Tech Mahindra Integrated Report 2017 18
Tech Mahindra Integrated Report 2017 18
Innovation and Sustainability
Business is at a new threshold. The external environment is having an incremental impact on companies,
society and humanity. The four key challenges facing businesses - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and
Ambiguity - that represent the VUCA world are disrupting businesses and have a great potential to impact
the value of organizations – both positively and negatively. External forces and risks like business
disruption, geopolitical forces, climate change, extreme weather events, and water scarcity continue to pose
risks to business and society.
Extreme events like cyclones, hurricanes and floods are being evidenced globally. Water scarcity is leading
to trans-boundary and regional conflicts on water sharing. There are conflicts between the sharing of natural
resources between multiple stakeholders – society, industry, environment etc. All of these have a direct or
indirect impact on the overall IT Industry.
Thriving in this new business paradigm will require re-evaluating risks and opportunities, redefining and
aligning business models and strategy with internal and external risks and constantly adapting to the
demands of the disruptive world. Companies that take a futuristic approach and are prepared to ride on the
innovative future will find the market scenario forward looking and positive.
We expect the convergence of people, digitization, and technology in all the industry verticals and these
outcomes are aligned with Tech Mahindra’s key objectives to run better, change faster and grow greater.
With the phenomena of personalised customer experience gaining traction, enterprises are gearing up with
digital transformation initiatives leading to “connected customer” for their services and products.
Technology continues to drive change and creating value across businesses and will have to be used as an enabler
for addressing many of the environmental and societal challenges at a macro or even at a micro level. We can expect
broad level technology integration with many of the business and societal challenges to emerge. The solutions will be
geared towards creating value for all the stakeholders.
Message from the Vice Chairman
"Innovating - Towards a Sustainable Business Paradigm” is Tech Mahindra’s second Integrated Report. It provides
an account of the company’s strategy, value drivers, approach to managing risks and opportunities, and performance
in managing our Financial Capital, Intellectual Capital, Natural
Capital, Human Capital, Social and Relationship Capital and
Manufactured Capital.
It has been a year of continuous efforts at Tech Mahindra.
Despite volatilities in the external environment, we made
satisfactory progress.
Nurturing the Human Capital, a key priority marched in tandem with the development of the Intellectual capital. We
invested in Centers of Excellence (CoEs) for re-skilling and right-skilling the associates through internal and external
training on technology and domain. We tied up with world class content partners such as EdX & Pluralsight, and with
AI based personalized learning aggregators like Edcast, among others, to make our associates future ready. We trained
and certified 80,000+ associates in digital technologies, 20,000+ associates in automation and 50,000+ associates in
emerging and digital technologies. Our focus on digital transformation and continuous re-skilling of our workforce to
meet the future demands of our market space has been showing encouraging results. There was an increase in
revenues from digital and new age solutions.
As the world witnesses the adverse impacts of climate change, Tech Mahindra strives to be a part of the solution and
enable the transition to a Low Carbon future not just for the company but also for its customers through products,
platforms and solutions. We have a focused roadmap and targets on reducing the power usage efficiency of the data
centers and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s activities. There has been satisfactory progress
on the targets and it was heartening to see our commitment endorsed externally. I am proud to announce that Tech
Mahindra was recognized as a world leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index - World Index for the fourth
consecutive year.
Rise for Good – TechM’s Philosophy for enhancing the Social and Relationship Capital
We fulfill our commitment to society and ‘Rise for Good’ through Tech Mahindra Foundation - the CSR arm of the
company. We have strengthened our focus on education, employability and disability. Corporate volunteering has been
on the rise and it enables usto take forward the objective ‘Empowering through Education’. Through our flagship
program - SMART we trained more than 16000 youth through 100 vocational training centers this year with the
placement rate of nearly 70%. The Foundation’s SMART academies for Healthcare and IT have been doing
commendable work in Delhi, Chandigarh and Vishakhapatnam and are creating a cadre of qualified, trained
professionals in the field of allied healthcare and IT sector. The Foundation supported 68 schools under its education
program and reached out to 20,498 beneficiaries through municipal corporation schools this year.
The zeal of our associates, the robustness in our governance systems and processes, focused improvement in
infrastructure at our facilities that provide a good working environment, our efforts in talent management and retention
- all make for a positive future outlook and strategy. We will continue to make assured strides in creating value that is
more positive for the company and our stakeholders.
Message from the Managing Director & CEO
Emerging global macro-trends like climate change, shifting demographics, automation and inequality are beginning to
impact businesses and society at a faster pace than ever before. While increased automation is likely to bring in
efficiencies, it may impact the availability of jobs and increase
income inequalities. The trend of shifting demographics can
create likely distortions in the global labor force. We experienced
extreme events in 2017-18 – droughts, floods, tsunamis,
hurricanes, extreme temperatures - all triggered by climate
change, and impacting businesses directly and indirectly. The
effects will be continued, unprecedented and unpredictable,
making a strong case for collective action on climate change.
2017-18 has been a year of opportunities & successes, ambition & disruption and learning & innovation. The strategy,
risks & opportunities and performance are explained in the report; I want to discuss the key approach and outcomes.
At Tech Mahindra, across the organization - governance; strategy formation and deployment; management of risks and
opportunities; development and review of systems and processes; learning and development of the associates -
integration of sustainability with business strategy is at the core. Activities, approach and organizational attitude are
aligned towards integrating sustainability with strategy.
The new suite of solutions and platforms are designed not only to enable a connected experience, but also assist
customers and their clients to manage their sustainability commitments, programs, plans and responsibilities to manage
climate change and energy efficiency.
We at Tech Mahindra are keeping pace with the global trends in technology disruption, climate change, water scarcity
amongst others. The operating strategy and business model are being reviewed and aligned with sustainability and
environmental mega trends to address some of the key challenges facing enterprises and society.
Our brand philosophy - Connected World, Connected Experiences is aligned with the evolving external environment
and changing customer needs like Digitization, Automation, Climate Change, Smart Mobility, Smart Metering, Energy
Efficiency Solutions amongst others. Our strategy - Run, Change and Grow is also braced to address global
environmental challenges.
Technological disruption and climate change are redefining the way the companies do business. The connected future
is taking shape faster than anticipated. The question remains – are we prepared for the new realities of this connected
future? We at Tech Mahindra are committed to bridging the gap between today’s capabilities and tomorrow’s
Based on our core strengths and the market demands, and built on our brand philosophy of creating connected
experiences for a connected world, we have identified four key technology bets - Customer Experience Management;
Internet of Things (IoT); Software Transformation and Networks of the Future. Since the most important part of our
organization is people, there has been a major thrust on skilling, up-skilling and right-skilling the associates.
We are developing solutions that enable enterprises, governments and utilities manage their environmental issues like
climate change, energy efficiency, and water productivity by using technologies of the future – IoT, Block-chain, Network
of the Future and Automation. We are partnering with the right technology, solution providers and strategically
positioning ourselves to maximize/monetize opportunities. We remain focused on delivering value to our customers,
while helping our employees FUTURise with constant innovation in the digital world.
Owing to the global macro trends – climate change, automation, demographics, neo nationalism and income inequality
- the future business environment will continue to remain volatile, uncertain and disruptive. Surviving and thriving in this
business scenario will need an agile transformative approach that is inclusive and collaborative. The associates have
been instrumental in driving the company towards progress in the disruptive environment. Our stakeholders have been
the enablers of future growth and value creation. I sincerely want to thank you all for your support and hope that the
support, feedback and ecosystem approach continue to steer us towards a sustainable future.
Mr. CP Gurnani,
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Message from the Chief Sustainability Officer
Climate Change, Environmental Constraints, Environmental
Degradation and Social trends are having a fundamental impact on
growth of companies and economies alike. Direct and indirect risks
because of Climate change are looming on society and enterprises.
The three P’s – People, Planet and Profit, or Economic, Environmental
& Social aspects that define Sustainability are at a point of
convergence where people and planet govern the profitability and
growth of a company more than ever before. There is a direct co-
relation between financial growth and sustainability.
We have a Carbon Pricing mechanism across the organization to spur green investments, internal innovation and
reduce our GHG emissions. We have built an internal tool for our facilities, finance and procurement team. We have
also taken Science Based Targets, a powerful tool that allows businesses to align themselves with the commitments
made under the Paris Agreement.
In our upstream value chain, we engage with the suppliers & vendors on Sustainability topics in terms of capacity
building, knowledge sharing and carrying out audits. We engage with our customers & clients in identifying and creating
solutions in the areas of energy efficiency, waste management, smart cities, greenhouse gas monitoring and tracking
and environmental compliance. We developed CAPE (Community Action Platform for Energy), an advanced analytics
platform combining energy, satellite, aerial, social and economic data into targeted insights. IEVCS (Intelligent Electric
Vehicle Charging System) is an IoT solution for electric car charging and last mile electric network asset management.
As we make progress in creating value for our customers, employees and society, we acknowledge the support and
guidance of all our stakeholders who are our partners in value creation. The task is arduous but our commitment is
About the Report
“Innovation – towards a Sustainable Business Paradigm” is Tech Mahindra’s 2nd Integrated Report for the period
of 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018. The idea of this annual report is to share with the stakeholders a broad based
framework for our business and investment decisions that are long term, inclusive and with a purpose. The idea is to
promote cohesive reporting across various capitals - Financial, Intellectual, Human, Natural and Social & Relationship
capitals - to enhance accountability and stewardship.
The report is prepared as per the Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework. The performance of the company in terms of
achieving its strategic objectives and outcomes is reported using the GRI Standards. The disclosure on Natural Capital
is in conformance with the Climate Change Reporting Framework issued by the Climate Disclosure Standards Board
(CDSB). The report is aligned to include the recommendations of the Taskforce on Carbon Related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD).
Wholly owned subsidiaries outside India and subsidiaries, which are not wholly owned by Tech Mahindra are excluded
from the scope of the report.
Addition of new infrastructure and facilities at Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Noida.
Adding LPG Fuel in the Scope of Scope 1 GHG Emissions.
Altiostar Inc:
The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Tech Mahindra (Americas) Inc. has invested an amount of US$ 15
Million in return for a 23.5% shareholding in Altiostar. Altiostar is a telecom software development Company, which is
the mobile broadband industry’s first provider of vRAN (virtualized Radio Access Networks) solution for LTE technology.
The Company, in accordance with the shareholders agreement, acquired an additional 32.07% stake in Comviva
Technologies Limited from Bharati Group and Westbridge Ventures II Investment holdings for a total consideration of
36,186 Lakhs. The Company also acquired 0.68% from some shareholders for a total consideration of 842.93 Lakhs.
As a result of this, the Company now holds 99.85% stake in Comviva Technologies. Comviva is among the leaders of
mobility solutions. With an expansive suite of productized solutions, it caters to over two billion mobile users globally.
Comviva’s solutions are deployed with over 130 service providers and banks in over 90 countries across Asia, Africa,
Middle East, Latin America and Europe, and power services to more than two billion mobile subscribers.
External Assurance
The VeriSustain protocol is available on request from
* Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information.
not involved in the preparation of any statements or data included in the Report except for this Assurance
Statement. We expressly disclaim any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or an entity may
make based on this Assurance Statement.
Review of the non–financial sustainability disclosures disclosed in this Report based on GRI Standards;
Review of approaches to materiality determination and stakeholder engagement and its outputs in line
with the principles for Defining Report Quality and Content of the GRI Standards, although we had no
direct engagement with stakeholders;
Review of information provided to us by the Company on its reporting and management processes related
to the <IR> Framework and selected GRI Standards;
Interviews with selected members of leadership team, and senior managers responsible for management
of sustainability issues and review of selected evidence to support issues discussed. We were free to
choose interviewees and interviewed those with overall responsibility for the programmes to deliver the
targets for medium and long-term Vision, Mission, Vision and milestones;
Site visits were conducted in Tech Mahindra Organizational Headquarters at Pune, operational sites at
Bengaluru, Chennai and Chandigarh, and a video conference was conducted with TMEC, Bhubaneswar, to
review the processes and systems for aggregation of site level sustainability data and implementation of
management approach. The sites we visited were selected based on identified material topics as well as
geographical and divisional spread;
Review of supporting evidence for key claims and data disclosed in the Report. Our verification processes
were prioritised based on our risk-based approach i.e. relevance of identified material topics and
sustainability context of the business;
Review of the processes for gathering and consolidating the performance data and, for a sample, checking
the data consolidation at site and corporate level.
The reporting topic boundaries is based on the internal and external materiality assessment covering the
operations of entities in India i.e. the legal entities of the Tech Mahindra Limited, Tech Mahindra Business
Services Limited, Tech Mahindra Foundation and Tech Mahindra Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Limited,
as brought out in the Report in the section “Report Boundary and Scope”.
During the assurance process, we did not come across limitations to the scope of the agreed assurance
engagement; however, the Report excludes sustainability performance of wholly owned subsidiaries outside
India and subsidiaries which are not wholly owned by Tech Mahindra in FY 2017-18, and this is as set out in
the Report.
Without affecting our assurance opinion, we also provide the following observations.
Stakeholder Inclusiveness
The participation of stakeholders in developing and achieving an accountable and strategic response to Sustainability.
Tech Mahindra have identified twelve key stakeholder groups based on their criticality to business, and processes
are defined to engage with each group based on the stakeholder needs and context, and identified risks and
opportunities. The stakeholder engagement mechanisms are brought out in the Report along with significant concerns
raised by each group.
The process of determining the issues that are most relevant to an organization and its stakeholders.
Tech Mahindra has identified and prioritized material issues for its identified stakeholder groups through focused
interviews. Based on interactions between these groups and internal departments of the Company, a business
perspective was also incorporated, along with benchmarking with industry best practices. In our opinion, the Report
has not missed out any key material issues related to IT & ITES and BPO sector operations in India, which can
substantially affect the Company’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long terms.
The accuracy and comparability of information presented in the report, as well as the quality of underlying
data management systems.
The majority of data and information verified at the Organizational Headquarters at Pune, sites visited in India
were found to be identifiable and traceable to the source and nothing came to our attention to suggest that
reported data have not been properly collated and consolidated at corporate level, nor that the assumptions
used were inappropriate. Some of the data inaccuracies identified during the verification process were found
to be attributable to transcription, interpretation and aggregation errors and the errors have been
communicated for correction.
How much of all the information that has been identified as material to the organization and its stakeholders
is reported.
The Report has fairly attempted to disclose the sustainability disclosures for key material topics including the
disclosures on management approach and topic specific disclosures within the identified reporting boundary,
as well as disclosures recommended by the CDSB and TCFD. The reporting boundary excludes other wholly
owned subsidiaries outside India and subsidiaries which are not wholly owned by Tech Mahindra as part of its
consolidated financial statement; material topics relevant to these entities may be included in future reporting
The extent to which a report provides a balanced account of an organization’s performance, delivered in a
neutral tone.
The disclosures related to sustainability issues and performance are reported generally in a neutral
tone, in terms of content and presentation, however the Report could further bring out responses
related to the challenges faced during the reporting period at various geographical locations.
For and on behalf of DNV GL Business Assurance India Private Limited
DNV GL Business Assurance India Private Limited is part of DNV GL – Business Assurance, a global provider of certification, verification,
assessment and training services, helping customers to build sustainable business performance. -
About Tech Mahindra
Who We Are
Tech Mahindra Limited (Tech M) is a specialist in digital transformation, consulting and business re-engineering
solutions and is a part of the USD 20.7 billion Mahindra Group; a global federation of companies divided into 20
business sectors.
Tech Mahindra represents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric information technology
experiences, enabling Enterprises, Associates and the Society to Rise™. It’s a USD 4.77 billion company with 112800+
professionals across 90 countries, delivering value to over 910+ global customers including Fortune 500 Companies.
Our company has a leading presence in the fast-paced information technology (IT) industry. With global expertise and
seamless cross-platform functionality, Tech Mahindra creates IT solutions that empower companies to focus on, and
enhance their core businesses.
Tech Mahindra’s revenue was at INR 307,729 Million (USD 4,771 Million) for the financial year ended March 31, 2018.
Registering a growth of 9.6% in USD on a YoY basis, the company’s Profit After Tax (PAT) was at USD 588 Million
registering a growth of 40% on a YoY basis for the financial year 2017-18. Tech Mahindra is a Public Listed Company,
incorporated and domiciled in India and has its registered office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It has a primary listing
on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE).
Leveraging nearly three decades of experience, Tech Mahindra is a part of the Mahindra Group and is governed by
the “Rise” Philosophy. The group has an operational presence in over 100 countries and employs more than 200,000
people. And though it operates across vast geographies, the governing spirit of "Rise" binds the Mahindra Group.
What We Do
We power the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric technology services and solutions that enable
enterprises, associates and communities to Rise™. The key sectors serviced by us include Banking, Financial Services
and Insurance; Communication; Media & Entertainment; Energy & Utilities; Health Care and Life sciences; High tech;
Manufacturing; Public Sector and Government; Retail and Consumer Goods; and Travel, transport and logistics.
We help our customers achieve business outcomes through technology, being an end to end partner across
applications, network, security and technology innovation. Our services spans across IT Outsourcing, Consulting, Next
Generation Solutions, Application Outsourcing, Network, Infrastructure Management, Integrated Engineering Solutions,
BPO, Platform Solutions and Mobile Value Added Services. Our innovation platforms and reusable assets connect
across a number of technologies to deliver tangible business value to our stakeholders. We are well placed with our
breadth of service offerings in emerging areas of Big Data, Mobility, Network, Cloud, Security, Platforms and
Engineering Services. We constantly innovate, building intellectual property through various services and platforms to
help our customer transform. We operate across 90 countries, with dedicated offices in following countries.
Our Portfolio
Cloud - Our Cloud Computing solutions help business adaptability, cost efiiciency and business collaboration.
ADMS, Java and Open Source - Tech Mahindra is premier Application Development & Maintenance Services
provider geared to ensure continuous improvement in service levels that will help meet customer’s strategic
business objective.
Customer Experience - Tech Mahindra’s consulting Services comprise a comprehensive team of
Consultants and thought leaders specializing in Business Transformation, Business Process Consulting.
