The Pisces Sagittarius Square
The Pisces Sagittarius Square
Gemini is the master communicator of the zodiac and they are listeners. This does not mean that
Gemini is talking all the time. Certainly Gemini can talk non-stop without taking a breath, but Gemini
can also sit there and not say one single word and just listen. Gemini knows that great communication
also involves listening. In fact, when a Gemini is quiet LOOKOUT! because you can literally see the
cogwheels churning in their mind.
Gemini rules body language, so not only do they use a massive amount of body language, they will
read your body language and use it against you if they need to. It's funny because as a Gemini myself, I
am a body language expert and I can read a person without them having even open their mouth. In a
debate you can see Donald hanging on every single word that is being said and you can see the
cogwheels churning in his brain. He heard you and he's loading his weapon, which for Gemini is the
mind. Gemini rules the brain, the mind and mental abilities. Gemini does not need or require every
single second of the day taken up with noisy sounds or words. Gemini is fully capable of comfortable
silence even though their mind is crankin' out thoughts a mile a minute. If you want to bore the hell
out of a Gemini, talk nonsense because that will just be noise to them. If you are rattling on and on
then they have already tuned you out and they are nano-seconds from walking away. No one enjoys
the sound of their own thoughts more than a Gemini.
Gemini is like the Visa tagline, "It's everywhere you want to be and more." Gemini naturally rules
travel and transportation more on a local level, than on a global level. Gemini's are not known for
traveling abroad, that is Sagittarius their opposite sign. Not only is Donald a Gemini, he is a North
Node Gemini. He also has Venus in Cancer. This man most definitely LOVES his country, his homeland
and his family. When he says that he wants to make America great again, you can believe it. He also
has Saturn in Cancer, so he is taking the protection and success of his home and family very seriously.
He is taking his candidacy personally. He does feel responsible and he will be responsible in the
protection of his home, family and homeland. With a North Node Gemini (local land and travel) and
his South Node in Sagittarius (global affairs and travel) naturally he is going to be so much better at
domestic affairs, than he will be in foreign affairs. If he's smart, which I do believe he is, he will put in
place the most insanely smart and talented people to make up for this hole in his chart. Keep in mind
folks, all of the candidates have a South Node that they will need to compensate for through their
cabinet and staffer choices. His South Node in Sagittarius conjunct his Moon in Sagittarius does
explain why he suffers from 'foot in the mouth syndrome' or 'hoof in the mouth syndrome'. Sagittarius
is ruled by the centaur, which is half man and half horse. Open mouth, insert hoof.
Donald does have his Sun in Gemini trine Jupiter in Libra. Whenever you see a trine between the Sun
and Jupiter, this person will ALWAYS land on their feet. ALWAYS! This is a very lucky placement
personally and professionally. This also explains his healthy, hefty and gigantic ego.
Gemini is the sales rep of the zodiac. That's because Gemini rules communication and
transportation, so when you combine the two, you get a sales rep, here there and everywhere.
Gemini is the traveling salesman. No other sign can juggle 12 projects at once quite like a Gemini. In
fact, most Gemini's really can juggle. Problems arise for Gemini when they don't have enough to do,
then boredom sets in and nothing will get done and that's usually when Gemini gets into trouble.
Gemini's Love puzzles, brain teasers and mind wrestles.
Gemini is flirty, flighty and fiesty, which is very playful and silly. Gemini is a very young sign who
doesn't really want any trouble but will rock the boat AND tip it over if they are bored or if nothing is
happening. A bored Gemini is sitting in the boat with one hand on each side rocking back and forth
getting you all wet. In fact, you are getting soaked. Nothing will stay the same once Gemini has
entered the picture and that you can count on. Donald Trump has changed the dialogue in this bid for
the White House and has forced many issues to the forefront. It doesn't matter if you agree or
disagree how he has done it, my job is to point out the astrology to you. He is fulfilling his role as a
Gemini, North Node Gemini, Uranus in Gemini native. This writing is not to argue or debate with you
about what he is doing or saying, this writing is intended to help you understand the astrology.
