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Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts PDF

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Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts PDF

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Single part body, hand-spliced wire rope slings

he end of a single wire rope is bent back HAND-SPLICED EYE
along the wire rope to form the eye. Strands
are hand-tucked into the body of the rope
in what is called a tapered and concealed splice.
The splice makes a sling that can be easily pulled
through narrow spaces because there are no rough
ends to snag on loads.

Slings with wire rope bodies larger than 1-1/2”

diameter are made only with burnt end splices in
which the ends of strands are left exposed and
then cut off with a torch. These ends may also The tapered and concealed splice
be cut shorter and served for smoothness. Either utilizes tension in the rope body to
method has the same rated capacity, size for size. secure strands where they are tucked
back into the rope. It doesn’t require a
Warning: Hand-spliced slings should not be used metal sleeve to assure firm anchoring.
in lifts where the sling may rotate and cause the When “tapered and concealed,” the ends
of strands are tucked inward and then
wire rope to unlay.
concealed inside the rope.

110 FC & IWRC

Basket Eye E-HT E-EH
Hitch Dimensions Thimble Hook
Rope Choker
Dia. Hitch WLL**
(in.) Vert. *** 60° 45° 30° A B A B Tons E R

1/4 0.54 0.42 1.1 0.94 0.77 0.54 2.0 4 0.88 1.63 3/4 0.89 3.34
5/16 0.83 0.66 1.7 1.4 1.2 0.83 2.5 5 1.06 1.88 1 0.91 3.81
3/8 1.2 0.94 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.2 3 6 1.13 2.13 1-1/2 1.00 4.14
7/16 1.6 1.3 3.2 2.7 2.2 1.6 3.5 7 1.25 2.38 2 1.09 4.69
6 X 19 XIP®

1/2 2.0 1.6 4.0 3.5 2.9 2.0 4 8 1.50 2.75 2 1.09 4.69
9/16 2.5 2.1 5.0 4.4 3.6 2.5 4.5 9 1.50 2.75 3 1.36 5.77
5/8 3.1 2.6 6.2 5.3 4.4 3.1 5 10 1.75 3.25 5 1.61 7.37
3/4 4.3 3.7 8.6 7.4 6.1 4.3 6 12 2.00 3.75 5 1.61 7.37
7/8 5.7 5.0 11 9.8 8.0 5.7 7 14 2.25 4.25 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
1 7.4 6.4 15 13 10 7.4 8 16 2.50 4.50 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
1-1/8 9.3 8.1 19 16 13 9.3 9 18 2.88 5.13 10 2.27 10.08
1-1/4 11 9.9 23 20 16 11 10 20 2.88 5.13 15 3.02 12.53
1-3/8 14 12 27 24 19 14 11 22 3.50 6.25 15 3.02 12.53
1-1/2 16 14 32 28 23 16 12 24 3.50 6.25 15 3.02 12.53
6 X 36 XIP®

1-5/8 19 16 38 33 27 19 13 26 4.00 8.00 AH-22 3.02 12.53

1-3/4 22 19 44 38 31 22 14 28 4.50 9.00 AH-30 3.25 14.06
2 28 25 56 49 40 28 16 32 6.00 12.00 AH-37 3.00 18.19
2-1/4 35 31 70 61 50 35 18 36 7.00 14.00 AH-45 3.38 20.12
2-1/2 43 38 86 74 61 43 20 40 AH-45 3.38 20.12

All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.
* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d Ratio of 15.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
** Working Load Limit, based on standard carbon fittingsunless noted otherwise.
*** See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment.

8 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Single part body, mechanically-spliced wire rope slings

yes are typically formed FLEMISH EYE SPLICE
using a flemish eye splice.
The ends are secured by
pressing a metal sleeve over the
ends of the strands of the splice.
Pull follows a direct line along
the center of the rope and
eye. Single part body
mechanical splice slings
have a higher rated
capacity than hand-
spliced slings. In the standard flemish eye mechanical
splice, wire rope is separated into two
parts: three adjacent strands to one
part and three adjacent strands along
with the core to the other part. The two
parts are then re-laid back in opposite
directions to form an eye and ends are
secured with a pressed metal sleeve.

115 IWRC
Basket Eye E-HT E-EH
Hitch Dimensions Thimble Hook
Rope Choker
Dia. Hitch WLL**
(in.) Vert. *** 60° 45° 30° A B A B Tons E R

1/4 0.65 0.48 1.3 1.1 0.91 0.65 2.0 4 0.88 1.63 3/4 0.89 3.34
5/16 1.0 0.74 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.0 2.5 5 1.06 1.88 1 0.91 3.81
3/8 1.4 1.1 2.9 2.5 2.0 1.4 3.0 6 1.13 2.13 1-1/2 1.00 4.14
7/16 1.9 1.4 3.9 3.4 2.7 1.9 3.5 7 1.25 2.38 2 1.09 4.69
6 X 19 XIP®

