Algebraic Number Theory - J. S. Milne PDF
Algebraic Number Theory - J. S. Milne PDF
J.S. Milne
Version 3.01
September 28, 2008
An algebraic number field is a finite extension of Q; an algebraic number is an element
of an algebraic number field. Algebraic number theory studies the arithmetic of algebraic
number fields — the ring of integers in the number field, the ideals and units in the ring of
integers, the extent to which unique factorization holds, and so on.
An abelian extension of a field is a Galois extension of the field with abelian Galois
group. Class field theory describes the abelian extensions of a number field in terms of the
arithmetic of the field.
These notes are concerned with algebraic number theory, and the sequel with class field
theory. The original version was distributed during the teaching of a second-year graduate
BibTeX information
author={Milne, James S.},
title={Algebraic Number Theory (v3.01)},
note={Available at},
c 1998, 2008, J.S. Milne.
Single paper copies for noncommercial personal use may be made without explicit permis-
sion from the copyright holder.
Contents 2
Notations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Rings of Integers 18
First proof that the integral elements form a ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Dedekind’s proof that the integral elements form a ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Integral elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Review of bases of A-modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Review of norms and traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Review of bilinear forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Discriminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Rings of integers are finitely generated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Finding the ring of integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Algorithms for finding the ring of integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Discrete valuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Integral closures of Dedekind domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Modules over Dedekind domains (sketch). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Factorization in extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
The primes that ramify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Finding factorizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Examples of factorizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Eisenstein extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Bibliography 152
Index 154
We use the standard (Bourbaki) notations: N D f0; 1; 2; : : :g; Z D ring of integers; R D
field of real numbers; C D field of complex numbers; Fp D Z=pZ D field with p elements,
p a prime number.
For integers m and n, mjn means that m divides n, i.e., n 2 mZ. Throughout the notes,
p is a prime number, i.e., p D 2; 3; 5; : : :.
Given an equivalence relation, Œ denotes the equivalence class containing . The
empty set is denoted by ;. The cardinality of a set S is denoted by jSj (so jS j is the number
of elements in S when S is finite). Let I and A be sets; a family of elements of A indexed
by I , denoted .ai /i 2I , is a function i 7! ai W I ! A.
X Y X is a subset of Y (not necessarily proper);
X D Y X is defined to be Y , or equals Y by definition;
X Y X is isomorphic to Y ;
X ' Y X and Y are canonically isomorphic (or there is a given or unique isomorphism);
,! denotes an injective map;
denotes a surjective map.
It is standard to use Gothic (fraktur) letters for ideals:
a b c m n p q A B C M N P Q
a b c m n p q A B C M N P Q
The algebra usually covered in a first-year graduate course, for example, Galois theory,
group theory, and multilinear algebra. An undergraduate number theory course will also be
In addition to the references listed at the end and in footnotes, I shall refer to the following
of my course notes (available at
GT Group Theory, v3.00, 2007.
FT Fields and Galois Theory, v4.20, 2008.
CFT Class Field Theory, v4.00, 2008.
I thank the following for providing corrections and comments for earlier versions of these
notes: Vincenzo Acciaro; Giedrius Alkauskas; Dustin Clausen; Keith Conrad; Loy Jiabao,
Jasper; Lee M. Goswick; Samir Hasan; Lars Kindler; Franz Lemmermeyer; Bijan Mohebi;
Wai Yan Pong; Nicolás Sirolli; Thomas Stoll; Vishne Uzi; and others.
PARI is an open source computer algebra system freely available from
F ERMAT (1601–1665). Stated his last “theorem”, and proved it for m D 4. He also posed
the problem of finding integer solutions to the equation,
X2 AY 2 D 1; A 2 Z; (1)
which is essentially the problem1 of finding the units in ZŒ A. The English mathemati-
cians found an algorithm for solving the problem, but neglected to prove that the algorithm
always works.
E ULER (1707–1783). He introduced analysis into the study of the prime numbers, and he
discovered an early version of the quadratic reciprocity law.
L AGRANGE (1736–1813). He found the complete form of the quadratic reciprocity law:
p q
D . 1/.p 1/.q 1/=4 ; p; q odd primes,
q p
and he proved that the algorithm for solving (7) always leads to a solution,
L EGENDRE (1752–1833). He introduced the “Legendre symbol” m p , and gave an incom-
plete proof of the quadratic reciprocity law. He proved the following local-global principle
for quadratic forms in three variables over Q: a quadratic form Q.X; Y; Z/ has a nontrivial
zero in Q if and only if it has one in R and the congruence Q 0 mod p n has a nontrivial
solution for all p and n.
G AUSS (1777–1855). He found the first complete proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law.
He studied the Gaussian integers ZŒi in order to find a quartic reciprocity law. He studied
the classification of binary quadratic forms over Z, which is closely related to the problem
of finding the class numbers of quadratic fields.
D IRICHLET (1805–1859). He introduced L-series, and used them to prove an analytic for-
mula for the class number and a density theorem for the primes in an arithmetic progression.
He proved the following “unit theorem”: let ˛ be a root of a monic irreducible polynomial
f .X/ with integer coefficients; suppose that f .X / has r real roots and 2s complex roots;
then ZŒ˛ is a finitely generated group of rank r C s 1.
K UMMER (1810–1893). He made a deep study of the arithmetic of cyclotomic fields, mo-
tivated by a search for higher reciprocity laws, and showed that unique factorization could
be recovered by the introduction of “ideal numbers”. He proved that Fermat’s last theorem
holds for regular primes.
H ERMITE (1822–1901). He made important contributions to quadratic forms, and he showed
that the roots of a polynomial of degree 5 can be expressed in terms of elliptic functions.
E ISENSTEIN (1823–1852). He published the first complete proofs for the cubic and quartic
reciprocity laws.
K RONECKER (1823–1891). He developed an alternative to Dedekind’s ideals. He also had
one of the most beautiful ideas in mathematics for generating abelian extensions of number
fields (the Kronecker liebster Jugendtraum).
R IEMANN (1826–1866). Studied the Riemann zeta function, and made the Riemann hy-
1 The Indian mathematician Bhaskara (12th century) knew general rules for finding solutions to the equa-
D EDEKIND (1831–1916). He laid the modern foundations of algebraic number theory by
finding the correct definition of the ring of integers in a number field, by proving that ideals
factor uniquely into products of prime ideals in such rings, and by showing that, modulo
principal ideals, they fall into finitely many classes. Defined the zeta function of a number
W EBER (1842–1913). Made important progress in class field theory and the Kronecker
H ENSEL (1861–1941). He gave the first definition of the field of p-adic numbers (as the set
of infinite sums 1 n
nD k an p , an 2 f0; 1; : : : ; p 1g).
H ILBERT (1862–1943). He wrote a very influential book on algebraic number theory in
1897, which gave the first systematic account of the theory. Some of his famous problems
were on number theory, and have also been influential.
TAKAGI (1875–1960). He proved the fundamental theorems of abelian class field theory,
as conjectured by Weber and Hilbert.
N OETHER (1882–1935). Together with Artin, she laid the foundations of modern algebra
in which axioms and conceptual arguments are emphasized, and she contributed to the
classification of central simple algebras over number fields.
H ECKE (1887–1947). Introduced Hecke L-series generalizing both Dirichlet’s L-series and
Dedekind’s zeta functions.
A RTIN (1898–1962). He found the “Artin reciprocity law”, which is the main theorem of
class field theory (improvement of Takagi’s results). Introduced the Artin L-series.
H ASSE (1898–1979). He gave the first proof of local class field theory, proved the Hasse
(local-global) principle for all quadratic forms over number fields, and contributed to the
classification of central simple algebras over number fields.
B RAUER (1901–1977). Defined the Brauer group, and contributed to the classification of
central simple algebras over number fields.
W EIL (1906–1998). Defined the Weil group, which enabled him to give a common gener-
alization of Artin L-series and Hecke L-series.
C HEVALLEY (1909–84). The main statements of class field theory are purely algebraic,
but all the earlier proofs used analysis; Chevalley gave a purely algebraic proof. With his
introduction of idèles he was able to give a natural formulation of class field theory for
infinite abelian extensions.
I WASAWA (1917–1998). He introduced an important new approach into algebraic number
theory which was suggested by the theory of curves over finite fields.
TATE (1925– ). He proved new results in group cohomology, which allowed him to give
an elegant reformulation of class field theory. With Lubin he found an explicit way of
generating abelian extensions of local fields.
L ANGLANDS (1936– ). The Langlands program2 is a vast series of conjectures that, among
other things, contains a nonabelian class field theory.
2 Notto be confused with its geometric analogue, sometimes referred to as the geometric Langlands pro-
gram, which appears to lack arithmetic significance.
It is greatly to be lamented that this virtue of
the [rational integers], to be decomposable into
prime factors, always the same ones for a given
number, does not also belong to the [integers of
cyclotomic fields].
Kummer 1844 (as translated by André Weil)
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic says that every nonzero integer m can be writ-
ten in the form,
m D ˙p1 pn ; pi a prime number,
and that this factorization is essentially unique.
Consider more generally an integral domain A. An element a 2 A is said to be a unit if
it has an inverse in A (element b such that ab D 1 D ba). I write A for the multiplicative
group of units in A. An element of A is said to prime if it is neither zero nor a unit, and if
If A is a principal ideal domain, then every nonzero element a of A can be written in the
a D u1 n ; u a unit; i a prime element;
and this factorization is unique up to order and replacing each i with an associate, i.e.,
with its product with a unit.
Our first task will be to discover to what extent unique factorization holds, or fails to
hold, in number fields. Three problems present themselves. First, factorization in a field
only makes sense with respect to a subring, and so we must define the “ring of integers”
OK in our number field K. Secondly, since unique factorization will fail in general, we
shall need to find a way of measuring by how much it fails. Finally, since factorization is
only considered up to units, in order to fully understand the arithmetic of K, we need to
understand the structure of the group of units UK in OK .
˛ n C a1 ˛ n 1
C C a0 D 0
2a 2 Z; a2 b 2 d 2 Z:
From this it follows easily that, when d 2; 3 mod 4, ˛ is an algebraic integer if and only
if a and b are integers, i.e.,
p n p o
OK D ZŒ d D a C b d j a; b 2 Z ;
and, when d 1 mod 4, ˛ is an algebraic integer if and only if a and b are either both
integers or both half-integers, i.e.,
p n p ˇ o
OK D ZŒ 1C2 d D a C b 1C2 d a; b 2 Z .
p p
For example, the minimum polynomial
p of 1=2 C 5=2 is X 2 X 1, and so 1=2 C 5=2
is an algebraic integer in QŒ 5.
Let d be a primitive d th root of 1, for example, d D exp.2 i=d /, and let K D QŒd .
Then we shall see (6.2) that
mi di j mi 2 Z :
A nonzero element of an integral domain A is said to be irreducible if it is not a unit, and
can’t be written as a product of two nonunits. For example, a prime element is (obviously)
irreducible. A ring A is a unique factorization domain if every nonzero element of A can
be expressed as a product of irreducible elements in essentially one way. Is the ring of
integers OK a unique factorization domain? No, not in general!
We shall see that each element of OK can be written as a product of irreducible elements
(this is true for all Noetherian
p rings), and so it is the uniqueness that fails.
For example, in ZŒ 5 we have
p p
6 D 2 3 D .1 C 5/.1 5/:
p p
To see that 2, 3, 1 C 5, 1 5 are irreducible, and no two are associates, we use the
norm map p p
NmW QŒ 5 ! Q; a C b 5 7! a2 C 5b 2 :
This is multiplicative, and it is easy to see that, for ˛ 2 OK ,
2 nor 3. In fact, in an integral domain in which factorizations exist (e.g. a Noetherian ring),
factorization is unique if all irreducible elements are prime.
What can we recover? Consider
210 D 6 35 D 10 21:
If we were naive, we might say this shows factorization is not unique in Z; instead, we
recognize that there is a unique factorization underlying these two decompositions, namely,
underlying the above factorization; here the pi are “ideal prime factors”.
How do we define “ideal factors”? Clearly, an ideal factor should be characterized
by the algebraic integers it divides. Moreover divisibility by a should have the following
aj0I aja; ajb ) aja ˙ bI aja ) ajab for all b 2 OK :
If in addition division by a has the property that
then we call a a “prime ideal factor”. Since all we know about an ideal factor is the set of
elements it divides, we may as well identify it with this set. Thus an ideal factor a is a set
of elements of OK such that
0 2 aI a; b 2 a ) a ˙ b 2 aI a 2 a ) ab 2 a for all b 2 OK I
it is prime if an addition,
ab 2 a ) a 2 a or b 2 a:
Many of you will recognize that an ideal factor is what we now call an ideal, and a prime
ideal factor is a prime ideal.
There is an obvious notion of the product of two ideals:
abjc ” c D ai bi ; ajai ; bjbi :
In other words, nX o
ab D ai bi j ai 2 a; bi 2 b :
One see easily that this is again an ideal, and that if
a b D .a1 b1 ; :::; ai bj ; :::; am bn /:
With these definitions, one recovers unique factorization: if a ¤ 0, then there is an
essentially unique factorization:
In fact, I claim
p p
.2; 1 C 5/.2; 1 5/ D .2/
p p
.3; 1 C 5/.3; 1 5/ D .3/
p p p
.2; 1 C 5/.3; 1 C 5/ D .1 C 5/
p p p
.2; 1 5/.3; 1 5/ D .1 5/:
p p p p
For example, .2; 1 C 5/.2; 1 5/ D .4; 2 C 2 5; 2 2 5; 6/. Since every
generator is divisible by 2, we see that
p p
.2; 1 C 5/.2; 1 5/ .2/:
Conversely, p p
2 D 6 4 2 .4; 2 C 2 5; 2 2 5; 6/
p p
and so .2; 5/.2;
p1 5/ Dp.2/, as claimed. Ipfurther claim that the four ideals
.2; 1 C 5/, .2; 1 p5/, .3; 1 C p5/, and .3; 1 5/ are all prime. For example,
the obvious map Z ! ZŒ 5=.3; 1 5/ is surjective with kernel .3/, and so
p p
ZŒ 5=.3; 1 5/ ' Z=.3/;
Unlike Z, OpK can have infinitely many units. For example, .1 C 2/ is a unit of infinite
order in ZŒ 2 W
p p p
.1 C 2/. 1 C 2/ D 1I .1 C 2/m ¤ 1 if m ¤ 0:
p p
In fact ZŒ 2 D f˙.1 C 2/m j m 2 Zg, and so
ZŒ 2 f˙1g ffree abelian group of rank 1g:
In general, we shall show (unit theorem) that the roots of 1 in K form a finite group .K/,
and that
OK .K/ Zr (as an abelian group);
moreover, we shall find r:
One motivation for the development of algebraic number theory was the attempt to prove
Fermat’s last “theorem”, i.e., when m 3, there are no integer solutions .x; y; z/ to the
X m C Y m D Zm
with all of x; y; z nonzero.
When m D 3, this can proved by the method of “infinite descent”, i.e., from one solu-
tion, you show that you can construct a smaller solution, which leads to a contradiction3 .
The proof makes use of the factorization
Y 3 D Z3 X 3 D .Z X /.Z 2 C XZ C X 2 /;
and it was recognized that a stumbling block to proving the theorem for larger m is that no
such factorization exists into polynomials with integer coefficients of degree 2. This led
people to look at more general factorizations.
In a famous incident, the French mathematician Lamé gave a talk at the Paris Academy
in 1847 in which he claimed to prove Fermat’s last theorem using the following ideas. Let
p > 2 be a prime, and suppose x, y, z are nonzero integers such that
xp C yp D zp :
Write Y
xp D zp yp D .z i y/; 0i p 1; D e 2 i=p :
He then showed how to obtain a smaller solution to the equation, and hence a contradiction.
Liouville immediately questioned a step in Lamé’s proof in which he assumed that, in order
to show that each factor .z i y/ is a pth power, it suffices to show that the factors are
relatively prime in pairs and their product is a pth power. In fact, Lamé couldn’t justify his
step (ZŒ is not always a principal ideal domain), and Fermat’s last theorem was not proved
for almost 150 years. However, shortly after Lamé’s embarrassing lecture, Kummer used
his results on the arithmetic of the fields QŒ to prove Fermat’s last theorem for all regular
primes, i.e., for all primes p such that p does not divide the class number of QŒp .
Another application is to finding Galois groups. The splitting field of a polynomial
f .X/ 2 QŒX is a Galois extension of Q. In the basic graduate algebra course (see FT),
we learn how to compute the Galois group only when the degree is very small. By using
algebraic number theory one can write down an algorithm to do it for any degree.
For applications of algebraic number theory to elliptic curves, see, for example, Milne
Dedekind 1996, with its introduction by Stillwell, gives an excellent idea of how algebraic
number theory developed. Edwards 1977 is a history of algebraic number theory, con-
centrating on the efforts to prove Fermat’s last theorem. The notes in Narkiewicz 1990
document the origins of most significant results in algebraic number theory.
p Let d be a square-free integer. Complete the verification that the ring of integers in
QŒ d is as described.
0-2 Complete the verification that, in ZŒ 5,
p p p p
.6/ D .2; 1 C 5/.2; 1 5/.3; 1 C 5/.3; 1 5/
Many results that were first proved for rings of integers in number fields are true for more
general commutative rings, and it is more natural to prove them in that context.
Basic definitions
All rings will be commutative, and have an identity element (i.e., an element 1 such that
1a D a for all a 2 A), and a homomorphism of rings will map the identity element to the
identity element.
A ring B together with a homomorphism of rings A ! B will be referred to as an
A-algebra. We use this terminology mainly when A is a subring of B. In this case, for
elements ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm of B, AŒˇ1 ; :::; ˇm denotes the smallest subring of B containing A
and the ˇi . It consists of all polynomials in the ˇi with coefficients in A, i.e., elements of
the form
ai1 :::im ˇ1i1 :::ˇm
; ai1 :::im 2 A:
We also refer to AŒˇ1 ; :::; ˇm as the A-subalgebra of B generated by the ˇi , and when
B D AŒˇ1 ; :::; ˇm we say that the ˇi generate B as an A-algebra.
For elements a1 ; a2 ; : : : of A, P
we let .a1 ; a2 ; : : :/ denote the smallest ideal containing
the ai . It consists of finite sums ci ai , ci 2 A, and it is called the ideal generated by
a1 ; a2 ; : : :. When a and b are ideals in A, we define
a C b D fa C b j a 2 a, b 2 bg:
A proper ideal a in A is maximal if there does not exist an ideal b, a & b & A: An
ideal a is maximal if and only if A=a is a field. Every proper ideal a of A is contained
in a maximal ideal — if A is Noetherian (see below) this is obvious; otherwise the proof
requires Zorn’s lemma. In particular, every nonunit in A is contained in a maximal ideal.
There are the implications: A is a Euclidean domain ) A is a principal ideal domain
) A is a unique factorization domain (see any good graduate algebra course).
Now use that a product of rings is an integral domain if and only one ring is zero and the
other is an integral domain. 2
R EMARK 1.2 The lemma extends in an obvious way to a finite product of rings: the ideals
in A1 Am are of the form a1 am with ai an ideal in Ai ; moreover, a1 am
is prime if and only if there is a j such that aj is a prime ideal in Aj and ai D Ai for i ¤ j:
Noetherian rings
A ring A is Noetherian if every ideal in A is finitely generated.
a1 a2 an
P ROOF. (a))(b): Let a D ai ; it is an ideal, and hence is finitely generated, say a D
.a1 ; : : : ; ar /. For some n, an will contain all the ai , and so an D anC1 D D a.
(b))(c): Let a1 2 S. If a1 is not a maximal element of S , then there is an a2 2 S such that
a1 & a2 . If a2 is not maximal, then there is an a3 etc.. From (b) we know that this process
will lead to a maximal element after only finitely many steps.
(c))(a): Let a be an ideal in A, and let S be the set of finitely generated ideals in contained
in a. According to (c), S contains a maximal element, say, a0 D .a1 ; : : : ; ar /. If a0 ¤ a,
there exists an element a 2 a r a0 , and then a0 & .a1 ; : : : ; ar ; a/ a, which contradicts
the definition of a. 2
A famous theorem of Hilbert states that kŒX1 ; :::; Xn is Noetherian. In practice, al-
most all the rings that arise naturally in algebraic number theory or algebraic geometry are
Noetherian, but not all rings are Noetherian. For example, the ring kŒX1 ; : : : ; Xn ; : : : of
polynomials in an infinite sequence of symbols is not Noetherian because the chain of ideals
P ROPOSITION 1.4 Every nonzero nonunit element of a Noetherian integral domain can be
written as a product of irreducible elements.
P ROOF. We shall need to use that, for elements a and b of an integral domain A,
The first assertion is obvious. For the second, note that if a D bc and b D ad then
a D bc D adc, and so dc D 1. Hence both c and d are units.
Suppose the statement of the proposition is false for a Noetherian integral domain A.
Then there exists an element a 2 A which contradicts the statement and is such that .a/ is
maximal among the ideals generated by such elements (here we use that A is Noetherian).
Since a can not be written as a product of irreducible elements, it is not itself irreducible,
and so a D bc with b and c nonunits. Clearly .b/ .a/, and the ideals can’t be equal for
otherwise c would be a unit. From the maximality of .a/, we deduce that b can be written
as a product of irreducible elements, and similarly for c. Thus a is a product of irreducible
elements, and we have a contradiction. 2
R EMARK 1.5 Note that the proposition fails for the ring O of all algebraic integers in the
algebraic closure of Q in C, because we can keep in extracting square roots: an algebraic
integer ˛ can not be an irreducible element of O because ˛ will also be an algebraic
p p
integer and ˛ D ˛ ˛. Thus O is not Noetherian.
Noetherian modules
Let A be a ring. An A-module M is said to be Noetherian if every submodule is finitely
(a) A is Noetherian;
(b) every ascending chain of submodules becomes stationary;
(c) every nonempty set of submodules in M has a maximal element.
P ROPOSITION 1.8 Let A be a Noetherian ring. Then every finitely generated A-module is
P ROOF. If M is generated by a single element, then M A=a for some ideal a in A, and
the statement is obvious. We argue by induction on the minimum number n of generators
of M . Since M contains a submodule N generated by n 1 elements such that the quotient
M=N is generated by a single element, the statement follows from (1.7). 2
Local rings
A ring A is said to local if it has exactly one maximal ideal m. In this case, A D A r m
(complement of m in A).
L EMMA 1.9 (NAKAYAMA’ S LEMMA ) Let A be a local Noetherian ring, and let a be a
proper ideal in A. Let M be a finitely generated A-module, and define
aM D f ai mi j ai 2 a; mi 2 M g :
(a) If aM D M , then M D 0:
(b) If N is a submodule of M such that N C aM D M , then N D M:
P ROOF. (a) Suppose that aM D M but M ¤ 0. Among the finite sets of generators for
M , choose one fm1 ; :::; mk g having the fewest elements. From the hypothesis, we know
that we can write
mk D a1 m1 C a2 m2 C C ak mk some ai 2 a:
.1 ak /mk D a1 m1 C a2 m2 C C ak 1 mk 1 :
mCN D ai mi C N D ai .mi C N / (definition of the action of A on M=N /;
and so m C N 2 a.M=N /: 2
The hypothesis that M be finitely generated in the lemma is crucial. For example, if
A is a local integral domain with maximal ideal m ¤ 0, then mM D M for any field M
containing A but M ¤ 0.
Rings of fractions
Let A be an integral domain; there is a field K A, called the field of fractions of A, with
the property that every c 2 K can be written in the form c D ab 1 with a; b 2 A and
b ¤ 0. For example, Q is the field of fractions of Z, and k.X / is the field of fractions of
Let A be an integral domain with field of fractions K. A subset S of A is said to be
multiplicative if 0 … S , 1 2 S, and S is closed under multiplication. If S is a multiplicative
subset, then we define
S 1 A D fa=b 2 K j b 2 S g:
It is obviously a subring of K:
E XAMPLE 1.13 (a) If p is a prime ideal in A, then Ap is a local ring (because p contains
every prime ideal disjoint from Sp ).
(b) We list the prime ideals in some rings:
x xi mod di
If m1 ; :::; mkTare integers,
Q then .mi / D .m/Qwhere m is the least common multiple
of the mi . Thus Q .mi / . mi /, which T equals Q .mi /. If the mi are relatively prime in
pairs, then m D mi , and so we have .mi / D .mi /. Note that in general,
a1 a2 an a1 \ a2 \ ::: \ an ;
but the two ideals need not be equal.
These remarks suggest the following statement.
T HEOREM 1.14 Let a1 ; :::; an be ideals in a ring A, relatively prime in pairs. Then for any
elements x1 ; :::; xn of A, the congruences
x xi mod ai
have a simultaneous solution x 2 A; moreover,Tif x is oneTsolution,
Qthen the other solutions
are the elements of the form x C a with a 2 ai , and ai D ai . In other words, the
natural maps give an exact sequence
0!a!A! A=ai ! 0
i D1
with a D ai D ai .
We can now apply the theorem in the case n D 2 to obtain an element y1 of A such that
y1 1 mod a1 ; y1 0 mod ai :
i 2
Q a1 \ a2 T
which proves that D a1 a2 . We complete the proof by induction.
Q This allows us
to assume that i 2 ai D i 2 ai . We showed above that a1 and i 2 ai are relatively
prime, and so Y Y \
a1 . ai / D a1 \ . ai / D ai :
i 2 i 2 2
T HEOREM 1.15 Let a1 ; :::; an be ideals in A, relatively prime in pairs, and let M be an
A-module. There is an exact sequence:
0 ! aM ! M ! M=ai M ! 0
with a D ai D ai :
This can be proved in the same way as Theorem 1.14, but I prefer to use tensor products,
which I now review.
f .m C m0 ; n/ D f .m; n/ C f .m0 ; n/ =
m ˝ .n C n0 / D m ˝ n C m ˝ n0 all a 2 A; m; m0 2 M; n; n0 2 N:
am ˝ n D a.m ˝ n/ D m ˝ an
It follows that if M and N are free A-modules2 with bases .ei / and .fj / respectively, then
M ˝A N is a free A-module with basis .ei ˝ fj /. In particular, if V and W are vector
spaces over a field k of dimensions m and n respectively, then V ˝k W is a vector space
over k of dimension mn.
2 Let Mbe an A-module. Elements e1 ; : : : ; em form a basis for M if every element of M can be expressed
uniquely as a linear combination of the ei ’s with coefficients in A. Then Am ! M , .a1 ; : : : ; am / 7!
ai ei ,
is an isomorphism of A-modules, and M is said to be a free A-module of rank m.
P ROOF ( OF T HEOREM 1.15) Return to the situation of the theorem. When we tensor the
' Q
A=a ! A=ai
with M , we get an isomorphism
' Q Q
M=aM ' .A=a/ ˝A M ! .A=ai / ˝A M ' M=ai M;
as required. 2
Extension of scalars
If A ! B is an A-algebra and M is an A-module, then B ˝A M has a natural structure of
a B-module for which
b.b 0 ˝ m/ D bb 0 ˝ m; b; b 0 2 B; m 2 M:
We say that B ˝A M is the B-module obtained from M by extension of scalars. The map
m 7! 1 ˝ mW M ! B ˝A M has the following universal property: it is A-linear, and for
any A-linear map ˛W M ! N from M into a B-module N , there is a unique B-linear map
˛ 0 W B ˝A M ! N such that ˛ 0 .1 ˝ m/ D ˛.m/. Thus ˛ 7! ˛ 0 defines an isomorphism
.b ˝ c/.b 0 ˝ c 0 / D bb 0 ˝ cc 0
kŒX =.f .X // ! K:
K ˝k ˝ ' .kŒX =.f .X /// ˝k ˝ ' ˝ŒX =.f .X //
by (3) and (4). Because K is separable over k, f .X / has distinct roots. Therefore f .X /
factors in ˝ŒX into monic irreducible polynomials
f .X / D f1 .X / fr .X /
that are relatively prime in pairs. We can apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem to deduce
that Yr
˝ŒX =.f .X // D ˝ŒX .X //:
i D1
Finally, ˝ŒX .X // is a finite separable field extension of ˝ of degree deg fi . Thus we
have proved the following result:
T HEOREM 1.18 Let K be a finite separable field extension of k, and let ˝ be an arbitrary
field extension. Then K ˝k ˝ is a product of finite separable field extensions of ˝,
K ˝k ˝ D ˝i :
i D1
We note that it is essential to assume in (1.18) that K is separable over k. If not, there
will be an ˛ 2 K such that ˛ p 2 k but ˛ … k, and the ring K ˝k K will contain an element
ˇ D .˛ ˝ 1 1 ˝ ˛/ ¤ 0 such that
ˇp D ˛p ˝ 1 1 ˝ ˛ p D ˛ p .1 ˝ 1/ ˛ p .1 ˝ 1/ D 0:
Hence K ˝k K contains a nonzero nilpotent element, and so it can’t be a product of fields.