Gemini's are known for having a split personality, which can certainly show up from one extreme to
the other. As for me, my 12 year-old grandson calls me "Granny" and he calls the other me, "HER!" It's
hilarious. He knows nothing about astrology but gets that he has two grannies all rolled into one. You
can best believe that Donald Trump has two completely different personalities as well. You could
argue that we all have two people living inside of ourselves because each sign has its share of duality -
- Leo, the lion and the kitten -- Pisces, the two fishes -- Libra, the two scales -- Taurus, the bull and the
cow. When it comes to Gemini, their counterpart really is their evil twin. Eeeeeeek! I can say this is
true for myself and the more a Gemini is aware of it, the more Gemini can squash the energy like a
While squaring cardinal signs tend to stir up action that pushes for dynamic change—and maybe
head-on confrontation—squaring fixed signs resist altering themselves to accommodate one another.
They don't like giving in to demands, and thus power struggles and impasses can ensue. Pressure can
build. Yet the tremendous resources bottled up in these signs need purposeful release, so life brings
on forceful, uncompromising conditions that make this fixed group finally bend and yield to one other.
Once they willingly exchange their assets, they find it's not such a bad thing after all, and wonder why
they hadn't conceded sooner. But until then, they refuse to budge, stubbornly adhering only to what
they know about life, which can result in a narrow perspective based on rigid assumptions.
Taurus is a very possessive sign that enjoys holding on tightly to whatever it owns. Everything about
the Bull's world is geared toward magnetizing substance of value, and then building a solid, material
base ofsecurity from those resources it has attracted.This sign is very economical in how it uses its
energies—it hates to see them wasted or even wrongly used.
On the other hand, optimistic Leo feels it has plenty of fiery energy to burn—and even squander—
and it's not afraid to give that energy out to the world. It's interested in radiating itself to others in
grand style. It won't hold itself back due to any fear of running out of fuel (Leo doesn't expect to suffer
shortages in life). The Lion thus sees the Bull as a tightwad—on all levels—who's too content with
living a safe but dull life. Yet Taurus faults Leo for always being willing to gamble with its future
security, just to have fun expending itself colorfully in the here and now. (Remember, squaring signs
can't easily figure each other out).
Still,the Bull and the Lion are very strong-willed and are not easily deterred from satisfying their
desires. Like all fixed signs, they can be single-minded in their goals. They also expect to be treated
well in life, and do not tolerate being deprived of whatever they want to have or wish to experience.
Self-value is a Taurean issue; self-esteem is equally important to Leo. Both signs obviously want to feel
good about themselves, with Leo showing a greater interest in receiving praise from others (Taurus is
more self-contained and depends less on favorable reviews—if the Bull is pleased with its own efforts,
that's good enough).
There is also a possible indulgent streak with this combo. Taurus likes to pamper itself with comfort
and sensual pleasure, especially if it's not going to cost too much. It's an earthy sign wanting to
appease its physical appetites. Leo doesn't care how much its pleasures will cost (in fact, it connotes a
higher price tag with greater value). The Lion seeks the best in life that it can afford, since it thinks so
highly of itself. A taste for luxury is common, something that the frugal Bull frowns on. We who have a
Taurus/Leo emphasis may swing between periods of careful budgeting and wild splurging—we'll need
to avoid going overboard with either tendency.
Loyalty based on enduring feelings can be evident. Both signs form strong attachments to those they
trust and respect.They also wish to be seen as trustworthy and honorable in their intentions, although
no sign beats Taurus for utter dependability (earth always delivers what it promises and is much more
grounded than fire). Neither sign is devious or underhanded in its approach to getting what it wants.
