Nature557 (2018) 71-9 Antih PDF
Nature557 (2018) 71-9 Antih PDF
In 1928, Dirac published an equation1 that combined quantum it is produced with a kinetic energy of less than 0.54 K in temperature
mechanics and special relativity. Negative-energy solutions to units. The techniques that we use to produce antihydrogen that is cold
this equation, rather than being unphysical as initially thought, enough to trap are described elsewhere12–14. In round numbers, a typi-
represented a class of hitherto unobserved and unimagined cal trapping trial in ALPHA-2 involves mixing 90,000 antiprotons with
particles—antimatter. The existence of particles of antimatter was 3,000,000 positrons to produce 50,000 antihydrogen atoms, about 20 of
confirmed with the discovery of the positron2 (or anti-electron) by which will be trapped. The anti-atoms are confined by the interaction
Anderson in 1932, but it is still unknown why matter, rather than of their magnetic moments with the inhomogeneous magnetic field.
antimatter, survived after the Big Bang. As a result, experimental The cylindrical trapping volume for antihydrogen has a diameter of
studies of antimatter3–7, including tests of fundamental symmetries 44.35 mm and a length of 280 mm.
such as charge–parity and charge–parity–time, and searches for The key to anti-atomic spectroscopy, as developed so far7, 15, 16, is to
evidence of primordial antimatter, such as antihelium nuclei, have illuminate a sample of trapped antihydrogen atoms with electromag-
high priority in contemporary physics research. The fundamental netic radiation (microwaves or laser photons) that causes atoms to be
role of the hydrogen atom in the evolution of the Universe and in the lost from the trap if the radiation is on resonance with the transition of
historical development of our understanding of quantum physics interest. ALPHA-2’s silicon vertex detector17 (Fig. 1) affords us single-
makes its antimatter counterpart—the antihydrogen atom—of atom detection capability for the annihilation events associated with
particular interest. Current standard-model physics requires that lost antihydrogen atoms or antiprotons that encounter the walls of the
hydrogen and antihydrogen have the same energy levels and spectral apparatus. The silicon vertex detector tracks the charged pions from
lines. The laser-driven 1S–2S transition was recently observed8 in the antiproton annihilation, and various reconstruction algorithms are
antihydrogen. Here we characterize one of the hyperfine components used to determine the location (vertex) of each annihilation and to dis-
of this transition using magnetically trapped atoms of antihydrogen tinguish antiprotons from cosmic-ray background using multivariate
and compare it to model calculations for hydrogen in our apparatus. analysis18 (Methods).
We find that the shape of the spectral line agrees very well with that To excite the 1S–2S transition, we use a cryogenic, in vacuo enhance-
expected for hydrogen and that the resonance frequency agrees ment cavity (Fig. 1) for continuous-wave light from a 243-nm laser
with that in hydrogen to about 5 kilohertz out of 2.5 × 1015 hertz. system (Methods) to boost the intensity in the trapping volume. Long
This is consistent with charge–parity–time invariance at a relative interaction times are possible, because the anti-atoms have a storage
precision of 2 × 10−12—two orders of magnitude more precise than lifetime of at least 60 h in the trap. Two counter-propagating photons
the previous determination8—corresponding to an absolute energy can resonantly excite the ground-state atoms to the 2S state. Absorption
sensitivity of 2 × 10−20 GeV. of a third photon ionizes the atom, leading to loss of the antiproton
The transition of interest here, between the ground state and the first from the trap. Atoms that decay from the 2S to the 1S state via coupling
excited state of antihydrogen, has an energy of about 10.2 eV. The fre- to the 2P state may also be lost, owing to a positron spin-flip19.
quency of this transition in hydrogen has been measured8 to a few parts Referring to the energy-level diagram of hydrogen in Fig. 2, there
in 1015. We previously demonstrated7 the existence of the transition are two trappable, hyperfine substates of the 1S ground state (labelled
in antihydrogen, localizing the frequency to a few parts in 1010. Here ‘c’ and ‘d’). In practice, we find that these states are, on average, equally
we characterize the spectral line shape of the transition to the limits of populated in our trap: Nc = Nd = Ni/2, where Ni is the number of
precision of our current apparatus. ground-state atoms that are initially trapped in an experimental trial.