Enterprise Architecture - Tech Mahindra has a proven track record in delivering end-to-end Enterprise
Architecture services.
Platforms, analytics and connected enterprise solutions PACES - Tech Mahindra has extensive
experience across Enterprise Business Solutions suite of applications, Spanning Enterprise Resource
Planning, Data & Analytics and platforms.
Enterprises of the Future
Integrated Engineering Solutions- Integrated Engineering Solutions (IES), a connected Engineering
Solutions business unit of Tech Mahindra, aligns Technology, Businesses and Customers through innovative
Infrastructure management services - Tech Mahindra’s IT Infrastructure management services offers a
suite of reliable, responsive, flexible and proven infrastructure services and solutions that deliver differentiated
value to our customer’s business.
Mobility Solutions - Combining the strengths of Tech Mahindra’s mobility solutions and Mahindra Comviva
subsidiary of Tech Mahindra we are today approx. 2800 mobility professionals serving over 250 customers in
100 + countries making us the leading mobile solution provider from Asia.
Network Services
Performance Engineering - It is dedicated horizontal business unit with over 7500 person years’ of
experience. The unit meets customer’s Non-Functional (NF) testing needs, such as response time SLA’s,
scalability, availability, reliability etc.
Product Lifecycle Management - Our Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Practice provides
comprehensive end-to-end service offerings, which includes building innovative solutions to the most pressing
PLM challenges.
Enterprise Security and Risk Management - With more than 16 years of experience, Tech Mahindra’s
Enterprise Security and Risk Management (ESRM) services provides services to 140+ large global clients,
including 5 Fortune 20 companies.
TechM IBM Power Solutions and Services
Platform Solutions
Our Platform Solutions leverage our best in class analytics, service delivery capabilities, domain knowledge access to
new technology and process acumen to provide our customers with business solutions that enable scalability, flexibility
and cost predictability.
CareXa: Next Generation Customer Care platform for agent virtualization, analytics, assisted interactions and
digital channels.
UNO: A Robotic Process Automation tool that manages operations effectively and efficiently
SOCIO: A Social Media Management platform providing actionable insights and proactive solutions in a world
of multiplying factors and multiple interaction points.
Smart Offers: A Big Data analytics platform for Personalized Marketing and Customer Retention
PRISM: A self Service predictive analytics platform
FQCC (Field Quality and Cost Control): An end to end, production quality and predictive analytics solution
Retirement and Wealth Services: SURE (Superannuation) - The pension and retirement lanscape is in state
of flux chacterized by ongoing evolution and reform.
Tech Mahindra CUBES: Unified NextGen Managed Services Platform enabler for running IT Service
operations and Service management.
OMS – Order Management System
MDS – Management Data Services
Epselon: Digital transformations by providing an automated assessment of the enterprise baseline
Digital CPE: B2B enterprise to demand services, test applicability to their environment, and consume services
on the go.
Next Gen Solution
Big Data - Our Big Data consulting helps in gaining insight from large volumes of structured or unstructured
Content Delivery Networks - Our solution offers service providers the scale, servicability and openness needed
to deploy CDN.
Device Testing & Certification - We offer platform validation, conformance and preconformance testing etc for
global complainace services.
Digital Enterprise Services - Leverage the power of convergence of seven technologies- Networks, Mobility,
Analytics, Cloud, Security, Social and Sendors to enable organisations future Proof and Future Ready.
Green and Sustainability Solutions - Going beyond the traditional Green IT. Our solutions help achieve a
company’s sustainability goals and objectives.
Long Term Evolution - Our services help telecom operations speed up time-to-market and help quick launch
of prducts.
Internet Of Things (IoT) - Interest in the Internet Of Things(IoT) market is rapidly expanding as companies
across multiple vertical industries recognize the need for connectivity and the potential transformation enabled
through connectivity.
New Generation Supply Chain - Our Supply chain management team offers customer centric business
solutions that help saving cost and revenue growth.
Smart Grid - Our solutions help reduce energy consumption and benefit the utilities and their customers.
Spend Management System - Our solution helps our customers streamline supplier-facing business practices
and sourcing of goods and services.
Industrial Internet of Things -
Smart Cities - The Internet of Things(IoT) enables cities and administrations to transform resource
management, governance, citizen services and security.
AT&T FlexWave SM
Scored 100 percentile in the Social aspect for DJSI 2017; thus set an aspiration benchmark for other
One of the 11 Indian Companies to make it through the DJSI Emerging Markets Index 2017
Included in the 2018 RobecoSam Sustainability Yearbook and received the Silver Class distinction for our
excellent sustainability performance- one of only 2 Indian companies to receive this distinction
Stakeholder Relations
Stakeholders are individuals, groups and entities that are affected by the activities of Tech Mahindra’s business and
those that have the ability to impact the growth and development of the company. Fair, transparent and strong
relationship with the stakeholders is critical to the long-term profitability and business success. The nature and quality
of relationship has a direct linkage with business growth and sustainability.
We at Tech Mahindra understand the relevance of maintaining strong relations with stakeholders.
Relationships with these stakeholders facilitate a development and enhancement of our Human, Intellectual, Social
and Relationship, Natural and Manufactured Capitals and enable the growth of our Financial Capital.
We have a structured process for identification of stakeholders and engagement with them. Stakeholders have been
identified based on their criticality for business. We are in business because of our customers, employees and investors.
Local communities and regulators provide us a license to operate. Internal and external systems and processes,
organizational facilities and the right suppliers and NGO partners enable us to carry out our activities in alignment with
Tech Mahindra’s core values. Partners & collaborators and academia provide future growth areas. We view each of
them as relevant stakeholders.
Continued engagement with stakeholders is a precursor to sustained value creation. We have a defined process for
engaging with our stakeholders.
Depending on the stakeholder group, the frequency of engagement is defined. It is periodic, continuous or on an ad-
hoc basis depending on the stakeholder and the need and purpose of engagement. The need for engagement vary
from sharing relevant information, gaining feedback, responding to inputs, identifying risks & opportunities and
synergies for collaboration and co-creation. The methods of engagement are also decided and reviewed based on the
stakeholder need and context. The methods for some of the critical stakeholders are enumerated in detail while the
other stakeholders are tabulated.
At Tech Mahindra, we recognize associates as the most critical stakeholders. We understand that our people have to
be encouraged, recognized and rewarded to create, grow and sustain a world-class organization.
We promote an open feedback culture and empower associates to act as agents of change in their business domains.
We also encourage them to give back to society by contributing in the areas they are passionate about through
employee volunteering.
Tech Mahindra recognizes the right to freedom of association and encourages associates to connect, discuss ideas
and raise issues through readily available internal tools and platforms. Some of the avenues like Freevoice (a portal
where associates can air their issues), IRIS (our Idea bank), All Hands Meets and Redressal committee offer an
opportunity for associates to interact with the management, raise concerns and resolve issues/ conflicts in a fair and
transparent manner. Employee engagement and other aspects of human capital development are discussed in the
Section on Enhancing our Human Capital.
We maintain a close relationship with our customers through constant dialogues through various channels. It helps us
to understand their needs better and helps the customers understand the products and service offerings better. It also
enables us to capture the pulse of the industry and understand the future landscape; at the same time helping the
company adapt to these changes.
We conduct an annual survey to evaluate the needs and feedback of the customers. The Customer as Promoter (CaP)
Score is computed from the response to one focused question - “How likely is it that you would recommend this
organization to a friend or colleague?” This survey provides us an excellent opportunity to gauge customers and
understand their key issues. In addition, the business functions at various touch points reach out to customers to
understand their needs and deliver services. The methods of engagement with customers are covered in detail in the
Section on Customer Value Creation.
While earlier financial disclosures were focused on the financial capital only, in the current environment, strategy,
business model, risks and opportunities as well as the other capitals – viz. human capital, intellectual capital, and
natural capital are also as important for the company’s sustainability. In an endeavor to share this information
transparently with the providers of capital, we released our first Integrated Report in 2016-17. We intend to report the
Integrated Report annually. The key information on economic disclosures is detailed in the section on Financial
Local Communities
As a responsible corporate citizen, we are committed to working towards improving the lives of the socially and
economically disadvantaged people. Tech Mahindra Foundation (TMF) actively reaches out to the local communities
and engages with them through structured and informal need identification and impact assessment to understand their
needs and expectations. Inputs are received from the beneficiaries of the CSR projects, the NGO partners as well as
the local bodies. The impact created by Tech Mahindra is covered in the Section on Social & relationship Capital.
because of market and climate related risks. TechM’s Business Continuity Management system allows us to have an
integrated view of the requirement and accordingly plan, coordinate and execute strategies to mitigate supply chain
risk. The engagement methods, topics and frequency are detailed on the section on Supply Chain Management.
Government & Local Responsible CSR programs in aspects Meetings and Quarterly, Bi-
Bodies corporate of education & interactions, personal annually,
Governance, employability, Annual interviews, surveys Annually,
development report, sustainability As and when
al activities report, press releases, required
investor presentations,
corporate website,
quarterly and annual
NGOs Public Conferences and Online surveys Bi-annually,
advocacy seminars, Working Annually, As
Committee Meetings, and when
Meetings, Disclosures at required
sustainability platforms,
Conferences & Summits
Internal – External Sustainable All the internal and Process executions, Continuous,
(Systems & systems & external supporting changes & upgrades multiple times
Processes) processes processes & systems, a day, change
Change request & in policy,
upgradation, policy external
changes, risks related environment,
changes as and when
Suppliers & Vendors Satisfaction Supplier & vendor meets, Vendor engagement Annually
of internal workshops & training, meet
customers policies, Strategic Ongoing
for development of
platforms and solutions
Organization Facility Safe, Secure Emission Controls, Employee feedbacks Annually
/ Location & healthy Emission Reduction
workplace initiatives & plans, New
infra development plans,
Upgradation plans
Society At Large Economic CSR programs in aspects Meetings and Quarterly, Bi-
Development of education & interactions, personal annually,
with employability, Annual interviews, surveys Annually,
environment report, sustainability As and when
sustenance report, press releases, required
investor presentations,
corporate website,
quarterly and annual
Continued engagement with stakeholders helps gain inputs on their perception of value creation and their expectations
from Tech Mahindra. It helps us in identifying risks and opportunities to the business, and opportunities for collaboration,
co-innovation and co-creation. It also helps us to identify and develop solutions that can address these risks.
Associates/ Employees
HR engagement tools at Tech Mahindra have been developed based on feedback from the associates through formal
surveys. They help gauge associate needs and engagement levels and help the management learn about workplace
strengths and weaknesses. Our online survey TechM CARES measures associate experience across key dimensions
like Career Alignment, Recognition, Empowerment and Strive. The Action Planning feature after the survey enables
collaborative decision-making. It influences aspects such as jobs, work environment, and the direction of the company
as a whole.
The inputs, feedbacks and suggestions received from customers are incorporated in decision-making strategy
development, and development of new solutions and applications. Acumos, which was co-created by Tech Mahindra
and AT&T is an industry standard for making Artificial Intelligence applications easily accessible to any developer by
building a common framework and platform for exchanging machine learning solutions. Sustainability solutions in
mobility, smart grids etc have been developed in response to the sustainability and climate change mega trends which
impact our customers. It has been covered in detail in the Chapter on Intellectual Capital.
Collaborations and Partnerships
In response to the evolving customer expectations and the external environment of technology disruption, TechM
collaborated with a variety of partners, including Affirmed Networks, Altiostar, and Cloudify that are driving innovation
in areas such as virtual RAN, virtual probes, and cloud orchestration.This has helped us tap into innovation globally.
We collaborated with startups in the Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv, Israel, in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud,
Blockchain, Analytics and SD Networks.
Local Communities
The feedback received has been used in designing relevant projects, initiatives and activities. The inputs are considered
while deciding the focus of the future CSR projects and areas for action. It has been TMF’s endeavor to promote quality
education and employability for vulnerable sections of society through novel and collaborative partnerships with
Government, NGOs and other organizations across India. Engagements at the grass-root level have enabled us to
forge long-lasting relationship with society.
Material Topics
Tech Mahindra discloses matters that can substantially affect our ability to create value in the short, medium and long
term. We have a structured materiality assessment processes. It enables us to focus on the things that matter. We use
Materiality Assessment as a strategic business tool that enables us to take into consideration environmental, social
and economic aspects while developing our business strategy. It provides us an opportunity to engage with and
consider the interests of our stakeholders integrate them with our strategy and sustain a positive impact on the bottom
The process for identification of material matters to be disclosed was designed considering the priorities of the company
as well as the interests of the stakeholders.
The materiality assessment started with identification & prioritization of key stakeholders and determining engagement
and feedback mechanism for each group of stakeholders. Detailed interactions with various stakeholders were
conducted, through focused interviews and interactions by the different functions and departments within Tech
Mahindra. The feedback received through ongoing engagements is used in listing material issues from the perspective
of the stakeholder.
Prioritization of Material Issues
Material topics are those, which appear as high priority for the company as well as the relevant stakeholders. The
material aspects were prioritized taking inputs from both internal and external stakeholders. They were then
benchmarked with peer best practices as well as other public information. The material topics for the Company are in
the broad spectrum of Social, Economic and Environment Management. However to align focus on Digitization that will
drive the future, we have included Digitization as a new Material topic. It was earlier covered under Innovation.
We review our materiality assessment annually in line with the dynamically changing external environment and evolving
stakeholder priorities. We also continually review and reassess the materiality assessment process.
Management Approach
The material topics represented in the materiality matrix have been classified broadly into areas of social, economic
and environment under the heads of Human Capital, Innovation and Environment Management.
Human Capital Innovation
Human Capital
Employee engagement appeared as the highest priority for Tech Mahindra. As a technology firm, we rely on the right
talent for business sustainability and growth by servicing customer needs. Professional and attitudinal development of
the associates is a business imperative. There is a need to develop well-rounded professionals who believe in the
company’s core values and the Mahindra brand philosophy and have the right technical skills and an entrepreneurial,
solution-oriented mindset. Associate engagement is essential for retaining such employees. The management is
committed to focused career development and associate health and safety to help them achieve their potential. This
also helps reduce attrition. Career development is essential for ensuring that the associates are up to speed in servicing
the new technology needs of digitization, automation, machine-learning, and artificial intelligence – the solutions that
make Tech Mahindra future-ready and relevant. In keeping with the Mahindra Rise philosophy, the company
encourages employee volunteering. They form the key components of the Human Capital.
Innovation, Digitization and Strategic Initiatives are an integral part of the business model and strategy. They enable
us to service the changing customer needs. Digitization, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual
Reality, Augmented Reality and other technologies are globally being used as enablers of value - bringing efficiency in
manufacturing, helping stay focused on customer centricity, managing big data, and developing solutions to help
address global sustainability challenges like climate change, water stress and resource scarcity. They are a need of
the future enterprises as well as governments and economy. They also help Tech Mahindra respond to the evolving
technological expectations of new age customers.
Environment Management
Proper utilization and conservation of resources is the prime objective of environmental management. Energy, waste,
water, biodiversity management and climate change risk management are our key sustainability initiatives, which are
material for us. The direct and indirect actions of human activities impact environment causing global warming and
natural resource depletion. Energy conservation, going renewable, effective management of energy, water and waste
requires global attention. Conservation of biodiversity by protecting different species, flora and fauna requires special
attention. Reduce, reuse, recycle is essential to conserve energy, water and waste reducing GHG emissions and tackle
climate change. We have a robust risk management mechanism with mitigation strategies for our climate change risks
The boundary for all material topics listed in the materiality matrix is limited to India as it constitutes the majority of the
company’s activities and impacts. However, the management approach is applicable to the Global Boundaries.
Driving Action - Sustainability Framework
Tech Mahindra nurtures a business philosophy of alternative thinking, strategically leveraging sustainability to our
competitive advantage. This ideology of Sustainability is reflected in our rigor and strategic thinking across the
organization. Connectedness with each of our stakeholders is crucial and paramount to us. The material topics are
aligned with business strategy. Post identification of prioritized material topics, we reached out to different functions
and departments to discuss material aspects and KPIs (Key performance indicators). The Materiality Matrix is aligned
with the Mahindra Sustainability Framework.
Tech Mahindra’s Sustainability Roadmap
Waste Ensure no waste Reduction in Paper 93.37 ton 86.17 ton 70.15 ton 15%
Management to landfill Consumption
products manufactured
for TechM
Talent Retention Build a great IT Attrition rate 20% 17% 18% 17%
place to work
Health & Safety Build a great Health, Safety and 83% (10 11 100%( 12 100%( 12
place to work Ergonomics Trainings locations) locations locations) locations)
at locations
CSR Foster inclusive Direct & indirect 3.85 2.50 4.90 5.39
development beneficiaries of Tech
Mahindra Foundation
(Figures in Lakh)
The management approach is reviewed by the CSR Committee and evaluated by Tech Mahindra Sustainability Council
and is explained in detail under the Governance Section.
At Tech Mahindra, we have robust Governance systems, which are adaptable to the changing external environment.
We adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance, ethical business conduct, transparency and
The governance of the company is through its various Board Level Committees, the key responsibilities of which are
listed. Climate change and other material matters receive attention at the Board level through the Risk Management
Committee, CSR Committee and the Stakeholder Relationship Committee. The average tenure of the Board is 9.9
Stakeholder Relationship Committee
Cyber security risks are growing, both in prevalence and in their disruptive potential. With the proliferation of technology
in day-to-day life and business, data security and data privacy become paramount. Tech Mahindra has collaborated
with the state government of Andhra Pradesh to establish country’s first Cyber Security Operations Centre (APCSOC)
in the city of Vijayawada. The establishment of APCSOC is a manifestation of Tech Mahindra’s strategy to deliver
excellence and value in the cybersecurity space, as part of the TechMNxt charter.
To ensure creation of defined and measurable results from our green initiatives, we have charted a sustainability
roadmap. The defined goals and targets are distributed across the management, function & department heads and the
employees. The performance of relevant personnel is linked to their Balance Score Cards (used to measure
performance) and KRAs. Climate Change is aligned to the balanced score cards of the ‘CEO & MD’ and senior leaders
of the organization.
