Vacchi v. ETrade (Complaint)
Vacchi v. ETrade (Complaint)
: Case No.
Plaintiff, :
Defendant. :
Plaintiff, Gianluca Vacchi, (“Vacchi” or “Plaintiff”), by and through his attorneys, Cinotti
LLP and Carmel, Milazzo & DiChiara LLP, alleges as follows for his Complaint against
celebrity, influencer, fashionista, and disk jockey. Plaintiff has managed to create a fundamentally
new type of a male character: an extravagant millionaire dancing with beautiful ladies in exotic
locations. Almost twelve million people are subscribed to Gianluca Vacchi’s Instagram page to
2. This action arises from E*Trade’s wrongful and unlawful attempt to convert the
persona and character created by Vacchi for its own commercial purposes and financial gain.
commercial containing a character that is essentially a clone of Vacchi, dancing with women on a
boat while DJ’ing: conduct that based upon numerous YouTube videos, photographs, and music
videos created and published by Vacchi, has become synonymous with the image and persona
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created by Vacchi. Indeed, E*Trade’s commercial is simply a rip-off of a number of videos created
and published by Vacchi over the years. Notably, the character of the Infringing Video, as defined
herein, made an appearance in another E*Trade’s commercial several months later. An example
of the substantial, and even striking similarity between the character of the Infringing Video, as
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3. Based upon the foregoing, Plaintiff alleges claims for copyright infringement, as
well as false endorsement and misappropriation of protectable character, protectable scenes, and
4. At all times material hereto, Plaintiff was, and is, an individual residing in Milan,
Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at 1345 6th Ave, New York, NY
10105. Upon information and belief, Defendant is a financial services company that provides
6. Upon information and belief, Defendant is the owner of the copyright of the
Infringing Video, as defined herein. Alternatively, upon information and belief, Defendant had
the power and ability to supervise or control the activities of one or more third parties that authored,
produced and published the Infringing Video and had a financial interest in the conduct of such
7. This Court has original subject matter jurisdiction over this action and the federal
claims asserted herein, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because this action arises under the laws of
the United States and, more specifically, Acts of Congress relating to copyrights (the Copyright
Act of 1976, as amended) and the Lanham Act of 1946, as amended. This Court has supplemental
jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367, as Plaintiff’s claim under New York State law arise
from the same nucleus of operative facts and are part of the same case or controversy that give rise
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8. This Court also has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 in that
complete diversity of citizenship exists among the parties and the amount in controversy is in
9. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendant pursuant to CPLR 301 as
it is a corporation that is licensed to do business in New York and maintains its principal place of
10. The venue of this action is properly laid in this Judicial District pursuant to 28
U.S.C. § 1391(b)(3) because Defendant resides in this Judicial District by maintaining its principal
and Instagram celebrity, a world-renowned DJ and fashionista with more than 11.9 million
12. Similarly, Vacchi has more than 1.77 million people following Vacchi’s Facebook
13. Plaintiff is also employed as the President, SEA Società Europea Autocaravan
S.P.A., a large Italian manufacturing company, and is a widely-known professional snooker player.
14. Plaintiff is famous for the production and posting of short videos, pictures, and
musical clips with a character of Plaintiff’s own creation – a particularly eccentric millionaire, who
is engaging in a distinctive dance routine in the ambience of luxury surrounded by, and dancing
with, stunningly attractive young ladies and demonstrating his lavish lifestyle.
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physical shape, has gray hair and (usually) a gray beard, and is not shy demonstrating a heavily
16. Overall, Vacchi is not a typical Instagram star: having elected to show only specific
moments of his personal life to the general public, Vacchi took social media by a storm. He created
the icon, the image of a successful daring business person who is capable of doing things his own
way. Plaintiff’s character is centered upon enjoying life, working hard and playing hard, without
taking himself too seriously. Plaintiff’s Character received a renowned nickname: “Mr. Enjoy.”
17. Plaintiff is the author and creative director of hundreds of videos and thousands of
photographs which have been uploaded and posted on Instagram, and other social media sites, all
of which focus on and highlight Plaintiff’s Character and his not-so-typical lifestyle.
18. Plaintiff actively promotes the Plaintiff’s Character through his Instagram channel,
YouTube channel, his website, and other social media (collectively, “Plaintiff’s Social Media”).
19. Plaintiff typically uses hash-tag “#gvlifestyle” in connection with Plaintiff's Social
20. Plaintiff published the first video of the “#gvlifestyle” series on July 30, 2013
Plaintiff’s Social Media about the Plaintiff’s Character and his extravagant world, utilizing his
image and likeness for both promotion of Plaintiff's Social Media and endorsing various brands
and celebrities.
