Weekend at Strahds
Weekend at Strahds
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Adventure Primer
eekend at Strahd’s is a one shot adventure for casual play with your
friends or enemies with characters levels 5–10. One player plays
the role of Strahd von Zarovich, using the vampire stat block or
Strahd von Zarovich stat block (see appendix D, “Monsters and
NPCs,” in Curse of Strahd) during play.
This adventure relies on playing music (see appendix A, “Playlist”) that ties directly to
the thematic elements of each of the ten scenes of this adventure. The overall objective is
for the characters to find five pieces of the Pentaforce to summon a powerful entity that
can dispose of Strahd’s corpse once and for all!
Weekend at Strahd’s
he characters begin this adventure in the Dining Hall of the Count (Area K10)
of Castle Ravenloft. They have defeated Strahd, encounter Pidlwick II and
learn they have two hours to collect the five pieces of the Pentaforce. Once the
pieces of the Pentaforce are collected, the characters may dispose of Strahd’s
corpse once and for all.
Play “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis & the News
once you finish reading or paraphrasing the above text. Pidlwick II slowly enters the room wearing a bright orange
Let me tell you, when you play music in conjunction with wig and pedaling a small, rusty red bicycle. On the front of
this adventure, you are going to look like a Dungeon the bike is a strange miniature piano.
Master god. You can thank me later. Once he enters the room, he does a little happy dance
and giggles before informing the characters that they have
The characters have a few moments in the dining hall two hours to dispose of Strahd’s corpse or else the end
before Pidlwick II (NE small construct flesh golem) of the world occurs. He describes the end of the world
shows up. There is no one else in the room to witness the as a dark place with strange music and rolling words no
characters killing Strahd. When you are ready, introduce one cares about. Ancient and obscure tomes describe this
Pidlewick II to the scene. apocalypse as “The Final Credits.” Read or paraphrase the
following to describe “The Final Credits.”
Pidlwick II is a small clockwork doll that loves to wear
colorful jester outfits and murder guests in Castle A large oak table occupies the center of this
Ravenloft. He recently smothered a visiting guest with magnificent study. The walls are lined with book
a pillow, extracted their vocal cords, and implanted shelves filled with leather-bound tomes. Five young
them in his throat so that he may talk. Pidlwick II speaks humans are sitting around the table staring at each
Common and has an innocent, childlike voice. other in utter boredom.
PILLARS OF ADVENTURE! Trigger. A character attempts to harm or damage the
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of heart in any way.
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit. Effect. The heart begins to glow with fierce, continual
Combat. The Brunch Club does not want a fight. fluorescent strobe lighting, dazzling all present. Characters
If combat ensues, Ismark and Parriwimple fight in self- that can see the Heart must make a DC 15 Constitution
defense while the others flee. saving throw or suffer the effects of a confusion spell.
Exploration. The character with the highest This can cause creatures affected by it to walk off the
passive perception score spots an oddly placed book stairwell, potentially to hilarious (if tragic) effect should
on one of the shelves. This book is a lever and activates they happen to be high up. The light show flickers until the
a blade trap protecting one piece of the Pentaforce. heart is destroyed, causing creatures that can see it to have
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check disadvantage on attack rolls against it.
revels that pulling the book activates a blade trap.
Characters disarm the blade trap if they succeed on a SMASH AND GRAB
DC 18 Dexterity check or DC 14 Dexterity check using The heart is made of magical glass. Characters standing
thieves’ tools. on the nearby stairs can make melee attacks against
If the blade trap is activated, each creature in the the heart, provided their weapons have a reach of at
room must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a least 10 feet. The glass heart has AC 15 and 50 hit
success, they dodge the blade. On a failure, the blade points. Whenever the heart is damaged, if Strahd’s body
severs their heads and they instantly die. This trap is is present, it flops about as if physically struck, suffering
successful disarmed by a DC 15 Dexterity check using cosmetic damage of the nature caused to the heart. For
Thieves’ Tools. example, if a hammer smashes the heart, Strahd might
There is a set of thieves’ tool strapped to the bottom develop an ugly black eye, or a dented skull.
of the table in this room. If a character looks under the
table, they spot it.
