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Worksheet No. 1: Trade: Needlecraft Job: Needle Works Artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

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Worksheet No. 1: Trade: Needlecraft Job: Needle Works Artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

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Worksheet no.

Trade: Needlecraft
Job: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Block Job Opportunities

Embroidery: (Types of Embroidery)
 Calado  Needle work artist
 Smooking  Embroidery Designer
 Crosstitch
Crocheting/Crochet: (Basic Stitches)
 Slip stitch  Hand Intarsia
 Chain stitch  Garment Technologist
 Double, half double stitch  Footwear Manufacturing Operature
 Basic stitches in knitting  Knitting Machinist
 Project Planning  Knitting Tecnician
 Costing of tools and materials knitted product  Knitwear Designer
with presentable package  Knitting Costing
Worksheet no. 2
Area (Trade): Needlecraft
Job: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Block No. of Hours Credit (If applicable) Objectives

 It shows that the  To state the
students know the courses in Needle
 Embroidery 3hrs basic embroidery, craft making.
crochet and knitting
 To enhance their
 Crocheting/Crochet 3hrs making.
skills in making
 Knitting 3hrs  One of the important Needle craft.
is students can make  Assist them how to
their own accessories make needle craft
holder. to avoid accident.
 Identify what are
 The learner the materials
independently needed in making
demonstrate common needle crafts.
competencies in
 Identify the different
making fashion
available in the
 They can be a
 Compare different
freelance designer
products/services in
because with the use
needle craft in
of what they know
services business.
about in needlecraft.
 Determine what the
 Create a beautiful profile potential of
and marketable students in making
embroidered, needlecraft.
crocheted and knitted  Manipulate what
products. are kinds and types
of needlecraft.
 Compare what the
similarities of
crocheting, knitting.
 Explore
opportunities for
Needle Craft
Making as a career.
Worksheet No. 3
Trade: Needlecraft
Job: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker
General Objectives: The learner relates experience in generating business ideas or identifying business

Unit Objectives
At the end of studying this course the students should be
able to:
Unit I  Define embroidery as a needlecraft technique
 Manipulate properly the tools and materials for
 Assess the elements of designs used in the
 Identify the tools and materials used and crochet
 Perform all the basic stitches in crocheting showing
Unit II proper use of tools and materials.
 Apply crochet stitches on selected project.

 Describe definition and characteristics of knitted

Unit III  Demonstrate proper use of materials, tools and
equipment in knitting.
 Evaluate the quality/characteristics of finished
product of knitting presentation.
Worksheet No. 4
Trade: Needlecraft
Block: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Unit Do Unit Know Units

I Embroidery  Create five motifs and Introduce the performance

repeats patterns for field& standards to your students and
1. Brief Background borders, make Khakha of make sure that they understand
1.1 Tools and Materials these patterns them and make these
1.2 Basic Embroidery Stitches  Create a sample of net performance standards their
1.3 Special Kinds of Embroidery own.
Embroidery  Create a sample of Draw
i. Calado Thread Work with various Uses and maintenance of basic
ii. Smocking techniques tools and materials in
iii. Cross-stitch  Create a sample of embroidery, making recycled
iv. Design Transfer Faggoting with various products, gift bag making and
Techniques Techniques. ribbon making.
v. Project Planning  Create a Sample of Ribbon
vi. Costing of tools and work of 8”x8” size
materials embroidery.
 Create a Sample of
Computerized Embroidery.
 Create a Sample of Bead
 Create five samples on
Explorations of stitches
learned in Indian
with material explorations
threads, beads, sequins,

II Crochet Prepare the materials you need

Prepare following sample of
in advance. For gadget, tool or
crochet (4”/4” size).
2. Tools and Materials equipment, it is always wise to
i. Circle
2.1 Basic Stitches in prepare, check and try them in
ii. Triangle
Crocheting advance to ensure that they
iii. Square
2.2 Slip stitch function when you use them. As
iv. Decorative (Flower/
2.3 Chain stitch the saying goes “forewarned is
leaf/ button/ spring)
2.4 Single Crochet stitch forearmed”.
Latch Making
2.5 Half-double Crochet stitch
Prepare the following (Any One)
2.6. Double Crochet stitch Motivate the students to do the
i. Crochet lace.(Size 6”)
2.7 Treble Crochet stitch, etc task by making clear what the
ii. Rug Samples
2.8 Costing of tools and enrichment activity is about –
iii. Wrist band
materials why it is given, how it is done,
iv. Cell phone case
2.9 Craft Crocheted products how it relates to the class lesson
v. Crocheted belt
with project plan .
Worksheet No. 5
Trade: Needlecraft
Block: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Unit Do Unit Know Units

Worksheet No. 5.1

Trade: Needlecraft
Block: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Unit Technology Science Math English

Worksheet No. 6

Trade: Needlecraft
Block: Needle works artist, Freelance Designer/Maker

Topics Objectives Operation Steps Tools Required

Ma. Teresa A. Lopez
Ma. Sharmaine Saygo

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