Linux Syllabus
Linux Syllabus
UNIT I: Introduction to LINUX Operating System: Introduction - The LINUX Operating System.
UNIT II: Managing Files and Directories: Introduction Directory Commands in LINUX File
Commands in LINUX.
UNIT III: Creating files using the vi editor: Text editors The vi editor. Managing Documents:
Locating files in LINUX Standard files Redirection Filters Pipes.
UNIT IV: Securing files in LINUX: File access permissions viewing File access permissions
Changing File access permissions. Automating Tasks using Shell Scripts: Introduction Variables- Local
and Global Shell variables Command Substitution
UNIT V: Using Conditional Execution in Shell Scripts: Conditional Execution The caseesac
Construct. Managing repetitive tasks using Shell Scripts: Using Iteration in Shell Scripts The while
construct until construct for construct break and continue commands Simple Programs using Shell
1. Operating System LINUX, NIIT, PHI, 2006, Eastern Economy Edition.
1. Richard Petersen, Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, Edition 2008.
1. Write a shell script to stimulate the file commands: rm, cp, cat, mv, cmp, wc, split, diff.
b. current shell , home directory , Operating System type , current Path setting , current working
3. Write a Shell Script to implement the following: pipes, Redirection and tee commands.
4. Write a shell script for displaying current date, user name, file listing and directories by getting user
6. Write a shell script to remove the files which has file size as zero bytes.
7. Write a shell script to find the sum of the individual digits of a given number.
8. Write a shell script to find the greatest among the given set of numbers using command line arguments.
10. Write a shell script to print the multiplication table of the given argument using for loop.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Linux Operating System
2. Installing Red Hat Linux
3. Managing Files and Directories
4. Creating Files Using the vi Editor
5. Managing Documents
6. Securing Files in Linux
7. Automating Tasks Using Shell Scripts
8. Using Conditional Execution in Shell Scripts
9. Managing Repetitive Tasks Using Shell Scripts
10. Controlling Process Execution
11. Backing up, Restoring and Compressing Files
12. Basic Networking Commands in Linux
13. Working in GNOME
14. K Desktop Environment
15. Installing Packages
16. Administering Printers