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Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC Motor With The Help of AT89S52 Microcontroller

This document describes a four quadrant speed control system for a DC motor using an AT89S52 microcontroller. It includes a block diagram of the system which takes an AC supply, rectifies it to DC using a diode bridge, regulates it to 5V using a voltage regulator, and sends it to power the microcontroller and motor driver circuit. The microcontroller generates PWM pulses to control the motor speed and direction using the motor driver IC L293D. Buttons are used to select different speed levels and directions. The microcontroller is programmed in assembly language using Kiel software and the program is burned onto the microcontroller using Positron boot loader software.

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Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC Motor With The Help of AT89S52 Microcontroller

This document describes a four quadrant speed control system for a DC motor using an AT89S52 microcontroller. It includes a block diagram of the system which takes an AC supply, rectifies it to DC using a diode bridge, regulates it to 5V using a voltage regulator, and sends it to power the microcontroller and motor driver circuit. The microcontroller generates PWM pulses to control the motor speed and direction using the motor driver IC L293D. Buttons are used to select different speed levels and directions. The microcontroller is programmed in assembly language using Kiel software and the program is burned onto the microcontroller using Positron boot loader software.

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Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC Motor with the Help

of AT89S52 Microcontroller

Rahul Baranwal1 , Omama Aftab2 , Mrs. Deepti Ojha3

B.Tech Final Year (Electronics and Communication Engineering),
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (India)
Head of Department of (Electronics and Communication Engineering),
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (India)
The main aim to design this paper is to develop a four quadrant speed control of a DC motor with the help of
the microcontroller. The most important part of any industrial organization is to control the speed of a machine.
The main advantage in using a DC motor is that the Speed-Torque relationship can be varied to almost any
useful form. To achieve the speed control, an electronic technique called Pulse Width Modulation is used which
generates High and Low pulses. These pulses vary the speed of the motor. For the generation of these pulses a
microcontroller is used. As a microcontroller is used to set the speed ranges as per the requirement is easy
which is done by changing the duty cycles time period in the program. Different speed grades and the direction
are depended on different buttons. 8051 families microcontroller used in this project and programming has
been written in assembly language, then converted into hex file by using micro vision Kiel software. The burning
of the program in the microcontroller has been done by using positron boot loader software.
Keywords: AT89S52 Microcontroller, DC Motor, Motor Driver IC (L293D), Push Buttons, PWM,
Voltage Regulator (LM7805).

In recent years, with scientific and technological progress and social development, the electronic technology is
developing rapidly, to achieve the portability and low cost and energy efficient, and the noise limit, a DC motor
is used widely, so, the study of DC motor speed adjustable has more practical significance. The motor is
operated in four quadrants i.e. clockwise; counter clockwise, forward brake and reverse brake. [2] It also has a
feature of speed control. The four quadrant operation of the DC motor is best suited for industries where motors
are used and as per requirement as they can rotate in clockwise, counter-clockwise and also apply brakes
immediately in both the directions.[2] In case of a specific operation in industrial environments, the motor needs
to be stopped immediately. In such scenario, this proposed system is very apt as forward brake and reverse
brake is its integrated features.[2] Instantaneous brake in both the directions happens as a result of applying a
reverse voltage across the running motor for a brief period and the speed control of the motor can be achieved
with the PWM pulses generated by the microcontroller.[2]

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The project work has been divided into two parts. In the first part simulation uses Proteus software and in the
second part a prototype model is developed and after that the result is verified using a prototype hardware
A. Block Diagram:
In this diagram, 230V AC supply is converted in 12V AC input supply then with the help of 4 diode bridge
rectifier is form which convert AC supply into pulsating DC supply which is unregulated is regulated to constant
5V DC.[4] This 5V supply is connected to 40 pins of the microcontroller and ground is connected to 20 pins of
the microcontroller. Pin no 1 to 7 of port 1 are connected to switches and pin no 21, 22, 23 of the
microcontroller are connected to input 1,2, enable pins of motor driver L293D and pin 3 and 6 are connected to
motor terminals.

“Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the System”

B. Four Quadrant Operation of DC Motor:

There are four possible quadrants of operation or modes using a DC Motor which is shown in Figure 2. When
DC motor is operating in the first and third quadrant, the supplied voltage is greater than the back emf which is
forward motoring and reverse motoring modes respectively, but the direction of current flow differs. [1] When the
motor operates in the second and fourth quadrant the value of the back emf generated by the motor should be
greater than the supplied voltage which are the forward braking and reverse braking modes of operation
respectively, here again the direction of current flow is reversed. [1]

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“Fig. 2: Four Quadrants of Operation”

C. Pulse width modulation:

Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a modulation technique used in most of the communication system for
encoding the amplitude of a signal right into a pulse width or duration of another signal, usually a carrier signal,
for transmission. The main purpose of PWM is actually to control the power that is supplied with various types
of electrical devices, most especially with inertial loads such as AC/DC motors. Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
or duty cycle variation methods are commonly used in speed control of DC motors. The duty cycle is defined as
the percentage of digital „high‟ to digital „low‟ plus digital „high‟ pulse-width during a PWM period. PWM is
one of the powerful techniques used in control systems today. [4] This is usually used to control the average
power to a load in a motor speed control circuit.[4] It is used in a wide range of application which includes: speed
control, power control, measurement and communication. [6] The advantages of PWM are that you can control a
traditionally analog load using a digital signal and a switching element. This means that digital systems such as
programmable logic controllers, computers, microcontrollers, or a well-designed digital circuit with just gates
can control a device designed to be powered by a constant voltage. In this sense, it's a form of digital to analog
conversion. You can use it to modulate normally single-speed/power devices. You can operate a device above
its normal maximum. You can respond much more quickly. If your controller gets a command to suddenly stop,
you can set the pulse width to zero within a couple of cycles. This means very accurate control and dynamic

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“Fig. 3: Duty Cycle”

D. Microcontroller:
The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system
programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel‟s high-density nonvolatile memory
technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. [7] The on-chip Flash
allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory
programmer.[5] By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip,
the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution
to many embedded control applications.[8] The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of
Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-
vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry.[5] The
microcontroller block is interfaced with DC motor using motor driver IC, the power supply block provides
power supply to the project kit, and switch array. This switch array is used to send the control signals to the
microcontroller which in turn sends commands to the motor driver IC for controlling the operation of the DC

“Fig. 4: AT89S52 Microcontroller”

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E. Motor Driver IC:
A motor drivers IC is an integrated circuit chip which is usually used to control motors in autonomous robots.
Motor driver ICs act as an interface between microprocessors in robots and the motors in the robot. The most
commonly used motor driver IC‟s are from the L293 series such as L293D, L293NE, etc. These ICs are
designed to control 2 DC motors simultaneously. L293D consist of two H-bridge. H-bridge is the simplest
circuit for controlling a low current rated motor. Most microprocessors operate at low voltages and require a
small amount of current to operate while the motors require a relatively higher voltage and current. Thus current
cannot be supplied to the motors from the microprocessor. This is the primary need for the motor driver IC. The
L293D IC receives signals from the microprocessor and transmits the relative signal to the motors. It has two
voltage pins, one of which is used to draw current for the working of the L293D and the other is used to apply
voltage to the motors. The L293D switches its output signal according to the input received from the
microprocessor. For Example: If the microprocessor sends a 1(digital high) to the Input Pin of L293D, then the
L293D transmits a 1(digital high) to the motor from its Output Pin. An important thing to note is that the L293D
simply transmits the signal it receives. It does not change the signal in any case.

“Fig. 5: L293D Motor Driver IC”


The implementation of this project work requires three softwares. These are:
1. Kiel
2. Proteus
3. Positron Boot Loader
1. Kiel:
The main working of Kiel compiler is to convert the high level language into the Hex code. [1]

2. Proteus:
Proteus software is used to simulate the results in software.[1]
3. Positron Boot Loader:
Positron Boot Loader is used to burn Hex code into the microcontroller. [1]

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The response of the motor connected can be seen visually according to the program fed into the microcontroller
and the operations are carried accordingly. It is the easiest way to check whether the hardware will get the
desired output. The changes can be made to get the desired output and the operation can be carried out

“Fig. 6: System Tested In Software”


This circuit is used for the four quadrant DC motor speed control operation. Here seven switches are interfaced
to microcontroller to control the speed of the motor. [1]

“Fig. 7: Complete Prototype Hardware Model”

