1466794-The War of Emberez V1
1466794-The War of Emberez V1
The Title
This campaign is pretty heavy
on the religious imagery for
obvious reasons, and a
“requiem” is a “mass for the
repose of the souls of the dead.”
Because the story is about war,
and both fiends and celestials can
be winged creatures, A Requiem
of Wings refers to those who have
perished during this conflict and
the song that is written as the
story unfolds.
What links the warring factions is their shared devotion: both sides revere either divine or demonic
beings, and this faith/servitude keeps them bound to Emberez forever.
The two queens of Emberez, Empress Justina Justicius and Tsarina Marya Morevna, have each
devoted their lives to a greater being that they revere as the “true” one, the being that oversees all
the others. The Empress is a paladin devoted to the Lark, who is also known as the Goddess of the
Light. The Tsarina is a warlock who serves the Owl, also known as the Night One. Many in
Emberez have followed the example of these rulers and also worship the Lark or the Owl. Some
religious scholars, however, suspect these beings may be one in the same...
Gods from other pantheons are Archdevils and other cosmic patrons
welcome and worshipped in Emberez. are also followed in Emberez.
Adventures in emberez The Resurrectionist
Planning your A Requiem of Wings campaign? Lyren Woods / Level 6
Characters traversing the realms may find A strange woman in the Lyren Woods seeks aid
themselves in Emberez during one of these to collect the necessary materials that will bring
adventures. You’ll have to wait until early 2019 fallen soldiers back to life. Available early 2019.
for the full campaign book, but here’s what you
can expect — and play! — in the meantime. The Starlight Relic
Magra / Level 7
The Aureum When famous luthier Vela Kapra discovers the
Aurea / Level 1-2 location of a lost relic, she recruits adventurers
Adventurers can help a young, captive minotaur to fetch it from the haunted and fey-touched
escape from a deadly gladiatorial ring. Magran forest. Available now on DMsGuild.
Available early 2019.
The Wolf Oracle
A Night of Masks and Monsters Cerazen / Level 8
Ibrido / Level 3 The Oracle of Cerazen is trapped in the Cerazen
Adventurers are invited to a masquerade at the citadel, unable to take action on her latest vision,
Castel di Maschera, which presents the chance which foretells the demise of her own daughter.
to investigate a recent murder. Available now on She asks adventurers to act in her stead.
DMsGuild.com. Available early 2019.
Ashley Warren
Art credits:
Angel | darksouls1, Pixabay
Door | Felicity_Kate11, Pixabay