Provisional Answer Key-Technical
Provisional Answer Key-Technical
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(1) ઉમેદવાર વાંધા- ૂચનો ર ૂ કરવા વેબસાઇટ પર િસ ધ થયેલ િનયત ન ૂનાનો ઉપયોગ કરવો.
(2) ઉમેદવારોએ પોતાને પર ામાં મળે લ સીર ઝની ુ તકામાં છપાયેલ માંક ુ બ વાંધા-
ૂચનો ર ૂ ન કરતા તમામ વાંધા- ૂચનો વેબસાઇટ પર િસ ધ થયેલ ોિવઝનલ આ સર ક ના
માંક ુ બ અને તે સંદભમાં ર ૂ કરવા
(3) ઉમેદવારોએ ઉ ત ૂચના ંુ અ ૂક પાલન કર ંુ અ યથા વાંધા- ૂચનો ગે કરલ ર ૂઆતો યાને
લેવાશે નહ .
001. The true length of a line is known to be 200 m. When this is measured
with a 20 m tape, the length is 200.80 m. The correct length of the
20 m tape is
(A) 19.92 m (B) 19.98 m
(C) 20.04 m (D) 20.08 m
005. Imaginary line passing through points having equal magnetic declination
is termed as
(A) isogonic line (B) agonic line
(C) isoclinic line (D) aclinic line
006. To find the RL of a roof slab of a building, staff readings were taken
from a particular set-up of the leveling instrument. The readings were
1.050 m with staff on the Bench Mark and 2.300 m with staff below
the roof slab and held inverted. Taking the RL of the Bench Mark as
135.15 m, the RL of the roof slab will be
(A) 136.400 m (B) 131.800 m
(C) 133.900 m (D) 138.500 m
ESP-2-A ] [ 2 ] [ Contd...
007. Consider the following:
(i) Line ranger (ii) Reciprocal Ranging
(iii) Random line ranging (iv) Optical square
Which of these are employed to solve the problem of vision obstructed
but chaining free?
(A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) (B) (ii) and (iii) only
(C) (ii) and (iv) only (D) (iii) and (iv) only
008. The arithmetic check for the computation of RL by ‘Rise and Fall’
method is given by
(A) S FS – S BS = RL of last station point – RL of first station point
= S Fall – S Rise
(B) S BS – S FS = RL of first station point – RL of last station point
= S Rise – S Fall
(C) S BS – S FS = RL of last station point – RL of first station point
= S Rise – S Fall
(D) S BS – S FS = RL of first station point – RL of last station point
= S Fall – S Rise
009. A level when set up 25 m from peg A and 50 m from peg B reads
2.847 m on staff held on A and 3.462 m on staff held on B, keeping
bubble at its centre while reading. If the reduced levels of A and B
are 283.665 m and 284.295 m respectively, what is the collimation error
per 100.0 m
(A) 0.015 m (B) 0.030 m
(C) 0.045 m (D) 0.060 m
010. The reduced bearing of a line is N 87°W. Its whole circle bearing is
(A) 93° (B) 87°
(C) 3° (D) 273°
011. Measuring with a 30 m chain which is 0.01 m too short introduces a
(A) positive compensating error (B) negative compensating error
(C) positive cumulative error (D) negative cumulative error
ESP-2-A ] [ 3 ] [ P.T.O.
012. The sensitiveness of a bubble tube in a theodolite would decrease if
(A) the viscosity of the liquid is increased
(B) the radius of curvature of the internal surface of the tube is increased
(C) the diameter of the tube is increased
(D) the length of the vapour bubble is increased.
013. Which of the following is carried out by the two theodolite method?
(A) Circular curve ranging (B) Tacheometric survey
(C) Geodetic survey (D) Astronomical survey
014. The whole circle bearing of line AB and AC are 20°15' and 337°45'
respectively. What is the value of the included angle BAC?
(A) 317°30' (B) 42°30'
(C) 358° (D) 177°
017. Keeping the instrument height as 1.5 m, height of staff 4 m, the slope
of the ground as 1 in 10, the sight distance on the down-slope must
be less than
(A) 25 m (B) 30 m
(C) 15 m (D) 20 m
ESP-2-A ] [ 4 ] [ Contd...
019. The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian
at a place is called.
