Application For Grant - Renewal of Dealer's License
Application For Grant - Renewal of Dealer's License
Received at (Place)................................................................................ .
On (date).................................................................................................
at (hour) ................................................................................................ ..
Initials of Receiving officer ......................................................................
Application for Quarrying Permit
(For all types of lands)
To be submitted in Triplicate
The Geologist
District Office of the Dept. of
Mining & Geology,
.................. District.
I/We request that a quarrying permit under the Kerala Minor Mineral Can
cession Rules 1967 may be granted to me/us.
2. A sum of Rs. 200 being the fee in respect of this application payable under
rule 6 of the said rules has been deposited;
(vii) Full description of the land from which the mineral District
is to be quarried an attested copy of a survey map of the Taluk
area showing survey Nos. Boundary Nos.etc.
should be submitted. The area should be coloured in Survey no
red-vide sub rule (2) rule (5) Area
(ix) Details of consent letter from the land owner permitting surface operation.
5. I/We do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and
am/are ready to furnish any other details as may be required by you. I/we agree
to pay the advance the royalty that may be assessed on the quantity of
mineral(s) is proposed to be quarried. I/we also agree to pay in advance any
surface rent or cesses that may be demanded of me/us.
Yours faithfully,