Multi Functional Additives
Multi Functional Additives
6th Semester
Batch 2015-2019
Additives are the substances that are added in resin in a minute quantity to achieve the desire
properties, for the ease of processing and to reduce the cost of product. For example, carbon black.
Multifunctional additives:
Multifunctional additives are those which are used for more than one function. For example, zinc
borates function as flame retardant, smoke suppressant, afterglow suppressant and anti-tracking
Surfactants as additive:
Although surfactant-facilitated crystallization has been widely used in pharmaceuticals, metal–
organic frameworks (MOFs), chalcogenides and colloidal nanocrystals, using surfactants as
additives to control the crystal growth of metal halides in the macroscale is unexplored. In this
contribution, we used N-methylate 4,4′-bipyridine Bromo plumbates as a model system to prove
that surfactants as additives could make the structures of organic–inorganic hybrid Bromo
plumbates diverse. [7]
their effectiveness in solving issues facing today’s low-VOC architectural coating formulation
needs. The multi-functional properties provided by Fluoro surfactants include anti-crater,
improved leveling, reduced foaming, decreased block, open-time extension, oil repellency and dirt
pick up resistance. [11]
[1] Kelvin K. Shen, Saied Kochesfahani, Frédéric Jouffre (2008). Zinc borates as multifunctional
polymer additives. Polymers for advanced technologies. 19: 469–474. doi:10.1002/pat.1119.
[2] S. M. Ni et al., "Application of Anion Multifunctional Additive in Polymer", Advanced
Materials Research, Vol. 427, pp. 13-18, 2012.
[3] Yuyu Sun, Zhaobin Chen (2005). N-Chloro-Hindered Amines as Multifunctional Polymer
Additives. Article in macromolecules. DOI: 10.1021/ma050874b
[4] Dispersion Efficiency: Main Issue to be Solved While Using Carbon Black Pigments
Special Chem / Mark DeMeuse – Mar 18, 2013
[5] Carbon Blacks: What’s New? Special Chem / Michel Biron – Aug 26, 2008
[6] Huang, J.-C. (2002), Carbon black filled conducting polymers and polymer blends. Adv.
Polym. Technol., 21: 299–313. doi:10.1002/adv.10025
[7] Surfactants as additives make the structures of organic–inorganic hybrid Bromo plumbates
[8] S.JaponL.BooghY.LeterrierJ.-A.E.Månson. Reactive processing of poly (ethylene
terephthalate) modified with multifunctional epoxy-based additives
[9] Richard Henderson, Senior Customer Application Specialist; Kent Alexander, Marketing
Manager; Mary Redmond, Senior Customer Applications Specialist; and John Quinn,
Applications Technologist, ANGUS Chemical Co., Buffalo Grove, IL. (2016). Formulating With
Zero-VOC Multifunctional Paint Additives.
[11] Novel Applications for Fluoro surfactants in Low-VOC Coatings By Jean Meng PhD. April
09, 2007
[12] Geert Heideman, Jacques W. M. Noordermeer, Rabin N. Datta, and Ben van Baarle (2006)
Multifunctional Additives as Zinc-Free Curatives for Sulfur Vulcanization. Rubber Chemistry and
Technology: September 2006, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 561-588.
[13] Guhathakurta, S., Anandhan, S., Singha, N. K., Chattopadhyay, R. N. and Bhowmick, A. K.
(2006), Waste natural gum as a multifunctional additive in rubber. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 102: 4897–
4907. doi:10.1002/app.24880
[15] Racha Al-Itry, Khalid Lamnawar and Abderrahim Maazouz (2015) Biopolymer Blends
Based on Poly (lactic acid): Shear and Elongation Rheology/Structure/Blowing Process