1 A PMDP Nomination Form Head SEC 2019
1 A PMDP Nomination Form Head SEC 2019
(To be filled-out by the Head of Agency)
I understand that the above candidates meet the minimum qualifications for the program and will
be granted the full scholarship provided that they meet the criteria for admission. Our Human
Resources Manager/Officer, (Mr./Ms.) ____________________ can be reached through the
following contact nos. _______________; email address____________________to coordinate
submission of application and completion of document requirements.
As our commitment, the agency will allow them to take the PMDP training in 2019 once they are
confirmed by the PMDP Steering Committee. Should there be any changes or deferment, we will
notify the PMDP Secretariat through a letter of notice.
Printed Name and Signature
Date: __________________________
1|P a g e
Form 1-A SEC