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Scenario Guide

OpenText Archiving and Document

Access for SAP Solutions

The Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions scenario

guide describes the configuration and customization of
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions scenarios.

Scenario Guide
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
Rev.: 11. Dec. 2014
This documentation has been created for software version 10.5 SP1.
It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is
published at https://knowledge.opentext.com.

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Table of Contents
1 What is OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions? ........................................................................ 13

Part 1 Overview of document integration in SAP applications 15

2 Overview of key scenarios ..................................................... 17

2.1 Archiving scenarios ......................................................................... 17
2.1.1 Archiving using the SAP ArchiveLink interface .................................. 18
2.1.2 Archiving using SAP Netweaver ILM ................................................ 19
2.1.3 Archiving using the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure ............... 20
2.1.4 Archiving using the ODMA interface ................................................. 20
2.1.5 Archiving using generic object services (GOS) .................................. 21
2.1.6 Archiving using SAP Records Management ...................................... 21
2.1.7 Archiving using SAP PLM DMS ........................................................ 22
2.2 Converting document formats (rendition) .......................................... 22
2.3 Displaying and processing (archived) documents .............................. 23
2.4 Searching and managing documents ................................................ 23
2.5 Document processing between different systems .............................. 24

3 Overview of the components involved .................................. 25

4 Scenarios for document archiving ........................................ 29

4.1 Categorization of archiving scenarios ............................................... 29
4.2 Incoming documents ....................................................................... 31
4.2.1 Description of archiving scenarios .................................................... 31
4.2.2 Scenario processes and the OpenText components involved ............. 33
4.2.3 Archiving incoming documents with workflow .................................... 36
4.2.4 Archiving with bar code technology .................................................. 37
4.3 Outgoing documents ....................................................................... 38
4.3.1 Output determination (for SAP ERP only) ......................................... 39
4.3.2 Post Processing Framework (for SAP CRM only) .............................. 39
4.3.3 Outgoing documents with forms ....................................................... 41

5 Scenarios for SAP CRM .......................................................... 43

5.1 Working with documents in SAP CRM 7.0 ........................................ 43
5.1.1 SAP CRM Web UI: Assignment block ............................................... 44
5.1.2 SAP CRM Web UI: OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions ................ 45
5.1.3 SAP GUI: OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions .............................. 46
5.1.4 OpenText DesktopLink, OpenText Imaging ExchangeLink and
OpenText Imaging NotesLink ........................................................... 46
5.1.5 OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan .................................................. 46
5.1.6 Batch import of documents .............................................................. 46

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide iii
Table of Contents

Part 2 SAP basis customizing 47

6 Introduction .............................................................................. 49
6.1 The SAP ArchiveLink interface ......................................................... 49
6.2 Customizing phases overview .......................................................... 50
6.3 Authorizations in SAP applications ................................................... 52
6.3.1 Authorization concept ...................................................................... 52
6.3.2 Authorization objects for ArchiveLink functions .................................. 52
6.3.3 Authorization maintenance .............................................................. 53
6.3.4 Rights for feedback users ................................................................ 55
6.3.5 Minimum authorizations of DesktopLink client users .......................... 55

7 Initial customizing ................................................................... 57

7.1 Setting up an archiving device ......................................................... 57
7.2 Creating queues ............................................................................. 59
7.3 Scheduling an ArchiveLink job ......................................................... 60
7.4 Maintaining an ArchiveLink number range ........................................ 62
7.5 Maintaining the ArchiveLink basic settings for DMS ........................... 63
7.6 Setting parameters for the archive format ......................................... 65

8 Communications setup ........................................................... 67

8.1 Creating a feedback user ................................................................. 67
8.2 Configuring an SAP system in the OpenText Administration Client ..... 68
8.3 Creating an exchange directory ........................................................ 72
8.4 HTTP communication in Unicode systems ........................................ 73

9 Basis customizing ................................................................... 75

9.1 Basics ............................................................................................ 75
9.1.1 Key terms ....................................................................................... 75 Object type ..................................................................................... 75 Document type ................................................................................ 76 Document class .............................................................................. 76 Protocol .......................................................................................... 77 Archive (storage system, content repository) ..................................... 79
9.1.2 ArchiveLink management concept .................................................... 80
9.2 Maintaining archives ........................................................................ 82
9.2.1 Maintaining HTTP archive in the SAP application .............................. 82
9.2.2 Creating an archive on the OpenText Archive and Storage Services .. 85
9.3 Maintaining global document types ................................................... 85
9.3.1 Creating document types ................................................................. 85
9.3.2 Customizing document classes ........................................................ 87
9.4 Maintaining links ............................................................................. 88
9.5 Document type customizing wizard .................................................. 89

iv OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Table of Contents

9.6 Sending a certificate ........................................................................ 90

Part 3 Scenario customizing 93

10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface ................................ 95

10.1 Print list storage .............................................................................. 95
10.2 Archiving incoming documents with bar codes .................................. 95
10.2.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................. 96
10.2.2 Steps ............................................................................................. 96
10.2.3 Creating and linking a document type ............................................... 96
10.2.4 Specifying bar code settings for the object type/document type .......... 97
10.2.5 Activating bar code entry (module-specific) ..................................... 100 FI module ..................................................................................... 100 SD module ................................................................................... 101 HR module ................................................................................... 101 MM module ................................................................................... 103
10.2.6 Setting up archive modes for scanning ........................................... 103
10.2.7 Configuring Enterprise Scan .......................................................... 105
10.3 Archiving incoming documents with workflow .................................. 107
10.3.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 107
10.3.2 Steps ........................................................................................... 109
10.3.3 Workflow parameters .................................................................... 109
10.3.4 Overview ...................................................................................... 110 Default settings and agent assignment ........................................... 110
10.3.5 Customizing with the document type customizing wizard ................. 111
10.3.6 Scan settings ................................................................................ 114 Enterprise Scan ............................................................................ 114 Windows Viewer ........................................................................... 115 Windows Viewer together with Enterprise Scan ............................... 115 Scanning to PDF ........................................................................... 116 Archiving via the document pipeline ................................................ 120
10.4 Manually storing incoming documents ............................................ 121
10.5 Archiving outgoing documents ....................................................... 122
10.5.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 122
10.5.2 Creating and linking a document type ............................................. 122
10.5.3 Customizing output determination .................................................. 123 Checking creation of outgoing documents ....................................... 123 Customizing output determination for document storage .................. 124 Enhancing outgoing documents for different transmission media ...... 126
10.5.4 Customizing the Post Processing Framework (for SAP CRM only) ... 126 Creating and editing the processing class ....................................... 127 Creating an action profile ............................................................... 127

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide v
Table of Contents Defining conditions for the action profile .......................................... 134 Linking the action profile to the transaction type .............................. 137
10.6 Migrating ArchiveLink documents ................................................... 139
10.6.1 Migrating ArchiveLink documents using function modules ................ 139
10.6.2 Automation of migrating ArchiveLink documents using reports ......... 139

11 Archiving via SAP Netweaver ILM ....................................... 141

11.1 Setting up ILM Scenario in OpenText Enterprise Library .................. 142
11.2 Setting up ILM Scenario in SAP System ......................................... 144
11.2.1 ILM for ArchiveLink-Stored Documents ........................................... 145

12 Archiving via the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure ...

12.1 Customizing content management ................................................. 147
12.2 Migrating KPro documents using function modules .......................... 150
12.3 Automation of migrating KPro documents using reports ................... 150

13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink) ............... 153

13.1 Setting up DesktopLink .................................................................. 153
13.1.1 Calling up the DesktopLink customizing functions ........................... 154
13.1.2 Configuration ................................................................................ 154 Basis customizing: Maintaining document types .............................. 155 Creating multi-document types ....................................................... 156 Configuring client-side (classic) conversion to TIFF or PDF .............. 157 Configuring rendition server conversion to TIFF or PDF ................... 158 Basis customizing: Maintaining links ............................................... 160 Determining the workflow and default settings ................................. 160 Closing the SAP GUI mode automatically ....................................... 160
13.1.3 Configuring attribute transfer .......................................................... 160 Preassigning key fields .................................................................. 161 Transferring user-defined attributes ................................................ 164 Transferring and saving attributes .................................................. 164 Inserting attributes in work item texts .............................................. 165
13.1.4 Configuring special scenarios ........................................................ 166 Assign then store scenario ............................................................. 166 DocuLink scenario ......................................................................... 169 Using ODMA attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink ................... 170
13.1.5 User-specific settings in the SAP application for DesktopLink ........... 173
13.1.6 Enhancements for DesktopLink ...................................................... 176 Enhancing SAP object types (for SAP ERP only) ............................ 176 Authorizations ............................................................................... 177
13.2 ExchangeLink and NotesLink ......................................................... 178

14 Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for SAP

ERP only) ................................................................................ 179

vi OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Table of Contents

14.1 Setting up DesktopLink as a generic object service (GOS) ............... 179

14.2 Providing DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS) .................... 180

15 Archiving in SAP Records Management ............................. 183

15.1 Document entry via DesktopLink .................................................... 183
15.2 Storing via mail applications ........................................................... 185
15.3 Automatic (batch) import ................................................................ 186
15.3.1 Providing element types in the SAP Records Management system .. 186
15.3.2 Configuring the assignment to the Records Management system ..... 187
15.3.3 Creating the folder structure for batch import ................................... 189
15.3.4 Troubleshooting in case of duplicates ............................................. 190

16 Archiving in SAP PLM DMS (for SAP ERP only) ................ 191
16.1 Scanning into SAP PLM DMS ........................................................ 191
16.2 Setting up automatic (batch) import ................................................ 192
16.3 Document entry via DesktopLink .................................................... 193

17 OpenText Forms Management ............................................. 195

17.1 Components ................................................................................. 195
17.2 Rights for OpenText Forms Management ....................................... 196
17.3 Adding a form ............................................................................... 196
17.3.1 Starting OpenText Forms Management .......................................... 197
17.3.2 Creating logical archives ................................................................ 198
17.3.3 Creating the form record ................................................................ 198
17.3.4 Assigning form pages to document pages ....................................... 202
17.3.5 Entering and archiving form pages ................................................. 204 Scanning form pages .................................................................... 204 Form pages from the file system .................................................... 204
17.3.6 Activating the form ........................................................................ 206
17.3.7 Modifying and linking the SAP ABAP program ................................. 206 SD module - using an SAPscript form ............................................. 207 SD module - using a Smart Form ................................................... 213 MM module ................................................................................... 219
17.3.8 Defining a processing method for the PPF and specifying it in the
action profile ................................................................................. 226
17.4 Defining offset and layout of forms ................................................. 228
17.4.1 Adjusting forms ............................................................................. 228
17.4.2 Adjusting the form layout for COLD documents (FORM.INFO) ......... 229
17.5 Assigning forms to COLD documents ............................................. 231
17.6 Options for OpenText Forms Management ..................................... 232
17.6.1 Copying forms .............................................................................. 232 Client and archive copy ................................................................. 232 Archive copies of forms ................................................................. 234

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide vii
Table of Contents Copying the form table .................................................................. 235

17.6.2 Checking the status of a form ......................................................... 236
17.6.3 Deleting forms .............................................................................. 236
17.6.4 Activating and deactivating forms ................................................... 236
17.6.5 Printing a form list ......................................................................... 237
17.6.6 Detail view of an entry ................................................................... 237
17.6.7 Tracking changes in OpenText Forms Management ........................ 238

18 Rendition Management ......................................................... 239

19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText

viewers ................................................................................... 241
19.1 Configuration for the Windows Viewer ............................................ 241
19.1.1 Communication ............................................................................. 241 Communication protocols in SAP applications ................................. 241 Communicating via OLE ................................................................ 243 Communicating via HTTP .............................................................. 244
19.1.2 Settings ........................................................................................ 245 Settings for document display with Windows Viewer ........................ 245 Print lists with hyperlinks ................................................................ 246 Log level and language ................................................................. 246 Protocol OT_HTTP2: Registering the Windows Viewer for PDF and
JPG ............................................................................................. 247
19.2 Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer ..................................... 248

20 Document processing between SAP and OpenText

Enterprise Process Services ................................................ 255

Part 4 Using the scenarios 257

21 Starting the archiving procedure ......................................... 259

21.1 Starting archiving from the SAP application ..................................... 259
21.1.1 Archiving via the standard SAP transaction ..................................... 260
21.1.2 Archiving using the generic object services (GOS) .......................... 260
21.1.3 Archiving using the DesktopLink transaction J8AM .......................... 262
21.1.4 Document overview (in SAP ERP only) ........................................... 264
21.1.5 Archiving outgoing documents ....................................................... 264 Testing output determination .......................................................... 264 Testing the Post Processing Framework ......................................... 265
21.1.6 Archiving print lists in SAP ERP ..................................................... 269 Preparation ................................................................................... 269 Generating a test list ..................................................................... 269 Storing a test list ........................................................................... 271 Displaying a test list ...................................................................... 271

viii OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Table of Contents

21.1.7 Archiving print lists in SAP CRM ..................................................... 273 Preparation ................................................................................... 273 Generating a test list ..................................................................... 273 Storing a test list ........................................................................... 275 Displaying a test list ...................................................................... 275
21.1.8 Archiving using SAP PLM DMS (in SAP ERP only) ......................... 277 Scanning into SAP PLM DMS ........................................................ 277 Automatic (batch) import ................................................................ 278 Document entry using DesktopLink ................................................ 279
21.2 Archiving from Windows applications .............................................. 280
21.2.1 Archiving multiple documents in SAP applications ........................... 281
21.3 Archiving from mail applications ..................................................... 281
21.3.1 ExchangeLink ............................................................................... 282
21.3.2 NotesLink ..................................................................................... 282
21.4 Archiving in Windows Viewer ......................................................... 283

22 Indexing and archiving ......................................................... 285

22.1 Select scenario, default setting and document type ......................... 285
22.2 Executing archiving ....................................................................... 287
22.2.1 Storing for subsequent entry .......................................................... 287
22.2.2 Store and enter ............................................................................. 288
22.2.3 Storing for subsequent assignment ................................................ 290
22.2.4 Store and assign ........................................................................... 290
22.2.5 Assign then store .......................................................................... 292
22.2.6 DocuLink ...................................................................................... 293
22.2.7 SAP Records Management ............................................................ 294
22.2.8 SAP PLM ..................................................................................... 294
22.3 Test example - Archiving incoming documents with workflow ........... 295
22.4 Test example Late archiving with bar codes .................................... 296

23 Displaying and processing (archived) original

documents ............................................................................. 301
23.1 Searching for documents in SAP applications ................................. 301
23.2 Displaying original documents in Windows Viewer ........................... 302
23.2.1 Authorizations in SAP applications ................................................. 303
23.2.2 Document retrieval in SAP Records Management ........................... 304
23.3 Displaying forms ........................................................................... 304
23.4 Displaying original documents in Java Viewer ................................. 306
23.5 Launching DocuLink views via generic object services (GOS) .......... 306

24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content ........... 309

24.1 ArchiveLink Full Text Search .......................................................... 309
24.1.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 309

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide ix
Table of Contents Technical prerequisites .................................................................. 310 Configuring ArchiveLink document declaration ................................ 310 Configuring Content Server search ................................................. 311 Setting up technical user and impersonation (optional) .................... 311
24.1.2 Customizing search templates ....................................................... 314 Creating a Logical Destination in Enterprise Library Settings ............ 325
24.1.3 Performing the Search in SAP GUI ................................................. 326
24.1.4 Performing the search in Web Dynpro UI ........................................ 329 Layout of search results ................................................................. 330 Configuring Web Dynpro search application .................................... 332
24.1.5 Authorization Object J_6NRL_SEA for the use of search templates .. 334
24.2 OpenText Business Content window .............................................. 334
24.2.1 Customizing OpenText Business Content in list of Generic Services
attributes ...................................................................................... 335
24.2.2 Using the Business Workspace function ......................................... 337 Customizing steps ......................................................................... 337 Customizing container and non-container behavior of business
workspace items ........................................................................... 338 Creating business workspaces ....................................................... 339 Viewing and browsing business workspace items ............................ 340 Using pagination in Business Content window ................................ 341 Sorting list items ........................................................................... 343 Displaying the folder list in the tree view ......................................... 344 Working with business workspaces and documents ......................... 344 Performing full text search in Business Workspace .......................... 351
24.2.3 Using the Business Documents function ......................................... 354 Customizing additional ArchiveLink attributes .................................. 354 Mapping external attributes ............................................................ 357 Using the Business Documents function ......................................... 359
24.2.4 Using the Business Attachment function ......................................... 363
24.2.5 Using the Notes function ................................................................ 365
24.2.6 Using the OpenText Tempo Box and Local Files function ................ 366

Part 5 SAP application log 369

25 Troubleshooting using the SAP application log ................ 371

25.1 SAP application log for DesktopLink scenarios ................................ 371
25.1.1 Log entries and log lines ................................................................ 372
25.2 SAP application log for ArchiveLink Fulltext Search ......................... 373
25.3 SAP application log for ArchiveLink Attributes ................................. 373
25.4 SAP application log for Rendition Management ............................... 374
25.5 SAP application log for Business Application Integration (BAI) ......... 374
25.6 SAP application log for license measurement .................................. 374

x OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Table of Contents

26 OpenText License Report ..................................................... 375

26.1 Technical overview ........................................................................ 376
26.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 377
26.3 Preparing license measurement on the SAP system ........................ 378
26.3.1 Setting up users for measurement .................................................. 378
26.3.2 Maintaining measurement tables .................................................... 379
26.4 Preparing license measurement on Content Server ......................... 382
26.5 Running license measurement ....................................................... 383
26.5.1 Running in standard mode ............................................................. 384
26.5.2 Running in expert mode ................................................................. 385
26.6 Creating an export file with license data .......................................... 390
26.7 Understanding the consolidated measurement results ..................... 391
26.8 Understanding and resolving licensing issues ................................. 392
26.8.1 Validation issues after consolidation ............................................... 393
26.8.2 Validation issues types on the SAP system ..................................... 394
26.8.3 Validation issue types on Content Server ........................................ 397

GLS Glossary 399

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide xi
Chapter 1
What is OpenText Archiving and Document Access
for SAP Solutions?

With Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions, you can automatically
store SAP and non-SAP data and documents on a secure archive server. This
increases operational efficiency by freeing IT from the time-consuming chore of
manual backups and recovery. It also offloads data from production systems, for
improved system performance and faster upgrades.

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions offers a range of options for
integrating SAP documents and other documents in the different SAP applications,
including emails, faxes, images and informal correspondence, etc. Besides archiving
documents, it allows you to manage, search, display and edit them.

This guide is designed to help you identify, set up and use the document integration
scenarios you need.

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions software

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions consists of the following SAP
• SAP basis package OTEXBAS
Provides all base applications: DocuLink, DesktopLink, Forms Management,
Imaging Integration, ArchiveLink attributes, License Measurement
• SAP ERP package OTEXERP (optional)
Optional package with ERP specific functionality
• Allows use of DVS/PLM nodetypes in DocuLink
• Transaction /ixos/plm to have an uploader transaction for DVS/PLM
• Client independent objects and code for sample DocuLink projects, which are
not only SAP ERP specific but can also be used for base examples
• SAP CRM package OTEXCRM (optional)
Optional package with CRM specific functionality.
• Allows use of SAP CRM link range in Content Management node type in
• Client independent objects and code for a sample DocuLink project in SAP

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 13
Part 1
Overview of document integration in SAP
Chapter 2

Overview of key scenarios

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions offers a range of options for
integrating SAP documents and other documents in the different SAP applications,
including e-mails, faxes, images and informal correspondence, etc. Besides archiving
documents, it allows you to manage, search, display and edit them.

2.1 Archiving scenarios

Some standard archiving scenarios are provided in SAP applications, which can be
used for long-term storage with an OpenText Archive and Storage Services.

Depending on the interface through which the documents enter the SAP system, we
distinguish the following:

SAP ArchiveLink interface

SAP ArchiveLink is mostly used to store static documents that need no further

SAP NetWeaver ILM

SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) provides the tools to
manage the entire life cycle of SAP business data. This includes data archiving,
retention management, legal case management and decommissioning of legacy

Content Management Service in the KPro (Knowledge Provider) infrastructure

KPro provides the option of archiving dynamic documents that are still being
processed without losing additional information, such as versioning or
processing status.

ODMA (Open Document Management API) interface

ODMA allows storing various documents from any Windows application.

Generic object services (GOS)

Generic object services use the available object data and can be called
independently of the SAP application.

SAP Records Management

SAP Records Management is used to manage electronic and paper records

SAP PLM Document Management System (DMS) (SAP ERP only)

The SAP PLM Document Management System (DMS) is meant for the
replication of product data.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 17
Chapter 2 Overview of key scenarios

Data exchange with SAP Mobile Clients

In SAP CRM 4.0, the SAP standard allows you to exchange CM documents
between CRM online and the SAP Mobile Clients. Thus, CM documents created
at a Mobile Client can be stored in an archive using the SAP CRM system.
For more details see the SAP Help.

2.1.1 Archiving using the SAP ArchiveLink interface

All of the following scenarios use the SAP ArchiveLink interface for archiving
documents in the archive.
Customizing see “Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface“ on page 95.

Print list storage

Print lists are the result of report runs in the SAP system, e.g. batch where-used
lists or cost center reports, or reports from the tasks monitor.
Print lists can contain indexing data and hyperlinks in order to provide access to
subobjects or linked documents within a print list.
If the print list was created as an individual file which can be accessed via an
unique path, it can be archived in compressed format. When archiving, you can
create a print list description file for the main file, which contains indexing data.
This means that the required information can be accessed simultaneously from
different work centers.

Archiving with bar codes

In this archiving scenario, incoming documents are given a bar code at the start
of processing. Documents are only scanned and archived after they have been
entered in the SAP system. The document continues to move through the
company in paper form, but the link between the document and the application
document is automated. The normal workflow is followed in the user
department - apart from the use of bar codes. This scenario is therefore mostly
used for large volumes of documents.
With this scenario you can also link exactly one object to several SAP business
For this scenario you can use the Enterprise Scan component.

Archiving incoming documents with workflow

For this scenario, the incoming document is scanned in by a member of the
postal staff (if it is not already available in electronic format) and stored in an
archive. A link to the document is forwarded to the transaction user through
SAP Business Workflow. He captures the application document, if necessary
with the help of the original document.
Alternatively, one and the same person can store the incoming document as well
as enter the associated application document.
The scenario is suitable (in the former case) for large volumes of documents or
(in the latter case) for specially protected documents.
For this scenario you can use the Enterprise Scan component.

18 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
2.1. Archiving scenarios

Archiving outgoing documents

Outgoing documents are all documents created in the company's SAP system,
e.g. correspondence, invoices, order confirmations, etc. Use this scenario when
you want to store outgoing documents in your archive and link them to the
associated application document. The exact procedure varies for the different
application components.

Archiving forms
In the SAP system, outgoing documents are normally printed in standard forms,
in order to preserve legible, attractive pages into which graphical elements such
as company logos can be integrated. This means that the standard forms are
filled with data generated by the SAP reports.
If you archive these documents and display them in the ArchiveLink Viewer,
you only see the data, not the form.
You can solve this problem by scanning in the forms and saving them in the
archive. You can then display the archived documents in their own forms.
For this scenario you can use the Forms Management component.

Migrating ArchiveLink documents

You can transfer (migrate) individual ArchiveLink documents or complete
storage systems into other storage systems. If necessary, this migration can even
be performed automatically. For example, you can migrate all documents that
were archived before a certain date into another (long term) storage system.
Therefore, OpenText supplies a special function module and a report.

2.1.2 Archiving using SAP Netweaver ILM

SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) consists of three

Data Archiving
The standard SAP data archiving functions have been enhanced to allow for the
integration of the other two components and to support not only archiving but
also data destruction and snapshot creation.

Retention Management
This component manages data retention policies from the time the data is
created until it has to be destroyed. It can perform e-Discovery to find all data
connected to a business object, and set legal holds.

Retention Warehouse
This component provides a standardized method for decommissioning legacy
systems. Data from decommissioned systems are stored in a central Retention
Warehouse and are still accessible for business users and application of retention

For customizing see “Archiving via SAP Netweaver ILM“ on page 141.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 19
Chapter 2 Overview of key scenarios

2.1.3 Archiving using the SAP Knowledge Provider

There are also standard scenarios that use the KPro (Knowledge Provider) interface
rather than the SAP ArchiveLink infrastructure.
Customizing see “Archiving via the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure“
on page 147.

Archiving Content management documents

By default, CM documents are stored in a database (SAP content server). If you
want to save these documents permanently, along with the version and
processing information, you can also configure storage in an archive (OpenText
Archive and Storage Services).
Configuring this scenario consists only of the steps described in “Archiving via
the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure“ on page 147.

Migrating Content Management documents

Storing KPro documents in an archive instead of an SAP Content Server can be
performed for individual documents or for complete storage systems, and if
necessary also automatically. Thus you can automatically transfer or copy
documents to an archive for long-term storage, for example depending on a
certain status transition. Therefore, OpenText supplies a special function module
and a report.
Customizing see “Migrating ArchiveLink documents” on page 139.

2.1.4 Archiving using the ODMA interface

In addition to the SAP standard, the ODMA (Open Document Management API)
interface provides further options for integrating documents in your SAP system.
Customizing see “Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)“ on page 153.

Archiving files from Windows applications

You can use the ODMA interface to archive your own files from all Windows
applications quickly and easily from your workstation. With the Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions archive you can link these documents to
SAP business processes and locate them again using SAP business objects.
Additionally, information from user-defined ODMA attributes can be evaluated
during archiving. For the DocuLink scenario, for example, the views can be
restricted directly at display.
The ODMA interface uses the DesktopLink components.

Archiving e-mails and linking them to SAP objects

You can link e-mails from your mail system in SAP applications, i.e. link to SAP
objects. They can be archived to records in a SAP Records Management, for
User-defined ODMA attributes (properties), which were defined in the mail
application, can be transferred to an SAP system as well when archiving using
OpenText Imaging ExchangeLink or NotesLink.

20 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
2.1. Archiving scenarios

For this scenario, the NotesLink or NotesLink components are used.

2.1.5 Archiving using generic object services (GOS)

Generic object services can be called independently of the SAP application. Thus, the
OpenText component DesktopLink can be opened directly from within an SAP-
specific transaction, and the underlying business object data for the transaction can
be used when archiving the document.
Customizing see “Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for SAP ERP only)
“ on page 179.

DocuLink can be provided as a generic object service, as well. Thus, a pre-

configured DocuLink view can be displayed depending on the current business
object data. There the familiar DocuLink functionality is available as well, e.g.
archiving documents to an object.

2.1.6 Archiving using SAP Records Management

Another possibility to archive documents is from within the SAP Records
Management. In this case, documents or e-mails are assigned to electronic records
directly from within the (mail) applications. Batch import of several documents at
once is also possible.

Customizing see “Archiving in SAP Records Management“ on page 183.

The following entry scenarios are available:

Document entry using DesktopLink

Using DesktopLink, you can enter documents into SAP Records Management
directly from within Windows applications, and assign them to already existing
SAP records.

Archiving e-mails and linking them to SAP records

You can enter e-mails and assign them to already existing Records Management
records directly from within MS Outlook and Lotus Notes. File attachments can
be entered in RM in the same way.
For this scenario, the DesktopLink and NotesLink or ExchangeLink components
are used.

Automatic (batch) import

You can import several documents into Records Management at once and assign
them to already existing Records Management records or create new records
with the documents.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 21
Chapter 2 Overview of key scenarios

2.1.7 Archiving using SAP PLM DMS

Another possibility to archive documents is from within the SAP Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM). In this case, the SAP PLM DMS (Document management
system) is used.
Customizing see “Archiving in SAP PLM DMS (for SAP ERP only)“ on page 191.

The following entry scenarios are available:

Scanning into SAP PLM DMS

You can enter and assign an original document to an already existing PLM DMS
document by scanning it.

Automatic (batch) import

You can import several documents into the SAP PLM DMS at once, and assign
them to already existing PLM DMS documents.

Document entry using DesktopLink

Using DesktopLink, you can enter documents into the SAP PLM Document
Management System (DMS) directly from Windows applications, and assign
them to already existing PLM DMS documents.

2.2 Converting document formats (rendition)

Note: The following scenarios require the OpenText Rendition Server.

Using the special function modules and reports supplied by OpenText, you can
convert documents into a different document format (PDF, TIFF), independently
from the time of archiving and from a specific client. This can be useful, for example,
when you want to store documents long-term and independently from new
software versions, or if the documents should not be modified anymore.
Customizing see “Rendition Management“ on page 239.

Converting ArchiveLink documents

Documents stored in an SAP content repository via ArchiveLink can
automatically be converted to a different document format (e.g. PDF, TIFF) at a
later time and, if necessary, be assigned to all business objects that the original is
assigned to as well.

Converting local files

Files that are stored on a client locally can automatically be converted to a
different document format (e.g. PDF, TIFF) and be stored on the client as well.

22 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
2.3. Displaying and processing (archived) documents

2.3 Displaying and processing (archived) documents

Note: In the following scenarios you can use the OpenText Imaging Clients

Displaying documents
The user can display archived documents at their workstations. This can be done
from the SAP system for documents that are linked to an SAP document, or
directly from a viewer.

Editing documents
In addition to displaying archived documents, notes and annotations can be
attached and the document can be printed or checked for authenticity.

Displaying documents with form

Data from outgoing documents that is normally printed on standard forms (e.g.,
orders, order confirmations, delivery notes) can be displayed together with the
scanned and archived standard forms. You can also display COLD (Computer
Output to Laser Disk) document lists together with forms.

2.4 Searching and managing documents

An SAP system may be used for archiving a large volume of documents. In order to
find a particular document easily, you require scenarios for searching and managing

Managing documents
You can store, manage and find SAP documents and any other documents
independently from the transactions in the SAP system. The data can either be in
the database or on an archive server. The documents are stored in an user-
specific folder. By default, access is via the SAP application and is facilitated by
selection and search functions.
This scenario provides a cross-module, cross-system, document-centered
overview of processes that can be handled using SAP applications. The
application can be started as a stand-alone application or integrated in other
SAP applications, such as Records Management. Finally, predefined views
especially for archiving documents can be opened.
This scenario can be implemented, for example, for creating customer folders or
displaying document flows.
You can use DocuLink here. This component is described in the OpenText
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD) and
the OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD).
DocuLink can also be launched as a generic object service. That way you can
display DocuLink data for a particular business object directly from within other
SAP applications. The business object data can automatically be used as
selection criteria for the DocuLink view.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 23
Chapter 2 Overview of key scenarios

Extracting documents and displaying them offline

Sometimes it can be useful to access data and documents from an SAP system in
offline mode. For this purpose, a scenario exists for exporting data from an SAP
system and its associated documents from an archive so that an offline search
operation can be carried out. Access to the extracted data is via a special Web
browser application.
You can use the download scenario with OpenText Rendition Server.

2.5 Document processing between different systems

Within the SAP Business Workflow it is possible to perform some of the workflow
steps in OpenText Enterprise Process Services. In this case, the standard XML
workflow interface as well as the standard XML service, are used.

24 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 3
Overview of the components involved

Using Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions, document integration in
SAP applications can be further extended and expanded by additional useful

Note: Note that due to a current rebranding process, the product name
prefixes may vary between Livelink ECM and OpenText.

OpenText DesktopLink
You can use DesktopLink to archive your own files quickly and easily from your
workstation. You can also search for previously archived documents. To do this,
DesktopLink uses the ODMA interface (Open Document Management API)
integrated in the Systems based on OpenText Archive Server. You can select
whether you want to archive the file in its original format or in TIFF or PDF
format.With Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions you can link
documents to SAP business processes and locate them again using SAP business
With DesktopLink, archived documents can be managed and displayed using
DocuLink. You can copy properties from MS Office documents to DocuLink
when archiving.
With DesktopLink you can set up a connection from ExchangeLink and
NotesLink to the SAP application, so that you can archive MS Outlook or Lotus
Notes objects (mainly e-mails) and link them to SAP business objects. This
functionality is called ExchangeLink or NotesLink. Furthermore, documents can
be assigned to records in a SAP Records Management or to PLM DMS
documents using DesktopLink.
DesktopLink supports all SAP standard archiving scenarios (without bar code)
for incoming and outgoing documents.

OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan

With Enterprise Scan, workflows can be implemented from receipt by post
through scanning and linking to the leading application, through to archiving.
After scanning, the pages can be checked carefully, straightened and cleaned up.
Several functions are available to improve contrast and legibility. Enterprise
Scan also provides support for sorting and archiving.
Enterprise Scan is used for archiving incoming documents with the integration
of bar code technology.

OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer

The Windows Viewer displays archived documents on the user's workstation. It
also provides functions for attaching notes and annotations and for printing and
checking the authenticity of documents. It also enables the standard TWAIN
interface to scan and immediately archive individual documents.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 25
Chapter 3 Overview of the components involved

The Windows Viewer supports a number of different standard archiving

scenarios (without bar code) using DesktopLink.

OpenText Imaging Java Viewer

The Java Viewer is an applet that can be used for displaying and printing
documents in Web-based scenarios and appending comments to these
documents. The program is installed on a Web server and is automatically
loaded on your computer when you click on a link to open a document.In
addition to displaying archived documents, notes and annotations can be
attached, you can search for specific text within the document, and the
document can be printed.

OpenText Imaging Web Viewer

The Web Viewer is an application for displaying and printing documents in
web-based scenarios, as well as adding comments, similar to the Java Viewer. The
program is also installed on a Web server, where it converts all common
document formats into HTML pages for the client. Thus no installation
whatsoever is required, nor a Java Virtual Machine; merely a Web browser is
required. On the other hand, direct manipulation of texts in the document is not

OpenTextForms Management
OpenTextForms Management for SAP Solutions is an additional component for
managing scanned standard forms and for displaying them with outgoing SAP
documents (such as orders, order confirmations, delivery notes). You can also
use this component to display COLD (Computer Output to Laser Disk)
document lists together with forms.

OpenText Imaging ExchangeLink and OpenText Imaging NotesLink

With ExchangeLink and NotesLink you can also use DesktopLink to integrate e-
mails from your mail system into SAP applications, i.e. link them with SAP

OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions (DocuLink)

DocuLink uses the SAP infrastructure to enable simple access to all business
documents in the company. DocuLink is a cross-module, cross-system
application that is fully integrated in the SAP application for a document-
centered overview of processes that can be run with a SAP application. Here the
Livelink ECM – Archive Server manages and saves the documents. Using
DocuLink's transparent folder structure, you can easily research SAP data and
documents without reference to the SAP transaction. By default, access is using
the SAP application.
This component can be implemented, for example, for creating customer folders
or displaying document flows.

Note: For a description of this component see the OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD) and the
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD).

26 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
OpenText Enterprise Process Services
OpenText Enterprise Process Services allows you to create, run and administer
business workflows. Archived documents can be attached to the workflows.
This also applies to workflows distributed between different systems (e.g. SAP

OpenText Rendition Server

Rendition Server enables other OpenText products and solutions to generate
renditions for further processing (e.g. to store renditions alongside the original
document in OpenText Enterprise Library). Rendition Server converts (renders)
documents to a standard long-term format.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 27
Chapter 4
Scenarios for document archiving

4.1 Categorization of archiving scenarios

A first distinction between the archiving scenarios can be made by their origin:

• Print lists (Result of report runs in the SAP system)

• Incoming documents (Import through scanning or file/mail system)
• Outgoing documents (created in SAP system using SAPscript or SAP Smart Forms)

Print lists are a special type of document and are therefore treated differently.
Incoming and outgoing documents are processed differently but are very similar in
terms of their configuration.

Archiving incoming documents is done in two steps:

1. Store: Store the document in an archive.

2. Alternatively, according to the archiving scenario:

• Enter: Enter and post in the SAP system, from a technical point of view:
Creating a business object
• Assign: Assign document to an existing application document.

The scenarios can therefore be divided according to their combination of archiving

and entering/assigning as follows:

Automation of document processing

• SAP Business workflow is integrated.

• Bar code technology is integrated.
• No special technology is integrated (manual processing).

Time of document creation

• The document is newly entered for an incoming document.

• The document already exists. The incoming document is assigned to it.

Division of labor

• Storing and entering or assigning is carried out by two or more people at

different workstations.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 29
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

• Storing and entering or assigning is carried out by one person at on


The following table provides an overview of the archiving scenarios for incoming
documents, arranged according to the three aspects:

Automation Application document is Application document

of document newly created for incoming already exists
processing document
Involves Involves one Involves Involves one
several person several person
people people
Integration of Storing for Store and Storing for Store and
SAP Business subsequent enter subsequent assign
workflow entry assignment
Integration of Early - - -
bar code storing
technology with bar
with bar
Manual - DocuLink, - Assign then
storage SAP Records store, SAP
Management PLM,
(DocuLink, ,
SAP Records

You will find a description of the individual scenarios in the following sections.

You will find a more detailed description of the configuration for individual
scenarios and the various components in the Customizing section.

The use of standard scenarios in Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
is described step by step in the Application of scenarios section using examples.

30 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.2. Incoming documents

4.2 Incoming documents

The archiving scenarios for incoming documents listed in the table in
“Categorization of archiving scenarios” on page 29 are described here. Next, the
process for each scenario is described, as well as the OpenText components

4.2.1 Description of archiving scenarios

Storing for subsequent entry
The paper documents are scanned in and integrated into the SAP application's
workflow as soon as they are received in the company, i.e. the document is
archived before a business object is created in the SAP application. All work
connected with these documents is performed on documents already scanned.
Storing for subsequent entry is carried out at the beginning of a workflow from
the SAP application. Archiving scanned documents initializes the workflow for
the specified document type, in which a workflow object (work item) is created
for the document. At the same time, a message is sent to the person responsible
for processing the document, informing them that the document is ready for
processing. The settings for this are entered together with OpenText for a
The individual steps for the Storing for subsequent entry scenario are:
• Receiving incoming correspondence (e.g. invoices from suppliers)
• Scanning paper documents
• Starting the archiving procedure from the SAP application; the SAP
application receives the DocID
• Archiving (or destruction) of paper original
• Entering scanned documents into the SAP application workflow

Store and enter

Here the document is created and archived simultaneously. You can then trigger
the workflow.

Early storing with bar code

Archiving takes place before the application document is entered.
The document is stored early but is still transported on paper to the person
responsible. With this scenario you can link several incoming documents to just
one business object. In order to do this, the same bar code must exist on several
documents. This scenario is normally used in this exceptional case only.

Late archiving with bar codes

Archiving takes place after the application document is entered.
This scenario is used to automate the link process for large numbers of
documents. With this scenario you can also link exactly one object to several
SAP business objects.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 31
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

Storing for subsequent assignment

Similar to Storing for subsequent entry, when archiving, a work item is
created that is used for subsequent linking of the document to a business object
and not entry.
The scenario is suitable for documents for which an application document has
already been created (e.g. a cover letter for an invoice) or for documents that are
stored considerably later after their entry.

Store and assign

Archiving takes place after the application document is entered. After archiving
a workflow is created, which is executed immediately.
Archiving is started from the SAP application and the document ID (the unique
identifier in the archive) is given directly to the SAP application during

Assign then store

Archiving takes place after actual processing in the SAP application. The
assignment is performed manually by the user or by preconfiguration (attribute
transfer), however no workflow or bar code technology is involved. This process
corresponds with the scenario Storing for subsequent assignment, without a
This scenario is usually used for ad-hoc cases. It is also used for specially
protected documents that are only to be processed by one person.

Archiving is performed either at the same time as or after a record is created in the
DocuLink view. Creating and assigning the record can also be performed
automatically using attribute transfer from the document.

Archiving occurs after the PLM DMS document is processed. If the appropriate
preconfiguration is available, the assignment can also be performed

SAP Records Management

Archiving is performed after the actual processing of the SAP record, i.e. a
document is manually assigned to an existing SAP record.

32 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.2. Incoming documents

4.2.2 Scenario processes and the OpenText components

The following table shows a short description of the different scenario processes, the
OpenText components involved and a respective example.

Table 4-1: Scenario processes and the OpenText components involved

Scenario Short description + process Example Ente Desk

rpris topLi
e nk
Storing for The document is archived before a Informal request for X X
subsequent business object is created in SAP. quotation from a
entry customer, which is
1. (Convert.)
later entered as an
2. Archive. order in the SAP
3. (Archived document moves as application.
a work item through the
4. Enter business object and link
Store and The document is created and Receipt of an order - X
enter archived simultaneously. by fax, for which an
order document is
1. (Convert.)
2. Archive and enter business entered.
3. (Archived document moves as
a work item through the
Early Archiving occurs before the Receipt of one (or X X
Storing application document is entered. more) customer
with bar order(s) from a
1. Scan document and archive
codes particular customer
with bar code.
by fax, which is/are
2. Document moves through the first given bar
company in paper form. code(s) and
3. Enter business object and link archived, but is/are
(1 or more) doc. further processed
but in paper form. A
total order is only
entered for it later.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 33
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

Scenario Short description + process Example Ente Desk

rpris topLi
e nk
Late Archiving occurs after the After an advertising X -
archiving application document is entered. campaign there are
with bar many customer
1. Assign bar code to document.
codes inquiries about a
2. Enter business object and bar product. These are
code of document. given a bar code and
3. Document moves through the forwarded to the
company in paper form. transaction user.
4. Scan document and archive; They process each
link with business object via inquiry individually
bar code. by entering an order
and adding the bar
code for every
inquiry. Only later
are all inquiries
collected, scanned at
a scan station and
Storing for The document is archived and An order X X
subsequent later linked with an existing confirmation is
assignment business object. entered. Later a
cover letter is
1. Enter business object.
created for it and
2. (Convert doc.) (Convert.) archived. The
3. Archive. archived document
is forwarded as a
4. Archived document moves work item to
through the company as a another member of
work item. staff who links the
5. Link document to existing document to the
document via work item. order confirmation.
Store and The document is archived and Orders are entered - X
assign assigned simultaneously. for several customer
inquiries. At the
1. Enter business object.
same time, an other
2. (Convert document.) transaction user
3. Archive document; document scans all the
is assigned to the existing customer inquiries
document via work item. simultaneously and
assigns the relevant
order at the same

34 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.2. Incoming documents

Scenario Short description + process Example Ente Desk

rpris topLi
e nk
Assign then Archiving occurs after the After an order has - X
store document is processed. been entered, a
customer complaint
1. Enter business object.
sent by e-mail is
2. Document moves through the entered for this
company in paper form. order. This
3. Archive document and link document is
manually to business object. subsequently
assigned to the
outgoing document.
SAP PLM Archiving occurs after the PLM A corrected - X
DMS document is processed. construction
drawing is
1. PLM DMS document is
assigned to a PLM
2. Document moves through the DMSdocument.
company in paper form.
3. Document is archived and
manually (or automatically
through attribute transfer)
assigned to the PLM DMS
SAP Records Archiving occurs after the SAP An order - X
Management record is processed. confirmation
received by e-mail is
1. Create the SAP record.
2. Document moves through the assigned to an SAP
company in paper form. customer record.
3. Archive document and
manually link it to business
DocuLink Archiving occurs either at the same A new product - X
time as or after the record is record with an order
created. confirmation is
assigned to a
1. Create or select record.
2. Archive document and
manually link it to the record.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 35
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

4.2.3 Archiving incoming documents with workflow

The following overview shows the scenarios for archiving incoming documents with
their workflow task and the time base of archiving and performing the workflow
task. Here workflow means the one-step standard workflow for document archiving
(i.e. after archiving, the document is forwarded to the inbox of the transaction user).
This workflow can be integrated into larger workflow scenarios as a project solution.

Scenario Task Time relation between

archiving and workflow
Storing for TS30001128 Later, by someone else
subsequent entry Create or change a
business object (in
SAP CRM creation is
only supported for
the BUS1006 object)
Store and enter TS30001128 Immediately, by the same
Create or edit a person
business object (in
SAP CRM creation is
only supported for
the BUS1006 object)
Storing for TS30001117 Later, by someone else
subsequent Assign to existing
assignment business object
Store and assign TS30001117 Immediately, by the same
Assign to existing person
business object
Assign then Assign to existing Immediately, by the same
store[a] business object, no person
workflow task
[a]No work item is generated and sent in this scenario, so strictly speaking it is not a real workflow

In all scenarios documents of different formats can be linked to SAP business objects:

Scanned documents
To scan documents, you can use Enterprise Scan or the Windows Viewer's
DesktopScan function. The archive request is granted by the SAP GUI.

Note: The Store and enter and Store and assign scenarios are not
supported by Enterprise Scan.

To store faxes, you can use the Enterprise Scan's FaxLink function. The same
restrictions apply as for scanned documents.

36 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.2. Incoming documents

MS Office documents
You can store MS Office documents with DesktopLink in all scenarios. To do
this, additional customizing steps are required which are described in “Setting
up DesktopLink” on page 153.

4.2.4 Archiving with bar code technology

In this scenario, bar codes are used to link documents to SAP business objects. When
you post a document in the SAP application, a dialog box is displayed in which you
should enter the bar code and the document type. The documents (including bar
codes) are scanned in at a separate scan work center using Enterprise Scan and the
bar code is read. The documents are archived from Enterprise Scan and the bar code
and document ID are given to the SAP system. Links are automatically created to
SAP documents with the corresponding bar codes. The bar code is only used as a
link and is not stored as an attribute.

Figure 4-1: Archiving with bar code technology

When you launch Enterprise Scan, the valid archive types (archive modes) and the
SAP configuration are read from the Administration Server. This provides
Enterprise Scan with the important information which SAP system is being
communicated with and in which logical archive (storage system) documents are to
be archived. Communication takes place in the following stages:

1. The bar code is added to the paper document.

2. The posting and bar code are entered in the SAP GUI. The bar code is entered in
the table of open bar codes.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 37
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

3. The original paper document is sent to the scan work center.

4. The document is scanned in and the bar code is recognized by Enterprise Scan.
5. Enterprise Scan sends the document together with the bar code to the Document
6. An OpenText Document Pipeline DocTool (doctods) identifies on the
Administration Server (Server A in our example), on which Archive and Storage
Services the archive (content repository) resides.
7. The Administration Server sends the name of the OpenText Archive and Storage
Services (DShost) to the OpenText Document Pipeline.
8. The Document Pipeline forwards the document to the Archive and Storage
Services's Document Service.
9. The Document Service identifies the document ID and sends it to the Document
10. The Document Pipeline sends a message to the SAP application. The message
contains the bar code, the archive ID and the document ID of the archive. The
SAP application uses corresponding bar codes to link the archived document to
the posting (table of open bar codes).

Using the procedure described in steps 6 to 8, Enterprise Scan can access several
OpenText Archive and Storage Services. The prerequisite for this is that the
OpenText Archive and Storage Servicess recognize one another.

Enterprise Scan identifies the Administration Server with the archive modes from
the Registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/IXOS/IXOS_ARCHIVE/Profiles/
<Profile_name>/CWin/ ArchiveLink/Archive-0/ADMServerName

4.3 Outgoing documents

Outgoing documents are generated by the SAP application and used in the SD and
MM modules, for example. Typical outgoing documents are invoices, orders, order
confirmations, purchase orders for materials and reminders. In SAP ERP they are
generated, printed and sent using output determination. In SAP CRM they are
generated, printed and sent using the Post Processing Framework (PPF).

Note: The Post Processing Framework (PPF) replaces the output determination
of previous SAP systems for the SAP CRM application.

Specify here:

• the way in which outgoing documents are distributed

• the format and time of the output
• whether the distribution is to be triggered by an event or must be explicitly
• whether the documents are archived.

38 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.3. Outgoing documents

4.3.1 Output determination (for SAP ERP only)

Outgoing documents are classified in output determination, e.g. BA00 order
confirmation or NEW purchase order. To enable outgoing documents to be archived,
output determination must be connected to output control via the ArchiveLink
interface. In order to do this, a document type is assigned to the output type. The
prerequisite for archiving is the correct configuration of output determination for
generating outgoing documents.

4.3.2 Post Processing Framework (for SAP CRM only)

The Post Processing Framework (PPF) is an interface for triggering conditional
actions, e.g. printing delivery notes, faxing order confirmations, or triggering
approval procedures.

Use Action profiles to define how actions are to be processed for business objects. The
action profiles are linked to an activity type. An activity type controls the processing
of a particular business occurrence and is assigned to one business object only. This
determines for each business object which action is triggered for performing an
activity type and how it is processed.

The execution of the action profiles can be linked to conditions. In this case the
actions are only triggered and processed when the relevant conditions have been

The following diagram shows the general process for the example of a CRM order:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 39
Chapter 4 Scenarios for document archiving

Figure 4-2: PPF - general process

1. In the context of a sales activity, a CRM order business object is created. Various
organizational data is required for this in addition to business partner data.
2. Saving the object initializes processing by the PPF Manager.
3. The PPF Manager identifies the relevant action profile for the sales activity.

40 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
4.3. Outgoing documents

4. The conditions defined in the assigned action profile for scheduling and starting
are checked.
5. If the conditions are met, the business partner for this order is identified and a
SmartForm (the layout) is generated for the outgoing document. Information on
which SmartForm is generated and by which method, is specified (for each
partner if necessary) in the action type.
6. Finally, the outgoing document is generated for the identified business partner
and, according to the configuration, is printed, archived, and/or sent to the

4.3.3 Outgoing documents with forms

Outgoing documents are often printed on pre-printed paper forms. When archiving
these documents, only the data generated in SAP is saved, not the layout. The data
and the layout are required, however, in order to display the documents correctly.
OpenText Forms Management provides a solution to this problem. This OpenText
component enables forms and their links to SAP data to be stored, so that when it is
displayed using Windows Viewer, the document looks exactly like the printed paper
version. For more information on customizing form archiving and display see
“OpenText Forms Management“ on page 195.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 41
Chapter 5
Scenarios for SAP CRM

5.1 Working with documents in SAP CRM 7.0

There are several ways for working with documents in SAP CRM 7.0.

Note: If not mentioned otherwise, this is also true for enhancement packages of
CRM 7.0.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 43
Chapter 5 Scenarios for SAP CRM

5.1.1 SAP CRM Web UI: Assignment block

Figure 5-1: SAP CRM Web UI: Attachments assignment block

In the SAP CRM Web UI, there are the following sections in the Attachments
assignment block:

CM Documents
Lists the CM documents assigned to the selected SAP business object. CM
Documents are versionable documents that can be are stored using SAP KPro

ArchiveLink Documents
Lists the ArchiveLink documents assigned to the selected SAP business object.
These documents are grouped by their document types in order to get a better
overview. ArchiveLink documents are static documents, e.g. scanned
documents, that are stored using SAP ArchiveLink technology. You can add,
display and delete ArchiveLink documents.

For both document types, you should use the OpenText Archive Server for the
actual storage of the documents.

You can use the OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer to display both ArchiveLink
and CM documents.
You can also use OpenText Imaging Java Viewer or OpenText Imaging Web Viewer
for ArchiveLink documents by applying SAP OSS note 821218 in the SAP SNOTE
transaction and performing the Livelink Imaging Integration with SAP customizing
as described under “Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer” on page 248.
Using these OpenText viewers provides you with additional capabilities like notes
and annotations on documents.