(A) azimuth (B) declination
(C) local attraction (D) magnetic bearing
020. Match list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:
List I List II
(a) Adjustment of (i) Bringing the various fixed parts of the
surveying instruments instrument into proper relation with one
(b) Bowditch Rule (ii) Solution of 3-point problem
(c) Triangulation (iii) measuring all the angles and the base line
(d) Bessel’s method (iv) Balancing the latitudes and departures
(A) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
(B) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(C) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
(D) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
022. Which of the following methods of leveling eliminates the error due to
curvature and refraction?
(A) Fly levelling (B) Reciprocal levelling
(C) Check levelling (D) Precise levelling
ESP-2-A ] [ 5 ] [ P.T.O.
024. Remote sensing of the earth’s surface is done by making use of the
properties of which types of electromagnetic waves.
(a) Emitted (b) Reflected
(c) Diffracted (d) Absorbed
(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (B) (a), (b) and (c)
(C) (a) and (b) (D) (a) and (c)
025. The remotely sensed data has errors due to the following:
(A) Imaging characteristics of the sensor
(B) Stability and orbit characteristics of the platform
(C) Motion of the earth
(D) Atmospheric effects
(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (B) (a), (c) and (d)
(C) (a), (b) and (d) (D) (c) and (d)
026. When was the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act enacted
by the Indian Parliament.
(A) 1970 (B) 1974
(C) 1980 (D) 1985
027. The daily per capita consumption of water apparently increases with
(a) Higher standard of living
(b) Availability of sewerage in the city
(c) Metered water supply
(d) Wholesome and potable quality of water
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) (a), (b) and (c) (B) (b), (c) and (d)
(C) (a), (c) and (d) (D) (a), (b) and (d)
028. If the total hardness and alkalinity of a sample of water are 300 mg/l and
100 mg/l (as CaCO3) respectively, then its carbonate and non-carbonate
hardness will be respectively.
(A) 100 mg/l and 200 mg/l (B) 400 mg/l and 300 mg/l
(C) 100 mg/l and 400 mg/l (D) 400 mg/l and 0 mg/l
ESP-2-A ] [ 6 ] [ Contd...
029. Electrical conductivity (EC) of water and total dissolved solids (TDS)
are interrelated. The value of EC will
(A) decrease with increase in TDS
(B) increase with increase in TDS
(C) decrease initially and then increase with increase in TDS
(D) increase initially and then decrease with increase in TDS
030. Which one of the following would contain water with the maximum
amount of turbidity
(A) Lakes (B) Oceans
(C) Rivers (D) Wells
032. Match List-I (parameters) and List-II (diseases) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
(a) Absence of fluorides (i) Methaemoglobinemia
(b) Excess of lead (ii) Goitre
(c) Presence of excess nitrate (iii) Dental caries
(d) Absence of iodide (iv) Anaemia
(A) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(B) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
(C) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv)
(D) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
ESP-2-A ] [ 7 ] [ P.T.O.
033. If the methyl orange alkalinity of water equals or exceeds total hardness,
all of the hardness is
(A) Non-carbonate hardness
(B) Carbonate hardness
(C) Pseudo hardness
(D) Negative none-carbonate hardness
037. The various treatment processes in a water treatment plant are listed
(a) Filtration (b) Chlorination
(c) Sedimentation (d) Coagulation
(e) Flocculation
The correct sequence of processes in water treatment is
(A) (d), (e), (c), (a), (b) (B) (c), (d), (e), (a), (b)
(C) (d), (e), (c), (b), (a) (D) (d), (c), (e), (a), (b)
ESP-2-A ] [ 8 ] [ Contd...
038. The purpose of a proportional weir at the effluent end of a channel
type grit removal unit is to
(A) provide easy passage of solid particles
(B) measure the rate of flow in the channel
(C) keep the depth of flow in the channel above a certain value
(D) maintain constant mean velocity in the channel
040. Which one of the following filters will produce water of high quality
with respect to the bacteriological parameter.
(A) Slow sand filter (B) Rapid sand filter
(C) Pressure filter (D) Dual media filter
ESP-2-A ] [ 9 ] [ P.T.O.
044. Which one of following test employs Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic
Acid as a titrating agent?
(A) Chlorides (B) Dissolved Oxygen
(C) Hardness (D) Residual Chlorine
ESP-2-A ] [ 10 ] [ Contd...