Matter and antimatter annihilate each other, so antihydrogen must be The 2S state has corresponding hyperfine levels, and we refer to the
synthesized and then held in ultrahigh vacuum, in isolation from mat- transitions between the two manifolds as d–d (Fig. 2) and c–c (not
ter, to be studied. The ALPHA-2 apparatus at CERN (Fig. 1) combines pictured).
antiprotons from the antiproton decelerator9 with positrons from a For each experimental trial, we first accumulate antihydrogen atoms
positron accumulator10, 11 to produce and trap12 atoms of antihydrogen. from three mixing cycles or ‘stacks’13 and then remove any leftover
Antihydrogen can be trapped in ALPHA-2’s magnetic multipole trap if charged particles using pulsed electric fields. After a wait of about 10 s
Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. 3Department of Physics, College of Science, Swansea
University, Swansea, UK. 4School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. 5Cockcroft Institute, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Warrington, UK. 6TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 7Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA. 8Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. 9Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. 10Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 11Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 12Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 13Department
of Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 14Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 15Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 16Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 17Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel. 18Physics Department, Marquette
University, Milwaukee, WI, USA. 19IRFU, CEA/Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. *e-mail:
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Piezo stack
input coupler Antiproton Antihydrogen synthesis Positron Annihilation
preparation and trapping preparation detector
Magnetic field (T)
–400 –300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300 400
Axial position (mm)
Fig. 1 | The ALPHA-2 central apparatus and magnetic field profile. axis at an angle of 2.3°. The piezoelectric actuator behind the output
a, b, Penning traps, comprising stacks of cylindrical electrodes immersed coupler is used to modulate the cavity length to lock the cavity to the laser
in a uniform axial magnetic field generated by an external solenoid (not frequency. The axial scale in a and b is the same; the radial extent of the
shown), are used to confine and manipulate antiprotons ( p ) and positrons ̄ annihilation detector is larger than illustrated. The vacuum window and
(e+) to produce antihydrogen. Cold (less that 0.5 K) anti-atoms can be photo-diode are further to the right (by about 1 m) than illustrated. The
trapped radially by the octupole field and axially by the magnetic well that brown-shaded electrodes are used to apply blocking potentials during the
is formed by the five mirror coils and plotted in b. The 243-nm laser light experimental trials to ensure that antiprotons that result from ionization
is injected from the antiproton side (left in a) and is aligned and position- are confined to annihilate in the active volume of the detector7.
stabilized on the fixed optical cavity axis. The laser beam crosses the trap
to allow any excited atoms to decay to the ground state, the trapped We collected data for nine different laser frequencies in four sets.
population is exposed to laser radiation at a fixed frequency for 300 s. Each set involved four distinct frequencies and 21 (or 23, see below) tri-
The frequencies used here were chosen to probe only the d–d transi- als at each of these frequencies. In each set, two of the frequencies were
tion (Fig. 2). Following the laser exposure, we use microwave radia- always the calculated hydrogen on-resonance frequency at zero laser
tion to remove the 1Sc state atoms by driving a resonant spin-flip15, 16. power (zero detuning) and a far-off-resonance frequency (−200 kHz
The microwave frequency is scanned over 9 MHz in 32 s; these detuning at 243 nm), as used previously7. The other two frequencies in
parameters and the injected power level (160 mW at the vacuum feed- each set were chosen to address various detunings in the neighbour-
through) are chosen to eject anti-atoms quickly while minimizing the hood of the d–d resonance. The data are summarized in Table 1. The
perturbation of the vacuum and cryogenic environment. The silicon repetition of the points at −200 kHz and zero detuning was intended
vertex detector is used to detect annihilations of antihydrogen atoms to address variations in laser power and trapping number between sets.
that are lost during the laser and microwave exposures. Finally, the The repetition at + 25 kHz was a check of reproducibility. During the
atom-trap magnets are ramped down in 1.5 s, so that any surviving accumulation of data for each set, the four frequencies were interleaved
anti-atoms would be released and their annihilations detected. If the in a varying order and the operators were blinded as to the identity of
microwave removal of 1Sc-state atoms is 100% effective, then the sur- each frequency setting. The power of the enhancement cavity (about
viving particles would be only 1Sd-state atoms that were not removed 1 W) was monitored by measuring the transmitted power outside of the
by laser action. vacuum chamber (Fig. 1). Each set was preceded by a thermal cycle of
the apparatus to regenerate the cryo-pumping surface.
The background-corrected numbers in Table 1 are calculated from
Table 1 | Antihydrogen atom counts raw detector events using the measured, overall efficiencies of the
Atoms lost silicon vertex detector. These efficiencies depend on the particular
Atoms lost during
Laser during microwave Initially
multivariate analysis algorithm that was used to distinguish antiproton
detuning, Number laser exposure, Surviving trapped annihilations from cosmic rays (Methods) in the relevant time window.
D (kHz) of trials exposure, L M atoms, S atoms, Ni The efficiencies and background rates are listed in Table 2.
Set 1 −200 21 7 ± 7 383 ± 23 504 ± 25 894 ± 35 The number of initially trapped atoms Ni for a trial is unknown a
−100 21 22 ± 9 415 ± 24 494 ± 24 931 ± 35 priori, but was typically about 60 at the beginning of a measurement set.
0 21 264 ± 24 423 ± 24 217 ± 16 904 ± 38 In Table 1, the total number of atoms for each group of trials is assumed
+100 21 75 ± 14 411 ± 23 424 ± 23 910 ± 35 to be the sum L + M + S of the numbers of atoms lost during laser (L)
Set 2 −200 21 26 ± 9 394 ± 23 466 ± 24 886 ± 34
−25 21 113 ± 16 423 ± 24 326 ± 20 862 ± 35
or microwave (M) exposure and the number of surviving atoms (S)
0 21 219 ± 22 390 ± 23 269 ± 18 878 ± 37 (see Table 1). The trapping rate declined slowly but reproducibly dur-
+25 21 173 ± 20 438 ± 24 296 ± 19 907 ± 37 ing each set (Extended Data Fig. 1). The third set has 23 trials at each
Set 3 −200 23 8 ± 7 354 ± 22 479 ± 24 841 ± 33
0 23 303 ± 26 454 ± 25 248 ± 17 1,005 ± 40
Table 2 | Annihilation detector efficiencies and background rates
+50 23 176 ± 20 390 ± 23 339 ± 20 905 ± 37
+200 23 36 ± 11 446 ± 24 459 ± 23 941 ± 35 Background Uncertainty
Efficiency Uncertainty rate (10−3 s−1) (10−3 s−1)
Set 4 −200 21 7 ± 7 525 ± 26 541 ± 25 1,073 ± 37
−50 21 86 ± 15 475 ± 25 495 ± 24 1,056 ± 38 Laser exposure (300 s) 0.472 0.001 1.04 0.11
0 21 274 ± 25 480 ± 25 275 ± 18 1,029 ± 40 Microwave exposure (32 s) 0.801 0.002 33.0 0.6
+25 21 202 ± 21 516 ± 26 305 ± 19 1,023 ± 38 Release of surviving 0.852 0.002 191 1
Total 344 1,991 6,917 6,137 15,045 atoms (1.6 s)
The integrated number of antihydrogen atoms is listed for each laser detuning (at 243 nm) within The detection efficiencies and background rates of the silicon vertex detector, as determined by
each set of trials. The background has been subtracted. Uncertainties quoted are one standard the multivariate analysis (Methods), are listed for the three observation windows. The 1.6-s win-
deviation (s.d.) counting errors. We refer to L as the ‘appearance signal’; S is used to infer the dow during which the surviving atoms are released extends for 0.1 s after the magnet rampdown
‘disappearance signal’. is complete.
7 2 | N A T U RE | V O L 5 5 7 | 3 M A Y 2 0 1 8
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a 1.2
Trappable states Disappearance, rs(D)
15 Non-trappable states Appearance, rl(D)
Simulation, 1 W
|2Sd > 1.0
E – E1S–2S (GHz)
5 |2Sc
0 fd–d
Normalized signal
–5 0.6
10 |1Sd > 0
E (GHz)
fc–b –0.2
b 1.2
|1S >
110 1.15 W
frequency because of a hardware failure in an early block of four trials;
extra trials were added to compensate for the excluded data.
To examine the general features of the measurement results, we plot –0.2
–300 –200 –100 100 200 300
(Fig. 3a) the four datasets on one graph by using a simple scaling. The
Detuning, D (kHz at 243 nm)
points at zero (on-resonance) and −200-kHz detuning (at which no
signal is expected7), repeated for each set, are used for the scaling. For Fig. 3 | Spectral line of antihydrogen. a, The complete dataset, scaled as
the laser exposure (‘appearance’) data, we define a scaled response at described in the text. The simulated curve (not a fit, drawn for qualitative
comparison only) is for a stored cavity power of 1 W and is scaled to the
detuning D within each set: rl(D) = L(D)/L(0). Similarly, for the sur-
data at zero detuning. ‘Appearance’ refers to annihilations that are detected
viving population (‘disappearance’ data), we use rs(D) = [S(−200 kHz) during laser irradiation; ‘disappearance’ refers to atoms that are apparently
− S(D)]/[S(−200 kHz) − S(0)]. The uncertainties shown are due to missing from the surviving sample. The error bars are 1-s.d. counting
Poissonian counting errors only. For comparison, we also plot the uncertainties. b, Three simulated line shapes (for hydrogen) are depicted
results of a simulation19 based on the expected behaviour of hydrogen for different cavity powers to illustrate the effect of power on the size and
in our trap for a cavity power of 1 W, scaled to the zero-detuning data the frequency at the peak. The width of the simulated line (FWHM) as a
point. We see that the peak position and the width of the scaled spec- function of laser power is plotted in the inset.
tral line are consistent with the calculation for hydrogen and that the
experiment generally reproduces the predicted asymmetric line shape. To make a more quantitative comparison of the experimental results
There is also good agreement between the appearance and disappear- with the expectations for hydrogen, it is necessary to scrutinize differ-
ance data (Fig. 3a). ences between the four datasets. The overall response should be linear
The simulation involves propagating the trapped atoms in an accu- in the number of atoms addressed, so it is possible to normalize for this.
rate model of the magnetic trap. When an atom crosses the laser However, the line width depends on the stored power in the cavity, as
beam, which has a waist of 200 μm at the cavity centre, we calculate does the frequency of the peak (Fig. 3b). The cavity power is difficult
the two-photon excitation probability, taking into account transit-time to measure in our geometry because the amount of transmitted light
broadening, the a.c. Stark shift and the residual Zeeman effect. The sim- depends sensitively on the small transmission from the output coupler
ulation determines whether excited atoms are lost owing to ionization (about 0.05%) and on absorption in the optical elements through which
or to a spin-flip event. The variable input parameters for the simulation the transmitted light exits (Fig. 1). We observe that the transmitted
are the cavity power and the laser frequency. The modelled response is power can degrade, owing to accumulated ultraviolet damage to the
asymmetric in frequency owing to the residual Zeeman effect19. The window and mirror substrate, whereas the finesse of the cavity does
width of the line, for our experimental parameters, is dominated by not change.
transit-time broadening, which contributes about 50 kHz full-width A modelling approach that self-consistently accounts for fluctuations
at half-maximum (FWHM) at 243 nm. For 1 W of cavity power, the in experimental parameters is a simultaneous fit in which we allow the
a.c. Stark shift is about 2.5 kHz to higher frequency and the ionization four sets to have distinct powers (P1–4), but the same frequency shift
contributes about 2 kHz to the natural line width. with respect to the hydrogen calculation (Methods). We require that
3 M A Y 2 0 1 8 | V O L 5 5 7 | N A T U RE | 7 3
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Table 3 | Summary of uncertainties trapped hydrogen20 as recently as the mid-1990s. We used a total of
Estimated about 15,000 antihydrogen atoms to obtain this result, compared to 1012
Type of uncertainty size (kHz) Comment trapped atoms in the analogous matter experiment. Our dataset was
Statistical uncertainties 3.8 Poisson errors and curve fitting to accumulated over a period of ten weeks, illustrating that the antihy-
measured data drogen trapping procedure is robust and that systematic effects are
Modelling uncertainties 3 Fitting of simulated data to manageable. ALPHA’s emergent antihydrogen production, storage and
piecewise-analytic function
Modelling uncertainties 1 Waist size of the laser, antihydro-
detection techniques, together with advances in ultraviolet laser tech-
gen dynamics nology and frequency metrology, pioneered by Hänsch and colleagues,
Magnetic-field stability 0.03 From microwave removal of 1Sc- enable precision anti-atom spectroscopy.
state atoms (see text) Precision experiments at the antiproton decelerator have recently
Absolute magnetic-field 0.6 From electron cyclotron resonance constrained the properties of the antiproton through studies in Penning
Laser-frequency stability 2 Limited by GPS clock
traps21, 22 or with antiprotonic helium23. For example, the antiproton
d.c. Stark shift 0.15 Not included in simulation charge-to-mass ratio is known to agree with that of the proton to 69
Second-order Doppler shift 0.08 Not included in simulation parts per trillion21, equivalent to an energy sensitivity of 9 × 10−27 GeV.
Discrete frequency choice 0.36 Determined from fitting sets of The ratio of the antiproton mass to the electron mass has been shown
of measured points pseudo-data to agree with its proton counterpart23 to 8 × 10−10, and antihydrogen
Total 5.4
has been shown to be neutral24 to 0.7 parts per billion. Our measure-
The estimated statistical and systematic errors (at 121 nm) are tabulated.
ment of antihydrogen probes different and complementary physics at
a precision of a few parts per trillion, or an energy level of 2 × 10−20
the average powers for the appearance and disappearance data within a GeV. This already exceeds the precision (4 × 10−19 GeV) in the mass
set are the same. We find the parameters that best reproduce the data to difference of neutral kaons and antikaons25, which has long been the
be: P 1 = 1135(50) mW, P 2 = 904(30) mW, P 3 = 1123(43) mW, standard for particle-physics tests of charge–parity–time invariance.
P4 = 957(31) mW and δf = −0.44 ± 1.9 kHz, where δf is the difference Near-term improvements in the ALPHA-2 apparatus will include a
(at 243 nm) between the resonant frequency inferred from the fit and larger waist size for the radiation in the optical cavity to reduce tran-
the resonant frequency of hydrogen expected for our system, both at sit-time broadening, operation at lower magnetic fields and operational
zero power. The uncertainties represent the 68% confidence interval of improvements to accelerate data acquisition and to reduce statistical
a least-squares fit and do not take into account systematic uncertainties. uncertainties. Future measurements will require an upgrade to our
The fit uses the five variables identified above, and the individual data frequency reference to exceed a fractional precision of 8 × 10−13
points at each frequency are weighted by their Poissonian counting (Methods). The rapid progress detailed here confirms that, in principle,
errors. We include an uncertainty of 3.8 kHz (Table 3) in the final reso- there is nothing to prevent the achievement of hydrogen-like preci-
nance frequency to represent statistical and curve-fitting uncertainties. sion in antihydrogen and the associated very sensitive test of charge–
Considering systematic effects, the microwave removal procedure parity–time symmetry in this system.
for the 1Sc-state atoms provides a reproducibility check on the strength
of the magnetic field at the centre of the trap. At the beginning of each Online content
data-taking shift, the magnetic field of the external solenoid magnet Any Methods, including any statements of data availability and Nature Research
was reset to a standard value using an electron cyclotron resonance reporting summaries, along with any additional references and Source Data files,
technique16. For the complete dataset, we find that the variations in the are available in the online version of the paper at
magnetic field at the minimum field of about 1 T are about 3.2 × 10−5 T 018-0017-2.
(1 s.d.). This corresponds to a resonance frequency shift19 of only about
15 Hz at 243 nm for the d–d transition. (At 1 T, the c–c transition is Received: 11 December 2017; Accepted: 6 March 2018;
about 20 times more sensitive to magnetic field shifts, which is why Published online 4 April 2018.
the d–d transition is more attractive here.) The laser frequency was
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7 4 | N A T U RE | V O L 5 5 7 | 3 M A Y 2 0 1 8
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17. Amole, C. et al. Silicon vertex detector upgrade in the ALPHA experiment. Author contributions This experiment was based on data collected using the
Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 732, 134–136 (2013). ALPHA-2 antihydrogen trapping apparatus, designed and constructed by the
18. Hoecker, A. et al. TMVA - toolkit for multivariate data analysis. Preprint at ALPHA Collaboration using methods developed by the entire collaboration. (2007). The entire collaboration participated in the operation of the apparatus
19. Rasmussen, C. Ø., Madsen, N. & Robicheaux, F. Aspects of 1S–2S spectroscopy and the data-taking activities. The laser and internal cavity system was
of trapped antihydrogen atoms. J. Phys. B 50, 184002 (2017); corrigendum, conceived, implemented, commissioned and operated by W.B., N.M., J.S.H., (2018). S.E., C.Ø.R., S.A.J., C.L.C., B.X.R.A. and G.S. F.R., C.Ø.R., J.F. and N.M. developed
20. Cesar, C. L. et al. Two-photon spectroscopy of trapped atomic hydrogen. Phys. the simulation program for laser interaction with magnetically trapped
Rev. Lett. 77, 255–258 (1996). atoms. Analysis of the spectral line shapes was done by C.Ø.R., N.M. and
21. Ulmer, S. et al. High-precision comparison of the antiproton-to-proton J.S.H. Detailed analysis of the antiproton annihilation detector data was done
charge-to-mass ratio. Nature 524, 196–199 (2015). by J.T.K.M. and A.O. Implementation of the microwave system and analysis
22. Smorra, C. et al. A parts-per-billion measurement of the antiproton magnetic of the microwave data was done by T.F. and M.E.H. The positron accumulator
moment. Nature 550, 371–374 (2017). is the responsibility of C.J.B., M.C., C.A.I. and D.P.v.d.W. The manuscript
23. Hori, M. et al. Buffer-gas cooling of antiprotonic helium to 1.5 to 1.7 K, and was written by J.S.H., N.M., C.Ø.R., S.A.J. and J.T.K.M., with help from A.O.,
antiproton-to-electron mass ratio. Science 354, 610–614 (2016). C.L.C. and S.E. The manuscript was then edited and improved by the entire
24. Ahmadi, M. et al. An improved limit on the charge of antihydrogen from collaboration.
stochastic acceleration. Nature 529, 373–376 (2016).
25. Patrignani, C. et al. Review of particle physics. Chin. Phys. C 40, 100001 (2016). Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Acknowledgements All authors are members of the ALPHA Collaboration. This Additional information
work was supported by: the European Research Council through its Advanced Extended data are available for this paper at
Grant programme (J.S.H.); CNPq, FAPERJ, RENAFAE (Brazil); NSERC, NRC/ 018-0017-2.
TRIUMF, EHPDS/EHDRS, FQRNT (Canada); FNU (Nice Centre), Carlsberg Reprints and permissions information is available at
Foundation (Denmark); ISF (Israel); STFC, EPSRC, the Royal Society and the reprints.
Leverhulme Trust (UK); DOE, NSF (USA); and VR (Sweden). We are grateful Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.S.H.
for the efforts of the CERN Antiproton Decelerator team, without which these Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional
experiments could not have taken place. We thank J. Tonoli (CERN) and his claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
staff for extensive, time-critical help with machining work. We thank the staff of
the Superconducting Magnet Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory for Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
collaboration and fabrication of the trapping magnets. We thank C. Marshall Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
(TRIUMF) for his work on the ALPHA-2 cryostat. We thank D. Tommasini and adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or
A. Milanese (CERN) for the fabrication of conventional magnets for ALPHA- format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
2. We acknowledge the influence of T. Hänsch on the methodology and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if
hardware used here. J.S.H. and C.L.C. acknowledge early encouragement from changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
D. Kleppner (MIT) in these endeavours. We thank F. Besenbacher (Aarhus) included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise
for support in procuring the ALPHA-2 external solenoid. We thank J. Serrano in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s
(CERN) for making the atomic clock available to us. Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
Reviewer information Nature thanks D. Horvath, K. Jungmann and the other permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license,
anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. visit
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Methods The 300-s observation window. A classifier cut was chosen to optimize the sig-
Time evolution of the dataset. The time evolution of the atoms detected in one nificance for an expected 250 counts of signal and 330,000 counts of background.
of the datasets is depicted in Extended Data Fig. 1. The analysis gives a background rate of 0.0010 ± 0.0001 s−1 and an efficiency of
Laser system for 243-nm light. A Toptica TA-FHG pro laser system uses a pair of 0.472 ± 0.001 (statistical error only) annihilations per detector trigger.
