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Project Advertisement 2017

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Project Advertisement 2017

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(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)

Velachery–Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai-600 100
Phone : 91-44-6678 3310/6678 3300 Fax : 91-44-6678 3308
ADVERTISEMENT No. NIOT/E&P/03/Recruitment/2017 (Project)

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai an Autonomous Body under

Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India is proposed to engage Indian Nationals to the
following positions in different disciplines on contract basis with consolidated emoluments.
No. of
Sl. No. Name of the Post
1 Project Scientists 106
2 Project Scientific Assistants 48
3 Project Technicians 21
4 Project Administration 28
Total 203

Requirements of qualifications, experience, consolidated emoluments, reservation to

SC/ST/OBC/PH categories, etc. have been indicated in the detailed advertisement on web-link
https://www.niot.res.in. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online latest by
30.10.2017 and forward a signed hard copy of the printout of the online application to “The
Director, National Institute of Ocean Technology” to receive not later than 06.11.2017 along
with attested copies of all the requisite certificates. For those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir
State Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep the last date of receipt of
hard copy will be 13.11.2017.


Recruitment for various Project posts on contract mode

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), is an autonomous and Research and Development Institute under
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES). NIOT invites on-line applications from bright and energetic Indian nationals for
different categories of post to engage them on contract mode for various ongoing projects of NIOT in the disciplines of
Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Civil, Computer Science, Life/Chemical Science, etc. The
engagement is on time bound at the fixed emoluments as shown against each position in the following statement. The
emoluments of the various positions are however subject to revision, if any, by MoES. The detailed requirements of the
posts have been uploaded on the link https://www.niot.res.in/index.php/recruitment of our website.

Project Scientist - II

Post Name of the post No. of post(s) Emoluments Maximum Essential/Requisite Desirable Job Requirement
Code age as on Qualification
Project 02 Rs. 65000 Below 40 i) Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Design and development of surface and
Scientist–II (Unreserved) + HRA years engineering or engineering or underwater systems, structures, vehicles,
(Mechanical) Technology in Technology in mechanical systems and associated sub-
Mechanical / Mechanical / components using software such as Ansys
Production/ / Production / / Abacus/ANSYS WORKBENCH/ and
Aeronautical / Aeronautical / detailed static, dynamic and harmonic
Automobile/ Naval Automobile/ Naval analysis. Also to work in software like
Architecture/Ocean / Architecture/Ocean / Autocad, ANSYS, Solidworks, OrcaFlex,
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering MATLAB, Catia, Simulink, PRO-E, etc.
or equivalent from a or equivalent from a ii) Management, operation and maintenance
recognized University recognized University / and trouble shooting of research vessels;
/ Institute with at least Institute. follow-ups, documentation, inspection and
first class not less monitoring of ship building process
than 60% marks. iii) To execute assembly, integration, testing,
ii) Minimum three years deployment and retrieval of offshore data
experience in R&D, collection platforms Participate in ship
industry and/or the cruises, cruise planning, interaction with
area of work as per ports / agents. and Must have working
the job requirement. knowledge and software familiarization in
analysis of flow behavior in pipes, single
and multi-phase flow, steady and unsteady
flow, and fluid structure analysis using star
CCM+ or ANSYS FLUENT and also
undertake detailed hydrodynamic and
stability analysis. Coordination of
manufacturing / procurement, integration
and testing of developed components /
systems for underwater vehicles in the lab
and sea.
iv) Desirable: Knowledge of API/DNV/ABS
code for offshore systems and/or
experience of working in oil and
gas/offshore/ocean engineering

