OB Group Project 2019
OB Group Project 2019
The final requirement for the Organizational Behavior course will be a paper and a presentation.
The paper and presentation will both be based on answering the questions from the following page
on either a domestic or international organization that is active internationally. Answers to these
questions can come from research on the organization (newspaper, company web site or annual
report) or from a direct interview with someone at the organization. The goal is to demonstrate
your understanding and knowledge of what we learned during the course.
Specific Requirements:
l Company Selection in Class
l Est. length: 8-10 pages. Note, I want you to answer the questions and provide some specific
examples but do NOT expect a “book”.
l Format: You are free to choose whatever style you feel best summarizes and articulates the
information about your organization. Industry, culture, etc. may play a role in terms of how you
group and organize the information. Please make sure the information flows between subjects.
l Must use a professional format (APA or Harvard Business Referencing) and use references and
in-text citations as applicable.
l Please….NO cut and paste. Use your own words.
Final Deliverable:
l Final draft of your paper including citations, etc.
l Summarized presentation on your results. Presentation length 10 minutes. As you cannot
discuss all of your research, pick several of the strongest differentiating points about your
company. Power point is acceptable.
Time Line:
June 17: Final Presentation and PAPERS DUE by the end of the final lecture day. NO
Contents: 30%
Demonstrated Knowledge: 35%
Info Communication: 15%
Presentation: 20%
Final Project Questions
The below questions will all be related to various chapters in the book, however, some questions
may be from multiple chapters. Also…the questions are not meant to be yes/no. Please provide
information to back up or explain what you write.