Computer Vision (CS708) : Lecture01 - Introduction
Computer Vision (CS708) : Lecture01 - Introduction
Lecture01 - Introduction
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 1 / 24
Vision systems
Figure: The human visual system has no problem interpreting the subtle
variations in translucency and shading in this photograph and correctly
segmenting the object from its background..
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Vision algorithms and application.
Figure: (a) Structure from motion algorithms can reconstruct a 3D point model
of a large complex scene from hundreds of partially overlapping photographs (b)
Stereo matching algorithms can build a detailed 3D model of a building facade
from hundreds of differently exposed photographs taken from the Internet.
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Vision algorithms and application.
Figure: (c) Person tracking algorithms can track a person walking. (d) In front of
a cluttered background, Face detection algorithms, coupled with color-based
clothing and hair detection algorithms, can locate and recognize the individuals in
this image.
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2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Vision systems
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 7 / 24
2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 9 / 24
Broader consumer-level applications
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Vision systems
Figure: (a) image stitching: merging different views. (b) exposure breacketing:
merging different exposures.
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Vision systems
Figure: (c) morphing: blending between two photographs. (d) turning a collection
of photographs into a 3D model.
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2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Computer vision
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 14 / 24
Computer vision
Research in computer vision
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Computer vision
Research in computer vision
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 16 / 24
2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Open research problems
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 18 / 24
2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Software used
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2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
Dr. Abdul Basit (CSIT - UoB) Computer Vision - Lec01: Introduction September 29, 2016 20 / 24
Marks distribution
Marks distribution
Mid-term (30%)
Terminal (40%)
Assignments and Quizzes (15%)
Research Report (15%)
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2 Applications
3 Research
5 About course
Software used
Marks distribution
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Software used
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This semester
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The End
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