1/2 2.5 1.9 5.1 4.4 3.6 2.5 4.0 8 1.50 2.75 3 1.36 5.77
9/16 3.2 2.4 6.4 5.5 4.5 3.2 4.5 9 1.50 2.75 5 1.61 7.37
5/8 3.9 2.9 7.8 6.8 5.5 3.9 5.0 10 1.75 3.25 5 1.61 7.37
3/4 5.6 4.1 11 9.7 7.9 5.6 6.0 12 2.00 3.75 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
7/8 7.6 5.6 15 13 11 7.6 7.0 14 2.25 4.25 10 2.27 10.08
1 9.8 7.2 20 17 14 9.8 8.0 16 2.50 4.50 10 2.27 10.08
1-1/8 12 9.1 24 21 17 12 9.0 18 2.88 5.13 15 3.02 12.53
1-1/4 15 11 30 26 21 15 10.0 20 2.88 5.13 15 3.02 12.53
1-3/8 18 13 36 31 25 18 11 22 3.50 6.25 AH-22 3.02 12.53
1-1/2 21 16 42 37 30 21 12 24 3.50 6.25 AH-22 3.02 12.53
6 X 36 XIP®

1-5/8 24 18 49 42 35 24 13 26 4.00 8.00 AH-30 3.25 14.06

1-3/4 28 21 57 49 40 28 14 28 4.50 9.00 AH-37 3.00 18.19
2 37 28 73 63 52 37 16 32 6.00 12.00 AH-45 3.38 20.12
2-1/4 44 35 89 77 63 44 18 36 7.00 14.00 AH-60 4.12 23.72
2-1/2 54 42 109 94 77 54 20 40
2-3/4 65 51 130 113 92 65 22 44
3 77 60 153 133 108 77 24 48
3-1/2 102 79 203 176 144 102 28 56
4 130 101 260 224 183 130 32 64

All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.
* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d Ratio of 25.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5. Horizontal sling angles less than 30° shall not be used.
** Working Load Limit, based on standard carbon fittings unless noted otherwise.
*** See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 9
Single part body, mechanically-spliced wire rope slings


TWO-LEGGED BRIDLES Whether used as chokers Rated capacities shown
or with hooks or other end attachments, they are for multi-leg slings are
affected by rigging angles. Note the reduction in for slings that have all
rated capacity as leg angles are reduced. legs the same length and
all legs are equally sharing
MULTI-LEGGED BRIDLES With two, three or the load being lifted.
four straight legs, they are offered with plain eyes,
thimble eyes, open sockets, closed sockets, shackles For other conditions,
or turnbuckles. contact WireCo WorldGroup.

RATED CAPACITY – Tons* Alloy Oblong Link Hook
Dia. WLL**
(in.) 60° 45° 30° D L W Tons E R

1/4 1.1 0.91 0.65 0.50 5.00 2.50 3/4 0.89 3.34
5/16 1.7 1.4 1.0 0.50 5.00 2.50 1 0.91 3.81
3/8 2.5 2.0 1.4 0.50 5.00 2.50 1-1/2 1.00 4.14
7/16 3.4 2.7 1.9 0.75 5.50 2.75 2 1.09 4.69
6 X 19 XIP®

1/2 4.4 3.6 2.5 0.75 5.50 2.75 3 1.36 5.77

9/16 5.5 4.5 3.2 1.00 7.00 3.50 5 1.61 7.37
5/8 6.8 5.5 3.9 1.00 7.00 3.50 5 1.61 7.37
3/4 9.7 7.9 5.6 1.00 7.00 3.50 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
7/8 13 11 7.6 1.25 8.75 4.38 10 2.27 10.08
1 17 14 9.8 1.50 10.50 5.25 10 2.27 10.08
1-1/8 21 17 12 1.50 10.50 5.25 15 3.02 12.53
1-1/4 26 21 15 1.75 12.00 6.00 15 3.02 12.53
1-3/8 31 25 18 1.75 12.00 6.00 AH-22 3.02 12.53
6 X 36 XIP®

1-1/2 37 30 21 2.00 14.00 7.00 AH-22 3.02 12.53

1-5/8 42 35 24 2.00 14.00 7.00 AH-30 3.25 14.06
1-3/4 49 40 28 2.25 16.00 8.00 AH-37 3.00 18.19
2 63 52 37 2.50 16.00 8.00 AH-45 3.38 20.12

All capacities in tons of 2000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.
* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less
than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
** Working Load Limit, based on standard carbon fittings unless noted otherwise.

10 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

RATED CAPACITY – Tons* Alloy Pear Link Hook
Dia. WLL**
(in.) 60° 45° 30° A B C D Tons E R

1/4 1.7 1.4 0.97 1.50 3.00 4.50 3/4 3/4 0.89 3.34
5/16 2.6 2.1 1.5 1.50 3.00 4.50 3/4 1 0.91 3.81
3/8 3.7 3.0 2.2 1.75 3.50 5.25 7/8 1-1/2 1.00 4.14
7/16 5.0 4.1 2.9 2.00 4.00 6.00 1 2 1.09 4.69
6 X 19 XIP®