frequency-doubling cavities to generate 150 mW of 243-nm light from a 972-nm Fitting the data using the hydrogen simulation. The build-up of laser power in
extended cavity diode laser (ECDL). The 243-nm beam is mode-matched to the the enhancement cavity is one of the primary experimental parameters that influ-
1S–2S enhancement cavity and sent along a 7-m-long path with active beam-pointing ence the data in Table 1. The main effect of a change in laser power is on the ampli-
stabilization between the laser laboratory and the ALPHA-2 apparatus. The tude of the measured line, but there is also an effect on the peak position through
enhancement cavity is locked to the laser frequency using a single piezoelectric the a.c. Stark shift and on the line width owing to depletion effects. In our set-up,
actuator located behind the output coupler mirror26 to feedback on an error signal there is considerable uncertainty in measuring the absolute intra-cavity laser
generated via the Pound–Drever–Hall technique27. The light transmitted through power; relative measurements show that although the constancy of laser power
the cavity is monitored using a photodiode that is located outside the vacuum within any single measurement set is good, there are variations between the sets.
system. The cavity has a measured finesse of 250 and achieves a circulating power To reflect this experimental reality in our analysis of the data, the χ2 statistic for
of approximately 1 W. the full dataset is minimized with respect to a function that, aside from an overall
The 972-nm ECDL is frequency-stabilized (also using the Pound–Drever–Hall frequency shift, allows a unique laser power in each set and incorporates the effects
technique) to a Menlo Systems ultralow-expansion cavity via an acousto-optic of those laser powers on the amplitude, line width and line centre based on the
modulator, which shifts the light from the 1S–2S transition frequency of the laser simulation of hydrogen in our experiment.
to the closest resonance of the ultralow-expansion cavity. The resonance frequency The construction of the fit function therefore starts by running a detailed simu-
of the cavity is monitored continuously using a Menlo Systems femtosecond lation of hydrogen in the ALPHA-2 magnetic trap for an array of input laser powers
frequency comb, which is referenced to atomic time using a K + K Messtechnik and frequencies that spans the experimentally relevant values, in this case from
GPS-disciplined quartz oscillator. −200 kHz to + 300 kHz in laser detuning and from 0.7 W to 1.25 W in laser power.
The measured difference between the ultralow-expansion resonance frequency We simulate a total of 365,000 atoms in this array, after which we interpolate to
and a comb line with a known frequency is fed forward to the control of the acousto- obtain continuous values in both laser detuning and power. The interpolation in
optic modulator with an averaging time of 20 s to remove long-term drifts. The power is a linear regression at each detuning in the array, based on the observed
uncertainty of the frequency difference over the 20-s averaging period corre- linear behaviour. For interpolation in detuning, a fit to a piecewise-analytic func-
sponds to an Allan deviation28 of 75 Hz at 972 nm (300 Hz at 243 nm). One of tion that provides a good approximation to the simulation data is used. An error
the frequency-comb counters is used to measure the signal from a Symmetricom associated with this fit is included in Table 3. The discrete simulated points and
CS4000 caesium clock to confirm correct operation of the quartz oscillator and the the smooth interpolation are plotted in Extended Data Fig. 2.
radio-frequency chain of the frequency comb. The count reaches a fractional Allan Calculation of the resonant frequency for hydrogen. The frequency fd–d is calcu-
deviation of 8 × 10−13 after 1,000 s of averaging, which corresponds to fluctuations lated from corrections to the centroid-to-centroid frequency f1S2S:
of 250 Hz at 972 nm (1 kHz at 243 nm).
An independent, identical, 972-nm ECDL frequency stabilized to an independ- 1 B
fd − d (B) = f1S2S − [fHF (1) − fHF (2)] + [μe(2) − μe(1)]
ent, identical, ultralow-expansion cavity is used to evaluate the short-term line 4 h
width of the spectroscopy laser. The beat note generated between the two 972-nm
3 2 2
B m 13e a 0 2
lasers has a spectrum composed of individual lines, each with a line width of less − [μp(2) − μp(1)] + B
than 1 Hz, within a 300-Hz (1.2 kHz at 243 nm) FWHM Gaussian envelope. The h μ 4mh
source of the broadening is thought to be acoustic noise within the laser laboratory; where h is Planck’s constant, fHF(n) is the hyperfine splitting of the state with prin-
work is ongoing to reduce the broadening effect. ciple quantum number n, μe and μp are the magnitudes of the magnetic moments
Suppression of cosmic-ray background. To determine the signal events in the of the electron and proton, respectively, μ is the reduced mass of the electron, m is
(a) 1.6-s, (b) 32-s and (c) 300-s observation windows, we require three differ- the electron mass, e is the fundamental charge, a0 is the Bohr radius for an infinite-
ent suppression techniques. (The 1.6-s window extends to 0.1 s after the magnet mass nucleus and B is the magnetic field.