The Sustainability Council comprises of the key department heads like Finance, Human Resources, Corporate
Services, Legal Services and Sustainability & Customer Centricity and meets every quarter to review progress. Mr.
Sandeep Chandna, the Chief Sustainability Officer, is responsible for driving integrated sustainability thinking across
the organization. Tech Mahindra Sustainability Council also consults with the Mahindra Group Sustainability Council
which comprise of TechM Board member Ulhas Yargop and the Mahindra Group Sustainability Head.
Composition of TechM Sustainability Council
Departments and Designation Name
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mr. Milind Kulkarni
Deputy CFO Mr. Manoj Bhat
Chief People Officer Mr. Rakesh Soni
Chief Sustainability Officer Mr. Sandeep Chandna
Head of Corporate Services Mr. Shivanand Raja
Head of Legal Services Mr. Atanu Sarkar
Sustainability is governed by and driven across the Organization through the Sustainability Policy. It provides guidance
on impacts, risks and opportunities in the context of value creation.
Sustainability Champions
Each location council has a Sustainability Champion who oversees the implementation, monitoring and review of the
Climate Change and Sustainability Reporting, implementation of strategy and initiatives, environmental compliance and
management of sustainability related risks.
The Corporate Services and Human Resources functions work in coordination with the Sustainability Council in
integrating sustainability with business. The departments collaborate and support the TechM Sustainability Cell in
driving sustainability, and managing non-financial disclosures. The environmental reporting data is monitored by the
Sustainability Champions every month and reviewed by the Corporate Sustainability Cell every quarter. The data for
environmental reporting is reviewed by the Sustainability Council every 6 months.
Location Council
Governance Policies
Our Code of Ethical Business Conduct (CEBC) and the policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) aim to
reinforce our commitment to ethics, good governance, values and acceptable standards of corporate behaviors within
our Organization and with all our stakeholders.
To ensure a 100% completion of this organization level mandate, we are also enhancing the module by automating a
few features, making it more stringent. Associates who do not complete the mandate in a timely manner are asked to
leave the organization.
Human Rights
Tech Mahindra follows the International Human Rights norms and National Labour laws that protect and empower all
associates within Tech Mahindra’s scope of control and influence. All, who produce products or provide services for
Tech Mahindra, including associates employed by Tech Mahindra itself, as well as by its suppliers/subcontractors, and
sub-suppliers are included in the scope of these norms and policies. Tech Mahindra policies ensures non-employment
of Child Labour, Forced and Compulsory Labour, promotes Health and Safety, Freedom of Association & Right to
Collective Bargaining and non- discrimination on the basis of caste, gender etc. within the company.
Risks and Opportunities
Tech Mahindra has a robust process for identification, measurement and management of risks that includes financial
as well as other risks like climate change, cyber security etc. The risks identified are reported to the Board Members,
the Leadership Team and all other relevant stakeholders periodically along with management plans and strategy.
Reporting these risks helps us to integrate them into management decision making and ensure business continuity. It
also provides opportunities for improvement; internal innovation; and development of new solutions, which gives us a
competitive advantage.
Sunil Sanger,
Chief Risk Officer, Chief Internal Auditor & Corporate Ombudsman,
Data Protection Officer
As a Technology Company, we ensure the highest order of data privacy and protection as an integral part of our
business. Sunil Sanger is the Data Protection Officer is formally responsible for data privacy and he directly reports to
Vineet Nayyar, Vice Chairman and Board Member of Tech Mahindra. (The reporting is changed to CP Gurnani, MD
and CEO since April 2018)
Risk Management
Risk Assessment By using tools like SWOT Analysis; event/decision tree analysis and assessment of
probability and magnitude of impact.
The approach to risk management is that of early stage identification, communication and management. Risk
management includes focused actions like strengthening operational controls; deploying and updating business
continuity and disaster recovery; developing business resilience; driving internal awareness and identifying business
All business functions have designated Risk Officers who collect inputs on a monthly basis for updating the risk register.
The identified risks are assessed on the basis of outcomes, probability and magnitude of impacts. Tools like SWOT
(Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat) Analysis, Event/decision Tree Analysis, Scenario Analysis, Delphi
Technique, Cause and Effect Diagram and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) are used to assess the risks. These
techniques allow early stage prediction of different scenarios and its probable impact on Tech Mahindra’s Business
Continuity and Growth.
We have used IEA 2DS scenario analysis to create sustainability strategies, assess risks for our business and utilize
opportunities arising from climate change. We use macro-economic variables, price of key commodities and our green
investments as other variables for scenario analysis of the entire value chain (inputs, operations & markets) and
supporting multiple client operations globally. For analysis we have taken long term as FY 2050, since technology
services markets are evolutionary.
We also consider TCFD recommendations by taking into account, past and future estimated analysis while considering
the potential financial impacts of climate change.
We have deployed the Business Continuity Plan based on the risks identified. Risks, impacts and strategies are
reported to the Board each quarter and are set out in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report.
Identification of opportunities is embedded within business verticals and solutions groups which have a direct interaction
with the customers. The opportunities identified are benchmarked with industry during regular meetings with Chief
Technology Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Innovation Management Cell. Opportunities identified are
prioritized based on the following parameters. This helps provide impetus to overall sustainable business growth.
R&D Initiatives applicability to business verticals.
Market Relevance and competition of the project.
Applicability to overall business strategy.
Feasibility of a business case for solutions related to climate change
Size of opportunity.
Budgeting aspects of R&D projects.
Milestones achieved on R&D Projects.
Customer demand for IT-based Solutions for energy management and climate change.
Risk Spectrums
Tech Mahindra’s risk management process allows identification, mitigation and management across the broad
spectrum of Current and Emerging Regulatory Risks; Financial Risks; Upstream and Downstream Risks; Market Risks;
Technology Risks; Policy and Legal Risks and Chronic Risks.
Response Strategy
The Business Continuity Planning (BCP) exercise is an ongoing process of risk assessment (including environmental
risks) and mitigation measures. In order to ensure a level of readiness to maintain the continuity of its critical business
and services to customers, Tech Mahindra has put together a Business Continuity Management framework, which
encompasses its key functions, projects and systems.
Tech Mahindra has made sustained investments in developing and implementing an effective business contingency
plan, along with mitigation measures for recovery of IT infrastructure and operations, in the event of a disaster. Example:
Along with the preparation of BCP and DR plans, regular disaster recovery trials and mock drills are carried out across
all customer projects. Backup copies of essential business data and software are taken regularly and stored offsite. We
have an Environment policy in place, which extends to all our offices and reiterates the strategy for environmental
protection. Our employees can work from home and the company provides cab/shuttle services for their commutation
to get rid of transport difficulties. The company also provides free medical facilities on campus. Better workforce
management and planning helps us prevent negative impacts of workforce like health, safety, absenteeism and thus
help in reducing our operation/Business losses. We have insurance for assets/locations.
Chronic Physical
Precipitation Patterns
Precipitation patterns are changing within the Indian Sub-continent. Due to dynamic change in weather conditions,
areas where heavy rainfall was observed traditionally, is seeing reduced precipitation while some of the drought prone
areas have delayed monsoon. Heavy industrialization, forest destruction, green cover destruction is also leading to less
rainfall and reduced water retention ability of soil. Decreased rainfall and drying up of rivers and other water bodies will
result in water scarcity, directly affecting operations. Projected water stress and seasonal supply variability will lead to
higher purchase prices of commercial water leading to higher operating costs. Our facilities, which are located in coastal
areas, can be affected by sea level rise. It can threaten the safety of the associates; our assets and operations.
Response Strategy
We recycle water, carry out rainwater harvesting to reduce dependence on fresh water, and have installed water
sensors to reduce water consumption. We carry out greater due diligence likewater quality checks for incoming water.
For Sea Level rise, the change may not happen in the short term, it may take long-term cumulative changes to sea
level. We review our risks in every 3 months and take appropriate decisions to reduce the impact like relocating
operations at suitable distances, or cities.
Dynamic weather changes:
Due to dynamic changes in weather conditions, areas with heavy rainfall traditionally, is seeing reduced rainfall, while
some of the drought-prone areas have delayed monsoon. Precipitation often occurs in extremes, and may cause floods
and outbreak of diseases. This affects the day-to-day life of our associates who find it difficult to commute and could
be prone to new and modified diseases, which are difficult to combat with the current inadequate immunity profiles. All
this can affect our employees' health and in turn affect the business
Response Strategy:
In order to ensure a level of readiness to maintain the continuity of its critical business and services to customers, Tech
Mahindra has made multiple programs for employee’s health and safety. Our buildings are certified and we have a
doctor on call with basic health amenities available for employees within the campus. In case travel and commute is
not possible due to some disruption, there is a provision of guesthouses in some of our campuses. Yoga and
vaccination camps arranged within offices to alleviate any harmful impacts of pollution and other diseases and help
health management
Sea Level Rise:
Rising sea levels due to an increase in temperature or due to some catastrophic event at sea or climate, can impair our
service delivery and operations. We have inter-continental networks spread through sea cables. Some of the premises
globally have dedicated peer-to-peer network cables. Any physical damage of cables can result in connectivity being
lost across locations, customers, Tech Mahindra facilities and employees. This can hamper our service delivery and
operations and impact customer’s operations continuity.
Response Strategy:
In order to ensure a level of readiness and maintain the continuity of its critical business and services to customers,
Tech Mahindra has made sustained investments in developing and implementing an effective business contingency
plan, along with mitigation measures for recovery of IT infrastructure and operations, in the event of a disaster. Along
with the preparation of BCP and DR plans, regular disaster recovery trials and mock drills are carried out across all
customer projects.
Current and Emerging Regulation
Carbon Tax Impacting the Bottom Line
Increased pricing of GHG emissions due to current regulatory policies is a potential risk. India has a clean energy tax.
It is a form of carbon tax paid as excise duty under section 83 (3) of the Finance Act, 2010 on Coal, Lignite and Peat.
India has cut subsidies and increased taxes on fossil fuels (petrol and diesel) turning a carbon subsidy regime into one
of carbon taxation by putting an effective price on emissions. This has significantly increased petrol and diesel price to
dis-incentivize CO2 emissions. The Carbon Tax will have a direct impact on Tech Mahindra’s bottom line.
Response Strategy:
We have been taking steps to move towards energy from renewal sources by installing solar panels across 7 facilities
and usage of windmills. We are further investing in solar energy across 4 more locations and thereby reducing the
higher cost impact from clean energy tax. We have taken targets in our roadmap for reducing our energy intensity and
GHG emissions and increasing the percentage of solar energy. We are using energy efficient systems like Motion
Sensors, LEDS, HVAC equipment and Natural Cooling Systems for Data centers to reduce electricity use and GHG
emissions. We are also committed to increasing our energy consumption from solar, wind and other renewable energy
sources. We are also constantly working on reducing employee travels, sharing cars and ride options, optimizing
transportation and logistics, and reducing business travel for reducing our energy intensity.
Technology Risk
Cost to transition to lower emissions:
We are using technology to support our facilities’ operations, ACs, data centers, laptops & computers which are used
as modes of work and for operations management. Technology is ever evolving and there are always new R&D,
evolution to new age devices with improved energy intake and utilization. As the organization adapts to new technology,
this can have severe cost impacts and lead to Transition risk of "Costs to transition to lower emissions technology” risk
that leads to phasing-out and replacement of existing assets used across the organization. This type of risk applies to
the usage of our data centers, desktops, laptops and ACs etc.
Response Strategy
We are replacing our existing data centers with more efficient HVAC containment, airflow reduction systems, utilizing
natural cooling techniques wherever possible, using LED lighting and adiabatic cooling and investing in Renewable
Energy in a phased manner across 7 of our facilities. This reduces the risk of higher cost implication in one go. Tech
Mahindra has considered this risk and has started replacing CFL lamps with LEDs, High definition parking lamps with
Solar lights, and usage of more energy efficient equipment.
Legal Risk
Measuring Air quality:
The risk of Litigation on maintaining air quality for environmental protection has become one of the major legal risks.
The Air Act in coordination with the EPA provides the prevention, control and regulation of air quality in India and
requires consent to establish for organizations across all its facilities. Legal cases filed due to failure of organizations
to mitigate impacts of climate change, failure to adapt to climate change, and the insufficiency of disclosure around
material financial risks are also a possibility that we focus on.
Response Strategy:
Tech Mahindra has already taken this risk in consideration and measures air quality through performing multiple checks
at stack (DG sets) and ambient and which is kept under control through various sustainability initiatives and within limits
of our Consent to operate given by the Pollution Control Board. We also ensure compliance through regular monitoring
and reporting according to GRI standard guidelines.
We are also fully aware of climate change issues and ensure that we mitigate them on priority basis through various
initiatives and green technologies.
Market Risk
Changing customer preferences:
Consumers are increasingly choosing to work with suppliers of products &services from environmentally sustainable
organizations. Many companies now prefer to do business with only those companies, which are environment
conscious and are taking adequate steps to reduce their negative environmental impacts.
Response Strategy
Our Sustainability Council ensures that we have a focused approach towards sustainability and ensure that our
sustainability measures reflect in our actions. We publish our CSR & Sustainability initiatives in our Annual reports,
Sustainability reports and on our website. We are compliant with the law of the land &make sustained efforts towards
green business. We conduct Customer Satisfaction surveys, Employee Engagement surveys and interactive supplier
workshops to have two-way engagements with stakeholders focused on sustainability.
Reputation Risk
Increased stakeholder concern:
Given the impact of climate change on various aspects of life, businesses are increasingly adopting policies and actions
towards reducing their environmental impacts and imbibing sustainability within the operations. Companies across
industries have included climate change in the overall business strategies. We see this trend becoming stronger in the
coming years. Companies who are already taking initiatives to reduce the environmental impacts are having a positive
edge as compared to competitors who are not. Tech Mahindra has been taking various steps in this regard. However,
the company still considers a risk to reputation in case it is not able to comply with any regulation.
Response Strategy:
Our Sustainability Council ensures that we have a focused approach towards sustainability and plugin any potential
loss due to customer churn rate. We also ensure that our sustainability measures reflect in our actions. We publish our
CSR and Sustainability initiatives in our Annual reports, Integrated reports and on our website. We are compliant with
the law of land and make sustained efforts into green business. We conduct Customer Satisfaction surveys, Employee
Engagement surveys and interactive supplier workshops to have two-way engagements with stakeholders focused on
Response Strategy:
Tech Mahindra commits to proactively address water sustainability issues by implementing the Water Policy, which will
serve as a directive for establishing Water Management strategies, systems, processes, practices and research
initiatives keeping in view sustainability aspect to:
• Comply with legal requirements,
• Minimize its water footprint
• Maintain desired water quality during processes and discharges, if any.
Alignment of public policies with internal water stewardship goals will help in management of our operations from that
location efficiently. Tech M has robust Water Management System to optimize specific water consumption at Tech M
premises. The Water management system shall ensure:
• Right quality of water at every point of use, with zero deviation.
• Effective operation of all the equipment is used for treating water.
• Break down water consumption for all processes individually and benchmark the same internally with other
plants and outside
• Regularly review the quality and availability of water
Resource Efficiency
Reduced operating cost
There is a possibility of delay in monsoons in the coming years. With this, there is a possibility of increasing water
scarcity. We completely recycle our water within our major campus and have water-harvesting plants. In case of change
in precipitation patterns, we are resilient to any adverse effect due to our water recycling policies and systems. Since
we have already implemented water-conserving measures, we see an opportunity to reduce our operational costs as
well as too much dependency on the fresh water.
Response Strategy:
Water scarcity is a growing problem, which requires global attention and action. We foresee increased costs in
purchasing fresh water with the growth of our business operations, risk of loss in potential Brand value of the
organization and loss in revenue if we do not establish a robust Water Management Strategy and plan. At Tech
Mahindra, we believe in the sustainable management of the water resources we use across our operations. To support
this, we are focused on increasing our understanding of water-related risks and impacts to our business and to the
communities we serve, setting meaningful goals, improving our water efficiency, and advancing innovative solutions to
water challenges. We make our efforts transparent by disclosing our annual water use, our water-related risks and
governance of water through our annual integrated reports. Tech Mahindra addresses water sustainability issues by
implementing Water Policy with Water Management strategies, systems, processes & practices.
Building Carbon Resilience
Increased revenue through diversification:
De-carbonizing our business makes financial sense. Carbon reduction pathways are no different from our business
pathways. In the emerging climate risk scenarios, Tech Mahindra is striving to move towards a Low Carbon future. Our
performance is demonstrated by the external recognitions we have received in the form of awards. We made it on
various forums and indices like CDP Climate Change, CDP Supply Chain, DJSI, EcoVadis, OEKOM, FTSE etc. There
is a lot of potential to diversify our portfolio and provide consulting with a nominal price charged for our Suppliers. While
working to steadily reduce the carbon footprint from our own activities and operations, we hope to play an enabling role
in assisting our value chain partners – our customers, suppliers and vendors – in transitioning towards low carbon
development and growth and report them through various forums.
Response Strategy:
Tech Mahindra has played a significant role in area of sustainability and established itself as a leader in this space.
Tech Mahindra is already into forming integrated report with CDSB framework, conducting assessments and audits for
suppliers, taking capacity-building workshops to improve in this space. We have also implemented Carbon Pricing to
abate GHG emissions and invested in various Sustainability projects like increased Renewable Energy sourcing,
energy efficiency, LEED certifications, environmental management systems, Green building certifications and creating
awareness amongst our employees, customers and suppliers. Associates are part of our program called ‘Making
Sustainability Personal’ and are part of various events, seminars, and activities which advocate and bring awareness
on protecting environment. Tech Mahindra’s strategy FutuRise has a strategic focus on increasing climate change and
sustainability linked solutions.
External Environment
In the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the rate of change in the external environment. Companies
are required to align their strategies and business models with the changing external environment and risks. Tech
Mahindra is deploying various strategic initiatives, forming strategic collaborations & partnerships with academia and
industry, acquiring new age start-ups and building internal competencies of the associates through Maker’s Labs and
other innovation and learning tools. The boundary of the external environment extends to Tech Mahindra’s Global
Boundaries within the organization, its customers, collaborators & partners and academia.
Neo Nationalism on the Rise “Peak Stuff” Consumerism Global Labour Market Tipping
Anti globalization and Consumer spend on experiences is A stagnant global workforce –
protectionism. Brexit & Trump rising. flattening due to the aging of the
election are examples. global population.
Firms are diversifying to hedge risks and the business Key global risks that can create scenarios from
buyers are changing. business disruption to collapse.
These global trends are greatly impacting businesses. As a Technology company, Tech Mahindra’s business and risk
response strategy is aligned to respond to these changing external environmental factors.
Majority of the industries including telecom, BFSI, utilities, and retail are at severe crossroads and at the cusp of digital
transformation. Communication service providers are facing new competitive challenges and opportunities due to the
convergence and the changing digital landscape. Digitization and changing consumer behaviour have resulted in
tremendous growth in IP traffic, which has eventually brought in a sense of urgency among infrastructure and network
service providers to pursue different, yet novel, ways to reinvent their networks while striking a balance between the
cost of operation and the quality of operation.
Network of things to become Crucial
Enterprises deploying IoT will look for IoT-specialized technology and solution providers to deal with challenges arising
from connecting thousands of devices, data overload, interoperability, security and eventually managing the entire
network of things. As the emphasis is on leveraging real-time data and providing immersive customer experience,
establishing such a network will become crucial than ever before.
FutuRise – Strategy for Value Creation
Disruptive changes across industries and geographies are impacting what and how we meet the expectations of all our
stakeholders – Investors, Customers, Associates & Society.
FUTURise is our clarion call to be relevant for all our stakeholders. It applies to both the organization and associate.
Jagdish Mitra
Chief Strategy and Marketing Manager
Our Value Addition
Continuing to invest and innovate for our customers as well as ensure that we have the business models & platforms
to help catapult us into the next league.
Transforming the existing Enabling a High Growth of Strategic Investments in Mergers and acquisitions
business Digital Technologies Silicon Valley, Leveraging
Business through TechM as sales Channel
collaboration among Providing Value to Tech
Competencies, Verticals Mahindra Customers
and Strategic Business
Zenith Program Seeing a breakout growth Approach
Customer Value in Digital Technologies
Creation Incubate/ seed invest/
Data Driven Customer partner
Approach Experience
People Analytics
Engagement and RPA and AI
Transformation Security Accelerate
Global Best BE/ Consulting
Practices Block Chain
Agility and Re- Augmented
layering Reality/Virtual
Disruptive Reality Scale
Thinking Platforms
It covers 3 Trends, 4 Technology Bets and 3 Customer Outcomes on which we the company has been building its
portfolio and go-to-market strategies. The strategy applies to all the industries – Media and Entertainment, Retail,
Manufacturing, Financial Services, Healthcare.
By using Artificial Intelligence, machine Learning, Bots, Self-healing and other new age
technologies to effectively reduce operational cost and enhance process times. Predictive
intelligence enabled by data also have led productivity and quality enhancement across the
business processes.
FASTER DevOps, Micro services, Analytics, Data Intelligence, Machine Learning are propelling
enterprises to evolve towards new stacks enabled by digital technologies. Enabling customers to
transform faster.
GREATER Digital has opened unprecedented options and posed dynamic challenges towards global
businesses. We have enabled our customers to constantly evolve and cater to new age consumer
demands. We will continue to enable our customers grow through risk sharing, technology as a
service and various business models.
The Digital business has grown by almost 500 basis points, it was 22.5%, in 2017 and it has grown to 27% now. We
also added about 70 active customers in FY’18. We have been very ruthless in the execution of our strategy - Run,
Change and Grow.
Value Creation for Customers
Service Responsibility is an intrinsic value for the Company. It encompasses customer centricity through constant
engagement, data privacy and security and continued value creation. We strive to meet customers’ needs and
expectations at every interaction, in return for customer loyalty. The ability to deliver this depends on the extent to which
‘customer-centricity’ is embedded within every employee.
Customer Centricity
At Tech Mahindra, Customer Centricity Office headed by Chief Customer Officer; is an office responsible for inculcating
culture of customer centricity across the organization. Customer Centricity Office (CCO) takes partnership approach in
customer engagements, by ensuring our customer succeed while reducing their risks.
These technologies will redefine business models of customers and create future growth opportunities, reduce
operating costs, reduce time for standard processes and empower them to target newer segments and markets.
The customers of today need speed and agility that is enabled by digital technologies. The verticalized solutions and
offerings enable TechM to meet these unique needs and challenges. We also co-create and innovate new solutions
jointly with our customers and go extra mile to meet niche service demands for customers. The importance is given not
only to the direct benefits to our customers; but also additional business value for our customer’s customer.
We have introduced practices for transforming quality assurance processes to delivery assurance processes with focus
on product assurance and architecture assurance. We measure and monitor this through “Execution Excellence Index”.
It focuses on achieving high project maturity, improved tools usage and standardization, knowledge management and
performance on key business metrics, in order to strengthen further the Business Excellence in what we deliver to the
Sandeep Chandna,
Customer Centricity - a Core Value
Customer Centricity is the first of Tech Mahindra’s five values and is core to all our interactions at every step in customer
journey. Customer Centricity office ensures are the customers’ demands, expectations and concerns are taken across
organization with collaboration across various departments – Sales, Marketing, Delivery, Quality and Contracts
Our focus on Customer Centricity via our CCO enables us to be connected with our customers 24/7.
Our approach towards customer satisfaction is to nip the customer challenge, even before it arises. We have
established a proactive alert mechanism across various nodes, which can handle any customer related problem
with each node raising proactive alerts for all the concerned areas. We use an Account Escalation Dashboard - a
predictive tool that helps us know in advance the bottlenecks that the customers are facing. The account escalation
path provides the users with information on how to report issues they encounter with the services displayed on the
dashboard and how to escalate these issues through a chain of command. The approach is to resolve the issue
even before the problem reaches the customer, and create a seamless experience for the customer.
Account Status Indicator is another tool that is used to measure the health of every customer account. This is a
global dashboard that is used for every account across all business units and customers. . If an account is having
any challenges then the issue is indicted through a colour codes ( red, amber) in the ASI tool and also immediately
informed to the senior management.
Our pro-customer-centric initiatives include meeting customers pro-actively to understand the pulse on the ground,
monitoring customer concerns, if any and measuring customer satisfaction through customer survey known as NPS
(Net Promoter Score) or CaPS (Customer as Promoter score).
For measuring customer satisfaction, we have multiple methods and modes:-
PSAT – Project Satisfaction Survey
CaPS – Customer as Promoter Score Survey
Proactive customer discussion
Connected Voice of Customer
A proactive action plan is created for every customer that provides low score to understand his challenges and
proactively resolve any problems faced by that customer.
Online Strategy and Analysis
In current times, online presence and engagement models have become highly important. Hence, we also use
extensive online analysis and tools to enhance our lead generation and customer experience on our digital channels.
of We use a web crawling tool to understand the usage pattern of our website. We have more than lakh users for our
website and the numbers are increasing every day. We do a daily analysis for usage, new users, page views, total and
average sessions. These tools help us in identifying crawl errors and sitemap submissions, thus bettering search engine
Digital Marketing
We use digital marketing to increase our web experience for our users. This is done by analysing data and optimizing
Twitter analytics
We use twitter to create and manage leadership connects across customer companies and our management. We also
use this as medium to highlight key updates about our company. The twitter analytics tool helps us understand the
impact of various twitter campaigns that we conduct as part of innovative solutions and offerings.
GRI 418 – 1: Customer Privacy - Substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and loss in
customer data
In FY 2017-18, there were no complaints regarding breaches of Customer privacy and loss in customer data. There
have been no incidents to our IT infrastructure and we did not pay any penalties or suffer any revenue losses.
GRI 206-1: Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices
There has been no case filed by any stakeholder against Tech Mahindra regarding unfair trade practices, irresponsible
advertising and/or anti-competitive behaviour during the last five years.
GRI 419-1: Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area
In the reporting year, there were no non-compliances with laws and regulations in the social and economic area.
Supply Chain Management
Tech Mahindra’s commitment to Corporate Governance, Ethical Business Conduct, Environmental Stewardship and
Sustainability also extends to our Supply Chain. It enables us to mitigate and manage the risks posed by the supply
chain to our business and operations.
The Sustainable Supply Chain Management Framework at Tech Mahindra is depicted below:
As an Information Technology Services Company, the scope of our supply chain primarily extends to the suppliers of
Goods and Services to support our operations. The suppliers are expected to abide by the Sustainable Supply Chain
Management - Supplier Code of Conduct (SSCM CoC) and demonstrate commitment to incorporating best practices
and continuous improvement in their own activities. Some of the key aspects of the SSCM are
· Ethical Business Practices.
· Management practices that respect the rights of all employees and the local community.
· Minimising the impact on the environment.
· Providing a safe and healthy work place.
· Risk Management
· Business Continuity Management
As a proactive measure, we engage with the top 40 suppliers based on Annual market-spend. They are assessed using
a supply-chain questionnaire which requires their compliance with aspects on Labour/ workplace management,
Occupational health and safety, Risk management, Environmental compliance, Corporate governance and ethics,
Supply chain and Community Engagement. We organize Capacity building workshops for our key suppliers based on
these assessments.
We evaluate the impact of our activities in the supply chain at all stages on a periodic basis. We carry out
comprehensive risk analysis of our supply chain in terms of ability to deliver on time because of market and climate
related risks. Our Business Continuity Management system ensures an integrated view of requirement and accordingly
plan, coordinate and execute strategies accordingly to mitigate the risk. Scope 3 emissions from transportation and
distribution of products purchased from our suppliers and operations of vehicles not owned or operated by us (Including
multi modal shipping where multiple carriers are involved in the delivery of a product) are tracked. We are engaging
with our suppliers to initiate the process of tracking, monitoring, reviewing and analysis of the GHG emissions of the
supply chain.
GRI 204-1: Proportion of spending on local suppliers
In 2017-18, more than 80% of our total procurement expenditure was for the top 20 suppliers. There are separate
procurement teams for IT Suppliers and Non IT Suppliers. The procurement teams work in tandem with the Corporate
Services team to conduct supplier assessment. We are working with our supply chain on various initiatives to reduce
business travel and logistics by trip optimization reducing travel frequency and examining the need of traveling.
We manage our supply chain responsibly to ensure our business is not adversely affecting environmental values of
communities across the globe and we are working to reduce the GHG emissions.
Financial Capital
Financial Capital refers to the pool of funds available to Tech Mahindra for use in the provision of services to the
customers. It is obtained through financing or generated through operations or investments
There has been continued focus on building business through acquisitions of new age technologies (digital, cloud,
customer experience, Consulting, Analytics etc.) and in verticals (like Manufacturing, BFSI, health care etc) that help
in managing risks. These acquisitions are aligned with Tech Mahindra’s strategy of 3-4-3 and TechMNxT. There is a
great thrust on building the competencies of the associates in the solutions of the future through Centres of Automation,
Maker’s Labs and learning platforms and Apps.
In FY 2017-18, ~95% of Tech Mahindra’s revenue came from foreign currencies like GBP, USD, Euro and AUD. We
have effectively dealt with foreign exchange risk, when rupee appreciated ~4% and have managed a ~20% contribution
to FY18 PAT, from the Forex Gains
In emerging areas of Big Data, Mobility, Network, Cloud, Security, Platforms and Engineering Services, the Company
is well placed with its breadth of service offerings and a diversified customer base. Tech Mahindra also has intellectual
property in various Products & Services and Platforms and is committed to building a synergistic relationship with its
partners to deliver the right solutions to customers.
Milind Kulkarni
Chief Financial Officer
Consolidated Revenue, EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation and Tax) and PAT (Profit After Tax)
We derive revenue across the key regions of the globe; which is Americas, Europe and Rest of the World (ROW). A
balanced mix across these key regions with business in 90+ countries helps Tech Mahindra manage the Global
Economy Risk and Geography Concentration risk.
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18
Revenue break up –Client Contribution and Client Count
Active Clients
900 843
800 767
700 629
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18
We have successfully been able to bring down our client concentration over the past 5 years. At the same time the
count of active customers i.e. customers with a revenue threshold of US$ 0.125 mn + on a LTM basis, has increased
from 629 to 913 in last 5 years, thus broadening the client base across various verticals.
Key Balance Sheet Metrics
167 122
FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18
Key Balance Sheet metrics like Total Assets, Net worth, Cash balance, ROCE etc have seen a gradual improvement
in line with the growth in the revenue, EBITDA Margins and PAT.
Market Capitalization (as of 31st March, 2018) :INR 625,798 mn (US$ 9,603 mn)
Credit Rating :CARE AAA / CARE A1+
D&B Rating :5A1
D&B D-U-N-S® NUMBER :65-007-9572
Intellectual Capital
Intellectual capital refers to Tech Mahindra’s knowledge-based intangibles –the intellectual property - trademarks and
licences, tacit knowledge, systems, procedures and protocols, and intangibles associated with Tech Mahindra’s brand
and reputation.
In conjunction with the Global Technology trends and the customer demand, Tech Mahindra has been developing
competencies through a 360 degree approach that encompasses development of the Innovation Capital, Human
Capital and Financial Capital. We have a well-rounded, all-encompassing and inclusive approach to enhancing the
Intellectual Capital that relies on R&D, co-innovation, collaboration & partnership, strategic acquisitions and
organization-wide changes.
Strategic Co-
Acquisitions Innovation
To develop and deliver end to end Collaborating with academia to To enhance the inherent
customized solutions to meet unlocking the next wave of digital competencies in new age
dynamic customer needs disruptions. technologies and verticals.
The tacit knowledge, systems and procedures are managed through Delivery Excellence Assurance - TechM’s
knowledge repository. It captures every customer delivery experience for reuse across projects for various customers.
Maker’s Lab, the Thin-q-bator is the R&D Center of TechM. It acts as a conduit between academia, research and
businesses to provide solutions to customers and a space for these partners to tinker with disruptive technology that
will make the enterprise of the future. The R&D development work is focused on technologies such as Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, 5G,
Software-defined Networks (SDN) and Quantum Computing. Several groundbreaking solutions have been developed
in the Maker’s Lab, including ‘Hiro’ (Home Intelligent robotics), a mobile robot with a healthcare unit for which Tech
Mahindra received the Economic Times Award in 2017.
Acumos Platform to enable rapid build, share and deployment of AI Apps and
Entellio – Conversation as a Platform
Entellio is a self-learning NLP/AI/ML based enterprise Chabot designed to replace today's mobile self-care applications.
Entellio (Enterprise Intelligence) is the next gen solution for customer interactions, which will enable enterprises to
provide a superlative customer experience to their customers.
Value Proposition
Seamlessly, faster connect with customers.
Works seamlessly in cloud or in-premise.
Self-Learning system as you chat more.
Faster Onboarding of various departments.
Supports conversations on mobile, web and IOT devices.
One of the few framework that does a self-ranking dashboard.
Easy configurable connect to any system with a well-defined API.
HIRO is the winner of Aegis Graham Bell Award and ET 2017 Award. It also won the GTL Infra ET Telecom
Award 2017.
Alliances and Partnerships
Through a powerful alliance ecosystem of leading technology firms and disruptive startups, we develop our business
capabilities to deliver complete and customized solutions to our customers. Our dedicated alliance teams and partner
management help customers in their journey of digital transformation. TechM is collaborating with a variety of partners,
including Affirmed Networks, Altiostar, and Cloudify that are driving innovation in areas such as virtual RAN, virtual
probes, and cloud orchestration. This has helped us tap into innovation globally- be it 15+ startups in the Silicon Valley
or disruptive entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv, Israel, in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Blockchain, Analytics and
SD Networks. Two examples of our partners who are thinking and doing disruption:
Together, we are exploring new dimensions to add to a solution that enables Developers and Application owners
to on-board, deploy, monitor and manage application lifecycle operations through policy-driven automation on
Open Stack without depending on IT Operations.
Global carriers urgently need Real-time Security and Analytics solutions that can detect Anomalous network traffic
as these carriers migrate their edge and core voice networks to SIP / IMS / VoLTE. With RedShift Networks, we
are making cloud-based real-time Unified Communications & Collaboration (VoIP and Video) more secure and
University Collaborations
We collaborate with universities and leading technical institutes such as the IITs and BITS Pilani, to exchange areas of
common interest, exchange scholars and provide internships to students at our Research Facilities. We signed a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the University of Sydney to create a technology research platform, to
provide experiential learning and collaborative research programs for the young talent pool. We have collaborated with
the University of Berkeley, under the banner of TechMNxt, for working in digital disruption.
Tokyo International University has set up a Maker’s Lab for the Post Graduate students.
In the Founders Week, Maker’s Lab hosted Nirmaan 2018 a ‘Campus Connect Program’ with the aim to provide up
skilling opportunities in next-gen technologies for students. More than 250 students across the Universities and
Institutes like Symbiosis Institute of Technology (Pune), AISSMS Institute of Information Technology (Pune), Bharathi
Vidyapeeth (Pune), Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College (Aurangabad) and Changu Kana Thakur College (Mumbai)
took part in the event.
Strategic Acquisitions
TechM has had a strategy of working closely with smaller technology start-ups that fit in its larger agenda of providing
customers with a holistic suite of services. Our acquisition strategy has become more digitally focused, whether it was
Pininfarina which is all about digital engineering, BIO which is all about customer experience management or HCI which
is all about EMR. All these acquisitions have helped us enhance our capabilities in the Digital area. The acquisitions
have translated into value creation for the customers as demonstrated in the financial results. The acquisitions in 2017-
18 were in line with the business strategy and are discussed in Acquisitions.
Federated Structure
We have been focusing on building competencies in servicing the new age customers - the non-CIOs, Millennials. It
requires multipronged approaches and multiple focus points; agility and simplicity. We have restructured the
organization to a federated structure, which allows simplicity and accountability with autonomy within businesses to
create their own growth stories. There are focused units and labs for Innovation, Automation and Co-creation.
Towards a Sustainable Future
As the direct and indirect impacts of climate change are being experienced globally, we recognize the need to be future
ready. Future ready as a company and an innovation driven solution provider, Sustainability and Climate Change are
an integral part of the FUTURise (becoming relevant for the future).
L. Ravi
Chief Operating Officer
TechMNxt is our new global program to continue our focus on IoT, Cloud and Data Sciences and put extraordinary
focus on AI, Blockchain and Cyber Security and the Network of the Future. TechM Next is setting up Centers of
Excellence across the globe - Bangalore, Silicon Valley, Dallas, Israel, Canada – for upgrading skill and domain
expertise of the associates.
We are partnering with universities and the local entrepreneurial ecosystem, to create better solutions and better
opportunities for Customers to Run, Change and Grow (RCG). Acting on the vision to build a connected future, we
have collaborated with the University of Berkeley, under the banner of TechM Nxt, for unlocking the next wave of digital
Automation is a key pillar of Tech Mahindra’s strategy DAVID (Digitalization, Automation, Verticalization, Innovation
and Disruption), which serves as the theme for all our solutions. AQT is a collection of Platforms, accelerators and tools
to promote increased automation across our service lines and business processes. It comprises of both in-house
developed and partner-centric platforms and tools. In order to accelerate our vision on Automation, we launched AQT
(Automation-Quality-Time) that consolidates our Platforms, Processes and Practices to deliver increasing Business
Efficiencies (faster, cheaper, better) for our stakeholders and ourselves through Intelligent Automation and
Automation Thinking.
Enablers to implement AQT within TechM
AQT Platform drives the Automation Continuum of Basic >> Robotic >> Autonomic >> Cognitive and shifts the
focus from Task-based approach to Knowledge-driven paradigms, thereby provides continuous increase in business
In order to increase the automation of Automation, we are investing in re-training and up-skilling the workforce, to create
an environment where ‘man and machine can work together’ to improve the business efficiency. Automation Thinking
helps to provide the required process artifacts and framework (AQT Playbook) to enable adoption of automation across
the service lines including training & certification programs for internal re-skilling and up-skilling. AQT Playbook provides
best practices and templates towards identification of Automation opportunities, ensuring an ROI and guidelines on
implementation and operations.
We recognize that innovation will drive the organization to present and future value creation. We have a focused
approach to Innovation.
University Collaborating – Engage with educational institutions to develop new service offerings and create
innovation culture, incubation frameworks in colleges.
In house IPR – Patent, Copyright and Trademark
Since the last 3 years we have been actively working in Enterprise Energy and Carbon Management space and have
developed industry specific bespoke carbon management solutions and also leveraged vendor partnerships to
customize and deploy enterprise carbon management tools. These solutions help customers with robust data
management, automate energy data recording, monitor key sustainability metrics, and establish energy consumption
baselines. IEVCS is one of the solutions developed by our associates through the innovation initiatives and CAPE -
Community Acton Platform for Community - emerged as an outcome of collaboration with the local bodies.
Farm Guru
Tech Mahindra has embarked on a program for design and development of end-to-end Smart Agri-Framework called
’Farm Guru’. The intent is to minimize the human intervention and provide specialized assistance for producing a quality
yield using precision agriculture. The solution with multi-parameter farm health monitoring and predictive analytics
keeps a strict vigil on the soil, ambient atmosphere and other key characteristics and supports data management with
recommendations based on the measured data. It also keeps the repository of the soil parameters. The scientific
approach in measurement and analysis of the soil samples leads to a better agriculture growth and prosperity for
Smart City Solutions with IoT
Smart grid will play a crucial role as we move towards a sustainable tomorrow. We have established ourselves as
leaders by working with clients to perform a variety of services from planning to build individual components to
wholesale deployments in the emerging area of Smart Grid.
Our Competency in Smart Grid Solutions includes Home Area Networks (HAN), Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AIM), Energy Management Solutions, GIS solutions and Sensor Design Services. We have set up a Smart Grid Service
Demonstration Center at our campus in Hyderabad.
The IoT enables cities and administrators to transform resource management, governance, citizen services and
security. IoT combines the ability to acquire, ingest and derive insights from streaming data, and is already delivering
enhanced experiences for citizens, improving the quality of life and making economic growth sustainable. Our portfolio
of IoT powered smart city solutions equips citizens, economic zones and urban planners to weave the benefits of
connectivity, data and analytics into their very fabric of life. Some of the solutions include Smart Energy Management,
Smart Street Lighting, Smart Automated Meter Reading, Smart Bins and Integrated Command and Control Center.
Smart Pole – Integrates multiple services on a single platform
This solution integrates multiple services like streetlight, CCTV camera, digital signage and public Wi-Fi and enables
integrated view of these services on a single platform. The solution enables the city councils and authorities in saving
additional investments required on infrastructure layouts.
Energy Audit
With the dramatic spike in energy costs over the last decade and the intense focus on reducing GHG emissions, Energy
Efficiency has become the hot topic of boardroom discussions the world over. Global and region specific mandates
such as the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme are also playing a vital role in driving the
need to improve energy efficiency of organizations.
In light of this focus, a high quality Energy Audit is the first, critical step in curbing energy use and improving the energy
efficiency of any facility. Energy Audit is the technique to establish the current status of energy efficiency of a
System/Facility/Commercial Building. It involves the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy and
submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis
and an action plan to reduce energy consumption.
CAPE - Community Action Platform for Energy is an advanced analytics platform combining energy, satellite, aerial,
social and economic data into targeted insights. Solution target to provide free of charge service to community groups
and city councils to jump-start and scale energy projects.
CAPE includes a free-to-use online platform to help citizens organize and manage their own community energy
schemes, such as neighborhood insulation and roof mounted solar panels. Crucially, because communities will be
group buying the energy products and services, prices will be kept low and quality high. CAPE supplements satellite
imagery with energy and building data to find the best neighborhoods in city for an energy makeover.
Value Proposition
CAPE for City Councils CAPE for Local businesses CAPE for Citizens
Despite the risks and challenges, businesses will continue to invest in IT but there will be shifts in spending patterns.
Digital business, Blockchain, IoT and the progress from algorithms to machine learning to artificial intelligence will be
the customer need. The climate of uncertainty will push new digital alternatives to save money and speed time to value.
Paradoxically, the same uncertainty will cause businesses to freeze CapEx preferences, which may impact the growth
of traditional IT services business.
Next gen EMS solution disrupts current native emergency response system transforming it into an end-to-end platform,
which enables emergency response organizations to deploy scalable and next gen technologies like mobile apps,
unmanned aerial vehicles for improving the emergency responses. This innovative platform contributes to improve
utilization of key resources like ambulances (ALS, BLS), reduced response time through nullification of the impact of
external environment variables on transit time and also reduced risk through instant establishment of communication
medium for real time and seamless flow of information among various stakeholders (like ambulatory team, hospitals,
specialists) of emergency response team.
ConnectSense Health – Digital Platform to bring Wellness from Hospitals into people’s homes
The platform enables us to extend wellness, diagnostics, prognostics and recovery from hospitals into people’s homes
and lives. It promotes Hospital-Doctor-Patient engagement using Digital Convergence technologies. It transforms the
entire healthcare ecosystem in the following manner:
Payers: Pay for value over volume of care.
Hospitals: Better care for more patients.
Doctors: Technology for remote, constant monitoring of patients.
Patients: Anytime, anywhere monitoring.
Healthcare Gamification - An Artificial Intelligence based Healthcare Game motivates the patient
The healthcare game functions through multiple sensors and captures all data about the patient’s physical performance
and stores it in the cloud. Later it analyses the cloud data and provides accurate report about the patient and his
physiotherapy. It encourages the patient to take physical exercise.
At Tech Mahindra, we pass our systems and processes from a lens of innovation and transformation. We view Patents,
Trademarks and innovative solutions as the KPIs for measuring intellectual capital. In 2017-18, we were granted 2
Trademarks and 2 Patents.
50 95 100 101
50 50 69
Till 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Natural Capital
Natural Capital represents the stock of natural assets like air, water, land, forest and associated
ecosystems, from which we derive continuous benefits. The conservation of natural capital is focused
on energy management, carbon neutrality, water resources management, waste management and
protecting and promoting biodiversity.
Our Commitment
Tech Mahindra’s undeterred focus on good corporate governance is strengthened by our commitment to sustainable
development. We aim to follow and promote sustainable business practices and to co-create sustainable business
value for our stakeholders to achieve their sustainability goals. We believe that environmentally sustainable business
operations will empower us to create a sustainable future.
Policy Framework
Tech Mahindra as a global IT services & consulting company recognizes the impacts of its business operations on the
3 pillars of sustainability - people, planet and profit. Hence it makes continuous efforts to optimize efficiency across the
environmental, social and governance frameworks of the company. Tech Mahindra encourages the involvement of all
stakeholders and ensures that the policy is well communicated, implemented, monitored and reviewed periodically.
As a leading IT company with a global presence, we are committed
to minimizing the impact of our activities on the environment. There
has been consistent focus on reducing our Water and Carbon
Footprint by GHG through various initiatives that are being
undertaken across our facilities. We have been enabling technology
to the support of environmental protection and management. We are
installing solar energy at our facilities, transitioning to LED lights in a
phased manner and installing occupancy sensors to increase energy
efficiency. We have installed water sensors and water restrictors at
all our facilities to reduce our per capita water consumption. We are
setting up rainwater harvesting systems wherever possible. There is
an organization wise drive to bring down food wastage and paper
waste. All of the initiatives are linked to the Sustainability Roadmap
with result-oriented action plans”
Shivanand Raja
Sr. Vice President (Commercial & CS)
Environment Management
We derive a host of direct and indirect benefits from our Natural Capital – water, soil, air, raw material and biological
diversity. Pollution of these natural assets is leading to human induced climate change, contamination of water
sources and degradation of land - all of which have an adverse impact on human life and development.
Environment Management is a priority for Tech Mahindra. The Material topics under Environment Management
include Climate Change, Energy, Water, Waste and Biodiversity.
Climate change induced events pose a direct and indirect risk to our Financial, Manufactured, Human, Social, and
Relationship Capitals. There is a direct linkage between our financial performance and Natural Capital. Any
environmental/ social issue in any facility, where we have operations can impact our businesses adversely. It can
cause a disruption of service delivery to our customers and jeopardize the safety of the associates, thereby
increasing financial liability.
We embrace a proactive and precautionary approach towards environment protection and management and
endeavor to create a pollution-free and environmentally friendly enterprise. Our Environmental Policy supports our
strategy for environmental stewardship.
We are streamlining our processes, assessing environmental risks as part of the risk management
framework and developing carbon and water security strategies and action plans. We are:
Making Sustainability Personal across Tech Mahindra’s operations, activities and decisions.
Developing Solutions and Platforms to assist Customers in Carbon management.
Promoting Green Procurement and Building Capacity of the Supply Chain.
Environmental Policy
Tech Mahindra strives to reduce the ecological footprint of the organization and its value chain while still
ensuring business growth. This is supported by our Environmental policy, which aims to create a
pollution- free and environmentally-friendly IT enterprise while adding value to Society, Customers,
Employees, Investors, Government and other stakeholders. The policy supports our strategy for
environmental protection. We focus our investments in clean energy, waste recycling, increasing energy
and water efficiency, optimizing logistics and reducing carbon footprint. We embrace a proactive and
precautionary approach towards environment protection and management endeavor to create a pollution-
free and environmentally friendly enterprise. Our Environmental Policy supports our strategy for
environmental stewardship.
In the reporting year, we make good progress with respect to meeting the targets of our sustainability roadmap.
We have total solar installations of 3,404 kWp across our campuses in Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh
and Chennai through which we generated 4436406 kWh of Solar Power leading to a reduction of 3737 MT CO2
There was a 7.37% increase in energy productivity.
Phase by phase LED installation, replacing CFLs to increase energy efficiency across various locations.
Procured Efficient VRV systems/ air conditioners, water coolers across locations.
100% STP water recycled used for flushing and horticulture.
Updated STP with MBR Technology to increase efficiency by 3 times as part of technological innovation
250 rain water harvesting and recharge pits installed at Chennai TMCC.
Water sensors and restrictors installation phase by phase at all our locations.
Leaf waste converted to manure.
Aggressive program and awareness on reducing food wastage.
Climate Change
Empirical data, statistics and increasing incidents of extreme events have shown that climate change will be costlier
and damaging for the growth of our business, our customers and supply chain. If it continues to risk our environment,
safety and wellbeing of our associates and survival of society is at risk. If we cross certain atmospheric thresholds,
reaching these goals will become more expensive and harder. Delaying action on climate change is not an option for
us. Collective action and responsibility of transition towards a low carbon economy is the imperative.
Carbon Neutrality is increasingly becoming a priority for the Management, given the spike in energy costs over the
last decade and focus on reducing GHG emissions. Global and region specific initiatives such as the Carbon Reduction
Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme are playing a vital role to improve energy efficiency of our operations.
At strategy level, we have been making continuous strides towards low carbon transition. At operations level, focus
areas are improving energy efficiency and increasing the percentage of renewable energy in the energy mix, building
capacity across supply chain and developing products, solutions and platforms for the customers to address their
Climate strategy.
Carbon Pricing
Our Management recognizes the risks associated to our business because of climate change. We view Carbon Pricing
as an effective tool to transition towards a low carbon growth. It can provide an economic spur on the path to low-
carbon prosperity. Coupled with policies that encourage energy efficiency and zero-carbon energy sources, Carbon
Pricing can help mitigate GHG emissions and reduce the risks of climate change. It can create an economic incentive
for us to be more efficient. It can spur innovation, investment and growth in the new low carbon technology and business
The Sustainability Council of Tech Mahindra has assigned an internal carbon price of $10 per ton of Carbon. We have
built an internal tool for our facilities, finance and procurement team for internal carbon price. This mechanism has
helped us to increase green investments and motivated businesses to maintain and strengthen the price mechanism
Following the steps of Mahindra Group, which has a strong representation at CPCL (Carbon Pricing Leadership
Collation) - a World Bank initiative, we at Tech Mahindra also will continue to explore opportunities to price internally,
explicitly or create a shadow price to reduce our emissions and grow the pool of green investments.
GHG Emissions
We measure our Greenhouse Gas Emissions using the World Resources Institute (WRI)/ World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Our
Scope 1 emissions includes fuels like diesel from Generators, Diesel from owned cars and LPG used, Scope 2
emissions are from the electricity purchased from the grid. There is a reducing trend in Scope 1 emissions due to
decreased use of diesel generators, decrease in the use of personal cars by the associates and increased use of
Renewable energy. Our Scope 2 emissions have increased due to increase in infrastructure and new buildings/facilities
at our locations.
GRI 305-2 &305-3(Emissions) - Direct and Indirect Green House Gas Emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2)
Vishakhapatnam 51.71
Pune 347.59
Noida 516.66
Nagpur 6.02
Mumbai 34.51
Kolkata 3.32
Hyderabad 895.13
Gandhinagar 1.8
Chennai 325.03
Chandigarh 28.79
Bhubaneswar 62.09
Bangalore 514.37
Scope 2 Emissions by Facility (Metric Tons CO2e)
Vishakhapatnam 3037.69
Pune 23178.25
Noida 13512.25
Nagpur 695.43
Mumbai 2856.75
Kolkata 1884.46
Hyderabad 40366.65
Gandhinagar 627.25
Chennai 11486.2
Chandigarh 2277.96
Bhubaneshwar 2309.2
Bangalore 20467.52
We are committed to reducing direct and indirect GHG emissions from our activities. The boundary of Scope 3
emissions represented below.
Purchased Goods and Services: This includes Inbound Logistics for transportation of IT products from the suppliers
to the TechM Facilities and downstream transportation of e-waste, scrap, paper and used oil from TechM facilities to
authorized recycler and disposal of food waste from the facilities to the piggeries or landfill. We have also installed
Organic Waste Converter (OWC), Vermicomposting plants to convert food waste into manure. We are reducing our
inbound and outbound logistics by bundling of routes and controlling inventories
Employee Commute: Employee commute of our associates to and from their homes to TechM facilities by company
buses and cabs. We also have escort cabs for Woman safety. Increase in Business growth and demand of our
associates has increased our commute data.
TechM takes various initiatives to reduce employee commute; we encourage our employees to carpool to work, or use
public transport. Our Carpool Portal and ‘Ride for Pride’ initiatives are small steps in facilitating and sharing of rides
amongst colleagues. We also have carpool application for ease of use of carpool. The initiative has evoked tremendous
response and has been successful in inculcating a culture of environment conservation and protection.
Business Travel – Business Travel is the employee travel by air for work. We have focused on use of Lync, Live
meeting, Tele-Presence, video conferencing and virtual meetings through online platforms to minimize physical travel.
Tele-presence and Web-ex services helped us reduce equivalent GHG emissions as the result of reduction in travel
requirements for meetings.
Waste Generated in Operations (Paper) – This includes the use of paper. We have reduced paper consumption.
GHG emission intensity is the ratio of Greenhouse Gas Emissions produced to the number of employees of the
organization. We have shown a positive trend by consistently reducing GHG intensity year on year.
*The Greenhouse Gas Intensity is according to total number of employees as denominator. The GHG intensity
increased in the reporting year because of the reduction in the number of employees. In order to get a better
representation, we have also calculated GHG emissions using Revenue as denominator.
Conservation of energy has a strong business case. Our Sustainability roadmap reflects our commitment to energy
conservation and exploring alternate sources of energy. Our major energy consumption is in the form of electricity,
which we purchase from grid. In order to maintain uninterrupted power supply, we have back-up diesel powered
generators, which are used only when the grid electricity supply fails. Apart from this, fuel consumption in company
owned vehicles in the form of petrol, LPG and CNG makes up total energy consumption on premises by our owned
We have taken up installation of solar panels and are actively evaluating options to increase sourcing of electricity from
renewable sources. Through several energy conservation initiatives such as occupancy sensors, LEDs and fixtures,
efficient water coolers and air conditioners, we have been able to reduce our energy consumption over the years.
In order to utilize the abundant potential of renewable energy, we have setup solar modules, installed wind turbine and
solar water heaters at our campuses leading to clean energy generation. These initiatives are a humble beginning but
we are committed to pursuing renewable sources of energy to ensure that our energy demand is met in an increasingly
sustainable manner.
Energy management, including energy conservation and switching to renewable energy sources is a high priority for
us. Our major energy consumption is of electricity purchased from the grid. Other sources of energy include diesel for
the DG sets and fuel consumption in company-owned vehicles.
In the reporting year, Renewable sources of energy saved 3700 MTCO2Replacement of high definition parking lights
with LED lights helped with an energy conservation of 20160 kWh.
At Tech Mahindra, we believe in the sustainable management of the water resources we use across our operations.
To support this, we are focused on increasing our understanding of water-related risks and impacts to our business
and to the communities we serve by setting meaningful goals, improving our water efficiency, and advancing innovative
solutions to water challenges. We make our efforts transparent by disclosing our annual water use, our water-related
risks and governance of water through our reports and on various other forums.
Water scarcity is a growing problem, which requires global attention and action. We foresee increased costs in
purchasing fresh water with the growth of our business operations, risk of loss in potential Brand value of the
organization and loss in revenue if we do not establish a robust Water Management Strategy and Plan.
Though the majority of our water requirement is for domestic water usage, we have started working towards measuring,
reporting and reducing water footprint of our operations. We administer implementation of water management initiatives
through the Water Policy. The Policy is integrated with the business strategy and covers the following aspects of water
conservation with the objective of ensuring access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene for all employees in our
Improve water efficiency in operations
Reduce water footprint through water efficiency measures, adopting the “3-R” (reduce, reuse and
Set, monitor and review mechanisms on an on-going basis toward achieving continuous improvement.
Comply with all the applicable regulatory and legal and requirements relating to water.
Report our water performance by being transparent to all stakeholders through appropriate
communication channels.
Proactively support governmental and other national water conservation initiatives.
We have taken various Sustainability initiatives to reduce per capita consumption of water through recycling and reuse
of water through STP, installation of Rain Water Harvesting to recharge ground water levels, use of water sensors and
water efficient coolers to increase water efficiency and savings. We are building awareness for responsible water usage
across employees through advocacy and awareness initiatives to encourage reduction of water consumption. We have
taken a target to install 6 rain water harvesting units in our owned premises by 2020-21. These measures are a step
towards managing future water stress and water-linked future regulation. They will also enable internal cost efficiencies
and reduce dependency on fresh water.
Evaluating water related risks and aligned processes for managing these risks
Water availability and quality emerged as a business risk. One of the direct critical risks due to Climate Change is
scarcity of fresh water in coming years. Tech Mahindra along with Mahindra Group supported the development of India
Water Tool 2.0 (IWT). The IWT 2.0 allows companies, government agencies, and other users to identify their water
risks, prioritize their water management actions, plan for sustainable water management and address water risks that
confront agriculture, industry, households, and the natural environment in a given river basin. The research and
development of IWT help us identify future water risks arising at different facilities due to climate change and carve out
the corresponding mitigation strategy.
Six Sigma projects on optimizing water consumption
Harvesting Rainwater wherever feasible
We were the least affected company during natural disasters like the Chennai floods and the Vizag cyclone.
Nagpur 12.7
Gandhinagar 4.2
Chandigarh 24.1
Mumbai 22.0
Chennai 121.7
Hyderabad 339.1
Bangalore 135.2
Bhubaneshwar 22.4
Kolkata 22.3
Pune 149.2
Vishakhapatnam 14.2
Noida 80.6
1600000 1347486.774
1000000 883936.1165
FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18
GRI 303-3: Total volume of water recycled
We understand the importance of water for our overall business continuity. We recycle sewage water in STPs and use
it for landscaping. We have STPs at all our owned facilities. All such facilities are ‘Zero Water Discharge’ facilities.
Wastewater generated is treated and reused for landscaping and washrooms. This helps us to reduce our fresh water
requirement. In FY 2017-18, we recycled and reused 504070.9 KL of wastewater from 11 locations.
*Waste water is sewage generated from the washrooms at locations where the premises are rented offices that do not
have their own STPs. The waste flows into the Municipal Sewage Line.
We are arduously working towards generating less waste by focusing on the behavioral aspects of waste generation
and ensuring that all the waste we generate from our own activities is disposed in a responsible manner. We have a
robust system of segregation at source, collection and management of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Tech
Mahindra has setup procedures and best practices for Solid Waste Management across locations.. The management
of the E-waste is as per the E-waste Management Policy, which is as per the E-waste (Management and Handling)
Hazardous Waste Liquid - Compressed oil and fuel
from DG sets.
Non-hazardous Waste Scrap waste comprising of Paper waste given to vendors for
plastic, packaging waste, paper recycling.
and cardboard and other office Food waste either composted on-site to
waste. generate manure for maintaining green
Food waste from the canteens belt or sent to piggeries.
In the same period, we vermicomposted our wet waste and yielded 35 tons of manure which was used for landscaping.
Our waste output does not affect any habitats or water bodies. We do not ship any hazardous waste anywhere. The
total waste disposal by category is provided below:
GRI 307-1: Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions
for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations
In FY 2017-18, there were no fines or non-monetary sanctions due to non-compliance with environmental laws and
With a focus on assigning cost to Carbon and Water, we also monitor and track our operating expenditure on energy
and water by facility. The total expenditure was:
With a focus on assigning cost to Carbon and Water, we also monitor and track our operating expenditure on energy
and water by facility. The total expenditure was:
Making Sustainability Personal
We believe in inculcating a spirit of sustainability across our every action, our operations and within our associates.
When we convince an associate to make sustainability personal, we know that we have taken a step beyond integrating
sustainability into the strategy. We have made it a way of life. Our efforts are driven by the Green Marshals - a small
band of TechMighties who are passionate about spearheading the cause of environment and sustainability.
GREEN MARSHALS, which has been our ongoing initiative along with JOSH, enables us to create a platform for the
associates to engage in co-curricular and societal activities driven towards environmental stewardship and carbon
responsibility. To bring greater participation, the initiatives are incentivized and rewarded. Some of the Green Marshals
Initiatives in the reporting year are captured through the Green Marshals Events Gallery. Our Green Marshals clocked
2782 volunteer hours under our Green and Sustainability initiatives.
Conservation of natural resources through workshops, mailers, posters and other advocacy initiatives
Direct Dialogue
One-on-one conversations with associates to discuss global sustainability and environment trends
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World
Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Science-based targets provide companies with
a clearly defined pathway to future-proof growth by specifying how much and how quickly they need to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions.
Targets adopted by companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are considered “science-based” if they are in line
with the level of decarbonization required to keep global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius compared to
pre-industrial temperatures.
Green Procurement Policy
Our Green Procurement Policy helps us to administer and ensure initiatives and steps towards indirect GHG
Emissions. We encourage suppliers to deliver products/services with minimum negative impact on the environment
and adopt safe practices during production and delivery.
As a part of our supply chain strategy, we choose IT and Non IT suppliers who have sustainable practices along with
an ability to deliver quality product on time. The criteria of Green Procurement are - Purchase of high-energy rated
IT infrastructure (servers, laptops, desktops etc.).
None of the products shipped by us include any sort of conflicting material when they have manufactured by our
Suppliers. They completely comply with the BIS standards and have a very strong trade compliance team to monitor &
avoid such activities.
Our commitment to sustainable development also constitutes conservation of biodiversity. We have a Biodiversity
Policy and a directive on protecting habitats and species. We ensure that none of our operations have a negative impact
on biodiversity by complying with all the conditions identified and recommended during environment impact
GRI 304 – 1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas
and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
None of Tech Mahindra Facilities, owned or leased are adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value.
GRI 304-4: Number of IUCN Red list species and national conservation list species with habitats in
areas affected by operations
There are no IUCN Red List species or national conservation list species in the vicinity of our locations.
Enhancing our Human Capital
Human capital refers to the Associates of Tech Mahindra - their competencies, capabilities and willingness to learn and
innovate and remain relevant. It is driven by our governance systems, our learning and development initiatives and
loyalty to the organization.
Core Values
Good Corporate Citizenship
Customer First
Quality Focus
Dignity of the Individual
FUTURise is Tech Mahindra’s call to become relevant for the future. FUTURise aligns with the Mahindra Rise
Philosophy - Accepting no limits, Alternative Thinking and Drive Positive Change. We have various employee centric
initiatives, programs and tools to embed the FUTURise Philosophy into the DNA of the Company. Skilling and training
the associates in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudinal competencies is an important component to the
implementation of FUTURise.
FUTURiseis ingrained in every action we carry out, every process we design, every policy we draft and every product
or platform we deliver. It will help the Associates connect (collaborate and re-skill), co-create (grow and innovate) and
celebrate (fun, work life balance).
Leadership Development through
Disrupt refers to disrupting boundaries, discovering new Achievers in the Making (AIM)
possibilities, unlearning, re-skilling and being Future Shadow board
Ready using platforms that are available. Young CEO Program
Wealth to Wellness
JOSH, Ekatvam, Founders Day
Experience focuses on designing experiences of UVO
tomorrow, building on associate strengths & skills, Infrastructure
transcending the digital/physical boundaries and creating Associate welfare trust
experiences of the future.
My Beat
Rise is about looking beyond the mundane, seeing beyond Reward & Recognition
the obvious and enabling others to RISE with us and drive
positive change.
Knowledge Management
IRIS (Ideate, Redefine, Implement,
Imagine is to explore the Unchartered, Discover the Shine)
Impossible, Experience the power of Imagination and Mission Innovation
RISE up to the Future
Rakesh Soni
Chief People Officer
Our Associates are an integral part of our 360-degree Innovation Strategy. By crowd-sourcing ideas from 100,000+
associates and transferring the mantle of ideating on to them, we encourage innovation across the organization.
Through initiatives like Innovation Platforms (IRIS, Mission Innovation), Knowledge Platforms, Codathons and
Hackathons, they can pursue their business ideas and commercialize them with support from mentors and resources
of the company.
Employee breakdown by Gender and Age for Tech Mahindra Ltd India
Employee breakdown by Gender and Age for Tech Mahindra Limited (Global)
Talent acquisition
Tech Mahindra is transforming from being a technology facilitator to a provider of innovative connected experiences for
the clients’ businesses. Staying focused on the cutting edge of technology through our people, we strive to attract the
best talent. Acquisition of high quality talent in the required numbers is as important as up skilling/ right skilling
associates and ensuring employee retention.
We have a well-defined workforce planning strategy and process managed by TechM’s business units and corporate
functions. Talent acquisition includes intensive recruitment drives in premier engineering and management institutes,
search through online job portals, working with recruitment agencies and employee referral schemes. There are
strategic and focused programs for talent retention to reduce employee attrition that include Career Development,
Associate Engagement, Health and Safety and an empowered work environment that includes a work-life balance.
During the year 2017-18, we hired 22,009 associates for our Indian operations. This includes hiring 15148 male
associates while 6861 female associates during this period. It has been our firm commitment to enrich our
organization’s strength by attracting the best available talent. We engage with leading educational campuses for our
hiring activities while also offering rewarding opportunities to experienced professionals. During the reporting period of
2017-18, 37163 associates separated from Tech Mahindra. This included 25131 male associates while there were
12032 female associates who left the organisation. The rate of attrition in IT for the year was 18%. We have instituted
robust HR processes to ensure that we are able to gather the perspectives of separating employees in order to identify
opportunities of improvements.
Total 10349 18440 28789 1659 6447 8106 24 244 268 12032 25131
Employee turnover during reporting period
Annualized quarterly attrition is computed on “LTM” last twelve months. This data is as on 31st March, 2018.
The annual attrition for FY 2018 is 18%.
In order to attract and retain the best talent in the industry, Tech Mahindra offers some leading benefits to our employees
which include provident fund, medical insurance for the employees and their families, disability & invalidity coverage,
life insurance & accident insurance, parental leave, paid leave, travel & relocation benefits, retirement benefits and
stock options ( for some employees).
All benefits offered to full-time employees are offered to part-time employees also with the only exception being the
medical insurance given. The insurance covers the part-time employee but does not extend to his family. For associates
working part time, compensation and annual/earned leave are prorated based on the hours worked. All other benefits
are applicable to contractual and part time employees also.
The benefits are in compliance with the local employment/labour laws prevailing in India and the countries of operation.
Benefits are provided to the permanent (full time) and contractual (fixed term/part-time) employees based on the
entitlements as provided by the regulations.
Long-term Incentives
All employees who have finished a minimum of 5 years in the company are part of the long-term incentives plan. The
benefits include:
Certificate and a congratulatory plaque along with Cash award are given to celebrate their association with
the company depending upon the number of years in the organization. They are also given additional leaves
depending upon the number of years served.
Stock options- given but only to a few who qualify under performance and other criteria.
Gratuity - mandate under the Indian law, which is given as a lump sum to an employee leaving the organization
after rendering continuous service for not less than 5 years in the company.
Tech Mahindra leave policy ensures that associates are entitled to maternity leave of 6 months and paternity leaves of
5 days.
3078 2372
Career Development
Career development has been recognized as a key focus area to drive FUTURise. We actively invest in Career
Development and Leadership Development to facilitate professional growth and development of the associates. The
associates are encouraged to challenge status quo, try new things and do things differently. This is combined with
leadership encouragement, support and mentoring. Our Global360 degree learning & Leadership Development
Programs coupled with an effective career management processes help associates to Rise for Good.
Career Development is focuses on delivering a better and enhanced employee experience through simplified, digitized,
enriching and collaborative work environment. Some of the programs/initiatives are:
UVO: Virtual office assistant, a voice enabled assistant that takes command and processes it thus making
work easy. UVO is equipped to apply leave, book conference bridges and carry out many more such work.
Career Counselling: This is a program led by our team of ‘1000 leaders’ on Coaching and grooming using
an online platform. This portal guides associates on how to grow professionally and meet career aspirations.
IJP: An enhanced and simplified internal job portal that allows associates to take internal transfers. The policy
and process for internal hiring has been simplified to help associates pick up new opportunities within the
organization. Preference is given to internal associates over external hiring.
TechmyTea: This portal uses an algorithm to connect associates with each other based on their common
interests. Associates can connect face to face or virtually. This will help build the network within the
organisation, learn more about other units and make new friends.
We endeavor to create an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration and enables the associate to leverage
the collective knowledge of TechMighties. Our multiple career tracks and internal job rotation options give our
associates diverse opportunities within Tech Mahindra. The Young CEO Programme, Shadow Board, 1000 Leaders
and the Global Leadership Cadre are some of our flagship programmes that enable our young achievers to
demonstrate their leadership skills and strategic thought process. Robust learning platforms enable individual
development and help associates unleash their true potential. There are various initiatives for career transition and
Higher Education Support: Specialized tie-ups with best of education providers are rolled out to provide customized
higher education programs and these programs have been crafted to suit the time challenges of the working
Right-skilling Associates: Right skilling the associates have been the priority in line with the strategy of transitioning
from IT2DT. Associates were trained through our Digital Training Framework (Digital Practitioners and certified
professionals in the areas of Design Thinking, DevOps, Automation and Business Networking skills.
Cross Skilling Associates for Verticalization so that they can deliver end-to-end services to customers.
In 2017-18, we focused on associate driven learning using information avenues like MOOCS and external contents
and generic platform based initiatives likeMyTube, EdX, Pluralsight. There was a concentrated focus on re-skilling the
associates. The interventions helped TechM save an estimated INR 1094 million in FY 2017-18.
We launched “Project Management for Practitioners” - a 3-day interactive program that covers process,
systems, workflows, and critical gap areas in Project Management.
If the Bench size increases beyond a threshold value, the overall skill utilization drops and the cost to the
company increases significantly impacting profit margins. In order to address this challenge, we have launched
a bench re-skilling initiative. It enables the company to pick up new contracts requiring quick ramp-up and the
associates on bench to re-skill/up-skill themselves into the roles for open positions instead of external hiring.
The Bench skills set are profiled and matched with open positions, to identify needs and opportunities. The
associates then undergo appropriate trainings, which are in line with the future needs of the clients.
The average hours of training for lateral associates was 39.11 hours per FTE (Full Time Employee) while that for Fresh
Graduates was 387 hours per FTE to make them deployable on projects. The average cost of training was INR 5160
per FTE. The other trainings, which were monitored, are reported in the table below.
*This does not include training from generic learning platforms like MyTube, EdX, Pluralsight
Associate Engagement
We believe in staying connected with our associates by taking feedback and inputs from them as well as sharing
information about the overall organizational strategy, growth and future direction. We have established multiple
platforms to ensure transparent, informative and engaging two-way communication with associates.
Through our multi-channel communication programs (Free voice, All hands meet, My Beat), associates can provide
bottom up feedback and contribute, share, use and store both explicit and implicit knowledge and experiences with the
rest of the organization. The feed-back received from associates is used to define the organization strategy and
approach and contribute to the strategy and direction of the company.
There are various engagements mechanisms for associates to gain perspectives on the Company’s future growth
plans, industry trends and future orientation.
DEXT: Dext is the New Age Learning Hangout to meet learning needs. It is an intuitive interface giving personalized
learning paths and access from any device to world class learning content.
Reverse mentoring: Everyone needs to change and learn from each other. We all have expertise in different fields.
Reverse mentoring platform allows associates (U4 and below) to mentor the seniors and hone new skills by teaching
them. Associates can use the reverse mentoring portal to sign up.
eXtra Miles: eXtra mile is a crowdsourcing initiative that connects skills with opportunities within the organization. A
Manager can post an assignment asking for resources and an associate can volunteer as a resource for one of the
assignments. This is an unique opportunity to enhance associate skills, get exposure and build capabilities.
Carenet: All of us must have a personal brand for ourselves. But how do we project our brand? How do we ensure that
others know about us? This is a portal that’s similar to Linkedin, but exclusive to our associates. This will enable
associates to network by showcasing their skills and achievements in the form of a profile. The launch of this portal is
planned in Q2FY’19
Career Turbo: This is a game-based app that will help associates in identifying their career goal. The gamifications
helps the associate discover various competencies and roles that (s)he can take on, based on their current skills.