1/2 6.6 5.4 3.8 2.00 4.00 6.00 1 3 1.36 5.77

9/16 8.3 6.8 4.8 2.25 4.50 6.50 1-1/8 5 1.61 7.37
5/8 10 8.3 5.9 2.50 5.00 7.50 1-1/4 5 1.61 7.37
3/4 15 12 8.4 3.25 6.50 9.75 1-5/8 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
7/8 20 16 11 3.50 7.00 10.50 1-3/4 10 2.27 10.08
1 26 21 15 3.50 7.00 10.50 1-3/4 10 2.27 10.08
1-1/8 31 26 18 4.00 8.00 12.00 2 15 3.02 12.53
1-1/4 38 31 22 4.50 9.00 13.50 2-1/4 15 3.02 12.53
6 X 36 XIP®

1-3/8 46 38 27 5.00 10.00 15.00 2-1/2 AH-22 3.02 12.53

1-1/2 55 45 32 5.00 10.00 15.00 2-1/2 AH-22 3.02 12.53
1-5/8 63 52 37 5.50 11.00 16.50 2-3/4 AH-30 3.25 14.06
1-3/4 74 60 42 5.50 11.00 16.50 2-3/4 AH-37 3.00 18.19

RATED CAPACITY – Tons* Alloy Pear Link Hook
Dia. WLL**
(in.) 60° 45° 30° A B C D Tons E R

1/4 2.2 1.8 1.3 1.50 3.00 4.50 3/4 3/4 0.89 3.34
5/16 3.5 2.8 2.0 1.50 3.00 4.50 3/4 1 0.91 3.81
3/8 5.0 4.1 2.9 1.75 3.50 5.25 7/8 1-1/2 1.00 4.14
7/16 6.7 5.5 3.9 2.00 4.00 6.00 1 2 1.09 4.69
6 X 19 XIP®

1/2 8.8 7.1 5.1 2.50 5.00 7.50 1-1/4 3 1.36 5.77
9/16 11 9.0 6.4 2.75 5.50 8.25 1-3/8 5 1.61 7.37
5/8 14 11 7.8 3.00 6.00 9.00 1-1/2 5 1.61 7.37
3/4 19 16 11 3.50 7.00 10.50 1-3/4 7-1/2 2.08 9.07
7/8 26 21 15 3.50 7.00 10.50 1-3/4 10 2.27 10.08
1 34 28 20 4.00 8.00 12.00 2 10 2.27 10.08
1-1/8 42 34 24 4.50 9.00 13.50 2-1/4 15 3.02 12.53
1-1/4 51 42 30 5.00 10.00 15.00 2-1/2 15 3.02 12.53
6 X 36

1-3/8 62 50 36 6.00 12.00 18.00 3 AH-22 3.02 12.53

1-1/2 73 60 42 6.00 12.00 18.00 3 AH-22 3.02 12.53

All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.
*Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
** Working Load Limit, based on standard carbon fittings unless noted otherwise.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 11

Super-Flex® slings

and can snug up tightly around Each sling is hand-fabricated
the load in choker hitches. Super- by laying together one or
Flex slings also offer outstanding more ropes in a helical
handling characteristics, particularly in manner so component
the larger rated capacities. When loaded, ropes run continuously
stress distributes to all rope parts in through the eyes and
THE ADVANTAGES the sling body due to the helical manner sling body. The ends
OF SUPER-FLEX in which ropes are laid together. are then secured into
SLINGS the component rope
> Flexible enough to Braided slings are formed by continu- with hand-tucked
snug up around the ously plaiting, or braiding, several splices.
load, Super-Flex ropes together to form the sling body
slings also handle and both eyes in a single fabrication SUPER-FLEX
the load well, operation. Ends of the individual ropes MECHANICAL SPLICE
particularly in the are usually hand-tucked or mechanically Three wire ropes are
larger-rated spliced into the component ropes of the helically laid to form a
capacities. body. The eyes are wrapped and given three-part fabric, from which sling
a rubberized coating. bodies of three or nine parts may be
made by helically laying
Braided slings are often selected one or three parts
when loads must either be turned or of fabric together.
maneuvered since the sling design Mechanical splices
creates friction to grip loads. form the eyes that
provide centerline pull
Four-, five- and seven-part Super-Flex
along the sling body.
slings with either mechanical or hand
There are the same
eye splices are available by special order.
number of rope parts
For further information, contact in the sling eyes as
WireCo WorldGroup. in the body.

High flexibility is achieved
by braiding, or plaiting,
one or more wire ropes
to form a fabric for the
sling body. Component
ropes run continuously
through the body and
eyes with ends hand-
tucked into sling
body or secured with
pressed sleeves. The
six-part sling is flat;
the eight-part is round.