N OTES Ideals were introduced and studied by Dedekind for rings of algebraic integers, and later by
others in polynomial rings. It was not until the 1920s that the theory was placed in its most natural
setting, that of arbitrary commutative rings (by Emil Artin and Emmy Noether).
1-1 Let A be an integral domain. A multiplicative subset S of A is said to be saturated if
ab 2 S ) a and b 2 S:
(a) Show that S is saturated ” its complement is a union of prime ideals.
(b) Show that given a multiplicative system S , there is a unique
S smallest saturated mul-
tiplicative system S 0 containing S , and that S 0 D A r p, where p runs over the
prime ideals disjoint from S . Show that S 0 1 A D S 1 A. Deduce that S 1 A is
characterized by the set of prime ideals of A that remain prime in S 1 A:
Chapter 2
Rings of Integers
˛ n C a1 ˛ n 1
C C an D 0; ai 2 A:
I shall give two proofs of this theorem. The first uses Newton’s theory of symmetric
polynomials and a result of Eisenstein, and the second is Dedekind’s surprisingly modern
proof, which avoids symmetric polynomials.
For example
S1 D Xi ; S2 D Xi Xj ; :::; Sr D X1 Xr ;
i <j
are all symmetric. These particular polynomials are called the elementary symmetric poly-
T HEOREM 2.2 (Symmetric function theorem) Let A be a ring. Every symmetric polyno-
mial P .X1 ; :::; Xr / in AŒX1 ; :::; Xr is equal to a polynomial in the symmetric elementary
polynomials with coefficients in A, i.e., P 2 AŒS1 ; :::; Sr :
if either
i1 C i2 C C ir > j1 C j2 C C jr
Let X1k1 Xrkr be the highest monomial occurring in P with a coefficient c ¤ 0. Because
P is symmetric, it contains all monomials obtained from X1k1 Xrkr by permuting the
X’s. Hence k1 k2 kr .
Clearly, the highest monomial in Si is X1 Xi , and it follows easily that the highest
monomial in S1d1 Srdr is
P .X1 ; : : : ; Xr / cS1k1 k2
S2k2 k3
Srkr < P .X1 ; : : : ; Xr /:
We can repeat this argument with the polynomial on the left, and after a finite number of
steps, we will arrive at a representation of P as a polynomial in S1 ; : : : ; Sr . 2
Thus the elementary symmetric polynomials in the roots of f .X / lie in A, and so the
theorem implies that every symmetric polynomial in the roots of f .X / lies in A.
P ROPOSITION 2.3 Let A be an integral domain, and let ˝ be an algebraically closed field
containing A. If ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n are the roots in ˝ of a monic polynomial in AŒX , then any
polynomial g.˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n / in the ˛i with coefficients in A is a root of a monic polynomial
in AŒX .
P ROOF. Clearly
h.X / D .X g.˛ .1/ ; : : : ; ˛ .n/ //
is a monic polynomial whose coefficients are symmetric polynomials in the ˛i , and there-
fore lie in A. But g.˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n / is one of its roots. 2
We now prove Theorem 2.1. Let ˛1 and ˛2 be elements of L integral over A. There
exists a monic polynomial in AŒX having both ˛1 and ˛2 as roots. We can now apply (2.3)
with g.˛1 ; : : :/ equal to ˛1 ˙ ˛2 or ˛1 ˛2 to deduce that these elements are integral over A.
P ROOF. )W Suppose
˛ n C a1 ˛ n 1
C C an D 0; ai 2 A:
Then the A-submodule M of L generated by 1, ˛, ..., ˛ n 1 has the property that ˛M M .
(HW We shall need to apply Cramer’s rule. As usually stated (in linear algebra courses)
this says that, if
cij xj D di ; i D 1; : : : ; m;
j D1
xj D det.Cj /= det.C /
where C D .cij / and Cj is obtained from C by replacing the elements of the j th column
with the di s. When one restates the equation as
det.C / xj D det.Cj /
it becomes true over any ring (whether or not det.C / is invertible). The proof is elementary—
essentially it is what you wind up with when you eliminate the other variables (try it for
m D 2). Alternatively, expand out
ˇ ˇ
ˇ c11 : : : P c1j xj : : : c1m ˇ
det Cj D ˇ :::
:: :: ˇ
ˇ P : : ˇˇ
ˇ cm1 : : : cmj xj : : : cmm ˇ
using standard properties of determinants.
Now let M be a nonzero A-module in L such that ˛M M , and let v1 ; : : : ; vn be a
finite set of generators for M . Then, for each i ,
˛vi D aij vj , some aij 2 A:
We can rewrite this system of equations as
.˛ a11 /v1 a12 v2 a13 v3 D 0
a21 v1 C .˛ a22 /v2 a23 v3 D 0
D 0:
Let C be the matrix of coefficients on the left-hand side. Then Cramer’s rule tells us that
det.C / vi D 0 for all i . Since at least one vi is nonzero and we are working inside the field
L, this implies that det.C / D 0. On expanding out the determinant, we obtain an equation
˛ n C c1 ˛ n 1
C c2 ˛ n 2
C C cn D 0; ci 2 A: 2
We now prove Theorem 2.1. Let ˛ and ˇ be two elements of L integral over A, and let
M and N be finitely generated A-modules in L such that ˛M M and ˇN N . Define
nX o
MN D mi ni j mi 2 M; ni 2 N :
(a) MN is an A-submodule of L (easy);
(b) it is finitely generated because, if fe1 ; : : : ; em g generates M and ff1 ; : : : ; fn g gener-
ates N , then fe1 f1 ; : : : ; ei fj ; : : : ; em fn g generates MN ;
(c) it is stable under multiplication by ˛ˇ and by ˛ ˙ ˇ:
We can now apply (2.4) to deduce that ˛ˇ and ˛ ˙ ˇ are integral over A.
Integral elements
D EFINITION 2.5 The ring of elements of L integral over A is called the integral closure
of A in L. The integral closure of Z in an algebraic number field L is called the ring of
integers OL in L:
Next we want to see that L is the field of fractions of OL ; in fact we can prove more.
P ROPOSITION 2.6 Let K be the field of fractions of A, and let L be a field containing K.
If ˛ 2 L is algebraic over K, then there exists a d 2 A such that d˛ is integral over A.
C OROLLARY 2.7 Let A be an integral domain with field of fractions K, and let B be the
integral closure of A in a field L containing K. If L is algebraic over K, then it is the field
of fractions of B:
P ROOF. The proposition shows that every ˛ 2 L can be written ˛ D ˇ=d with ˇ 2 B,
d 2 A. 2
D EFINITION 2.8 A ring A is integrally closed if it is its own integral closure in its field of
fractions K, i.e., if
˛ 2 K; ˛ integral over A ) ˛ 2 A:
P ROPOSITION 2.9 A unique factorization domain, for example, a principal ideal domain,
is integrally closed.
P ROOF. Let A be a unique factorization domain, and let a=b, with a; b 2 A, be an element
of the field of fractions of A integral over A. If b is a unit, then a=b 2 A. Otherwise we
may suppose that there is an irreducible element of A dividing b but not a. As a=b is
integral over A, it satisfies an equation
.a=b/n C a1 .a=b/n 1
C C an D 0; ai 2 A:
On multiplying through by b n , we obtain the equation
an C a1 an 1
b C ::. C an b n D 0:
The element then divides every term on the left except an , and hence must divide an .
Since it doesn’t divide a, this is a contradiction. 2
E XAMPLE 2.10 (a) The rings Z and ZŒi are integrally closed because both are principal
ideal domains. p
(b) Unique factorization fails in ZŒ 3 because
p p
4 D 2 2 D .1 C 3/.1 3/;
The coefficients of this polynomial are symmetric polynomials in the Xi , and therefore (see
2.2) lie in kŒS1 ; : : : ; Sr .
˛ m C a1 ˛ m 1
C ::. C am D 0; some ai 2 A:
Let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of ˛ over K. For any root ˛ 0 of f .X /, the fields
KŒ˛ and KŒ˛ 0 are both stem fields for f (see FT p9), and so there exists a K-isomorphism
˛ 0m C a1 ˛ 0m 1
C ::. C am D 0;
which shows that ˛ 0 is integral over A. Hence all the roots of f .X / are integral over A, and
it follows that the coefficients of f .X / are integral over A (by 2.1). They lie in K, and A is
integrally closed, and so they lie in A. This proves the “only if” part of the statement, and
the “if” part is obvious. 2
P ROOF. First consider the case that B is generated as an A-algebra by a single element, say
B D AŒˇ. By assumption
ˇ n C a1 ˇ n 1
C C an D 0; some ai 2 A:
c0 C c1 ˇ C c2 ˇ 2 C C cN ˇ N ; ci 2 A,
and we can exploit the preceding equality to replace ˇ n (successively) with a linear combi-
nation of lower powers of ˇ. Thus every element of B can be expressed as a finite sum
c0 C c1 ˇ C c2 ˇ 2 C C cn 1ˇ
n 1
, ci 2 A;
n C b1
n 1
C C bn D 0; bi 2 B:
Let B 0 D AŒb1 ; :::; bn . Then B 0 is finitely generated as an A-module (by the last proposi-
tion), and
is integral over B 0 (by our choice of the bi /, and so B 0 Œ
is finitely generated
as an A-module. Since
B 0 Œ
B 0 Œ
, Proposition 2.4 shows that
is integral over A. 2
P ROOF. Let B be the integral closure of A in L, and let C be the integral closure of B in
L. Then C is integral over A, and so C B. 2
R EMARK 2.17 In particular, the ring of integers in a number field is integrally closed.
Clearly we want this, since we want our ring of integers to have the best chance of being a
unique factorization domain (see 2.9).
E XAMPLE 2.18 Let k be a finite field, and let K be a finite extension of k.X /. Let OK be
the integral closure of kŒX in K. The arithmetic of OK is very similar to that of the ring
of integers in a number field.
P ROPOSITION 2.19 Let L=K be an extension of fields of degree n, and let ˇ 2 L. Let
f .X/ be the minimum polynomial of ˇ over K and let ˇ1 D ˇ, ˇ2 , ... , ˇm be the roots of
f .X/. Then
P ROOF. Suppose first that L D KŒˇ, and compute the matrix of x 7! ˇx relative
Q to the
basis f1; ˇ; : : : ; ˇ n 1 g — one sees easily that it has trace ˇi and determinant ˇi . For
the general case, use the transitivity of norms and traces (see FT 5.38). 2
C OROLLARY 2.20 Assume L is separable of degree n over K, and let f1 ; :::; n g be the
set of distinct K-homomorphisms L ,! ˝ where ˝ is some big Galois extension of K
(e.g., the Galois closure of L over K/. Then
C OROLLARY 2.21 Let A be an integrally closed integral domain, and let L be a finite
extension of the field of fractions K of A; if ˇ 2 L is integral over A, then TrL=K .ˇ/ and
NmL=K .ˇ/ are in A.
P ROOF. We know that if ˇ is integral, then so also is each of its conjugates. Alternatively,
apply 2.11. 2
A SIDE 2.22 Let L D KŒ˛, and let ˛1 D ˛; ˛2 ; : : : ; ˛n be the conjugates of ˛ (in some Galois
extension of K containing L). For any ˇ D g.˛/ in L;
This is a restatement of (2.20), and is Dedekind’s original definition (Dedekind 1877, 17).
and so
. .fk ; fl // D A . .ei ; ej // Atr
.ei0 ; ej / D ıij :
For example, suppose fe1 ; :::; em g is a basis such that . .ei ; ej // is a diagonal matrix — the
Gram-Schmidt process always allows us to find such a basis when the form is symmetric
— then ei0 D ei = .ei ; ei /:
If L is a finite extension of K (L and K fields), then
is a symmetric bilinear form on L regarded as a vector space over K, and the discriminant
of this form is called the discriminant of L=K.
More generally, let B A be rings, and assume B is free of rank m as an A-module.
Let ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm be elements of B. We define their discriminant to be
If the ˇs and
s each form a basis for B over A, then det.aij / is a unit (see p24).
Thus the discriminant D.ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm / of a basis fˇ1 ; :::; ˇm g of B is well-defined up to
multiplication by the square of a unit in A. In particular, the ideal in A that it generates is
independent of the choice of the basis. This ideal, or D.ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm / itself regarded as an
element of A=A2 , is called the discriminant disc.B=A/ of B over A.
For example, when we have a finite extension of fields L=K, disc.L=K/ is an element
of K, well-defined up to multiplication by a nonzero square in K.
When A D Z, disc.B=A/ is a well-defined integer, because 1 is the only square of a
unit in Z:
Warning: We shall see shortly that, when K is a number field of degree m over Q,
the ring of integers OK in K is free of rank m over Z, and so disc.OK =Z/ is a well-
defined integer. Sometimes this is loosely referred to as the discriminant of K=Q — strictly
speaking, disc.K=Q/ is the element of Q =Q2 represented by the integer disc.OK =Z/:
P ROPOSITION 2.24 Let A B be integral domains and assume that B is a free A-module
of rank m and that disc.B=A/ ¤ 0. Elements
1 ; :::;
m form a basis for B as an A-module
if and only if
1 ; :::;
m // D .disc.B=A// (as ideals in A).
P ROOF. Let fˇ1 ; :::; ˇm gPbe a basis for B as an A-module, and let
1 ; :::;
m be any ele-
ments of B. Write
j D aj i ˇi , aj i 2 A. Then
1 ; :::;
m / D det.aij /2 D.ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm /;
1 ; : : : ;
m / D .BW N /2 disc.B=Z/:
To prove this, choose a basis ˇ1 ; : : : ; ˇm for B as a Z-module, and write
j D aj i ˇi .
Then both sides equal det.aij /2 D.ˇ1 ; : : : ; ˇm /.
P ROPOSITION 2.26 Let L be a finite separable extension of the field K of degree m, and
let 1 ; :::; m be the distinct K-homomorphisms of L into some large Galois extension ˝
of L. Then, for any basis ˇ1 ; :::; ˇm of L over K;
C OROLLARY 2.27 Let K be the field of fractions of A, and let L be a finite separable
extension of K of degree m. If the integral closure B of A in L is free of rank m over A,
then disc.B=A/ ¤ 0:
P ROOF. If fˇ1 ; :::; ˇm g is a basis for B as an A-module, then it follows easily from (2.6)
that it is also a basis for L as a K-vector space. Hence disc.B=A/ represents disc.L=K/:2
R EMARK 2.28 (a) The proposition shows that the K-bilinear pairing
.ˇ; ˇ 0 / 7! Tr.ˇ ˇ 0 /W L L ! K
P ROPOSITION 2.29 Let A be an integrally closed integral domain with field of fractions
K, and let B the integral closure of A in a separable extension L of K of degree m. There
exists free A-submodules M and M 0 of L such that
M B M 0. (6)
P ROOF. Let fˇ1 ; :::; ˇm g be a basis for L over K. According to (2.6), there exists a d 2 A
such that d ˇi 2 B for all i . Clearly fd ˇ1 ; : : : ; d ˇm g is still a basis for L as a
vector space over K, and so we may assume to begin with that each ˇi 2 B. Because the
trace pairing is nondegenerate, there is a “dual” basis fˇ10 ; :::; ˇm
0 g of L over K such that
Tr.ˇi ˇj / D ıij (see the discussion following (5), p26). We shall show that
Only the second inclusionPrequires proof. Let ˇ 2 B. Then ˇ can be written uniquely as a
linear combination ˇ D bj ˇj0 of the ˇj0 with coefficients bj 2 K, and we have to show
that each bj 2 A. As ˇi and ˇ are in B, so also is ˇ ˇi , and so Tr.ˇ ˇi / 2 A (see 2.21).
But X X X
Tr.ˇ ˇi / D Tr. bj ˇj0 ˇi / D bj Tr.ˇj0 ˇi / D bj ıij D bi :
j j j
Hence bi 2 A.
If A Noetherian, then M 0 is a Noetherian A-module (see 1.8), and so B is finitely
generated as an A-module. If A is a principal ideal domain, then B is free of rank m
because it is contained in a free A-module of rank m, and it has rank m because it
contains a free A-module of rank m (see any basic graduate algebra course). 2
C OROLLARY 2.30 The ring of integers in a number field L is the largest subring that is
finitely generated as a Z-module.
P ROOF. We have just seen that OL is a finitely generated Z-module. Let B be another
subring of L that is finitely generated as a Z-module; then every element of B is integral
over Z (by 2.4), and so B OL : 2
R EMARK 2.31 (a) The hypothesis that L=K be separable is necessary to conclude that
B is a finitely generated A-module (we used that the trace pairing was nondegenerate).
However it is still true that the integral closure of kŒX in any finite extension of k.X / (not
necessarily separable) is a finitely generated kŒX -module.
(b) The hypothesis that A be a principal ideal domain is necessary to conclude from (6)
that B is a free A-module — there do exist examples of number fields L=K such that OL
is not a free OK -module. p
(c) Here is an example of a finitely generated module that is not free. Let A D ZŒ 5,
and consider the A-modules
p p
.2/ .2; 1 C 5/ ZŒ 5:
p p p
Bothp .2/ and ZŒ 5 are free ZŒ 5-modules of rank 1, but .2; 1 C 5/ is not a free
ZŒ 5-module of rank 1, because it is not a principal ideal (see the Introduction). In fact,
it is not a free module of any rank.
R EMARK 2.33 We
P retain the notations of the proposition and its proof.
(a) Let C D Aˇi B, with ˇi a basis for L over K. Define
By linearity,
ˇ 2 C ” Tr.ˇˇi / 2 A for i D 1; :::; m;
and it follows that X
C D Aˇi0 :
Thus we have: X X
C D Aˇi B Aˇi0 D C :
(b) Write L D QŒˇ with ˇ 2 B, and let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of ˇ. Let
C D ZŒˇ D Z1 C Zˇ C C Zˇ m 1 . We want to find C .
One can show (Artin 1959, Chapter 7) that
i 0 0 if 0 i m 2
Tr.ˇ =f .ˇ// D
1 if i Dm 1
(the only term contributing to the determinant is the product of the elements on the other
0 is the dual basis to 1; ˇ; : : : ; ˇ m 1 , so that Tr.ˇ i ˇ 0 / D ı , then
diagonal). If ˇ10 ; :::; ˇm j ij
det.Tr.ˇ i ˇj0 // D 1:
On comparing these formulas, one sees that the matrix relating the family
to the basis
fˇ10 ; :::; ˇm
has determinant ˙1, and so it is invertible in Mn .A/. Thus we see that C is a free A-
module with basis f1=f 0 .ˇ/; : : : ; ˇ m 1 =f 0 .ˇ/g:
C D AŒˇ B f 0 .ˇ/ 1
AŒˇ D C :
P ROPOSITION 2.34 Let L D KŒˇ some Q ˇ, and let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of
ˇ over K. Suppose that f .X / factors into .X ˇi / over the Galois closure of L. Then
D.1; ˇ; ˇ 2 ; : : : ; ˇ m 1 / D .ˇi ˇj /2 D . 1/m.m 1/=2 NmL=K .f 0 .ˇ//:
1i <j m
P ROOF. We have
D.1; ˇ; ˇ 2 ; : : : ; ˇ m 1/ D det.i .ˇ j //2 (2.26)
j 2
D det.ˇ
Q i/
D . i <j .ˇi ˇj //2 (Vandermonde)
D . 1/m.m 1/=2 i . j ¤i .ˇi
ˇj //
D . 1/m.m 1/=2 j f 0 .ˇj /
The number in (2.34) is called the discriminant of f .X /. It can also be defined as the
resultant of f .X / and f 0 .X /. The discriminant of f lies in K, and it is zero if and only if
f has a repeated root. It is a symmetric polynomial in the ˇi with coefficients in K, and so
(by 2.2) it can be expressed in terms of the coefficients of f .X /, but the formulas are quite
f .X / D X n C aX C b, a; b 2 K;
D f 0 .ˇ/ D nˇ n 1
C a:
For any polynomials more complicated than the above, use a computer program. For
example, typing
in PARI returns
-4*c*a^3 + b^2*a^2 + 18*c*b*a + (-4*b^3 - 27*c^2)
i.e., 4ca3 C b 2 a2 C 18cba C . 4b 3 27c 2 /.
The general strategy for finding the ring of integers of K is to write K D QŒ˛ with
˛ an integer in K, and compute D.1; ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 /. It is an integer, and if it is square-free,
then f1; ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 g is automatically an integral basis, because (see 2.25)
D.1; ˛; : : : ; ˛ m 1
/ D disc.OK =Z/ .OK W ZŒ˛/2 : (7)
If it is not square-free, f1; ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 g may still be an integral basis, and sometimes one
can tell this by using Stickelberger’s theorem (see 2.40 below) or by looking at how primes
P If f1;
ramify (see later). ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 g is not an integral basis, one has to look for algebraic
integers not in Z ˛ i (we describe an algorithm below).
E XAMPLE 2.37 The polynomial X 3 C X C 1 is irreducible in QŒX , and, for any root ˛
of it, D.1; ˛; ˛ 2 / D disc.f .X // D 31, which contains no square factor, and so again
f1; ˛; ˛ 2 g is an integral basis for QŒ˛:
E XAMPLE 2.38 This example goes back to Dedekind. Let K D QŒ˛, where ˛ is a root of
f .X / D X 3 C X 2 2X C 8:
The discriminant of f is 2012 D 4 503, but Dedekind showed that OK ¤ ZŒˇ, and
so disc.O=Z/ D 503. In fact Dedekind showed that there is no integral basis of the form
1, ˇ, ˇ 2 (see Weiss 1963, p170; for another example of this type, see Exercise 2-6.)
P ROOF. (a) Let K D QŒ˛, and let ˛1 D ˛, ˛2 , ..., ˛r be the real conjugates of ˛ and ˛rC1 ,
˛N rC1 ; :::; ˛rCs ; ˛N rCs the complex conjugates. Then
Y 2
sign.D.1; :::; ˛ m 1 // D sign .˛rCi s ˛N rCi s /
1i s
because the other terms are either squares of real numbers or occur in conjugate pairs, and
this equals . 1/s .
(b) Recall that disc.OK =Z/ D det.i ˛j /2 , where ˛1 ; :::; ˛m is an integral basis. Let P
be the sum of the terms in the expansion of det.i ˛j / corresponding to even permutations,
and N the sum of the terms corresponding to odd permutations. Then
If is an element of the Galois group of the Galois closure of K over Q, then either P D P
and N D N , or P D N and N D P . In either case, fixes P C N and PN , and so
they are rational numbers. As they are integral over Z, they must in fact be integers, from
which it follows that
disc.OK =Z/ .P C N /2 0 or 1 mod 4: 2
1 In fact, this is the monic irreducible cubic polynomial in ZŒX with the smallest discriminant.
E XAMPLE 2.41 Consider the field QŒ m, where m is a square-free integer.
Case m 2; 3 mod 4. Here D.1; m/ D disc.X 2 m/ D 4m, and so Stickelberger’s
theorem shows that disc.OK =Z/ D 4m, and hence f1; mg is an integral basis.
Case m 1 mod 4. The element .1 C m/=2 is integral because it is a root of
p p
X 2 X C .1 m/=4. As D.1; .1 C m/=2/ D m, we see that f1; .1 C m/=2g is an
integral basis.
R EMARK 2.42 Let K and K 0 be number fields. If K and K 0 are isomorphic, then they
have the same degree and the same discriminant, but the converse statement is false. For
example, there are four nonisomorphic cubic number fields with discriminant 4027 (4027
is prime). See (3.48) and (3.49) for two of them.
The curious may wonder why we didn’t give an example of a field generated over Q by
an integral element whose minimum polynomial has discriminant ˙1. The reason is that
there is no such polynomial of degree > 1 — see the discussion following Theorem 4.9
Thus there is the following algorithm for finding the ring of integers in a number field
K. Write K D QŒ˛ where ˛ is integral over Q. Compute d D disc.1; ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 /. Then
ZŒ˛ OK d ZŒ˛:
Note that .d 1 ZŒ˛W ZŒ˛/ D d m , which is huge but finite. Each coset ˇ C ZŒ˛, ˇ 2
d 1 ZŒ˛, consists entirely of algebraic integers or contains no algebraic integer. Find a set
of representatives ˇ1 ; :::; ˇn for ZŒ˛ in d 1 ZŒ˛, and test each to see whether it is integral
over Z (the coefficients of its minimum polynomial will have denominators bounded by a
power of d , and so it is possible to tell whether or not they are integers by computing them
with sufficient accuracy).
Unfortunately this method is not practical. For example,
f .X / D X 5 C 17X 4 C 3X 3 C 2X 2 C X C 1
X6 2X 3 6 D .X 3 1/2 7:
Unfortunately, of course, PARI will find a “minimum polynomial” for a even when a is
I now discuss a practical algorithm for finding OK for small degrees and small dis-
criminants from Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989 (see the additional references at the end of this
section). The next result will help us get an idea of what should be possible.
L EMMA 2.44 Let .A; ı/ be Euclidean domain, and let M be an m m matrix with coef-
ficients in A. Then it is possible to put M into upper triangular form by elementary row
operations of the following type:
(r1) add a multiple of one row to a second;
(r2) swap two rows.
P ROOF. By definition ıW A ! Z is a function with the following property: for any two
elements a; b of A with a ¤ 0, there exist elements q and r such that
Apply an operation of type (r2) so that the element of the first column with the minimum ı is
in the .1; 1/-position. If a11 divides all elements in the first column, we can use operations
of type (r1) to make all the remaining elements of the first column zero. If not, we can use
(r1) to get an element in the first column that has smaller ı-value than a11 , and put that
in the .1; 1/ position. Repeat — eventually, we will have the gcd of the original elements
in the first column in the .1; 1/ position and zeros elsewhere. Then move onto the next
column. . . . 2
R EMARK 2.45 (a) The operations (r1) and (r2) are invertible in matrices with coefficients
in A, and they correspond to multiplying on the left with an invertible matrix in Mn .A/.
Hence we have shown that there exists an invertible matrix U in Mn .A/ such that UM is
upper triangular. On taking transposes, we find that for any matrix M 2 Mn .A/, there is an
invertible matrix U in Mn .A/ such that M U is lower triangular.
(b) Take A D Z (for simplicity), and add the (invertible) operation:
(r3) multiply a row by 1.
Using (r1,r2,r3), it is possible to make the triangular matrix T D UM satisfy the fol-
lowing conditions (assuming det.M / ¤ 0):
ai i > 0 for all i I
the elements aij of the j th column satisfy 0 aij < ajj :
Then T is unique. It is called the Hermite normal form of A.
Consider the field K D QŒ˛ generated over Q by the algebraic integer ˛ with minimum
polynomial f .X /. Let f!1 ; :::; !n g be a basis for OK as a Z-module, and write
where A D .1; ˛; :::; ˛ n 1 /tr and ˝ D .!1 ; :::; !n /tr . Choose U so that M U is lower
triangular (and in Hermite normal form), and write
A D MU U ˝ D T ˝ 0:
Here ˝ 0 D U 1 ˝ is again a Z-basis for OK , and ˝ 0 D T 1 A with T 1 also lower
triangular (but not necessarily with integer coefficients). Thus
!10 D a11 1I
!20 D a21 1 C a22 ˛I
where d aij 2 Z, d D j det.M /j D j det.T /j:
E XAMPLE 2.46 Let K D QŒ m, m square-free, m 1 (mod 4). The integral basis
1C m
is of the above form.
In Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989, 4.6, there is an algorithm that, starting from a monic
irreducible polynomial
f .X / D X n C a1 X n 1
C C an ; an 2 Z;
˛ is a root of f .X /; ai k 2 Z; Ni 2 Z; gcd.ai1 ; :::; ai i / D 1:
Using PARI
To determine whether a polynomial f is irreducible, use polisirreducible(f). For
example, polisirreducible(X^5+17*X^4+3*X^3+2*X^2+X+1) returns 1, which means
that X 5 C 17X 4 C 3X 3 C 2X 2 C X C 1 is irreducible, and polisirreducible(X^2-1)
returns 0, which means that X 2 1 is reducible.
To find the discriminant of a polynomial f , use poldisc(f). For example,
poldisc(X^5+17*X^4+3*X^3+2*X^2+X+1) returns 285401001, and poldisc(X^2+3)
returns -12.
To study the stem field of a polynomial f , use nfinit(f). For example,
nfinit(X^5-5*X^3+4*X-1) returns
[X^5 - 5*X^3 + 4*X - 1, [5, 0], 38569, ...]
which means that X 5 5X 3 C 4X 1 has 5 real roots and no nonreal roots and that its
stem field QŒ˛ has discriminant 38569. Moreover, typing
nfbasis(X^5-5*X^3+4*X-1) returns
[1, X, X^2, X^3, ˚ X^4],
which means that 1; ˛; ˛ 2 ; ˛ 3 ; ˛ 4 is an integral basis for QŒ˛ (cf. p34).
and that r
.OK W ZŒ˛/ D 2 D ,
as predicted by Equation 7, p31.