This pairing thus implies honesty, strong integrity, and an inner strength that others can count on in
times of need (although the Lion is more comfortable playing the hero role than is the Bull). A
Taurus/Leo emphasis is found in the charts ofthose who take a very personal approach to living, one
based on strong inner direction. There's an obstinate nature here that could perhaps use a few lessons
in flexibility, as both signs won't take no for an answer. Nonetheless, there is an authentic self-
expression that indicates a strong backbone and an ability to handle even arduous times with dignified
Taurus/Leo Astro-lebrities
Queen Elizabeth II, monarch: (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo)
Willem de Koonig, artist: (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo)
Barbra Streisand, singer-actress:(Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo)
Bill Clinton, US president: (Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus)
Mick Jagger, rock idol: (Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus)
Carl Jung, psychoanalyst: (Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus)
Will these two signs ever get along? At first glance, you'd think, "Not a chance!" Aries rides roughshod
over most tender feelings, while the Crab is already quite touchy about the least little disturbance in
its atmosphere, especially the noisy kind that the Ram easily creates. Cancer doesn't like direct,
forceful approaches to conflict solving, yet Aries has no time or patience to gently wade through
emotional waters, so as not to create too many ripples. It faults the Crab for taking everything too
darn personally, and in ways that hinder effective action (and when Cancer gets its feelings hurt,
things can come to a halt as it withdraws to brood). Yet Aries also takes things very personally—
something they both have in common—although the Ram never slows its momentum, and it certainly
doesn't retreat when it's upset. It instead comes on even stronger, impetuously pushing its way
forward to knock down immediate obstacles.
Still, Aries and Cancer—both being headstrong cardinal signs— are impelled to attract or even create
mini-crises, if need be, since cardinality operates best when it can quickly clear the air and start over,
once an issue has been resolved. Signs ofthis mode don't like feeling stuck in predicaments for too
long. Things are not to drag on. Actually, Aries and Cancer are self-absorbed once problems arise, plus
they certainly aren't the most objective of signs to deal with when things are going badly for them.
When situations get too uncomfortable, they seek instant relief by letting off a little steam. At least
they both are alert and responsive to what's happening around them (Cancer more deeply so, of
course, being a water sign). They each also know a thing or two about getting defensive (the Ram is a
notorious head-butter, while the Crab can threaten would-be intruders with its snapping claws.
Nonetheless, Aries is teaching us to pull away from others so that we can retain our independent
identity, while Cancer is all about gathering people closer to us for long-term security and deep
bonding. Perhaps this is precisely why they rub each other the wrong way at times. Aries barks at
Cancer, "Stop with the hugs and kisses, you're suffocating me, and I'm gonna be late!" To this,Cancer
weeps, "You're so selfish and ungrateful. I'll never cook dinner and clean the house for you again ...oh,
here's your lunch bag—eat everything, don't forget to bring back that spoon, and how about buying
me another box of tissues on your way home?"
It would appear that life is never dull for these two signs, yet such a volatile mix ofemotion and
adrenaline could easily prove to be too much. If we have Aries and Cancer highlighted in our chart,
we'll need to learn more about the benefits of composure and of thinking things through before
letting our strong, impulsive feelings get the better of us. When Aries and Cancer don't work well
together, it's panic time, when our overreaction to current situations keeps us from thinking straight
and making wise moves.
In general,one problem that gets in the way of smoother interaction is that the element of fire
(Aries) is pitted against the element of water (Cancer). Water is too sensitive to withstand the
seemingly abusive treatment that Aries can dish out (the Ram's brusque ways, alone, can jar the
Crab's more delicate sensibilities). However, cardinal-water Cancer implies emotions that quickly
surface, which for Aries is good, since the Ram doesn't deal as well with signs that keep too much
within for too long. It knows how to fire up the Crab and get it to respond openly—actually, "lashing
out" is more what occurs. Aries thinks fights are healthy and honest ways to use up any overflow of
passion—now, if it could only convince Cancer that this is true.This combo may appear stormy and
discontent at times, but we get to learn the psychological value of getting things off our chest instead
of letting issues fester.