12 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Super-Flex® multi-part body, single leg slings
310-315* FC
RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Eye Dimensions
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Sling Choker Basket
(in.) Dia. Vert. Hitch Hitch A B ST HT

#1/8 1/4 0.42 0.37 0.84 3 6 W-2 5/16

3/16 3/8 0.72 0.63 1.4 3 6 W-2 7/16 310 315
1/4 1/2 1.3 1.1 2.5 4 8 W-3 9/16
5/16 5/8 2.0 1.7 3.9 4 8 W-4 3/4
3/8 3/4 2.8 2.5 5.6 5 10 W-4 7/8

7/16 7/8 3.8 3.3 7.6 6 12 W-5 7/8

1/2 1 4.9 4.3 9.9 6 12 W-5 1
9/16 1-1/8 6.2 5.5 12 7-1/2 15 W-6 1-1/8
5/8 1-1/4 7.7 6.8 15 9 18 W-6 1-1/4
3/4 1-1/2 11 9.6 22 10 20 W-7 1-3/8
7/8 1-3/4 15 13 30 12 24 W-9 1-7/8
1 2 19 17 39 15 30 W-9 2

310-315* IWRC
RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Eye Dimensions
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Sling Choker Basket
(in.) Dia. Vert. Hitch Hitch A B ST HT

#1/8 1/4 0.42 0.37 0.84 3 6 W-2 5/16

3/16 3/8 0.8 0.71 1.6 3 6 W-2 7/16
1/4 1/2 1.4 1.2 2.9 4 8 W-3 9/16
5/16 5/8 2.2 1.9 4.4 4 8 W-4 3/4
3/8 3/4 3.2 2.8 6.3 5 10 W-4 7/8
7/16 7/8 4.3 3.7 8.6 6 12 W-5 7/8
1/2 1 5.6 4.9 11 6 12 W-5 1
9/16 1-1/8 7.1 6.2 14 7-1/2 15 W-6 1-1/8
5/8 1-1/4 8.7 7.6 17 9 18 W-6 1-1/4

3/4 1-1/2 12 11 25 10 20 W-7 1-3/8

7/8 1-3/4 17 15 33 12 24 W-9 1-7/8
1 2 22 19 43 15 30 W-9 2
1-1/8 2-1/4 27 24 55 16 32
1-1/4 2-1/2 34 29 67 16 32
1-3/8 2-3/4 40 35 81 20 40
1-1/2 3 48 42 96 22 44
1-5/8 3-1/4 55 49 111 22 44
1-3/4 3-1/2 64 56 129 24 48
1-7/8 3-5/8 73 64 146 24 48
2 4 83 73 166 28 56

* 315 assemblies 1” and larger have single sleeve on component rope.

** Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter.
# Made with 7x19 GAC component rope.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 13

Super-Flex® multi-part body, double leg slings

320-325* FC
RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Alloy Oblong Links
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Sling
(in.) Dia. Vert. 60° 45° 30° D L W ST HT

#3/32 3/16 0.42 0.36 0.30 0.21 1/2 5.00 2.50 - -

#1/8 1/4 0.84 0.73 0.59 0.42 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-2 5/16
#3/16 3/8 1.8 1.5 1.2 0.88 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-2 7/16
1/4 1/2 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.3 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-3 9/16
5/16 5/8 3.9 3.4 2.8 2.0 5/8 6.00 3.00 W-4 3/4
3/8 3/4 5.6 4.9 4.0 2.8 3/4 5.50 2.75 W-4 7/8

7/16 7/8 7.6 6.6 5.4 3.8 1 7.00 3.50 W-5 7/8
1/2 1 9.9 8.6 7.0 4.9 1 7.00 3.50 W-5 1
9/16 1-1/8 12 11 8.8 6.2 1-1/4 8.75 4.38 W-6 1-1/8
5/8 1-1/4 15 13 11 7.7 1-1/4 8.75 4.38 W-6 1-1/4
3/4 1-1/2 22 19 16 11 1-1/2 10.50 5.25 W-7 1-3/8
7/8 1-3/4 30 26 21 15 1-3/4 12.00 6.00 W-9 1-7/8
1 2 39 33 27 19 1-3/4 12.00 6.00 W-9 2

320-325* IWRC
RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Alloy Oblong Links
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Sling
(in.) Dia. Vert. 60° 45° 30° D L W ST HT

#3/32 3/16 0.42 0.36 0.30 0.21 1/2 5.00 2.50 - -

#1/8 1/4 0.84 0.73 0.59 0.42 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-2 5/16
#3/16 3/8 1.8 1.5 1.2 0.88 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-2 7/16
1/4 1/2 2.9 2.5 2.0 1.4 1/2 5.00 2.50 W-3 9/16
5/16 5/8 4.4 3.8 3.1 2.2 5/8 6.00 3.00 W-4 3/4

3/8 3/4 6.3 5.5 4.5 3.2 7/8 6.38 3.75 W-4 7/8
7/16 7/8 8.6 7.4 6.1 4.3 1 7.00 3.50 W-5 7/8
1/2 1 11 9.7 7.9 5.6 1 7.00 3.50 W-5 1
9/16 1-1/8 14 12 10 7.1 1-1/4 8.75 4.38 W-6 1-1/8
5/8 1-1/4 17 15 12 8.7 1-1/4 8.75 4.38 W-6 1-1/4
3/4 1-1/2 25 21 17 12 1-1/2 10.50 5.25 W-7 1-3/8
7/8 1-3/4 33 29 24 17 1-3/4 12.00 6.00 W-9 1-7/8
1 2 43 38 31 22 2 14.00 7.00 W-9 2

* 325 assemblies 1” and larger have single sleeve on component rope.