N OTES As noted earlier, it was Dedekind who found the correct definition of the ring of integers
in a number fields. Earlier authors either luckily chose the correct ring, e.g., Kummer chose ZŒ,
n D 1, which is the ring of integers in QŒ, or unluckily chose the wrong ring, e.g., Eulerpgave a
proof of Fermat’s last theorem for the exponent 3, which becomes correct when the ring ZŒ 3 is
replaced in the proof by its integral closure ZŒ, 3 D 1.
2-1 Since ZŒ 5 is not integrally p
closed, it can not be a unique factorization domain.
Give an example of an element of ZŒ 5 that has two distinct factorizations into irreducible
2-2 Let A be an integrally closed ring, and let K be its field of fractions. Let f .X / 2 AŒX
be a monic polynomial. If f .X / is reducible in KŒX , show that it is reducible in AŒX .
2-5 Let A be a subring of a ring B, and let ˇ be a unit in B. Show that every ˛ 2
AŒˇ \ AŒˇ 1 is integral over A. [This has a short solution, but it’s not obvious.]
p p
2-6 Let K D QŒ 7; 10, and let ˛ be an algebraic integer in K. The following argument
will show that OK ¤ ZŒ˛.
(a) Consider the four algebraic integers:
p p
˛1 D .1 C 7/.1 C 10/I
p p
˛2 D .1 C 7/.1 10/I
p p
˛3 D .1 7/.1 C 10/I
p p
˛4 D .1 7/.1 10/:
Show that all the products ˛i ˛j , i ¤ j , are divisible by 3 in OK , but that 3 does not divide
any power of any ˛i . [Hint: PShow that ˛in =3 is not an algebraic integer by considering its
trace: show that Tr.˛i / . ˛jn / 4n (mod 3) in ZŒ˛; deduce Tr.˛in / 1 (mod 3) in
(b) Assume now that OK D ZŒ˛ — we shall derive a contradiction. Let f .X / be the
minimum polynomial of ˛ over Q. For g.X / 2 ZŒX , let g.X N / denote the image of g in
F3 ŒX, F3 D Z=.3/. Show that g.˛/ is divisible by 3 in ZŒ˛ if and only if gN is divisible by
fN in F3 ŒX :
(c) For each i , 1 i 4, let fi be a polynomial in ZŒX such that ˛i D fi .˛/. Show
that fNjfNi fNj .i ¤ j / in F3 ŒX , but that fN does not divide fNin for any n. Conclude that for
each i , fN has an irreducible factor which does not divide fNi but does divide all fNj , j ¤ i .
(d) This shows that fN has at least four distinct irreducible factors over F3 . On the other
hand, f has degree at most 4. Why is this a contradiction?
Chapter 3
In this Chapter, we define the notion of a Dedekind domain, and prove that
˘ ideals in Dedekind domains factor uniquely into products of prime ideals, and
˘ rings of integers in number fields are Dedekind domains,
but first we consider a local version of a Dedekind domain.
Ann.m/ D fa 2 A j am D 0g:
Ann.b C .c// D . m n
Thus, a b for which Ann.b C .c// is maximal, is of the form v m 1 , and for this choice
Ann.b C .c// is a prime ideal generated by bc . We shall exploit these observations in the
proof of the next proposition, which gives a criterion for a ring to be a discrete valuation
P ROOF. The necessity of the three conditions is obvious, and so let A be an integral domain
satisfying (a), (b), and (c). We have to show that every ideal in A is principal. As a first
step, we prove that the nonzero prime ideal is principal. Note that (c) implies that A is a
local ring.
Choose an element c 2 A, c ¤ 0, c ¤ unit, and consider the A-module M D A=.c/.
For each nonzero element m of M ,
Ann.m/ D fa 2 A j am D 0g
Dedekind domains
D EFINITION 3.3 A Dedekind domain is an integral domain A, not equal to a field, such
(a) A is Noetherian,
(b) A is integrally closed, and
(c) every nonzero prime ideal is maximal.
Thus Proposition 3.2 says that a local integral domain is a Dedekind domain if and only
if it is a discrete valuation ring.
P ROOF. Condition (c) says that there is no containment relation between nonzero prime
ideals of A. If this condition holds for A, then (1.12) shows that it holds for S 1 A. Condi-
tions (a) and (b) follow from the next lemma. 2
˛ m C a1 ˛ m 1
C C am D 0, some ai 2 S 1
This equation shows that s˛ is integral over A, and so lies in A. Hence ˛ D .s˛/=s 2
S 1 A: 2
C OROLLARY 3.6 For any nonzero prime ideal p in a Dedekind domain A, the localization
Ap is a discrete valuation ring.
P ROOF. We saw in (1.13a) that Ap is local, and the proposition implies that it is Dedekind.2
T HEOREM 3.7 Let A be a Dedekind domain. Every proper nonzero ideal a of A can be
written in the form
a D pr11 prnn
with the pi distinct prime ideals and the ri > 0; the pi and the ri are uniquely determined.
L EMMA 3.8 Let A be a Noetherian ring; then every ideal a in A contains a product of
nonzero prime ideals.
P ROOF. (Note the similarity to the proof of 1.4.) Suppose not, and choose a maximal
counterexample a. Then a itself can not be prime, and so there exist elements x and y of A
such that xy 2 a but neither x nor y 2 a. The ideals a C .x/ and a C .y/ strictly contain a,
but their product is contained in a. Because a is a maximal counterexample to the statement
of the lemma, each of a C .x/ and a C .y/ contains a product of prime ideals, and it follows
that a contains a product of prime ideals. 2
L EMMA 3.9 Let A be a ring, and let a and b be relatively prime ideals in A; for any m,
n 2 N, am and bn are relatively prime.
P ROOF. If am and bn are not relatively prime, then they are both contained in some prime
(even maximal) ideal p. But if a prime ideal contains a power of an element, then it contains
the element, and so p am ) p a and p bn ) p b. Thus a and b are both
contained in p, which contradicts the hypothesis.
Alternative proof: We are given that there exist elements a 2 A and b 2 B such that
a C b D 1. Consider
1 D .a C b/r D ar C 1r ar 1 b C C b r :
If r m C n, then the term on the right is the sum of an element of am with an element of
bn . 2
If p and p0 are distinct prime ideals of a Dedekind domain, then condition (c) of the
definition implies that p and p0 are relatively prime, and the lemma shows that pm and p0n
are also relatively prime for all m; n 1:
L EMMA 3.10 Let p be a maximal ideal of a ring A, and let q be the ideal it generates in
Ap , q D pAp . The map
a C pm 7! a C qm W A=pm ! Ap =qm
is an isomorphism.
P ROOF. We first show that the map is one-to-one. For this we have to show that qm \ A D
pm . But qm D S 1 pm , S D A p, and so we have to show that pm D .S 1 pm / \ A. An
element of .S 1 pm / \ A can be written a D b=s with b 2 pm , s 2 S, and a 2 A. Then
sa 2 pm , and so sa D 0 in A=pm . The only maximal ideal containing pm is p (because
m pm ) m p/, and so the only maximal ideal in A=pm is p=pm ; in particular, A=pm is
a local ring. As sCpm is not in p=pm , it is a unit in A=pm , and so sa D 0 in A=pm ) a D 0
in A=pm , i.e., a 2 pm :
We now prove that the map is surjective. Let as 2 Ap . Because s … p and p is maximal,
we have that .s/ C p D A, i.e., .s/ and p are relatively prime. Therefore .s/ and pm are
relatively prime, and so there exist b 2 A and q 2 pm such that bs C q D 1. Then b maps
to s 1 in Ap =qm and so ba maps to as . More precisely: because s is invertible in Ap =qm , as
is the unique element of this ring such that s as D a; since D a.1 q/, the image of
ba in Ap also has this property and therefore equals as . 2
R EMARK 3.11 With the notations of Proposition 1.11, we have shown in the above proof
that aec D a if a is a power of a maximal ideal p and S D S r p.
We now prove that a nonzero ideal a of A can be factored into a product of prime ideals.
According to 3.8 applied to A, the ideal a contains a product of nonzero prime ideals,
b D pr11 prmm :
where qi D pi Api is the maximal ideal of Api . The first isomorphism is given by the
Chinese Remainder Theorem (and 3.9), and the second is given by (3.10). Under this
isomorphism, a=b corresponds to q1s1 =qr11 qsmm =qrmm for some si ri (recall that the
rings Api are all discrete valuation rings). Since this ideal is also the image of ps11 psmm
under the isomorphism, we see that
a D ps11 psmm
in A (because there is a one-to-one correspondence between the ideals of A=b and the ideals
of A containing b).
To complete the proof of Theorem 3.7, we have to prove that the above factorization is
unique, but in the course of the proof, we showed that si is determined by the condition,
a b ” aAp bAp
for all ideals nonzero prime ideals p of A. In particular, a D b if and only if aAp D bAp
for all p.
aApi bApi ” ri si ;
(recall that Api is a discrete valuation ring) and ri si all i implies a b. 2
C OROLLARY 3.14 Let A be an integral domain with only finitely many prime ideals; then
A is a Dedekind domain if and only if it is a principal ideal domain.
P ROOF. Assume A is a Dedekind domain. After (3.7), to show that A is principal, it suffices
to show that the prime ideals are principal. Let p1 ; : : : ; pm be these ideals. Choose an
element x1 2 p1 p21 . According to the Chinese Remainder Theorem (1.14), there is an
element x 2 A such that
Now the ideals p1 and .x/ generate the same ideals in Api for all i , and so they are equal in
A (by 3.13). 2
Now one sees that b C .a/ D a by looking at the ideals they generate in Ap for all p: 2
C OROLLARY 3.16 Let a be an ideal in a Dedekind domain, and let a be any nonzero
element of a; then there exists a b 2 a such that a D .a; b/:
C OROLLARY 3.17 Let a be a nonzero ideal in a Dedekind domain; then there exists a
nonzero ideal a in A such that aa is principal. Moreover, a can be chosen to be relatively
prime to any particular ideal c, and it can be chosen so that aa D .a/ with a any particular
element of a (but not both).
P ROOF. Let A be a Dedekind domain with unique factorization. It suffices to show that
the nonzero prime ideals are principal—let p be such an ideal. It will contain a nonzero
element, which (because of 1.4) is a product of irreducible elements. Because p is prime, it
will contain one of the irreducible factors , and we know from (3.17) that there exists an
ideal p such that pp D ./. I will show that p D A, and so p D ./. From (3.17) we
know that there are ideals q and q such that
for some a; b 2 A. Since .b/ D pp qq D .a/p q , we see that ajb, and so c D b a 2
A. Then b D ac, and because A is a unique factorization domain, this implies that ja or
If ja, then a 2 A, and a p D q. Thus any prime ideal dividing p will also divide
q, and this is impossible because q and p are relatively prime. Therefore, there is no such
ideal, and p D A in this case.
Similarly, if jc, then c p D q , which is impossible because p does not divide q
(q is relatively prime to p/. Thus this case does not occur. 2
E XAMPLE 3.19 Let A be a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p and field of frac-
tions K. Write for a generator of p. Every nonzero element of K can be written uniquely
in the form a D u m with u a unit in A and m 2 Z. Let a be a fractional ideal of A. Then
d a A for some d 2 A, and we can suppose d D n . Thus n a is an ideal in A, and so it
is of the form . m / for some m 0. Clearly, a D . m n /. Thus the fractional ideals of A
are of the form . m /, m 2 Z. They form a free abelian group Id.A/ of rank 1, and the map
m 7! . m /W Z ! Id.A/
is an isomorphism.
T HEOREM 3.20 Let A be a Dedekind domain. The set Id(A) of fractional ideals is a group;
in fact, it is the free abelian group on the set of prime ideals.
P ROOF. We have noted that the law of composition is well-defined. It is obviously com-
mutative. For associativity, one checks that
nX o
.ab/c D ai bi ci j ai 2 a; bi 2 b; ci 2 c D a.bc/:
The ring A plays the role of an identity element: aA D a. In order to show that Id.A) is a
group, it remains to show that inverses exist.
Let a be a nonzero integral ideal. According to (3.17), there is an ideal a and an a 2 A
such that aa D .a/. Clearly a .a 1 a / D A, and so a 1 a is an inverse of a. If a is a
fractional ideal, then d a is an integral ideal for some d , and d .d a/ 1 will be an inverse
for a.
It remains to show that the group Id.A) is freely generated by the prime ideals, i.e.,
that each fractional ideal can be expressed in a unique way as a product of powers of prime
ideals. Let a be a fractional ideal. Then d a is an integral ideal for some d 2 A, and we can
d a D pr11 prmm ; .d / D ps11 psmm :
Thus a D pr11 s1 prmm sm
. The uniqueness follows from the uniqueness of the factoriza-
tion for integral ideals. 2
R EMARK 3.21 (a) Conversely, E. Noether showed that an integral domain whose frac-
tional ideals form a group under ideal multiplication is a Dedekind domain (see Cohn 1991,
Theorem 4.6).
(b) Let S be a multiplicative subset in a Dedekind domain A, and let AS D S 1 A. It is
an integral domain with the same field of fractions as A:
For any fractional ideal a of A, S 1 a D f as j a 2 a, s 2 S g is a fractional ideal of AS . It is
the AS -module generated by a. The following hold for any fractional ideals a and b,
1 1 1 1 1 1
S .ab/ D .S a/.S b/; S a D .aAS / :
a0 D fa 2 K j aa Ag:
b0 D fa 2 K j ab Ap g:
We define the ideal class group Cl(A) of A to be the quotient Cl.A/ D Id.A/=P.A/
of Id.A/ by the subgroup of principal ideals. The class number of A is the order of Cl(A)
(when finite). In the case that A is the ring of integers OK in a number field K, we often
refer to Cl.OK / as the ideal class group of K, and its order as the class number of K.
One of the main theorems of these notes will be that the class number hK of a number
field K is finite. Understanding how the class numbers of number fields vary remains an
interesting problem. For example, the class number of QŒ m for m positive and square-
free is 1 if and only if m D 1; 2; 3; 7; 11; 19; 43; 67; 163. It not difficult to show that these
fields have class number 1, but it was not until 1954 that it was shown (by Heegner) that
there were no more (and for more p than 15 years, no one believed Heegner’s proof to be
correct). We have seen that ZŒ 5 is not a principal ideal domain, and so can’t have class
number 1— in fact it has class number 2. The method we use to prove that the class number
is finite is effective: it provides an algorithm for computing it. There are expected to be an
infinite number of real quadratic fields with class number one, but this has not been proved.
Using the equivalent language of binary quadratic
p forms (see Chapter 4), Gauss showed
that the class group of a quadratic field QŒ d can have arbitrarily many cyclic factors of
even order.
It is known that every abelian group can be realized as the class group of a Dedekind
domain (not necessarily the ring of integers in a number field).1
1 Claborn, Luther. Every abelian group is a class group. Pacific J. Math. 18 1966 219–222.
R EMARK 3.24 Let A be a Dedekind domain with finite ideal class group. There is then a
finite set of ideals a1 ; :::; am which is a set of representatives for the ideal classes. Clearly we
may take the ai to be integral. Let b be any element in \ai , and let S be the multiplicative
set generated by b, S D f1; b; b 2 ; : : :g. I claim that S 1 A is a principal ideal domain.
By assumption, any ideal a A can be written a D .a/ ai for some a 2 K and i ,
1 i m. Because the map b 7! S 1 b is a homomorphism we have S 1 a D .a/ S 1 ai
where .a/ now denotes the ideal generated by a in S 1 A. Since S 1 ai contains a unit, it is
the whole ring. Thus S 1 a D .a/, and we see that every ideal in S 1 A of the form S 1 a
is principal. According to (3.11), all ideals of S 1 A are of this form.
Discrete valuations
Let K be a field. A discrete valuation on K is a nonzero homomorphism vW K ! Z
such that v.a C b/ min.v.a/; v.b//. As v is not the zero homomorphism, its image is a
nonzero subgroup of Z, and is therefore of the form mZ for some m 2 Z. If m D 1, then
vW K ! Z is surjective, and v is said to be normalized; otherwise, x 7! m 1 v.x/ will
be a normalized discrete valuation.
Note that, for a discrete valuation ord,
ord.a1 C C am / min.ord.a1 /; ord.a2 C C am // min //: (8)
1i m
2 LetE be the associated complete curve, and let Div0 .E/ be the group of divisors of degree zero on E.
There is an obvious isomorphism Div0 .E/ ' Id.A/ under which principal divisors correspond to principal
ideals, and so
Cl.A/ ' Pic0 .E/ ' E.C/ ' C=
(Milne 2006, I 4.10, III 3.10).
E XAMPLE 3.26 (a) Let M be the field of meromorphic functions on a connected open
subset U of the complex plane (or, better, a compact Riemann surface), and let f 2 M .
For each P 2 U , define ordP .f / to be m, m, or 0 according as f has a pole of order m
at P , a zero of order m at P , or neither a pole nor a zero at P . Then ordP is a normalized
discrete valuation on M.
(b) Let A be a principal ideal domain with field of fractions K, and let be a prime
element of A. Then each element c of K can be expressed uniquely in the form c D m ab
with m 2 Z and a and b elements of A relatively prime to . Define v.c/ D m. Then v is
a normalized discrete valuation on K:
(c) Let A be a Dedekind domain and let p be a prime ideal in A. For any c 2 K , let
pv.c/ be the power of p in the factorization of .c/. Then v is a normalized discrete valuation
on K:
In all these examples, we have that v.a C b/ D v.b/ if v.a/ > v.b/. This is in fact
a general property of discrete valuations. First note that v./ D 0 for any element of K
of finite order because v is a homomorphism and Z has no elements of finite order); hence
v. a/ D v. 1/ C v.a/ D v.a/. Therefore, if v.a/ > v.b/, we have
and so equality must hold throughout, and this implies v.a C b/ D v.b/:
We often use “ord” rather than “v” to denote a discrete valuation; for example, we often
use ordp to denote the normalized discrete valuation defined by p in (c).
Example (b) shows that every discrete valuation ring gives rise to a discrete valuation
on its field of fractions. There is a converse to this statement.
P ROPOSITION 3.27 Let v be a discrete valuation on K, then
A D fa 2 K j v.a/ 0g
If v.K / D mZ, then the ideal m is generated by any element such that v./ D m.
P ROOF. Routine. 2
Later we shall see that a discrete valuation ord defines a topology on K for which two
elements x and y are close if ord.x y/ is large. The Chinese Remainder Theorem can be
restated as an approximation theorem.
P ROPOSITION 3.28 Let x1 ; :::; xm be elements of a Dedekind domain A, and let p1 ; :::; pm
be distinct prime ideals of A. For any integer n, there is an x 2 A such that
x xi mod pnC1
i ; i D 1; 2; : : : ; m;
T HEOREM 3.29 Let A be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions K, and let B be the
integral closure of A in a finite separable extension L of K. Then B is a Dedekind domain.
P ROOF. We have to check the three conditions in the definition of a Dedekind domain
(p3.3). We first show that B is Noetherian. In (2.29) we showed that B is contained in
a finitely generated A-module. It follows that every ideal in B is finitely generated when
regarded as an A-module (being a submodule of a Noetherian A-module) and a fortiori as
an ideal .D B-module). Next, B is integrally closed because of (2.16). It remains to prove
that every nonzero prime ideal q of B is maximal. Let ˇ 2 q, ˇ ¤ 0. Then ˇ is integral
over A, and so there is an equation
ˇ n C a1 ˇ n 1
C C an D 0; ai 2 A;
a C p 7! a C q
identifies A=p with a subfield of B=q. As B is integral over A, B=q is algebraic over A=p.
The next lemma shows that B=q is a field, and hence that q is maximal. 2
L EMMA 3.30 Any integral domain B containing a field k and algebraic over k is itself a
In fact, Theorem 3.29 is true without the assumption that L be separable over K —
see Janusz 1996, I 6.1 for a proof of the more general result. The added difficulty is that,
without the separability condition, B may fail to be finitely generated as an A-module, and
so the proof that it is Noetherian is more difficult.
M a1 ˚ ˚ am A ˚ ˚ A ˚ a1 am :
Moreover, two fractional ideals a and b of A are isomorphic as A-modules if and only they
define the same element of the class group of A.
The rank of a module M over an integral domain R is the dimension of K ˝R M as a
K-vector space, where K is the field of fractions of R. Clearly the rank of M a1 ˚˚am
is m:
These remarks show that the set of isomorphism classes of finitely generated torsion-
free R-modules of rank 1 can be identified with the class group of A. Multiplication
of elements in Cl(A) corresponds to the formation of tensor product of modules. The
Grothendieck group of the category of finitely generated A-modules is Cl.A/ ˚ Z.
T HEOREM 3.32 (I NVARIANT FACTOR THEOREM ) Let M N be finitely generated torsion-
free A-modules of the same rank m. Then there exist elements e1 ; :::; em of M , fractional
ideals a1 ; :::; am , and integral ideals b1 b2 ::. bm such that
M D a1 e1 ˚ ˚ am em ; N D a1 b1 e1 ˚ ˚ am bm em :
The ideals b1 , b2 , ..., bm are uniquely determined by the pair M N , and are called
the invariant factors of N in M:
The last theorem also yields a description of finitely generated torsion A-modules.
For proofs of the above results, see Curtis and Reiner 1962, III, 22, Fröhlich and Taylor
1991, II 4, or Narkiewicz 1990, I 3.
Factorization in extensions
Let A be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions K, and let B be the integral closure of
A in a finite separable extension L of K:
A prime ideal p of A will factor in B,
pB D Pe11 Pgg ; ei 1:
If any of the numbers is > 1, then we say that p is ramified in B (or L). The number
ei is called the ramification index. We say P divides p (written Pjp/ if P occurs in the
factorization of p in B. We then write e.P=p/ for the ramification index and f .P=p/ for
the degree of the field extension ŒB=PW A=p (called the residue class degree). A prime p
is said to split (or split completely) in L if ei D fi D 1 for all i , and it said to be inert in L
if pB is a prime ideal (so g D 1 D e).
For example, .2/ D .1 C i /2 in ZŒi , and so .2/ ramifies with ramification index 2. On
the other hand, .3/ is inert in QŒi with residue field ZŒi =.3/ D F9 , and .5/ splits as the
product of two prime ideals .5/ D .2 C i /.2 i /.
T HEOREM 3.34 Let m be the degree of L over K, and let P1 ; :::; Pg be the prime ideals
dividing p; then
ei fi D m: (9)
i D1
If L is Galois over K, then all the ramification numbers are equal, and all the residue class
degrees are equal, and so
efg D m: (10)
P ROOF. To prove (9), P we shall show that both sides equal ŒB=pBW A=p:
For the equality giD1 ei fi D ŒB=pBW A=p, note that B=pB D B= Pei i ' B=Pei i
(Chinese Remainder Theorem), and so it suffices to show that ŒB=Pei i W A=p D ei fi .
From the definition of fi , we know that B=Pi is a field of degree fi over A=p. For each
ri , Pri i =Piri C1 is a B=Pi -module, and because there is no ideal between Pri i and Pri i C1 ,
it must have dimension one as a B=Pi -vector space, and hence dimension fi as an A=p-
vector space. Therefore each quotient in the chain
B Pi P2i Pei i
if P divides p, then it follows from (3.33) that P divides p. Clearly e.P=p/ D e.P=p/
and f .P=p/ D f .P=p/, and so it remains to show that Gal.L=K/ acts transitively on the
prime ideals of B dividing p:
Suppose P and Q both divide p, and suppose Q is not conjugate to P, i.e., that for all
2 Gal.L=K/, P ¤ Q. According to the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can find an
def Q
element ˇ lies in Q but not in any of the ideals P. Consider b D Nm.ˇ/ D ˇ. Then
b 2 A, and as ˇ 2 Q, it also lies in Q; hence b 2 Q \ A D Q p. On the other hand, for all
2 Gal.L=K/, ˇ … P, and so ˇ … P. The fact that ˇ 2 p P contradicts the
primality of P: 2
L EMMA 3.36 Let A be a ring and let B be a ring containing A and admitting a finite basis
fe1 ; :::; em g as an A-module. For any ideal a of A, feN1 ; :::; eNm g is a basis for the A=a-module
B=aB, and
D.eN1 ; :::; eNm / D.e1 ; :::; em / mod a:
.a1 ; : : : ; am / 7! ai ei W Am ! B
which shows that eN1 ; :::; eNm is a basis for B=aB. The second assertion is obvious from the
definitions. 2
L EMMA 3.37 Let A be a ring and let B1 ; :::; Bg be rings containing A and free of finite
rank as A-modules. Then
disc.. Bi /=A/ D disc.Bi =A/:
L EMMA 3.38 Let k be a perfect field, and let B be a k-algebra of finite dimension. Then
B is reduced if and only if disc.B=k/ ¤ 0:
is nilpotent. Its matrix is also nilpotent, but a nilpotent matrix has trace zero—its minimum
polynomial (and hence its characteristic polynomial) is of the form X r —and so the first
row of the matrix .Tr.ei ej // is zero. Therefore its determinant is zero.
Conversely, suppose B is reduced. We first show that the intersection N of the prime
ideals of B is zero (this, in fact, is true for any reduced Noetherian ring). Let b 2 B, b ¤ 0.
Let ˙ be the set of ideals of B containing no power of b. Because b is not nilpotent, ˙
contains the zero ideal, and hence is nonempty. Because B is Noetherian, ˙ has a maximal
element p. We shall show that p is prime. Since b … p, this will show that b … N.
Let x; y be elements of B not in p. Then p C .x/ and p C .y/ strictly contain p, and so
b m 2 p C .x/; b n 2 p C .y/
for some m; n, say,
b m D p C cx; b n D p 0 C c 0 y; p; p 0 2 p; c; c 0 2 B:
Then b mCn D pp 0 C pc 0 y C p 0 cx C cc 0 xy 2 p C .xy/, and so p C .xy/ is not in ˙;
in particular, p C .xy/ ¤ p, and xy … p. Therefore p is prime ideal, which completes the
proof that N D 0.
Let p be a prime ideal of B. Then B=p is an integral domain, algebraic over k, and
hence is a field (by 3.30). Therefore p is maximal. Let p1 ; p2 ; : : : ; pr be prime ideals of
B. Since they are all maximal, they are relatively prime in pairs. Therefore the Chinese
remainder theorem shows that
B= pi D B=pi (*).
Note that T P
ŒB W k ŒB= pi W k D ŒB=pi W k r:
T B has only finitely many prime ideals, say p1 ; : : : ; pg where g ŒBW k, and
pi D 0. When we take r D g in (*) we find that
BD B=pi :
i D1
For each i , B=pi is a field, and it is a finite extension of k. Because k is perfect, it is even
a separable extension of k. Now we can apply (2.26) to deduce that disc..B=pi /=k/ ¤ 0,
and we can apply the preceding lemma to deduce that disc.B=k/ ¤ 0. 2
We now prove the theorem. From the first lemma, we see that
disc.B=A/ mod p D disc..B=pB/=.A=p//;
and from the
Q last lemma that disc..B=pB/=.A=p// D 0 if and only B=pB is not reduced.
ei Q e
Let pB D Pi . Then B=pB ' B=P , and i
R EMARK 3.39 (a) In fact there is a precise, but complicated, relation between the power
of p dividing disc.B=A/ P and the extent to which p ramifies in B. It implies for example
that ordp .disc.B=A// fi .ei 1/, and that equality holds if no ei is divisible by the
characteristic of A=p. See Serre 1962, III 6.
(b) Let A be the ring of integers in a number field K, and let B be the integral closure
of A in a finite extension L of K. It is possible to define disc.B=A/ as an ideal without
assuming B to be a free A-module. Let p be an ideal in A, and let S D A p. Then
S 1 A D Ap is principal, and so we can define disc.S 1 B=S 1 A/. It is a power .pAp /m.p/
of pAp . Define Y
disc.B=A/ D pm.p/ :
The index m.p/ is nonzero for only finitely many p, and so this formula does define an ideal
in A. Clearly this definition agrees with the usual one when B is a free A-module, and the
above proof shows that a prime ideal p ramifies in B if and only if it divides disc.B=A/:
E XAMPLE 3.40 (For experts on Riemann surfaces.) Let X and Y be compact connected
Riemann surfaces, and let ˛W Y ! X be a nonconstant holomorphic mapping. Write M.X /
and M.Y / for the fields of meromorphic functions on X and Y . The map f 7! f ı ˛ is an
inclusion M.X / ,! M.Y / which makes M.Y / into a field of finite degree over M.X /;
let m be this degree. Geometrically, the map is mW 1 except at a finite number of branch
Let P 2 X and let OP be the set of meromorphic functions on X that are holomorphic
at P — it is the discrete valuation ring attached to the discrete valuation ordP , and its
maximal ideal is the set of meromorphic functions on X that are zero at P . Let B be the
integral closure of OP in M.Y /. Let ˛ 1 .P / D fQ1 ; Q :::; Qg g and let ei be the number
of sheets of Y over X that coincide at Qi . Then pB D qei i where qi is the prime ideal
ff 2 B j f .Qi / D 0g:
Finding factorizations
The following result often makes it very easy to factor an ideal in an extension field. Again
A is a Dedekind domain with field of fractions K, and B is the integral closure of A in a
finite separable extension L of K.