Social. The Brunch Club asks the characters to Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of
bring them brunch from the Cauldron (see area 7. adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
Cauldron). If the characters bring them brunch, The Combat. The heart (alas) is not a particularly
Brunch Club gives them their set of thieves’ tools if the active combatant. Deploying a vampire spawn
characters succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion to defend it could keep things moving.
or Intimidation) check. The Brunch Club is unaware of Exploration. The Heart of Sorrow is a
the blade trap. majestic magical artifact and clearly a masterwork
of artifice. Studying it could be the key to all kinds of
breakthroughs about the nature of light, glasswork and
COLLECTING THE PENTAFORCE PIECES necromancy. Clever characters might think of magical
The characters collect one piece of the Pentaforce if they ways to breach the heart without breaking it, such as
successfully disarm the blade trap. using mage hand to manipulate the Pentaforce piece
from inside, or using teleportation to zip inside the heart
2. HIGH TOWER STAIRCASE and retrieve the piece.
If a creature that cannot fly teleports inside the heart,
the heart suddenly careens 390 feet to the floor below.
This huge, empty tower has a stone staircase Fortunately, the Heart smashes at the bottom, releasing
winding around the interior, which access each floor the Pentaforce piece, but this could prove something of
of the castle. Floating high above, in the reaches of a pyrrhic victory for the creature inside, depending on
the tower, a gigantic glass heart pulses with light. the circumstances.
Social. Though the heart has no obvious way of
CUE MUSIC communicating, it may be able to transmit emotions
telepathically to creatures who can communicate in
When the characters enter the tower, play “Total Eclipse
that manner. If so, it begs for mercy in a long and
of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler.
emotionally over-charged ballad that leaves everyone
feeling a bit worn out.
There is a piece of the Pentaforce inside the Heart of
Sorrow, a magical artifact enchanted by Strahd to grant
him endurance and vitality. The glow emanates from the CUE MUSIC
Pentaforce piece, which is clear to any character that When the Heart of Sorrow transmits emotions
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. telepathically to characters, play “Do You Really Want
to Hurt Me” by Culture Club.
Simple trap (level 1–4, dangerous threat)
The Heart of Sorrow is elaborately booby trapped with COLLECTING THE PENTAFORCE PIECES
magic to defend itself against those with larcenous intent. The characters collect one piece of the Pentaforce if they
manage to retrieve it from inside the Heart of Sorrow.
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of
Dim moonlight shines through a splendid adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
stained-glass window above the stone altar in Combat. Donavich only engages in combat in
this large chapel. A cloaked and hooded figure self-defense.
is pouring liquid throughout the chapel as they Exploration. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
whisper a prayer. (Perception) check reveals uneven bricks in the
chapel wall leading to a catwalk 10 feet above the
The figure is Donavich (LG male human acolyte), a priest fire. Climbing the bricks requires a successful DC 14
of Lathander from the village of Barovia. Under the hood, Strength (Athletics) check. The catwalk is unstable
he wears a red hairy mask, which represents the great due to its old age and sways back and forth when
Saint Elmo. Saint Elmo brought the word of Lathander to used. Successfully walking across the catwalk requires
Barovia long ago, although he was eventually stoned to a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a failed
death for having an annoying voice and giggle. check, a character must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity
Donavich came to Castle Ravenloft looking for his saving throw or fall 10 feet from the catwalk into the
son Doru (see area D1) and wants to burn down Castle fire. Characters who fall from the catwalk take 3 (1d6)
Ravenloft. He is pouring a flammable liquid all over bludgeoning damage in addition to damage from
the chapel. When he notices the characters, he ignites the fire.
the liquid, setting the entire chapel alight. Saint Elmo, If a character successfully walks across the catwalk,
impressed with Donvich’s commitment to Lathander, they can drop 5 feet down atop the altar to grab the
grants Donavich the wings of an angel. This allows piece of the Pentaforce.
Donavich to have a flying speed of 60 ft. to escape the fire Social. Donavich is looking for his son Doru.
and watch the chapel burn. He asks the characters to look for his son and offers to
bless them if they find Doru (see area 1. Study). If the
CUE MUSIC characters bring Doru to Donavich, then he blesses the
When Donavich ignites the liquid, play “St. Elmo’s Fire characters with the blessing of Saint Elmo. This blessing
(Man in Motion)” by John Parr. allows the characters to move through the fire without
taking any damage.
Once the chapel is ablaze Donavich flies about the chapel
watching it burn, giggling and laughing as he reveals his
hairy mask of Saint Elmo and holds his hands high in COLLECTING THE PENTAFORCE PIECES
praise to Lathander. The characters collect one piece of the Pentaforce if they
successfully pick it up from the altar.
Donavich speaks in a high-pitched voice and giggles 4. DINING HALL
as a way to honor the memory of Saint Elmo. He
is otherwise friendly but does not offer to help the This long room is dominated by a banquet table
characters unless they help him find Doru. stacked with rich food. Two bleak-looking aristocrats
are seated in front of their meal, each looking
SAINT ELMO’S FIRE terrified, whilst a ghostly young boy at the head of
The fire blazes throughout the entire room making it the table eats happily. A gigantic organ covers the
difficult to see; all perception checks have disadvantage. back wall.
If this is a location containing a piece of the Pentaforce
The three figures are Dimtri Kzrekov (LN male noble)
then characters who succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
and his wife, Anna (LG female noble), and their deceased
(Perception) check spot a piece of the Pentaforce on
son, Ilya. They are being held hostage by the ghost of
the altar.
their young son, Ilya (CN male ghost), who is forcing
If a character begins or ends their turn in the fire, they
them to “have dinner.” Attempting to engage either parent
take 26 (4d12) fire damage. It takes characters 30 feet of
or disturb the dinner angers the Ilya, which begins to
movement to reach the piece of the Pentaforce on the
cause chaos.
altar. Several rats recently decomposed underneath the
piece of the Pentaforce, creating a glue like substance that CUE MUSIC
holds the Pentaforce firmly in place. Breaking the piece of
the Pentaforce free from the glue requires an action and a When Dimitri or Anna try to speak, instead play
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. “Banana Boat (Day-O)” by Harry Belafonte.
This emanates from their mouths whatever
else they try to say. The organ plays a rousing
accompaniment of its own volition.
Dimitri and Anna are under the spell of their son, who PILLARS OF ADVENTURE!
is possessing them whilst retaining full access to his Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of
other ghostly functions. He uses the couple to pelt adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
oncoming characters with food, whilst giggling to himself. Combat. Ilya is a temperamental ghost and an
The Kzrekovs are not in control, and continue to sing or unwelcoming host. Some characters may find a simple
throw food for as long as Ilya finds it amusing. assault on his person to be the most efficient way of
dealing with him. In this case, Ilya uses his parents to
ROLEPLAYING ILYA defend him from assault.
Ilya as a high-pitched boy’s voice with a slight echo. Exploration. The table is full of food. A detect
Ilya enjoys games but gets angry when anyone tries to poison and disease spell reveals the presence of the
get attention from his parents (whom he considers his beetle juice and its apotropaic benefits.
property). He is prone to tantrums. Social. Dimitri and Anna are unable to move
effectively, but they can sometime move their hands,
attempting to sign to the characters the location of the
BEETLE JUICE juice by elaborate (but largely ineffectual) charades.
Ilya fears only one thing: a drink that his parents would
A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals the
threaten him with when he misbehaved, made from
nature of their intent. In addition, Ilya has the demeanor
pulverized insects they aptly named, “Beetle Juice.”
of a sulky child—approaching him in the authoritative
Ilya occasionally bursts into fits of frothing rage,
manner of a parent can stymie him briefly. A successful
screaming, “I won’t drink the bad stuff,” and other words
DC 13 Charisma (Intimidation) check can effect this,
to that effect. An inspection of any of the tumblers or
distracting the ghost for long enough that Dimitri and
pitchers in the room reveals the contents to be a dark,
Anna can more effectively gesture their distress using
viscous liquid. A successful DC 11 Intelligence (Nature)
their whole bodies.
check reveals this is juice made from the smashed
remains of beetles. Threatening Ilya with it causes the
ghost to quaver. Doing so three times causes the ghost COLLECTING THE PENTAFORCE PIECES
to flee the scene, releasing Dimitri and Anna from their If this location contains a piece of the Pentaforce, it
imprisonment. appears in Ilya’s chair after the ghost has been banished
or defeated.
Dim light from three ornate lanterns illuminates a
large banner hanging across the room ceiling with
the phrase, “Barovian Winter Fantasy ’86” written in
common. A handsome young man wearing a pastel-
purple fluffy suit and a teal bow tie is sitting on a
couch all by himself.
Escher is nervous and intimidated that Strahd won’t
return his affection. Charismatic when dealing with the
characters, but his nervousness causes him to clam up
when Strahd is present.
BAROVIAN WINTER FANTASY ’86 Epic Success. Zero failed ability checks. The
Escher wants to attend a prom and take Strahd as his characters make this the best prom ever! All characters
date. When Escher notices the characters, he asks for their gain inspiration and Escher gives them his piece of the
help to create the prom so he can dance the night away Pentaforce.
with Strahd. If the characters help Escher with this task, Success. The prom is a success! Escher gives the
as a reward he offers them the piece of the Pentaforce he characters his piece of the Pentaforce.
keeps around his neck. Failure. The prom is a failure. Escher attacks the
characters for ruining his prom!
PILLARS OF ADVENTURE! Epic Failure. Zero successful ability checks. The
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of prom is an epic failure! Escher attacks the characters for
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit. ruining his prom, and to make things worse, Ricky Roll
Combat. Escher attacks the characters if they fail (CE male wraith) shows up and tries to save the prom
their group ability check or if he catches anyone trying by singing.
to steal the piece of the Pentaforce around his neck. Naturally, this only makes things worse. Each creature
Exploration. The punch spiker (see Prom Roles hearing Ricky Roll’s singing must make a DC 15 Wisdom
table below) can spike the blood punch in the prom if saving throw. On a failure, a creature is stunned for 1
they succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) minute. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the
check. If they give spiked blood punch to Escher, Escher end of each of their turns, ending the effect on itself on
drinks it and gains one level of exhaustion. a success.
Social. A character can run for Prom King or
Queen. If a character earns a majority of votes from CUE MUSIC
the other characters, they win the election and gain If Ricky Roll shows up and begins singing, play “Never
inspiration. A Prom King and Queen may each choose Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley.
one character to reroll an ability check during this
Holding the Prom. Characters make a group The characters collect one piece of the Pentaforce if they
ability check to successfully hold the prom. To make successfully hold the prom or kill Escher and remove it
a group ability check, each character selects a prom from his cold undead hands!
role (see the “Prom Roles” table, below) and makes the
corresponding ability check. The only mandatory role
is Strahd. Strahd must dance with Escher or else the
characters fail.
If at least half the group succeeds, the whole group Deep below Castle Ravenloft, thick columns support
succeeds, otherwise they fail. Have fun with this scene an ancient crypt shrouded in dust and cobwebs.
and allow characters to narrate how they use their ability Three gaunt women in red, yellow and green bridal
checks and roles. If characters fail their ability checks, let gowns are bickering up ahead.
them have fun describing entertaining ways they fail.
The three brides of Strahd (LE female vampire spawn),
CUE MUSIC known as the Heathers, are saying nasty things about
someone called Tatyana behind her back.
When the prom begins, play “Forever Young” by
Below are suggestions for roleplaying the Heathers:
PROM ROLES Heather Karelova. Wears red. A total bench.
Role Check Is constantly rude and degrades the other heathers.
Swears like a sailor on leave in hell.
Strahd (Escher’s Partner) Charisma (Performance)
“Well, fork me gently with a chainsaw, who the
Performer Charisma (Performance) hell is this?”
Chaperone Wisdom (Perception) Heather Popofsky. Wears yellow. Sly and
Punch Spiker Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) snide. Likes to make people feel bad about their
Bench Warmer Dexterity (Stealth) appearances.
“You know, it’s a good thing you have good bone
Principal Charisma (Intimidation)
structure. Did you pick those clothes yourself?”
Prom King Strength (Athletics) Heather Vilisevic. Wears green. Drifts around
Prom Queen Charisma (Deception) rather emptily. Obsessed with herself, and oblivious to
Valedictorian Intelligence (History) the comments of others.
“Do I look pretty when I twirl?”
Difficulty. This is a DC 15 group ability check.
There are four outcomes for this event based on the group
ability check:
The Heathers want the characters to join in trashing this
Tatyana (whoever she is) before they will allow any of the
characters to join their clique.
The Heathers do not care for the quality of the insults,
only that the characters join in their slating of the poor,
absent Tatyana.
They also suggest the characters join them in a game
of “Strip Croquet,” an elaborate game that involves using
mallets to hit a ball through small hoops on the ground.
Each time a player fails an ability check to hit a ball
through the small hoops, the Heathers “strip down” a
body part… cutting away any flesh and muscles until they
reach the bone!
When the game begins, play “Girls Just Want to Have
Fun” by Cyndi Lauper.
The witches love making brunch and serving it to guests. The characters collect one piece of the Pentaforce if they
However, the witches have one condition before they give successfully remove it from Jeremy Krawfjord’s fanny
their brunch to others: they must have a dance off! As pack. If the characters win the dance off, Jeremy gives
haggard as the witches appear, when they dance, they them his piece of Pentaforce.
have the finesse of a swan and limberness of a gymnast.
Before the dance off begins, the witches remove their
black robes, revealing spandex athletic dance attire
The walls of this large walk-in closet are lined with
CUE MUSIC hooks on which hang a large variety of feathered
When the dance off begins, play “Maniac” by hats, sequined cloaks and other dazzling accessories.
Michael Sembello.
This room is haunted by the banshee of Gralmore
Dance off. Each character pairs up with a Barovian Nimblenobs (CG male banshee), Wizard Ordinaire. In life,
witch and makes a Strength (Athletics or Acrobatics) Gralmore was a lover of finery and fashion. In death, this
or Dexterity (Performance or Sleight of Hand) check has not changed a bit. Alas, in his new incorporeal form,
contested by their partner's Dexterity (Performance) check. Gralmore is unable to drape himself in colorful gowns; the
The witches gain +4 to Dexterity (Performance) checks adventurers provide an opportunity for the geist to play.
due to their year of dancing practice. If a player chooses to
show off dance moves in real life, they receive advantage
on their character's ability check during this contest. When the characters enter the closet, play “Careless
During the dance off, the creature with the lowest roll Whisper” by George Michael.
must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or lose
their balance and fall into the cauldron. A creature that
falls into the cauldron instantly melts and dies.
The banshee of Gralmore Nimblenobs has the following
After all the characters have danced, the winners from
additional trait:
the previous dance off round pair up and repeat the above
Spellcasting. Gralmore is an 9th-level spellcaster.
steps. This happens until only one final dance champion
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4
remains, at which point a chair and lever magically appear.
to hit with spell attacks). Gralmore has following Wizard
If a character pulls the lever, water magically crashes down
spells prepared:
upon them in dramatic fashion and Jeremy Krawfjord
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights
gently falls to the ground, released from the rope holding
1st level (4 slots): grease, catapult, color spray
him above the cauldron.
2nd level (3 slots): enthrall
PILLARS OF ADVENTURE! 3rd level (3 slots): hypnotic pattern, major image
4th level (2 slots): charm monster
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of 5th level (1 slot): animate objects
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
Combat. The Barovian witches fight in self- As the characters enter the closet, Nimblenobs casts
defense, if a character attempts to steal brunch from animate objects and floats about the room draping clothes
their cauldron, or if a character attempts to free Jeremy over everyone and commenting on how wonderful/ghastly
Krawfjord without winning the dance off. they look (depending on the circumstances). If Nimblenobs
Exploration. Throughout this scene, Jeremy
smiles, giggles, and talks about obscure rules no one
knows. If a character looks at Jeremy Krawfjord and
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, they
notice Jeremy is hiding a fanny pack. If the Pentaforce is
in this location, then a piece of the Pentaforce is inside
Jeremy’s fanny pack and the outline of its shape is
clearly visible.
Social. The witches engage in friendly
conversation with the characters. They are happy to
share their brunch with the characters but only if the
characters win the dance competition.
Jeremy Krawfjord knows everything there is to know
and will truthfully answer any question he is asked. If
a character asks him a question regarding rules and
Jeremy answers, then those are the rules. This applies
to anything and everything. Jeremy has this power!
What “rules” you ask? Literally any rules such as
the rules of physics, rules of Dungeons & Dragons
5th Edition, and more!
is allowed to pursue his relatively harmless dressing up 9. WINE CELLAR
of the characters, he is affable in the extreme, and hands
Three male humans are sitting atop large casks of wine
over his shard of the Pentaforce on request—as long
stored along the sides of the walls in this cellar. The men
as the character perform a catwalk for him, it’s been so
are wearing strange caps, black leather jackets, and large
long since anyone put on a show for Gralmore that he’s
gold chain necklaces. It is obvious they are enjoying wine
desperate for one.
as they joke with each other in this damp cellar.
PILLARS OF ADVENTURE! The three men are actually werewolves in human
form. Their names are Kiril, Emil, and Skennis (CE male
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of werewolves) and they are sick and tired of Strahd telling
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit. them what to do. They want to live life to the fullest, free
Combat. Gralmore is not expecting a fight, and is the werewolves from Strahd’s tyranny, and party. It is time
confused by any reluctance to join in his fun. He uses for their revolution to begin!
his magic only in self-defense, unless a character makes
a point of damaging his clothes, at which point he uses FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO PARTY!
his Wail and charges into combat. If Kiril, Emil, or Skennis spot Strahd and the characters,
Exploration. Characters can attempt to they use an action to polymorph into a wolf-humanoid
assemble an attractive (or at least, distinctive) ensemble hybrid and immediately attack.
from the collection. Anyone wishing to do so can make
a DC 11 Charisma (Investigation) check. On a success, CUE MUSIC
the character gains Inspiration, and can choose the When the werewolves attack the characters, play
nature of their new sparkly outfit. Characters proficient “(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)” by the
in an appropriate tool (for instance, weaver’s tools) Beastie Boys.
gain advantage on this check.
Social. Gralmore’s comments are almost solely This room is 60 feet long by 20 feet wide, with wine casks
focused on the outfits. Characters who agree to along the north, east, and south portions of the walls.
compete in an impromptu catwalk for him stand a
chance of winning his cloak of invisibility (hidden under PILLARS OF ADVENTURE!
a secret floorboard compartment).
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
COLLECTING THE PENTAFORCE PIECES Combat. Kiril, Emil, and Skennis are fighting for
The Pentaforce piece is hidden in the pocket of a drab their freedom to do whatever they want. Strahd has
looking cardigan nested under a pile of worn out and been an oppressive tyrant, and it is time Barovians had
yellowing old jockstraps. the right to party!
Exploration. If this room has a piece of the
Pentaforce, that piece is hidden within one of the wine
casks. The wine casks have AC 15 and 18 hit points.
The piece of the Pentaforce is in the first wine cask a
character destroys.
Social. Kiril, Emil, and Skennis shout at the
characters and Strahd. They are angry and upset at
how they have been treated under Strahd’s rule. They
are ready to take over Barovia themselves and make it
a werewolf party paradise.
If a Pentaforce piece is present here, it is tied around the
The wind is fierce, and howls across this rainy balcony
neck of a zombie in the front row of the class, nearest
overlooking a sheer drop to the rocks below. Thunder
the wall.
booms overhead, and flashes of lightning illuminate a
horde of zombies performing an aerobics class.
This balcony is the staging ground for an aerobics class for CONCLUSION
50 zombies led by the ghost of Sir Klutz (N male ghost).
You have collected all five pieces of the Pentaforce!
CUE MUSIC The Pentaforce glows with a blinding holy radiant
When the characters enter the balcony, play “Physical” light that fills the entire Castle! When the light
by Olivia Newton-John. dims, you see a bald man standing before you in a
skintight black cat-suit. He puts a large black curly
The ghost demands that the characters get in line, haired wig atop his head and puckers his slips as he
mistakenly believing them to be late members of the class. says, “Let’s make this quick, I have a comeback tour
Difficulty. Keeping up with the class is a DC 13 to get to!”
Constitution (Athletics) group ability check. This would
be easy enough, but if Strahd is with the characters, he The man is the powerful entity summoned by the
needs to keep up too. Propping him up gives any involved completed Pentaforce. His name is Kris Purkens, and
characters disadvantage on their ability check as they only he can facilitate the true destruction of Strahd von
struggle to keep the corpse performing the right moves. Zarovich!
Epic Success. Zero failed ability checks. The ghost
bubbles and crows at his masterful teaching and disperses CUE MUSIC
the class, sending three benign zombies in sports gear with When Kris Purkens appears, play “If I Could Turn Back
them wherever they go next. Time” by Cher.
Success. The characters keep up with the lesson
and are given leave to exit after ten minutes. Kris offers the characters two choices to put an end to the
Failure. The characters fail to keep up. The tyrannical reign of Strahd:
ghost realizes they are not zombies, and orders them • Turn Back Time. Kris offers to turn back time to
to leave. before Strahd von Zarovich ever invaded Barovia.
Epic Failure. Zero successful ability checks. The characters can interject themselves in that timeline,
The zombies realize the characters are alive, and forever altering Strahd’s demise while Strahd goes on
attempt to throw them off the balcony 350 feet to to become a bard in a big hair band, but the space-time
almost certain death. continuum will never be the same again! Roll credits,
the characters win!
Use the below suggestions for using each pillar of CUE MUSIC
adventure. Feel free to modify as you see fit.
If the characters go back in time, play “Back to the
Combat. The zombies are busy in their class
Future” by Alan Silvestri, from the Back to the Future
unless the ghost of Sir Klutz alerts them to the presence
of intruders. Throwing a character off the balcony
requires the zombie to successfully grapple a character,
and drag them 15 feet to the edge of the balcony. • Goodbye My Sweet Prince. Kris Purkens sheds a
There the character must succeed on an opposed tear as he hands the characters a golden stake to use
Strength check against the zombie, on a failure the for killing Strahd. If the characters shove the golden
character is hurled 300 feet to their doom. stake into Strahd’s chest, Strahd bursts into a million
Exploration. Characters with a passive pieces. His spirit travels to the year 1988 on a planet
Wisdom (Perception) score of 11 or higher may notice called Earth. He possesses a wizard there and assumes
a Pentaforce Piece around the neck of one of the the name of Christopher Zarathustra. Roll credits, the
zombies. Taking it from a zombie without them realizing characters win!
is a simple Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check versus
the zombie’s passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 8. CUE MUSIC
Characters enter the lesson and ease their way through If the characters kill Strahd, play “Heaven Is A Place
the crowd to get close to the bearer on a successful DC On Earth” by Belinda Carlisle.
13 Charisma (Performance) check. On a failed check,
the zombies push characters back from the bearer and
continue their class.
Social. The zombies are not particularly talkative,
and the ghost of Sir Klutz is a fanatical gym instructor.
The ghost can be waylaid by talk of weights and
calisthenics, but only briefly.
Appendix A: Play list
elow are Spotify hyperlinks to each of the songs featured in Weekend at
Strahd’s. There is also a full playlist of each song, in the order listed below,
available here.
• “Careless Whisper” by George Michael
• “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” by Simple Minds
• “(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)”
• “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler by the Beastie Boys
• “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” by Culture Club
• “Physical” by Olivia Newton-John
• “St. Elmo’s Fire (Man in Motion)” by John Parr
• “If I Could Turn Back Time” by Cher
• “Banana Boat (Day-O)” by Harry Belafonte • “Back to the Future” by Alan Silvestri
• “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” by Belinda Carlisle