Theoretical Framework: Constructivism States That Learning Is An Active, Constructive Process
Theoretical Framework: Constructivism States That Learning Is An Active, Constructive Process
Theoretical Framework: Constructivism States That Learning Is An Active, Constructive Process
Piaget believed that assimilation and accommodation are the two processes
through which knowledge is internalised by learners. He suggested that
humans construct new knowledge through their experiences. When
individuals assimilate new knowledge they add it to an existing framework,
without changing its structure. Accommodation is the process of changing the
internal mental structure to fit new experiences.
Research projects: students research a topic and can present their findings to
the class.
Field trips. This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in
class in a real-world context. Field trips would often be followed by class
Films. These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into the
learning experience.