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When the starting switch is pressed the motor starts rotating at full speed being driven by a motor driver IC
L293D that receives control signal continuously from the microcontroller. [1] When clockwise switch is pressed
the motor rotates in the forward direction as per the logic provided by the program from the microcontroller to
the motor driver IC.[1] While forward brake is pressed a reverse voltage is applied to the motor by the motor
driver IC by sensing reverse logic sent by the microcontroller for a short time period due to and reverse brake
switch is pressed the microcontroller delivers a logic to the motor driver IC that develops for very small time a
reverse voltage across the running motor due to which instantaneous brake situation happens to the motor.[1]
PWM switch is used to rotate the motor at varying speeds by delivering from the microcontroller a varying duty
cycle to the enable pin of the motor driver IC. [1] It starts from 100% duty cycle and reduces in steps of 10%
when it is pressed again and finally reaches to 10% duty cycle and the process repeats. [1] Stop button is used to
switch OFF the motor by driving the enable pin to ground from the microcontroller command accordingly. [1]

“Fig. 8: Flow Chart Diagram of System”

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A. Simulation Results Using Proteus Software:

The simulated waveform of microcontroller based dc motor speed control for the four quadrant modes of
operation i.e. clockwise, anticlockwise movement, forward and reverse braking is given below.

“Fig. 9: (A). Waveform of Clock-Wise Movement of Dc Motor”

“Fig. 9: (B). Waveform of Anti-Clockwise Movement of Dc Motor”

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“Fig. 9: (C). Waveform of Forward Braking of Dc Motor”

“Fig. 9: (D). Waveform of Reverse Braking of Dc Motor”

B. Hardware Implementation:

The waveform of input pulse given to dc motor from pin of microcontroller has been observed on digital CRO
and the waveforms for four quadrant modes of operations are achieved for different duty cycles are:

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“Fig. 9: (E). Clockwise Movement of DC Motor”

“Fig. 9: (F). Anti-Clockwise Movement of DC Motor”

“Fig. 9: (G). Waveform of Forward Braking”

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“Fig. 9: (H). Waveform of Reverse Braking”

The hardware for four quadrant DC motor speed control using microcontroller is designed. The prototype
hardware model for the four quadrant DC motor speed control using microcontroller is designed. A simulated
model has been developed by Proteus software and then result has been verified using a prototype hardware
model. In the proposed model, the PWM technique has been used to control the speed of DC motor. [4] By
variation in duty cycle, applied voltage varies therefore the speed of DC motor can be controlled. [4] The
waveform of input pulse given to DC motor has been taken for different values of duty cycle and it has been
observed that speed of DC motor is directly proportional to duty cycle, i.e. as the one time duty cycle increases
the speed of DC motor also increases.[4] The waveform of input pulse of DC motor has been taken for forward
and reverse braking mode and it has been observed that the amplitude of waveform became high for very short
duration and after that amplitude becomes zero.[4] In the experimental result, it has been observed that some
harmonics are occurring. It is due to different nonlinear electronic components such as diodes, transistors etc. [4]
present in the prototype developed model. It is proved to be operated so simply. [4] This project is practical and
highly feasible in an economic point of view and it has an advantage of running motors of higher ratings. [4] It is
good in terms of reliability and durability and also it gives an accurate and efficient way of speed control of a
DC motor.[4] The program is found to be efficient and the results with the designed hardware are promising.[4]
The developed control and power circuit functions properly and satisfies the application requirements. [4] The
motor is able to operate in all the four quadrants successfully. [4] Regenerative braking is also achieved.
Simulation and experimental results tally with each other and justify effectively the developed system. [4]

[1] Vikash Kumar and Prof. Rekha Jha “Four Quadrant Speed Control of DC Motor with the Help of AT89S52
Microcontroller” Journal for Research, Volume 01, Issue 08, October 2015 ISSN: 2395-7549.
[2] (www.efxkits.co.uk) Tarun Agarwal “Four Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control using 8051 Microcontroller”.

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[3] (www.ijsrd.com) International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, ISSN (ONLINE): 2321-
[4] Manoj Kumar Swain , Bibhuti Nemalpuri , Deepak Kumar Das , Aieshwarya Nath “Four Quadrant DC
Motor Speed Control Using Arduino” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research,
Volume 04, Issue 03, April 2017, DOI : 10.21884/IJMTER.2017.4091.R1G7S.
[5] (www.keil.com) Keil Embedded Development Tools, 8051 Development Tools.
[6] (www.barrgroup.com) Barr Group, The Embedded Systems Experts.
[7] K.Dhivya Dharshini and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier “Analysis of microcontroller Based Four Quadrant Speed
Control System for a DC Motor” International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research
(IJCESR), Volume 02, Issue 02, 2015 ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697.
[8] (www.microchip.com) Microchip Technology 1998-2018.

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