Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Complications in Children An Evidence-Based Approach To Emergency Department Management PDF
Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Complications in Children An Evidence-Based Approach To Emergency Department Management PDF
BOOTH #207
MARCH 8-10
failure, infection, and functional failure. Knowing the basic anatomy Peer Reviewers
of ventriculoperitoneal shunts, the time of shunt placement, and the Joel M. Clingenpeel, MD, MPH, FAAP, FAAEM
clinical manifestations suggestive of potential complications can help Associate Professor, Pediatrics; Fellowship Director, Pediatric
Emergency Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA
with the management of patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts. Tommy Y. Kim, MD, FAAP, FACEP
This review summarizes the literature on complications of ventricu- Associate Professor, Loma Linda University Medical Center and
Children's Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Division
loperitoneal shunts, examines the literature regarding the workup of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Loma Linda, CA; Riverside
and management of patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts, and Community Hospital, CEP, Riverside, CA
makes recommendations for the management of these patients in the
emergency department. Prior to beginning this activity, see “Physician CME Information”
on the back page.
Editor-in-Chief Ilene Claudius, MD Alson S. Inaba, MD, FAAP Robert Luten, MD AAP Sponsor
Associate Professor of Emergency Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Professor, Pediatrics and
Adam E. Vella, MD, FAAP Medicine, Keck School of Medicine University of Hawaii at Mãnoa Emergency Medicine, University of Martin I. Herman, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Associate Professor of Emergency of USC, Los Angeles, CA John A. Burns School of Medicine, Florida, Jacksonville, FL Sacred Heart Children's Hospital,
Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical Division Head of Pediatric Pensacola, FL; Florida State
Education, Director Of Pediatric Ari Cohen, MD Garth Meckler, MD, MSHS University School of Medicine,
Emergency Medicine, Kapiolani
Emergency Medicine, Icahn School Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Residency Department,
Medical Center for Women and
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New Services, Massachusetts General University of British Columbia; Tallahassee, FL
Children, Honolulu, HI
York, NY Hospital; Instructor in Pediatrics, Division Head, Pediatric Emergency
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Madeline Matar Joseph, MD, FAAP, Medicine, BC Children's Hospital, International Editor
Associate Editor-in-Chief Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP, FACEP Vancouver, BC, Canada Lara Zibners, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vincent J. Wang, MD, MHA FAAP Joshua Nagler, MD Honorary Consultant, Paediatric
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Pediatrics, Chief and Medical Emergency Medicine St. Mary's
Medical Director, Los Angeles Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
Keck School of Medicine of USC; Director, Pediatric Emergency Hospital Imperial College Trust,
County EMS Agency; Professor of Harvard Medical School; Fellowship
Associate Division Head, Division Medicine Division, University of London, UK; Nonclinical Instructor
Clinical Medicine and Pediatrics, Director, Division of Emergency
of Emergency Medicine, Children's Florida Medical School-Jacksonville, Emergency Medicine Icahn school
David Geffen School of Medicine at Medicine, Boston Children’s
Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, FL of medicine at Mount Sinai, New
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Hospital, Boston, MA
CA Stephanie Kennebeck, MD York, NY
Michael J. Gerardi, MD, FAAP, James Naprawa, MD
Associate Professor, University of
Editorial Board FACEP, President
Cincinnati Department of Pediatrics,
Attending Physician, Emergency Pharmacology Editor
Associate Professor of Emergency Department USCF Benioff
Jeffrey R. Avner, MD, FAAP Cincinnati, OH James Damilini, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine Children's Hospital, Oakland, CA
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Mount Sinai; Director, Pediatric Anupam Kharbanda, MD, MS Clinical Pharmacy Specialist,
and Chief of Pediatric Emergency Joshua Rocker, MD Emergency Medicine, St. Joseph's
Emergency Medicine, Goryeb Chief, Critical Care Services
Medicine, Albert Einstein College Assistant Professor of Emergency Hospital and Medical Center,
Children's Hospital, Morristown Children's Hospitals and Clinics of
of Medicine, Children’s Hospital at Medicine and Pediatric, Hofstra Phoenix, AZ
Medical Center, Morristown, NJ Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Montefiore, Bronx, NY North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine,
Sandip Godambe, MD, PhD Tommy Y. Kim, MD, FAAP, FACEP Hempstead, NY; Associate Director, Quality Editor
Steven Bin, MD Vice President, Quality & Patient Associate Professor, Loma Linda Division of Pediatric Emergency
Associate Clinical Professor Steven Choi, MD