Aries/Cancer Astro-lebrities
Aretha Franklin, singer: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Cancer)
Dennis Quaid, actor: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Cancer)
Emma Thompson, actress: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Cancer)
Arlo Guthrie, folk singer: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aries)
Barbara Cartland, romance novelist: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aries)
Bob Fosse, choreographer: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aries)
This combination, at first, seems like it would be difficult to blend. Aquarius is an air sign that seeks
to elevate mind power to electrifying levels of brilliance. Its mental world involves inventive,
innovative concepts that are not bound by practicality or common sense. Taurus is an earth sign
whose consciousness is firmly planted on the ground and is less stimulated by abstract thought or
theoretical reasoning; it is more aroused by what tangibly exists.
The Water Bearer is the coldest of the air signs and the Bull is the warmest of the earth signs.
Aquarius requires emotional detachment in order for it to remain clear-sighted and unbiased, yet
Taurus depends on its feelings and instincts to better understand the nature of physical reality. The
Bull likes to touch, while Aquarius is a touch-me-not (although it will engage in impersonal group
hugs, as long as they're quick). These signs thus appear to have little in common. However, both are
fixed, meaning that they both are steady, determined, enduring, and able to concentrate on their
goals until desired objectives are met. These two are unlikely to quit, once strongly motivated to
tackle a project, so they reinforce each other's tendency to have committed interests.
Taurus may be warm and affectionate (earth can contain heat), but the Bull can be so placid that it
appears expressionless. That makes it harder for others to register what this sign is feeling, although
it comes in handy when playing poker! You cannot read Taurus like a book, unless it's feeling very
comfortable and relaxed around you—but at least it's habitual enough to be predictable. Aquarius
also doesn't show much emotion on the surface—except when outraged by some social injustice,
but that's not the same as expressing feelings of a personal nature. Together, then, these signs may
seem unresponsive to more sensitive, human conditions (at least compared to a more emotive
Cancer/Leo mix). If the Aquarian side of this combo dominates, expect a degree of emotional
aloofness combined with Taurus' calm exterior.
At the same time,if we have these signs emphasized in our chart, our feelings won't get in our way
while we're attending to more practical or societal concerns. Level-headedness is commonly seen,as
we're not the excitable type. Aquarius likes to think before plunging into action—it's really not all
that impulsive—and Taurus cannot be rushed until it deems the timing to be right.
With less energy feeding our emotionality, we probably won't suffer the anguish and anxiety others
do when personal problems arise. We'll probably have few sleepless nights, no matter what our
predicament is (here's where being detached and even-tempered is a blessing). Still, we'll have to
watch out about becoming too opinionated. The Bull feels secure in its perceptions and doesn't
waver, while the Water Bearer "knows" when it's right about the "truths" it intuitively flashes on,
even if the rest of the world thinks otherwise. Adaptability is not easily found.
When well managed, this combo provides suitable, durable outlets for fresh, experimental ideas.
Taurus is good at finding the right material in which to clothe well-defined concepts (but it doesn't
care to waste time on anything vague and ill-conceived). Thus, to get the Bull interested, the Water
Bearer will need to "talk some sense" and plainly show how its innovative notions can be applied in
useful ways. The pressure is on for Aquarius to come down from the clouds and ground its ideas
better, which is good.
On the other hand, Taurus needs to become less earthbound in its evaluations of "reality" and
instead allow Aquarius to bend the Bull's mind and convince it that alternative possibilities do exist.
It'll just require a completely different perceptual framework to realize the wisdom in this. But is a
somewhat rut-tolerant Taurus willing to budge? If so, its world can transform into a more exciting
place. Both these signs only limit themselves—and us—when they resist exchanging their valuable
resources. The blend of uncommon intuition with good, old-fashioned "horse sense" seems to
reward us with the best of both worlds.
Aquarius/Taurus Astro-lebrities
Tony Blair, British prime minister: (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius)
Uma Thurman, actress: (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius)
Andre Agassi, tennis pro: (Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius)
Ronald Reagan, US president: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus)
Germaine Greer, writer: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus)
Jackson Pollock, painter: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus)
Cancer loves how well Aries can handle things that need quick attention—the Ram never seems
flustered—and also how this fire sign does it all with courage and confidence, qualities that the Crab
can't often muster when the going gets tough and the sky is falling. Still, Cancer now looks toward
Libra and anticipates a much more pleasant relationship (the frustrated Ram called it quits, anyway,
and took off). After all, Libra—associated with peace-loving Venus—oozes obvious charm. The Crab
also likes hearing that everyone else gets along with friendly, accommodating Libra.
Yet the hard truth is that air—a lover ofclarity and verbal directness —doesn't understand the cloudy
underworld of less-articulate water very well. Water's raw, instinctual feelings, in turn, don't want to
be met with logical air's accustomed intellectual detachment, since this unsympathetically smacks of
indifference. "Understand me deeply," pleads water, "Don't just observe me from a distance and
take mental notes on my reactions. Feel my pain!"
Well, at least Libra is one air sign that likes to get more intimately involved. Still, the Crab can feel it
when the Balancer is miles away in its head, even when it's smiling and acting as cordial as can be.
Cancer has a knack for knowing when people are not "there" in the emotional moment. It hates cool
responses, yet often misreads them.
Libra is willing to bend over backwards to meet the varying needs of each sign, up to a point.
Remember, it expects others to reciprocate, and will use its cooperative nature to test people out:
"Are they going to be fair with me, or are they users?" Libra, sensitive to being manipulated, is also
learning how to do just that in its partnerships (and it could be argued that Libra taught Scorpio
every trick it knows regarding how to handle relationships).
This sign thus doesn't much like it when Cancer uses its whiny emotionality—its cranky side—to get
its way, plus the Crab can resort to pouting and to pulling little guilt trips on others when it's feeling
insecure or hurt. Libra, being more detached, is able to pull back calmly and reflect, "You know, you
did that very same thing to me last week. But did I make an issue of it? Did I try to attack you and
make you feel bad? No, I handled it all rather maturely." When Libra tries to get back at Cancer—and
here the Balancer is great at turning the tables —it uses much finesse in its counterattack and ends
up coming off as smooth as butter!
Cancer, at times,seems as helpless as a baby—but that could be a ploy to get attention. However,
Libra—although not parental in nature —does seem to enjoy being a helpmate. It can be an
understanding companion, willing to listen to others and offer advice. If we have these two signs
emphasized in our chart, we probably have a calm, maternal ability to help others clarify their needs
and thereby gain a welcome perspective concerning their pressing life issues (both signs show
concern for others undergoing stress—both act as tension relievers).
We apparently have counseling skills (or at least the temperament for being a sounding board for
people). But, when put upon by chronically needy types,we may have a hard time saying, "No, I'm
not interested in helping you. Find someone else,and leave me alone!" It would be quite a
breakthrough in consciousness if Cancer/Libra types could actually say these words and mean them.
Kindness is a common denominator. Both signs show consideration for others. Still, Cancer does
mother people a bit too much for Libra's taste, and Libra presents a polished, perfect image to
others that Cancer knows in its gut is artificial at times. Still, this combo can work out fine if we learn
when to give others the breathing space they need (Cancer's lesson), but also when to enjoy quiet,
in-depth contact without always having to take sides in interpersonal matters (Libra's lesson),
especially when such "discussions" become outright debates that only ruffle emotional feathers—
ours or another's. Still, both signs try to maintain peace when possible.
Cancer/Libra Astro-lebrities
Arthur Ashe, tennis pro: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Libra)
Janet Leigh, actress: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Libra)
Sylvester Stallone, actor: (Sun in Cancer, Moon in Libra)
Eleanor Roosevelt, humanitarian: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer)
Paul Simon, musician: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer)
Mira Sorvino, actress: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Cancer)
Capricorn doesn't care much for open opposition, but at least Libra can be very cooperative and
willing to follow the Goat's lead (if the plan of action sounds smart and is well designed—something
that Libra's mentally adept input helps ensure will be the case). Yet Capricorn is not so certain if it's
going to have such an agreeable partnership with the Ram. Aries doesn't like being bossed around,
especially by a sign that assumes it's a natural-born authority figure ("Father knows best"). This
independent fire sign does not want to be parented by anybody.