21. In the year 2016, Plaintiff’s media presence rose to a crescendo. Plaintiff and
hellomagazine, vix, and many other Internet magazines and portals aggrandizing Plaintiff for his
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unique character.
22. Vacchi had been internationally recognized and commended. He was described, as
23. In 2016 Plaintiff was labeled “the coolest man on Instagram” by GQ Magazine
24. Plaintiff was also described as “the 50-year-old millionaire who’s cooler than Dan
Bilzerian” (
25. On December 24, 2018, GQ, citing The Evening Standard, named Vacchi “as the
fourth most influential fashion Instagrammer, earning up to $16,750 for a single post.”
26. In fact, even a simple Google search for “dancing millionaire” inevitably shows
27. Plaintiff hasn't just captivated the Internet’s fashion sector. The international
business community also recognized the power of promotion with Plaintiff’s Character and
Plaintiff’s likeness.
28. For instance, in or about January, 2016 the National Bank of Georgia1 introduced a
Christmas commercial with the dancing millionaire, Plaintiff’s Character. In the commercial,
Vacchi and Giorgia Gabriele danced one of their favorite dances, with Vacchi’s torso traditionally
exposed and tattoos markedly visible. The commercial was so successful that many United States
29. Ultimately, using his own likeness and image, Plaintiff has authored and created a
The country in Eastern Europe, not the State of the United States.
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unique character based on Plaintiff’s personality and managed to attract the audience by his
adventures, having become the style icon, the supermodel, and one of the most influential social
media moguls.
31. The stories about Plaintiff’s Character were delivered to the general public through
32. Plaintiff had no intention to create just an image of a random playboy’s image – he
intentionally picked the features that would suit his personality and distinguish him from other
33. Plaintiff’s Character is a mature man in prime physical shape with salt-and-pepper
hair. Plaintiff’s Character’s likeness is depicted in his numerous Instagram videos and pictures and
in numerous YouTube Videos, including Plaintiff’s Instagram post dated October 20, 2016, with
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colors of a distinctive style. The images of Plaintiff’s Character from pictures and videos dated
35. The facial hair of Plaintiff’s Character is gray/salt-and-pepper and always present
36. Another distinct characteristic of Plaintiff’s Character is his proudly exposed body
with an abundance of tattoos. GQ Magazine-UK described Vacchi as “a man only marginally less
37. Further, Plaintiff’s Character would not be complete without the right choice of
environment and extra features that add an elegant way to show his muscular tattooed body. Vacchi
38. Flipboard noted that Vacchi is “the silver influencer who dances in his pants for a
living” (
39. Additionally, Plaintiff actively promoted the background legend about the
character: millionaire tired of his business routine who decides to dedicate his life to music,
40. Plaintiff’s Character represented a fresh and novel approach to the image of a
fashionista and a successful man. Plaintiff has designed the character who managed to demonstrate
his wealth through elegance, his masculinity through dancing with an exposed tattooed torso, and
his open-mindedness through not taking life too seriously and not being afraid to laugh at himself.
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Vacchi designed a new concept of a wealthy playboy who is emotional, likeable, creative, and
41. One of the popular backgrounds where Plaintiff’s Character typically dances is the
42. Plaintiff’s Character and his likeness have been depicted in numerous photographs
and videos on Plaintiffs Social Media accounts during the period from 2013 to present developing
a unique character over time, emphasizing the most distinct grains of his character.
43. Plaintiff’s Character and Plaintiff’s likeness appeared in more than 500 videos and
thousands of photographs.
44. During that the time Plaintiff’s Character, his image, and likeness have been
likeness, or identity by third parties, Plaintiff negotiated and expressly granted authority for such
use pursuant to agreed-upon terms and conditions and for agreed-upon compensation.
47. Plaintiff is a foreign citizen and did not register all of his videos and photos in the
United States.
48. The following motion pictures authored by Plaintiff are registered with the United
(i) the motion picture published July 30, 2016 (registration number PA0002158110);
(ii) the motion picture published July 17, 2016 (registration number PA0002158120);
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(iii) the motion picture published July 13, 2016 (registration number PA0002158117);
(iv) the motion picture published July 30, 2016 (registration number PA0002158124);
(v) the motion picture published July 16, 2015 (registration number PA0002159223).