Safety, Professor of Pediatrics and University Medical Center and Medicine, Cohen Children's Medical Medical Director of Quality, The
of Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Attending Children's Hospital, Department of Center, New Hyde Park, NY
Pediatrics, UCSF School of Children's Hospital at Montefiore;
Physician, Children's Hospital of the Emergency Medicine, Division of Associate Vice President, Montefiore
Medicine; Medical Director, Division Steven Rogers, MD
King's Daughters Health System, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Loma Network Performance Improvement;
of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Associate Professor, University of
Norfolk, VA Linda, CA; Riverside Community Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, Connecticut School of Medicine,
Hospital, CEP, Riverside, CA Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
San Francisco, CA Ran D. Goldman, MD Attending Emergency Medicine
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Melissa Langhan, MD, MHS Physician, Connecticut Children's Bronx, NY
Richard M. Cantor, MD, FAAP, University of British Columbia; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medical Center, Hartford, CT
FACEP Co-Lead, Division of Translational Fellowship Director, Director of CME Editor
Professor of Emergency Medicine Christopher Strother, MD
Therapeutics; Research Director, Education, Pediatric Emergency Deborah R. Liu, MD
and Pediatrics, Director, Pediatric Assistant Professor, Emergency
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, BC Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
Emergency Department, Medical Medicine, Pediatrics, and Medical
Children's Hospital, Vancouver, BC, New Haven, CT Keck School of Medicine of USC;
Director, Central New York Poison Education; Director, Undergraduate
Canada Division of Emergency Medicine,
Control Center, Golisano Children's and Emergency Department
Simulation; Icahn School of Medicine Children's Hospital Los Angeles,
Hospital, Syracuse, NY
at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Los Angeles, CA
Case Presentations Introduction
A 7-year-old girl with a history of a VP shunt presents with Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts are the treatment of
a headache for 2 days and worsening fever. The patient’s choice for patients with hydrocephalus, an excessive
mother states that the child had a shunt placed during her accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the
first year of life for congenital aqueductal stenosis. The pa- brain caused by an imbalance between CSF produc-
tient is febrile in the ED, with a temperature of 38.6°C, but is tion, flow, or absorption. Most commonly, pressure
nontoxic. Her other vital signs are: heart rate, 118 beats/min; builds up proximal to an obstruction, leading to
respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min; blood pressure 98/62 mm ventricular dilatation and raised intracranial pres-
Hg; and oxygen saturation, 100% on room air. Her physical sure (ICP).1 (See Figure 1). The pathophysiology of
examination is unremarkable except for a mildly erythema- hydrocephalus has been known since the 1800s, but
tous throat. What are important points on your history that effective treatment was not available until the 1950s,
should be elicited for a patient with a VP shunt and fever? If when John Holter developed a shunt to allow drain-
you are concerned about a VP shunt infection, what labora- age of excess CSF, in an attempt to treat his own
tory studies should be ordered? Do you need to order any son, who was suffering from hydrocephalus.2 Since
imaging studies to look for a possible shunt malfunction? then, the standard treatment of hydrocephalus has
Should you call this child’s neurosurgeon? been the insertion of a ventricular shunt, and it has
A 3-year-old girl with a VP shunt, who is suffering dramatically reduced the morbidity and mortality of
from altered consciousness and persistent vomiting, is hydrocephalus.3,4
brought to your community ED via EMS. The patient’s A shunt consists of 4 major components: a
mother states the child has been drowsy for the past few proximal catheter, a 1-way valve, a reservoir, and a
weeks. Upon arrival, you place the girl on a monitor distal catheter.5 (See Figure 2, page 3.) Most neuro-
and a nonrebreather mask and obtain the following surgeons place shunts that contain medium-pressure
vital signs: heart rate, 76 beats/min; respiratory rate, valves and drain CSF continuously when the pres-
20 breaths/min; blood pressure, 110/65 mm Hg; and sure in the ventricles is > 10 mm Hg.6 The proximal
oxygen saturation, 100% on the nonrebreather. Upon catheter is normally inserted in the parieto-occipital
primary survey, the patient’s airway is intact, but there
are coarse breath sounds bilaterally over her chest. Her Figure 1. Hydrocephalus: Dilated Ventricles
capillary refill is < 2 seconds. Her GCS score is 9, and Seen On Head Computed Tomography
you note that one pupil seems to be more dilated than
the other and appears to be sluggishly reactive. The
patient is not responding to your commands. What
could be causing this patient’s symptoms? Without a
neurosurgeon in-house, what should your management
of this patient be? Does the patient need imaging prior
to any procedures?