049. The correct statement of comparison of ultimate BOD (BODu), COD,
Theoretical Oxygen Demand (ThOD) and 5-day BOD (BOD5) is
(A) BODu > COD > ThOD > BOD5
(B) COD > ThOD > BODu > BOD5
(C) ThOD > COD > BODu > BOD5
(D) COD > BODu > BOD5 > ThOD
054. When wastewater is disposed of into a running stream, four zones are
formed. In which one of the following zones will the minimum level
of dissolved oxygen be found?
(A) Zone of degradation (B) Zone of active decomposition
(C) Zone of recovery (D) Zone of clear water
055. The two main gases liberated from an anaerobic sludge digestion tank
would include
(A) NH3 and CO2 (B) CO2 and CH4
(C) CH4 and H2S (D) NH3 and CH4
ESP-2-A ] [ 11 ] [ P.T.O.
056. Presence of nitrogen in a wastewater sample is due to the decomposition
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins
(C) Fats (D) Vitamins
057. When the recirculation ratio in a high rate trickling filter is unity then
what is the value of the recirculation factor?
(A) 1 (B) > 1
(C) < 1 (D) 0
058. According the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), the
permissible limit (daily average) for RSPM in Residential areas is
(A) 40 mg/m3 (B) 60 mg/m3
(C) 100 mg/m3 (D) 120 mg/m3
ESP-2-A ] [ 12 ] [ Contd...
062. Emission factor can be defined as:
(A) the amount of substance released / intensity of a specific activity
(B) the amount of substance released / second
(C) the amount of substance released / gram of the fuel burnt
(D) the total amount of substance released.
063. In a condition when Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) > > Dry Adiabatic
Lapse Rate (DALR), which of the following plume behavior would be
(A) Looping (B) Fanning
(C) Conning (D) Lofting
064. Following are the 4 scenarios given relating the Environmental Lapse
Rate (ELR) and Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR). In which of the
case, the mixing height would be the maximum.
(C) ELR << DALR (D) ELR = 0.75 * DALR
067. Which one of the following procedures is used for sampling of the flue
gas in a chimney for Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)
(A) Isothermal sampling (B) Isokinetic sampling
(C) Adiabatic sampling (D) Differential sampling
068. What will be the resultant decibel level when two sources make noise
of equal decibels?
(A) Decibel level will be the same
(B) Decibel level will increase by 3 decibels
(C) Decibel level will decrease by 3 decibels
(D) Decibel level will be equal to the sum of decibels of the two
ESP-2-A ] [ 13 ] [ P.T.O.
069. Which type of noise can be abated by providing lining on walls and
ceiling with sound absorbing materials?
(A) Reflection Noise (B) Refraction Noise
(C) Source Noise (D) Structural Noise
073. With all other relevant conditions remaining the same, the speed of a
vehicle negotiating a curve is proportional to
(Note : W = Weight of the vehicle)
(A) W½ (B) W
(C) 1/W (D) 1/ W½
075. If R is the radius of the curve and L is the length of the long chord,
the shift of the curve is (all in meter units)
(A) L2 / R (B) L2 / 2R
(C) L2 / 24R (D) L2 / 6R
ESP-2-A ] [ 14 ] [ Contd...
076. It is a common practice to design a highway to accommodate the traffic
volume corresponding to the
(A) 30th hour (B) Peak hour
(C) Average daily traffic (D) 15 minute peak period
077. Which set of traffic studies is needed for functional design as well as
for highway capacity design.
(A) Origin and Destination studies
(B) Parking and Accident studies
(C) Speed and volume studies
(D) Axle load studies
078. Speed and Delay study is conducted by which of the following method
/ instrument
(A) Floating car method (B) Workspot interview method
(C) Doppler Radar (D) Electronic Detector
079. Space mean speed is used for which of the following studies
(A) Road conditions studies (B) Accident studies
(C) Traffic flow studies (D) Delay studies
ESP-2-A ] [ 15 ] [ P.T.O.
082. Total reaction time of a driver depend upon:
(i) Perception time
(ii) Brake reaction time
(iii) Speed of vehicle
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
086. Which of the following pavement can be used, for construction on black
cotton soils?
(A) Flexible pavement (B) Semi-flexible pavement
(C) Rigid pavement (D) Semi-Rigid pavement
087. Which of the following layer of pavement should withstand high level
of deformation?
