that you can use
to increase student engagement in your classroom: