Cottenier DFT and LAPW 2nd
Cottenier DFT and LAPW 2nd
Stefaan Cottenier
August 7, 2013
ISBN 978-90-807215-1-7
Foreword(s) v
Foreword to the second edition (2013) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Foreword to the first edition (2002) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
1 Density Functional Theory as a way to solve the quantum many body problem 1
1.1 Level 1: The Born-Oppenheimer approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Level 2: Density Functional Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 The theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 The Kohn-Sham equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.3 The exchange-correlation functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Level 3: Solving the equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A Fourier transforms, plane waves, the reciprocal lattice and Bloch’s theorem 51
A.1 Fourier transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
A.2 Plane waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
A.3 The reciprocal lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
A.4 Bloch’s theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
F Functionals 73
F.1 Definition and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
F.2 Functional derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
knowledge that every physicist, chemist and engineer has acquired at an undergraduate level.
A large appendix section even brushes up the most important of these undergraduate items,
with emphasis on those aspects that will play a role in the main text. From the basic material
of the appendices, the reader is taken at the hand, and is step by step introduced into DFT
and the (L)APW-methods. How the different elements explained in the text appear in the in-
and output of the wien2k-code, is demonstrated in the example section.
Chapter 1 on Density Functional Theory can be read independently from the chapters 2
to 5 on (L)APW-based band structure methods. Readers that are particularly interested in
one of both main subjects, can without much harm read only the relevant chapters.
This text is by no means a course to teach you how to use the wien2k-code from scratch.
Such a course can be found in the User’s Guide accompanying the code, and this text should
be used parallel to it. The emphasis of the User’s Guide is more on how to work with wien2k.
This text explains the formalism behind the code, and should make clear why this or that
quantity appears in the in- or output of wien2k, and what its influence on a calculation can
be. This text is meant to help a beginner to acquire a deeper understanding about what she
or he is doing with the code.
Much emphasis has been put on mathematical rigour. Therefore you will find many formulae
that contain tons of indices. At first sight, this might scare some people. Nevertheless, this
crowded notation is meant as a learning tool: try hard to understand the meaning and necessity
of every piece of notation. This will prevent you from deviating into misconceptions. As a
compensation for this loaded notation, steps between subsequent formulae are kept very small
and should be really easy to understand.
This text is by no means complete or error-free. If you find an error or inconsistency, please
e-mail If you – as
a beginner – feel that important topics are not covered, you might suggest items to add. Or if
you – as an expert – feel the same, you might even write them . . .
Stefaan Cottenier
Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica (IKS)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200 D
B-3001 Leuven
Ghent University
Technologiepark 903
BE-9052 Zwijnaarde
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If you found this text useful, it might occur that you want to cite it in your own work. In that
case, please use exactly the following citation:
The fact that people do cite this work, is the only formal argument I can use to justify the time
spent to writing it.
Useful references for further reading
For each of the main sections of this text, several good books, reviews or original papers exist
in which you can read in-depth about the subject. Several of these sources are used in this
text, a few times verbatim.
• wien2k-specific reviews
Electronic structure calculations of solids using the wien2k package for material science
K. Schwarz, P. Blaha, G.K.H. Madsen,
Computer Physics Communications 147 (2002) 71
DFT calculations of solids with LAPW and wien2k
K. Schwarz, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 176 (2003) 319-328
Electronic structure of solids with wien2k
K. Schwarz, P. Blaha, S.B. Trickey, Molecular Physics 108 (2010) 3147-3166
Chapter 1
A solid is a collection of heavy, positively charged particles (nuclei) and lighter, negatively
charged particles (electrons). If we have N nuclei, we are dealing with a problem of N+ZN
electromagnetically interacting particles. This is a many-body problem, and because the par-
ticles are so light, quantum mechanics is needed: a quantum many body problem. The exact
many-particle hamiltonian for this system is:
h̄2 ∑ ∇R⃗ i
h̄2 ∑ ∇⃗2ri
Ĥ = − −
2 i Mi 2 i me
1 ∑ e2 Z i 1 ∑ e2 1 ∑ e2 Zi Zj
− + + (1.1)
4πϵ0 i, j | R
⃗ i − ⃗rj | 8πϵ0 i̸=j | ⃗ri − ⃗rj | 8πϵ0 i̸=j | R
⃗i − R
⃗ j|
The mass of the nucleus at R ⃗ i is Mi , the electrons have mass me and are at ⃗ri . The first term
is the kinetic energy operator for the nuclei, the second for the electrons. The last three terms
describe the Coulomb interaction between electrons and nuclei, between electrons and other
electrons, and between nuclei and other nuclei. It is out of question to solve this problem exactly.
In order to find acceptable approximate eigenstates, we will need to make approximations at 3
different levels.
potential energy due to electron-electron interactions and the potential energy of the electrons
in the (now external) potential of the nuclei. We write this formally as:
Ĥ = T̂ + V̂ + V̂ext (1.2)
It is interesting to note here that the kinetic and electron-electron terms of 1.2 depend only on
the fact that we are dealing with a many-electron system (and not with a many-proton system
for instance, where the strong nuclear force would play a role). They are independent of the
particular kind of many-electron system (Br2 or H2 O molecule, Cu or Fe, bcc-Fe or fcc-Fe, . . .).
This part is universal. System-specific information (which nuclei, and on which positions) is
given entirely by V̂ext .
First theorem: There is a one-to-one correspondence between the ground-state density ρ(⃗r) of
a many-electron system (atom, molecule, solid) and the external potential Vext . An immediate
consequence is that the ground-state expectation value of any observable Ô is a unique functional
of the exact ground-state electron density:
< Ψ| Ô| Ψ > = O[ρ] (1.3)
Second theorem: For Ô being the hamiltonian Ĥ, the ground-state total energy functional
H[ρ] ≡ EVext [ρ] is of the form
EVext [ρ] = < Ψ| T̂ + V̂ | Ψ > + < Ψ| V̂ext | Ψ > (1.4)
| {z }
FHK [ρ]
= FHK [ρ] + ρ(⃗r) Vext (⃗r) d⃗r (1.5)
As Hartree-Fock, DFT is a general method to solve the quantum many body problem. It can be applied
not only to the electron gas as we use here, but also to the proton-neutron gas in order to construct nuclear
models, or to the nucleus-electron gas without the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to describe solids with
light elements
P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn, Physical Review 136(3B) (1964) p. 864
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where the Hohenberg-Kohn density functional FHK [ρ] is universal for any many-electron sys-
tem. EVext [ρ] reaches its minimal value (equal to the ground-state total energy) for the ground-
state density corresponding to Vext .
We do not prove these theorems here, but ponder a few implications of the three keywords
invertibility (one-to-one correspondence ρ ↔ Vext ), universality and variational access (minimal
First, the one-to-one correspondence between ground-state density and external potential
is intriguing. It is obvious that a given many-electron system has a unique external potential,
which by the hamiltonian 1.2 and the Schrödinger equation yields a unique ground-state many
particle wave function. From this wave function, the corresponding electron density is easily
found. An external potential hence leads in a well-defined way to a unique ground-state density
corresponding to it. But intuitively it looks like the density contains less information then the
wave function. If this would be true, it would not be possible to find a unique external potential
if only a ground-state density is given. The first theorem of Hohenberg and Kohn tells exactly
that this is possible! The density contains as much information as the wave function does
(i.e. everything you could possibly know about an atom, molecule or solid). All observable
quantities can be retrieved therefore in a unique way from the density only, i.e. they can be
written as functionals of the density.
Second, the universality of FHK [ρ]. Equation 1.5 is easily written down by using the density
operator3 , and supposing the ground-state density is known, the contribution to the total
energy from the external potential can be exactly calculated. An explicit expression for the
Hohenberg-Kohn functional FHK is not known. But anyway, because FHK does not contain
information on the nuclei and their position, it is a universal functional for any many-electron
system. This means that in principle an expression for FHK [ρ] exists which can be used for
every atom, molecule or solid which can be imagined.
Third, the second theorem makes it possible to use the variational principle of Rayleigh-Ritz
in order to find the ground-state density. Out of the infinite number of possible densities, the
one which minimizes EVext [ρ] is the ground-state density corresponding to the external potential
Vext (⃗r). Of course, this can be done only if (an approximation to) FHK ]ρ] is known. But having
found ρ, all knowledge about the system is within reach...
It is useful to stress the meaning of the energy functional EVext [ρ] once more. When it is
The density operator ρ̂(⃗r) for an N -particle system is defined as
ρ̂(⃗r) = δ(⃗ri − ⃗r) (1.6)
such that its evaluation for a many body wave function Ψ yields the density:
ρ(⃗r) = < Ψ(⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗rN )| ρ̂(⃗r)| Ψ(⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗rN ) > (1.7)
= < Ψ(⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗rN )| δ(⃗ri − ⃗r)| Ψ(⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗rN ) > (1.8)
N ∫
= Ψ∗ (⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗ri ≡ ⃗r, . . . ⃗rN )Ψ(⃗r1 , ⃗r2 , . . . , ⃗ri ≡ ⃗r, . . . ⃗rN ) d⃗r1 d⃗r2 . . . d⃗
\\ri. . . d⃗rN (1.9)
evaluated for the density ρ corresponding to the particular Vext for this solid, it gives the ground
state energy. When it is evaluated for any other density however, the resulting number has no
physical meaning4 !
Ee = T + V (1.10)
EHF = T0 + (VH + Vx ) (1.11)
| {z }
Here T and V are the exact kinetic and electron-electron potential energy functionals, T0 is the
functional for the kinetic energy of a non-interacting electron gas, VH stands for the Hartree
contribution and Vx for the exchange contribution. By subtracting 1.11 from 1.10, the functional
for the correlation contribution appears to be:
Vc = T − T0 (1.12)
The exchange contribution to the total energy is defined as the part which is present in the
Hartree-Fock solution, but absent in the Hartree solution. Obviously, with the Hartree func-
tional given by
EH = T0 + VH (1.13)
it can be defined as
Vx = V − VH (1.14)
With this knowledge, we can rewrite the Hohenberg-Kohn functional in the following way:
FHK = T + V + T0 − T0
= T0 + V + (T − T0 )
| {z }
= T0 + V + Vc + VH − VH
= T0 + VH + Vc + (V − VH )
| {z }
= T0 + VH + (Vx + Vc )
| {z }
This is too crude, but the details are subtle: any density ρi (⃗r), other than the ground-state density, which
extremalizes EVext [ρ] is an excited-state density, with Ei = EVext [ρ = ρi ] the corresponding energy. The
inverse statement is not true: not all excited-state densities extremalize EVext [ρ]. If ρj (⃗r) is such a density,
Ej = EVext [ρ = ρj ] is a lower bound for the energy of the excited state.
W. Kohn and L. J. Sham, Physical Review 140(4A) (1965) p. 1133
For easier notation, we drop for a while the square brackets.
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Here Vxc is the exchange-correlation energy functional. We don’t know it formally, as it contains
the difficult exchange and correlation contributions only. If we assume for a while that we do
know Vxc , we can write explicitly the energy functional:
One could use now the second Hohenberg-Kohn theorem to find the ground state density, but
then we would have won nothing by our transformation. Instead, you can interpret the above
expression also as the energy functional of a non-interacting classical electron gas, subject to
two external potentials: one due to the nuclei, and one due to exchange and correlation effects.
The corresponding Hamiltonian – called the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian – is
δVxc [ρ]
V̂xc = (1.18)
The theorem of Kohn and Sham can now be formulated as follows:
ρ(⃗r) = ϕi (⃗r )∗ ϕi (⃗r ) (1.19)
where the single-particle wave functions ϕi (⃗r) are the N lowest-energy solutions of the Kohn-
Sham equation
ĤKS ϕi = ϵi ϕi (1.20)
And now we did won a lot. To find the ground-state density, we don’t need to use the second
Hohenberg-Kohn theorem any more, but we can rely on solving familiar Schrödinger-like non-
interacting single-particle equations. The alternative of using the regular Schrödinger equation,
would have led to a far more difficult system of coupled differential equations, because of the
electron-electron interaction.
Be aware that the single-particle wave functions ϕi are not the wave functions of electrons!
They describe mathematical quasi-particles, without a direct physical meaning. Only the over-
all density of these quasi-particles is guaranteed to be equal to the true electron density. Also
the single-particle energies ϵi are not single-electron energies.
Both the Hartree operator VH and the exchange-correlation operator Vxc depend on the
density ρ(⃗r), which in turn depends on the ϕi which are being searched. This means we are
dealing with a self-consistency problem: the solutions (ϕi ) determine the original equation (VH
and Vxc in HKS ), and the equation cannot be written down and solved before its solution is
Figure 1.1: Flow chart for the nth iteration in the selfconsistent procedure to
solve Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham equations.
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known. An iterative procedure is needed to escape from this paradox (see fig. 1.1). Some
starting density ρ0 is guessed, and a hamiltonian HKS1 is constructed with it. The eigenvalue
problem is solved, and results in a set of ϕ1 from which a density ρ1 can be derived. Most
probably ρ0 will differ from ρ1 . Now ρ1 is used to construct HKS2 , which will yield a ρ2 , etc.
The procedure can be set up in such a way that this series will converge to a density ρf which
generates a HKSf which yields as solution again ρf : this final density is then consistent with
the hamiltonian.
The function (not: functional ) ϵxc (ρ) for the homogeneous electron gas has been defined in
Appendix E, and is numerically known. This postulate is somehow reasonable: it means that
the exchange-correlation energy due to a particular density ρ(⃗r) could be found by dividing the
material in infinitesimally small volumes with a constant density. Each such volume contributes
to the total exchange correlation energy by an amount equal to the exchange correlation energy
of an identical volume filled with a homogeneous electron gas, that has the same overall density
as the original material has in this volume (see Fig. 1.2). No law of nature guarantees that the
true Exc is of this form, it is only a reasonable guess. By construction, LDA is expected to
perform well for systems with a slowly varying density. But rather surprisingly, it appears to
be very accurate in many other (realistic) cases too.
Figure 1.2: Illustration of the idea behind the LDA postulate. Every infinites-
imally small volume of the material contributes to the exchange-correlation
energy with an amount equal to the contribution of a homogeneous electron gas
that occupies that same infinitesimally small volume, and that has the same
(overall) charge density as the charge density of the original material in that
volume. The horizontal axis is proportional to the density of the homogeneous
electron gas. The vertical axis displays the exchange-correlation energy of the
homogeneous electron gas. (picture taken from Martin Fuchs, lecture notes,
ICTP Workshop august 1999)
We call Ĥsp the single-particle hamiltonian. For HF, Vα is the exchange operator. The ϕm are
true one-electron (or single-particle) orbitals for HF. Exchange is treated exactly, but correlation
effects are not included at all. They can be added only in elaborations on the HF-method.
For DFT, Vα is the exchange-correlation operator, in the L(S)DA, GGA or another approx-
imation. Exchange and correlation are both treated, but both approximately. The ϕm are
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The similarity between the Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham equations means that the same
mathematical techniques can be used to solve them. ‘Solving’ in most methods means that we
want to find the coefficients cm b
p needed to express ϕm in a given basis set ϕp :
ϕm = cm b
p ϕp (1.23)
The wave functions ϕm belong to a function space which has an infinite dimension, P is therefore
in principle infinite. In practice one works with a limited set of basis functions. Such a limited
basis will never be able to describe ϕm exactly, but one could try to find a basis that can
generate a function that is ‘close’ to ϕm .
Having chosen a basis (and hence a finite value for P ) we realize that we can tackle the
equations 1.22 as an eigenvalue problem, in the same way as described⟨ in Appendix C. For a
given m, substitute equation 1.23 in 1.22, and left-multiply with ϕbi (i = 1, . . . , P ). As in
equation C.8, this leads to
··· ··· ··· cm 0
. ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ .
.. .. .
ϕbi Ĥsp ϕbj − ϵm ϕbi | ϕbj .. = .. (1.24)
··· ··· ··· cm
P 0
We recognize here the matrix elements of the single-particle hamiltonian in the basis states,
and the overlap matrix elements Sij . Remember that the overlap matrix is a unit matrix
if the basis set is orthonormal. Diagonalization of the hamiltonian matrix will lead to P
eigenvalues and P sets of coefficients that express each of the P eigenfunctions in the given
basis (if more eigenfunctions are needed, P must be increased). The larger P , the better the
approximation of the eigenfunction, but the more time-consuming the diagonalization of the
matrix in equation 1.24.
In the following chapters, we will elaborate on this quick sketch. We will see that the label
m stands for the quantum numbers (n, ⃗k). It will be possible and advantageous to use a differ-
ent basis set for each ⃗k, which will enormously reduce the size of P , but will lead to as many
different eigenvalue problems to solve as there are ⃗k-vectors needed to be known.
What is a good basis set? If the functions of the basis set are very similar to ϕm , one needs
only a few of them to accurately describe the wave function, and hence P and the matrix size
are small. Such a basis set is called efficient. However, this assumes that you know the solution
of your problem almost before you start solving it. Such a basis set can therefore never be very
general: for some specific problems it will very quickly yield the solution, but for the majority
of cases it will poorly describe the eigenfunctions. In the latter cases the required P is much
higher than what is affordable, and limiting P would lead to approximate eigenfunctions that
are not acceptable. These approximations carry too much properties from the basis function,
and such a basis set is therefore called biased. The art of theoretical condensed matter physics
is to find a basis set that is a simultaneously efficient and unbiased. In the following chapters,
two families of basis sets will be described – plane waves and augmented plane waves – that
each in their own way try to realize this compromise.
Chapter 2
At the end of section 1.3, we formulated two principal requirements for a basis set in which we
want to expand the eigenstates of the solid state hamiltonian: the basis set should be unbiased
(=it should not in a hidden way force the solution into a built-in direction) and efficient (=
P in equation 1.23 should be as low as possible). Furthermore, it would be nice if the basis
functions are mathematically simple. This makes both theory development and programming
work easier. A basis set that is certainly unbiased and simple is the plane wave basis set that
was introduced in section A.4. We saw in equation A.22 that any eigenfunction ψ⃗kn of a periodic
hamiltonian can be expressed exactly in this basis set by means of an infinite set of coefficients
⃗ :
∑ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
ψ⃗kn (⃗r) = cn,
⃗ e
k i(k+K)·⃗
This has to be compared with the general formulation in equation 1.23, where m stands for
(n, ⃗k) and p for ⃗k + K.
⃗ One basis function for ψ n (⃗r) (or K)
⃗ is therefore:
⃗ ⃗ ⃗
ϕkK⃗ (⃗r) = K = ei(k+K)·⃗r (2.2)
Note that this basis-set is ⃗k-dependent: all eigenstates ψ⃗kn that have the same ⃗k but a different
n will be expressed in the basis set with this particular value of ⃗k. For eigenstates with another
⃗k, a new basis set using that other ⃗k has to be used.
In practice we cannot work with an infinite basis set, and will have to limit it somehow (the
P in equation 1.23). For plane waves, this can be easily done by limiting the set to all K ⃗ with
K ≤ Kmax . This corresponds to a sphere with radius Kmax centered at the origin of reciprocal
space. All reciprocal lattice vectors that are inside this sphere are taken into the basis set.
Instead of Kmax , often the free electron energy corresponding to Kmax is specified, and is called
the cut-off energy:
h̄2 Kmax
Ecut = (2.3)
Plane waves are orthogonal:
⟨ ⟩ ∫
ei(K2 −K1 )·⃗r d3⃗r
⃗ ⃗
⃗ 1| K
K ⃗2 = (2.4)
⃗2 − K
= δ(K ⃗ 1) (2.5)
a) b)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
r (A) r (A)
Figure 2.1: Radial part of wave function (a) and radial probability distribution
(b) of a 3s electron in Ca (Y-axis has arbitrary units).
and therefore the overlap matrix S in equations C.18 or 1.24 is a unit matrix. The matrix
elements of the effective single-particle hamiltonian (Kohn-Sham hamiltonian) are calculated
in the plane wave basis, and the resulting matrix is diagonalized (see
[ section
] C.3 for a description
⃗ ⃗ ⃗
of the full procedure). To each eigenvalue ϵn, k an eigenvector cn,
of P values for cn,
P ×1
corresponds. Actually, an infinite number of eigenvectors, as multiplying with any real number
[ ] again an eigenvector (see Appendix C). This degree of freedom is used to take that
for which – by equation 2.1 – ϕ⃗nk is a normalized function.
P ×1
So far, so good. But: we were looking for the eigenvalue ϵn,k of ψ⃗kn , and instead of one
eigenvalue we found P of them, each with their own set of coefficients and hence each leading
to another eigenfunction ψ⃗kn . What has happened? Each eigenfunction is uniquely labeled by n
and ⃗k. Eq. 2.1 applies for all our solutions with the same ⃗k. We are therefore forced to conclude
that for all these eigenfunctions, n – which does not explicitly appears in the equations – must
be different. In one go, we have found P different eigenfunctions with the same ⃗k but a different
band index!
This process has to be repeated for as many ⃗k-points that are needed for a densely enough
sampling of the first Brillouin zone.
We did not yet discuss the efficiency of a plane wave basis set. Will we need many or only
a few plane waves? The number of plane waves is determined by the smallest length scales
that are to be described in real space. Consider the radial part of a 3s wave function in Ca
(fig. 2-a). Near the nucleus, the wave function shows steep behaviour. In order to describe
the sharp part between 0 and the mimimum at 0.1 Å plane waves with a period as small as
roughly an order of magnitude less than this distance are needed (0.01 Å or 10−12 m). This
sets the order of magnitude for Kmax to Kmax = 2π/(10−12 m) = 6.3 · 1012 m−1 . Calculate the
volume of a sphere with this radius (1039 m−3 ), divide it by the volume of the first Brillouin
zone (⃗c∗ · (⃗a∗ × ⃗b∗ ), about 9.2 · 1030 m−3 for a cubic lattice with a lattice constant of 3 Å), and
because the first Brillouin zone contains 1 K ⃗ you find that about 108 plane waves are needed.
That would require diagonalization of (many) (108 × 108 )-matrices, which is way beyond the
capability of even supercomputers.
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Should we conclude now that a plane wave basis set cannot be used? The most oscillating
part of the wave functions are the tails that reach out into the region close to the nucleus. But
this region of the solid is quite shielded from the more outer regions of the atoms where chemistry
happens, and the electrons will not behave very differently from free atom electrons here. One
can therefore replace the potential in these inner regions by a pseudopotential, that is designed
to yield very smooth tails of wavefunctions inside the atom (hence only a few plane waves are
needed). More to the outer regions of the atoms, the pseudopotential continuously evolves into
the true potential, such that this region of the crystal behaves as if nothing happened. In this
way, it is possible to use an (ultrasoft) plane wave basis set for realistic cases with a cut-off
energy Ecut = 20 Ry = 272 eV . This corresponds to Kmax ≈ 4.5 au −1 , which for our example
of a cubic lattice with lattice constant 3 Å calls for about 270 plane waves1 . A basis set of this
size is manageable.
There is no unique recipe to construct a pseudopotential for a particular element. An infinite
amount of choices are possible. Two criteria to judge whether a particular pseudopotential is
good, are softness and transferability. A pseudopotential is called soft when few plane waves
are needed. A specific class of pseudopotentials is even called ultrasoft, because of the very
small amount of plane waves it calls for. Generally, making a pseudopotential soft means that
it gets tailored for an element in a specific environment. What one really wants is a potential
that can be used in whatever environment (molecule, cluster, solid, surface, insulator, metal,...)
the corresponding element can be. Such a pseudopotential is called transferable. The art of
creating good pseudopotentials is to find potentials that are both (ultra)soft and transferable.
Only accidentally similar to Ecut in eV .
Chapter 3
Although the pseudopotential method is extremely useful, there are reasons why alternatives
could be attractive. Is the introduction of the pseudopotential completely innocent? What do
you do if you are interested in information that is inherently contained in the region near the
nucleus (hyperfine fields for instance, or core level excitations)? Can the basis set be made more
efficient? Therefore, we will search for a basis set that uses other functions than plane waves,
and that does not require the introduction of a pseudopotential. Such a basis set will have to
be more efficient, but of course we do not want it to be biased. Our first example of this will
be the Augmented Plane Wave (APW) basis set. Right from the beginning it has to be said
that the APW-method itself is of no practical use any more today. But for didactical reasons
it is advantageous to discuss APW first, before going to its successors, LAPW and APW+lo.
The ideas that lead to the APW basis set are very similar to what made us to introduce the
pseudopotential. In the region far away from the nuclei, the electrons are more or less ‘free’.
Free electrons are described by plane waves1 . Close to the nuclei, the electrons behave quite as
they were in a free atom, and they could be described more efficiently by atomic like functions.
Space is therefore divided now in two regions: around each atom2 a sphere with radius Rα is
drawn (call it Sα ). Such a sphere is often called a muffin tin sphere, the part of space occupied
by the spheres is the muffin tin region. The remaining space outside the spheres is called the
interstitial region (call it I). One augmented plane wave (APW) used in the expansion of ψ⃗kn
is defined as:
⃗ ⃗
√1 ei(k+K)·⃗r ⃗r ∈ I
ϕkK⃗ (⃗r, E) = (3.1)
∑ α, ⃗k+K
⃗ α ′
ℓ, m Aℓm uℓ (r , E)Ymℓ (r̂′ ) ⃗r ∈ Sα
The symbols ⃗k, K ⃗ and ⃗r keep their usual meaning, V is the volume of the unit cell. Note that
the APW basis set is ⃗k-dependent, as was the plane wave basis set. The position inside the
spheres is given with respect to the center of each sphere by ⃗r ′ = ⃗r − ⃗rα (see fig. 3). The length
of ⃗r ′ is r ′ , and the angles θ′ and ϕ′ specifying the direction of ⃗r ′ in spherical coordinates, are
indicated as r̂′ . The Ymℓ are spherical harmonics. The Aα, ℓm are yet undetermined parameters,
as is E. The latter has the dimension of energy. The uℓ are solutions to the radial part of
Plane waves are eigenfunctions of a hamiltonian with zero potential.