T HEOREM 3.41 Suppose that B D AŒ˛, and let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of
˛ over K. Let p be a prime ideal in A. Choose monic polynomials g1Q .X /; : : : ; gr .X / in
AŒX that are distinct and irreducible modulo p, and such that f .X / gi .X /ei modulo
p. Then Y
pB D .p; gi .˛//ei
is the factorization of pB into a product of powers of distinct prime ideals. Moreover, the
residue field B=.p; gi .˛// ' .A=p/ŒX =.gN i /, and so the residue class degree fi is equal to
the degree of gi :
AŒX =.f .X // ! B:
When we divide out by p (better, tensor with A=p), this becomes an isomorphism
where k D A=p. The ring kŒX =.fN/ has maximal ideals .gN 1 /; :::; .gN r /, and .gN i /ei D 0
(but no product with smaller exponents is zero). The ideal .gN i / in kŒX =.fN/ corresponds
to the ideal .gi .˛// C pB in B=pB, and this corresponds to the ideal Pi D .p; gi .˛// in
B. Thus P1 ; :::; Pr is the complete set of prime ideals containing pB, Qand hence is the
complete set of prime divisors of p (see 3.12). Q When we write pB D Pei i , then the ei
are characterized by the fact that pB contains Pei i but it does not contain the product
when any ei is replaced with a smaller value. Thus it follows from the above (parenthetical)
statement that ei is the exponent of gN i occurring in the factorization of fN. 2
R EMARK 3.42 When it applies the last theorem can P be used to prove (3.34) and (3.35). For
P m D deg.f /, and so the equation m D ei fi is simply the equation deg.f / D
ei /. Also, disc.B=A/ D disc.f .X //, and this is divisible by p if and only if
fN.X/ has multiple factors (when regarded as an element of .A=p/ŒX /, i.e., if and only if
some ei > 0:
R EMARK 3.43 The conclusion of the theorem holds for a particular prime p of A under
the following weaker hypothesis: disc.1; ˛; :::; ˛ m 1 / D a disc.B=A/ with a an ideal of
A not divisible by p. To prove this, invert any element of a not in p, and apply the theorem
to the new ring and its integral closure.
Examples of factorizations
We use Theorem 3.41 to obtain some factorizations.
E XAMPLE 3.45 It is proved in basic graduate algebra courses that ZŒi , the Gaussian inte-
gers, is a principal ideal domain. I claim that the following conditions on an odd prime p
are equivalent:
(a) p 1 mod 4;
(b) .p/ splits in ZŒi ;
(c) there exist integers a and b such that p D a2 C b 2 .
We know that .p/ splits in ZŒi if and only if X 2 C 1 splits modulo p, but this is so if
and only if Fp contains a 4th root of 1, i.e., if and only if the group Fp contains an element
of order 4. As Fp is a cyclic group (FT Exercise 1-3) of order p 1, this is so if and only
if 4jp 1. Thus we have shown that (a) and (b) are equivalent.
Suppose .p/ splits in ZŒi , say .p/ D p1 p2 . Then p1 and p2 are principal, and if
p1 D .a C i b/ then p2 D .a i b/. Therefore a2 C b 2 D p up to multiplication by a unit
in ZŒi. But the only units in ZŒi are ˙1, ˙i , and so obviously a2 C b 2 D p. Conversely,
if p D a2 C b 2 with a; b 2 Z, then .p/ D .a C i b/.a i b/ in ZŒi .
A SIDE 3.46 The fact that every prime of the form 4n C 1 is a sum of two squares was stated as a
theorem by Fermat in a letter in 1654. Euler, who was almost certainly unaware of Fermat’s letter,
found a proof. For some history, and a discussion of algorithms for finding a and b, see Edwards
1977, p. 55.
R EMARK 3.47 (a) From (3.41) and (3.43) we see that, for almost all p, factoring .p/ in OK
amounts to factoring a polynomial f .X / modulo p into a product of powers of irreducible
polynomials. Clearly, this can always be done, but it may require a lot of hard work but not
much intelligence. Hence it can safely be left to the computer. In PARI, factormod(f,p)
factors the polynomial f modulo p. For example,
factormod(X^3+10*X+1,2) returns .X C 1/.X 2 C X C 1/;
factormod(X^3+10*X+1,17) returns X 3 C 10X C 1;
factormod(X^3+10*X+1,4027) returns .X C2215/2 .X C3624/, etc., as in the following
(b) In the next section, we shall show, not only that the class group of a number field
is finite, but that it is generated by the prime ideals dividing a certain small set of prime
numbers. Finding the class number therefore involves finding the prime ideal factors of
these prime numbers, and the relations among them.
E XAMPLE 3.48 Let ˛ be a root of X 3 C 10X C 1. Recall that the discriminant of the
polynomial is 4027, and so the ring of integers in QŒ˛ is Z C Z˛ C Z˛ 2 . There are the
following factorizations:
2 .1 C X /.1 C X C X 2 / .2/ D .2; 1 C ˛/.2; 1 C ˛ C ˛ 2 /
3 .2 C X /.2 C X C X 2 / .3/ D .3; 2 C ˛/.3; 2 C ˛ C ˛ 2 /
5 2
.1 C X /.1 C 4X C X / .5/ D .5; 1 C ˛/.5; 1 C 4˛ C ˛ 2 /
7 2
.3 C X /.5 C 4X C X / .7/ D .7; 3 C ˛/.7; 5 C 4˛ C ˛ 2 /
11 .6 C X /.2 C 5X C X 2 / .11/ D .11; 6 C ˛/.11; 2 C 5˛ C ˛ 2 /
13 1 C 10X C X 3 .13/ D .13; 1 C 10˛ C ˛ 3 / D .13/
17 1 C 10X C X 3 .17/ D prime ideal.
4027 .2215 C X / .3624 C X / .4027/ D .4027; 2215 C ˛/2 .4027; 3624 C ˛/:
E XAMPLE 3.49 Let ˛ be a root of X 3 8X C 15. Here again, the discriminant of the
polynomial is 4027, and so the ring of integers in QŒ˛ is Z C Z˛ C Z˛ 2 . There are the
following factorizations:
2 .1 C X /.1 C X C X 2 / .2/ D .2; 1 C ˛/.2; 1 C ˛ C ˛ 2 /
3 X.1 C X 2 / .3/ D .3; ˛/.3; 1 C ˛ 2 /
5 X.2 C X / 2 .5/ D .5; ˛/.5; 2 C ˛ 2 /
7 .5 C X /.3 C 2X C X 2 / .7/ D .7; ˛/.7; 3 C 2˛ C ˛ 2 /
11 2
.1 C X /.4 C 10X C X / .11/ D .11; ˛/.11; 4 C 10˛ C ˛ 2 /
13 2 C 5X C X 3 .13/ D .13/
17 .4 C X /.6 C X /.7 C X / .17/ D .17; 4 C ˛/.17; 6 C ˛/.17; 7 C ˛/
4027 .509 C X /.1759 C X /2 : .4027/ D .4027; 509 C ˛/.4027; 1759 C ˛/2
On comparing the factorizations of .17/ in the fields in the last two examples, we see that
the fields are not isomorphic.
R EMARK 3.50 When K is a number field, it is interesting to have a description of the set
Spl.K/ of prime numbers that split in K. For K D QŒ m, this is the set of p for which
p / D 1, and we shall see later that the quadratic reciprocity law gives a good description
of the set. For any abelian Galois extension K of Q, class field theory gives a similarly good
description, but for an arbitrary extension very little is known about what sets can occur.
There is a theorem that says that two Galois extensions K and K 0 of Q are isomorphic if
and only if Spl.K/ DSpl.K 0 /. Moreover, this can be made into an effective procedure for
determining when fields are isomorphic. See Theorem 8.38 below.
Thus .19/ and .151/ are ramified in QŒ˛, and 4027 is not, which is what Theorem 3.35
X 4 C X 3 C X 2 C X C 1 .X C 4/4 mod 5
Eisenstein extensions
Recall that Eisenstein’s Criterion says that a polynomial
X m C a1 X m 1
C C am ;
such that ai 2 Z, pjai all i , and p 2 does not divide am , is irreducible in QŒX . We will
improve this result, but first we need to make two observations about discrete valuations.
Let A be a Dedekind domain, and let B be its integral closure in a finite extension L of
its field of fractions K. Let p be a prime ideal of A and let P be an ideal of B dividing p,
say pB D Pe . Write ordp and ordP for the normalized valuations on K and L defined
by p and P. Then
ordP jK D e ordp (11)
because, if .a/ D pm in A, then .a/ D Pme in B:
Next I claim that if
a1 C C an D 0;
then the minimum value of / must be attained
P for at least two i s. Suppose not, say
ord.a1 / < / for all i > 1. Then a1 D i 2 ai implies that
X .8/
ord.a1 / D ord. ai / min /;
i 2 2i n
which is a contradiction.
Let A be a Dedekind domain and let p be a prime ideal in A. A polynomial
X m C a1 X m 1
C C am ; ai 2 A;
P ROOF. Let L be the field generated by a root ˛ of f .X /; then ŒLW K m D deg.f /.
Let P be a prime ideal dividing p, with ramification index e say. Consider the equation
˛ m C a1 ˛ m 1
C C am D 0:
Because f .X / is Eisenstein,
If ordP .˛/ D 0, then the minimum value of ordP is taken for a single term, namely
˛ m . This is impossible, and so ordP .˛/ 1, and ordP .ai ˛ m i / > ordP .am / D e
for i D 1; :::; m. From the remark preceding the proposition, we see that m ordP .˛/ D e.
m ordP .˛/ D e ŒKŒ˛ W K m;
and we must have equalities throughout: ordP .˛/ D 1, ŒK.˛/W K D m D e: 2
N OTES Gauss proved the quadratic reciprocity law, and studied the arithmetic of QŒi in order
to discover the quartic reciprocity law. Kummer made an intense study of the arithmetic of the
fields QŒn , where n is a primitive nth root of 1, in order to prove higher reciprocity laws. A
major problem for him was that unique factorization fails already for n D 23. To restore unique
factorization, he developed his theory of “ideal numbers”. One of Dedekind’s great achievements
was to realize that, by replacing Kummer’s “ideal numbers” with his new notion of “ideals”, it was
possible to simplify Kummer’s theory and extend it to the rings of integers in all number fields. A
difficult step for him was showing that if ajb, then there exists an ideal c such that a D bc. Emmy
Noether re-examined Kummer’s work more abstractly, and named the integral domains for which
his methods applied “Dedekind domains”.
3-1 Let k be a field. Is kŒX; Y a Dedekind domain? (Explain).
p p p
Show that ZŒ 3pis the
3-2 p p ring of integers in QŒ 3 and ZŒ p 7 ispthe ring of integers
inpQŒ p7, but that ZŒ 3; 7 is not the ring of integers in QŒ 3; 7. (Hint: look at
. 3 C 7/=2.)
In this section we prove the first main theorem of the course: the class number of a number
field is finite. The method of proof is effective: it gives an algorithm for computing the
class group.
Norms of ideals
Let A be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions K, and let B be the integral closure of A
in a finite separable extension L. We want to define a homomorphism NmW Id.B/ ! Id.A/
which is compatible with taking norms of elements, i.e., such that the following diagram
L ! Id.B/
? ?
yNm (12)
K ! Id.A/
Because Id.B/ is the free abelian group on the set of prime ideals, we only have to define
Nm.p/ for p prime.
Let p be a prime ideal A, and factor pB D Pei i . If p is principal, say p D ./, then
we should have
Nm.pB/ D Nm. B/ D Nm./ A D . m / D pm ; m D ŒLW K:
Also, because Nm is to be a homomorphism, we should have
Nm.pB/ D Nm. Pei i / D Nm.Pi /ei :
On comparing these two formulas, and recalling (3.34) that m D ei fi , we see that we
should define Nm.Pi / D pfi . We take this as our definition:
Nm.P/ D Pf .P=p/ where p D P \ A and f .P=p/ D ŒB=P W A=p:
To avoid confusion, I sometimes use N to denote norms of ideals.
If we have a tower of fields M L K, then
NL=K .NM=L a/ D NM=K a
because f .Q=P/ f .P=p/ D f .Q=p/, i.e., ŒC =Q W B=P ŒB=P W A=p D ŒC =Q W A=p
where C B A are the integral closures of A in M , L, and K respectively.
(c) For any nonzero element ˇ 2 B, Nm.ˇ/ A D Nm.ˇ B/ (i.e., (12) commutes).
P ROOF. (a) It suffices to prove this for a prime ideal p, and for such an ideal we have that
N .pB/ D N . Pei i / D p ei fi D pm
(by 3.34).
(b) Since N Pi D pf for each i , the first equality is obvious. In the course of the proof
of (3.34), we showed that Gal.L=K/ acts transitively on the set fP1 ; :::; Pg g, and it follows
that each Pi occurs m g D ef times in the family fP j 2 Gal.L=K/g:
(c) Suppose first that L is Galois over K, and let ˇB D b. The map a 7! aBW Id.A/ !
Id.B/ is injective (remember they are the free abelian groups on the sets of nonzero prime
ideals), and so it suffices to show that Nm.ˇ/ B D Nm.b/ B. But
.b/ Q Q Q
Nm.b/ B D b D .ˇ B/ D . ˇ/ B D Nm.ˇ/ B
as required.
In the general case, let E be a finite Galois extension of K containing L, and let
d D ŒEW L. Let C be the integral closure of B in E. From (a), the Galois case, and
the transitivity of N we have that
As the group of ideals Id.A/ is torsion-free, this implies that NL=K .ˇ B/ D NmL=K .ˇ/
A. 2
Na D .OK W a/:
P ROOF. (a) Write a D pri i , and let fi D f .pi =pi / where .pi / D Z\pi ; then Nm.pi / D
fi . From the Chinese remainder theorem, O =a ' OK =pri i , and so .OK W a/ D
.p i / K
.OK W pi /. In the course of the proof of (3.34), we showed that OK =pri i is a vector
f r
space of dimension fi ri over Fpi , and so .OK W pri i / D pi i i . On taking the product over
Q fr
i , we find that .OK W a/ D .pi i i / D NK=Q a. When we identify the set of nonzero
ideals in Z with the set of positive integers, then N becomes identified with N, and so the
multiplicativity of N follows from that of N .
(b) For any nonzero d 2 K, the map x 7! dxW K ! K is an additive isomorphism,
and so .d a W d b/ D .a W b/. Since .d a/.d b/ 1 D ab 1 , we may suppose that a and b are
integral ideals. The required formula then follows from (a) and the formulas
N.a/ N.a b/ D N.b/: 2
nŠ 4 s
N.a/ n jK j 2 :
The number on the right is called the Minkowski bound — we sometimes denote it by
BK . The term CK D nnŠn 4 is called the Minkowski constant. It takes the following
n r s C
2 0 1 0:637
2 2 0 0:500
3 1 1 0:283
3 3 0 0:222
4 0 2 0:152
4 2 1 0:119
4 4 0 0:094
5 1 2 0:062
5 3 1 0:049
5 5 0 0:038
::: ::: ::: :::
100 100 0 0:93 10 42
Here r is the number of real embeddings of K. We have
K ˝Q R Rr Cs ;
and, if K D QŒ˛ and f .X / is the minimum polynomial of ˛, then r is the number of real
roots of f .X / and 2s is the number of its nonreal roots. To see that these descriptions of r
and s agree, apply (1.18).
Before proving (4.3), we give some applications and examples.
P ROOF. It suffices to show that there are only finitely many integral ideals a in OK such
that N.a/ is less than the Minkowski bound — in fact, we shall show that, for Q any integer
M , there are only finitely many integral ideals a with N.a/ < M . If a D pri i , then
Q ri fi
N.a/ D pi where .pi / D pi \ Z. As N.a/ < M , this allows only finitely many
possibilities for the pi (and hence for the pi /, and only finitely many possibilities for the
exponents ri . 2
Let S be the set of integral ideals in K with norm < BK . Then S is a finite set, and
Cl.OK / D S= ; where a b if one ideal is the product of the other with a principal (frac-
tional) ideal. There is an algorithm for finding S , and an algorithm for deciding whether
a b, and so there is an algorithm for finding Cl.OK / (the group, not just it’s order).
To find S , find the prime ideal factors of enough prime numbers, and form some of their
products. To decide whether a b, one has to decide whether c D ab 1 is principal. From
(4.2b) we know that, for
2 c,
c D . / ” Nc D j Nm j
Nm D constant.
When we express
in terms of an integral basis, this becomes a (very special) type of
diophantine equation. For a descriptions of algorithms for finding Cl.OK /, see Cohen
1993, 6.5, and Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989, p424.
E XAMPLE 4.5 Let K D QŒi . The condition in Theorem 4.3 is that N.a/ 42 4 2 < 1:27.
There are no such ideals other than ZŒi , and so ZŒi is a principal ideal domain. (Of course,
the elementary proof of this shows more, namely, that ZŒi is a Euclidean domain. Even
for rings of integers in number fields,pit is not true that all principal ideal domains are
Euclidean domains. For example, QŒ 19 has class number 1, but its ring of integers
is not a Euclidean domain. For more on such things, see the survey article Lemmermeyer
19951 .)
p p
E XAMPLE 4.6 Let K D QŒ 5. Here N.a/ 0:63 p20< 3. Any ideal satisfying
this must divide .2/. In fact, .2/ D p2 where p D .2; 1 C 5/, and Np2 DpN.2/ D 4,
and so Np D 2. The ideals OK and p form a set of representatives for Cl.ZŒ p 5/. The
p not exist an element ˛ D m C n
ideal p can’t be principal because there does 5 such that
Nm.˛/ D m2 C 5n2 D 2, and so Cl.ZŒ 5/ has order 2.
E XAMPLE 4.7 Let K be a cubic field with discriminant < 0. Since the sign of K is
. 1/s , and ŒK W Q D r C 2s, we have s D 1, r D 1. The Minkowski bound is
BK < 0:283jK j 2 :
1 Lemmermeyer, Franz. The Euclidean algorithm in algebraic number fields. Exposition. Math. 13 (1995),
no. 5, 385–416.
For jK j 49, BK < 2, and so for cubic fields with 49 K < 0, the class number
h D 1. For example, this is true for the number fields with discriminants 23 and 31
discussed earlier (see 2.36, 2.37).
For the stem field of X 3 C 10X C 1, the discriminant is 4027, and the Minkowski
bound is < 18. Recall from (3.48) that
Let p D .2; 1 C ˛/; its norm is 2. One can show that it generates the class group, and that
it has order 6 in the class group, i.e., p6 but no smaller power is principal. Hence the class
group is cyclic of order 6. (The proof takes quite a bit of hard work if you do it by hand —
see Artin 1959, 12.6, 13.3. Using PARI, you can type “bnfclgp(X^3+10*X+1)”)
P ROOF. Let K be a finite extension of Q. Since a set of representatives for the class group
must have at least one element, and that element will have numerical norm 1, Theorem
4.3 shows that
1 nn s nn n=2
jj 2 :
nŠ 4 nŠ 4
a 1
Let an D rhs. Then a2 > 1, and nC1 an D 4 .1 C n1 /n > 1, and so the sequence an
is monotonically increasing. Hence the discriminant of K has absolute value > 1, and we
know from (3.35) that any prime dividing the discriminant ramifies. 2
C OROLLARY 4.10 There does not exist an irreducible monic polynomial f .X / 2 ZŒX of
degree > 1 with discriminant ˙1.
R EMARK 4.11 There may exist unramified extensions of number fields other than Q. In
fact, class field theory says that the maximal abelian unramified2 extension of K (called
the Hilbert class field of K) haspGalois group canonically isomorphic to Cl.OK /. For
example, the theory
p says p that QŒ 5 has an unramified
p extension of degree 2, and one
p that
p QŒ 1; p 5 is unramified over QŒ 5. In particular, the discriminant of
QŒ 1; 5 over QŒ 5 is a unit.
R EMARK 4.12 Let K1 be a number field with class number hK1 > 1. Its Hilbert class field
is an abelian unramified extension K2 of K1 with Gal.K2 =K1 / ' Cl.K1 /. Let K3 be the
Hilbert class field of K2 , and so on. In this way, we obtain a tower of fields,
K1 K2 K3
It was a famous question (class field tower problem) to decide whether this tower can be
infinite, or must always terminate with a field of class number 1 after a finite number of
steps. It was shown by Golod and Shafarevich in the early 60s that the tower is frequently
infinite. See Roquette 1967.
Let V be a vector space of dimension n over R. A lattice in V is a subgroup of the form
D Ze1 C C Zer
with e1 ; :::; er linearly independent elements of V . Thus a lattice is the free abelian sub-
group of V generated by elements of V that are linearly independent over R. When r D n,
the lattice is said to be full. At the opposite extreme, D f0g is a lattice (generated by the
empty set of elements). In terms of tensor products, one can say that a full lattice in V is a
subgroup of V such that the map
ri ˝ xi 7! ri xi W R ˝Z ! V;
is an isomorphism.
N ONEXAMPLE 4.13 The subgroup ZCZ 2 of R is a free abelian group of rank 2 (because
2 is not rational), but it is not a lattice in R.
P ROOF. (a) ” (b). Obviously (a) implies (b). For the converse, note that the translation
map x 7! ˛ C xW V ! V is a homeomorphism, and so, if U is a neighbourhood of 0 such
that U \ D f0g, then ˛ C U is a neighbourhood of ˛ such that .˛ C U / \ D f˛g.
(a))(c). Condition (a) says that is a discrete space for the induced topology. Hence,
if C is compact, then C \ is both discrete and compact, and therefore must be finite.
(c))(d). The closure of a bounded set in Rn (hence in V ) is compact, and so this is
(d))(b). Let U be a bounded open neighbourhood of 0. Then S D U \rf0g is finite
and hence closed, and so U r S is an open neighbourhood of f0g such that .U r S / \ D
f0g. 2
P ROOF. Clearly, a lattice is discrete. For the converse, let be a discrete subgroup of V ,
and choose a maximal R-linearly independent subset fe1 ; : : : ; er g of . We shall argue by
induction on r:
If r D 0, D 0, and there is nothing to prove.
If r D 1, then Re1 . Because is discrete, for each M > 0,
is finite, and so there is an f 2 such that, when we write f D ae1 , a attains its minimum
value > 0. I claim D Zf . Any ˛ 2 r Zf will equal .m C b/f for some m 2 Z and
b with 0 < b < 1; but then .˛ mf / D bf D abe1 , and 0 < ab < a, which contradicts
our choice of f:
If r > 1, we let 0 D \ .Re1 C C Rer 1 /. Clearly this is a discrete subgroup of
the vector space V 0 D Re1 C CRer 1 and so, by induction, 0 D Zf1 C CZfr 1 for
some fi that are linearly independent over R (and hence also form a basis for V 0 /. Every
˛ 2 can be written uniquely
˛ D a1 f1 C C ar 1 fr 1 C aer ; ai ; a 2 R:
Let 'W ! R be the map ˛ 7! a, and let 00 D Im.'/. Note that a is also the image of
.a1 Œa1 /f1 C C .ar 1 Œar 1 /fr 1 C aer ; Œ D integer part,
and so each element a 2 00 in a bounded set, say with 0 jaj < M , is the image of an
element of in a bounded set,
Thus there are only finitely many such as, and so 00 is a lattice in R, say 00 D Z '.fr /,
fr 2 .
Let ˛ 2 . Then '.˛/ D a'.fr / for some a 2 Z, and '.˛ afr / D 0. Therefore
˛ afr 2 0 , and so it can be written
˛ afr D a1 f1 C C ar 1 fr 1 ; ai 2 Z:
˛ D a1 f1 C C ar 1 fr 1 C afr ; ai ; a 2 Z;
which proves that D Zfi . 2
Such a set is called a fundamental parallelopiped for . The shape of the parallelopiped
depends on the choice of the basis .ei /, but if we fix the basis and vary 0 2 , then the
parallelopipeds cover Rn without overlaps.
D Zf1 C C Zfn
in Rn , the volume of D
.D/ D j det.f1 ; ; fn /j:
(See any good book on calculus.) If also
then the determinant of the matrix relating ffi g and ffi0 g has determinant ˙1, and so the
volume of the fundamental parallelopiped doesn’t depend on the choice of the basis for .
(b) When 0 are two full lattices Rn , we can choose bases fei g and ffi g for and
such that fi D mi ei with mi a positive integer. With this choice of bases, the funda-
mental parallelopiped D of is a disjoint union of . W 0 / fundamental parallelopipeds
D 0 of 0 . Hence
.D 0 /
D . W 0 / (*).
T HEOREM 4.17 Let D0 be a fundamental parallelopiped for a full lattice in V , and let S
be a measurable subset in V . If .S / > .D0 /, then S contains distinct points ˛ and ˇ
such that ˇ ˛ 2 :
3 The experts will recognize as being a Haar measure on V .
˛ Dˇ 0 ; some ; 0 2 :
Then ˇ ˛ 2 . 2
R EMARK 4.18 In the language of differential geometry, the theorem can be given a more
geometric statement. Let M D V =; it is an n-dimensional torus. The measure on V
defines a measure on M for which M has measure .M / D .D/. The theorem says that
if .S/ > .M /, then the restriction of the quotient map V ! M to S can’t be injective.
P ROOF. Replace T with .1 C "/T , " > 0. Then ..1 C "/T / D .1 C "/n .T / > 2n .D/,
and so .1 C "/T contains a point of other than the origin (see the preceding remark). It
will contain only finitely many such points because is discrete and .1 C "/T is compact.
Because T is closed
T D \">0 .1 C "/T:
If none of the points of \ .1 C "/T is in T , we will be able to shrink .1 C "/T (keeping
" > 0) so that it contains no point of other than the origin—which is a contradiction. 2
R EMARK 4.20 Theorem 4.19 was discovered by Minkowski in 1896. Although it is al-
most trivial to prove, it has lots of nontrivial consequences, and was the starting point for
the branch of number theory called the “geometry of numbers”. We give one immediate
application of it to prove that every positive integer is a sum of four squares of integers.
From the identity
.a2 C b 2 C c 2 C d 2 /.A2 C B 2 C C 2 C D 2 / D
.aA bB cC dD/2 C .aB C bA C cD dC /2 C
.aC bD C cA C dB/2 C .aD C bC cB C dA/2 ;
m2 C n2 C 1 0 mod p
c ma C nb; d mb na mod p:
Then Z4 pZ4 and =pZ4 is a 2-dimensional subspace of Fp4 (the a and b can be
arbitrary mod p, but then c and d are determined). Hence has index p 2 in Z4 , and so the
volume of a fundamental parallelopiped is p 2 . Let T be a closed ball of radius r centered
at the origin. Then T has volume 2 r 4 =2, and so if we choose r so that 2p > r 2 > 1:9p
say, then
.T / > 16.D/:
According to Minkowski’s theorem, there is a point .a; b; c; d / 2 . n f0g/ \ T . Because
.a; b; c; d / 2 ,
a2 C b 2 C c 2 C d 2 a2 .1 C m2 C n2 / C b 2 .1 C m2 C n2 / 0 mod p;
a2 C b 2 C c 2 C d 2 < 2p:
Some calculus
4.21 Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space. A norm on V is a function kkW V !
R such that
.X.t // D 2r .=2/s t n =nŠ:
P ROOF. Since X.t / is symmetric with respect to the r real axes, we have
.X.t // D 2r .Y .t //
where Y .t / D fx j kxk t, x1 ; :::; xr 0g. For the complex variables, we make the
change of variable
zj D xj C iyj D j .cos j C i sin j /:
The Jacobian of this change of variables is j =4. After integrating over the j , for 0 j
2, we find that
.X.t // D 2r 4 s .2/s rC1 rCs dx1 dxr drC1 drCs
Z D f.x; / 2 RrCs j xi ; i 0;
xi C i t g:
The result now follows from the next lemma by taking: m D r C s; ai D 0, 1 i r;
ai D 1, r C 1 i m; for then
.X.t // D 2r 4 s
.2/s t n =nŠ
as required. 2
where Z.t / D fx 2 Rm j xi 0,
xi tg. Then
ai Cm .a1 C 1/ .am C 1/
I.a1 ; : : : ; am I t / D t :
.a1 C C am C m C 1/
P ROOF. Recall that, by definition, (e.g., Widder, D., Advanced Calculus, 1961, Chapter
11), Z 1
.x/ D e t t x 1 dt:
It takes the value .n/ D .n 1/Š for n a nonnegative integer.
By making the change of variables xi0 D txi in I , we see that
ai Cm
I.a1 ; : : : ; am I t / D t I.a1 ; : : : ; am I 1/:
Therefore it suffices to prove the formula for t D 1. We prove this case by induction on m.