44 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
5.1. Working with documents in SAP CRM 7.0

5.1.2 SAP CRM Web UI: OpenText DocuLink for SAP

You can integrate OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions (DocuLink) in two ways
into the SAP CRM Web UI:
• Using the SAP transaction launcher technology; the respective customizing is
described in section “Configuring the transaction launcher” in OpenText
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD).
• Using the SAP assignment technology; this integration requires assistance from
OpenText Global Services experts.

Figure 5-2: SAP CRM Web UI: OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions
integration via transaction launcher

Note: DocuLink has been enhanced to display CRM CM documents; however,

adding of CM documents is not yet supported.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 45
Chapter 5 Scenarios for SAP CRM

5.1.3 SAP GUI: OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions

SAP GUI is used in the newer SAP CRM releases for administrative and
configuration purposes only. However, DocuLink is supported for SAP GUI on
CRM systems and you might consider using it for special tasks like scanning or late
archiving with barcodes.

5.1.4 OpenText DesktopLink, OpenText Imaging

ExchangeLink and OpenText Imaging NotesLink
OpenText DesktopLink is supported on SAP CRM; however, it requires the
installation of the SAP GUI on the client. DesktopLink supports the conversion of
documents into the long term formats TIFF and PDF. The integration into Microsoft
Office applications is supported via ODMA (Open Document Management API).

5.1.5 OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan

You can use the OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan application in order to scan
documents into SAP CRM; however, depending on the use case, it might require the
installation of the SAP GUI on the client.

5.1.6 Batch import of documents

In case you want to attach many documents to SAP CRM business objects, you can
use the OpenText batch import pipelines. These batch import pipelines either extract
the required attributes from the provided documents or use attributes supplied with
the documents, for example via an XML file.
The imported documents will be stored as ArchiveLink documents

46 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Part 2
SAP basis customizing
Chapter 6


6.1 The SAP ArchiveLink interface

This brief introduction to SAP ArchiveLink (ArchiveLink) shall aid understanding of
the customizing process. You will find further explanations of terminology and
references in the individual sections preceding the description of the customizing
For more information see the SAP library under Basis | Basis services/Communications
interface | SAP ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL) | BC-SAP ArchiveLink | Information for all
CRM: SAP Web Application Server | Basis services/Communications interface | SAP
ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL) | ArchiveLink

Interface ArchiveLink is the communication interface between SAP application components

and external archives. SAP application components are the different SAP modules
(FI, SD, HR, CRM, etc.); external archives are in this case the logical archives on the
Archive and Storage Services. The ArchiveLink interface enables a range of
documents to be stored (archived) and searched quickly. Archived documents are
not managed separately, but are connected to the associated SAP business objects, so
that the search follows the standard SAP procedure.

The SAP modules may be connected either directly and/or indirectly to ArchiveLink:

Direct connection
Generally, all SAP modules support direct connection to ArchiveLink. The
connection must be implemented in the source code of the individual modules.
This implementation is module-dependent and is not available for all SAP
modules as a default.

Indirect connection
With indirect module connection, there is an additional SAP module between
the original SAP module and ArchiveLink. Both the original SAP module itself
and ArchiveLink are connected to this additional SAP module. Additional SAP
modules for indirect connection may be one of the following:

DMS (Document Management System)

Some modules use the DMS to connect external documents to SAP business
objects, e.g. drawing management in MM.

MC (Message Control)
MC is used to archive outgoing documents in an archive via ArchiveLink.

PPF (Post Processing Framework)

PPF replaces MC in SAP CRM it also is used to archive outgoing documents
in an archive via ArchiveLink.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 49
Chapter 6 Introduction

ADK (Archive Development Kit)

For data archiving, ADK assumes control of communication with the
ArchiveLink interface.

Elements Like the SAP system structure, ArchiveLink also features three layers:

• Database
special database tables store the information relating to ArchiveLink.
• Applications
programs for archiving, display and other functions.
• User interface
ArchiveLink components of the SAP GUI.

Note: The GUI component from the archlink.exe, archlink.ini and

some DLL files is no longer a component of ArchiveLink. Communication
methods that use these files must be replaced by other methods.
Communication via DDE between SAP GUI and Windows Viewer and
between SAP GUI and Enterprise Scan is replaced by communication via
OLE or HTTP. OpenText therefore provides prepared transports containing
the appropriate protocols with the appropriate customizing (see
“Communication protocols in SAP applications” on page 241).

Versions Version 0045 of SAP ArchiveLink also enables communication via HTTP and is
called SAP Content Server HTTP. You will find detailed documentation for the new
interface in the SAP library under Basis | Basis Services/Communication Interface | SAP
ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL) | BC-SAP ArchiveLink | Information for archive suppliers.
CRM: Basis | Basis Services/Communication Interface | SAP ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL)
| ArchiveLink Information for developers

6.2 Customizing phases overview

Before you can archive documents with Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions, you must carry out the customizing process. The respective customizing
phases depend on the archiving scenarios required and the SAP modules for which
these scenarios are to be applied. The customizing phases can be structured as

“Initial customizing“ on page 57

This phase includes setting up several basic ArchiveLink functions that are
necessary for different archiving scenarios. This customizing must be performed
once for each SAP system.

“Communications setup“ on page 67

This phase includes setting up communication between the Archive and Storage
Services and the SAP systems, in particular setting up the RFC or HTTP
connection. The configuration must be carried out once for each pair of SAP
system and Archive and Storage Services).

50 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
6.2. Customizing phases overview

“Basis customizing“ on page 75

This phase includes settings for the assignment and sorting of documents with
regard to archiving them in an archive system. Basis customizing must be
performed for each archiving scenario. It does not matter which scenario and
which module is involved.

“Scenario customizing” on page 93

This phase includes tasks specific to each scenario and also partially specific to
the SAP module for which a scenario is customized.

Special customizing
This phase covers all the steps that are additional to standard customizing.
These could be expansions for file formats that are not supported by the
standard or the creation of new bar code types.

The following table gives an overview of the customizing phases and the steps
involved. You will find a more detailed description of the individual phases in the
respective sections.

Note: The transaction numbers and tasks in the table are given for SAP basis
version 7.0.

Figure 6-1: Overview of the customizing phases

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 51
Chapter 6 Introduction

6.3 Authorizations in SAP applications

6.3.1 Authorization concept
The archiving and searching of documents on the OpenText Archive and Storage
Services is fully controlled within the SAP system by means of the SAP
authorization concept. This concept comprises the following components:

Authorization object
An authorization object describes actions that can be permitted, e.g. performing
transactions and reading or modifying tables. An authorization object contains a
number of fields, such as Table, Transaction, Task, Content Repository. There
are special authorization objects for archiving and searching documents in
archive systems.
An authorization is an instance of an authorization object and contains specific
values for the fields in an authorization object, e.g. transaction numbers, table
names or task codes. Before an user can perform an action, the SAP application
checks whether it has the required authorization to do so, i.e. whether the
required values are entered in the fields of the authorization object.
Authorizations are predefined in the SAP application. The system administrator
can define additional authorizations.
Authorization profile (Profile)
An authorization profile is a set of authorizations. Authorizations are not
assigned individually to users. Instead, each user is given one or more
authorization profiles. Some profiles, such as SAP_ALL, are predefined in the
SAP application. The system administrator can define additional profiles.

6.3.2 Authorization objects for ArchiveLink functions

SAP provides the following authorization objects for checking authorizations to
access ArchiveLink functions:

Authorization object of BC_Z object class that contains the fields Activity,
Object type, Document type and Content repository.

Authorization object of BC_Z object class for checking access to stored print lists.
It contains the fields ABAP program name, Activity, Object type, Document
type and Content repository (archive).

Authorization object of BC_A object class that controls access to tables for table
maintenance. It is used by ArchiveLink for standard view maintenance and
contains the fields Authorization group and Activity. The system
administrator requires the SAOP authorization group.

Tasks are indicated by different numbers:

52 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
6.3. Authorizations in SAP applications

• 01 - Create documents
• 02 - Edit documents
• 03 - Display documents
• 04 - Print documents
• 06 - Delete documents
• 70 - Administration

No authorizations are transmitted during communication between the SAP

application and the archive, so the OpenText components do not recognize these
authorizations. The authorization to display documents therefore also contains the
right to create and modify notes and annotations for a document. You can disable
the ability to create and/or modify annotations by setting the appropriate parameters
for the Windows Viewer (see the OpenText Imaging Viewers and DesktopLink -
Configuration Guide (CL-CGD) documentation).

For print lists with hyperlinks: users who are authorized to display a print list
containing hyperlinks can also display archived documents via the hyperlink.

6.3.3 Authorization maintenance

For maintaining authorizations, profiles and users, the following transactions are

SU01 - User maintenance

Assigns authorization profiles to individual users. If you change an user's access
rights, the user must log on again.
SU02 - Maintain profile
Assigns authorizations to individual profiles. Profiles must be activated before
they be used in the system. When they are activated, a checkmark is displayed
in the Act. column.
SU03 - Maintain authorizations
Under BC_Z / Basis - Central functions you will find the S_WFAR_OBJ and
S_WFAR_PRI authorization objects.

SU53 - Display authorization data

Identifies missing authorizations. If you receive a system message telling you
that you have no permission to do something, you are lacking the necessary
authorization. Immediately after the failed action, execute the SU53 transaction
to identify the missing authorization.
ST01 - System trace
Enables an authorization check and identifies which authorizations are checked
for the individual user actions. Thus you can determine which authorizations
the user requires for certain actions.
For more details, refer to the OpenText Knowledge Center, https://

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 53
Chapter 6 Introduction

Authorization maintenance allows for the targeted control of access to documents.

Similarly, you can also restrict access to print lists.

To perform Maintain Authorizations transaction:

1. Execute the SU03 transaction.

2. Double-click the BC_Z / Basis - Central Functions object class.
3. Double-click the S_WFAR_OBJ / ArchiveLink: Authorizations for access to
documents authorization object.
A list of all the authorizations for this object is displayed.
4. Create a new authorization or modify an existing one. Authorizations that are
marked as Generated in the Type column are generated authorizations that
cannot be modified.
5. Enter the required values in each field:

• Activity: what can the user do with the documents?

• Content Repository Identification: can the user only access documents
that are stored in specific archives?
• Document type: which document types can the user access?
• Object type: can the user only access documents that are linked to business
objects of specified object types?

Example 6-1: Authorization list

A user with this authorization can read documents of all types that are
archived in the A1 archive and linked to business objects of the BKPF
object type.

54 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
6.3. Authorizations in SAP applications

6. Save and activate the authorization.

7. Copy the authorization to an authorization profile and activate the profile (SU02

8. Assign the authorization profile to users (SU01 transaction). The users must then
log on again.

6.3.4 Rights for feedback users

In some archive scenarios, the Archive and Storage Services send a confirmation
with the ARC_DOC_ID (document ID of a stored document) to a technical user (CPIC)
in the SAP system who is called the feedback user. For more details see “Creating a
feedback user” on page 67.

The scenarios requiring a feedback user are the following:

• Archiving print lists

• Early/late storing with bar codes
• Data archiving

The feedback user requires authorizations that are not contained in the SAP_ALL
profile. You must therefore assign at least the following profiles to the feedback user:

• Create a profile with the authorizations S_AL_ADMI and S_AL_ALL_PRI

These profiles contain the administration right (task 70) for the authorization objects
S_WFAR_OBJ and S_WFAR_PRI, as well as administration rights required for queues.
You should also check the OSS notes in the bc-srv-arl-int area, as well as the
ESC, to see whether additional rights are required for your SAP version and storage

6.3.5 Minimum authorizations of DesktopLink client users

If you save a document via the DesktopLink client, either using theDrag & Dropor
Save to DesktopLink option, the client program opens an RFC connection to your
SAP system. To enable this, you need minimum RFC related authorizations for the
user that is used for the RFC connection. Apart from the authorizations required to
archive documents in SAP or open and view data in OpenText DocuLink, you must
set minimum permissions in the authorization object S_RFC.

To set necessary permissions:

1. In the authorization object S_RFC, edit the following Field name values:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 55
Chapter 6 Introduction

• ACTVT - set to 16.

• RFC_NAME - set to J8A3, RFC1, RFCH and SYST.
• RFC_TYPE - enable the FUGR setting.

These values are sufficient for minimum access to the DesktopLink functionality.
For more information, see also SAP (OSS) note 460089 “Minimum authorization
profile for external programs”
( https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/460089 ).

56 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 7
Initial customizing

Initial customizing comprises basic settings for ArchiveLink, which must be

implemented once for each SAP system. These basic settings are:
• “Setting up an archiving device” on page 57
• “Creating queues” on page 59
• “Scheduling an ArchiveLink job” on page 60
• “Maintaining an ArchiveLink number range” on page 62
• “Maintaining the ArchiveLink basic settings for DMS” on page 63 (for
• “Setting parameters for the archive format” on page 65 (required for print lists
containing hyperlinks)

7.1 Setting up an archiving device

To archive print lists and outgoing documents, you must configure a virtual printer
as an archiving device. The SAP system uses this printer to “print to the archive”.

To configure a virtual printer:

1. Execute the SPAD transaction.

2. Click on Output devices.

3. Click on (Change).
An overview of the output devices is displayed, which can be edited.

4. Click on (Create).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 57
Chapter 7 Initial customizing

Figure 7-1: Storing print lists Setting up an archiving device

5. Enter in the field Output device the parameters ARCH.

6. Enter on the DeviceAttributes tab the following parameters:

Device type

Spool server
Server on which the spool server runs; pick one from the list.

Device class
Archiving program

Authorization group
not required

58 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
7.2. Creating queues

Model, Location, Message

any information

7. Enter on the Access Method tab the following parameters:

Host Spool Access Method

I: Archiving device

8. Click on (Save) and then (Exit).

7.2 Creating queues

Print lists and archive files from data archiving are stored and retrieved
asynchronously. ArchiveLink does not wait for the storage or retrieval process to
finish, but continues after receiving the order confirmation. This means that the
actual order processing, particularly for large volumes of data, can take place at
times when the system load is low. Therefore, you must set up queues for
asynchronous processes, which you can monitor in the ArchiveLink monitor. The
following queues and associated error queues are available:

Asynchronous archiving
The storage queue (CARA queue) contains the orders for asynchronous
archiving, which are forwarded to the archive. The associated error queue is also
called the CARA-E queue.

Storage confirmation
The confirmation queue (CFBC queue) contains the feedback from the archive
indicating that a storage operation has been successful. If errors occur during
storage, the appropriate messages are put into the error queue (CFBC-E queue).

Asynchronous retrieval
The retrieval queue (CFBA queue) contains the requirements for retrieving
archived print lists and archive files. The related error queue is also called the
CFBA-E queue.

To create queues for asynchronous processes:

1. Execute the OAQI transaction.

2. Enter an X for each queue.

3. Enter the SAP user name of the archive administrator or the SAP system
administrator as the Queue Administrator. This user receives the queue error

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 59
Chapter 7 Initial customizing

Figure 7-2: Creating queues

4. Click the (Execute) button and then (Exit) without saving.

7.3 Scheduling an ArchiveLink job

The ArchiveLink job processes the files in the queues for asynchronous processes. It
should run as a scheduled job every five minutes.

To schedule an ArchiveLink job:

1. Execute the OAB4 or OAAT transaction.

2. Create the job step by clicking on ABAP program and enter the name of the job:

Note: Do not create any variants!

3. Click on (Save).
ARCHIVELINK is entered in the Job name field, and C is entered in the Job class.

60 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
7.3. Scheduling an ArchiveLink job

Figure 7-3: Defining an ArchiveLink job

4. Accept these settings.

5. Click on Start condition.

6. Click on Immediate and activate the Periodic job option.

7. Click on Period values.

8. Click on Other period.

9. Enter the value 5 in the Minute(s) field.

Figure 7-4: Scheduling an ArchiveLink job

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 61
Chapter 7 Initial customizing

10. Click on (Save) until all entries are saved (4 times).

7.4 Maintaining an ArchiveLink number range

For ArchiveLink, a number range interval for generating unique file names and
unique order numbers for asynchronous orders must be set up.

1. Execute the OANR transaction.

2. Click the button.
3. Click on interval.
4. Enter the following parameters:

From Number
The number range must not begin with 0 (see OSS note 173607)!

To Number

NR Status
Leave blank.

This is an internal number range - leave deactivated.

Figure 7-5: Maintaining an ArchiveLink number range

5. Click on (Save).

62 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
7.5. Maintaining the ArchiveLink basic settings for DMS

7.5 Maintaining the ArchiveLink basic settings for

To archive print lists in Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions, the print
list management for DMS must be deactivated.

• DMS is not used in SAP CRM.
• From SAP basis version 4.6C, archiving no longer functions without the
deactivation of print list management in the DMS, unless the print lists are
actually managed in the DMS.

To maintain the ArchiveLink basic settings:

1. Execute the OAG1 transaction.

2. Make sure the following options are selected:

• Deactivate IMC
• Deactivate Print List Management in DMS

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 63
Chapter 7 Initial customizing

Figure 7-6: ArchiveLink basic settings for DMS

3. Click on (Save).

64 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
7.6. Setting parameters for the archive format

7.6 Setting parameters for the archive format

To archive print lists containing hyperlinks, attribute search index and/or color data,
you must set the rspo/archive_format parameter to 2 in the SAP instance profile.
This parameter can have one of two values:
• Format 1 contains ASCII characters, as well as line feed and form feed as control
• Format 2 contains print controls, preceding columns, comments and DARC
index lines.

The default value is 2. Check the value and change it if necessary.

To check parameters for the archive format:

1. Execute the SE38 transaction.

2. Enter the report name RSPARAM, click the (Execute) button and then again the
(Execute) button.

3. The list contains the rspo/archive_format parameter together with its value.

Figure 7-7: Parameters for the archive format

There are two ways to modify the parameter:

• Using an editor to modify the profile file itself; the path to the profile file is:
Here <SID>_DVEBMGS<INS>_<r3_host> is the name of the instance profile.
• Using the SAP profile maintenance with the RZ10 transaction.

Note: After modifying the profile parameters you must restart the SAP system.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 65
Chapter 8

Communications setup

The following procedures set up the communication between the SAP systems and
the Archive and Storage Services. The configuration must be performed once for
each pair of SAP system and Archive and Storage Services and in cludes the
following steps:

• Creating a feedback user

• Configuring the SAP system in the OpenText Administration Client
• Creating an exchange directory

Note: Normally the communication setup is only required for RFC

connections. Only the exchange directory is required for HTTP connections.
However, when storing documents directly from within a scan application, the
complete communication setup is also required for HTTP connections.
Note the additional settings for special scenarios at the end of this section.

8.1 Creating a feedback user

After the asynchronous archiving of a document, the OpenText cfbx process sends a
confirmation with the ARC_DOC_ID to the SAP system for RFC connections. The
confirmation is processed in the SAP application by a technical CPIC user. This
feedback user must:

• be created in the SAP system on the client on which storage is taking place (if
storage is taking place on several client of an SAP system identical on all clients)
• be assigned the necessary rights (see “Rights for feedback users” on page 55),
• be entered in the Livelink ECM – Archive Administration when configuring
the SAP system (see “Configuring an SAP system in the OpenText
Administration Client” on page 68).

To create and manage the feedback user in the SAP system user

1. Execute the SU01 transaction.

2. Enter a name for the feedback user, e.g. IXOSCPIC.

3. Click on (Create), or copy the existing SAPCPIC user using (Copy as).

4. Enter or modify the following user data:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 67
Chapter 8 Communications setup

Address tab

Last name
Name of feedback user, e.g. IXOSCPIC

Logon data tab

Password of feedback user; the password entered must be identical to
the one in the Livelink ECM – Archive Administration.

User group
Technical User

User type
System or Communication

Profile tab
(see “Rights for feedback users” on page 55)



• Create a profile with the authorizations S_AL_ADMI and S_AL_ALL_PRI

5. Click on (Save).

8.2 Configuring an SAP system in the OpenText

Administration Client
In the OpenText Administration Client (Archive Administration) you must
configure for each Archive and Storage Services the SAP systems to communicate
with using RFC. This includes the gateway configuration. If OpenText components
(e.g. Archive and Storage Services and Enterprise Scan work center) are in different
subnets, you must configure a separate gateway for each subnet.

For more details see OpenText Archive Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

To set up a logical archive:

1. To start the Archive Administration, click in the Start menu on Programs |

IXOS-eCON | Administration (9.5.0: Programs | IXOS ECR | IXOS ECR
The Start window opens listing a choice of servers.

Note: The following steps apply in the same way for SAP ERP as they do
for CRM systems, although the interface terms only contain the name “R/

2. Double-click the required Archive and Storage Services, enter your user name
and password and confirm.

68 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
8.2. Configuring an SAP system in the OpenText Administration Client

3. Switch to the Servers tab.

4. Right-click on R/3 Gateways in the Servers list.
5. Click on Add R/3 Gateway in the context menu.
6. Enter the details for your network configuration:

Figure 8-1: R/3 Gateway Configuration for the Archive and Storage

Subnet mask
Defines which parts of the Internet address are evaluated. It is possible to
restrict the evaluation to individual bits of the particular address part.
Subnet addr.
Specifies the precise address partial values for the subnet in which in the
archive server or an Enterprise Scan workplace is located. At least the first
part of the address must be specified (NNN.0.0.0). Thus, a separate gateway
must be configured for each subnet.
R/3 system ID
Three-character system ID of the SAP system (SAP_SID) for which the
gateway is configured. If this is not specified, then the gateway is used for
all those SAP systems for which no gateway entry has been made. In case
subnets overlap, the smaller network takes priority over the larger one. If
the networks are of the same size, the gateway to which a specific SAP
system is assigned has priority over the default gateway that is valid for all
the SAP systems.
R/3 gateway
Name of the server on which the SAP gateway runs. This is usually the SAP
database server.
Gateway number
Two-digit instance number of the SAP system. The value 00 is usually used
here. It is required for the sapgwxx service on the gateway server in order to
determine the number of the TCP/IP port being used (xx = instance number;
e.g. instance number = 00, sapgw00, port 3300).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 69
Chapter 8 Communications setup

7. Right-click on R/3 Systems in the Servers list.

8. Click on Add R/3 System in the context menu.

9. Enter the SAP system details:

Figure 8-2: Maintaining the SAP system on the Archive and Storage

Three-character system ID of the SAP system with which the administered
server communicates (SAP_SID).

Server name
Name of the SAP database server on which the logical archives are set up in
the SAP system.

R/3 client
Three-digit number of the SAP client in which archiving occurs.

R/3 feedback user

Feedback user in the SAP system. The OpenText cfbx process sends a
notification message back to this SAP user after a document has been
archived using asynchronous archiving. A separate feedback user (type
CPIC) should be set up in SAP for this purpose.

70 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
8.2. Configuring an SAP system in the OpenText Administration Client

Password of R/3 feedback user

Password for the feedback user. This is entered, but not displayed, when
the SAP system is configured. The password for the feedback user must be
identical in the SAP system and in Archive Administration.

R/3 instance number

Two-digit instance number of the SAP system. The value 00 is usually used
here. It is required for the sapdpxx service on the gateway server in order to
determine the number of the TCP/IP port being used (xx = instance

Only relevant for languages which require a 16-bit character set for display
or when different character set standards are employed in different
computer environments. A four-digit number specifies the type of character
set which is used by the RFCs. The default is 1100 for the 8-bit character set.
To determine the codepage of the SAP system, log into the SAP GUI and
selectSystem | Status. If the SAP system uses another codepage, two
conversion files must be generated in SAP transaction SM59, one from the
SAP codepage to 1100 and the other in the opposite direction. Copy these
files to the archive server directory
NT/ 2000: <IXOS_ARCHIVE_ROOT>\config\r3config
UNIX: usr/config/r3config)
and declare the codepage number here in Archive Administration.

Language of the SAP system; default is English. If the SAP is installed
exclusively in another language, enter the SAP language code here.

Number of RFC processes

Number of RFC processes that can be started simultaneously. By using
values greater than 1 the RFC connection to the SAP is multiplied and thus
performance improves. For pure HTTP connections (ArchiveLink 4.5 for all
archives) the value can be set to 0.

An optional description restricted to 255 characters.

10. Click on Test to check the entries.

This test may take some time.


• If you store into several clients of an SAP system, check the Knowledge
Center entry https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.dll?func=ll&
• If you are using a CRM system, continue with “Creating an exchange
directory” on page 72.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 71
Chapter 8 Communications setup

For each RFC process, a program file rfc<SAP_SID>.exe, (rfc2_<SAP_SID>.exe for

the second process etc.) is created in the %<IXOS_ROOT>%\bin directory (Windows
NT/2000) or a link is created under $<IXOS_ROOT>/bin (UNIX). The appropriate
RFC processes are started by the spawner, wait for orders from the SAP system and
run until the Archive and Storage Services is shut down. This is the Server mode
method, which is the default.

You can check the status of RFC processes (for details see the OpenText Archive Server
- Administration Guide (AR-ACN)):

• In the Livelink ECM – Archive Administration: Menu File - Spawner - Status,

or using the command spawncmd status. The RFC processes rfc<SAP_SID>
must have the status R (running).
• In the OpenText Archive Monitoring Web Client: Status of the RFC Server(s)
group. The status should be OK.
• In the <IXOS_ROOT>\var\log\rfc<SAP_SID>.log log file.

8.3 Creating an exchange directory

In some archiving and download scenarios, data is exchanged via a special exchange
directory in the file system:

• Archiving SAP print lists

• Data archiving (also called Archiving of REORG files)
• Frontend archiving
• Downloading archived print lists for printing via SAP spool
• Preparing archived REORG files

In these archive scenarios the SAP application server stores the data in the exchange
directory (basic path in OAC0 transaction). Starting with ArchiveLink protocol 4.5,
the storage type is HTTP content server. In this case the archive and storage
services need no exchange directory.

The physical location of the exchange directory depends on the operating system
platforms of the SAP database server.

Capacity The exchange directory is created in its own partition (Windows NT/2000) or file
system (UNIX). The hard disk capacity must be larger than the largest document to
be archived. SAP print lists can be in excess of 400 MB. They are compressed by the
Archive and Storage Services before being saved on the archive medium.

Authorization in In UNIX, the exchange directory must belong to the SIDadm user (user with which
UNIX the SAP application accesses the exchange directory) and read and write access must
be set up (e.g. 770). The setgid bit (also called s-bit) must be set for the group so that
the files in the directory inherit the group ID. This is required because the SAP
application does not give the exchange files universal read access.

72 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
8.4. HTTP communication in Unicode systems

Indication The exchange directory must be indicated to the SAP application for every logical
• SAP application: Transaction OAC0, see “Maintaining HTTP archive in the SAP
application” on page 82.

8.4 HTTP communication in Unicode systems

If the SAPHTTP or SAPHTTPA services are used for communication between an
Unicode SAP system and an Archive and Storage Services (e.g. for print lists), an
additional setting is required.

To activate Unicode setting:

1. Execute the SM59 transaction.

2. Open the settings dialog for the R/3 connection used.

3. Select the Special Options tab.

4. In the Character Width in Target System area, activate the Unicode option.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 73
Chapter 9

Basis customizing

Basis customizing must be performed for every archive scenario and for every new
storage system (archive), irrespective of the SAP module involved. This provides the
basis for the subsequent customizing of individual scenarios (see “Scenario
customizing” on page 93).

9.1 Basics
This section contains a description of the basic terms and the background of Basis
customizing. You can find further information in the SAP Library under
Basis | Basis Services/Communication Interface | SAP ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL) |
ArchiveLink | Information for developers
CRM: SAP Web Application Server | Basis services/Communications interface | SAP
ArchiveLink (BC-SRV-ARL) | ArchiveLink

9.1.1 Key terms Object type
Object type is an SAP-specific term. The object type describes an SAP application
business object specific to each SAP module. It describes the structure of the records,
including the key fields of the different tables. The BKPF object type, for example,
defines the document number, company code and fiscal year key fields. In addition,
the object type specifies how the object is processed. Processing is defined by
methods, which are determined for each object type. These methods contain
operations that can be applied to each object. Object types are set up in the SAP
application standard and do not need to be defined in terms of ArchiveLink
customizing. The main object types are:

Object type Used for

BKPF FI documents (document header)
VBAK outgoing documents in SD
PREL HR documents
BUS1006 business partners in CRM
DRAW SAP print lists (print instruction)
SOOD SAP office documents
ARCHIVE SAP data archiving

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 75
Chapter 9 Basis customizing Document type

The Document type describes the content and meaning of the archived document.
Allocating document types enables you to treat documents according to technical
processing, workflow treatment, storage period and authorization. Different
document types can be kept in different archives. There is a naming convention for
the standard SAP application document types: The name of the document type
consists of the module name and an abbreviation, e.g. FIIINVOICE means FI
module, Incoming INVOICE. In addition to the standard document types, new
document types can be defined freely.

SAP applications distinguish between the following groups of document types:

Incoming documents
These documents are either scanned in or captured as a screen image using
another method. Incoming faxes belong to this group too. Examples include
incoming invoices without invoice verification FIIINVOICE and incoming credit
memos without invoice verification FIICREDIT.

Outgoing documents
These documents are created in the SAP application and are usually printed out.
They can be processed automatically. For example, the outgoing order
confirmation SDOORDER.

Print lists
These documents are created in the SAP application as screen lists or ABAP lists
and can be processed automatically.

Archive files
These documents are database extracts containing obsolete data, which is
removed from the database and saved elsewhere. The archive files are created in
the SAP application.

Desktop files
These documents come from other software programs, such as MS Word, MS
Excel, CAD applications, etc. Document class

The Document class specifies a document's file format. It is assigned to each
document class and is required for starting the correct display program for an
archived document. Many document classes can be displayed using the OpenText
Imaging Clients (Windows Viewer, Java Viewer, Web Viewer), but for others the
program used to create the document is started (e.g. MS Office applications). The
display program to use for a document class and the way in which communication
takes place is specified in the ArchiveLink protocols. The most important document
classes are:

76 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.1. Basics

Document Description
FAX Document class for documents scanned in black and white.
The FAX document class supports the TIFF formats (.tif) TIFF
CCITT group 3 or 4. These documents are displayed by the
Windows Viewer, Java Viewer or Web Viewer. TIFF group 3
and 4 is a standard format for black and white bitmaps. For
documents scanned in color, the JPG document class is used.
JPG Document class for documents scanned in color. The files are
stored in JPEG (.jpg) format and are displayed by Windows
Viewer, Java Viewer or Web Viewer. JPEG is a format for
saving and compressing color images.
ALF For print lists (Advanced List Format). Print lists are
displayed by Windows Viewer, Java Viewer or Web Viewer.
PDF For outgoing documents (Portable Document Format). PDF is
used as the default format for outgoing documents by SAP
applications and is displayed by Windows Viewer or Java
Viewer using an Adobe Acrobat plugin. In the Web Viewer,
the PDF document is displayed as an HTML file, as usual,
thus no plugin is required.
REO For archive files
DOC, XLS ... For desktop files, e.g. from office programs. They are
displayed using the program with which they were created. Protocol
A protocol defines how a document class is handled in SAP applications (OAA3
transaction). A protocol is assigned to an archive (content repository, archive). This
ensures that all documents of a document class held in the same archive (content
repository) are handled in the same way. Furthermore, the document class
determines the program used to retrieve and display the document.

Used for Displaying documents Scanning

Protocol Communication type
Using the archive ID and the (Communication via OLE)
document ID, an URL is
created which can be signed.
This URL is passed on to the
Windows Viewer as an OLE
Using the archive ID and the
document ID, an URL is
created which can be signed.
This URL is passed on to the
scan client.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 77
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

Used for Displaying documents Scanning

Protocol Communication type
Based on HTTP (Communication via OLE)
communication. Using the
archive ID and the document
ID, an URL is created which
can be signed. This URL is
passed on to the browser.
Windows Viewer and other
display applications are
started and displayed within
the browser. Print lists are
displayed by starting the
Windows Viewer using OLE,
as with OT_OLEU1.
We recommend using this
protocol for SAP ArchiveLink
Using the archive ID and the
document ID, an URL is
created which can be signed.
This URL is passed on to the
scan client.

Note: OpenText recommends using the OT-... protocols supplied. They are
direct successors of the IX_...protocols described in older guide versions.

Communication The ODMA takes over all the communication between Windows Viewer and
between Archive and Storage Services. Since version 6.0 of the OpenText Imaging clients only
HTTP communication is supported.

Enhanced When running communication between OpenText Imaging Clients and Archive and
security Storage Services via HTTP, you can secure the communication between the
individual components as follows:

• Securing the connection between OpenText Imaging Clients and the Archive and
Storage Services and encrypting the communication with SSL.
• Securing the connection between the SAP GUI and OpenText components using
SecKeys. Here the URL sent is signed digitally. The Archive and Storage Services
verifies the signature and only accepts requests with a valid signature.
In this case, the SAP system must send the public key to the Archive and Storage
Services as a certificate for the signature check (OAHT transaction, see “Sending a
certificate” on page 90 and section 14 “Configuring security settings” in
OpenText Archive Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).

Note: Note that if you have installed Enterprise Library Services and use it
with the archive, you must use SecKeys. In this case, you must customize

78 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.1. Basics

the settings of your local archive, the SAP system and the imaging clients to
use signed URLs and certificate authentication. Archive (storage system, content repository)

SAP refers to optical archives as content repositories. In the Livelink ECM – Archive
Administration the term logical archive or simply archive is used. Each archive is
given an archive name (archive ID), which must be internationally unique within the
entire network of connected Archive and Storage Services and SAP systems. The
archive name comprises two characters and may contain only capital letters and
numbers. It is assigned identically in both the SAP system and the Archive
Administration (always in pairs).

Figure 9-1: Unique archive IDs

Do not assign long archive names!
Since SAP basis version 4.6 you can also enter longer archive names when
creating archives (OAC0 transaction). For ArchiveLink, however, the
restriction to two characters per name remains.

Number of The number of archives used depends on the following criteria:

• Corporate structure
• Archiving period of documents: An archive contains documents that have the
same storage period.
• Assigning of specific authorizations: Depending on the SAP module and the
content of the documents, a different authorization is required (e.g. for FI and HR
• Separate archiving on different media (e.g. on different CDs) and different media
types (hard disk, CD, WORM)

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 79
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

• Implementation of different archiving and cache strategies

• Separation of test and productive data
• Taking into account daily data volumes and administrative effort: Do not create
too many archives.

9.1.2 ArchiveLink management concept

Archived documents must have an unique reference to an SAP business object. To set
up this connection, three management activities are required which together are
referred to as basis customizing:

“Maintaining archives” on page 82

Each archive is assigned a two-character alphanumeric archive ID. Other
important details are the RFC destination, which contains the Archive and
Storage Services, the protocol to be used for communication, and the exchange
directories which can be accessed by both the SAP system and the Archive and
Storage Services.
Perform the archive definition using the OAC0 transaction. The data is saved in
the TOAAR table.

“Maintaining global document types” on page 85

Assigning document types classifies documents to be archived according to
content-specific criteria. The document type indirectly specifies how the
documents are processed and in which archive they are stored. When you define
the document type, you indicate the document class, which in turn defines the
format of the document.
Perform the document type definition using the OAC2 transaction. The data is
saved in the TOAVE table.

“Maintaining links” on page 88 (assigning document types to the archive)

In the third step the two pieces of information above are linked. To uniquely
assign archived documents to business objects, two further inputs are required:
the SAP object type and the link table, in which individual links between
business objects and documents are saved.
Perform the link maintenance using the OAC3 transaction. The data is saved in
the TOAOM table.

Tables All data is stored in tables. All table names used in conjunction with ArchiveLink
start with TOA (Table for Optical Archiving). The TOAAR, TOAVE and TOAOM tables are
customizing tables.

The following overview shows the relationships within basis customizing:

80 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.1. Basics

Figure 9-2: Relationships within basis customizing

Link tables Assignments of archived documents to business objects are contained in the link
tables. This enables you to separate data about the archived documents from object
data and to archive multiple documents for one business object. The standard link
tables are:

TOA01 to For documents that are linked to SAP application business

TOA03 objects. There are several tables with the same structure for
these links in order to optimize access times.
TOAHR For documents that are linked to HR objects of the SAP
components PA (Personnel Management) and PY (Payroll).
TOADL For managing print lists. This table has a different structure
and cannot be defined. With maintaining links with OAC3
transaction, you must select one of the TOA01-03 or TOAHR
tables for print lists (DRAW).

You can define additional link tables in the SAP system (OAD3 transaction).

To display tables, execute the SE16 transaction. The link tables TOA01-03 each
contain nine columns. Each row of these tables contains important information
about an archived document and the SAP application business object to which it is

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 81
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

Figure 9-3: Link tables TOA01-03: Structure

The following overview shows the significance of the individual table columns and
their references.

Figure 9-4: Link tables TOA01-03: Relationships

9.2 Maintaining archives

Each archive must be created both in the SAP system and on the OpenText Archive
and Storage Services, using the same name.

9.2.1 Maintaining HTTP archive in the SAP application

To configure an HTTP archive:

1. Execute the OAC0 transaction.

The archive overview (Content Repositories) is displayed.

2. To switch to edit mode, click on (Display → Change).

3. To create a new archive, click on (Create).

To modify an existing storage system, select it in the list and click on Detail.

4. Click on Full administration.

82 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.2. Maintaining archives

Note: The following image shows the configuration in a SAP basis 6.0
system for an archive that is to operate in secure mode. Secure mode means
that SecKeys are used to transmit URLs.

Figure 9-5: Configuration for a secure HTTP archive

5. Enter the following parameters:

Content Rep.
Two-character archive name; this may only contain capital letters and

Description of the archive, e.g. indication of archive usage and the Archive
and Storage Services.

Document Area
For an ArchiveLink archive, enter ArchiveLink. For a KPro archive enter
the corresponding document area.

Storage type
HTTP Content Server

Name of the protocol used for communication (see “Protocol” on page 77).
The OpenText protocols OT_* can be created manually as described in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 83
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD). They are also available with transports that can be
downloaded from the OpenText Knowledge Center (https://
Version no.
Version of the ArchiveLink interface used: 0045
HTTP server:
Name of the OpenText Archive and Storage Services. In addition, the port
should be shown, for example: monopoly:8080.
From SAP basis 6.20, the port no. is entered in a separate field.
Port Number
Port Number of ArchiveLink connection.
SSL Port Number
When using the secure transfer protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
Program (CRM: HTTP Script)
Enter archive.
Basic Path, Archive Path
Path to the exchange directories. For HTTP communication the Archive and
Storage Services no longer reuires access to this directory. The SAP
application server stores the documents to be archived on the basic path.
The Archive and Storage Services make the documents requested by the
SAP application available on the archive path (see “Creating an exchange
directory” on page 72). For data archiving, the exchange directory must be
entered identically in the FILE transaction (or SARA) with particular
attention to upper/lower case.

• The basic path and the archive path are only displayed in Full
administration mode.
• The path must always be closed using a forward slash (/) on UNIX
platforms and a backslash (\) on Windows platforms.
If both the SAP system and the Archive and Storage Services are
installed on Windows NT and the exchange directory resides on the
Archive and Storage Services, the path consists of three components.
The format must comply with the UNC (Uniform Naming
\\<Host name>\<Share name>\<Exchange directory>\.

Enter ARCH.
No signature
If you select this option, the URLs for this archive are transmitted without
encryption. When you disable this option, the URL is given a SecKey, in
which important data is encrypted. In the latter case, a certificate must be

84 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.3. Maintaining global document types

sent from the SAP application to the Archive and Storage Services (see
“Sending a certificate” on page 90) and the signature check must be
configured in the Livelink ECM – Archive Administration (see the section
14 “Configuring security settings” in OpenText Archive Server -
Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).

Tip: You can send a certificate from your SAP system directly to the
content repository defined here by clicking the (Send certificate) icon.

6. Click on (Save).

9.2.2 Creating an archive on the OpenText Archive and

Storage Services
On the OpenText Archive and Storage Services you must create an archive with the
same name as in the SAP application. When you configure the archive, specify the
media type on which the documents are to be archived (e.g. CD, DVD, WORM, hard
disk), and indicate the exchange directory.
For more details see OpenText Archive Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

9.3 Maintaining global document types

This section describes the maintaining of document types and document classes.
You have the option to create your own document types and document classes.

9.3.1 Creating document types

ArchiveLink provides standard document types for all SAP modules. These
standard document types are not always sufficient to classify documents precisely.
In this case, create your own document types, one document type for each group of
documents that correspond to the same content criteria, are processed in the same
way, and are stored in the same archive (content repository).

To create a new document type:

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction.

2. If necessary, switch to edit mode using (Display → Change).

3. You have two options:

• Click New entries to create a new document type.

• To create a new document type based on an existing one, select your
document type in the list and click Copy as.

4. Enter the required parameters. You do not have to create each document type
individually, you can enter several new document types in a table.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 85
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

Figure 9-6: Global document types

Document type
Enter a name for the document type. User-defined document types must
begin with Y or Z.

Enter a description of the document type. This description is displayed to
the SAP application user for selecting the document type. It should
therefore describe the use of the document type precisely and if necessary in
several languages.

Document class
To find the list of existing document classes, execute transaction OAD2.
Associated document class:

FAX for documents scanned in black and white

JPG for documents scanned in color
ALF for print lists
PDF for outgoing documents
REO For archive files
DOC, XLS ... for desktop files

Select the check box if you want the document type to appear in the
Business Document Navigator as a standard document type.

5. For new entries:

Click (Save) and then (Back) to display the document type overview.
For copied entries:
Click (Enter) and confirm the prompt when exiting the transaction.

86 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.3. Maintaining global document types

9.3.2 Customizing document classes

You can create and customize your document classes.

To customize document class:

1. Execute the oad2 transaction.

• To create a new document class, click New Entries.

• To edit an existing document class, select and double-click a document class
in the list to open its Details dialog.

2. You can customize the following entries:

• Doc. class - Enter the name of the document class.

• Description - Enter a description for the document class.
• MIME type - Assign a MIME type to the document class.
• Application - If required, enter the name of an application.

Note: To include the new MIME types for Microsoft Office 2007, see:
SAP Note 1237688 (https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1237688)
and the attached Excel file.

3. Click Save and Back to save your document class and to return to the
document class list.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 87
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

9.4 Maintaining links

Each new document type must be assigned to an archive in which the documents
are archived. The object type and the link table are also assigned.

To maintain link between the document type and the storage system:

1. Execute the OAC3 transaction.

2. To switch to edit mode, click on (Display → Change).

3. To create a new link, click on New entries.

To create a new link based on an existing one, select the link in the list and click
on (Copy as).

4. Enter:

Figure 9-7: Link between the document type and the storage system

Object Type
Object type to which the document type belongs. The most important object
types are:

BKPF for FI documents (document header)

VBAK for outgoing documents in SD
PREL for HR documents
DRAW for SAP application print lists (print
SOOD for SAP application office documents
ARCHIVE for SAP application data archiving

Doc. Type
Document type short text

Status of Link entry. Enter an X to activate the link so you can use it.

88 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.5. Document type customizing wizard

Cont.Rep.ID (Content Server)

Archive ID, name of the archive. The archive must be configured in both the
SAP application (OAC0 transaction) and the Content Server.

Link table in which the assignments of the archived documents to the SAP
application objects are saved.

TOA01 to for documents that are linked to SAP application business

TOA03 objects
TOAHR for documents that are linked to HR objects.

The link data for print lists is contained in the TOADL table. For link
maintenance you must enter one of the TOA01-03 or TOAHR tables for
print lists.

Retent. Period
Optional input: Legal storage period for documents of this type in months.
This field is for information purposes only. After the retention period has
expired, the link entry is not automatically removed.

5. For new entries:

Click on (Save) and then on (Back) to display the document type
For copied entries:
Click on (Enter) and confirm the prompt when exiting the transaction.

9.5 Document type customizing wizard

You can also use the document type customizing wizard to create new document
types and modify existing ones, but you cannot delete document types. The wizard
combines the settings of the OAC2 and OAC3 transactions. For workflow document
types, you must also enter all workflow-related settings such as task, method,
workflow parameters and defaults. The prerequisite for this is that the archive is
configured with the OAC0 transaction.

The wizard carries out the customizing using the Continue and Back buttons. It
provides detailed information for each input stage. The following description
provides an introduction to the wizard's customizing steps for a document type
without a workflow and establishes the link to the customizing transactions.

To use the document type customizing wizard:

1. Execute the OAD5 transaction.

2. Click on Continue to start customizing.

3. Enter the Document type and the Description, as in the OAC2 transaction, 1st
and 2nd column labeled Doc.type.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 89
Chapter 9 Basis customizing

You also have the option of selecting a sample document type and using its
settings as standard values.

4. Leave the Workflow document type option deactivated to create the document
type without a workflow.

5. Enter the Document class as in the OAC2 transaction. If you selected a sample
document in step 3, the document class of this template is used.

6. Enter the Object type as in the OAC3 transaction.

7. Enter the Content Repository, the Link, and the Retention per. as in the OAC3

8. Click on Finish.
This completes the document type and link maintenance. The document type
status in the OAC2 transaction is not set. The status of the link in the OAC3
transaction is automatically set to X, activating the link.

9.6 Sending a certificate

By using SAP certificates and setting the security parameters in the Livelink ECM –
Archive Administration, signatures from SAP requests are validated by the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services. This method can be used if the SAP Content
Server HTTP 4.5 (ArchiveLink 4.5) interface is used for communication between SAP
and the archive.

The SAP system sends its requests to the archive system as an URL. The URLs are
digitally signed by the SAP system using a private key. The Archive and Storage
Services compares the signature with the public key and only accepts requests with
a valid signature. In order to enable validation, the SAP system must send the public
key to the Archive and Storage Services as a certificate. To check the validation of
the sent certificate, the system administrators of the SAP system and the Archive
and Storage Services compare the finger prints of the sent and received certificate. If
the finger prints are identical, the archive administrator Enables the certificate for
the specific SAP system. Operations requiring SecKeys (reading, updating, creating,
deleting) are defined in the Archive and Storage Services (see OpenText Archive
Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN)).

To send the SAP certificate:

1. Execute the OAHT transaction.

Tip: Alternatively, you can send the certificate while maintaining the
storage system in the SAP application in the OAC0 transaction (see
“Maintaining HTTP archive in the SAP application” on page 82).

2. Find the archive server you want to send the certificate to in the list of HTTP
Content Servers.

3. Click the icon.

90 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
9.6. Sending a certificate

The certificate is sent.

For import of a certificate on the Archive and Storage Services see OpenText Archive
Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 91
Part 3
Scenario customizing
Chapter 10
Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.1 Print list storage

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to archive print lists successfully (for
details see “SAP basis customizing” on page 47):
• The initial customizing must be fully completed.
• The RFC or HTTP connection and the exchange directory must be set up.
• An archive (content repository) must be set up in the SAP application and on the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services.

No scenario-specific adjustments are required for print list storage.

10.2 Archiving incoming documents with bar codes

Table 10-1: Summary: Customizing Late archiving with bar codes

Tasks Where?
SAP system Transactions
1. Creating a sample document type. 1. OAC2
2. Linking a document type. 2. OAC3
3. Setting up barcode entry.
3. OAC5
4. Defining module-specific settings:
4. • OBD5
• FI: Linking the document type with the FI document.
• SD: Linking the document type with the Sales document type.
• MM: Activating storage of incoming documents. • SPRO
• HR: Setting barcode entry for the HR info type. • SPRO
Archive Administration for Enterprise Scan Archive Modes tab
1. Defining an Archive Mode and a Scan Host entry.
Enterprise Scan Profile —>
Configure menu
1. Configuring profiles.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 95
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.2.1 Prerequisites
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled (for details see “SAP basis
customizing” on page 47):
• The initial customizing must be fully completed.
• The RFC or HTTP connection must be set up.
• An archive (content repository) must be set up in the SAP application and on the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services.
• Enterprise Scan must be installed on the workstation.

10.2.2 Steps
Customizing for Late archiving with bar codes comprises the following steps:
• “Creating and linking a document type”
• “Specifying bar code settings for the object type/document type”
• “Activating bar code entry (module-specific)”
• “Setting up archive modes for scanning”
• “Configuring Enterprise Scan”

10.2.3 Creating and linking a document type

To create and link a document type:

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction

2. Create a global document type (for details see “Maintaining global document
types” on page 85).
Enter the required parameters (example values only):


Customer request


3. Execute the OAC3 transaction and enter the link (see “Maintaining links”
on page 88).
Enter the required parameters (example values only):


96 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.2. Archiving incoming documents with bar codes





10.2.4 Specifying bar code settings for the object type/

document type
For the Late archiving with bar codes scenario, bar code entry must be activated
for each object type for which bar codes will be used. There are additional settings
that enable you to restrict bar code entry to particular document types and/or users,
to check the bar code and to allow the multiple use of a bar code.

1. Execute the OAC5 transaction.

The Settings for bar code entry screen appears.
2. To switch to edit mode, click on (Display → Change).
3. Click the New entries button.
4. Enter the bar code settings.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 97
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

Figure 10-1: Bar code settings

Object type
Object type for which bar code entry is to be activated, e.g. BKPF or BUS1006.
Document type
Optional: Document type for which bar code entry is to be activated, e.g. the
test document type ZFIIINVTST or ZSDIACTINQ. If you leave the field blank,
bar code entry is active for all document types linked to the object type.
Optional: Users for whom bar code entry is to be activated. If no user is
entered, bar code entry is active for all users.
BCode type
If you want the bar code to be checked, select the bar code type here. This
selection is used for calculating the check sum.
Bar code active
This option must be activated.
Check is active
When the option is activated, the system uses a check sum to see whether
the numerical bar code value entered is correct. Invalid values are rejected.
Checking is important if the bar code was entered manually.

98 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.2. Archiving incoming documents with bar codes

Note: To be able to use this option, the selected bar code type must
have a check sum.

No cancel
When the option is activated, users must enter a bar code and cannot cancel
the processing. This can lead to a deadlock when the Check is active and the
No cancel options are active and a transaction user enters an invalid bar

Multiple entry
When the option is activated, multiple instances of the bar code can appear
in the table of open bar codes. This allows to assign a stored document to
multiple SAP business objects.

Hold R/3 entry

When the option is activated, after an archived document has been
successfully assigned, the entry created in the SAP system is not deleted
from the SAP table of open bar codes. This allows to assign different
archived documents with the same bar code to an SAP business object.

Hold externally
When the option is activated, after an archived document has been
successfully assigned, the entry created by the Archive and Storage Services
system is not deleted from the table of open bar codes. This allows to assign
other SAP business objects to an archived document.

Popup in Workflow
When the option is activated, it also activates the dialog box for bar code
entry for the document type entered, although an active entry scenario
already exists using SAP Business Workflow. Normally, bar codes are not
used when entering documents via Workflow, since it links the application
document and the document automatically.

Doc.Type Not Modifiable

When the option is activated, users can no longer change the document type
and the preassigned type is used.

5. Click on (Save).

No further customizing is required for the SAP CRM module. If the bar code settings
were made for the object/document type (see “Specifying bar code settings for the
object type/document type” on page 97), the menu option Create | Enter Bar Code
will be available for the business object in the generic object services.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 99
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.2.5 Activating bar code entry (module-specific)

The following steps are required to activate bar code entry in the individual
application modules. This results from the module-specific subdivision of object
types. FI module
The object type BKPF is linked to various different FI document types, e.g. the vendor
invoice KR and the customer invoice DR. The user enters the FI document type at
posting; thus, bar code input for FI document types in combination with the
company code must be activated in an additional step.

To assign FI document types:

1. Execute the OBD5 transaction.

The Object Types for Early Entry in Financial Acctng screen appears.

2. Click (Display → Change) to switch to edit mode.

3. Click on New entries.

4. Enter the assignment of the document type to FI document type and company
code using the following parameters. This entry represents an unique identifier,
i.e. only one document type can be assigned to a combination of FI document
type with company code.

Company code, e.g. 1000. If you leave this field blank, the bar code entry is
active for all company codes and thus for the whole FI module.

FI document type, e.g. KR. If you leave this field blank, the bar code entry is
active for all FI document types and thus for all posting types.

Document type, e.g. ZFIIINVTST. The bar code settings for this document
type must be defined in the OAC5 transaction.

5. Click on (Save).

To test the settings, enter a posting, e.g. with the FB01 transaction. The bar code
dialog must be displayed.

100 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.2. Archiving incoming documents with bar codes SD module
Various sales document types are connected with the VBAK object type, e.g. the request
for quotation AN and the rush order SO. The user enters the sales document type
when posting it; thus, bar code entry for sales document types must be activated in
an additional step.

To activate bar code entry for sales document types:

1. Execute the VNOP transaction.

The Document Types for Late Entry Using Barcode screen appears.

2. To switch to edit mode, click on (Display → Change).

3. In the list for the required sales document type (SaTy column), enter the
respective document type in the DocType-Create column.

Figure 10-2: Document types for late entry with barcode

4. Click (Save).

To test the settings, enter a posting, e.g. with the VA01 transaction. The bar code
dialog must be displayed. HR module
You can structure the HR object types PREL (for employees) and PAPL (for job
applicants) in more detail using info types, subtypes and objects. This enables you to
assign scanned documents exactly. For example, an employee's photo is assigned to
infotype 0002 (personal data), while a child's birth certificate belongs to infotype
0021 (family member/dependents). Many infotypes are further divided into
subtypes, and they can also be assigned to an object element. A child, for example,
belongs to subtype 2, and the object elements of this subtype are the employee's or
applicant's children.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 101
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

To structure the HR object types:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure to

Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Tools > Optical

3. Click the (Set Up Optical Archiving in HR) icon.

4. To switch to edit mode, click on (Display → Change).

5. Enter the configuration for an existing document type. To create your own
document types, click on New entries.
Specify the following parameters:

PREL or PAPL object type

Document type
Document type to be used for certain scanned documents

Description of the document type

Infotype to which the scanned documents are to be linked

-, + or value, if known for this document type

-, + or value, if known for this document type

Enter a +, if a date is to be entered at data input.

Enter a +, if the user's authorization is to be verified.

For the input combinations see the following table:

Infotype Subtype Obj.type Example

No infotype - - - Resume that cannot be assigned to an
Infotype Number - - Photo: Infotype 0002, personal data.
Infotype Number + or - Diploma: a + will request the correct
with value subtype at input

102 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.2. Archiving incoming documents with bar codes

Infotype Subtype Obj.type Example

Infotype Number + or + or Documents for a particular family
with value value member
subtype and
object ID

6. Click on (Save). MM module
Additional bar code entry for goods receipt documents by flow type and transaction
is activated in the MM module. Bar code entry in the OAC5 transaction must be
maintained for the BUS2017 object type.

To activate bar code entry in the MM module:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure to

Materials Management → Inventory Management and Physical Inventory →
Goods Receipt.

3. Click the (Activate Storage of Incoming Documents) icon.

4. Double-click Activate Storage per Movement Type and activate the desired
transaction type in the Store column, e.g. 101 Wareneingang.

5. Click on (Save) and then (Back).

6. Double-click Activate Storage per Transaction and activate the desired

transaction type in the Store column, e.g. MB01, Post Goods Receipt for PO.

7. Click on (Save) and then on (Back).

8. Click on Cancel.

To test your settings, enter a posting with the corresponding transaction (in our
example MB01). The bar code dialog box must be displayed.

10.2.6 Setting up archive modes for scanning

In the Late storing with bar codes scenario the storage job is initiated by
Enterprise Scan. For this the scanning program requires

• the archive ID in order to store the document in the correct archive

• the SAP system to which to send the bar code and the document ID.

For more details see section 18 “Configuring scan stations” in OpenText Archive
Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 103
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

To set up archive modes for scanning:

1. Start the OpenText Administration client, establish the connection to the

Archive from which the archive modes will be read, and browse to
Environment Scan Stations.
2. Select the Archive Modes tab.
3. Right-click in the Archive Modes list on the right-hand side and select Add
from the context menu.
The Add Archive Mode dialog is displayed.

Figure 10-3: Add archive mode on the OpenText Archive and Storage

4. In the Add Archive Mode dialog, enter:

Name for the archiving type. Do not use spaces.
Late_Archiving, short term for the Late archiving with bar codes
Name of the logical archive to which the documents are sent.
BARCODE. If this option is activated, the document can only be archived if a
bar code has been recognized.

5. Click OK.
A new entry appears in the list of archive modes.

104 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.2. Archiving incoming documents with bar codes

6. To assign the new archive mode to an Enterprise Scan workstation, right-click

in the Scan Host Entries list on the left-hand side and select Add from the
context menu.

Figure 10-4: Add New Scan Host Entry on the OpenText Archive and
Storage Services

7. Enter the following parameters:

Scan host
Name of the Enterprise Scan computer that will scan and store the
documents of the particular document type. Make sure to enter the name in
lower case letters.
Archive mode
Name of the archive mode just defined, in the example Incoming_Invoices
Defines the selected archive mode as the default for the scan.

8. Browse to Environment > SAP Servers and check the Archive Assignments
tab. Select the specified archive and check the Archive SAP assignments tab. A
check mark in the Default columns indicates the SAP system to which the
confirmation of the archive is sent. (see also “Creating an archive on the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services” on page 85).

10.2.7 Configuring Enterprise Scan

Before you can scan and archive with Enterprise Scan, you need to configure the
relevant profiles.

To configure Enterprise Scan:

1. Start Enterprise Scan on the workstation for which you configured the archive
2. In the Enterprise Scan menu, click on Profile → Configure.
3. On the Input tab, create a subprofile for scanning and set the required scanning

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 105
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

4. On the Processing tab, create a subprofile for processing the documents. The
process must contain at least the bar code recognition and the separation of the
documents by bar code.
Click the Configure button to open a dialog where you can select the bar code
type to be recognized during scanning and the bar code type to use for dividing
the pages into separate documents.

5. On the Archiving tab, create a subprofile for archiving in the archive. Configure
the DocumentPipeline storage type and specify the archive mode.

6. If the selection list does not contain the archive mode you want, check the

a. The name of the Enterprise Scan (Scan host) entered in the Livelink ECM –
Archive Administration.
b. The connection with the Archive and Storage Services on which the archive
modes are configured. The Archive and Storage Services currently
connected is shown in the Archiving subprofile.

Note: For more details, see section 9 “Working with Profiles” in OpenText
Imaging Enterprise Scan - User and Administration Guide (CLES-UGD).

106 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

10.3 Archiving incoming documents with workflow

Figure 10-5: Summary: Customizing Incoming documents with workflow

Note: The direct scanning to PDF is available; for details see “Scanning to
PDF” on page 116.

10.3.1 Prerequisites
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled (see “SAP basis customizing”
on page 47):
• The initial customizing must be fully completed.
• The RFC or HTTP connection must be set up.
• An archive (content repository) must be set up in the SAP application and on the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services.
• Enterprise Scan or Windows Viewer with DesktopScan must be installed on the

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 107
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

• Automatic basic customizing for SAP Business Workflow has been performed.
The basic customizing for the workflow must be performed in order to activate
the workflow environment and to generally enable workflows. Execute the SWU3
transaction and click on Automatic Customizing.

Note: The RFC destination workflow will only be shown as complete, if

Test RFC destination has been run.

In addition, the workflow tasks must be defined as general tasks before the actual
customizing of the Incoming documents with workflow scenario.

Workflow tasks can only be processed if the agent has been assigned. For a
workflow task to be executed by any user, the standard task must be defined as a
general task. Each standard task must be defined separately.

To define a standard task as general task:

1. Execute the PFTC transaction.

2. Enter the following parameters:

Task type
Standard task


3. Click on (Change) and confirm the message.

4. In the menu, select Additional data → Agent assignment → Maintain.

5. Check whether General task is defined for the standard task.

If this is not the case, select the entry and click the Attributes button.

6. Select the General Task option.

7. Click the Transfer button.

8. Repeat the above procedure for the Task 30001128.

Alternatively, the workflow task can be released for a particular agent group. Click
the Agent assignment create icon in the Maintain Agent Assignment dialog. You
can select from the same user object types as for the default settings (see “Default
settings and agent assignment” on page 110).

108 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

10.3.2 Steps
Customizing document types used in workflow scenarios consists of several steps.
The sequence these steps are carried out depends on whether you perform
customizing with the document type customizing wizard (see “Customizing with
the document type customizing wizard ” on page 111) or with the following
individual special transactions:

1. Creating document types and maintaining links (basis customizing)

2. Defining a document type as a workflow document type (link to workflow),
specifying the method and workflow task
3. Specifying workflow parameters
4. Specifying default settings (scenarios and distribution lists for documents)
5. Checking settings in Enterprise Scan

10.3.3 Workflow parameters

The Storing for subsequent entry and Store and enter scenarios require further
parameters. These typically comprise the transaction code with which the data entry
is started. The parameters depend on the object type and the selected method. The
following table contains typical examples.

SAP Object Method Workflow parameter Workflow parameter

application type name content
E field

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 109
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.3.4 Overview Default settings and agent assignment
You can use default settings to combine document types, mostly related to
departments or business areas. This simplifies document assignment during
archiving. You can assign a document type to several default settings.

During customizing, you specify who will perform the entry or assignment for each
default setting. Typically this will be a group of so-called agents. As soon as one of
the designated agents opens the work item, it is removed from the workflow inbox
of other agents. The following overview shows all agent assignment options.

Object type Name Description

A Work center Members of a local work group or work area, e.g. final
US User SAP user from the SAP user maintenance
O Organizational Group of SAP users, e.g. team, department
P Person Employee as maintained in HR
S Position SAP user who is assigned to a position, e.g. Purchasing
employee 01
C Job All SAP users assigned to a job, e.g. Sales employee

To configure a personal view of the default settings:

1. Execute the OAWD transaction.

2. In the context menu, click Settings > User settings.

Figure 10-6: User settings for default settings

3. Activate the required options:

110 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

Fastpath to Storage Scenarios

Displays the icons for the configured scenarios of a document type.

Display Key, Not Long Text

Displays the default setting, document type and recipient names. There is
no need for these names to be unique. With non-unique names, the
uniquely defined values can be displayed instead of the name: setting key,
document type short text and recipient ID.

Limit View to
For users who only use one setting, the view can be restricted accordingly.
You must select the required setting before calling up the user settings.

4. Click the (OK) button.

10.3.5 Customizing with the document type customizing

The workflow customizing can be performed using the document type customizing
wizard. For entry scenarios there is the TS30001128 standard task. For the Storing
for subsequent assignment and Store and assign scenarios, the standard task
TS30001117 is used.

No work item is generated and sent in the Assign then store scenario, so in this
sense it is not a workflow scenario. However, you do need to assign document types
to default settings if you wish to use this scenario. But you cannot perform this
assignment unless the document type is defined as a workflow document type.

The following description explains the document type customizing wizard using the
example of a document type for incoming scanned orders, for SAP CRM for
incoming customer inquiries.

Note: You can also run customizing using a number of special transactions.
The default settings for all scenarios are configured in the OAWS transaction.

To customize using the document type customizing wizard for SAP ERP

1. Execute the OAD5 transaction.

The Document Type Customizing Wizard dialog is displayed.

2. Click the Continue button.

3. Select a value for the Doc.type field and click the Continue button.

4. If you want to use a similar document type as a template, enter its short text.
Otherwise leave the Doc.type field blank and click the Continue button.

5. Select the Workflow document type option and click the Continue button.

6. Enter the object type to which the document type belongs.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 111
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

Depending on the scenarios you wish to use with this document type, enter one
or more of the following parameters:

Scenario Entry Assignment

Storing for subsequent Method: CREATE --
entry Task: TS30001128
Store and enter Method: CREATE --
Task: TS30001128
Storing for subsequent -- Task: TS30001117
Store and assign -- Task: TS30001117
Assign then store -- --

By fully specifying all tasks, as shown above, all five scenarios are supported.
The names (long text) are displayed when you press the ENTER key.

7. Click the Continue button. You will receive a warning message if you fail to
complete all the fields. Confirm this.

8. Depending on the scenarios used, you must now enter the workflow
parameters. The parameter names that can be used for the selected object type
and method already exist in the list; therefore, you only need to enter the values
for the parameters. Generally, this will be the transaction code to be invoked by

112 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

the workflow; the transaction code must be entered in capitals. For an overview
see “Workflow parameters” on page 109.

9. Click the Continue button.

10. Enter the archive (content repository) and the link table; click the Continue

11. The following two steps specify the presettings.

You can assign a document type to several presettings. If you wish to use
existing presettings, select them in the list and click the Continue button.

12. If you wish to create one or more new presettings, enter the following

Unique key, consisting of 4 characters. The list of presettings is sorted in
alphabetical order of the IDs.

Description of the presetting to be displayed.

Click on Continue.

13. If you created new presettings, you have to specify their details in the additional
Details of presettings dialpg:

a. Define who is to process the work item; enter the agent object type and the
actual agent or agent group. For more details see “Default settings and
agent assignment” on page 110. If you do not assign an agent, the work
item is sent to the user who archived the document.
b. Select the scenario in which the document type will be used. To see the full
name, drag the columns wider or point the mouse at the column title until
the quick info text appears.
c. If you selected multiple presettings, specify the agents and scenarios for all
presettings. Click the buttons to change the default setting.
d. Click the Continue button.

14. Click the Finish button.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 113
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.3.6 Scan settings

The scan settings required differ depending on the scan clients that are used. The
following options are available:

• “Enterprise Scan”
• “Windows Viewer”
• “Windows Viewer together with Enterprise Scan”
• “Scanning to PDF”
• “Archiving via the document pipeline” Enterprise Scan

Before documents can be archived, they must be scanned and checked. For a more
detailed description see OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan - User and Administration
Guide (CLES-UGD).
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

Subprofile definition
As of Enterprise Scan version 5.0, a subprofile must be defined in the Archiving
tab for each scenario to be used (if necessary without the Barcode condition).
This subprofile requires an archive mode which can be configured via the
Archive and Storage Services administration client. In the settings for the
archive mode, make sure the configured SAP system is used as the default for
the logical archive.
You can find details on configuring archive modes in “Setting up archive modes
for scanning” on page 103 and in section 18 “Configuring scan stations” in
OpenText Archive Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

System settings at the scan client

If your SAP system uses several application servers, you require several ports
with different instance numbers.

To check system settings at the scan client:

1. Open the Services file in the %WinDir%\system32\drivers\etc folder.

2. Check if the following entries exist, and insert them if necessary:


Note: In case you edit this file, insert an empty line at the end.

3. Save the Services file.

114 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow Windows Viewer

Before documents can be archived, they must be scanned and checked.
As a prerequisite, DesktopLink must be installed and a RFC or HTTP connection
must be activated. No further settings are required. Windows Viewer is mainly used
for the Store and enter and Store and assign scenarios. Windows Viewer together with Enterprise Scan

If you installed both applications on your system, you can specify in the SAP
protocol which application the end user may use for scanning. The following
options are available:
• Specify that only the Windows Viewer may be used.
• Specify that both scanning applications are available; in this case the application
used is the one registered on the end user's computer as an OLE application.

The SAP protocol contains the application that is started using OLE. This setting
applies to all archives that use the protocol.

To define settings in the SAP protocol:

1. Execute the OAA3 transaction.

2. Double-click in the list the protocol to be used for the archive (content
repository). You will find the assignment of the document type and archive in
the OAC3 transaction, and the configuration for the archive in the OAC0
3. Click the (Change) button.
4. Double-click on Archive from frontend entry.
5. Double-click the FAX document class.

6. Check and change the entry in the Application field if required:

Both applications can be started.
Only Windows Viewer is started.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 115
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

7. Click the (OK).

8. Click on (Save).

Windows If the settings in the SAP protocol specify that both applications can be used for
Viewer and scanning, the application used is the one registered on the computer as an OLE
Enterprise Scan
on the same
computer However, if both Windows Viewer and Enterprise Scan are installed on the
computer, make sure that the registered application is the one you want to use, since
both applications are registered with the same OLE class ID:

Enterprise Scan
Enterprise Scan registers itself every time it starts.

Windows Viewer
Windows Viewer must be registered manually; enter in the command line:
<path>\alviewer.exe /regserver
where <path> describes the path of the directory in which the Windows Viewer
was installed. Scanning to PDF

The direct scanning to the PDF format provides an additional format to the standard
fax and text formats. Starting with version 10.5, Enterprise Scan introduces the
DocFormat parameter to set the correct document class in the ArchiveLink entry
during direct scanning. Therefore in the following section, two different options to
setup your environment are presented.

Option A: With The direct scanning to the PDF format provides an additional format to the standard
Enterprise Scan fax and text formats. You first have to create a corresponding document class and
earlier than
then to adapt the ArchiveLink protocol.

Note: Scanning to PDF requires a prior setting in the Enterprise Scan. For more
details see Livelink Imaging - PDF Extensions 9.6 - Installation Guide (CL-IPD).

To define scanning to PDF:

1. Execute the OAD2 transaction.

2. Copy the existing entry for the PDF document class to a new entry named
PDF_SCAN. Leave the MIME type setting to application/pdf.

3. Execute the OAA3 transaction.

4. Double-click on the entry for the protocol to be used for scanning to PDF.

5. Double-click on Archive from frontend entry.

6. Double-click the PDF_SCAN document class.

116 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

7. Check and change the parameters:

Communication Type
Must be set to value OPEN.

Must be set to IXSCAN.

8. Click the Continue button.

9. Click on (Save).

Option B: Using Starting with Enterprise Scan 10.5, the DocFormat property can be returned to set the
Enterprise Scan right document class. This can be done by setting the command option
10.5 and later

In transaction OAA4, maintain the applications IXSCAN and IXSCAN_HTTP.

Furthermore for function Archive from Frontend and application
IXOS.IXSCAN.SC2SAP, add a new event = G with command @DTI=DocFormat.

For more information about the definition of applications IXSCAN and

IXSCAN_HTTP, see section 8.2 “Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade
Guide (ER-IGD).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 117
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

Figure 10-7: Maintenance for IXSCAN

118 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.3. Archiving incoming documents with workflow

Figure 10-8: Maintenance for IXSCAN_HTTP

With these settings in place and with the communication protocols set for document
class FAX , you can use document types assigned to document class FAX to scan and
assign documents with other mime types. For more information about
communication protocols, see section 8 “Handling communication protocols” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade
Guide (ER-IGD).

In the case of SAP's store business documents option of the GOS menu or in the case
of the store documents function of transaction OAWD, every new link is populated
then with the actual document class as created by Enterprise Scan.

At the time this part of the documentation was updated, DocuLink 10.5 SP1
was not adjusted to support this feature of EnterpriseScan 10.5. In the case
of Archive Mode = 4 ArchiveLink Scanning, DocuLink still populates the

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 119
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

document class of the original OAC2 customizing into ArchiveLink entries.

This will be changed in future releases and patches. Archiving via the document pipeline

With the Storing for subsequent entry and Store and assign scenarios, the
following problem may occur:

If you specify that original documents are to be archived by Enterprise Scan using
the document pipeline, the documents are first processed by the document pipeline.
While an original document is still in the pipeline, a document ID is assigned and
notified to the SAP application, and linked to the application document. The original
document is then archived and removed from the document pipeline.

If this process is interrupted for any reason after the original document ID has been
assigned but before the original document is transferred to the archive, this means
that this original document is assigned and recognized in the SAP application, but
cannot be retrieved and displayed because it is still not in the archive. No data is
lost. The original document is still in the pipeline. If you try to display the original
document, however, this results in an error message.

To solve this problem, you must ensure that all scanned original documents are in
the archive at the end of each session. To do this, monitor the scan document

You can do this by opening the Document Pipeline Info window (Start | Programs
| IXOS | ECR | IXOS Document Pipeline Info) on a computer with the
administration tools installed and creating a connection to the host on which the
scan document pipeline was installed - in general Enterprise Scan itself. In the input
column, all entries should be set to 0. This confirms that the document pipeline is

If a number is output for a specific processing step, this indicates that the original
documents were not processed beyond this point and are still waiting. You must
find out what the problem is and correct the error. Then click on the rows with a
number other than 0 and select the Restart item in the menu that opens. The
processing of original documents resumes from where it was interrupted. The
number is set to 0 indicating that processing is complete and the original documents
are in the archive.

120 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.4. Manually storing incoming documents

10.4 Manually storing incoming documents

Customizing for the Assign then store scenario corresponds to the customizing for
the Storing for subsequent assignment scenario; however, the Assign then
store scenario does not feature a workflow. For technical reasons, nevertheless, a
workflow document type must be defined; the workflow parameters must be
entered, but are ignored by the Assign then store scenario.

Figure 10-9: Summary: Customizing Assign then store

Customizing comprises the following steps:

1. Creating a document type (see “Maintaining global document types”

on page 85)

2. Maintaining links

3. Defining a document type as a workflow document type (linking with


To define a workflow document type use the Document Type Customizing Wizard
(OAD5 transaction) as described in “Customizing with the document type
customizing wizard ” on page 111.
Note the following points:

• Enter an object type with the CONFIRM method. You can check that in the SWO3
• For technical reasons you must enter values for the method, task and workflow
parameters, however they are ignored for this scenario, as the workflow is not
involved. An user assignment must be defined as well, although it is ignored

Note: You can also use the Assign then store scenario to store documents in
DocuLink and, if necessary, to create a record for those documents at the same
time. For details see “Configuring special scenarios” on page 166.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 121
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

10.5 Archiving outgoing documents

Figure 10-10: Summary: Customizing Outgoing documents

10.5.1 Prerequisites
To archive outgoing documents, the following conditions must be fulfilled (see “SAP
basis customizing” on page 47):

• The initial customizing must be fully completed.

• The RFC or HTTP connection must be set up.
• An archive (content repository) must be set up in the SAP application and on the
OpenText Archive and Storage Services.
• Output determination or the Post Processing Framework (PPF) has been
configured and outgoing documents are generated correctly.

10.5.2 Creating and linking a document type

To creating and link a document type:

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction

2. Create a new global document type, or maintain the SAP standard document
type (see “Maintaining global document types” on page 85). Take care to select
the PDF entry in the Doc.class field.

Note: Outgoing documents are always generated in PDF format.

3. Execute the OAC3 transaction

4. Enter the link, or maintain the link of the SAP standard document type (see
“Maintaining links” on page 88).

122 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

10.5.3 Customizing output determination Checking creation of outgoing documents
Before starting the customizing, check whether outgoing documents are created

To check creation of outgoing documents:

1. Enter a test posting with the following parameters:

SD module
VA01 transaction, Sales order

MM module
ME21 transaction, Create purchase order

2. Display the test postings:

SD module
VA03 transaction

MM module
ME23 transaction

3. Display the message list:

SD module
Extras | Output | Header | Edit menu

MM module
Header | Messages menu

Figure 10-11: Creating outgoing documents

Check the following:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 123
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

• If the list is empty, no outgoing documents are created and the output
determination must be configured.
• The status must be successfully processed, indicated by a green point or
1 in the Status column. Otherwise, the output determination must be
configured correctly.
For details see the SAP documentation.
• The Output column displays the output type that you must maintain for
For details see the SAP documentation. Customizing output determination for document storage

You must set the output determination for each module and output type that has
outgoing documents to be archived.

To set the output for document storage:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure:

SD module
Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Output Control → Output
Determination → Output Determination Using the Condition Technique
For each group of message types, you see the Maintain Output
Determination entries.

MM module
Materials Management → Purchasing → Messages → Output Control →
Message Types
For each group of message types, you see the Define Message Types

3. Click the icon in front of the required entry.

4. Only for the MM module: Double-click on the Maintain Message Types entry.

5. Double-click on the line with the required output type.

6. Select the Default values tab.

124 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

7. Enter the following parameters:

Dispatch time
Time when the outgoing document was created. Storage can only be
performed after generation. For testing purposes select Send immediately.

Transmission Medium
For storage, select Print output or fax. If you want to send outgoing
documents in a different manner, see “Enhancing outgoing documents for
different transmission media” on page 126

8. Select the Storage system tab.

9. Enter the following parameters:

Storage Mode
For storage, either Print and archive or Archive only must be selected.

Document type
Document type you managed for storage in Basis Customizing.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 125
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface Enhancing outgoing documents for different transmission media

For storage of outgoing documents you must either select Print output or fax as the
transmission medium. If you want to send outgoing documents in a different
manner, such as via SAP Business Workflow, a new output type for archiving
documents is required. The original output type is used to send the document to the
business partner, and the new output type is used to store the document.

Original output type

determination Output type Archiving mode Transmission medium To business partner
BA00 -/- SAP Business Workflow
Object type

VBAK Copied output type

Output type Archiving mode Transmission medium To storage system

ZA00 Archive only Print output

Figure 10-12: Outgoing documents for different transmission media

To define a new output type:

1. Copy the configured original output type.

2. Integrate the copied output type to the output determination, identically to the
original output type.
3. For the original output type, enter the required transmission medium and the
recipient (partner role). Enter Print only as the storage type or leave this field
4. For the copied output type, enter the Print output transmission type, the
Archive only store mode and the document type.

10.5.4 Customizing the Post Processing Framework (for SAP

CRM only)
You must adapt the Post Processing Framework (PPF) for each business object in
SAP CRM for which you want to store outgoing documents. This includes the
following steps:
• “Creating and editing the processing class”
• “Creating an action profile”
• “Defining conditions for the action profile”
• “Linking the action profile to the transaction type”

The following section describes customizing using the example of a customer order.
Each customer order (ZSDIORDER document type) that was created and saved in the
CRMD_ORDER transaction is to be printed and sent to the customer. As the scheduling
condition for this action, you will define that the documents must be created by the

126 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

AGENT01 user. The document layout is defined by the SmartForm standard, which is
provided by the SAP application; however, the administrator can adapt the layout if
necessary. Creating and editing the processing class

In order to generate outgoing documents in CRM, you must create and edit a
processing class. This class transfers the actions to Smart Forms and forwards them
for processing.

To create and edit the processing class:

1. In the SE80 transaction, copy the template for the

CL_DOC_PROCESSING_CRM_ORDER processing class with the
CRM_ORDER_EXEC_SMART_FORM processing method.

2. In the method code, look for this line:

* -------> ls_archive_index-object_id = ls_orderadm_h-GUID

3. Remove the comment sign for this line.

4. Replace the ls_orderadm_h-GUID entry with the object ID of the object type
that corresponds to the outgoing document.
In this example, the line is:

ls_archive_index-object_id = BusinessProcess

Note: For forms overlay, further adaptations are required; see “Defining a
processing method for the PPF and specifying it in the action profile”
on page 226.

5. Save your entries.

6. In the next step (“Creating an action profile” on page 127), enter the name of
this modified processing class as a parameter. Creating an action profile

The action profile defines which actions are triggered and are to be processed for a
business object. The profile can contain multiple action types that describe the
different types of processing in each case, e.g. different communication methods.
The layout of outgoing documents is also specified here, as well as the method of
database selection (the processing method).

For the sales order, an action type is created for each type of partner (e.g. sold-to
party, ship-to party, etc.), which also contains details such as whether the document
is to be output by e-mail, fax, or printer.

You can define the action profile including the activities with the help of a wizard or
step-by-step in the individual transactions.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 127
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

To create an action profile using the wizard:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure:

Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions.

3. Click on Creating actions with a wizard.

4. Read the starting page and click on Continue.

Figure 10-13: Action profiles: Customizing Wizard

5. Activate the Create New Action Profile option.

6. Enter the following parameters:

Action Profile
Enter a name for the new action profile from the permitted name range.

Enter an informal description of the profile.

Date profile
The date profile defines which date types, duration times, reference objects
and date rules can be used in an application (optional).

128 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

Object type
Name of the business object type, e.g. CRM sales transaction

7. Click on Continue.

8. Create a new action for the action profile. Enter a name for the Action
Definition (from the permitted name range) and a description for it.

9. Click on Continue.

Figure 10-14: Action profiles: Setting actions

10. Define the following settings for the action:

Processing time
Specify when the action is to be processed:

• Immediate processing - the action is started as soon as the start

condition is fulfilled.
• Processing when document is saved - the action is started immediately
after updating.
• Processing via selection report - the action is started after run-in
and evaluation by a report. After evaluation by the report, the system

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 129
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

tests whether a start condition exists first. If there is no start condition or

the condition is met, the action is started.

If the indicator is set, the actions are automatically activated for the
processing as soon as the scheduling conditions are met. If it is not set, the
transaction user must manually activate the actions found in the application
document for the processing.

Display in Toolbox
This option specifies whether activities from this action definition can be
selected and executed from the (GOS) toolbar.

Chngbl in Dialog
The user can change the condition and processing parameters for the
actions in the document.

Executable in Dialog
The user can trigger the action manually on the Actions tab of the business

11. Click on Continue.

12. Optional: Specify the Set partner determination.

If you select the Partner Dependant field, you can enter a Partner Function for
which the action applies. You can also define the action partner-dependant via
the conditions.

13. Click on Continue.

14. Select a processing type.

15. Click on Continue.

130 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

Figure 10-15: Action profiles: Processing Smart Forms

16. Enter detailed settings for the selected processing type:

Form name
Smart Form name; defines the layout of the outgoing document
Processing Class
User-specific output processing class
Use the class modified in the previous step with the

Note: In previous SAP basis versions, processing was performed

using a report and a report form.

Processing Method
User-specific output processing method
Use the method modified in the previous step (see “Creating and editing
the processing class” on page 127). For forms overlay, this method must be
adapted further (see “Defining a processing method for the PPF and
specifying it in the action profile” on page 226).
Output Device
Select the device you want to print or archive the document with.
Archive Mode
Indicate how the document is to be processed:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 131
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

• Print/Fax/E-mail only

• Store only

• Print/Fax/E-mail and Store

The following parameters are only available for the Print/Fax/E-mail and
Store storage mode:

Archive Object Type

Select here BUS2000115 as the archive object type (action).

Document Type
Enter a document type with the format PDF, which is linked to the business
object (see “Creating and linking a document type” on page 122).

Archive copies
If you activate this option, a copy of the document will be archived.

17. Click on Continue.

Figure 10-16: Action profiles: Action definition

18. If desired, you can enter a process description for the action which will be
displayed when the document is processed.

19. Click on Continue.

132 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

20. You can define scheduling conditions for the actions. The scheduling condition
determines whether an action is to be scheduled for processing. An action is
therefore only generated if the scheduling condition is met.
If desired, select an existing scheduling condition for the action. (see “Defining
conditions for the action profile” on page 134)

21. Click on Continue.

22. The scheduling condition is evaluated before the activity is executed. The
activity is only executed if the start condition is fulfilled.
If desired, select an existing start condition for the action (see “Defining
conditions for the action profile” on page 134).

23. Click on Continue.

24. Click on Complete to create the action profile with the action types and the
corresponding conditions.

Later you can assign further action definitions to the same profile with the help of
the wizard, e.g. for different partner functions. To do so, simply repeat the process
described above as of Step 5, using the Select Existing Action Profile option.

Creating an action profile without a wizard

Alternatively, you can create the action profile without using the wizard:

To create an action profile without using the wizard:

1. Navigate in the IMG structure:

Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions → Change
Actions and Conditions and click on Define Action Profiles and
Actions(CRMC_ACTION_DEF transaction).
2. Copy one of the templates that corresponds to your business object.

Note: If there is no suitable action profile, create a new one. To do this,

click on New entries and enter the parameters, as described in Step 6 for
the procedure with the wizard.

For a customer order, select ORDER_MESSAGES.

a. Select the existing action profile and click on (Copy as).

b. Change the name of the copied action profile and check the Obj.type
indication. The action profile is only valid for this business object.
c. Press the Enter key.
d. In the Specify object to be copied dialog box, select the copy all option.
3. Change the name of the action type copied at the same time and press the Enter

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 133
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

4. Confirm the message on the number of copied entries.

5. Click the (Enter) icon.

6. Create or edit an action type, you may need one for each partner type.

a. Select the newly created profile in the list of action profiles.

b. Click on the Action Definition folder in the dialog structure.
c. Enter the parameters for an action definition.
In our example, processing when saving the document is selected as the
Time of Processing.

7. Specify the processing types for the action profile, i.e. the format in which the
document is to be output.

a. Click on the Processing types folder in the dialog structure.

b. Add all the permitted processing types to the list.
c. Optional: specify which processing type is to be used by default by
activating the Default option in the appropriate row of the list.
d. To enter detailed settings for processing, select the processing type in the
list and click on Set processing type.
e. Enter the parameters for an action definition as with the wizard described
in Step 16. The screenshot shows the parameter values for the sales order
for the Smart Forms print processing type.
Print and Store is selected as the storage mode.

8. Save your entries. Defining conditions for the action profile

You can define scheduling and start conditions for the activity.

The scheduling condition determines whether an action is to be scheduled for

processing. An action is therefore only generated if the scheduling condition is met.

The scheduling condition is evaluated before the activity is executed. The activity is
only executed if the start condition is fulfilled. The definition is the same for both
types of condition.

To define a scheduling condition:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure:

Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions → Change
Actions and Conditions.

3. Click on Define Conditions.

(CRMC_ACTION_CONF transaction)

134 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

4. Double-click on the action profile to select it from the Scheduling of Actions

A list of all the previously scheduled actions for this profile appears on the
right. In the ( (OK)) status column you can see whether or the not the action
has already been properly carried out.

5. If no activity has been scheduled for this action profile yet, click the Create icon
and select the action definition for the activity you want to schedule.

Figure 10-17: Scheduling actions for an action profile

You will find general information on the action on the Overview tab. If the
Default Settings from Action Definition option is activated, the predefined
settings are displayed. If this option is deactivated, the predefined values can be
modified here.
On the ActionDetails tab you will find more details on the output device, the
spool, the form and the cover sheet for each action.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 135
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

Figure 10-18: Action details

6. Select the ScheduleCondition tab orStartCondition, to edit the conditions for

the activity.

7. Click on Edit Condition. The browser for start and scheduling conditions is

8. Click the (Create) icon.

9. Enter a Description for the condition.

10. Click in the Condition Definition field. An editor is displayed which you can
use to create your conditions with the correct syntax. For more details see the
SAP Help.
In our example, the start condition is that the document creator (user) must be

136 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.5. Archiving outgoing documents

Figure 10-19: Start conditions for actions

11. Save your conditions. Linking the action profile to the transaction type

The action profile must be linked to a transaction type so that the appropriate action
profile can be run for each transaction of this type - if necessary observing defined
conditions. You can select an existing transaction type, or create a new one.

To select an existing transaction type:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure:

Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions.

3. Click on Assign Action Profile to the Item Category.

(CRMC_ACTION_CONF transaction)

4. Select the desired transaction type you want to link the activity to.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 137
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

To create a new transaction type:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and click the Implementation Guide IMG button.

2. Navigate in the structure:

Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings.

3. Click on Define Transaction Types.

In our example, we select the ZTA (IXOS Telesales) sales transaction, which is a
copy of the Telesales transaction type.

To assign the action profile:

1. Enter the Action Profile in the transaction type details.

Figure 10-20: Assigning an action profile to a transaction type

2. Click the (Accept) icon.

138 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
10.6. Migrating ArchiveLink documents

10.6 Migrating ArchiveLink documents

You can transfer (migrate) individual ArchiveLink documents or even complete
storage systems into other storage systems. If necessary, this migration can also be
performed automatically with a special function module and a report.

10.6.1 Migrating ArchiveLink documents using function

The /IXOS/RT_BASIC_ARCHIVELINK function module is included in the /
IXOS/RT_AL function group and allows you to transfer individual ArchiveLink
documents to different storage systems. This is done by assigning a new document
type which defines the content repository.

This function module can be executed via the SE37 transaction, for example, and
requires the following parameters:

Archive ID the document is to be transferred from
Document ID of the document you want to migrate
Document type of the document you want to migrate
Document type of the migrated document. The document type defines the
content repository for the document.

10.6.2 Automation of migrating ArchiveLink documents using

You can also automate migrating ArchiveLink documents by using the application-
independent /IXOS/RT_AL_SCENARIO report. With this report you can migrate all
documents in a particular content repository simultaneously, for example, or you
can schedule a job to perform the migration in regular intervals.

You can execute this report via the SA38 transaction, for example.

During execution, enter the following parameters:

Archived date from, Archived date to

Specify an archiving date for the documents you want to migrate.
Source Document Type
Document type of the document you want to migrate
Target Document Type
Document type of the migrated document. The document type defines the
content repository for the document.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 139
Chapter 10 Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface

Tip: For large amounts of data, we recommend executing the report as a

background process.

As a result of the report you obtain a protocol which indicates how many documents
were migrated successfully and for which documents the migration was aborted
with an error. If you double-click on a row in the protocol, details from the log file
are displayed.

140 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 11
Archiving via SAP Netweaver ILM

SAP SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) consists of three

NetWeaver ILM components:

Data Archiving
The standard SAP data archiving functions have been enhanced to allow for the
integration of the other two components and to support not only archiving but
also data destruction and snapshot creation.

Retention Management
This component manages data retention policies from the time the data is
created until it has to be destroyed. It can perform e-Discovery to find all data
connected to a business object, and set legal holds.

Retention Warehouse
This component provides a standardized method for decommissioning legacy
systems. Data from decommissioned systems are stored in a central Retention
Warehouse and are still accessible for business users and application of retention

XML DAS and All transactions triggered by SAP NetWeaver ILM in connection with data storage are
WebDAV controlled by the XML Data Archiving Service (XML DAS). The ILM functions are
only available when using XML DAS to transmit the metadata necessary for
retention management through an accordingly extended WebDAV protocol to the
storage system. The OpenText Enterprise Library Services, starting with version
9.7.1, include a BC-ILM 2.0 SAP ILM WebDAV Storage Interface. That makes it
possible for you to store your archived data within the SAP ILM scenario.

The following sections summarize the steps that are necessary to connect your SAP
ILM system with your OpenText storage system.

For an overview of the detailed procedure, see the following documentations:

• Customizing Enterprise Library system
section 4 “Scenario: SAP NetWeaver ILM WebDAV storage interface” in
OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD)
• Customizing SAP ILM system

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 141
Chapter 11 Archiving via SAP Netweaver ILM

11.1 Setting up ILM Scenario in OpenText Enterprise

The following steps are required for the setup of the ILM scenario in OpenText
Enterprise Library:

1. Installing WebDAV Services in your Enterprise Library system - You need an

Enterprise Library installation containing the components Content Server,
Archive Server, and Enterprise Library Services.
To install WebDAV Services, select WebDAV Services from the product group
Core Services and Other Components in the Shared Services Bundle Suite
For more information, see section 4.1 “Installing the software” in OpenText
Enterprise Library - Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
2. Creating an Enterprise Library volume - For ILM, your Enterprise Library
system needs an Enterprise Library volume. If your system does not yet provide
one to use for ILM, you have to create at least one Enterprise Library application
with an associated volume.
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.2 “Creating a
volume” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-
3. Creating an Archive Storage Provider Rule - ILM scenarios require at least one
logical archive and thus a Storage Provider rule to put all ILM documents into
this logical archive.
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.3 “Defining logical
archive and storage provider for ILM” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario
and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
4. Creating a User - ILM scenarios require at least one Enterprise Library user. You
may use a dedicated technical user or any user available within your Enterprise
Library system. The SAP ILM system is later configured with this user and
password being part of the connection parameters. The ILM volume should
grant access only to this dedicated user.
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.4 “Creating a
dedicated user for ILM” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and
Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
5. Configuring Records Management for SAP ILM - In the ILM scenario, the SAP
ILM system acts as the master application that executes the retention
management on the ILM documents. However, you have to configure Records
Management to support the ILM retention features. A default Records
Management classification must be applied to all ILM folder and item types.
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.5 “Configuring
Records Management for SAP ILM” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and
Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
6. Supporting big files for SAP ILM - Documents are transferred through ILM
without information about the content length (chunked transfer encoding). To

142 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
11.1. Setting up ILM Scenario in OpenText Enterprise Library

support files bigger than 9 MB, you have to configure Archive Server to allow
For detailed information about the procedure, see OpenText Enterprise Library -
Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
7. Excluding documents from undelete - You must ensure that deleted Enterprise
Library objects are not moved to the Undelete Volume in Content Server but
deleted at once.
For detailed information about the procedure, seeOpenText Enterprise Library -
Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).
8. Adding dead properties - A dead property, as defined by WebDAV's RFC 2518
specification, means that the server, in this case the WebDAV server, only
records the value of the property without checking syntax. Syntax and semantics
of a dead property are enforced and defined by the client, in this case the SAP
ILM server. The automatically created ILM item and folder types already contain
the dead properties defined by the ILM specification. In your ILM scenario you
have to add dead properties only if the SAP system needs to support additional
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.6 “Adding dead
properties” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-
9. Testing ILM installation - After setting up your WebDAV ILM system, you can
verify your configuration using the testing tool provided by OpenText in the
download area of Enterprise Library Services in the Knowledge Center.
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.8 “Testing the ILM
installation” in OpenText Enterprise Library - Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-
10. ArchiveLink-stored documents - Additionally to the basic ILM functionality,
you can also manage the retention of documents stored through SAP
ArchiveLink. This scenario only supports ArchiveLink-stored documents that
are available within the same ELS installation (this Archive Server and all known
Archive Servers).
For detailed information about the procedure, see section 4.9 “ILM-managed
objects and ArchiveLink-stored documents” in OpenText Enterprise Library -
Scenario and Configuration Guide (EL-GGD).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 143
Chapter 11 Archiving via SAP Netweaver ILM

11.2 Setting up ILM Scenario in SAP System

This section summarizes the steps necessary to connect XML Data Archiving Service
(XML DAS) with an OpenText WebDAV server as storage location. For more
information about the detailed procedure, click the link to the corresponding section
of the SAP documentation.

Customizing Steps

1. Providing WebDAV Server as Archive Store for SAP NetWeaver ILM

• URL of the WebDAV server:
http://<server>:<port>/ot-webdav/ilm/<ILM Volume>
• Logon user and password of the WebDAV server:
Use the user and password created in step 4 of “Setting up ILM Scenario in
OpenText Enterprise Library” on page 142.
2. Defining the Connection to Storage for SAP NetWeaver ILM
3. Registering the Store for SAP NetWeaver ILM in XML DAS
To use a WebDAV Server as an XML DAS archive store, you need to create an
entry for your store in the XML DAS administration.
4. Provide Home Paths for XML DAS Archive Store (Java)
In this step, you provide the home paths to your archived resources.

Further Information
• For an overview and more information about working with the SAP Information
Lifecycle Management, see
Deploying Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) in the SAP System
• For an overview and more information about working with XML Data Archiving
Service (XML DAS), see
Use XML Data Archiving Service (XML DAS) for Archiving
Administration of the XML Data Archiving Service (XML DAS)

144 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
11.2. Setting up ILM Scenario in SAP System

• The ILM Store Browser allows you to view the hierarchy of your archived data.
You can also view detailed information about the location of your archived files
and resources. See
ILM Store Browser

11.2.1 ILM for ArchiveLink-Stored Documents

You can also apply the SAP ILM retention management to ArchiveLink-stored
documents and print lists without moving these documents or changing anything in
the ArchiveLink protocol or in the HTTP Content Server Interface. To allow this, the
ArchiveLink documents are represented in the ILM storage system by ArchiveLink

Note: This scenario only supports ArchiveLink-stored documents that are

available within the same ELS installation (this Archive Server and all

known Archive Servers).

The WebDAV server does the following:

1. Recognizes ArchiveLink references

Every WebDAV resource that has the content length = 0 and is therefore empty,
and carries the property al_crep_id, is identified as an ArchiveLink reference.
The ILM policies are propagated to the ArchiveLink documents by the
ArchiveLink reference properties containing the prefix al_.
For example:
al_doc_id: carries the ArchiveLink document ID for the content repository.
al_crep_id: represents the content repository as it is known in the SAP system.
al_sid: identifies the SAP system.
2. Applies the retention constraints assigned as properties to a reference resource
to the actual ArchiveLink-stored document

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 145
Chapter 12
Archiving via the SAP Knowledge Provider

The KPro (Knowledge Provider) infrastructure uses the Content Management

Service to store Content Management documents. Configuring storage for
documents in an OpenText Archive and Storage Services instead of in an SAP
Content Server consists only of the steps described for Content Management in the
next section.

Furthermore, OpenText supplies a function module and a report with which you
can transfer individual or several KPro documents to a different content repository
in one step, and if necessary can also automate this task. This functionality will be
described as migration in the following.

Migration is only possible if the HTTP protocol is used, and only SAP system
databases and structure storage repositories are supported as SAP Content Servers.

12.1 Customizing content management

By default, Content management documents are saved in a database, like all other
SAP documents. If you want to save the documents in an archive instead, you need
to carry out a few customizing steps. You will still have access to documents already

Note: The content management functionality is principally available in all

applications. The Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions products
support it in all KPro-based SAP applications.

The storage of content management documents is controlled using storage

categories Storage Categories. Each document is stored in a physical document class
(PHIO). In the data model, a storage category is defined for each physical document
class. The storage category in turn is linked to a content repository (archive or
database). This specifies uniquely for each SAP document where it is to be stored.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 147
Chapter 12 Archiving via the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure

Figure 12-1: Customizing content management

To set up the storage of content management documents in an archive, you must

modify the storage category of the physical document class used for each SAP

Note: If you want to export the documents from a content management system
later using the OpenText Rendition Server, you must define an archive as a
storage category for the appropriate physical document classes. Only if
documents are stored on the OpenText Archive and Storage Services, they can
be exported.

To modify the storage category of a physical document class:

1. Find out which physical document class has been used up to now for archiving
the documents:

a. Search in the SAP application for any content management document for
the required SAP application, or create a new one.

b. Select the document in the hierarchy, right-click on it and select Properties

from the context menu.

148 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
12.1. Customizing content management

Note: Do not use the Properties button in the document zone in the
right pane of the window.
c. Browse to the Technical Information tab. There you will find the physical
Doc.class under Physical Document.
To illustrate this, let's take PDK_1 as an example for this physical document

2. Use the physical document class that was found to set the associated storage
category used for this application:

a. Open the DMWB transaction.

b. Open the CRM → PHIO-class entity.
c. Find the identified PDK_1 physical document class in the hierarchy and
double-click on it.
d. On the Standard properties tab you will find the
STORAGE_CATEGORY_MAINT attribute. Make sure that this attribute contains
an X as its value.
e. The STORAGE_CATEGORY attribute specifies the name of the storage category
used for the business object.
In the following example, we will use STC_DB.

3. Define a logical HTTP archive using the OAC0 transaction (see “Maintaining
archives” on page 82). You do not need a document area.
In the following example, we will call the archive ARCHIV_1.

4. Create a new storage category (content category) for this archive:

a. Open the OACT transaction.

b. Create a new entry for the archive storage category. Enter the created
archive (ARCHIV_1) as the content repository.
In the following example, we will use STC_ARCH.

5. Finally, you must change the assignment of the storage category for the physical
document class (PDK_1) of the SAP application, so that the new archive storage
category is used.

a. Open the SKPR08 transaction.

b. Find the entry for the physical document class used.
In the Previous cat. column you will find the previously assigned storage
category (STC_DB).
c. In the New cat. column, enter the name of the new archive storage category

In doing so, you have changed the storage category assignment in such a way that
the CM documents with the physical document class PDK_1 are from now on stored
in the ARCHIV_1 archive. At the same time, you still have access to the documents of
this physical document class that were stored in the database (STC_DB storage

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 149
Chapter 12 Archiving via the SAP Knowledge Provider infrastructure

12.2 Migrating KPro documents using function

The /IXOS/RT_KPRO_BASIS function module is included in the /IXOS/RT_KPRO
function group and enables you to transfer individual KPro documents to different
content repositories.

Note: Migration is only possible if the HTTP protocol is used, and only SAP
data bases and structure repositories are supported as SAP Content Servers.

This function module can be executed via the SE37 transaction, for example, and
requires the following parameters:

Content repository to which the document is to be migrated.

Object ID and class of the document you want to migrate

You can also use this function module to automate the migration; for example,
documents can automatically be copied or moved to an archive for permanent
storage depending on a certain status transition. This was implemented for a sample
project in DocuLink, for example; for details see the corresponding documentation.

12.3 Automation of migrating KPro documents using

You can also automate migration of KPro documents by using the application-
independent /IXOS/RT_KPRO_SCENARIO report. With this report you can migrate all
documents in a particular content repository simultaneously, for example, or you
can schedule a job to perform the migration in regular intervals.

Note: Migration is only possible if the HTTP protocol is used, and only SAP
data bases and structure repositories are supported as SAP Content Servers.

This report is included in the /IXOS/RT_KPRO development class and can be

executed via the SA38 transaction, for example.

150 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
12.3. Automation of migrating KPro documents using reports

Figure 12-2: Automation of migrating KPro documents

During execution, enter the following parameters:

Archived date
Specify an archiving date for the documents you want to migrate.

Document area
Enter the document area for the KPro documents.

Document class
Enter the document class for the KPro documents.

Source Category of Document

Enter the storage category that contains the documents.

Target Category of Document

Enter the content repository the documents are to be migrated to.

Tip: For large amounts of data, we recommend executing the report as a

background process.

As a result, the report returns a protocol which indicates how many Phios, i.e.
physical documents, were migrated successfully and for which documents the
migration was aborted with an error. If you double-click on a row in the protocol,
details from the log file are displayed.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 151
Chapter 13
Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

To be able to archive via the ODMA interface, DesktopLink must be installed.

13.1 Setting up DesktopLink

Before you can use DesktopLink, the following conditions must be met:

On the user workstation:

DesktopLink must be installed. This installation forms part of the Windows
Viewer installation and is described in the OpenText Imaging Viewers and
DesktopLink - Installation and Administration Guide (CL-IGD).

In the SAP application:

The DesktopLink transport must be imported and the configuration completed.
For a more detailed description see section 3.5 “DesktopLink” in OpenText
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide
(ER-IGD). Details about the configuration are explained in the following
sections. In addition, the standard ArchiveLink scenarios must be configured, if
necessary (see “Archiving via the ArchiveLink interface“ on page 95).
Configuring DesktopLink consists of the following stages:
1. Creating document types. This assigns the document class.
2. Creating multi-document types for multiple storage.
3. Optional: Assign the target format and specify the converter to be used to
transfer the original document to a non-editable TIFF or PDF format.
4. Linking document types with their associated object types and the logical
5. Optional: Maintaining the workflow settings of the document types and
assigning the default setting; if necessary, creating a default setting
6. Optional: Configuring attribute transfer
7. Optional: Configuring special scenarios
8. Optional: Defining user-specific settings
9. Optional (SAP ERP only): Enhancing SAP object types
10. Optional: Defining SAP authorizations

• Note for internal project developers
For information on user exits in DesktopLink, a technical documentation can
be requested from your OpenText contact person. Be aware that user exits
may only be used by OpenText to develop projects.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 153
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

• Support of ArchiveLink enhancement

DesktopLink supports the usage of SAP's ArchiveLink enhancement with
table TOAAT as described in SAP OSS Note 1451769.
You can enable the feature in transaction OAG1 selecting the check box
Reserve1 of table TOACU. See also OSS Note 1451769.
The file name is stored in table TOAAT without full path. This feature is
provided with OSS Note 1451769. The file name can be displayed in the GOS
attachment list. This is the standard behavior when uploading a document
from GOS without DesktopLink. If DesktopLink is customized to convert the
uploaded file via client or rendition management and the original file shall
be preserved, then for both entries the name of the original file name is
stored. DesktopLink supports this feature for all launch options, for example
from GOS, DocuLink or Desktop.
Additionally, DesktopLink stores the timestamp when the file is uploaded
and the SAP user login who performed the upload.

13.1.1 Calling up the DesktopLink customizing functions

A function overview is available for calling the DesktopLink customizing functions.
Execute the J8A7 transaction to call it. Alternatively, execute the SE38 transaction
and then the J_8A3004 report.

There you will find functions for the following task areas:
• Standard Customizing for 5.x
• Expert Customizing for 5.x
• Tools
• ArchiveLink Customizing
• Version 4.x (for DesktopLink versions 4.x, no longer required)

Tip: If you want to know which version of DesktopLink is installed, execute

the J8A7 transaction and in the Tools area, click on Show Version.

13.1.2 Configuration

154 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink Basis customizing: Maintaining document types

Even when archiving via DesktopLink you must create the appropriate document
types for each scenario. You may need several document types, depending on the
formats you wish to use for storage.

Note: Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions supplies special
function modules and reports for document conversion (Rendition
Management). These are implemented for PLM DMS documents within the
PLM DMS archiving scenario by default; within the framework of a project,
they can also be used for further document types. See “Document entry via
DesktopLink” on page 193, and“Rendition Management“ on page 239.

Archiving in the original format

Create a document class of the original format.

Archiving in TIFF or PDF format (Printing with OpenText TIFF Converter or

OpenText PDF Converter)
Create a document class with the FAX or PDF document class. In this case the
converted document and not the original format is received directly by the SAP

Archiving in TIFF/PDF format and optionally in original format in one step

Create two document types, one with the FAX or PDF document class and one
with the document class of the original format. The two document types must be
linked (see “Configuring client-side (classic) conversion to TIFF or PDF”
on page 157).
This procedure can be used for all scenarios. For the Storing for subsequent
entry and Store and enter workflow scenarios, the document is transferred
directly in its original format with the work item. The associated TIFF or PDF
document is stored in the J_8A3T0001 table and subsequently linked to the
business object by the J_8A3P01 report. OpenText recommends scheduling a job
for this report.
User selects the storage format (TIFF/PDF or original)
Create three document types, one with the FAX or PDF document class and two
with the document class of the original format. An original document type must
be linked to the conversion document type. There are two document types
available to you. By selecting the document type, you are indirectly selecting the
storage format.

Note: If the document class you require does not yet exist, you can create it
using the OAD2 transaction.

You create document types with the OAC2 transaction. For a more detailed
description see “Maintaining global document types” on page 85.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 155
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink) Creating multi-document types

A multi-document type combines a number of document types. When you select the
default settings and document types, you only see the multi-document type and not
the individual document types behind it.

Multi-document types must be maintained if you wish to support multiple storage

for the Store and assign scenario. With multiple storage, multiple documents that
may have different file formats are archived using the Send to menu or Drag&Drop
on the Save to SAP solutions desktop icon, and linked with the same SAP business
object in one indexing step. The storage of the documents is controlled by the
internal assignment to the individual document type.

Note: All scenarios allow you to archive multiple documents using the Send to
menu or Drag&Drop and to index each individually in the SAP application
(see section 4 “Working with DesktopLink” in OpenText DesktopLink - User
Guide (CLDL-UGD)).

Multi-document types are maintained directly in the J_8A3T0003 table.

To create multi-document types:

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction and create a document type as a multi-document

type, as in the following example.

Document type

Document type
Multi-document type for D6


If you have not yet created the single document types, do this now. For details
see “Maintaining global document types” on page 85.

2. Execute the SM30 transaction.

3. Enter the table name J_8A3T0003 and click on Maintain.

4. Click on New entries.

5. Enter:

Short text of the multi-document type to which the single document type is

Document class
Document class of the single document type

156 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Short text of the single document type

6. Click on (Enter).

7. Repeat steps 4 to 7and assign all the required single document types to the
multi-document type. Configuring client-side (classic) conversion to TIFF or PDF

If you want to convert office documents to a long-term format, which will store them
in their original state for a long time, you need two document types: one with the
FAX or PDF document class and two with the document class of the original format.
You already created these in the previous section. Now both document types must
be linked. Finally, you specify the converter for the conversion.

To assign TIFF or PDF as a target format:

1. Execute the J8AO transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

3. Enter in an empty table row:

Document type for the source format

Document type for the target format

Enter an X here if you want the document to be archived in its original
format with the converted document. The relationship between the original
and the TIFF/PDF document is stored in the J_8A3T0018 table (can be
displayed using the SE16 transaction).

4. Click on (Save).

A different converter is assigned for converting to TIFF and PDF format. You must
perform the assignment once for each document class and each target format.

To assign the converter:

1. Execute the J8AN transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

3. Specify the Source document class (source format), the Target document class
(target format) and the converter (TOTIFF or TOPDF).

4. Click on (Save).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 157
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink) Configuring rendition server conversion to TIFF or PDF

Note: Starting with version 10, DesktopLink also supports the use of rendering
profiles of the OpenText Rendition Server. This supports, for example, the
conversion to PDF/A.

You may choose to use the (Rendition Server) as an alternative to the client-side
conversion to long-term formats; Rendition Server must have version 9.6 or higher.
In general, any source document class that can be converted by Rendition Server
may be converted to TIFF or PDF this way. The conversion of MS Office documents
(including MS Outlook, extension and document class MSG) and Lotus Notes e-
mails (extension and document class NSF; a Lotus Notes client has to be installed on
the Rendition Server) has been tested for the DesktopLink conversion scenario.

Note: Contact the OpenText support if you like to convert other formats that
are supported by Rendition Server but cannot be converted using the
DesktopLink conversion scenario.

As already described for the “classic” client-side conversion you need two document
types: one with the FAX or PDF document class and two with the document class of
the original format. You already created these in the previous section. Now both
document types must be linked. Then in the same way as for the client side you
specify the converter for the conversion. After that you have to check whether you
already have defined a rendition server ID or create a new one. Finally you
configure the rendition server ID for each target document type.

To assign TIFF or PDF as a target format:

1. Execute the J8AO transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

3. Enter in an empty table row:

Document type for the source format

Document type for the target format

Enter an X here if you want the document to be archived in its original
format with the converted document. The relationship between the original
and the TIFF/PDF document is stored in the J_8A3T0018 table (can be
displayed using the SE16 transaction).

4. Click on (Save).

There is a converter for the usage of the OpenText Rendition Server. You must
perform the assignment once for each document class and usage of Rendition

158 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

To assign the converter:

1. Execute the J8AN transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

3. Specify the Source document class (source format), the Target document class
(target format) and the converter LARS.

4. Click on (Save).

To define rendition server ID:

1. Use the SM30 transaction to maintain the table /IXOS/RSA_T_RENS or use the
DocuLink administration transaction J6NA to maintain the table /

2. Click on (Save).

Tip: For more details see section 3.2.1 “Configuring rendition management” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and
Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD).

To configure the rendition server ID and profile assignment for each target
document type:

1. Select the rendition server ID (J_8A3T0021) button in the J8A7 transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

3. Specify the Target document type (as used in the J8AO transaction) and the
rendition server ID as defined in the steps above. Thus a distinctive rendition
server may be used to convert source document types to the specified target
document type.

4. Specify Server side Rendition Server Profile to create a rendering profile on

side of OpenText Rendition Server. In this way, you can for example set the
watermarks or the conversion to PDF/A. For more information about rendering
profiles, see OpenText Rendition Server - Installation and Administration Guide (RS-

5. Click on (Save).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 159
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink) Basis customizing: Maintaining links

All document types to be archived are assigned to the storage systems, object types
and link tables in the usual fashion. Multi-document types must also be linked and
archived, since the information is required by the object type. Specifying the archive
and link table for multi-document types is useful, because the archives are linked to
the single document types.

Note: If you want to use separate link tables for DesktopLink documents, you
can create these with the OAD3 transaction.

You maintain links with the OAC3 transaction. For a more detailed description see
“Maintaining links” on page 88. Determining the workflow and default settings

When using the Storing for subsequent entry, Storing for subsequent
assignment, Store and enter, Store and assign and Assign then store
scenarios, you must maintain the document types to be archived as workflow
document types. For a more detailed description see “Workflow parameters”
on page 109. Closing the SAP GUI mode automatically

If DesktopLink is started from a non-SAP application, an SAP GUI mode is opened.
If you want this mode to be closed automatically after the DesktopLink activity is
completed, you must configure this separately.

To close the SAP GUI mode automatically:

1. Execute the J8A7 transaction.

2. Click on Technical Customizing.

3. At the very bottom of the page, activate the Close SAP GUI Modus option.

13.1.3 Configuring attribute transfer

Files that were created with an ODMA-compatible application such as MS Word or
MS Excel, contain attributes. These attributes or file properties can be set
automatically (e.g. file name, author) or defined by the user. Attributes can be used
for identifying, classifying and indexing the file. In MS Office applications the
attributes are contained in the File - Properties menu.

User-defined ODMA attributes (properties), which were defined in the mail

application, can be transferred to an SAP system as well when archiving via
ExchangeLink or NotesLink.

At archiving, attributes can be copied to the SAP application with DesktopLink and
can be processed further there.

160 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

• The key fields and their values are entered in the document as attributes and
evaluated in the SAP application for assignment to the SAP business object.
• You can freely define attributes in the document and add values to be copied to
the SAP application and evaluated there.
• The attributes are copied from the document to the SAP application and stored in
a table.
• The attributes are copied from the document to the SAP application and included
in a work item text.
• The attributes are used temporarily for document creation, e.g. in order to open a
specific DocuLink view. This is described in “Using ODMA attributes in
DocuLink using DesktopLink” on page 170.

In order to be able to transfer attributes with DesktopLink, they must be maintained

carefully in the documents (usually with MS Office applications) and appropriately
customized in the SAP system. Preassigning key fields

You can enter and transfer attributes to simplify or automate the assignment of MS
Office documents to SAP business objects. This is possible for the Store and assign
and Assign then store scenarios. Use the key fields in the object type as attribute
names in the documents, using precisely the field or key field names as they were
defined in the SAP system.

To identify reference fields in an object type in SAP ERP:

1. Execute the SWO1 transaction.

2. Enter the object type, e.g. BKPF.

3. Click on Display.

4. Double-click on Key fields. A table of all key field definitions appears. The Key
field and Field columns contain the names you can use for attribute names.

Figure 13-1: Key fields for object types

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 161
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

To identify reference fields in an object type in SAP CRM:

1. Execute the SWO1 transaction.

2. Enter the object type, e.g.: BUS1006.

3. Click on Display.

4. Double-click on Key fields.

A table of all key field definitions appears. The Key field and Field columns
contain the names you can use for attribute names.

Figure 13-2: Key fields for object types (SAP CRM)

The attributes are entered in the file properties of an MS Office document on the
Custom tab. They can also be stored in the document template, so that the user only
needs to enter current values.

162 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Figure 13-3: File properties of an MS Office document

Note: If you want to transfer the key fields and use your own attribute names
instead of the SAP names, you need to perform customizing as described
under “Transferring user-defined attributes” on page 164.

When an user archives a document via DesktopLink with attribute transfer, the key
field entry dialog box in the SAP application already contains the transferred values.
You can switch off the display of this dialog box in the user settings of DesktopLink
and thus reduce the number of procedural steps.

To specify user settings for the attribute transfer:

1. Execute the J8A3 transaction.

2. Under Object key you find options that affect the conversion of attributes into
the object key.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 163
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

Create Objectkey from ODMA attributes

The dialog box containing the transferred values for the key fields is not
displayed; instead the associated document appears (only if the Confirm
method is assigned to the object type).
No confirmation for object key
The document is archived and assigned without displaying the key fields
and the document. Transferring user-defined attributes

User-defined attributes can also be transferred to the SAP application and evaluated
using the SET/GET parameter, for example for the workflow, for direct integration
in DocuLink, or if you wish to use your own names instead of the SAP names for the
key field attributes. Here the attribute name is assigned to the appropriate SET/GET
parameter in the J_8A3T0007 table.

To transfer user-defined attributes:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction.

2. Enter the table name J_8A3T0007 and click on Maintain.
3. Click on New entries.
4. Enter:

ODMA attribute
the name of the attribute, as entered in the MS Office application.
the SET/GET parameter for the field in which the attribute value is to be
5. Click on (Save).
6. Click on (Back). Transferring and saving attributes

Attributes from MS Office applications can be saved in the SAP application for other
evaluations, such as integration in DocuLink. To do this you specify in the
J_8A3T0012 table which attributes are to be stored in the SAP application for which
document type.

To save attributes:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction.

2. Enter the table name J_8A3T0012 and click on Maintain.
3. Click on New entries.
4. Enter:

164 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Object type
Object type with which the document type is linked.

Single document type

Document type for which an attribute is to be saved.

Scenario type
Enter * if the attribute is to be saved for all scenarios, or select a scenario.
The FRUE, GLEI and SPAE scenario types are intended for use in R/3
versions 4.0 and 3.1 and should not be used anymore. Use the WFEA,
WFEI, WFLA, WFLI and ZUAB scenario types, as well as DC30, if you use

Figure 13-4: Storage scenarios

ODMA attribute
Enter the name of the attribute, as entered in the MS Office application.

5. Click on (Save).

6. Click on (Back).

The transferred attributes are saved in the J_8A3T0013 table (can be displayed with
the SE16 transaction). Inserting attributes in work item texts

Attributes from MS Office applications can be transferred to the SAP application and
inserted in work item texts. To do so, you must define which attributes are to be
inserted in the work item text for which document types.

To insert attributes in work item texts:

1. Execute the J8A7 transaction.

2. In the Expert Customizing for 5.x area, click on Workitem text.

3. Click the New entries button.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 165
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

4. Specify for which users the work item is to be created. If you would like to use it
for all users, enter %ALL.

5. In the Singletype field, enter the document type for which this work item is to
be created.

6. In the Workitem text field you define the text that will be sent as a work item.
To insert ODMA attributes, enter the attribute name enclosed by &, e.g. &Date&.

7. Save this entry.

When a work item is created for the selected document type, the contents of the
specified ODMA attributes will automatically be inserted.

13.1.4 Configuring special scenarios

In addition to the standard ArchiveLink scenarios, DesktopLink supports some
other archiving scenarios via the ODMA interface, which require further

• SAP PLM, see “Document entry via DesktopLink” on page 193

• SAP Records Management, see “Document entry via DesktopLink” on page 183
• DocuLink

DocuLink scenario

To store DesktopLink documents in DocuLink, and if necessary, to index records for

them at the same time, the following scenarios are available:

Assign then store

To launch the create screen for an attribute object within a project or to specify
the key fields of an existing attribute record

To enable free navigation or to restrict the view automatically using user-
defined properties Assign then store scenario

Prerequisites To use this scenario, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

• The object type contains the event assigned (inherited from the interface type
• The method confirm exists;
Redefine the confirm method if necessary and remove the error message from
the program. (SWO1 transaction).
• The ExistenceCheck method, which is contained in IFARCH21, must be
redefined and implemented (otherwise no check for duplicates is carried out on
the records).

166 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Figure 13-5: Customizing the Assign then store scenario

To customize the Assign then store scenario:

1. Create a document type using the OAC2 transaction.

2. Workflow parameters
Only for record entry:
Maintain the workflow parameter for this document type (OACA transaction):

• DOCULINK_PROJECT: project in which the record is to be entered.

• DOCULINK_DATASOURCE: attribute object for which a record is to be entered.
• optional: DOCULINK_VERSION: version in which a record is to be entered. If
this is not specified, then the following versions are used in the sequence
specified below:

• productive version (active or inactive)

• the last modified development version
• any other version

If no version exists then an error message is output.

3. Workflow settings
Maintain the following workflow settings in the SOA0 transaction:

• Object type: /IXOS/DC_R or user-specific object type with the interface /

• Method: PROCESS
• Task: TS7869
4. Using the OAC3 transaction, enter the link for the object type of the attribute
object; enter the archive ID and the link table.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 167
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

5. Only for record entry:

a. Maintain project, attribute object, object type and data structure. The entry
of documents for this attribute object must be permitted (see section
“General” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and
Administration Guide (DC-CGD)).
If you subsequently assign documents then it is not necessary to reference
the project and attribute object, since assignment can be performed on the
basis of the selected document type and the entered key fields.
b. Insert the following entries in the SM30 transaction in the J_8AMUSERX table:



168 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink DocuLink scenario

Figure 13-6: Customizing the DocuLink scenario

To customize the DocuLink scenario:

1. Create a document type using the OAC2 transaction.

2. Using the OAC3 transaction, enter the link for the object type of the attribute
object; enter the archive ID and the link table.

3. Maintain the project, attribute object, object type and data structure in
DocuLink. The entry of documents for this attribute object must be permitted
(see section “Archiving” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions -
Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)).

In this scenario, DocuLink is started with the most recently opened project, if no
other project was specified using an user-defined property (see “Using ODMA
attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink” on page 170).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 169
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink) Using ODMA attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink

You can use ODMA attributes for example to provide presettings in the create
screen in DocuLink, or to automatically restrict the DocuLink view. The values for
these properties can either be stored permanently (e.g. information on key fields), or
temporarily for the duration of entering a document (e.g. opening a particular
DocuLink view). This requires additional customizing steps.

Using ODMA attributes and storing them permanently

If the ODMA attribute values must be stored permanently, e.g. in order to display
them as node type text in DocuLink later, the properties must be maintained in a
special table.

To use ODMA attributes:

1. Enter the properties that are to be saved in DesktopLink in the J_8A3T0012


2. In the ODMA-copmpatible application, define Text type user-defined

properties for the documents you want to enter. The property names must be
identical to the assigned selection fields in DocuLink. In addition, these special
selection fields have the prefix @ in DocuLink.

3. You can use the values from the document properties as presettings in the
DocuLink create screen when entering documents via DesktopLink. To do so,
activate automatic filling of fields in DocuLink (see section 10.3.3 “Assigning
selection fields to attribute object fields” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions
- Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)).

Using ODMA attribute values in DocuLink temporarily

In applications supporting ODMA, you can define user-defined properties (Text

type, menu option File → Properties, Customize tab). Then when you enter a
document from these applications using DesktopLink, and store it in DocuLink,
these properties are evaluated. Thus you can use properties that are already known
in the application, e.g. the customer or product name, to restrict the displayed
DocuLink view. That way, navigation to the required node is easier and faster for
the user. For this purpose, the ODMA attribute values only need to be available
temporarily (namely for the time of entry).

The possible properties and their effects are described in the following table.

Property name Value Result

%SZ_TYP DC30 Opens DocuLink in a
separate window
$PROJECT <Project name>, Opens the specified
e.g. $EX_LINK DocuLink project[a]

170 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Property name Value Result

$TREENUM <View number>, Opens the specified
e.g. 01 DocuLink view
$OPEN_NODETYPE <Node type>, The specified node in the
e.g. ALL_CUSTOMERS DocuLink view is
automatically expanded, all
parent nodes up to the root
node are opened.
<Selection field name>, e.g. Possible value for the Uses the property value as a
SF_CUST_NAME selection field, selection criterion and
e.g. IXOS AG restricts the DocuLinkview
accordingly, i.e. only the
corresponding node is
expanded (in the example:
only the customer IXOS AG)
[a] The most current version is used, i.e. in this order:
a. productive version (active or inactive)
b. the last modified development version
c. any other version
If no version exists then an error message is output.

Note the following naming convention when defining ODMA attributes:

Icon list

Prefix Used for

% Content Server-specific property
$ DocuLink-specific property
SF Recommended for defining selection fields in DocuLink

Example 13-1: Using ODMA attribute values to restrict the DocuLink


In the following screenshot you can see how user-defined properties were
defined for a Word document, which are evaluated when the DocuLink view
is displayed. The view with expanded nodes for the specified customer
name and product number is displayed.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 171
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

Figure 13-7: Using ODMA attribute values to restrict the DocuLink view

Entering several documents at the same time

If several documents are selected simultaneously for entry and ODMA attributes
have been defined for several documents, the behavior depends on the particular
constellation. The following cases are possible:

Case Result
The values are identical for all documents. The settings are valid for all documents.
Some of the documents have identical values The settings are valid for all documents,
for the property, for the rest no values are including those for which no values were
specified for it. specified.
The documents have different values for the The most recently opened DocuLink view is
$PROJECT and/or $TREENUM property. opened; if that is not possible, the user must
select the project.
Values for selection fields are defined, The most recently opened DocuLink view is
however not for the $PROJECT and opened; if that is not possible, the user must
$TREENUM properties. select the project. The selection field settings
are ignored.

172 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Case Result
Different values are specified for the same The different values are evaluated as a multi-
selection field in different documents, e.g. selection for the selection criterion (OR
SF_CUST_NAME = "IXOS" and operator); the view is opened and all
SF_CUST_NAME = "SAP". specified values are displayed; in the
example the customers IXOS and SAP.
Values for different selection fields are The values are evaluated as different
specified in different documents, e.g. selection criteria (AND operator); the view is
SF_CUST_NAME = "IXOS" in one document opened and the node which fits all criteria is
and SF_PROD_NAME = "DocuLink" in expanded; in the example the customer IXOS
another. with the product DocuLink.

13.1.5 User-specific settings in the SAP application for

You can customize the storage steps in the SAP application to your user
requirements. If you only want to use the Assign then store scenario for example,
you do not need to display the Select Scenario dialog box at all.

1. Execute the J8A3 transaction.

If you have the required authorization to change settings for other users as well,
the following screen is displayed. Otherwise you go straight to the initial screen
for user settings (see step 2).
Your user name is automatically entered in the User field.

Note: If you click the Standarduser button you can edit the settings for the
standard user.
2. Click the button to change the settings for the selected user.
The following window opens:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 173
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

Figure 13-8: User-specific settings in the SAP application for DesktopLink

3. Enter the settings.

Choose between the following options:

• Last Scenario:
The cursor is always positioned on the scenario which was selected the
last time DesktopLink was called up.
• Last Scenario + automatic choose:
The Select scenario dialog is no longer displayed the next time
DesktopLink is started. The last scenario selected is automatically used.
• Scenario ... + automatic choose:
Here you can select a scenario that is subsequently used by default. The
Select scenario dialog box is no longer displayed

174 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

Document type
Choose between the following options:
• Last document type:
The cursor is always positioned on the document type that was selected
the last time DesktopLink was called up.
• Last document type + automatic choose:
The Select document type dialog is no longer displayed the next time
DesktopLink is started. The last document type selected is automatically

Object key
• Create Objectkey from ODMA attributes:
Activates attribute extraction (see “Configuring attribute transfer”
on page 160). The dialog with the extracted attributes for the key fields in
not opened, the related business object is displayed (only if the Confirm
method is assigned to the object type).
• No confirmation for object key:
Activates automatic attribute transfer to the SAP application. The
original document is archived and assigned without displaying the key
fields or the business object.

• technical info in tree:
Activates the display of technical information on the document type, e.g.
the technical document type name (in addition to the description), as
well as the assigned business object or the corresponding link table

The Default settings button resets the fields to the predefined standard. Even if
you accept these standard settings for the user without modifications, the user
still possesses personal settings. Changes concerning the Standard user do not
affect that.
If you click the button, users lose their individual settings. Instead, the
standard user's default settings will be used.

4. Click the button to confirm the settings.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 175
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

13.1.6 Enhancements for DesktopLink Enhancing SAP object types (for SAP ERP only)
DesktopLink offers enhanced functions for SAP ERP for some object types in the
form of subobjects. If you wish to use these, assign these subobject types to the
corresponding object types. You can display the subobject type configuration with
the object navigator. OpenText supplies the following enhanced subobject types:

SAP object type DesktopLink subobject type


To create further subobject types:

1. Execute the SWO1 transaction.

2. Enter a name for the new (sub-) object type, and click on Create.
3. In the Create dialog, enter the business object you want to extend in the
Supertype field.
4. Click the button. The new object type is displayed.
5. If the ArchiveLink interface (IFARCH21) does not yet exist under Interfaces, add
6. If the method Confirm does not yet exist under Methods, add it.

Tip: You can use the method for the J_8A3_EKKO object type as a template.

7. Change the release status for the new object component:

a. Select the Methods folder.

b. Select the Edit → Change Release Status → Object type component → To
released menu option.
8. Change the release status for the new object: Select the Edit → Change Release
Status → Object type → To released menu item.

To assign subobject types:

1. Execute the SWO6 transaction.

2. Click on New entries.

176 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
13.1. Setting up DesktopLink

3. Enter:

Object type
SAP object type, e.g. BKPF

Person responsible
Name of the employee responsible for customizing the object type.

Delegation type
DesktopLink subobject type to be assigned to the object type.

4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all object types you wish to enhance.

To display the subobject type configuration:

1. Execute the SE80 transaction.

The object navigator is displayed.

2. Enter the J8A3 development class.

3. Click on Business Engineering - Business Object type.

You will see the subobject types and their short descriptions.

4. Double-click an object type to display the details. Enhancements are highlighted

in white. Authorizations
You can use authorizations to restrict the documents that users can archive and link
to SAP documents. DesktopLink offers a range of standard authorization profiles
that you can assign to users, saving you the trouble of defining your own profiles.
These are the following:

Profile Containing Description

J_8AM_ALL J_8AM_ALL Authorizes the user to archive all object types.
J_8AM_FI J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to FI-
J_8AM_BKPF specific object types.
J_8AM_SD J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to SD-
J_8AM_VBAK specific object types.
J_8AM_HR J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to HR-
J_8AM_PAPL specific object types.
J_8AM_MM J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to MM-
J_8AM_EKKO specific object types.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 177
Chapter 13 Archiving via the ODMA interface (DesktopLink)

Profile Containing Description

J_8AM_SO J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to SO-
J_8AM_SOOD specific object types.
J_8AM_DVS J_8AM_USER Authorizes the user to archive documents linked to DVS-
J_8AM_DRAW specific object types.
J_8AM_ADM J_8AM_CUST Authorizes all utilization and customizing rights of
J_8AM_ALL DesktopLink, including converting document formats
J_8AM_ADM and assigning target document classes.

For more information on authorizations see “Authorizations in SAP applications”

on page 52.

13.2 ExchangeLink and NotesLink

With DesktopLink, you can also set up a connection from ExchangeLink and
NotesLink to the SAP application, so that you can archive MS Outlook or Lotus
Notes objects (typically e-mails) and link them to SAP business objects. This
functionality is also called ExchangeLink or NotesLink.

To enable this link, the following conditions must be met:

• ExchangeLink or NotesLink are installed and configured correctly (see OpenText
Content Suite Platform - Installation and Upgrade Guide (EL-IGD) or OpenText
Imaging NotesLink - Installation Guide (NL-IGD)).
• DesktopLink was fully configured for the required archiving scenarios (see
“Setting up DesktopLink” on page 153).
• For each type of mail attachment, and for the whole mail object, a matching
document type must be maintained in the SAP system (MSG for MS Exchange,
NSF for Lotus Notes) and linked with an SAP object (and thereby also with a
logical archive); see also “Maintaining links” on page 88.

178 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 14
Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for
SAP ERP only)

Generic object services (GOS) can be called independently of the SAP application.
Thus, the OpenText component DesktopLink can be opened directly from within an
SAP-specific transaction, and the underlying business object data for the transaction
can be used when archiving the document.

DocuLink can also be provided as a GOS. Thus, a preconfigured DocuLink view can
be displayed depending on the current business object data. There the familiar
DocuLink functionality is available as well, e.g. archiving documents to an object.

14.1 Setting up DesktopLink as a generic object

service (GOS)
To provide DesktopLink as a generic object service (GOS) in the SAP system, you
must perform the following steps:

1. Import the appropriate service; see section 3.5 “DesktopLink” in OpenText

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide
2. Create an entry for the object service in the GOS menu.

To create an entry for the DesktopLink object service in the GOS menu:

1. Open the SGOSATTR table, e.g. in the SM30 transaction.

2. Create an entry for the DesktopLink service (IXOS_DL), if it doesn’t already


3. In the SGOSATTR table, select the Barcode entry , and open it in edit mode.
In the Next service field, enter IXOS_DL. This causes the DesktopLink entry to
follow the Barcode entry in the GOS menu.

4. In the SGOSATTR table, select the entry IXOS_DL, and open it in edit mode.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 179
Chapter 14 Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for SAP ERP only)

The value in the Class f.Gen.Service field has to be /


In the Service type field, enter Single service. This is important as
otherwise the entry will not appear in the GOS menu.
5. Save your changes.
The DesktopLink GOS service is now available in all SAP applications.

14.2 Providing DocuLink as a generic object service

You can define DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS) and provide it in the GOS
menu. When you run this service for a specific business object in another
transaction, the specified view with the corresponding DocuLink data is displayed
in a separate window.

Note: Note that users require the authorization for the DocuLink project
opened by the GOS. Otherwise they cannot access the view despite the
available GOS function.

To provide DocuLink as a GOS:

1. Adapt the entry for the DocuLink object service in the GOS menu.
2. Define the assignment between the object type, for which the service is to be
provided, and the DocuLink view to be displayed. This assignment is project-

180 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
14.2. Providing DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS)

Note: To display Content Server documents in DocuLink views, the

VIEW_ATTA (Attachment list) GOS service must be configured for the
employed attribute objects, see section 15.2 “Using GOS in DocuLink” in
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide

To adapt the entry for the DocuLink object service in the GOS menu:

1. Open the SGOSATTR table, e.g. in the SM30 transaction.

2. Make sure the DocuLink service (IXOS_DC) is included in the table.

3. In the SGOSATTR table, select the entry INFO_SERVICE, if available, otherwise

Barcode, and open it in edit mode.
In the Next service field, enter IXOS_DC. This causes the DocuLink entry to
follow the INFO_SERVICE or Barcode entries in the GOS menu.

4. In the SGOSATTR table, select the entry IXOS_DC, and open it in edit mode. In the
Class f.Gen.Service box, enter /IXOS/DC46_CL_GOS_SERVICE.

In the Service type box, enter Single service. This is important as
otherwise the entry will not appear in the GOS menu.

5. Save your changes.

The DocuLink GOS services is now available in all SAP applications.

Note: The menu option is available in all SAP applications. However, if no

assignment is maintained for the object type used in the transaction to a
DocuLink view (in the /IXOS/DC46_TBGOS table, see “To define the
assignment between the object type and the DocuLink view:“
on page 181), or if the user does not have the required authorization for
the view, the function cannot be executed.

To define the assignment between the object type and the DocuLink view:

1. Execute the DocuLink customizing transaction (J6NP).

2. Select the DocuLink project and version you want to define the assignment for.

3. In the toolbar of the view editor, click the GOS button.

4. Add an entry in the table for each business object type for which you want to
provide the service, and enter the following values for it:

Note: If you create several entries for the same object type, a list of
available views is displayed when the GOS service is requested.

View number of the DocuLink view to be displayed

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 181
Chapter 14 Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for SAP ERP only)

Node type
Node type to which the hierarchy tree is expanded when displayed. Usually
this is the document node that contains the documents assigned to the SAP

Attribute object
Attribute object assigned to the SAP object type.

Object type
The business object, e.g. BKPF; corresponds with the SAP object type in the
attribute object settings

182 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 15

Archiving in SAP Records Management

Another possibility to archive documents is from within the SAP Records

Management. In this case, documents are linked to electronic records.

15.1 Document entry via DesktopLink

Using DesktopLink, you can also enter documents into a SAP Records Management
system directly from within Windows applications, and assign them to already
existing SAP records. Therefore, a new scenario called SAP Records Management is
available in the scenario selection dialog. The assignment between the scenario and a
particular Records Management system is specified in a special customizing view.

Note: Customizing for DesktopLink for Records Management has been

modified to allow for storage of documents to different types of records. The
user can select the required type during storage. The assignment to an archive
is now determined by the object type and the document type. The description
of the stored document in the record is derived from the description of the
document type, extended by the storage date.

To set up DesktopLink for Records Management, proceed as follows:

To define parameters for the assignment to a SAP Records Management


1. Execute the /IXOS/RM_CUST transaction.

2. Click on RM DesktopLink Customizing (1).

3. Create an entry for each required assignment with the following values:

Record Management system ID in which the documents are to be stored,
e.g. /IXOS/RM_COLD_PROJECT for the supplied sample RMS.

Element type ID for the record

The element type ID for the Record Service Provider, z.B. SRM_SPS_RECORD
(Standard-SAP) oder /IXOS/RM_SPS_RECORD_INVOICES aus dem
mitgelieferten Beispiel-RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new records in the specified Record Management system.

Value of an anchor which defines the place where an ArchiveLink
document is to be inserted in the specified record.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 183
Chapter 15 Archiving in SAP Records Management

For each model node in record models you can specify a value for the
Anchor attribute. With the help of this anchor, new elements that are
automatically linked to a record can be inserted at a specified position.

The language in which the description texts is to be output.

Element type ID for the ArchiveLink document

The element type ID for the Record Service Provider, e.g.
IXOS/RM_SPS_AL_DOC_INVOICES from the supplied sample RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new records in the specified Record Management system.

Description for the anchor

The description is displayed for the anchor selection when a document is
stored to a record. Enter the description of the assigned element type for
ArchiveLink documents, for example.

4. Store your entries and return to the start view in the /IXOS/RM_CUST

5. In a second customizing step, define the assignment to the object type and the
document type. Thus the assignment to the storage system is also uniquely
defined (see “ArchiveLink management concept” on page 80).
Click on RM DesktopLink Customizing (2).

6. Create an entry for each required assignment with the following values:

Record Management system ID in which the documents are to be stored,
e.g. /IXOS/RM_COLD_PROJECT for the supplied sample RMS.

Element type ID for the record

The element type ID for the Record Service Provider, z.B. SRM_SPS_RECORD
(Standard-SAP) oder /IXOS/RM_SPS_RECORD_INVOICES aus dem
mitgelieferten Beispiel-RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new records in the specified Record Management system.

Value of an anchor which defines the place where a record or an
ArchiveLink document is to be inserted in the specified RMS.
For each model node in record models you can specify a value for the
Anchor attribute. With the help of this anchor, new elements that are
automatically linked to a record can be inserted at a specified position.

Object type of the document to be stored; usually RECORD

Document type of the document to be stored.

184 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
15.2. Storing via mail applications

7. Maintain the assignment of the object type/the document type to the storage
system (OAC3).

Note: The description of the stored document in the record is derived from the
description of the document type.

15.2 Storing via mail applications

To store e-mails (and file attachments) directly from within MS Outlook or Lotus
Notes and to link them to already existing Records Management records, you must
perform the following customizing steps:

1. Defining parameters for the assignment to a SAP Records Management system

(see “To define parameters for the assignment to a SAP Records Management
system:“ on page 183). Thus you define which records to link the mail file to.
This assignment is part of the general DesktopLink configuration for Records
Management (see “Document entry via DesktopLink” on page 183).
2. For each type of mail attachment, and for the whole mail object, a matching
document type must be maintained in the SAP system (MSG for MS Exchange,
NSF for Lotus Notes) and linked with an SAP object (and thereby also with a
logical archive); see also “Maintaining links” on page 88.
3. Maintain document types (for correct storage) and registry entries (for display)
for mail files.

Tip: User-defined ODMA attributes (properties), which were defined in the

mail application, can be transferred to an SAP system as well when archiving
via ExchangeLink or NotesLink.

For details see “Configuring attribute transfer” on page 160, and OpenText
Imaging ExchangeLink - User Guide (EXLK-UGD) or section 1.2 “DesktopLink” in
OpenText Imaging NotesLink - User Guide (NL-UGD)

To maintain document types and registry entries for mail files:

1. Create entries for the required mail document types MSG or NSF) in the OAD2
transaction. This enables correct storage of these document types.

2. Make sure the following entries are available in the Windows registry, in order
to display the document types in the required application:

• [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 185
Chapter 15 Archiving in SAP Records Management

15.3 Automatic (batch) import

You can import several documents in to the SAP Records Management system at the
same time and link them to an existing SAP record, or import several SAP records
with linked documents into an RMS at the same time.

To set up automatic import, proceed as follows:

1. Provide an element type for the record model in the Records Management
2. Configure the assignment to the Records Management system
3. Create the folder structure for batch import

15.3.1 Providing element types in the SAP Records

Management system
When archiving in the SAP Records Management system, several different element
types are required. Element types are the starting point for checking new elements
into Records Management or searching for them in Records Management. From a
technical point of view, an element type is a division of the elements of a service
provider. The element type sets the parameters for the service provider. You can
only use a service provider if at least one element type exists in this service provider.
For archiving you have the following possibilities:
• You can use the SAP default element types
• You can use the sample element types supplied by OpenText
• You can create your own element types and use them

The required element types will be described shortly using the supplied sample
element types. For a detailed description see the SAP documentation on Records

To provide element types in the SAP Records Management system:

1. Create a new Records Management system ID (RMS_ID) for the S_AREA_RMS area
in the SRMREGEDIT transaction.
2. Create an element type for the service provider for record models
For example: /IXOS/RM_SPS_MODEL_INVOICES for COLD invoices

a. Assign the RMS ID to this element type by entering the ID as a parameter

in the classification data. Then this element type will appear in the
ORGANIZER transaction.
b. Assign a KPro LOIO class to the element type in order to store the
attributes of the record model in KPro.
3. Create an element type for records (SRM_SPS_RECORD service provider)

186 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
15.3. Automatic (batch) import

For example: /IXOS/RM_SPS_RECORD_INVOICES for the record type COLD


a. Assign the RMS ID to this element type by entering the ID as a parameter

in the classification data. Then this element type will appear in the
ORGANIZER transaction.
b. Assign a KPro LOIO class to the element type, as well as a record model, in
order to store the attributes of the records in KPro.

4. Create an element type for ArchiveLink documents (SRM_SPS_AL_DOCUMENT

service provider)
For example: /IXOS/RM_SPS_AL_DOC_INVOICES for archived documents to
COLD invoices

a. Assign the project-specific ArchiveLink parameters to the element type.

b. Assign the RMS ID to this element type by entering the ID as a parameter
in the classification data. Then this element type will appear in the
ORGANIZER transaction.

5. Create a concrete record model in the ORGANIZER transaction.

Assign the ArchiveLink element type and an anchor to the model.

6. If necessary, create your own LOIO and PHIO classes using the wizard in the
SRMCMCREATE transaction. Select the content model template.

7. If necessary, add other, user-specific attributes to the LOIO and PHIO classes
you created, e.g. an invoice date and an invoice number.

a. Execute the DMWB transaction.

b. Create a new entry for the used document area.
c. Define the required IO attributes. For example, you receive a reference to
the DDIC table by specifying the TABLE_NAME attribute.
d. Add further attributes to the LOIO or PHIIO class. These attributes will be
available during storage and retrieval later.

15.3.2 Configuring the assignment to the Records

Management system
To configure the assignment to the Records Management system:

1. Execute the /IXOS/RM_CUST transaction.

2. Click on RM Batch Import Customizing.

3. Define an entry for each configuration with the following parameters for

Name for this particular configuration of parameters

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 187
Chapter 15 Archiving in SAP Records Management

This is stored in the /IXOS/RM_TCOLD table and used during storage in the
RMS via the OpenText Document Pipeline.

Scenario type
The following scenarios are currently supported for batch import in Records

• Storing documents to an existing record

• Creating a new record with a document

RMS ID for SAP Records Management

ID of the Record Management system in which the record or the documents
are to be stored

Element type ID for the record

The element type ID for the Record Service Provider, z.B. SRM_SPS_RECORD
(Standard-SAP) oder /IXOS/RM_SPS_RECORD_INVOICES aus dem
mitgelieferten Beispiel-RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new records in the specified Record Management system.
For information on creating new element types seeOpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD).

Element type ID for the ArchiveLink document

The element type ID for the Record Service Provider, e.g. SRM_SPS_AL_DOC
(Standard-SAP) oder /IXOS/RM_SPS_AL_DOC_INVOICES aus dem
mitgelieferten Beispiel-RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new records in the specified Record Management system.

Element type ID for a model

The element type ID for the record model, e.g. SRM_SPS_MODEL (Standard-
SAP) or /IXOS/RM_SPS_MODEL_INVOICES from the supplied sample RMS.
This element type ID defines the service provider which enables inserting
new record models in the specified Record Management system.

Document ID for a model

Model ID in which the record or the document is to be inserted.

Value of an anchor which defines the place where an ArchiveLink
document is to be inserted in the specified record.
For each model node in record models you can specify a value for the
Anchor attribute. With the help of this anchor, new elements that are
automatically linked to a record can be inserted at a specified position.

Number range object, Number range number

optional: to enable automatic numbering of records
If no values are entered here, a record number must be defined explicitly in
the IXATTR file (see “Creating the folder structure for batch import”
on page 189).

188 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
15.3. Automatic (batch) import

Record description
This text appears as the record description in Records Management.
You can use system fields as variables in the text which are automatically
filled during creation (Transferring COLD attributes, see OpenText Document
Pipelines - Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP)). In this case, enter the
system field (identical to the COLD attribute name), delimited by &, e.g. &
invoicenr& for the invoice number. The system field itself may not contain
an &.

Document description
This text appears as the document description in Records Management.
As with the record description, variables can be used here as well.

4. Save the settings.

15.3.3 Creating the folder structure for batch import

During automatic import, a specified directory is searched for special subfolders that
contain the original document as well as an attribute file (IXATTR). If such subfolders
are found, the file contained within is stored and assigned to the SAP record
specified in the attribute file. In the Commands file you define, among other things,
which configuration parameters (which were defined in the last section,
“Configuring the assignment to the Records Management system” on page 187) are
to be used.
To store several documents at the same time, a special file structure must be created
in the so-called exchange directory ($EXT_DIR).
Only the special settings for batch import in SAP Records Management are
described here. For a complete description and details on batch import see section 7
“Batch import interfaces” in OpenText Document Pipelines - Overview and Import
Interfaces (AR-CDP).

To create the folder structure for batch import:

1. COMMANDS file
In the Commands file, define the following additional parameters:

A configuration ID which was defined in “Configuring the assignment to
the Records Management system” on page 187; specifies the assignment of
the document to be stored to the Records Management system

Enter the value 5, this specifies RFC mode

2. RFC mode
This RFC mode must be maintained once in the J_6NGTE26 table (e.g. in the
SE16 transaction):


OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 189
Chapter 15 Archiving in SAP Records Management


3. IXATTR file
Add the following line to the attribute file IXATTR to create the link to the
configuration ID:

4. If no number range object and number were defined at the assignment to the
RMS (see “Configuring the assignment to the Records Management system”
on page 187), you must explicitly define a record number in the IXATTR file. To
do so, enter a line according to this sample:
ATTRIBUTES <table> | RECORDNUMBER | CC | <field value>,
e.g. ATTRIBUTES dummy| RECORDNUMBER| CC | 70, to link the document to the
record number 70.

15.3.4 Troubleshooting in case of duplicates

During batch import in SAP Records Management, documents may be inserted in
already existing SAP records. Sometimes a document is to be inserted in a record
that already contains a duplicate of the document. In this case, the document is not
only inserted in the record, but also in the /IXOS/RM_TPROT table, together with
additional information. Using the SAP function module
BAPI_RECORD_DELETEELEMENTS (Delete Multiple Elements From Record) you
can then delete the duplicates from the corresponding records.

190 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 16
Archiving in SAP PLM DMS (for SAP ERP only)

To archive via the SAP PLM Document Management System (DMS), SAP PLM DMS
must be fully installed and configured. This is not described in this manual, see the
SAP documentation for that. In the following, the configuration of the SAP system
for the special SAP PLM DMS archiving scenarios is described. The following
settings can be made via the /IXOS/PLM transaction:

Important: Workstation application and document type must be defined

In particular, in the specification of the Document types for the PLM DMS
document, the Use KPro option must be activated.
(SPRO transaction, SAP Reference IMG, Cross-Application Components →
Document Management → Control Data → Define Document Types)
menu option.

Furthermore, the corresponding workstation application for the document

type you want to archive must be configured in the SAP system. You can
perform this customizing in the SAP Reference IMG (SPRO transaction) under
Cross-Application Components → Document Management → General
Data → Define Workstation Application and Cross-Application
Components → Document Management → General Data → Define Data

16.1 Scanning into SAP PLM DMS

You can enter and assign an original document to an already existing PLM DMS
document by scanning it. To set up scanning, proceed as follows:

To scan into SAP PLM DMS:

1. Execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

2. Select the Customizing → Scanning menu option.
3. Select the user you want to make the settings for, e.g. the default user %ALL.
4. If you want to delete the scanned document from the scan application
automatically after entry, activate the Delete doc. option.
5. Enter the storage category for the original document. You can only specify
storage categories for which the document area DMS was defined (OACT
transaction). If you use the F4 help, only such storage categories are listed.
If you do not specify a storage category here, a dialog appears for each scan
process in which the user must enter the storage category.
6. Save the settings.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 191
Chapter 16 Archiving in SAP PLM DMS (for SAP ERP only)

Additionally, you must add an entry in the registry of the scan client to ensure that
fax documents are displayed correctly in SAP PLM DMS. Add the following entry:

Single Page Format=multipage.fax

16.2 Setting up automatic (batch) import

You can import several documents into the SAP PLM DMS at once, and assign them
to already existing PLM DMS documents.

During automatic import, a specified directory is searched for special subfolders that
contain the original document as well as an attribute file. If such subfolders are
found, the file contained within is stored and assigned to the PLM DMS document
specified in the attribute file (for details on batch import see section 7 “Batch import
interfaces” in OpenText Document Pipelines - Overview and Import Interfaces (AR-

To set up automatic import:

1. Execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

2. Select the Customizing → Automatic Import menu option.

3. Select the user you want to make the settings for, e.g. the default user %ALL.

4. Define the following parameters for import:

Import directory
Specify the directory which will be searched for special subfolders. The
documents contained in them will then be imported.

Attribute file
Enter the name of the attribute file. Each document designated for import
requires a corresponding attribute file which contains the name of the PLM
DMS document for assignment. A file with the name specified here must be
included in each subfolder, otherwise import of this document will fail.
The attribute file must have the following contents:
DOCUMENT_FILENAME = <File name of the original document>
DOKNR = <PLM DMS document number>
DOKAR = <PLM DMS document type>
DOKVR = <PLM DMS document version>
DOKTL = <PLM DMS document part>

Example 16-1: Sample attribute file

DOCUMENT_FILENAME = salesorder.doc
DOKNR = jklfas083408jslk09328540
DOKAR = T1_21_03
DOKVR = 00
DOKTL = 000

192 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
16.3. Document entry via DesktopLink

Show dialog
If the PLM DMS document specified in the attribute file does not exist, the
import fails. If you want a dialog to be displayed in this case, so that the
user can specify a correct document, activate this option. Otherwise import
of this document is aborted and an error message is inserted in the log file.

Delete files
If you want the subfolders including the files they contain to be deleted
after the successful import, activate this option. In this case, no new log files
will be inserted for these documents.

Storage cat. orig.

Enter the storage category for the original document. You can only specify
storage categories for which the document area DMS was defined (OACT
transaction). If you use the F4 help, only such storage categories are listed.
If you do not specify a storage category here, a dialog appears for each
import process in which the user must enter the storage category.

5. Save the settings.

16.3 Document entry via DesktopLink

Using DesktopLink, you can also enter documents into the SAP PLM DMS directly
from within Windows applications, and assign them to already existing PLM DMS
documents. Therefore, a new scenario called SAP PLM is available in the scenario
selection dialog. If necessary, you can also store further document formats
(renditions) together with the original. To specify the PLM DMS object, you can use
ODMA attributes from the original documents.

To set up DesktopLink for SAP PLM DMS:

1. Execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

2. Select the Customizing → Desktoplink for PLM menu option.

3. Define the following parameters for entry via DesktopLink for SAP PLM DMS:

Don't store original

By default, the original document is stored. If you do not want it to be
stored, e.g. because only a rendition, i.e. a converted document, is to be
stored, activate this option.

Store rendition
If you convert the original document into a different format and want to
store that rendition, activate this option. The rendition can either be stored
in addition to or instead of the original document, depending on the Don't
store original option.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 193
Chapter 16 Archiving in SAP PLM DMS (for SAP ERP only)

Format rendition
If the original document is to be stored in a different or further format,
define the format of the rendition here.

Storage cat. orig.

Enter the storage category for the original document. You can only specify
storage categories for which the document area DMS was defined (OACT
transaction). If you use the F4 help, only such storage categories are listed.
If you do not specify a storage category here, a dialog appears for each
entry process in which the user must enter the storage category.

Storage cat. rend.

Enter the storage category for the converted document. You can only
specify storage categories for which the document area DMS was defined
(OACT transaction). If you use the F4 help, only such storage categories are
If you do not specify a storage category here, a dialog appears for each
entry process in which the user must enter the storage category.

4. Save the settings.

Tip: You can preconfigure the SAP PLM DMS scenario so that no scenario
selection dialog is displayed for the users. For more information see “User-
specific settings in the SAP application for DesktopLink” on page 173.

Automatic acquisition of ODMA attributes for specifying the PLM DMS object

You can configure DesktopLink so that the PLM DMS document keys for
assignment are automatically acquired from the ODMA attributes of the original
document. Thus the user need not enter the key explicitly during entry.

To configure attribute acquisition:

1. In the MS Office application, define the following attributes:

DOKNR (= PLM DMS document number)
DOKAR = (PLM DMS document type)
DOKVR (= PLM DMS document version)
DOKTL (= PLM DMS document part)

2. Configure attribute acquisition as described in “Configuring attribute transfer”

on page 160.

194 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 17

OpenText Forms Management

OpenText Forms Management is an additional component for managing scanned

standard forms and for displaying with outgoing SAP documents (such as orders,
order confirmations, delivery notes). In addition, you can display COLD document
lists and their forms using this component.

In the SAP system, outgoing documents (that is documents created by SAP reports)
are normally printed in standard forms, in order to obtain legible, attractive pages
into which graphical elements such as company logos can be integrated. This means
that the standard forms are filled with data generated by the SAP reports.

If you archive these documents and display them in the ArchiveLink Viewer, you
only see the data, not the form.

You can solve this problem by scanning in the forms and saving them in the archive.
You can then display the archived documents in their own forms.

Before you can usefully archive forms, you need to perform a few administrative
tasks. For SAP versions you also need to change an ABAP program code in the SAP
application. The steps required for this are explained in the following sections.

17.1 Components
OpenText Forms Management for SAP Solutions consists of the following

• The software integrated in the SAP application, which is started with the J8AF
transaction from the main window of the SAP application. It is installed on the
SAP system using a transport file. For a more detailed description see section 3.4
“Forms Management” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD).
• Function module J_8AFM_GET_FORM or J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM These modules
supply the archive ID and document ID for a form and can be called either from
the SAP application or from an external application via RFC.

Note: The function module J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM requires the


• Smart Forms to be used instead of the standard SAPscript forms that

were used previously
• the corresponding program for the Smart Form to be used and modified
(see “Modifying and linking the SAP ABAP program” on page 206).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 195
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

So that documents can be displayed with their associated forms, must be installed
on users' computers. This contains an enhanced link module for ArchiveLink.

17.2 Rights for OpenText Forms Management

To manage forms you need an user account for the SAP application with the
J_8AFM_ALL or J_8AFM_ADM profile. These profiles must be assigned to the user
responsible for administering and configuring the OpenText Forms Management.

To assign a profile to an user, execute the SU01 transaction. Enter the user name and
click on Change. On the Profile tab, enter J_8AFM_ALL (all rights) or J_8AFM_ADM (all
rights apart from Delete) in the list.

• Make sure the authorization profile is active before assigning it to an user.
• The new user rights become effective the next time the user logs on.

If you want to check the authorizations defined for OpenText Forms Management,
go to the object class J8AF oriXOS-ARCHIVE/fm object class and look for the iXOS-
ARCHIVE/fm authorization object.

The authorization list contains the authorizations defined for OpenText Forms
Management. The following activities are assigned to the authorizations:
• 01 Create form
• 02 Change form
• 03 Display form
• 04 Print form
• 05 (not allocated)
• 06 Delete form
• 07 Activate form

For more details see “Authorizations in SAP applications” on page 52.

17.3 Adding a form

The layout defined in the SAP application for an (archived) document can be
overlaid with an user-defined image, for example a company logo on a delivery
note. Here the document ID of the image (form) to archive must be transferred with
the document at generation, in addition to the SAP form (layout description). Later
you will need to modify the generation program, so that the archived image is
processed with the SAP layout description.

To add a new form to the system, you must perform the following tasks:

1. Starting OpenText Forms Management

196 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

2. Creating logical archives

3. Creating the form record
4. Assigning the form pages to OTF data pages
5. Scanning and archiving the forms
6. Activating the form
7. For SAP ERP:
Changing the report (in the program code) which generates the outgoing
documents, so that they contain the form's archive and document ID.
Creating the processing class and method for the PPF which generates the
outgoing documents, so that they contain the form's archive and document ID.
8. Adjusting the alignment of the form pages until the OTF data is correctly

Note: The procedure for OpenText Forms Management is described using SAP
ERP version 6.0. In other SAP releases, the individual menu options and in
particular the screen displays may differ from this description.

17.3.1 Starting OpenText Forms Management

Log on to the SAP system and execute the J8AF transaction. The following screen is

Figure 17-1: OpenText Forms Management: Form list

In this example several forms have already been integrated and activated. Reports
for creating outgoing documents can contain links to these forms. The scanned
forms are archived in the OpenText Archive and Storage Services. Double-click an
entry to display details about the form. The archive ID and document ID identify the
archived form uniquely.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 197
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

The fields in the Form list window have the following meaning:

If a checkmark appears in this column, the form is active.
Layout set
Enter the name for the page layout of the SAP script form or of the SAP
SmartForm. The page layout contains both the graphical elements in the form
and the text fields on each page.

Note: Whatever you enter in this field must match the entry in the SAP
ABAP program or in the action profile. See “Modifying and linking the
SAP ABAP program” on page 206 or “Creating an action profile”
on page 127.

Distinguishes between forms that have the same layout, but which are available
in different languages, for example. A code might also indicate the enterprise
area for which the form was created.
The version number is automatically incremented by 1 when you change a form.
The form with the highest version number is used automatically, if multiple
versions of the same form have been archived.
In the above example you can see that there are two versions of form

Long text describing the form.

17.3.2 Creating logical archives

Create a separate archive for forms as a hard-disk archive.

You will find details on how to create a hard-disk archive in the OpenText Archive
Server - Administration Guide (AR-ACN).

17.3.3 Creating the form record

First you create a record with information about the new form. Here the name of the
assigned SAP form (i.e. the layout description) is assigned to the actual form (i.e. the
image to be archived). If documents with the same layout description but different
forms are to be provided, you can include an additional code to differentiate the
forms. Finally, you can also create different versions of a form, although only one
version of it can be valid (active) at any one time.

To create a new form, work in either the Form list (J8AF transaction) or in the Form
details view (select a form and click on Detail). There are three ways of adding a
new form:

198 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Create a new version of an existing form

Use this option if you want for example to use a form in the same way as before,
but the image needs to be updated.
In the form list, activate the radio button to the left of the form and click on New
version. The form details are displayed. Here the Layout set and Code fields are
write-protected, and the value in the Version field shows the next available

Create a new form from an existing form

Use this option if you want to create a new form very similar to an existing form,
for example a German version of an existing English form for the same type of
In the form list, activate the radio button to the left of the form you wish to copy
and click on Copy as. in the standard toolbar. The form details are displayed.
Here the Layout set, Code and Description fields already contain the values of
the copied form. The Version field contains 0001, and Created by contains the
current user name.

Create a completely new form

Use this option if you need to create a form for a document to which no forms
have yet been assigned.
Click in the form list on the New icon. The form details are displayed. By default
the Archive id field contains the last value used, the Code field contains the
value 0 and the Version field contains0001. The name of the current user and
today's date are also displayed.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 199
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Figure 17-2: OpenText Forms Management: Creating forms

When creating a completely new form, you need to enter the following form details:

Layout set
Here you must enter an SAP layout description for the output document, for
which an SAP processing program already exists. This is because the same
program that processes this layout description will also store the document with
the archived image (see also “Modifying and linking the SAP ABAP program”
on page 206).
If you use Smart Forms:
Enter here the name of a Smart Form for which a processing method has been
Click in this field and press F4. This displays a list of all Smart Forms defined on
the current client. Select an entry from the list. The name of this Smart Form is
copied to the Layout set field.

Note: Whatever you enter in this field must match the entry in the SAP
ABAP program or in the action profile. See “Modifying and linking the
SAP ABAP program” on page 206 or “Creating an action profile”
on page 127.

200 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Note that form names are always written in capitals in SAP!

The Code field is important if no 1:1 relationship exists between the SAPscript
form or Smart Form and the form from OpenText Forms Management. (For
example, if the same SAPscript form is used for an English and a German form.)
In this case, enter the organizational data such as sales code or purchasing
organization in the field that will be used for identification. The system uses this
entry to assign an unique key to the form. If this is not required, you can accept
the default value 0000.

Example 17-1: Using codes to differentiate forms in SAP ERP

If you want to use different forms for different company codes, you can
assign the current company code in the generation program of the code
variables. You do this by inserting the following line in front of the
J_8AFM_GET_FORM function (see “Notes for function module
J_8AFM_GET_FORM” on page 210):
get parameter ´BUK´ field code.
By entering the appropriate value in the Code field for the different
forms, this form will be used each time to display the OTF document.
If, on the other hand, you want to use certain forms each time for certain
company codes or similar, you can assign the value to the code variable
with a simple select instruction.
This could look like this:
tables vbak.
select single * from vbak where vbeln = nast-objky.
if sy-subrc = 0.
code = vbak-vkorg.

Archive ID
Here you enter the archive in which the form is to be saved (see also “Creating
logical archives” on page 198). Press F4 to display all available archives. In this
example the archive ID DU was selected.

Document ID
The document ID of the form to be archived is inserted automatically in the
following steps:

Continue with the Assign form pages.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 201
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

17.3.4 Assigning form pages to document pages

Documents with multiple pages can be assigned to multiple-page forms. This
becomes necessary if the pages of a document are not identical and require different
forms to display and print the pages properly.

With this kind of document, the individual form pages need to be scanned in and
assigned to the pages of the document or a range of pages.

Click in the Form details window on Assign form pages. The following window is

Figure 17-3: OpenText Forms Management: Page assignment

By default it is assumed that only one form page exists, which is attached to all (N)
front pages of the document. A form can contain up to ten pages. Each page can be
assigned to a range of front (F) or back (B) pages of a document. The “N” value is
used as a placeholder for the number of document pages, if this number is not
known. You can also use ranges such as (1,N),(N,N) or (1,1).

• The system checks the entry in the assignment window for correct syntax,
but not for completeness or consistency. Thus it is possible to specify
overlapping page ranges, which has undesirable consequences when the
documents are displayed.

202 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

• Back pages to which no form is assigned are not displayed in the Windows
Viewer (because the back page of a document contains no data, a blank page
would otherwise be displayed).

Example 17-2: Assigning form pages to data pages

The order confirmation form should have two pages. The first page of the
form should be assigned to all front pages and the second to all back pages
of the document. The assignment for order confirmation looks like this:

Click the (Continue) button to save the form page assignment.

As soon as the link is created, the form details are displayed again, but now the Get
scanned form and Get form files buttons are available, in place of the Assign form
pages button. Continue with entering and archiving the form pages.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 203
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

17.3.5 Entering and archiving form pages

You have completed the assignment of form pages to data pages. The next step
consists simply of entering and archiving the physical form pages, and linking the
archived form with the form record. The form pages can be entered in two ways:

• by scanning the pages

• by importing the pages from the file system. Scanning form pages

You can use Enterprise Scan or the DesktopScan function in Windows Viewer to
scan in forms. A scanner must be connected and configured.

See the appropriate user documentation on how to scan with Windows Viewer. To
scan in Enterprise Scan, proceed as follows:

1. Scan the forms in the correct sequence.

2. Check the quality of the scanned images, making sure they are legible and have
adequate resolution.

3. In the scanning application, assign all form pages to one document and update
the document by clicking on the document header.

4. In the form detail window of the SAP application, click the Get scanned form
This sends a request to the scanning application to archive the current
document. The scanning software sends the document to the OpenText Archive
and Storage Services and returns the document ID for the form document. The
creation of the new form is now complete. Form pages from the file system

If you do not have access to a scanner, you will have to create the form in another
way. To do this the following conditions must be met:

• Each page must be saved as a fax-compressed image (FAX Group 4) in its own
TIFF file.
• The files must be saved on the local PC.
• Access to the exchange directory (see also “Creating an exchange directory”
on page 72) must be ensured from the workstation.

Once these conditions have been met, you can import the files as a form document.
Click the Get form files button. The following dialog box appears:

204 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Figure 17-4: OpenText Forms Management: Importing form pages

Enter the path for the files containing the form pages, in the same order as they were
previously assigned to the data pages. Click on F4 to display a dialog box where you
can select the path.

Once all the path names have been entered, click the (Preview) button to check
the pages of the new form in the Windows Viewer. Click in the Get form files dialog
box the Continue button and confirm. The pages are loaded onto the application
server and transferred from there to the OpenText Archive and Storage Services. The
OpenText Archive and Storage Services assigns the form document a document ID.
The status bar of the form list shows you whether the form was successfully created:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 205
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Note: Colored forms in JPEG format cannot be loaded from the hard disk as
files. Scan or import the form with the help of scan software instead (e.g.
Enterprise Scan) and create the document as a JPEG. Then use the Get scanned
form described above in the J8AF transaction.

17.3.6 Activating the form

At first the new form is not activated for the goods issue slip, i.e. it is not yet valid.
To activate it, select the WA_SCHEINVERS1 entry and click the Active ↔ Inactive icon.
You are then prompted to enter a date in the Activate form dialog box.

Figure 17-5: OpenText Forms Management: Activating the form

When you confirm the entry, the form becomes active from the date specified. The
default value is the next day. If you want to use the documents on the same day,
enter the current date.

Note: A program can only access forms that are activated and for which the
Active from date was set to the current date or earlier.

This step completes the creation of a new form. Now you still need to modify the R/3
program or the processing method of the action profile, so that the outgoing or
archived documents are overlaid with the new form.

17.3.7 Modifying and linking the SAP ABAP program

This work phase consists of four steps. The first step is only necessary if forms are to
be linked immediately when generating outgoing documents. To enable this, the
program that generates the documents must be modified. The following steps are
carried out in the SAP standard windows.

Overview of the steps and their aims:

1. Modifying the SAP ABAP program that generates outgoing documents. Each
outgoing document generated by this program contains in its header the archive
ID and the document ID of the form being used.
You only need to carry out this step if a form is to be assigned when an outgoing
document is generated. To enable this, modify the program so that the archive
ID and the document ID of the form are contained in the document type. When
the document is generated, a permanent link is created between the form and
the document.

206 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Note: An outgoing document is created and given OTF or PDF format or

document class. A document class can be linked to any number of document
types. In this step, a document type is linked to a particular form.
2. Specify output determination. This links the program to the output type for the
document type.
3. Update the output type of the document type to include storage (only if the
document is to be archived).
4. Specify table in which the links between the documents and the form are to be

In the following we will describe these steps using three examples. SD module - using an SAPscript form

The following example refers to the following standard values:
• Order confirmation. The document type to be generated and linked to a form.
• Name. The form to be linked to order confirmations.
• ZVADOR01. This program generates the order confirmation. It creates certain
outgoing documents and accesses an include program, which starts the two
modules described below. These elements of the program must be modified in
order to link a form to a generated document. You will generate a copy of the
SAP standard program and modify it to access a different include program.
• ZVADOPFO. include program. RVADOPFO is created as a copy of the include
program. This program must be modified.
• J_8AFM_GET_FORM. The first module started by the include program. The module
inserts the archive ID and the document ID in the header of the generated
document. (See TOA_DARA structure under the J_8AFM_GET_FORM module, which
is described below)
• OPEN_FORM. The second module started by the include program. This module
inserts storage information in the header of the generated document. The so-
called DARA row contains fields for the archive ID and the document ID of the

To identify the program:

To find the program belonging to the document type, look for the link between
document type and program in the message control. The exact procedure for
identifying the output types can vary greatly between different SAP ERP versions.
This example shows the procedure for SAP ERP version 6.0.

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and double-click on SAP Reference IMG button.

2. Select [+] Sales and Distribution → [+] Basic Functions → [+] Output Control
→ [+] Output Determination → [+] Output Determination Using the
Condition Technique → [+]Maintain Output Determination for Sales

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 207
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

3. Click the IMG Activity icon next to Maintain Output Types.

4. Select the appropriate output type for Order confirmation and double-click on
Processing routines in the folder structure in the left pane of the window.
A table containing the processing routine is displayed. In this case, the program
is called RVADOR01.

To create and modify the ZVADOR01 program:

This SAP program generates the outgoing documents of the Order confirmation
type. It must be copied and modified. To do this you need a developer key, which
you can obtain from the SAP Service Marketplace.

In this example, we will copy the RVADOR01 program and assign it the new name
ZVADOR01. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the SE38 transaction.

2. In the Program field, enter the name RVADOR01. Then select Source code, and
click the Copy icon in the standard toolbar. The Copy Program dialog is

3. Enter ZVADOR01 here as the target program and click on Copy.

4. Activate Includes in the subsequent dialog box so that the include programs are
also copied. Click on Copy.

5. The include programs are displayed in another dialog box. Activate at least the
RVADOPFO checkbox and enter the name ZVADOPFO. To comply with the naming
conventions for user-defined components, the name must begin with Z. This
ensures that these components are not overwritten when the system is updated
or expanded.
Click on Copy again.

6. In the next dialog box, type your entry in the Development class field or click
on Local Object at the bottom.

7. In the original SAP application window, enter the name of the program you just
generated in the Program field, select the Source code and click on Change. The
program code is displayed and can be edited.

8. Check whether the include rvadopfo row in include zvadopfo has been

* Start of printing the form *
* --> US_SCREEN Output on screen *
* ' ' = printer *
* 'X' = screen *
* --> US_COUNTRY County for telecommunication and SET COUNTRY*

208 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form




9. Save and close the file.

To modify the ZVADOPFO include program:

1. In the previous step you already copied the RVADOPFO include program under
the name ZVADOPFO. Now the program is modified in order to start the
J_8AFM_GET_FORM module and process the returned data. The include program
also starts the OPEN_FORM module.
J_8AFM_GET_FORM supplies the archive ID and the document ID of the form in
the FORMARCHIV and FORM_ID fields of the TOA_DARA structure. The TOA_DARA
structure of the OPEN_FORM module contains the data for the DARA rows.

SY-SUBRC must be checked. If the value after starting OpenText Forms
Management is not 0, you must take appropriate measures. A value
other than 0 for SY-SUBRC means that no active form was found and that
the order confirmation was not archived. Unfortunately, this cannot be
left to error handling in the code, because no one is informed if no active
form is found.

In this example, no rows from the RVADOPFO include source program were
deleted. To insert the function module in the ABAP editor, use the Insert
Pattern function. You should call up J_8AFM_GET_FORM immediately before
calling up OPEN_FORM.

If you want to copy the new text and insert it directly in the ABAP
Editor, remember to first insert the required number of empty rows at
the appropriate position. Otherwise the inserted text overwrites the
existing code!

a. Open the ZVADOR01 include file in the ABAP editor.

b. Open the ZVADOPFO include file by double-clicking on it.
2. The rows that must be added to start J_8AFM_GET_FORM, are highlighted in the
example below.
Modify the program as follows:




OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 209
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management



* IXOS /fm code inserted by ...

data: ret_code like sy-subrc,
code like j_8afm-code value '0000'.

* [...]

* fill structure itcpo


* IXOS /fm code inserted by ...

CODE = code
LAYOUT_SET = tnapr-fonam
* VERSION = ' '
FORM_ARCH_ID = toa_dara-formarchiv
FORM_DOC_ID = toa_dara-form_id
RETURN_CODE = ret_code
retcode = sy-subrc.
perform protocol_update.

* open form
archive_index = toa_dara
* [...]

3. Save this file.

Notes for function module J_8AFM_GET_FORM

This function module inserts the archive ID and the document ID of the form in the
header of the generated document. In the Importing code section, modify the
program to include the desired form (Layout_set) and its code.

210 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Specify the TOA_DARA structure in the Exporting section. Make sure you use the
same TOA_DARA structure here as the one used in the OPEN_FORM function call
described above.

Open the source code for the J_8AFM_GET_FORM function module by double-clicking
on it in the ABAP editor.

The source code header looks like this:

*"*"Local interface:

The CLIENT parameter is optional. By default, the active client is used. The VERSION
parameter is also optional. If it is not set, the archive ID and the document ID for the
active form are returned with the highest version number. This ensures that the
current form version is always used without having to update each program every
time the form is changed. By specifying an activation date for a new form version
you can control when the newest version comes into effect (see also “Activating the
form” on page 206).

To assign the ABAP program (Adjusting output determination):

If you want to change the generation of a document, as we do in our example to

insert a form overlay, you must link a new program with the corresponding
document type, i.e. you must adapt the output determination.

In the above example you have created a new program called ZVADOR01 on the basis
of the RVADOR01 program. Now specify the ZVADOR01 program as the output
determination for the Order confirmation document type.

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the VOK2 transaction. The
Maintain Output Determination window is displayed.

2. Select the Output→ Processing programs → Sales menu item and in

theDetermine Work Area: Entry dialog, enter the output type BA00.

3. The Change View 'Processing Routines': Overview dialog is displayed.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 211
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Figure 17-6: OpenText Forms Management: Processing routines SD

4. Find the row with the Print output Medium and in this row change the name
of the Program, in this example from SD_SDOC_PRINT01 to ZVADOR01. The entry
should be written in capitals in accordance with SAP convention.

5. Check that the name of the SAP form for which the original program was
written is in the Form column. Note that form names are always written in
capitals in SAP!

6. Save your entries.

If you also want to archive order confirmations, you must also modify the BA00
standard output type.

To modify the BA00 standard output type:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the VOK2 transaction.

2. Select the SD Document → Sales Document → Condition type menu item.

3. In the following Change output types: details view, click the (Display →
Change) icon in the toolbar. This displays a list of output types, which can be

4. Scroll to the BA00 Output type, and double-click on it. The View output types:
details view is displayed for the BA00 message type.

212 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

5. Select the Storage system tab. Enter one of the following values in the
Archiving mode field:

• 2: Archive only: for storage only

• 3: Print and archive: for printing and storage
6. Enter the Document type with which the program is to be linked, in our
example, this is SDOORDER.

Tip: You can also create a special document type for documents with
forms. To do this, copy the SDOORDER document type to the OAC2
transaction e.g. to ZSDOORDER. Define PDF as the Document class.
7. Click the (Save) icon in the standard toolbar.

Maintaining the link

In this step, you combine the document type with an archive (content repository), an
object type and a link table. To do this, execute the OAC3 transaction (for more details
see “Maintaining links” on page 88). For the example document type SDOORDER, use
the VBAK object type.

To generate the document linked to the form:

All the prerequisites are now available to create a new order confirmation or to
archive an existing one using our example:

1. Select the Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order menu item of
the SAP menu.
2. Click on Create. The Create Sales Order window is displayed.
3. Enter the data required for the order confirmation. When you confirm your
entries, the archive ID and the document ID of the form are inserted in the OTF
data and the order confirmation is archived. Execute the OAM1 transaction to
monitor the process. SD module - using a Smart Form

In SAP ERP 6.0, a Smart Form (LE_SHP_DELNOTE) is defined for the Delivery note
message type in the Distribution module by default.

The following example refers to the following standard values:

• Delivery. The document type to be generated and linked to a form.
• Name. The form to be linked to order confirmations.
• RLE_DELNOTE. This program generates the Delivery. It creates certain outgoing
documents and accesses an include program, which starts the two modules
described below. These elements of the program must be modified in order to
link a form to a generated document. You will create a copy of the SAP standard
program and modify it.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 213
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

• J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM. The module inserts the archive ID and the document

ID in the header of the generated document. (See the TOA_DARA structure in the
J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM module, which is described below)
• LF_FM_NAME. This module inserts storage information in the header of the
generated document. The so-called DARA row contains fields for the archive ID
and the document ID of the form.

To identify the program:

To find the program belonging to the document type, look for the link between
document type and program in the message control. The exact procedure for
identifying the output types can vary greatly between different SAP ERP versions.
This example shows the procedure for SAP ERP version 6.0.

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and double-click on SAP Reference IMG button.

2. Select [+] Logistics Execution → [+] Shipping → [+] Basic Shipping Functions
→ [+] Output Control → [+] Output Determination → [+] Maintain Output
Determination for Outbound Deliveries.

3. Click the IMG Activity icon next to Maintain Output Types.

4. Select the appropriate output type for the Delivery note (LD00) and double-
click on Processing routines in the folder structure in the left pane of the
A table containing the processing routine is displayed. In this case, the program
is called RLE_DELNOTE.

To create and modify the RLE_DELNOTE program:

This ABAP program generates the outgoing documents of the Delivery type. It
must be copied and modified. To do this you need a developer key, which you can
obtain from the SAP Service Marketplace.

In this example, we will copy the RLE_DELNOTE program and assign it the new name
ZRLE_DELNOTE. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the SE38 transaction.

2. In the Program field, enter the name RLE_DELNOTE. Then select Source code,
and click on the Copy icon in the standard toolbar. The Copy Program dialog is

3. Enter ZRLE_DELNOTE here as the target program and click on Copy.

The Includes dialog does not need to be activated in this case, as no include
programs will be modified.

4. In the next dialog box, type your entry in the Development class field or click
on Local Object at the bottom.

214 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

5. In the original SAP application window, enter the name of the program you just
generated in the Program field, select the Source code and click on Change. The
program code is displayed and can be edited.

6. Now the program is modified in order to start the J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM

module and process the returned data.
J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM supplies the archive ID and the document ID of the
form in the FORMARCHIV and FORM_ID fields of the TOA_DARA structure. The
TOA_DARA structure of the LF_FM_NAME module contains the data for the DARA

SY-SUBRC must be checked. If the value after starting OpenText Forms
Management is not 0, you must take appropriate measures. A value
other than 0 for SY-SUBRC means that no active form was found and that
the order confirmation was not archived. Unfortunately, this cannot be
left to error handling in the code, because no one is informed if no active
form is found.

In this example, no rows from the RLE_DELNOTE source program were deleted.
To insert the function module in the ABAP editor, use the Insert Pattern
function. You should call up J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM immediately before
calling up LF_FM_NAME.

If you want to copy the new text and insert it directly in the ABAP
Editor, remember to first insert the required number of empty rows at
the appropriate position. Otherwise the inserted text overwrites the
existing code!

7. The rows that must be added to start J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM, are highlighted

in the example below.
Modify the ZRLE_DELNOTE program as follows:

------** Print of a delivery note by SAPscript SMART FORMS *

* declaration of data
* definition of forms



OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 215
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

* get form
data: l_rc type SY-SUBRC.


CODE = '0000'
* VERSION = ' '
OTHERS = 4 .

* error handling


* end form

* call smartform delivery note


8. Save this file.

Notes for function module J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM

This function module inserts the archive ID and the document ID of the form in the
header of the generated document. In the Importing code section, modify the
program to include the desired form (Layout_set) and its code.

Specify the TOA_DARA structure in the Exporting section. Make sure you use the
same TOA_DARA structure here as the one used in the LF_FM_NAME function call
described above.

Open the source code for the J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM function module by double-
clicking on it in the ABAP editor.

The source code header looks like this:

216 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

*"*"Local interface:

The CLIENT parameter is optional. By default, the active client is used. The VERSION
parameter is also optional. If it is not set, the archive ID and the document ID for the
active form are returned with the highest version number. This ensures that the
current form version is always used without having to update each program every
time the form is changed. By specifying an activation date for a new form version
you can control when the newest version comes into effect (see also “Activating the
form” on page 206).

To assign the ABAP program (adjusting output determination):

If you want to change the generation of a document, as we do in our example to

insert a form overlay, you must link a new program with the corresponding
document type, i.e. you must adapt the output determination.

In the above example you have created a new program called ZRLE_DELNOTE on the
basis of the RLE_DELNOTE program. Now you will define the ZRLE_DELNOTE program
as the output determination of the Delivery document type. To do this, proceed as

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the VOK2 transaction. The
Maintain Output Determination window is displayed.

2. Select the Output → Processing programs → Shipment menu item and in

theDetermine Work Area: Entry dialog, enter the output type LD00 ein.
The Change View 'Processing Routines': Overview dialog is displayed.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 217
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

3. Look for the row with the Medium Print output and in this row, change the
name of the Program, in this case from RLE_DELNOTE to ZRLE_DELNOTE. The
entry should be written in capitals in accordance with SAP convention.

4. Check that the name of the SAP form for which the original program was
written is in the SmartForm column. Note that form names are always written
in capitals in SAP!

5. Save your entries.

If you also want to archive order confirmations, you must also modify the LD00
standard output type.

To modify the LD00 standard output type:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the VOK2 transaction.

2. Select the SD document > Delivery > Condition type menu item.

3. In the following Change output types: details view, click on the (Display →
Change) icon in the toolbar. This displays a list of output types, which can be

4. Scroll to the LD00 Output type, and double-click on it. The View output types:
details view is displayed for the LD00 message type.

5. Select the Storage system tab. Enter one of the following values in the
Archiving mode field:

• 2: Archive only: for storage only

218 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

• 3: Print and archive: for printing and storage

6. Enter the Document type with which the program is to be linked, in our
example, this is SDODELNOTE.

Tip: You can also create a special document type for documents with
forms. To do this, copy the SDODELNOTE document type to the OAC2
transaction e.g. to ZSDODELNOTE. Define PDF as the Document class.
7. Click the (Save) icon in the standard toolbar.

Maintaining the link

In this step, you combine the document type with an archive (content repository), an
object type and a link table. To do this, execute the OAC3 transaction (for more details
see “Maintaining links” on page 88). For the example document type SDODELNOTE,
use the LIKP object type.

To generate the delivery linked to the form:

All the prerequisites are now available to create a new delivery or to archive an
existing one using our example:

1. Select the Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation

→ Shipment → Create → Single documents option from the SAP menu and
click on one of the Create functions to create a delivery.
2. Enter the data required for the delivery. When you confirm your entries, the
archive ID and the document ID of the form are inserted in the OTF data and
the delivery is archived. Execute the OAM1 transaction to monitor the process. MM module
The following example refers to the following standard values:
• Purchase order. The document type to be generated and linked to a form.
• Name. The form to be linked to order confirmations.
• ZSAPFM06P. This program generates the Purchase Order. It creates certain
outgoing documents and accesses an include program, which starts the two
modules described below. These elements of the program must be modified in
order to link a form to a generated document. You will generate a copy of the
SAP standard program and modify it to access a different include program.
• ZFM06PE02. include program. FM06PE02 is created as a copy of the include
program. This program must be modified.
• J_8AFM_GET_FORM. The first module started by the include program. The module
inserts the archive ID and the document ID in the header of the generated
document. (See TOA_DARA structure under the J_8AFM_GET_FORM module, which
is described below)
• ME_PRINT_PO. The second module started by the include program. This module
inserts storage information in the header of the generated document. The so-

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 219
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

called DARA row contains fields for the archive ID and the document ID of the

To identify the program:

To find the program belonging to the document type, look for the link between
document type and program in the message control. The exact procedure for
identifying the output types can vary greatly between different SAP ERP versions.
This example shows the procedure for SAP ERP version 6.0.

1. Execute the SPRO transaction and double-click on SAP Reference IMG button.

2. Select [+] Materials Management → [+] Purchasing → [+] Messages → [+]

Output Control → [+] Message Types.

3. Click the IMG Activity icon next to Define Message Types for Purchase

4. Double-click on Maintain Message Types for PO.

5. Select the appropriate output type for purchase orders and double-click on
Processing routines in the folder structure in the left pane of the window.
A table with the required program (in this case SAPFM06P) is displayed.

To create and modify the ZSAPFM06P program:

This ABAP program generates the outgoing documents of the Purchase Order type.
It must be copied and modified. To do this you need a developer key, which you can
obtain from the SAP Service Marketplace.

In this example, we will copy the SAPFM06P program and assign it the new name
ZSAPFM06P. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the SE38 transaction.

2. In the Program field, enter the name SAPFM06P. Then select Source code, and
click on the Copy icon in the standard toolbar. The Copy Program dialog is

3. Enter ZSAPFM06P here as the target program and click on Copy.

4. Activate Includes in the subsequent dialog box so that the include programs are
also copied. Click on Copy.

5. The include programs are now displayed in another dialog box. Activate at least
the FM06PE02 checkbox and enter the name ZFM06PE02. To comply with the
naming conventions for user-defined components, the name must begin with Z.
This ensures that these components are not overwritten when the system is
updated or expanded.
Click on Copy again.

6. In the next dialog box, type your entry in the Development class field or click
on Local Object at the bottom.

220 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

7. In the original SAP application window, enter the name of the program you just
generated in the Program field, select the Source code and click on Change. The
program code is displayed and can be edited.
8. Make sure the INCLUDE FM06PE02 row was renamed to INCLUDE ZFM06PE02.
* Druckroutinen für Einkaufsbelege *

* Datenteil

* Datenbeschaffung


9. Save and close the file.

To modify the FM06PE02 include program:

1. In the previous step you already copied the FM06PE02 include program as
ZFM06PE02. Now the program is modified in order to start the
J_8AFM_GET_FORM module and process the returned data. The include program
also starts the ME_PRINT_PO module.
J_8AFM_GET_FORM supplies the archive ID and the document ID of the form in
the FORMARCHIV and FORM_ID fields of the TOA_DARA structure. The TOA_DARA
structure of the ME_PRINT_PO module contains the data for the DARA rows.

SY-SUBRC must be checked. If the value after starting OpenText Forms
Management is not 0, you must take appropriate measures. A value
other than 0 for SY-SUBRC means that no active form was found and that
the order confirmation was not archived. Unfortunately, this cannot be
left to error handling in the code, because no one is informed if no active
form is found.

In this example, no rows from the ZFM06PE02 include source program were
deleted. To insert the function module in the ABAP editor, use the Insert

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 221
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Pattern function. You should call up J_8AFM_GET_FORM immediately before

calling up ME_PRINT_PO.

If you want to copy the new text and insert it directly in the ABAP
Editor, remember to first insert the required number of empty rows at
the appropriate position. Otherwise the inserted text overwrites the
existing code!

a. Open the ZSAPFM06P program in the ABAP editor.

b. Open the ZFM06PE02 include file by double-clicking on it.

2. The rows that must be added to start J_8AFM_GET_FORM, are highlighted in the
example below.
Modify the ZFM06PE02 include file as follows:

form entry_neu using ent_retco ent_screen. data: l_druvo like

t166k-druvo, l_nast like nast, l_from_memory, l_doc type
meein_purchase_doc_print. * --> begin ixos forms overlay Data:

clear ent_retco. if nast-aende eq space. l_druvo = '1'. else.

l_druvo = '2'. endif.

call function 'ME_READ_PO_FOR_PRINTING' EXPORTING ix_nast =

nast ix_screen = ent_screen IMPORTING ex_retco = ent_retco
ex_nast = l_nast doc = l_doc CHANGING cx_druvo = l_druvo
cx_from_memory = l_from_memory. check ent_retco eq 0.


LAYOUT_SET = tnapr-fonam *
FORM_ARCH_ID = toa_dara-formarchiv
FORM_DOC_ID = toa_dara-FORM_ID
= 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0 or l_RETURN_CODE <> 0. ent_retco = 32.
ENDIF. check ent_retco = 0. * --> end ixos forms overlay

call function 'ME_PRINT_PO' EXPORTING ix_nast = l_nast

ix_druvo = l_druvo doc = l_doc ix_screen = ent_screen
ix_from_memory = l_from_memory ix_toa_dara = toa_dara
ix_arc_params = arc_params ix_fonam = tnapr-fonam "HW
214570 IMPORTING ex_retco = ent_retco. endform.

3. Save and activate this file.

222 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

Notes for function module J_8AFM_GET_FORM

This function module inserts the archive ID and the document ID of the form in the
header of the generated document. In the Importing code section, modify the
program to include the desired form (Layout_set) and its code.

Specify the TOA_DARA structure in the Exporting section. Make sure you use the
same TOA_DARA structure here as the one used in the OPEN_FORM function call
described above.

Open the source code for the J_8AFM_GET_FORM function module by double-clicking
on it in the ABAP editor.

The source code header looks like this:

*"*"Local interface:

The CLIENT parameter is optional. By default, the active client is used. The VERSION
parameter is also optional. If it is not set, the archive ID and the document ID for the
active form are returned with the highest version number. This ensures that the
current form version is always used without having to update each program every
time the form is changed. By specifying an activation date for a new form version
you can control when the newest version comes into effect (see also “Activating the
form” on page 206).

To assign the ABAP program (adjusting output determination):

If you want to change the generation of a document, as we do in our example to

insert a form overlay, you must link a new program with the corresponding
document type, i.e. you must adapt the output determination.

In the above example you have created a new program called ZSAPFM06P on the
basis of the SAPFM06P program. Now you will define the ZSAPFM06P program as the

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 223
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

output determination of the Purchase Order document type. To do this, proceed as


1. In the main SAP application window, execute the V/G9 transaction. The
Determine Work Area: Entry window is displayed.

2. Select the NEU output type and the EF application and confirm by pressing the
ENTER key.
The Change View 'Processing Routines': Overview dialog is displayed.

3. Find the row with the Medium Print output and in this row change the name
of the Program, in this case from SAPFM06P to ZSAPFM06P. The entry should be
written in capitals in accordance with SAP convention.

4. Check that the name of the SAP form for which the original program was
written is in the Form column. Note that form names are always written in
capitals in SAP!

5. Save your entries.

If you also want to archive order confirmations, you must also modify the NEU
standard output type.

To modify the NEU standard output type:

1. In the main SAP application window, execute the NACT transaction.

2. Enter EF as the application and click on Display.

224 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

3. In the following Change output types: details view, click the (Display →
Change) icon in the toolbar. This displays a list of output types, which can be

4. Scroll to the NEU Output type, and double-click on it. The View output types:
details view is displayed for the NEU message type.

5. Select the Storage system tab. Enter one of the following values in the
Archiving mode field:

• 2: Archive only: for storage only

• 3: Print and archive: for printing and storage

6. Enter the Document type with which the program is to be linked, in our
example, this is MEOORDER.

Tip: You can also create a special document type for documents with
forms. To do this, copy the MEOORDER document type to the OAC2
transaction e.g. to ZMEOORDER. Define PDF as the Document class.

7. Click the (Save) icon in the standard toolbar.

Maintaining the link

In this step, you combine the document type with an archive (content repository), an
object type and a link table. To do this, execute the OAC3 transaction (for more details
see “Maintaining links” on page 88). For the example document type MEOORDER, use
the EKKO object type.

To generate the purchase order linked to the form:

All the prerequisites are now available to create a new purchase order or to archive
an existing one using our example:

1. Select the Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase

Order menu option of the SAP menu and click on one of the Create functions to
create a purchase order.

2. Enter the data required for the order confirmation. When you confirm your
entries, the archive ID and the document ID of the form are inserted in the OTF
data and the purchase order is archived. Execute the OAM1 transaction to
monitor the process.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 225
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

17.3.8 Defining a processing method for the PPF and

specifying it in the action profile
In SAP CRM document output is managed by the processing method in a processing
class. The method and class must be entered when you define the action profile for
outgoing documents in the PPF (see “Creating an action profile” on page 127Step

To create and edit the processing method:

1. Copy the template for the CL_DOC_PROCESSING_CRM_ORDER processing class

with the CRM_ORDER_EXEC_SMART_FORM processing method.
2. In the method code, look for this line:
* -------> ls_archive_index-object_id = ls_orderadm_h-GUID

3. Remove the comment sign for this line.

4. Replace the ls_orderadm_h-GUID entry with the object ID of the object type
that corresponds to the outgoing document.
5. Below this line, enter the following code in the method:
* get form
l_rc type SY-SUBRC.


CODE = '0000'
* VERSION = ' '
FORM_ARCH_ID = ls_archive_index-FORMARCHIV
FORM_DOC_ID = ls_archive_index-FORM_ID
* end form

Note: IP_SMART_FORM for the name of the Smart Form is now used as
input for the LAYOUT_SET parameter. The previous J_8AFM_GET_FORM

226 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.3. Adding a form

function can only process Smart Forms with names containing up to 16


6. Now you need to amend the action profile used to output the documents (see
also “Creating an action profile” on page 127Step 16):

a. Execute the CRMC_ACTION_DEF transaction or use the wizard in the IMG:

Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions →
Create Actions with Wizard.

b. Enter the following parameters in the Print processing type settings:

Form name
Name of the form created in Section 17.3.3; Note that form names are
always written in capitals in SAP!

Processing class
Name of the (copied) processing class with the edited processing

Processing method
Name of the edited processing method from Step 5.

Figure 17-7: OpenText Forms Management: Processing method

7. Save your entries.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 227
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

17.4 Defining offset and layout of forms

Sometimes the form and the SAP data are not exactly aligned when initially
displayed after archiving. This is due to the fact that, when printing the document,
the SAP application uses printer-specific information which is not accessible to
Windows Viewer; it may also occur when a document is not in the proper position
during scanning.
For more information on customizing forms in the SAP application, see “Adding a
form” on page 196.

17.4.1 Adjusting forms

You can adjust the form manually so that it is aligned with its contents by moving it
in Windows Viewer. The archive administrator can correct the offset values in the
SAP application later.

Note: Adjusting forms in Windows Viewer is not possible for PDF documents.

To adjust forms:

1. Customize a new form in the SAP application.

It is possible to scan and archive the form in Windows Viewer.

2. Archive a document linked with the new form.

3. Open the archived document in Windows Viewer.

4. On the Tools menu, click Move Form.

5. In the Move Form dialog box, define the settings:

Form´s Offset
Defines the offset values for the form so that it is aligned with its contents.

Defines the space between the content and the left-hand edge of the

Defines the space between the content and the upper edge of the form.

Specifies the unit used for the offset settings. You can choose between:

• Twips (the equivalent of 1/1440 inches)

• 1/10 mm
• Mils (1/1000 inch)

6. Click Apply.
The form is moved in accordance with your settings.

228 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.4. Defining offset and layout of forms

7. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you are satisfied with the results.
Or, you can click in the document and move the form by holding down the
mouse button. The defined values are automatically passed to the dialog box.

8. Transfer the resulting offset values to your SAP application.

17.4.2 Adjusting the form layout for COLD documents

To assign forms to COLD documents you have to use the FORM.INFO file. The offset
and layout values of the form are defined in this file. The values can be set using a
wizard in Windows Viewer.

To adjust the form layout for COLD documents:

1. Open an ASCII document with an underlying form from the archive, one that is
similar to the document for which you wish to store form and format

2. On the Tools menu, click Set-up Layout.

Note: This menu item is only available when the EnableFormEdit=1 entry
is set in the Registry under

3. In the Form and Format Management dialog box, select the unit to be used for
the offset settings, and then click Next. You can choose between:

• Twips (the equivalent of 1/1440 inches)

• 1/100 mm
• Mils (1/1000 inch)

Note: Every dialog box of the form wizard contains the buttons Apply
and Back. Click Apply to view the effects of your input on the appearance
of the document. Click Back to return to the previous dialog box.

4. In the Skip pages dialog box, in the Number of pages to skip field, specify any
pages you wish to skip at the beginning of the document, and then click Next.

5. In the Assignment of form pages to document pages dialog box, specify which
pages of the document should be linked to which page of the form, and then
click Next.

Form Page
Lists the individual pages of the underlying form.

Doc. Page Range

Defines a range of pages in the document that are linked to the relevant
page of the form.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 229
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Specifies whether a given page of a form is a front or reverse side.

6. In the Form page column, select a form page, and then right-click:

• New
Creates a new link.
• Edit
Edits the selected link.
• Delete
Deletes the selected link.

7. To create a new link, right-click New, or to edit an existing link, right-click Edit.

8. In the Page Range dialog box, assign pages, and then click OK.

Form page
Defines the page number of the form for which the assignment is being

Page Range
Specifies the page range to which this form page will be assigned.

Specifies the first page that will be assigned to this form page.

Specifies the last page that will be assigned to this form page.
The * symbol is a wildcard for the last page of the document.

Specifies whether the front or reverse side of the page will be assigned
to this form page.

9. In the Assignment of form pages to document pages dialog box, click Next.

10. In the Page size and orientation dialog box opens, specify the paper size, and
then click Next.

Note: This dialog box is only displayed if the open ASCII document has
no underlying form.

Specifies the paper size.
If you select user-defined, the Width, and Height fields are enabled and
you can specify the page size dimensions there.

Specifies the orientation of the page.

Specifies the user-defined paper size.

230 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.5. Assigning forms to COLD documents

11. In the Document offset dialog box, specify the document's offset, that is the
offset of the form from the document content, and then click Next.

Document offset
Specifies the offset of the form from the document content.

Specifies the space between the file content and the left-hand edge of
the page.

Specifies the space between the file content and the upper edge of the

12. In the Text layout dialog box, specify the visual appearance of the text, and then
click Next.

Text layout
Specify the visual appearance of the text.

Font height
Specifies the font height.

Font width
Specifies the font width.

Characters per line

Specifies the number of characters per line.

Line distance
Specifies the line length.

13. Optional In the Save form and format definition dialog box, click Print to print
out the document with the settings you have defined. Make sure the Form
option is activated in the Print with section of the Print dialog.

14. To save the settings in the file system as FORM.INFO, click Finish.
In the future you can use this file for archiving COLD documents. The edited
document template remains unchanged in the archive.

17.5 Assigning forms to COLD documents

You only have to carry out this step if you want to display COLD documents with
forms. There are two types of COLD documents: Document lists and print lists.
Since these are not SAP application documents, do not use SAPscript form names.

The following description uses the example of a document list with individual
invoices. Follow the procedure described above (see “Creating the form record”
on page 198) to create a form with the name FG_SINGLE.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 231
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

In order to integrate the form with the COLD document list, the OpenText
Document Pipeline requires the archive ID and the document ID of the form. To do
so, the corresponding COLD document type is added in the COMMANDS file. Add a
line with the following contents:


The file must also contain another line to form the link to OpenText Forms


, where FG_SINGLE is the name of the example form.

The R3Formid DocTool uses this data to call up the archive ID and the document ID
using an RFC call from the J_8AFM_GET_FORM function module of OpenText Forms
Management (the J_8AFM_GET_SMART_FORM function module is not supported here).

Note: Form names cannot contain more than 16 characters.

The DocTool inserts these IDs in the FORMULAR_INFO file. However, you still need to
enter the form page assignment and the x and y offset values.

Note: Note that the page assignment used to create a form in OpenText Forms
Management is not used here. Changing the offsets described in the “Adjusting
the form layout for COLD documents (FORM.INFO)” on page 229 section has
no effect. Other parameters for aligning the form to the document are
contained in the FORMULAR_INFO file. These include: page format, line spacing
and character size.

Specify the page assignment and orientation in the Windows Viewer using the Form
and Format management wizard (see “Adjusting the form layout for COLD
documents (FORM.INFO)” on page 229).

17.6 Options for OpenText Forms Management

17.6.1 Copying forms Client and archive copy
Forms are normally created with a test client. The above example used the 800
client. When you are satisfied with the results of your work, you can copy the form
to the production client and save it in the production archive. The following
example uses the 810 client as the production client.

After you log on and execute the J8AF transaction, the list of forms available for this
client is still empty. To copy the forms from the 800 client, select Form list → Copy
from. This displays a dialog box which prompts you to enter the test client and the
archive ID of the production client.

232 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.6. Options for OpenText Forms Management

Press F4 to see a list of valid entries. If the to Archive field is left blank, the archive
ID of the forms to be copied is used.

If you use a different archive ID, the forms are copied to the new archive and
assigned new document IDs. If the archive IDs are identical, only the entries in the
J_8AFM form table are copied from the test client to the production client.

Click on Continue when you have made your entries. This displays a dialog box
containing the forms available to the specified client.

Figure 17-8: OpenText Forms Management: Client and archive copy

Use the checkboxes to select the forms to be copied (in our example these are

Click on Copy. All selected forms are copied to the production client. (If a form
already exists on the production client, it is not overwritten.)

Figure 17-9: OpenText Forms Management: Form list

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 233
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

The new forms are displayed in the form list. The bottom line of the dialog box
specifies the number of forms copied. Archive copies of forms

If different SAP systems exist for testing and production, you may wish to copy
forms between them. The client remains the same, but the forms must be copied to
the production archive. In the following example the 800 client is used.

To copy forms to the production archive:

1. Log on to the test system client.

2. Execute the J8AF transaction and select Form list → Copy from from the menu.

3. In the dialog box, select the 800 client and the archive ID of the production
archive (RD in the example).

4. Click on Continue. The forms available on the test client are displayed.

5. Select the FIIINVOICE and RVORDER01 forms to copy them to the production

6. Click on Copy.
The version number of the copied forms is increased by 1. In order to identify
the forms more easily, the old version number is added to the description.

Figure 17-10: OpenText Forms Management: Form list

If several versions of a form are to be copied, the copied versions of the form receive
the next higher version numbers not yet assigned for the existing form.

234 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.6. Options for OpenText Forms Management

Example 17-3: Copying form versions

Let's say the production archive already contains versions 0001 and 0002 of
form ZVORDER01. Now you need to copy versions 0002 and 0003 of form
ZVORDER01 to the production archive. The copied versions of the form then
receive version numbers 0003 and 0004 in the production archive, because
these are the next higher version numbers that have not yet been allocated
for this form. So there are now versions 0001,0002 (existing), 0003 and 0004
(new) of form ZVORDER01 in the production archive.

In the next step, you need to copy table J_8AFM to another SAP system. You will
then be able to delete the forms in the test archive. Copying the form table

To copy the contents of the J_8AFM table with its form information to another SAP
system, select Form list → Transport

You can select the entries and assign them to a transport request. Once you have
made your selection, a list of forms appears, as shown below:

Figure 17-11: OpenText Forms Management: Transporting forms

Select all the forms whose information you wish to transfer, and click on Transport.
The SAP dialog box for inputting a change request number appears.

You can either select an existing change request number, or click on Create Request.
The following dialog box appears:

Enter a description, e.g.Correction to table J8AF. The system then assigns a new
number and enters it in the change request dialog box, S46K900112 in the example.

Click on Continue. The selected table entries are added to the correction file, and the
OpenText Forms Management start window appears once more. The number of
forms added and the associated correction file are displayed in the status bar at the
bottom of the window.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 235
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

The change request (here S46K900112) can now be transferred to the new SAP
system in the usual way.

17.6.2 Checking the status of a form

Click on Check in the J8AF transaction. This sends a request to the archive system
querying the status of the selected form. The status is then displayed at the bottom
of the dialog box.

If the status is ONLINE, the form can be accessed and you can view it by clicking the
View icon. This starts the Windows Viewer and the form is displayed.

17.6.3 Deleting forms

You can delete a form from the list view. In the J8AF transaction, select the entry you
want to delete and click on Delete.

Be very careful when you delete a form, because this may prevent outgoing
documents from being created. First make sure that there are no programs
that still access the version of the form that you intend to delete.

When you delete a form, you only delete the link in the SAP application. No
delete instruction is forwarded to the archive (content repository), and the
form itself is retained.

17.6.4 Activating and deactivating forms

A form must be activated before it can be accessed by a program. At first a new form
(or a new version of a form) is not activated. To switch on the activation status, select
the form in the OpenText Forms Management start window (J8AF transaction) and
click the Active↔ Inactive icon. The date on which the form becomes active must
have been entered, otherwise you cannot activate the form. The form list specifies
whether a form is active or not. The activation date is displayed in the form detail

Proceed with care when you deactivate a form, because programs cannot
access deactivated forms.

Note: If several versions of the same form were activated, the version used is
the one with the highest number and an activation date that is already past.

236 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
17.6. Options for OpenText Forms Management

17.6.5 Printing a form list

You can print the form list by selecting Form list → Print from the menu. Specify the
fields to print and the sequence in the dialog box that opens.

17.6.6 Detail view of an entry

Only the most important information about a form is displayed in the start window
(J8AF transaction). To get further details you must select the entry and click on
Detail (or double-click on a field in the form). A detail view looks like this:

Figure 17-12: OpenText Forms Management: Form details

The following information is also displayed:

• Name of the user who created the form and the creation date
• Name of the user who activated/deactivated the form and the activation/
deactivation date.
• Logical archive ID and document ID of the scanned form.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 237
Chapter 17 OpenText Forms Management

Click the Form list → Print button to show the assignment of the form pages to the
data pages (see “Assigning form pages to document pages” on page 202).

Click the Change Offset button to move the data page of the SAP document in
relation to the form when it is displayed. See “Adjusting the form layout for COLD
documents (FORM.INFO)” on page 229).

17.6.7 Tracking changes in OpenText Forms Management

The creation, deletion and activation of forms is logged in the J_8AFM change

Select Goto → Change documents from the menu in the J8AF transaction. The SAP
change documents start window appears. Click on Display by number or Display
by field to display a selection window for change requests of the J_8AFM object
class. When you execute the program, all the change requests created in OpenText
Forms Management are displayed.

238 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 18
Rendition Management

Using the rendition functionality requires a complete OpenText Rendition Server

(Rendition Server) installation. On the use of the OpenText Rendition Server
functionality, the following information is available:
• For scenarios using DesktopLink, see “Archiving via the ODMA interface
(DesktopLink)“ on page 153.
• For scenarios using DocuLink, see section 23 “Maintaining Rendition Server” in
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-
• For procedures using DocuLink, see section 10 “Exporting documents (OpenText
Rendition Server)” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD)

Note: For more details on Rendition Server, see OpenText Rendition Server -
Installation and Administration Guide (RS-IGD).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 239
Chapter 19

Displaying and processing documents with

OpenText viewers

Depending on the required functionality and system requirements, OpenText offers

the following viewers:

Windows Viewer
Viewer with full functionality, including scanning, archiving and document
processing. Requires installation at the client.

Java Viewer
Viewer with restricted functionality, no scanning or archiving. Requires no
installation, however a Java Virtual Machine is necessary.

Web Viewer
Viewer with limited functionality, no scanning, archiving or text processing in
the document. Requires no installation or special components other than a Web
browser on the client.

Depending on the employed viewer, some additional configuration settings are


19.1 Configuration for the Windows Viewer

19.1.1 Communication Communication protocols in SAP applications
Windows Viewer and SAP applications recognize and handle archived documents
according to their document class. The association with a document class is
determined by the format in which a document is saved. The document class
determines the program used to recall and display the document. Windows Viewer
currently supports these document classes: ALF, FAX, PDF, OTF, JPG (see
“Document class” on page 76). It will also display ASCII documents. ASCII is a
simple text format which contains no formatting apart from blank characters, line
breaks and form feeds. For more details see section 1.3 “Supported Document
Formats and Functions” in OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-

How a document class is handled is defined in a protocol in SAP applications (OAA3

transaction). A protocol is assigned to an archive (content repository, archive) . This
ensures that all documents of a document class held in the same archive (content
repository) are handled in the same way.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 241
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

The transports with the available protocols and the required additional customizing
for SAP ArchiveLink are located on the Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions installation medium. For a description see “Protocol” on page 77.

Note: OpenText recommends using the IX-... protocols supplied.

Communication The ODMA takes over all the communication between the Windows Viewer and the
between OpenText Archive and Storage Services. This communication within the OpenText
system can run via RPC or HTTP. Whether RPC or HTTP is used is specified on the
OpenText Imaging Clients using a parameter.

Enhanced When running communication between OpenText Imaging Clients and OpenText
security Archive and Storage Services via HTTP, you can secure the communication between
the individual components; see “Protocol” on page 77.

242 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.1. Configuration for the Windows Viewer Communicating via OLE

Figure 19-1: Communicating via OLE

If you are using OT_OLEU1 protocol, the communication when displaying an

archived document runs like this:

1. The SAP GUI receives the document ID (ARC_DOC_ID), the name of the archive
(ARCHIV_ID) and the document class from the SAP server.
2. The SAP GUI transmits the request to the Windows Viewer to call up the
archived document via OLE. If necessary, the SAP GUI starts the Windows
3. The Windows Viewer addresses the ODMA component. First it looks on the
Administration Server to identify the OpenText Archive and Storage Services
on which the archive (content repository) resides. Which Administration Server
is accessed by ODMA is defined by a parameter:
In OpenText Imaging Configuration:

a. Start the OpenText Imaging Configuration using the cladmcli.exe

command in the command line.
b. Select the profile and click on Open - Whole profile in the context menu.
c. • Select CWin / ArchiveLink / Archive-0 and check the
• In the Registry:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 243
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

Thus, documents from archives located on different OpenText Archive and

Storage Services can be displayed. The prerequisite for this is that the OpenText
Archive and Storage Servicess are recognized by the responsibleAdministration

4. The Administration Server sends the name of the OpenText Archive and
Storage Services (DShost) to the ODMA.

5. The ODMA addresses the Document Service of the named OpenText Archive
and Storage Services and asks for the document class.

6. The Document Service supplies the document class.

7. The ODMA addresses the Document Service again and requests the document.

8. The Document Service supplies the document contents. If the Windows Viewer
can display this document class, it now displays the document.

9. - 11. The further steps only take place if the Windows Viewer cannot itself
display the document class. The next step depends on the protocol:


• The Windows Viewer sends a request to the ODMA interface. The

ODMA establishes the MIME type of the document and launches the
required application (not illustrated). Communicating via HTTP

If you are using the OT_HTTP2 protocol, the communication when displaying an
archived document runs like this:

1. The SAP server generates an URL, which contains the document ID, archive ID
(name of the archive/content repository), component ID, Archive and Storage
Services and port and can be signed using the SecKey. This URL is stored via the
SAP GUI in an HTML file in the SAP working directory on the client.
2. The HTML file is called up and opens the browser registered for HTML.
3. The browser sends the URL to the OpenText Archive and Storage Services.
4. The Document Service provides the document contents and the MIME type.
5. The browser starts the application registered for the MIME type (see also
“Protocol OT_HTTP2: Registering the Windows Viewer for PDF and JPG”
on page 247). The application displays the document within the browser.

244 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.1. Configuration for the Windows Viewer

19.1.2 Settings
You find a summary of all parameter setting options in the OpenText Imaging Viewers
and DesktopLink - Configuration Guide (CL-CGD). Settings for document display with Windows Viewer

Defining the Internet browser as the standard viewer

In order to take advantage of the Windows Viewer functionality when displaying

documents from within an SAP application, you must define the Internet browser as
the standard viewer in SAP. Proceed as follows:

To define the Internet browser as the standard viewer:

1. In the SAP system:

a. Execute the OAG1 transaction.

b. Execute the SAPSUPPORT transaction.
c. Activate the Call Internet Browser option and save the setting.
d. Activate the Use screen 300 option and save the setting.

2. On the Livelink ECM – Archive Server 5.0A/B:

In the %IXOS_SRV_CONFIG%\setup\addons.setup file, add the meta.xml
component and add a comment behind each listed component name.

Selecting several documents for display

If you try to display several documents at once, then by default, since SAP basis 6.x,
all documents are opened directly, i.e. without displaying a selection list beforehand.
If you would like a selection list of all possible documents to be displayed by
default, of which only the selected documents will be displayed, like in previous
SAP versions, you must activate the corresponding setting:

To select several documents for display:

1. Execute the OAG1 transaction.

2. Activate the Simple Hit List option and save the setting.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 245
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers Print lists with hyperlinks

Note: These settings are only required for OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer
< 6.x.

To set up the display of print lists with hyperlinks, check the following registry
Viewer/Display ALF/InternalHyperlink

To display print lists with hyperlinks:

1. Set the parameter InternalHyperlink:

• In OpenText Imaging Configuration (cladmcil.exe):

Point to the profile and click on Open – Whole profile in the context menu.
Select Viewer / Display ALF and check InternalHyperlink.
• In the Registry:
<Profile_name>/Viewer/Display ALF/InternalHyperlink

2. By default the value is set to 1(on), which means the Windows Viewer is used
to display the linked documents.
The 0(off) value means that archlink.exe is responsible for the display. Log level and language

You can make some adjustments directly in the Windows Viewer. Select the Settings
item from the Edit menu.

On the Advanced tab, you can select one of three levels of logging: Error
logging only, Detailed logging or Detailed + ODMA logging. The latter two
options are useful when searching for problems and should not otherwise be
used, since the ixclient.log log file can grow very quickly. For more details
see section “Setting Log Levels” in OpenText Imaging Viewers and
DesktopLink - Installation and Administration Guide (CL-IGD).

On the General tab you can also select the installed languages. The change
becomes effective after you restart Windows Viewer.
If Windows Viewer is started from the SAP GUI, the language used in Windows
Viewer will normally be the same as in the SAP GUI, provided this language is
supported. Details and help in the event of problems can be found in the ESC.

246 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.1. Configuration for the Windows Viewer Protocol OT_HTTP2: Registering the Windows Viewer for PDF

and JPG
When using the OT_HTTP2 protocol, you need to make further settings, so that the
Windows Viewer registers itself for the image/pjpeg and application/pdf MIME
types. This registration causes the Windows Viewer to be used also to display PDF
and JPG document classes within Internet Explorer. The Windows Viewer functions
are thus available, enabling you in particular to create annotations and notes.

Note: You cannot register the Windows Viewer for the image/pjpeg MIME
type in Internet Explorer 5.5.
Firefox and Chrome are not supported here.

To register the Windows Viewer for PDF and JPG:

1. Set the variables for the MIME types.

a. In OpenText Imaging Configuration (cladmcil.exe): Point to the profile

and click on Open – Whole profile in the context menu.

b. Select Viewer / General.

c. Enter the RegisterMIMETypePJPEG and RegisterMIMETypePDF variables

by clicking their icons.

d. Switch these variables on.

2. If this setting is to be made on a large number of workstations, you can

distribute the profile to the workstations using the OpenText Imaging
Configuration (upload to Administration Server). For more details see OpenText
Imaging Viewers and DesktopLink - Installation and Administration Guide (CL-IGD).

3. Register the Windows Viewer for the MIME types. You have two options:

• Enter in the command line of each workstation:

alviewer.exe /regserver

• In OpenText Imaging Configuration: Open the profile and select Viewer /

General. Enter the variable AlwaysRegister and switch it on. Distribute the
profile to the workstations using the OpenText Imaging Configuration.

Note: Switching on this variable causes the Windows Viewer to re-

register itself every time it starts, even for its standard formats. If for
example you defined a different application to display the image/tiff
MIME type, this change is lost.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 247
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

19.2 Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer

Note: The customizing procedure with the /ixos/oa_cust table has been
superseded by the parameters defined in the new /ixos/oa_cust_a table.

By default, documents that are opened from within the SAP GUI are displayed in
the SAP viewer, or, if it is installed, in Windows Viewer. Compared to the SAP
viewer, Windows Viewer offers additional functionality to edit documents,
however, it requires an additional client installation. If you would like to take
advantage of additional viewer functionality without an additional installation
process, you can use the Java Viewer or the Web Viewer.

To do so, you may configure the viewer integration on the SAP server in a way that
the required viewer will be used.

To maintain the imaging integration:

• Activate the user exit to use a different viewer other than the standard SAP

a. Execute the SE16 transaction and open the TOAEX table.

b. Create a new entry with these values:
c. To use a different viewer also for SAPGUI for JAVA create the following
entries with these values:

After installation, the viewer components must be configured and customized using
the following tables:
• /ixos/oa_cust_a
General settings, default values used
• /ixos/oa_doctype
Document classes and their viewer types (if not defined, the default viewer for
ArchiveLink documents will be used)
• /ixos/oa_locales
Languages used (optional, for Web Viewer only)
• /ixos/oa_iprange
IP settings used to optimize network performance (optional, for Web Viewer
• /ixos/oa_cust3
Force MimeType settings to display documents

248 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.2. Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer

To configure the external viewer:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_cust_a table.

2. Define the following settings:

Path and Script/appl

Path name and script/application name to call either Web Viewer or Java

• Web Viewer — the source code of the Web Viewer must be located
directly below the application directory of the web server. Therefore, the
application name is WebViewer.

• Java Viewer — the Java Viewer is called by a perl script that is located in
a subdirectory of the Content Server cgi-bin directory. Therefore, by
default the application name is /cgi-bin/JAVAVW/ixosjv.pl. If you
host the Java Viewer as Web Application, enter /JAVAVW/JavaViewer.

Use Java-/Webviewer
Possible values:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 249
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

No external viewer is used.
Yes, if winviewer is not installed locally
The external viewer specified in the Type of Viewer field is used if the
Windows Viewer is not installed locally.
Yes, if SET/GET parameter /IXOS/OA_JV = X
User-specific configuration; if the SET/GET parameter /IXOS/OA_JV = X
(defined in the user profile), the external viewer specified in the Type of
Viewer field is used.
The external viewer specified in the Type of Viewer field is always
Type of Viewer
Possible values:
Java Viewer
Java Viewer
Web Viewer
Web Viewer
Disable Caching
Specifies whether the information on the cache server stored in ArchiveLink
Cache customizing is used when generating the URL.
Disable Applet Inpl.
For the Java Viewer only: Specifies whether the Java Viewer is started in its
own browser window.
The height and width of this window can be defined using the subsequent
Viewer window width and Viewer window heigth parameters.
Use cached build
For the Java Viewer only: Deprecated parameter that does not work with Java
Viewer 9.5.x or later. If you use Java Viewer 9.5.x or later, ignore this
Use https
If activated, the secure HTTPS protocol is used when the script is run.
3. If you selected the Web Viewer option above in the Type of Viewer field, you
can specify the following additional parameters for default settings:

Don't show Thumbs

Deactivates the default display of thumbnails.
Don't show Header
Deactivates the default display of the header line.
Show Notes
Activates the default display of document notes.

250 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.2. Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer

Open in curr. Window

Stops Web Viewer from opening a new browser window; viewer uses
current window instead.

Authority Check
Activates evaluation of authorization object J_6NV_WEBV which defines
rules for accessing and processing documents.

Use signature
Restricts the usage and acceptance of URLs to signed Web Viewer URLs

To edit the parameters in the /ixos/oa_cust table:

If documents are stored in a logical archive on an archive server where Java Viewer
or Web Viewer is not installed, you can specify a different server to start the viewer
from in the /ixos/oa_cust table.

Note: The customizing procedure with the /ixos/oa_cust table is still supported
but has been generally replaced by defining the parameters in the new /ixos/
oa_cust_a table. If you use the /ixos/oa_cust_a table to customize the external
viewer, the information in the /ixos/oa_cust table will be ignored.

1. Execute the SE16 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_cust table.

2. Define the following parameters:

ID of the logical archive for which the settings are defined

Name of the HTTP server on which the viewer is installed. Use the syntax:
<server name>:<port>
For the Web Viewer only: Enter the port for Tomcat.

Path name and script/application name to call either Web Viewer or Java

• Web Viewer — the source code of the Web Viewer must be located
directly below the application directory of the web server. Therefore, the
application name is WebViewer.
• Java Viewer — the Java Viewer is called by a perl script that is located in
a subdirectory of the Content Server cgi-bin directory. Therefore, by
default the application name is /cgi-bin/JAVAVW/ixosjv.pl.

3. By default, the current SAP user is inserted in the URL when the viewer is
started. You can deactivate this setting; however, as a result you can not create
notes to a document in the Web Viewer. For the Java Viewer, the operating
system user is inserted in this case, and notes can still be created.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 251
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

To deactivate the insertion of the user parameter in the URL, select the
DISABLE_USER option in the /ixos/oa_cust table.

To configure the document classes:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_doctype table.

2. Define the following settings:

Enter the document extension without leading dot, e.g. JPG for JPEG image

Viewer Type
Enter the viewer type which will be used to display a specific type of
document. The available values are Java Viewer or Web Viewer.

Only document types maintained in the table /IXOS/OA_DOCTYPE
are opened with the JavaViewer or the Web Viewer; for all other
documents, the default viewer for ArchiveLink documents will be

By default the following document and viewer type combinations are
maintained (after activation of BC set /OTEXBAS/VIEWER_CUSTOMIZING):

Document Java Viewer Web Viewer

ALF x x
FAX x x
GIF x x
JPEG x x
JPG x x
OTF x x
TIF x x
TIFF x x

To configure the viewer languages:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_locales table.

252 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
19.2. Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer

2. Select the required language for the viewer.

Note: This setting does only apply to the Web Viewer components and
does not influence the standard locale set for SAP.

3. To create an entry, click the New Entries button and specify the parameters for
the new element.

In order to optimize the network performance, you can assign specific IP address
ranges of a repository to a specific server. If the IP address of a client is within this
specific range, then the Web viewer from the local server specified in the fields
Servername:Port and Path and Script/appl is used to view documents.

To assign IP address ranges:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_iprange table.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 253
Chapter 19 Displaying and processing documents with OpenText viewers

2. Specify the content repository and the range of the IP addresses.

3. Specify the server and the required script in the Servername:Port field and the
Path and Script/appl field respectively.

To configure the Force MimeType settings to display documents:

1. Execute the SE16 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_cust3 table.

2. Define the following parameters:

Document type for which the settings are defined.

MIME type which should be used on a client to display documents for the
corresponding document type. The MIME type settings (e.g. app/LLVIEW )
have to be specified in the client registry.
An example for the client registry setting could be:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\app/LLVIEW]

254 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 20
Document processing between SAP and OpenText
Enterprise Process Services

Within the SAP Business Workflow it is also possible to perform some of the
workflow steps in OpenText Enterprise Process Services. In this case, the standard
XML workflow interface, as well as the standard XML service, are used.

Web activity To do so, maintain a web activity in the Workflow Builder (SWDD transaction) with
the URL of the OpenText Enterprise Process Services system.

Prerequisites The following prerequisites must be fulfilled for the cooperation of SAP systems and
Enterprise Process Services:
• Fully configured Web server for sending XML workflow documents
• Fully configured SAP Web Application Server (SAP Web AS) so that your SAP
system can react correctly to XML documents and XML reply documents.
• Activated XML service: on SAP ITS the WF_HANDLER service, on the SAP Web AS
the WORKFLOW_XMLservice (SCIC transaction)
• The user with which the service logs in must exist on the SAP system.

For details on workflow customizing in SAP systems see the SAP documentation.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 255
Part 4
Using the scenarios
Chapter 21

Starting the archiving procedure

21.1 Starting archiving from the SAP application

There are a number of options for starting archiving from the SAP application. You
can use:

• the SAP OAWD transaction (Store Documents)

• the SAP transaction of the individual business objects (document lists)
• the SAP transaction for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions PLM
• the DesktopLink J8AM transaction (Archive from filesystem)
• the Content Management interface
• the generic object services (GOS)
• configuration for outgoing documents
• the configuration of links between document types and archiving (print list

Note: Archiving outgoing documents and print lists is not a task for the end
user. Only test samples for administrators are described here, in order to test
the correct configuration of the SAP system.

Regardless of the selected scenario, archiving in the SAP application always requires
the same steps:

• Logon to the SAP application:

Select the SAP system and logon with your user name and password if you have
not already done so.
• Select scenario, default settings and document type (index):
The time of archiving determines the scenario selection. By selecting the default
setting and the document type you specify the archiving conditions (e.g. the
archive to which the documents will be stored). The settings are either those
predefined in the SAP standard or are adapted by your SAP administrator. For
detailed information on this topic, ask your SAP administrator.
• Archiving according to the selected scenario:
After you have selected the archiving conditions, you initiate the actual archiving
operation. The procedure may vary depending on the scenario.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 259
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

21.1.1 Archiving via the standard SAP transaction

The SAP application itself provides a standard transaction for archiving documents.

To archive using the standard SAP transaction:

1. Execute the OAWD transaction in the SAP GUI.

2. Perform indexing according to the archiving scenario (see “Indexing and

archiving“ on page 285).
The original document is archived.

21.1.2 Archiving using the generic object services (GOS)

The generic object services (GOS) can also be used to archive documents. This
requires the services to be imported during installation, as well as a full
configuration (see “Archiving using generic object services (GOS) (for SAP ERP
only) “ on page 179).

This archiving procedure is equivalent to archiving using document lists in previous

SAP versions.

To archive documents using GOS:

1. Execute the transaction for the respective business object (e.g. FB03 for
accounting documents or BP for Business partners).

2. Select the business object to which you want to link the original document.

3. Click the icon to display the GOS toolbar and then click the icon, or
click the icon and select the Create option from the Services for Object

260 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

Figure 21-1: Archiving using the GOS

4. Select the

• Enter Barcode option to store using bar code or

• Livelink DesktopLink to store using the standard scenarios (see “Scenarios
for document archiving“ on page 29).
• Create external document (URL), to create a link to an URL, e.g. a Content
Server document

Note: If you use the Create attachment option from the GOS menu to
archive documents, the document appears in the attachment list for the
object, however, it does not appear in a DocuLink view for this object. In
order to access the archived documents from within DocuLink as well, use
the Livelink DesktopLink or Enter Barcode options for archiving.

5. Perform indexing according to the archiving scenario (see “Indexing and

archiving“ on page 285).
The original document is archived.

DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS)

DocuLink can be provided as a generic object service (GOS) now, as well. Thus, a
pre-configured DocuLink view can be displayed depending on the current business

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 261
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

object data. There the familiar DocuLink functionality is available as well, e.g.
archiving documents to an object. You can also store documents in DocuLink
indirectly, using GOS.

To use the DocuLink service, select the OpenText DocuLink option from the GOS
menu. If several different views were configured for the current object type, a
selection list is displayed for you to choose the required view.

This requires configuration data to be maintained for the current object; see
“Providing DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS)” on page 180. For a
description of the functionality in DocuLink see OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions
- User Guide (DC-UGD).

21.1.3 Archiving using the DesktopLink transaction J8AM

The possible applications of DesktopLink are described in the section 4 “Working
with DesktopLink” in OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD) as well as in
the online help.

DesktopLink supports the following SAP scenarios.

• Storing for subsequent entry
• Storing for subsequent assignment
• Store and enter
• Store and assign
• Assign then store
• SAP Records Management

Use the J8AM transaction to first select the document to be archived and then specify
the business object to which the document is to be connected.

To archive using the DesktopLink transaction:

1. Execute the J8AM transaction.

The IXOS: Archive from the filesystem: Select File dialog box opens.

262 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

Figure 21-2: IXOS: Archive from file system: Select file

2. Select the document to be stored and confirm your selection with Open.

Files of size 0 can not be imported!

The Select scenario dialog box opens.

Figure 21-3: Archiving scenarios

3. Perform indexing according to the archiving scenario (see “Indexing and

archiving“ on page 285).
The original document is archived. You can monitor the process status using the
OpenText Desktop Monitor (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 263
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

21.1.4 Document overview (in SAP ERP only)

When archiving using the SAP document overview, first select the business object to
which to link the original document and then the appropriate archive function.

1. Log on to your SAP system.

2. Select the business object to which you want to link the original document.

3. The Archiving from filesystem: File selection dialog box opens.

Select the file to archive and click on OK.

4. Perform indexing according to the archiving scenario (see “Indexing and

archiving“ on page 285).
The original document is archived. You can monitor the process status using the
OpenText Desktop Monitor (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)).

21.1.5 Archiving outgoing documents Testing output determination
To test the storage of outgoing documents, either create a suitable test posting or use
the OALINES report.

The OALINES report generates a test document for the document type to be tested,
which is treated by ArchiveLink and the archive as if it were an outgoing document.

To test using test posting:

1. Enter a test posting and display the message list, as described in “Checking
creation of outgoing documents” on page 123.

2. Select the message and click on Further data.

3. Click on Displ. facsimile to display the stored original document.

To test using the OALINES report:

1. Execute the SA38 transaction.

2. Enter the program name: OALINES and click the (Execute) button.

3. Enter the document type and the object type you specified in “Creating and
linking a document type” on page 122.

4. Enter the output device, e.g. LP01, and click on Print.

The Spool order 0 was generated system message appears.

5. Execute the OAAD transaction.

6. Under Documents, click on Technical Search.

264 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

7. Enter the search criteria, e.g. storage date or document type and object type, and
click the (Execute) button.

8. The stored original document should appear in the hit list and you can display
it using the Display from storage system icon. Testing the Post Processing Framework

In the example described below, we have configured the Post Processing Framework
(PPF) so that the Order confirmation action profile is executed for an IXOS
telesales type sales transaction, but only if the AGENT01 user creates the SAP
document. This means that for every sales order created by this user, the SAP
document is automatically printed and stored as a PDF file.

The prerequisites for correct processing of the outgoing document are:

• For e-mail/fax delivery: correct recipient data
• For mail delivery: valid user mail ID
• For print output: valid printer details
• For storing in the archive: correct archive details

To test the PPF using the example:

1. Start the sales transaction in the CRMD_ORDER transaction.

2. Create a valid IXOS telesales order.

3. Save the transaction data.

4. When you save the SAP document, the action profile should be processed.
Check this on the Actions tab.
You will see a list of the actions performed for this sales transaction and their

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 265
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

Figure 21-4: PPF test

5. Click the (Preview) icon to display a preview of the outgoing document.

Figure 21-5: Document preview for CM documents

266 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

6. If the action is only started after expiration and evaluation by a report

(Processing via selection report option in the action definition), start the
action manually:

Note: If you activated the Executable in dialog mode option in the action
definition, you can also execute the action directly on the transaction of the
business object (Actions tab).

a. Execute the SPPFP transaction.

You will see a list for Selecting and processing actions. Check that the
scheduled action is listed.

Figure 21-6: PPF Selecting and processing actions

b. Select the action that was scheduled but not yet started and click the
(Process) button.

7. Check the archive to see whether or not the outgoing document was stored

a. Execute the OAAD transaction.

b. Under Documents, click on Technical Search.

c. Enter the search criteria, e.g. storage date or document type and object type,
and click the (Execute) button.

d. The stored original document should appear in the hit list and you can
display it using the Display from repository icon.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 267
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

Figure 21-7: PPF Displaying documents

Note: Using the Windows Viewer, you can search for information in the
outgoing original documents using a text or attribute search. For more details
see OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

268 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

21.1.6 Archiving print lists in SAP ERP

No scenario-specific adjustments are required for print list storage. Print list storage
can therefore be used as a test for the three customizing steps - Initial Customizing,
Communications Setup and Basis Customizing.

Testing the settings for archiving print lists will be shown here using the list of
document types as an example. Preparation
1. Execute the OAC2 transaction and create a global document type (for more details
see “Maintaining global document types” on page 85).

Document type ZPRILITEST

Document type (Description) Print list test
Doc.class ALF
2. Execute the OAC3 transaction and enter the link (for more details see
“Maintaining links” on page 88).

Object type DRAW

Document type ZPRILITEST
Status X
Cont.Rep.ID YE
Relationship TOA01 Generating a test list

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction.
2. In the menu, click on Table view → Print.
The list is displayed.
3. In the menu, click on List → Print.
4. Enter the following print parameters:

Output device
Enter the LP01 printer or an active SAP printer.

Spool control
Activate the following options:
Print immediately
Delete after output. This option should only be activated for testing
New spool request

Archive mode
Select Store from the selection list.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 269
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

5. Click on Continue.
If a message is displayed, confirm it.
6. Enter the following storage parameters:

Figure 21-8: Storage parameters for print lists

Object type


Your initials or another ID

Short description (optional)

7. Click on Storage.
A spool order is generated and placed in the CARA storage queue.

270 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application Storing a test list

1. Execute the OAM1 transaction.
The SAP ArchiveLink monitor is displayed.
2. Under Storage of Print Lists, click on Storage Queue.
The dialog box displays all the orders that are awaiting transfer to an archive.
The ArchiveLink job automatically performs transfers or processing at regular
intervals, but they can also be started manually. The most recent orders are at
the end of the list.
3. Double-click the order with the test list. The details for this order are displayed.
4. Click the Process Selections

Note: Alternatively, you can select the job directly in the job list and start it
by clicking (Execute) button.
5. If a system message is displayed, confirm it.

If an error occurs on storage, the order appears in the ArchiveLink monitor under
Asynchronous requests in the Open list. Here you will see notes on the cause of the
error. Displaying a test list

1. Execute the OAM1 transaction.
2. Click on Administration → Document Administration.
3. Under Print lists, click on Technical Search.
4. Enter one or more selection criteria, e.g. information, storage date, archive or
document type.
5. Click the (Execute) button.
The print lists found are listed. If the print list you are looking for is not
contained, the storage request has probably not been completed or an error has

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 271
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

Figure 21-9: Print list test

6. Select the hit you want. To display the print list, click the Display from storage
system icon.
The print list is displayed in a separate window.

Note: Using the Windows Viewer, you can influence the legibility of print lists
by setting the font and the hyperlink display, and you can search for
information in print lists using the text or attribute search. For more details see
OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

272 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

21.1.7 Archiving print lists in SAP CRM

No scenario-specific adjustments are required for print list storage in SAP CRM,

Testing the settings for archiving print lists will be shown here using the list of
document types as an example. Preparation
1. Execute the OAC2 transaction and create a global document type (for more details
see “Maintaining global document types” on page 85).

Document type ZPRILITEST

Document type (Description) Print list test
Doc.class ALF
2. Execute the OAC3 transaction and enter the link (for more details see
“Maintaining links” on page 88).

Object type PRINTLIST

Document type ZPRILITEST
Status X
Cont.Rep.ID YE
Relationship TOA01 Generating a test list

1. Execute the OAC2 transaction.
2. In the menu, click on Table view → Print:
The list is displayed.
3. In the menu, click on List → Print.
4. Enter the required print parameters:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 273
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

Figure 21-10: Print parameters for print lists

Note: If you cannot find the parameters displayed here in the start view of
the transaction, click the Properties icon and select the required parameters
from the overview. Expand folders to do so if necessary. The path for each
parameter is given in the following overview.

Output device
Enter the LP01 printer or an active SAP printer.

General attributes
Select Time of printing. Print immediately

General attributes → Output options

Activate the following options:
Delete immediately after printing:
(This option should only be activated for testing purposes.)
New spool request

General attributes → Output options → Storage mode

Select Store from the selection list.
Enter the storage parameters:

274 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

Object type

Document type

Your initials or another ID

Short description (optional)

5. Click on Continue.
A spool order is generated and placed in the CARA storage queue. Storing a test list

1. Execute the OAM3 transaction. The SAP ArchiveLink monitor is displayed.

2. Under Queues, click on Storage.

The dialog box displays all the orders that are awaiting transfer to an archive.
The ArchiveLink job automatically performs transfers or processing at regular
intervals, but they can also be started manually. The most recent orders are at
the end of the list.

3. Double-click the order with the test list. The details for this order are displayed.

4. Click the (Execute) button.

Note: Alternatively, you can select the job directly in the job list and start it
by clicking the (Execute) button.

5. If a system message is displayed, confirm it.

If an error occurs on storage, the order appears in the ArchiveLink monitor under
Asynchronous requests in the Open list. Here you will see notes on the cause of the
error. Displaying a test list

1. Execute the OAM3 transaction.

2. Click on Environment→ Archived documents.

3. Under Print lists, click on Technical Search.

4. Enter one or more selection criteria, e.g. information, storage date, archive or
document type.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 275
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

5. Click the (Execute) button. The print lists found are listed. If the print list you
are looking for is not among them, the storage request has probably not been
completed or an error has occurred.

6. Select the hit you want. To display the print list, click the Display from storage
system icon.
The print list is displayed in a separate window.

Note: Using the Windows Viewer, you can influence the legibility of print lists
by setting the font and the hyperlink display, and you can search for
information in print lists using the text or attribute search. For more details see
OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

276 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

21.1.8 Archiving using SAP PLM DMS (in SAP ERP only)
Another possibility to archive documents is from within the SAP Product Lifecycle
Management. In this case, the SAP PLM DMS (Document management system) is
used. The following scenarios can be executed using the /IXOS/PLM transaction:

Scanning into SAP PLM DMS

You can enter and assign an original document to an already existing PLM DMS
document by scanning it.

Automatic (batch) import

You can import several documents into the SAP PLM DMS at once, and assign
them to already existing PLM DMS documents.

Document entry using DesktopLink

Using DesktopLink, you can also enter documents into the SAP PLM DMS
directly from within Windows applications, and assign them to already existing
PLM DMS documents. Scanning into SAP PLM DMS

To scan original documents and assign them to PLM DMS documents:

1. In the SAP GUI, execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

2. Click the Scan documents button.

3. The scan application is started. Scan the desired document and select it in the
scan application.

4. In the SAP GUI, enter the key for the PLM DMS document you want to assign
the original document to. This key consists of 4 parameters:

• Document
• Document type
• Document part
• Document version

5. Click the Save button.

6. In case the storage category for the document was not pre-configured, enter it in
the dialog.

The original document is stored and assigned to the PLM DMS document. It appears
in the document list in the SAP PLM DMS.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 277
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure Automatic (batch) import

To automatically import original documents and assign them to PLM DMS

1. Create a subfolder in the specified import directory for each document you
want to import. You can choose any name for this subfolder.

2. Create an attribute file with the specified name for each document. The file
must have the following contents:
DOCUMENT_FILENAME = <File name of the original document>
DOKNR = <PLM DMS document number>
DOKAR = <PLM DMS document type>
DOKVR = <PLM DMS document version>
DOKTL = <PLM DMS document part>

Example 21-1: Sample attribute file

DOCUMENT_FILENAME = salesorder.doc
DOKNR = jklfas083408jslk09328540
DOKAR = T1_21_03
DOKVR = 00
DOKTL = 000

3. Place the document and the corresponding attribute file in the subfolder.

4. In the SAP GUI, execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

5. Click the Automatic import button.

6. In case the storage category for the document was not pre-configured, enter it in
the dialog.

The import directory is searched for subfolders, and the respective documents are
imported and assigned to the PLM DMS documents. If the import failed, a log file
with an error message is inserted in the corresponding subfolder. Furthermore, a
protocol of the import is displayed in the SAP GUI. If you double-click on a row, a
list of the affected subfolders appears.

278 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.1. Starting archiving from the SAP application

Figure 21-11: Importing SAP PLM DMS documents

The original document is stored and assigned to the PLM DMS document. It appears
in the document list in the SAP PLM DMS. Document entry using DesktopLink

To enter original documents using DesktopLink and assign them to PLM DMS

1. In the SAP GUI, execute the /IXOS/PLM transaction.

2. Click the DesktopLink button.

3. If necessary, select SAP PLM in the scenario selection dialog.

4. If necessary, enter the key for the PLM DMS document you want to assign the
original document to in the SAP GUI. This key consists of 4 parameters:

• Document
• Document type
• Document part
• Document version

The original document is stored and assigned to the PLM DMS document. It appears
in the document list in the SAP PLM DMS.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 279
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

21.2 Archiving from Windows applications

DesktopLink provides a range of options for archiving files using applications other
than SAP applications (for details see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-

Windows Viewer
Using the standard menu items Save or Save as and selecting the destination

MS Office applications
Using a special menu item File > Save to OpenText DesktopLink.

All Windows applications

• Via the context menu Save to > SAP in the Windows Explorer
• Via Drag&Drop on the Save to SAP solutions Desktop icon
• Via a special printer driver that first converts the file into PDF or TIFF format
and then archives it (OpenText PDF Converter SAP or OpenText TIFF
Converter SAP)

Note: Automatic attribute extraction may be configured for archiving MS

Office documents. This can considerably reduce the user interaction with
the SAP system in terms of archiving. For more details see “Configuring
attribute transfer” on page 160.

If the archive process for a PowerPoint document within the SAP
application is canceled, the file to be archived may be write-protected
and you can no longer start a new archive process. First save the file in
the file system and resume archiving.

Irrespective of which application you start archiving from, further processing

(indexing) takes place via one of the SAP archiving scenarios (see “Indexing and
archiving“ on page 285). The scenario specifies how and where the original
document is stored and further processed. According to the configuration of
DesktopLink and the SAP application, the user can select during the archiving
process which scenario is used, or it is taken from a default setting (see “User-
specific settings in the SAP application for DesktopLink” on page 173).

280 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.3. Archiving from mail applications

21.2.1 Archiving multiple documents in SAP applications

If you start archiving via Send to or Drag&Drop, you can store several documents
with just one single indexing process. However, this is only possible for the SAP
scenario Store and assign.

To store several documents with one single indexing process:

1. Start archiving multiple documents via Send to or Drag&Drop.

The Select scenario dialog is displayed.

The scenarios that are configured for multiple archiving are marked with the
icon (mass archiving). For other scenarios marked with the icon, you must
index each document individually (batch processing).

2. Double-click the icon.

The CPIC and RFC Control dialog is displayed.

3. Perform indexing as usual for Store and assign (see “Indexing and archiving“
on page 285).
All marked documents are stored with the same attributes.

21.3 Archiving from mail applications

You can also archive original documents from various mail programs and link them
to SAP objects.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 281
Chapter 21 Starting the archiving procedure

21.3.1 ExchangeLink
To link complete Exchange objects with the MSG document class to an SAP record, a
corresponding document type must be maintained. In the same way you can link
individual Exchange object file attachments with their corresponding document
class (e.g. DOC) to an SAP record. For example, you can link a purchase order sent via
e-mail as a file attachment to an SAP record in this way.

You can link an e-mail or its attachment to a record in a SAP Records Management
system. In this case, use the SAP Records Management scenario for archiving.

To link an object (e-mail, file attachment etc.) to an SAP record, select the Tools |
Archive object using ExchangeLink menu option when archiving in the mail
application, then select SAP as the destination and after login to the SAP system,
select the required SAP archiving scenario. At this point, the process is the same as
the usual scenarios (see “Indexing and archiving“ on page 285).

To display the archived e-mail again, simply search for the linked record as usual in
the Records Management transaction (see “Document retrieval in SAP Records
Management” on page 304).

21.3.2 NotesLink
To link complete Lotus Notes objects with the NSF document class to an SAP record,
a corresponding document type must be maintained. In the same way, you can link
individual Lotus Notes object file attachments with their corresponding document
class (e.g. DOC) to an SAP record. This link can be defined using the menu option in
the mail application (5.5: Actions / IXOS-eCONserver / Archive Advanced, 6.0:
Actions / IXOS NotesLink).

You can link an e-mail or its attachment to a record in a SAP Records Management
system. In this case, use the SAP Records Management scenario for archiving.

To link an object (e-mail, file attachment, etc.) with an SAP record, the user selects
the SAP destination when archiving, and after login to the SAP system, the SAP
archiving scenario. At this point, the process is the same as the usual scenarios (see
“Indexing and archiving“ on page 285).

To display the archived e-mail again, simply search for the linked record as usual in
the Records Management transaction (see “Document retrieval in SAP Records
Management” on page 304).

Note: To display an e-mail in Lotus Notes, the application must already be

started when you search for the record.

282 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
21.4. Archiving in Windows Viewer

21.4 Archiving in Windows Viewer

In Windows Viewer, you can create new original documents and post-process and
archive existing ones.

You can create original documents in two ways:

• File import from the file system
• Scanning

Afterwards you can edit the documents or add notes or annotations.

To store documents:

1. In the Document menu, click on Archive.

The SAP application logon dialog opens.

2. Indexing takes place in the same way as for standard scenarios in the SAP
application (see “Indexing and archiving“ on page 285).

The Windows Viewer supports a number of archiving scenarios via DesktopLink

(see “Scenario processes and the OpenText components involved” on page 33).

For more details on Windows Viewer see OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User
Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 283
Chapter 22
Indexing and archiving

In order to assign an archived original document uniquely to an SAP document so

that it can be retrieved from the archive at a later time, it must be accompanied by a
specific set of information. This is done through indexing, which includes the
definition of the document type, a default setting and a scenario for archiving an
original document. Indexing can either be initiated by the SAP application itself, or
via the DesktopLink component.

Tip: For specific examples of archiving scenarios, see “Test example -

Archiving incoming documents with workflow” on page 295 and “Test
example Late archiving with bar codes” on page 296.

22.1 Select scenario, default setting and document

To specify the archiving conditions (e.g. the archive in which the original document
is to be stored), select the scenario, default setting and document type. You can
adjust default settings and document types by customizing the SAP scenarios
(see“Indexing and archiving“ on page 285).

Archiving in the SAP system using the OAWD transaction

If you start archiving via the OAWD transaction, you select the presetting and the
scenario for a specific document type, with which the document will be archived,

Archiving from the client using DesktopLink

When archiving from the client using DesktopLink, the Select scenario dialog is
opened after you login to the SAP system.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 285
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

This lists the SAP standard scenarios.

1. Select the desired scenario.

2. Click the button to confirm your selection.

The Store documents dialog box opens.

Here the default settings and document types available for archiving are listed.

3. Expand the required default setting.

4. Select the desired document type.

5. Click the button to confirm your selection.

The document type selected specifies whether the document is archived in
original, TIFF and/or PDF format. If you select a document type that has been
adapted for archiving in TIFF/PDF format, the original document is converted to
TIFF/PDF format.
If the classic client-side conversion is used, the IXOS-DesktopLink - Conversion
dialog opens (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)). Continue
archiving with (OK).
If the Rendition Server-based conversion is used, wait until the hourglass cursor
has disappeared.

Note: If you frequently perform the same archiving steps, you can shorten the
archiving process by defining the appropriate settings as the default (see
“User-specific settings in the SAP application for DesktopLink” on page 173).

286 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.2. Executing archiving

22.2 Executing archiving

After logging on to the SAP system and specifying the archiving conditions, the
archiving operation is carried out. Depending on the selected scenario, the archiving
operation itself is executed differently.

22.2.1 Storing for subsequent entry

The procedure for this scenario differs depending on whether you start archiving
from a client or from the SAP system (OAWD transaction).

To archive in the SAP system using the OAWD transaction:

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the scenario,
as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285.
2. To archive an individual original document, click on Continue. To archive all
original documents in a document stack, click on Mass archiving.
3. File upload: The file selection dialog appears. Select the file to store and click on
This starts the archiving operation which consists of three separate actions:

• The selected document type is assigned to the original documents to be

• A work item is created and sent to the specified organizational unit.
• The original document is archived.

The dialog box remains on your screen after the archiving procedure is
completed. You can now start another archiving operation.

a. If you want to archive individual original documents, click on Continue to

archive the next original document in the document stack: either the
original document that is now in the first position in the document stack or
one that you previously selected.
b. When you have archived all the original documents of the document stack,
you can select a different document stack in Enterprise Scan and continue
or click in the SAP dialog box on Cancel to end your task.
Next you can select another document type and start a new archiving
4. After an original document is successfully archived, a system message appears
to indicate that a work item was created. The transaction user can find the work
item in their in-box.
5. The transaction user can execute the work item later, display the original
document and enter an appropriate SAP document.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 287
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

To archive from the client using DesktopLink:

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the scenario,
as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285.
2. If you choose to archive an original document in TIFF or PDF format, the IXOS-
DesktopLink - Conversion dialog box opens (see OpenText DesktopLink - User
Guide (CLDL-UGD)). Continue archiving with (OK).
The document is converted (if selected) and then stored.
3. Next you can select another document type and start a new archiving session.
4. After an original document is successfully archived, a system message appears
to indicate that a work item was created. The transaction user can find the work
item in their in-box.
5. The transaction user can execute the work item later, display the original
document and enter an appropriate SAP document.

22.2.2 Store and enter

Here the document is created and archived simultaneously. You can then trigger the
workflow. After you select the document type, the document is converted (if
selected) and then archived.

To use Store and enter scenario:

1. Archiving using the OAWD transaction: In the SAP GUI, select the document type,
the default setting and the DocuLink scenario, as described in “Select scenario,
default setting and document type” on page 285. Depending on the document
type, either the file selection dialog is displayed (for file upload), or the
scanning application. Select the document to archive.
Archiving from a client: In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default
setting and the DocuLink scenario, as described in “Select scenario, default
setting and document type” on page 285.
2. The selected original document is displayed in the viewer and the Process
document (Create SAP document) dialog appears at the same time.
3. Click the (Continue) button.
4. In the SAP GUI, create the business object to which you want to link the original
document to be archived.
5. Only when archiving using DesktopLink:If you choose to archive an original
document in TIFF or PDF format, the IXOS-DesktopLink - Conversion dialog
box opens (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)). Continue
archiving with (OK).
The document is converted (if selected) and then stored.
6. What happens next depends on the business object that you have selected.

288 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.2. Executing archiving

In the FI module you get this dialog box:

Figure 22-1: Process document type

7. Click the Process button.

The Post document: Header Data dialog box opens.

Figure 22-2: Post document: Header Data

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 289
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

8. Confirm the settings for the business object with .

The business object is saved and automatically linked to the archived original

22.2.3 Storing for subsequent assignment

The incoming document refers to an existing application document. The original
document is scanned in by someone at the mail depot (unless it is already available
in electronic format) and stored. A link to the document is forwarded to the
transaction user through SAP Business Workflow. He or she assigns it to the existing
SAP document.

To use the Storing for subsequent assignment scenario:

1. Scan an original document. Leave the scan application activated so that you can
see the electronic original.
2. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the scenario,
as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285.
3. Confirm the document type dialog box with Continue or Create.
A system message confirms that the work item was created. The transaction
user can find the work item in their in-box.
4. Only when archiving using DesktopLink:If you choose to archive an original
document in TIFF or PDF format, the IXOS-DesktopLink - Conversion dialog
box opens (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)). Continue
archiving with (OK).
The document is converted (if selected) and then stored.
5. The transaction user can execute the work item later, display the original
document and assign the original document to an SAP document.

22.2.4 Store and assign

After archiving a workflow is created, which is executed immediately.

From a technical and Enterprise Scan point of view, the scenario is identical to the
Storing for subsequent entry. Here, too, archiving is started from the and the
document ID (the unique identifier in the archive) is given directly to the SAP
application during archiving.

To use the Store and assign scenario:

1. Scan an original document. Leave the scan application activated so that you can
see the electronic original.
2. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the scenario,
as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285.

290 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.2. Executing archiving

3. Confirm the document type dialog box with Continue or Create.

4. After you select the document type, the document is converted (if selected, only
when archiving using DesktopLink) and then archived. The Process document
type (assign document) dialog box opens.

Figure 22-3: Assigning a document

5. Confirm it with Continue or Create.

6. Select the business object to which you want to link the document to be

Example 22-1: FI module

Enter the company code, SAP document number and fiscal year of the
business object and click the button.
The Store original accounting document dialog box opens.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 291
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

7. Click the Confirm button or the OK button to link the selected business
object with the document to be archived.
The link is stored and the workflow is executed.

22.2.5 Assign then store

Archiving takes place after the actual processing of the original document in the SAP

After you select the document type, the document is converted (if selected) and then

To use the Assign then store scenario:

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the scenario,
as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285.

2. Select the business object to which you want to link the original document.
What happens next is dependent on the selected SAP module. In the FI module
you get this dialog box:

Figure 22-4: Accounting document

Example 22-2: FI module

Enter the company code, SAP document number and fiscal year of the
business object and click the Confirm button.
The Store original accounting document dialog box opens.

292 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.2. Executing archiving

3. Click the Confirm or the OK button.

4. The file display frame appears. Select the file to store and click on Open.
The original document is stored and linked with the business object.

5. Only when archiving using DesktopLink:If you choose to archive an original

document in TIFF or PDF format, the IXOS-DesktopLink - Conversion dialog
box opens (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-UGD)). Continue
archiving with (OK).
The document is converted (if selected) and then stored.

22.2.6 DocuLink
To store an original document in a DocuLink view:

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the DocuLink
scenario, as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285 for archiving from a client using DesktopLink.
The pre-configured or most recently opened DocuLink view is displayed.

2. In the displayed view, navigate to the folder or record to which you want to add
a new element, and select the corresponding node.

3. In DocuLink, click the (Create) icon.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 293
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

4. If necessary, select the object you want to create from the selection list, as well
as the document type.

5. If necessary, enter the missing attribute values for the document or the record in
the Create screen and click the (Create) icon.
Possibly the attribute values are taken directly from the current object data; in
this case, this step is not necessary.
The record or document is inserted in the DocuLink view.

6. Click the (OK) to close the DocuLink window.

22.2.7 SAP Records Management

To store a document to an existing SAP record in a Records Management

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the DocuLink
scenario, as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285 for archiving from a client using DesktopLink.

2. If necessary, select the required record type (element type), which you want to
assign the document to.

3. Search for the record to which you want to store the document.

4. If necessary, select the required anchor, i.e. the element type of the document
you want to store

5. If necessary, select the required document type for the document you want to

The original document is added to the record. As a description, the description of

the document type and the storage date is used.

22.2.8 SAP PLM

To store documents in the SAP PLM DMS:

1. In the SAP GUI, select the document type, the default setting and the DocuLink
scenario, as described in “Select scenario, default setting and document type”
on page 285 for archiving from a client using DesktopLink.

2. If necessary, enter the key for the PLM DMS document you want to assign the
original document to in the SAP GUI. This key consists of 4 parameters:

• Document
• Document type
• Document part
• Document version

294 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.3. Test example - Archiving incoming documents with workflow

The original document is stored and assigned to the PLM DMS document. It appears
in the document list in the SAP PLM DMS.

22.3 Test example - Archiving incoming documents

with workflow
The test includes scanning an original document using Enterprise Scan or Windows
Viewer, archiving it using SAP GUI and checking that further processing is correctly
called up in the workflow.

To archive incoming documents with workflow:

1. Scan an original document. Leave the scan application activated so that you can
see the electronic original.

2. Execute the OAWD transaction in the SAP GUI.

3. Select the default setting by double-clicking.

Figure 22-5: Default settings

Note: The icons for the Store and enter/Assign and Assign then store
scenarios are only available if the user belongs to the user group or was
assigned as a single user.

4. Select the scenario by clicking the appropriate icon or double-clicking on the

name of the document type and making a selection in the dialog box.

5. Further processing is scenario-dependent:

Storing for subsequent entry and Storing for subsequent assignment

Confirm it with Continue or Create.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 295
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

Figure 22-6: Storing for subsequent entry

A system message confirms that the work item was created. The transaction
user can find the work item in their in-box.

Store and enter

Confirm it with Continue or Create. The Process document type message is
displayed. Confirm this. The data input view is displayed according to the
transaction specified for data entry (in our example VA01).

Store and assign

The Process document type message is displayed. Confirm this. In the
following dialog box, you can assign the original document to an SAP
business object.

Assign then store

Enter the SAP business object to which the original document is to be
Click on Create, check the object data, and confirm.

6. To end the test click on Cancel.

22.4 Test example Late archiving with bar codes

After the pages have been scanned into the Enterprise Scan, checked, sorted and put
into groups if necessary, the archiving procedure is carried out.

FI example

The Late storing with bar codes scenario will be tested using the example of an
incoming invoice based on the settings of the IDES client (FI module). To test your
specific settings and the customizing in other modules, adapt the test data

To perform test:

1. Execute the F-43 transaction.

2. Enter the posting data, for example:

Document date Current date

296 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.4. Test example Late archiving with bar codes

Type KR
Company code 1000
Currency/rate EUR 1.95583 (in two fields)
PstKy 31 (posting key, at the bottom of
the window)
Account 1000 (at the bottom of the

Figure 22-7: Post document: Header Data (Invoice)

3. Click on (Enter) to confirm your entries.

4. Enter the invoice data:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 297
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

Amount 115
Calculate tax Switch on field
PstKy 40
Account 476100

5. In the menu, click on Document → Post.

6. Enter the offsetting entry:

Amount 115
Tax code VN
Cost center 1000

7. In the menu, click on Document → Post.

8. Enter the bar code number for the document, check the document type and

Figure 22-8: Bar code entry

This takes you back to the posting entry. A message appears in the status bar,
confirming that document # (10 digits) was posted to company code 1000.

Tip: Make a note of the document number for the verification that will take
place later.

The bar code is entered in the table of open internal bar codes. You can check the
entry in the ArchiveLink monitor (OAM1 transaction).

9. Copy the bar code you just entered to your test document.

10. Scan the document using Enterprise Scan. The document then appears in the
document stack.

298 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
22.4. Test example Late archiving with bar codes

11. Click on the header of the scanned document at the beginning of the line. This
selects the document and highlights all associated pages. The bar code number
appears in the document header.

12. In the Document menu, click on Archive into Document Pipeline. Select the
Current document only option and confirm. The document is removed from the
document stack, archived and linked to the posting.

13. Check the list of open bar codes in the ArchiveLink monitor (OAM1 transaction).
If the archived document is linked successfully to the posting document, the bar
code entry is deleted from the Internal list.
You can display the archived document in the ArchiveLink monitor. Select the
Administration → Document Administration menu item. Then click in the
Documents area on Display. Select the document and click the Display from
storage system icon.
Alternatively, you can display the document if the matching posting document
is open. Open the SAP document (FB03 transaction). From the menu, select
System → Services for Object, Attachment list.

Example 22-3: CRM example

Processing for the scenario Late archiving with bar codes will be
displayed using the example of a business partner.

1. Execute the BP transaction to create a new business partner.

2. Enter the data.
3. Click on (Enter) to confirm your entries.
4. Select System → Services for object from the menu to display the
generic object services, and then click on Create → Enter bar code.
5. Enter the bar code number for the document, check the document type
and confirm.
This takes you back to the posting entry. A message appears in the status
bar, confirming that document # (10 digits) was posted to company code

Tip: Make a note of the document number for the verification that
will take place later.

The bar code is entered in the table of open internal bar codes. You can
check the entry in the ArchiveLink monitor (OAM1).
6. Copy the bar code you just entered to your test document.
7. Scan the document using Enterprise Scan. The document then appears in
the document stack.
8. Click on the header of the scanned document at the beginning of the line.
This selects the document and highlights all associated pages. The bar
code number appears in the document header.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 299
Chapter 22 Indexing and archiving

9. In the Document menu, click on Archive in document pipeline. Select

the Current document only option and confirm. The document is
removed from the document stack, archived and linked to the posting.
10. Check the list of open bar codes in the ArchiveLink monitor (OAM1
transaction). If the archived document is linked successfully to the
posting document, the bar code entry is deleted from the Internal list.

To display the archived document in the ArchiveLink monitor:

1. Select the Administration → Document Administration menu item.

2. Then click in the Documents area on Technical Search.

3. Enter the search parameters for the document and click the
(Execute) icon.

4. Select the document and click the Display from attachment list

Alternatively, you can display the document if the matching posting

document is open. Open the document (BP). Select the Attachment list
from the generic object services. Select the document and click the
Display icon.

Was each SAP application entry linked to its electronic document?

Each original document is scanned in, indexed and archived together with the SAP
application documents generated for it.

At the end of the archiving procedure, the original documents archived using
Enterprise Scan must be linked to the corresponding SAP application documents.
Otherwise, the session cannot be completed correctly.

There are different options in the SAP applications, which provide information and
can be used for this check:

• If you indexed and archived the electronic documents using bar codes, check in
the ArchiveLink monitor in the SAP application to see if there are still any open
bar codes.
• If you indexed the original documents manually with the SAP application
document numbers, you must check in the to see if there are any SAP documents
to which no electronic documents have been assigned. In the document, select
the Display electronic original option. If the original document cannot be
displayed, this is because no connection has been established. This may mean
that the original document was not yet archived and is still in the Enterprise Scan
document pipeline or on the archive server. Contact your system administrator if
this problem occurs.

300 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 23
Displaying and processing (archived) original

23.1 Searching for documents in SAP applications

In all OpenText Imaging ODMA-compatible MS Office applications, as in the
Windows Viewer, you have the option of searching for original documents in the
SAP application using the File - Open menu option. This enables you to use an
original document that was already archived as a template for a new original
document by editing it and saving or archiving it.

The procedure is described below for Microsoft Word as an example.

Note: The following description also applies for SAP CRM, even if, for
technical reasons, some GUI terms are still called SAP ERP.

1. Select File - Open.

The Select document type dialog box opens.
2. Select the SAP destination and confirm your selection with (OK).

Figure 23-1: File selection dialog

Note: You can specify the selection in the IXOS-DesktopLink-Settings as

the standard (see “User-specific settings in the SAP application for

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 301
Chapter 23 Displaying and processing (archived) original documents

DesktopLink” on page 173). In this case the Select document dialog box is
not opened.

The SAP ERP logon dialog opens.

3. Log on to the SAP system.

The Select document type dialog box opens.

Figure 23-2: Document type selection

4. Search for the original document.

You have two search options:
• Select a document type and click the .
You can select the archived document via company code, document number
and fiscal year.
• Click the button. Here you can perform an extended search within the
business object.

The requested original document is displayed.

23.2 Displaying original documents in Windows

If you display archived original documents in the Windows Viewer, you have
several options for working with the data stored there.
• Original document information: You can get information from the archive for any
archived document. Through the signature you can verify the authenticity of the
document, the archive information gives you information on the archive and the
time of archiving.
• Information search: You can search for information in outgoing original
documents and print lists using a text or attribute search.
• Data exchange with other programs: You can select and copy segments, text, pages
and entire original documents and process them in other applications.

302 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
23.2. Displaying original documents in Windows Viewer

• Send original documents by e-mail: You can send a link to an original document in
the archive or a copy of an original document by e-mail.
• Adding notes and annotations: You can add comments to a document as notes, or
create annotations directly on the document and store them.

Note: For technical reasons, when you use the IXHTTP protocol with the
Windows Viewer, the actual author of a note cannot be determined in SAP.
• Print: The Windows print function has been expanded in the Windows Viewer to
include OpenText-specific functions. You can print notes, annotations and
archive information or change the size of the original document for printing.

When displaying original documents, you can change the display and navigate
within or between original documents. For more details see OpenText Imaging
Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

23.2.1 Authorizations in SAP applications

In Windows Viewer it is possible to search for documents in SAP applications using
the Open menu option. The DesktopLink component is used for this.

1. Select the Open menu option in the Windows Viewer.

The Select document dialog box opens.
2. Select the SAP destination and confirm your selection with OK.

Note: You can specify the selection as the standard in the IXOS-
DesktopLink-Settings (see OpenText DesktopLink - User Guide (CLDL-
UGD)). In this case the Select document dialog box is not opened.

The SAP ERP logon dialog box opens.

3. Log on to the SAP system.
The Select document type dialog box opens.

4. Search for the original document.

You have two search options:
• Select a document type and click the button.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 303
Chapter 23 Displaying and processing (archived) original documents

You can now select the archived document via company code, document
number and fiscal year.
• Click the button.
Here you can perform an extended search within the business object.

The requested original document is displayed.

23.2.2 Document retrieval in SAP Records Management

Documents that were automatically stored to records in a SAP Records Management
system via batch import, as well as e-mails that were linked to an SAP record by an
user from within a mail application, can be displayed in the SAP Records
Management system any time.

To display documents stored to SAP records:

1. Execute the ORGANIZER transaction.

2. If necessary, enter the Records Management system ID (RMS_ID) in which the

document was stored.

3. Open the Records folder and double-click on the record type the document was
stored to.

4. Search for the record to which the document was stored. When you have found
the required record, it is displayed in the right window with all linked

5. Double-click on a document to display it in the appropriate application.

If an error occurs during display, check the registry settings concerning the
mime type assignment (see “Storing via mail applications” on page 185).

23.3 Displaying forms

If you open a document with forms overlay in the SAP application or in the
Windows Viewer the form and the contents are displayed by default.

To display an original document with a form in the SAP application:

1. Execute the transaction for the corresponding SAP documents to which an

original document is assigned.

2. Display the SAP document.

3. Click the icon for the generic object services and select Attachment list.

4. If several original documents are assigned, select one from the list of original
The Windows Viewer is launched and the archived original document is

304 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
23.3. Displaying forms

Note: Blank pages are not displayed in the Windows Viewer, i.e. not the
back pages of SAP documents to which no form was assigned.

To find out how to set up the display to your user-specific requirements see the
OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

Example 23-1: Displaying an order confirmation with form

To display the order confirmation:

1. In the main menu, select the VA00 transaction (Sales).

2. Select the Order → Display option and enter the number of the sales

3. Select Environment → Document flow.

4. Select the order and select Environment → Display originals.

The Windows Viewer is launched and the archived original document is
displayed. It is similar to the one shown below.

Displaying a form in PDF format

To do this, you need Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 305
Chapter 23 Displaying and processing (archived) original documents

Outgoing SAP documents are only saved in PDF format. OpenText Forms
Management provides a plug-in for Acrobat Reader 4.0, which enables overlying
PDF forms to be displayed in Acrobat Reader. The offset settings are also used for
overlying SAP documents in PDF format, if the .PDF file extension is linked to the
Windows Viewer.

23.4 Displaying original documents in Java Viewer

If your SAP system was configured accordingly, the Java Viewer is used to display
documents. The Java Viewer is opened via an Internet or Intranet page in your Web
browser. Click on a link to the desired document in your application (e.g. in the SAP
GUI). The program is then automatically downloaded from a server and the selected
document is displayed.

In addition to displaying the document, the Java Viewer offers further convenient
functionality regarding the document, e.g.:

• Rotating and changing the size of individual or all pages of a document

• Displaying documents with forms
• Search functions
• Printing functions
• Adding notes and annotations

Note: For technical reasons, when you use the IXHTTP protocol with the
Windows Viewer, the actual author of a note cannot be determined in SAP.

For more details see OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer - User Guide (CLWVW-UGD).

23.5 Launching DocuLink views via generic object

services (GOS)
DocuLink can also be launched as a generic object service (GOS). That way you can
display DocuLink data for a particular business object directly from within other
SAP applications. The business object data can automatically be used as selection
criteria for the DocuLink view.

This requires this service to be imported during installation, as well as a full

configuration (see “Providing DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS)”
on page 180).

To launch DocuLink views via GOS:

1. Execute the transaction for the respective business object (e.g. FB03 for
accounting documents or BP for Business partners).

2. From the GOS menu, select DocuLink.

306 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
23.5. Launching DocuLink views via generic object services (GOS)

Figure 23-3: GOS menu

The configured DocuLink view opens.

Displaying Content Server documents

Using GOS, you can also display Content Server documents from the
attachment list. To do so, select the Attachment list option from the context
menu of a node which is configured accordingly, and then select the required

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 307
Chapter 24
ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

24.1 ArchiveLink Full Text Search

The ArchiveLink Full Text Search application provides a full-text search capability
for ArchiveLink documents in the Content Server. The application pays attention to
the SAP authorization model and is available as a transaction in your SAP system. In
SAP systems with ABAP Web Dynpro Framework (SAP NW 7.0 or higher) it is also
available as Web Dynpro application and can be started directly in a web browser.

With the help of a search template, you can define the behavior of the SAP search
application in a most flexible way. Thus, this application provides a generic
framework for configuring a variety of full text searches based on OpenText Content
Server for your project-specific purposes.

The following sections describe the required customizing steps in a generic way. To
view a more specific example application for a full text search scenario, see OpenText
ECMLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing Guide (ERLK-CGD). In that scenario, a
technical user for impersonation is used to meet specific security requirements. To
set up such a technical user, see “Setting up technical user and impersonation
(optional)” on page 311.

In the search template, you can also configure an advanced search to search for
metadata attached to the documents.

The search results are shown in a simple ALV grid in the SAP GUI and in a web
browser in the Web Dynpro UI application.

24.1.1 Prerequisites
Before you can start using the search application and setting up a search template,
you must ensure that the following requirements are met:
• Technical prerequisites
• Configuring ArchiveLink document declaration
• Configuring Content Server search

Optionally you can set up a technical user and impersonation to meet specific
security requirements. For more information, see “Setting up technical user and
impersonation (optional)” on page 311.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 309
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content Technical prerequisites

OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions allows putting ArchiveLink documents
under the control of the Content Server. This step is necessary for the search
application to find these documents.

Therefore, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

• The Add-On packages OTEXBAS and OTEXRL must be installed and configured
in your SAP system.
The OTEXRL package for SAP Basis/Netweaver 7.0 also contains the Web
Dynpro search application.
• An OpenText Content Server must be installed and running.
• Your Content Server must utilize authentication with the help of OpenText
Content Server Directory Services as outlined in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERX-CUM).
• An OpenText Archive Server with Enterprise Library Services must be installed
and running.
• Web Dynpro Configuration
To use the Web Dynpro search application, you must configure the Web Dynpro
framework in your SAP system. Perform the following steps:

• customize the general Web Dynpro configuration of the web application

server(s), for example configuration of the ICM, activation of services, etc. For
details, see the SAP documentation.
• check the activation of the following services by running the SICF transaction:
<path of Web Dynpro services>/otx/rm_seawd_search
<path of BSP services>/otx/rm_seawd_bp_hdr
If the second service is not activated, the banner logo and the background
logo of the Web Dynpro UI are not displayed.

For more information, see the documentation of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions 10.0. SP2. Configuring ArchiveLink document declaration

To make ArchiveLink documents known to the OpenText Content Server, you must
declare them as records in ECMLink for SAP Solutions. You can do this also without
using Retention Management.

For the necessary configuration steps, see section 6.1 “Enabling document
declaration for ArchiveLink documents” in OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions -
Customizing Guide (ERLK-CGD).

310 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search Configuring Content Server search

Check the following steps:

• To make ArchiveLink documents available for the ArchiveLink search

application, they must be also searchable in the Content Server full text search.
For the necessary configuration steps, see section 1.11 “Administering Searching”
in OpenText Content Server Admin Online Help - Search Administration (LLESWBS-
Make sure that the Enterprise Library Services related module for Search is
• In Content Server, the category attributes are populated by business property
providers. To make these attributes available for the ArchiveLink search
application, you have to make them also searchable in the Content Server search.
• Set the Show in Search option to true for each attribute of the Content Server
Categories that you want to make queryable in the search.
• Ensure that at least one document is declared as indexed in the FullText Index to
make the related Category attributes visible in the Search Regions list.
• Ensure that all regions that you want to use in your search are queryable and
displayable. You can configure these settings in the Enterprise Search Manager in
the Content Server administration. Click Enterprise Search Manager >
Properties > Regions. Setting up technical user and impersonation (optional)

In the standard case, the search application uses the connection properties defined in
the Logical Destination parameter in the Enterprise Library Server Settings. In this
case, the search application runs the SAP logon ticket. The SAP logon ticket is then
evaluated by the OpenText Content Server Directory Services (OTDS), which maps
the SAP logon user to a Content Server user of the same name. In this way, the SAP
user is able to search and find the same list of documents as the Content Server user
of the same name. In the search template, you can define an authorization user exit
which can restrict the list of the retrieved documents in the SAP system.

For scenarios where SAP users have also direct access to the web page of the
Content Server and which need stricter restrictions, the ArchiveLink Full Text search
application provides impersonation.

To set up the connection with impersonation, perform the following steps:

1. Set up a technical user in the SAP system.

2. Configure a user with the same ID on the OTDS, which has all permissions to
declare and search the ArchivLink documents in the Content Server.
3. Define a logical RFC connection. This RFC connection must be entered in the
Logical Destination for Impersonation setting in the search template that you
want to use for the impersonation connection type.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 311
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

4. Set permissions to allow SAP users to use the RFC connection.

5. Define the authorization user-exit to restrict the list of search results.

For a specific example how to use the search framework including the
impersonation connection type, see OpenText Employee File Management -
Administration Guide (EIM-AGD).

To set up an impersonation connection:

1. Creating technical user

Create a technical user in your SAP system and set the permission for the
authorization object S_RFC. Edit the following parameters:

• ACTVT - Enable execute.

• RFC_NAME - Set name to /OTX/RM_SEAX_AUTH.
• RFC_TYPE - Enable the FUGR setting.

Depending on other actions set for this user, for example creating and updating
ArchiveLink declarations, additional permissions may be required as well, for
example, for ArchiveLink access with the authorization object S_WFAR_OBJ.
2. Create a user with the same ID in the Content Server:

1. Use the OpenText Administration Client and add the user in Directory
Services > User Partitions.
2. Use the Consolidate function to create the user in the Content Server.
3. For the user, set Add Items and Delete permissions for the folders storing
the declared ArchiveLink documents.
3. Creating logical RFC connection for the technical user
In the IMG, click the Create HTTP Connections activity.

312 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

4. Select Logical Connections and click create.

5. Proceed as follows:

1. Enter a name in the RFC Destination box.

2. In the Logon & Security tab, enter the Client, User and Password for the
technical user.
In the Security Options, set a value for Authorization for Destination to
restrict access to this destination for other users for which the authorization
object S_ICF is set accordingly. For example, this value can be MYSEARCH.
3. Click Save.
4. Click Connection Test. The test should be successful.
6. Setting Logical Destination for Impersonation in search template
In your search template, enter the new RFC connection for the Logical
Destination for Impersonation parameter. See “Customizing search templates”
on page 314 in the Template definition section for details.
With this setting, the search application does an RFC impersonation on the SAP
system before connecting to Content Server. This way, the logon of the technical
user and its SAP logon ticket is used for the authentication against OTDS.
7. Restricting usage of impersonation connection
If you have defined a value, for example MYSEARCH in the Authorization for
Destination setting in step 5.2, the SAP system automatically restricts the usage

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 313
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

of the connection to SAP users with the following permissions for the
authorization object S_ICF:

• ICF_FIELD - set to DEST

• ICF_VALUE - set to the value for the Authorization for Destination setting,
for example MYSEARCH.

8. Setting up authorization user-exit in search template

In addition to the Logical Destination for Impersonation setting, you can use
the Auth. User-Exit setting to define a function module that checks further
permissions for the search result list. This way, you can narrow down the search
result list that is retrieved from Content Server for the technical user to a smaller
list that matches the actual permissions of the current SAP user. As an example,
see the sample function module /OTX/SEA_AUTH_EXIT_AL_AUTH, which
checks plain ArchiveLink permissions.

24.1.2 Customizing search templates

You can use the configured search template in the SAP GUI and in the Web Dynpro
search application.

1. Run the SPRO transaction and then click SAP Reference IMG.

2. Under OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions > ECMLink, run the Maintain
Search Templates IMG activity to access the Template definition overview.

314 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

3. You have the following options:

• To edit an existing template from the Template definition list, double-click

your selected entry.
• To create a new template, click New Entries.

To customize the search template:

1. Template definition
In the Template definition dialog box, edit the following properties:

Search ID
Enter a search ID. You can assign a free value. Do not use blanks.

Enter a title for your search template. The title can be translated. Click Goto
> Translation to select a language.

Enter an Enterprise Library ID. The Enterprise Library ID collects all
parameters for a connection to an Enterprise Library Services server. You
can create an Enterprise Library ID in Display IMG > Maintain Enterprise

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 315
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

Library Server Settings. For details, see section 16.4 “Maintaining

Enterprise Library server settings” in OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions -
Installation Guide (ERLK-IGD).

Logical Destination in Enterprise Library Server settings

In the Enterprise Library Server Settings referenced by the EL ID in
the search template definition, you must enter a Logical Destination
that contains the connection to the Content Server that is relevant for
your search.

To create a Logical Destination for the search, see “Creating a

Logical Destination in Enterprise Library Settings” on page 325.

Number of Hits
Enter a value for the number of results that you want to retrieve from
Content Server with the first request, as well as for each time that you click
the More button in the result list.

316 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

Logical Destination for Impersonation

Enter a Logical Destination if you want to use different users in your SAP
system and Content Server for security reasons, respectively. When you
define a Logical Destination, the logon to the Content Server is performed
with a different user. Leave the box empty if you want to use the standard
OTDS single sign-on feature.
For details how to set up a Logical Destination for Impersonation, see
“Setting up technical user and impersonation (optional)” on page 311.

CS node ID
This field provides a search help to select a Content Server node ID from the
enterprise workspace to start the search from. Alternatively, the node ID
can be entered manually. After setting the node ID, the search in Web
Dynpro and Dynpro UI is applied recursively at this node. The search
results are shown as a search from here at this node.

Auth. User-Exit
Select an Authorization User-Exit. With this user exit, you can execute
additional authorization checks on the search result list from Content
Server. You can either select the user exit /OTX/
SEA_AUTH_EXIT_AL_AUTH processing the standard ArchiveLink
authorization object, or you can set up your own project-specific
Authorization User-Exit. For this purpose, OpenText provides a template /
To activate the user exit, you have to select the User-Exit Enabled checkbox.

User-Exit Enabled
Select the User-Exit Enabled checkbox to enable the execution of the
Authorization User-Exit.

2. Region definition
Double-click Region definition. Here you can create or remove search fields for
your search. You have two options:

• Click New Entries to create a new Region definition.

• To edit an entry, double-click it in the Region definition.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 317
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

3. Edit the following properties:

Search ID
You can select only the Search ID to which the current template belongs.
Attribute ID
Enter a free value for the search attribute ID. Use only alphanumeric values
and do not use blanks.
This ID is used in the background to refer to an attribute in the search API.
Order in display
Enter a value for the place in the order in which you want to display the
regions in the search result list and in the search filter panel.
Region name
Enter the technical Content Server region name.
You can look up the technical region name in the Content Server
administration. In the Content Server administration, click Search
Administration > Open the System Object Volume > Enterprise Data
Source Folder. In the Enterprise Search Manager item, click Properties >
Regions. Copy the Name of the region you want to use in your search
template. Do not use the Display Name.
You can use the same Content Server region in more than one Region
Data element
Enter an appropriate data element. You can either select a matching data
element from your SAP system or create an own data element. Note that the

318 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

data element provides the header of the search result list column for your
region. If you want to define a certain header, you have to create an own
data element for your region.
If you leave the data element field empty, the region name is displayed as
header in the result list column.

Default value
In this box, you can enter a fixed value for the search filter. You must
provide the value in the Content Server XML format.

Search Help
Define a Search help to be used in the search filter panel as input help. This
search help overrides the Search help on the data element.

F.p. Search Help

Define a freely programmable Search help, to be used in the Web Dynpro
search application only. This freely programmable Search help overrides
the explicit Search help and the search help from the data element in the
Web Dynpro UI.

SH Structure
This feature is only available for the Web Dynpro search application. You
can enable dependent Search helps by defining an appropriate Search help
structure. This Search help overrides the explicit Search help. You also have
to define a Search help component.

SH Component
Define the component of a Search help structure to enable dependent
Search help in the Web Dynpro search application. You also have to define
a Search help structure.

Select the Display checkbox if you want the region to show up in the result

Select the Search checkbox if you want to use the region in the search filter

Note: You can also select or deselect both checkboxes at the same
• selecting both display and search – the region shows up in the
result list and can be used in the search filter panel.
• deselecting both display and search – the region does not show up
in the result list and also not in the search filter panel. However, in
some cases a region must nevertheless be set up when it will be
processed in a user exit or provides a certain functionality. For
example, to enable the opening of an ArchiveLink document with a
double-click, the Doc-ID and the Content Repository ID must be set
up as Region definitions in the search template.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 319
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

not yet implemented
Functional Name
Enter the Functional name for your region. You can select the appropriate
name from the search help list or create a new one, if no name is available
for your region. A Functional name is a unique name identifying a region
that can be listed in different content server instances under different region
For frequently used regions, the Search help already provides the
Functional name. For example, to implement the standard functionality of
opening ArchiveLink documents, you always need the Doc ID and the
Content Repository ID.
The available Functional names are also listed in the Functional regions list.
If you want to use a certain region and no Functional name is available, you
have to create a new Functional name for that region.

Certain Functional names have to be used in Region definitions of
the search template to perform certain actions on the search results:
• /OTX/ARCHIV_ID – Content Repository ID
• /OTX/ARC_DOC_ID – ArchivLink Document ID
• /OTX/AR_OBJECT – Document Type
• /OTX/OBJECT_ID – SAP Business Object ID
• /OTX/SAP_OBJECT – SAP Business Object Type
• /OTX/OT_SUMMARY – Content summary of the document
• /OTX/OT_NAME – Document name/title. This Functional name
is required for Web UI searches.

For example, you need to create Region definitions using certain

Functional names that are necessary for the following actions:
• to open the document from the search result list displayed in the
• for the ArchiveLink authorization: /OTX/ARCHIV_ID, /OTX/
• to display a content summary for a found document in the Web
Dynpro application: /OTX/OT_SUMMARY.

Output User Exit

Select an appropriate Output User Exit for your region definition.
An Output User Exit provides two options:

• transforming the result string that comes back from the Content Server
to the required format in the result list in the SAP system.

320 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

• providing a text to comment the region field value in the result list.

To make an appropriate Output User Exit available for your Region

definition, you have to set up the corresponding Function Module. For this
purpose, OpenText provides templates in the /OTX/RM_SEA > /OTX/
In the Function Module, you have to set up the formatting of the result
string as well as the text comment you want to display together with the
result string.
To enable the user exit, you must customize also the Processing options.

Processing option
Select one of the following options:

• Direct value (no user exit)

The result list displays the original result string that comes directly from
Content Server without using the user exit.
• Description (uses user exit)
The result list displays only the text comment for the result value.
• Converted Value (uses user exit)
The result list displays the result value formatted by the Output User
• Converted Value + Description (uses user exit)
The result list displays the formatted result value and the text comment
in separate columns of the result list.

Example 24-1: Using the Output User Exit

You want to display a region as a date in the search result list and
the search filter panel. The original string that comes back as result
from Content Server is formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. When the data
element is applied, the results can possibly be displayed like this:

To format the result correctly, you can apply an Output Format User
Exit and select Converted Value in Processing options to remove
the hyphens from the original result string:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 321
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

Now the result values show the required format:

When you select Converting Value + Description in the Processing

options, you can show a text comment describing your result in an
additional column of the result list:

4. User Actions
Double-click User Actions

You have two options:

• Click New Entries to create a new User Action.

• Double-click an entry in the User Actions list to edit an existing User Action.

322 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

Note: In the User Actions dialog, you can apply user exits to your search
template that can process additional user actions for your search result.
Once you have created a User Action in the search template, it will be
provided in the search result list in the context menu of the individual
search result. In this way, you can apply certain actions for your project-
specific purposes on the search result. For your search template, you can
create up to twenty User Actions.

5. Edit the following parameters:

Search ID
Select your search template ID.
Function Code
Select a function code for the User Action. You can assign up to 20 function
Action title
Enter a short title or description for your User Action. The title can be
translated. Click Goto > Translation to select a language.
Action User-Exit
Select a user exit to process a user action.
Ensure that you have created in advance all Region definitions that the user
exit needs to process the User Action for your search result. For example, to
perform the sample user exit /OTX/SEA_ACTEXIT_SAMPLE that allows

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 323
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

you to navigate directly from the search result to the corresponding

business object, you need the SAP object ID and the Object type to be
available as Region definitions. Otherwise you will get an error message.
To set up a new Action User-Exit for your project—specific purposes, use
the /OTX/SEA_ACTEXIT_TEMPLATE template in the /OTX/RM_SEA > /
OTX/RM_SEAPI > /OTX/RM_SEAB_ACTEXIT package. You can set up the
User Actions to be executed in the Dynpro UI and the Web Dynpro UI.
6. Template User Exits
In this new maintenance view you can define user exits that are triggered when
a search is performed.

Select After search is submitted on UI: Change filter list.
With this event you can do simple value conversions of the input values
from the Search UI's search panel. The value CHA_FILT_S

• The event is triggered after search button was clicked on the Search UI
• The event is triggered before the list of selection ranges of the search
fields (also known as search regions), which were entered in the search
panel, are converted to query expressions

Select to enable the use of the exit
Function Module
Value of the exit function module.
The user exit must implement the event CHA_FILT_S.
You find examples of the function interface implementation in function

• Function module /OTX/RM_SEA_T_EXIT_CHA_FILT_S provides the

current interface and contains comments. You can copy it to create the
actual user exit function.
• Function module /OTX/RM_SEA_EX_CHA_FILT_S_MIME is an example to
convert values of selection ranges related to content server search region
OTMIMEType. It shows a way how to retrieve and change the value

324 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

7. Functional regions
Double-click Functional regions.
The Functional regions lists all Functional region names available for the search
template. A Functional region name is a unique name identifying a region that
can be listed in different Content Server instances under different region names.
By default, the most frequently used Functional region names are already
provided in the list. When no Functional name is available for your project—
specific purpose, you have to create one for the relevant region.
You specify the functional name in the Region definition. Creating a Logical Destination in Enterprise Library Settings

In the Enterprise Library Server Settings referenced by the EL ID in the search
template definition, you must enter a Logical Destination that contains the
connection to the Content Server that is relevant for your search.

You create and maintain this property in transaction sm59 > Configurations of RFC
Connections > HTTP Connections to External Server. Here you can configure, for
example, logon settings and HTTP proxy options.

To create a Logical Destination:

1. Run the SM59 transaction.

2. In Configuration of RFC Connections, click HTTP Connections to External

Server. Click to create a new connection.
Note that you must enter a Path Prefix that points to your Content Server.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 325
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

24.1.3 Performing the Search in SAP GUI

To perform the search in the SAP GUI:

1. Execute the /otx/sea_ui transaction.

2. From the Search in drop down list, select your search template.

3. In the Search box, enter your search term for a full text search in the available
ArchiveLink documents.

4. Click Perform Search. Your search retrieves every document containing any of
the search terms.

326 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

5. To get more results, click the More Results button. When you click the button,
the next results from Content Server are appended to the result list.

• The More Results button appears in the toolbar, when there are more
results available after the first hits have been displayed. When you click
the button, the next search results are requested from Content Server
and appended to the current results. You can configure the number of
hits to be displayed for each query result in the search template
configuration. When there are no more results left, the button
• In the ALV grid displaying the search results, you can use the following
ALV buttons to

• - display values of all regions configured in the search template

and the row number for the selected search result.
• - define the sort order of the search results in the ALV grid.
• - find specific search results in the ALV grid.
• - filter the search results that you want to display in the search
result list.
• - print your search results.

6. Using the search filter panel

To refine your search, you can use the search filter panel. Click Open Search

7. In the Filter Value box of the corresponding Filter Field, enter the specific value
to which you want to narrow down your search. For example, enter a personnel
number to retrieve all documents for a specific employee. You can use a Search
help, when you have configured one in the search template. The entry is

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 327
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

formatted according to the data element that has been defined in the Region
definition for this region.

8. Click to save your search filter settings.

9. Click Perform Search.

328 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

24.1.4 Performing the search in Web Dynpro UI

To access the Web Dynpro search application, enter the following URL in your
&SEARCH_TEMPLATE_ID=<search template ID>

If you do not enter the search template ID parameter, the search application opens
with the first template available in the list of templates.

To perform the search in the Web Dynpro application:

1. Select your search template in the Search in drop down list.

2. You can use and/or combine the following search options:

• Full-text search - Enter one or more search terms separated by a space in the
Search box. If you enter more than one search term, the search handles them
as conjunction.
• Refined search for attributes - To refine your search, click to open the
search panel. In the search panel, you can search for certain attribute values.
The attributes have been configured before in the search template as Region
definitions. See “Customizing search templates” on page 314, step 2.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 329
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

You have the following options:

• To select the correct value for a search attribute, you can use the F4 help/
Search help if you have configured one before in the search template.
• If you have configured a dependent Search help in the search template,
you can link more than one search attribute to further narrow the search.
The dependent Search help works only in the Web Dynpro search
application. See “Customizing search templates” on page 314, step 3.
• Click to use the Advanced Options. For a certain attribute, you can
search in a range of values or search for more than one value at the same
3. To start the search, press Enter in the box in which you have entered a search
term, or click the button. Layout of search results

A search result is organized as follows:

• Pagination - The search results are divided into pages. You can configure the
number of hits retrieved per search request and the number of hits displayed per
page in the Web Dynpro Configuration, see “Configuring Web Dynpro search
application” on page 332.

Using the pagination:

1. Click the number of the page that you wish to view.

2. Click the last page number or ... to request the next set of search results
from Content Server. The pagination stays at the last page or jumps there
from the current page.

330 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

• Summary size - Here you can determine the size of the content summary
displayed for the document under the title.

If you click Less Detail, the document summary will be reduced. Click More
Detail again to see more of the summary. The search term from the full-text
search is highlighted in the summary text.
• Thumbnail preview - On the left, you can find a thumbnail preview of the
document. The preview is only displayed if the document format can be handled
by the OpenText Imaging Web Viewer. For example, a Word document will not
have a preview because its format cannot be rendered by the Web Viewer.
Click the preview or the title link to open the document in the Web Viewer. If the
document format cannot be opened by the Web Viewer, the content of the
document opens in the web browser. For example, a Word document opens in
the Office application in the web browser.
For information about the formats that can be handled by the OpenText Imaging
Web Viewer, see section 1.3 “Supported Document Formats and Functions” in
OpenText Imaging Web Viewer - User Guide (CLWEBV-UGD) and OpenText Imaging
Web Viewer - Installation and Configuration Guide (CLWEBV-IGD).
• MIME type icon and title link - On the top of the search result, you find the
MIME type icon and the title link of the document.

Click the title to open the document in the Web Viewer. If the document format
cannot be opened by the Web Viewer, the content of the document opens in the
web browser.
• Customer actions - Click the icon to open the list of possible actions you can
perform on the search result.

You have to configure the possible actions in advance as User actions in the
search template. For example, you can search for a personnel number and switch
directly from the search result to an employee file or execute a certain

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 331
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

• Content Summary - Below the title, you can find a content summary for the
search result. You can adjust the size of the summary by clicking View: Less
Detail or More Detail. Scanned documents like faxes or other documents with
graphic formats do not show a summary.
Note that to obtain a content summary, you must have created a Region
definition with the /OTX/OT_SUMMARY region in the search template before. Configuring Web Dynpro search application

For the Web Dynpro search application, you can configure the following settings:

• Summary state
• Banner and background images for the Web Dynpro search UI
• Pagination and page size

To access the configuration editor:

1. You have the following options to access the Configuration Editor for Web
Dynpro ABAP:

• In the SAP GUI, run the Object Navigator (SE80) transaction.

In the /OTX/RM_SEAWD package, expand Web Dynpro> Web Dynpro
Applicat. > /OTX/RM_SEAWD_SEARCH > Applic. Configurations.
Double-click your configuration and click Start Configurator.
• Enter the following URL in your web browser:

2. Click Display.

332 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.1. ArchiveLink Full Text Search

To configure your settings:

1. In the Assignment of Component Configurations select the root component

and click Go to Component Configuration.
2. Summary state and banner/background images
In the Context Node Hierarchy, select Configuration.

Edit the following attributes:

• summaryState - This attribute defines the initial setting of the summary size.
Enter 0 = Less Details or 1 = More Details.
• bannerImage - Enter the name of the image file that contains the banner
image or logo that you want to show on the search UI.
• backgroundImage - Enter the name of the image file that contains the
background image that you want to show on the search UI.
3. Click Apply Changes.
4. Pagination and page sizes
Select Page_Sizes.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 333
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

5. Select the default checkbox to select a line, or create a new line. Note that

• value - is the number of search results per page

• paginationSize - is the number of pages that is displayed for each set of
search results retrieved from Content Server.

The result of multiplying value with paginationSize defines the number of

search results retrieved from Content Server with each new search request.

6. Click Apply Changes.

7. Click Save in the Changed Configurations area.

24.1.5 Authorization Object J_6NRL_SEA for the use of search

The authorization object J_6NRL_SEA is checked, when a user invokes a search
template either in the search transaction /OTX/SEA_UI or in the Web Dynpro UI

With the Search Template ID authorization field it is checked if the user has access or
not to a certain search template. To get permission for the use of the search template,
the user needs the combination of Search Template ID and ACTVT = 03. Only the
search templates that the current user has access to, are listed in the Search in drop
down list in the search transaction.

If the user does not have the authorization object or if the search template list
assigned to him is empty, the user can not perform the search transaction at all.

24.2 OpenText Business Content window

OpenText Business Content window is a dialog that is available for the GOS menu
of your business object. It provides the following functions:

• Business Workspace (with Extended ECM only)

You can use this function only if you have a license for OpenText Extended ECM
for SAP Solutions.
If you have created a business workspace for your business object either in SAP
GUI or Content Server, the list tree view displays the items of your Content
Server business workspace. You can perform standard Content Server functions,
including a Content Server full text search. For more details, see “Using the
Business Workspace function” on page 337.
• Business Attachments (with Extended ECM only)
Business attachments are documents and other items that are stored in Content
Server and that you can attach to the business workspace. On the Content Server
side, this document has a link to the respective business object.
• Business Documents

334 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

The Business Documents list displays a list of the ArchiveLink documents

attached to the business object. The document links are displayed in an SAP ALV
grid. You can add documents using the standard procedure. After some
customizing steps, you have the option to add additional attributes to your
ArchiveLink documents besides the default ArchiveLink attributes. To use the
Business Documents options, see “Using the Business Documents function”
on page 354.
• Notes
You can add notes to the business workspace, view, edit and delete them.
• Tempo Box and local folders
You can access your local Tempo Box and other local folders in the Business
Content window.

Before users can use the Business Content window, you have to customize an entry
for it in the list of Generic Services attributes.

24.2.1 Customizing OpenText Business Content in list of

Generic Services attributes
Prerequisites You must install the ABAP Add-On OTEXRL 10.0 of ECMLink for SAP Solutions in
your SAP system.

To make OpenText Business Content available:

1. Run the sm30 transaction and enter SGOSATTR in the Table/View box. Click

2. In the SGOS: Attribute of Generic Services overview, click New Entries to

create a new entry for Business Content.

3. Customize Name of service, Description, and Quick Info.

4. Enter the following class name in the Class f. Gen. Service box: /OTX/

5. Click Save.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 335
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

The Business Content window is now available in the GOS menu of your business

336 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

24.2.2 Using the Business Workspace function

If you have customized the option to create business workspaces for your SAP
business object type, you can also browse the business workspace in the SAP GUI.
You can view and also use special Content Server workspace items that were not
created in the SAP system such as task lists, emails, other workspaces, cases, binders
and live reports. You can find documents that are connected to your SAP business
object. In your business workspace, you can perform a full text search.

To enable the option to create business workspaces in Content Server, you have to
perform some customizing steps. For more information, see “Customizing steps”
on page 337.

After customizing the business workspace option, the Business Content window
always displays the Business Workspace item in the list tree view. You have the
following options:
• Create a business workspace - From the Business Content window, you can
directly create a business workspace for your business object if none is available
yet. For more information, see “Creating business workspaces” on page 339.
• View and browse a business workspace - You can browse and view your
business workspace items. For more information, see “Viewing and browsing
business workspace items” on page 340.
• Perform actions on the business workspace items - You can perform certain
actions on the business workspace items. For more information, see “Working
with business workspaces and documents” on page 344.
• Perform full text search - You can perform a Content Server full text search in
the workspace items. For more information, see “Performing full text search in
Business Workspace” on page 351. Customizing steps

Before you can start using the Business Workspace function, you must ensure that
the following requirements are met:
• You must perform several customizing steps in Content Server and in your SAP
system to generally enable the business workspace creation. For detailed
information, see OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing Guide (ERLK-
• Your SAP user must be mapped to a Content Server user who is allowed to view
business workspaces. If you want to create a business workspace from the
Business Content window, the user must have sufficient permission.
• You must customize an entry for Business Content in the list of Generic Services
attributes, see “Customizing OpenText Business Content in list of Generic
Services attributes” on page 335.
• You must ensure that the value for the Logical Destination in the Enterprise
Library Server Settings for your business workspace customizing contains the

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 337
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

connection to the relevant Content Server instance to enable the full text search in
the business workspace. For more information, see Logical Destination in
Enterprise Library Server settings on page 316 and “Creating a Logical
Destination in Enterprise Library Settings” on page 325. Customizing container and non-container behavior of business

workspace items
The business workspace navigation behavior inside the Business Content window
discerns between container objects that contain child items and non-container objects
that do not contain any child items.
The customizing in Content Server and the Enterprise Library services determine,
whether a certain document node is recognized as a container object or not.

You can redefine this behavior in the configuration.

To customize container behavior:

1. For Content Server 10.0 installations, in the OpenText Administration, navigate

to <server node> > Runtime and Core Services > Configuration > Enterprise
For Content Server 10.5 installations, in the OpenText Administration Client
navigate to Enterprise Library Services > Configuration.

2. You can add a comma-separated list of subtype values to the following


• elservice.knownContainerTypes

• elservice.knownNonContainerTypes

Example: The Enterprise Library Service parameter

elservice.knownContainerTypes contains the following default list of subtype
values: 31066,310660,31350,3030202,3030301,204,210.
That means that, for example, the node type TaskList with subtype = 204 will be
treated as a container object.

For more details, see section 3 “Configuration” in OpenText Runtime and Core
Services - Administration Guide (ELCS-AGD) and OpenText Runtime and Core
Services - Configuration Parameters (ELCS-RCP).

338 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window Creating business workspaces

The Business Content window always displays the Business Workspace item in its
tree view, even if there is no business workspace available yet for the current
business object. In this case, you can create a business workspace directly from the
Business Content window.

Note: For the business workspace creation, the same settings as configured for
the automatic business workspace creation are used. The settings in the
configuration also determine if a binder, a case, or a business workspace is

To create a business workspace in the Business Content window:

• Right-click the Business Workspace item and select Create Business

The new business workspace is created in the connected Content Server.
In the tree view, any sub items of the new business workspace are displayed.
The document list displays documents.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 339
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content Viewing and browsing business workspace items

You can navigate through the Content Server items in the business workspace using
the tree view and the document list:
• Tree view - The tree view displays the business workspace folders and other
container objects of the business workspace, and their sub items. Only container
objects that can contain child items appear in the tree view. This can also include
other workspaces and special Content Server items such as discussions, email
folders, and task lists.
• Document list - The document list displays the documents and other items that
are present in the business workspace folder or in any other items selected in the
tree view. The document list contains workspace items which do not contain any
further sub items. The list displays in an ALV grid.

To browse the business workspace in the Business Content window:

1. In the GOS menu of your business object, click Business Content.

2. In the tree view, expand the Business Workspace item.

3. In the tree view, select a folder to see its content.

The document list displays the documents and other workspace items it contains.

Folder contains sub items. The sub items can be other sub items that are
shown in the tree view. However, the icon is also displayed if the sub

340 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

items are not container objects but, for example, documents that are
displayed in the document list.

The icon indicates the document type, for example an image file, a
Microsoft Word document or another folder.

The item is a shortcut to another item on Content Server.

Date, Time
Date and time when the document was uploaded to the business

Indicates if the item is currently reserved by a Content Server user for
editing. Using pagination in Business Content window

Pagination is available if the document list contains more than a certain number of
items. The default number of displayed items is 25 as in Content Server. You can
change the maximum number of items to display.

To change the page size:

1. In the document list, click Show 25 items and expand the list:

2. Select your new page size.

The number of pages is reduced according to the larger page size and the
display switches to page 1 of the new size.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 341
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

3. To change to another page, you have the following options:

• Select a page button.

• Click either or to go to the next or previous page.
The next page button appears only when you are on a page with a number
greater than 1. The previous page button appears when you are on a page
with a number lesser than the maximal number of pages.
• Click Go to page ... and specify your page number.

• At the moment the administrator cannot customize the list of page sizes.
• If you switch to another folder in the tree view, the page size is preserved.
• The page size is preserved until you change it.
• If you leave and then restart the Business Content window, the page size is
reset to the default page size of 25.
• For performance reasons, there is no Show all option available.
• If you switch to another page and then change the page size, you start again
with the new page size on the initial page (page 1).
• If you are, for example, on page 3 and switch to another folder and back
again, you start again on the refreshed initial page 1.

342 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window Sorting list items

The sorting process does not run in the local ALV list but in Content Server. You can
sort by the following columns:
• Name
• Date
• Time

If you select one or more columns that cannot be sorted, you receive the message
Sorting workspace documents by selected column is not supported!

Note: Sorting resets the pagination.

Example: If you change to page 3 of a certain sorting and then change the sorting once
more, you will jump back to the initial page 1.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 343
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content Displaying the folder list in the tree view

Note the following behavior:

• No pagination available in folder list - There is no pagination available in the
folder list. The number of sub folders that can be displayed all at once on a
certain level is restricted to 1000. OpenText generally recommends that you do
not exceed this number of sub folders on the same level in your folder structure.
You receive a warning message if you have more than 1000 sub folders in a
parent folder.
• Refreshing folder structure - Every time you switch between items in the tree
view, the respective document list is refreshed from Content Server.
• Creating new sub folder - Within a folder, the sub folder structure is only
refreshed fully if you have created a new sub folder. After refreshing, the tree
view shows the updated sub folder list sorted in alphabetical order.
• Browsing is preserved after refreshing - If you have been browsing deeper
within the folder structure, the opened folder hierarchy is preserved after
• Deleting folder - After deleting a folder, the updated folder structure is
displayed but not fully refreshed. Working with business workspaces and documents

The context menu of a business workspace item contains all actions that you can
perform for this item. It depends on the business workspace item and the
permissions you have on the Content Server, which options are available in the
context menu of an item.

344 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

To add folders and documents to the business workspace:

1. Create a folder
You can create a folder only in the tree view, therefore it is another folder or a
Content Server item that has been configured as a container.

a. In the tree view, right-click the item to which you want to add a folder and
click Add folder.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 345
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

b. In the Content Server Add: Folder dialog box, fill all required fields. For
more information, see the Content Server online help.
2. Add a single document
You can create a document in or upload an existing document to a folder in the
tree view.

a. In the tree view, right-click the folder to which you want to add a
document. Click Add Document.
b. In the Content Server dialog Add: Document, fill in the required fields.
These steps follow standard Content Server procedures. They may vary
according to your system’s settings.
3. Upload folders and documents
You can upload multiple folders with documents in them. When you upload
folders and subfolders, this structure is kept in the business workspace.

a. In the tree view, select the target folder where you want to upload the files
b. Drag the files from your local file system to the upload area at the bottom
of the Business Content window.

Users can upload a document into a business workspace in the
Business Content window by Drag&Drop. To use this function, users
need the S_GUI authorization object with ACTVT=60.

346 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

For the upload, the following applies:

• The number of folders and documents that can be uploaded at once is

limited. An error message is displayed when this limit is reached.

• When you upload a file which exist already at this location with the same
name in the business workspace, the file is uploaded as a new version of this

To work with folders and documents:

1. Move or copy a folder or document to another business workspace

You can move or copy folders and documents from one business workspace to
another. Moving an item deletes the item in the source business workspace.

Note: When you move or copy a shortcut item, only the shortcut will be
moved or copied, not the original document.

a. Right-click the item that you want to move, either in the tree view or in the
document list.

b. From the context menu, select Move To or Copy To and select a business
object type.

c. In the following dialog, enter the key of the target business workspace and
click Continue.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 347
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

d. In the Select destination container dialog, select the target folder or

container item to which you want to move or copy your item and click

2. Copy a folder or document from and to a local folder or Tempo Box folder
You can copy documents and folders by dragging them. You have the following

• From business workspace to local folder or Tempo Box folder (download)

• From business workspace to business documents
• From business documents to local folder or Tempo Box folder (download)
• From business documents to the business workspace
• From one local folder to another local folder or Tempo Box folder
• From a local folder to the business workspace (upload)
• From a local folder to business documents (upload)

To copy to a local folder, drag the document to a folder in the Local Files node.

3. Open a document to read only

Note: Customize your permissions and the behavior of document types

and formats in Content Server before editing and opening documents in
the hit list.

348 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

Double-click the document in the document list or select Open from the
document context menu.
The document opens in the application configured for its document type and

4. Open a shortcut

Note: Except for Delete, any action of the Content Server Functions menu
is performed not on the shortcut itself but on the original document.
However, when you Move or Copy a shortcut item, only the shortcut will
be moved and copied, not the original document.

Double-click the shortcut item or click Open in its context menu.

• Shortcut to a document: the original document opens in the application

configured for this document type and format.
• Shortcut to a folder: the target folder opens in an SAP dialog box that
displays the Content Server dialog.

5. Edit a document
To be able to edit a document, you need the necessary permissions in Content
Server and the document must not be reserved by another user.

a. Right-click the document and click Edit.

The document opens in the application configured for its document type
and format.
b. Edit and save your document.

6. Use actions of the Content Server functions menu

With necessary permissions, you can perform a selection of actions that are also
available on the Content Server Functions menu such as Add Follow up,
Permissions, Reserve/Unreserve, Delete, Properties. When you click the action
in the context menu, the corresponding Content Server dialog box opens. For
more information, see the Content Server online help.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 349
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

7. Search documents
You can search documents in the business workspace.

a. In the tree view, select the Business Workspace node to search the whole
business workspace. If you want to search in a specific folder, select this

b. Enter your search term in the Search box and click Start seach.

c. In the search result list, you have the following options which are standard
SAP functions:

Sort in ascending order.

Sort in descending order.

Search for a specific word.

Filter the result list.

Display more search results.

Leave the search result list and return to the document list.

350 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window Performing full text search in Business Workspace

In your business workspace, you can perform a full text search. The search in the
Business Content window is equivalent to the Search From Here search in Content
Server. The search runs within the selected container item and in all of its container
sub-items. You do not need to configure a search template.

Prerequisites Before using the full text search, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:
• Customizing full text search in Content Server - In Content Server, you must
have customized and enabled the full text search as described in the Content
Server documentation.
• Selecting OT standard regions as displayable in Content Server - You must
select certain OT standard regions as displayable in Content Server.
To select OT standard regions as displayable:

1. In the Content Server Administration, click Search Administration > Open

the System Object Volume. Open the Enterprise Data Source Folder.

2. In the Functions menu of the Enterprise Search Manager, click Properties >

3. In the list of regions, select the Displayable check box for each of the
following regions:

• OTName
• OTModifyTime
• OTModifyDate
• OTReserved
• OTSubTypeName
• OTObject

Note: In Content Server 10.5, the search engine drops certain regions by
default, for example, time regions. Therefore, regions like OTModifyTime
must be re-enabled. You must customize the
config/LLFieldDefinitions.txt configuration file deleting or
commenting out the related DROP lines.
For OTModifyTime, proceed as follows:
1. Open config/LLFieldDefinitions.txt for edit.
2. Replace the line

DROP OTModifyTime


TEXT OTModifyTime

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 351
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

For more information, see also OpenText Content Server Administrator

Online Help (https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/piroot/
If this procedure is not successful, proceed as follows:
1. In config/LLFieldDefinitions.txt, change the line

DROP OTModifyTime



2. Restart the Content Server service. Also restart the search processes
under <processes_prefix> Data Flow Manager.
3. In config/LLFieldDefinitions.txt, change the line



TEXT OTModifyTime

4. Restart the Content Server service. Also restart the search processes
under <processes_prefix> Data Flow Manager.
After the first documents are indexed with this setting, the field is expected
to be available in the Properties Regions of the Enterprise Search Manager.
For more information, see also chapter 4.3 in OpenText Content Server
Advanced Indexing and Searching Guide (https://knowledge.opentext.com/
• Maintaining Logical Destination for ELIB settings - You must ensure that the
value for the Logical Destination in the Enterprise Library Server Settings for
your business workspace customizing contains the connection to the relevant
Content Server instance to enable the full text search in the business workspace.
For more information, see Logical Destination in Enterprise Library Server
settings on page 316 and “Creating a Logical Destination in Enterprise Library
Settings” on page 325.

Performing full text search in the business workspace

To perform full text search:

1. In the GOS menu of your business object, clickBusiness Content.

2. In the tree view, click the Business Workspace item. Select the container item in
which you want to perform your search.
Starting from the selected item, the search will be also be conducted in all its

3. In the Search box, enter your search term and click Search or press Enter.

352 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

4. The document hit list is replaced by the search result hit list. The list header
displays the search term and the name of the item in which the search was

You have the following options:

• To perform actions on the result list items - right-click your search result
item and open the context menu. You can perform the same actions as
described for the items of the document hit list.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 353
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

• To get more results - if there are more results available than the result list
can display due to the default height of the ALV grid, the More Results
button appears in the tool bar.
Click More Results to get more search results. The next search results are
appended to the current results in the list.

• To return to the document hit list - click Back to Browsing to return to the
document hit list.

24.2.3 Using the Business Documents function

The document hit list displays a list of the ArchiveLink documents attached to the
Business Object. You can add documents to the archive store and perform other
actions, for example, delete documents. If Records Management is enabled for your
business object and document type, you can declare documents as records and view
records details. After some customizing steps, you have the option to add additional
attributes to your ArchiveLink documents besides the standard ArchiveLink

Note: Like the standard SAP attachment list, the Business Documents list also
displays the documents linked to the direct supertype of the current business

Example: If you create a document with the business object BUS2030, the documents
linked to its supertype VBAK are also displayed in the Business Documents list. Customizing additional ArchiveLink attributes

For your ArchiveLink documents, you can add additional attributes to the standard
ArchiveLink attributes. The Business Content window displays the document
attributes in the list of archived documents for your business object. An attribute is
stored in a store table that again is assigned to a certain context consisting of a
business object type and a document type. You can create one or more store tables to
include different attributes and you can assign one store table to more than one

Before you start, perform the following steps:

1. Before you start the attribute customizing in your SAP system, define the
attribute set that you want to apply to your documents, and prepare a concept
for the allocation of store tables and contexts.

2. Create one or more store tables containing the new attributes.

3. Assign one or more store table to your context.

354 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

To customize ArchiveLink attributes in the SAP GUI:

1. To create a new store table, run the SE11 transaction. In Database table, enter a
name for the new store table and click Create.

2. Click New Entries to create a new field.

Note the following:

• Besides your new ArchiveLink attributes, the store table must contain five
standard fields. You must create five Key fields with the following Field
names and Data elements:

• MANDT with the Data element MANDT

• SAP_OBJECT with the Data element SAEANWDID
• OBJECT_ID with the Data element SAEOBJID
• ARCHIV_ID with the Data element SAEARCHIVI
• ARC_DOC_ID with the Data element SAEARDOID
• You must define a Data element for each field. Additionally, you can add
other technical parameters.
• Every attribute that is not a Key field is handled as an additional
ArchiveLink attribute.
• You can create one or more store tables to include different attributes,
• You can use an attribute in more than one context. However, an attribute
must be unique for a context. If two tables hold the same attribute, they
cannot be customized for the same context.

3. To customize ArchiveLink attributes, run the spro transaction and click SAP
Reference IMG. Expand OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > ArchiveLink PLUS. Run the ArchiveLink Attributes activity.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 355
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

4. Create a new context key consisting of business object type + document type + store
Click New Entries and add the following entries:

Enter a business object type. You have the following options:

• You can use the Search help to enter an exact name for your object type.
• Enter * to assign any available object type to a certain document type
and store table.

Doc. type
Enter a document type. You have the following options:

• You can use the Search help to enter an exact name for your document
• Enter * to assign any available document type to a certain object type
and store table.

Table Name
Enter the name of the store table that you want to assign to the context.

Note the following:

• You can enter the same store table for more than one context.
• For one context, you can enter * either for the object type or the document
type but not for both at the same time.
• A partial masking of entries is not possible. For example, you cannot enter a
value like BK*.
• You can delete a context key only after you have also deleted all entries for
this context in the corresponding store table.

356 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window Mapping external attributes

You can map additional ArchiveLink attributes to external attributes coming from
the document or the file system. In this way, the ArchiveLink attributes can be
preset with the values of external attributes, for example, document metadata, when
you upload and store an ArchiveLink document.

Supported document formats are Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint and Excel
starting with Office 2007.

The following external attribute types are supported:

• Built-in attributes - are the built-in properties of the supported document


Example: In MS Office Word, built-in attributes are, for example, Author, Title,
Subject, Keywords. In the document, you access them via Office Button > Prepare >
• Custom attributes - are either predefined custom properties of the supported
document formats or freely defined properties.

Example: In MS Office Word, you access and maintain the Custom attributes as follows:
click the Office Button > Prepare > Properties. Click Document Properties > Advanced
Properties. Click the Custom tab. You can either use the predefined attributes or create
new attributes.
• Special file properties - are predefined properties coming from the file system.
Currently three properties are supported: File name, File Size and File Path.

To map external attributes to AL attributes:

1. Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

• additional ArchiveLink attributes have been customized

• Microsoft Office has been installed on your client computer

2. Run the SPRO transaction and access the SAP Reference IMG. Navigate to
Open Text Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions > ArchiveLink
PLUS and run the Define external attribute mapping activity.

3. Click New Entries to create a new property mapping. Add the following

• Table Name – Enter the name of the store table that contains the
ArchiveLink attribute that you want to map. Press F4 or click to get a
value help.
• Field Name – Enter the store table field name of the AL attribute that you
want to map. Press F4 or click to select a possible field name.
• Ex.a.type – Enter the attribute type of your external attribute. Use the drop-
down list to select the attribute type.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 357
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

• External attribute – Enter the name of your external attribute. Press F4 or

click to get a value help.

Note: No value check occurs for this type of attribute because Custom
properties can be freely defined.
• Conversion Exit – if necessary, enter a conversion exit that you want to use
to convert the property’s data format to the one used by the SAP system.
You can use the default conversion exit /OTX/AL_CONV_EXT_ATTR_DEF as
template to develop your own function module.

4. Click Save to save your entries.

• Ensure that MS Office is installed on the client computer that you use to
upload and store documents.
• Do not use the key fields in the ArchiveLink store table for mapping.

358 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window Using the Business Documents function

To access the Business Content window, click the Business Content entry in the
GOS menu of your business object.

In the Business Documents area, only ArchiveLink documents are displayed.

Without added attributes, the document hit list displays only three default
A thumbnail preview is displayed for document formats that are supported by the
OpenText Imaging Web Viewer. Before you can use the preview, you have to
configure and maintain the imaging integration for the Web Viewer on the SAP
server. For more details, see “Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer”
on page 248.

Besides the standard attachment list functions, you have the following options:
• Preview
In the document list, select a document to display in the thumbnail preview. A
preview is available for all document formats that are supported by OpenText
Imaging Web Viewer, for example JPG, FAX, PDF, TIF and TXT.
• Add document
You can upload a document to the archive store in your SAP system. In doing so
you can add attributes to your document, if you have performed the attribute
customizing. For more information, see “Customizing additional ArchiveLink
attributes” on page 354.
To add a document:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 359
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

1. Click > Add Document.

2. In Browse Document, enter the path to the document you want to upload.
You have the following options:

• Enter the document path manually and press ENTER.

• Browse the document in your system and press ENTER after the path
has been inserted in the box.
• Drag the document file from your desktop to the Or Drop Document
Here button. The document path is entered in the Browse Document
3. Select a Document Type from the list. You have the following options:

• If you select a document type for which you have customized attributes,
the Document Attributes dialog box displaying the customized
attributes opens.
Enter values for your attributes and click OK.

After you have filled in attributes for one document, they display in the
document list.

• If you select a document type without attribute customizing you receive

the following message:

360 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

Click OK. The document is added to the list without attributes.

• Add document by entering bar code
You can add a document to the list by matching it through a bar code with your
business object and connecting it with a document type. For storing additional
attributes, OpenText Business Content supports only the Early archiving scenario
using bar codes. The document must already exist in the system to make an
attribute storage for a certain archive link possible. After entering the bar code,
the system matches with the respective business object. If the matching was
successful, and if the selected document type was customized correctly before,
the Document Attributes dialog box opens. The document link is added to the
If you use the bar code entering option in the Business Content dialog, note the
• You can add attributes only if one single matching document has been found.
When more than one document could be matched to the same business object,
you will get an info message and all found documents will be added to the
list without attributes.
• You can add attributes only if the selected document type has been
customized accordingly previously before as part of a context key.
• When the matching procedure finds no document, the bar code is stored with
the document type following the standard matching procedure of the Late
archiving scenario. You cannot add any attributes and no document link
appears in the list.

To add a document by entering a bar code:

1. Click > Enter Barcode.

2. In the Bar Code box, enter your bar code.
3. In the Document Type list, select your document type.
4. If the Document Attributes dialog box opens, add your attributes.
5. Click OK.
If a match occurs, the new document link appears in the list. If no match or
more than one match occurs, you receive a corresponding message.
• Edit attributes
Note that you can edit only attributes of documents that have been customized
You can do the following:
• Add attributes subsequently for documents in the list.
• Change existing attributes for a document.

To edit attributes:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 361
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

1. Click to open the Edit Document Attributes dialog box.

2. Edit your attributes and click .

• Delete
You can delete document links from the list and the document itself from the
archive store. When you delete the document link, the attributes assigned to this
link are automatically removed from the store table. After deleting, the document
list rebuilds. Note that you can delete only documents that are not declared as
To delete documents:

1. In the document list, select a document and click Delete.

2. Confirm one or both of the following messages.

You receive a message, when the attributes have been removed from the
store table.

• Records Management
The Business Content dialog supports OpenText Records Management. Before
you can use it in the Business Content dialog, you have to enable Records
Management for a context consisting of business object type and document type by
customizing a declaration ID in IMG > OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions >
Maintain Enterprise Library Servers Settings> Assign Declaration ID to Object
Type and Document Type. For details, see section 6.10 “SAP: Assigning a
declaration ID to a business object and document type” in OpenText ECMLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing Guide (ERLK-CGD). In the Business Content dialog,
Records Management is only available if at least one configuration for Records
Management exists for your particular business object.
In this case, the Declare as Record and the View Records Details
buttons appear in the toolbar. Furthermore, the Records Management Status
symbol column is added to the document list. Documents that show a status
symbol in the Status column have been declared as records.

362 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

The archived documents of your business object are checked against Records
Management. If a document is already declared as record, it shows a status
symbol in the Status column. If the document has no record declaration, the
Status column shows no status symbol. In this case, or if you add a document to
the list, you can declare it as a record if the document has a document type that
has been customized for Records Management.
You have the following options:
• To view record details, select a document that shows a status symbol in the
Status column and click View Records Details. You can also use the
corresponding entry in the context menu. For details, see section 4.6.1
“Declaring records ” in OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide
• To declare a document as record, select a document that shows no symbol in
the Status field and click Declare as Record. You can also use the
corresponding entry in the context menu. To be available for record
declaration, the document must have a document type that has been
previously customized for Records Management. For details, see section 4.6.1
“Declaring records ” in OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide

24.2.4 Using the Business Attachment function

Business attachments are documents and other items stored in Content Server that
can be attached to a business workspace.

You have the following options:

• Search the attachment by browsing the whole Content Server structure to the
single item and attach it.
• Search the attachment using the simple search: A predefined search form filters
the list of possible attachments. You can add more than one attachment in one

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 363
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

To add a business attachment:

1. In the Business Content window, select the Business Attachments item in the
tree view.
2. To add an attachment by browsing, do the following:

a. Browse the Content Server structure to find the item that you want to
b. Select the item and click Continue.
The new business attachment is now listed in the Business Content
3. To add one or more attachments using search, do the following:

a. Click Create Business Attachment > Create Business Attachment using

b. In the following window, select the required search form and add your
search criteria.
c. From the result list, select the item or items that you want to add as
business attachments. Then click Add Business Attachment.
The business attachment is added to the business workspace.
4. Click Display to view the item in Content Server.
5. Drag the document to a folder in the Local Files node to download it to this
6. Click to remove the business attachment. This does not delete the document
in Content Server.

364 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

24.2.5 Using the Notes function

To work with notes:

1. In the Business Content window, select the Notes item in the tree view.

2. Click Add Note.

3. In the following window, enter the title and the text of the note and click

4. Select the item and click Continue.

The new note is now listed in the Business Content window.

5. Manage the notes. You have the following options:

a. Click Display to view the note.

b. Click Change to edit the note.
c. Click to delete the note.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 365
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

24.2.6 Using the OpenText Tempo Box and Local Files

New: Users can now see their local Tempo Box files and other local folders in
the Business Content window.

If configured, the Business Content window contains a Local files node which
displays OpenText Tempo Box folders and other folders on the local file system.

Note: If a Tempo Box folder is available, you may be prompted for your
security settings the first time you open the Business Content window.
Depending on your company’s security policy, you can select if and how you
want to grant access to your local file system. To use this function, you must
allow access. If you select Allow this time, you will be prompted each time
you open the Business Content window. For more information, ask your
system manager.

• The Tempo Box folder is displayed automatically when OpenText Tempo Box is
installed on the local computer.
• Other local folders can be added manually by the user.

366 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
24.2. OpenText Business Content window

To work with local files:

1. Open Tempo Box

You can access Tempo Box files from the Business Content window.

a. In the tree view, click Local Files > Tempo Box. You see the content of your
local Tempo Box folder.
b. Select a folder to see its content in the document list.
c. Right-click a document to see the functions that are available: You can open
and edit the file, find it on the local file system, or delete it. You can also
refresh the view.

2. Add a local folder

You can add a folder on your computer or a network share to the Local Files

a. Right-click Local Files and click Add folder.

b. In the following dialog, select a folder or a network share and click OK.
c. Optional In the SAP GUI Security dialog, select an option. To use the local
folder without interruption, select Always allow. For more information,
ask your system manager.

d. To remove the folder, right-click it and select Remove folder.

e. To update the view, right-click the folder or file and select Refresh.

3. Copy a folder or document from and to a local folder or Tempo Box folder
You can copy documents and folders by dragging them. You have the following

• From business workspace to local folder or Tempo Box folder (download)

• From business workspace to business documents
• From business documents to local folder or Tempo Box folder (download)
• From business documents to the business workspace
• From one local folder to another local folder or Tempo Box folder

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 367
Chapter 24 ArchiveLink Plus and OpenText Business Content

• From a local folder to the business workspace (upload)

• From a local folder to business documents (upload)

To copy to a local folder, drag the document to a folder in the Local Files node.

368 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Part 5
SAP application log
Chapter 25
Troubleshooting using the SAP application log

The SAP application log can be used to support the troubleshooting process. The
application log shows the SAP view on the error; thus, it only supplies information
which is known on the SAP side.

However, in many cases, the error information on the client side must also be used
to find the reason of a problem. The application log cannot substitute the log file on
the client side. For technical reasons, the application log does not contain every
message which is put out to the user.

The following information sources have to be considered for an error analysis:

• the user (what did he do, what messages did he see?)
• the client log
• the application log.

25.1 SAP application log for DesktopLink scenarios

The SLG1 object for messages related to DesktopLink is /IXOS/DL_LOG. Depending
on the scenario, the following sub-objects are available:
• /IXOS/DL_C sub-object for client scenario; see “Document entry via
DesktopLink” on page 183.
• /IXOS/DL_G sub-object for GOS scenario; see “Archiving using the generic object
services (GOS)” on page 260.
• /IXOS/DL_F sub-object for File Upload scenario; see “Archiving using the
DesktopLink transaction J8AM” on page 262.

If the caller scenario cannot be determined, the sub-object called Common (/

IXOS/DL_U) is used.
Another source is the technical log (J_8A3T0002 table), which may also be helpful.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 371
Chapter 25 Troubleshooting using the SAP application log

25.1.1 Log entries and log lines

A log entry is identified by a log number and contains one or more log lines. The
following types of log lines are supported:

The CALLER line displays action type and caller information (e.g. the IP
address); a CALLER line is present in every log entry.
The following values are used in CALLER lines for the action type:
GOS and file upload scenarios
Client scenario
Empty value
Unidentified scenarios
The MESSAGE line writes the specified message as it is visible to the SAP user.
The EXCEPTION line writes a message of the format Exception & at &. An
EXCEPTION line is written when the main control routine for the DesktopLink
scenarios receives an exception.
The following values are used in EXCEPTION lines:

1 no_authority = 1
2 not_found = 2
3 user_cancel = 3
4 error_ole_connection = 4
5 internal_error = 5
6 problem_creating_link_entry = 6
7 problem_creating_work_item = 7
8 document_locked = 8
9 end = 9
10 lars_hostname = 10
11 lars_missing_port = 11
12 lars_missing_service = 12
13 lars_version_not_maintained = 13
14 lars_customizing_missing = 14
15 lars_rendition_error = 15
16 lars_system_failure = 16
17 lars_communication_error = 17
18 lars_error = 18

The function module name is J_8A3_SAP_SHORTCUT_SCENARIO.

The ARCHIVE line shows values taken from the parameter table of the
DesktopLink transaction. An ARCHIVE line is written when the transaction
performed by the DesktopLink client returns an error. As the error cannot be

372 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
25.2. SAP application log for ArchiveLink Fulltext Search

attributed to a specific document, the line is classified as information and

displayed with a green symbol.
The value displayed for the server is not taken from the parameters; instead, it is
the value associated to the archive according to the SAP configuration. If no
value can be found, the message displays x not configured.

All the log lines are written to the application log as message lines. Message lines are
displayed in the user's login language.
If there is an additional long text available, this is indicated by a question mark
symbol. If available, this long text will also be displayed in the user's login language.
Double-clicking on a message line shows the message number (e.g. 81246 for
message class 81, message number 246).

25.2 SAP application log for ArchiveLink Fulltext

The main SLG1 object for messages related to the ArchiveLink Fulltext Search is /
OTX/RM. The following sub-objects are available:

• /OTX/SEAB – sub-object for Fulltext Search Base

• /OTX/SEAPI – sub-object for Fulltext Search API
• /OTX/SEARCH – sub-object for Search report
• /OTX/SEAX – sub-object for Fulltext Search Connector

For details to work with the SAP application log, see section 2.1.5 “Analyzing the
application log” in OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions - Administration Guide

For errors coming from the Content Server Search API, the details also show the
content of the web page returned from the Content Server.

25.3 SAP application log for ArchiveLink Attributes

The main SLG1 object for messages related to the ArchiveLink Attributes is /OTX/AL.
The following sub-objects are available:

• /OTX/AUTH – sub-object for Authorization check

• /OTX/CORE – sub-object for AL Attribute Core Component
• /OTX/DYN_UI – sub-object for Classical Dynpro UI

Of these sub-objects, only /OTX/CORE and /OTX/DYN_UI are currently in use, because
in this stage of implementation all authorization related issue can be read from
transaction SU53.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 373
Chapter 25 Troubleshooting using the SAP application log

25.4 SAP application log for Rendition Management

The main SLG1 object for messages related to Rendition Management is /IXOS/RSA.
The following sub-object is available:
• /IXOS/RSA_RENDER – sub-object to create a rendition

For errors coming from the OpenText Rendition Server, see also the server's logs.

25.5 SAP application log for Business Application

Integration (BAI)
The main SLG1 object for messages related to the Business Application Integration
is /IXOS/AX. The following sub-objects are available:
• /IXOS/AX_COLLECT – Collect
• /IXOS/AX_CONNECTOR – Connector
• /IXOS/AX_TRANSFER – Transfer

25.6 SAP application log for license measurement

The SLG1 object for messages related to license measurement is /OTX/CL with the
sub-object /OTX/CL. Log messages are written by the central evaluation class of
license measurement. Furthermore, the function modules called from the SAP
system measurement are also writing messages to the application log when they are
executed. In the case of the functions called from SAP system measurement,
warnings are written to the application log if the license measurement has found
validation issues.

374 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
Chapter 26
OpenText License Report

With the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions license
measurement, you assess the number and types of users who are working with an
SAP system. License measurement for Archiving and Document Access, and
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions can be integrated in the SAP license measurement
Global License Audit System (GLAS). With this information, you can align your
contract with SAP or OpenText to meet your requirements more accurately.

New: You can now use License Measurement Cockpit to measure both SAP
systems and Content Server for the correct use of licenses.

The revised OpenText License Cockpit was designed to serve measurement
of both SAP systems and connected Content Servers with ECMLink. The
following description includes Content Server measurement. If your system
does not have ECMLink and Content Servers the respective information is
not relevant for you.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 375
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

26.1 Technical overview

Figure 26-1: License Measurement Overview

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions license measurement consists of the following

Measurement on the SAP system

Measurement on the SAP System is based on a business role with the
J_6NLC_TYP authorization object and an appropriate license type. Business roles
with this authorization object are then evaluated based on their license type
related to the product and depending on the degree of usage.

The authorization object J_6NLC_TYP is not used to grant access

Measurement on Content Server

Users and groups are assigned a license type that reflects their quantity of usage.
A privilege is used to count on how many days a user accesses a business
workspaces. The license type along with the number of days on which this user
accessed a business workspace on Content Server are passed to the SAP system
where the data is consolidated and presented.

Note: A user is not locked, if the actual days of usage exceed the number
of days that are covered by the assigned license type. This mismatch is
noted in the license report.

The following license types are available, depending on wether they are sold by SAP
or OpenText.

376 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.2. Prerequisites

Table 26-1: License types

Type Description
Licenses sold by OpenText
OXECMF OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Professional User
OXECMO OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Occasional User
OXECMB OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – External B2B User
OXECMC OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – External B2C User
OXECMN OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Non-SAP User
ODOCF OpenText Document Access – Full Named User
ODOCW OpenText Document Access – Web Named User
ODOCO OpenText Document Access – Occasional User
OARCF OpenText Archiving – Full Named User
OARCW OpenText Archiving – Web Named User
OARCO OpenText Archiving – Occasional User
Licenses sold by SAP
SXECMF SAP Extended ECM by OpenText – Named User
SXECMO SAP Extended ECM by OpenText limited access option
SAP Document Access by OpenText – User: Business Expert, Ltd.
SAP Document Access by OpenText – User: Employee, Employee Self
Service (ESS) User
SARCF SAP Archiving by OpenText – User: Business Expert, Ltd. Professional
SAP Archiving by OpenText – User: Employee, Employee Self Service (ESS)

26.2 Prerequisites
To use the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions license measurement, you must do the

1. On the SAP system, create roles for each license type that you need with the
authorization object and appropriate license type, and assign them to the users.
2. On Content Server, assign the appropriate license type to the users of Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions. For example, a users that rarely needs to work with
business workspaces needs a different license than users that daily work with
business workspaces.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 377
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

26.3 Preparing license measurement on the SAP

To prepare your SAP system for license measurement of OpenText products and
integrate into SAP System Measurement (transaction USMM), you must maintain
system measurement tables. You must also create special business roles that contain
an authorization object for measurement.

26.3.1 Setting up users for measurement

You need the following users for license measurement with the respective
authorizations objects.

User type Authorization objects

User who runs license measurement on and • S_TCODE
for the local system TCD = /OTX/LICENSE, SLG1, SM36,
enabled to your requirement
ACTVT = 61
to enable generic ALV functions for /
ACTVT = 03
to fully use transaction /otx/license
and its function (see also documentation
for transaction USMM)
ACTVT = 03, 06
to enable the user to read the application
ACTVT = 03
to allow access to images inside the PDF
output of the license report

378 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.3. Preparing license measurement on the SAP system

User type Authorization objects

Communication user who is called via RFC • S_RFC
from a central license measurement system ACTVT = 16
to allow this user to call the RFC enabled
functions of these function groups
User who runs license measurement on the All of the above and the following:
central license measurement system which • S_ICF
calls remote SAP systems
ICF_VALUE = <value of field
Authorization for Destination in
the RFC destination>
ACTVT = 03
The other fields may differ depending on
how restricted you setup your

user who runs a license measurement needs a business role with the following
authorization objects:

To set up a user for measurement:

1. Start transaction pfcg to assign the authorization role.

2. Create a role for a user who runs license measurement according to the
information given in the table above.
3. On the systems which are called via RFC, create a role for communication users
who are called via RFC from a central license measurement system.

26.3.2 Maintaining measurement tables

OpenText provides three function modules for the integration into SAP System
• /OTX/CL_GLAS_DOCUMENT_ACCESS - integration function for Document
• /OTX/CL_GLAS_ARCHIVING - integration function for Archiving
• /OTX/RM_LIC_GLAS_XECM - integration function for Extended ECM

The function modules provide the following:

• Writing status, warning and error messages to application log object SLG1.
If validation issues have been found, this shows as a warning message in the log
of each function. You then must check the more detailed license report in
transaction /otx/license.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 379
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

• Each function module contains an external id referring to the related application/

• The function modules call a central method of the OpenText license evaluation to
calculate the license counts.

To maintain SAP System Measurement tables:

• Start transaction SM30 to add the following tables:

TUAPP (Applications for System Measurement)

Add entries for OpenText applications to the TUAPP table.

Add the following entries only if you purchased your licenses from
SAP. If you purchased your licenses directly from OpenText, set
Call? = false for all these entries.

App. Version Name of Function PeriodType Call?

Application module
1140 0 SAP /OTX/ No period true
Archiving CL_GLAS_ assigned
OpenText G
1144 0 SAP /OTX/ No period true
Document CL_GLAS_ assigned
Access by DOCUMEN
1154 0 SAP Ext. /OTX/ No period true
Enterprise RM_LIC_G assigned
Content LAS_XECM
Mgmt by

380 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.3. Preparing license measurement on the SAP system

TUUNT (Units for System Measurement Objects)

Add the following units for the measurement of OpenText applications to
the TUUNT table.

Unit Measurement
1140 OT: Licensed User: Buss. Expert, Ltd Pro
1141 OT: Licensed User: Employee, ESS User
1144 OT: Licensed User: Buss. Expert, Ltd Pro
1145 OT: Licensed User: Employee, ESS User
1154 OT: User

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 381
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

26.4 Preparing license measurement on Content

On Content Server, you must do the following to enable license measurement:
• Assign a license type to a user or a group
• Grant the permission to access business workspaces
• For the authentication of this connection, OTDS 10.5 is required.
• With Content Server 10 and ECMLink module 10.0.5, you can also utilize the
ECMLink REST services and retrieve XML data as file with the help of third-
party REST client browser apps.

To assign a license type to a user or group in Content Server:

1. In Content Server Administration page, click Enterprise > Users&Groups to

open the Content Server user management.
2. Find the user or group that you want to edit.
3. From the Extended ECM License list, select a license type.

382 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.5. Running license measurement

Note: If there are conflicting license assignments for a user, because one of
his groups has a different type, the most comprehensive license type is

To grant usage privileges for licensing:

Only users with the Access Business Workspaces privilege can access business
workspaces. Each time a user with this privilege accesses a business workspace is
counted for the license measurement.

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click System Administration >

Administer Object and Usage Privileges.
2. Edit the restrictions for the usage privilege ECMLink Operation > Access
Business Workspaces (Mandatory for Licensing) according to your license
model. Mismatches between granted privileges and license type assignment are
displayed in the report.

26.5 Running license measurement

OpenText License Management provides different modes in which you can
configure and run the measurement. You can switch between these modes during
configuration if necessary.

Note: The SAP administrator who runs the license measurement has a
administration rights on Content Server.

Standard Mode
Use standard mode for a simple scenario:
• The SAP client on which you run the license dashboard is the only system
that is being measured.
• The Content Server instance that is being measured is customized in the IMG
activity OpenText ECMLink for SAP Solutions > Infrastructure > Maintain
Enterprise Library Server Settings. You can select a Content Server if more
than one is configured.

Expert Mode
Use the expert mode for an system measurement of more than one SAP client
and possibly more Content Server installations.
You can use expert mode to include Content Servers that are connected to a
remote SAP system.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 383
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

26.5.1 Running in standard mode

Standard mode only uses the SAP system on which you started the license
measurement. All other SAP servers that you might have configured in expert mode
will be deactivated.

To run license measurement in standard mode:

1. Start transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

OpenText License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.

2. Maintain OpenText Archives on this SAP Server

In the list of content repositories on this SAP server, you can select which
repository is used as an OpenText Archive. Access permissions for the
OpenText archives are used to validate license types. This setting is valid for all
clients on this server.

384 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.5. Running license measurement

Note: OpenText Archives must be maintained on each remote SAP system

that you include in your measurement.

This section is only visible if Extended ECM is installed and Enterprise Library
IDs are maintained in the IMG activity.
Save your settings.

3. OpenText Products Sold by SAP Than Have Been Licensed: Select if you
licensed OpenText Employee File Management (EFM) or OpenText Travel
Receipts Management for SAP Solutions (TRM). When you selected an option,
DocuLink projects that are recognized as EFM or TRM projects are ignored
when validating access permissions to DocuLink. In any case, TRM or EFM
DocuLink projects are listed in the license report.

Note: These licensed OpenText products must be maintained on each

remote SAP system that you include in your measurement.

Save your settings.

4. Click Start License Measurement and confirm the creation of the background
The Status section informs you about the status of the measurement. Click
Refresh to update the status. If the measurement was performed without errors,
click Display Latest License Report to view the report.
For more information, see “Understanding the consolidated measurement
results” on page 391.

26.5.2 Running in expert mode

You can use expert mode if you want to include other clients on the same SAP
system or remote SAP systems into the measurement. These SAP systems are
connected via RFC. Content Servers that are connected to these SAP systems can
also be included in the measurement.

In expert mode, you have different option how license data is retrieved for

• Direct transfer through RFC connection. The remote system must be available
during the measurement.
• Export an XML file from the remote SAP system and import to the license
measurement cockpit inbox. Use this option if the remote system is not available
during measurement. You can either create and export file manually on the
remote system, save it to a disc, and then upload it to the measuring system. Or
your can retrieve the export file via the RFC connection. In both cases, you must
make sure that the age of the retrieved license data does not exceed the
maximum age that you set for license data.
• Content Server connected to an SAP system.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 385
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

To run license measurement in expert mode:

1. Start License Measurement Cockpit with transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

OpenText License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.
2. Click Change to Expert Mode.
Click Always Start in Expert Mode if you want this option.
3. Maintain OpenText archives and product exclusions.
On the Preparation of SAP System tab, you can identify OpenText archives and
define which products you want to exclude from measurement.

a. Maintain OpenText Archives on this SAP Server

In the list of content repositories on this SAP server, you can select which
repository is used as an OpenText Archive. Access permissions for the
OpenText archives are used to validate license types. This setting is valid
for all clients on this server.

Note: OpenText Archives must be maintained on each remote SAP

system that you include in your measurement.

This section is only visible if Extended ECM is installed and Enterprise

Library IDs are maintained in the IMG activity.
Save your settings.
b. OpenText Products Sold by SAP Than Have Been Licensed: Select if you
licensed OpenText Employee File Management (EFM) or OpenText Travel
Receipts Management for SAP Solutions (TRM). When you selected an
option, DocuLink projects that are recognized as EFM or TRM projects are
ignored when validating access permissions to DocuLink. In any case, TRM
or EFM DocuLink projects are listed in the license report.

Note: These licensed OpenText products must be maintained on each

remote SAP system that you include in your measurement.

Save your settings.

4. Define systems that you want to measure
On the Server and Inbox Measurement tab, you maintain all SAP systems and
Content Servers that are part of your system landscape and that you want to
measure. For each measurement, you can decide which systems you want to
include in that run. You can activate systems that are currently used and
deactivate systems that you currently do not need.

Note: If there are no active or inactive SAP systems maintained, at least

the SAP system from which you are running the license measurement will
be entered after a refresh.

Server is a SAP system

386 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.5. Running license measurement

Server is a Content Server connected to the SAP system

Switch active / inactive

Toggle between active and inactive SAP clients and Content Severs

Activate / deactivate
Activate or deactivate an SAP client or a Content Server. Inactive systems
are only visible in the list of inactive systems. They are not deleted,
though. Measurement data that has been uploaded to the inbox for that
system, is invisible when the system is inactive. It is available again once
you activate the system.

Add a new entry

Create a system connection manually. Alternatively, create a destination
through an RFC destination.
For this, you need the following information. Most of the SAP related
information are available in transaction SLICENSE. Content Server related
information are taken from the Maintain Enterprise Library Server
Settings IMG activity.

• SAP system number, installation number, hardware key, and client

• Server type C for Content Server or S for SAP system
• If the system type is C, provide the Enterprise Library ID as configured
in the IMG of that system as well a connection information and the
RFC destination.

Add new rows from RFC

Add a SAP server or Content Server through an RFC destination.
You can use transaction sm59 to define a new RFC connection with
connection type 3.
If you entered an empty RFC destination, it will be replaced by RFC
destination NONE, which connects to the current SAP client.

Change entry
Edit an entry.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 387
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

Set maximum age

Set the tolerable age in days of the uploaded measurement data. Data that
is older than this age, is not included in the measurement. This also
applies to manually uploaded data.

Set RFC destination

Change the RFC connection for one or more active systems

Delete selected entries

Delete a system entry. You can only delete inactive systems. Deleting an
inactive system also deletes corresponding data from the inbox.
5. Provide measurement data.
You can define how the measurement data is provided by the active systems:

• Automatic file transfer: An export file must be prepared on the remote

system. It must not be older than the maximum age you defined. The remote
system must be available and connected. The export file will then be
transferred to the inbox.
• Manual file transfer: The remote system must be in the list of active systems.
An export file must be prepared on the remote system. It must be exported
and it must be available on a disk or file system.

Enable or disable RFC connection

Enable or disable automatic import of measurement data during the
license measurement. You can disable an RFC connection for a
measurement and use manually imported license data from an exported
XML file instead. Nevertheless, the system must remain active in License
Measurement Cockpit. Only active systems are included in a license
measurement, regardless of the status of the RFC connection.

Upload from file system

Select an active system and upload a file with measurement data to the
inbox of the License Measurement Cockpit. The remote system needs not
be connected through RFC connection. You must have exported the
measurement data first on the remote system. For more information, see
“Creating an export file with license data” on page 390.

If the uploaded measurement data origins from a Content Server,

you must upload two files in a specific order. The file type is part of
the file name, if you did not change the name during export.

388 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.5. Running license measurement

1. File of file type CL

2. File of file type CU

Upload via RFC

Select an active system and import measurement data to the inbox of the
License Measurement Cockpit. The remote system must be connected
through RFC. This action is implicitly carried out when you start a license
measurement run. You can use this manual step for a better monitoring.

Export to file system

Create an export file with license measurement data. For more
information, see “Creating an export file with license data” on page 390.

6. Start License Measurement

a. Click Start License Measurement.

b. Confirm that you want to start a background job for this. While the
background job is running, License Measurement Cockpit is locked for
other activities.
You can use transaction SM37 to monitor the background job. The status of
the background job is also displayed in the title bar of the inbox.
c. Click Refresh to refresh the status.

7. View measurement results.

After the measurement run is finished, you can view the result.

a. Click Display Latest License Report to open the latest report in PDF

Note: This is not necessarily a report of the most recent measurement

if this ended with errors. It is the report of the last measurement that
ended without errors.
b. Open the Status and Results tab to view a consolidated measurement
grouped by license type. For more information, see “License types”
on page 377. You can print the table, save, export or send it .
c. Open the Consolidated Users tab to view a consolidated list of users from
all systems. For more information, see “Understanding the consolidated
measurement results” on page 391.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 389
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

26.6 Creating an export file with license data

If you want to measure a system that will not be available through an RFC
connection during the actual measurement, you can export the measurement data
from that system to a file and then import this file to the measuring system.

When you create the export file, the remote system must be available through an
RFC connection. The export file will first be uploaded to the inbox and then can be
saved to the local file system.

File types - Measurement data for an SAP system consists of one XML file of file
type SA. Measurement data of a Content Server consists of two files: Content Server
license info of file type CL and Content Server users list of file type CU.

Tip: If the measured system has no connection to the system where you are
going to do the actual measurement, and you cannot create the export file from
remote, you can do the following: In the License Measurement Cockpit of the
measured system, create an entry for an active SAP Client, and then create the
export file and save it to the file system or portable disk. Then import it to the
inbox of the measuring system.

To export a license measurement file:

1. Start License Measurement Cockpit with transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.

2. Click Change to Expert Mode.

3. Select the system, for which you want to create the export file.

4. Click Start License Measurement. License measurement must end without

errors before you can export the file.

5. On the Servers and Inbox for Measurement tab, click Export to File
6. Click Yes to confirm the export.
The export file is created and uploaded to the inbox of the License Measurement
Cockpit. A message box informs you about it.

7. After the import, select a directory to save the export file to.
If you exported measurement data from a Content Server, two files are saved:
First a file of file type CL with the Content Server license, and immediately after
that a file of file type CU with user information.

390 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.7. Understanding the consolidated measurement results

26.7 Understanding the consolidated measurement

You can view the results of the license measurement on different levels:

Overview list

On the Status and Result tab, you see the results of the consolidated measurement.
Total number or users, grouped by license type.

Compressed list

On the Consolidated Users tab, you see the Compressed User List of
Consolidation. Users from the measured systems are grouped to unique ID's and
properties. Duplicate users were identified by matching login names. Partition
suffixes of Content Server logins are ignored so that they match the SAP user IDs.

Example: User login on the SAP system is PETER, and user login on Content Server is
peter@partition. Both logins are consolidated into one count.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 391
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

The yellow status icon indicates inconsistencies or mismatches in license type

assignment. For more information, see “Understanding and resolving licensing
issues” on page 392.

Column Count of grouped user IDs contains the number of different logins from
the measured systems that were mapped to one entry in the compressed user list.

Complete list

Click Change view and select Grouped users to view the Complete User List of all
Measured Systems.

If the source system is an SAP Client users with classification types T for
technical users and X for specifically excluded users were not transferred.
Also not transferred are users with invalid Valid from or Valid To dates in
the user management.

Aside from detailed information about the measured system and the user, this list
also contains license type information and the number of days in which the user has
used functions of Archiving, Document Access or ECMLink. This information is
relevant for users with a license type for occasional users. If this number exceeds 50,
an issue is displayed.

26.8 Understanding and resolving licensing issues

The license evaluation focusses on issues where a license type assignment is
technically inconsistent or insufficient.

392 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

26.8.1 Validation issues after consolidation

Validation issues types CA_ARCH, CA_DACC, CA_XECM

This is the same as types CA (Table 26-3) and XEXM_NO_LICENSE (Section 26.8.3).

User has permissions to access features of Archiving, Document Access or ECMLink

but has not sufficient license types.

In single source systems, a license type of ECMLink is sufficient for usage of

Archiving, Document Access or ECMLink; a license type for Document Access is
also sufficient for usage of Archiving.

Validation issues type CO_TRUE

See types CO (Table 26-4) and XECM_MAX_ACCESS_EXCEEDED (Section 26.8.3).

At least in one of the measured systems, the user has accessed Archiving, Document
Access or ECMLink functions on more than 50 days in the past year but none of his
license types is sufficient.

Validation issue type CL

License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

The license type is assigned to SAP logins by roles. Due to the role assignment, it can
occur that a role related to more than one license type is assigned to a user login.
Validation issue type CL occurs if licenses sold by OpenText and SAP are maintained
at the same time for the same user login and client.

In this case, the license type of the highest priority is preferred:

• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving
• Full > Occasional > Web
• Professional > ESS, Employee
• License sold by SAP > sold by OpenText

Table 26-2: Users with an OpenText license and an SAP license

ID Description
CL Users with an OpenText license and an SAP

As the consolidation merges data of duplicate users, it may be that in some
cases issues that were seen in the single source systems disappear. In other
cases, it may be that new issues are raised.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 393
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

Example: Content Server user hmueller@ECM has no license type assigned and issue
XECM_NO_LICENSE was indicated.

SAP user hmueller has license type SXECMF xECM Full User sold by SAP and issue CL was

After consolidation, both user entries were identified to belong to the same person. The
resulting license type of this unique user is SXECMF. Therefore the issue XECM_NO_LICENSE
is no longer valid, which means that issue CA_XECM will not be raised for that unique ID. But
issue CL persists and is indicated as the inconsistency between seller models could still be a
source of error.

26.8.2 Validation issues types on the SAP system

OpenText license measurement checks if the maintained data is consistent. The
system gathers this information for each user in each client and collects counts. If
inconsistent data occur, a validation issue is counted. The validation issue counts are
listed in the OpenText license report. The report lists different types of validation
issues. Details on user level are shown in the list of evaluated users.
Only validation issues of valid dialog users are counted.

Validation issue type CA

User has access permissions to Archiving, Document Access or Extended ECM but
either no or a an insufficient license type was assigned to this user.

For each user, the license type of the highest priority is obtained from the values of
authorization object J_6NLC_TYP authorization object assigned to this user:

• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving

• Full > Occasional > Web

In addition, the program checks for access permissions of the user based on other
authorization objects:

• Archiving - S_WFAR_OBJ, S_WFAR_PRI

• Document Access - J_6NG_DATA (EFM, TRM projects excluded if licensing flags
for EFM and TRM are set), J_6NRL_SEA
• Extended ECM - J_6NRL_DOL, J_6NRL_WSC

The following results cause a validation issue:

• if the user is allowed to access a product but the maintained license type is not
• if no license type was maintained for a user.
• if only the wildcard value * is assigned as a license type to a user.

394 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

Table 26-3: CA: Maintained OpenText license is not sufficient compared to

license required by access permissions

ID Maintained license type Required product license

ARCH No OpenText license type OpenText Archiving or
maintained SAP Archiving by OpenText
DACC No OpenText license type OpenText Document Access
maintained or
SAP Document Access by
XECM No OpenText license type OpenText Extended ECM or
maintained SAP Extended ECM by
XECMALL Only wildcard values are OpenText Extended ECM or
maintained for OpenText SAP Extended ECM by
license type OpenText
XECMOARCF OpenText Archiving – Full OpenText Extended ECM or
Named User SAP Extended ECM by
XECMOARCW OpenText Archiving – Web OpenText Extended ECM or
Named User SAP Extended ECM by

Validation issue type CO

User has an “occasional” license type but has accessed Archiving, Document Access
or ECMLink functions on the SAP system on more than 50 days in the past year.

License types for occasional usage are maintained when a user is accessing OpenText
applications only occasionally. This concerns, for example, ESS usage, usage as
Employee, or Web usage.

For license measurement, the maintained license type set in authorization object
J_6NLC_TYP is counted. At the same time, the access log entries not older than the
current date -1 year are cross checked in table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS.

If the count of entries for a user login in a client is greater than 50, and the license
type is classified as a type for occasional usage, this causes a validation issue of type

Table 26-4: CO: Users with occasional license used the product on more than
50 days per year

ID Description
OARCO OpenText Archiving – Occasional User
OARCW OpenText Archiving – Web Named User

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 395
Chapter 26 OpenText License Report

ID Description
SARCW SAP Archiving by OpenText – User:
Employee, ESS User

Validation issue type CL

License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

The license type is assigned to SAP logins by roles. Due to the role assignment, it can
occur that a role related to more than one license type is assigned to a user login.
Validation issue type CL occurs if licenses sold by OpenText and SAP are maintained
at the same time for the same user login and client.

In this case, the license type of the highest priority is preferred:

• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving

• Full > Occasional > Web

• Professional > ESS, Employee

• License sold by SAP > sold by OpenText

Table 26-5: Users with an OpenText license and an SAP license

ID Description
CL Users with an OpenText license and an SAP

Log table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS

The log table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS stores information on daily access to

OpenText ABAP applications per client and user. This data is used in the
license validation. The entries of the table are written by applications
DocuLink, Business Content, Imaging Integration, FullText search, Forms
Management and DesktopLink. Occasional users are entitled to use OpenText
applications up to 50 days/year.

Data older than one year is not required and can be regularly deleted.

To delete log entries older than one year, execute transaction se38 to start the
program /OTX/CL_MAINTAIN_ACCESS_LOG. It checks for ACTVT = 03 of
authorization object S_USER_GRP.

The data of this log table has no further relevance beyond license validation.

396 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide
26.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

26.8.3 Validation issue types on Content Server

If on Content Server license types are assigned by group assignment, users can have
more than one license type assignment. If multiple license types are assigned to on
user, the most comprehensive license type is used.


User has access permissions to use ECMLink features on Content Server but has no
sufficient license type.

Similar issue on SAP side is CA (Table 26-3) with ACCESS_TYPE = XECM.


User has an “occasional” license type but has accessed ECMLink functions on
Content Server on more than 50 days in the past year.

Similar issue on SAP side is CO (Table 26-4).


License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

Similar issue on SAP side is CL (Table 26-5).

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 397
You can find a short description of the individual OpenText components in “Overview of the
components involved“ on page 25.

Action Definition

A description of the various processing types for an Activity, e.g. different types
of communication media or processing method or Smart Form to be used.

Action Profile

A definition of how Activities are to be processed for business objects. The action
profiles are linked to an activity type. The profile may contain several action


A scheduled activity in a business process whose start and execution is controlled

by the Post Processing Framework (PPF).

Administration server

The server that is responsible for administrating the OpenText Archive and
Storage Services. Starts the DocumentServices tools when requested by the
Administration client.

Archive Content repositories

Storage system to store data and documents permanently

Archive Modes

The archive mode defines the various scenarios for the Scan-Client (e.g.Late
archiving with bar codes, Assign then store, Storing for subsequent
entry) and is defined via the Livelink ECM – Archive Administration.


A form required for storing Exchange objects (e.g. e-mails) interactively on the
OpenText Email Archiving for Microsoft Exchange.

ArchiveLink monitor

A general tool to monitor the current operation of ArchiveLink. This allows you
to monitor all components (spool, queues, batch processing etc.) involved in
storage from one central point of view. All steps, especially errors, are logged.
Failed storage jobs can be restarted.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 399


An interface between the SAP system and the archive system. Using ArchiveLink,
mostly static and finished documents are stored (as opposed to the KPro


Attributes are additional information for a document which can originate from
various applications, e.g. Word or DocuLink. These attributes or file properties
can be set automatically (e.g. file name, author) or defined by the user. Attributes
can be used for identifying, classifying and indexing the file.

Business object

The highest object in the SAP object hierarchy to describe business processes, e.g.
business partners (BP).


Computer Output to Laser Disk - automatically created document lists that are
stored on an optical storage medium.

Communication protocol

The communication protocol defines how the particular document classes are
processed in the SAP application. A protocol is assigned to an archive (content
repository, archive). This ensures that all documents of a document class held in
the same archive (content repository) are handled in the same way.

The protocol also defined which application the end-user may use to scan, as well
as which application will be started via OLE. This setting applies for all archives
that use the protocol.

Content Management documents

Dynamic documents that are still being processed, with additional information
such as versioning and processing status.


A special print driver that converts the file to PDF- or TIFF format first, and then
stores it (IXOS PDF Converter SAP or IXOS TIFF Converter SAP)

Default settings

A group of document types. Presettings are maintained during customizing. For

each document type, the transaction user responsible for the work item is defined
and the archiving scenario to be used is specified.


A Windows Viewer functionality to scan individual documents.

400 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide


Programs that perform individual, elementary actions with documents in the

Document Pipeline.

Document class

The technical document format. The document class determines the program
used to recall and display the document. Windows Viewer and SAP applications
recognize and handle archived documents according to their document class.

Document Service

The core of the archive system. It consists of the read component (RC), which
supplies archived documents, and the write component (WC) which archives

Document type Document type

Classification for documents using characteristic features and the corresponding

organizational processes.


A function that allows you to execute transactions across system borders by

linking data from one application with data from other applications.

Exchange directory

The directory that is used to exchange documents to be archived or supplied

between the SAP application and the archive server.

Expert Service Center

The IXOS Expert Service Center (ESC) contains up-to-date information that is
continually updated by IXOS employees, e.g. technical information, FAQs, the
most recent release information and much more.


In the SAP system, outgoing documents are normally printed in standard forms,
in order to preserve legible, attractive pages into which graphical elements such
as company logos can be integrated. This means that the standard forms are filled
with data generated by the SAP reports.

General task

General tasks and workflows can be performed or started by any user.

Generic object services (GOS)

Functions that are not application-specific and can generally be used for any
business object, e.g. creating or displaying documents.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 401

See Generic object services (GOS).


The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) replaced the RFC method and controls
communication between the archive system and the SAP system in newer

Incoming documents

Documents that are imported to the SAP system from other applications, e.g. e-
mails, faxes, MS Office documents.


Definition of storage conditions, e.g. the archive to which the document is to be

stored, by selecting the scenario, default settings and document type for the
document to be stored.

Initial customizing

Initial customizing consists of basic settings for SAP ArchiveLink®, which must
be implemented once for each SAP system.

KPro (Knowledge Provider)

KPro is an infrastructure that provides, among other things, document storage

services (e.g. Content Management Service). Thus, Content Management
documents in particular can be stored without losing additional information such
as versioning or processing status.

Link tables

Contain the links between the archived documents and the business objects.

Livelink ECM – Archive Administration (= Archive Administration)

An administration tool for setting up servers, archives, devices, hard disk buffers,
jobs, archive modes and users.

Logical archive

The storage area on the archive server in which documents can be stored. May
consist of one or more pools.


Transferring documents from one storage system to another, e.g. from an R/3 data
base to an OpenText Archive and Storage Services.

402 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide

Multi-document type

A multi-document type combines a number of document types.

Object type object type

The object type describes an SAP application business object specific to each SAP
module. It describes the structure of the records, including the key fields of the
different tables. The BKPF object type, for example, defines the document
number, company code and fiscal year key fields. In addition, the object type
specifies how the object is processed. Processing is defined by methods, which are
determined for each object type. These methods contain operations that can be
applied to each object. Object types are set up in the SAP application standard
and do not need to be defined in terms of ArchiveLink customizing.

ODMA (Open Document Management API)

An interface used to import documents from Windows applications into an SAP


OpenText Archive and Storage Services (= Archive and Storage Services)

The server where the DocumentService and the archive data base is installed.

OpenText Document Pipeline Info (= Document Pipeline Info)

A graphical user interface to monitor the OpenText Document Pipeline.

OpenText Document Pipeline

A mechanism that manages document processing with a very high security level
until the documents are handed over to the Document Service.

OSS notes

OSS notes are provided by SAP and contain post-release changes or corrections
for already released versions of SAP products. When you encounter SAP-specific
problems or false behavior in SAP programs, especially after or during a new
installation of product components, check the SAP homepage for necessary OSS

Outgoing documents

All documents that were created in the SAP system itself, e.g. invoices, order
confirmations etc.

Output determination

After a test to see if the application data fulfills specific conditions, one or more
messages are retrieved which can then be processed (e.g. sent electronically). This
method is used, for example, for outgoing documents. (In CRM systems this was
replaced by PPF.)

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 403

Post Processing Framework (PPF)

The Post Processing Framework is an interface for triggering conditional

activities, e.g. printing delivery notes, faxing order confirmations, or triggering
approval procedures. For CRM systems, PPF replaces the output determination
used in previous SAP versions.

See Post Processing Framework (PPF).

Print lists

Documents that are created by the SAP system and, if necessary, can be processed
automatically. They represent extracts from the SAP data base, compiled
according to specific criteria, and created by reports, e.g. batch where-used lists or
cost center reports, or reports from the activity monitor

Processing class

The processing class is responsible for sending the activities to the Smart Forms as
well as processing the activities and is required in order to create outgoing
documents and forms.

Processing method

The method used for data base selection when outgoing documents and forms are

See Communication protocol.

Renditions (OpenText Rendition Server)

Documents that are converted to a new format (TIFF, PDF) by the OpenText
Rendition Server to ensure that they are not modified and can be stored long-
term, independently from new software versions.

RFC service

A program used for communication between the SAP application and the archive
system via RFC (Remote Function Calls).

SAP Referenz-IMG

A tool for customizing in the SAP system.

Scheduling condition

According to the scheduling conditions, the system determines which activities it

should plan for the document (within the PPF).

404 OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide


The SecKey ensures that the URL cannot be modified after it was created by the
SAP system. Thus, access to the document is secure and access control is
managed by the SAP system. The document contents are not protected by the

Smart Form

A Smart Form defines the layout of an (outgoing) document.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

A standard for secure communication between the client and server via HTTP.

Standard task

An individual job step to be used in workflow definitions. In standard tasks you

can execute business object methods.

Start condition

The start condition is tested (within the PPF) before the activity is executed. The
activity is only executed if the start condition is fulfilled.

Transaction type

A transaction type controls the processing of a particular business occurrence and

is assigned to one business object only.


A measurement unit for the offset of a document to a form. 1 TWIPS is about

0.0176mm, 1440 TWIPS = 1 inch.

Work item

An individual workflow step.


A sequence of steps (work items) which are processed either by persons or

automatically by the system.

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions – Scenario Guide 405

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