The Plaintiff’s motion pictures registered with the United States Copyright Office shall be
49. Plaintiff is the author of numerous motion pictures depicting Plaintiff’s Character
and Plaintiff’s likeness on Plaintiff’s Social Media that Plaintiff exclusively owns, but not
registered, within the United States (collectively, “Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos”). URL
addresses of examples of Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos with Plaintiff’s characters are attached
hereto as Exhibit B.
50. The photos on Plaintiff’s Social Media accounts (collectively, “Plaintiff’s Photos”)
52. By the year 2017 Plaintiff’s character literally and figuratively turned heads, and
53. Upon information and belief, Defendant, as any other Internet user, had access to
Plaintiff’s social media accounts and, therefore, Plaintiff’s Videos, Plaintiff’s Photos, Plaintiff’s
54. Upon information and belief, on June 19, 2017, Defendant, in order to promote its
services, uploaded a video commercial titled “E*TRADE Commercial – Hard Work” (hereinafter
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55. Upon information and belief, on Defendant also uploaded the Infringing Video
56. The Infringing Video depicts a male character stunningly identical to Plaintiff’s
likeness partying and dancing with young ladies on a yacht. The resemblance was, in fact, so
extreme that the Internet users began associating the character in the Infringing Video with
Plaintiff’s Character.
57. For instance, comment’s section indicated that users clearly see the striking
resemblance and names Vacchi as the person depicted or attempted to being depicted in the
58. Plaintiff himself found out about the existence of the Infringing Video due to
59. The Infringing Video is comprised of short visual and audio segments arranged in
montage fashion depicting a character that is essentially identical, in appearance and character, to
Plaintiff’s Character. Both the selection of particular visual and auditory content and the particular
elements of artistic expression included in the Infringing Video are showing that the scenes and
the male subject of the Infringing Video were simply copied from the scenes of Plaintiff’s Videos
60. The Infringing Video featured a middle-aged male almost identical to the
appearance to Plaintiff, and possessed the same unique personal features of Plaintiff’s Character
as developed in the pictures and in the videos by Plaintiff through his social media accounts.
61. The main character of the Infringing Video concludes with the words “The harder
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you work the nicer the vacation your boss goes on.”
62. The main character of the Infringing Video shares many similarities with Plaintiff,
i.e., he is middle-aged, with gray/salt-and-pepper hair and beard, is heavily tattooed, wears black
63. The Infringing Video closes with a number of slogans promoting Defendant’s brand
name and services and prominently displaying that Defendant is the copyright owner of the
64. The Infringing Video was aired extensively on YouTube website where it received
approximately 2,566,979 views as of the date of the instant Complaint as well as featured on and
other websites.
65. Overall, widespread dissemination through social media insured that millions saw
66. Furthermore, the main character of the Infringing Video made, at least, one more
67. Upon information and belief, Defendant, on or about August, 2017, in order to
promote its services, disseminated a video commercial titled “E*TRADE TV Commercial, “Yacht
Life’” (hereinafter referred to as the “Second Infringing Video”) through the Internet.
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68. The Second Infringing Video currently is available through multiple sources
69. The Second Infringing Video depicts a young gentleman in an orange-shirt dancing
in an unusual manner on the board of the yacht that appears to be the yacht from the Infringing
Video. The Second Infringing Video explains that “the dumbest guy in high school just got a boat.”
70. The main character of the Infringing Video (the “E*Trade Character”) is also
present in the Second Infringing Video. The E*Trade Character is dancing in the Second Infringing
Video in the manner, identical to its appearance in the Infringing Video, again, undistinguishably
71. The Second Infringing Video indicates Defendant as the copyright owner of the
72. Plaintiff has never licensed or otherwise authorized Defendant to copy, distribute,
or publicly disseminate the Plaintiff’s likeness or Plaintiff’s Character, the Plaintiff’s Videos,
Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos, Plaintiff’s Photos, or to make derivative works based upon them.
Act, by Lanham Act, and by N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 51. In this action, Plaintiff seeks damages
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74. The Infringing Video is a commercial promoting Defendant’s goods and services
depicting a scene on a yacht with a male main character and his beautiful female friend dancing.
75. The focus of the Infringing Video is the male subject character that apparently
represents “YOUR BOSS” who is having “the nicer the vacation” at the expense of the viewer.
76. The male subject of the Infringing Video does not have an appearance of a typical
boss. Rather, the E*Trade Character is a heavily-tattooed male with bare torso dancing with a
77. As is evident from a visual comparison of the scenes in the Infringing Video and in
the Plaintiff’s Videos, and from a visual comparison of the Plaintiff’s Character together with
Plaintiff’s likeness and the male subject of the Infringing Video, the Infringing Video
misappropriates the Plaintiff’s likeness, Plaintiff’s Character, mood, setting, theme, pace, and total
78. There are many apparent similarities between the male subject of the Infringing
Video and the Plaintiff’s Character. For example, both have gray/salt-and-pepper hair with the
same hairstyle, both have well-manicured gray beards, both wear eyeglasses square in shape and
of a similar look, both are shirtless with heavily tattooed bodies, both are in excellent physical
79. The portraits of the subject character of the Infringing Video and the Plaintiff’s
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E*Trade Character:
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81. The total concept and feel of the Infringing Video is, as a whole, substantially
similar to the Plaintiff’s Videos, as well as the Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos, and Plaintiff’s
Social Media photographs. As evidenced by the screenshots of the Infringing Video and Plaintiff’s
Videos, the Infringing video simply depicts the entire portrait of Plaintiff’s Character in the
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82. The images of the E*Trade Character of the Infringing Video’s are strikingly
similar to the likeness of Plaintiff and to Plaintiff’s Character: (i) both characters are white males
with an identical silver-colored hair, hair styles, and the styles of facial hair; (ii) both characters
wear a pair of square-shaped s sunglasses; (iii) both characters are depicted with their torso
unclothed; (iv) the nude parts of torso of the both characters are covered with various similar
tattoos; (v) both characters are dancing; (vi) the dancing partner of both characters is a younger
good-looking woman; and (vii) both characters are dancing in on a yacht demonstrating lavish
lifestyle and luxury; (viii) both characters are dancing with their main partner: a beautiful younger
83. Not only is the visual similarity striking, when the terms “vacchi e*trade” or
“Gianluca e*trade” are searched on Google, the first videos shows are the Infringing Video
84. The Second Infringing Video is, analogously, a commercial promoting Defendant’s
goods and services depicting a scene on a yacht with the E*Trade Character present and dancing
To avoid any doubts the search was conducted with the names of random individuals and E*Trade. These searches
did not return a result with the Infringing Video.
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85. Apparently, the E*Trade Character, recreating the image of the Plaintiff’s
Character, became so popular that Defendant made a decision to utilize it for multiple Defendant’s
promotional materials.
86. As a result, the general public perceive the Infringing Video and the Second
87. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation in the above paragraphs as
88. Plaintiff’s Videos and Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos are original works of
authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression that constitutes a motion picture and/or
audiovisual work pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 102(a), subject to copyright protection under the
89. Plaintiff’s Photos are original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of
expression that pictorial works pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 102(a), subject to copyright protection
90. Plaintiff has the right and standing to enforce his exclusive rights to the Plaintiff’s
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Videos, Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos, Plaintiff’s Photos, and their respective copyrightable
component parts.
91. Defendant had access to the Plaintiff’s Videos, Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos,
Plaintiff’s Photos.
92. By producing, transmitting, and distributing the Infringing Video and the Second
Infringement Video Defendant has reproduced, prepared derivative works based upon, publicly
performed, and distributed copies of substantial portions of the protectable scenes of Plaintiff’s
authorization: all in violation of 17 U.S.C. §§ 106 and 501. Defendant continues to do so.
Plaintiff’s exclusive rights to reproduce, prepare derivative works based upon, publicly perform,
and distribute of the protectable scenes of Plaintiff’s Videos, Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos,
Plaintiff’s Photos.
94. Defendant’s infringement was, and continues to be, intentional, deliberate, willful,
95. Defendant’s infringing conduct has caused Plaintiff to suffer damages and harm,
including, but not limited to, lost derivative market exploitation opportunity, lost revenues and
profits, loss of creative attribution, and other damages, the exact nature of which will be proven at
96. Plaintiff is entitled to an award against Defendant for the recovery of Defendant’s
profits attributable to the infringement and/or Plaintiff’s actual damages, and other statutory
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97. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in the above
98. Plaintiffs Videos and Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos are original works of
authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression that constitutes a motion picture and/or
audiovisual work pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 102(a), subject to copyright protection under the
99. Plaintiff’s Photos are original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of
expression that pictorial works pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 102(a), subject to copyright protection
100. Plaintiff has the right and standing to enforce his exclusive rights to the Plaintiff’s
Videos, Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos, Plaintiff’s Photos, and their respective copyrightable
component parts.
101. Defendant had access to the Plaintiff’s Videos, Plaintiff’s Unregistered Videos,
Plaintiff’s Photos.
