English World WorkBook Unit 1 Level 6
English World WorkBook Unit 1 Level 6
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 Write the words in the correct order.
1 thrilling dangerous active weird rough
2 Unit 1 Dictionary skills
2 Read the sentences. When did these things happen? Write the day.
1 Ari drew a diagram of Hekla. Monday
2 Andy and his father swam in a hot spring.
3 Andy’s father took a picture of a geyser.
4 Andy and his father flew over the island.
5 Ari, Andy and his father went inside a volcano.
6 Ari talked about lava rock.
7 Andy heard strange sounds from the mud pots.
8 Ari gave Andy a picture of Hekla erupting.
c d
e f
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use the present continuous.
3 How about you? Write about your plans. Use the present continuous.
1 Tomorrow
2 On Friday
3 Next week
4 At the weekend
5 Next year
4 Unit 1 Present continuous with future meaning
1 2
3 4
2 fuhfheroestifvo
3 dlflamingoesast
4 asvolcanoesebro
5 yampotatoeshab
For nouns ending oo,, we add ss..
2 Match and write the plural word under the correct picture.
kangaroo piano cockatoo zoo photo hippo
1 2 3
4 5 6
6 Unit 1 Spelling: words ending o
Some nouns name things you cannot see, hear, touch, taste or smell.
You can feel and think these things. They are nouns, too. They are abstract nouns.
2 Match the adjectives and the abstract nouns. Write the words.
frightened power 1
dangerous beauty 2
happy anger 3
kind fear 4 Ïrightened Ïear
angry happiness 5
beautiful danger 6
powerful kindness 7
1 Read.
On Sunday Andy and his dad visited some different places. Write the words.
Which places do you think are the most interesting and exciting?
2 Read.
On Monday Andy and his dad went in a boat. Look at these pictures. Choose which trip they did.
Why did they choose the trip? Write the reason here.
8 Unit 1 Selecting ideas and making notes
1 Read this word bank. Check any new words in your Dictionary.
peculiar noisy thrilling funny dangerous freezing
boiling rough quiet smooth warm cool
weird terrific wonderful gigantic strange scary
10 Unit 1 Revision
Unit 1 Revision 11