# Made with 7x19 GAC component rope.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles less than 30° shall not be used.
All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.

14 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Super-Flex® 6-part body, round braided slings


RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Eye Dimensions
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Width Thickness Choker Basket
(in.) of Body of Body Vertical Hitch Hitch A B ST HT

#3/32 7/16 1/4 0.42 0.37 0.84 2 4 W-2 1/4

#1/8 9/16 3/8 0.84 0.74 1.7 3 6 W-2 5/16
3/16 13/16 1/2 1.6 1.4 3.2 4 8 W-3 1/2
1/4 1-1/8 11/16 2.9 2.5 5.7 5 10 W-4 5/8
5/16 1-3/8 7/8 4.4 3.9 8.9 6 12 W-4 3/4

3/8 1-11/16 1 6.3 5.5 13 7 14 W-5 7/8

7/16 2 1-3/16 8.6 7.5 17 8 16 W-5 1
1/2 2-1/4 1-5/16 11 9.8 22 9 18 W-6 1-1/8
9/16 2-1/2 1-1/2 14 12 28 10 20 W-6 1-3/8
5/8 2-13/16 1-11/16 17 15 35 11 22 W-7 1-1/2
3/4 3-3/8 2 25 22 49 12 24 W-8 1-5/8
7/8 4 2-5/16 33 29 67 14 28 W-9 2
1 4-1/2 2-11/16 43 38 87 16 32 W-10 -

# Made with 7x19 GAC component rope.

* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter.
** See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles less than 30° shall not be used.
All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 15

Super-Flex® 8-part body, round braided slings


RATED CAPACIT Y – Tons* Eye Dimensions
Thru Heavy
Rope Thimble Thimble
Dia. Sling Choker Basket
(in.) Diameter Vertical Hitch Hitch A B ST HT

#3/32 7/16 0.56 0.49 1.1 2 4 W-2 5/16

#1/8 9/16 1.1 0.98 2.2 3 6 W-2 3/8
3/16 13/16 2.2 1.9 4.3 4 8 W-3 1/2
1/4 1-1/8 3.8 3.3 7.6 5 10 W-4 3/4
5/16 1-3/8 5.9 5.2 12 6 12 W-5 1

3/8 1-11/16 8.5 7.4 17 7 14 W-5 1-1/8

7/16 2 11 10 23 8 16 W-6 1-1/4
1/2 2-1/4 15 13 30 9 18 W-7 1-3/8
9/16 2-1/2 19 16 38 10 20 W-7 1-1/2
5/8 2-13/16 23 20 46 11 22 W-8 1-3/4
3/4 3-3/8 33 29 66 12 24 W-9 2
7/8 4 45 39 89 14 28 W-10 -
1 4-1/2 58 51 116 16 32 W-10 -

# Made with 7x19 GAC component rope.

* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter.
** See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal
sling diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles less than 30° shall not be used.
All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.

16 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Super-Flex® 9-part body, round braided slings


Flexibility and handling ease for rigging large lifts Only two splices occur in the entire sling – where
are the main benefits of the 9-PART SLINGS. the two rope ends are spliced at the eyes.

The 9-part sling is made by laying wire rope contin- A 9-part sling construction exhibits constructional
uously through both eyes and the sling body. This stretch of approximately 1.5% on the first loading
results in a body formed with nine parts. The proven and a lesser amount thereafter. For this reason, lifts
design provides internal adjustment to distribute that use two or more legs should always be made
the load among all nine parts of the sling body. with legs that have been subjected to the same past
Additionally, the construction makes it possible usage when such stretch may affect the lift.
to more easily inspect all parts of the sling before
and after each lift, which is important to remember When a sling body must conform to a tight choke
if the sling is to be used many times. hitch or must bend in a tight radius, such as around
a pin or post, a 9-part construction may be the most
suitable since it can develop greater lifting capacity
from a smaller component rope.


Basket Hitch & 2-Leg Bridles Eye Dimensions Weight
Comp. Sling
Rope Body Eye Eye Pounds
Dia. Dia. Vert. Width Length per foot
(in.) (in.) Vert. Choker Vert. 60° 45° 30° (in.) (in.) (approx.)

#1/4 1 4.3 3.7 8.6 7.4 6.1 4.3 6 12 1

5/16 1-1/4 6.6 5.8 13 12 9.4 6.6 6 12 2
3/8 1-1/2 9.5 8.3 19 16 13 9.5 7-1/2 13 3
7/16 1-3/4 13 11 26 22 18 13 9 18 4
1/2 2 17 15 34 29 24 17 10 20 5
9/16 2-3/16 21 19 42 37 30 21 12 24 6
5/8 2-1/2 26 23 52 45 37 26 12 24 8
3/4 3 37 32 74 64 52 37 15 30 11
7/8 3-1/2 50 44 100 87 71 50 17 34 15
1 4 65 57 130 113 92 65 20 40 20
1-1/8 4-1/2 82 72 164 142 116 82 22 44 25
1-1/4 5 101 88 201 174 142 101 25 50 31
1-3/8 5-1/2 121 106 242 210 171 121 27 54 38
1-1/2 6 144 126 287 249 203 144 30 60 45
1-5/8 6-1/2 166 146 333 288 235 166 32 64 53
1-3/4 7 193 169 386 334 273 193 35 70 61
1-7/8 7-1/2 219 192 438 380 310 219 37 74 70
2 8 249 218 499 432 353 249 40 80 80
2-1/4 9 311 272 622 539 440 311 45 90 101
2-1/2 10 381 333 761 659 538 381 50 100 125
2-3/4 11 455 398 910 788 643 455 55 110 151
3 12 536 469 1071 928 757 536 60 120 179
3-1/2 14 711 622 1421 1231 1005 711 70 140 244

* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 times the component rope diameter.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural width or less than the nominal diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
** See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
All capacities in tons of 2,000 lbs. All eye and fitting dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 17

Grommet wire rope slings

Grommets either have a wire rope body The minimum circumference
or a body made up of six strands which of the sling is 96 times the
are laid helically around a strand core. grommet’s body diameter.
Either a hand-splice or a mechanical
splice then forms an endless sling body. Rope-laid grommets are also


Basket Hitch and 2-Leg Bridle
Dia. Vertical Choker Vertical 60° 45° 30°

1/4 0.94 0.66 1.9 1.6 1.3 0.94

5/16 1.5 1.0 2.9 2.5 2.1 1.5
3/8 2.1 1.5 4.2 3.6 3.0 2.1
7/16 2.8 2.0 5.7 4.9 4.0 2.8
1/2 3.7 2.6 7.3 6.4 5.2 3.7
9/16 4.6 3.2 9.3 8.0 6.6 4.6
5/8 5.7 4.0 11 9.9 8.1 5.7
3/4 8.2 5.7 16 14 12 8.2
7/8 11 7.7 22 19 16 11
6 X 36 XIP® & 6 X 19 XIP®

1 14 10 29 25 20 14
1-1/8 18 12 35 31 25 18
1-1/4 21 15 43 37 30 21
1-3/8 25 18 51 44 36 25
1-1/2 30 21 60 52 42 30
1-5/8 34 24 69 60 49 34
1-3/4 40 28 79 69 56 40
1-7/8 45 31 89 77 63 45
2 50 35 101 87 71 50
2-1/8 56 39 112 97 79 56
2-1/4 62 43 124 107 88 62
2-3/8 68 48 137 118 97 68
2-1/2 75 52 149 129 106 75
2-3/4 89 62 177 154 125 89
3 104 73 207 180 147 104

* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch and vertical lift based on D/d ratio of 5 when “d” = body
diameter of the finished grommet.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no smaller than 5 times the body diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Horizontal sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
All capacities in tons of 2000 lbs.
All diameter dimensions in inches.

18 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Basket Hitch and 2-Leg Bridle Basket Hitch and 2-Leg Bridle
Sling Sling Comp.
Body Body Rope
Dia. Vert. Choker Vert. 60° 45° 30° Dia. Dia. Vert. Choker Vert. 60° 45° 30°

1/4 1.1 0.74 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.1 7 X 7 X 7 GALVANIZED AIRCRAFT CABLE
5/16 1.6 1.2 3.3 2.8 2.3 1.6
3/8 2.4 1.6 4.7 4.1 3.3 2.4 3/8 1/8 1.6 1.1 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.6
7/16 3.2 2.2 6.4 5.5 4.5 3.2 9/16 3/16 3.5 2.4 6.9 6.0 4.9 3.5
1/2 4.1 2.9 8.3 7.2 5.9 4.1 5/8 7/32 4.5 3.1 9.0 7.8 6.4 4.5
9/16 5.2 3.7 10 9.1 7.4 5.2
7 X 6 X 19 & 7 X 6 X 36 XIP®

6 X 19 XIP® & 6 X 36 XIP®

5/8 6.4 4.5 13 11 9.1 6.4
3/4 9.2 6.4 18 16 13 9.2 3/4 1/4 5.6 3.6 11 9.7 7.9 5.6
6 X 19 XIP® & 6 X 36 XIP® IWRC

7/8 12 8.7 25 22 18 12 15/16 5/16 8.7 5.6 17 15 12 8.7

1 16 11 32 28 23 16 1-1/8 3/8 12 8.0 25 21 17 12
1-1/8 20 14 41 35 29 20 1-5/16 7/16 17 11 33 29 23 17
1-1/4 25 17 50 43 35 25 1-1/2 1/2 21 14 43 37 30 21
1-3/8 30 21 60 52 42 30 1-11/16 9/16 27 17 53 46 38 27
1-1/2 36 25 71 62 50 36 1-7/8 5/8 33 21 66 57 46 33
1-5/8 41 29 82 71 58 41 2-1/4 3/4 46 30 92 80 65 46
1-3/4 48 33 95 83 68 48 2-5/8 7/8 62 40 123 107 87 62
1-7/8 54 38 109 94 77 54 3 1 79 51 158 137 112 79
2 62 43 124 107 87 62 3-3/8 1-1/8 98 64 196 170 138 98
2-1/8 69 48 138 119 98 69 3-3/4 1-1/4 119 77 237 205 168 119
2-1/4 77 54 154 133 109 77
2-3/8 85 60 171 148 121 85 * Rated Capacities Basket Hitch and vertical lift based on D/d ratio of 5 when “d” =
body diameter of the finished grommet.
2-1/2 94 66 188 163 133 94 Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no smaller than 5 times the body diameter.
2-3/4 113 79 225 195 159 113 Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
3 133 93 265 230 188 133 Sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
* Rated Capacities Basket Hitch and vertical lift based on D/d ratio of 5 when All capacities in tons of 2000 lbs.
“d” = body diameter of the finished grommet. All diameter dimensions in inches.
Rated Capacities based on pin diameter no smaller than 5 times the body diameter.
Rated Capacities based on design factor of 5.
Sling angles of less than 30° shall not be used.
See Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment on Page 7.
All capacities in tons of 2000 lbs.
All diameter dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 19

