Lesson Plan in PPT Animation
Lesson Plan in PPT Animation
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 85% proficiency should be able to:
1. discuss the different animation effects and functions;
2. create a presentation in ms powerpoint using animation;
3. value the importance of creating a presentation using animation in ms powerpoint.
B. Presentation
Lesson Proper
Adding a Slide Animation
Slide animation is a moving grapfic effects which can be added to the group text,
object or the entire slide itself.
Entrance Animates the objects upon Appear, Fade, Fly In, Swivel,
entrance Wheel And More
Emphasis Animates the objects selected Pulse, Spin, Wave, Teeter,
Lighten, Grown/Shrink And
Exit Animates the objects upon Fly Out, Disappear, Zoom,
exit Split, Wheel, Shrink And Turn
Motion paths Animates the objects in a Lines, Arcs Shapes And Loops.
specific movement
C. Application
The students will create a presentation in MS Powerpoint about the Eye Animation.
Name: Grade and
D. Generalization
The students will share their learnings to the class about the discussion and the
students therefore:
F. Agreement
Follow-up Assignment:
Research and study about the steps in adding a sound effect in animation and
write it in a one whole sheet of pad paper to be pass on February 27, 2019.
Advanced Assignmet:
Research and study about the following and write it in your ICT notebook.
1. What is Slide Transition?
2. What are the different effects in Slide Transition?
References: Jemma Development Group (2013) Visual Guide Office Productivity (pp 353-
Prepared By:
Clarisse C. Deblois
Submitted to:
Ms. Joy Dabandan
Mr. Mike M. Tizon