Aries favors hot, impetuous action and lives in the moment. Capricorn lives in the now as well, but
its moves are based on cool-headed deliberation and the ability to plan its strategy. Aries cares little
about planning its activities. It hates to feel bound by inflexible timetables and organized agendas.
Yet Capricorn plays by the books and is a stickler for following proper procedure, and punctually so.
Rules are not made to be ignored in the Goat's world of high-pressured responsibility, since too
much is at risk, with so many depending on reliable results.
Still, although the Ram seems like some brash, young upstart to the more mature, seasoned Goat,
these signs share a love of dynamic challenge and forward motion. Their headstrong ambition drives
them to move out into life and overcome all obstacles, except that the scope of operation for
Capricorn is much larger and more consequential —one wrong move and the Goat's out of the
game, whereas the Cosmos almost always allows the Ram to start all over again.
Little seems insurmountable to these two, since their will to succeed is powerful. Determination
keeps them from giving up, although Capricorn is blessed with greater staying power. Like Libra,
Capricorn knows about the law of cause and effect, and the penalties that await those who are less
sure-footed in life. The Goat thus acts cautiously and patiently. Aries instead throws all caution to
the wind and embraces risk. It defies the Fates.
If these two signs are highlighted in our chart, our strength may lie in executing action in a direct, no-
nonsense manner. We don't wait around for others to get things going, not when we can
independently get in the driver's seat and take offon our own. Self-reliance is strong, as well as a
driving need to prove to ourselves—and to convince others —that we are capable enough to handle
anything tossed our way (although Capricorn is customarily more prepared than Aries, a bigger
believer in spontaneity).
Perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcome here deals with self-discipline: Capricorn has it, while Aries
hates it. If the Ram in us starts jumping into a project too soon, without a careful review of the
details involved, failure may result. Capricorn teaches us to make more timely moves, based on
sizing up a situation in pragmatic terms. It's then that we can succeed, slowly and steadily. A lack of
patience can therefore be a major stumbling block for us.
Capricorn admires Aries' guts and its willingness to fight for what it wants. The Goat doesn't like
feeling fearful, and while not a daring risk-taker, it's willing to face up to what it secretly dreads—
potential rejection for not being qualified or good enough. Yet by dealing with such fears, it tests its
true abilities and opens doors that lead to opportunity.
The Goat would love to use the Ram's self-assurance—and occasionally its bravado—for those times
when this often-reserved earth sign needs a little fiery flair to get itself noticed. Aries doesn't
perceive life as having the obstacles—those waiting to dash even the best-laid plans—that Capricorn
sometimes sees everywhere. The Goat needs to infuse its life with a bit of the Ram's idealism, since
pessimism and self-doubt are self-limiting ways to approach success.
In general, these two signs can be pushy when trying to attain what they want, although Capricorn
can seemingly wait forever, while Aries wants it now! Self-centeredness can be strong, and emerges
quickest when the Ram and the Goat feel thwarted in action enough to resort to defensive
tactics.That's when they'll do whatever it takes to survive and get back on track. This combo can
make us look tough on the outside—showing no vulnerabilities—but we're probably too driven to
relax and enjoy life properly.Yet it can also be the signature of one whose grit and perseverance
results in an uphill climb that culminates in high achievement.
Capricorn/Aries Astro-lebrities
Al Capone, gangster: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aries)
Diane Von Furstenberg, designer: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aries)
Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aries)
Sarah Jessica Parker, actress: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn)
Al Gore, politician: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn)
David Letterman, television personality: (Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn)
Sometimes Libra inwardly criticizes Cancer for being too spineless and intimidated to stand up for its
rights, or too indirect or emotional to plead its case effectively. It's true that a whimpering Crab, low
in self-esteem, can let itself be treated like a doormat, if that ensures it will at least never be
abandoned. If emotionally messed up enough, Cancer types can cling to unhealthy attachments. Yet
Libra despises that sort of insecurity and will assertively bolt out of any bad union, once it's had
enough (although deciding when to leave can be tricky).