Socket assemblies - custom fabricated


Boom pendants, guylines, raising lines, backstays, Both types of attachments develop 100% of the
lifting bridles and more. Those are the uses of rope’s minimum breaking force.
our wire rope assemblies, offered in both poured
(spelter) sockets and mechanically swaged sockets. SPELTER SOCKET
A Design Factor of five has been used to establish Molten zinc is the standard socketing material,
the rated capacities seen in the charts. however, an epoxy socketing material can be
specified. Both have the same Rated Capacity. Steel
When ordering your assemblies, please indicate forgings are used on rope sizes 1/2” through 1-1/2”
your choice of end fittings on your purchase order and cast steel fittings are used for larger sizes. Rope
by using the suffixes “OS” or “CS” after the model sizes larger than 4” are available on special order.
number. “OS” indicates your preference for an open
socket fitting, while “CS” designates a closed fitting. The assembly lengths are measured from the
centerline point of the pin for open sockets and
Pins and cotters are supplied as standard on open the bearing point for closed sockets.
fittings only. Assemblies may be specified without
pins. All fittings will be assembled with the pin
holes in the same plane unless your order specifies 110 SPELTER SOCKET
otherwise. RATED
IWRC In Tons
Rope of 2000 lbs.
#1/2 2.7 2.9
9/16 3.4 3.7
5/8 4.1 4.5
3/4 5.9 6.5
7/8 8.0 8.8
1 10 11
1-1/8 13 14
1-1/4 16 18
1-3/8 19 21
1-1/2 23 25
1-5/8 26 29
1-3/4 31 34
1-7/8 35 38
2 40 43
2-1/8 44 49
2-1/4 49 54
2-3/8 55 60
2-1/2 60 66
2-5/8 66 73
2-3/4 72 79
2-7/8 78 86
3 85 94
3-1/8 92 101
3-1/4 98 108
3-3/8 106 116
3-1/2 113 124
3-5/8 120 132
3-3/4 128 141
4 144 159

20 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

Rope Diameter C D F J L M Rope Diameter B C D F J K L

7/16-1/2 1.00 1.00 0.56 2.50 2.00 1.88 7/16-1/2 0.69 2.00 1.16 0.56 2.50 0.88 2.25
9/16-5/8 1.25 1.19 0.69 3.00 2.50 2.25 9/16-5/8 0.81 2.63 1.41 0.69 3.00 1.00 2.50

3/4 1.50 1.38 0.81 3.50 3.00 2.62 3/4 1.06 3.00 1.66 0.81 3.56 1.25 3.00
7/8 1.75 1.63 0.94 4.00 3.50 3.13 7/8 1.25 3.63 1.88 0.94 4.00 1.50 3.50
1 2.00 2.00 1.13 4.50 4.00 3.75 1 1.38 4.13 2.30 1.13 4.44 1.75 4.00
1-1/8 2.25 2.25 1.25 5.00 4.62 4.12 1-1/8 1.50 4.50 2.56 1.25 5.00 2.00 4.50
1-1/4-1-3/8 2.50 2.50 1.50 5.50 5.00 4.75 1-1/4-1-3/8 1.63 5.30 2.81 1.50 5.50 2.25 5.00
1-1/2 3.00 2.75 1.63 6.00 6.00 5.38 1-1/2 1.94 5.33 3.19 1.63 6.00 2.50 6.00

1-5/8 3.00 3.00 1.75 6.50 6.50 5.75 1-5/8 2.13 5.75 3.25 1.75 6.50 2.75 6.50
1-3/4-1-7/8 3.50 3.50 2.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 1-3/4-1-7/8 2.19 6.75 3.75 2.00 7.50 3.00 7.56
2-2-1/8 4.00 3.75 2.25 8.50 9.00 7.00 2-2-1/8 2.44 7.63 4.38 2.25 8.50 3.25 8.56
2-1/4-2-3/8 4.50 4.25 2.50 9.00 10.00 7.75 2-1/4-2-3/8 2.63 8.50 5.00 2.50 9.00 3.63 9.50

