IndyMac Rogers Pinellas
IndyMac Rogers Pinellas
Dismiss, submitted by counsel for Defendant Matthew D. Weidner, Esq., this Court,
having reviewed the file and after accepting the arguments of counsel it is hereby,
I. Counsel for Defendant in his Motion to Dismiss argued that the case should
be dismissed because the Plaintiff failed to attach a copy or any evidence of the
2. During the hearing on the Motion to Dismiss, counsel for Defendant noted
that the at the time of filing the complaint, the only document attached to the complaint
was a copy of a mortgage which indicates that the lender is, "ARK-LA-TEX Financial
Services, LLC".
3. Prior to the hearing on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, the Plaintiff filed the
4. Counsel for Defendant noted that the Original Note shows both an allonge
from "Ark-LA-TEX Financial Services" to "Indmac Bank, FSB" and an endorsement
which is permanently affixed to the original note which indicates that the note was
endorsed from "Indy mac Bank, FSB" to "Citbank, National Association, as Trustee".
5. Counsel for Defendant argued that Plaintiff is not the "holder" of the
promissory note at issue in this case pursuant to Florida Statutes §671.201(21) which
Plaintiff may be the bearer of the instrument, the instrument before this Court is not
payable to bearer but rather to a third party namely, "Citibank, National Association" and
thus the Plaintiff fails the second prong of the definition. See Troupe V. Redner, 652
So.2d 394 (Fla.App. 2 Dist. 1995) and Booker V. Sarasota, Inc., 707 So.2d 886 (Fla.App.
I Dist. 1998)
6. While the Plaintiff makes the general assertion that it is "the holder of the
mortgage note and mortgage and/or is entitled to enforce the note and mortgage" in its
Complaint the exhibits which are attached to the Plaintiffs complaint and which are filed
now with the case by virtue of Plaintiffs Notice of Filing establish that a party other than
the named Plaintiff may be the real party in interest in this case. When there is a conflict
between the general allegations made within the pleadings and the exhibits which are
attached to the complaint, the exhibits control. See Geico Gen. Ins. Co. V. Graci, 849
So.2d 1196 (Fla.App. 4 Dist. 2003); See also Ginsberg V. Lennar Florida Holdings, 645
So.2d 490 (Fla.App. 3 Dist. 1994) Exhibits attached to the complaint are controlling,
where the allegations of the complaint are contradicted by the exhibits, the plain meaning
that any equitable assignment of the mortgage occurred prior to filing the instant case.
The Plaintiffs failure to establish standing by virtue of exhibits attached to its complaint
or subsequently filed is a defect that may not be cured by the acquisition of standing after
the case is filed. See Progressive Exp. v. Mcgrath Chiro., 913 So.2d 1281 (Fla.App. 2
Dist. 2005) and Jeff-Ray Corp. v. Jacobson, 566 So.2d 885 (Fla.AppA Dist.1990) See
that the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is GRANTED except that the Plaintiff shall have
twenty (20) days from the date of this Order to file an Amended Complaint. If the
Plaintiff files their Amended Complaint the case shall not be dismissed and the
Defendant shall file his response to the Amended Complaint within twenty days (20) of
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