(A) Base course (B) Sub-base
(C) Sub-grade (D) Surfacing course
088. IRC 37-2001 revised version for flexible pavement design has been
designed as
(A) 4-layer (B) 3-layer
(C) 2-layer (D) 5-layer
ESP-2-A ] [ 16 ] [ Contd...
089. Which one of the following expressions gives the Intermediate Sight
Distance as per IRC standards
(A) 2 SSD (B) (SSD + OSD) / 2
(C) (OSD – SSD) / 2 (D) 2 OSD
091. The liquid limit and plastic limit of sample are 65% and 29% respectively.
The percentage of the soil fraction with grain size finer than 0.002 mm
is 24. The activity ratio of the soil sample is
(A) 0.50 (B) 1.00
(C) 1.50 (D) 2.00
092. The soil sample has a shrinkage limit of 10% and specific gravity of
soil solids as 2.7. The porosity of the soil at shrinkage limit is
(A) 21.2% (B) 27.0%
(C) 73.0% (D) 78.8%
093. In a wet soil mass, air occupies 1/6 of its volume and water occupies
1/3 of its volume. The void ratio of the soil is
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.50
(C) 1.00 (D) 1.50
095. A soil sample is having a specific gravity of 2.60 and a void ratio of
0.78. The water content in percentage required to fully saturate the soil
at that void ratio would be
(A) 10 (B) 30
(C) 50 (D) 70
ESP-2-A ] [ 17 ] [ P.T.O.
096. A clay sample has a void ratio of 0.50 in dry state and specific gravity
of solids is 2.70. Its shrinkage limit will be
(A) 12% (B) 13.5%
(C) 18.5% (D) 22.0%
097. A soil has liquid limit of 60%, plastic limit of 35% and shrinkage limit
of 20% and it has a natural moisture content of 50%. The liquidity
index of soil is
(A) 1.5 (B) 1.25
(C) 0.6 (D) 0.4
ESP-2-A ] [ 18 ] [ Contd...
102. The correct sequence of plasticity of minerals in soil in an increasing
order is
(A) Silica, Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite
(B) Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite, Silica
(C) Montmorillonite, Silica, Kaolinite, Illite,
(D) Kaolinite, Illite, Silica, Montmorillonite
104. The total, neutral and effective vertical stresses (in t/m2) at a depth of
5 m below the surface of a fully saturated soil deposit with a saturated
density of 2 t/m3 would respectively be
(A) 5, 5 and 10 (B) 5, 10 and 5
(C) 10, 5 and 10 (D) 10, 5 and 5
107. A soil has discharge velocity of 5 × 10–7 m/s and a void ratio of 0.5.
Its seepage velocity will be
(A) 15 × 10–7 m/s (B) 10 × 10–7 m/s
(C) 20 × 10–7 m/s (D) 30 × 10–7 m/s
ESP-2-A ] [ 19 ] [ P.T.O.
108. A saturated clay layer with double drainage taken 5 years to attain
90% degree of consolidation under a structure. If the same layer were
to be single drained, what would be time (in years) required to attain
the same consolidation under the same loading conditions?
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 25
112. Which one of the following equations correctly gives the relationship
between the specific gravity of soil grains (G) and the hydraulic gradient
(i) to initiate ‘quick’ condition in a sand having a void ratio of 0.5?
(A) G = 0.5i + 1 (B) G = i + 0.5
(C) G = 1.5i + 1 (D) G = 1.5i – 1
ESP-2-A ] [ 20 ] [ Contd...
113. A strata of 3.5 m thick fine sand has a void ratio of 0.7 and G of 2.7.
For a quick sand condition to develop in this strata, the water flowing
in upward direction would require a head of
(A) 7 m (B) 5.56 m
(C) 5 m (D) 3.5 m
117. The following soils are compacted at the same compactive effort in
the field. Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the
increasing order of their maximum dry density?
(A) Clay < Silty clay < Sand < Gravel sand clay mixture
(B) Silty clay < Sand < Gravel Sand clay mixture < Clay
(C) Sand < Gravel sand clay mixture < Clay < Silty Clay
(D) Sand < Clay < Silty Clay < Gravel sand clay mixture
ESP-2-A ] [ 21 ] [ P.T.O.