2-1/2-2-5/8 5.00 4.75 2.88 9.75 10.75 8.50 2-1/2-2-5/8 3.12 9.50 5.50 2.88 9.75 4.00 10.62
2-3/4-2-7/8 5.25 5.00 3.12 11.00 11.00 9.00 2-3/4-2-7/8 3.12 10.75 6.25 3.12 11.00 4.88 11.25
3-3-1/8 5.75 5.25 3.38 12.00 11.25 9.50 3-3-1/8 3.25 11.50 6.75 3.38 12.00 5.25 11.75
3-1/4-3-3/8 6.25 5.50 3.62 13.00 11.75 10.00 3-1/4-3-3/8 4.00 12.25 7.25 3.62 13.00 5.75 12.25
3-1/2-3-5/8 6.75 6.00 3.88 14.00 12.50 10.75 3-1/2-3-5/8 4.00 13.00 7.75 3.88 14.00 6.25 13.00
3-3/4-4 7.50 7.00 4.25 15.00 13.50 12.50 3-3/4-4 4.25 14.25 8.50 4.25 15.00 7.00 14.00

All dimensions in inches. All dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 21

Socket assemblies - custom fabricated

In mechanically swaged fittings, high Normally, only regular
pressure presses and precision dies lay rope is used in the
cause the metal of the socket to flow swaged sockets. The
around the wires and strands to result swaged assemblies are
in the ultimate compactness and interchangeable with
strength with minimum weight. poured sockets up
through 2” rope
The material is weldless, drop-forged diameters. Assembly
steel. length is measured
from the centerline of
pins for both open and
closed swaged sockets.


In Tons
Rope of 2000 lbs.
(in.) XIP® XXIP®
#1/2 0.68 0.74
5/16 1.1 1.2
3/8 1.5 1.7
7/16 2.0 2.2
1/2 2.7 2.9
9/16 3.4 3.7
5/8 4.1 4.5
3/4 5.9 6.5
7/8 8.0 8.8
1 10 11
1-1/8 13 14
1-1/4 16 18
1-3/8 19 21
1-1/2 23 25
1-3/4 31 34
2 40 43
2-1/4 49 54
2-1/2 60 66

22 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

As Ls As Ls
Max. Approx. Max. Approx.
After After After After
Rope Swage Swage Rope Swage Swage
Dia. C D F N Pin Dia. Length Dia. C D E Dia. Length

1/4 0.69 0.38 1.38 1.47 0.69 0.46 4.25 1/4 1.38 0.75 0.50 0.46 3.75
5/16 0.81 0.47 1.62 1.67 0.81 0.71 5.50 5/16 1.62 0.88 0.67 0.71 4.75
3/8 0.81 0.47 1.62 1.67 0.81 0.71 5.50 3/8 1.62 0.88 0.67 0.71 4.75
7/16 1.00 0.56 2.00 1.96 1.00 0.91 7.00 7/16 2.00 1.06 0.86 0.91 6.00
1/2 1.00 0.56 2.00 1.96 1.00 0.91 7.00 1/2 2.00 1.06 0.86 0.91 6.00
9/16 1.25 0.68 2.38 2.21 1.19 1.16 8.50 9/16 2.38 1.25 1.13 1.16 7.75
5/8 1.25 0.68 2.38 2.21 1.19 1.16 8.50 5/8 2.38 1.25 1.13 1.16 7.75
3/4 1.50 0.78 2.75 2.69 1.38 1.42 10.50 3/4 2.88 1.44 1.31 1.42 9.25
7/8 1.75 0.94 3.13 3.20 1.62 1.55 12.25 7/8 3.12 1.69 1.50 1.55 10.75
1 2.00 1.06 3.69 3.68 2.00 1.80 14.00 1 3.63 2.06 1.75 1.80 12.25
1-1/8 2.25 1.19 4.06 4.18 2.25 2.05 15.75 1-1/8 4.00 2.31 2.00 2.05 13.50
1-1/4 2.50 1.22 4.50 4.64 2.50 2.30 17.25 1-1/4 4.50 2.56 2.25 2.30 15.25
1-3/8 2.50 1.38 5.00 5.25 2.50 2.56 19.00 1-3/8 5.00 2.56 2.25 2.56 16.75
1-1/2 3.00 1.69 5.50 5.70 2.75 2.81 20.75 1-1/2 5.50 2.81 2.50 2.81 18.00
1-3/4 3.50 2.11 6.69 6.67 3.50 3.06 24.25 1-3/4 6.25 3.56 3.00 3.06 21.25
2 4.00 2.37 8.00 8.19 3.75 3.56 28.25 2 7.25 3.81 3.25 3.56 24.25

All dimensions in inches. All dimensions in inches.

Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand 23

Eyes, thimbles and hooks


E-E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eye and eye HT-EH . . . Heavy duty thimble and standard hook
E-HT . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eye and heavy duty thimble ST-ST . . . . . . . . . . . Slip-thru thimble – both ends
E-EH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eye and hook CT-CT . . . . . . . . . . Crescent thimbles installed in
HT-HT . . . . . . . . . Heavy duty thimble – both ends standard eyes – both ends
OT-OT . . . . . . . . . . . Slip-on thimbles – both ends

125 HT- EH 135 HT-EH 145 HT-EH

24 Union A WireCo WorldGroup Brand

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