Projectworkplanandbudgetmatrix Gulayan2016 160414030304
Projectworkplanandbudgetmatrix Gulayan2016 160414030304
Coordinate with the To developed rapport and June 6, 2106 Students/advisers/ None
advisers on the oneness in the Coor./ School Head
implementation of the implementation of the
Gulayan sa Paaralan. Gulayan sa Paaralan.
Prepared a letter request To acquired seedlings from June-July 1,2016 Coor/ School Head Printing MOOE
to the Municipal the Office of Department of
Agriculture office (MAO) Agriculture.
in the Municipality of San
Jose de Buan for the
provision of free seed in
the implementation of
Gulayan sa Paaralan.
Build an Structure for Constructed Center and Park July 15, 2016 Students-Laborers/ P5500 MOOE
the Gulayan sa Paaran School Head/ (Construction
Center and Park
Stakeholders Expense)
Conduct school Based To recognized the effort of August-October Students- P2000 (Tarp, MOOE
search for the best the students / adviser 2016 Parents/CPP Coor/ Snack and
Section/level implementer. Crops and School Head/ Certificates of
implementers of the vegies can be source Stakeholders the Resource
Bio-intensive Speakers
Conduct a feeding To eradicate undernourished Every harvest Students/ Teachers/ P500
Program in students. time as maybe Coor/ School Head
coordination of the manifested
Health and Nutrition
Coordinator and