A 5-year-old boy with a history of constipation, mild
developmental delay, and a VP shunt presents with 1
week of vomiting. His mother states he is chronically on
stool softeners. For the past week, the patient has had 2 to
3 episodes of nonbloody, nonbilious vomiting per day. He
has not had diarrhea, but his last stool, which was earlier
today, was watery. The mother states he has not been com-
plaining of headaches, but has been eating and drinking
less. His vital signs are stable upon arrival. The patient’s
examination is normal, including the neurologic examina-
tion, except for mild periumbilical tenderness. There is
no rebound or guarding upon abdominal palpation. You
realize that this could be a typical presentation of consti-
pation, but the patient’s VP shunt makes you consider
possible shunt complications. You begin to wonder if this
could possibly be a shunt obstruction or infection. What
steps should be taken in the management of this patient?
What history is important in this case? What physical
examination findings might help with the diagnosis?
Ventriculoatrial shunt
In patients with hydrocephalus, there is a dispar-
ity between CSF production and absorption. CSF is
produced within the choroid plexus of the lateral,
third, and fourth ventricles of the brain. It then flows
through the ventricular system into the subarach-
noid space via the foramen of Luschka and Ma-
gendie of the fourth ventricle and is absorbed by the
venous system via the arachnoid villi and granula-
tions. Any impairment to CSF circulation can lead
to hydrocephalus, increased ICP, and dilation of the
ventricular system. Some causes of hydrocephalus
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt are acquired, such as intraventricular hemorrhage
and brain tumors; others are congenital, such as stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius and myelomenin-
Image reprinted with permission of Codman Neuro. gocele.1,5 Hydrocephalus most often occurs within
Functional Failure
CSF can sometimes be overdrained even though the
shunt may be functioning properly. For example, the
valve pressure may be set too low for a particular
patient, causing excessive drainage of CSF. In addi- Arrows point to slit-like ventricles.
tion, over-drainage may occur during shunt place- Reprinted from Pediatric Emergency Care, Volume 25, Issue 10.
ment itself, leading to extra-axial CSF collections Paulo da Silva, Italo Suriano, and Henrique Neto. Slit-like ventricle
or subdural hematomas.7 Subdural hematomas can syndrome: a life-threatening presentation. Pages 674-676. © 2009,
with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; LR, likelihood ratio; OR, odds ratio; PPV, positive predictive value; ZD, zero in the denominator.
Arrows indicate the location of the shunt along the shunt series.
Abbreviations: DC, distal catheter; DCT, distal catheter termination; PC, proximal catheter; R, reservoir.
To view the images online, scan the QR code with a smartphone or tablet or go to:
Images courtesy of John Amodio, MD, FACR, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY.