Project 02 Rs. 65000 Below 40 i) Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Design, integration, assembly, testing,
Scientist–II (Unreserved) + HRA years engineering or engineering or operation and maintenance of marine and
(Electrical) Technology in Technology in subsea Electrical systems, Power
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering/ electronic converters, Solid state drives,
/ Electrical & Power Electronics and power transmission systems, Brushless DC
Electronics drives/ Power motor controllers, Permanent magnet
Engineering or Systems/ High Voltage synchronous Generators, medium voltage
equivalent from a Engineering/ Control high frequency systems, Renewable
recognized University and Instrumentation or energy systems (small/off/on grid).
/ Institute with at least equivalent from a ii) Simulation, modeling and analysis using
first class not less recognized University / softwares like Magnet, Motor Solve,
than 60% marks. Institute. Thermnet and Speed, PSIM, MATLAB,
ii) Minimum three years Simulink / Usage of softwares like and NI
experience in R&D, Labview, Electrical CAD
industry and/or the iii) Design and implementation of
area of work as per Instrumentation and closed loop control
the job requirement. for medium voltage Electrical systems,
design of instrumentation system for
desalination plants.
iv) Undertake field testing of the systems/
equipments developed by NIOT onboard
designated ship/ platform at sea.
Project 01 Rs. 65000 Below 40 i) Master’s degree in Doctorate in Marine i) Oceanographic data collection,
Scientist–II (Unreserved) + HRA years Oceanography / sciences / processing, quality control and application
(Oceanography Physical Oceanography / of numeric models.
/ Physical Oceanography / Physical ii) Analyzing oceanographic data using tools
Oceanography) Ocean Technology / Oceanography or like MATLAB, Ferret, numerical sound
Oceanic Sciences or equivalent from a propagation modeling and simulations,
equivalent from a recognized University / etc.
recognized University Institute. iii) Participating in cruises for the
/ Institute with at least maintenance of ocean observation
first class not less platforms.
than 60% marks. iv) Coastal processes modeling, planning,
ii) Minimum three years coordinating and managing field data
experience in R&D, collection programs, Handling HF radar
industry and/or the systems, seabed engineering
area of work as per investigations, land survey, hydrodynamic
the job requirement. modeling related to ocean/coastal
Project 03 Rs. 65000 Below 40 i) Master’s Degree in Ph. D. in the field of i) Should be capable of carrying out
Scientist-II (Unreserved) + HRA years Life Science / Life Science / technology development / analysis related
(Life Science/ Organic Organic to deep sea microbial /marine microalgal
Organic chemistry or chemistry or /offshore cage culture / anti-biofouling /
Chemistry) equivalent from a equivalent from a purification and characterization of marine
recognized university recognized university / natural products by analytical /
/ National laboratories National laboratories. chromatographic / spectroscopic
with at least first class techniques / field execution, interpretation
not less than (60%) of results and technical report preparation
i marks. at various stages of the project.
i) Three years ii) Cultivation of deep sea microbes in near in
experience (after situ environment / mass scale culture of
obtaining Post marine microalgae in pilot scale outdoor
graduation degree) in culture systems including raceway models
Research and / culture of marine finfishes in offshore
Development in the cages and / or screening for various
fields of deep sea pathogens / development of anti-
microbes / biofouling measures for marine
endophytic microbes / environment / purification and
marine microalgal / characterization of marine natural
open sea cage products using analytical /
culture / purification chromatographic / spectroscopic
and characterization techniques /supported by research
of marine natural publications in reputed journals.
products using
analytical /
chromatographic /
Project Scientist - I

Post Name of the post No. of post(s) Emoluments Maximum Essential/Requisite Desirable Job Requirement
Code age as on Qualification
Project 26 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Design and development of surface and
Scientist–I (SC-3; ST- 1; + HRA years engineering or engineering or underwater systems/ sub-systems/
(Mechanical) OBC-7 & Technology in Technology in structures / underwater hydraulic systems
UR– 15) Mechanical / Naval Mechanical / Naval and associated sub-components/ vehicles
Architecture / Architecture / / mechanical systems / rotating
Aeronautical / Ocean or Aeronautical/ Ocean machinery/ underwater electronic casings
equivalent from a or equivalent from a and fixtures / using ANSYS CLASSIC /
recognized University / recognized University / ANSYS WORKBENCH / ABACUS / STAR
Institute with at least first Institute. CCM+ or ANSYS FLUENT/OpenFoam
class not less than 60% ii) 3D-CAD modeling of components and
marks. integrated mechanical systems using
Inventor and Solidworks and ProE/CFD
softwares like Autocad, Fluent / Orcaflex,
MATLAB, Catia, Simulink / Inventor /
iii) Knowledge in field survey, deployment,
retrieval operations / lab operations or sea
as also field trials of underwater system.
iv) Design of thermal / mechanical systems,
Design Analysis, Assembly and
Integration of systems, CFD and heat
transfer analysis and Knowledge of turbo
machinery are preferable.
v) Design /fabrication / assembly /
integration / testing for island based
desalination plants; analysis of offshore
components – moorings, fixed/floating
structures, numerical modeling of
coastal/oceanographic processes;
submarine pipeline, material studies, etc.
vi) To participate in cruise, onboard NIOT
research vessels/ Monitor & maintenance
of ships and to troubleshoot ship board
machineries / To supervise the dry dock
works construction of ships / Maintain and
control inventory / Liaise with IRS/DNV.
vii) Coordinate manufacturing/procurement,
integration and testing of developed
components/systems for underwater
viii) Desirable: Knowledge of API/DNV/ABS
code for offshore systems and/or
experience of working in oil and
gas/offshore/ocean engineering
Project 06 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Design, integration, assembly, testing,
Scientist–I (OBC-1 & + HRA years engineering or engineering or operation and maintenance of surface and
(Electrical) UR– 5) Technology in Electrical Technology in subsea Electrical systems, Power
Engineering/ Electrical & Electrical Engineering electronic converters, solid state drives,
Electronics or equivalent / Electrical & power transmission, Brushless DC motor
from a recognized Electronics or controllers, Permanent magnet
University / Institute with equivalent from a synchronous Generators, High voltage
at least first class not recognized University / high frequency systems, renewable
less than 60% marks. Institute. energy systems (small/off/on grid)
ii) Simulation, modeling and analysis using
softwares like Magnet, Motor Solve,
Thermnet and Speed, PSIM, ModelSim,
MATLAB, Simulink / Usage of softwares
like NI Labview, Electrical CAD
iii) Design and development of sensors/
transducers, Sonar Instrumentation
iv) Participate in cruises onboard NIOT
research vessels, monitor the
maintenance of ships, troubleshoot ship
board machineries, supervise the dry dock
work, construction of ships and liaise with
v) Carry out Electrical design works for
establishing new facilities, supervising the
operation and maintenance of HT and LT
infrastructure, supervising Electrical
works, ensuring quality and safety at work
place, co-ordination between various
agencies and contractors and also
undertake field testing.
Project 20 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Design, development and testing of
Scientist–I (SC-3; ST- 1 + HRA years engineering or engineering or Marine/ Subsea instrumentation and
(ECE/E&I) OBC–5 & Technology in Technology in control systems. Knowledge on LabVIEW
UR–11) Electronics & Electronics & software programming and NI Data
Communication / Communication / acquisition hardware design.
Electronics & Electronics / Applied ii) Embedded system design, Analog/Digital
Instrumentation or Electronics/ VLSI circuit design and software development
equivalent from a Design/ Embedded using C/C++/ LabVIEW for Data
recognized University / system design/ acquisition and Control system for Marine/
Institute with at least first Instrumentation underwater applications.
class not less than 60% / Control & iii) Knowledge on PLC / PAC based Data
marks Instrumentation acquisition and control systems and Fiber
/ Controls / optic data and telemetry systems.
Communication iv) Field survey/deployment/retrieval
systems from a operations, field studies at
recognized University / offshore/coastal regions.
Institute v) Instrumentation and data analysis,
conduct numerical studies for
fixed/floating structures
vi) Data acquisition, processing, analysis,
handling and maintenance of
Oceanographic Instruments or Sensors or
vii) Development & implementation of
underwater Signal Processing Algorithms
for sensors/transducers. Development,
Calibration and testing of marine sensors
viii) Knowledge on handling acoustic profiling
sensors, acquisition and data processing
in single/Multibeam data, beam forming,
coding etc
ix) Interface testing of Data/Tsunami buoy
systems and real time data telemetry
system with satellite /GPRS/GSM
x) Participation in ship cruises for
oceanography survey and data collection,
system deployment and testing of ocean
observation system/ underwater
xi) Simulation, Modeling, Digital signal and
image processing, data analysis and
Interpretation using MATLAB /
Project 14 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Bachelor’s degree in 1. Master's degree in i. Coordination, analysis, design and
Scientist–I (SC-1; ST- 1; + HRA years engineering or Engineering/ execution of civil / structural works for
(Civil) OBC-3 & Technology in Civil or Technology in Civil or island based desalination plants, analysis
UR–9) equivalent from a its equivalent in any of and design of the offshore components
recognized University / the following such as moorings, fixed / floating
Institute with at least first disciplines: structures, numerical modeling of coastal /
class not less than 60% 1. Structural oceanographic processes, analysis and
marks. Engineering design of submarine pipeline, material
2. Geotechnical studies for desalination and offshore
ii. Coastal processing modeling, planning,
3. Ocean
coordinating and managing field data
collection programs, hydrodynamic
modeling related to ocean / coastal
4. Marine structures
5. Coastal
iii. Field studies at offshore / coastal regions,
management laboratory studies, instrumentation, Data
2. Experience in areas analysis, conduct numerical studies for
given in job fixed/floating structures;
requirements iv. Carry out oceanographic survey, data
collection at coastal/offshore locations,
involve in Laboratory studies,
instrumentation, site assessment
v. Planning, analysis and design of
foundations for onshore and offshore
structures. Onshore and offshore
geotechnical investigations, study of field
soil characteristics, laboratory soil testing
and analysis, review test results and
develop design recommendations.
vi. Planning and preparing construction
schedules, drawings, BOQ and estimation;
technical specification of works, co-
ordination with officials for carrying out
works, preparing master plan and interior
layouts; supervising the work, conducting
quality test, recording site measurement
and certification.
vii. Knowledge in software like STAAD PRO,
MS PROJECT is preferred.
Project 01 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Bachelor’s degree in Master’s degree in i) Programming, Testing, maintenance of
Scientist–I (Unreserved) + HRA years Computer Science Computer Science IT infrastructure operations and Data
(Computer engineering / Information engineering / Base Management, Application software
Science) Technology / MCA or Information development, Middleware development,
equivalent from a Technology or Scientific Data Plotting
recognized University / equivalent from a ii) Knowledge in Microsoft Technologies
Institute with at least first recognized University / platform, development using Asp.net with
class not less than 60% Institute with two years Entity framework, LINQ, SSRS reporting
marks. experience in software tool,
development using iii) Knowledge in SQL, MySQL, Unix/Linux,
Asp.net, VB.net; code Core Java, VBA, RDBMS, JQuery and
testing and debugging. development knowledge in PHP, VB.net.
iv) Software development, Testing,
maintenance, fixing of errors, generating
reports, and end user support based on
bugs reported, Documentation, review &
improvement of existing softwares,
backup and maintenance; testing the
product in controlled, real situations
before going live; preparation of training
manuals for users.
Project 10 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Master’s degree in Doctorate in Marine i) Oceanographic data collection, processing,
Scientist–I (SC-1; OBC-2 + HRA years Oceanography / sciences / quality control and its application in
(Oceanography & UR-7) Physical Oceanography Oceanography / numeric models, coastal processes and
/ Physical /Chemical Physical hydrodynamic modelling, handling HF
Oceanography) oceanography/ Ocean Oceanography/ radar systems, sea bed engineering
Technology or Chemical investigations, land survey.
equivalent from a Oceanography or
ii) Analyzing oceanographic data using tools
recognized University / equivalent from a like MATLAB, Ferret, numerical sound
Institute with at least first recognized University / propagation modelling and simulations,
class not less than 60% Institute. signal processing, development of
marks algorithms for acoustic imaging techniques
and modelling, analysis of active
underwater acoustic data propagation and
iii) Physico-chemical data collection with latest
equipment and analysis. EIA studies
related to coastal and marine environment
iv) Participating in cruises for the maintenance
of ocean observation platforms and
oceanographic cruises in boats/ships for
data collection
Project 06 Rs. 55000 Below 35 BE/ B. Tech degree in MS/M Sc./M. Tech. i) Sea bed mapping systems, design of
Scientist–I (OBC–1 & + HRA years Geo-Informatics / degree in Geo- sampling devices for underwater vehicles,
(Geology/GIS/ UR-5) Geomatics or its Informatics / data collection and interpretation with
Remote equivalent from a Geomatics / GIS / scientific sensors for ocean mineral
Sensing/Marine recognized University / Remote Sensing or exploration
Geophysics) Institute with at least first equivalent from a ii) Reservoir modelling studies and Gas
class not less than 60% recognized University / Hydrate research, Environmental Impact
marks Institute Studies and subsidence analysis using
[OR] [OR] software like PLAXIS, handling high
Master’s degree in Doctorate in Geology / pressure and low temperature
Geology / Applied Applied Geology / reactor/autoclave.
Geology / Marine Marine iii) Oceanographic data collection,
Geology/Marine Geology/Marine processing for coastal process studies
Geophysics or its Geophysics or iv) Satellite image processing, preparation of
equivalent from a equivalent from a GIS maps. Application of satellite data,
recognized University / recognized University / Collection and processing of Bathymetry
Institute with at least first Institute. and Topography,
class not less than 60% v) Handling of GIS software like ArcGIS,
marks QGIS, ERDAS, etc.
vi) Planning for swath bathymetry (MBES)
data collection; data acquisition, process
multi-beam data and preparation of DTMs;
carryout geophysical data acquisition and
vii) Sediment core/grab sample collection;
generating charts and reports
viii) Participation in oceanographic cruises in
Project 13 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Master’s Degree in Life / Two years research Should be capable of carrying out analysis
Scientist-I (SC-1; OBC-3 + HRA years Sciences or equivalent experience (after related to deep sea microbial /marine
(Life Science) & UR-9) from a recognized obtaining post microalgal /offshore cage culture / anti-
university / National graduation degree) in biofouling studies in the field and / or
laboratories with at least Research and laboratory / purification and characterization of
first class not less than Development in the marine natural products by analytical /
(60%) marks / B. Tech. areas listed under job chromatographic / spectroscopic techniques /
in Bioinformatics from a requirement. physico-chemical and biological analysis of
recognized university seawater and sediment / coastal and marine
with at least first class environment EIA studies / interpretation /
not less than (60%) analysis of results and compilation of reports.
Project 01 Rs. 55000 Below 35 Master’s Degree in Should be capable of purification and
Scientist-I (Unreserved) + HRA years Chemical Sciences or characterization of marine natural products by
(Chemical equivalent from a analytical / chromatographic / spectroscopic
Science) recognized university / techniques / physico-chemical and biological
National laboratories analysis of seawater and sediment / coastal
with at least first class and marine environment EIA studies /
not less than (60%) interpretation / analysis of results and
marks. compilation of reports.
Project 01 Rs. 55000 Below 35 B.E/B.Tech degree in M.E. / M.Tech in i) Gas Hydrate research, thermal stimulation
Scientist-I (Unreserved) + HRA years Chemical/Petroleum Petroleum engineering and depressurization techniques
(Petroleum Engineering or or equivalent from a ii) Handling high pressure and low
Engineering) equivalent from a recognized University temperature reactor/autoclave
recognized University/ iii) Handling CFD software’s like fluent;
Institute with at least first reservoir modeling software for methane
class not less than 60% hydrate kinetics studies
Project Scientific Assistant

Post Name of the post No. of post(s) Emoluments Maximum Essential/Requisite Desirable Job Requirement
Code age as on Qualification
Project 15 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Diploma in Mechanical/ i) Any higher i) Preparation of mechanical 2D and 3D
Scientific (SC-2;ST-1; HRA years Automobile/ qualification modeling using Autocad/Inventor /
Assistant OBC–3 & Mechatronics related to job Pro-E/ANSYS
(Mechanical) UR-9) engineering or requirement ii) Assembly, integration and testing of
equivalent from a ii) Three years of mechanical systems, engineering
recognized University / experience in oil fabrication and assembly work.
Institute with at least first and gas/offshore iii) Working experience in high pressure
class not less than 60% industries or R&D hydraulic systems, assembly and
marks. in Ocean integration, trouble shooting and
Engineering maintenance activities etc.
iv) Undertake field trials and deployment of
the composite system onboard NIOT
designated ship/platform at sea and
undertake work onboard ships. Should be
medically fit to sail and undertake work
onboard ships.
v) Knowledge in installation and
commissioning of process thermal
desalination plant equipments, power plant
components, operation and maintenance of
power/process plants.
vi) Preparation of drawings, Overseeing
construction / field installation activities in
coastal / offshore locations /field
survey/deployment / retrieval operations /
Overseeing installation of instruments and
sensors for Island based desalination
vii) Operation and maintenance and inspection
of scientific equipments onboard including
machineries, navigation and
communication equipments on board / To
participate the dry dock works construction
of ships / Maintain and control inventory
viii) To assist in retrieval and deployment
offshore data collection platforms /
participate in ship cruises / to work in
software like Solidworks, , Catia, etc.
Project 02 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Diploma in Electrical Experience of 3 years i) Assembly, integration and testing of
Scientific (Unreserved) HRA years Engineering/ Electrical & as per the job medium voltage Electrical systems viz.
Assistant Electronics engineering requirement in oil and motors, drives, transformers, switch gear
(Electrical) or equiv alent from gas/offshore or other etc. for subsea and surface applications
a recognized University / reputed industries/ ii) Development/ drafting Electrical CAD-
Institute with at least first R&D organizations circuit drawings.
class not less than 60%
iii) Operation and maintenance and inspection
of scientific equipments onboard including
machineries, navigation and
communication equipments on board / to
participate the dry dock works and
construction of ships
iv) Supervision of Electrical construction and
maintenance works, ensuring quality and
safety at work place, recording
measurements and bill preparation, co-
ordination with contractors, Maintenance of
Gensets, Transformers and MV switch gear
v) Undertake field testing of the systems/
equipments developed by NIOT onboard
designated ship/ platform at sea.
Project 13 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Diploma in Electronics & i) Any higher i) Assembly, Integration and testing of
Scientific (SC-1; OBC–3 HRA years Communication / qualifications marine / subsea data acquisition and
Assistant & UR–9) Electronics & related to job control systems
(ECE/E&I) Instrumentation requirements ii) Operation and maintenance, repair and
engineering or ii) Three years trouble shooting of oceanographic sensors/
equivalent from a experience in Data instruments and system.
recognized University / acquisition, iii) Calibration and testing of underwater
Institute with at least first Instrumentation & sensors and instruments and associated
class not less than 60% control systems software and loop testing.
marks. for Underwater / iv) Participation of field trials onboard NIOT
Marine designated ship/platform at sea for system
applications or the integration, deployment and retrieval
area of relevant operations.
work as per the v) Schematics design and PCB design using
job requirement. ORCAD or PADS
vi) Handling, maintenance and testing of fiber
optic systems
vii) Instrumentation development and field
deployment activities in coastal/offshore
locations/island based desalination plants.
viii) Interfacing and testing of Data/Tsunami
buoy systems and real time data telemetry
Project 05 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Diploma in Civil 1. Any higher i) Preparation of drawings, Overseeing
Scientific (OBC-1 & HRA years engineering or qualification in the construction, fabrication of structures, field
Assistant UR-4) equivalent from a relevant discipline/field installation activities in coastal / offshore
(Civil) recognized University / 2. Experience in areas locations, field survey, deployment &
Institute with at least first given in job retrieval operations, Overseeing installation
class not less than 60% requirements of instruments and sensors for Island based
marks. desalination plants and R&D activities.
ii) Field measurements and recording in
measurement book, studying specification
and executing job, geotechnical analysis of
sample, beach profiling, topographic survey
and field sample collections, assist
laboratory operations / instrument
iii) Site execution including reading
specifications, drawings, supervising the
construction activity, ensuring quality,
recording measurements and bill
preparation, co-ordination between various
agencies and contractors.
iv) To supervise / prepare estimates, drawings
and specifications as per CPWD codal
provisions and effectively supervise the
ongoing development / maintenance works.
Checking of measurements, maintenance of
M-Books, processing of bills for payment
and quality assurance with the co-ordination
of Estate Engineer. To attend and
supervise important Annual Maintenance
Contracts for the day to day maintenance.
Project 04 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Diploma in Computer i) Any higher i) Programming, maintenance of IT
Scientific (OBC-1 & HRA years Science(DCT) or qualification infrastructure operations and Data Base
Assistant UR-3) equivalent from a related to job Management, Application software
(Computer recognized University / requirement development, Middleware development,
Science) Institute with at least first ii) Knowledge in data Scientific Data Plotting
class not less than 60% acquisition and ii) Knowledge in Microsoft Technologies
marks. control systems/ platform, development using Asp.net with
remote control Entity framework, LINQ, SSRS reporting
sensors and tool, SQL, MySQL,and development
instrumentation/ knowledge in PHP, VB.net..
software testing iii) Upkeep, maintenance monitoring and
and R&D. fixing Network / e-mail related issues;
supporting to Video Conference Systems;
installation of OS’s; breakdown and
failures; Updates, backup and restore
softwares, report generation, periodical
review & improvement of existing
systems; Manage Active directory and
Domain Controller.
iv) writing program codes, review &
improvement of existing softwares,
backup and maintenance; testing the
product in controlled, real situations
before going live; preparation of training
manuals for users.
Project 08 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Bachelor’s degree in Life i) Master’s degree in Should be capable of carrying out preparatory
Scientific (SC-1; OBC-2 HRA years Sciences or equivalent Life Sciences or works in the laboratory for research and
Assistant & UR-5) from a recognized equivalent from a developmental activities pertaining to deep sea
(Life Science) University / National recognized microbial /marine microalgal / offshore cage
laboratories with at least University / National culture / anti-biofouling studies / purification
first class not less than laboratories. and characterization of marine natural products
60% marks. ii) Two years / physicochemical analysis of seawater /
experience (after SCUBA diving and extensive field work for the
obtaining under above activities.
graduation degree)
in Research and
Development in the
areas listed in job
requirement. SCUBA
diving certification
with not less than 25
logged dive.
Project 01 Rs.24000 + Below 28 Bachelor’s degree in i) Master’s degree in
Scientific (Unreserved) HRA years Chemistry or equivalent Chemistry or
Assistant from a recognized equivalent from a
(Chemical University / National recognized
Science) laboratories with at least University / National
first class not less than laboratories.
60% marks. ii) Two years
experience (after
obtaining under
graduation degree)
in Research and
Development in the
areas listed in job
SCUBA diving
certification with not
less than 25 logged
Project Technicians