Mark the different atoms in the unit cell by a label α. This label is different for all atoms in the unit cell,
not just for all inequivalent atoms.
r Sa
ra r´
Figure 3.1: Division of a unit cell in muffin tin regions and the interstitial
region, for a case with two atoms. The black dot is the origin of the axis
system (which may but need not to coincide with the nucleus of an atom).
the Schrödinger equation for a free atom α, and this at the energy E. For a true free atom,
the boundary condition that uαℓ (r, E) should vanish for r → ∞, limits the number of energies
E for which a solution uαℓ can be found. But as this boundary condition does not apply here,
we can find a numerical solution for any E. Hence, the uαℓ themselves do not correspond to
something physical, but that doesn’t harm: they are only part of a basis function, not of the
searched eigenfunction itself. And because they are close to how the actual eigenfunction will
look like in that region of the crystal, they will do their job as basis function very efficiently.
If an eigenfunction would be discontinuous, its kinetic energy would not be well-defined.
Such a situation can therefore never happen, and we have to require that the plane wave
outside the sphere matches the function inside the sphere over the complete surface of the
sphere (in value, not in slope). That seems a weird thing to do: a plane wave is oscillating and
has a unique direction built in, how can it match another function based on spherical harmonics
over the entire surface of a sphere? To see how this is possible, we expand the plane wave in
spherical harmonics about the origin of the sphere of atom α:
( ) ( )
1 i(⃗k+K)·⃗ ⃗ rα ∑ ℓ
4π i(⃗k+K)·⃗ ⃗ ′ ℓ∗ ⃗ ˆ ⃗
i jℓ k + K |⃗r | Ym k + K Ymℓ (r̂′ )
⃗ r
√ e = √ e ⃗ (3.2)
V V ℓ,m
jℓ (x) is the Bessel function of order ℓ. Requiring this at the sphere boundary (where ⃗r ′ = R
⃗ α,
which defines R ⃗ α ) to be equal to the ℓm-part of Eq. 3.1 easily yields:
Figure 3.2: In a) and b), a great circle for some arbitrary value of ϕ is drawn.
ℓ=2 ℓ=2
The points on the circle for which a) Ym=2 or b) Ym=1 is zero, are indicated
by white points. In a) there are no other points on which Ym=2 is zero. In b)
all other such points for Ym=1 fall on a horizontal circle with θ = π/2 (point-
dashed circle). In both cases,
√ the number of zeros along a great
√ circle is at most
2 · ℓ. Remember: Ym=2 = 4 2π sin θ e and Ym=1 = − 8π sin θ cos θ eiϕ .
ℓ=2 1 15 2 2iϕ ℓ=2 15
in order to create the matching. In practice we will have to truncate at some value ℓmax . What
would be a reasonable choice? For a given ℓmax , Ymℓmax (θ, ϕ) can have at most 2ℓmax nodes along
a great circle (i.e. θ = 0 → 2π for any fixed ϕ) of the α-sphere (see fig. 3). Converted into nodes
per unit of length, this is 2ℓmax /(2πRα ) = ℓmax /(πRα ). If a plane wave should match with
this, there should be plane waves with at least a similar number of nodes per unit of length
available. The plane wave with the shortest period 2π/Kmax has 2/(2π/Kmax ) = Kmax /π nodes
per unit of length. The cut-off for the plane waves (Kmax ) and for the angular functions (ℓmax )
are of comparable quality if the number of nodes per unit of length is identical. This yields
the condition Rα Kmax = ℓmax . This allows to determine a good ℓmax for a given Kmax . A finite
value for ℓmax means that for each APW the matching at the sphere boundaries will not be
exact, but good enough to work with. It is not useful to make ℓmax larger than the condition
Rα Kmax requires, as it would lead to unstable behaviour at the sphere boundary (you can
compare this with fitting a polynomial of high order through a limited number of points: the
fit will be ‘perfect’, but not very meaningful). Therefore, it is also clear now that the muffin
tin radii for the different atoms should not be too different: if they were, a value for ℓmax that
is suitable for each atom would not exist.
Now you should be able to visualize the meaning of a single APW ϕkK⃗ (⃗r, E) of equation 3.1:
it is an oscillating function that runs through the unit cell. Whenever it encounters an atom on
its path, the simple oscillating behaviour is changed into something more complex inside the
muffin tin sphere of that atom. Nevertheless, the function values inside and outside the sphere
∑ max ⃗k+K
smoothly match, which is taken care of by a set of ℓℓ=1 2ℓmax + 1 coefficients Aα,
ℓm that is
different for each atom (the atom determines α, the APW under consideration determines ⃗k
and K,⃗ all ℓ up to ℓmax are present, with the corresponding values of m).
At first sight, it looks like we can now use the APW’s as a basis set, and proceed in the same
Figure 3.3: A suggestive visualization of how the roots of the secular equa-
tion are searched. (picture copied from K. Schwarz et al., Computer Physics
Communications 147 (2002) 71)
way as for the plane wave basis set in order to determine the coefficients cn, ⃗
in the expansion
of the searched eigenfunction. However, this does not work. We did not settle the parameter E
yet. It turns out that in order to describe an eigenstate ψ⃗kn (⃗r) accurately with APW’s, one has
to set E equal to the eigenvalue (or band energy) ϵ⃗nk of that state. But this is exactly what we
are trying to determine! We are hence forced to start with a guessed value for ϵ⃗nk and take this
as E. Now we can determine the APW’s, and construct the hamiltonian matrix elements and
overlap matrix (the APW’s are not orthogonal). The secular equation is determined, and our
guessed ϵ⃗nk should be a root of it. Usually it is not, hence we have to try a second guess. Due
to this new E, the APW’s have to be determined again, and similarly for all matrix elements.
With the help of root determination algorithms, this guessing continues until a root – say ϵ⃗k
– is found. And then the whole procedure starts over for ϵ⃗k , etc. (see fig. 3 for a suggestive
visualization of the roots of a secular equation, and fig. 3 for a flow chart of the APW method).
In practice, Kmax ≈ 3.5 au −1 is needed for sufficient accuracy. This is less than the typical
value of 5.5 for plane waves and pseudopotentials. As on page 12, the basis set size can be
estimated to be about P = 131 for APW, compared to roughly P = 270 for plane waves. The
calculation time (mainly determined by matrix diagonalization) scales with the third power
of the basis set size, which would suggest APW to be 10 times faster than pseudopotentials.
However, with a plane wave basis set, P eigenvalues are found by a single diagonalization, while
with APW one diagonalization is needed for every eigenvalue. This makes the APW method
inherently slow, much slower than the pseudopotential method.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 19
Determine accuracy by
choosing Kmax and lmax
For 1 (n , k )
Choose a trial E
r r r
" K : K £ K max : determine
the corresponding APW
Determine the coefficients c n,Kr k
Substituting the first two terms of the expansion in the APW for a fixed E0 gives the definition
of an LAPW. This has a price: the energy difference (E0 − ϵ⃗nk ) is unknown, and hence a yet
α, k+K ⃗ ⃗
undetermined Bℓm has to be introduced:
⃗ ⃗
√1 ei(k+K)·⃗r ⃗r ∈ I
ϕkK⃗ (⃗r) = ( ) (4.2)
α, ⃗k+K
⃗ α ′ α, ⃗k+K
⃗ α ′
u̇ℓ (r , E0 ) Ymℓ (r̂′ ) ⃗r ∈ Sα
ℓ, m Aℓm uℓ (r , E0 ) + Bℓm
α, k+K ⃗
α, k+K ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
In order to determine both Aℓm and Bℓm , we will require that the function in the sphere
matches the plane wave both in value and in slope at the sphere boundary. This can be done
by using an expression similar to equation 3.2 and its radial derivative. This results in a 2 × 2
system from which both coefficients can be solved.
Equation 4.2 is not the final definition of an LAPW yet. Imagine we want to describe an
eigenstate ψ⃗kn that has predominantly p-character (ℓ = 1) for atom α. This means that in its
⃗ ⃗
expansion in LAPW’s, the Aα, k+K
(ℓ=1)m are large. It is therefore advantageous to choose E0 near the
centre of the p-band (how this can be done will be made clear in the examples of Chapter 7).
In this way, the O(E0 − ϵ⃗nk )2 -term in equation 4.1 will remain small, and cutting after the linear
term is certainly allowed. We can repeat this argument for every physically important ℓ (s-,
p-, d- and f-states, i.e. up to ℓ = 3) and for every atom. As a result, we should not choose one
universal E0 , but a set of well-chosen E1,ℓ up to ℓ = 3 (the meaning of the index ‘1’ will become
clear in section 4.2. For higher ℓ, a fixed value can be kept. The final definition of an LAPW
is then:
⃗ ⃗
√1 ei(k+K)·⃗r ⃗r ∈ I
ϕkK⃗ (⃗r) = ( ) (4.3)
⃗ α ′ α, ⃗k+K
⃗ α ′
ℓ, m Aα,
uℓ (r , E1,ℓ ) + Bℓm α
u̇ℓ (r , E1,ℓ ) Ymℓ (r̂′ ) ⃗r ∈ Sα
With the E1,ℓ being fixed, the basis functions can be calculated once and for all. The same
procedure as used for the plane wave basis set can now be applied. One diagonalization will
yield P different band energies for this ⃗k.
The accuracy of a plane wave basis set was determined by Kmax . For the APW or LAPW
basis set, it is not incorrect to use the same criterion. However, a better quantity to judge the
accuracy here is the product Rαmin Kmax between the smallest muffin tin radius and Kmax . This
can be understood as follows. If the smallest muffin tin radius is increased, the closest point a
plane wave can come to a nucleus moves farther away from the nucleus. The part of the wave
function that need not to be described with plane waves any more, in general will have displayed
the steepest behaviour, steeper than anywhere else in the interstitial region (it was closest to
the nucleus). Less plane waves are needed to describe the remaining, smoother parts of the
wave function. Kmax can be reduced, and a good rule of thumb is that the product Rαmin Kmax
should remain constant in order to have comparable accuracy. Reducing Kmax means reducing
the size of the matrices, and because matrix diagonalization is very expensive, a larger Rαmin
can significantly reduce the computation time. Rαmin cannot be too large on the other hand,
as the spherical harmonics are not suited to describe the wave functions in the region far away
from the nuclei.
Compared to a plane wave basis set, the LAPW basis set can be much smaller. The required
Kmax turns out to be Kmax = 7.5↔9.0 min
≈ 4 au−1 , depending on the desired accuracy. This yields
P ≈ 195 as basis set size, compared to P ≈ 270 for plane waves. The calculation time (mainly
determined by matrix diagonalization) scales with the third power of the basis set size, which
makes LAPW in this respect about 2 to 3 times faster than plane waves. There are other
aspects however that slow down LAPW1 , such that in the end it is comparable in speed with
plane waves.
Fe in bcc-Fe will have a non-negligible amount of 4p-character in its valence states that are
about 0.2 Ry below the Fermi level. But the 3p-states that are 4.3 Ry below the Fermi level are
not entirely confined in the core too. Such low-lying valence states are called semi-core states.
It is not clear how E1,(ℓ=1) should be chosen: close to 3p, close to 4p, at an intermediate value,
. . .? None of the choices is optimal. This dilemma is solved by adding another type of basis
function to the LAPW basis set, called a local orbital (LO). A local orbital is defined as:
⃗r ∈
/ Sα
α, LO (⃗
r) = ( ) (4.4)
Aα,LO uα (r ′ , E α ) + B α,LO u̇α (r ′ , E α ) + C α,LO uα (r ′ , E α ) Y ℓ (r̂ ′ ) ⃗
ℓm ℓ 1, ℓ ℓm ℓ 1, ℓ ℓm ℓ 2, ℓ m r ∈ S α
A local orbital is defined for a particular ℓ and m, and for a particular atom α. A local orbital
is zero in the interstitial region and in the muffin tin spheres of other atoms, hence its name
local orbital. In the muffin tin sphere of atom α, the same uαℓ (r′ , E1,α ℓ ) and u̇αℓ (r′ , E1,α ℓ ) as in
the LAPW basis set are used, with as linearization energy E1,α ℓ a value suitable for the highest
of the two valence states (4p in our example)2 . The lower valence state – that is much more
free-atom-like – is sharply peaked at an energy E2,α ℓ . A single radial function uαℓ (r′ , E2,α ℓ ) at that
same energy will be sufficient to describe it. Local orbitals are not connected to plane waves in
the interstitial region, they have hence no ⃗k- or K-dependence.
⃗ The three coefficients Aα,LO ℓm ,
α,LO α,LO
Bℓm and Cℓm are determined by requiring that the LO is normalized, and has zero value
and zero slope at the muffin tin boundary (= it does not leak out of the muffin tin sphere).
Adding local orbitals increases the LAPW basis set size. If for each atom local orbitals for
p- and d-states are added, the basis set increases with 3+5=8 functions per atom3 in the unit
cell. This number is rather small compared to typical LAPW basis set sizes of a few hundred
functions. The slightly increased computational time is a small price to be paid for the much
better accuracy that local orbitals offer, and therefore they are always used.
Linearization energies for two atoms that are equivalent, are taken to be equal.
Indeed, the more atoms in the unit cell, the more LO’s have to be added. In contrast to this, the number
of LAPW’s does not depend on the number of atoms in the unit cell, but – for a fixed Rα Kmax and cell
symmetry – on the volume of the unit cell, independent on how many atoms appear in it (more atoms mean
⃗ ⃗ ⃗ ⃗
just more sets of coefficients Aα,
k+K α, k+K
and Bℓm ).
Chapter 5
We know from the discussion in Chapter 3 that with fixed energies this basis set does not give
a good description of the eigenfunctions. The basis set is therefore augmented with a second
type of functions. These are local orbitals, but another type as the one used in connection with
the LAPW method. We abbreviate them therefore as ‘lo’ instead of as ‘LO’. Their definition
⃗r ∈
/ Sα
α, lo (⃗
r) = ( ) (5.2)
Aα,lo uα (r ′ , E α ) + B α,lo u̇α (r ′ , E α ) Y ℓ (r̂ ′ ) ⃗
ℓm ℓ 1,ℓ ℓm ℓ 1,ℓ m r ∈ Sα
The same set of energies E1,ℓ is used as for the corresponding APW’s (although this is not
strictly needed). The two coefficients Aα,lo α,lo
ℓm and Bℓm are determined by normalization, and
by requiring that the local orbital has zero value at the muffin tin boundary (not zero slope).
Hence, both the APW and the local orbital are continuous at the sphere boundary, but for
both their first derivative is discontinuous.
For accurate results, the APW+lo basis set appears to require a size that is comparable to
the APW method (Kmax ≈ 3.5 au−1 , P ≈ 130). This is less than in the LAPW+LO method
Due to LAPW itself, and due to adding local orbitals.
• States in atoms that have a muffin tin sphere that is much smaller than others spheres in
the unit cell.
It is advantageous to treat those states with APW+lo, and keep using LAPW for all other
states. Why? Using APW+lo for a state means that per atom 2ℓ + 1 local orbitals are added
to the basis set. This makes an APW+lo basis set for the same Rαmin Kmax considerably larger
than the LAPW basis set. This is compensated by the fact that a lower Rαmin Kmax is needed
for accurate results, but nevertheless, it is better to use these extra basis functions only there
where they are useful. Such an approach leads to a mixed LAPW/APW+lo basis set: for all
atoms α and values of ℓ, equation 4.2 is used. But for one or more atoms α0 (r ∈ Sα0 ) and one
or more ℓ0 , equation 5.1 is used. Corresponding ϕℓα00m according to equation 5.2 are then added
to the basis set. Such a mixed basis set is the recommended choice in WIEN2k.
In contrast to the LO for LAPW, there is no derivative of uαℓ here. The two coefficients Aα,LO
and Cℓm are determined by the requirement that the LO is normalized, and has zero value
(not zero slope) at the sphere boundary.
Chapter 6
Pseudopotentials with plane waves (Chap. 2) and the APW-based methods (Chaps. 3-5) are two
strategies to obtain basis sets that are simultaneously unbiased and efficient. A third major way
to achieve the same goal is the Projector Augmented Wave method (PAW). There are several
excellent descriptions of PAW available 1 , and it would not be very useful to write in this
chapter yet another one. Instead, only a short overview will be given, with as main purpose
to point to the similarities and differences with respect to pseudopotential and APW-based
methods. In contrast to the standard PAW literature, the story will be told in a ‘backward’
way – this helps to put a different emphasis.
Just as any of the other methods mentioned before, the goal of PAW is to express the
single particle all-electron Kohn-Sham wave functions ψn (⃗r). PAW does this by writing the
all-electron wave function as a sum of a few other functions, each of which can be expressed in
a natural way in a basis. The recipe which PAW uses for this, is the following one:
⟨ ⟩
ψn (⃗r) = ψ̃n (⃗r) + a
r) − ϕ̃ai (⃗r)
ϕi (⃗ p̃i ψ̃n (6.1)
| {z } | {z } |{z}
a i
1 2
We’ll understand this recipe step by step. The recipe depends on three kinds of objects –
indicated by numbers in Eq. 6.1 – for which a choice has to be made. Once the choice is made,
it will be possible to write down the right-hand side of Eq. 6.1 explicitly.
The first term at the right-hand side of Eq. 6.1 is the pseudo wave function ψ̃n (⃗r). This
function is identical to the all-electron single-particle Kohn-Sham wave function ψn (⃗r), except
inside the augmentation spheres. The remaining terms at the right-hand side of Eq. 6.1 express
that difference. The atom-centered augmentation spheres play a role that is similar to the muffin
tin spheres in the APW-based methods. The index ‘a’ in Eq. 6.1 runs over all augmentation
spheres (atoms) in the unit cell. Inside the augmentation spheres, the pseudo wave function will
be much smoother than the all-electron wave function, which is similar to what happens in the
pseudopotential method. The relation between the all-electron and pseudo wave function can
be formally expressed by transformation operators T a , which operate on their corresponding
The original extensive paper is P.E. Blöchl, PRB 50 (1994) 17953, with summaries and/or elab-
orations in P.E. Blöchl, C. J. Först, J. Schimpl, Bulletin of Materials Science 26 (2003) 33 (also at and in G. Kresse, D. Joubert, PRB 59 (1999) 1758. A very
accessible text by C. Rostgaard is at, and Wikipedia contributes by
augmentation sphere:
( )
ψn (⃗r) = 1 + T a
ψ̃n (⃗r) (6.2)
| {z }
These transformation operators are such that they transform the pseudo wave function inside
sphere a into the all-electron wave function. How these operators look like, is fully determined
by the choice of the three numbered objects in Eq. 6.1. We’ll examine these now:
1. ϕai (⃗r) : all-electron partial waves. These are basis functions (labeled by an index i)
in which the all-electron wave function can be expanded. As this expansion will only be
needed within the augmentation spheres, a different choice of basis functions can be made
for each atom, whence the superscript a. One possible choice for these basis functions
are radial solutions of the Schrödinger equation for the free atom (see App. D ). This is
quite similar to what is done in APW-based methods within the muffin tin spheres.
The same operator T that is used to transform all-electron and pseudo wave functions into
each other, can be used to create pseudo versions of the all-electron partial waves, which are
called pseudo partial waves ϕ̃ai (⃗r):
(As we look at one specific atom now, there is no sum over atoms). Remember, however, that
the form of T a was not yet specified. We will do this now, by choosing a form for the pseudo
partial waves. Indeed, by rewriting the previous equation in the following way:
we see that the action of T a is fully defined as soon as the all-electron partial waves and pseudo
partial waves are chosen. The all-electron partial waves have been chosen above (see 1). The
choice of the pseudo partial waves is split into two steps: a different choice is made inside and
outside the augmentation spheres:
2. ϕ̃ai (⃗r) : pseudo partial waves [−→ outside augmentation spheres]. When being outside
the augmentation spheres, the pseudo partial waves are chosen to be identical to the
all-electron partial waves.
3. p̃ai : projector functions [−→ pseudo partial waves inside augmentation spheres]. The
pseudo partial waves can be chosen in such a way that they form a basis for the pseudo
wave function within the augmentation sphere:
ψ̃n (⃗r) = a
Cni ϕ̃ai (⃗r) ⃗r ∈ sphere ‘a′ (6.5)
(it can easily be shown that ψn can be expanded in the ϕai by exactly the same coefficients
Cni ). If we choose
⟩ a set of projector functions that are orthonormal to the pseudo partial
a a a
waves (⟨p̃i ϕ̃j = δij ), then the coefficients Cni turn out to be identical to the dot
product between the projector function and the pseudo wave function:
⟨p̃ai ψ̃n = Cni
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 29
Selecting appropriate projector functions for each element of the periodic table is a kind
of art, and can have considerable effect on the speed and accuracy of the DFT calculation.
PAW-based DFT codes typically provide one or more choices of projector functions for
every element of the periodic table (called ‘POTPAW files’ in VASP, ‘PAW setups’ in
GPAW, etc.).
Having these three ingredients specified, Eq. 6.1 can be explicitly written down. Apart from the
smooth pseudo wave function ψ̃n , at first sight. However, the choices made for ϕ and ϕ̃ (and p̃,
which co-determines ϕ̃) do unambiguously determine ψ̃n too. Indeed, our choice of ϕ and ϕ̃ has
determined the operator T in Eq. 6.2. We can use the latter equation to substitute ψn in the
Kohn-Sham equations by T ψ̃n , after which the Kohn-Sham equations can be rearranged in a
new equation, completely known, that can be solved for ψ̃n . Therefore, we do indeed explicitly
know every single ingredient of the right-hand side of Eq. 6.1.
One can get more insight into the physical meaning of Eq. 6.1 by rearranging it somewhat.
∑ ⟩
⟨p̃ai ψ̃n ϕai (⃗r) = ψna (⃗r) (6.7)
As this is a sum over all-electron partial waves, it can be interpreted as the all-electron Kohn-
Sham wave function within the augmentation sphere a – including any steep parts or fast
oscillations. The newly introduced symbol ψna (⃗r) means just that. Equivalently, consider:
∑ ⟩
⟨p̃ai ψ̃n ϕ̃ai (⃗r) = ψ̃na (⃗r) (6.8)
This is a sum over pseudo partial waves. The newly introduced symbol ψ̃na (⃗r) represents there-
fore the smooth part of the all-electron wave function, within augmentation sphere a.
With these two new symbols, Eq. 6.1 can be written as the following sum of three types of
terms – each of these corresponds to one of the cartoons in Fig. 6.1:
∑ ∑
ψn (⃗r) = ψ̃n (⃗r) + ψna (⃗r) − ψ̃na (⃗r) (6.9)
a a
Figure 6.1: A slide taken from a presentation by P. Blöchl, the inventor of the
PAW method. This slide is a graphical summary of Eq. 6.9.
Chapter 7
The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate the meaning of (mainly) linearization energies, basis
set size and k-point sampling by scrutinizing some input and output files of wien2k. It is not a
substitute for the wien2k User’s Guide, yet is complimentary to it. Only command line input
is used here, but reproducing this by w2web is straightforward. Version 13.1 of wien2k is used
7.721800 7.721800 7.721800 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000
ATOM -1: X=0.00000000 Y=0.00000000 Z=0.00000000
Ag NPT= 781 R0=.000010000 RMT= 2.50000 Z: 47.00000
LOCAL ROT MATRIX: 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000
7.1.1 Initialization
Initialize this Ag case by:
In this way, you have selected the PBE exchange-correlation functional (-vxc 13, which is the
default and could therefore have been omitted), a separation energy of -6.0 Ry to distinguish
between core and valence electrons (default, but see hereafter), a basis set size corresponding
to Rmt Kmax = 7.0 (-rkmax 7.0, again the default and could have been omitted) and 5000
k-points in the full first Brillouin zone (-numk 5000).
You see here the eigenvalues 2 as calculated for the free Ag-atom, for spin-up (2nd column) and
spin-down (3th column), together with the number of electrons in these orbitals (4th and 5th
columns). The 6th column gives the fraction of the total charge (up+down) within the muffin
tin sphere: 3d electrons lie entirely within the muffin tin sphere, and can therefore be taken
as core electrons, while nearly 8% of the 3d electrons are outside the muffin tin sphere – they
must be taken as valence electrons. The separation between orbitals fully confined within the
It is assumed you have a basic understanding about performing wien2k calculations, i.e. you have read at
least the Quick Start section in the User’s Guide.
The ‘*’ in the first column refers to the two different values for the relativistic quantum number κ. for
instance, 2P* and 2P correspond to p1/2 (κ = 1) and p3/2 (κ = −2) orbitals.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 33
muffin tin spheres and orbitals that aren’t, lies between 3d (at -26 Ry) and 4s (at -6.98 Ry).
We had taken the borderline to distinguish between core and valence electrons to be -6.0 Ry
(by taking -ecut -6.0). This is reflected in the 7th column where all orbitals with an energy
more negative than -6 Ry are labeled by T to indicated that they are core states. These core
states (1s+2s+2p+3s+3p+3d+4s) should contain 30 electrons, a number that is plot as TOTAL
CORE-CHARGE. The lines thereafter give the actual electron count with the muffin tin sphere
(which turns out to be 29.999275), as well as the difference between he actual count and the
expected number of electrons (0.000725).
APW-based methods are not very tolerant against core electrons that leak out of the muffin
tin spheres. A case with less than 0.001 electrons outside the spheres is OK, but it will always be
more accurate to reduce this number even further. This can be done by lowering the separation
energy to -7.5 Ry, in order to tell wien2k to consider the 4s electrons as valence state:
The F in the final column indicates that the 4s electrons are now considered as valence states.
Only 28 core electrons are expected now, and indeed, all of these are completely inside the
muffin tin sphere. With a separation energy of -4.0 Ry (-ecut -4.0), about 0.013 electrons
(=a fraction of 0.998 of six 4p-electrons) would be outside the muffin tin sphere. This is
unacceptably large, and would trigger wien2k to produce a warning in the screen output,
identifying the problematic orbitals:
We continue with the case where the initialization was done with -ecut -7.0, and inspect the
file case.in1:
The value 7.0 in the first line – which is due to choosing -rkmax 7.0 – is the product of the
minimal muffin-tin radius Rmt (here 2.5 au) and the Kmax discussed in Chapter 4. By 7.0,
we have asked for Kmax = 7.00/2.5 = 2.8 au−1 .
The number ‘10’ to the right of Rmt Kmax is the ℓmax from page 17. The ‘4’ to the right of
it, is not discussed in the preceding sections (it is highest ℓ in the expansion of the potential in
lattice harmonics, a kind of spherical harmonics that is adapted to the symmetry of the lattice).
In the next line, the ‘0.30’ is the linearization energy E1,ℓ (ℓ = 0, . . . , ℓmax , α = Ag) in
Eqs. 4.3 or 5.1+5.2, expressed in Ry . The ‘5’ to the right means that for 5 values of ℓ an
exception will be made. These 5 exceptions will be listed below. The ‘0’ to the right means
that for all ℓ a LAPW is used, except if explicitly stated otherwise (with ‘1’, an APW would
be used everywhere).
The following 5 lines list exceptions to this general choice of E1,ℓ . The first number in each
line is ℓ. If the same ℓ is given twice, then the first one specifies a (L)APW(+lo) basis function
(Eqs. 4.3 or 5.1+5.2) while the second one specifies a Local Orbital (LO) (Eqs. 4.4 or 5.3). The
second number of each line is the linearization energy: E1,ℓ in case of a (L)APW(+lo) (Eqs. 4.3
or 5.1+5.2), and E2,ℓ in case of a Local Orbital (LO) (Eqs. 4.4 or 5.3). The third column gives
a small number 0.00x. In case it is non-zero, an optimal linearization energy will be searched
with incremental energy steps of 0.00x (see footnote 7 on page 38). This procedure is used
only for semi-core states (=at strongly negative energies) or for partially filled valence states
(like Ag-4d). How optimal linearization energies are found for states that are empty in the
free atom (as Ag-5p and all ℓ ≥ 3), will be described on page 38. The CONT means that even
if no acceptable linearization energy would be found, the program will nevertheless continue.
If this would happen for a semi-core state – where it should be no problem at all to find a
good linearization energy – it indicates a serious problem. Therefore, those lines carry a STOP
keyword, which tells wien2k to stop if no good linearization energy would be found. The final
See footnote 6 on page 36 to know how the zero-point on this energy scale is defined.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 35
column indicates whether for this particular state a LAPW (‘0’) or an APW+lo (‘1’) will be
used. This overrules the general choice specified before for all ℓ. In this particular example,
LAPW basis functions are used for 3 ≤ ℓ ≤ 10, while APW+lo basis functions are used for
0 ≤ ℓ ≤ 2.
This will take 13 iterations (and about 2 minutes on a normal pc) to provide you with the
selfconsistent solution. By:
you will find some information on the size of the basis set that has been used:
The value RKM= 6.75 corresponds to our -rkmax 7.0 (due to discrete jumps of Kmax , 6.75 is
the value that comes closest to 7.0). The MATRIX SIZE is the total number of basis functions:
4 LO’s (1+3, for the 3s and 3p semi-core states, see case.in1 above) and 9 lo’s (1+3+5 for ℓ
being either 0, 1 or 2, i.e. all states that are described by a APW+lo), summing to 4 + 9 = 13
– the latter is indeed the number given by LOs: 13. A total of 64 − 13 = 51 basis functions
are left for the LAPW’s and the APW part of the APW+lo’s. Following the reasoning on
page 12 4 , the estimated basis set size is 43, which is indeed consistent 5 .
In order to help our understanding of the linearization energies, produce now Density of
States plots for this case. Prepare the following
The volume of the first Brillouin zone for fcc-Ag can be calculated to be VBZ = 8π 3 /V = 2.155au −3 . Here
V is the volume of the unit cell in direct space, which is for the fcc structure one quarter of the volume of
the conventional cube (V = (7.7218au)3 /4). This volume can always be found at the :VOL label in case.scf.
( a ) (a )
Alternatively, ⃗ a
( a a ) VBZ can be found by equations A.14 to A.16, considering that ⃗a = 0, 2 , 0 , b = 2 , 0, 2 and
⃗c = 2 , 2 , 0 with a the lattice constant.
Our value of 43 is an estimate, not an exact value. The unit cell of Ag is quite small, hence the distances
between K-points are large. Kmax = 2.8 au−1 is not very large. Our estimate approximates the number of
K-points in a sphere with radius Kmax , and for a small radius the surface region is rather important relative
to the volume. Details of the reciprocal lattice will determine whether certain K ⃗ are just inside or just outside
this sphere. For larger unit cells (try with the Ag lattice constant increased to 12 au) or larger Kmax (try with
Rmt Kmax = 9), the estimate reproduces almost the exact basis set size. A question to test yourself: explain
why in both of these cases the basis set size increases (182 and 102, respectively).
fcc Ag
-0.50 0.002 1.500 0.003 # EMIN, DE, EMAX, Gauss-broadening(>de)
7 N 0.000 # NUMBER OF DOS-CASES below, G/L/B broadening (Ry)
0 1 total # atom, case=column in qtl-header, label
1 1 Ag-tot
1 2 Ag-s
1 3 Ag-p
1 4 Ag-d
1 7 Ag-f
2 1 Inter
SUM: 0 2 # NUMBER OF SUMMATIONS, max-nr-of summands
2 5 # this sums dos-cases 2+5 from the input above
x lapw2 -qtl
x tetra
this results into the total DOS of the crystal (4th line of, the total DOS inside the
Ag muffin tin sphere (5th line), the s-DOS of Ag inside the sphere (6th line), similarly for the
p-, d- and f-DOS of Ag (lines 7-9), and the total DOS in the interstitial region (10th line). The
data for these densities of states can be found in case.dos1 and are shown in Fig. 7.1.3. The
Fermi energy (:FER) – indicated by a dashed vertical line in fig. 7.1.3 – is about 0.465 Ry 6 :
In a free atom, the zero of the energy scale is chosen such that the potential is zero at infinite distance from
the atom. In an infinite lattice, this is not possible. In wien2k, the zero corresponds to the average potential
in the interstitial region. Whenever an energy is expressed in Ry, it is relative to this zero-level. The DOS can
be chosen to be plot against a Ry-scale (and then this zero is used) or against a scale in eV. In the latter case,
the Fermi energy is taken zero by default.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 37
Figure 7.1: DOS for fcc-Ag. The dashed line marks the Fermi energy. Mind
the two different vertical scales: up to 4 states per Ry per atom and up to 80
states per Ry per atom. This picture shows 6 out of the 7 cases listed in the file on page 35.
After having done the selfconsistent calculation, case.in1 will look like this:
It is identical to the file as we saw it before running the selfconsistent calculation, except for
the fact that the Fermi energy is written in the top line. As case.in1 is input for the lapw1
routine, the latter can now use information about the Fermi energy: all linearization energies
with ‘0.000’ (i.e. those for which no search for an optimal value was done) will be put 0.2 Ry
below the Fermi energy. The actual values for every linearization energy can be read from
case.scf (we look at the final iteration here):
center of this particular band: 0.1282 Ry was found, which is indeed a value at the center of
the 4d band. The semi-core states have eigenvalues that form a very narrow band, with a width
of 0.1 Ry or less (see the E(BOTTOM) and E(TOP) values, which are close to each other). They
would appear much more to the left on Fig. 7.1.3, and would show up as a very sharp peak.
This is equivalent to saying that there is hardly any dispersion (=k-point dependence) for the
eigenvalues of those orbitals. Therefore, one can identify those orbitals among the eigenvalues
that are printed for one k-point (the one near the origin) in case.scf:
Indeed, the single value at -6.30 Ry is the 4s-orbital (2 electrons, degenerate for up and down),
and the three values at -3.61 Ry are the 4p orbitals (6 electrons, degenerate for up and down).
The same information can be read from the following section 8 of case.scf:
It lists the minimal and maximal eigenvalue of every band (i.e. not just for a single k-point,
but by considering all k-points), as well as the occupancy of the band (full occupancy is 2 for
non-spinpolarized calculations, and 1 for spinpolarized calculations). In agreement with what
we saw for the example k-point 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000, there are two (4s) electrons in a
very narrow energy range (-6.301, -6.299), and six (4p) electrons in the range (-3.621, -3.609).
Still eleven electrons are left, which correspond to ten 4d- and one 5s-electron. They appear
in bands that show a non-negligible dispersion, which means that such a band cannot assigned
uniquely any more to a free atom orbital any more. These dispersed bands are the ones that
In case.scf only a limited number of bands is shown. If you want to see all of them, you’ll find this in
case.output2 or in case.outputt.
appear in the DOS plots in fig. 7.1.3, and the linearization energies are chosen such that they
fall “near the center of” the occupied part of those bands.
save_lapw -a Ag-default
run_lapw -cc 0.000005 -in1new 2
leads after 20 additional iterations to to the following linearization energies (from case.scf):
The scheme described on the preceding pages is the default behaviour from wien2k 10.1 onwards. In version
9.2, this procedure was used only if the switch -in1ef was used. Since version 10.1, the switch -in1ef has no
meaning any longer. Prior to version 9.1, the default behaviour was to keep the global linearization energies as
well as the ones with a zero step size (0.000) in case.in1 fixed at 0.30 Ry – i.e. implicitly assuming a typical
value of 0.50 Ry for the Fermi energy.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 41
The global linearization energy (OVERALL ENERGY PARAMETER is still taken to be 0.2 Ry below
the Fermi energy, and the 4s and 4p semi-core states are treated in the same way as before
– no differences here. For the 5s-, 5p- and 4d-states, the -in1new procedure was used. This
gives minor changes for 5p and 4d, while for 5s the linearization energy is a little smaller and
indeed closer to the center of the occupied part of the s-band (see Fig. 7.1.3). The freedom
to give each of these states a linearization energy that falls at the center of each individual
band, makes the -in1new procedure slightly more accurate. This is reflected in the total
energy of -10634.58512460 Ry, which is slightly lower (=better) than the previous value of
-10634.58510644 Ry. In nearly all cases, however, this almost uniform shift in total energy
will not affect any observable property (=equilibrium volumes will be identical, etc.). As the
-in1new procedure can be misled by particular band structures, it is not recommended to use
it as a default. Use it only if you know what you’re doing and if you have specific reasons to
do so.
(mind the ‘6’ in the third line, as there are now 6 ‘exceptions’). This will lead to the following
choice of linearization energies (from case.scf):
5s and 5p have a linearization energy of 0.27 Ry (0.2 below EF ), 4d has an adapted linearization
energy at 0.13 Ry (as before), while the extra d-LO is at 0.67 Ry (0.2 above EF ).
Make a default initialization (see before), only asking for a small number of k-points 11 (in this
case: 6 k-points in the irreducible part of the first Brillouin zone – tail case.klist):
Save this calculation (save lapw -a hcp-Fe RKM70 k0006), run x kgen and double the total
number of k-points from 30 to 60. Rerun, save again. Repeat for 120, 240, 480,. . . k-points.
You will see how every time the calculation takes more time. Finally, collect information about
the number of k-points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone, the total energy, and the
electric-field gradient:
Play with the -numk value – i.e. the number of k-points in the full Brillouin zone – until you find the
value you need to have at least 4 k-points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone. You can find this in
case.klist. Once you have run init lapw once, you can do the k-mesh generation separately by x kgen.
The electric-field gradient is monitored here because it is a rather sensitive quantity. If your basis set
size and k-mesh are sufficient to have the field gradient converged, they will be good enough for many other
properties as well. Generally speaking, you should monitor the quantity you are most interested in, for instance
a force (in particular if you will do optimization of internal coordinates), a magnetic moment, . . .
which yields:
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0006.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 6
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0008.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 8
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0014.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 14
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0024.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 24
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0036.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 36
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0076.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 76
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0135.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 135
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0240.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 240
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0427.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 427
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0819.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 819
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k1540.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 1540
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k3038.scf::KPT : NUMBER OF K-POINTS: 3038
Fig. 7.2 shows this information graphically: the total energy (left axis) and electric-field
gradient (right axis) as a function of the number of k-points in the irreducible part of the first
Brillouin zone. The same information is given a second time, but now as the logarithm of
the difference between a quantity at a given number of k-points and at the largest number of
k-points. The latter way of representing shows immediately the number of converged digits.
Some conclusions that can be drawn from this test are:
3. If you are satisfied with 0.001 Ry accuracy in total energy, then at least 36 k-points are
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 45
Figure 7.2: Left: total energy (left axis) and EFG (right axis) as a function of
the number of k-points in the irreducible part of the first Brillouin zone (IBZ).
Right: the logarithm of the difference between total energy (EFG) at the largest
number of k-points and at the present number of k-points.
4. If you are satisfied with 0.0001 Ry accuracy in total energy, then at least 240 k-points are
5. If you need 0.00001 Ry accuracy in total energy, then (probably) 1540 or more k-points
are required.
6. If you need to know only the first digit of the electric-field gradient, then 135 k-points are
7. If you need to know the second digit as well, then 1540 k-points will be a safer choice.
Let us assume that for the problem you are investigating, you need the kind of accuracy that
corresponds to 240 k-points (this corresponds to 3840 k-points in the full Brillouin zone). We’ll
fix this value from here on, and will vary now the basis set size from 5.5 (=very small basis set)
to 10.0 (=very large basis set), in steps of 0.5 (change the value in case.in1, run, save, change
again, etc.) Then examine basis set size, total energy and electric-field gradient by grepline
for :RKM, :ENE and :EFG001:
hcp-Fe_RKM55_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 61LOs: 26 RKM= 5.03 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM60_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 69LOs: 26 RKM= 5.92 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM65_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 81LOs: 26 RKM= 6.20 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 111LOs: 26 RKM= 6.97 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM75_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 125LOs: 26 RKM= 7.38 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM80_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 137LOs: 26 RKM= 7.77 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM85_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 161LOs: 26 RKM= 8.14 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM90_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 173LOs: 26 RKM= 8.79 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM95_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 223LOs: 26 RKM= 9.46 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
hcp-Fe_RKM10_k0240.scf::RKM : MATRIX SIZE 259LOs: 26 RKM= 9.84 WEIGHT= 1.00 PGR:
The largest basis set is 4 times larger than the smallest basis set, and as the calculation
time scales with the third power of the basis set size, the last case takes 43 = 64 times more
time than the first one.
Figure 7.3: Top left: Total energy (left axis) and EFG (right axis) for hcp-Fe
as a function of basis set size. Top right: the same EFG data, expressed as the
log of the difference with the value at the largest basis set size. Bottom left: the
difference between the total energies of two hcp-Fe unit celss that differ 5% in
volume. Bottom right: logarithm of the difference between the latter quantity
and its value at the largest basis set size (whence, ”difference difference” in the
vertical axis is not a typo).
We knew that with 240 k-points the electric-field gradient is known with an accuracy of about
0.05. That means it does not make sense to ask for a basis set that offers a better accuracy.
Even a small basis set as RKM=6.5 offers this accuracy 13 Therefore, an initialization with -rkmax
6.5 -numk 3840 is sufficient to obtain an electric-field gradient that is within 0.05 of the exact
One could go even as low as RKM=6.0, but as this value is on the treshold (RKM=5.5 goes nuts), it is safer
to take a slightly larger value.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 47
PBE-value 14 . If you rather want to have the field gradient converged up to 0.01, then an
initialization with -rkmax 8.5 -numk 30720 is more appropriate.
The total energy as a function of basis set size, is given hereafter and also in Fig. 7.3:
hcp-Fe_RKM55_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5090.96714470
hcp-Fe_RKM60_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.07322057
hcp-Fe_RKM65_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.13862964
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.17609664
hcp-Fe_RKM75_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.19507998
hcp-Fe_RKM80_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20377312
hcp-Fe_RKM85_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20759715
hcp-Fe_RKM90_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20946247
hcp-Fe_RKM95_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.21033657
hcp-Fe_RKM10_k0240.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.21072273
In contrast to all previous series, the latter table does not show a damped scatter, but a clearly
monotonously evolving function. If we would apply the same argument as for the electric-field
gradient, then the conclusion would be that even an extremely large basis set equivalent to
RKM=10.0 would not warrant the same 0.0001 Ry accuracy as a medium-sized k-mesh of 240
points. The reason for this lies in the variational principle behind the Kohn-Sham equations:
with a finite basis set, the numerically found total energy is an upper bound for the exact
total energy. The larger the basis set, the better you approximate the exact value, i.e. the
lower the numerically found total energy will be. Very often, however, we do not need absolute
accuracy of the total energy. Many properties depend on differences 15 between total energies,
or on derivatives 16 of total energies. Such properties are insensitive to a rigid shift of all
total energies. What one really needs, is a basis set that is sufficiently large to know energy
differences up to a desired accuracy. To that end, reduce the volume of the hcp-Fe unit cell by,
say, 5% (a=b=4.594069 a.u., c=7.360171 a.u.), and determine once again the total energy as a
function of basis set size:
hcp-Fe_RKM55_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5090.97640700
hcp-Fe_RKM60_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.07687257
hcp-Fe_RKM65_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.14030136
hcp-Fe_RKM70_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.17634711
hcp-Fe_RKM75_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.19470946
hcp-Fe_RKM80_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20332407
hcp-Fe_RKM85_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20707643
hcp-Fe_RKM90_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20887104
hcp-Fe_RKM95_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.20972091
hcp-Fe_RKM10_k0240_volm05.scf::ENE : ********** TOTAL ENERGY IN Ry = -5091.21010215
This yields another monotonously behaving curve, that asymptotically approaches the exact
total energy. Finally, plot the difference between both total energies as function of basis set
size (bottom halve of Fig. 7.3): from RKmax =8.5 onwards, the change in energy differences
is smaller than 0.0001 Ry. Initializing by -rkmax 8.5 -numk 3840 therefore guarantees that
energy differences are accurate up to 0.1 mRy for one unit cell of non-magnetic hcp-Fe.
Indeed, the basis set size and the k-mesh density determine the numerical accuracy only. With a very
large basis set and very dense k-mesh, you will obtain the exact value for the particular exchange-correlation
functional that was taken. It does not guarantee that the numerically converged result will be close to the
exact value of a property as it appears in Nature. See, or for an elaboration of this
For instance, the equilibrium volume of a unit cell determined from the minimum of a E(V)-curve will not
change if the entire curve is vertically shifted by a constant value.
Forces, for instance.
1. Take your case.struct, and have setrmt lapw determine the muffin tin radii (setrmt lapw
case, then cp case.struct setrmt case.struct).
2. Identify the element in your newly obtained case.struct that has the smallest muffin
tin sphere.
For our example of hcp-Fe, setrmt lapw would suggest muffin tin radii of 2.29 a.u. for all
Fe atoms, and obviously Fe is the element with the lowest muffin tin radius in this unit cell.
The table suggest Rmt Kmax =8.0 for Fe. Our explicit tests in the previous paragraph suggest
a slightly larger value (8.5), which is not surprising as we asked for a rather high accuracy of
0.1 mRy/unit cell for energy differences.
This quick procedure is not meant as a substitute for explicit testing, but it is useful as it
shows right away in which region you should test. k-mesh
We had concluded that 240 k-points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone (or 3840
k-points in the full Brillouin zone) was the size of k-mesh we need for non-magnetic hcp-Fe.
Imagine, however, that our goal is not to study hcp-Fe as such, but Fe-Ni alloys with a few
at.% of Ni. A first model for this could be a 3 × 3 × 2 supercell (36 atoms), where one of the
Fe atoms is replaced by Ni. How do you specify a k-mesh for this supercell that has the same
quality (density) as for the small cell?
The k-mesh samples the first Brillouin zone, and the latter is inversely proportional to the
size of the unit cell. If the unit cell is large in one direction, this will correspond to a narrow
edge of the Brillouin zone, and vice-versa. As a consequence, a narrow edge of the Brillouin zone
will require less k-points for the same sampling density compared to a longer edge. As hcp-Fe
has a unit cell with two ‘short’ edges (a=b=4.673293 a.u.) and one ‘long’ edge (c=7.487095
a.u.), its Brillouin zone has two long edges and one short one. The latter is reflected in the
k-mesh for hcp-Fe, which we can read at the first line of case.klist:
A 19 × 19 × 10-mesh: 19 k-points along each long edge, only 10 along the short edge. This
points the way to the choice of k-mesh for a supercell: making the ‘a’ lattice parameter three
times as long will make the corresponding Brillouin zone edge three times shorter – therefore,
three times less k-points along that direction will be needed. For a 3 × 3 × 2-supercell, a
19/3 × 19/3 × 10/2 = 6 × 6 × 5 mesh would be sufficient.
Generate first the supercell by x supercell (no shift, no vacuum). Replace one of 36 Fe-atoms
by a Ni atom, and do
x sgroup
cp case.struct_sgroup case.struct
Your case.struct now has the following lattice parameters and cell angles:
which is indeed 3 × 3 × 2. Run now x kgen and try various numbers of k-points until you have
about a 6 × 6 × 5 mesh. You’ll get it for 200 points in the full Brillouin zone (or 90 in the
irreducible part). This will provide you with the same quality as the 19 × 19 × 10-mesh in the
original hcp-Fe cell.
Appendix A
If one would like to construct f (t) by adding different functions eiωt , then F (ω) tells what the
weight of each function is. For instance, for f (t) = cos(ω0 t) it can be shown that:
1 1
F (ω) = δ(ω0 + ω) + δ(ω0 − ω) (A.3)
2 2
(see fig. A.1) Therefore, cos(ω0 t) must be equal to a sum of two eiωt -functions, each with a
weight given above:
1 i(−ω0 )t 1 iω0 t
cos(ω0 t) = e + e (A.4)
2 2
which indeed is true, considering the definition:
In this example, there is a discrete set of ω-values where F (ω) is non-zero. In general, this is
true for any periodic function: its Fourier transform is nonzero at a discrete set of frequencies
(although there might be an infinite number of frequencies in the set). A periodic function can
therefore be written as a sum of functions eiωt . If f (t) is aperiodic, F (ω) is non-zero over a
continuous and often infinite range, and f (t) can therefore be written only as an integral over
eiωt .
-w0 w0 w
with ⃗g0 any vector in reciprocal space. Convince yourself that a plane wave is periodic in space
with wave vector ⃗g0 (= it takes the same value if you go along a distance 2π/|⃗g0 | parallel with
⃗g0 ), and that for any plane perpendicular to ⃗g0 it has the same value everywhere in that plane.
The Fourier transform of a plane wave is non-zero at a single point ⃗g0 in reciprocal space only:
F (⃗g ) = ei(⃗g0 −⃗g)·⃗r d3⃗g (A.9)
= δ(⃗g0 − ⃗g ) (A.10)
which is very logical, as we need only one function ei⃗g·⃗r at ⃗g = ⃗g0 with weight 1 to ‘build’ ei⃗g0 ·⃗r .
The shorter the period of the plane wave in real space, the further away the point indicated by
⃗g0 lies from the origin of reciprocal space.
Functions that are periodic in real space, will have a Fourier transform that is non-zero
only at discrete points in reciprocal space (possibly an infinite number of points). For aperiodic
functions in real space, the Fourier transform will be non-zero over a continuous volume of
reciprocal space.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 53
A cut along the XY-plane of this lattice is shown in fig. A.2-a. Define now three basis vectors
to construct a lattice of special points in reciprocal space in the following way:
(√ √ )
⃗b × ⃗c 2π 2 2 2π 5
∗ ∗
a = 2π ( ) a = √ ,− ,0 = √ ≈ 3.536
⃗a · ⃗b × ⃗c 5/ 2 2 2 |a∗ | 2
⃗c × ⃗a 2π 2π 10
b∗ = 2π b∗ = √ (0, 1, 0) = √ ≈ 7.071
⃗b · (⃗c × ⃗a) 10/ 2 |b |
⃗a × ⃗b 2π
c∗ = 2π ( ) c∗ = 2π (0, 0, 1) = 1
⃗c · ⃗a × ⃗b |a∗ |
This definition depends on the details of the real lattice. The lattice of special points in
reciprocal space defined by these basis vectors is called the reciprocal lattice corresponding
to this particular real lattice. We will indicate these special points by K, ⃗ reciprocal lattice
vectors. In Fig. A.2-a a cut through the XY-plane of our real and reciprocal lattices are shown
superimposed on each other2 , Fig. A.2-b shows a detail of the reciprocal lattice close to the
origin. As for any point in reciprocal space, also the points of the reciprocal lattice correspond
to plane waves in real space. Fig. A.2-c shows wave fronts of the three waves corresponding to
⃗a∗ , 3⃗a∗ and ⃗a∗ + ⃗b∗ . Apparently, the plane waves corresponding to the reciprocal lattice have
a special property: they are commensurate with the real lattice. This means: if you are on a
particular wave front and you make a displacement along any n⃗a + m⃗b + p⃗c, then you end up
on a wavefront with exactly the same value. An alternative definition of the reciprocal lattice
could therefore be: the collection of all points in reciprocal space that correspond to plane
waves that are commensurate with the real lattice.
Be careful in the remainder of this section not to confuse the words space and lattice: they have clearly
distinct meanings! √
Note that such a plot depends on the length unit chosen: if a = 5 mm in real space, a∗ = (2π)/(5/ 2) ≈ 1.78
mm−1 in reciprocal space. In Fig. A.2-a, this would be represented as 1.78 mm. But if a would be measured
in meter, a = 0.05 m would correspond to 177.7 m. This at first sight strange behaviour is due to the fact that
we want to display the reciprocal lattice with inverse length as dimension into our real world where we have to
draw lines with real lengths. Fig. A.2 is made with an arbitrary length unit in which ⃗a has length 5 and ⃗b has
length 10. Anyway, this affects only the appearance of the plot and not the physical results: whatever units are
used, the wavelengths (which have dimension of length) are found to be the same.
a +b * a* 3a*
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 55
As for any lattice, several equivalent primitive unit cells can be defined for the reciprocal
lattice. One such choice is a cell that contains all points in reciprocal space that are closer to
the origin then to any other point of the reciprocal lattice (see Fig. A.2-b). This particular
choice of primitive unit cell is called the first Brillouin zone. Analogously, the second Brillouin
zone is defined as containing all points that have the origin of the reciprocal lattice as their
second nearest neighbour. Any point in reciprocal space can uniquely be assigned to some nth
Brillouin zone. By definition of the concept ‘unit cell’, any point (in the nth Brillouin zone)
can be connected to a point in the first Brillouin zone by a vector of the reciprocal lattice.
As there are an infinite number of vectors in reciprocal space, there are an infinite number of
eigenstates of such a hamiltonian. The reciprocal vectors ⃗g serve as labels (quantum numbers)
of the eigenstates, and we could therefore rename ψ(⃗r) into ψ⃗g (⃗r).
Usually this is not done exactly in this way however. Every ⃗g can be written as the sum of
a vector in the first Brillouin zone (we call this ⃗k 4 ) and a reciprocal lattice vector K:
⃗g = ⃗k + K
⃗ (A.18)
Because eiK·⃗r is commensurate with the lattice, the function between brackets still has the
periodicity of the lattice. We could rename it into u⃗nk (⃗r), where n indicates the number of the
Brillouin zone where ⃗g was in. Indeed, n and ⃗k contain the same information as ⃗g , and can
therefore be used as an alternative way of labeling. For n = 1, ⃗k and ⃗g are identical. For ⃗g in
the second Brillouin zone, we reuse the same set of ⃗k, but n is increased to 2, etc. For each ⃗k,
an infinite number of n is possible. The parameter n is called the band index.
Strictly spoken only for an infinitely large lattice every ⃗g is allowed. If a finite crystal and periodic boundary
conditions are used, the allowed ⃗g form a dense mesh in reciprocal space: in the first Brillouin zone, there are as
many allowed ⃗g as there are unit cells contained in the finite (real) lattice. For a crystal of macroscopic size, this
is a huge number. For any ⃗g there will be an allowed ⃗g very nearby, and therefore we can for practical purposes
we assume that all ⃗g are allowed. The exact property that distinguishes the allowed ⃗g from the not-allowed
ones, is that they correspond to plane waves that are commensurate with the boundaries of the finite crystal.
Pay attention to the consistent names that are use: ⃗g for any reciprocal vector, K ⃗ for a reciprocal lattice
vector and ⃗k for a vector in the first Brillouin zone. Other texts may use other notations.
Bloch’s theorem can now be restated in its most frequently used form: Any eigenfunction
ψ⃗kn (⃗r) can be written as a product of a function u⃗nk (⃗r) that has the periodicity of the lattice, and
a plane wave eik·⃗r with ⃗k any vector in the first Brillouin zone:
ψ⃗kn (⃗r) = u⃗nk (⃗r)eik·⃗r (A.20)
Actually we have now split off a known part (eik·⃗r ) from the eigenstate, such that only the
unknown remainder u⃗nk (⃗r) has to be determined. An important advantage is that this part is
now known to have the periodicity of the lattice (which is not true for ψ⃗kn (⃗r) itself). If a plane
wave basis set is used, it can therefore be written as a sum (no integral needed !) over plane
waves that have this same periodicity, and these precisely are the plane waves corresponding
to reciprocal lattice vectors:
∑ ⃗ ⃗
u⃗nk (⃗r) = cn,
⃗ e
k iK·⃗
and what have to be searched are the coefficients cn,
⃗ .
Appendix B
Ĥψκ = Eκ ψκ (B.1)
This is called the (time-independent) Schrödinger equation. In a physical situation, there are
always boundary conditions. This limits the possible eigenvalues, and only a discrete but infi-
nite set Eκ remains. The symbols κ stands for one or more quantum numbers that are used to
label the different eigenfunctions and eigenvalues that satisfy the boundary conditions.
The boundary condition is that the particle is bound: its probability to appear at x → ∞
is zero. The discrete set of eigenvalues En and eigenfunctions ψn (x) can be labeled by a
single quantum number n (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .) and are
En = (n + ) hν (B.3)
√ 2
√ n e− ξ /2 Hn (ξ)
ψn (x) = (B.4)
π 2 n!
30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4
Figure B.1: Left: Eigenvalues as a function of the label (quantum number) n for
the harmonic oscillator. Right: DOS as a function of energy for the harmonic
oscillator (the picture is rotated over 90◦ in order to make comparison with the
energy axis of the left picture easy).
The vibration frequency ν is fully determined by C and M . The variable ξ = α x, with
α fully determined by C and M . Hn (ξ) is the Hermite polynomial of order n.
Fig. B.1 shows the eigenvalues as a function of the quantum number n, which is called the
eigenvalue spectrum. In the same picture, the following function of the energy is shown:
g(E) = δ (E − En ) (B.5)
Here δ is the Dirac delta function. The function g(E) is called the Density Of States
(DOS). Whenever E equals an eigenvalue, the DOS is non-zero. If two eigenvalues would
be degenerate (which does not happen in this example), the DOS would be twice as high
for that energy. If in some energy region many eigenvalues would exist, the DOS would
be non-zero at many places in that region. Obviously, the eigenvalue spectrum contains
the full physical information about the problem. The DOS contains less information than
the eigenvalue spectrum1 , but carries still some of the characteristics of the problem.
The DOS will serve as an easy ‘fingerprint’ of the problem in cases where the eigenvalue
spectrum is difficult to visualize (see soon).
0.0 0.0
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
-1.5 -1.5
-2.0 -2.0
with M the mass of the particle. The boundary condition is that the parcticle cannot
leave the box. Eigenvalues and eigenstates are labeled by a quantum number p that can
take the values
p = (B.7)
with n any integer (negative, zero or positive). Eigenvalues and eigenstates are:
h̄2 p2
Ep = (B.8)
ψp (x) = √ eipx (B.9)
The eigenvalue spectrum and the DOS are shown in fig. B.3. Apart from ψp=0 , all states
are doubly degenerate. When going to higher energies, the intervals between eigenvalues grow
with R ⃗ any vector of the Bravais lattice2 . It can be shown that for the kinetic part of the
Hamiltonian, this condition is always fulfilled. Therefore, if the potential is periodic, the total
hamiltonian is. We look now at the case where periodic boundary conditions are used for the
macroscopic piece of crystal: an infinite solid is built by filling space periodically with copies
of the crystal (fig. B.4). Under these conditions, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a periodic
Hamiltonian can be labeled with the quantum ‘numbers’ n and ⃗k. n = 1, 2, 3, . . . and ⃗k is
any vector in the first Brillouin zone that corresponds to a plane wave that is commensurate
with the macroscopic crystal (fig. B.4). For every valid ⃗k, all values of n occur. The number of
valid ⃗k-vectors is equal to the number of unit cells in the macroscopic crystal. For real solids,
this number is huge (order of magnitude 1023 ). Therefore, the ⃗k-vectors are very close to each
other, and we can assume that they continuously fill the first Brillouin zone. Note the difference
between the K-vectors from section A.3 that build the reciprocal lattice: they correspond to
plane waves that are commensurate with the unit cell of the crystal. The special ⃗k-vectors that
are selected inside the first Brillouin zone here, are commensurate with the entire macroscopic
piece of crystal. Eigenfunctions are written as ψ⃗kn , eigenvalues as ϵ⃗nk (or E⃗kn ).
When we want to visualize the spectrum of eigenvalues, a problem is met: the eigenvalues
are labeled by 4 independent numbers (n, kx , ky and kz ), such that 5 dimensions would be
needed to make a plot as in the preceding examples. Obviously, this cannot be done. An
alternative procedure is to select a path through the first Brillouin zone, and plot for every
n the energies ϵ⃗nk of the ⃗k that happen to fall onto that path (see fig. B.5 for an example).
The way the path is selected, is largely conventional. Straight intervals of the path are given
conventional capital letters (often Greek) as names, and special points in the first Brillouin
zone are given conventional capital letters (often Latin). Figures as fig. B.5 (in WIEN2K they
are called ‘spaghetti plots’) represent most but not all essential information of the eigenvalue
As in the previous cases, it is possible to plot the DOS here. The DOS is a function of
the energy only, and hence not suffers from too high dimensions. Due to the presence of the
The Bravais lattice contains all essential information on the underlying symmetry of the crystal lattice.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 61
Figure B.4: Periodic boundary conditions and wave fronts of plane waves that
are commensurate with the entire crystal.
(almost) continuous extra quantum number ⃗k, the definition of the DOS has to be extended:
2 ∑∫
g(E) = δ(ϵ − ϵ⃗nk ) d⃗k (B.11)
Here VBZ is the volume of the first Brillouin zone, and the integral is over the first Brillouin
zone. The factor 2 is included to account explicitly for (degenerate) spin. An example of a
DOS – which is a continuous function now due to ⃗k – is shown in fig. B.5. When there are flat
regions in the spaghetti plot, many ⃗k have the same energy. This will show up as a peak in the
10.0 10.0
8.0 8.0
6.0 6.0
4.0 4.0
2.0 2.0
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
0.0 0.0
-2.0 -2.0
1 2 1
-4.0 2 -4.0 4
3 3
-6.0 -6.0
-8.0 -8.0
-10.0 -10.0
-12.0 -12.0
-14.0 -14.0
D G S L 0 1 2 3 4
Figure B.5: Bottom: The first Brillouin zone of a bcc lattice, with 4 high symmetry
points indicated: Γ, H, N and P. These points are connected by lines, labeled ∆,
G, Σ and Λ. These 4 lines define a path through the Brillouin zone. Top left: the
eigenvalues of all the k-vectors along the path are plotted, for some bcc compound
(bcc-Fe, spin up). This so-called band structure plot contains less information than
the full eigenvalues-versus-⃗k plot, but the latter would require 5 dimensions. The
fact that for every ⃗k multiple eigenvalues are possible, is due to different n. Top
right: the DOS for the same material, plotted in such a way that the energy scale
matches with the energy scale of the band structure plot. The DOS too contains
less information than the full eigenvalues-versus-⃗k plot, but compared to the band
structure other information is omitted or included: the DOS is an integral over
the full Brillouin zone (and not limited to a onedimensional path only), but on the
other hand does not give information for a specific ⃗k. Peaks in the DOS mean that
many ⃗k-vectors have the same eigenvalue. If the path goes through the region of the
Brillouin zone that is responsible for this, we see relatively flat (horizontal) lines in
Appendix C
The ij th element (call it Hij ) of the first matrix is a number, as it is the result of a dot product.
This matrix is completely determined if the action of Ĥ on the basis vectors is known1 . The
It is straightforward to show that with this matrix Ĥ⃗x = ⃗y can be expressed as
[ ][ ] [ ]
H11 H12 x1 y1
= (C.7)
H21 H22 x2 y2
If the Hij are known, the effect of Ĥ on any vector ⃗x can be found by a simple matrix multiplication.
elements of the second matrix (call them Sij ) are determined by the basis only. This matrix is
called the overlap matrix. With this notation, our 2 equations to find suitable (x1 , x2 ) become:
[ ][ ] [ ]
H11 − λS11 H12 − λS12 x1 0
= (C.8)
H21 − λS21 H22 − λS22 x2 0
The left matrix is fully known, apart from λ that is a parameter. For every value of λ, equa-
tion C.8 can be solved for x1 and x2 . For most values of λ, the determinant of the matrix will
be different from zero. Equation C.8 will have then one unique solution, which is obviously
(0, 0). This vector is parallel with the original ⃗x, but in a trivial way. Other, more interesting
solutions can occur only for those values of λ that give a vanishing determinant:
H − λS H12 − λS12
11 11
= 0 (C.9)
H21 − λS21 H22 − λS22
The above equation is called the secular equation of Ĥ. It is a polynomial equation in λ,
with as highest power the dimension of the space n (2 in this case). The roots2 of the secular
equation are called the eigenvalues of Ĥ. If λ = λ1 is an eigenvalue, [H − λ1 S] [x] = [0] has an
infinite number of solutions: indeed, if (x1 = a, x2 = b) is a solution, (βa, βb) is one too, for β
any real number. This conforms with our initial requirement: if Ĥ transforms ⃗x into a vector
that is parallel with ⃗x, it will do the same with any vector β⃗x. These vectors are called the
eigenvectors of Ĥ, belonging to the eigenvalue λ1 . Usually a unit vector among them is chosen
to represent this set of vectors. Eigenvectors belonging to different eigenvalues, can be shown
to be perpendicular3 . Therefore,
( unit
) vectors belonging to n different eigenvalues can be taken
λ1 λ2
as an orthonormal basis ⃗e1 , ⃗e2 for the vector space.
