FA.1 Carburising and Carbonitriding
FA.1 Carburising and Carbonitriding
Applied Process ™
What can:
• Make high-strength, low-cost components?
• Make steel parts tough... through and through?
• Make quieter components?
• Produce parts with ultra-high wear resistance?
• Produce gears and shafts that torque off the competition?
hat is Austempering?
Austempering is an isothermal heat treatment
that, when applied to ferrous materials,
produces a structure that is stronger and
tougher than structures produced with
conventional heat treatments.
In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, this isothermal process, The first commercial application of Austempered Ductile
by now known as Austempering, was first applied to cast Iron (ADI) came in 1972. It was a small crankshaft for a
irons by researchers in US commercial laboratories, but the hermetically-sealed compressor. ADI, with its matrix of
strength and toughness of these irons was limited by the acicular ferrite and carbon-stabilized austenite, known
graphite shape in the structure. In the late 1940’s, ductile as ausferrite, delivered the increased fatigue strength
iron (spheroidal graphite iron) was developed concurrently required for the application. However, for the first decade
in the US and the UK. This new type of iron (“the iron that after that milestone, the growth of ADI applications was
bends”) revolutionized the iron casting industry and, with retarded due to the inability of the heat treating industry
its high-strength and toughness, began to replace cast to cost-effectively process the material.
and welded steels and malleable iron. It also provided
the perfect vehicle for future developments. After five decades of Austempering metallurgical and
equipment development, Applied Process Inc. was born in
1984, concurrent with the development of a new type of
FIGURE 1 highly efficient, batch-Austempering plant. These units
allowed fixture loading of larger parts, high quench severity,
environmentally sound operation, and high production
rates. Until then, thicker and larger Austempered parts had
not been considered, but these developments made those
parts both technically and economically viable.
Austempering Can Do It !
arbo Austempering™
Produce Parts That Torque
Off the Competition
This process develops a tough, high-carbon,
bainitic case on high-performance components.
Carbo-Austempered™ parts have remarkable
impact properties that are superior to both
neutral hardened or carburized steels. While Carbo-Austempered™ parts
can have a 10-15% greater high-cycle fatigue strength, their low-cycle/
high-load fatigue strength can be over 50% greater than conventionally
processed materials. Carbo-Austempering™ is routinely applied to
steel gears, shafts, and power transmission parts that undergo periodic
overloading in service.
ustempered Ductile Iron
Make High-Strength, (ADI)
Low-Cost Components
ADI provides a high strength-
to-weight ratio material at a
component price that is typically
20% less than that of steel or
aluminum. It may surprise you to know that in some applications,
ADI has replaced aluminum as a weight savings. ADI components
are very competitive with steel forgings, castings, and weldments,
as well as aluminum castings and forgings. Austempering can
also replace induction and flame hardening as a cost savings.
Evolving the Process
Applied Process, Inc.
In 1984, Applied Process was incorporated as a sister company of AFC-
Holcroft to bring to market the heat treat processes made possible with
the then-new Universal Batch Quench Austemper (UBQA) furnace
technology. UBQA furnaces are controlled atmosphere batch-type
furnaces integrated (under atmosphere) with a proprietary salt
quenching system incorporating extreme agitation and water addition In 2012 AP commissioned the Monster Parts™ Division in a newly
for maximum quench severity and uniformity. UBQA technology gave AP dedicated facility in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA with the largest integral
the flexibility of a batch-type furnace with the productivity of a much quench batch furnace on the planet. The Monster Parts™ UBQA has a
larger continuous furnace. It made possible the Austempering of larger, working envelope of 84in x 96in x 56in (2100mm x 2400mm x 1400mm) and
thicker steel and iron parts. It aided in the commercialization of both the a maximum capacity of 10 tons.
Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) process and the Carbo-Austempering™
processes. Applied Process also has technical licensees worldwide; ADI Treat-
ments (England), ADI Engineering Process and Heat Treatment
In 1993 as the result of a friendly business spin-off, Applied Process Inc. (Australia), Hightemp (India) and Austemper Suzhou and Austemper
(Livonia, Michigan, USA) became a stand-alone corporation with John Jilin in China. AP collaborates with the licensees on technical and
R. Keough as CEO. AP expanded with the commissioning of AP marketing issues in our joint effort to profitably grow the pie for
Westshore in Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA in the spring of 1994. The plants Austempering.
operate UBQA lines with working envelopes up to 36in x 72in x 56in
(900mm x 1800mm x 1400mm) and maximum gross loads of 3 tons. AP’s plants and licensees are supported by a fully staffed R&D effort led
by a PhD metallurgist. Our R&D efforts, both internal and in the greater
technical community, have led to the development of proprietary
computer process models and multiple new metallurgical innovations.
These innovations include materials such as Carbidic Austempered
Ductile Iron (CADI™), Locally Austempered Ductile Iron (LADI™), and
high-strength, bainitic (14.8) steel fasteners. Furthermore, AP has been
instrumental in creating ADI standards such as those specified by
ASTM, SAE, and ISO, as well as the China ADI standards. AP's
engineering efforts continue daily in the fields of process technology in
ductile iron castings, machining, gear properties and the conversion of
steel and aluminum castings, forgings and weldments into one-piece
ADI and CADI™ castings.
arbidic Austempered Ductile Iron (CADI)
Produce Parts With Ultra-High Wear Resistance
CADI is a new material that uses a matrix of ausferrite and carbides to add
strength and wear resistance to ductile iron parts. The result is a premium,
engineered iron with longer life that is more wear resistant than Grade 5 ADI.
Typical applications for CADI will be off-highway vehicles, agricultural
equipment, railroad, construction and mining, general industrial, material
handling, and ground engaging components.
ustempered Steel
Make Steel Parts Tough... Through and Through
Application of the Austempering process to steel
provides the user with a tough, high-strength
component that resists embrittlement. This
dimensionally repeatable process is typically cost
competitive with conventional quench and temper
processes. Austempering is particularly appropriate for medium- and high-carbon
steel stampings, forgings, castings, and full-density powdered metal parts.
ustempered Gray Iron (AGI)
Make Quieter Components
AGI offers material with excellent dampening effects, strength,
and wear resistance for applications such as bearing collars, light
duty gears, cylinder liners, machine parts, and brake components.
Policy Statement
Applied Process has been a technology
leader in the heat treating industry
since 1978. While many companies
talk about quality, we have quietly
designed it into our equipment and
processes. Our experience shows
that quality does not cost, it pays.
Nor can quality be "inspected” into
the finished product. It must be
woven into the organizational fabric.
The Highest Quality Services Available To help you see the advantages of AP's Austempering services for the parts
On Time you manufacture, AP professionals can meet with your engineers to discuss
your specific needs.
At Competitive Prices
We can perform material, process, and cost analyses that conclusively
demonstrate the competitive advantages of Austempering for many
different types of parts. We'll even come to your facility to view it first
hand and make suggestions that can help improve your product planning.
Call today for a thorough evaluation of how our processes can improve
your processes...and save money for you and your customers.