Advanced Imaging
Multiple studies have demonstrated that MRI is an
adequate substitute for head CT in shunt evaluation,
with less exposure to radiation. Unfortunately, full-
brain MRIs are often time-consuming (taking 30-45
minutes) and are more likely to require sedation
as compared to head CT scans. Furthermore, MRI
can become nondiagnostic with even very minimal
patient movement. Quick-brain or limited-sequence
MRIs (which only last from 8 seconds to 10 minutes)
are as sensitive as CT scans in diagnosing shunt
malfunction in the acute setting.66,84-90 MRIs do have
Arrow indicates a ventriculoperitoneal shunt fracture. limitations, such as high cost and lack of round-the-
Image courtesy of John Amodio, MD, FACR, Kings County Hospital clock scanner and technician availability. In addition,
Center, Brooklyn, NY. it should be noted that certain programmable shunts
Consider alternate
Concern for increased ICP
requiring emergent NO
• Consider alternate
• Consult with
neurosurgery regarding
Abbreviations: ABC, airway, breathing, circulation; CT, computed tomography; ED, emergency department; ICP, intracranial pressure; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; VP, ventriculoperitoneal.
For Class of Evidence definitions, see page 13.
This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2016 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.
1. “I am concerned that my patient may have 6. “My patient with a VP shunt appears ill, but
a VP shunt obstruction. The neurosurgical there is no history of fever. Therefore, a shunt
resident is at the bedside and pumps the shunt, infection can be excluded.”
which has free flow. Because of this, he wants A patient can have a shunt infection without
to send the patient home.” fever. Other signs and symptoms may be present
Pumping the shunt has been shown not to be that can suggest a possible shunt infection. A
a reliable predictor of shunt patency. If clinical full history and physical examination should be
suspicion for an obstruction is still high, further obtained.
workup and management may be needed.
7. “My patient with a VP shunt presents with
2. “My patient has clinical signs of shunt obstruc- abdominal pain and vomiting; this cannot be
tion, but has a normal head CT scan and shunt related to the shunt.”
series, so his symptoms must not be related to Abdominal pain and vomiting in a patient with
his shunt.” a VP shunt can be a sign of shunt malfunction,
Unfortunately, many patients can have normal or due to common viral or other illnesses.
or unchanged imaging and still have a shunt For example, patients with constipation and
complication. If the suspicion for a shunt a pseudocyst can present similarly. Again, a
complication is high, it is advisable to discuss detailed history and physical examination are
the case with the patient’s neurosurgeon and needed, as well as potential imaging.
consider further imaging or intervention.
8. “Although my patient is stable, I am concerned
3. “My patient has large ventricles on a head CT about a possible shunt infection, so I will per-
scan, so there must be a shunt malfunction.” form a shunt tap.”
Comparing the studies with previous imaging This is an option, if this has been discussed with
should always be done, whenever possible, to the neurosurgeon and you feel comfortable
determine whether there is any change in the performing a tap. Typically, however, a shunt
ventricle size. Also, the clinical picture should be tap is performed by an emergency physician
taken into consideration. only emergently when a patient is acutely
decompensating. There are many risks
4. “My patient is presenting with signs of a pos- associated with shunt taps, and this procedure
sible shunt complication. The head CT scan should be performed by a neurosurgeon, if
is normal, and, therefore, a shunt series is not possible.
Although rare, there are cases of a normal 9. “My patient with a VP shunt has clinical signs
head CT scan with an abnormal shunt series. of increased ICP with impending herniation,
Therefore, a shunt series should be obtained. but I want to wait for neurosurgery to perform
a shunt tap.”
5. “Every patient with a VP shunt and fever As stated in pitfall 8, this is the only
needs laboratory work and diagnostic studies.” circumstance when an emergency physician is
The clinical picture needs to be considered for truly obligated to perform a shunt tap, as it is a
each patient. A focused history and physical potentially life-saving intervention.
examination should be obtained and key
features of shunt infection should be focused 10. “My patient with a history of seizures and
upon, such as bulging fontanel, drowsiness, a VP shunt presented with a breakthrough
lethargy, or erythema around the shunt. seizure; this must be a shunt malfunction or
Laboratory values are not specific. Not all shunt infection.”
infections need imaging—if a shunt infection is Seizures alone are not necessarily a clinical
suspected, a shunt tap is needed. manifestation of a shunt infection or
malfunction. The more concerning signs
and symptoms the patient has, the higher
the likelihood of a VP shunt malfunction or
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