1 C PMDP Assessment Form Supervisor SEC 2019
1 C PMDP Assessment Form Supervisor SEC 2019
(To be filled-out by the Head of Agency / Immediate supervisor of the person nominated)
5 4 3 2 1 0
Exceeds Needs No Evidence of
Outstanding Competent Unacceptable
Expectations Improvement Demonstration
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Form 1-C SEC
Other Dimensions Rating Remarks
Written Communications
Oral Communications
Stress Tolerance
4. Taking an overall view, what do you consider being the nominee’s major strengths?
5. What do you consider to be the critical areas where he/she needs to focus his/her professional and
personal development?
Name and Signature of Person Completing this Form Additional Instructions:
Form 1-C is an assessment form for
Position: ___________________________________ nominees of the Senior Executives Class.
Place accomplished assessment forms in a
Institution / Agency: _________________________
sealed letter envelope.
Contact Nos.: ________________________________ Tampered forms or unsealed forms will not
Email Address: _______________________________ be considered a valid nomination.
Date Accomplished: ___________________________
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Form 1-C SEC