Abb Kopex Ex DTS A1 Poster 2018 Aw
Abb Kopex Ex DTS A1 Poster 2018 Aw
Explosives atmospheres
Guide to ATEX and IECEx classification
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Classifications of hazardous areas Gas & dust groups
Classifications of ATEX
hazardous areas Description Group Category EPL Equipment usage Group Typical Examples
Mining Energised Persistant risk of methane gas I M1 Ma Mining I Methane (Mining only)
De-energised and other dusts I M2 Mb Gases IIA Propane Ammonia, methane
Gas Zone 0 Persistant and continuous presence II 1G Ga ATEX Equipment category 1G, gasoline, butane
environments of gas for frequent or long periods equipment protection level Ga IIB Ethylene Town gas,
Zone 1 Likely occurence of gas presence II 2G Gb ATEX Equipment category 2G or higher, acrylonitril
in normal operation equipment protection level Gb or higher IIB+H2 Hydrogen
Zone 2
Unlikely occurence of gas presence II 3G Gc ATEX Equipment category 3G,
in normal operation, short term
equipment protection level Gc or higher IIC Hydrogen, Carbon disulphide
persistence if any acetylene
Dust Zone 20 Persistant and continuous presence II 1D Da ATEX Equipment category 1D, Dusts IIIA Combustable flyings Wood shaving
environments of dust for frequent or long periods equipment Protection Level Da
Zone 21 Likely occurence of dust II 2D Db ATEX Equipment category 2D or higher, IIIB Non-conductive dust Saw dust, flour
presence in normal operation equipment protection level Db or higher
Zone 22 Unlikely occurence of dust presence II 3D Dc ATEX Equipment category 3D or higher, IIIC Conductive dust Metal dust
in normal operation, short term equipment protection level Dc or higher
persistence if any
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Temperature classification Protection concepts