1. Equipments:
Break glass type microprocessor based addressable manual call points with
chain & hammer.
Response indicators where required for above false ceiling detectors &
normally closed rooms.
U.P.S system.
Erection materials
The system shall use both Automatic fire detectors and addressable manual
fire alarm call points.
Microprocessor based Break glass type manual call points with chain & hammer.
An electronic hooter or horn or electric bell, siren associated with fire alarm
system. Actuation of any automatic fire detectors / manual fire alarm call points
shall cause.
Indication of Alarm / trouble location on the Main Fire Alarm Panel / on the local
Graphics computer in the control room.
Suitable number of N.O & N.C potential free contacts shall be kept in the Fire
Alarm Control Panel. Interlocking with automatic fire fighting system.
Origination of fire alarm shall also be transmitted to the concerned ventilation and
A/C equipment, so that the ventilation system and A/C system is switched off.
A distinctive audible and visible signal indicating the occurrence of a fault within
the system (for example break in circuit, short circuit, fault in power supply etc.)
Cross zoning should be implemented in the soft ware before raising any alarm
from any detector.
Diagnostics: The system shall be self diagnostic type, involving detection and
alarm of any fault or open / circuit in the system. On acknowledging audio alarm
is silenced while alarm lamp persists, till rectification of fault.
The system shall have test mode facility to check the healthiness of the system.
Audio alarm for fault shall be different from fire signal alarm in tone and intensity.
Isolation of line in case of line faults and give alarm.
Release of loud alarm /siren under the control of operator. Resetting of the
Heat Detectors
The detectors shall be plug in type and shall have common base.
The visual alarm LED shall be clearly visible from outside by a flashing
Smoke Detectors
The detectors shall be plug in type and shall have common base.
The visual alarm LED shall be clearly visible from outside by a flashing
response indicator.
The detectors shall be plug in type and shall have common base.
The visual alarm LED shall be clearly visible from outside by a flashing
Detector shall be multi criteria combination of rate of rise heat detector &
photo electric smoke detector.
Flame detector
Ember detectors: These detectors operating in the infra red region shall be
used to detect moving fires on coal conveyors.
Spark detectors: These detectors operating in the infra red region shall be
useful in ducts and similar concealed area application. The detector shall
be suitable for 24VDC operation.
Usage of all types of MCP shall be as per IS-2189-1988. All devices such
as automatic pull switch, circuitry etc, shall be totally enclosed in the box.
The manual call point stations are break glass type general alarm station.
The manual call point shall consists of a MS enclosure with a glass front. One
NO contact is built into the enclosure. The front glass keeps the switch
in pressed condition.
The contact changes and this change over is sensed by the monitor module
and alarm generated at the control panel.
The manual call points are available in whether proof / flame-proof enclosures also.
Manual call points are installed near exit / entrance doors, stair cases or
outdoor locations where automatic fire detectors cannot be installed.
The interface unit shall be suitable for connecting normally open type alarm
initiating devices such as pressure switch, flow switches, level switches,
potential free contacts etc. in the addressable loop, if required.
The interface unit shall be a sealed electronic unit with an address switch
for individual address. It shall be housed in a metallic /high impact plastic
enclosure and suitable for indoor / outdoor installation. The operation
voltage shall be 24 V D.C.
Monitor Module
Monitor Module monitors are dry contact type fire or security initiating
devices. It reports its unique address to the panel to pin point the exact alarm
The monitor module shall be assigned a point address via two direct dial
decade switches. Its address and circuit status i.e normal, open, short are
communicated to the control panel. An integral LED blinks each time the
controller scans the module and LED latches in alarm condition by command
from the controller.
The control devices shall form part of loop devices. Control module shall
supervises and controls indicating devices and their associated wiring. The
module shall also provide SPDT (single pole double throw) switching action
for other locally powered equipment.
The module shall be assigned an address using direct dial decade switches.
