Understanding Functions in Payroll Schemas
Understanding Functions in Payroll Schemas
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In SAP HR, functions provide the high-level logic for calculations. The functions can be associated with
either a payroll class or time management class. In payroll, they provide the overall functionality for payroll
processing including rules for calculations. Functions perform general processing such as reading wage
types from specific infotypes, calculating payroll taxes on a given set of wages, benefits premiums etc and
storing the results of the payroll calculation.
To understand how to read the functions, below is the example for one of the payroll functions, WPBP
(Import work center and basic pay data).
This function is used to transfer master data on the work center and basic pay for the payroll period to
internal table WPBP. The basic pay wage types are stored in the internal table IT. If all the fields of the table
WPBP are same during the entire payroll period, this table will contain one record. However, in certain
cases different data may exist for different partial periods. In such cases, there will be multiple entries,
which are identified by split indicators. Such cases have been explained in the below sections along with
the screenshots.
T Code: PE04
Each function has a corresponding ABAP code associated wit it, which is obtained by adding ‘fu’ at the
beginning of its name. While a payroll function may comprise of ABAP code, it is not executed in similar
way as ABAP code is. A payroll function is executed in the payroll driver using schemas. Thus, when the
payroll driver executes the schema, it automatically puts ‘fu’ in the beginning of the function name and then
execute it further.
Usage of function in a Schema#
A function may be used as a part of schema or a sub schema, depending on the requirements. For example,
in the below screenshots, the function ‘COM’ is used in the main schema X000 (International Personnel
Calc. Schema for RPCALCX0 (International)), while the function WPBP is used as a function in the custom
subschema XBD0 (Edit basic data).
#Aschema can be accessed via transaction PE01 and the details of the functions can be viewed by pressing
F1 on the function name.
Syntax of a function
The syntax of a function in a schema is defined basis the parameter list defined in the characteristics of the
Below is the detailed explanation of the parameters.
Thus for WPBP, if you specify a pay scale type which has not been maintained correctly in the indirect
valuation tables, the personnel number is rejected during indirect valuation.
Setting the third parameter will result in split of WPBP in a greater detail if the time unit for the pay scale
does not correspond to the time unit for the payroll area.
For the fourth parameter, the function WPBP is started for the subtype 0 of IT 08.
A function cannot be directly executed in isolation. It can be executed only via schemas which are further
executed using payroll driver. Key in the data in the payroll driver (T Code: PC00_M**_CALC_SIMU –
payroll driver in simulation mode; ** indicates the country grouping or MOLGA)
The below screenshots depict the output of WPBP function and how the processing is done basis the inputs
provided to the function. Here, WPBP function will pick up the inputs from P0000/ P0001 / P0007 / P0008
and P0027 tables and perform indirect valuation of wage types from basic pay in the processing step and
subsequently transfer the data into WPBP Table.
WPBP function will pick up the inputs from P0000/ P0001 / P0007 / P0008 and P0027 tables.
Indirect valuation of wage types from basic pay is performed in the processing step and subsequently that
output is transferred into WPBP Table.
In case there are no changes to the IT 0000 / 0001 / 0007 / 0008 / 0027 during the given payroll period,
there will be only one entry. However, if certain changes have been made to above infotypes during the
payroll period, a split will be created for the partial periods and accordingly, multiple entries will be created
in WPBP table. This is being shown in the subsequent section.
WPBP splits created by WPBP function
As mentioned above if there are any changes to IT 0000 / 0001 / 0007 / 0008 / 0027 for an employee during
the given payroll period, a split will be created for the partial periods in WPBP table.
For example there had been a change in the basic pay for an employee in the middle of a given payroll
period (01.04.2006– 30.04.2006), which resulted in multiple splits in WPBP Table.