Post Name of the post No. of post(s) Emoluments Maximum Essential/Requisite Desirable Job Requirement
Code age as on Qualification
Project 12 Rs.15000 + Below 28 10 pass (secondary or Experience of two i) Integration and assembly of developed
Technician (SC-2; OBC-3 HRA years metric) from a years in assembly, subsea mechanical systems / underwater
(Mechanical/ & UR-7) recognized Board and integration and testing vehicles and their testing on land and
Fitter/Welder/ ITI course in of mechanical systems onboard ships.
Machinist) Mechanical/Fitter/W elder and rotating ii) Undertake field trials onboard NIOT
/Machinist approved by machinery and in designated ship/platform at sea and work
National Council for hydraulic systems; onboard ships.
Vocational Training or its welding by TIG/MIG iii) Knowledge in installation, dismantling,
equivalent from a and Arc Welding, repair, reassembling of
recognized Institution machining operations machinery/pumps/motors/ equipments in
viz., turning, drilling, factories, power plants, process plants
surface grinding and and construction sites. Knowledge in
milling trouble reading and understanding engineering
shooting and drawings and symbols.
maintenance work and iv) Knowledge in leveling, aligning and
in oil and gas/offshore installing machinery on foundations or
industries or R&D. base plates and setting, leveling and
aligning electric motors or other power
sources such as turbines is preferable.
Offshore installations and handling
experience is preferable.
v) Knowledge in operation and maintenance
of chilling plants/ centralized air
conditioning plants / cold storage.
Knowledge in refrigerants like R134a,
ammonia etc.
vi) Fabrication, assembly, integration and
testing of mechanical systems and
structures and subsea mechanical
systems/underwater vehicles.
vii) Undertake field trials onboard NIOT
designated ship/platform at sea and work
onboard ships including retrieval
viii) Knowledge in welding of MS and SS
components, pressure vessels, Boilers,
IBR certified TIG/MIG welder.
ix) Knowledge in reading and understanding
engineering drawings and symbols
x) Development, assembly, integration and
testing of mechanical components/parts
as per given drawing/sample for assembly
of subsea mechanical systems for tests
and trials.
Project 06 Rs.15000 + Below 28 10 pass (secondary or Experience of 2 years i) Assembly and wiring of Electrical
Technician (SC-1; OBC-1 HRA years metric) from a in operation and components for integration and testing of
(Electrical) & UR-4) recognized Board and maintenance of Electrical systems.
ITI course in Electrician/ medium voltage
ii) Assisting in maintenance and servicing of
Wireman/ Electrical Electrical systems in
maintenance approved oil and gas/offshore or Electrical systems/ components/
by National Council for other reputed equipments.
Vocational Training or its industries/ R&D iii) Maintenance of Electrical testing
equivalent from a organizations equipments and tools
recognized Institution iv) Electrical stores inventory, Electrical lab
v) Undertake field testing of the systems/
equipments developed by NIOT onboard
designated ship/ platform at sea.
Project 01 Rs.15000 + Below 28 10 Class Pass Experience of two i) Assembly and Integration of data
Technician (Unreserved) HRA years (Secondary / Metric) of a years in R&D, Industry acquisition and control systems for
(Electronics/ recognized board and and/or the area of subsea systems / vehicles.
Instrumenta- ITI course in Electronics relevant work as per ii) Sensor interface, wiring and routing,
tion) Mechanic / Instrument the job requirement. Soldering of Electronics components
Mechanic approved by iii) Assist in calibration and testing of
National Council for underwater sensors/system
vocational training or iv) Participation in field trials onboard NIOT
equivalent from designated ship/platform at sea for
recognized Institutions. system deployment and operation of
underwater vehicles and system.
v) Knowledge on Test and measuring
instruments, oceanographic instruments
and acoustic sensors
Project Lab 02 Rs.15000 + Below 28 10 Class Pass Experience of two To support at field level to Scientists,
Technician/ (Unreserved) HRA years (Secondary / Metric) of a years in R&D, Industry Scientific Assistants, dealing with cruise
Assistant recognized board and and/or the area of operations and field works.
ITI course in Electronics relevant work as per
Mechanic / Instrument the job requirement.
Mechanic approved by
National Council for
vocational training or
equivalent from
recognized Institutions.
Administrative Streams

Post Name of the post No. of post(s) Emoluments Maximum Essential/Requisite Desirable Job Requirement
Code age as on Qualification
Project Senior 11 Rs.24000 + Below 40 i) A bachelor degree i) Post Graduation i) Knowledge in Office Management,
Executive (SC-1; OBC-2 HRA years from a recognized from any administration, imports, purchases,
& UR-8) University recognized finance, works, etc.
University / ii) Knowledge of word processing and data
ii) Minimum 5 years
institution (or) pass entry essential
experience in in SAS examination iii) Processing of payments / Pre-auditing of
dealing with conducted by CAG procurement proposals and contracts in
Government Rules or equivalent compliance with General Financial Rules /
and Regulation / ii) Secretarial course Delegation of Financial Power Rules of
Auditing / Taxation completion GoI.
in Government / certificate
iii) Working knowledge
PSU / Central
of Computer,
Autonomous stenography and
Bodies / other typing
reputed iv) W orking experience
organizations in the R&D projects
v) Basic knowledge
of computer.
Project Junior 17 Rs.15000 + Below 28 i) 10+2 or its i) Graduation from i) Knowledge in Office and accounting
Assistant (SC-3; OBC-4 HRA years equivalent Recognized procedures
& UR-10) qualification from a University. ii) Knowledge of word processing and data
recognized Board
or University
ii) Typing speed of 35
w.p.m. in English or
30 w.p.m. in Hindi
on Computer
(correspond to
10500 KDPH/9000
KDPH on an
average of 5 key
depression for each
The candidates are requested to note the following:

Please go through the following instructions carefully. The candidate shall be solely responsible for any loss or hardship caused
to him due to his non-adherence to these instructions. The candidate is requested to visit NIOT website periodically to keep track of new
announcements and changes, if any. If you have any difficulty in filling the online application form, please send an e-mail to
recruitment@niot.res.in indicating the problem faced.

1) Candidates must be citizens of India.

2) The application form is available online on NIOT website http://www.niot.res.in/index.php/recruitment. The candidate has to fill the
application online and upon submission, applicants will be provided with an online Registration Number. After allotment of
Registration Number, the candidate has to take a print out of the filled in application and sent to NIOT duly signed along with
copies of the following certificates.
3) Online applications must invariably be followed with duly signed hard copy along with relevant enclosures. Online applications
without hardcopy submission will lead to rejection of application. Similarly hard copy applications without online registration will
not be considered.
4) The application without the following enclosures shall summarily be rejected. Candidates shall enclose self-attested photocopies
of the following documents alongwith the print out of the Application Form :

1. 10th standard certificate or equivalent in support of Date of Birth.

2. 12th standard or equivalent mark sheet.
3. Community certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates
4. Degree / Diploma certificate alongwith mark sheets of each year
5. P.G. Degree Certificate alongwith mark sheets of each year
6. Experience Certificate, if any, for proof of experience
7. Other documents, as applicable, relevant to the post applied for

5) In case a particular University / Institution does not have any criteria of first class or equivalence, 60% will be taken as
equivalent to first class. In case of non-availability of conversion formula, CGPA/CPI of 6.75 (on 10 point scale) will be taken
as equivalent to 60% as per AICTE guidelines. For any other point scale of CGPA/CPI, the equivalence may vary
6) Paste a recent passport size colour photograph in the space provided for at the right top portion on the first page of the
7) Experience in a discipline / area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum
prescribed qualifications for that post.
8) The candidates should not have exceeded the maximum age limit specified above as on the last date of receipt of
Applications. A maximum relaxation of 5 years in age is applicable to the candidates belonging to SC/ST category,
3 years for OBC candidates; 10 years for persons with disability; 5 years for Group – A and Group – B Ex-
Servicemen and for Group – C Ex-servicemen – 3 years over and above the period of service rendered in the
Army, Navy and Air Force, subject to maximum age of 45 years (50 years in case of SC/ST).
9) Reservations shall be applied to all the posts except for Project Scientist – II.
10) Women candidates fulfilling the requirements are encouraged to apply for the posts.
11) Candidates who are in Government / autonomous Institutions and PSU should forward their applications through proper
12) NIOT may fix suitable norms for short listing the applications depending upon the number of candidates applied for the post
and the vacancies available so as to restrict the number of candidates to a manageable level.
13) Mere possession of the education qualifications and requisite experience will not entitle any right to be called for test/interview
or selection.
14) The Advt. No., Post No., Post Name and Discipline should be clearly indicated on the envelope.
15) The candidates selected are liable to work anywhere in India and can be posted in any of the projects of NIOT.
16) Self attested copies of certificates / testimonials (for age, qualification and experience proof) should be enclosed along with the
applications. Enclose list of publications / re-prints etc., if any also with the application. Write “Enclosure Sl. No. ’ as
mentioned in the application.
17) The applications received after due date or without enclosures or incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. NIOT
cannot take any responsibility for transit and other delays.
18) Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
19) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview / written examination.
20) The engagement is time bound and purely temporary on contract basis for a fixed term. The duration of the engagement would
be initially for a period of one year and extendable by one more year or co-terminus with the project in which he/she is engaged,
whichever is earlier.
21) If the candidate wants his/her application to be considered for more than one post, separate application should be submitted for
each post.
22) Hard copy of registered online applications should be sent to The Director, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Velachery –
Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai–600100, INDIA so as to reach on or before the due date, duly superscribing on the
envelope "the post name and discipline for which applied". The Advt.No., Post No., Post Name and Discipline should be clearly
indicated on the envelope.

Last date for online applications : 30.10.2017

Last date for receipt of applications : 06.11.2017

Last date for receipt of applications for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal

Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of
Jammu and Kashmir State Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-division
of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep : 13.11.2017

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