A Solution To The Batch Grinding Equation Reid 1965
A Solution To The Batch Grinding Equation Reid 1965
A solution to the batch grinding equation
arises when the kernel k(a) [aB(x, a)/ax] vanishes, meters which are defined below and which can be
i.e. when k(or) or aB(x, a)/ax = 0. If k(a) = 0 there directly determined by experiment. The term is
is no breakage at any size and consequently the used in this sense to differentiate the resulting equa-
weight at any size remains constant at its initial tion from the purely theoretical form of equation
value. If i%(x, cc)/dx = 0 then B (x, a) is constant (1).
and this corresponds to a system in which a particle Since size distributions are usually determined by
on breakage crumbles completely to a very fine sieving techniques using a constant screen ratio, and
powder. Under such conditions equation (2) again a solution continuous in time has advantages when
holds and all the feed material would decay with its extended to describe continuous grinding systems,
own rate constant. A more interesting analytical a finite difference approximation to equation (1) is
solution exists for the special case when the kernel sought which uses a geometric size interval and
k(a)[dB(x, a)/ax] takes on a constant value K, e.g. maintains a continuous time scale.
when Consider a set of 112screens numbered from the
coarsest downwards, with a screen ratio /3. The
k(a) = Ka and B(x, a) =z (3) general screen with number i, has an aperture of
size Xi and the size of the next coarser screen is
under which condition the equation degenerates to xi-l = /3xi Material which is retained on screen i
after passing through screen i - 1 has a size range
a’F(x, t) _Kx aF(x, t) + K Xo=(a, t)
-= -.da (4) from Xi to Xi-l, and has a fractional weight wi(t) at
dxat ax sx ax time t. For brevity this material, which contains a
This equation has the solution [9] single size fraction, will be referred to as being of
size Xi, i.e. the size of the screen on which it is
2(x, t) = z(x, 0) exp( - Kxt) (5) retained. If w,,,(t) represents the fractional weight
where z(x, t) is the fraction of material larger than passing the finest screen then
size x at time t, i.e. z(x, t) = 1 - F(x, t). Com-
parison of equations (5) and (2) shows that under + 2 wi(t>= l
the special conditions of equation (3) the weight of
material above size x decays as if it were all exactly since the sum of alI fractional weights is unity.
of size x. Material originally of size xi (i.e. in the range xi to
In the absence of an analytical solution to equa- fixi) is defined as being unbroken if it is retained on
tion (1) a finite difference approximation must be the original screen i after exposure to any breakage
used in which either or both of the size and time system. Events which result in the breakage of the
variables are divided into small increments. The larger particles in the range in such a way that some
accuracy of the approximate solution depends on part of the product is retained in the same screen
the size of the increments used. The use of the finite interval cannot be measured experimentally, and all
difference representation requires careful redefini- particles which remain on the original screen are
tion of the contributing functions in terms of the considered unbroken, as defined above.
increments selected and the resulting solution must The breakage function modified to incorporate
be examined as a function of the increment size the screen ratio /I is written B(B, x, a) and gives the
since the exact solution results only in the limiting size distribution of the products of primary breakage
case of the differential increment. These precau- of material originally in the size range a to pa.
tions have not always been observed by previous Since any practical method aimed at determining
workers. the breakage function must involve the definition of
breakage and its consequences discussed above, it
follows that the breakage function will vary with the
screen ratio employed.
The term “practical equation” is used here to The breakage function can also be represented by
describe an equation based on the practical para- the fractional weights retained on screens below the
B 955
Wi(t) dt
- kd) expt-WI
also incorporates the above definition of breakage - (4 - k,)(k, - k,) + tks - kd& - kd 1
and is assumed to be independent of time. This
assumption will be fully discussed later. (SC)
TO obtain a mass balance for size Xi, consider a etc.
small increment of time dt during which the amount
broken from size xi is kiwi(t)dt. The amount pro- The significance of each term in the equations (9)
duced from size xj, j < i, is bi, jkjwj(t)dt and the can be clearly seen e.g. in (SC).
amount produced from all sizes above xi is (a) The first term represents the breakage of
material originally of size 3.
(b) The second term represents material formed
-C b,jkjwj(t) dt
j=l by breakage of material originally size 2 to size 3.
(c) The third term represents material formed by
Hence, dividing through by dt, the rate of accumu- direct breakage of material from size 1 to size 3.
lation of material of size Xi equals the rate of pro- (d) The fourth term represents material broken
duction from all larger sizes minus the rate of from size 1 to size 2 and then rebroken from size 2 to
breakage size 3.
The number of terms involved in the ith size is
~ = ~~: bi,jkjwj(t) - kiw,(t) (7) 2(‘-l) and the algebra involved in writing solu-
tions for i > 4 becomes cumbersome. To over-
This equation is a particular finite difference form of come this problem terms in exp (- k,t) are collected
equation (1) and becomes identical to equation (1) and the solution written in the form
whenp + 1.
Wi(t) = i a,,i exp( - k,t) (10)
TO THE PRACTICALEQUATION with the coefficients a,,i to be determined.
The solution wi(t) to equation (7) may be obtained Substitute equation (10) into (8) and rearrange to
by writing the equation in the form obtain
i-l j
A solution to the batch grinding equation
(note that the summation runs from rz to i - 1, This result shows that under the conditions of equa-
since a,,jOforallj < n).
tion (3) the practical breakage function is identical
to the theoretical breakage function and is inde-
(ii) for II = i pendent of the screen ratio.
size 840 590 420 297 210 149 105 74
\ i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
size 840 590 420 297 210 149 105 74 53
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
\ II
0.69000 021022 0.13772 008547 0.05133 @03100 0.01909 001135 0.00663
: 0.78978 0.22499 O-12528 0.06810 0.03508 0.01851 0.01027 0~00516
0.63729 - 7.5395 34.961 - 104.14 214.56 - 349.48 394.98
8.3288 -71.120 316.57 - 884.76 1871.4 -2634.7
37.040 -398.65 1925.8 - 6293.0 12433
187.16 -1851.8 9798.7 -26911
597.21 - 77075 33548
2680.9 - 19575
size 840 590 420 297 210 149 105 74 53
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
\ n
A solution to the batch grinding equation
and can be obtained from a summation of weights and the batch grinding results calculated. The
retained on the individual screens since coefficients c, ,i are listed in Tables l-3, and the
calculated results compared with their experimental
zi(t) = jilwj(t) = i C,,i exp( - k,t) (17) and computed results in Figs. l-3.
II=1 Feed size distributions used for the calculation
where the coefficients C,,i are given by were obtained from the original graphs [5] since the
data were not tabulated. The figures used for frac-
tion passing 590 p were 0*275,0*3 1 and 0.4 for coals
A, B and C, respectively.
Figs. l-3 show that the results calculated by this
method are virtually identical to the computations
of GARDNERet al. The small differences are prob-
A complete set of experimental data for the ably due to minor errors in estimating the feed
breakage functions, rates of breakage and batch sizes.
grind products for three different coals has been
given by GARDNER et al. [5]. Their results are
reported in terms of average sizes and they use a
,/2 screen ratio, consequently the screen size as Having established the validity of the practical
used in this work is 2/(1 + J2) = 0.83 times the solution by comparison both with experimental
average size. Using this factor their experimental results and a different solution to the basic equation,
results for breakage function and rate of breakage, it is now necessary to examine in detail the assump-
as defined in this paper, have been substituted tions on which the solution is based.
directly into the practical solution proposed here, The major assumption is that the rate of breakage
X Calculated from
X Calculated
equation (16)
60 100 200 400 600 loo0 60 100 200 400 600
Sire p Size p
FIG. 1. Comparison of calculated size distributions with the FIG. 2. Comparison of calculated size distributions with the
results of GARDNERet al. results of GARDNERet al.
cR,p= 0 for n #g
cn,g= 1 for n=g
-=dw(0 _k
w(t) dt
(iii) One k controls, i.e.
k,, > k for n# i
X Calculated from - 0°4 ki < k
equation (16)
-= _k
w(t) dt
Consideration of equation (19) leads to the conclu-
1 I , I I 1 I sion that in general the fractional rate of breakage
60 100 200 400 600 1000
Size p
of material in a finite size range is not independent
of time and consequently the assumption of time
FIG. 3. Comparison of calculated size distributions with the
results of GARDNERet al. independence is, in general, theoretically invalid.
of a finite size range is time independent. Consider a Under certain circumstances the assumption is
screen ratio B close enough to unity to define a dif- justified but the probability of an experimental
ferential increment; then if g increments are re- system exactly satisfying the restraining conditions
quired to achieve a practical screen interval the is small. There is a wide range of possible rates of
weight w(t) on the screen as a function of time is breakage and breakage functions, and the extent of
the time dependence of the rate of breakage of a
w(t) = z,(t) = f c~,~exp(-k,t) single screen size will depend on the combined
II=1 effects of both parameters.
Therefore Experimental work on aluminium oxide [4],
coal [8] and quartz [l 11,in ball mills has shown that
-=.f the decay of a single size is closely represented by a
dt n=l
- ~,,~kexp(- kt) straight line on semilogarithmic paper, and con-
sequently the time dependence of the rates of break-
and the fractional rate of breakage is
age of these materials is negligible under the circum-
stances of the particular experimental system and
exp(- k&) over the time range investigated. The validity of the
w(t) dt
(1% assumption for these three widely different materials
t c”,~ ew( - k0 suggests that it may be valid in general for ball mills.
However, in any particular system the question can
Equation (19) is time-independent when only be resolved by experiment.
(i) k,, = k for all n, giving The breakage function used in the practical solu-
tion is defined in terms of experimental measure-
-=Wt) _k ments and contains only the inherent assumptions
w(t) dt that the size distribution within a single screen
A solution to the batch grindingequation
interval remains constant. A standard method of use of a finite time interval eliminates the advan-
presenting size distribution is the log-log plot of tages of the time-continuous solution. The compu-
fraction passing against size, and a “natural” system ter solutions of GARDNER and AUSTIN and of
is characterized by a smooth continuous curve. If GAUDINand MELOYboth use this approach, which
p is small (,/2 or less), natural size distributions can neglects the important factor that the basic func-
be well approximated by straight lines over single tions must be determined experimentally, and as a
screen intervals, and the assumption of constant consequence experimental results have to be cor-
size distribution within the interval is valid. For rected back to the differential size increment. Cor-
larger screen ratios or systems with highly artificial rections of this nature, which are neither simple to
feed size distributions, the assumption may break to use nor easy to justify, were used by GARDNER
down with the possibility of invalidating the analy- etal. [5], and have been fully discussed by them.
sis. The second approach is that adopted in this paper
As a result of these considerations screen ratios and involves the re-definition of rate of breakage
greater than ,/2 are not recommended for practical and breakage function in terms of the experimental
work in the field and due care should be taken to methods used for their determination. This ap-
preserve the natural size distribution during the pre- proach removes the necessity to correct the experi-
paration of material in a single screen interval. mentally determined functions and avoids any dis-
cussion of the validity of the corrections employed.
Comparison with previous work has also shown
that the present solution produces equivalent results
Of the three previously proposed methods of cal- although requiring a less involved mathematical
culating batch grind results, only that of Buss uses a procedure.
continuous time scale. His solution can be written Some workers have postulated [2, 71, and
in the form of equation (10) and his proposed others have shown experimentally for the systems
method for evaluating the coefficients U,,i involves studied [5, 121, that the breakage function, expres-
the assumption that the experimental system is des- sed on a relative size basis, is independent of initial
cribed by the equations and then, using the experi- size. Under this condition the present solution can
mental results, solving for the coefficients. However, be used, in principle, to compute rates of breakage
the accuracy of any method which solves a set of and breakage function given size distributions
equations from experimental data must depend on after batch grinding for two different times.
unavoidable experimental scatter and consequently A general purpose iterative computer programme
the results are of doubtful value without further was written to do this, and although the correct
direct experimental justification. functions could be obtained from computed
In a system where the coefficients are not specified results, the presence of very small experimental
in terms of the fundamental properties of the errors resulted in unrealistic values for rates of
material and equipment, it is difficult to visualise breakage or breakage function. As a result of the
any method for measuring these coefficients directly. high sensitivity to minor experimental errors it is
Furthermore, they do not provide a sound basis for considered that this approach is of little practical
the correlation of different materials, especially value. However the less ambitious approach of
since they are dependent on the feed size distribu- solving for either rate of breakage or breakage
tion. function, having determined the other by a tracer
There are essentially two approaches to the solu- technique, and, given one grinding result, proved
tion of the basic equation. The first accepts the successful even in the more complicated case of a
definitions of the rate of breakage and breakage continuous grinding system [12]. This approach
function based on a differential increment and uses should be of considerable value in comminution
standard mathematical procedures to handle an studies since the painstaking experimental work
arbitrary finite difference approximation to the required to measure both of the basic parameters
basic integro-differential equation. However, the can be considerably reduced.
K. J. &In
The advantage of a time-continuous system can lated data, both for steady state and transient
be seen by considering the expression for the steady results, and established the validity of this approach
state product from a continuous mill. The flow when applied to the particular system and conditions
characteristics of a continuous mill are given by the studied.
residence time distribution function 4(t), where
4(t)& gives the fraction of material entering at time
Acknowledgement-The author would like to thank Dr. J. A.
t = 0 which leaves in the time interval t to t + dt. BARKER for his valuable comments and discussion of the
Material with residence time t has a fraction retained problem.
above size Xi of Zi(t) hence zi(t)&t)dt gives the frac-
tion of material coarser than size xi with residence
time t. The total fraction coarser than xi is the sum
of these terms over all residence time :
an,r Coefficient of exp-(k,t) in equation (10) for
m fractional weight on screen i
Zi(cO)= Zi(t)&(t)
dt (20) B(x, 4 Theoretical breakage function for differential
s0 size increment, giving weight fraction passing
size x from primary breakage of material of
exact size CL
where Z,(W) is the steady state fraction retained
B@, x, 4 Practical breakage function for a single screen
above size Xi in the product from a continuous size increment, giving weight fraction passing
grinding system. Substituting for Zi(t), equation size x from primary breakage of material in
size range LYto /3a
(20) can be written Practical breakage function as weight fraction
retained on screen i from primary breakage of
materiaf on screen j
Zi(a) = i Cn,i mexp( - l&j(t) dt (21) Coefficient of exp-(k&) in equation (17) for frac-
II=1 s0 tional weight above screen i
W, t) Weight fraction of material finer than size x at
For many systems 4(t) can be represented time t
by a simple exponential function [13] and under In The value of the integral exp (--k&#(t)dt
these circumstances the value I, of the integral I
k(x) Fractional rate of breakaLe of material of size x
j: exp (-k,t)~$(t) dt can be obtained analytically, min-I
leading to the algebraic solution kc Fractional rate of breakage of material in size
range x6 to /3x$ min-l
K Rate of breakage proportionality constant
zi(co) = t: G,Jn (22) M(x, t) Weight fraction of material in size range x to
m Total number of screens used
Even if the integral can only be calculated using a t Time min
digital computer, equation (20) is more rapidly w(t) Fractional weight on screen i at time t
wr,s(t) Fractional weight passing finest screen at time t
evaluated when zi(t) is available in the form of x Size p
equation (17) rather than being generated from an x0 Maximum size in feed CL
iterative or matrix solution. X6 Size of aperture of screen i
Zi(W) Steady state fractional weight grefter than size
Equation (21), and the corresponding form for XLin the product from a continuous system
the dynamic response to a step change in feed pro- 4x9 t) Fractional weight above size x at time I
perties, have been used to calculate results in a z*(t) Fractional weight above size xf at time t
Size p
small scale continuous ball mill [12]. Close agree- Screen ratio.
ment was obtained between experimental and calcu- 4(t) Residence time distribution function
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