When the controller commands the modules the internal relay energizes
and switches externally supplied power to activate connected polarized
indicating and other control devices. An integral LED shall blinks each time the
controller scans the module and the LED latches in alarm condition by command
from the controller.
Self illuminous FIRE EXIT sign boards shall be provided indicating escape routes to
escape under fire condition. The type of sign board shall be as per site condition.
Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be intelligent, with its own Microprocessor
and memory in each every card.
The control panel as a built in feature shall have one / two modules & each
module without adding any card shall be able to create additional loop i.e. 2
loop/module. Each loop shall be able to take 60 to 90 detectors. Control panel
shall have facility to expand up to 7 / 10 modules.
The control panel shall have facility to process the input signals and also have
facility to control all the input data received from addressable analogue
type detectors/addressable interface unit.
Fire alarm control panel shall have number of electronic filters to ignore false
alarm and increase sensitivity to real fires from sensors. The electronic filters
shall recognize the unwanted alarm from detectors due to electrical spikes.
The fire alarm control panel shall have separate 400 character LCD display
area to indicate the address of each device and clear text about the location
of alarm / trouble. The panel should have complete QUERTY key pad for
easy monitoring & maintenance.
The Fire Alarm panel shall have facility to connect to a local graphics work
station comprising of PC, Printer, Keypad, Mouse, peripherals etc. The graphic
work station shall form part of mimic. Also the Fire alarm panel shall be
connected to the facility LAN point for feeding data to the Central Graphics
Work station at the Central Fire Station (CFS).
The Power Supply to the control panel shall be 240 V, 50 Hz. Single phase,
AC supply.
Individually controlled, monitored alarm outputs for external hooters, lamps etc. Fire
The status check of each detector, interface units for alarm, prior warning, trouble,
disabling shall be possible from control panel.
Field programming
All programming shall be accomplished through the standard FACP key board or
through the video terminal.
All field defined programs shall be stored in nonvolatile memory to ensure no data is lost
during the power loss.
Smoke Detector Sensitivity Adjust: Means shall be provided for adjusting the
sensitivity of any or all analog addressable smoke detectors in the system
from the system key pad or from the key board of the video terminal.
The response indicator shall comprise of indicator lamp with flashing enclosed in a
red plastic cover and fitted inside the M.S. BOX AND ENGRAVED FIRE on the
plastic cover.
Alarm Sirens
The siren shall be of rugged construction, have weather proof protection and
suitable for outdoor mounting. It shall have adequate range to cover a radius
upto 3 K.M and shall be dual tone. The operator at the fire station / security
control room shall have facility to energies the siren.
The siren shall be suitable for 240 V +/-10%, 50 Hz +/-2Hz single phase
A.C. Frequency shall be as per standards. The siren shall have rain canopy.
The siren shall have IP-65 enclosure.
The electronic sounder / loud speaker being located at vital places shall have
minimum audible level of 65 dB OR 5 dB above noise level of the working area.
CPU shall communicate with various microprocessor based fire alarm control
panel/peripherals of the system and execute /receive FIRE & FAULT alarms,
control the activation of o/ps etc. CPU failure should be indicated by an LED on the front
The CPU shall serve as an interface between controller for operator peripherals and
remote fire alarm control panels.
The CPU serves as central processor, system software shall be designed specifically to
monitor status; processing alarms according to priorities, controlling / processing
communications with operator peripherals; and synchronizing all system activity.
For reason of reliability and preventing inadvertent changes, system shall be maintained
in non-volatile memory. System shall permit reprogramming by authorised personnel only.
The VDU shall be for data retrieval, alarm annunciation, commands and
programming functions.
Alarms and all other change of status shall be displayed in the screen area
reserved for the information. Upon receipt of alarm, an audible shall sound
and the condition and point type shall flash until acknowledged by the operator.
Printer used in the system shall be hard copy output device and shall provide
real time records of the system events and provide system reports on demand.