Sketch Notes With Rubric
Sketch Notes With Rubric
Sketch Notes With Rubric
proteins, nucleic acids, or lipids. Your task is to include major ideas about the molecule and include
at least 10 details. Details can be in the form of images or text. Details should be connected in
some way to one of the major ideas. You will also be graded on your creativity in the design of your
sketch. Because you have been provided with a sample of a sketch for proteins, choose one of the
other macromolecules for this assignment.
Sample sketch:
Sketch Notes (Rubric) 3 2 1
Headings / Key Ideas 2-4 Big Ideas are included 1-3 big ideas are obvious Big ideas are not clear, may
and are easily visible by on the sketch be present but not obvious
using color, text size, or
other features
Details and Terms A large number of details Terms and details are A few details /terms are
and terms related to your included included
topic are included (10 or
more) ( 5-9) (1-4)
Connections Most terms are connected Some terms are connected Very few connections
in a relevant way in a relevant way
Sketches / Creativity Images, Color, Layout show Images, color and layout Little evidence of effort,
evidence of thought and are show effort, but terms are just thrown
effort, sketch is easy to somewhat disjointed, together, minimal sketches
follow, and neat , inaccurate, or difficult to
Headings / Key Ideas 2-4 Big Ideas are included 1-3 big ideas are obvious Big ideas are not clear, may
and are easily visible by on the sketch be present but not obvious
using color, text size, or
other features
Details and Terms A large number of details Terms and details are A few details /terms are
and terms related to your included included
topic are included (10 or
more) ( 5-9) (1-4)
Connections Most terms are connected Some terms are connected Very few connections
in a relevant way in a relevant way
Sketches / Creativity Images, Color, Layout show Images, color and layout Little evidence of effort,
evidence of thought and are show effort, but terms are just thrown
effort, sketch is easy to somewhat disjointed, together, minimal sketches
follow, and neat , inaccurate, or difficult to