Career turbo will also let you know the kind of skills you would need to learn in order to up-skill yourself. Skill adjacency
matrix helps identify associate capabilities and complementary skills they need to learn.
TechM CARES survey measures associate experience across key engagement dimensions like Career, Alignment,
Recognition, Empowerment and Strive. The action-planning feature in the survey is a step towards collaborative
decision making that influences aspects such as jobs, work environment and the direction of the company as a whole.
Tech Mahindra follows a multidimensional performance appraisal employing 180-degree feedback approach of
employees being appraised by one level superior or manager. 100% of all eligible employees are appraised through a
performance indicator system that integrates all the 3 types of performance appraisals. We have pre-defined and
measurable yearly goals and targets, which follow a multi-dimensional 180-degree feedback appraisal system and also
have comparative ranking of employees with associates in the same peer group.
Josh is a voluntary group formed by “life enthusiasts” who run fun, delight & connect and organize events at TechM.
The Josh Team Members ensure that TechMighties remain encouraged, entertained and also help enable the society
around them. The JOSH team members give every associate a reason to smile, celebrate and connect work with fun.
Every Tech Mahindra location has its Josh teams formed by associates volunteering to be part of these teams. Within
Josh, there are clubs dedicated to Culture, Sports, Adventure, Movies, Quizzing etc. and they organize events that
include charity, cheer and challenges.
The entire JOSH team works together in conjunction with the Location Councils to Drive Positive Change in the lives
of associates while Accepting No limits and Thinking Alternatively and celebrating every single occasion with passion,
enthusiasm and commitment
Our Family Connect Programmes such as Founder’s Day, Family Day, Ekatvam, ACE Awards ensure we stay
connected with our extended Tech Mahindra universe and celebrate our success with them.
Health and Safety
We are committed to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the associates. The Company’s Mantra of
“Wellness before Business” is reflected in the medical camps, wellness programs, work from home facility and
numerous other options available across locations.
We have a comprehensive Health and Wellness program - ‘Wealth of Wellness’ (WoW), through which we harness the
power of technology for associate health and wellness.
WoW strives to provide various avenues to the associates to ensure their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The
program offers sessions, events, camps, webinars, talks, workshops, and health contests and enables awareness of
physical, emotional and spiritual fitness for associates. The WoW programs, activities and needs are planned through
the ‘WoW Committee’, our Health and Safety Committee. It investigates workplace safety and injuries, brings fitness to
the desks of the associates and also works with the management. The WoW committee is also responsible for tracking
the effectiveness of our wellness program.
Wellness Infrastructure: All large campuses at TechM have Medical Rooms, Gymnasiums and Indoor Games facilities
for use by associates. There is a robust Emergency contact process with toll free numbers across India, US, UK, and
Australia. We also conduct self-defence training sessions across many locations.
The WoW Committee is the health and safety committee of Tech Mahindra at all the locations of operations, which had
a fair representation of all categories of employees.
In the reporting year, there were no injuries or illness within the premises, which lead to lost days or absenteeism by
the employees.
Counseling Facilities for Associates: We are also committed to the psychological well-being of our associates.
Counseling facilities, with a strict confidentiality clause are made available at all the locations
Tech Mahindra’s Diversity and Inclusivity mission for sustainable leadership is “Acknowledge, respect, and leverage
the value of individual differences to enhance organization competency and innovation for Sustainable
Leadership”. We do not limit diversity to providing equal employment opportunities but extend it to valuing and
celebrating the uniqueness of every individual by fostering an environment of inclusion and empowerment. Please refer
to the Diversity and Inclusion Policy here.
We believe that differently-abled associates increase the quality of organizational diversity and encourage collaborative
work. We therefore have special initiatives to provide equal opportunities and necessary support to differently-abled
professionals. Cultural diversity at the workplace provides a competitive advantage enabling idea generation and an
ability to understand a wide variety of customer segments.
Gender diversity enables a better work environment, promotes an improved culture, increases efficiency and
productivity and reduces attrition. We are committed to increasing the number of female employees at all levels within
the organization and in the leadership and senior level positions.
With a focus on increasing the number of women joining the workforce, we want to reiterate our commitment to
workplace safety. There is zero tolerance to sexual harassment. We empower our women associates and ensure
their safety by organizing self-defense workshops, GPS enabled cabs, regular transport surveys and training bus/cab
drivers on safety and behavioral aspects.
Women’s Representation
*In 2016-17, we added a new matrix in gender diversity and started monitoring the percentage of women in revenue
generating functions.
We do not campaign for, support or directly offer any funds or property as a donation or otherwise to any political party
or to any independent candidate for the political office. We do not make contributions to political parties to influence
any decision or gain a business advantage. We make donations that are legal and ethical under local laws and
GRI 102 - 12 Externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives
to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses
We follow the International Human Rights Norms and National Labour Laws that protect and empower all associates
directly employed by us and our suppliers and sub-contractors. Enforcement of the principles of human rights in our
decision-making and business interactions allows us to identify risks to our business and create value.
Being part of the Mahindra Group, which has long been a United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) signatory, we were
always committed to follow global best practices and adhere to UNGC and UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights. In FY 2016-17 Tech Mahindra became a Signatory to UN Global Contact.
We ensure conformance with UNGC principles and monitor progress on them using the GRI Standards disclosure
All employment contracts and policy documents are periodically and proactively reviewed to ensure that there are no
human rights violations across the globe.
Human Rights aspects are administered and implemented through our Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment.
We have zero tolerance to sexual harassment at workplace. Our Anti-Sexual Harassment (ASH) Policy was updated
and renamed Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) in 2016-17. All associates are required to complete a
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training and get a certificate of completion. This training and certification is strictly
enforced and non-conformance ensures a quick dismissal.
All the associates completed the training in 2017-18 in the training cycle.
All significant investments in all our acquired companies have undergone human rights screening. Employment
contracts and policy documents go through periodic reviews to ensure no human rights violation happen across the
globe. While reviewing such agreements & policies, significant effort and time is invested by the organization along with
incidental costs needed for reviews. Such investments are periodic and proactive. Though we always follow the
principles of UNGC, being an associater concern of the larger M&M group, Tech Mahindra is now part of the Global
Compact Network India (GCNI), the Indian Local Network of the UN Global Compact and a signatory of the larger
UNGC also.
We have a formal mechanism for tracking incidents of discrimination. There were 28 complaints of sexual harassment
in FY 2017-18, all of which were closed after satisfactory resolution and necessary action.
One Discrimination Charge was filed with US Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division, however the same was dismissed.
Sexual Harassment 2017-18 Filed Closed Ongoing
India 26 26 0
Sweden 1 1 0
Michigan 1 1 0
We recognize the right to freedom of association and encourage associates to connect, discuss ideas and raise issues
through readily available internal tools and platforms. Some of the avenues like Free-voice (a portal where associates
can air their issues), IRIS (our Idea bank), All hands Meets, Redressal committee offer an opportunity for associates to
interact with the management, raise concerns and resolve issues and conflicts in a fair and transparent manner.
In addition to the policies on various aspects of Human Rights like POSH, CEBC, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy,
we also have a Business Responsibility Policy, which administers the implementation of our core values and culture.
The Policy is in line with the Nine Principles of the National Voluntary Guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Corporate
Tech Mahindra has a highly educated workforce, whose technical skills are greatly valued globally. Most of our IT
employees are not part of any trade Unions, as they are highly educated and have a significant bargaining power in
the IT & Software industry, thus ensuring that their’ interests are largely protected by the free market.
Tech Mahindra adheres to the local practices and some of our associates are covered by independent trade union or
collective bargaining agreements in few of the European countries. Here our employees are members of the Works
Council set up in accordance with local laws which takes part in majority of operations related to employees at the
location, such as hiring and exit, terms and conditions of their employment, agreements etc. But even without being
part of a union, every Tech Mahindra employee has readily available access to many internal tools to connect with the
senior management. We have Free Voice (a platform to share views on policies, practices and culture within the
company), IRIS (our idea bank) where employees can share their views, opinions and ideas across managerial levels
and the organization.
Tech Mahindra encourages transparency across its workforce and directly helps connect with leaders and their vision
through events like ‘All-Hands meets’ and ‘Coffee with Leaders’ where Senior Management leaders interact, discuss
and exchange ideas on myriad issues including Company strategy and goals. The employees can also directly connect
with the leaders through online platforms like Twitter/ Facebook etc. There is a Redressal Committee which addresses
all concerns raised by the associates and resolves them in a fair and transparent manner.
The Code of Ethics for Business Conduct covers topics of corruption and bribery. 100% of the employees of TechM
received the training in 2017-18.
Tech Mahindra’s values on ethics and integrity are administered through the Tech Mahindra Code of Ethical Business
Conduct. The Board of Directors, Senior Management and associates (permanent and on contract) and all external
stakeholders are required to strictly adhere to the Code of Ethical Business Conduct (CEBC).
CEBC Training is mandatory for all Associates. It covers fundamental aspects of ethical business and the mechanism
to report any cases of non-compliance to the Corporate Ombudsman. 100% of the associates completed this training
in the training cycle. External stakeholders are encouraged to take the CEBC Training, which is available on the
Our Whistleblower Policy provides associates (whether permanent or on contract) , Investors, customers, vendors and
other stakeholders an avenue to raise concerns, in line with our commitment to the standards of ethical, moral and
legal business conduct. The policy provides necessary safeguards for protection of employees from reprisals or
victimization, for whistle blowing in good faith. An ombudsman along with a dedicated telephone line enables employees
to raise their concern and report cases. The policy is communicated to all associates and other stakeholders through
our various engagement platforms.
We view membership with industry association and trade bodies as a platform for influencing public policy and sharing
best practices. In FY 2017-18, we paid a total fee of INR 1.25 Cr. towards these memberships. Some of the associations
which we are members of include:
World Economic Forum(WEF)
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry
The highest fees were paid to NASSCOM and WEF at Rs 60 lakh and 40 lakh respectively.
Social & Relationship Capital
Tech Mahindra’s Social and relationship capital is derived from the institutions and the relationships within and between
communities, groups of stakeholders and other networks. It includes shared norms, and common values and
behaviours, trust and willingness to engage with each other. It strives to build and protect the relationships with external
stakeholders and intangibles associated with the brand and reputation. It represents the ability to share information to
enhance individual and collective well-being.The enduring values that guide our actions, decisions and relationships
Accepting No Limits
We accept no limits, and ask the same of everyone else. In return, we work relentlessly to provide the tools,
information, and inspiration for us to push past limitations and comfort zones.
Alternative Thinking
Alternative thinking means solving problems in ways no one thought of before, by using fewer resources and entering
markets thought to be unreachable.
Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is a material priority for Tech Mahindra. The management approach for all CSR projects is
evaluated at the Board Level CSR Committee.
The CSR focus areas for the company are Education, Employability and Disability – the tenets that can enable the
communities to Rise. From primary school to professional training, our CSR interventions are aimed at empowering
our young people to take charge of their lives, and build a more prosperous future for themselves and their families.
SMART Shikshaantar
Skills for Market Training– Professional development of
atraining program for youth primary government
from underprivileged schoolteachers, principals, school
backgrounds inspectors, education officers,
leaders and management officials
Bridging the demand and ARISE
supply gap for trained, skilled All Round Improvement in School
man-power across various Education
trades in technical domains.
These three areas are cross cutting themes for all our projects and programmes at Tech Mahindra Foundation.
Tech Mahindra Foundation is the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of Tech Mahindra Limited. The foundation set
up in 2007, as a section 25 Company, has been working in the areas of education, employability and disability, with a
keen focus on corporate volunteering. It is operated across twelve locations in India.
Loveleen Kacker
Chief Executive Officer, Tech Mahindra Foundation
Shikshaantar focuses on building the capacity of teachers, principals, school inspectors, education officers and leaders.
The vision of the program is the enrichment in education by developing an effective in-service teacher education
program, which prepares professionally competent and compassionate education professionals, dedicated to serving
the diverse cultural, linguistic and exceptional learning needs of the most marginalized children.
Seema trumped visual impairment to score 90%
This year, 12 visually impaired girls from TMF supported Jagriti school for blind girls in Pune, passed the exam with
flying colors. Seema Kharad topped her school by securing an impressive 90%, Snehal Patange stood 2 nd by scoring
85.20% and Durga Yevale came 3rd by scoring 84.40%.
The hard work and determination of these girls is unstoppable. Both Seema and Durga are very keen to go for higher
education and learn humanities. Seema, a chess enthusiast wants to prepare for UPSC and dreams of becoming an
IAS officer. Second topper Snehal loves to dance and wants to do social service by becoming an advocate. Durga too
loves to play chess and plans to take a road to teaching by taking the role of a professor.
SMART program is a model vocational training program for youth from underprivileged backgrounds, which helps them
actualize their potential in a career of their choice. The program equips youth from urban communities with requisite
skills and attitudes to gainfully participate in the new economy. One of the largest skilling initiatives run under corporate
social responsibility in India, it is aligned with the Government of India’s vision on skilling.
Drawing upon industry research and experience of running a large employability program, the Foundation initiated
SMART – T to bridge the demand and supply gap for trained, skilled manpower across various trades in technical
domains. The program offers training on a variety of trades in formal partnership with some of the leading agencies in
technical training.
SMART+ or SMART for persons with disabilities was launched in 2013-14 to include youth with disabilities under the
skilling initiatives of the Foundation. The program enables youth with a diverse range of disabilities – sight impairment,
hearing/ speech impairment and loco-motor disabilities to receive hands-on training and exposure to the rich curriculum
and resources of SMART.
SMART Students carving a niche with SMART Pay Packages!
Siddhartha, a 35-year-old man, married with two kids, was struggling to make both ends meet. Despite having
degrees his lack of confidence and communication skills, came in his way of getting a decent job. Daily he struggled
under the burden of family responsibilities, unable to find a job. His life changing moment came when he saw a
newspaper advertisement by Tech Mahindra Academy for
“I had all the qualifications, but my skills were not polished. I knew
that only way I could get a decent job was through a professional
course, which would guide me to a career path. I enrolled myself in
the Hospital Front Office and Billing Executive (HFOBE) course. My
family and kids also supported me wholeheartedly. Thanks to the
Tech Mahindra SMART Academy for Healthcare Delhi, today I
have a decent job in my hand” said Siddhartha with a smile of
accomplishment on his face.
He gets the highest salary that any SMART student has achieved
so far.
Impact Employability
Ramtekadi is a slum in Pune where a large part of the population, particularly the youth is uneducated and employed
in the informal sector. They either are rag pickers, vegetable vendors or
involved in small business. Only a handful of youth in this area are in
colleges. Tech Mahindra Foundation started a new SMART centre in
2016 there.
Anis Amin Shaikh is a student at the Smart Centre Ramtekadi. His father,
a tailor, runs a small tailoring shop and the family is barely able to get by
on the amount he earns. Anis completed his graduation and then started
looking for a job but he couldn't get one. "I could pass the first two rounds
of interviews but then I had problems so I wanted to work on it," says
Anis. He took admission in the SMART Centre. Gradually, his English
communication and presentation skills improved. With the help of his
English teacher, he also improved his typing speed.
Anis worked hard and gradually could see a change in himself. He got selected in Concentrix Daksh Private Ltd. on
an annual package of Rs. 2,00,000. He has set an example for the Ramtekdi youth that nothing is impossible. ."I
can support my family now and live a decent life" says Anis with a smile.
Mahindra Educational Institutions, a 100% subsidiary of Tech Mahindra Limited, is a not-for-profit company set up
under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1956 (corresponding to Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013).
Technical Education: The Mahindra École Centrale (MEC) project provided high quality technical education in
engineering and computer technology for the students. MEC is an international quality, technology school with assured
career progression for engineering aspirants. It focuses on multi-disciplinary knowledge, personality development, and
critical-creative thinking. MEC College of Engineering, heralds the Rise of the New Engineer in India.
Employee Volunteering
Tech Mahindra provides several volunteering opportunities to employees in various social and environmental activities.
Volunteering activities are not conducted during work hours. All employees who participate in the Foundation’s
volunteering programs do so during their own free time after work or over the weekends and holidays. A total
of 18744 individual volunteers cumulatively volunteered for 80846 hours in 2017-18. This is around 26 % of the total
work force of Tech Mahindra Ltd. India (India workforce 72004 employees). In addition to this, 2782 volunteer hours
were clocked under Green Marshals.
The Tech Mahindra Foundation employees are on Tech Mahindra Ltd payroll and their salaries, work, travel and
business overheads are supported by the company beyond the CSR spend. INR 1.6 crore was spent on the overheads
in 2017-18.
Tech Mahindra replaces computers of employees every 5-years. These old but still working computers are donated to
deserving schools, NGOs and other not-for-profit organisations. TMF also conducts donation drives within the
GRI 413 – 1: Operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessment and development
Promoted quality Education and Employability for vulnerable sections of society through vibrant and innovative
partnerships with the Government, NGOs, CBOs and other organisations across 12 major cities of India. There have
been some recent initiatives in Public Health as well
Public Health: The Foundation has supported a project called ‘Last Mile Connect’ as part of which a Public Cycle
intervention in Delhi is supported on an end-to-end basis. In addition, the Foundation has also supported the
infrastructure development of a Nursing College at Banasthali University in Rajasthan and another project in which
affordable Dialysis care is being provided to patients.
All the initiatives delivered through the foundation and the number of direct beneficiaries from the initiatives is tabulated
below. Arise + and SMART + are the focused initiatives for education and training for persons with disabilities. In the
reporting year, we targeted to enrol students enrolled 7102 under Arise + and 1469 under SMART+. We were able to
achieve an enrolment of 6952 and 1284 students under the two initiatives.
In 2017-18, there were 43547 direct beneficiaries across all TMF projects. Women formed 45% of these beneficiaries
(19907 females) while 18.9% (8236 persons) were people with disabilities. This is in line with the TMF CSR vison of
promotion of Education especially across the minorities and ensuring that 50% of the total beneficiaries on the TMF
programs are girls/ young women while 10% of the total beneficiaries are people with disabilities.