What will be the matrix representation of the operator Ĥ, written in this new basis? Ac-
cording to equation C.6, the matrix elements are:
( )
Hij = ⃗eλi i · Ĥ⃗ej j (C.10)
( )
= ⃗eλi i · λj ⃗ej j (C.11)
= λj δij (C.12)
We could now try to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this operator in the new basis,
using the same procedure as described above. Obviously we will find the same λ1 and λ2
as before, with as eigenvectors (1, 0) and (0, 1) (i.e. the old eigenvectors which are now the
basis vectors). This illustrates that eigenvalues and eigenvectors are intrinsic properties of the
operator, and do not depend on the choice of the basis.
If the basis we originally started with was already orthonormal, then the overlap matrix
will be a unit matrix. This simplifies equation C.6.
There will be at most n roots. In all cases that will be of interest for us, there will be exactly n roots.
At least if the matrix representing the operator is hermitian, which is the case for ‘well-behaved’ operators.
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 65
It could happen that 2 of the roots of the secular equation coincide. In that case, that
eigenvalue leads to a plane instead of a line of eigenvectors. There is freedom then to choose
two mutually perpendicular basis vectors in that plane, but still they are perpendicular to
eigenvectors of the other – different – eigenvalues.
This idea can be extended to vector spaces of infinite dimension (e.g. function spaces, in
which single particle wave functions are described).
This provides a practical recipe to find the matrix representation of an operator about which
we want that it transforms the basis vectors ⃗ejα in a new set ⃗ejβ : express each ⃗ejβ in the old
basis ⃗ejα , and these expansion coefficients form the columns of A. Note that in this way a non-
orthogonal basis can be transformed into an orthogonal basis. If both bases are orthonormal,
than the matrix A has special properties (it is a unitary matrix).
Conversely, the j th column of the inverse matrix A−1 contains the coefficients that express
the vector ⃗ejα of the old basis in the new basis of the ⃗ejβ . This is illustrated in fig. C.1 for an
[ √ √ ] [ √ √ ]
- √ 22 −1
2√ √2
A = 2 2
A = 2 2
2 2
- 2 2
2 ◦
that rotates every vector
( of IR) counterclockwise over 45 . The old basis (⃗ e1α , ⃗e2α ) is trans-
formed in the new basis ⃗e1β , ⃗e2β . The coordinates of these 4 vectors in both bases are:
old (√
new √ )
⃗e1α (1, 0) 2
, − 2
(2√ √ 2)
⃗e2α (0, 1) , 22
(√ √ ) 2
⃗e1β 2
, 2
(1, 0)
( 2√ 2√ )
⃗e2β − 22 , 22 (0, 1)
 is a general operator, not necessarily identical to the Ĥ we were discussing before. But everything that
is said about Â, applies for Ĥ too.
Figure C.1: An operator  rotates every vector counterclockwise over 45◦ . The
new axis system X’Y’ formed by the rotated original basis vectors is shown.
Check with this table and with fig. C.1 that the following expression
AX = Y (C.16)
(X and Y are (n × 1)-matrices) can be interpreted in these two different ways:
• First interpretation: X contains the coefficients of any vector expressed in the old basis.
Then Y will contain the coefficients of the transformation of X under Â, expressed in the
old basis.
• Second interpretation: X contains the coefficients of any vector expressed in the new
basis. Then Y will contain the coefficients of this same vector, expressed in the old basis.
Similarly, this expression
A−1 X = Y (C.17)
can be interpreted in two ways too:
• First interpretation: X contains the coefficients of the transformation under  of any
vector, expressed in the old basis. Then Y will contain the coefficients of this original
vector (=before transformation) expressed in the old basis.
• Second interpretation: X contains the coefficients of any vector expressed in the old basis.
Then Y will contain the coefficients of this same vector, expressed in the new basis.
and Sij of the matrix representation H of the operator and of the overlap matrix S of the basis
set, can be obtained as described before. Both are n × n matrices. What we want to determine
are the coefficients cij that express in the given basis the j th normalized eigenvector. In total,
n × n coefficients cij are needed to specify all eigenvectors, and they can be arranged in an n × n
matrix C 5 . Equation C.8 can then be extended to:
HC = SCE (C.18)
where E is an n × n diagonal matrix that contains as its j th diagonal element the eigenvalue
corresponding to the j th eigenvector6 . In equation C.18, the n2 coefficients cij are unknown,
as are the n eigenvalues Ejj . Equation C.18 represents n2 independent equations, and n2 + n
unknowns have to be determined. The remaining n equations come from the requirement that
in each class of eigenvectors, we search a normalized one7 :
[c1j c2j . . . cnj ]1×n [Sij ]n×n
= 1 (C.19)
cnj n×1
Now, we left-multiply equation C.18 by an n × n matrix A−1 . At two other places, we insert
a multiplication by the unit matrix II = AA−1 :
−1 −1 −1 −1
| {zHA} A
A | {z C} = A
| {zSA} A
| {z C} E (C.20)
H0 C0 S0 C0
It can be proven that for ‘well-behaved’ operators Ĥ, always a matrix A can be found such
that H0 = A−1 HA is a diagonal matrix. We know that in such a case the elements on the
diagonal must be the eigenvalues of Ĥ. Consequently, H0 = E. But if H0 is diagonal, we know
that it must be expressed in a basis that consists of its eigenvectors. Therefore, the operator Â
must transform the original basis into the new basis of eigenvectors. Because C contained the
(unknown) coefficients of the eigenvectors in the old basis, C0 = A−1 C contains the coefficients
of the eigenvectors in the basis of eigenvectors: C0 must be diagonal. (We cannot say that
C0 should be the unit matrix: according to equation C.18 it should contain coefficients of
eigenvectors, not of normalized eigenvectors.) Equation C.20 is identical to equation C.18, but
written in the new basis of eigenvectors:
H0 C0 = S0 C0 E (C.21)
with H0 = E and C0 diagonal. Because the eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal, this new
basis is orthonormal and hence S0 is a unit matrix. The final expression
EC0 = C0 E (C.22)
Note that the coefficients that describe the j th normalized eigenvector form the j th column of C.
Check for n = 2 that equation C.18 is indeed equivalent to twice equation C.8, once for both eigenval-
In an orthonormal basis (S is a unit matrix), this reduces to the more familiar formula for the square of
the length of a vector.
C = AC0 (C.23)
where the n undetermined values on the diagonal of C0 are fixed by the still unused normaliza-
tion requirements C.19. Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian matrix is the key to solve the eigenvalue
problem. A lot of standard numerical procedures are available to perform a diagonalization.
An important common feature is that the time it takes to execute them on a computer scales
with n3 .
Appendix D
Many text books on quantum mechanics explicitly solve the Schrödinger equation for a single
electron with charge −e and mass me in the Coulomb potential of a nucleus with charge Ze
and infinite mass1 . In spherical coordinates ⃗r = (r, θ, ϕ), the Schrödinger equation is:
− ∇2 ψ(r, θ, ϕ) + V (r) = E ψ(r, θ, ϕ) (D.1)
Z e2
V (r) = − (D.2)
4πϵ0 r
( ) ( )
1 ∂ 2 ∂ 1 ∂2 1 ∂ ∂
∇2 = 2 r + 2 + 2 sin θ (D.3)
r ∂r ∂r r sin2 θ ∂ϕ2 r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ
This differential equation can be shown to be separable in 3 independent differential equations,
each of them involving only r, θ or ϕ respectively. General solutions of equation D.1 will
therefore be of the form
ψ(r, θ, ϕ) = u(r) Θ(θ) Φ(ϕ) (D.4)
The three differential equations of which Φ(ϕ), Θ(θ) and u(r) are solutions, are:
d2 Φ
= −m2 Φ (D.5)
( )
1 d dΘ m2 Θ
− sin θ + = ℓ(ℓ + 1) Θ (D.6)
sin θ dθ dθ sin2 θ
( )
1 d 2 du 2me u
r + 2 (E − V (r)) u = ℓ(ℓ + 1) (D.7)
r2 dr dr h̄ r2
Here ℓ and m are dimensionless parameters. In order to have well-behaved solutions, it can be
shown that ℓ = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . and m = −ℓ, −ℓ + 1, . . . , ℓ − 1, ℓ. The product of Θ(θ) and
Φ(ϕ) is called a spherical harmonic Ymℓ (θ, ϕ):
Ymℓ (θ, ϕ) = Θ(θ) Φ(ϕ) (D.8)
An infinite mass avoids the rotation of nucleus and electron around their common center of mass.
Spherical harmonics can be found tabulated for many (ℓ, m) at various places. The full solution
of equation D.1 can now be written as
with uℓ (r) a solution of equation D.7 with the proper value of ℓ. Equation D.7 is the radial
Schrödinger equation.
What will be the solutions of equation D.7? Using these transformations of variables:
ρ = 2βr (D.10)
2me E
β2 = − (D.11)
me Ze2
γ = (D.12)
h̄2 β
it can be shown that the solutions have the form
where Gγ (ρ) is defined by the above relation. For the case of a free atom which we are con-
sidering here, the boundary condition for the radial equation is that uℓ (r) → 0 as r → ∞ (or
equivalently, as ρ → ∞). This can be shown to be possible only if γ = n, with n any of the
n = ℓ + 1, ℓ + 2, ℓ + 3, . . . (D.14)
For these specific values of γ, the Gγ (ρ) – now written Gn (ρ) – are called the associated Laguerre
functions. The radial solutions u(r) carry a double index nℓ now (unℓ (r)), and the solutions of
the entire Schrödinger equation D.1 are labeled by n, ℓ and m:
me Z 2 e 4
Enℓm = En = − n = 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . (D.16)
2h̄2 n2
which is degenerate in ℓ and m.
In the APW, LAPW+LO and APW+lo methods, we will use radial functions uℓ (r) that are
solutions of equation D.7. But we will need these functions only inside the muffin tin spheres.
What their behaviour for r → ∞ is, is not important for us: we will never use these functions in
that region. The boundary condition that uℓ (r) should vanish at infinity therefore disappears.
Hence, the requirement that γ must be integer (leading to a discrete set of energies) disappears
too. If no boundary condition is used, solutions uℓ (r) can be found for every energy E. Note
that the subscript n is dropped now, as it has no meaning without a boundary condition.
Appendix E
The homogeneous electron gas, uniform electron gas or jellium model is an imaginary solid
where all nuclear charge is homogeneously smeared out over space. This material is completely
isotropic, and identical on every length scale. Therefore the electron density is constant:
ρ(⃗r) ≡ ρ ≡ (E.1)
with N the number of electrons in the material, and V its volume. The parameter ρ is the only
thing we need to specify a particular homogeneous electron gas completely.
If the electrons do not interact, we are in the case of the free electron gas, which can be solved
analytically in a straightforward way. The problem is much more difficult for an interacting
electron gas. Here numerical calculations for the total energy are possible by quantum Monte
Carlo. Subtracting the non-interacting kinetic energy and the Hartree energy gives a numerical
result for the exchange-correlation energy ϵxc . If this is done for several densities ρ, the function
ϵxc (ρ) is obtained. Note that ϵxc is a function of ρ, not a functional.
Appendix F
Consider a functional ∫ b
[ρ] = ρ(x)Vext (x) dx (F.2)
where Vext (x) is a given function. The integral runs over the 1-dimensional volume [a, b] (it is
straightforward to extend the following reasoning to functions ρ(⃗r) and Vext (⃗r) and integrals
over 3-dimensional volumes, as is needed in Chapter 1).
In the calculus of functionals, the dimension of the domain (F) is infinite. If one divides the
interval [a, b] into small enough sub-intervals defined by the set {x1 = a, x2 , . . . , xn−1 , xp = b}
so that the variation δρ(x) is approximately constant in each interval, then equation F.5 is
given approximately by
[ρ] ≈ Vext (xi ) [δρ(xi ) ∆x] (F.7)
In the limit of p → ∞, equation F.5 is recovered. Comparing equations F.5 and F.6 one can
Generalization to functionals
[ρ] = ρ(⃗r) Vext (⃗r) d⃗r (F.10)
defined with functions ρ(⃗r) : IR3 7→ IR leads to the following formula for the functional deriva-
= Vext (⃗r) (F.11)
version 2.00, created on August 7, 2013 75
ISBN 978-90-807215-1-7