At least with Capricorn, Libra senses it's dealing with a more self-motivated, poised, and proficient
sign who's ready to grab for some power in society. Although Libra is less ambitious about climbing
to the top, it is as appearance-conscious as the Goat. Both signs want to make good first
impressions, and that means abiding by certain social formalities. Look good and you will be treated
well, is their philosophy. Obviously, they can make the mistake of thinking that a sophisticated air is
most important to achieving worldly success.
Traditional astrology considered Saturn to be "exalted"—doing its best—in Libra (although Venus in
Capricorn gets mixed reviews). Libra is as interested as Capricorn in laying down the law. The
Balancer is not afraid to evaluate both sides of a dilemma objectively and impartially, and then pass
judgment (as it attempts to balance the scales of justice). It does this with an almost eerie coolness
that is devoid ofemotional bias. Libra is very focused on the consequences for the actions of those
who break the rules. Capricorn takes on the role of judge, the one who enforces the law and doles
out the punishment. This is all done with a sense of solemn duty, not vengeance (after all, the Goat
has a society to run and simply needs to impose regulations, now and then). Thus, together, these
signs are all about doing the right thing in the eyes of the social system.
By behaving according to the expectations of others, Libra and Capricorn run the risk of being
insincere at times (perhaps they seek approval too much and will only act in ways that are
acceptable to others). They are more careful not to make waves unnecessarily by showing what they
really feel deep inside. Here's a case where their fears of public judgment override any impulse to
reveal their real selves, and this can be problematic (setting them up later for an "identity" crisis
whereby, after a point, they hardly know what they are all about).
Actually, Libra tends to mirror others better than does Capricorn, and is less rigidly locked in by any
limited persona. Still, if we have these signs emphasized in our chart, we'll have to make sure we
don't show others only what they want to see. Although this may make us popular, and help us
achieve great heights in a worldly sense, we risk losing touch with our true selves.
One benefit of learning the rules of society's game is the cultivation of a sophisticated demeanor.
Both signs can be classy and urbane, although Libra perhaps is like this for more aesthetic reasons.
They each recoil in distaste at coarse, boorish behavior (and note how Libran etiquette books are
loaded with Capricornian do's and dont's). Both are obviously supporters of appropriate behavior.
Civility means a lot to them and rudeness is seldom tolerated.
However, Libra is better at understanding why some people act as badly as they do, while Capricorn
just thinks all inexcusable behavior needs to be curbed (here's where air has an advantage over
earth when it comes to having a broader perspective on things). Libra at times will bend the rules to
allow for other people's errors in judgment, much more so than the hard-nosed Goat. It's better at
putting itself in another's shoes and figuring out human motives.
We who have this Libra/Capricorn combo are social creatures who are out to impress others with
how decent and responsible we really are (not that there's anything wrong with that). We're willing
to toe the line if doing so proves personally advantageous in the long run (although our critics would
call us opportunistic). We can kiss up to authority when it benefits us. Yet, at all times, we'll need to
make sure we continue to nurture those internal qualities that genuinely make us who we are—not
the glossy package we carefully present to the world.
Libra/Capricorn Astro-lebrities
Matt Damon, actor: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn)
Susan Sarandon, actress: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn)
Johnny Carson, television personality: (Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn)
Dyan Cannon, actress: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra)
Nicolas Cage, actor: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra)
Joan of Arc, saint: (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Libra)
That Leo/Scorpio mix is passionate, all right, but a bit too hot to handle at times. And when things
are not going so great, their Oscar-worthy emotional responses can be gut-wrenching. But when
Scorpio "teams up" with Aquarius—and that's how the Water Bearer likes to put it—the
temperature drops to much cooler degrees. Actually, Scorpio always carries its hidden stash of
frozen fire, which it is able to instantly thaw when needed, in case things start to get really frigid.