The total CSR spend in 2017-18 was INR 76.42 Cr. Apart from INR 1.6 Cr spent on overheads and administrative
In 2015-16, we carried out an impact assessment of the SMART initiative through a third party.
A copy of Tech Mahindra’s CSR Vision and Policy Document is available online at:
Manufactured Capital
Manufactured Capital – Tech Mahindra’s Facilities and Infrastructure; the facilities and
infrastructure of the clients when the associates are on-site for projects; data centers and IT
infrastructure - enables the associates to deliver services to the customers.
The manufactured capital acts as an enabler in increasing our financial capital, intellectual capital and human capital.
Our world-class facilities, green open spaces, cafeterias, canteens, training rooms, medical rooms and gymnasium
provide the right environment for the associates to enable service delivery and development of new platforms and
Our Facilities
TCFD Report
In order to have a sustained focus on Climate Change, Tech Mahindra has used the TCFD Framework and prepared
a separate report to disclose Governance, Strategy and Risk Management around climate change.
The CSR Committee at the Board is responsible for formulating the Sustainability and CSR vision and strategy and
reviewing Climate Change strategy and performance. It is reviewed each quarter at the Board Level.
Tech Mahindra has a Sustainability Roadmap with defined goals and targets that are distributed across the
management, function & department heads and the employees. The performance of relevant personnel is linked to the
Balance Score Cards (used to measure performance) and KRA’s. Climate Change is aligned to the balanced score
card of the ‘CEO & MD’ and senior leader of the organization.
Sustainability Council
The Tech Mahindra Sustainability Council has a direct reporting to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Committee. The Council is responsible for approving, overseeing and monitoring the formulation, implementation and
monitoring & review of the Climate Change Strategy, Roadmap and Initiatives. The council also reviews key risks and
overall performance and provides vital insights on integrating climate change risks with strategy. They also ensure
environment norms and regulations are well covered within our charter & performance.
The Sustainability Council comprises of the key department heads like Finance, Human Resources, Corporate
Services, Legal Services and Sustainability & Customer Centricity and meets every quarter to review progress. The
key responsibilities of each Council Members are listed below:
Dy. Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Manoj Bhat – Responsible for guiding key financial decisions related to
climate change and sustainability.
Chief People Officer, Mr. Rakesh Soni – Responsible for guides the sustainability charter for people and
their training. Mr. Harshvendra Soin, the new CPO will take over this role for FY2018-19.
Head of Corporate Services, Mr. Shivanand Raja - Responsible for ensuring that the sustainability charter
is imbibed across all assets and locations.
Head of Legal Services, Mr. Atanu Sarkar – Responsible for ensuring compliance with global environmental
Chief Sustainability Officer, Mr. Sandeep Chandna - Responsible for driving the sustainability agenda;
increasing energy efficiency; ensuring effective water and waste resources management; increasing
renewable sources; moving towards a low carbon future; working across the organization for developing and
executing strategies for energy use, resource conservation, recycling, pollution reduction, waste elimination,
eco-friendly transportation and building design. He manages sustainability program operations, takes pre-
emptive actions to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and executes the Sustainability
Roadmap & Initiatives. He has to develop sustainable organizational policies and practices; Identify and
evaluate pilot projects/programs to enhance sustainability linked innovation ideas within the organization.
In order to monitoring compliance on sustainability - internal issues are reported via respective department to the Chief
Sustainability Officer and investment decisions are made in coordination with the respective departments. For external
issues - CSR committee/ Sustainability council receives inputs; assesses impact and develops strategy and action plan
for appropriate management action. The Tech Mahindra Sustainability Council also consults with Mahindra Group
Sustainability Council, which includes Anirban Ghosh, Group Sustainability Head & TechM Board member Ulhas
and wind in electricity mix to increase in near future. We foresee a renewable energy regulation on all industries
including Tech Mahindra in the short term.
Mandates and Regulation on Products and Services
India has implemented a Perform - Achieve and Trade regime for 8 sectors - cement, steel, fertilizer, aluminums, pulp
and paper, thermal power, alkali manufacturing plants under the 'National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency'.
Second phase was rolled out from 2016-2019 to new sectors and new customers. Third phase is also planned and it
may extend to industries like IT industry. We foresee this as a risk in the medium term.
Impact of climate related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial
Results of scenario analysis are integrated within our sustainability strategy and business strategy. We are trying to
utilize green opportunities and scenario analysis results for defining our future roadmap with respect to targeted
reductions in energy and carbon emissions. We are also trying to integrate climate related opportunities like green
products and solution development, innovation for reduce carbon footprint for customers, local procurement for
reducing in scope 3 emissions etc. We are also integrating mitigations and management of climate related risks in our
future business strategy by having more solar investments, robust BCP processes, data center migrations/upgrades,
AC, LED’s and other technology upgrades.
Case/ example - Focus on green products to reduce carbon print of our customers are inducted as main
opportunity/focus area for future business growth.
Resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios,
including a 2°C or lower scenario
We have used 2DS Scenario Analysis to create future strategy; identify and assess risks to our business; and utilize
opportunities from climate change and bring adequate focus on CSR initiatives.
Carbon Resilience Strategy - Increased revenue through diversification:
De-carbonizing our business makes financial sense. Carbon reduction pathways are no different from our business
pathways. In the emerging climate risk scenarios, Tech Mahindra is striving to move towards a Low Carbon future. Our
performance is demonstrated by the external recognition we have received in the form of awards. We made it on various
forums and indices like CDP Climate Change, CDP Supply Chain, DJSI, Eco Vadis, OEKOM, FTSE etc. There is lot of
potential to diversify our portfolio and provide consulting with a nominal price charged for our Suppliers. While working
to steadily reduce the carbon footprint from our own activities and operations, we hope to play an enabling role in
assisting our value chain partners – our customers, suppliers and vendors – in transitioning towards low carbon
development and growth and report them through various forums.
Response Strategy:
Tech Mahindra has played a significant role in area of sustainability and established itself leader in this space. Tech
Mahindra is already into forming integrated report with CDSB framework, conducting assessments and audits for
suppliers, taking capacity-building workshop to improve on this space. We have also implemented Carbon Price to
abate GHG emissions and invest in various Sustainability projects like increasing Renewable Energy source, energy
efficiency, LEED certifications, environmental management systems, Green building certifications and creating
awareness amongst our employees, customers and suppliers through program called as Making Sustainability
Personal and enable taking various events, seminars, activities towards protecting environment.
As a part of the ERM process, Climate Change Risks are also identified. The criteria used to prioritize risks associated
with climate change are:
Quantum of impact of climate changes on operations, changes in regulations, locations of our operations
Scope of impact - regulatory impact, cost impact & stakeholder concern
Time and resources required for implementing changes
Potential return on sustainable investments
Identification of opportunities is embedded within business verticals and solutions groups which have a direct interaction
with the customers. The opportunities identified are bench-marked within the industry during regular meetings with
Chief Technology Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Innovation Management Cell. Opportunities identified
are prioritized based on following parameters to provide impetus to overall sustainable business growth:
R&D initiatives fitment to business verticals.
Market Relevance & competition of the project.
Fitment to overall business strategy on climate change.
Feasibility of a business case for solutions related to climate change.
Size of Opportunity.
Increasing customer demand for IT-based Energy Management Solutions.
Budgeting aspects of R&D projects.
Milestones achieved on R&D Projects.
ERM Framework looks at Climate Change Risks. Risks reported to the board each quarter.
We performed detailed opportunity assessment for customer interest in green products. We used design thinking to
understand consumer preference and created 3 products where design has incorporated social or environmental
concerns, risks and/or opportunities. These products also got various awards and accolades for the social aspects they
bring together.
Saarthi, Winner of the Aegis Graham Bell and Economic Times Award is an AI enabled robot that provides
wellness as a service and helps measure the basic medical parameters.
Farm Guru is an end-to-end Smart Agri-Framework intended to minimize human intervention and provide
specialized assistance through using precision agriculture for producing a quality yield.
Next Gen Emergency Management System (Next Gen EMS) is to provide end-to-end flow of information and
enable emergency response teams to provide high quality care without compromising on the speed of the
care delivery.
Risk Assessment By using tools like SWOT Analysis; event/decision tree analysis and
assessment of probability and magnitude of impact.
The approach to risk management is that of early stage identification, communication and management. Risk
management includes focused actions like strengthening operational controls; deploying and updating business
continuity and disaster recovery; developing business resilience; driving internal awareness and identifying business
All business functions have designated Risk Officers who collect inputs on a monthly basis for updating the risk register.
The identified risks are assessed on the basis of outcomes, probability and magnitude of impacts using tools like SWOT
(Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat) Analysis; Event/decision Tree Analysis; Scenario Analysis, Delphi
Technique, Cause and Effect Diagram and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA). These techniques allow early stage
prediction of different scenarios and its probable impact on Tech Mahindra’s business continuity and Growth. Basis of
the risks identified, the Business Continuity Plan is deployed. The risks, impact and strategies are reported to the Board
quarterly and are set out in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report.
How processes for identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks are
integrated into the organization’s overall risk management.
Tech M’s approach to Risk Management is that of analyzing thoroughly each & every risks possibilities in short, medium
& long-term. We perform complete assessment of risk & its prioritization, impact assessment, likelihood assessment,
magnitude assessment along with financial impact assessment. We also create management approach for each risk
that generates into focus across some of sustainability projects to be immediately established. Sustainability team,
Corporate Services & Location Councils discuss all aspects of risk with employees, which arise during floods & identify
key risks. Risks are reported to Risk Officers & Chief Risk Officer for quick help. At asset level, our Operations team
maintains documented Business Continuity Plans-incorporate assessment of physical risks & impact of natural
disasters. We prioritize risks & opportunities that are material to our company & business. We followed GRI standards.
Prioritization process involved engagements with various stakeholders, internal teams & senior management of
company encompassing entire value chain, to identify risk & opportunities. We carried out a thorough risk assessment
& evaluated potential impact on our business activities. Our BCM System & Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
Plan were created & updated for to be able to respond & management effectively any risk issue.
Metrics used by the organization to assess climate related risks and opportunities in line
with its strategy and risk management process.
The metrics used to assess climate change related risks are operational cost, capital investment amongst others.
Transition Risk
To move towards carbon neutrality, Tech Mahindra have always
transitioned to new technologies. Impact assessment is based on
following technology investments of 219,712.22$. Installation of
solar water heaters and LED replacing old lamps to increase
energy efficiency and solar lights by investing $2635 and replacing
Technology: Costs
High definition lamps saving 20160kWh/year. We plan to procure
to transition to lower
Capital investment star rated equipment like laptops, desktops, servers, telephonic
instruments and allied supporting materials. $3Mn purchase of star
rated AC's along-with efficient technology in aircon/ VRV
technology investing $162,347. Even though capital is higher, it
saves operational commercial cost from grid electricity, so it has
greater ROI. Impact assessment has been conducted as
cumulative addition of Capex technologies procurement
Physical Risks
Opportunity Opportunity
Metrics Management Methodology
Type Drivers
Water scarcity is major problem globally. We require water to
continue our daily operation and is majorly used for human
consumption, landscaping, cleaning and sanitation and for
operational purposes. Also water requirement in these days
Recycling Operation Cost increases 1.5times. Total water recycled through STP is
504070.9kilolitres with commercial value as 0.387 which is
increased to 1.5 times to the financial implications. So the
opportunity to save our fresh water withdrawal through water
recycling is $ 293,064.48.
Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the
related risks.
Our Scope 1 Emissions (2,787.02MTCO2) include fuels like diesel from Generators, Diesel and Petrol from owned cars
and LPG used. Even though inclusion of LPG at our locations, we have reduced Scope 1 by cutting down of Diesel for
owned vehicles, reduced on transport and logistics and has bundled routes. Scope 2 emissions (122,699.61MTCO)
comprises of emissions from electricity which is sourced from grid. We have increased our renewable source of energy
through Solar installation of capacity 3404kWp and to reduce our Scope 2 emissions. Our Scope 3 (36884.77 MTCO2)
comprises of emissions from employee commute, business travel, purchased goods and services and waste. We have
taken various initiatives to reduce our scope 3 emissions like awareness on use of public transport or carpooling, reduce
logistics through bundling routes and inventory control, use of virtual infrastructure to cut down business travel. We
have taken various measures to reduce it. Some of the energy reduction initiatives are:
a. Installation of energy efficient equipment (motion sensors, energy efficient laptops/servers, HVAC
equipment etc.), consolidation of operations in energy efficient locations and better maintenance
b. Increase in renewable energy share of the company operations
c. Increase in virtual server infrastructure with reducing dependency on physical servers.
Our GHG emissions has been assured by third party as per DNV GL VeriSustainTM1 protocol and international
assurance best practice including International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000) Revised* and
GRI guidelines
Targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and
performance against targets.
We have taken short term, medium term and long term target until 2021,2030 and 2050 of reducing our Scope 1+2
emissions by 15%, 22% and 50% respectively with base year 2015-16. We have taken intensity targets of reducing
emissions by 2.65% year-on-year with base year 2015-16. Our targets are according to SBT and its methodology. We
will reduce the emissions through: Increase in Renewable energy of source, increase in energy efficient equipment,
implementing carbon price. We have also taken up targets to reduce 5% of water consumption with respect to
Waste Ensure no Reduction in Paper 93.37 ton 86.17 ton 70.15 ton 15%
Management waste to Consumption
GRI Standards Content Index
General Disclosures
Disclosure No. GRI Standards Title Page External
Organizational Profile
GRI 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain 9 Yes
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 25 Yes
Stakeholder Engagement
Report Profile
GRI 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 10 Yes
GRI 102-22 Composition of the highest governance body and its 29 – 31 Yes
Economic Disclosures
GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due 34
to climate change
Environmental Disclosures
Disclosure No. GRI Standards Title Page No. External
GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 70-71 Yes
GRI 304 – 1 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent 81 Yes
to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value
outside protected areas.
GRI 304 – 2 Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on 81 Yes
GRI 304-4 Number of IUCN Red list species and national conservation 81 Yes
list species with habitats in areas affected by operations
GRI 306-2 Total volume of waste by type and disposal method 78 Yes
Social Disclosures
Disclosure No. GRI Standards Title Page No. External
GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 87-88 Yes
GRI 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition 87 Yes
assistance programs
GRI 403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, 91 Yes
lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related
GRI 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and 48 Yes
economic area
Mapping with CDSB Framework
The Integrated Report is aligned with the Guiding Principles and requirements (REQs) of CDSB
Framework for reporting environmental information and Natural Capital.
CDSB Guiding Principles
P3 Disclosures shall be connected with The Natural Capital chapter is part of the Mainstream
other information in the mainstream Integrated Report using the Integrated Reporting
report. Framework.
P4 - Disclosures shall be consistent and 3 Year performance trends are provided based on
comparable. the GRI Standards to ensure comparability with
earlier sustainability reports.
P6 - Disclosures shall be verifiable. The data is externally assured and the assurance
statement is enclosed.
Reporting Requirements
REQ-01 - Company’s environmental Environmental Strategy and roadmap forms a part of 27-28, 67-68
policy, environmental strategy and the Sustainability Roadmap. There are clearly
environmental targets defined targets for material environmental topics
which are reviewed at the Management Level.
REQ-02 - Risks and opportunities Material current and anticipated environmental risks 33-34
form a part of the enterprise risk management
framework and are reported along with mitigation
measures in Risks and Opportunities.
REQ-04 - Sources of environmental GHG Protocol is used for estimation and of GHG 68
impacts emissions. Other material aspects of natural capital
are reported using the GRI Standards. GRI Content
index is included.
REQ-05 - Performance and comparative Three year trends are reported for each material 70 – 79
analysis environmental topic.
There were no changes in strategy, governance,
methodology or KPIs used for calculating results.
However the scope increased and has been
REQ-07 – Organizational boundary The organizational boundary is the same for the 9
Integrated Report - all the facilities in India. They
constitute > 70% of the business operations.
REQ-08 - Reporting policies The performance has been monitored using the GRI 9
Standards consistently. Assurance statement
represents continuity from one year to the next.
REQ-09 - Reporting period The reporting period of the <IR> is consistent with the 9
Annual Report for mainstream financial disclosure
following the Financial Calendar of 1st March to 31st
Mapping with SDGs
SDGs SDG's Initiative
Zero Hunger 2 9 Farm Guru
Quality Education 4 1,9 SMART Academy
Quality Education 4 Shikshaantar
Quality Education 4 Arise
Quality Education 4 17, 8 Mahindra Education Institution (MEI)
Quality Education 4 Mahindra École Centrale (MEC) project
360 degree learning and leadership development
Quality Education 4 8
Quality Education 4 8 Business wait re-skilling
Quality Education 4 4 SMART, SMART T
Gender Equality 5 11 Self-defence workshops
Gender Equality 5 Escort cabs for Woman safety
Gender Equality 5 11 GPS enabled cabs
Gender Equality 5 11 Training bus/cab drivers on safety aspects.
Affordable and Clean Energy 7 12, 13 Community Action Platform for Energy (CAPE)
Decent Work & Economic
8 Tech Mahindra Cares
Decent Work & Economic
8 FutuRise
Decent Work & Economic Cross Skilling Associates for Verticalization, Right-
8 4
Growth skilling Associates, Higher Education Support
Industry, Innovation & ‘Software Factory
Infrastructure of the Future’
The IRIS (Ideate, Refine, Implement and Shine)
Industry, Innovation &
9 program, Codathons/Hackathons, Mission
Industry, Innovation & Blue Marble - Cloud Based Business Services
9 8
Infrastructure Integration Platform
Sustainable Cities &
11 13 Smart Bins
Sustainable Cities &
11 Smart Street Lighting
Sustainable Cities &
11 7 Smart Automated Meter Reading
Sustainable Cities &
11 Smart Energy Management
Sustainable Cities &
11 13 multiple checks at stack (DG sets)
Climate Action 13 Business contingency plan
Climate Action 13 Making Sustainability Personal
Planting trees and dedicating open spaces to green
Climate Action 13 15
Climate Action 13 12, 15 Green Marshals
Climate Action 13 13, 3 Business Continuity Planning (BCP)