First, we have Z 1
1 .a1 C 1/
I.a1 I 1/ D x1a1 dx1 D D :
0 a1 C 1 .a1 C 2/
Let X
Z.xm /0 D fx 2 Rm 1
j xi 0; xi 1 xm g:
Z 1 Z
I.a1 ; :::; am I 1/ D am
xm x1a1 am 1
xm 1 dx1 dxm 1 dxm ;
0 Z.xm /0
Z 1
D xm I.a1 ; :::; am 1 I 1 xm /dxm
Z 1 P
DI.a1 ; :::; am 1 I 1/ xm .1 xm / ai Cm 1
.am C 1/ .a1 C C am 1 C m/
DI.a1 ; :::; am 1 I 1/ :
.a1 C C am C m C 1/
In the last step, we used the standard formula
.m/ .n/
xm 1
.1 x/n 1
dx D B.m; n/ D :
0 .m C n/ 2
E XAMPLE 4.24 p (a) Case r D 2, s D 0.2 Then X.t / is defined by jxj C jyj t . It is a
square of side 2t, and so .X.t // D 2t :
(b) Case r D 0, s D 1. Then X.t / is the circle of radius t =2, which has area t 2 =4:
. ai /1=n . ai / =nI
ai . ai /n =nn :
P ROPOSITION 4.26 Let a be an ideal in OK ; then .a/ is a full lattice in V , and the volume
of a fundamental parallelopiped of .a/ is 2 s Na jK j 2 :
.1 .˛i /; : : : ; r .˛i /; rC1 .˛i /; rC1 .˛i /; : : : ; rCs .˛i //:
det.B/ D . 2i /s det.A/;
s s
det.A/ D . 2i / det.B/ D . 2i / disc.˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n /1=2 ¤ 0:
Thus .a/ is a lattice
P in V:
Since .a/ D niD1 Z .˛i /, the volume of a fundamental parallelopiped D for .a/ is
j det.A/j, and from (2.25) we know that
1 1
s s
.D/ D 2 j disc.˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n /j 2 D 2 Na jK j 2 : 2
P ROOF. Let X.t / be as in (4.22), and let D be a fundamental domain for the lattice .a/.
The set X.t / is compact convex and symmetric in the origin, and so, when we choose t so
large that .X.t // 2n .D/, Minkowski’s Theorem shows that X.t / contains a point
.˛/ ¤ 0 of .a/. For this ˛ 2 a,
2n r 1
t n nŠ
Na jK j 2 :
When we take t to equal the expression on the right, we find that
nŠ 2n r 1
j Nm.˛/j n
s Na jK j 2 :
As n r D 2s, this is the required formula. 2
P ROOF ( OF T HEOREM 4.3) Let c be a fractional ideal in K — we have to show that the
class of c in the ideal class group is represented by an integral ideal a with
def nŠ 4 1
Na BK D n jK j 2 :
j Nm.ˇ/j BK Nb:
Na Nb D j NmK=Q ˇj BK Nb:
R EMARK 4.28 Proposition 4.27 can be useful in deciding whether an integral ideal is prin-
Q.X; Y / D aX 2 C bX Y C cY 2 :
We call the form integral if Q.m; n/ is an integer whenever m and n are integers, or,
equivalently, if a; b; c 2 Z. The discriminant of Q is
dQ D b 2 4ac:
qK .X; Y / D NmK=Q .X C Y 1C d
2 / D X2 C XY C 1 d 2
4 Y ; if d 1 mod 4:
T HEOREM 4.29 The equivalence class of Qa1 ;a2 .X; Y / depends only on the image of a in
ClC .K/; moreover, the map sending a to the equivalence class of Qa1 ;a2 defines a bijec-
tion from ClC .K/ to the set of equivalence classes of integral binary quadratic forms with
discriminant dK .
In particular, the set of equivalence classes is finite, and has the structure of an abelian
group. This was known to Gauss, even though groups had not yet been defined. (Gauss
even knew it was a direct sum of cyclic groups.)
A SIDE 4.30 Write hd for the class number of QŒ d , d a square-free integer ¤ 1. In modern
terminology, Gauss conjectured that, for a fixed h, there are only finitely many negative d such that
hd D h. (Actually, because of a difference of terminology, this is not quite what Gauss conjectured.)
In 1935, Siegel showed that, for every " > 0, there exists a constant c > 0 such that
hd > cjd j 2 ; d < 0:
This proves Gauss’s conjecture. Unfortunately, the c in Siegel’s theorem is not effectively com-
putable, and so Siegel’s theorem gives no way of computing the d s for a given h.
In 1951, Tatuzawa showed that Siegel’s theorem is true with an effectively computable c except
for at most one exceptional d .
It is easy to show that hd D 1 for d D 1; 2; 3; 7; 11; 19; 43; 67; 163 (exercise!). Thus in 1951
it was known that there exist these 9 quadratic imaginary number fields with class number 1, and
possibly 1 more.
In 1952 Heegner proved that there was no 10th such field, but his proof was not recognized to
be correct until 1969 (by Deuring and Stark). In the interim, Baker (1966), Stark (1966), and Siegel
(1968) had found proofs.
More recently (1983), Goldfeld, Gross, and Zagier showed, using completely different methods
from Siegel, that there is an effective procedure for finding all d < 0 with hd equal to a given h. For
an expository article on this, see Goldfeld, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (1985), 23–37.
By way of contrast, it is conjectured that there are infinitely many real quadratic fields with class
number 1, but this has not been proved.
N OTES Fermat stated, and probably proved, the three statements in Exercise 3-3. However, for 5
he could only state the following conjecture:
If two primes are of the form 20k C 3 or 20k C 7, then their product is of the form
x 2 C 5y 2 .
4-1 Give an example of an integral domain B, a nonzero prime ideal p in B, and a subring
A of B such that p \ A D 0. (Note that this can’t happen if B is integral over A — see the
paragraph preceding 3.30.)
4-5 Let K be an algebraic number field. Prove that there is a finite extension L of K
such that every ideal in OK becomes principal in OL . [Hint: Use the finiteness of the class
4-6 Let K D QŒ˛ where ˛ is a root of X 3 X C 2. Show that OK D ZŒ˛ and that K
has class number 1. [One approach is to consider the square factors of the discriminant of
X 3 X C 2, and show that 21 .a C b˛ C c˛ 2 / is an algebraic integer if and only if a, b, and
c are all even, but you may be able to find a better one.]
p p p p
4-7 Let K D QŒ 1; 5. Show that OK D ZŒ 1; 1C2 5 . Show that the only primes
(in Z) that ramify in K are 2 p and 5, and that their ramification
p indexes are both 2. Deduce
that K is unramified over QŒ 5. p
Prove that QŒ 5 has class number 2, and deduce
that K is the Hilbert class field of QŒ 5. (Cf. 4.11.)
Chapter 5
K ˝Q C Rr Cs
and r C 2s D ŒKW Q. Moreover, if K D QŒ˛, then r is the number of real conjugates of ˛
and 2s is the number of nonreal complex conjugates.
T HEOREM 5.1 The group of units in a number field K is finitely generated with rank equal
to r C s 1.
For example, for a real quadratic field, the rank is 2 C 0 1 D 1, and for an imaginary
quadratic field it is 0 C 1 1 D 0.
The theorem is usually referred to as the “Dirichlet Unit Theorem” although Dirichlet
proved it for rings of the form ZŒ˛ rather than OK .
Write UK .D OK / for the group of units in K. The torsion subgroup of UK is the group
.K/ of roots of 1 in K.
A set of units u1 ; : : : ; urCs 1 is called a fundamental system of units if it forms a
basis for UK modulo torsion, i.e., if every unit u can be written uniquely in the form
u D um1 rCs 1
1 urCs 1 ; 2 .K/; mi 2 Z:
The theorem implies that .K/ is finite (and hence cyclic). As we now explain, this
can be proved directly. In Chapter 7, we shall see that, if m is a primitive mth root of 1,
then is a Galois extension of Q with Galois group isomorphic to .Z=mZ/Q . If m D
pi is the factorization of m into powers of distinct primes, then Z=mZ ' Z=piri Z
by the Chinese remainder theorem, and so .Z=mZ/ ' Z=piri Z . As the nonunits of
Z=piri Z are exactly the elements divisible by p, and there are piri 1
of these, we see that
ˇZ=p ri Z ˇ D p ri 1 .pi 1/, and so
ˇ ˇ
i i
ˇZ=mZ ˇ D p ri 1 def
ˇ ˇ Q
i .pi 1/ D '.m/.
m 2 K ) QŒm K ) '.m/jŒK W Q;
the field K can contain only finitely many m .
P ROOF. If ˛ is a unit, then there is a ˇ 2 OK such that ˛ˇ D 1, and then Nm.˛/ and
Nm.ˇ/ lie in Z and 1 D Nm.˛ˇ/ D Nm.˛/ Nm.ˇ/. Hence Nm ˛ 2 Z D f˙1g.
For the converse, fix an embedding 0 of K into C, and use it to identify K with a
subfield of C. Recall (2.20) that
Nm .˛/ D ˛ D ˛ ˛:
WK,!C ¤0
Let ˇ D ¤0 ˛. If ˛ 2 OK , then ˇ is an algebraic integer. If Nm .˛/ D ˙1, then
ˇ D ˙˛ 1 and so belongs to K. Therefore, if ˛ satisfies both conditions, it has an inverse
˙ˇ in OK , and so is a unit. 2
For all real fields, i.e., fields with an embedding into R, .K/ D f˙1g; for “most”
nonreal fields, this is also true.
p p
E XAMPLE 5.3 p Let K be a quadratic field QŒ d . Then OK D fm C n d j m; n 2 Zg or
fm C n.1 C d /=2 j m; n 2 Zg. In the two cases, the units in OK are the solutions to the
m2 n2 d D ˙1, or
.2m C n/2 d n2 D ˙4:
When d < 0, these equations (obviously) have only finitely many solutions, and so UK D
.K/. Note that m lies in a quadratic field if and only if '.m/ 2. This happens only for
m dividing 4 or 6. Thus .K/ D f˙1g except for the following fields:
QŒip, .K/ D f˙1; ˙ig; p
QŒ 3, .K/ D f˙1; ˙; ˙2 g, with D .1 C 3/=2/.
When d > 0, the theorem shows that there are infinitely many solutions, and that UK D
˙uZ for some element u (called the fundamental unit). As Cohn (19781 ) puts it, “the
actual computation of quadratic units lies in the realm of popularized elementary number
theory, including devices such as continued fractions.” The method is surprisingly effective,
and yields some remarkably large numbers — see later.
1 Cohn, Harvey. A classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fields. With two appendices by Olga
Taussky: ”Artin’s 1932 Göttingen lectures on class field theory” and ”Connections between algebraic number
theory and integral matrices”. Universitext. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1978. xiii+328 pp.
E XAMPLE 5.4 Let K D QŒ˛, where ˛ is a root of X 3 C 10X C 1. We know that the
discriminant K D 4027. Since sign.K / D . 1/s and r C 2s D 3, we must have
r D 1 D s. From its minimum equation, we see that Nm .˛/ D 1, and so ˛ is a unit.
Clearly ˛ is of infinite order, and later we shall show that it is a fundamental unit, and so
UK D f˙˛ m j m 2 Zg.
P ROPOSITION 5.5 For any integers m and M , the set of all algebraic integers ˛ such that
˘ the degree of ˛ is m, and
˘ j˛ 0 j < M for all conjugates ˛ 0 of ˛
is finite.
P ROOF. The first condition says that ˛ is a root of a monic irreducible polynomial of de-
gree m, and the second condition implies that the coefficients of the polynomial are
bounded in terms of M . Since the coefficients are integers, there are only finitely many
such polynomials, and hence only finitely many ˛s. 2
C OROLLARY 5.6 An algebraic integer ˛, all of whose conjugates in C have absolute value
1, is a root of 1.
where f1 ; : : : ; r ; rC1 ; N rC1 ; : : : ; rCs ; N rCs g is the complete set of embeddings of K
into C. It takes sums to sums. Now we want a map that takes products to sums, and so we
take logarithms. Thus we consider the map:
L W K ! RrCs ; ˛ 7! .log j1 ˛j; : : : ; log jr ˛j; 2 log jrC1 ˛j; : : : ; 2 log jrCs ˛j/:
H W x1 C C xr C 2xrC1 C C 2xrCs D 0:
C fx 2 H j jxi j M g:
If L.u/ 2 C , then jj uj e M for all j , and Lemma 5.5 implies that there are only finitely
many such us. Thus L.U / \ C is finite, and this implies that L.U / is a lattice in H (by
4.15). Since everything in the kernel maps into C , the kernel is finite. 2
P ROOF. To prove the theorem, we have to find a way to construct units. We work again
with the embedding
W K ,! Rr Cs RrC2s :
For x D .x1 ; :::; xr ; xrC1 ; :::/ 2 Rr Cs , define
Then Nm. .˛// D Nm.˛/. Note that j Nm.x/j D jx1 j jxr jjxrC1 j2 jxrCs j2 :
Recall from (4.26), that .OK / is a full lattice in Rr Cs , and the volume of its funda-
mental parallelopiped is 2 s jj 2 ; in more detail, if ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n is a Z-basis for OK , then
we showed that the absolute value of the determinant of the matrix whose i th row is
1=2 j Nm.x/j 1:
x .OK / D fx .˛/ j ˛ 2 OK g:
Since Rr Cs is a ring, this product makes sense. This is again a lattice in Rr Cs , and the
volume of its fundamental parallelopiped is the determinant of the matrix whose i th row is
.x1 1 .˛i /; : : : ; <.xrC1 rC1 .˛i //; =.xrC1 rC1 .˛i //; : : :/:
As before, the absolute value of the determinant of this matrix is 2 s times the absolute
value of the determinant of the matrix whose i th row is
which is
jj 2 j Nm.x/j:
Therefore x .OK / is a lattice with 2 s jj 2 j Nm.x/j as the volume of its fundamental
domain. Note that as x ranges over our set these volumes remain bounded.
Let T be a compact convex subset of Rr Cs , which is symmetric in the origin, and
whose volume is so large that, for every x in the above set, Minkowski’s theorem (4.19)
implies there is a point
of OK ,
¤ 0, such that x .
/ 2 T . The points of T have
bounded coordinates, and hence bounded norms, and so
x . / 2 T ) j Nm.x . //j M;
Consider the set of ideals
OK , where
runs through the
’s in OK for which x .
/ 2 T
for some x in our set. The norm N of such an ideal is 2M , and so there can only be finitely
many such ideals, say
1 OK ; : : : ;
t OK . Now if
is any element of OK with x .
/ 2 T ,
some x, then
i OK for some i , and so there exists a unit " such that
i ".
Then x ."/ 2 .
i 1 / T . The set T 0 D .
1 1 / T [ ::: [ .
t 1 / T is bounded, and
so we have shown that, for each x in our set there exists a unit " such that the coordinates
of x ."/ are bounded uniformly in x (the set T 0 doesn’t depend on x).
We are now ready to prove that L.U / is a full lattice in H . If r C s 1 D 0, there is
nothing to prove, and so we assume r C s 1 1:
For each i , 1 i r C s, we choose an x in our set such that all the coordinates of x
except xi are very large (compared with T 0 /, and xi is sufficiently small that j Nm xj D 1.
We know that there exists a unit "i such that x ."i / has bounded coordinates, and we
deduce that jj "i j < 1 for j ¤ i , and hence that log jj "i j < 0:
I claim that L."1 /; :::; L."rCs 1 / are linearly independent vectors in the lattice L.U /.
For this we have to prove that the matrix whose i th row is
.l1 ."i /; :::; lrCs 1 ."i //; li ."/ D log ji "j;
is invertible. The elements of the matrix except those on the diagonal are negative, but the
l1 ."i / C C lrCs 1 ."i / C lrCs ."i / D 0;
and so the sum of the terms in the i th row
The next lemma implies that the matrix is invertible, and so completes the proof of Theorem
5.9. 2
˘ a
Pij < 0 for i ¤ j I
˘ j aij > 0 for i D 1; 2; :::; m:
has a nontrivial solution. Write x1 ; :::; xm for such a solution, and suppose i0 is such that
jxi0 j D maxfjxj jg. We can scale the solution so that xi0 D 1. Then jxj j 1 for j ¤ i0 ,
and the i0 th equation gives a contradiction:
0D ai0 j xj D ai0 i0 C ai0 j xj ai0 i0 C ai0 j > 0:
j j ¤i0 j ¤i0 2
Let S be a finite set of prime ideals of K, and define the ring of S-integers to be
OK .S / D Op D f˛ 2 K j ordp .˛/ 0, all p … Sg:
has kernel U . To complete the proof, it suffices to show that the image of U.S / in Zt has
rank t . Let h be the class number of K. Then phi is principal, say phi D .i /, and i is an
S -unit with image
.0; : : : ; h; : : : ; 0/ .h in the i t h position).
Clearly these elements generate a subgroup of rank t. 2
Example: CM fields
A number field is totally real if all of its embeddings in C lie in R, and it is totally imaginary
if none of its embeddings in C lie in R. For example, K D QŒ˛ ' QŒX =.f / is totally
real if all the roots of f are real, and it is totally imaginary if none of the roots of f are real.
A CM field is a totally imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real field. Every such
field can be obtained from a totally real field by adjoining the square root of an element all
of whose real conjugates are negative.
Let K be a CM field, which is a quadratic extension of the totally real field K C , and let
2n D ŒK W Q. Then K has 2n complex embeddings and K C has n real embeddings, and
rank.UK / D n 1 D rank.UK C /.
Therefore, UK C has finite index in UK . In fact, it is possible to prove more.
We have shown that Ker./ D .K/ UK C . As .K/=.K/2 has order 2, this completes
the proof. 2
Œa0 ; a1 ; a2 ; : : ::
We shall always assume that the ai are integers with a1 > 0, a2 > 0; : : :. The integers
ai are called the quotients, and Œa0 ; a1 ; :::; an is called the nth convergent. Every irra-
tional number ˛ can be expressed in just one way as an infinite continued fraction, and
the continued fraction is periodic if and only if ˛ has degree 2 over Q. (See any book on
elementary number theory, for example, Hardy, G. H., and Wright, E. M., An Introduction
to the Theory of Numbers, Oxford Univ. Press, 1960 (4th edition), Chapter X.)
Nowp let d be a square-free positive integer, and let " be the (unique) pfundamental unit
for QŒ d with " > 1. Let s be the period of the continued fraction for d and let p=q be
the .s 1/th convergent of it; then
" D p C q d if d 2; 3 mod 4, or d 1 mod 8;
and p p
" D p C q d or "3 D p C q d otherwise.
Using a computer algebra program, it is very easy to carry this out, and one obtains some
spectacularly large numbers. p p
For example, to find the fundamentalpunit in QŒ 94, first compute 94 D 9: 6954 : : :.
Then compute the continued fraction of 94. One gets
This suggests the period is 16. Now evaluate the 15th convergent. One gets
Hence the fundamental unit > 1 is
" D 2143295 C 221064 94:
Compute that
.2143295/2 .221064/2 94 D 1;
which verifies that " is a unit. p
When one carries out this procedure for QŒ 9199, the first coefficient of the funda-
mental unit has 88 digits! The computer has no problem finding the fundamental unit —
the only problem is counting the length of the period, which is about 180.
L EMMA 5.13 Let K be a cubic extension of Q with negative discriminant, and let " be the
fundamental unit with " > 1. Then
P ROOF. Since " … Q, it must generate K. The two conjugates of " (other than " itself) must
be complex conjugates, and so the product of " with its conjugates must be C1 (rather than
1). Write " D u2 , u 2 R, u > 1. Then the remaining conjugates of " can be written
1 i 1 i
u e ; u e .0 /:
Let 0 D D.1; "; "2 / be the discriminant of the minimum equation of ". Then
0 2 D .u2 u 1 i
e /.u2 u 1
e i
/.u 1 i
e u 1
e i
/ D 2i.u3 C u 3
2 cos / sin :
If we set 2 D u3 C u 3, then
j0 j 2 D 4. cos / sin ;
g.x/ D x 2x 2 C 1 D 0; jxj 1; x D cos :
We seek a root of g.x/ with jxj < 1. But g.1/ D 1 < 0 (because u > 1 implies
3 3
D u 2u > 1), and g. 2u1 3 / D 43 .u 6 1/ < 0. Since g.x/ D 2x 2 C , it follows
g.x/ has one root > 1, and that the desired root x0 , with jx0 j 1, is < 2u1 3 . But then
x02 > )u 6
4x02 < 0 ) u 6
4x0 2 4x04 < 0: (13)
This maximum yields
and, on applying the conditions x0 D 2x02 1, 2 x02 D 4x04 4x02 C 1, and the inequality
(13) we find that
j0 j < 4"3 C 24:
Since 0 D K (square of an integer), this completes the proof. 2
E XAMPLE 5.14 Let K D QŒ˛qwhere ˛ is a real root of X 3 C 10X C 1. Here the discrim-
inant is 4027, and so " > 3 40274 24 > 10 for " the fundamental unit with " > 1.
Note that Nm.˛/ D 1, and so ˛ is a unit. Moreover, ˛ D 0:0999003::. and so
ˇ D ˛ 1 D 10:00998:::. Since ˇ is a power of ", we must have ˇ D "; i.e., ˛ 1
is the fundamental unit > 1: Thus
UK D f˙˛ m j m 2 Zg:
Once one knows ", it becomes easier to compute the class group. We know (see 3.48)
that there is a prime ideal p D .2; 1 C ˛/ such that N.p/ D 2. One shows that p generates
the class group, and it then remains to find the order of p. One verifies that p6 is the ideal
generated by .˛˛C2 , and so it remains to show that p2 and p3 are nonprincipal.
Suppose p3 D .
/. Then
2 D ˙˛ m .˛˛C2
for some m and choice of signs. But this
˛ 1 ˛ 1 ˛ 1 ˛ 1
says that at least one of the numbers ˛C2 , ˛C2 , ˛ ˛C2 , ˛ ˛C2 is a square. Let ˇ be that
number. If q is a prime ideal such that ˇ 2 Oq (i.e., such that ordq .ˇ/ 0/, then we can
look at ˇ mod q and ask if it is a square.
We first work modulo 29. We have
Take q to be the ideal .29; ˛ 2/. The residue field OK =q is F29 D Z=.29/, and the map
ZŒ˛ ! F29 is ˛ 7! 2 (mod 29). Thus
˛ 1 7! 1; ˛ C 2 7! 4; .˛ C 2/ 7! 22; 1 7! 1:
The numbers 1, 4, and 1 122 are squares modulo 29, but 2 is not; hence m must be 0.
˛ 1
Since ˛C2 < 0 it can’t be a square in K (since it isn’t even in R), and so the only possibility
˛ 1
for ˇ is ˛C2 . We eliminate this by looking mod 7.
Take q D .7; ˛ C 3/ (see 3.48). Then in the map ZŒ˛ ! ZŒ˛=q D F7 ;
˛ 1 3 1
˛ 7! 3 D 4; 7! 4 3 mod 7;
˛C2 6 2
˛ 1
and 3 is not a square modulo 7. Thus ˛C2 is not a square in QŒ˛:
Similarly, p D .
/ can be shown to be impossible. Thus Cl.OK / is a cyclic group of
order 6.
Finding .K/
As we noted eariler, if QŒm K, where m is a primitive mth root of 1, then '.m/jŒKW Q.
Thus there are only finitely many possibilities for m. For each of them, use the test in the
later section on algorithms to determine whether the minimum polynomial ˚m for m has
a root in K.
There is one other important invariant that we should define. Let t D r C s 1, and let
u1 ; :::; u t be a system of fundamental units. Then the vectors
L.ui / D .log j1 ui j; :::; log jr ui j; 2 log jrC1 ui j; : : : ; 2 log j t ui j/ 2 Rt
generate the lattice L.U / in Rt . The regulator is defined to be determinant of the matrix
whose i th row is L.ui /. Thus, up to sign, the regulator is the volume of a fundamental
domain for L.U / (regarded as a full lattice in Rt /:
The regulator plays the same role for the group of units (mod torsion) that the dis-
criminant plays for OK . One can similarly define the regulator of any set f"1 ; :::; " t g of
independent units, and the index of the group generated by the "i and .K/ in the full
group of units is measured by ratio
jReg."1 ; : : : ; " t /j=jReg.U /j:
There are lower bounds for the regulator (see Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989, p 365) similar
to the one we proved for a cubic field with one real embedding.
For an algorithm that computes the class group, regulator, and fundamental units of a
general number field, but which requires the generalized Riemann hypothesis to prove its
correctness, see Cohen 1993, Algorithm 6.5.9.
N OTES To find the units in QŒ d , d > 0, one has to solve certain diophantine equations (see 5.3),
whose study has a long history. Theorem 5.1 was proved by Dirichlet (1840, 1846)2 only for rings
of the form ZŒ˛ because, at the time, a definition of OK was lacking. However, his proof extends
easily to OK (and to OK .S /).
5-1 Fix an m and and M . Is it necessarily true that the set of algebraic integers ˛ in C of
degree < m and with j˛j < M is finite? [Either prove, or give a counterexample.]
5-2 Find a fundamental unit for the field QŒ 67.
5-3 Let ˛ be an element of a number field K. Does NmK=Q D ˙1 imply that ˛ is unit in
OK . [Either prove, or give a counterexample.]
The cyclotomic1 extensions of Q are those generated by a root of 1. They provide interest-
ing examples of the theory we have developed, but, more significantly, they have important
applications, for example, to Fermat’s last theorem and to the existence of reciprocity laws
(more generally, to class field theory itself).
L EMMA 6.1 Let be a primitive nth root of 1. Then m is again a primitive nth root of 1
if and only if m is relatively prime to n:
Let K D QŒ, where is a primitive nth root of 1. Then K is the splitting field of
X n 1, and so it is Galois over Q. Let G D Gal.QŒ=Q/. It permutes the set of primitive
nth roots of 1 in K, and so, for any 2 G, D m for some integer m relatively prime to
n; moreover, m is well-defined modulo n. The map 7! Œm is an injective homomorphism
G ! .Z=nZ/ . In FT, Proposition 5.7, it is proved that this map is an isomorphism, and so
ŒK W Q D '.n/ D #.Z=nZ/ . We shall give another proof, and at the same time obtain
many results concerning the arithmetic of QŒ.
1 The name cyclotomic (circle-dividing) derives from the fact that the nth roots of 1 are space evenly around
where the product runs over a set of representatives m for the elements of .Z=nZ/ , for
example, over the integers m, 0 m n 1, relatively prime to n. Equivalently,
˚n .X / D .X 0 /
where 0 runs over the primitive nth roots of 1. Because G permutes the 0 , ˚n .X / 2 QŒX ,
and clearly ˚n ./ D 0. Therefore, ˚n .X / is the minimum polynomial of if and only if it is
irreducible, in which case ŒK W Q D '.n/ and the map G ! .Z=nZ/ is an isomorphism.
Hence the following statements are equivalent:
(a) the map Gal.QŒ=Q/ / .Z=nZ/ is an isomorphism;
(b) ŒQŒ W Q D '.n/I
(c) Gal.QŒ=Q/ acts transitively on the set of primitive nth roots of 1 (i.e., they are
(d) ˚n .X / is irreducible (and so ˚n .X / is the minimum polynomial of /:
We shall see that all these statements are true.
Note that each nth root of 1 is a primitive d th root of 1 for exactly one d jn, and so
Xn 1 D ˚d .X / D .X 1/ ˚n .X /:
d jn
To find the nth cyclotomic polynomial, type “polcyclo(n,X)” in PARI. For example,
˚3 .X / D X 2 C X C 1
˚4 .X / D X 2 C 1
˚6 .X / D X 2 X C1
˚12 .X / D X X2 C 1
and so .p/ has at least '.p r / prime factors in OK . Now (3.34) implies that ŒQŒ W Q
'.p r /. This proves (a) of the Proposition since we know ŒQŒ W Q '.p r /:
Moreover we see that must generate a prime ideal in OK , otherwise, again, .p/ would
have too many prime-ideal factors. This completes the proof of (c).
For future reference, we note that, in OK ,
.p/ D p'.p / ; p D ./; f .p=p/ D 1:
The last equality means that the map Z=.p/ ! OK =./ is an isomorphism.
We next show that (up to sign) disc.ZŒ=Z/ is a power of p. Since
Using that
we see that
s s
NmK=Q .1 p / D ˙p a where a D ŒQŒ W QŒ p D '.p r /='.p r s
/ D ps :
OK D ZŒ C 2 OK :
D ZŒ C 2 OK :
for all m 1. Since '.p D p .unit/, this implies that
OK D ZŒ C p m OK
for all m 1. But for m large enough, we know that p m OK ZŒ, and so ZŒ D OK .