118. In the case of stratified soil layers, the best equation that can be adopted
for computing the pressure distribution is
(A) Prandtl’s (B) Skempton’s
(C) Westergaard’s (D) Boussinesq’s
119. The change in the vertical stress in the soil mass estimated by
Boussinesq’s equation when Poisson’s ratio of soil changes from 0.3 to
0.5 will be
(A) reduction by 30% (B) increase by 50%
(C) reduction by 20% (D) no change
121. For assessing the long-term stability of a slope in stiff fissured clay
which type of the following laboratory test has to be done.
(A) Undrained triaxial test (B) Drained triaxial test
(C) Consolidated undrained test (D) Quick vane shear test
122. A shear test was conducted on a soil sample. At failure, the ratio of
(P1 – P3) / 2 to (P1 + P3) / 2 was equal to 1. Which one of the
following shear test represents this condition?
(A) Drained triaxial compression test
(B) Undrained triaxial compression test
(C) Undrained shear test
(D) Unconfined compression test
ESP-2-A ] [ 22 ] [ Contd...
125. Terzaghi’s consolidation theory is applicable to one-dimensional
consolidation test
(A) for small load increment ratios
(B) for large load increment ratios
(C) for a load increment ratio of nearly one
(D) in situations where there is no excess pore pressure
131. Given that the base period is 100 days and the duty of the cannal is
1000 hectares per cumecs, the depth of water will be
(A) 0.864 cm (B) 8.64 cm
(C) 86.4 cm (D) 864 cm
ESP-2-A ] [ 23 ] [ P.T.O.
133. The delta for a crop having base period 120 days is 70 cm. What is
the duty?
(A) 2480 hectare / cumec (B) 1481 hectare / cumec
(C) 14.81 hectare / cumec (D) 1.481 hectare / cumec
135. Which of these does not relate to the zone of aeration in the soil
(A) Saturation zone (B) Capillary zone
(C) Intermediate zone (D) Soil water zone
136. The total number of independent equations that form the Lacey’s regime
theory are
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
ESP-2-A ] [ 24 ] [ Contd...
140. The general depth of scour calculated by Lacey’s formula in a river
represents the depth below the
(A) maximum flood level in the river
(B) minimum flood level in the river
(C) normal flow water level in the river
(D) existing river bed level.
ESP-2-A ] [ 25 ] [ P.T.O.
147. Probable maximum flood is
(A) an impossibly large flood discharge
(B) largest flood that could conceivably occur at a particular location
(C) a flood with maximum probability of occurrence
(D) the maximum possible flood which is probable for that year
151. The cavitation and pitting can be prevented by creating which one of
the following conditions?
(A) Reducing the pressure head (B) Reducing the velocity head
(C) Increasing the elevation head (D) Reducing the piezometric head
ESP-2-A ] [ 26 ] [ Contd...
154. Which one of the following pressure units represent the least pressure
(A) Millibar (B) Mm of Hg
(C) N / mm2 (D) Kgf / cm2
157. Hot wire anemometer is used for measuring which of the following
(A) Turbulence (B) Pressure
(C) Mean velocity (D) Discharge
158. Lawn sprinkler can be best explained by which of the following equation
of property?
(A) Energy equation
(B) Continuity equation
(C) Moment of momentum principle
(D) Impulse-momentum principle
ESP-2-A ] [ 27 ] [ P.T.O.
160. Two identical pumps, each capable of delivering 0.2 cumec, against a
head of 30 m, are connected in parallel. The resulting discharge will
(A) 0.4 cumec against a head of 30 m
(B) 0.4 cumec against a head of 60 m
(C) 0.2 cumec against a head of 30 m
(D) 0.2 cumec against a head of 60 m
161. If the velocity of flow as well as the diameter of the flowing pipe are
respectively doubled, the head loss thereafter be
(A) Halved (B) Doubled
(C) Increased 4 times (D) No change
ESP-2-A ] [ 28 ] [ Contd...
167. Hydraulic Gradient Line represents the sum of
(A) Pressure Head and kinetic Head
(B) Kinetic Head and Elevation Head
(C) Pressure Head, Kinetic Head and Elevation Head
(D) Pressure Head and Elevation Head
168. Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the surface of the solid
body in the direction perpendicular to flow where the velocity of fluid
is equal to
(A) Free stream velocity
(B) 0.5 times the free stream velocity
(C) 0.9 times the free stream velocity
(D) 0.99 times the free stream velocity
170. Maximum discharge through a circular channel takes place when depth
of flow is equal to
(A) 0.95 times the diameter (B) 0.81 times the diameter
(C) 0.5 times the diameter (D) 0.3 times the diameter
ESP-2-A ] [ 29 ] [ P.T.O.
173. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen is the
(A) Summation of Organic and Ammonical Nitrogen
(B) Summation of Organic and Albuminoid Nitrogen
(C) Summation of Organic and Free Nitrogen
(D) Difference of Organic and Ammonical Nitrogen
174. Heavy duty bricks used for bridges, foundation or industrial buildings,
multi-story building, etc. have a compressive strength
(A) less than 25 N/mm2
(B) between 25 N/mm2 and 30 N/mm2
(C) between 30 N/mm2 and 40 N/mm2
(D) more than 40 N/mm2
176. A good brick earth should contain Iron oxide in the range of
(A) 5 – 7% (B) 12 – 15%
(C) 15 – 20% (D) 20 – 25%
177. The soils which plot above the A-line in the plasticity chart are
(A) Sands (B) Silts
(C) Organic Soils (D) Clays
179. If a simply supported beam is loaded with point load W at the centre
then what is the ratio of bending moment at the support to the bending
moment at the centre?
(A) 0.5 (B) 0
(C) 1 (D) 2
ESP-2-A ] [ 30 ] [ Contd...
180. Deficiency of which of the following oxide causes reduction in setting
time of cement
(A) CaO (B) Al2O3
(C) Fe2O3 (D) MgO
181. In limit state method of design, the value of permissible shear stress
in concrete when shear reinforcement is not provided is
(A) 0.16(fck)½ (B) 0.25(fck)½
(C) 0.34(fck)½ (D) 0.48(fck)½
183. A sand deposit has a porosity of 0.33 and its specific gravity is 2.5.
The critical hydraulic gradient to cause sand boiling in the stratum will
(A) 2.0 (B) 1.5
(C) 1.0 (D) 0.5
184. A cable subjected to its sown weight and free of any other loads will
take the form of
(A) parabolic curve (B) elliptic curve
(C) catenary curve (D) Bernoulli's Lemniscate
185. The area under the Beta distribution curve is divided into two equal
parts by
(A) most likely time (B) optimistic time
(C) pessimistic time (D) expected time
ESP-2-A ] [ 31 ] [ P.T.O.
187. Critical Path is always
(A) the longest path (B) the shortest path
(C) the most profitable path (D) the fastest path
192. As per IS 456:2000, the maximum strain in concrete at the outer most
compression fiber in limit state of design for a flexural member is taken
(A) 0.0065 (B) 0.0050
(C) 0.0035 (D) 0.0020
194. The thermal conversion technique where solid waste is treated with high
temperature in absence of oxygen is called
(A) Gasification (B) Vitrification
(C) Pyrolysis (D) Incineration
ESP-2-A ] [ 32 ] [ Contd...
195. Use of accelerators in concrete
(A) Shortens the setting time (B) Shortens the curing time
(C) Increases the setting time (D) Increases the curing time
197. A single bay portal frame of height ‘h’ fixed at the base is subjected
to a horizontal displacement ∆ at the top. The base moment developed
is proportional to
(A) 1/h (B) 1/h2
(C) 1/h3 (D) 1/h4
ESP-2-A ] [ 33 ] [ P.T.O.
202. In plastic analysis, collapse load for a fixed uniform beam with central
point load is
(Note : Mp is plastic moment capacity and L is the span of the beam)
(A) 2Mp/L (B) 4Mp/L
(C) 8Mp/L (D) 16Mp/L
204. Stability of the upstream slope of an earthen dam becomes critical for
the condition of
(A) Reservoir full (B) Reservoir empty
(C) Sudden draw down (D) Slow filling of reservoir
207. Well oxidized sewage will contain sulphur largely in the form of
(A) Sulphites (B) Sulphates
(C) Hydrogen Sulphide (D) Carbon Sulphide
209. The commonly used indicator for measuring iron concentration in water
(A) Erichrome Black T (B) Phenolphthalein
(C) Methyl Orange (D) 1, 10 Phenanthroline
ESP-2-A ] [ 34 ] [ Contd...
210. Fineness of cement is measured in the units of
(A) Volume/Mass (B) Mass/Volume
(C) Area/Mass (D) Mass/Area
ESP-2-A ] [ 35 ] [ P.T.O.
219. A raft foundation of 6 m × 9 m is placed at a depth of 3 m in a
cohesive soil having c = 120 kN/m2. The net ultimate bearing capacity
of the soil using Terzaghi's theory will be.
(A) 820 kN/m2 (B) 1020 kN/m2
(C) 1220 kN/m2 (D) 1420 kN/m2
223. Stress is
(A) a measure of deformation of a material
(B) resistance to forces resulting in elongation
(C) internal force exerted by neighboring particles over each other
(D) resistance to bending and torsion
226. When the coefficient of rugosity is increased from 0.01 to 0.02, the
gradient of a pipe of a given diameter to carry the same flow at the
same velocity should be
(A) increased by 4 times (B) increased by 2 times
(C) decreased by 2 times (D) decreased by 4 times
ESP-2-A ] [ 36 ] [ Contd...
227. Sonoscope is used for which of the following
(A) Checking the accuracy of the water meter
(B) Regulating the fire hydrants
(C) Detecting of leakage in underground water mains
(D) Checking the pressure in the water distribution network
228. Which of the following is the most important design parameter for a
continuous flow rectangular sedimentation tank
(A) Surface overflow rate
(B) Length of the tank
(C) Depth of the tank
(D) Temperature of the water to be treated
ESP-2-A ] [ 37 ] [ P.T.O.
233. The permissible stress in axial tension in steel member on the net
effective area of the section shall not exceed the following value
(Note : fy is the yield stress)
(A) 0.80 fy (B) 0.75 fy
(C) 0.60 fy (D) 0.50 fy
237. The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of a wall is known
(A) Header (B) Stretcher
(C) Closer (D) Queen Closer
238. In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively
should be
(A) 90° and 0° (B) 75° and 5°
(C) 60° and 10° (D) 40° and 25°
ESP-2-A ] [ 38 ] [ Contd...
241. The duty is the largest
(A) At the head of the water course
(B) At the head of the main canal
(C) At the head of the distributary canal
(D) At the field
242. What type of cross drainage work is provided when the canal runs
below the river?
(A) Aqueduct (B) Super passage
(C) Level crossing (D) Siphon aqueduct
243. The relation between probability (P) and recurrence interval (T) is given
(A) PT = 1 (B) PT2 = 1
(C) P/T = 1 (D) P/T2 = 1
246. The size of aggregate, particle shape, colour, surface texture, all of
which have influence on the durability of concrete should conform to
(A) IS 383 - 1970 (B) IS 1489 - 1976
(C) IS 12269 - 1987 (D) IS 456 - 2000
ESP-2-A ] [ 39 ] [ P.T.O.
248. In chemical Oxygen Demand test, the digested sample is titrated with
standard Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate to determine the un reacted amount
(A) Mercuric sulphate (B) Postassium dichromate
(C) Silver sulphate (D) Sulphuric acid
249. In plastic method of analysis, the value of yield stress of the grade of
steel shall not exceed.
(A) 250 MPa (B) 415 MPa
(C) 450 MPa (D) 500 MPa
251. The species which if eliminated seriously affect the ecosystem are called
(A) Critical species (B) Keystone species
(C) Niche species (D) Core species
ESP-2-A ] [ 40 ] [ Contd...
256. The moment of inertia of an area is always least with respect to
(A) Vertical axis (B) Bottom most axis
(C) Radius of gyration (D) Central axis
257. The hoop stress induced in a thick cylinder due to radial pressure will
(A) Tensile (B) Compressive
(C) Shear (D) Bond
261. The Euler’s equation for steady flow of an ideal fluid along a stream
line is based on Newton’s
(A) First law of motion (B) Second law of motion
(C) Third law of momentum (D) Law of friction
262. In a venturimeter, the ratio between throat diameter and pipe diameter
is generally adopted as
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 4
(C) 1 : 6 (D) 1 : 8
ESP-2-A ] [ 41 ] [ P.T.O.
263. In a free vortex, velocity
(A) decreases with radius
(B) increases with radius
(C) initially decreases than increases
(D) remains constant
268. The porosity of a soil sample having its void ratio equal to unity would
(A) 33.33% (B) 50.00%
(C) 66.66% (D) 75.00%
ESP-2-A ] [ 42 ] [ Contd...
271. The observe N value from a standard penetration test conducted on a
saturated sandy soil is 30; the N-value corrected for dilatancy may be
taken as
(A) 15 (B) 20
(C) 23 (D) 29
277. If the shape factor of a section is 1.5 and the factor of safety to be
adopted in 2, then the load factor will be
(A) 0.75 (B) 1.5
(C) 2.5 (D) 3.0
ESP-2-A ] [ 43 ] [ P.T.O.
279. The following statement is true between Period (P) and frequency (F)
of a sound wave
(A) P is inversly proportional to f
(B) P is linearly proportional to f
(C) P is directly proportional to the square of f
(D) P is directly proportional to f
280. Choose the odd-one out from the following, in context with sinusoidal
sound wave between sound pressure and time
(A) Amplitude (B) Wavelength
(C) Period (D) Frequency
281. In a sinusoidal wave of the sound pressure, the number of times a peak
amplitude arrives in one second is called as
(A) Amplitude (B) Wavelength
(C) Period (D) None of these
283. Choose the odd-one out from the following noise pollution control means
(A) Providing sound proof chambers/coatings for noisy sources
(B) Use of ear plugs
(C) Lubrication and maintenance of machinery
(D) Providing rubber / neoprene pads at the machine foundations
284. In a water distribution network, which of the following values will work
(A) Check valve (B) Butterfly valve
(C) Scour valve (D) Sluice valve
ESP-2-A ] [ 44 ] [ Contd...
286. Which of the following is not the characteristic of coliform organism?
(A) Bacillus (B) Gram-negative
(C) Ferments lactose (D) Spore-forming
288. Which one of the following is the purpose of providing a surge tank
in a pipeline carrying water?
(A) To store water
(B) To increase pressure throughout the pipeline
(C) To store overflowing water
(D) To protect the pipeline against water hammer
289. Which one of the following should be recommended for protected rural
water supply project?
(A) Pressure filter (B) Slow sand filter
(C) Diatomaceous earth filter (D) Rapid sand filter
290. Orthotolidine test is done for assessing which of the following parameter?
(A) Residual chlorine (B) Hardness
(C) Chloride (D) Arsenic
292. What is predominant coagulating mechanism for raw water having high
turbidity and high alkalinity
(A) lonic layer compression
(B) adsorption and charge neutralization
(C) sweep coagulation
(D) Inter particle bridging
ESP-2-A ] [ 45 ] [ P.T.O.
293. In a water treatment, the optimum time of flocculation is usually given
as 30 minutes. In case the time of flocculation is increased beyond this
value, the flocs will
(A) become heavy and settle down in the flocculation tank itself
(B) entrap air and will float in the sedimentation tank
(C) break up and defeat the purpose of flocculation
(D) stick to the paddles
295. Which of the following material is used as land fill sealants for the
control of gas and leachate movement?
(A) Lime (B) Sand
(C) Fly ash (D) Bentonite
296. Shallow ponds in which dissolved oxygen is present at all depth are
(A) Aerobic lagoons (B) Aerobic ponds
(C) Facultative lagoons (D) Facultative ponds
297. For a sandy soil with soil grains in shape and uniform in size, what
is the theoretical void ratio?
(A) 0.61 (B) 0.71
(C) 0.81 (D) 0.91
ESP-2-A ] [ 46 ] [ Contd...
298. Two footings, one circular and the other square, are founded on the
surface of purely cohesionless soil. The diameter of the circular footing
is the same as that of the side of the square footing. The ratio of the
ultimate bearing capacities of the circular footing to the square footing
will be
(A) 1.0 (B) 1.3
(C) 1.33 (D) 0.75
299. The load carrying capacity of an individual friction pile is 200 kN.
What is the total load carrying capacity of a group of 9 such piles
with a group efficiency factor of 0.8?
(A) 1800 kN (B) 1640 kN
(C) 1440 kN (D) 900 kN
300. The main reason of the sick building syndrome focusing the Indoor Air
Quality in buildings is
(A) Inadequate ventilation
(B) Contamination from inside the buildings
(C) Contamination from outside buildings
(D) Microbial contamination
ESP-2-A ] [ 47 ]