102. By producing, transmitting, and distributing the Infringing Video and the Second
Infringing Video, Defendant has reproduced, prepared derivative works based upon, publicly
performed, and distributed copies of substantial portions of the protectable character, Plaintiff’s
Plaintiff’s permission or authorization: all in violation of 17 U.S.C. §§ 106 and 501. Defendant
continues to do so.
Plaintiff’s exclusive rights to reproduce, prepare derivative works based upon, publicly perform,
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and distribute of the protectable character, Plaintiff’s Character, of Plaintiff’s Videos, Plaintiff’s
104. Defendant’s infringement was, and continues to be, intentional, deliberate, willful,
105. Defendant’s infringing conduct has caused Plaintiff to suffer damages and harm,
including, but not limited to, lost derivative market exploitation opportunity, lost revenues and
profits, loss of creative attribution, and other damages, the exact nature of which will be proven at
106. Plaintiff is entitled to an award against Defendant for the recovery of Defendant’s
profits attributable to the infringement and/or Plaintiff’s actual damages, and damages and
107. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in the above
Plaintiff’s likeness in the Infringing Video. Defendant’s conduct has implied, falsely, that Plaintiff
110. Defendant’ conduct further amounts to both false association and unfair
111. Defendant’ conduct has caused Plaintiff to suffer losses in an amount equal to the
full extent of recoverable damages permitted under the Lanham Act. Specifically, Plaintiff seeks
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to recover his actual damages (including a reasonable license fee), the Defendants’ profits, treble
112. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and evert allegation contained in the above
published, and disseminated, and continue to knowingly use, publish and disseminate, Plaintiff’s
likeness, persona, picture, and/or image within the State of New York, for purposes of advertising
and/or trade, to promote the sale Defendant’s services, without Plaintiff’s written consent; and
Defendants have caused to be transferred, circulated, sold, distributed, used, displaced, advertised,
reproduced and/or published, both directly and indirectly, through diverse media, certain
persona, picture, and/or image, for an advertising and/or trade purpose, as defined under and/or
114. Defendant’s conduct has caused Plaintiff to suffer losses in an amount equal to the
full extent of the damages permitted under N.Y. Civil Rights Law § 51. Specifically, he seeks to
recover his actual damages (including a reasonable license fee), the Defendant’s ill-gotten profits
gained from the aforesaid wrongful conduct, punitive damages, litigation costs, and interest.
115. Defendant has engaged in this exploitation of Plaintiff’s identity and persona for its
own personal and commercial gain, and Defendant has maliciously and unlawfully invaded
Plaintiff’s privacy and/or publicity rights in violation of §§ 50 and 51 of the N.Y. Civil Rights
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116. Defendant has caused Plaintiff to suffer serious irreparable harm, and caused him
to be held to public view in a damaging manner, and as a direct and proximate result, Plaintiff has
suffered and continues to suffer severe damages, including but not limited to a loss of personal and
professional reputation and goodwill, lost earnings, and lost potential earnings, all in a sum not
which Defendants’ use of Plaintiff’s image, persona, likeness, and/or picture, increased, and
maliciously using, publishing, and disseminating Plaintiffs image, persona, likeness, and/or
picture, and Defendant’s prolonged knowing and malicious continued use, publication and
dissemination, as aforesaid, in wanton and reckless disregard of the harm caused to Plaintiff, and
for the selfish motivation of increasing their profits, gives rise to punitive damages in favor of
(a) Declaring that Defendant's conduct was willful and that Defendant was aware of its
infringing activity;
(b) Permanently (i) enjoining Defendant, its officers, agents, employees, licensees and
assigns, and all persons acting in concert with them, from misappropriation of
Plaintiff's likeness and Plaintiff’s Character in any manner; and (ii) enjoining
Defendants, their officers, agents, employees, licensees and assigns, and all persons
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504(c) of up to $150,000 for each infringement), and for exemplary and punitive
501 together with attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505 and
(d) On Count II, in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant for compensatory damages
504(c) of up to $150,000 for each infringement), and for exemplary and punitive
501 together with attorney's fees and costs pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505 and
(e) On Count III, in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant, for compensatory
(f) On Count IV, in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant, for compensatory
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plus punitive damages in a sum not less than $1,000,000.00, and attorney’s fees
(g) For his costs and disbursement in this action, including his reasonable attorneys’
fees; and
(h) For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.
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Exhibit A
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6 Instagram
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7 Instagram
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8. Instagram
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9. Instagram
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10 Instagram
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Exhibit B
Portrait Comparison
Plaintiff’s Character:
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Plaintiff’s Character:
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Exhibit C