P&G BusinessSphere PDF
P&G BusinessSphere PDF
• This complex data is presented visually in business • P&G business leaders around the globe see the
processes, allowing leaders to view the data more same business data in the same way at the same
easily, process the information faster, and quickly time, allowing them to collaborate more effectively.
turn insights into actions.
• The system is already providing business value.
• GBS Analysts use the technology to help bring One supply chain example leveraged supply chain
context to the data and identify opportunities Sufficiency models to bring together multiple data
for P&G. points, analytics, and visualizations. This resulted in
an inventory reduction of 25% and savings of tens
of millions of dollars.
About GBS Business Availability:
Sphere Technology:
This system is patent-pending. Currently, we have
This patent-pending integration of technology, over 40 interconnected Business Spheres around the
visualization, and information enables leaders to globe which integrate a number of technologies to
drill-down into data to get answers in real-time. deliver an immersive visualization experience.
Nicole Summers
P&G GBS External Relations
summers.nc@pg.com pginnovation.com