Salesforce Rest Api
Salesforce Rest Api
Last updated: October 16, 2019
© Copyright 2000–2019, inc. All rights reserved. Salesforce is a registered trademark of, inc.,
as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Chapter 3: Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Getting Information About My Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List Available REST API Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List Organization Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
List Available REST Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Get a List of Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Get an Image from a Rich Text Area Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Get a List of Objects If Metadata Has Changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Working with Object Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Retrieve Metadata for an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Get Object Metadata Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Working with Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Create a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Update a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Delete a Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
In this chapter ... REST API provides a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for interacting with Lightning
Platform. Its advantages include ease of integration and development, and it’s an excellent choice of
• Lightning Platform technology for use with mobile applications and Web 2.0 projects. If you have many records to process,
REST Resources consider using Bulk API, which is based on REST principles and optimized for large sets of data.
• Using Compression
REST API uses the same underlying data model and standard objects as those in SOAP API. See the SOAP
• Using Conditional API Developer Guide for details. REST API also follows the same limits as SOAP API. See the Limits section
Requests in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
• Using cURL in the
To use the API requires basic familiarity with software development, web services, and the Salesforce
REST Examples
user interface.
• Understanding
Authentication Use this introduction to understand:
• Use CORS to Access • The key characteristics and architecture of REST API. This will help you understand how your
Salesforce Resources applications can best use the Lightning Platform REST resources.
from Web Browsers • How to set up your development environment so you can begin working with REST API immediately.
• How to use REST API by following a quick start that leads you step by step through a typical use case.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Lightning Platform REST Resources
Note: Salesforce runs on multiple server instances. The examples in this guide use yourInstance in place of a specific
instance. Replace that text with the instance for your org.
Important characteristics of the Lightning Platform REST API resources and architecture:
Each request from client to server must contain all the information necessary to understand the request, and not use any stored
context on the server. However, the representations of the resources are interconnected using URLs, which allow the client to progress
between states.
Caching behavior
Responses are labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable.
Uniform interface
All resources are accessed with a generic interface over HTTP.
Named resources
All resources are named using a base URI that follows your Lightning Platform URI.
Layered components
The Lightning Platform REST API architecture allows for the existence of such intermediaries as proxy servers and gateways to exist
between the client and the resources.
The Lightning Platform REST API supports OAuth 2.0 (an open protocol to allow secure API authorization). See Understanding
Authentication for more details.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Using Compression
Using Compression
The REST API allows the use of compression on the request and the response, using the standards defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification.
Compression is automatically supported by some clients, and can be manually added to others. Visit Salesforce Developers for more
information on particular clients.
Tip: For better performance, we suggest that clients accept and support compression as defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification.
To use compression, include the HTTP header Accept-Encoding: gzip or Accept-Encoding: deflate in a request.
The REST API compresses the response if the client properly specifies this header. The response includes the header
Content-Encoding: gzip or Accept-Encoding: deflate. You can also compress any request by including a
Content-Encoding: gzip or Content-Encoding: deflate header.
Response Compression
The REST API can optionally compress responses. Responses are compressed only if the client sends an Accept-Encoding header.
The REST API is not required to compress the response even if you have specified Accept-Encoding, but it normally does. If the
REST API compresses the response, it also specifies a Content-Encoding header.
Request Compression
Clients can also compress requests. The REST API decompresses any requests before processing. The client must send a
Content-Encoding HTTP header in the request with the name of the appropriate compression algorithm. For more information,
• Content-Encoding at:
• Accept-Encoding at:
• Content Codings at:
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Using Conditional Requests
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Using cURL in the REST Examples
HTTP 1.1 specification:
The If-Unmodified-Since header is a request header that’s the inverse of If-Modified-Since. If you make a request
and include the If-Unmodified-Since header, the request is processed only if the data hasn’t changed since the specified
date. Otherwise, a 412 Precondition Failed status code is returned, and the request isn’t processed.
Supported resources: SObject Rows, SObject Describe, Describe Global, and Invocable Actions
Example: If-Unmodified-Since: Tue, 10 Aug 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Escaping the Session ID or Using Single Quotes on Mac and Linux Systems
When running the cURL examples for the REST resources, you may get an error on Mac and Linux systems due to the presence of
the exclamation mark special character in the session ID argument. To avoid getting this error, do one of the following:
• Escape the exclamation mark (!) special character in the session ID by inserting a backslash before it (\!) when the session ID is
enclosed within double quotes. For example, the session ID string in this cURL command has the exclamation mark (!) escaped:
-H "Authorization: Bearer
-H 'Authorization: Bearer sessionID'
Understanding Authentication
Salesforce uses the OAuth protocol to allow users of applications to securely access data without having to reveal username and password
Before making REST API calls, you must authenticate the application user using OAuth 2.0. To do so, you’ll need to:
• Set up your application as a connected app in the Salesforce organization.
• Determine the correct Salesforce OAuth endpoint for your connected app to use.
• Authenticate the connected app user via one of several different OAuth 2.0 authentication flows. An OAuth authentication flow
defines a series of steps used to coordinate the authentication process between your application and Salesforce. Supported OAuth
flows include:
– Web server flow, where the server can securely protect the consumer secret.
– User-agent flow, used by applications that cannot securely store the consumer secret.
– Username-password flow, where the application has direct access to user credentials.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Defining Connected Apps
After successfully authenticating the connected app user with Salesforce, you’ll receive an access token which can be used to make
authenticated REST API calls.
6. Add all supported OAuth scopes to Selected OAuth Scopes. These scopes refer to permissions given by the user running the
connected app.
7. Enter a URL for Info URL. This is where the user can go for more information about your application.
8. Click Save. The Consumer Key is created and displayed, and the Consumer Secret is created (click the link to reveal it).
Once you define a connected app, you use the consumer key and consumer secret to authenticate your application. See Creating a
Connected App in the Salesforce online help for specific steps to create a connected app for the type of authentication you need.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
If you’re verifying authentication on a sandbox organization, use “” instead of “” in all the OAuth
endpoints listed above.
How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth Authentication
Apps that are hosted on a secure server use the web server authentication flow. A critical aspect of the web server flow is that the server
must be able to protect the consumer secret. You can use code challenges and verifier values in the flow to prevent authorization code
In this flow, the client application requests the authorization server to redirect the user to another web server or resource. The web server
or resource authorizes the user, and sends the application an authorization code. The application uses the authorization code to request
an access token. The following shows the steps for this flow.
1. The application redirects the user to the appropriate Salesforce authorization endpoint, such as The following parameters are required:
Parameter Description
response_type Must be code for this authentication flow.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
Parameter Description
client_id The Consumer Key from the connected app definition.
Parameter Description
code_challenge Specifies the SHA256 hash value of the code_verifier
value in the token request to help prevent authorization code
interception attacks. The hash value must be base64url encoded
as defined here:
• If the code_challenge value is provided in the
authorization request and a code_verifier value is
provided in the token request, Salesforce compares the
code_challenge to the code_verifier. If the
code_challenge is invalid or doesn’t match, the login
fails with the invalid_request error code.
• If the code_challenge value is provided in the
authorization request, but a code_verifier value is
not provided in the token request, the login fails with the
invalid_grant error code.
display Changes the login page’s display type. Valid values are:
• page—Full-page authorization screen. This value is the
default if none is specified.
• popup—Compact dialog optimized for modern web
browser popup windows.
• touch—Mobile-optimized dialog designed for modern
mobile devices such as Android and iPhone.
• mobile—Mobile optimized dialog designed for mobile
devices such as BlackBerry OS 5 that don’t support touch
immediate Determines whether the user is prompted for login and approval.
Values are either true or false. Default is false.
• If set to true, and if the user is currently logged in and has
previously approved the application, the approval step is
• If set to true and the user is not logged in or has not
previously approved the application, the session is
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
Parameter Description
immediately terminated with the
immediate_unsuccessful error code.
prompt Specifies how the authorization server prompts the user for
reauthentication and reapproval. This parameter is optional. The
only values Salesforce supports are:
• login—The authorization server must prompt the user for
reauthentication, forcing the user to log in again.
• consent—The authorization server must prompt the user
for reapproval before returning information to the client.
It is valid to pass both values, separated by a space, to require
the user to both log in and reauthorize. For example:
scope Specifies what data your application can access. See “Scope
Parameter Values” in Salesforce Help for more information.
2. The user logs into Salesforce with their credentials. The user is interacting with the authorization endpoint directly, so the application
never sees the user’s credentials. After successfully logging in, the user is asked to authorize the application. If the user has already
authorized the application, this step is skipped.
3. After Salesforce confirms that the client application is authorized, the end user’s web browser is redirected to the callback URL
specified by the redirect_uri parameter. Salesforce appends authorization information to the redirect URL with the following
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
Parameters Description
code Authorization code the consumer must use to obtain the access
and refresh tokens. The authorization code expires after 15
state The state value that was passed in as part of the initial request,
if applicable.
4. The application extracts the authorization code and passes it in a request to Salesforce for an access token. This request is a POST
request sent to the appropriate Salesforce token request endpoint, such as The following parameters are required:
Parameter Description
grant_type Value must be authorization_code for this flow.
code Authorization code the consumer must use to obtain the access
and refresh tokens. The authorization code expires after 15
Parameter Description
client_assertion Instead of passing in client_secret you can choose to
provide a client_assertion and
client_assertion_type. If a client_secret
parameter is not provided, Salesforce checks for the
client_assertion and client_assertion_type
automatically. The value of client_assertion must be a
typical JWT bearer token, signed with the private key associated
with the OAuth consumer’s uploaded certificate. Only the RS256
algorithm is supported. For more information on using
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
Parameter Description
client_assertion, see the OpenID Connect specifications
for the private_key_jwt client authentication method.
code_verifier Specifies 128 bytes of random data with high enough entropy
to make it difficult to guess the value to help prevent
authorization code interception attacks. The value also must be
base64url encoded as defined here:
• If the code_verifier value is provided in the token
request and a code_challenge value is in the
authorization request, Salesforce compares the
code_verifier to the code_challenge. If the
code_verifier is invalid or doesn’t match, the login
fails with the invalid_grant error code.
• If the code_verifier value is provided in the token
request, but a code_challenge value was not provided
in the authorization request, the login fails with the
invalid_grant error code.
This example shows an access token POST request that sends the client_id and client_secret in the body.
POST /services/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Are Apps Authenticated with the Web Server OAuth
Authentication Flow?
Instead of sending client credentials as parameters in the body of the POST request, Salesforce supports the HTTP Basic authentication
scheme. The scheme requires the client_id and client_secret in the authentication header of the request as follows:
Authorization: Basic64Encode(client_id:secret)
The client_id and client_secret are separated with a colon (:). For more information, see The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
This example shows an access token POST request that uses HTTP Basic authentication scheme (rather than sending client credentials
in the POST request’s body).
POST /services/oath2/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic client_id=3MVG9lKcPoNINVBIPJjdw1J9LLM82HnFVVX19KY1uA5mu0
Note: If the client_id and client_secret are sent in the POST’s body, the authentication header is ignored.
5. If this request is successful, the server returns a response body that contains the following:
Parameters Description
access_token Access token that acts as a session ID that the application uses
for making requests. This token should be protected as though
it were user credentials.
token_type Value is Bearer for all responses that include an access token.
refresh_token Token that can be used in the future to obtain new access tokens.
instance_url Identifies the Salesforce instance to which API calls are sent.
id Identity URL that can be used to both identify the user and query
for more information about the user. Can be used in an HTTP
request to get more information about the end user.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Understanding the User-Agent OAuth Authentication Flow
6. The application uses the provided access token and refresh token to access protected user data.
1. The application redirects the user to the appropriate Salesforce authorization endpoint, such as The following parameters are required:
Parameter Description
response_type Must be token for this authentication flow
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Understanding the User-Agent OAuth Authentication Flow
Parameter Description
client_id The Consumer Key from the connected app definition.
Parameter Description
display Changes the login page’s display type. Valid values are:
• page—Full-page authorization screen. This value is the
default if none is specified.
• popup—Compact dialog optimized for modern web
browser popup windows.
• touch—Mobile-optimized dialog designed for modern
mobile devices such as Android and iPhone.
• mobile—Mobile optimized dialog designed for mobile
devices such as BlackBerry OS 5 that don’t support touch
scope Specifies what data your application can access. See “Scope
Parameter Values” in the online help for more information.
2. The user logs into Salesforce with their credentials. The user interacts with the authorization endpoint directly, so the application
never sees the user’s credentials.
3. Once authorization is granted, the authorization endpoint redirects the user to the redirect URL. This URL is defined in the remote
access application created for the application. Salesforce appends access token information to the redirect URL with the following
Parameters Description
access_token Access token that acts as a session ID that the application uses
for making requests. This token should be protected as though
it were user credentials.
token_type Value is Bearer for all responses that include an access token.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Understanding the Username-Password OAuth
Authentication Flow
Parameters Description
refresh_token Token that can be used in the future to obtain new access tokens.
state The state value that was passed in as part of the initial request,
if applicable.
instance_url Identifies the Salesforce instance to which API calls are sent.
id Identity URL that can be used to both identify the user and query
for more information about the user. Can be used in an HTTP
request to get more information about the end user.
An example callback URL with access information appended after the hash sign (#) might look something like:
4. The application uses the provided access token and refresh token to access protected user data.
Keep the following considerations in mind when using the user-agent OAuth flow:
• Because the access token is encoded into the redirection URI, it might be exposed to the end-user and other applications residing
on the computer or device. If you’re authenticating using JavaScript, call window.location.replace(); to remove the
callback from the browser’s history.
Warning: This OAuth authentication flow passes the user’s credentials back and forth. Use this authentication flow only when
necessary. No refresh token is issued.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Understanding the Username-Password OAuth
Authentication Flow
1. The application uses the user’s username and password to request an access token. This is done via an out-of-band POST request
to the appropriate Salesforce token request endpoint, such as These request fields are required:
Parameter Description
grant_type Must be password for this authentication flow.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Does the OAuth Refresh Token Fit Into the Authentication
Parameter Description
2. Salesforce verifies the user credentials, and if successful, sends a response to the application with the access token. This response
contains the following values:
Parameters Description
access_token Access token that acts as a session ID that the application uses
for making requests. This token should be protected as though
it were user credentials.
instance_url Identifies the Salesforce instance to which API calls are sent.
id Identity URL that can be used to both identify the user and query
for more information about the user. Can be used in an HTTP
request to get more information about the end user.
3. The application uses the provided access token to access protected user data.
Keep the following considerations in mind when using the username-password OAuth flow:
• Since the user is never redirected to login at Salesforce in this flow, the user can’t directly authorize the application, so no refresh
tokens can be used. If your application requires refresh tokens, you should consider using the Web server or user-agent OAuth flow.
How Does the OAuth Refresh Token Fit Into the Authentication Flow?
Both the web server OAuth authentication flow and user-agent flow provide a refresh token that can be used to get a new access token.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Does the OAuth Refresh Token Fit Into the Authentication
Access tokens have a limited lifetime specified by the session timeout in Salesforce. If an application uses an expired access token, a
“Session expired or invalid” error is returned. If the application is using the web server or user-agent OAuth authentication flow, a refresh
token is provided during authorization. Use this refresh token to get a new access token.
Refresh Token Request
The client application obtains a new access token by sending a POST request to the token request endpoint with the following request
Parameters Description
grant_type Value must be refresh_token.
This example shows a refresh token POST request that sends the client_id and client_secret in the body.
POST /services/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
&refresh_token=your token here
Instead of sending client credentials as parameters in the body of the POST request, Salesforce supports the HTTP Basic authentication
scheme. The scheme requires the client_id and client_secret in the authentication header of the request as follows:
Authorization: Basic64Encode(client_id:secret)
The client_id and client_secret are separated with a colon (:). For more information, see The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API How Does the OAuth Refresh Token Fit Into the Authentication
This example shows a refresh token POST request that uses HTTP Basic authentication scheme (rather than sending client credentials in
the POST request’s body).
POST /services/oath2/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic client_id=3MVG9lKcPoNINVBIPJjdw1J9LLM82HnFVVX19KY1uA5mu0
Note: If the client_id and client_secret are sent in the POST request’s body, the authentication header is ignored.
Salesforce Response
After Salesforce verifies the refresh token request, it sends a response to the application with the following response body parameters:
Parameters Description
access_token Access token that acts as a session ID that the application uses for
making requests. This token should be protected as though it were
user credentials.
instance_url Identifies the Salesforce instance to which API calls are sent.
id Identity URL that can be used to both identify the user and query
for more information about the user. Can be used in an HTTP
request to get more information about the end user.
Keep in mind the following considerations when using the refresh token OAuth process:
• The session timeout for an access token can be configured in Salesforce from Setup by entering Session Settings in the
Quick Find box, then selecting Session Settings.
• If the application uses the username-password OAuth authentication flow, no refresh token is issued, as the user cannot authorize
the application in this flow. If the access token expires, the application using username-password OAuth flow must reauthenticate
the user.
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Finding Additional Resources
Introducing Lightning Platform REST API Use CORS to Access Salesforce Resources from Web
Important: CORS does not support requests for unauthenticated resources, including OAuth endpoints. You must pass an OAuth
token with requests that require it.
CHAPTER 2 Quick Start
In this chapter ... Create a sample REST application in your development environment to see the power and flexibility of
• Prerequisites
• Step One: Obtain a
Salesforce Developer
Edition Organization
• Step Two: Set Up
• Step Three: Send
HTTP Requests with
• Step Four: Walk
Through the Sample
• Using Workbench
Quick Start Prerequisites
Completing the prerequisites makes it easier to build and use the quick-start sample.
If you’re unfamiliar with cURL and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), you can also use Workbench to obtain data.
• Install your development platform according to its product documentation.
• Become familiar with cURL, the tool used to execute REST requests in this quick start. If you use another tool, you should be familiar
enough with it to translate the example code.
• Become familiar with JSON which is used in this quick start, or be able to translate samples from JSON to the standard you use.
• Enable an SSL endpoint in your application server.
• Become familiar with OAuth 2.0, which requires some setup. We provide the steps, but it will help if you are familiar with the basic
concepts and workflow.
• Read through all the steps before beginning this quick start. You may also wish to review the rest of this document to familiarize
yourself with terms and concepts.
Important: If you’re handling someone else’s password, don’t use session ID.
Note: The OAuth 2.0 specification uses “client” instead of “consumer.” Salesforce supports OAuth 2.0.
The values here correspond to the following values in the sample code in the rest of this procedure:
Quick Start Step Two: Set Up Authorization
2. From your Java or other client application, make a request to the appropriate Salesforce token request endpoint that passes in
grant_type, client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri. The redirect_uri is the URI that Salesforce
sends a callback to.
initParams = {
@WebInitParam(name = "clientId", value =
@WebInitParam(name = "clientSecret", value = "5678471853609579508"),
@WebInitParam(name = "redirectUri", value =
@WebInitParam(name = "environment", value =
"") }
/** For session ID instead of OAuth 2.0, use "grant_type", "password" **/
If the value of client_id (or consumer key) and client_secret (or consumer secret) are valid, Salesforce
sends a callback to the URI specified in redirect_uri that contains a value for access_token.
3. Store the access token value as a cookie to use in all subsequent requests. For example:
//exception handling removed for brevity...
//this is the post from step 2
String responseBody = post.getResponseBodyAsString();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Quick Start Step Two: Set Up Authorization
4. Once authenticated, every request must pass in the access_token value in the header. It cannot be passed as a request
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
GetMethod gm = new GetMethod(serviceUrl);
* other option instead of query string, pass just the fields you want back:
* 001D000000INjVe?fields=AccountNumber,BillingPostalCode
params[0] = new NameValuePair("q","SELECT name, title FROM Contact LIMIT 100");
String responseBody = gm.getResponseBodyAsString();
//exception handling removed for brevity
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(responseBody);
For example:
Session ID Authorization
You can use a session ID instead of an OAuth 2.0 access token if you aren’t handling someone else’s password:
Quick Start Step Three: Send HTTP Requests with cURL
1. Obtain a session ID, for example, a SOAP API login() call returns the session ID. You can also have the session ID, for example
as part of the Apex current context. If you need a session ID just for testing purposes during development, use the username-password
OAuth flow in a cURL command similar to the following:
curl -d "grant_type=password" -d
"client_id=myclientid" -d "client_secret=myclientsecret"
-d "" -d "password=mypassword123456"
You must provide your client id, client secret, username, and password with user security token appended.
2. Use the session ID when you send a request to the resource. Substitute the ID for the token value. The syntax is the same:
For example:
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@newaccount.json"
The response:
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 22:16:22 GMT
Content-Length: 71
Location: /services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/001T000000NU96UIAT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Server:
{ "id" : "001T000000NU96UIAT",
"errors" : [ ],
"success" : true }
For a list of the resources and their corresponding URIs, see Reference on page 104.
Using cURL in the REST Examples
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
The output specifies the resources available for all valid versions (your result may include more than one value). Next, use one of these
versions to discover the resources it contains.
From this output you can see that sobjects is one of the available resources in Salesforce version 20.0. You will be able to use this
resource in the next request to retrieve the available objects.
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
From this output you can see that the Account object is available. You will be able to get more information about the Account object
in the next steps.
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1"
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
"replicateable" : true,
"retrieveable" : true,
"undeletable" : true,
"triggerable" : true
"recentItems" :
"attributes" :
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000INjVeIAL"
"Id" : "001D000000INjVeIAL",
"Name" : "asdasdasd"
From this output you can see some basic attributes of the Account object, such as its name and label, as well as a list of the most recently
used Accounts. Since you may need more information about its fields, such as length and default values, in the next step you will retrieve
more detailed information about the Account object.
-H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1"
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
"type" : "id",
"defaultValue" : { "value" : null },
"updateable" : false,
"label" : "Account ID",
"updateable" : true,
"label" : "Account",
"urls" :
"uiEditTemplate" : "{ID}/e",
"sobject" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account",
"uiDetailTemplate" : "{ID}",
"describe" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/describe",
"rowTemplate" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/{ID}",
"uiNewRecord" : ""
"childRelationships" :
"field" : "ParentId",
"deprecatedAndHidden" : false,
"createable" : true,
"customSetting" : false,
From this output you can see much more detailed information about the Account object, such as its field attributes and child relationships.
Now you have enough information to construct useful queries and updates for the Account objects in your organization, which you will
do in the next steps.
Quick Start Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code
"attributes" :
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000IRFmaIAH"
"Name" : "Test 1"
"attributes" :
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000IomazIAB"
"Name" : "Test 2"
From this output you have a listing of the available Account names, and each name's preceding attributes include the Account IDs. In
the next step you will use this information to update one of the accounts.
Note: You can find more information about SOQL in the Salesforce SOQL and SOSL Reference Guide.
"BillingCity" : "Fremont"
Specify this JSON file in the REST request. The cURL notation requires the —d option when specifying data. For more information, see
Also, specify the PATCH method, which is used for updating a REST resource. The following cURL command retrieves the specified
Account object using its ID field, and updates its Billing City.
-H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1" -H "Content-Type:
application/json" --data-binary @patchaccount.json -X PATCH
Refresh the page on the account and you will see that the Billing Address has changed to Fremont.
Quick Start Using Workbench
Other Resources
• Search for Ruby on
• Lightning Platform Cookbook recipe for getting started in Ruby
• Lightning Platform REST API Board
Using Workbench
Use the Workbench tool to obtain data about your organization.
If you don’t want to use CURL, you can use the Workbench REST explorer to obtain response data.
1. Log in to your organization.
2. Open a new browser tab and navigate to
3. Log in to Workbench and allow access to your organization. Workbench is a public site and won’t retain your data.
4. Click Utilities > REST Explorer.
5. Ensure that Get is selected. The Execute text box is prepopulated with a portion of a resource path. Add the remaining information
for your resource. For example, if your cURL syntax is
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
6. Click Execute.
7. Click Expand All or Show Raw Response to view your data.
Tip: If you receive a “Service not found” message, verify your resource path.
CHAPTER 3 Examples
In this chapter ... This section provides examples of using REST API resources to do a variety of different tasks, including
working with objects, organization information, and queries.
• Getting Information
About My
For complete reference information on REST API resources, see Reference on page 104.
• Working with Object
• Working with
• Delete Lightning
Experience Event
• Working with
Searches and
• Insert or Update Blob
• Working with
Recently Viewed
• Managing User
• Working with
Approval Processes
and Process Rules
• Using Event
• Using Composite
Examples Getting Information About My Organization
List Available REST API Versions
Use the Versions resource to list summary information about each REST API version currently available, including the version, label,
and a link to each version's root. You do not need authentication to retrieve the list of versions.
List Organization Limits
Use the Limits resource to list your org limits.
List Available REST Resources
Use the Resources by Version resource to list the resources available for the specified API version. This provides the name and URI
of each additional resource.
Get a List of Objects
Use the Describe Global resource to list the objects available in your org and available to the logged-in user. This resource also returns
the org encoding, as well as maximum batch size permitted in queries.
Get an Image from a Rich Text Area Field
Use the SObject Rich Text Image Retrieve to retrieve an image that has been uploaded to a rich text area field.
Get a List of Objects If Metadata Has Changed
Use the Describe Global resource and the If-Modified-Since HTTP header to determine if an object’s metadata has changed.
Examples List Organization Limits
"version" : "26.0",
"label" : "Winter '13",
"url" : "/services/data/v26.0"
Examples List Organization Limits
"Max" : 15000,
"Remaining" : 14998
"DailyAsyncApexExecutions" : {
"Max" : 250000,
"Remaining" : 250000
"DailyBulkApiRequests" : {
"Max" : 5000,
"Remaining" : 5000
"DailyBulkV2QueryFileStorageMB": {
"Max": 976562,
"Remaining": 976562
"DailyBulkV2QueryJobs": {
"Max": 10000,
"Remaining": 10000
"DailyDurableGenericStreamingApiEvents" : {
"Max" : 10000,
"Remaining" : 10000
"DailyDurableStreamingApiEvents" : {
"Max" : 10000,
"Remaining" : 10000
"DailyGenericStreamingApiEvents" : {
"Max" : 10000,
"Remaining" : 10000
"DailyStandardVolumePlatformEvents" : {
"Max" : 10000,
"Remaining" : 10000
"DailyStreamingApiEvents" : {
"Max" : 10000,
"Remaining" : 10000
"DailyWorkflowEmails" : {
"Max" : 390,
"Remaining" : 390
"DataStorageMB" : {
"Max" : 5,
"Remaining" : 5
"DurableStreamingApiConcurrentClients" : {
"Max" : 20,
"Remaining" : 20
"FileStorageMB" : {
"Max" : 20,
"Remaining" : 20
Examples List Organization Limits
"HourlyAsyncReportRuns" : {
"Max" : 1200,
"Remaining" : 1200
"HourlyDashboardRefreshes" : {
"Max" : 200,
"Remaining" : 200
"HourlyDashboardResults" : {
"Max" : 5000,
"Remaining" : 5000
"HourlyDashboardStatuses" : {
"Max" : 999999999,
"Remaining" : 999999999
"HourlyLongTermIdMapping" : {
"Max" : 100000,
"Remaining" : 100000
"HourlyODataCallout" : {
"Remaining" : 9999,
"Max" : 10000
"HourlyPublishedPlatformEvents" : {
"Max" : 50000,
"Remaining" : 50000
"HourlyPublishedStandardVolumePlatformEvents" : {
"Max" : 1000,
"Remaining" : 1000
"HourlyShortTermIdMapping" : {
"Max" : 100000,
"Remaining" : 100000
"HourlySyncReportRuns" : {
"Max" : 500,
"Remaining" : 500
"HourlyTimeBasedWorkflow" : {
"Max" : 50,
"Remaining" : 50
"MassEmail" : {
"Max" : 10,
"Remaining" : 10
"MonthlyPlatformEvents" : {
"Max" : 300000,
"Remaining" : 300000
"SingleEmail" : {
Examples List Available REST Resources
"Max" : 15,
"Remaining" : 15
Examples Get an Image from a Rich Text Area Field
Examples Get a List of Objects If Metadata Has Changed
If changes to an object were made after March 23, 2015, the response body contains metadata for all available objects. For an example,
see Get a List of Objects.
Retrieve Metadata for an Object
Use the SObject Basic Information resource to retrieve metadata for an object.
Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object
Use the SObject Describe resource to retrieve all the metadata for an object, including information about each field, URLs, and child
Get Object Metadata Changes
Use the SObject Describe resource and the If-Modified-Since HTTP header to determine if object metadata has changed.
Examples Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
"replicateable" : true,
"retrieveable" : true,
"undeletable" : true,
"triggerable" : true
"recentItems" :
"attributes" :
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000INjVeIAL"
"Id" : "001D000000INjVeIAL",
"Name" : "asdasdasd"
To get a complete description of an object, including field names and their metadata, see Get a List of Objects. -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
Examples Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object
"updateable" : true,
"label" : "Account",
"keyPrefix" : "001",
"custom" : false,
"urls" :
"uiEditTemplate" : "{ID}/e",
"sobject" : "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account",
"uiDetailTemplate" : "{ID}",
"childRelationships" :
"field" : "ParentId",
"deprecatedAndHidden" : false,
"createable" : true,
"customSetting" : false,
Examples Get Object Metadata Changes
If there were changes to Merchandise__c made after July 3rd, 2013, the response body would contain the metadata for Merchandise__c.
See Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object for an example.
Create a Record
Use the SObject Basic Information resource to create new records. You supply the required field values in the request data, and then
use the POST method of the resource. The response body will contain the ID of the created record if the call is successful.
Update a Record
You use the SObject Rows resource to update records. Provide the updated record information in your request data and use the
PATCH method of the resource with a specific record ID to update that record. Records in a single file must be of the same object
Delete a Record
Use the SObject Rows resource to delete records. Specify the record ID and use the DELETE method of the resource to delete a record.
Get Field Values from a Standard Object Record
You use the SObject Rows resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields
parameter and use the GET method of the resource.
Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the Salesforce ID
You use the SObject Rows resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields
parameter and use the GET method of the resource.
Examples Create a Record
Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the External ID Standard Field
You use the SObject Rows resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields
parameter and use the GET method of the resource.
Retrieve a Record Using an External ID
You can use the GET method of the SObject Rows by External ID resource to retrieve records with a specific external ID.
Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External ID
You can use the SObject Rows by External ID resource to create records or update existing records (upsert) based on the value of a
specified external ID field.
Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs
You can traverse relationship fields in objects by constructing friendly URLs via the SObject Relationship resource. This approach
allows you to directly access records associated with relationships. Using friendly URLs is easier than accessing records by obtaining
object IDs from relationship fields and then inspecting the associated object ID record.
Get Attachment Content from a Record
Use the SObject Blob Retrieve resource to retrieve blob data for a given record.
Get a List of Deleted Records Within a Given Timeframe
Use the SObject Get Deleted resource to get a list of deleted records for the specified object. Specify the date and time range within
which the records for the given object were deleted. Deleted records are written to a delete log (that is periodically purged), and
will be filtered out of most operations, such as SObject Rows or Query (although QueryAll will include deleted records in results).
Get a List of Updated Records Within a Given Timeframe
Use the SObject Get Updated resource to get a list of updated (modified or added) records for the specified object. Specify the date
and time range within which the records for the given object were updated.
Create a Record
Use the SObject Basic Information resource to create new records. You supply the required field values in the request data, and then use
the POST method of the resource. The response body will contain the ID of the created record if the call is successful.
The following example creates a new Account record, with the field values provided in newaccount.json.
Example for creating a new Account
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@newaccount.json"
Examples Update a Record
Update a Record
You use the SObject Rows resource to update records. Provide the updated record information in your request data and use the PATCH
method of the resource with a specific record ID to update that record. Records in a single file must be of the same object type.
In the following example, the Billing City within an Account is updated. The updated record information is provided in
Example for updating an Account object
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
@patchaccount.json -X PATCH
Example request body patchaccount.json file for updating fields in an Account object
"BillingCity" : "San Francisco"
Examples Delete a Record
If you use an HTTP library that doesn't allow overriding or setting an arbitrary HTTP method name, you can send a POST request and
provide an override to the HTTP method via the query string parameter _HttpMethod. In the PATCH example, you can replace the
PostMethod line with one that doesn't use override:
PostMethod m = new PostMethod(url + "?_HttpMethod=PATCH");
Delete a Record
Use the SObject Rows resource to delete records. Specify the record ID and use the DELETE method of the resource to delete a record.
Example for deleting an Account record
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -X DELETE
Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the Salesforce
You use the SObject Rows resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields parameter
and use the GET method of the resource.
Examples Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the
External ID Standard Field
In the following example, the Country__c custom field is retrieved from an external object that’s associated with a
non-high-data-volume external data source.
Example for retrieving values from fields on the Customer external object
Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the External ID
Standard Field
You use the SObject Rows resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields parameter
and use the GET method of the resource.
In the following example, the Country__c custom field is retrieved from an external object. Notice that the id (CACTU) isn’t a
Salesforce ID. Instead, it’s the External ID standard field of the external object.
Example for retrieving values from fields on the Customer external object
Examples Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External ID
Examples Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External ID
Successful response:
"id" : "00190000001pPvHAAU",
"errors" : [ ],
"success" : true
For more information, see Status Codes and Error Responses on page 277.
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @newrecord.json
Successful response:
"id" : "001D000000Kv3g5IAB",
"success" : true,
Examples Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External ID
"errors" : [ ]
Examples Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External ID
Error responses
If the external ID value isn't unique, an HTTP status code 300 is returned, plus a list of the records that matched the query. For more
information about errors, see Status Codes and Error Responses on page 277.
If the external ID field doesn't exist, an error message and code is returned:
"message" : "The requested resource does not exist",
"errorCode" : "NOT_FOUND"
You can also use this approach to update existing records. For example, if you created the Line_Item__c shown in the example above,
you can try to update the related Merchandise__c using another request.
Example for updating a record
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @updates.json
Examples Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs
• When specifying parent-to-child relationships, no more than one level can be traversed. The following traverses one parent-to-child
Examples Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs
"CreatedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"LastModifiedDate" : "2011-12-16T17:43:01.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"SystemModstamp" : "2011-12-16T17:43:01.000+0000",
"Location__c" : "San Francisco"
If no related record is associated with the relationship name, the REST API call fails, because the relationship can’t be traversed. Using
the previous example, if the Distributor__c field in the Merchandise__c record was set to null, the GET call would return a 404 error
You can traverse multiple relationships within the same relationship hierarchy in a single REST API call as long as you don’t exceed the
relationship query limits. If a Line_Item__c custom object is the child in a relationship to a Merchandise__c custom object, and
Merchandise__c also has a child Distributor__c custom object, you can access the Distributor__c record starting from the Line_Item__c
record using something like the following.
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Relationship traversal also supports PATCH and DELETE methods for relationships that resolve to a single record. Using the PATCH
method, you can update the related record.
Example of using PATCH to update a relationship record
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -d @update_info.json -X PATCH
Example JSON request body for updating a relationship record contained in update_info.json
"Location__c" : "New York"
Examples Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs
"Id" : "a02D0000006YL7XIAW",
"IsDeleted" : false,
"Name" : "LineItem1",
"CreatedDate" : "2011-12-16T17:44:07.000+0000",
"CreatedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"LastModifiedDate" : "2011-12-16T17:44:07.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"SystemModstamp" : "2011-12-16T17:44:07.000+0000",
"Unit_Price__c" : 9.75,
"Units_Sold__c" : 10.0,
"Merchandise__c" : "a00D0000008oLnXIAU",
"Invoice_Statement__c" : "a01D000000D85hkIAB"
"attributes" :
"type" : "Line_Item__c",
"url" : "/services/data/v36.0/sobjects/Line_Item__c/a02D0000006YL7YIAW"
"Id" : "a02D0000006YL7YIAW",
"IsDeleted" : false,
"Name" : "LineItem2",
"CreatedDate" : "2011-12-16T18:53:59.000+0000",
"CreatedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"LastModifiedDate" : "2011-12-16T18:53:59.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"SystemModstamp" : "2011-12-16T18:54:00.000+0000",
"Unit_Price__c" : 8.5,
Examples Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs
"Units_Sold__c" : 8.0,
"Merchandise__c" : "a00D0000008oLnXIAU",
"Invoice_Statement__c" : "a01D000000D85hkIAB"
The serialized structure for the result data is the same format as result data from executing a SOQL query via REST API. See Query on
page 204 for more details on executing SOQL queries via REST API
If no related records are associated with the relationship name, the REST API call returns a 200 response with no record data in the
response body. This result is in contrast to the results when traversing an empty relationship to a single record, which returns a 404 error
response. This behavior is because the single record case resolves to a REST resource that can be used with PATCH or DELETE methods.
In contrast, the multiple record case can only be queried.
If an initial GET request for a relationship with multiple records returns only part of the results, the end of the response contains the field
nextRecordsUrl. For example, you could get a field like the following at the end of your response.
"nextRecordsUrl" : "/services/data/v47.0/query/01gD0000002HU6KIAW-2000"
You can request the next batch of records using the provided URL with your instance and session information, and repeat until all records
have been retrieved. These requests use nextRecordsUrl and don’t include any parameters. The final batch of records doesn’t
have a nextRecordsUrl field.
Example usage for retrieving the remaining results
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Examples Get Attachment Content from a Record
"type" : "Distributor__c",
"url" : "/services/data/v36.0/sobjects/Distributor__c/a03D0000003DUhhIAG"
"Location__c" : "Chicago",
Similarly, for requests that result in multiple records, you can use a list of fields to specify the fields returned in the record set. For example,
assume you have a relationship that was associated with two Line_Item__c records. You want just the Name and Units_Sold__c fields
from those records. You could use the following call.
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
If any field listed in the fields parameter set isn’t visible to the active user, the REST API call fails. In the previous example, if the Units_Sold_c
field was hidden from the active user by field-level security, the call would return a 400 error response.
Examples Get a List of Deleted Records Within a Given Timeframe
Examples Get a List of Updated Records Within a Given Timeframe
Examples Delete Lightning Experience Event Series
Example response body after successfully deleting events from the series
success: We’re deleting the selected events from the series. Wait for all events to be
-H "Authorization: Bearer token -X DELETE
Example response body after successfully deleting events from the series
success: We’re deleting the selected events from the series. Wait for all events to be
Delete from an Event Onwards does not support calls from events that:
• Occurred before the original value of Recurrence2PatternStartDate.
• Are defined as child events.
Examples Working with Searches and Queries
If the event series originated outside of Salesforce and the event ID of the first occurrence is unavailable, you can’t delete all events in a
series. Instead, delete events from a specific occurrence onwards.
Execute a SOQL Query
Use the Query resource to execute a SOQL query that returns all the results in a single response, or if needed, returns part of the
results and an identifier used to retrieve the remaining results.
Execute a SOQL Query that Includes Deleted Items
Use the QueryAll resource to execute a SOQL query that includes information about records that have been deleted because of a
merge or delete. Use QueryAll rather than Query, because the Query resource will automatically filter out items that have been
Get Feedback on Query Performance
Use the Query resource along with the explain parameter to get feedback on how Salesforce executes your query, report, or list
view. Salesforce analyzes each query to find the optimal approach to obtain the query results. Depending on the query and query
filters, Salesforce uses an index or internal optimization. Use the explain parameter to return details on how Salesforce optimizes
your query, without actually running the query. Based on the response, you can decide whether to fine-tune the performance of
your query by making changes like adding filters to make the query more selective.
Search for a String
Use the Search resource to execute a SOSL search or use the Parameterized Search resource to execute a simple RESTful search
without SOSL.
Get the Default Search Scope and Order
Use the Search Scope and Order resource to retrieve the default global search scope and order for the logged-in user, including any
pinned objects in the user’s search results page.
Get Search Result Layouts for Objects
Use the Search Result Layouts resource to retrieve the search result layout configuration for each object specified in the query string.
View Relevant Items
Use the Relevant Items resource to get a list of relevant records.
Examples Execute a SOQL Query
In such cases, request the next batch of records and repeat until all records have been retrieved. These requests use nextRecordsUrl,
and do not include any parameters.
Example usage for retrieving the remaining query results
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Examples Execute a SOQL Query that Includes Deleted Items
"records" : [...]
"Name" : "Merchandise 1"
In such cases, request the next batch of records and repeat until all records have been retrieved. These requests use nextRecordsUrl,
and do not include any parameters.
Note that even though nextRecordsUrl has query in the URL, it will still provide remaining results from the initial QueryAll
request. The remaining results will include deleted records that matched the initial query.
Example usage for retrieving the remaining results
Examples Get Feedback on Query Performance
Note: Using explain with the REST API query resource is a beta feature. There is no support associated with this beta feature.
For more information, contact Salesforce.
The response contains one or more query execution plans that, sorted from most optimal to least optimal. The most optimal plan is the
plan that’s used when the query, report, or list view is executed.
See the explain parameter in Query for more details on the fields returned when using explain. See Working with Very Large
SOQL Queries in the Apex Developer Guide for more information on making your queries more selective.
Example usage for getting performance feedback on a query that uses Merchandise__c
Examples Search for a String
"fields" : [ "IsDeleted" ],
"tableEnumOrId" : "Merchandise__c"
} ],
"relativeCost" : 0.65,
"sobjectCardinality" : 3,
"sobjectType" : "Merchandise__c"
} ]
This response indicates that Salesforce found two possible execution plans for this query. The first plan uses the CreatedDate
index field to improve the performance of this query. The second plan scans all records without using an index. The first plan
is used if the query is executed. Both plans note that a secondary optimization used when filtering out records marked as
deleted was not used because the IsDeleted field is not indexed.
Example usage for getting performance feedback on a report
This response indicates that Salesforce found one possible execution plan for the query behind this report. The plan scans all
records without using an index. It can’t apply a secondary optimization when filtering out records marked as deleted, because
the IsDeleted field is not indexed.
Examples Search for a String
Example usage
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Account search for results containing Acme, returning the id and name fields
Examples Search for a String
"Id" : "001D000000IomazIAB"
} ]
Note: The metadata parameter is only returned if the request specified metadata=LABELS.
"searchRecords" : [ {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v35.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000IqhSLIAZ"
"Id" : "001D000000IqhSLIAZ",
}, {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v35.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000IomazIAB"
"Id" : "001D000000IomazIAB",
} ],
"metadata" : {
"entityetadata" : [ {
"entityName" : "Account",
"fieldMetadata" : [ {
"name" : "Name",
"label" : "Account Name"
} ]
} ]
"Authorization: Bearer token-H "Content-Type: application/json” -d "@search.json”
"fields" : ["id", "firstName", "lastName"],
"sobjects":[{"fields":["id", "NumberOfEmployees"],
"name": "Account",
Examples Get the Default Search Scope and Order
{"name": "Contact"}],
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
Examples Get Search Result Layouts for Objects
Examples Get Search Result Layouts for Objects
{ "label" : "Search Results",
"limitRows" : 25,
"searchColumns" : [ { "field" : "Contact.Name",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Name",
"name" : "Name"
{ "field" : "Account.Name",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Account Name",
"name" : "Account.Name"
{ "field" : "Account.Site",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Account Site",
"name" : "Account.Site"
{ "field" : "Contact.Phone",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Phone",
"name" : "Phone"
{ "field" : "Contact.Email",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Email",
"name" : "Email"
{ "field" : "User.Alias",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Contact Owner Alias",
"name" : "Owner.Alias"
{ "label" : "Search Results",
"limitRows" : 25,
"searchColumns" : [ { "field" : "Lead.Name",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Name",
"name" : "Name"
{ "field" : "Lead.Title",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Title",
"name" : "Title"
{ "field" : "Lead.Phone",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Phone",
"name" : "Phone"
{ "field" : "Lead.Company",
"format" : null,
Examples View Relevant Items
"label" : "Company",
"name" : "Company"
{ "field" : "Lead.Email",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Email",
"name" : "Email"
{ "field" : "Lead.Status",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Lead Status",
"name" : "toLabel(Status)"
{ "field" : "Name.Alias",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Owner Alias",
"name" : "Owner.Alias"
Examples View Relevant Items
Example usage for comparing the user’s current list of relevant records to a previous version
Example request body
None required
Example response header
lastUpdatedId: 102959935
newResultSetSinceLastQuery: true
Examples Insert or Update Blob Data
Example usage for comparing the user’s current list of relevant records to a previous version for a particular object
Example request body
None required
Example response body
[ {
"apiName" : "Account",
"key" : "001",
"label" : "Accounts",
"lastUpdatedId" : "193640553",
"recordIds" : [ "001xx000003DWsT" ]
} ]
Note: You can insert or update blob data using a non-multipart message, but you are limited to 50 MB of text data or 37.5 MB
of base64–encoded data.
The first part of the request message body contains non-binary field data, such as the Description or Name. The second part of the
message contains the binary data of the file that you’re uploading.
The following sections provide JSON examples of how to insert or update blob data using a multipart content-type.
• Inserting a New Document
• Updating a Document
• Inserting a ContentVersion
• Using SObject Collections to Insert a Collection of Blob Records
• Multipart Message Considerations
Tip: After you add a new Document, you can view the results of your changes on the Documents tab.
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=\"boundary_string\"" --data-binary @newdocument.json
Examples Insert or Update Blob Data
"Description" : "Marketing brochure for Q1 2011",
"Keywords" : "marketing,sales,update",
"FolderId" : "005D0000001GiU7",
"Name" : "Marketing Brochure Q1",
"Type" : "pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Body"; filename="2011Q1MktgBrochure.pdf"
Updating a Document
This syntax and code updates an existing Document. In addition to the binary data of the file itself, this code also updates other field
data, such as the Name and Keywords.
Example usage for updating fields in a Document object
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=\"boundary_string\"" --data-binary @UpdateDocument.json -X PATCH
Examples Insert or Update Blob Data
"Name" : "Marketing Brochure Q1 - Sales",
"Keywords" : "sales, marketing, first quarter"
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Body"; filename="2011Q1MktgBrochure.pdf"
Inserting a ContentVersion
This syntax and code inserts a new ContentVersion. In addition to the binary data of the file itself, this code also updates other fields,
such as the ReasonForChange and PathOnClient. This message contains the ContentDocumentId because a ContentVersion is always
associated with a ContentDocument.
Tip: The ContentVersion object doesn’t support updates. Therefore, you cannot update a ContentVersion. You can only insert a
new ContentVersion. You can see the results of your changes on the Content tab.
Example usage for inserting a ContentVersion
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=\"boundary_string\"" --data-binary @NewContentVersion.json
"ContentDocumentId" : "069D00000000so2",
"ReasonForChange" : "Marketing materials updated",
"PathOnClient" : "Q1 Sales Brochure.pdf"
Examples Insert or Update Blob Data
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="VersionData"; filename="Q1 Sales Brochure.pdf"
Tip: After you add new Documents, you can view the results of your changes on the Documents tab.
If you’re using sObject Collections with blob data, you must specify certain attribute values in addition to type in the request
body’s attributes map.
Parameter Description
binaryPartName Required for blob data. A unique identifier for the binary part.
binaryPartNameAlias Required for blob data. The name of the field in which the binary data is inserted or
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=\"boundary_string\"" --data-binary @newdocuments.json
Examples Insert or Update Blob Data
"allOrNone" : false,
"records" :
"attributes" :
"type" : "Document",
"binaryPartName": "binaryPart1",
"binaryPartNameAlias": "Body"
"Description" : "Marketing Brochure",
"FolderId" : "005xx000001Svs4AAC",
"Name" : "Brochure",
"Type" : "pdf"
"attributes" :
"type" : "Document",
"binaryPartName": "binaryPart2",
"binaryPartNameAlias": "Body"
"Description" : "Pricing Overview",
"FolderId" : "005xx000001Svs4AAC",
"Name" : "Pricing",
"Type" : "pdf"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="binaryPart1"; filename="Brochure.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="binaryPart2"; filename="Pricing.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf
Examples Working with Recently Viewed Information
"id": "015xx00000013QkAAI",
"errors": [],
"success": true
• The binary part of the message must have a filename attribute that represents the name of the local file.
Content-Type Header
• Required in each message part.
• The content types supported by the non-binary message part are application/json and application/xml.
• The Content-Type header for the binary part of the message can be any value.
New Line
A new line must be between the message part header and the data of the part. As shown in the code examples, a new line must
be between the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers and the JSON or XML. In the binary part, a new line
must be between the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers and the binary data.
Examples View Recently Viewed Records
View Recently Viewed Records
Use the Recently Viewed Items resource to get a list of recently viewed records.
Mark Records as Recently Viewed
To mark a record as recently viewed using REST API, use the Query resource with a FOR VIEW or FOR REFERENCE clause. Use
SOQL to mark records as recently viewed to ensure that information such as the date and time the record was viewed is correctly
Examples Managing User Passwords
Manage User Passwords
Use the SObject User Password resource to set, reset, or get information about a user password. Use the HTTP GET method to get
password expiration status, the HTTP POST method to set the password, and the HTTP DELETE method to reset the password.
Examples Manage User Passwords
JSON example response body for getting current password expiration status
"isExpired" : false
XML example response body for getting current password expiration status
Examples Working with Approval Processes and Process Rules
Get a List of All Approval Processes
Use the Process Approvals resource to get information about approvals.
Submit a Record for Approval
Use the Process Approvals resource to submit a record or a collection of records for approval. Each call takes an array of requests.
Approve a Record
Use the Process Approvals resource to approve a record or a collection of records. Each call takes an array of requests. The current
user must be an assigned approver.
Reject a Record
Use the Process Approvals resource to reject a record or a collection of records. Each call takes an array of requests. The current user
must be an assigned approver.
Bulk Approvals
Use the Process Approvals resource to do bulk approvals. You can specify a collection of different Process Approvals requests to have
them all executed in bulk.
Get a List of Process Rules
Use the Process Rules resource to get information about process rules.
Get a Particular Process Rule
Use the Process Rules resource and specify theSObjectName and workflowRuleId of the rule you want to get the metadata
Trigger Process Rules
Use the Process Rules resource to trigger process rules. All rules associated with the specified ID will be evaluated, regardless of the
evaluation criteria. All IDs must be for records on the same object.
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
Examples Submit a Record for Approval
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @submit.json"
[ {
"actorIds" : [ "005D00000015rY9IAI" ],
"entityId" : "001D000000I8mImIAJ",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000Cvm5IAC",
"instanceStatus" : "Pending",
"newWorkitemIds" : [ "04iD0000000Cw6SIAS" ],
"success" : true } ]
Approve a Record
Use the Process Approvals resource to approve a record or a collection of records. Each call takes an array of requests. The current user
must be an assigned approver.
Examples Reject a Record
Example usage
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @approve.json"
[ {
"actorIds" : null,
"entityId" : "001D000000I8mImIAJ",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000CvmAIAS",
"instanceStatus" : "Approved",
"newWorkitemIds" : [ ],
"success" : true
} ]
Reject a Record
Use the Process Approvals resource to reject a record or a collection of records. Each call takes an array of requests. The current user
must be an assigned approver.
Example usage
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @reject.json"
[ {
"actorIds" : null,
"entityId" : "001D000000I8mImIAJ",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000CvmFIAS",
"instanceStatus" : "Rejected",
Examples Bulk Approvals
"newWorkitemIds" : [ ],
"success" : true
} ]
Bulk Approvals
Use the Process Approvals resource to do bulk approvals. You can specify a collection of different Process Approvals requests to have
them all executed in bulk.
Example usage
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @bulk.json"
[ {
"actorIds" : null,
"entityId" : "001D000000I8mImIAJ",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000CvmZIAS",
"instanceStatus" : "Approved",
"newWorkitemIds" : [ ],
"success" : true
}, {
"actorIds" : null,
"entityId" : "003D000000QBZ08IAH",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000CvmeIAC",
"instanceStatus" : "Approved",
"newWorkitemIds" : [ ],
"success" : true
}, {
"actorIds" : [ "005D00000015rY9IAI" ],
Examples Get a List of Process Rules
"entityId" : "001D000000JRWBdIAP",
"errors" : null,
"instanceId" : "04gD0000000CvmfIAC",
"instanceStatus" : "Pending",
"newWorkitemIds" : [ "04iD0000000Cw6wIAC" ],
"success" : true
} ]
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
"rules" : {
"Account" : [ {
"actions" : [ {
"id" : "01VD0000000D2w7",
"name" : "ApprovalProcessTask",
"type" : "Task"
} ],
"description" : null,
"id" : "01QD0000000APli",
"name" : "My Rule",
"namespacePrefix" : null,
"object" : "Account"
} ]
Examples Trigger Process Rules
"actions" : [ {
"id" : "01VD0000000D2w7",
"name" : "ApprovalProcessTask",
"type" : "Task"
} ],
"description" : null,
"id" : "01QD0000000APli",
"name" : "My Rule",
"namespacePrefix" : null,
"object" : "Account"
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @rules.json"
"errors" : null,
"success" : true
Note: For the supported event types that you can use with event monitoring, see Object Reference for Salesforce and Lightning
Platform: EventLogFile Object.
When using event monitoring, keep the following in mind.
Examples Using Event Monitoring
• In the unlikely case in which no log files are generated for 24 hours, contact Salesforce Customer Support.
• Log data is read only. You can’t insert, update, or delete log data.
• Use the EventType field to determine which files were generated for your org.
• An event generates log data in real time. However, daily log files are generated during nonpeak hours the day after an event takes
place. Therefore, daily log file data is unavailable for at least one day after an event. For hourly log files, depending on event delivery
and final processing time, an event is expected to take three to six hours from the time of the event to be available in the log file.
However, it can take longer.
• Log files are generated only when at least one event of a type (represented by the EventType field) occurs for the day or hour.
If no events took place, the file isn’t generated.
• Log files are available based on CreatedDate for the last 30 days when orgs purchase Event Monitoring or one day for Developer
Edition orgs.
• All event monitoring logs are exposed to the API through the EventLogFile object. However, there is no access through the user
interface, except through the Event Monitoring Analytics app.
• Event Monitoring log files aren’t a system of record for user activity. They are a source of truth, but aren’t durable. During Salesforce
site switches, instance refreshes, or unplanned system outages, data loss can occur. For example, if Salesforce moves your production
org instance, your event log files might have a gap in data. Salesforce makes commercially reasonable efforts to preserve event log
file data integrity and avoid data loss. When Salesforce performs a site switch or instance refresh, it uses an automated process to
replicate event logs.
• Hourly event log files are provided for you to review events in your orgs on an accelerated basis. However, it’s possible that you don’t
get all event log data in hourly event log files, especially during site switches, instance refreshes, or unplanned system outages. For
complete data, use the daily log files.
• If event transmission failures take too long to recover from, log files are retransmitted to ensure that they are delivered at least once.
As a result, latent log files can sometimes contain duplicate event data. When your application consumes latent log files, make sure
that your application handles duplicate event delivery.
• We recommend that you always query the EventLogFile object for new log files to ensure that you also include latent ones. Use the
EventLogFile CreatedDate field to identify newly created log files. Hourly and daily incremental logs are delivered differently.
See Differences Between Hourly and 24-Hour Event Logs for details.
All queries and examples in this section require the View Event Log Files and API Enabled user permissions. Users with the View All Data
permission can also view event monitoring data.
Describe Event Monitoring Using REST
Use the SObject Describe resource to retrieve all metadata for an object, including information about fields, URLs, and child relationships.
Query Event Monitoring Data with REST
Use the Query resource to retrieve field values from a record. Specify the fields you want to retrieve in the fields parameter and use
the GET method of the resource.
Get Event Monitoring Content from a Record
Use the SObject Blob Retrieve resource to retrieve BLOB data for a given record.
Download Large Event Log Files Using cURL with REST
You might have some event log files that are larger than your tool can handle. A command line tool such as cURL is one method to
download files larger than 100 MB using the SObject Blob Retrieve object
Examples Describe Event Monitoring Using REST
Examples Get Event Monitoring Content from a Record
"LogDate" : "2014-03-14T00:00:00.000+0000",
"LogFileLength" : 2692.0
}, {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "EventLogFile",
"url" : "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/EventLogFile/0ATD000000001SdOAI" },
"Id" : "0ATD000000001SdOAI",
"EventType" : "API",
"LogFile" :
"LogDate" : "2014-03-13T00:00:00.000+0000",
"LogFileLength" : 1345.0
}, {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "EventLogFile",
"url" : "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/EventLogFile/0ATD000000003p1OAA" },
"Id" : "0ATD000000003p1OAA",
"EventType" : "API",
"LogFile" :
"LogDate" : "2014-06-21T00:00:00.000+0000",
"LogFileLength" : 605.0 },
{ "attributes" : {
"type" : "EventLogFile",
"url" : "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/EventLogFile/0ATD0000000055eOAA" },
"Id" : "0ATD0000000055eOAA",
"EventType" : "API",
"LogFile" :
"LogDate" : "2014-07-03T00:00:00.000+0000",
"LogFileLength" : 605.0
} ]
Examples Download Large Event Log Files Using cURL with REST
You can use Workbench to retrieve BLOB data for event monitoring. In the Execute text box, use a GET request similar to this:
Example response body
Event monitoring content is returned in binary form. Note that the response content type won’t be JSON or XML because the returned
data is binary.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:46:10 GMT
Sforce-Limit-Info: api-usage=135/5000
Content-Type: application/octetstream
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
"URI", "00DD0000000K5xD", "20130728185606.020", "005D0000001REDy",
"", "/secur/contentDoor", "https-//login-salesforce-com/",
"URI", "00DD0000000K5xD", "20130728185556.930", "005D0000001REI0",
"", "/secur/logout.jsp", "https-//yourInstance-salesforce-com/00O/o",
"URI", "00DD0000000K5xD", "20130728185536.725", "005D0000001REI0",
"", "/00OD0000001ckx3",
"https-//yourInstance-salesforce-com/00OD0000001ckx3", "93"
We recommend using compression when downloading large event log files. See Using Compression.
Note: You can’t delete individual rows from event logs. Because event logs are stored in blob format in the database, you must
delete the entire log file that contains the user activity.
1. In Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Event, and then select Event Monitoring Settings.
Examples Delete Event Monitoring Data
2. Enable deletion of event monitoring data. This action is recorded in Setup Audit Trail.
The Delete Event Monitoring Records user permission is now available to assign to a permission set. (Alternatively, you can assign
the user permission to a custom profile.)
3. In Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission, and then select Permission Sets.
4. Create a permission set that includes the Delete Event Monitoring Records user permission, and save the permission set.
5. In Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter users, and then select Users.
6. Select the user you want to grant permission to delete event monitoring data.
7. In the Permission Set Assignment section for this user, assign the permission set, and click Save. This action is recorded in Setup
Audit Trail.
Users assigned this permission set (or any custom profile that includes the Delete Event Monitoring Records user permission) can
now delete event monitoring data. The next steps show you how to use the API to delete the data.
8. To locate the logs containing the user activity that you want to delete, query the EventLogFile object. For details, see Query Event
Monitoring Data with REST on page 89.
9. Note the IDs of the returned logs.
10. Use the SObject Rows resource to delete records. Specify the record ID, and use the DELETE method. For more information, see
Delete a Record on page 47. Or, you can use Workbench to delete blob format data for event monitoring. In the Execute text box,
use a DELETE request similar to /services/data/v41.0/sobjects/EventLogFile/0ATD000000000pyOAA.
Examples Query or View Hourly Event Log Files
• Depending on event delivery and final processing time, an event is expected to take three to
six hours from the time of the event to be available in the log file. However, it can take longer.
• When delays in processing occur and event logs for a particular hour arrive later, a new log file is created for the event/date/hour
and lists only the new events. Use the creation date and an incremental sequence number to identify a new log file. Always use the
most recently processed event log file for a particular date. However, if event log files have already been pulled into a third-party
application, they could require deduplication in that application.
If both hourly and daily logs are enabled, daily logs always have a sequence number of 0 because there is only one file per daily
interval. CreatedDate indicates when the file was generated. If CreatedDate is after the last event log file download, there are new
events to be processed.
For best practices, use CreatedDate in the WHERE clause to select logs created after the last downloaded event log file. For example,
if the last downloaded file was at 12PM 2/1/2018, to find the next log file, use +CreatedDate+>+"2018-02-01T12:00:00Z" in the
WHERE clause.
• During Salesforce site switches, instance refreshes, or unplanned system outages, data loss can occur. For example, if Salesforce
moves your production org instance, your event log files could have a gap in data. Salesforce makes commercially reasonable efforts
to preserve event log file data integrity and avoid data loss. When Salesforce performs a site switch or instance refresh, it uses an
automated process to replicate event logs.
• In the unlikely case in which no log files are generated for 24 hours, contact Salesforce Support.
Query Hourly Event Log Files
You query hourly event log files in the same way you query 24-hour log files.
Differences Between Hourly and 24-Hour Event Logs
You receive event log files approximately every hour in addition to 24-hour log files. Review the differences between the two logs
so that you can filter your files to analyze the event data you want.
Examples Query or View Hourly Event Log Files
Suppose you’re an administrator. Your Chief Security Officer asks you to identify who modified specific accounts and opportunities in
the past two hours. You query the hourly URI event log files using the EventLogFile object to review the page requests and request
status. Because EventLogFile also returns 24-hour log files, use this SOQL syntax to filter out the 24-hour log files.
1. In Workbench, select utilities > REST Explorer.
2. Replace the existing text with:/services/data/v API_version
3. Append the following to the query to make it complete:
In the query, Interval=Hourly makes sure that only hourly event log file data is returned. Alternatively, you can use Sequence
to filter out 24-hour event log files (Sequence!=0). To get both hourly and 24-hour files, use Sequence>=0.
4. Click Execute.
If your sandbox org has URI events, you see log file records in your query results. You can also download the event log files to review the
data in a CSV file. For more information, see Trailhead: Download and Visualize Event Log Files.
Available in the API. You can manually import data into third-party Available in the API and integrated with the Event Monitoring
visualization apps. Analytics app and third-party visualization apps.
Key values in the EventLogFile object are: Key values in the EventLogFile object are:
• Interval—Hourly • Interval—Daily
• CreatedDate—Timestamp of when the log file was • CreatedDate—Timestamp of when the log file was
created. Use this field to identify new files. created. Use this field to identify new files.
• LogDate—Timestamp that marks the beginning of the • LogDate—Timestamp that marks the beginning of the
interval when the events occurred. For example, for events interval when the events occurred. For example, for events
that occurred between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM on 3/7/2016, that occurred on 3/7/2016, this field’s value is
this field’s value is 2016-03-07T11:00:00.000Z. 2016-03-07T00:00:00.000+0000.
• Sequence—1+. This value increases by 1 when events are • Sequence—0
added in the same hour after the latest event log file is created.
The value resets to 1 in the subsequent hour.
See also these Considerations regarding hourly event logs.
When an hourly incremental log file is delivered, a file with new When a daily incremental log file is delivered, a new file replaces
logs for that hour is created. The Sequence field is incremented the original file with the full set of available logs for that date. The
for each new file. CreatedDate field is updated.
Note: Like with 24-hour event monitoring, hourly event log data is available for the past 30 days.
Examples Using Composite Resources
Execute Dependent Requests in a Single API Call
The following example uses the Composite resource to execute several dependent requests all in a single call. First, it creates an
account and retrieves its information. Next it uses the account data and the Composite resource’s reference ID functionality to create
a contact and populate its fields based on the account data. Then it retrieves specific information about the account’s owner by
using query parameters in the request string. Finally, if the metadata has been modified since a certain date, it retrieves account
metadata. The composite.json file contains the composite request and subrequest data.
Update an Account, Create a Contact, and Link Them with a Junction Object
The following example uses the Composite resource to update some fields on an account, create a contact, and link the two records
with a junction object called AccountContactJunction. All these requests are executed in a single call. The
composite.json file contains the composite request and subrequest data.
Update a Record and Get Its Field Values in a Single Request
Use the Batch resource to execute multiple requests in a single API call.
Create Nested Records
Use the SObject Tree resource to create nested records that share a root record type. For example, in a single request, you can create
an account along with its child contacts, and a second account along with its child accounts and contacts. Once the request is
processed, the records are created and parents and children are automatically linked by ID. In the request data, you supply the record
hierarchies, required and optional field values, each record’s type, and a reference ID for each record, and then use the POST method
of the resource. The response body will contain the IDs of the created records if the request is successful. Otherwise, the response
contains only the reference ID of the record that caused the error and the error information.
Create Multiple Records
While the SObject Tree resource can be used to create nested records, you can also create multiple, unrelated records of the same
type. In a single request, you can create up to two hundred records. In the request data, you supply the required and optional field
values for each record, each record’s type, and a reference ID for each record, and then use the POST method of the resource. The
response body will contain the IDs of the created records if the request is successful. Otherwise, the response contains only the
reference ID of the record that caused the error and the error information.
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@composite.json"
Examples Execute Dependent Requests in a Single API Call
"method" : "GET",
"referenceId" : "AccountMetadata",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/describe",
"httpHeaders" : {
"If-Modified-Since" : "Tue, 31 May 2016 18:13:37 GMT"
Examples Execute Dependent Requests in a Single API Call
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"httpHeaders" : {
"Location" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/001R00000033JNuIAM"
"httpStatusCode" : 201,
"referenceId" : "NewAccount"
"body" : {
all the account data
"httpHeaders" : {
"ETag" : "\"Jbjuzw7dbhaEG3fd90kJbx6A0ow=\"",
"Last-Modified" : "Fri, 22 Jul 2016 20:19:37 GMT"
"httpStatusCode" : 200,
"referenceId" : "NewAccountInfo"
"body" : {
"id" : "003R00000025REHIA2",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"httpHeaders" : {
"Location" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Contact/003R00000025REHIA2"
"httpStatusCode" : 201,
"referenceId" : "NewContact"
"body" : {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "User",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/User/005R0000000I90CIAS"
"Name" : "Jane Doe",
"CompanyName" : "Salesforce",
"Title" : Director,
"City" : "San Francisco",
"State" : "CA",
"Id" : "005R0000000I90CIAS"
"httpHeaders" : { },
"httpStatusCode" : 200,
"referenceId" : "NewAccountOwner"
"body" : null,
"httpHeaders" : {
"ETag" : "\"f2293620\"",
"Last-Modified" : "Fri, 22 Jul 2016 18:45:56 GMT"
"httpStatusCode" : 304,
"referenceId" : "AccountMetadata"
Examples Update an Account, Create a Contact, and Link Them with
a Junction Object
Update an Account, Create a Contact, and Link Them with a Junction Object
The following example uses the Composite resource to update some fields on an account, create a contact, and link the two records
with a junction object called AccountContactJunction. All these requests are executed in a single call. The composite.json
file contains the composite request and subrequest data.
Update an account, create a contact, and link them with a junction object
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@composite.json"
Examples Update a Record and Get Its Field Values in a Single Request
"referenceId" : "UpdatedAccount"
}, {
"body" : {
"id" : "003R00000025R22IAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"httpHeaders" : {
"Location" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Contact/003R00000025R22IAE"
"httpStatusCode" : 201,
"referenceId" : "NewContact"
}, {
"body" : {
"id" : "a00R0000000iN4gIAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"httpHeaders" : {
"Location" :
"httpStatusCode" : 201,
"referenceId" : "JunctionRecord"
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@batch.json"
Examples Create Nested Records
-H "Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@newrecords.json"
Example request body newrecords.json file for creating two new Accounts and their child records
"records" :[{
"attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref1"},
"name" : "SampleAccount1",
"phone" : "1234567890",
"website" : "",
"numberOfEmployees" : "100",
"industry" : "Banking",
"Contacts" : {
"records" : [{
Examples Create Nested Records
Examples Create Multiple Records
"referenceId" : "ref5",
"id" : "001D000000K0fXQIAZ"
"referenceId" : "ref6",
"id" : "003D000000QV9n4IAD"
Once the request is processed, all six records are created with the parent-child relationships specified in the request.
SObject Tree
-H "Authorization: Bearer token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@newrecords.json"
Example request body newrecords.json file for creating four new accounts
"records" :[{
"attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref1"},
"name" : "SampleAccount1",
"phone" : "1111111111",
"website" : "",
"numberOfEmployees" : "100",
"industry" : "Banking"
"attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref2"},
"name" : "SampleAccount2",
"phone" : "2222222222",
"website" : "",
"numberOfEmployees" : "250",
"industry" : "Banking"
"attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref3"},
"name" : "SampleAccount3",
"phone" : "3333333333",
"website" : "",
"numberOfEmployees" : "52000",
"industry" : "Banking"
Examples Create Multiple Records
SObject Tree
CHAPTER 4 Reference
The following table lists supported REST resources in the API and provides a brief description for each. In each case, the URI for the
resource follows the base URI, which you retrieve from the authentication service: domain
might be the Salesforce instance you are using, or a custom domain. For example, to retrieve basic information about an Account object
in version 20.0:
Click a call name to see syntax, usage, and more information for that call.
Limits /vXX.X/limits/
Lists information about limits in your org.
Return the total number of Lightning Experience and Salesforce Mobile users.
Return details about the custom pages viewed most frequently in Lightning Experience.
AppMenu /vXX.X/appMenu/AppSwitcher/
Returns a list of items in either the Salesforce app drop-down menu or the Salesforce for Android, iOS,
and mobile web navigation menu.
Query /vXX.X/query/?q=soql
Executes the specified SOQL query.
QueryAll /vXX.X/queryAll/?q=soql
Executes the specified SOQL query. Results can include deleted, merged and archived records.
Search /vXX.X/search/?q=sosl
Tabs /vXX.X/tabs
Returns a list of all tabs—including Lightning page tabs—available to the current user, regardless of
whether the user has chosen to hide tabs via the All Tabs (+) tab customization feature.
Themes /vXX.X/theme
Gets the list of icons and colors used by themes in the Salesforce application.
Composite Resources
Resource Name URI Description
Batch /vXX.X/composite/batch Executes up to 25 subrequests in a single request.
SObject Tree /vXX.X/composite/tree Creates one or more sObject trees with root
records of the specified type. An sObject tree is a
collection of nested, parent-child records with a
single root record.
Reference Versions
Lists summary information about each Salesforce version currently available, including the version, label, and a link to each version's
HTTP Method
See List Available REST API Versions on page 35.
Resources by Version
Lists available resources for the specified API version, including resource name and URI.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
See List Available REST Resources. on page 39
Lists information about limits in your org. This resource is available in REST API version 29.0 and later for API users with the View Setup
and Configuration permission. The resource returns these limits:
ConcurrentAsyncGetReportInstances Concurrent REST API requests for results of asynchronous report runs
Reference Limits
MassEmail Daily number of mass emails that are sent to external email addresses via Apex
or APIs
SingleEmail Daily number of single emails that are sent to external email addresses
Note: For orgs created before Spring ’19, the daily limit is enforced
only for emails sent via Apex and Salesforce APIs except for the REST
API. For orgs created in Spring ’19 and later, the daily limit is also
enforced for email alerts, simple email actions, Send Email actions in
flows, and REST API. If one of the newly counted emails can’t be sent
because your org has reached the limit, we notify you by email and
add an entry to the debug logs.
DailyBulkV2QueryFileStorageMB Daily storage for queries in Bulk API 2.0 (measured in MB). This limit is available
in API version 47.0 and later.
DailyBulkV2QueryJobs Daily number of query jobs in Bulk API 2.0. This limit is available in API version
47.0 and later.
Platform Events
The following values apply only to platform events. They don’t apply to Change Data Capture events.
Reference Limits
Salesforce Connect
DailyDurableGenericStreamingApiEvents Generic events notifications delivered in the past 24 hours to all CometD
DailyDurableStreamingApiEvents PushTopic event notifications delivered in the past 24 hours to all CometD
DurableStreamingApiConcurrentClients Concurrent CometD clients (subscribers) across all channels and for all event
DailyGenericStreamingApiEvents Generic events notifications delivered in the past 24 hours to all CometD
DailyStreamingApiEvents PushTopic event notifications delivered in the past 24 hours to all CometD
StreamingApiConcurrentClients Concurrent CometD clients (subscribers) across all channels and for all event
Reference Describe Global
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
See List Organization Limits.
Describe Global
Lists the available objects and their metadata for your organization’s data. In addition, it provides the organization encoding, as well as
the maximum batch size permitted in queries. For more information on encoding, see Internationalization and Character Sets.
You can use the If-Modified-Since header with this resource, with the date format EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
z. When using this header, if no available object’s metadata has changed since the provided date, a 304 Not Modified status
code is returned with no response body.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
none required
See Get a List of Objects on page 39.
Error responses
See Status Codes and Error Responses on page 277.
Reference SObject Describe
Authorization: Bearer token
none required
• For an example of retrieving metadata for an object, see Retrieve Metadata for an Object on page 41.
• For an example of creating a new record using POST, see Create a Record on page 45.
• For an example of create a new record along with providing blob data for the record, see Insert or Update Blob Data on page
SObject Describe
Completely describes the individual metadata at all levels for the specified object. For example, this can be used to retrieve the fields,
URLs, and child relationships for the Account object.
The If-Modified-Since header can be used with this resource, with a date format of EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
z. When this header is used, if the object metadata has not changed since the provided date, a 304 Not Modified status code
is returned, with no response body.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
none required
See Get Field and Other Metadata for an Object on page 42. For an example that uses the If-Modified-Since HTTP header,
see Get Object Metadata Changes on page 44.
Reference SObject Get Deleted
• Results are returned for no more than 15 days previous to the day the call is executed (or earlier if an administrator has purged the
Recycle Bin).
See “Data Replication” in the SOAP API Developer Guide for additional details on data replication and data replication limits.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
start Starting date/time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—not local— timezone) of the
timespan for which to retrieve the data. The API ignores the seconds portion of the
specified dateTime value (for example, 12:30:15 is interpreted as 12:30:00 UTC). The
date and time should be provided in ISO 8601 format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm. The date/time value for start must
chronologically precede end. This parameter should be URL-encoded.
end Ending date/time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—not local— timezone) of the
timespan for which to retrieve the data. The API ignores the seconds portion of the
specified dateTime value (for example, 12:35:15 is interpreted as 12:35:00 UTC). The
date and time should be provided in ISO 8601 format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm. This parameter should be URL-encoded
Response format
earliestDateAvailable String ISO 8601 format timestamp (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—not local—
timezone) of the last physically deleted object.
latestDateCovered String ISO 8601 format timestamp (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—not local—
time zone) of the last date covered in the request.
For an example of getting a list of deleted items, see Get a List of Deleted Records Within a Given Timeframe on page 58.
Reference SObject Get Updated
Parameter Description
start Starting date/time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone—not local— timezone)
of the timespan for which to retrieve the data. The API ignores the seconds portion of
the specified dateTime value (for example, 12:30:15 is interpreted as 12:30:00 UTC).
The date and time should be provided in ISO 8601 format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm. The date/time value for start must
chronologically precede end. This parameter should be URL-encoded
end Ending date/time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone—not local— timezone)
of the timespan for which to retrieve the data. The API ignores the seconds portion of
the specified dateTime value (for example, 12:35:15 is interpreted as 12:35:00 UTC).
The date and time should be provided in ISO 8601 format:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm. This parameter should be URL-encoded
Response format
latestDateCovered String ISO 8601 format timestamp (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—not local—
time zone) of the last date covered in the request.
Reference SObject Named Layouts
For an example of getting a list of updated deleted items, see Get a List of Updated Records Within a Given Timeframe on page 59.
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
This example retrieves information on the “UserAlt” named layout for User.
Use this resource to get information on a named layout for a given object. You must provide a valid named layout name as part of the
resource URI.
To get a list of named layouts for a given object, use the SObject Describe resource and look for the “namedLayoutInfos” field in the
response body.
SObject Rows
Accesses records based on the specified object ID. Retrieves, updates, or deletes records. This resource can also be used to retrieve field
values. Use the GET method to retrieve records or fields, the DELETE method to delete records, and the PATCH method to update records.
To create new records, use the SObject Basic Information resource.
Reference SObject Rows by External ID
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
fields Optional list of fields used to return values for.
This resource can be used with external objects in API version 32.0 and later.
• External objects that are associated with non-high-data-volume external data sources use the 18-character Salesforce ID for the
id. Otherwise, external objects use the External ID standard field of the external object for the id.
• For examples of retrieving field values using GET, see:
– Get Field Values from a Standard Object Record on page 47
– Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the External ID Standard Field on page 48
– Get Field Values from an External Object Record by Using the Salesforce ID on page 47
• For an example of updating a record using PATCH, see Update a Record on page 46.
• For an example of deleting a record using DELETE, see Delete a Record on page 47.
• For an example of updating the blob data for an object, see Insert or Update Blob Data on page 73.
Note: Do not specify Id or an external ID field in the request body or an error is generated.
HTTP Method
HEAD, GET, PATCH, DELETE, POST (see Usage section)
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference SObject Blob Retrieve
As a special case, in API version 37.0 and later, you can use this resource to create a record by POSTing to
/vXX.X/sobjects/SObjectName/Id. This pattern represents the use of Id as the specified external ID field and null
as the value. It’s useful when you’re writing code to upsert multiple records by different external IDs and you don’t want to request
a separate resource.
• For an example of retrieving a record based on an external ID, see Retrieve a Record Using an External ID on page 48.
• For examples of creating and updating records based on external IDs, see Insert or Update (Upsert) a Record Using an External
ID on page 49.
SObject ApprovalLayouts
Returns a list of approval layouts for a specified object. Specify a particular approval process name to limit the return value to one specific
approval layout. This resource is available in REST API version 30.0 and later.
To get an approval layout description for a specified object, use
To get an approval layout description for a particular approval process, use
Reference SObject CompactLayouts
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request parameters
None required
Getting all approval layouts for an sObject
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
If you haven’t defined any approval layouts for an object, the response is {"approvalLayouts" : [ ]}.
Getting the approval layout for a particular approval process
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
SObject CompactLayouts
Returns a list of compact layouts for a specific object. This resource is available in REST API version 29.0 and later.
Reference SObject CompactLayouts
For a compact layout description for a specific object, use /vXX.X/sobjects/Object/describe/compactLayouts/
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request parameters
None required
Getting compact layouts
"compactLayouts" : [ {
"actions" : [ {
"custom" : false,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "Call",
"name" : "CallHighlightAction"
}, {
"custom" : false,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "Send Email",
"name" : "EmailHighlightAction"
}, {
"custom" : false,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "Map",
"name" : "MapHighlightAction"
}, {
"custom" : false,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "Read News",
"name" : "NewsHighlightAction"
}, {
"custom" : false,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "View Website",
Reference SObject CompactLayouts
"name" : "WebsiteHighlightAction"
} ],
"fieldItems" : [ {
"editable" : false,
"label" : "Account Name",
"layoutComponents" : [ {
"components" : [ ],
"details" : {
"autoNumber" : false,
"byteLength" : 765,
"calculated" : false,
"calculatedFormula" : null,
"cascadeDelete" : false,
"caseSensitive" : false,
"controllerName" : null,
"createable" : true,
"custom" : false,
"defaultValue" : null,
"defaultValueFormula" : null,
"defaultedOnCreate" : false,
"dependentPicklist" : false,
"deprecatedAndHidden" : false,
"digits" : 0,
"displayLocationInDecimal" : false,
"externalId" : false,
"extraTypeInfo" : null,
"filterable" : true,
"groupable" : true,
"htmlFormatted" : false,
"idLookup" : false,
"inlineHelpText" : null,
"label" : "Account Name",
"length" : 255,
"mask" : null,
"maskType" : null,
"name" : "Name",
"nameField" : true,
"namePointing" : false,
"nillable" : false,
"permissionable" : false,
"picklistValues" : [ ],
"precision" : 0,
"queryByDistance" : false,
"referenceTo" : [ ],
"relationshipName" : null,
"relationshipOrder" : null,
"restrictedDelete" : false,
"restrictedPicklist" : false,
"scale" : 0,
"soapType" : "xsd:string",
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string",
"unique" : false,
"updateable" : true,
Reference SObject CompactLayouts
"writeRequiresMasterRead" : false
"displayLines" : 1,
"tabOrder" : 2,
"type" : "Field",
"value" : "Name"
} ],
"placeholder" : false,
"required" : false
}, {
"editable" : false,
"label" : "Phone",
"layoutComponents" : [ {
"components" : [ ],
"details" : {
"autoNumber" : false,
"byteLength" : 120,
"calculated" : false,
"calculatedFormula" : null,
"cascadeDelete" : false,
"caseSensitive" : false,
"controllerName" : null,
"createable" : true,
"custom" : false,
"defaultValue" : null,
"defaultValueFormula" : null,
"defaultedOnCreate" : false,
"dependentPicklist" : false,
"deprecatedAndHidden" : false,
"digits" : 0,
"displayLocationInDecimal" : false,
"externalId" : false,
"extraTypeInfo" : null,
"filterable" : true,
"groupable" : true,
"htmlFormatted" : false,
"idLookup" : false,
"inlineHelpText" : null,
"label" : "Account Phone",
"length" : 40,
"mask" : null,
"maskType" : null,
"name" : "Phone",
"nameField" : false,
"namePointing" : false,
"nillable" : true,
"permissionable" : true,
"picklistValues" : [ ],
"precision" : 0,
"queryByDistance" : false,
"referenceTo" : [ ],
"relationshipName" : null,
"relationshipOrder" : null,
"restrictedDelete" : false,
Reference SObject CompactLayouts
"restrictedPicklist" : false,
"scale" : 0,
"soapType" : "xsd:string",
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "phone",
"unique" : false,
"updateable" : true,
"writeRequiresMasterRead" : false
"displayLines" : 1,
"tabOrder" : 3,
"type" : "Field",
"value" : "Phone"
} ],
"placeholder" : false,
"required" : false
} ],
"id" : "0AHD000000000AbOAI",
"imageItems" : [ {
"editable" : false,
"label" : "Photo URL",
"layoutComponents" : [ {
"components" : [ ],
"details" : {
"autoNumber" : false,
"byteLength" : 765,
"calculated" : false,
"calculatedFormula" : null,
"cascadeDelete" : false,
"caseSensitive" : false,
"controllerName" : null,
"createable" : false,
"custom" : false,
"defaultValue" : null,
"defaultValueFormula" : null,
"defaultedOnCreate" : false,
"dependentPicklist" : false,
"deprecatedAndHidden" : false,
"digits" : 0,
"displayLocationInDecimal" : false,
"externalId" : false,
"extraTypeInfo" : "imageurl",
"filterable" : true,
"groupable" : true,
"htmlFormatted" : false,
"idLookup" : false,
"inlineHelpText" : null,
"label" : "Photo URL",
"length" : 255,
"mask" : null,
"maskType" : null,
"name" : "PhotoUrl",
"nameField" : false,
"namePointing" : false,
Reference Describe Layouts
"nillable" : true,
"permissionable" : false,
"picklistValues" : [ ],
"precision" : 0,
"queryByDistance" : false,
"referenceTo" : [ ],
"relationshipName" : null,
"relationshipOrder" : null,
"restrictedDelete" : false,
"restrictedPicklist" : false,
"scale" : 0,
"soapType" :
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "url",
"unique" : false,
"updateable" : false,
"writeRequiresMasterRead" : false
"displayLines" : 1,
"tabOrder" : 1,
"type" : "Field",
"value" : "PhotoUrl"
} ],
"placeholder" : false,
"required" : false
} ],
"label" : "Custom Account Compact Layout",
"name" : "Custom_Account_Compact_Layout"
} ],
"defaultCompactLayoutId" : "0AHD000000000AbOAI",
"recordTypeCompactLayoutMappings" : [ {
"available" : true,
"compactLayoutId" : "0AHD000000000AbOAI",
"compactLayoutName" : "Custom_Account_Compact_Layout",
"recordTypeId" : "012000000000000AAA",
"recordTypeName" : "Master",
"urls" : {
"compactLayout" :
} ],
"urls" : {
"primary" : "/services/data/v31.0/sobjects/Account/describe/compactLayouts/primary"
If you haven’t defined any compact layouts for an object, the compactLayoutId returns as Null.
Describe Layouts
Returns a list of layouts and descriptions. The list of fields and the layout name are returned.
Reference Describe Layouts
To return descriptions of global publisher layouts, the URI is: /vXX.X/sobjects/Global/describe/layouts/
For a layout description for a specific object, use /vXX.X/sobjects/Object/describe/layouts/
For a layout description for objects that have more than one record type defined, use
/vXX.X/sobjects/Object/describe/layouts/<recordTypeId>. For example, the following URI requests the
layout for a specific Contact record ID: /vXX.X/sobjects/Contact/describe/layouts/012xx00000024x5AAA.
A GET request for objects that have more than one record type defined returns null for the layouts section of the response.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
None required
Example for getting global publisher layouts
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference Describe Layouts
"label" : "Name",
"name" : "Name"
{ "field" : "Account.Name",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Account Name",
"name" : "Account.Name"
{ "field" : "Account.Site",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Account Site",
"name" : "Account.Site"
{ "field" : "Contact.Phone",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Phone",
"name" : "Phone"
{ "field" : "Contact.Email",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Email",
"name" : "Email"
{ "field" : "User.Alias",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Contact Owner Alias",
"name" : "Owner.Alias"
{ "label" : "Search Results",
"limitRows" : 25,
"searchColumns" : [ { "field" : "Lead.Name",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Name",
"name" : "Name"
{ "field" : "Lead.Title",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Title",
"name" : "Title"
{ "field" : "Lead.Phone",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Phone",
"name" : "Phone"
{ "field" : "Lead.Company",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Company",
"name" : "Company"
{ "field" : "Lead.Email",
"format" : null,
Reference SObject PlatformAction
"label" : "Email",
"name" : "Email"
{ "field" : "Lead.Status",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Lead Status",
"name" : "toLabel(Status)"
{ "field" : "Name.Alias",
"format" : null,
"label" : "Owner Alias",
"name" : "Owner.Alias"
SObject PlatformAction
PlatformAction is a virtual read-only object. It enables you to query for actions displayed in the UI, given a user, a context, device format,
and a record ID. Examples include standard and custom buttons, quick actions, and productivity actions.
Returns the description of the PlatformAction.
Use /services/data/vXX.X/sobjects/PlatformAction
Available since release
This resource is available in API version 33.0 and later.
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
The only thing you can do with this resource is Query it.
Reference SObject Quick Actions
To return a specific object’s actions as well as global actions, use: /vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/
To return a specific action, use /vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/{action name}
To return a specific action’s descriptive detail, use /vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/{action
To return a specific action’s default values, including default field values, use
services/data/vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/{action name}/defaultValues/
In API version 28.0, to evaluate the default values for an action, use vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/{action
name}/defaultValues/{parent id}
In API version 29.0 and greater, to evaluate the default values for an action, use
vXX.X/sobjects/object/quickActions/{action name}/defaultValues/{context id}
This returns the default values specific to the {context id} object.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
None required
Example for getting Account actions
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
"contextId" : "001D000000JRSGf",
"record" : { "LastName" : "Smith" }
• The resources return all actions—both global and standard—in addition to the ones requested.
Reference SObject Rich Text Image Retrieve
Parameter Description
SObjectName Indicates the name of the standard object of the record.
contentReferenceId The reference ID that uniquely identifies an image within a rich text area field.
You can obtain the reference by retrieving information for the object. The description
will show the contents of the rich text area field. For example:
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Lead",
"url" :
"Id" : "00QRM000003ZfDb2AK",
"ContactPhoto__c" :
"Sarah Loehr and her two dogs.
<img alt=\"Sarah Loehr.\"
For an example of retrieving the blob data from a rich text area field, see Get an Image from a Rich Text Area Field on page 40.
Reference SObject Relationships
Error responses
See Status Codes and Error Responses on page 277.
SObject Relationships
Accesses records by traversing object relationships via friendly URLs. You can retrieve, update, or delete the record associated with the
traversed relationship field. If there are multiple related records, you can retrieve the complete set of associated records. This resource
is available in REST API version 36.0 and later.
/vXX.X/sobjects/SObject/id/relationship field name
HTTP Methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
fields Optional for GET. A list of fields in the associated relationship record to return. Fields
are separated by commas. For example:
Response Body
For retrievals via GET, the response body is the contents of the record associated with the relationship field. Here is an example of a
request and JSON response body for a simple relationship traversal that returns the Distributor__c record associated with a relationship
field on custom object Merchandise__c.
"attributes" :
"type" : "Distributor__c",
"url" : "/services/data/v36.0/sobjects/Distributor__c/a03D0000003DUhcIAG"
"Id" : "a03D0000003DUhcIAG",
"OwnerId" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"IsDeleted" : false,
"Name" : "Distributor1",
"CreatedDate" : "2011-12-16T17:43:01.000+0000",
"CreatedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
"LastModifiedDate" : "2011-12-16T17:43:01.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById" : "005D0000001KyEIIA0",
Reference SObject Suggested Articles
"SystemModstamp" : "2011-12-16T17:43:01.000+0000",
"Location__c" : "San Francisco"
A response body isn’t returned for updates via PATCH and deletions via DELETE.
Error Responses
If no record is associated with a relationship field, a 404 error response is returned. If the relationship field normally resolves to multiple
records and no relationship set exists, a 200 response is returned. If the fields parameter is used with fields that don’t exist or
aren’t visible to the consumer by field-level security, a 400 error response is returned. For other error messages, see Status Codes
and Error Responses on page 277.
For examples of using SObject Relationships to access relationship fields, see Traverse Relationships with Friendly URLs on page 53.
To return suggested articles for a case, work order, or work order line item that is being created, use
language&subject=subject&description=description. The SObject can be Case, WorkOrder, or
WorkOrderLineItem. Suggestions are based on common keywords in the title, description, and other information that’s
entered before the record has been saved and assigned an ID.
For example: vXX.X/sobjects/Case/suggestedArticles?language=article
language&subject=subject&description=description or
To return suggested articles for an existing record with an ID, use
vXX.X/sobjects/SObject/ID/suggestedArticles?language=article language
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
None required
Reference SObject Suggested Articles
Request parameters
Parameter Description
articleTypes Optional. Three-character ID prefixes indicating the desired article types. You can specify
multiple values for this parameter in a single REST call, by repeating the parameter
name for each value. For example, articleTypes=ka0&articleTypes=ka1.
categories Optional. The name of the data category group and the data category API name (not
category title) for desired articles. The syntax is
categories={"Group":"Category"}. Characters in the URL might need
to be encoded. For example:
The same data category group can’t be specified more than once. However, you can
specify multiple data category group and data category pairs. For example,
description Text of the description. Valid only for new records without an existing ID and required
if subject is null. Article suggestions are based on common keywords in the subject,
description, or both.
subject Text of the subject. Valid only for new records without an existing ID and required if
description is null. Article suggestions are based on common keywords in the
subject, description, or both.
Example for getting suggested articles for a case that’s being created
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference SObject User Password
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. The user must have the “View Articles” permission enabled. The articles
suggested include only the articles the user can access, based on the data categories and article types the user has permissions to view.
Articles are suggested based on a relevance algorithm. The suggestedArticles resource is designed to get the IDs of articles
relevant to a case, work order, or work order line item. It’s intended to be used with other services that then use the IDs to get article
data for display.
Reference Platform Event Schema by Event Name
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
payloadFormat (Optional query parameter. Available in API version 43.0 and later.) The format of the returned event
schema. This parameter can take one of the following values.
• EXPANDED—The JSON representation of the event schema, which is the default format when
payloadFormat is not specified in API version 43.0 and later.
• COMPACT—A format that adheres to the open-source Apache Avro specification for the record
complex type (see Apache Avro Format). Subscribers use the compact schema format to
deserialize compact events received in binary form.
Error Codes
400 Bad Request Description
In API version 43.0 The request was formatted incorrectly—an invalid value was passed for the payloadFormat parameter
and later in the URI.
In API version 42.0 The request was formatted incorrectly—the payloadFormat parameter was passed in the URI but this
and earlier API version doesn’t support this parameter.
Reference Platform Event Schema by Event Name
The returned response for the expanded format looks like the following in API version 43.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"type" : "expanded-record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "data",
"type" : {
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Data",
"namespace" : "",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "schema",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "payload",
"type" : {
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Payload",
"doc" : "",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Serial_Number__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Ink_Percentage__c",
"type" : [ "null", "double" ],
"doc" : "Data:Double",
"default" : null
} ]
Reference Platform Event Schema by Event Name
}, {
"name" : "event",
"type" : {
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Event",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "replayId",
"type" : "long"
} ]
} ]
}, {
"name" : "channel",
"type" : "string"
} ]
To get the compact (Apache Avro) format, use the following URI.
The returned response for the compact format looks like the following in API version 43.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"doc" : "43.0",
"type" : "record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "long",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Serial_Number__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Ink_Percentage__c",
"type" : [ "null", "double" ],
"doc" : "Data:Double",
"default" : null
} ],
Reference Platform Event Schema by Event Name
"uuid" : "5E5OtZj5_Gm6Vax9XMXH9A"
Note: The compact schema doesn’t include the replayId or channel fields because these fields are not necessary for
deserializing the compact event received.
Note: This format is what the API returns in API version 43.0 and later when appending the ?payloadFormat=COMPACT
The returned response looks like the following in API version 42.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"doc" : "42.0",
"type" : "record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "long",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Serial_Number__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Ink_Percentage__c",
"type" : [ "null", "double" ],
"doc" : "Data:Double",
"default" : null
} ],
"uuid" : "5E5OtZj5_Gm6Vax9XMXH9A"
Note: When you change the definition of a platform event, the schema ID for this platform event changes.
Reference Platform Event Schema by Schema ID
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
payloadFormat (Optional query parameter. Available in API version 43.0 and later.) The format of the returned event
schema. This parameter can take one of the following values.
• EXPANDED—The JSON representation of the event schema, which is the default format when
payloadFormat is not specified in API version 43.0 and later.
• COMPACT—A format that adheres to the open-source Apache Avro specification for the record
complex type (see Apache Avro Format). Subscribers use the compact schema format to
deserialize compact events received in binary form.
Reference Platform Event Schema by Schema ID
Error Codes
400 Bad Request Description
In API version 43.0 The request was formatted incorrectly—an invalid value was passed for the payloadFormat parameter
and later in the URI.
In API version 42.0 The request was formatted incorrectly—the payloadFormat parameter was passed in the URI but this
and earlier API version doesn’t support this parameter.
In API version 43.0 and later, the response format is the JSON representation of the event schema by default. The returned response
looks like the following in API version 43.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"type" : "expanded-record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "data",
"type" : {
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Data",
"namespace" : "",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "schema",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"name" : "payload",
"type" : {
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Payload",
"doc" : "",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
Reference Platform Event Schema by Schema ID
To get the compact (Apache Avro) format, use the following URI.
The returned response for the compact format looks like the following in API version 43.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"doc" : "43.0",
"type" : "record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "long",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
Reference Platform Event Schema by Schema ID
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Serial_Number__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Ink_Percentage__c",
"type" : [ "null", "double" ],
"doc" : "Data:Double",
"default" : null
} ],
"uuid" : "5E5OtZj5_Gm6Vax9XMXH9A"
Note: The compact schema doesn’t include the replayId or channel fields because these fields are not necessary for
deserializing the compact event received.
Note: This format is what the API returns in API version 43.0 and later when appending the ?payloadFormat=COMPACT
This URI gets the schema of a platform event whose schema ID is 5E5OtZj5_Gm6Vax9XMXH9A. This schema ID is a sample ID.
Replace it with a valid schema ID for your event.
The returned response looks like the following in API version 42.0.
"name" : "Low_Ink__e",
"namespace" : "com.sforce.eventbus",
"doc" : "42.0",
"type" : "record",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "CreatedDate",
"type" : "long",
"doc" : "CreatedDate:DateTime"
}, {
"name" : "CreatedById",
"type" : "string",
"doc" : "CreatedBy:EntityId"
}, {
"name" : "Printer_Model__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Serial_Number__c",
"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
"doc" : "Data:Text",
Reference AppMenu
"default" : null
}, {
"name" : "Ink_Percentage__c",
"type" : [ "null", "double" ],
"doc" : "Data:Double",
"default" : null
} ],
"uuid" : "5E5OtZj5_Gm6Vax9XMXH9A"
Note: When you change the definition of a platform event, the schema ID for this platform event changes.
If you don’t have the schema ID, you can get the schema by supplying the platform event name. Make a GET request to
/vXX.X/sobjects/Event_Name/eventSchema. See Platform Event Schema by Event Name.
Returns a list of items in either the Salesforce app drop-down menu or the Salesforce for Android, iOS, and mobile web navigation menu.
To return a list of the Salesforce app drop-down menu items, the URI is: /vXX.X/appMenu/AppSwitcher/
To return a list of the Salesforce for Android, iOS, and mobile web navigation menu items, the URI is:
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference AppMenu
Request body
Request parameters
None required
Getting appMenu types
Reference AppMenu
"icons" : null,
"colors" : null,
"label" : "App Launcher",
"url" : "/app/mgmt/applauncher/appLauncher.apexp?tsid=02uxx00000056Sx"
} ]
Reference AppMenu
"width" : 0,
"height" : 0,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 60,
"height" : 60,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 120,
"height" : 120,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : ""
} ],
"colors" : [ {
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "FC4F59",
"theme" : "theme4"
}, {
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "FC4F59",
"theme" : "theme3"
} ],
"label" : "My App Home Page",
"url" : "/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01rxx0000000Vsd&ic=1"
}, {
"type" : "Tab.apexPage",
"content" : "/apex/myapexpage",
"icons" : [ {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 32,
"height" : 32,
"theme" : "theme3",
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 16,
"height" : 16,
"theme" : "theme3",
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/svg+xml",
"width" : 0,
"height" : 0,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 60,
"height" : 60,
"theme" : "theme4",
Reference Compact Layouts
"url" : ""
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 120,
"height" : 120,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : ""
} ],
"colors" : [ {
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "3D8D8D",
"theme" : "theme4"
}, {
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "3D8D8D",
"theme" : "theme3"
} ],
"label" : "label",
"url" : "/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01rxx0000000Vyb&ic=1"
} ]
Compact Layouts
Returns a list of compact layouts for multiple objects. This resource is available in REST API version 31.0 and later.
This resource returns the primary compact layout for a set of objects. The set of objects is specified using a query parameter. Up to 100
objects can be queried at once.
Note: PersonAccount isn’t supported for bulk queries. If you want to get the primary compact layout for PersonAccount, get it
directly from
/vXX.X/compactLayouts?q=object list
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference Compact Layouts
Request parameters
Parameter Description
q A comma-delimited list of objects. The primary compact layout for each object in this
list will be returned in the response of this resource.
Request for getting compact layouts for multiple objects
Reference Consent
"menubar" : false,
"name" : "CallHighlightAction",
"overridden" : false,
"resizeable" : false,
"scrollbars" : false,
"showsLocation" : false,
"showsStatus" : false,
"toolbar" : false,
"url" : null,
"width" : null,
"windowPosition" : null
"id" : null,
"label" : "System Default",
"name" : "SYSTEM"
"CustomObj__c" : {
"actions" : [ {
"behavior" : null,
"content" : null,
"contentSource" : null,
"custom" : false,
"encoding" : null,
"height" : null,
"icons" : null,
"label" : "Call",
"menubar" : false,
"name" : "CallHighlightAction",
"overridden" : false,
"resizeable" : false,
"scrollbars" : false,
"showsLocation" : false,
"showsStatus" : false,
"toolbar" : false,
"url" : null,
"width" : null,
"windowPosition" : null
"id" : null,
"imageItems" : null,
"label" : "System Default",
"name" : "SYSTEM"
Your users can store consent preferences in different locations and possibly inconsistently. You can locate your customers’ preferences
for consent across multiple records when using API version 44.0 and later. Tracking consent preferences helps you and your users respect
the most restrictive requests.
Reference Consent
Consent API aggregates consent settings across the Contact, Contact Point Type Consent, Data Use Purpose, Individual, Lead, Person
Account, and User objects when the records have a lookup relationship. The Consent API can't locate records in which the email address
field is protected by Platform Encryption.
The API returns consent details based on a single action, like email or track, or—starting with API version 45.0—the multiaction endpoint
allows you to request multiple actions in a single API call.
(Available in API version 45.0 and later.)
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
Request parameters
Parameter Description
actions Comma-separated list of proposed actions. This required parameter applies only to
the multiaction endpoint.
This parameter is available in API version 45.0 and later.
If this is used, action cannot be used.
datetime Optional. The timestamp for which consent is determined. The value is converted to
the UTC timezone and must be specified in ISO 8601 format. If not specified, defaults
to the current date and time.
ids Required. Comma-separated list of IDs. The ID can be the record ID or the email address
listed on the record.
verbose Optional: true or false. verbose is the same as verbose=true. Verbose responses
are slower than non-verbose responses. See the examples for a verbose response.
Reference Consent
Allowed values are:
• email
• fax
• geotrack
• mailing
• phone
• portability
• process
• profile
• shouldForget
• social
• solicit
• storePiiElsewhere
• track
• web
If action is used, actions cannot be used.
Note: When you select email as the action, the API only aggregates consent for records that contain the same email address.
If the record ID specified in the URI is associated with a record that contains a different email address, the consent settings of
the associated record aren’t included in the API response.
Simple URI structure
Email addresses as IDs, specified purpose and timespan, and a verbose response
"" : {
"result" : "Success",
"proceed" : {
"email" : "true"
"emailResult" : "Success"
"explanation" : [ {
"objectConsulted" : "ContactTypePointConsent",
"status" : "opt_in",
"purpose" : "billing",
Reference Consent
"recordId" : "003xx000004TxyY",
"value" : "true"
"objectConsulted" : "Contact",
"field" : "HasOptedOutOfTracking",
"recordId" : "1",
"value" : "true"
"" : {
"result" : "Success",
"proceed" : {
"email" : "false"
"emailResult" : "Success"
"explanation" : [ {
"objectConsulted" : "Contact",
"field" : "HasOptedOutOfEmail",
"recordId" : "00Qxx00000skwO",
"value" : "true"
} ]
To call Consent API, you must have either the View All Data or the Allow User Access to Privacy Data user permission. Requiring a perm
ensures that the System Administrator gives explicit permission. This API accesses org-wide consent data, such as links between records
and the value of consent flags, not just records to which the user ordinarily has access.
The following table shows how the API responses are determined. If the consulted fields find conflicting consent preferences, the response
returns the least permissive preference. For example, if Contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail is false, but Lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail is true,
the response indicates that you can’t proceed with emailing the user.
When you select email as the action, the API only aggregates consent for records that contain the same email address. If the record ID
specified in the URI is associated with a record that contains a different email address, the consent settings of the associated record aren’t
included in the API response.
Note: When the API compares consent settings across records, it doesn’t incorporate settings from converted leads.
Reference Consent
Reference Consent
Reference Consent
Reference Embedded Service Configuration Describe
Available since release
HTTP methods
You must be logged in to the account that owns the EmbeddedServiceConfigDeveloperName you are querying.
Reference Embedded Service Configuration Describe
Request parameters
Retrieving the values for the Embedded Service deployment TestOne
Reference Invocable Actions
"smallCompanyLogoImg" : "",
"waitingStateBackgroundImg" : ""
"shouldHideAuthDialog" : false,
"siteUrl" : ""
Invocable Actions
Represents a standard or custom invocable action.
Use actions to add more functionality to your applications. Choose from standard actions, such as posting to Chatter or sending email,
or create actions based on your company’s needs.
This resource is available in REST API version 32.0 and later.
Get a list of custom actions:
HTTP Methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Using GET to retrieve a list of general action types for the current organization:
Using POST to send a simple email message:
Reference Standard Invocable Actions
Standard actions return their name in actionName. The value of actionName varies for custom actions.
For more information about actions, see the Actions Developer Guide.
Get a list of standard actions:
HTTP Methods
Reference Standard Invocable Actions
Authorization: Bearer token
The Post to Chatter action supports the following features using a special format in the body post.
• @mentions using @[<id>]
• Topics using #[<topicString>]
For example, the string Hi @[005000000000001] check this out #[some_topic]. is stored appropriately as
Hi @Joe, check this out #some_topic. where “@Joe” and “#some_topic” are links to the user and topic, respectively.
Retrieving a list of standard actions for the current organization
Reference Standard Invocable Actions
Reference Standard Invocable Actions
"apexClass" : null,
"byteLength" : 0,
"description" : "Optional. Who the email is from. Defaults to the current user.",
"label" : "Sender Type",
"maxOccurs" : 1,
"name" : "senderType",
"picklistValues" : null,
"required" : false,
"sobjectType" : null,
"type" : "STRING"
}, {
"apexClass" : null,
"byteLength" : 0,
"description" : "Optional. The org-wide email address to be used as the sender.",
"label" : "Sender Address",
"maxOccurs" : 1,
"name" : "senderAddress",
"picklistValues" : null,
"required" : false,
"sobjectType" : null,
"type" : "STRING"
}, {
"apexClass" : null,
"byteLength" : 0,
"description" : "Required. The email's subject.",
"label" : "Subject",
"maxOccurs" : 1,
"name" : "emailSubject",
"picklistValues" : null,
"required" : true,
"sobjectType" : null,
"type" : "STRING"
}, {
"apexClass" : null,
"byteLength" : 0,
"description" : "Required. The body of the email in plain text.",
"label" : "Body",
"maxOccurs" : 1,
"name" : "emailBody",
"picklistValues" : null,
"required" : true,
"sobjectType" : null,
"type" : "TEXTAREA"
} ],
"label" : "Send Email",
"name" : "emailSimple",
"outputs" : [ ],
"standard" : true,
"targetEntityName" : null,
"type" : "EMAILSIMPLE"
Reference Custom Invocable Actions
Get a list of custom actions:
HTTP Methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Sending email with the emailAlert action counts against your daily email limit for workflows. For more information, see “Daily
Allocations for Email Alerts” in the Salesforce Help.
When invoking an Apex action using the POST method and supplying the inputs in the request, only the following primitive types
are supported as inputs:
• Blob
• Boolean
• Date
• Datetime
• Decimal
• Double
• ID
• Integer
• Long
• String
• Time
Describe and invoke for an Apex action respect the profile access for the Apex class. If you don’t have access an error is issued.
If you add an Apex action to a flow, and then remove the Invocable Method annotation from the Apex class, a runtime error in the
flow occurs.
When a flow user invokes an autolaunched flow, the active flow version runs. If there’s no active version, the latest version runs.
When a flow admin invokes a flow, the latest version always runs.
If any of the following elements are used in a flow, packageable components that reference these elements aren’t automatically
included in the package.
• Apex action
Reference List View Describe
• Email alerts
• Post to Chatter core action
• Quick Action core action
• Send Email core action
• Submit for Approval core action
For example, if you use an email alert, manually add the email template that is used by that email alert. To deploy the package
successfully, manually add those referenced components to the package.
Retrieving a list of custom actions for the current organization:
Retrieving information about a list view
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference List View Describe
"descendingLabel" : "A-Z",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Account Name",
"selectListItem" : "Name",
"sortDirection" : "ascending",
"sortIndex" : 0,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "Z-A",
"descendingLabel" : "A-Z",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Account Site",
"selectListItem" : "Site",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "Z-A",
"descendingLabel" : "A-Z",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Billing State/Province",
"selectListItem" : "BillingState",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "9-0",
"descendingLabel" : "0-9",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Phone",
"selectListItem" : "Phone",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "phone"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "Low to High",
"descendingLabel" : "High to Low",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Type",
"selectListItem" : "toLabel(Type)",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "picklist"
}, {
Reference List View Describe
"ascendingLabel" : "Z-A",
"descendingLabel" : "A-Z",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Account Owner Alias",
"selectListItem" : "Owner.Alias",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Account ID",
"selectListItem" : "Id",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "id"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Created Date",
"selectListItem" : "CreatedDate",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "datetime"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Last Modified Date",
"selectListItem" : "LastModifiedDate",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "datetime"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "System Modstamp",
"selectListItem" : "SystemModstamp",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "datetime"
Reference List View Results
} ],
"id" : "00BD0000005WcBe",
"orderBy" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"nullsPosition" : "first",
"sortDirection" : "ascending"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"nullsPosition" : "first",
"sortDirection" : "ascending"
} ],
"query" : "SELECT name, site, billingstate, phone, tolabel(type), owner.alias,
id, createddate, lastmodifieddate, systemmodstamp FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate =
"scope" : null,
"sobjectType" : "Account",
"whereCondition" : {
"field" : "CreatedDate",
"operator" : "equals",
"values" : [ "THIS_WEEK" ]
Parameter Description
limit The maximum number of records to return, between 1-2000.
The default value is 25.
offset The first record to return. Use this parameter to paginate the
results. The default value is 1.
Reference List View Results
Retrieving results from a specific list view
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference List View Results
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "Low to High",
"descendingLabel" : "High to Low",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Type",
"selectListItem" : "toLabel(Type)",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "picklist"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : "Z-A",
"descendingLabel" : "A-Z",
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"hidden" : false,
"label" : "Account Owner Alias",
"selectListItem" : "Owner.Alias",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : true,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Account ID",
"selectListItem" : "Id",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "id"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Created Date",
"selectListItem" : "CreatedDate",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "datetime"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "Last Modified Date",
"selectListItem" : "LastModifiedDate",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
Reference List View Results
"type" : "datetime"
}, {
"ascendingLabel" : null,
"descendingLabel" : null,
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"hidden" : true,
"label" : "System Modstamp",
"selectListItem" : "SystemModstamp",
"sortDirection" : null,
"sortIndex" : null,
"sortable" : false,
"type" : "datetime"
} ],
"developerName" : "MyAccounts",
"done" : true,
"id" : "00BD0000005WcCN",
"label" : "My Accounts",
"records" : [ {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "Burlington Textiles Corp of America"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "NC"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(336) 222-7000"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSTIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "Dickenson plc"
}, {
Reference List View Results
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "KS"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(785) 241-6200"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Channel"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSVIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "Edge Communications"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "TX"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(512) 757-6000"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSSIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
Reference List View Results
Reference List View Results
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSPIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "Grand Hotels and Resorts Ltd"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "IL"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(312) 596-1000"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSWIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "Pyramid Construction Inc."
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
Reference List View Results
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(014) 427-4427"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Channel"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSUIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "sForce"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "CA"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(415) 901-7000"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSaIAJ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
Reference List View Results
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "United Oil and Gas Corp."
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "NY"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(212) 842-5500"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSZIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "United Oil and Gas, Singapore"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "Singapore"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(650) 450-8810"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
Reference List View Results
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSRIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "United Oil and Gas, UK"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
"value" : "UK"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "+44 191 4956203"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSQIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
}, {
"columns" : [ {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Name",
"value" : "University of Arizona"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Site",
"value" : null
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "BillingState",
Reference List Views
"value" : "AZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Phone",
"value" : "(520) 773-9050"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Type",
"value" : "Customer - Direct"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Owner.Alias",
"value" : "TUser"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "Id",
"value" : "001D000000JliSYIAZ"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "CreatedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "LastModifiedDate",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
}, {
"fieldNameOrPath" : "SystemModstamp",
"value" : "Fri Aug 01 21:15:46 GMT 2014"
} ]
} ],
"size" : 12
List Views
Returns the list of list views for the specified sObject, including the ID and other basic information about each list view. You can also get
basic information for a specific list view by ID.
This resource is available in REST API version 32.0 and later.
Get a list of list views:
Get basic information about one list view:
Available since release
HTTP Methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference List Views
Retrieving a list of list views for the Account object
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference Support Knowledge with REST API
}, {
"describeUrl" :
"developerName" : "AllAccounts",
"id" : "00BD0000005WcCFMA0",
"label" : "All Accounts",
"resultsUrl" :
"soqlCompatible" : true,
"url" : "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/Account/listviews/00BD0000005WcCFMA0"
}, {
"describeUrl" :
"developerName" : "MyAccounts",
"id" : "00BD0000005WcCNMA0",
"label" : "My Accounts",
"resultsUrl" :
"soqlCompatible" : true,
"url" : "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/Account/listviews/00BD0000005WcCNMA0"
} ],
"nextRecordsUrl" : null,
"size" : 6,
"sobjectType" : "Account"
Reference Support Knowledge with REST API
Authenticated users need the UserProfile.apiEnabled permission, Knowledge enabled in the organization, read rights on
the article type, and any other knowledge specific permission or preference that controls visibility to articles.
Guest users need the Guest Access to the Support API preference enabled on the relevant Site, Knowledge enabled in
the organization, and read rights on the article type and article channel that controls the visibility for guest users.
The root endpoint for all Knowledge support APIs that can be open to guest users.
Available since release
OAuth accesstoken
HTTP headers
Accept: Optional. Can be either application/json or application/xml.
The following resources are related to Knowledge.
"dataCategoryGroups" : "/services/data/vxx.0/support/dataCategoryGroups",
"knowledgeArticles" : "/services/data/vxx.0/support/knowledgeArticles"
Data Category Groups
Get data category groups that are visible to the current user.
Data Category Detail
Get data category details and the child categories by a given category.
Articles List
Get a page of online articles for the given language and category through either search or query.
Articles Details
Get all online article fields, accessible to the user.
Reference Data Category Groups
Available since release
OAuth accesstoken
HTTP headers
Accept: Optional. Can be either application/json or application/xml.
Accept-language: Optional. Language to translate the categories. Any ISO-639 language abbreviation, and an ISO-3166 country
code subtag in the HTTP Accept-Language header. Only one language accepted. If no language specified, the non-translated labels
are returned.
string sObjectName: Required. KnowledgeArticleVersion only.
boolean topCategoriesOnly: Optional. Defaults to true
• True returns only the top level categories.
• False returns the entire tree.
A list of the active data category groups that are visible to the current user in the site context. Returns id, name, label, and their top
level categories or the entire data category group tree that are visible to the current user. The labels must be translated to the given
language if they are available.
• Data Category Group List
This payload lists the active root Data Category Groups that can be used in other requests to return the data categories and
articles related to it.
"categoryGroups": [ Data Category Group, ....],
Note: Returns only the active groups that are associated to the given entity (by sObjectName). Only
KnowledgeArticleVersion is supported.
Reference Data Category Groups
This represents an individual data category group, and its root category.
"name": String, // the unique name of the category group
"label": String, // returns the translated version if it is available
"objectUsage" : String, // currently only "KnowledgeArticleVersion" is available.
Note: The URL property is a pre-calculated path to the unique resource representing this data category, in this case it is
a Data Category Detail API.
"categoryGroups" : [ {
"label" : "Doc",
"name" : "Doc",
"objectUsage" : "KnowledgeArticleVersion",
"topCategories" : [ {
"childCategories" : null,
"label" : "All",
"name" : "All",
"url" :
} ]
}, {
"label" : "Manual",
"name" : "Manual",
"objectUsage" : "KnowledgeArticleVersion",
"topCategories" : [ {
"childCategories" : null,
"label" : "All",
"name" : "All",
Reference Data Category Detail
"url" :
} ]
} ]
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. This resource can be used in API version 38.0 and later. Use the language
code format used in Which Languages Does Salesforce Support?.
Only the user’s visible data categories are returned. A user might be able to see several sub trees in the category group, therefore, the
top categories that are visible to the user in each group are returned.
Available since release
OAuth accesstoken
HTTP headers
Accept: Optional. Can be either application/json or application/xml.
Accept-language: Optional. Language to translate the categories. Any ISO-639 language abbreviation, and an ISO-3166 country
code subtag in the HTTP Accept-Language header. Only one language accepted. If no language specified, the non-translated labels
are returned.
string sObjectName: Required. KnowledgeArticleVersion only.
Details of the category and a list of child categories (name, label, etc.).
• Data Category Detail
Used for situations where the hierarchical representation of data categories is important. The child property contains a list of
child data categories.
"name": String, // the unique name of the category
Reference Articles List
Note: If the category isn’t visible to the current user the return is empty.
"childCategories" : [ {
"childCategories" : null,
"label" : "Help",
"name" : "Help",
"url" :
}, {
"childCategories" : null,
"label" : "QA",
"name" : "QA",
"url" :
} ],
"label" : "All",
"name" : "All",
"url" :
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. This resource can be used in API version 38.0 and later. Use the language
code format used in Which Languages Does Salesforce Support?.
Articles List
Get a page of online articles for the given language and category through either search or query.
Available since release
Reference Articles List
OAuth access token
HTTP headers
Accept: Optional. Can be either application/json or application/xml.
Accept-language: Required. The article must be an active language in the user’s organization
• If the language code isn’t valid, an error message is returned: “The language code is not valid or not supported by Knowledge.”
• If the language code is valid, but not supported by Knowledge, then an error message is returned: “Invalid language code. Check
that the language is included in your Knowledge language settings."
string q: Optional, Performs an SOSL search. If the query string is null, empty, or not given, an SOQL query runs.
The characters ? and * are used for wildcard searches. The characters (, ), and " are used for complex search terms. See
string channel: Optional, defaults to user’s context. For information on channel values, see Valid channel values.
• App: Visible in the internal Salesforce Knowledge application
• Pkb: Visible in the public knowledge base
• Csp: Visible in the Customer Portal
• Prm: Visible in the Partner Portal
string categories in map json format {“group1”:”category1”,”group2”:”category2”,...} )
Optional, defaults to None. Category group must be unique in each group:category pair, otherwise you get
string queryMethod values are: AT, BELOW, ABOVE, ABOVE_OR_BELOW. Only valid when categories are specified,
defaults to ABOVE_OR_BELOW.
string sort: Optional, a sortable field name LastPublishedDate, CreatedDate, Title, ViewScore. Defaults
to LastPublishedDate for query and relevance for search.
Note: When sorting on ViewScore it is only available for query, not search, and no pagination is supported. You only get
one page of results.
string order: Optional, either ASC or DESC, defaults to DESC. Valid only when sort is valid.
integer pageSize: Optional, defaults to 20. Valid range 1 to 100.
integer pageNumber : Optional, defaults to 1.
A page of online articles in the given language and category visible to the current user.
• Article Page
Reference Articles List
A page of articles. The individual entries are article summaries so the size can be kept at a minimum.
"articles": [ Article Summary, … ], // list of articles
"currentPageUrl": URL, // the article list API with current page number
"nextPageUrl": URL, // the article list API with next page number,
which can be null if there are no more articles.
"pageNumber": Int // the current page number, starting at 1.
Note: The API supports paging. Each page of responses includes a URL to its page, as well as the URL to the next page
of articles.
Note: if the user input parameter has the default value, the API does not show this parameter in either
currentPageUrl or nextPageUrl.
• Article Summary
A summary of an article used in a list of article responses. It shares similar properties to the Article Detail representation, as one
is a superset of the other.
"id": Id, // articleId
"articleNumber": String,
"articleType": String, // apiName of the article type, available in API v44.0
and later
"title": String,
"urlName": String, // available in API v44.0 and later
"summary": String,
"url": URL, // to the Article Detail API
"viewCount": Int, // view count in the interested channel
"viewScore": double (in xxx.xxxx precision), // view score in the interested
"upVoteCount": int, // up vote count in the interested channel.
"downVoteCount": int, // down vote count in the interested channel.
"lastPublishedDate": Date // last publish date in ISO8601 format
"categoryGroups": [ Data Category Group, …. ]}
The “url” property always points to the Article Details resource endpoint. For information on valid channel values, see the channel
parameter description
Reference Articles List
language specified
"url": String // returns the url for the DataCategory REST API.
Note: The outputs of Data Category Group and Data Category Summary in Article List API are different from the Data
Category Groups API.
HTTP Headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"articles" : [ {
"articleNumber" : "000001002",
"categoryGroups" : [ ],
"downVoteCount" : 0,
"id" : "kA0xx000000000BCAQ",
"lastPublishedDate" : "2015-02-25T02:07:18Z",
"summary" : "With this online Chinese input tool, you can type Chinese characters
through your web browser without installing any Chinese input software in your system.
The Chinese online input tool uses the popular Pin Yin input method. It is a fast and
convenient tool to input Chinese on English OS environments.",
"title" : "Long text test",
"upVoteCount" : 0,
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/support/knowledgeArticles/kA0xx000000000BCAQ",
"viewCount" : 4,
"viewScore" : 100.0
}, {
"articleNumber" : "000001004",
"categoryGroups" : [ ],
"downVoteCount" : 0,
"id" : "kA0xx000000000LCAQ",
"lastPublishedDate" : "2016-06-21T21:11:02Z",
"summary" : "The number of characters required for complete coverage of all these
languages' needs cannot fit in the 256-character code space of 8-bit character encodings,
requiring at least a 16-bit fixed width encoding or multi-byte variable-length encodings.
\r\n\r\nAlthough CJK encodings have common character sets, the encodings often used to
represent them have been developed separately by different East Asian governments and
software companies, and are mutually incompatible. Unicode has attempted, with some
controversy, to unify the character sets in a process known as Han unification.\r\n\r\nCJK
character encodings should consist minimally of Han characters p",
"title" : "Test Images",
"upVoteCount" : 0,
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/support/knowledgeArticles/kA0xx000000000LCAQ",
"viewCount" : 0,
"viewScore" : 0.0
Reference Articles Details
}, {
"articleNumber" : "000001012",
"categoryGroups" : [ ],
"downVoteCount" : 0,
"id" : "kA0xx000000006GCAQ",
"lastPublishedDate" : "2016-06-21T21:10:48Z",
"summary" : null,
"title" : "Test Draft 2",
"upVoteCount" : 0,
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/support/knowledgeArticles/kA0xx000000006GCAQ",
"viewCount" : 0,
"viewScore" : 0.0
} ],
"currentPageUrl" :
"nextPageUrl" : null,
"pageNumber" : 1
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. This resource can be used in API version 38.0 and later. The Custom File
Field is not supported because it returns a link to a binary stream. Use the language code format used in Which Languages Does Salesforce
• If channel isn’t specified, the default value is determined by the type of user.
– Pkb for a guest user
– Csp for a Customer Portal user
– Prm for a Partner Portal user
– App for any other type of user
Articles Details
Get all online article fields, accessible to the user.
Reference Articles Details
Available since release
OAuth access token
[prefix]/support/knowledgeArticles/{articleUrlName} Available in API v44.0 and later
HTTP headers
Accept: Optional. Can be either application/json or application/xml.
Accept-language: Required. The article must be an active language in the user’s organization
• If the language code isn’t valid, an error message is returned: “The language code is not valid or not supported by Knowledge.”
• If the language code is valid, but not supported by Knowledge, then an error message is returned: “Invalid language code. Check
that the language is included in your Knowledge language settings."
string channel: Optional, defaults to user’s context. For information on channel values, see Valid channel Values.
• App: Visible in the internal Salesforce Knowledge application
• Pkb: Visible in the public knowledge base
• Csp: Visible in the Customer Portal
• Prm: Visible in the Partner Portal
boolean updateViewStat: Optional, defaults to true. If true, API updates the view count in the given channel as well as the
total view count.
boolean isUrlName: Optional, defaults to false. If true, indicates that the last portion of the endpoint is a URL name instead of an
article ID. Available in API v44.0 and later
The detailed fields of the article, if the article is online and visible to the current user.
• Article Detail
Full detail of an article, with complete metadata and layout-driven fields used for display of an article. It includes all the same
properties as an Article Summary representation.
"id": Id, // articleId,
"articleNumber": String,
"articleType": String, // apiName of the article type, available in API
v44.0 and later
"title": String,
"urlName": String, // available in API v44.0 and later
"summary": String,
"url": URL,
Reference Articles Details
"versionNumber": Int,
"createdDate": Date, // in ISO8601 format
"createdBy": User Summary on page 189,
"lastModifiedDate": Date, // in ISO8601 format
"lastModifiedBy": User Summary on page 189,
"lastPublishedDate": Date, // in ISO8601 format
"layoutItems": [ Article Field, ... ], // standard and custom fields visible
to the user, sorted based on the layouts of the article type.
"categories": [ Data Category Groups, ... ],
"appUpVoteCount": Int,
"cspUpVoteCount": Int,
"prmUpVoteCount": Int,
"pkbUpVoteCount": Int,
"appDownVoteCount": Int,
"cspDownVoteCount": Int,
"prmDownVoteCount": Int,
"pkbDownVoteCount": Int,
"allViewCount": Int,
"appViewCount": Int,
"cspViewCount": Int,
"prmViewCount": Int,
"pkbViewCount": Int,
"allViewScore": Double,
"appViewScore": Double,
"cspViewScore": Double,
"prmViewScore": Double,
"pkbViewScore": Double
• User Summary
"id": String
"isActive": boolean // true/false
"userName": String // login name
"firstName": String
"lastName": String
"email": String
"url": String // to the chatter user detail url:
/services/data/xx.x/chatter/users/{userId}, for guest user, it will return null.
• Article Field
An individual field of article information, which is listed in an Article Detail in the order required by the administrator’s layout.
"type": Enum, // see the Notes
"name": String, // In API v43.0 and earlier, the developer name. In
API v44.0 and later, the API name.
"label": String, // label
"value": String,
Reference Articles Details
HTTP Headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US
"allViewCount" : 17,
"allViewScore" : 100.0,
"appDownVoteCount" : 0,
"appUpVoteCount" : 0,
"appViewCount" : 17,
"appViewScore" : 100.0,
"articleNumber" : "000001004",
"categoryGroups" : [ ],
"createdBy" : {
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Test",
"id" : "005xx000001SvoMAAS",
"isActive" : true,
"lastName" : "User",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/chatter/users/005xx000001SvoMAAS",
"userName" : ""
"createdDate" : "2016-06-21T21:10:54Z",
"cspDownVoteCount" : 0,
"cspUpVoteCount" : 0,
"cspViewCount" : 0,
"cspViewScore" : 0.0,
"id" : "kA0xx000000000LCAQ",
"lastModifiedBy" : {
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Test",
"id" : "005xx000001SvoMAAS",
"isActive" : true,
"lastName" : "User",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/chatter/users/005xx000001SvoMAAS",
"userName" : ""
"lastModifiedDate" : "2016-06-21T21:11:02Z",
"lastPublishedDate" : "2016-06-21T21:11:02Z",
"layoutItems" : [ {
"label" : "Out of Date",
"name" : "IsOutOfDate",
"type" : "CHECKBOX",
"value" : "false"
}, {
"label" : "sample",
"name" : "sample",
Reference Articles Details
"type" : "PICK_LIST",
"value" : null
}, {
"label" : "Language",
"name" : "Language",
"type" : "PICK_LIST",
"value" : "en_US"
}, {
"label" : "MyNumber",
"name" : "MyNumber",
"type" : "NUMBER",
"value" : null
}, {
"label" : "My File",
"name" : "My_File",
"type" : "FILE",
"value" : null
} ],
"pkbDownVoteCount" : 0,
"pkbUpVoteCount" : 0,
"pkbViewCount" : 0,
"pkbViewScore" : 0.0,
"prmDownVoteCount" : 0,
"prmUpVoteCount" : 0,
"prmViewCount" : 0,
"prmViewScore" : 0.0,
"summary" : "The number of characters required for complete coverage of all these
languages' needs cannot fit in the 256-character code space of 8-bit character encodings,
requiring at least a 16-bit fixed width encoding or multi-byte variable-length encodings.
\r\n\r\nAlthough CJK encodings have common character sets, the encodings often used to
represent them have been developed separately by different East Asian governments and
software companies, and are mutually incompatible. Unicode has attempted, with some
controversy, to unify the character sets in a process known as Han unification.\r\n\r\nCJK
character encodings should consist minimally of Han characters p",
"title" : "Test Images",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/support/knowledgeArticles/kA0xx000000000LCAQ",
"versionNumber" : 7
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. This resource can be used in API version 38.0 and later. The Custom File
Field is not supported because it returns a link to a binary stream. Use the language code format used in Which Languages Does Salesforce
A lookup custom field is visible to guest users depending on the lookup entity type. For example, User is visible, but Case and Account
are not visible. Following standard fields are not visible to a guest user, even if they are in the layout:
• archivedBy
• isLatestVersion
• translationCompletedDate
• translationImportedDate
• translationExportedDate
Reference Parameterized Search
• versionNumber
• visibleInInternalApp
• visibleInPKB
• visibleToCustomer
• visbileToPartner
• If channel isn’t specified, the default value is determined by the type of user.
– Pkb for a guest user
– Csp for a Customer Portal user
– Prm for a Partner Portal user
– App for any other type of user
Parameterized Search
Executes a simple RESTful search using parameters instead of a SOSL clause. Indicate parameters in a URL in the GET method. Or, use
POST for more complex JSON searches.
/vXX.X/parameterizedSearch/?q=search string
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference Parameterized Search
Name Description
q A search string that is properly URL-encoded.
dataCategories dataCategoriesFilter[] POST If an organization uses Salesforce Knowledge articles or answers, filters all search
results based on one or more data categories.
When using dataCategories, specify a Salesforce Knowledge article or answer
type with sobjects and the required parameters.
For example:
"fields":["id", "title"],
"where":"language='en_US' and publishstatus='draft'"}],
{"groupName" : "location__c", "operator":"below",
Reference Parameterized Search
division string GET, Single value. Filters search results based on the division field.
POST For example in the GET method, division=global.
Specify a division by its name rather than ID.
All searches within a specific division also include the global division.
fields string GET Comma-separated list of one or more fields to return in the response for each
sobject specified. At least one sobject must be specified at the global level.
For example: fields=id&sobject=Account&sobject=Contact.
The global fields parameter is overridden when sobject are specified using
sobject.fields=field names. For example,
Contact.fields=id,FirstName,LastName would override the global
setting of just returning the id.
If unspecified, then the search results contain the IDs of records matching all fields
for the specified object.
The following optional functions can be used within the fields parameter.
• toLabel: Translates response field value into the user’s language. For example,
Lead.fields=id,toLabel(Status). This function requires extra
• convertCurrency: Converts response currency fields to the user’s currency.
For example,
Opportunity.fields=id,convertCurrency(Amount). This
function requires extra setup. Multi-currency must be enabled for your org.
• format: Applies localized formatting to standard and custom number, date,
time, and currency fields. For example,
Aliasing is support within fields for toLabel, convertCurrency, and
format. In addition, aliasing is required when the query includes the same field
multiple times. For example,
Opportunity.fields=id,format(Amount) AliasAmount
Reference Parameterized Search
"fields":["Id", "Name", "Phone"],
"sobjects":[{"name": "Account"},
{"name": "Contact", "fields":["Id",
"FirstName", "LastName"]},
{"name": "Lead"}]
Reference Parameterized Search
"fields":["Id", "format(Amount)"]}]
in string GET, Scope of fields to search. If you specify one or more scope values, the fields are
POST returned for all found objects.
Use one of the following values:
This clause doesn't apply to articles, documents, feed comments, feed items, files,
products, and solutions. If any of these objects are specified, the search is not limited
to specific fields; all fields are searched.
metadata string GET, Specifies if metadata should be returned in the response. No metadata is returned
POST by default. To include metadata in the response, use the LABELS value, which
returns the display label for the fields returned in search results. For example:
offset string GET, Single value. The starting row offset into the result set returned.
POST The maximum offset is 2000.
Only one sobject can be specified when using this parameter.
Reference Parameterized Search
pricebookId string GET, Single value. Filters product search results by a price book ID for only the Product2
POST object. The price book ID must be associated with the product that you’re searching
for. For example,
snippet string GET, The target length (maximum number of snippet characters) to return in Salesforce
POST Knowledge article, case, case comment, feed, feed comment, idea, and idea
comment search results. The snippet parameter displays contextual excerpts
and highlights the search term for each article in the search results. Snippet results
are used to differentiate matches to the search term in article search results. The
target length can be from 50 to 1000 characters.
Snippet and highlights are generated from email, text, and text area (long and rich)
fields. Snippets aren’t displayed for partially matching searches or if the user doesn’t
have access to the field that contains the snippet. Snippets are only displayed when
20 or fewer results are returned on a page.
At least one of the following sobject values must be specified.
• To search a specific article type, use the article type name with the suffix
• To search all article types, use KnowledgeArticleVersion.
• To search case, case comment, feed, feed comment, idea, and idea comment
types, use Case, CaseComment, FeedItem, FeedComment, Idea,
and IdeaComment.
For example, q=tourism&sobject=Case&snippet=500.
sobject string GET Objects to return in the response. Must be a valid object type.
You can use multiple sobject values, such as
If unspecified, then the search results contain the IDs of all objects.
sobjects sobjectsFilter[] POST Objects to return in the response. Must contain valid object types. Use with the
required parameters.
For example:
"fields":["id", "title"],
"where":"language='en_US' and publishstatus='draft'"},
Reference Parameterized Search
"where":"language='en_US' and publishstatus='draft'"}]
If unspecified, then the search results contain the IDs of all objects.
spellCorrection boolean GET, Specifies whether spell correction is enabled for a user’s search. When set to true,
POST spell correction is enabled for searches that support spell correction. The default
value is true.
For example:
updateTracking string GET, Specifies a value of true to track keywords that are used in Salesforce Knowledge
POST article searches only.
If unspecified, the default value of false is applied.
updateViewStat string GET, Specifies a value of true to update an article’s view statistics. Valid only for
POST Salesforce Knowledge article searches.
If unspecified, the default value of false is applied.
dataCategoriesFilter[] Parameters
Parameters must be specified in the order presented in the table (groupName, operator, categories).
limit string Specify the maximum number of rows that are returned for the sobject.
Reference Parameterized Search
orderBy string Controls the field order of the results using the following syntax "orderBy" : "field
For example:
"sobjects":[ {"name": "Account", "fields":["Id", "name"], "orderBy":
"Name DESC Nulls_last"}]
where string Filter search results for this object by specific field values.
For example, where : conditionExpression. Here the conditionExpression of the
WHERE clause uses the following syntax: fieldExpression [logicalOperator
fieldExpression2 ... ].
Add multiple field expressions to a condition expression by using logical and comparison operators.
limit string Specifies the maximum number of rows that are returned for the sobject.
For example, Account.limit=10.
orderBy string Controls the field order of the results using the following syntax orderBy = field {ASC|DESC}
For example: Account.orderBy=Name
• ASC: ascending. Default.
• DESC: descending.
• NULLS_FIRST: Null records at the beginning of the results. Default.
Reference Process Approvals
where string Filter search results for this object by specific field values.
For example, Account.where = conditionExpression. Here the conditionExpression
of the WHERE clause uses the following syntax: fieldExpression [logicalOperator
fieldExpression2 ... ].
Add multiple field expressions to a condition expression by using logical and comparison operators. For
example, KnowledgeArticleVersion.where=publishstatus='online' and
"fields" : ["id", "firstName", "lastName"],
"sobjects":[{"fields":["id", "NumberOfEmployees"],
"name": "Account",
{"name": "Contact"}],
Process Approvals
Returns a list of all approval processes. Can also be used to submit a particular record if that entity supports an approval process and one
has already been defined. Records can be approved and rejected if the current user is an assigned approver. When using a POST request
to do bulk approvals, the requests that succeed are committed and the requests that don’t succeed send back an error.
To return a list of the approvals, the URI is: /vXX.X/process/approvals/
Available since release
HTTP methods
Reference Process Approvals
Authorization: Bearer token
Request parameters
None required
Request body
The request body contains an array of process requests that contain the following information:
comments string The comment to add to the history step associated with this request.
nextApproverIds ID[] If the process requires specification of the next approval, the ID of the user to be
assigned the next request.
skipEntryCriteria boolean Determines whether to evaluate the entry criteria for the process (true) or not
(false) if the process definition name or ID isn’t null. If the process definition name
or ID isn’t specified, this argument is ignored, and standard evaluation is followed
based on process order. By default, the entry criteria isn’t skipped if it’s not set
by this request.
Response body
The response contains an array of process results that contain the following information:
instanceId ID The ID of the ProcessInstance associated with the object submitted for processing.
instanceStatus string The status of the current process instance (not an individual object but the entire
process instance). The valid values are “Approved,” “Rejected,” “Removed,” or
newWorkItemIds ID[] Case-insensitive IDs that point to ProcessInstanceWorkitem items (the set of
pending approval requests)
• See Get a List of All Approval Processes.
Reference Process Rules
Process Rules
Returns a list of all active workflow rules. If a rule has actions, the actions will be listed under the rule. Can also be used to trigger all
workflow rules that are associated with a specified record. The actions for a rule are only fired if the rule’s criteria is met. When using a
POST request, if anything fails, the whole transaction is rolled back.
Cross-object workflow rules cannot be invoked using the REST API.
To get a list of the workflow rules or to trigger one or more workflow rules, the URI is: /vXX.X/process/rules/
To get the rules for a particular object: /vXX.X/process/rules/SObjectName
To get the metadata for a particular rule: /vXX.X/process/rules/SObjectName/workflowRuleId
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request parameters
None required
Request body
The request body contains an array of context IDs:
• See Get a List of Process Rules.
• See Get a Particular Process Rule.
• See Trigger Process Rules.
Reference Product Schedules
Product Schedules
Work with revenue and quantity schedules for opportunity products. Establish or reestablish a product schedule with multiple installments
for an opportunity product. Delete all installments in a schedule.
This resource is available in REST API version 43.0 and later.
In API version 46.0 and later, established and re-established schedules support custom fields, validation rules, and Apex triggers. Deleting
all schedules now also fires delete triggers.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
type The type of the schedule. Required when establishing
OpportunityLineItemSchedules. Valid values include Quantity,
Revenue, or Both.
quantityScheduleType The type of the quantity schedule, if the product has one. Valid
values are Divide or Repeat.
revenueScheduleType The type of the revenue schedule, if the product has one. Valid
values are Divide or Repeat.
Reference Query
Parameter Description
revenueScheduleStartDate The date the revenue schedule starts. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
Establish both quantity and revenue schedules for an opportunity product; establish a revenue schedule only; establish
a quantity schedule only.
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
"type": “Revenue”,
"revenue": 100,
"revenueScheduleType": “Divide”,
"revenueScheduleInstallmentPeriod": “Quarterly”,
"revenueScheduleInstallmentsNumber": 10,
"revenueScheduleStartDate": "2018-09-15"
"type": “Quantity”,
"quantity": 10,
"quantityScheduleType": "Repeat",
"quantityScheduleInstallmentPeriod": “Daily”,
"quantityScheduleInstallmentsNumber": 150,
"quantityScheduleStartDate": "2020-09-15",
Executes the specified SOQL query.
Reference Query
If the query results are too large, the response contains the first batch of results and a query identifier in the nextRecordsUrl field
of the response. The identifier can be used in an additional request to retrieve the next batch.
/vXX.X/query/?q=SOQL query
For retrieving query performance feedback without executing the query:
/vXX.X/query/?explain=SOQL query
For retrieving query performance feedback on a report or list view:
/vXX.X/query/?explain=report or list view ID
For retrieving additional query results if the initial results are too large:
/vXX.X/query/query identifier
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
q A SOQL query. Note that you will need to replace spaces with “+” characters in your query string to
create a valid URI. An example query parameter string might look like:
“SELECT+Name+FROM+MyObject”. If the SOQL query string is invalid, a MALFORMED_QUERY response
is returned.
explain A SOQL query to get performance feedback on. Use explain instead of q to get a response that
details how Salesforce will process your query. You can use this feedback to further optimize your
queries. You can also use a report or list view ID in place of the query string to get feedback on how
Salesforce will process your report or list view.
The explain parameter is available in API version 30.0 and later.
Note: Using explain with the REST API query resource is a beta feature. There is no support
associated with this beta feature. For more information, contact Salesforce.
If the SOQL query string is invalid, a MALFORMED_QUERY response is returned. If the report or list
view ID is invalid, an INVALID_ID response is returned.
Response body
For a query using the q parameter, the response contains an array of query result records. For a query using the explain parameter,
the response contains one or more query plans that can be used to execute the query, report, or list view. The plans are sorted from
most optimal to least optimal. Each plan has the following information:
Reference Query
fields string[] The index fields used for the query, if the leading operation type is Index,
otherwise null.
leadingOperationType string The primary operation type that will be used to optimize the query. This can
be one of these values:
• Index—The query will use an index on the query object.
• Other—The query will use optimizations internal to Salesforce.
• Sharing—The query will use an index based on the user’s sharing rules.
If there are sharing rules that limit which records are visible to the current
user, those rules can be used to optimize the query.
• TableScan—The query will scan all records for the query object, and won’t
use an index.
notes feedback note[] An array of one or more feedback notes. Each note contains:
• description— A detailed description of an aspect of the optimization.
This could include information on optimizations that could not be used,
with details on why they weren’t used.
• fields— An array of one or more fields used for the optimization.
• tableEnumOrId— The table name for the fields used for the
This response field is available in API version 33.0 and later.
relativeCost number The cost of this query compared to the SOQL selective query threshold. A
value greater than 1.0 means the query won’t be selective. See “More Efficient
SOQL Queries” in the Apex Code Developer’s Guide for more information on
selective queries.
sobjectCardinality number The approximate count of all records in your organization for the query object.
For an example of making a query and retrieving additional query results using the query identifier, see Execute a SOQL Query on
page 61.
For an example using the explain parameter to get feedback on a query and a report, see Get Feedback on Query Performance
on page 64.
For more information on SOQL see the SOQL and SOSL Reference. For more information on query batch sizes, see Changing the Batch
Size in Queries in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Reference QueryAll
Executes the specified SOQL query. Unlike the Query resource, QueryAll will return records that have been deleted because of a merge
or delete. QueryAll will also return information about archived Task and Event records. QueryAll is available in API version 29.0 and later.
If the query results are too large, the response contains the first batch of results and a query identifier in the nextRecordsUrl field
of the response. The identifier can be used in an additional request to retrieve the next batch. Note that even though nextRecordsUrl
has query in the URL, it will still provide remaining results from the initial QueryAll request. The remaining results will include deleted
records that matched the initial query.
/vXX.X/queryAll/?q=SOQL query
For retrieving additional query results if the initial results are too large:
/vXX.X/queryAll/query identifier
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
q A SOQL query. Note that you will need to replace spaces with “+” characters in your
query string to create a valid URI. An example query parameter string might look like:
• For an example of making a query that includes deleted items, see Execute a SOQL Query that Includes Deleted Items on page
• For an example of a query that retrieves additional results using the query identifier, see Retrieving the Remaining SOQL Query
Results on page 63
For more information on SOQL see the SOQL and SOSL Reference. For more information on query batch sizes, see Changing the Batch
Size in Queries in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Quick Actions
Returns a list of global actions and object-specific actions. This resource is available in REST API version 28.0 and later. When working
with actions, also refer to SObject Quick Actions.
Reference Recent List Views
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
None required
Add all required fields to an object before you create a quick action for that object. If you add a required field after creating a quick
action, the field won’t appear in the quick action’s describe results. Then, when the quick action runs, the field won’t be available
and an error occurs for the missing field. If you don’t want the required field to appear in the quick action’s layout, set a default value
for the field.
Example usage for getting global quick actions
curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer token"
-H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
Reference Recently Viewed Items
Retrieving recent list views for the Account object
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
Reference Record Count
This resource only accesses most recently used item information. If you want to modify the list of recently viewed items, you’ll need to
update recently viewed information directly by using a SOQL Query with a FOR VIEW or FOR REFERENCE clause.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
limit An optional limit that specifies the maximum number of records to be returned. If this
parameter is not specified, the default maximum number of records returned is the
maximum number of entries in RecentlyViewed, which is 200 records per object.
• For an example of retrieving a list of recently viewed items, see View Recently Viewed Records on page 79.
• For an example of setting records as recently viewed, see Mark Records as Recently Viewed on page 79.
Record Count
Lists information about object record counts in your organization.
This resource is available in REST API version 40.0 and later for API users with the “View Setup and Configuration” permission. The returned
record count is approximate, and does not include the following types of records:
• Deleted records in the recycle bin.
• Archived records.
/vXX.X/limits/recordCount?sObjects=Object List
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference Record Count Response Body
Parameter Description
sObjects A comma-delimited list of object names. If a listed object is not found in the org, it is
ignored and not returned in the response.
This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not provided, the resource returns record
counts for all objects in the org.
Response body
Record Count Response Body
Example request to get record counts for Account and Contact:
JSON example
"sObjects" : [ {
"count" : 3,
"name" : "Account"
}, {
"count" : 10,
Reference Relevant Items
"name" : "Contact"
} ]
JSON example
"count" : 10,
"name" : "Contact"
Relevant Items
Gets the current user’s most relevant items. Relevant items include records for objects in the user’s global search scope and also most
recently used (MRU) objects.
Relevant items include up to 50 of the most recently viewed or updated records for each object in the user’s global search scope.
Note: The user’s global search scope includes the objects the user interacted with most in the last 30 days, including objects the
user pinned from the search results page in the Salesforce Classic.
Then, the resource finds more recent records for each most recently used (MRU) object until the maximum number of records, which
is 2,000, is returned.
This resource only accesses the relevant item information. Modifying the list of relevant items is not currently supported.
This resource is available in API version 35.0 and later.
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference Relevant Items
Parameter Description
lastUpdatedId Optional. Compares the entire current list of relevant items to a previous version, if
available. Specify the lastUpdatedId value returned in a previous response.
sobjects Optional. To scope the results to a particular object or set of objects, specify the name
for one or more sObjects.
sobject.lastUpdatedId Optional. Compares the current list of relevant items for this particular object to a
previous version, if available. Specify the lastUpdatedId value returned in a
previous response.
Note: You can only specify this parameter for the sObjects specified in the
sobjects parameter.
Response header
The response contains headers unique to this resource.
newResultSetSinceLastQuery boolean (true If a response was previously requested for the current user, indicates
or false) whether the current response matches the previous response, or the
one specified by a lastUpdatedId.
Response body
The response contains an array of records for each object returned, including the following information for each record.
key ID The first 3 characters of the sObject’s ID that indicates the object type.
lastUpdatedId string A unique code that can be used in subsequent calls to compare the
results for the new result set with the current results for this object.
Reference Retrieve Knowledge Language Settings
See View Relevant Items.
/services/data/v31.0/knowledge Management/settings
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
None required
Request parameters
Reference Search
"active" : true,
"name" : "fr"
} ]
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. This resource can be used in API version 31.0 and later. It retrieves the
Knowledge language settings, including the default knowledge language and a list of supported Knowledge language information.
Executes the specified SOSL search. The search string must be URL-encoded.
For more information on SOSL see the SOQL and SOSL Reference.
/vXX.X/search/?q=SOSL search string
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Parameter Description
q A SOSL statement that is properly URL-encoded.
See Search for a String on page 65.
Reference Search Result Layouts
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
See Get the Default Search Scope and Order.
/vXX.X/search/layout/?q=Comma delimited object list
HTTP Method
Authorization: Bearer token
Response format
format String The type of date field, such as the date only
or date and time. Only date related types
are specified; otherwise, null.
Reference Lightning Toggle Metrics
Get Search Result Layouts for Objects
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
SOQL query.
Request parameters
Parameter Description
UserId The user ID.
This query returns the total number of switches to Salesforce Classic:
SELECT sum(RecordCount) Total FROM LightningToggleMetrics WHERE MetricsDate = LAST_MONTH
AND Action = 'switchToAloha'
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
• Metadata API
Reference Lightning Usage by App Type
• Tooling API
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
SOQL query.
Request parameters
Parameter Description
AppExperience The app used:
• Salesforce Mobile
• Lightning Experience
This query returns the daily active users by profile for Mobile:
LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics WHERE MetricsDate = LAST_N_DAYS:30 AND AppExperience =
'Salesforce Mobile' GROUP BY MetricsDate,
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
Reference Lightning Usage by Browser
• Metadata API
• Tooling API
Parameter Description
Browser The browser used.
RecordCountEPT Number of records for a page/browser where the valid EPT was recorded.
Reference Lightning Usage by Page
This query returns browser distribution details, for the last 3 months.
SELECT CALENDAR_MONTH(MetricsDate) MetricsDate, Browser Browser, SUM(TotalCount) Total
FROM LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics WHERE MetricsDate = Last_N_Months:3 AND (NOT Browser
like 'OTHER%') GROUP BY CALENDAR_MONTH(MetricsDate),Browser
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
• Metadata API
• Tooling API
Parameter Description
EptBin3To5 Number of times that a page loaded between 3-5 seconds.
Reference Lightning Usage by FlexiPage
Parameter Description
MetricsDate The date the metric was recorded.
RecordCountEPT Number of records for a page/user where the valid EPT was recorded.
This example returns the top 10 most visited pages and how many times each page was visited.
SELECT TotalCount FROM LightningUsageByPageMetrics ORDER BY PageName ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
• Metadata API
• Tooling API
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
SOQL query.
Reference Lightning Exit by Page Metrics
Request parameters
Parameter Description
FlexiPageNameOrId Namespace and file name, or Page ID of FlexiPage files.
FlexiPageType The FlexiPage type. For example, record details are displayed using
RecordPage" type.
RecordCountEPT Number of records for a FlexiPage type, where the valid EPT was recorded.
This query returns the top 10 most viewed custom pages over the past 7 days.
SELECT FlexiPageNameOrId FlexiPageNameOrId, SUM(TotalCount) Total FROM
LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics WHERE MetricsDate = Last_N_DAYS:7 AND (NOT FlexiPageNameOrId
= 'unknown unknown') AND (NOT FlexiPageNameOrId = 'unknown | unknown') GROUP BY
FlexiPageNameOrId ORDER BY SUM(TotalCount) Desc Limit 10
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
• Metadata API
• Tooling API
Available since release
HTTP methods
Reference Lightning Scheduler Resources
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
SOQL query.
Request parameters
Parameter Description
MetricsDate The date the data was recorded.
PageName Current Page from which User Switched from Lightning to Aloha
This query returns the top 10 pages that were switched from Lightning Experience to Salesforce Classic over the past 7 days.
SELECT PageName PageName, SUM(RecordCount) Total FROM LightningExitByPageMetrics WHERE
MetricsDate = Last_N_DAYS:7 GROUP BY PageName ORDER BY SUM(RecordCount) Desc Limit 10
Use this object with the following APIs:
• Platform
• Metadata API
• Tooling API
Returns a list of available lightning scheduler REST resources and corresponding URIs.
Get Appointment Slots
Returns a list of available appointment time slots for a resource based on given work type group and territories.
Get Appointment Candidates
Returns a list of available service resources (appointment candidates) based on work type group and service territories.
Request Bodies
Reference Scheduling
Response Bodies
Set Up Lightning Scheduler
Returns a list of available lightning scheduler REST resources and corresponding URIs.
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Note: The Lightning Platform REST API supports OAuth 2.0 (an open protocol to allow secure API authorization). See
Understanding Authentication on page 5 for more details.
Response Body
Execution of a successful request returns names of resources and their URIs as key-value pairs.
JSON Example
"getAppointmentCandidates" : "/services/data/v45.0/scheduling/getAppointmentCandidates",
"getAppointmentSlots" : "/services/data/v45.0/scheduling/getAppointmentSlots"
Available since release
Reference Get Appointment Slots
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Note: The Lightning Platform REST API supports OAuth 2.0 (an open protocol to allow secure API authorization). See
Understanding Authentication for more details.
Request body
endTime No String The latest time that a time slot can end (inclusive).
workTypeGroupId Required if String The ID of the work type group containing the work types that are
workType being performed.
is not
territoryIds Yes String[] List of IDs of service territories, where the work that is being
requested is performed.
requiredResourceIds Yes String[] List of resource IDs that must be available during the time slot. At
present, only one resource is allowed on this list.
Note: To determine the required fields in your request body, consider the following points:
• Provide either workTypeGroupId or workType in your request body, but not both
• If workType is given, then you must provide either id or durationInMinutes, but not both.
• If id of the workType is given, the rest of workType fields are optional.
Reference Get Appointment Slots
Response Body
Execution of a successful request returns the response body containing a list of available time slots.
Request Body Example
Using workTypeGroupId:
"startTime" : "2019-01-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"endTime" : "2019-02-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"workTypeGroupId" : "0VSB0000000KyjBOAS",
"accountId" : "001B000000qAUAWIA4",
"territoryIds" : ["0HhB0000000TO9WKAW"],
"schedulingPolicyId" : "0VrB0000000KyjB",
"requiredResourceIds" : ["0HnB0000000TO8gKAK"]
Using workType:
"startTime" : "2019-01-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"endTime" : "2019-02-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"workType" : {
"id" : "08qRM00000003fkYAA"
"requiredResourceIds" : ["0HnB0000000TO8gKAK"],
"territoryIds" : ["0HhRM00000003OZ0AY"]
"accountId" : "001B000000qAUAWIA4",
"schedulingPolicyId" : "0VrB0000000KyjB"
Reference Get Appointment Slots
"endTime" : "2019-01-21T19:15:00.000+0000",
"startTime" : "2019-01-21T16:15:00.000+0000",
"territoryId" : "0HhB0000000TO9WKAW"
}, {
"endTime" : "2019-01-21T19:30:00.000+0000",
"startTime" : "2019-01-21T16:30:00.000+0000",
"territoryId" : "0HhB0000000TO9WKAW"
}, {
"endTime" : "2019-01-21T19:45:00.000+0000",
"startTime" : "2019-01-21T16:45:00.000+0000",
"territoryId" : "0HhB0000000TO9WKAW"
The appointment time slots are determined based on your Lightning Scheduler data model configurations. Here are some prerequisites
that you can consider while setting up data.
• Set up Lightning Scheduler before making your requests. This setup includes creating or configuring Service Resources, Service
Territory Members, Work Type Groups, Work Types, Work Type Group Members, and Service Territory Work Types. See Set Up
Lightning Scheduler for more information.
• Configure a work type mapped for each territory in the request body via Service Territory Work Type. Map the same work type to
the work type group, via work type group member.
Parameter Description
Timeframe Start Time slots sooner than current time + Timeframe Start are not
Timeframe End Time slots later than current time + Timeframe End are not returned.
Block Time Before Appointment The time period before the appointment is considered as unavailable.
Block Time After Appointment The time period after the appointment is considered as unavailable.
Operating Hours The overlap of all operating hours from the account, work type, service territory, and
service territory member are considered while determining time slots. For more
information, see Operating Hours Considerations in Lightning Scheduler.
Reference Get Appointment Candidates
• Only the time slots within the period of 28 days are returned.
• The earliest and latest appointment slots are calculated using the following guidelines:
– The earliest appointment slot = maximum of
• Service Territory Member Start Date
• current time + Time frame Start
• Start Time passed in the request body
Note: If asset scheduling is enabled, you can provide an asset-based service resource in requiredResourceIds to
retrieve available timeslots for the asset resource.
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Note: The Lightning Platform REST API supports OAuth 2.0 (an open protocol to allow secure API authorization). See
Understanding Authentication for more details.
Request body
Reference Get Appointment Candidates
territoryIds Yes String[] List of service territory IDs, where the work that is being requested
is performed.
startTime No String The earliest time that a time slot can begin (inclusive). Defaults to
the current time of the request, if empty.
endTime No String The latest time that a time slot can end (inclusive).
Note: To determine the required fields in your request body, consider the following points:
• Provide either workTypeGroupId or workType in your request body, but not both
• If workType is given, then you must provide either id or durationInMinutes, but not both.
• If id of the workType is given, the rest of workType fields are optional.
Response Body
Execution of a successful request returns the response body containing a list of available appointment resources.
Request Body Example
Using workTypeGroupId:
"startTime" : "2019-01-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"endTime" : "2019-02-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"workTypeGroupId" : "0VSB0000000KyjBOAS",
"accountId" : "001B000000qAUAWIA4",
"territoryIds" : ["0HhB0000000TO9WKAW"],
"schedulingPolicyId" : "0VrB0000000KyjB"
Reference Get Appointment Candidates
Using workType:
"startTime" : "2019-01-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"endTime" : "2019-02-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"workType" : {
"id" : "08qRM00000003fkYAA"
"territoryIds" : ["0HhRM00000003OZ0AY"],
"accountId" : "001B000000qAUAWIA4",
"schedulingPolicyId" : "0VrB0000000KyjB"
The appointment time slots are determined based on your Lightning Scheduler data model configurations. Here are some prerequisites
that you can consider while setting up data.
Reference Request Bodies
• Set up Lightning Scheduler before making requests. This setup includes creating or configuring Service Resources, Service Territory
Members, Work Type Groups, Work Types, Work Type Group Members, and Service Territory Work Types. See Set Up Lightning
Scheduler for more information.
• The territory type of the Service Territory Member must be either Primary, Secondary, or Relocation. The Primary and Relocation
territory types are considered the same.
• The territory type of the Service Territory Member must be either Primary, Secondary, or Relocation. The Primary and Relocation
territory types are considered the same.
Note: If asset scheduling is enabled, the response also includes asset-based candidates.
Request Bodies
To perform a POST, PATCH, or PUT request, create a request body formatted in either XML or JSON. This chapter lists the request bodies.
Work Type
Details about the type of work to be performed.
Skill Requirement
List of skills that are required to complete a particular task for a work type.
Work Type
Details about the type of work to be performed.
Reference Response Bodies
operatingHoursId String No The overlap of all operating hours from the account, work
type, service territory, and service territory member are
considered while determining time slots.
skillRequirements Skill Requirement[] No List of skills that are required to complete a particular task
for a work type.
Note: Provide either Id or durationInMinutes in the request body, but not both.
Skill Requirement
List of skills that are required to complete a particular task for a work type.
SkillLevel String No The level of the skill required. Skill levels can range from
zero to 99.99. Depending on your business needs, you might
want the skill level to reflect years of experience, certification
levels, or license classes.
Response Bodies
Successful execution of a request to a lightning scheduler resource can return a response body either in JSON or XML format. For example,
the request to get appointment time slots returns a list of available time slots for a selection of work type group and territories.
Time Slots
Describes the result of Get Appointments Slots request.
Describes the result of Get Appointments Candidates request.
Time Slots
Describes the result of Get Appointments Slots request.
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
territoryId String The service territory associated with this time slot.
Get Appointment Slots
Describes the result of Get Appointments Candidates request.
List of available service resources.
Get Appointment Candidates
Available since release
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
None required
Request parameters
Parameter Description
fields Optional. Used for creating lookup queries. Specify multiple fields using a
comma-separated list. Specifies which lookup fields to be returned in the response.
groupId Optional. Specifies one or more unique identifiers of one or more groups that the
question to return was posted to. Specify multiple groups using a comma-separated
list. This parameter is only applicable when the parameter type equals question.
Don’t use with the userId.
ignoreUnsupportedSObjects Optional. Specifies what to do if unsupported objects are included in the request. If
false and an unsupported object is included, an error is returned. If true and an
unsupported object is included, the object is ignored and no error is returned. See the
Unsupported Objects section for reference. The default is false.
limit Optional. Specifies the maximum number of suggested records to return. If a limit isn’t
specified, 5 records are returned by default. If there are more suggested records than
the limit specified, the response body’s hasMoreResults property is true.
networkId Optional. Specifies one or more unique identifiers for the community(ies) that the
question to return is associated to. Specify multiple communities using a
comma-separated list. This parameter is only applicable when the parameter type
equals question or parameter sobject equals user.
q Required. The user’s search query string, properly URL-encoded. Suggestions are
returned only if the user’s query string meets the minimum length requirements: one
character for queries in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai; three characters for all
other languages. Query strings that exceed the maximum length of 255 characters (or
200 consecutive characters without a space break) return an error.
sobject Required. The objects that the search is scoped to, such as Account or offer__c.
If the sobject value is feedItem, it is required to have the type parameter
with a value of question.
Specify up to 10 objects with a comma-separated list. For example:
sobject=Account,Contact,Lead. To take advantage of this feature, activate
the CrossObjectTypeahead permission.
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
Parameter Description
To specify the specific fields to return by object, use the following syntax with multiple
fields in a comma-separated list. The sobject is lowercase.
For example:
topicId Optional. Specifies the unique identifier of the single topic that the question to return
was tagged as. This parameter is only applicable when the parameter type equals
type Required when the sobject value is feedItem. Including this parameter for all
other sobject values doesn’t affect the query. Specifies that the type of Feed is
questions. Valid value: question.
userId Optional. Specifies one or more unique identifiers of one or more users who authored
the question to return. Specify multiple users using a comma-separated list. This
parameter is only applicable when the parameter type equals question. Don’t use
with the groupId.
useSearchScope Optional. Available in API version 40.0 and later. The default value is false. If false,
the objects specified in the request are used to suggest records. If true, in addition
to the objects specified in the request, the user's search scope is used to suggest records.
The search scope is the list of objects a user uses most frequently.
• If the request doesn’t specify an object, use useSearchScope=true.
• If useSearchScope=true and the user's search scope is empty, the default
search scope is used to suggest records.
• Only the first 10 objects are used to suggest records.
• Objects specified in the sobject parameter are prioritized over objects in the
user's search scope.
• Values for the ignoreUnsupportedSObjects parameter aren’t applied
to the objects in the search scope.
This example uses only the search scope.
This example uses the search scope and the Account object.
where Optional. A filter that follows the same syntax as the SOQL WHERE clause. URLs encode
the expression.
Use the clause for an object, or globally for all compatible objects. An example of an
object-specific clause is:
account.where=name%20LIKE%20%27Smith%25%27. An example of a
global clause is: where=name%20LIKE%20%27Smith%25%27. The parameter
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
Parameter Description
must be lower case. Any object-specific where clauses override the global where
clause. You can’t use this parameter for the Question object.
To specify multiple entities, see the following example. This feature is available in
version 38.0 and later.
The suggestions resource returns records when the record’s name field includes the exact text in the search string. The last term in the
search string can match the beginning of a word. Records that contain the search string within a word aren’t considered a match.
Note: If the user’s search query contains quotation marks or wildcards, those symbols are automatically removed from the query
string in the URI.
Example: The text string national u is treated as national u* and returns “National Utility”, “National Urban Company”,
and “First National University”.
Element Description
Attributes The record’s object type and the URL for accessing the record.
Also includes the requested lookup fields’ values. For example, if you requested
fields=Id,Name, the result would include the ID and name.
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
Element Description
Name (or Title) The record’s Name field. In the absence of a standard Name field, the Title field is used
for these objects:
• Dashboard
• Idea
• IdeaTheme
• Note
• Question
In the absence of a standard Name or Title field, the main identifying field is used. For
example, in cases, the Case Number is used.
Reference Search for Records Suggested by Autocomplete and Instant
Unsupported Objects
The suggestions resource supports all searchable objects except the following.
• ContentNote
• Event
• External objects
• FeedComment
• FeedPost
• IdeaComment
Reference Search Suggested Article Title Matches
• Pricebook2
• Reply
• TagDefinition
• Task
/vXX.X/search/suggestTitleMatches?q=search string&language=article
language&publishStatus=article publication status
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
None required
Request parameters
Parameter Description
articleTypes Optional. Three-character ID prefixes indicating the desired article types. You can specify
multiple values for this parameter in a single REST call, by repeating the parameter
name for each value. For example, articleTypes=ka0&articleTypes=ka1.
categories Optional. The name of the data category group and name of the data category for
desired articles, expressed as a JSON mapping. You can specify multiple data category
group and data category pairs in this parameter. For example,
Characters in the URL might need to be encoded. For this example,
channel Optional. The channel where the matching articles are visible. Valid values:
• AllChannels–Visible in all channels the user has access to
• App–Visible in the internal Salesforce Knowledge application
• Pkb–Visible in the public knowledge base
Reference Search Suggested Article Title Matches
Parameter Description
• Csp–Visible in the Customer Portal
• Prm–Visible in the Partner Portal
If channel isn’t specified, the default value is determined by the type of user.
• Pkb for a guest user
• Csp for a Customer Portal user
• Prm for a Partner Portal user
• App for any other type of user
If channel is specified, the specified value may not be the actual value requested,
because of certain requirements.
• For guest, Customer Portal, and Partner Portal users, the specified value must match
the default value for each user type. If the values don’t match or AllChannels
is specified, then App replaces the specified value.
• For all users other than guest, Customer Portal, and Partner Portal users:
– If Pkb, Csp, Prm, or App are specified, then the specified value is used.
– If AllChannels is specified, then App replaces the specified value.
language Required. The language of the user’s query. Specifies the language that matching
articles are written in.
limit Optional. Specifies the maximum number of articles to return. If there are more
suggested articles than the limit specified, the response body’s hasMoreResults
property is true.
q Required. The user’s search query string, properly URL-encoded. Suggestions are
returned only if the user’s query string meets the minimum length requirements: one
character for queries in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and three characters for all
other languages. Query strings exceeding the maximum length of 250 characters return
an error.
Reference Search Suggested Queries
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. The user must have the “View Articles” permission enabled. The articles
suggested include only the articles the user can access, based on the data categories and article types the user has permissions to view.
The Suggest Article Title Matches resource is designed to return display-ready data about likely relevant articles. Articles are suggested
if their titles contain the entire query string, except stopwords, such as “a,” “for,” and “the.”
For example, a search for Backpacking for desert returns the article, “Backpacking in the desert.”
Note: Articles with titles that include stopwords from the query string, such as “Backpacking for desert survival” in this example,
appear before matching articles with titles that don’t include the stopwords.
Stopwords at the end of the query string are treated as search terms.
Note: If the user’s search query contains quotation marks or wildcards, those symbols are automatically removed from the query
string in the URI along with any other special characters.
If the number of suggestions returned exceeds the limit specified in the request, the end of the response contains a field called
hasMoreResults. Its value is true if the suggestions returned are only a subset of the suggestions available, and false otherwise.
SObject Suggested Articles
vXX.X/search/suggestSearchQueries?q=search string&language=language of query
Reference Search Suggested Queries
Parameter Description
channel Optional. Specifies the Salesforce Knowledge channel where the article can be viewed.
Valid values:
• AllChannels–Visible in all channels the user has access to
• App–Visible in the internal Salesforce Knowledge application
• Pkb–Visible in the public knowledge base
• Csp–Visible in the Customer Portal
• Prm–Visible in the Partner Portal
If channel isn’t specified, the default value is determined by the type of user.
• Pkb for a guest user
• Csp for a Customer Portal user
• Prm for a Partner Portal user
• App for any other type of user
If channel is specified, the specified value may not be the actual value requested,
because of certain requirements.
• For guest, Customer Portal, and Partner Portal users, the specified value must match
the default value for each user type. If the values don’t match or AllChannels
is specified, then App replaces the specified value.
• For all users other than guest, Customer Portal, and Partner Portal users:
– If Pkb, Csp, Prm, or App are specified, then the specified value is used.
– If AllChannels is specified, then App replaces the specified value.
limit Optional. Specifies the maximum number of suggested searches to return. If there are
more suggested queries than the limit specified, the response body’s
hasMoreResults property is true.
q Required. The user’s search query string, properly URL-encoded. Suggestions are
returned only if the user’s query string meets the minimum length requirements: one
character for queries in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and three characters for all
Reference Tabs
Parameter Description
other languages. Query strings exceeding the maximum length of 250 characters return
an error.
Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization.
Queries are suggested if they exactly match the query string text. The text string must be a prefix within the query; it’s not considered
a match if it appears within a word. For example, the text string app would return suggested queries apple banana and banana apples
but not pineapple.
If the number of suggestions returned exceeds the limit specified in the request, the end of the response contains a field called
hasMoreResults. Its value is true if the suggestions returned are only a subset of the suggestions available, and false otherwise.
If the user’s search query contains quotation marks or wildcards, those symbols are automatically removed from the query string in the
Returns a list of all tabs—including Lightning page tabs—available to the current user, regardless of whether the user has chosen to
hide tabs via the All Tabs (+) tab customization feature. This resource is available in REST API version 31.0 and later.
HTTP methods
Reference Tabs
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
Request parameters
Usage for getting tabs
Reference Themes
"width" : 60
}, {
"contentType" : "image/png",
"height" : 120,
"theme" : "theme4",
"url" : "",
"width" : 120
} ],
"label" : "Accounts",
"miniIconUrl" : "",
"name" : "standard-Account",
"sobjectName" : "Account",
"url" : "",
Gets the list of icons and colors used by themes in the Salesforce application. Theme information is provided for objects in your organization
that use icons and colors in the Salesforce UI.
The If-Modified-Since header can be used with this resource, with a date format of EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
z. When this header is used, if the object metadata has not changed since the provided date, a 304 Not Modified status code
is returned, with no response body.
Available since release
HTTP methods
Authorization: Bearer token
Request body
Request parameters
Response data
An array of theme items. Each theme item contains the following fields:
Reference Themes
name string Name of the object that the theme colors and icons are associated with.
context string The color context, which determines whether the color is the main color
(“primary”) for the object, or not.
height number The icon’s height in pixels. If the icon content type is an SVG type, height and
width values are not used.
width number The icon’s width in pixels. If the icon content type is an SVG type, height and
width values are not used.
Reference Composite Resources
The following is an example JSON response using a request of services/data/v29.0/theme:
"themeItems" : [
"name" : "Merchandise__c",
"icons" : [
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 32,
"url" : "",
"height" : 32,
"theme" : "theme3"
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 16,
"url" : "",
"height" : 16,
"theme" : "theme3"
} ],
"colors" : [
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "6666CC",
"theme" : "theme3"
"context" : "primary",
"color" : "66895F",
"theme" : "theme4"
Composite Resources
Use REST API composite resources to improve your application’s performance by minimizing the number of round-trips between the
client and server.
Executes a series of REST API requests in a single call. You can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request.
The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the requests are returned in a single response body. The entire request counts as a single
call toward your API limits.
Reference Composite
Executes up to 25 subrequests in a single request. The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the subrequests in the batch are returned
in a single response body. Each subrequest counts against rate limits.
SObject Tree
Creates one or more sObject trees with root records of the specified type. An sObject tree is a collection of nested, parent-child
records with a single root record.
SObject Collections
Executes actions on multiple records in one request. Use SObject Collections to reduce the number of round-trips between the client
and server. This resource is available in API version 42.0 and later.
Executes a series of REST API requests in a single call. You can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request. The
response bodies and HTTP statuses of the requests are returned in a single response body. The entire request counts as a single call
toward your API limits.
The requests in a composite call are called subrequests. All subrequests are executed in the context of the same user. In a subrequest’s
body, you specify a reference ID that maps to the subrequest’s response. You can then refer to the ID in the url or body fields of later
subrequests by using a JavaScript-like reference notation.
For example, the following composite request body includes two subrequests. The first creates an account and designates the output
as refAccount. The second creates a contact parented under the new account by referencing refAccount in the subrequest
"compositeRequest" : [{
"method" : "POST",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account",
"referenceId" : "refAccount",
"body" : { "Name" : "Sample Account" }
"method" : "POST",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Contact",
"referenceId" : "refContact",
"body" : {
"LastName" : "Sample Contact",
"AccountId" : "@{}"
You can specify whether an error in a subrequest causes the whole composite request to roll back or just the subrequests that depend
on it. You can also specify headers for each subrequest.
Composite is supported for the following resources.
• All sObject resources (vXX.X/sobjects/)
• The Query resource (vXX.X/query/?q=soql)
• The QueryAll resource (vXX.X/queryAll/?q=soql)
• The SObject Collections resource (vXX.X/composite/sobjects). Available in API version 43.0 and later.
Note: You can have up to 25 subrequests in a single call. Up to 5 of these subrequests can be query operations, including Query,
QueryAll, and “Query More” requests to obtain the next batch of query results.
Reference Composite
HTTP method
GET (lists other available composite resources), POST
Authorization: Bearer token
None required
Request body
Composite Request Body
Response body
Composite Response Body
For examples of using the Composite resource, see Execute Dependent Requests in a Single API Call and Update an Account, Create
a Contact, and Link Them with a Junction Object.
Reference Composite
JSON example
"allOrNone" : true,
"compositeRequest" : [{
Composite Subrequest
Composite Subrequest
Composite Subrequest
Composite Subrequest
Contains the resource, method, headers, body, and reference ID for the subrequest.
httpHeaders Map<String, Request headers and their values to include with the subrequest. Optional
String> You can include any header supported by the requested resource
except for the following three headers.
• Accept
• Authorization
• Content-Type
Subrequests inherit these three header values from the top-level
request. Don’t specify these headers in a subrequest. If you do,
the top-level request fails and returns an HTTP 400 response.
method String The method to use with the requested resource. Possible values Required
are POST, PUT, PATCH, GET, and DELETE (case-sensitive).
For a list of valid methods, refer to the documentation for the
requested resource.
referenceId String Reference ID that maps to the subrequest’s response and can Required
be used to reference the response in later subrequests. You can
reference the referenceId in either the body or URL of a
subrequest. Use this syntax to include a reference:
You can use two operators with the reference ID.
The . operator references a field on a JSON object in the
response. For example, let’s say you retrieve an account record’s
data in one subrequest and assign the reference ID
Account1Data to the output. You can refer to the account’s
Reference Composite
JSON examples
"method" : "GET",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/describe",
"httpHeaders" : { "If-Modified-Since" : "Tue, 31 May 2016 18:00:00 GMT" },
"referenceId" : "AccountInfo"
"method" : "POST",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account",
"referenceId" : "refAccount",
"body" : { "Name" : "Sample Account" }
"method" : "GET",
"url" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/@{}",
"referenceId" : "NewAccountFields"
Reference Composite
Because referenceId is case-sensitive, it’s important to note the case of the fields that you’re referring to. The same field can
use different cases in different contexts. For example, when you create a record, the ID field appears as id in the response. But
when you access a record’s data with the SObject Rows resource, the ID field appears as Id. In the last example subrequest above,
the @{} reference is valid because refAccount refers to the response from the POST in the second
subrequest. If you use Id instead (mixed case rather than all lowercase), as in @{refAccount.Id}, you get an error when
sending the request because the reference ID uses the wrong case.
Note: You can have up to 25 subrequests in a single call. Up to 5 of these subrequests can be query operations, including
Query, QueryAll, and “Query More” requests to obtain the next batch of query results.
Composite Results
JSON example
"compositeResponse" : [{
Composite Subrequest Result
Composite Subrequest Result
Composite Subrequest Result
Reference Batch
httpStatusCode Integer An HTTP status code for this subrequest. If allOrNone is set to true
in the composite request and a subrequest returns an error, all other
subrequests return the 400 HTTP status code.
referenceID String The reference ID specified in the subrequest. This property lets you easily
associate subrequests with their results.
JSON example
The following example shows the response for a subrequest that successfully created an Account:
"body" : {
"id" : "001R00000033I6AIAU",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"httpHeaders" : {
"Location" : "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/001R00000033I6AIAU"
"httpStatusCode" : 201,
"referenceId" : "refAccount"
The following example shows the response for a subrequest that had an error while trying to create a Contact:
"body" : [ {
"message" : "Email: invalid email address: Not a real email address",
"fields" : [ "Email" ]
} ],
"httpHeaders" : { },
"httpStatusCode" : 400,
"referenceId" : "badContact"
Executes up to 25 subrequests in a single request. The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the subrequests in the batch are returned
in a single response body. Each subrequest counts against rate limits.
The requests in a batch are called subrequests. All subrequests are executed in the context of the same user. Subrequests are independent,
and you can’t pass information between them. Subrequests execute serially in their order in the request body. When a subrequest
executes successfully, it commits its data. Commits are reflected in the output of later subrequests. If a subrequest fails, commits made
Reference Batch
by previous subrequests are not rolled back. If a batch request doesn’t complete within 10 minutes, the batch times out and the remaining
subrequests aren’t executed.
Batching for the following resources and resource groups is available in API version 34.0 and later.
• Limits—vXX.X/limits
• SObject resources—vXX.X/sobjects/
• Query—vXX.X/query/?q=soql
• QueryAll—vXX.X/queryAll/?q=soql
• Search—vXX.X/search/?q=sosl
• Connect resources—vXX.X/connect/
• Chatter resources—vXX.X/chatter/
Batching for the following resources and resource groups is available in API version 35.0 and later.
• Actions—vXX.X/actions
The API version of the resource accessed in each subrequest must be no earlier than 34.0 and no later than the Batch version in the
top-level request. For example, if you post a Batch request to /services/data/v35.0/composite/batch, you can include
subrequests that access version 34.0 or 35.0 resources. But if you post a Batch request to
/services/data/v34.0/composite/batch, you can only include subrequests that access version 34.0 resources.
HTTP method
Authorization: Bearer token
None required
Request body
Batch Request Body on page 254
Response body
Batch Response Body on page 256
For an example of using the Batch resource, see Update a Record and Get Its Field Values in a Single Request on page 99.
Reference Batch
haltOnError Boolean Controls whether Salesforce should stop processing subrequests Optional
if a subrequest fails. The default is false.
If the value is false and a subrequest in the batch doesn’t
complete, Salesforce attempts to execute the subsequent
subrequests in the batch.
If the value is true and a subrequest in the batch doesn’t
complete due to an HTTP response in the 400 or 500 range,
Salesforce halts execution. It returns an HTTP 412 status code
and a BATCH_PROCESSING_HALTED error message for
each subsequent subrequest. The top-level request to
/composite/batch returns HTTP 200, and the
hasErrors property in the response is set to true.
This setting is only applied during subrequest processing, and
not during initial request deserialization. If an error is detected
during deserialization, such as a syntax error in the Subrequest
request data, Salesforce returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request
error without processing any subrequests, regardless of the value
of haltOnError. An example where this could occur is if a
subrequest has an invalid method or url field.
Contains the resource, method, and accompanying information for the subrequest.
Reference Batch
binaryPartNameAlias String The name parameter in the Content-Disposition header of the Optional
binary body part. Different resources expect different values. See
Insert or Update Blob Data.
If this value exists, a binaryPartName value must also exist.
method String The method to use with the requested resource. For a list of valid Required
methods, refer to the documentation for the requested resource.
Update a Record and Get Its Field Values in a Single Request
Reference Batch
Batch Results
JSON example
"hasErrors" : false,
"results" : [{
"statusCode" : 204,
"result" : null
"statusCode" : 200,
"result": {
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000K0fXOIAZ"
"Name" : "NewName",
"BillingPostalCode" : "94105",
"Id" : "001D000000K0fXOIAZ"
Subrequest Result
Important: If the
result is an error,
the type is a
containing the
error message and
error code.
statusCode Integer An HTTP status code indicating the status of this subrequest.
Reference SObject Tree
JSON example
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/001D000000K0fXOIAZ"
"Name" : "NewName",
"BillingPostalCode" : "94015",
"Id" : "001D000000K0fXOIAZ"
Update a Record and Get Its Field Values in a Single Request
SObject Tree
Creates one or more sObject trees with root records of the specified type. An sObject tree is a collection of nested, parent-child records
with a single root record.
In the request data, you supply the record hierarchies, required and optional field values, each record’s type, and a reference ID for each
record. Upon success, the response contains the IDs of the created records. If an error occurs while creating a record, the entire request
fails. In this case, the response contains only the reference ID of the record that caused the error and the error information.
The request can contain the following:
• Up to a total of 200 records across all trees
• Up to five records of different types
• SObject trees up to five levels deep
Because an sObject tree can contain a single record, you can use this resource to create up to 200 unrelated records of the same type.
When the request is processed and records are created, triggers, processes, and workflow rules fire separately for each of the following
groups of records.
• Root records across all sObject trees in the request
• All second-level records of the same type—for example, second-level Contacts across all sObject trees in the request
• All third-level records of the same type
• All fourth-level records of the same type
• All fifth-level records of the same type
HTTP method
Authorization: Bearer token
Reference SObject Tree
None required
Request body
SObject Tree Request Body on page 259
Response body
SObject Tree Response Body on page 262
• For an example of creating unrelated records of the same type, see Create Multiple Records on page 102.
• For an example of creating nested records, see Create Nested Records on page 100.
Reference SObject Tree
"email" : ""
"attributes" : {"type" : "Account", "referenceId" : "ref4"},
"name" : "SampleAccount2",
"phone" : "1234567890",
"website" : "",
"numberOfEmployees" : "100",
"industry" : "Banking"
XML example
<records type="Account" referenceId="ref1">
<records type="Contact" referenceId="ref2">
<records type="Contact" referenceId="ref3">
<title>Vice President</title>
<records type="Account" referenceId="ref4">
Reference SObject Tree
Required object fields Depends on Required fields and field values for this record. Required
Optional object fields Depends on Optional fields and field values for this record. Optional
Child relationships SObject Tree This record’s child relationships, such as an account’s child Optional
Collection contacts. Child relationships are either master-detail or lookup
Input relationships. To view an object’s valid child relationships, use
the SObject Describe resource or Schema Builder. The value of
this property is an SObject Tree Collection Input that contains
child sObject trees.
Reference SObject Tree
XML example
<records type="Account" referenceId="ref1">
<records type="Contact" referenceId="ref2">
<records type="Contact" referenceId="ref3">
<title>Vice President</title>
SObject Tree
Create Multiple Records
Create Nested Records
results Collection Upon success, results contains the reference ID of each requested
record and its new record ID. Upon failure, it contains only the reference
ID of the record that caused the error, error status code, error message,
and fields related to the error. In the case of duplicate reference IDs,
results contains one item for each instance of the duplicate ID.
Reference SObject Tree
"referenceId" : "ref4",
"id" : "001D000000K0fXPIAZ"
"referenceId" : "ref2",
"id" : "003D000000QV9n2IAD"
"referenceId" : "ref3",
"id" : "003D000000QV9n3IAD"
Reference SObject Collections
SObject Tree
Create Multiple Records
Create Nested Records
SObject Collections
Executes actions on multiple records in one request. Use SObject Collections to reduce the number of round-trips between the client
and server. This resource is available in API version 42.0 and later.
The URI to use depends on the operation.
POST /vXX.X/composite/sobjects
PATCH /vXX.X/composite/sobjects
DELETE /vXX.X/composite/sobjects?ids=recordId,recordId
HTTP method
Authorization: Bearer token
The parameters, request body, and response body you use depend on the operation. For details, see the specific operation.
Create Multiple Records with Fewer Round-Trips
Use a POST request with sObject Collections to add up to 200 records, returning a list of SaveResult objects. You can choose whether
to roll back the entire request when an error occurs.
Retrieve Multiple Records with Fewer Round-Trips
Use a GET or POST request with sObject Collections to retrieve one or more records of the same object type. A list of sObjects that
represents the individual records of the specified type is returned. The number of sObjects returned matches the number of IDs
passed in the request.
Reference SObject Collections
Request Syntax
POST /vXX.X/composite/sobjects
Parameter Description
allOrNone Optional. Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the creation of any object
fails (true) or to continue with the independent creation of other objects in the request.
The default is false.
records Required. A list of sObjects. In a POST request using sObject Collections, set the type
attribute for each object, but don’t set the id field for any object.
Usage Guidelines
• The list can contain up to 200 objects.
• The list can contain objects of different types, including custom objects.
• Each object must contain an attributes map. The map must contain a value for type.
Note: Using sObject Collections to insert blob data requires more values in the attributes map. For more information, see
Using SObject Collections to Insert a Collection of Blob Records.
• Objects are created in the order they’re listed. The SaveResult objects are returned in the order in which the create requests were
• If the request body includes objects of more than one type, they are processed as chunks. For example, if the incoming objects are
{account1, account2, contact1, account3}, the request is processed in three chunks: {{account1,
account2}, {contact1}, {account3}}. A single request can process up to 10 chunks.
• A single request can process up to 10 chunks.
• You can’t create records for multiple object types in one call when one of the types is related to a feature in the Salesforce Setup
Reference SObject Collections
• If the request is well formed, the API returns a 200 OK HTTP Status. If an item was processed successfully, the success flag
shows for that item. Error information is returned in the errors array.
"id" : "001RM000003oLnnYAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"id" : "003RM0000068xV6YAI",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is false.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "Use one of these records?",
"fields" : [ ]
Reference SObject Collections
"id" : "003RM0000068xVCYAY",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is true.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "Use one of these records?",
"fields" : [ ]
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "Record rolled back because not all records were valid and the
request was using AllOrNone header",
"fields" : [ ]
Request Syntax
If you’re using a GET request, use the following syntax, where SObjectName is the object type of the records from which you’re
retrieving data.
Reference SObject Collections
If you’re using a POST request, use the following syntax, where SObjectName (required) is the object type of the records from which
you’re retrieving data.
POST /composite/sobjects/SObjectName
"ids" : ["recordId", "recordId", "recordId"],
"fields" : ["fieldname", "fieldname"]
Parameter Description
ids Required. A list of one or more IDs of the objects to return. All IDs must belong to the
same object type.
fields Required. A list of fields to include in the response. The field names you specify must be
valid, and you must have read-level permissions to each field.
Usage Guidelines
• If you specify an invalid field name or a field name that you don’t have permission to read, HTTP 400 Bad Request is returned.
• If you don’t have access to an object, or if a passed ID is invalid, the array returns null for that object.
Request Example
If you’re using a GET request, use the syntax shown in the following example.
If you’re using a POST request, use a request body as shown in the following example.
POST /composite/sobjects/Account
"ids" : ["001xx000003DGb1AAG", "001xx000003DGb0AAG", "001xx000003DGb9AAG"],
"fields" : ["id", "name"]
Reference SObject Collections
"type" : "Account",
"url" : "/services/data/v42.0/sobjects/Account/001xx000003DGb0AAG"
"Id" : "001xx000003DGb0AAG",
"Name" : "Global Media"
Request Syntax
PATCH /vXX.X/composite/sobjects
Parameter Description
allOrNone Optional. Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the update of any object
fails (true) or to continue with the independent update of other objects in the request.
The default is false.
records Required. A list of sObjects. In a POST request using sObject Collections, set the type
attribute for each object, but don’t set the id field for any object.
Usage Guidelines
• The list can contain up to 200 objects.
• The list can contain objects of different types, including custom objects.
• Each object must contain an attributes map. The map must contain a value for type.
Note: Using sObject Collections to update blob data requires more values in the attributes map. For more information, see
Using SObject Collections to Insert a Collection of Blob Records.
Reference SObject Collections
"id" : "001RM000003oCprYAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"id" : "003RM0000068og4YAA",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is false.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id" : "001RM000003oCprYAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
Reference SObject Collections
"statusCode" : "MALFORMED_ID",
"message" : "Contact ID: id value of incorrect type: 001xx000003DGb2999",
"fields" : [
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is true.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id" : "001RM000003oCprYAE",
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "Record rolled back because not all records were valid and the
request was using AllOrNone header",
"fields" : [ ]
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"statusCode" : "MALFORMED_ID",
"message" : "Contact ID: id value of incorrect type: 001xx000003DGb2999",
"fields" : [
Request Syntax
DELETE /vXX.X/composite/sobjects?ids=recordId,recordId
Reference SObject Collections
Parameter Description
allOrNone Optional. Indicates whether to roll back the entire request when the deletion of any object
fails (true) or to continue with the independent deletion of other objects in the request.
The default is false.
ids Required. A list of up to 200 IDs of objects to be deleted. The IDs can belong to different
object types, including custom objects.
Usage Guidelines
• The DeleteResult objects are returned in the order in which the IDs of the deleted objects were specified.
• You can't delete records for multiple object types in one call when one of those types is related to a feature in the Salesforce Setup
Request Example
DELETE /composite/sobjects?ids=001xx000003DGb2AAG,003xx000004TmiQAAS&allOrNone=false
"id" : "001RM000003oLrHYAU",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"id" : "001RM000003oLraYAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is false.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Reference Headers
"id" : "001RM000003oLrfYAE",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"statusCode" : "MALFORMED_ID",
"message" : "malformed id 001RM000003oLrB000",
"fields" : [ ]
This example shows a response when some items caused errors and allOrNone is true.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id" : "001RM000003oLruYAE",
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "Record rolled back because not all records were valid and the
request was using AllOrNone header",
"fields" : [ ]
"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"statusCode" : "MALFORMED_ID",
"message" : "malformed id 001RM000003oLrB000",
"fields" : [ ]
This section lists custom HTTP request and response headers used for REST API.
Reference Assignment Rule Header
Assignment Rule Header
The Assignment Rule header is a request header applied when creating or updating Accounts, Cases, or Leads. If enabled, the active
assignment rules are used. If disabled, the active assignment rules are not applied. If a valid AssignmentRule ID is provided, the
AssignmentRule is applied. If the header is not provided with a request, REST API defaults to using the active assignment rules.
Call Options Header
Specifies the client-specific options when accessing REST API resources. For example, you can write client code that ignores namespace
prefixes by specifying the prefix in the call options header.
Limit Info Header
This response header is returned in each request to REST API. You can use the information to monitor API limits.
Package Version Header
Specifies the version of each package referenced by a client. A package version is a number that identifies the set of components
and behavior contained in a package. This header can also be used to specify a package version when making calls to an Apex REST
web service.
Query Options Header
Specifies options used in a query, such as the query results batch size. Use this request header with the Query resource.
Note: This header also gets applied when making REST API calls that indirectly result in creating or updating Accounts, Cases, or
Leads. For example, if you use this header with a call that updates a record, and the update executes an Apex trigger that updates
a Case, the assignment rules would be applied.
Reference Limit Info Header
The Call Options header can be used with SObject Basic Information, SObject Rows, Query, QueryAll, Search, and SObject Rows by External
Reference Package Version Header
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Merchandise__c",
"url" : "/services/data/v47.0/sobjects/Merchandise__c/a00D0000008pQSNIA2"
"Id" : "a00D0000008pQSNIA2",
"OwnerId" : "005D0000001QX8WIAW",
"IsDeleted" : false,
"Name" : "Phone Case - iPhone 4/4S",
"CreatedDate" : "2013-05-20T20:49:32.000+0000",
"CreatedById" : "005D0000001QX8WIAW",
"LastModifiedDate" : "2013-05-20T20:49:32.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById" : "005D0000001QX8WIAW",
"SystemModstamp" : "2013-05-20T20:49:32.000+0000",
"LastActivityDate" : null,
"LastViewedDate" : "2013-05-20T22:19:56.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate" : "2013-05-20T22:19:56.000+0000",
"Description__c" : "Phone Case for iPhone 4/4S",
"Price__c" : 16.99,
"Stock_Price__c" : 12.99,
"Total_Inventory__c" : 108.0
Reference Status Codes and Error Responses
Sforce-Query-Options: batchSize=1000
300 The value returned when an external ID exists in more than one record. The response body contains the list
of matching records.
304 The request content has not changed since a specified date and time. The date and time is provided in a
If-Modified-Since header. See Get Object Metadata Changes for an example.
400 The request couldn’t be understood, usually because the JSON or XML body contains an error.
401 The session ID or OAuth token used has expired or is invalid. The response body contains the message and
403 The request has been refused. Verify that the logged-in user has appropriate permissions. If the error code is
REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, you’ve exceeded API request limits in your org.
404 The requested resource couldn’t be found. Check the URI for errors, and verify that there are no sharing issues.
405 The method specified in the Request-Line isn’t allowed for the resource specified in the URI.
415 The entity in the request is in a format that’s not supported by the specified method.
Reference Status Codes and Error Responses
Incorrect ID example
Using a non-existent ID in a request using JSON or XML (request_body.json or request_body.xml)
"fields" : [ "Id" ],
"message" : "Account ID: id value of incorrect type: 001900K0001pPuOAAU",
"errorCode" : "MALFORMED_ID"