This completes the proof of (b). 2
R EMARK 6.3 (a) The sign of the disc.QŒ=Q/, any root of 1, can be computed most
easily by using (2.40a). Clearly QŒ has no real embeddings unless D ˙1 (and QŒ D
Q), and so, except for this case,
and let d be the greatest common divisor of disc.OK =Z/ and disc.OL =Z//. Then
P ROOF. Let f˛1 ; :::; ˛m g and fˇ1 ; :::; ˇn g be integral bases for K and L respectively. Then
˛i ˇj is a basis for K L over Q. Thus every
2 OKL can be written in the form
X aij
D ˛i ˇj ; aij ; r 2 Z;
with rij uniquely determined. After dividing out any common factors from top and bottom,
no prime factor of r will divide all the aij , and we then have to show that rjd:
When we identify L with a subfield of C, every embedding of K into C will extend
uniquely to an embedding of K L into C fixing the elements of L. To see this, write
K D QŒ˛; then K L D LŒ˛, and the hypothesis on the degrees implies that the minimum
polynomial of ˛ doesn’t change when we pass from Q to L; there is therefore a unique
L-homomorphism LŒ˛ ! C sending ˛ to ˛.
On applying such a to the above equation, we obtain an equation
X aij
/ D .˛i /ˇj :
Write xi D j .aij =r/ˇj , and let 1 ; 2 ; :::; m be the distinct embeddings of K into C.
We obtain a system of m linear equations
k .˛i /xi D k .
/; k D 1; 2; :::; m;
R EMARK 6.6 (a) Statement (c) of the theorem shows that if p divides n, then p ramifies
unless '.p r / D 1. Since '.p r / D p r 1 .p 1/, this happens only if p r D 2. Thus, if p
divides n, then p ramifies in QŒn except when p D 2 and n D 2 (odd number).
(b) Let m be an integer > 1; then '.mn/ > '.n/ except when n is odd and m D 2.
Therefore .QŒn / is cyclic of order n (generated by n ) except when n is odd, in which
case it is cyclic of order 2n (generated by n ).
(c) In the situation of the lemma,
The example p p
QŒi; 5 D QŒi QŒ 5
shows that the conditionpon the rings of integers is necessary for (15) to hold, because
p the
extensions QŒi and QŒ 5 have discriminants 4 and 20 respectively, but QŒi; 5 has
discriminant 42 52 D 42 202 =42 .
For example, if D e 2 i=n , then QŒC D QŒcos 2 n . Under any embedding of QŒ into
C, maps to the complex conjugate of , and therefore the image of QŒC is fixed under
complex conjugation and hence lies in R. Thus, we see that QŒ is a CM field with maximal
totally real subfield QŒC . According to Proposition 5.12, the index of .QŒ/ UQŒ C in
UQŒ is 1 or 2. In fact, when n is a prime power, it must be 1.
P ROPOSITION 6.7 Assume that n is a prime power; then every unit u 2 QŒ can be written
P ROOF. We prove this only for powers of odd primes (which is all we shall need in the next
section). If the statement is false, then the homomorphism
N UQŒ ! =2 ;
u 7! u=uW D .QŒ/;
in the proof of Proposition (5.12) is surjective, and so there exists a unit u of QŒ such that
uN D 0 u where 0 is a root of 1 that is not a square. Recall (6.6b) that, because n is odd,
D f˙1g hi, and so 2 D hi. Therefore 0 D m for some integer m. Let
'.n/ 1
u D a0 C C a'.n/ 1 , ai 2 Z:
T HEOREM 6.8 Let p be an odd prime. If the class number of QŒ is not divisible by p,
then there does not exist an integer solution .x; y; z/ to
X p C Y p D Zp
x3 C y3 2; 0, or 2 mod 9;
z 1 or 1 mod 9;
which are contradictory. Similarly we may eliminate the case p D 5 by looking modulo
25. Henceforth we assume p > 5.
If x y z mod p, then 2z p z p and pj3z, contradicting our hypotheses.
Hence one of the congruences can’t hold, and after rewriting the equation x p C . z/p D
. y/p if necessary, we may assume that p - x y.
The roots of X p C 1 are 1; ; : : : ; p 1 , and so
Yp 1
Xp C 1 D .X C i /:
i D0
Hence Yp 1
.x C i y/ D z p :
i D0
The idea of the proof is to exploit this factorization and what we know of the arithmetic of
QŒ to obtain a contradiction.
Let p be the unique prime ideal of ZŒ dividing .p/; thus p D .1 i / where i can be
any integer such that 1 i p 1 (see 6.2).
P ROOF. We have to show that there does not exist a prime ideal q dividing x C i y and
xC j y for i ¤ j . Suppose there does. Then qj.. i j /y/ D py, and qj.. j i /x/ D px.
By assumption, x and y are relatively prime, and therefore q D p. Thus x Cy x C i y
0 mod p. Hence x C y 2 p \ Z D .p/. But z p D x p C y p x C y 0 mod p, and
so pjz, which contradicts our hypotheses. 2
P ROOF. Write
p 2
˛ D a0 C a1 C C ap 2 ; ai 2 Z:
p p p
˛ p a0 C a1 C C ap 1 mod p;
which lies in Z. 2
We can now complete the proof of Theorem 6.8. Regard the equation
Yp 1
.x C i y/ D .z/p
i D0
as an equality of ideals in ZŒ. Since the factors on the left are relatively prime in pairs,
each one must be the pth power of an ideal, say
.x C i y/ D ai
for some ideal ai in ZŒ. This equation implies that ai has order dividing p in the class
group, but we are assuming that the class group of ZŒ is of order prime to p, and so ai
itself is principal, say ai D .˛i /.
Take i D 1, and omit the subscript on ˛1 . Then we have that x C y D u˛ p for some
unit u in ZŒ. We apply (6.7) to write u D r v where vN D v. According to (6.10), there is
an a 2 Z such that ˛ p a mod p. Therefore
x C y D r v˛ p r va mod p:
x C y r
v ˛N p r
va mod p:
x C y 2r x 2r 1
y0 mod p: (16)
If 1; ; 2r 1 ; 2r are distinct, then, because p 5, Lemma 6.11 implies that p divides x
and y, which is contrary to our original assumption. The only remaining possibilities are:
(a) 1 D 2r ; but then (*) says
y y0 mod p;
and Lemma 6.11 implies pjy, which contradicts our original assumption.
(b) 1 D 2r 1 ; then D 2r , and (*) says
.x y/ .x y/ 0 mod p;
and Lemma 6.11 implies that pjx y, which contradicts the choice of x and y made
at the start of the proof.
(c) D 2r 1 ; but then (*) says
x 2x 0 mod p;
and Lemma 6.11 implies that pjx, which contradicts our original assumption.
This completes the proof.
N OTES Everything in this section was known to Kummer, but in terms of “ideal numbers” rather
than ideals. The methods of this section have not (so far) sufficed to prove Fermat’s last theorem
but, as the reader may already be aware, other methods have.
6-1 Show that X 3 3X C 1 is an irreducible polynomial in QŒX with three real roots.
Let ˛ be one of them, and let K D QŒ˛. Compute disc.ZŒ˛=Z/, and deduce that
OK ZŒ˛ 3m OK
for some m. Show that ˛ and ˛C2 are units in ZŒ˛ and OK , and that .˛C1/3 D 3˛.˛C2/.
Deduce that .˛ C 1/ is a prime ideal in OK , and show that OK D ZŒ˛ C .˛ C 1/OK . Use
this to show that OK D ZŒ˛. Show that .2/ is a prime ideal in OK , and deduce that OK is
a principal ideal domain.
In this section, we define the notion of a valuation and study the completions of number
fields with respect to valuations.
A (multiplicative) valuation on a field K is a function x 7! jxjW K ! R such that
(a) jxj > 0 except that j0j D 0I
(b) jxyj D jxjjyj
(c) jx C yj jxj C jyj (triangle inequality).
If the stronger condition
(c0 ) jx C yj maxfjxj; jyjg
holds, then j j is called a nonarchimedean valuation.
Note that (a) and (b) imply that j j is a homomorphism K ! R>0 (multiplicative
group of positive real numbers). Since R>0 is torsion-free, j j maps all roots of unity in K
to 1. In particular, j 1j D 1, and j xj D jxj for all x.
E XAMPLE 7.1 (a) For any number field K, and embedding W K ,! C, we get a valuation
on K by putting jaj D j aj:
(b) Let ordW K ! Z be an (additive) discrete valuation, and let e be a real number
with e > 1; then
jaj D .1=e/ord.a/ ; a ¤ 0; j0j D 0
is a nonarchimedean valuation on K. For example, for any prime number p, we have the
p-adic valuation j jp on Q W
jajp D .1=e/ordp .a/ :
Usually we normalize this by taking e D p; thus
Similarly, for any prime ideal p in a number field K, we have a normalized p-adic valuation
(c) On any field we can define the trivial valuation: jaj D 1 for all a ¤ 0. When K is
finite, there is no other (because all nonzero elements of a finite field are roots of 1).
Nonarchimedean valuations
Recall that this means that, instead of the triangle inequality, we have
jx C yj maxfjxj; jyjg:
jm1j D j1 C 1 C C 1j j1j D 1:
Clearly jxjr jyjn r maxfjxjn ; jyjn g D maxfjxj; jyjgn and r is an integer, and so
When we let n ! 1, the terms involving n tend to 1 (to see this, take logs). 2
A SIDE 7.4 Archimedes stated that for any two line segments, laying the shorter segment end-to-end
a sufficient finite number of times will create a segment longer than the other. In other words, for any
two nonzero real numbers a and b, there is an n 2 N such that jbj < jnaj. The proposition shows
that the nonarchimedean valuations are exactly those that don’t have this “archimedean property”.
any e > 1. Taking logs gives loge jxj D ord.x/, or ord.x/ D loge jxj. This suggests
how we might pass from multiplicative valuations to additive valuations.
P ROPOSITION 7.5 Let j j be a nontrivial nonarchimedean valuation, and put v.x/ D log jxj,
x ¤ 0 (log to base e for any real e > 1/. Then vW K ! R satisfies the following condi-
P ROOF. That v satisfies (a) and (b) is obvious. For the last statement, note that v.K / is
a subgroup of R (under addition). If it is a discrete subgroup, then it is a lattice (by 4.15),
which means that v.K / D Zc for some c. Now ord D c 1 v is an additive discrete
valuation K Z. 2
We shall say j j is discrete when jK j is a discrete subgroup of R>0 . Note that, even
when jK j is discrete in R, jKj usually won’t be, because 0 will be a limit point for the set
jK j: For example, jp n jp D p n , which converges to 0 as n ! 1.
P ROPOSITION 7.6 Let j j be a nonarchimedean valuation. Then
A D fa 2 K j jaj 1g is a subring of K, with
U D fa 2 K j jaj D 1g as its group of units, and
m D fa 2 K j jaj < 1g as its unique maximal ideal.
The valuation j j is discrete if and only if m is principal, in which case A is a discrete
valuation ring.
P ROOF. The first assertion is obvious. If j j is discrete, then A and m are the pair associated
(as in 3.27) with the additive valuation log j j, and so A is a discrete valuation ring and m
is generated by any element 2 K such that jj is the largest element of jK j less than
one. Conversely, if m D ./, then jK j is the subgroup of R>0 generated by jj: 2
R EMARK 7.7 There do exist nondiscrete nonarchimedean valuations. For example, let Qal
be an algebraic closure of Q. We shall see later that the p-adic valuation j jp W Q ! R
extends to Qal (in many different ways). Since Qal contains an element p 1=n for all n, we
p p
see that jQal j 3 .p 1 /1=n D 1= n p for all n, and 1= n p ! 1 as n ! 1. In fact, one can
show that jQal j D fp r j r 2 Qg, which is not discrete in R>0 .
Equivalent valuations
Note that a valuation j j defines a metric on K, with distance function
d.a; b/ D ja bj;
and hence a topology on K: for a 2 K, the sets
U.a; "/ D fx 2 K j jx aj < "g; " > 0;
form a fundamental system of open neighbourhoods of a. A set is open if and only if it is a
union of sets of the form U.a; "/.
For example, for the topology on Q defined by j jp , a and b are close if their difference
is divisible by a high power of p. In particular, the sequence
1; p; p 2 ; : : : ; p n ; : : :
converges to 0.
The topology defined by the p-adic valuation j jp is called the p-adic topology on K.
P ROOF. (a) ) (b): Since j˛ n j D j˛jn , clearly ˛ n ! 0 if and only if j˛j < 1: Therefore (a)
implies that
j˛j1 < 1 ” j˛j2 < 1:
(b) ) (c): Because j j1 is nontrivial, there exists a y 2 K such that jyj > 1. Let
so that
log jyj2 D a log jyj1 ;
jyj2 D jyja1 :
Now let x be any nonzero element of K. There is a real number b such that
jxj1 D jyjb1 :
jxj2 D jyjb2 ;
because then
jxj2 D jyjb2 D jyjab a
1 D jxj1 :
Let m=n, n > 0, be a rational number > b. Then
jxj1 D jyjb1 < jyj1n
and so
jx n =y m j1 < 1:
From our assumption (b), this implies that
jx n =y m j2 < 1
and so m
jxj2 < jyj2n :
This is true for all rational numbers n > b, and so
jxj2 jyjb2 :
A similar argument with rational numbers n < b shows that
jxj2 jyjb2 ;
Two valuations are said to be equivalent if they satisfy the conditions of the proposition.
and we checked (3.26 et seq.) that this implies that equality holds if ord.a/ ¤ ord.b/. For
multiplicative valuations, we are given that
ja C bj maxfjaj; jbjg;
and a similar argument shows that equality holds if jaj ¤ jbj. This has the following
7.10 Recall that we define a metric on K by setting d.a; b/ D ja bj. I claim that if x is
closer to b than it is to a, then d.a; x/ D d.a; b/. For we are given that
jx bj < jx aj;
7.11 Suppose
a1 C a2 C C an D 0:
Then an argument as on p59 shows that the maximum value of the summands must be
attained for at least two values of the subscript.
m D a0 C a1 n C C ar nr
with the ai integers, 0 ai < n, nr m. Let N D maxf1; jnjg. By the triangle inequality,
jmj jai jjnji jai jN r :
We know
r log.m/= log.n/;
(log relative to some e > 1) and the triangle inequality shows that
jai j j1 C C 1j D ai j1j D ai n:
where j j1 is the usual absolute value on Q. Since both j j and j ja1 are homomorphisms
Q / R>0 , the fact that they agree on a set of generators for the group Q (the primes
and 1) implies that they agree on all of Q .
C ASE (ii): For some n > 1, jnj 1.
In this case, N D 1, and (*) implies jmj 1 for all integers m. Therefore the valuation
is nonarchimedean. Let A be the associated local ring and m its maximal ideal. From the
definition of A, we know that Z A. Then m\Z is a prime ideal in Z (because m is a prime
ideal), and it is nonzero for otherwise the valuation would be trivial. Hence m\Z D .p/ for
some p. This implies that jmj D 1 if m is an integer not divisible by p, and so jnp r j D jpjr
if n is a rational number whose numerator and denominator are not divisible by p. If a is
such that jpj D .1=p/a ; then jxj D jxjpa for all x 2 Q: 2
P ROOF. Let ˛ D a=b, a; b 2 Z. Then j˛jp D 1 unless pja or pjb. Therefore j˛jv D 1 for
Qvs, and so the product is really finite.
all but finite many
Let .a/ D jajv . Then is a homomorphism Q ! R , and so it suffices to show
that . 1/ D 1 and .p/ D 1 for each prime number p. The first is obvious, because
j 1j D 1 for all valuations j j. For the second, note that
T HEOREM 7.14 Let K be an algebraic number field. There exists exactly one prime of K
(a) for each prime ideal p;
(b) for each real embedding;
(c) for each conjugate pair of complex embeddings.
We generally write v for a prime. If it corresponds to a prime ideal p of OK , then we call it a
finite prime, and we write pv for the ideal. If it corresponds to a (real or nonreal) embedding
of K, then we call it an infinite (real or complex) prime. We write j jv for a valuation in the
equivalence class. If L K and w and v are primes of L and K such that j jw restricted
to K is equivalent to j jv , then we say that w divides v, or w lies over v, and we write wjv.
For a finite prime, this means Pw \ OK D pv or, equivalently, that Pw divides pv OL .
For an infinite prime, it means that w corresponds to an embedding W L ,! C that extends
the embedding corresponding to v (or its complex conjugate).
1 These are the most natural definitions for which the product formula hold. Alternatively, let K be the
completion of K with respect to the valuation v, and let be a Haar measure on .Kv ; C/ — it is uniquely
determined up to a nonzero constant. For any nonzero a 2 Kv , a .U / D .aU / is also a Haar measure on
.Kv ; C/, and so a D c.a/ for some constant c.a/. In fact, c.a/ D jaj, the normalized valuation of a.
T HEOREM 7.15 (P RODUCT F ORMULA ) For each prime v, let j jv be the normalized valu-
ation. For any nonzero ˛ 2 K;
j˛jv D 1 (product over all primes of K/:
P ROOF. The product formula for a general number field follows from the product formula
for Q and the next result. 2
R EMARK 7.17 The product formula is true in two other important situations.
(a) Let K be a finite extension of k.T / where k is a finite field. According to (7.3),
the valuations of K are all discrete, and hence correspond to discrete valuation rings in K.
As in the number field case, we can normalize a valuation by setting jajv D .1=Nv/ordv .a/
where Nv is the numberQof elements in the residue field of the discrete valuation ring and
ordv W K Z. Then v jajv D 1: The proof of this is easy when K D k.T /, and the
general case is obtained by means of a result like (7.16).
(b) Let K be a finite extension of k.T / where k is an algebraically closed field. In
this case we look only at primes that are trivial when restricted to k. All such primes are
nonarchimedean, and hence correspond to discreteQvaluations ordv W K Z. Fix an e > 1,
and define jajv D .1=e/ordv .a/ for every v. Then jajv D 1 for all a 2 K . This of course
is equivalent to the statement
ordv .a/ D 0:
For example, let X be a compact Riemann surface, and let K be the field of meromorphic
functions on X . For each point P of X we have a discrete valuation, defined by ordP .f / D
m or m according as f has a zero or pole of order m at P . The valuations ordP are
precisely the valuations on K trivial on C K, and so the product formula for K is simply
the statement that f has as many zeros as poles.
The proof of this runs as follows: the Cauchy integral formula implies that if f is a
nonconstant meromorphic function on an open set U in C, and is the oriented boundary
of a compact set C contained in U , then
f 0 .z/
dz D 2 i.Z P /
f .z/
where Z is the number of zeros of f in C and P is the number of poles of f , both counted
with multiplicities. This formula also holds for compact subsets of manifolds. If the man-
ifold M is itself compact, then we can take C D M , which has no boundary, and so the
formula becomes
Z P D 0;
i.e., X
ordP .f / D 0; P 2 M:
P ROOF. First let n D 2. Because j j1 and j j2 are inequivalent, there are elements b and c
such that
jbj1 < 1; jbj2 1
jcj1 1; jcj2 < 1:
Now a D bc has the required properties.
We proceed by induction assuming that the lemma is true for n 1 valuations. There
exist elements b; c such that
jbj1 > 1; jbji < 1; i D 2; 3; : : : ; n 1
jcj1 < 1; jcjn > 1
cb r
If jbjn 1, then a D cb r works for sufficiently large r. If jbjn > 1, then ar D 1Cb r works
b r
for sufficiently large r, because 1Cb r converges to 0 or 1 according as jbj < 1 or jbj > 1.2
L EMMA 7.19 In the situation of the last lemma, there exists an element of K that is close
to 1 for j j1 and close to 0 for j ji , i D 2; : : : n.
P ROOF. Choose a as in (7.18), and consider ar D 1Car . Then
1 1
jar 1j1 D r
r !0
j1 C a j1 jaj1 1
as r ! 1. For i 2,
jajri jajri
jar ji D !0
j1 C ajri 1 jajri
as r ! 0. 2
Let Ki be the completion of K for j ji . The statement of the theorem also holds with
ai in Ki (rather than K)—choose ai0 2 K very 0
Q close to ai and a 2 K very close to each ai .
Thus K (embedded diagonally) is dense in Ki .
The theorem shows that there can be no finite product formula. More precisely:
P ROOF. If any ri ¤ 0, an a for which jaji is sufficiently large and the jajj , j ¤ i , are
sufficiently small provides a contradiction. 2
The reader should compare the Weak Approximation Theorem with what the Chinese
Remainder Theorem gives (see Exercise 7-1).
N OTES The Weak Approximation Theorem first occurs in Artin and Whaples 1945.2 See also Artin
1959, Our account follows the original.
Let K be a field with a nontrivial valuation. A sequence .an / of elements in K is called a
Cauchy sequence if, for every " > 0, there is an N such that
The field K is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence has a limit in K. (The limit is
necessarily unique.)
jam an j5 D 5 .m > n/;
this is a Cauchy sequence for the 5-adic topology on Q. Note that
There is a similar notion of Cauchy series. For example, any series of the form
a np C C a0 C a1 p C C am p m C ; 0 ai < p;
T HEOREM 7.23 Let K be a field with a valuation j j. Then there exists a complete valued
O j j/ and a homomorphism K ! KO preserving the valuation that is universal in the
field .K;
following sense: any homomorphism K ! L from K into a complete valued field .L; j j/
preserving the valuation, extends uniquely to a homomorphism KO ! L.
P ROOF (S KETCH ) Every point of KO will be the limit of a sequence of points in K, and the
sequence will be Cauchy. Two Cauchy sequences will converge to the same point in KO if
and only if they are equivalent in the sense that
lim jan bn j D 0:
AO D fa 2 KO j jaj 1g:
Clearly AO is the set of limits of Cauchy sequences in A, and it is therefore the closure of A
O The maximal ideal in AO is
in K:
Again it is the set of limits of Cauchy sequences in m, and so it is the closure of m: Similarly,
O n is the closure of mn . Let be an element with ord./ D 1; then generates m in A
and m O
O in A:
O m
L EMMA 7.25 For any n, the map A=mn ! A= O n is an isomorphism.
O n is open,
is both open and closed in A. Because it is closed, the map is injective; because m
the map is surjective. 2
P ROPOSITION 7.26 Choose a set S of representatives for A=m, and let generate m. The
a n n C C a0 C a1 C C am m C ; ai 2 S
is a Cauchy series, and every Cauchy series is equivalent to exactly one of this form. Thus
each element of KO has a unique representative of this form.
PM i.
P ROOF. Let sM D iD n ai Then
which shows that the sequence sM is Cauchy. Let ˛ 2 K. O Because jKj O D jKj, we can
n O
write ˛ D ˛0 with ˛0 a unit in A. From the definition of S , we see that there exists an
a0 2 S such that ˛0 a0 2 m. O Now ˛0 a0 2 A,O and so there exists an a1 2 S such that
˛0 a0
O Now there exists an a2 such that ˛0 a02 a1 a2 2 m,
a1 2 m. O etc. In the limit,
˛0 D a0 C a1 C ; ˛ D n ˛0 :
Note that
ai i j D j m j
if am is the first nonzero coefficient. Therefore ai i D 0 (if and) only if ai D 0 for all
i . This proves the uniqueness. 2
Thus, for example, every equivalence class of Cauchy sequences in Q for j jp has a
unique representative of the form
a np C C a0 C a1 p C a2 p 2 C ; 0 ai < p:
Note that the partial sums of such a series are rational numbers. It is as easy to work with
such series as with decimal expansions of real numbers — just remember high powers of p
are small, and hence the first to be ignored.
are both bijective (see 3.10 for the first map). Let ˛ 2 Zp . Because the map is bijective,
for all n, there is an an 2 Z such that ˛ an mod p n : Note that, if n < m, an am
mod p n , which implies that .an / is a Cauchy sequence. Let
n 1
an c0 C c1 p C C cn 1p mod p n ; 0 ci p 1I
then X
˛D ci p i :
i 0
ci p i , 0 ci p
Conversely, if ˛ D 1, then c0 ; c1 ; : : : is the unique sequence of
integers, 0 ci p 1, such that
˛ ci p i mod p n :
i D0
If ˛ 2 Qp but not Zp , then p m ˛ 2 Zp for a sufficiently large m, and the above arguments
can be applied to it.
The following examples illustrate how to work with p-adic numbers.
E XAMPLE 7.27 In Q2 ;
1 C 2 C C 2n C
converges to 1, because the sum of the first n terms is
2n 1
D 2n 1
2 1
which converges to 1.
a0 C a1 5 C a2 52 C ; ai D 0; 1; 2; 3, or 4
such that
.a0 C a1 5 C a2 52 C :::/2 C 1 D 0:
We first need that
a02 C 1 0 mod 5.
Thus we must take a0 D 2 or 3; we choose 2 (choosing 3 would lead to the other root).
Next we need
.2 C a1 5/2 C 1 0 mod 52 ;
and so we want
5 C 20a1 0 (mod 52 /:
We must take a1 D 1. Suppose we have found
cn D a0 C a1 5 C a2 52 C C an 5n
such that
cn2 C 1 0 (mod 5nC1 /;
and consider cn C anC1 5nC1 . We want
or that
2cn anC1 5nC1 . 1 cn2 / (mod 5nC2 /;
or that
2cn anC1 . 1 cn2 /=5nC1 (mod 5);
or that
4anC1 D . 1 cn2 /=5nC1 (mod 5).
Since 4 is invertible modulo 5, we can always achieve this. Hence we obtain a series
converging to 1. In fact,
p 1
1p 1 X1
1D 1 5D . 1/n 2 5n :
2 2 nD0 n
1 ai
ordp D n ordp .x/ p 1 C p 1:
ai log.n/ xn 1
As p 1 log.p/
, we see that nŠ ! 0 if and only if ord.x/ > p 1. Therefore (see
Exercise 7-2), the series exp.x/ converges for ord.x/ > p 1.
There is a leisurely, and very detailed, discussion of Qp in the first chapter of Koblitz
19773 .
A SIDE 7.30 Those who have taken a course in commutative algebra will know another method of
completing a local ring R, namely
In the case that R is a discrete valuation ring, this definition agrees with the above. There is an
injective homomorphism
R ! R0 ; a 7! .an /; an D a mod n :
We can define a homomorphism R0 ! RO as follows: let .an / 2 R0 , and choose a representative an0
for an in R; then .an0 / is an Cauchy sequence whose equivalence class is independent of the choices
of the an0 , and we can map .an / to .an0 /. It is easy to see that the map R0 ! RO is surjective, and it
follows that it is an isomorphism.
Newton’s lemma
The argument in the above example works much more generally. Let f .X / D X 2 C 1.
Then all we in fact used was that f .X / has a simple root modulo 5.
In the rest of this subsection, A is a complete discrete valuation ring and generates its
maximal ideal (unless we say otherwise).
P ROPOSITION 7.31 Let f .X / 2 AŒX , and let a0 be a simple root of f .X / mod . Then
there is a unique root a of f .X / with a a0 mod .
f .c C t/ D f .c/ C t f 0 .c/ C
Often an converges to a root of f .x/. In the above proof, this is what we did, but the same
argument can be made to work more generally.
f .an /
anC1 D an
f 0 .an /
and prove that it is a Cauchy sequence converging to a root of f .X /. See, for example,
Milne 2006, 2.12. 2
Proposition 7.31 shows that a simple factor of degree 1 of f .X / mod lifts to a factor
of f .X /. This generalizes.
T HEOREM 7.33 (H ENSEL’ S LEMMA ) Let k be the residue field of A; for f .X / 2 AŒX ,
write fN.X / for the image of f in kŒX . Consider a monic polynomial f .X / 2 AŒX . If
fN.X/ factors as fN D g0 h0 with g0 and h0 monic and relatively prime (in kŒX ), then f
itself factors as f D gh with g and h monic and such that gN D g0 and hN D h0 . Moreover,
g and h are uniquely determined, and .g; h/ D AŒX .
We first prove that .g; h/ D AŒX (such a pair is said to be strictly coprime; in kŒX
strictly coprime just means coprime, i.e., relatively prime).
4 When Newton found his interpolation formula in 1670, ancient Chinese mathematicians had been using
the formula in more sophisticated forms for more than one millennium. He, Ji-Huan, Appl. Math. Comput.
152 (2004), no. 2, 367–371.