rampdown is complete.) We tune the multivariate analysis (MVA) for each of The first correction describes the difference in the hyperfine splittings of the
the three windows to optimize the statistical significance of the estimated signal. 1S and 2S states. The second (third) correction describes the difference in the
Annihilation events are distinguished from background events (primarily cosmic magnetic moment of the electron (proton) in these states. The fourth correction
rays) by their distinctive topologies. Fourteen selection variables that are sensitive describes the difference in the diamagnetic shift.
to the difference between annihilation and background events were used as inputs The magnetic moment of the bound electron is (equation (84))29
to an MVA package18. The variables included are: (i) the total number of channels
registering ‘hits’ by charged particles; (ii) the radial coordinates of the reconstructed α2 α4 1 2 α3 α2 m
μe(n) = μefree 1− 2 + 3 − + + 2
annihilation vertex; (iii) the sum of the squared residual distances of hits from a 3n 2n 2n 3
4πn 2
2n M
fitted straight line; six topological variables (iv–ix); and five additional variables
(x–xiv). The topological variables are: (iv) a sphericity variable; (v) the cosine of the where α is the fine-structure constant, μefree is the free-electron dipole moment and
angle between the event axis and the detector axis; (vi) the angle between the event M is the proton mass; the dependence on n is described elsewhere30, 31. The mag-
axis and the vertical direction in the x–y plane; (vii) the number of reconstructed netic moment of the bound proton is (equation (87))29
tracks; (viii) the number of three-hit combinations used as track candidates;
α2 α 2 m 3 + 4 × 1.793
(ix) the distance of closest approach of the tracks. The additional variables are: μp(n) = μpfree 1− 2 + 2
(x) the minimum and (xi) mean values of the track radius in canonical form; 6n M 1 + 1.793
(xii) the minimum and (xiii) mean values of the pitch of the helical track in
canonical form; and (xiv) an integer sum of the sense of curvature (left = −1 or where μpfree is the free-proton dipole moment.
right = + 1) for all of the tracks in the event. Using current CODATA values32 for the fundamental constants, the frequency is
The signal data and background data used for MVA training and testing com-
prise a set of 580,846 annihilation events and 3,740,613 background events. The fd − d = f1S2S − 310,712.229 kHz + 186.071B kHzT−1
signal events were produced during antiproton and positron mixing in the appa- − 0.283B kHzT−1 + 387.678B 2 kHzT−2
ratus and contain less than 1% background. Background events were collected
during times when there were no antiprotons in the apparatus. Sample size. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size.
The 1.6-s observation window. A classifier cut was chosen to optimize the signifi- Data availability. The datasets generated and analysed during this study are avail-
cance for an expected 200 counts of signal and 350 counts of background. The anal- able from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
ysis gives a background rate of 0.191 ± 0.001 s−1 and an efficiency of 0.852 ± 0.002
(statistical error only) annihilations per detector trigger. 26. Oliveira, A. N. et al. Cryogenic mount for mirror and piezoelectric actuator for an
optical cavity. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 063104 (2017).
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0.801 ± 0.002 (statistical error only) annihilations per detector trigger. (1966).
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
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physical constants: 1998. Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 351–495 (2000). J. Mass Spectrom. 251, 102–108 (2006).
30. Shabaev, V. M. QED theory of the nuclear recoil effect on the atomic g factor. 32. Mohr, P. J., Newell, D. B. & Taylor, B. N. CODATA recommended values of the
Phys. Rev. A 64, 052104 (2001). fundamental physical constants: 2014. Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 035009 (2016).
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Extended Data Fig. 1 | Time evolution of the dataset. The integrated D (−200 kHz, −100 kHz, 0 kHz and 100 kHz) in set 1. The error bars are
number of atoms is plotted against the trial number for the four detunings 1-s.d. counting uncertainties.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Simulation fitting functions. The points (crosses) function. The coloured surface represents the interpolation used to fit the
from the numerical simulation are plotted for various cavity powers. experimental data.
The solid lines represent fits to the simulation by a piecewise-analytic
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.