Charte Packaging Renault 2016 UK
Charte Packaging Renault 2016 UK
© Renault - 1st version - January 2016 *La vie, avec passion
Identity Standards Packaging 2
Renault Original,
A strong brand is a brand that speaks
with one voice for sales and after-sales.
The graphic environment for Renault
Parts and Accessories packaging aims to:
• strengthen the brand image in
• visually transcribe the qualitative
and premium positioning of our products
to our customers.
These Identity Standards are your guide
for applying this new visual identity
to all After-Sales products.
1. Packaging fundamentals
Basic elements 05
The logotype: horizontal and vertical 06
The logotype: clearspace and minimum size 07
Unacceptable uses 08
The typeface 09
The packaging colours 11
The pictograms 14
Basic elements
All Renault product packaging is
based on the elements presented
The logotype
2 versions
The logotype
Clearspace & minimum size
A clearspace has been defined to allow
the logotype to retain its high impact
and good legibility.
Minimum size
To ensure the logotype’s legibility and
printability, it must comply with
a minimum size below which it may
not be used.
The logotype
Unacceptable uses
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 ?”!()/-*$€%£ 1234567890 ?”!()/-*$€%£
Renault Life Regular Renault Life Regular Italic
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 ?”!()/-*$€%£ 1234567890 ?”!()/-*$€%£
Renault Life Bold Renault Life Bold Italic
The colours
The colour environment is comprised of
the colours shown opposite.
Just as for the logotype, these colours are
fundamental characteristics of the visual
identity and may not be altered.
Their combination contributes to the
immediate recognition of the Renault
The Pantone colour option should be
used whenever possible for reasons
of quality and compliance with the
Renault identity.
Container colours
Standardising the chromatic environment
for all containers is crucial to the
consistency of the new image for Renault
The container (box, bottle, spray can,
blister pack) is systematically metallic
If the container has a cap (screw top,
capsule, spray gun, etc.), it is black.
The colour environment is comprised of
the colours shown opposite.
Just as for the logotype, these colours are
fundamental characteristics of the visual
identity and may not be altered.
Their combination contributes to the
immediate recognition of the Renault
The Pantone colour option should be
used whenever possible for reasons of
quality and compliance with the Renault
The pictograms
This diagram shows a non-exhaustive
list of Renault pictograms.
They are simple, accessible and modern,
and comply perfectly with Renault’s
packaging identity.
There are three types of formats to which
specific graphic layouts apply.
The packaging dimensions determine
the size of the Renault logotype
(cf. Chart on p.19).
For more complex formats, a standard
area has been defined to simplify
the logotype calculation.
Height/Width ratio
Complex formats ( )
Adaptation of the grid
Depending on the format requirements,
certain elements will have to be adapted:
• the space between the logotype and
the black banner
• the space between the black banner
and the bottom of the packaging
• the size of the text.
Nonetheless, it is essential to comply
with the graphic principles and the
Renault identity.
The examples opposite show what can
be done.
Oversize formats ( )
Pack label for large formats
Use a standard adhesive label for large
format packs that cannot be printed over
their entire surface area.
This label exists in one size only.
It is placed in the upper left area
of the pack front.
Additional information
General principle
An additional information area is allowed
to add certain necessary details on the
Additional information can be in the form
of text or pictograms.
These elements must be the same colour
as the text translations and in a smaller
size so as not to interfere with the main
pack elements.
The text elements are composed
in uppercase letters.
The Renault pack rear must comply with
a certain number of rules established to
create continuity with the pack front.
The elements provided opposite illustrate
a pack back with a large number of
elements, close to a complete pack rear.
Given the many different formats and
variable text elements, certain elements
may be changed or deleted.
Allowance must be made for a 3 mm
minimum cutting safety margin around
the four edges.
The text size should not be any smaller
than 5.5 points.
Certain graphic elements may not
appear because of the format,
the number of languages used
or the space needed for foreign