L EMMA 7.34 Let A be a local ring with residue field k. If f; g 2 AŒX are such that fN
and gN are relatively prime and f is monic, then .f; g/ D AŒX :
P ROOF. Let M D AŒX =.f; g/. As f is monic, this is a finitely generated A-module. As
.fN; g/
N D kŒX , we have that .f; g/CmAŒX D AŒX and so mM D M . Now Nakayama’s
Lemma (1.9) implies that M D 0: 2
P ROOF. From the preceding lemma we know that .g; h0 / D AŒX , and so there exist r; s 2
AŒX such that gr C h0 s D 1. Now
g 0 D g 0 gr C g 0 h0 s D g 0 gr C ghs;
and so g divides g 0 . As both are monic and have the same degree, they must be equal. 2
Finally, we prove the existence of g and h. We are given that there exist monic polyno-
mials g0 , h0 2 AŒX such that
f g0 h0 2 AŒX :
Suppose we have constructed monic polynomials gn , hn such that
f gn hn 0 mod nC1 AŒX
and gn g0 , hn h0 mod AŒX : We want to find u, v 2 AŒX such that
f .gn C nC1 u/.hn C nC1 v/ 0 mod nC2 AŒX ;
i.e., we want
.f gn hn / nC1 .uhn C gn v/ 0 mod nC2 AŒX :
Thus we are looking for polynomials u, v in AŒX such that
uhn C gn v .f gn hn /= nC1 mod AŒX :
From (7.34), we know that hn and gn are strictly coprime, and so we can always find such
polynomials u; v:
R EMARK 7.36 An induction argument extends the theorem to show that a factorization of
f into a product of relatively prime polynomials in kŒX lifts to a factorization in AŒX .
For example, in Fp ŒX , X p X splits into p distinct factors, and so it also splits in Zp ŒX .
Hence Zp contains the .p 1/st roots of 1. More generally, if K has a residue field k with
q elements, then K contains q roots of the polynomial X q X. Let S be the set of these
roots. Then
a 7! aW
N S ! k;
is a bijection preserving multiplication (but not, of course, addition) – the elements of S are
called the Teichmüller representatives for the elements of the residue field.
R EMARK 7.37 Theorems 7.32 and 7.33 are both P stronger versions of 7.31. There is in fact
a stronger version of 7.32. For a polynomial h D ci X i , define
f .X / D an X n C an 1X
n 1
C C a0 2 AŒX
have jan j D 1 (i.e., an is a unit). Let g0 .X / and h0 .X / be polynomials in AŒX with
degrees r and s respectively, and suppose that
where Res denotes the resultant. Then f .X / factors in AŒX as the product of a polynomial
of degree r and a polynomial of degree s. The proof follows the same general lines as the
above proofs. In fact, the hypothesis can be replaced by
T HEOREM 7.38 Let K be complete with respect to a discrete valuation j jK , and let L be a
finite separable extension of K of degree n. Then j j extends uniquely to a discrete valuation
j jL on L, and L is complete for the extended valuation. For all ˇ 2 L;
jˇjL D j NmL=K ˇjK :
P ROOF. Let A be the discrete valuation ring in K, and let B be its integral closure in L.
Let p be the maximal ideal of A. We know from (3.29) that B is a Dedekind domain, and
the valuations of L extending j jp correspond to the ideals of B lying over p.
Suppose that there are distinct prime ideals P1 and P2 in B dividing p. There will be
a ˇ 2 B such that P1 \ AŒˇ ¤ P2 \ AŒˇ; for example, choose ˇ 2 B such that ˇ 2 P1 ,
ˇ … P2 . Let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of ˇ over K, so that AŒˇ ' AŒX =.f .X //.
Because f .X / is irreducible in AŒX and A is complete, Hensel’s lemma shows that fN.X /
(image of f .X / in kŒX , k D A=p) must be a power of an irreducible polynomial. Then
is a local ring, which contradicts the fact that AŒˇ has two prime ideals containing p.
Hence j jp extends uniquely to a valuation j j on L:
Clearly, j jp also extends uniquely to the Galois closure L0 of L. For each 2
Gal.L=K/, consider the map L ,! C, ˇ 7! jˇj. This is again a valuation of L, and
so the uniqueness implies that jˇj D jˇj. Now
j Nm.ˇ/j D j ˇj D jˇjn
R EMARK 7.39 It is obvious from the criterion (7.2) that a nonarchimedean valuation can
only extend to a nonarchimedean valuation. It is possible to prove (7.38) without assuming
that the valuation j j on K is discrete or even nonarchimedean, but the proof is then com-
pletely different, and much longer — we shall in fact need this in the Chapter 8, and so I
should have included it. The formula jˇjL D j NmL=K ˇjK shows that j jL is discrete if
and only if j jK is discrete.
C OROLLARY 7.40 Let K be as in the theorem, and let ˝ be a (possibly infinite) separable
algebraic extension of K. Then j j extends in a unique way to a valuation j j on ˝:
P ROOF. The theorem shows that j j extends in a unique way to any finite subextension of
˝, and hence it extends uniquely to ˝: 2
R EMARK 7.41 In the last corollary, the extended valuation is still nonarchimedean, but it
need not be discrete, and ˝ need not be complete. However, the completion of ˝ is again
algebraically closed.
For example as we noted in (7.6), the valuation on the algebraic closure Qpal of Qp
is not discrete, and Exercise 7-7 shows that Qpal is not complete. The completion of Qpal
is often denoted Cp because it plays the same role for the p-adic valuation on Q that C
plays for the real valuation. (In fact Cp C as abstract fields because they are both
algebraically closed, and they both have a transcendence basis with cardinality equal to
that of R. The isomorphism is as far from being canonical as it is possible to get — its
construction requires the axiom of choice.)
Many of the results proved above for complete discrete valuation rings hold also for
Henselian local rings (see 4 of my notes Lectures on Etale Cohomology).
R EMARK 7.43 Let K be complete with respect to a discrete valuation, and let L be a finite
extension of K. Let P and p be the maximal ideals in the rings of integers A and B of
K and L. Then pB D Pe where e is the ramification index. Let and ˘ be generators
of p and P. The normalized valuations ordK and ordL on K and L are characterized by
ordK ./ D 1; ordL .˘ / D 1:
Note that D ˘ e unit, and so
ordK D e ordL :
ord.L / D e 1
Newton’s polygon
Let K be complete with respect to a discrete valuation. Let ord be the corresponding
additive valuation ordW K Z, and extend ord to a valuation ord W K al ! Q. For a
f .X / D X n C a1 X n 1 C C an ; ai 2 K;
define the Newton polygon5 of f .X / to be the lower convex hull of the set of points
Pi D .i; //, i D 0; :::; n:
In more detail, rotate the negative y-axis counter-clockwise about P0 D .0; 0/ until it hits
a Pi — the first segment of the Newton polygon is the line P0 Pi1 where Pi1 is the point
furthest from P0 on the rotated y-axis. Repeat the process rotating about Pi1 , etc.. The
resulting polygon starts at P0 and ends at Pn ; each of its segments begins and ends at a Pi ;
each Pi either lies on the polygon or is above it; any line joining two points of the polygon
has no point that is below the polygon (this is what we mean by the Newton polygon being
lower convex).
P ROPOSITION 7.44 Suppose that the Newton polygon of f .X / 2 KŒX has segments of
x-length ni and slope si . Then f .X / has exactly ni roots ˛ (in K al / with
ord.˛/ D si :
def Q
Moreover, the polynomial fi .X / D ord.˛i /Dsi .X ˛i / has coefficients in K:
5 Most people write the polynomial a0 C a1 X C C X n when they define Newton polygons. This is
slightly less convenient than the way I do it, but allows you to define the Newton polygon of a power series.
P ROOF. In proving the first part, we don’t have to assume that f .X / has coefficients in K
Q extension of K will do. Thus it suffices to prove the following statement: let
— any finite
f .X/ D .X ˛j /; if exactly ni of the ˛j ’s have /, then the Newton polygon of
f .X/ has a segment of slope si and x-length ni .
We prove this by induction on n D deg.f /. If n D 1, then it is obvious. Assume it for
n, and put
g.X / D .X ˛/f .X / D X nC1 C b1 X n C b2 X n 1
C C bnC1 :
Note that bi D ai ˛ai 1 :
C ASE (i). ord.˛/ < s1 . Recall ord.a C b/ minford.a/; ord.b/g, with equality if
ord.a/ ¤ ord.b/. Using this, one finds that
the Newton polygon of g is obtained from that of f by adding a segment of slope ord.˛/
and x-length 1, and moving the Newton polygon of f to start at .1; ord.˛//. This is what
the proposition predicts.
C ASE (ii). ord.˛/ D s1 . In this case, the initial segment of slope s1 is lengthened by 1,
and the rest of the polygon is as before. This is what the proposition predicts.
The remaining cases are similar.
We now prove the second statement. Let ˛ be a root of f .X /, and let m˛ .X / be the
minimum polynomial of ˛. As we saw in the proof of (7.38), ord.˛ 0 / D ord.˛/ for all
conjugates ˛ 0 of ˛, i.e., for all roots of m˛ .X /. Because f .˛/ D 0, m˛ .X /jf .X /, and the
remark just made implies that in fact m˛ .X /jfi .X / where si D ord.˛/. If ˇ is a root of
fi .X/=m˛ .X /, then a similar argument shows that mˇ .X / =m˛ /. Continuing in this
way, we find that fi .X / is a product of polynomials with coefficients in K. 2
P ROOF. Let S be a set of representatives for A=m. We have to show that A is compact if
and only if S is finite.
): Clearly m D fx 2 K j jxj < 1g is open in K. As A is the disjoint union of the
open sets s C m, s 2 S , S must be finite if A is compact.
(: Recall that a metric space X is compact if and only if it is complete and totally
bounded (this means that for any r > 0, there is a finite covering of X by open balls of
radius r). But every element of A can be written
s0 C s1 C s2 2 C C sn n C ; si 2 S:
C OROLLARY 7.47 Assume that the residue field is finite. Then pn , 1 C pn , and A are all
D EFINITION 7.48 A local field is a field K with a nontrivial valuation j j (as defined at the
start of this section) such that K is locally compact (and hence complete).
value. Therefore K contains R, and after adjoining a square root of 1 (if necessary), we may assume K C.
Let x 2 K r C, and let c be the closest element of C to x. Replace x with x c, so that now jx zj jxj
for all z in C. It follows that
jx n z n j D jx zjjx zjjx 2 zj jx zjjxjn 1
where is a primitive nth root of 1:
On choosing jzj < 1 and letting n ! 1, we find that jxj jx zj. Hence jx zj D jxj and so (taking x z
in place of x) jx 2zj D jxj, and thus (repeating the argument) jx nzj D jxj, contradicting the archimedean
7 When k is not perfect, we should define L=K to be unramified if (a) the ramification index is 1, and (b)
the residue field extension is separable. These conditions imply that L=K is separable. With this definition,
(7.50) continues to hold without K and k being assumed to be perfect
case we are particularly interested in, K has characteristic zero and k is finite. Let A be the
discrete valuation ring in K corresponding to j j:
If L is an algebraic (possibly infinite) extension of K, we can still define
B D f˛ 2 L j j˛j 1g
p D f˛ 2 B j j˛j < 1g
and call B=p the residue field of L.
P ROPOSITION 7.50 Let L be an algebraic extension of K, and let l be the residue field
of L. The map K 0 7! k 0 sending an unramified extension K 0 of K contained in L to its
residue field k 0 is a one-to-one correspondence between the sets
(a) if K 0 $ k 0 and K 00 $ k 00 , then K 0 K 00 ” k 0 k 00 I
(b) if K 0 $ k 0 , then K 0 is Galois over K if and only if k 0 is Galois over k, in which case
there is a canonical isomorphism
N / is separable, the ˛i are distinct modulo p, and this shows that the image of the
Because g.X
map Gal.K 0 =K/ / Gal.k 0 =k/ has order f , and hence is an isomorphism. Conversely,
suppose k =k is Galois. Again write k 0 D kŒa, and ˛ 2 A0 lift a. It follows from Hensel’s
lemma that A0 contains the conjugates of ˛, and hence that K 0 is Galois over K. 2
P ROOF. Let f0 .X / be any polynomial in kŒX , and let f .X / be any lift of f0 .X / to AŒX .
Then K al contains all the roots of f .X /, and so the residue field k 0 of K al contains all the
roots of f0 .X /. Hence k 0 is algebraic over k, and every polynomial in kŒX splits in k 0 , and
so it must be the algebraic closure of k. 2
R EMARK 7.53 For those familiar with the language of category theory, we can be a little
more precise: there is an equivalence between the category of finite unramified extensions
of K and the category of finite (separable) extensions of k:
E XAMPLE 7.54 Let K be a local field of characteristic zero (hence a finite extension of Qp
for some p), and let q be the order of the residue field k of K:
Recall from (FT 4.18) that, for each n, there is an extension kn of k of degree n, and
that kn is unique up to k-isomorphism; it is the splitting field of X q X. The Galois
group =k/ is a cyclic group of order n, having as canonical generator the Frobenius
element x 7! x q :
Therefore, for each n, there is an unramified extension Kn of K of degree n, and it
is unique up to K-isomorphism; it is the splitting field of X q X; the Galois group
Gal.Kn =K/ is a cyclic group of order n, having as canonical generator the Frobenius
element which is determined by the property
ˇ ˇ q (mod p/;
all ˇ 2 B. (Here B is the discrete valuation ring in Kn , and p is the nonzero prime ideal in
f .X / D a0 X n C a1 X n 1
C C an ; with ja0 j D 1; jai j < 1; jan j D jj:
ord.a0 / D 0; / > 0; / D 1;
for the normalized additive valuation. Equivalently, the Newton polygon of f .X / has only
one segment, which has slope n1 , n D deg f . Eisenstein polynomials allow us to give an
explicit description of all totally ramified extensions of K:
P ROPOSITION 7.55 Let L be a finite extension of K. Then L=K is totally ramified if and
only if L D KŒ˛ with ˛ a root of an Eisenstein polynomial.
˛ n C a1 ˛ n 1
C C an D 0; ai 2 K:
Applying (7.11) again, we see that the minimum ord of a summand must be attained for two
terms. PThe only way this can happen is if / > 0 for all i and / D ord.˛ n / D 1,
i.e., if ai X i is an Eisenstein polynomial. 2
R EMARK 7.56 Let L be a finite totally ramified extension of K. Let A and B be the
discrete valuation rings in K and L, and let and ˘ be a prime elements in A and B. I
claim that B D AŒ˘ . The argument is the same as in the proof of 6.2 (see also Exercise
6-1). Because B and A have the same residue field,
AŒ˘ C ˘B D B:
pc B AŒ˘ B
for some c. As before, these two conditions suffice to imply that B D AŒ˘ :
Ramification groups
Let L be a finite Galois extension of K, and assume that the residue field k of K is perfect.
As we have noted, G D Gal.L=K/ preserves the valuation on L. In particular, it preserves
2 Gi ” j ˛ ˛j < j˘ ji , all ˛ 2 B:
The group G0 is called the inertia group, the group G1 is called the ramification group,
and the groups Gi , i > 1, are called the higher ramification groups of L over K:
L EMMA 7.57 The Gi are normal subgroups of G, and Gi D f1g for i large enough.
P ROOF. For ; 2 G,
j ˛ ˛j D j . ˛/ . ˛/j
(because jxj D j xj). As ˛ runs through B, so also does ˛, and so 1 2 Gi exactly
when does. This proves that Gi is normal.
If ¤ 1, then ˛ ¤ ˛ for some ˛ 2 B. Hence … Gi as soon as j ˛ ˛j j˘ ji : 2
T HEOREM 7.58 Let L=K be a Galois extension, and assume that the residue field exten-
sion l=k is separable.
(a) The fixed field of G0 is the largest unramified extension K0 of K in L, and
Gi D f 2 G0 j j˘ ˘ j < j˘ ji g:
P ROOF. (a) Let K0 be the largest unramified extension in L (see 7.51). Then K0 is also
unramified, and so it is contained in K0 . Thus K0 is Galois over K, and the canonical map
Gal.K0 =K/ ! Gal.l=k/ is an isomorphism (see 7.50). By definition G0 is the kernel of
G ! Gal.l=k/, and so K0 is its fixed field.
(b) Let A0 be the discrete valuation ring in K0 . Then B D A0 Œ˘ (by 7.54). Since G0
leaves A0 fixed, in order to check that 2 Gi it suffices to check that j ˛ ˛j < j˘ ji for
the element ˛ D ˘: 2
L=K is tamely ramified ” G1 D f1g:
j ˛ ˇj D j ˛ ˇj D j˛ ˇj
j ˛ ˛j D j ˛ ˇCˇ ˛j j˛ ˇj:
P Now assume K has characteristic zero (to avoid complications). As before, for h.X / D
ci X i , we define khk D maxfjci jg. Note that if h.X / varies in a family of monic polyno-
mials for which khk remains bounded, then the maximum value of a root of h is bounded;
in fact, if X
ci ˇ i D 0;
The ˛i must be distinct. Let g.X / be a second monic polynomial in KŒX , and suppose
that kf gk is small. For any root ˇ of g.X /, jf .ˇ/j D j.f g/.ˇ/j is small (because
kf gk small implies that kgk is bounded, and hence jˇj is bounded). But
jf .ˇ/j D jˇ ˛i j:
In order for this to be small, at least one term jˇ ˛i j must be small. By taking kf gk
small enough, we can force ˇ to be closer to one root ˛i than ˛i is to any other ˛j . That is,
we can achieve:
jˇ ˛i j < j˛i ˛j j, all j ¤ i:
In this case, we say that ˇ belongs to ˛i . Krasner’s lemma then says that KŒ˛i KŒˇ,
and because f and g have the same degree, they must be equal. We have proved:
P ROPOSITION 7.64 Assume K has characteristic zero and has finite residue field. Then,
up to isomorphism, there are only finitely many totally ramified extensions of Qp of a given
P ROOF. We fix an n and show that there are only finite many extensions of degree n.
Each point of
.a1 ; :::; an / 2 p p p A
defines an Eisenstein polynomial of degree n, namely,
f .X / D X n C a1 X n 1
C C an ;
and hence a finite set of totally ramified extensions of degree n, namely, those generated by
the roots of f .X /. According to the last proposition, each point of p p p A
has a neighbourhood such that the points in the neighbourhood all give the same extensions
of K. In (7.47) we showed that the factors of p p p A are compact, hence the
product is compact, and so a finite number of these neighbourhoods will cover it. 2
7-1 Let j j1 , : : : , j jn be the valuations on a number field K corresponding to distinct
prime ideals pi , and let a1 ; : : : ; an be elements of K. Let d be a common denominator for
the ai (so that dai 2 OK ). Show that, for any " > 0, there is an element a 2 K such that
ja ai ji < " for i D 1; : : : ; n and jaj 1=jd j for all valuations j j corresponding to prime
ideals other than the pi .
Hint: Apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem to the dai .
Prove that D.a; r/ D D.b; r/ for any b 2 D.a; r/. Deduce that if two disks meet, then the
large disk contains the smaller. P
(b) Assume K to be complete. Show that the series an converges if and only if
an ! 0.
(This problem illustrates the weirdness of the topology defined by a nonarchimedean valu-
7-4 (a) Show that .X 2 2/.X 2 17/.X 2 34/ has a root in Zp for every p.
(b) Show that 5X 3 7X 2 C 3X C 6 has a root ˛ in Z7 with j˛ 1j7 < 1. Find an
a 2 Z such that j˛ aj7 7 4 .
7-5 Find all the quadratic extensions of Q2 . Hint: there are exactly 7 (up to isomorphism).
7-6 Let p1 ; : : : ; pm be distinct prime numbers, and let ˛i D p. Let K D QŒ˛1 ; : : : ; ˛m .
Show that ŒKW Q D 2m . Let
˛i . Show that K D QŒ
, and deduce that the mini-
mum polynomial f .X / of
over Q has degree 2m . Show that f .X / factors in Zp ŒX into
a product of polynomials of degree 4 (p ¤ 2) or of degree 8 (p D 2).
7-7 Fix an algebraic closure Qpal of Qp , and for each n prime to p, let n be a primitive
nth root of 1. Show that a finite extension K of Qp can contain only finitely many n ’s.
Deduce that the Cauchy sequence n p n does not converge to an element of Qpal .
7-8 (a) Find two monic polynomials of degree 3 in Q5 ŒX with the same Newton polygon,
but with one irreducible and the other not.
(b) Find a monic irreducible polynomial in ZŒX of degree 6 which factors in Q5 ŒX
into a product of 3 irreducible polynomials of degree 2.
Chapter 8
Global Fields
A global field an algebraic number field (finite extension of Q/ or a function field in one
variable over a finite field (finite extension of Fq .T / for some q/. We are mainly interested
in the number field case.
Extending valuations
Let K be a field with a valuation j j (archimedean or discrete nonarchimedean), and let L
be a finite separable extension of K. When K is complete, we know that there is a unique
extension of j j to L (see 7.38, 7.39), and we want to understand the extensions when K is
not complete.
Write L D KŒ˛, and let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of ˛ over K. Let j j0 be
an extension of j j to L. Then we can form the completion L O of L with respect to j j0 , and
obtain a diagram:
L /L
/ KO
Then LO D KŒ˛
because KŒ˛ is complete, being finite over K,O and contains L. Let g.X /
be the minimum polynomial of ˛ over K. O Since f .˛/ D 0, g.X /jf .X /, and so with each
O .
extension of j j, we have associated an irreducible factor of f .X / in KŒX
Conversely, let g.X / be a monic irreducible factor of f .X / in KŒX , and let KŒx D
KŒX=.g.X //. Then we obtain a diagram:
L / KŒx
˛7!x O
K / KO
There is a more canonical way of obtaining the completions of L for the various exten-
sions of j j.
L ˝K KO ' giD1 Li :
P ROOF. Since L is separable over K, L D KŒ˛ ' KŒX =.f .X // for a primitive element
O as
˛ 2 L and its minimum polynomial f .X /. Suppose f .X / factors in KŒX
f .X / D f1 .X / f2 .X / fg .X /
O =..f .X // ' O .X //
and so the proposition follows from (8.1). Denote the canonical map from L into its com-
pletion by a 7! ai , and denote the canonical extension of K ! Li to KO by b 7! b; then
the map (18) is a ˝ b 7! .a1 b; : : : ; ag b/. 2
R EMARK 8.3 Suppose now that K is a number field, that OL D OK Œ˛, and that j j D j jp
for some prime ideal p in OK . Because fi .X / is irreducible in KŒX O , Hensel’s lemma
shows that, modulo pO , fi .X / is a power of an irreducible polynomial, say,
fNi .X / D gi .X /ei :
fN.X / D giD1 gi .X /ei ;
P ROOF. By definition the norm and trace of ˛ are the determinant and trace of the K-linear
map x 7! ˛xW L ! L. These don’t change when L is tensored with K, O and it easy to see
that norms and traces in products break up into products and sums respectively. 2
f .X / D X 6 C 5X 5 C 5X 3 C 25X C 125
is irreducible in QŒX . Its Newton polygon for ord5 has three segments of x-lengths 3, 2, 1
respectively, and so it has at least three factors in Q5 . The discriminant of f .X / is
24 511 .59/.365587/;
X C 5 C 4 52 C 2 53 C O.54 /
X 2 C 3 52 X C .5 C 52 C 3 53 / C O.54 /
X 3 C .3 52 C 53 /X 2 C 4 5 C 3 52 X C 5 C O.54 /
f .X / D f1 .X /f2 .X /f3 .X /
cj ˛ j to ˇi D
(to whatever degree of accuracy we wish). To compute jˇji , map ˇ D
P j def
cj ˛i 2 Li D Q5 Œ˛i , ˛i a root of fi .X /, and use that
1= deg fi
jˇji D jˇi ji D j NmLi =Q5 ˇji :
P ROOF. When K is archimedean, there are only two cases to consider, and both are obvi-
ous. Thus, assume K is nonarchimedean. Since, by assumption, k k D j jc for some c, we
only have to check that the formula holds for a prime element of K. Let ˘ be a prime
element of L, and let P D .˘ / and p D ./; then D .unit/ ˘ e , and so
as required.
Alternatively, use (7.43). For a 2 K, we have
def ordL a .7:43/
kak D NP D .Npf / eordK a
D jajef D jajn : 2
P ROPOSITION 8.7 Let L=K be a finite extension of number fields. For any prime v of K
and ˛ 2 L; Y
k˛kw D k NmL=K ˛kv :
Here k kw and k kv denote the normalized valuations for the primes w and v:
where ni D ŒLi W K. 2
T HEOREM 8.8 (P RODUCT FORMULA ) Let K be an algebraic number field; for all nonzero
˛ 2 K; Q
w k˛kw D 1;
where the product is over the primes of K and k kw is the normalized valuation for the
prime w:
P ROOF. We have
w k˛kw D v wjv k˛kw / D v k Nm ˛kv
where v runs through the primes 2; 3; 5; 7; :::; 1 of Q. The last product is 1 by (7.13). 2
A SIDE 8.9 E. Artin and Whaples (1946)1 proved that global fields can be characterized axiomat-
ically. Let K be a field with a set V of primes (equivalence classes of valuations) satisfying the
following axioms.
A XIOM I. There is a set of representatives j jv for the primes such that, for any nonzero a 2 K,
jajv ¤ 1 for only finitely many v and
jajv D 1 (product over all v 2 V/:
A XIOM II. There exists at least one prime v for which Kv is a local field.
Then K is a global field, and V consists of all the primes for K: They then derived the main theorems
(unit theorem and finiteness of the class number) directly from the axioms, thereby avoiding the use
of either ideal theory or the Minkowski theory of lattice points.
Throughout his career, E. Artin promoted the idea that if only one could understand the similar-
ities between function fields and number fields sufficiently well, then one could transfer proofs from
function fields to number fields (e.g. the proof of the Riemann hypothesis!). This hasn’t worked
as well as he hoped, but the analogy has still been very fruitful. In the above paper, he suggested
one should develop number theory and class field theory as much as possible working only from the
1 Artin, Emil; Whaples, George.Axiomatic characterization of fields by the product formula for valuations.
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 51, (1945). 469–492. Reprinted in: Artin, Emil. Exposition by Emil Artin: a selection.
Edited by Michael Rosen. History of Mathematics, 30. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI;
London Mathematical Society, London, 2007. x+346 pp.
Decomposition groups
Let L be a finite Galois extension of a number field K, and let G D Gal.L=K/. For a
valuation w of L, we write w for the valuation such that j ˛j w D j˛jw , i.e., j˛j w D
j 1 ˛jw . For example, if w is the prime defined by a prime ideal P, then w is the prime
defined by the prime ideal P, because
j˛j w < 1 ” ˛ 2 P ” ˛ 2 P:
The group G acts on the set of primes of L lying over a fixed prime v of K, and we define
the decomposition (or splitting) group of w to be the stabilizer of w in G; thus
Gw D f 2 G j w D wg:
Equivalently, Gw is the set of elements of G that act continuously for the topology defined
by j jw . Each 2 Gw extends uniquely to a continuous automorphism of Lw . Note that
G w D G w 1 :
P ROOF. Clearly the map is injective, and so .Gw W 1/ ŒLw W Kv . The valuation w
has decomposition group Gw 1 , which has the same order as Gw , and so we also have
.Gw W 1/ ŒL w W Kv . The number of distinct ws dividing v is .G W Gw /, and so
X .8:2/
.G W 1/ D .G W Gw /.Gw W 1/ ŒL w W Kv ŒL W K:
Hence equality holds: .Gw W 1/ D ŒLw W Kv (and G acts transitively on the primes
dividing v, which we knew already from the proof of 3.34). 2
Let D.P/ (or G.P/) be the decomposition group of P, so that D.P/ D Gal.LP =Kp /,
and let I.P/ D.P/ be the inertia group. We have the following picture:
P L — LP
je je
PI LI.P/ — LP — l
jf jf j D.P/=I.P/
PD LD.P/ — Kp — k
p K
PI D P \ LI.P/ , PD D P \ LD.P/ , p D P \ KI
the fields in the second column are the completions of those in the first;
the fields in the third column are the residue fields of those in the second.
P ROOF. (a) Because L is Galois over LD.P/ , its Galois group D.P/ acts transitively on the
set of prime ideals of L lying over PD . Thus (a) is obvious from the definition of D.P/.
(b), (c), (d) are similarly straightforward. 2
The diagram, and the proposition, show that we can construct a chain of fields
such that all the ramification of P over p takes place in the top extension, all the residue
field extension takes place in the middle extension, and, when LD is normal over K, all the
splitting takes place in the bottom extension. One should be a little careful about the last
assertion when D.P/ is not normal in G; all we know in general is that
p OLD D Pei i , P1 D PD
R EMARK 8.12 Let L be a Galois extension of Q, with Galois group G. Suppose that
OL D ZŒ˛ for some ˛ 2 L. Let f .X / be the minimum polynomial of ˛ over Q, and write
fN.X/ for f .X / modulo p. Choose an irreducible factor g1 .X / of fN.X /, and let g1 .X /e1
be the largest power of g1 .X / dividing fN.X /. According to Hensel’s lemma, g1 .X /e1 lifts
to an irreducible factor f1 .X / of f .X / in Qp ŒX , which can be found to any desired degree
of accuracy by factoring f .X / modulo a high power of p (essentially using the method of
proof of Hensel’s lemma). Let P1 D .p; h1 .˛// for any lifting h1 of g1 to ZŒX . Then
D.P1 / D f 2 G j P1 D P1 g;
which can be computed easily (provided G has been found explicitly as a subgroup of the
symmetric group on the set of roots of f .X /). Let ˛N be the image of ˛ in OL =P1 D Fp Œ˛.