Ironically, Scorpio doesn't realize it has such a powerful ego (the same thing it usually accuses Leo of
flaunting) until it has to deal with the Water Bearer. Unlike Scorpio, Aquarius is an altruistic sign that
rarely covets what others possess, unless it's an awesome IQ—although not even that, since
Aquarius knows it was already born wildly brilliant!
The contrast of temperaments found here is such that Scorpio actually starts to feel itself to be the
greedy one who selfishly demands a lot from others. It's almost insatiable when it comes to feeding
its emotional hunger. Yet hanging around transpersonal Aquarius makes the self-conscious Scorpion
worry that it truly is more of a taker than a giver—more an energy-sucking black hole ofobsessive
To makes matters worse, Aquarius doesn't appear to have a manipulative bone in its body, plus its
unusual life is an open book, and it has tons of sparkling friends. Meanwhile, lonely, brooding
Scorpio sometimes even scares the pigeons in the park—probably due to the menacing look of
wearing dark glasses on cloudy days. In Scorpio's opinion, Aquarius doesn't seem to need a lot,
because it already has it all—the result of living a life based on inner freedom and the courage to
show one's true colors in public. (Scorpio often seems to be a little too concerned about who has
whatever it secretly craves.)
Meanwhile, the Water Bearer intuits that the Scorpion is a bit of a malcontent and a little too
mysterious to be appreciated intellectually. Scorpio also seems to get too caught up in a complex of
details, and it accepts little at face value.The Scorpion could benefit from Aquarius' ability to quickly
flash on the overview of any situation with dispassionate clarity. "Ditch the emotional intensity and
those nasty responses that go with it, and plug in to pure, accelerated mind power," advocates
Aquarius. "It's the only way to fly!" Scorpio does get too wound up about things and people it cannot
control, and so a little mental detachment couldn't hurt. Of course, the Scorpion is suspicious that
high-flying Aquarius is way out of touch with ordinary human feelings, and may need one day to get
down to the bottom of why it's so darn impersonal in all its relationships.
If we have these two signs highlighted in our chart, we probably started off life feeling alienated,
though on different levels. Both Scorpio and Aquarius could claim not to be easily understood by
most folks, but then again, they are quite capable of having odd, unsettling reactions to simple social
interchanges. Aquarius takes the unpredictable path—as if it's fun to shock people or catch them
offguard— while Scorpio is just plain silent and seemingly unresponsive in ways that others find
cryptic and even a bit creepy. (Of course,this can be a fabulous combo for livening up Halloween.)
Still, going rapidly from smoldering intensity to cool emotional distance, and back, is not an easy
pattern to which others can relate. We'll need to be less abrupt when our moods are ready to shift,
plus become more sensitive to how our sudden chill factor perplexes others who thought we were
getting intimate with them.
As these are two fixed signs associated with defiant planets—Pluto and Uranus—self-will is strong
(even though Aquarius would rather call it something else, since it is uneasy identifying itself with
words that begin with "self"). These two signs are also stubborn. Aquarian inflexibility applies more
to its abstract principles of Truth and the ideals that it expects to work for all. Scorpio's obstinacy is
rooted in its hatred of being forced to bend to the iron will of another (it would rather die first). So
don't expect to find a temperament that easily accommodates people. Scorpio/Aquarius is quite
capable offlatly saying "no" to others.
Also, with this combo, we can contain stormy feelings for a long time—hoping that by not releasing
them, we deaden their power. Instead, we eventually blow like a volcano, usually at a most
inappropriate occasion, and baffle everyone. At that point, even the Aquarius part of us doesn't care
how many people witness our major eruption!
Scorpio/Aquarius Astro-lebrities
Dylan Thomas, poet: (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius)
Calista Flockhart, actress: (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius)
Neil Young, musician-songwriter: (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius)
Jules Verne, writer: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio)
Helen Gurley Brown, writer-editor: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio)
James Dean, actor: (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio)