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1466794-The War of Emberez V1

This document provides lore about the ongoing campaign setting of "A Requiem of Wings" which takes place in the plane of Emberez. The campaign centers around a conflict between celestial and fiend factions, the Aureum and Malum Animus, who are fighting for control over territories in Emberez. The document outlines the origins of Emberez, the main locations and factions involved in the ongoing war, as well as some of the themes that will be explored through quests in the campaign.
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1466794-The War of Emberez V1

This document provides lore about the ongoing campaign setting of "A Requiem of Wings" which takes place in the plane of Emberez. The campaign centers around a conflict between celestial and fiend factions, the Aureum and Malum Animus, who are fighting for control over territories in Emberez. The document outlines the origins of Emberez, the main locations and factions involved in the ongoing war, as well as some of the themes that will be explored through quests in the campaign.
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About the Campaign

A Requiem of Wings is an ongoing

campaign for characters levels
1-12. The narrative arc centers
on an ongoing conflict between
angels and demons fighting for
power and territory in a “void”
called Emberez.

The Title
This campaign is pretty heavy
on the religious imagery for
obvious reasons, and a
“requiem” is a “mass for the
repose of the souls of the dead.”
Because the story is about war,
and both fiends and celestials can
be winged creatures, A Requiem
of Wings refers to those who have
perished during this conflict and
the song that is written as the
story unfolds.

THE WAR of Themes

• Can beings fight against their

EMBEREZ true nature, or is it more

harmonious to embrace what
we are?
• What if angels do not always
represent good, and demons
SUPPLEMENTAL LORE FOR do not always represent evil?
• Who determines what is good
and evil?
• Who profits in war?
• What are the ongoing
repercussions of conquest?
• What comprises the founda-
tions of faith? How do these
relate or differ among those
who worship celestials and
those who worship fiends?
What, and where, is Emberez? truce, both factions continue to build militias.
Emberez is less of a realm and more of a The war continues, and each side does what it
currently-inhabited void, a blip in the multi- can to undermine the other.
verse, located within the Forgotten Realms. It’s
comprised of various cities, all of which contain Who lives in Emberez?
portals to other places throughout the Realms, Nearly everyone who lives in Emberez is a
and some natural ecosystems including forests, celestial or a fiend, or someone follows and
rivers, and mountains.  serves a celestial or a fiend. Most of these people
Emberez is a manifestation of faith and are simple commoners who want to live near
belief, a place brought into being with prayer and those they worship, surrounded by others who
longing, easily accessible to those who seek it out. also worship their gods or beings, The other
inhabitants are members of the factions who
The Origins of Emberez control West and East Emberez. These people
Emberez was established in 1358 DR during the are spies, warriors, masterminds, and nobles.
Time of Troubles, when gods across the pan-
theon were being forced into mortal forms and The Sides in the Conflict
stripped of their divinity. During this time, ce- The AUREUM is comprised of celestials, aasi-
lestial beings who served these deities feared the mar, and those who worship and champion gods
same would happen to them, and sought out a of the pantheon. Although most of the Aureum
place to live in peace and maintain their celestial serve good/neutral gods, some continue to serve
nature. They discovered a wild, empty void filled evil gods, which is reluctantly permitted. The
with warmth and bright sunlight. They claimed Aureum has some internal conflict over this,
it, and named it Eré. which has lead to some clandestine efforts to rid
Demonlords and otherworldly beings saw the Aureum of any evil alliance. 
what was happening to the gods they often The MALUM ANIMUS is a collective of
opposed, and worried that they would be next. demons, devils, fiends, hybrid creatures, were-
They, too, began searching for a place where folk, and those who worship and serve demon-
they could maintain their true forms and not be lords and otherworldly beings. Because the
stripped of their fiendish power. These beings Aureum sees hybrids and werefolk as cursed,
found a wild, empty void filled with cold and wretched, and “unnatural” creatures — regard-
darkness. They claimed it, and named it Ember.  less of their alignment — the Malum Animus
Little did they know that Eré and Ember saw this as an opportunity to recruit them to
were the same place. They quickly discovered their cause. Still, not everyone on this side agrees
that their temporary home was occupied by their with the goals of the Malum Animus. 
enemies, and war broke out instantly. The bat-
tles were brutal and bloody for both sides, and
a tenuous truce was made. They agreed to share Joining a faction
the void if each side kept to their own territory. Characters who complete quests on behalf of
They made a deal and unified the void, calling either the Aureum or the Malum Animus can
it Emberez. They formed two organizations receive points of renown. Once they receive 10
intended to keep each side in line: the Aureum points from either side, they are invited to join
and the Malum Animus. However, despite the that particular faction.
LOCATIONS IN EMBEREZ settlers invading their home, and Soldrans found
peace once they began annually sacrificing one
of their own to appease the dragons’ hunger.
West Emberez
Under the domain of the Aureum Natural Landscapes
Sol Mountains
Aurea The mountains that separate St. Valentine and
Aurea is the capital of West Emberez, the seat of Soldra are craggy and verdant, a stark contrast
the Aureum, and the oldest city in this region. from the frigid Kol Mountains of East Emberez.
Aurea is known for its famous gladiatorial The Sol Mountains are home to communities of
arena, forum of temples, and the oldest library rock dragons, brethren to metallic dragons.
in Emberez. Celestials travel to and from Mount
Celestia via Aurea. Aurea is ruled by Empress Lacrimosa River
Justina, Paladin of the Lark. This river of souls runs the length of Emberez. It
eventually pours out of Emberez, merging with
Ibrido the River Styx, and deltas in the Lower Planes.
Ibrido is an Amnian colony and trade city,
established by the Aureum to bring in goods Lyren Woods
and resources by way of Amn to help build The veil between the Lyren Woods and the
Emberez. Those who live in Ibrido are now ex- Woods of Sharp Teeth is very thin, and adven-
tremely wealthy and enjoy splendor. A beautiful turers traveling in that area often inadvertently
and strange city built atop a smattering of tiny find themselves passing through Emberez. Soldra
islands, Ibrido is considered a popular tourist and Cerazen have fought over the Lyren Woods
destination by many. It is not uncommon to for centuries. The woods are home to communi-
run into visitors from Neverwinter or Water- ties of werewolves.
deep while in Ibrido. It is home to the Castel di
Maschera, a beautiful castle that hosts weekly
balls and masquerades. Neutral Territory

St. Valentine Cerazen

Located in the valley of the Sol Mountains, St. Cerazen was once under the control of East
Valentine is a lush and fertile city that draws Emberez and remains a colony of the City of
farmers, florists, and vintners from across the Brass. It is now considered to be the only neutral
Realms. It is named after a paladin of Sune who territory in Emberez. Cerazen is home to com-
perished in one of Emberez’s first battles, which munities of djinn, efreeti, werefolk, and golems
took place on the land that eventually became — creatures who struggle to find a place among
St. Valentine. The city honors this fallen warrior the warring factions. Cerazen has long fought
with an annual festival. with Soldra over who owns the Lyren Woods,
which each side claims as their own. Cerazen is
Soldra where the plants used for incense are cultivated.
Founded by devotees of Bahamut, Soldra both Both factions use incense in abundance to ward
reveres and fears dragons. For centuries, dragons off their enemies.
have attacked and looted Soldra as revenge for
East Emberez Kol Mountains
Under the domain of the Malum Animus The snow-capped alps of the Kol Mountains
make life harsh for its few remaining inhabi-
Ravukoi tants. When Emberez was first founded, dwarves
Ravukoi is the capital of East Emberez, the seat migrated to the Kol mountains to mine its abun-
of the Malum Animus, and the oldest city in dance of gemstones. This dwarven influence is
this region. Ravukoi houses a portal to the Nine still visible to those who brave the summit and
Hells, and the inhabitants of the Hells travel explore the abandoned mines and caves.
into the city every year in search of a marriage
alliance. Ravukoi is ruled by Tsarina Morevna, a common occurrences in emberez
Warlock of the Owl, who spent much of her life Despite the differences in culture across
in Barovia. Emberez, there are many recurring sights,
including the following:
Magra was disputed territory between the two Doors. Beautiful, ornate doors are found across
Emberezian factions for several centuries before Emberez. Because Emberez is a place that many
being relinquished to the Malum Animus. Its pass through without realizing it, the doors are a
haunting and beautiful architecture clearly favors symbol of the void’s function as a portal.
its demonic influence. Surrounded by a dense
forest, Magra is home to many wood artisans Incense. Both sides heavily rely on incense: for
and hosts a year-round outdoor market. daily life, for rituals, and for deterring and
detecting their enemies. Each side favors particu-
Kolodnokiva lar plants used for this purpose. As such, incense
Tucked in the frigid and treacherous Kol Moun- is everywhere. Adventurers who are fiendish or
tains is the village of Kolodnokiva. Followers of celestial in nature are most certainly affected.
the otherworldly patron known as the Owl trav-
el to Kolodnokiva on a pilgrimage, where they Annual Festivals/Ceremonies. Emberezians are
must complete a task requested by this patron. incredibly ritualistic and are devotees to annual
holidays, many of which have sinister history.
Natural Landscapes
Magran Forest Transformative/Shapeshifting Creatures.
The forests of Magra are thick with maple, Many people in Emberez, on both sides of the
willow, and spruce trees, providing artisans with conflict, possess the ability to change their shape
the supplies for their trade. Trees grow quickly in and appearance. Adventurers can expect to meet
this strange forest. Tucked away in the Magran many people like this while in Emberez.
Forest is a temple that once served the Archfey.
The Pantheons of Emberez

What links the warring factions is their shared devotion: both sides revere either divine or demonic
beings, and this faith/servitude keeps them bound to Emberez forever.

The two queens of Emberez, Empress Justina Justicius and Tsarina Marya Morevna, have each
devoted their lives to a greater being that they revere as the “true” one, the being that oversees all
the others. The Empress is a paladin devoted to the Lark, who is also known as the Goddess of the
Light. The Tsarina is a warlock who serves the Owl, also known as the Night One. Many in
Emberez have followed the example of these rulers and also worship the Lark or the Owl. Some
religious scholars, however, suspect these beings may be one in the same...



The Harbinger The Great Old One

Athena The Archfey
Artemis The Fiend
Bahamut The Raven Queen
Dionysus Baphomet
Lathander Orcus
Sune Demogorgon
Selûne Fraz-Urb’luu
Shar Graz’zt
Mask Juiblex
Oghma Yeenoghu
Tyr Zuggtmoy

Gods from other pantheons are Archdevils and other cosmic patrons
welcome and worshipped in Emberez. are also followed in Emberez.
Adventures in emberez The Resurrectionist
Planning your A Requiem of Wings campaign? Lyren Woods / Level 6
Characters traversing the realms may find A strange woman in the Lyren Woods seeks aid
themselves in Emberez during one of these to collect the necessary materials that will bring
adventures. You’ll have to wait until early 2019 fallen soldiers back to life. Available early 2019.
for the full campaign book, but here’s what you
can expect — and play! — in the meantime. The Starlight Relic
Magra / Level 7
The Aureum When famous luthier Vela Kapra discovers the
Aurea / Level 1-2 location of a lost relic, she recruits adventurers
Adventurers can help a young, captive minotaur to fetch it from the haunted and fey-touched
escape from a deadly gladiatorial ring. Magran forest. Available now on DMsGuild.
Available early 2019.
The Wolf Oracle
A Night of Masks and Monsters Cerazen / Level 8
Ibrido / Level 3 The Oracle of Cerazen is trapped in the Cerazen
Adventurers are invited to a masquerade at the citadel, unable to take action on her latest vision,
Castel di Maschera, which presents the chance which foretells the demise of her own daughter.
to investigate a recent murder. Available now on She asks adventurers to act in her stead.
DMsGuild.com. Available early 2019.

The Executioner’s Daughter What I Ask of You

Soldra / Level 4 Kolodnokiva / Level 9
To placate the dragons that once attacked Adventurers who seek to earn respect or favor
Soldra, the city offers up one of its own in an from their god or patron can embark on this
annual ceremony. When the wrong person is pilgrimage that may cost them everything.
chosen as the offering, adventurers are asked to Available early 2019.
escort the volunteer to Garra’s Peak.
Solo adventure version available on DMsGuild; Altar of Holy Fire
multiplayer adaptation available early 2019. Ravukoi / Level 10
The Red Princess of Ravukoi has been promised
Labyrinth of Thorns to a prince of the Nine Hells, but her heart be-
St. Valentine / Level 5 longs to another: Lea, a paladin in the Aureum.
Every year, a citizen of St. Valentine is pulled The star-crossed lovers need help from willing
into a treacherous labyrinth. When chocolatier adventurers to escape Ravukoi and be wed in
Dante’s wife is taken, he seeks the help of brave secret. Available October 2018.
adventurers to get her back. Available now on
DMsGuild.com. Birds of a Feather
Level 12
Adventurers come face-to-face with the beings
who could end the war of Emberez, once and for
all. Available early 2019.
notes from the author
This whole campaign began while I was on a
family trip to Italy. It was born out of my desire
to explore my heritage — Italian and Russian/
Jewish — and to explore a fantasy story with a
different “flavor,” so to speak.
The Aureum is heavily inspired by the Holy
Roman Empire’s domination across Europe; the
Malum Animus represents the cultures that both
struggled and flourished in the shadow of that
rule. During my travels to places like Istanbul,
Budapest, and Prague, the evidence of Roman
Empire’s reign still permeates the unique cul-
ture of those great cities. The tension between
faiths is everywhere in Europe — Catholicism,
Orthodoxy, Judaism, Islam, Paganism, etc., all
tenuously co-exist — and I found that to be a
compelling idea in the Forgotten Realms, where
gods and otherworldly beings play a significant
role in characters’ lives.
Although Emberez is my own, I do see it
firmly rooted in the Forgotten Realms. I love
the notion of a place being “willed” into being,
and that’s essentially how Emberez functions for
characters who explore it. That being said, every
story in this ongoing campaign is easily adapt-
able to another location. However these stories
manifest for you, I hope you enjoy them.

Ashley Warren


Art credits:
Angel | darksouls1, Pixabay
Door | Felicity_Kate11, Pixabay

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