Then g1 .X / is the minimum polynomial of ˛N over Fp , and I.P1 / is the subgroup of D.P1 /
N Finally D.P1 /=I.P1 / D Gal.Fp Œ˛=F
fixing ˛. N p /.
H.P/ D f 2 G j 2 H; P D Pg D H \ G.P/:
Thus if Gal.L=K/ is abelian, then .P; L=K/ D .P0 ; L=K/ for all primes P, P0 divid-
ing p, and we write .p; L=K/ for this element. If Gal.L=K/ is not abelian, then
is a conjugacy class in G, which (by an abuse of notation) we again denote .p; L=K/.
Thus, for a prime p of K, .p; L=K/ is either an element of Gal.L=K/ or a conjugacy class
depending on whether Gal.L=K/ is abelian or nonabelian.
2 Here is a direct proof of the existence of the Frobenius element. Let L=K be a finite Galois extension
of number fields with Galois group G, and let P be a prime ideal of OL (not necessarily unramified). By the
Chinese remainder theorem, there existsQan element ˛ of OL such that ˛ generates the group .OL =P/ and lies
in P for all … G.P/. Let F .X/ D 2G .X ˛/. Then F .˛/ 0 mod P, and so F .˛ q / F .˛/q 0
mod P. Therefore ˛ q ˛ mod P for some 2 G. If … G.P/, then 1 P ¤ P, and so ˛ 2 1 P; but
then ˛ q ˛ 0 mod P, which is a contradiction. Thus 2 G.P/. Every element
of OL can be written
D ˛ i C ˇ, with ˇ 2 P, and so
.˛ i / ˛ i q
q mod P:
P ROOF. Let k.Q/ k.P/ k.p/ be the corresponding sequence of residue fields. Then
f .P=p/ D Œk.P/ W k.p/, and the Frobenius element in Gal.k.Q/=k.P// is the f .P=p/th
power of the Frobenius element in Gal.k.Q/=k.p//: 2
P ROOF. Obvious. 2
which is injective.
Note that p splits completely in L if and only if .P; L=K/ D 1 for one (hence all)
primes P lying over it. Hence, in the situation of (8.17), p splits completely in M if and
only if it splits completely in L1 and L2 :
We find the Frobenius maps for quadratic and cyclotomic fields, and obtain a surprisingly
simple proof of the quadratic reciprocity law.
E XAMPLE 8.18 Let K D QŒn , where n is a primitive nth root of 1. If pjn then p
ramifies in K, and .p; K=Q/ is not defined. Otherwise D .p; K=Q/ is the unique element
of Gal.K=Q/ such that
I claim that is the element of the Galois group such that .n / D n : let p be a prime
lying over p in ZŒn ; then modulo p, we have,
ip P p ip
. ai ni / D ai n ai n . ai ni /p
as required.
Note that .p; K=Q/ has order f where f is the smallest integer such that njp f 1
(because this is the order of p in .Z=.n// ).
E XAMPLE 8.19 Let K D QŒ d , and let p be a prime that is unramified in K. Identify
Gal.K=Q/ with f˙1g. Then .p; K=Q/ D C1 or 1 according as p does, or does not, split
in K, i.e., according as d is, or is not, a square modulo p. Thus .p; K=Q/ D dp :
Here we have used that 1 is square in Fq if and only if 4jq 1, so that q1 D . 1/.q 1/=2 .
constitutes the quadratic reciprocity law. We have already proved the first equality, and the
second can be proved as follows. Let be a primitive 8th root of 1 in an algebraic closure
of Fp , and let a D C 1 . From 4 D 1, we see that
X 4 C 1 D .X 2 2 /.X 2 2
/ in Fp ŒX
because the roots of both polynomials are ˙, ˙ 1 . Therefore, 2 C 2 D 0, and so
a2 D 2. When p ˙1 mod 8, p C p D C 1 , i.e., ap D a, and so 1 D ap 1 D
2.p 1/=2 D p2 . When p ˙5 mod 8, p C p D 5 C 5 D . C 1 /, i.e.,
ap D a, and so 1 D ap 1 D 2.p 1/=2 D p2 .
The coefficients of this polynomial are symmetric polynomials in the ˛i , and so lie in K.
Now factor
F .X; t / D F1 .X; t / Fr .X; t /
in KŒX; t1 ; : : : ; tn :
T HEOREM 8.20 Let G be the set of 2 Sn such that t fixes F1 .X; t /; then G is the
Galois group of f:
P ROOF. See van der Waerden, Algebra, Vol 1, 61 (Calculation of the Galois group). 2
This theorem gives an algorithm (unfortunately impractical) for computing the Galois
group of a polynomial f .X / 2 QŒX . We may suppose f .X / to be monic with integer
coefficients. First find the roots of f .X / to a high degree of accuracy. Then compute
F .X; t / exactly, noting that this has coefficients in Z. Factor F .X; t /, and take one of the
factors F1 .X; t /. Finally list the elements of Sn such that t fixes F1 .X; t /. The problem
with this approach is that F .X; t / has degree nŠ. It will probably work (on a computer) if
n 5, but otherwise it is like trying to compute a determinant directly from the definition
as a sum of products.
Let 2 Sn . In GT, 4, it is proved that is a product of disjoint cycles. More precisely,
o1 D fm11 ; : : : ; m1n1 g; o2 D fm21 ; ; m2n2 g; :::
are the orbits of hi acting on f1; 2; :::; ng, numbered in such a way that mij D mi j C1 ,
D .m11 : : : m1n1 / .m21 : : : m2n2 / : : : :
This remark, together with (8.21), gives us the following result.
C OROLLARY 8.22 Let f .X / be a monic separable polynomial of degree n over a finite
field k, and let ` be the splitting field of f .X /. Suppose that the Frobenius element 2
Gal.`=k/ (when regarded as a permutation of the roots P of f .X // is a product of disjoint
cycles D c1 cs with ci of length ni (so that ni D n/. Then f .X / factors as a
product of irreducible polynomials in kŒX
f .X / D f1 .X / fr .X /
with fi of degree ni :
In other words, the type of the cycle decomposition of can be read off from the
factorization of f .X /.
T HEOREM 8.23 (D EDEKIND ) Let f .X / be a polynomial of degree n over a number field
K, and let G be the Galois group of f . Assume f .X / 2 OK ŒX and is monic. Let p be a
prime ideal of K, and suppose that
f .X / f1 .X / fr .X / mod p
with the fi distinct irreducible polynomials in kŒX and fi of degree ni , k D OK =p. Then
G contains a permutation that is a product of disjoint cycles of length ni :
P ROOF. Take to be the Frobenius element of any prime lying over p — the hypothesis on
the factorization of f .X / mod p implies that p is unramified in the splitting field (because
it implies that p doesn’t divide the discriminant of f ). 2
f .X / D f1 .X / fr .X /
in RŒX with f1 ; : : : ; fj of degree 2 and the remainder of the degree 1, then G contains a
permutation that is a product of disjoint j cycles of length 2.
This suggests the following strategy for factoring a polynomial QŒX : factor f .X /
modulo many primes p; discard the result if f .X / mod p has multiple factors; continue
until a sequence of, say n, primes has yielded no new cycle types for the elements. Then
attempt to read off the type of the group from tables. We discuss how effective this is later.
E XAMPLE 8.25 Let f .X / D X 5 X 1. Modulo 2 this factors as .X 2 C X C 1/.X 3 C
X 2 C 1/; modulo 3 it is irreducible. Hence G contains (12345) and .i k/.`mn/ for some
numbering of the roots. It also contains ..i k/.`mn//3 D .i k/, and this implies that G D S5
(see 8.28 below).
R EMARK 8.28 There are other criteria for a subgroup H of Sn to be all of Sn . For example,
a subgroup H of Sp , p prime, that contains an element of order p and a transposition is
equal to Sp (FT, Lemma 4.14).
R EMARK 8.29 In Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989, p73, there are suggestions for constructing
irreducible polynomials f .X / of degree n in Fp ŒX . A root of such a polynomial will
generate Fq , q D p n , and so every such f .X / will divide X q X . One can therefore find
all f .X /s by factoring X q X.
For example, consider X 125 X 2 F5 ŒX . Its splitting field is F125 , which has degree
3 over F5 . The factors of X 125 X are the minimum polynomials of the elements of
F125 . They therefore have degree 1 or 3. There are 5 linear factors, X , X 1, X 2,
X 3, X 4, and 40 cubic factors, which constitute a complete list of all the monic
irreducible cubic polynomials in F5 ŒX . PARI has no trouble factoring X 125 X modulo
5 (factormod(X^125-X,5)) or X 625 X modulo 5, but for X 3125 X modulo 5, which
gives a complete list of monic irreducible polynomials of degree 1 or 5 in F5 ŒX , I had to
increase the allocated memory (allocatemem(10000000)).
However, if you only want one irreducible polynomial of degree n, it is easier to write
down a polynomial at random, and check whether it is irreducible.
Cubic polynomials
The group S3 has the following subgroups:
order group group elements
1 1 1
2 C2 11C12
3 A3 11C23
6 S3 1 1 C 3 2 C 2 3:
By the last row, I mean S3 has one 1-cycle, three 2-cycles, and two 3-cycles.
Note that any subgroup of S3 containing cycles of length 2 and 3 is the whole of S3 ;
thus if f is irreducible modulo some prime and has an irreducible factor of degree 2 modulo
a second prime, then its Galois group is S3 . On the other hand, if factorizing f modulo
many primes doesn’t turn up a factor of degree 2, but f is irreducible, then expect the
Galois group of f to be A3 . This can be checked by seeing whether disc.f / is a square.
For example, the calculations on p. 61 show that the polynomials X 3 C 10X C 1 and
X 3 8X C 15 both have Galois group S3 :
To make this more effective (in the technical sense), we need the Chebotarev density
P ROOF. See my notes CFT (in fact, normally one proves this result with a slightly weaker
notion of density). 2
For example, if G is abelian, then for each 2 G, the set of p such that .p; L=K/ D
has density 1= jGj :
C OROLLARY 8.32 The primes that split in L have density 1=ŒL W K. In particular, there
exist infinitely many primes of K not splitting in L:
R EMARK 8.33 There is a bound for the error in implicit in (8.31) in terms of the dis-
criminant of the polynomial, but it is large. The existence of the bound has the following
consequence: given a polynomial f .X / 2 QŒX (say), there exists a bound B such that, if
a given cycle type doesn’t occur as the Frobenius element of some p B, then it doesn’t
occur at all. For a discussion of the effective version of the Chebotarev density theorem,
see Lagarias and Odlysko, 1977.3
3 Lagarias,J. C.; Odlyzko, A. M. Effective versions of the Chebotarev density theorem. Algebraic number
fields: L-functions and Galois properties (Proc. Sympos., Univ. Durham, Durham, 1975), pp. 409–464.
Academic Press, London, 1977.
E XAMPLE 8.34 Let K D QŒn . Then Gal.K=Q/ D .Z=nZ/ and .p; K=Q/ D Œp. The
Chebotarev density theorem says that the primes are equidistributed among the congruence
classes. In other words, each of the arithmetic progressions
contains 1='.n/ of the primes. In particular, each of the arithmetic progressions contains
infinitely many primes. This statement was conjectured by Legendre and proved by Dirich-
let (using Dirichlet series). The proof of the Chebotarev density theorem is a generalization
of that of Dirichlet.
E XAMPLE 8.35 In a quadratic extension, half the primes split and half the primes remain
E XAMPLE 8.36 Let f be a cubic polynomial with coefficients in Q. The Chebotarev den-
sity theorem implies the following statements (see the above table):
G D 1: f splits modulo all primes.
G D C2 : f splits for 1=2 of the primes and has an irreducible factor of degree 2 for
1=2 of the primes.
G D A3 : f splits for 1=3 of the primes and f remains irreducible for 2=3 of the
G D S3 : f splits for 1=6 of the primes, has a factor of degree 2 for 1=2 of the primes,
and remains prime for 1=3 of the primes.
(b) When disc.f / is not a square, the possible Galois groups are:
See FT 4. Thus if f is a polynomial of degree 4 with Galois group D8 , then it will
split modulo p for 1=8 of the primes, factor as the product of a quadratic and two linear
polynomials for 1=4 of the primes, factor as the product of two quadratics for 3=8 of the
primes, and remain irreducible for 1=4 of the primes.
For a similar table for polynomials of degree 5, see Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989, p132.
One strategy for determining the Galois group of a polynomial is
(a) test whether f is irreducible over QI
(b) compute the discriminant of f ;
(c) factor f modulo good primes (i.e., those not dividing the discriminant) until you
seem to be getting no new cycle types;
(d) compute the orbit lengths on the r-sets of roots (these are the degrees of the irre-
ducible factors in QŒX of the polynomial whose roots are the sums of r roots of
f /;
(e) ad hoc methods.
As late as 1984, it had not been proved that the Mathieu group M11 occurs as a Galois
group over Q (M11 is subgroup of S11 of order 11Š=5040 D 7920/:
Butler, Gregory; McKay, John. The transitive groups of degree up to eleven. Comm.
Algebra 11 (1983), no. 8, 863–911. (This lists all transitive subgroups of Sn , n 11,
and gives the cycle types of their elements and the orbit lengths of the subgroup acting on
the r-sets of roots; with a few exceptions, these invariants are sufficient to determine the
subgroup up to isomorphism.)
Cohen 1993, Section 6.3.
Ford, David J.; McKay, John, Computation of Galois groups from polynomials over the
rationals. Computer algebra (New York, 1984), 145–150, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl.
Math., 113, Dekker, New York, 1989.
Pohst and Zassenhaus 1989. Chapter 2 is entirely concerned with computing Galois
groups; for example, II.10.8 discusses the following problem: given G H Sn , deter-
mine whether G is contained in a given smaller subgroup J of H .)
Soicher, L. H. An algorithm for computing Galois groups. Computational group theory
(Durham, 1982), 291–296, Academic Press, London, 1984.
Soicher, Leonard; McKay, John. Computing Galois groups over the rationals. J. Num-
ber Theory 20 (1985), no. 3, 273–281.
PARI can find the Galois group of a polynomial of degree 11.
L M ” Spl.L=K/ Spl.M=K/:
but .p; LM=K/jL D .p; L=K/ and .p; LM=K/jM D .p; M=K/. Now
Spl.M=K/ Spl.L=K/ ) Spl.LM=K/ D Spl.M=K/
) ŒLM W K D ŒM W K ) L M: 2
R EMARK 8.40 (a) In fact, L D M if Spl.M=K/ and Spl.L=K/ differ by at worst a finite
set of primes (or if they differ by at worst a set of primes of density zero).
(b) The effective form of the Chebotarev density theorem shows that (8.38) is effective:
in order to show that L M it suffices to check that
p splits in M ) p splits in L
for all primes p less than some bound.
(c) Proposition 8.39 is not true without the Galois assumptions: there exist nonisomor-
phic extensions L and M of Q such that Spl.L=K/ D Spl.M=K/. In fact there exist
nonisomorphic extensions L and M of Q of the same degree such that
˘ L and M have the same discriminant;
˘ a prime p not dividing the common discriminant decomposes in exactly the same
way in the two fields.
(d) It is clear from (8.39) that if a separable polynomial f .X / 2 KŒX splits into linear
factors mod p for all but finitely many primes p of K, then f .X / splits into linear factors in
KŒX. With a little more work, one can show that an irreducible polynomial f .X / 2 KŒX
can not have a root mod p for all but a finite number of primes. This last statement is false
for reducible polynomials — consider for example,
.X 2 2/.X 2 3/.X 2 6/:
For more on these questions, see Exercise 6, p361, of Algebraic number theory. Proceed-
ings of an instructional conference organized by the London Mathematical Society. Edited
by J. W. S. Cassels and A. Frhlich Academic Press, London; Thompson Book Co., Inc.,
Washington, D.C. 1967.
(e) It is easy to give examples of polynomials f .X / that are irreducible over Q but
become reducible over Qp for all p, including p D 1. Since the Galois group of any
extension of local fields is solvable, one only has to chose f to have nonsolvable Galois
group, for example, Sn for n 5.
8-1 Let K D QŒ˛ where ˛ is a root of X 3 X 2 2X 8. Show that there are three
extensions of the 2-adic valuation to K. Deduce that 2j disc.ZŒ˛=Z/ but not disc.OK =Z/.
8-2 Let L be a finite Galois extension of the local field K, and let Gi , i 0, be the
i th ramification group. Let ˘ generate the maximal ideal in OL . For 2 Gi , write
˘ D ˘ C a. /˘ i C1 , and consider the map Gi ! l, 7! a. / mod .˘ /, where
l D OL =.˘ /. Show that this is a homomorphism (additive structure on l) if and only if
i > 0.
8-3 “It is a thought-provoking question that few graduate students would know how to
approach the question of determining the Galois group of, say,4
X 6 C 2X 5 C 3X 4 C 4X 3 C 5X 2 C 6X C 7:”
8-4 Let K D k.X / where k is a finite field. Assume that every valuation of K comes
from a prime ideal of kŒX or kŒX 1 ], and prove the product formula.
And after the first year [as an undergraduate at Göttingen] I went home with
Hilbert’s Zahlbericht under my arm, and during the summer vacation I worked
my way through it — without any previous knowledge of elementary number
theory or Galois theory. These were the happiest months of my life, whose
shine, across years burdened with our common share of doubt and failure, still
comforts my soul.
0-1. Use that ˛ D m C n d is an algebraic integer if and only if Tr.˛/ D 2m 2 Z and
Nm.˛/ D m2 n2 d 2 Z.
0-2. Similar to Exercise 2-1 below.
1-1. (a) (: Let S D A r i pi with the pi prime ideals.
x; y 2 S ” 8i; x; y … pi ” 8i; xy … pi ” xy 2 S:
ab D ac; a ¤ 0 ) b D c:
We have shown that the ring ZŒ 3 doesn’t have this property.
2-5. Let ˛ 2 AŒˇ \ AŒˇ 1 . By hypothesis, we can write
˛ D a0 C a1 ˇ C C am ˇ m
˛ D b0 C b1 ˇ C C bn ˇ :
(c) O.K.
(d) Since F3 has only 3 elements, there are only 3 monic polynomials of degree 1.
3-1. It is not a Dedekind domain because it has a chain of prime ideals
.X; Y / .X / .0/:
p p
3-2. From Galois theory (or playing around, or from PARI) find that . 3 C 7/=2 is a root
of the polynomial X 4 5X 2 C 1.
3-4. Let A D kŒX 2 ; X 3 kŒX . As kŒX D kŒX 2 1 C kŒX 2 X , it is a Noetherian
kŒX 2 -module. Therefore, an ideal in A is finitely generated when regarded as a kŒX 2 -
module, and a fortiori as an A-module. Thus A Noetherian. If p is nonzero prime ideal of
A, then p contains a nonzero polynomial, and so A=p is a finite-dimensional vector space
over k. Since it is an integral domain, it must be a field (see 3.30), and so p is maximal. The
element X of k.X / is integral over A because it is a root of the polynomial T 2 X 2 2 AŒT ,
but X … A. Therefore A is not integrally closed.
4-1. For example, take B D kŒX; Y kŒX D A and p D .Y /, or B D kŒX k D A
and p D .X /.
Q e.P =p/ Q e.Q =P /
4-2. Write pB D Pi i and Pi C D Qij ij i . Then
and Qij ¤ Qi 0 j 0 unless .i; j / D .i 0 ; j 0 /. For the second part of the problem, see the start
of 4 of the notes.
4-3. The possibilities are determined by ei fi D 3. Since the discriminant is 31, only
31 ramifies, and X 3 C 10X C 1 .X C 28/.X C 17/2 mod 31. All possibilities except
.p/ D p3 occur.
4-4. Compute the Minkowski bound to find a small set of generators for the class group. In
order to show that two ideals a and b are equivalent, it is often easiest to verify that a bm 1
is principal, where m is the order of b in the class group.
4-5. Let a1 ; : : : ; ah be a set of representatives of the ideal classes. It suffices to find a field
L such that each ai becomes principal in L. Because the ideal class group is finite, each of
the ai is of finite order, say am i
i D .ai /, ai 2 K. Let L be a finite extension of K such that
each ai becomes an mi th power in L, say ai D ˛imi , ˛i 2 L. In the group of fractional
ideals of L, we have
am i mi
i L D .ai / D .˛i / D .˛i / :
Since the group of fractional ideals is torsion-free, this equation implies that ai OL D .˛i /.
[In fact, every ideal of K becomes principal in the Hilbert class field of K (see 4.9), but this
is very difficult to prove — it is the Principal Ideal Theorem (see CFT).]
4-6. The discriminant of X 3 X C 2 is . 26/22 , and Stickleberger’s lemma shows 26
is not a possible discriminant, and so OK D ZŒ˛. To show that the class number is 1, it is
only necessary to show that the ideals dividing .2/ are principal.
4-7. To show that OK D ZŒi Œ
D 1C2 5 , observe that D.1;
/ D 5, and 5 is not a
square in ZŒi ; now apply Lemma 2.23. The prime 2 ramifies in QŒi , but not in QŒ 5,
and so it ramifies in K with ramification index 2 (this follows from the multiplicativity of
the e’s). Similarly, 5 ramifies in K with ramification index 2. Since disc.OK =ZŒi / D .5/,
p.5/ (in ZŒi ) can ramify in K , and hence only 2 and 5 can ramify in K.
only the divisors of
The proof that QŒ 5 has class number 2 is sketched in (4.6). [Of course, this problem
becomes much easier once one has (6.5).]
5-1. No!
p Some infinite
p sets:
fmp 2 Œm 2 j m; n 2 Zg, Œ Dinteger part;
f.p 2 1/n j n 2 Ng;
f n2 C 1 n j n 2 Ng;
f˛ j ˛ is the smaller root of X 2 C mX C 1 D 0; m 2 Zg
5-2. The period is 10, and the fundamental unit is
48842 C 5967 67:
5-3. No! One way to obtain a counterexample is to note that, if a prime p factors as
p D 1 2 (i nonassociate primes) in a quadratic extension of Q, then Nm 1 D ˙p D
Nm 2 , and so 1 =2 has norm ˙1. For example 5 D .2 C i /.2 i / in QŒi , and so
.2 C i/=.2 i / has norm 1, but it is not an algebraic integer. Alternatively, note that any
root of an irreducible polynomial X n C a1 X n 1 C C 1, ai 2 Q, not all ai 2 Z, will
have norm ˙1, but will not be an algebraic integer.
6-1. Let ˛ be a root of X 3 3X C 1. Then disc.ZŒ˛=Z/ D 81. Since its sign is . 1/s ,
we must have s D 0, r D 3 — three real embeddings. From their minimum polynomials,
one sees that ˛ and ˛ C 2 are algebraic integers with norms 1 and 1 respectively. From
3 3
.˛ C 1/ D 3˛.˛ C 2/ we find .˛ C 1/ D .3/ in OK . From the formula ei fi D 3,
we find that there can be no further factorization, and e D 3, f D 1. The second equality
implies that OK =.˛ C 1/ D Z=.3/, and so K D Z C .˛ C 1/K . The proof that OK D ZŒ˛
proceeds as in the proof of 6.2. The Minkowski bound is 2, and 2 OK is prime, because
X 3 3X C 1 is irreducible modulo 2.
6-2. First solution: Let ˛ be an algebraic integer in QŒ C 1 . We can write it
˛ D ai . C 1 /i ; 0 i < '.m/=2; ai 2 Q:
Suppose an is the last coefficient not in Z. Then ˛ 0 D i D0 ai . C
1 /i is also an
algebraic integer. On expanding this out, and multiplying through by n , we find that
a D 1 C 5 7 C 73 C 2 74 C 5 75 C :
7-5. If k is a field of characteristic ¤ 2, a quadratic extension of k is of the form kŒ a for
some a 2 k, a … k 2 , and two nonsquare elements a and b of k define the same quadratic
extension if and only if they differ by a square (FT, Theorem 5.27). Thus the quadratic
extensions of k are in one-to-one correspondence with the cosets of k 2 in k other than
k 2 itself.
We have to find a set of representatives for Q2 n
2 in Q2 . Clearly an element u 2 of
Q2 , u 2 Z2 , is a square if and only if n is even and u is a square in Z2 , and Newton’s
lemma shows that u is a square in Z2 if (and only if) it is a square in Z2 =.8/ D Z=.8/.
The elements ˙1; ˙5 form a set of representatives for .Z=.8// , and of these only 1 is
a square. Hence f˙1; ˙5 ˙ 2; ˙10g is a set of representatives for Q 2
2 =Q2 , and so the
distinct quadratic extensions of Q2 are the fields QŒ a] for a D 1; ˙2; ˙5; ˙10.
There is a description of the structure of Qp in Serre, Course..., II.3. Let U D Zp and
let Ui be the subgroup 1 C p i Zp of U ; we know from (7.27) that Qp contains the group
p 1 of .p 1/st roots of 1, and one shows that
Qp Z p 1 U1 ; U1 Zp ; p ¤ 2I
2 Z U1 ; U1 D f˙1g U2 ; U2 Z2 :
There is a general formula,
.K W K m / D .m W 1/
for any finite extension K of Qp ; here m is the group of mt h roots of 1 in K. See CFT VII.
7-6. If 2 occurs among the ˛i , number it ˛1 . Then ˛i … QŒ˛1 ; ˛2 ; :::; ˛i 1 because pi does
not ramify in QŒ˛1 ; ˛2 ; :::; ˛i 1 . Therefore the degree is 2m (alternatively, use Kummer
theory). The element
is moved by every element of Gal.K=Q/, and so it generates K.
The group Gal.K=Q/ is abelian of exponent 2 (i.e., every element has square 1). TheQsame
is true of the decomposition groups of the primes lying over p. Write K ˝Q Qp D Ki ,
so that Ki KŒX .X // where fi .X / is the i t h irreducible factor of f .X / in Qp ŒX
(cf. 8.2). Kummer theory and the description of Qp given above show that ŒKi W Qp 4
if p ¤ 2 and ŒKi W Q2 8 (because their Galois groups are abelian of exponent 2). This
implies that f .X / factors as stated.
7-7. The degree of Qp Œn , p does not divide n, is f , where f is the smallest integer such
that njp f 1. As n ! 1, fP! 1, and so a finite extension K of Qp can contain only
finitely many n ’s. Suppose n p n converges to ˇ 2 Qpal . Then K D Qp Œˇ is a finite
Pt n
extension of Qp . Let ˛ t D nD1 n p . Then ˛ t is further from its conjugates than it
is from ˇ, and so Krasner’s lemma (7.60) implies that Qp Œ˛ t Qp Œˇ. It follows (by
induction) that Qp Œˇ contains all the n , and this is impossible.
7-8. (a) The polynomial
X3 C X2 C X C 1
has the factor X 1, but
X3 C X2 C X 1
is irreducible because it is irreducible modulo 5:
(b) Consider
f D X 6 C 3 5X 5 C 3 5X 4 C 3 54 X 3 C 3 54 X 2 C 3 59 X C 3 59 :
It is Eisenstein for 3, and hence is irreducible over Q. Its Newton polygon for 5 has slopes
1=2, 3=2, and 5=2, each of length 2. Correspondingly, in Q5 ŒX it is a product of three
polynomials f D f1 f2 f3 . Each of the fi is irreducible because the field generated by a
root of it is ramified (because the slope isn’t an integer).
8-1. The Newton polygon of f .X / D X 3 X 2 2X 8 has three distinct slopes 1; 2; 3,
Pit splits over Q2 . Now (8.1) shows that j j2 has three distinct extensions to K. Using
and so
that ei fi D 3, we see that 2 doesn’t ramify in K, and so 2 does not divide disc OK =Z.
On the other hand 2j disc.f .X // because f .X / has multiple roots modulo 2 (according to
PARI, its discriminant is 2012).
8-2. Straightforward.
8-3. (a) In PARI, type polgalois(X^6+2*X^5+3*X^4+4*X^3+5*X^2+6*X+7):
(b) There are the following factorizations:
mod 3, irreducible;
mod 5, .deg 3/ .deg 3/;
mod 13, .deg 1/ .deg 5/I
mod 19, .deg 1/2 .deg 4/I
mod 61, .deg 1/2 .deg 2/2 I
mod 79, .deg 2/3 :
6; 3 C 3; 1 C 5; 1 C 1 C 4; 1 C 1 C 2 C 2; 2 C 2 C 2:
8-4. Prime ideals of kŒX and kŒX 1 define the same valuation of k.X / if and only if
they generate the same prime ideal of kŒX; X 1 . Thus there is one valuation ordp for each
monic irreducible polynomial p.X / of kŒX , and one for the polynomial X 1 in kŒX 1 .
The normalized valuation corresponding to p.X / is
ordp g ordp h
kg.X /= h.X /k D
q deg p
where q D #k and ordp .g/ is the power of p.X / dividing g.X /, and the normalized
valuation corresponding to X 1 is
which is obvious.
Appendix B
Two-hour examination
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