BX Essentials Demihumans of Dolmenwood
BX Essentials Demihumans of Dolmenwood
BX Essentials Demihumans of Dolmenwood
Necrotic Gnome
Demihumans of Dolmenwood
Demihumans of Dolmenwood
Table of Contents
p4 The Elf — by Gavin Norman
A race-class native to Fairy. Elves may venture into the mortal world out of
curiosity or a sense of adventure. The fairy elves of Dolmenwood are very
different from the standard B/X elf class, both in terms of character and
class abilities.
p6 The Woodgrue — by Brian Richmond and Gavin Norman
A race-class native to the mortal world, but with fairy ancestry. Bat-faced
goblins love music, feasting, and arson.
p8 Favours for the Elf Lords — by Gavin Norman
Wondrous rewards that may be bestowed on those who aid the Lords and
Ladies of Fairy.
Elf (Fairy)
Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, Subtle sight: Elves have a 3-in-6 chance
minimum DEX 9, minimum INT 9 of noticing passages to Fairy.
Prime Requisite: CHA Magic resistance: As beings of Fairy,
Hit Dice: 1d6 where magic is in the very fabric of things,
Maximum Level: 10 elves have an increased resistance to magic.
Allowed Armour: Any, including shields They are immune to sleep spells, gain a +2
Allowed Weapons: Any bonus to saving throws against charms and
Languages: Alignment language, Woldish, illusions, and are unaffected by the paralys-
Sylvan, High Elfish ing touch of ghouls.
Glamours: Elves are able to make use of
Ageless denizens of Fairy who sometimes a number of minor magical abilities known
cross over into the mortal world for reasons as glamours. The number of glamours
that they seldom reveal. Player character known by an elf are determined by his or her
elves are assumed to be rare individuals level and are selected at random. Glamours
who spend most of their time in the mortal may be used any number of times per day.
world—they may be exiles from the undying (Though mortals regard these abilities as
land or adventurers fascinated by the exotic “magic”, elves do not view them as such.)
scents of time, decay, and mortality.
1. Beguilement: The elf’s words have
Physically, elves are similar to humans, great power over mortal minds. A
though they tend to be lithe of frame and single mortal, addressed by an elf using
fair of face. Despite their surface similarity this glamour, must save versus spells
to mortals, it is always possible to identify an or believe the elf’s words, if only for
elf for they carry an air of “otherness” about a moment. When the moment has
them, seeming somehow more vibrantly passed, it is immediately obvious that a
present than mortals. Additionally, most magical deception has occurred.
elves have at least one physical characteristic
2. Changeling: The elf’s facial features
that makes them obviously non-human:
are malleable according to his or her
pointed ears, violet eyes, or iridescent skin
will. Subtle features (e.g. eye colour,
are examples of common qualities.
hair colour) may be switched in a
Prime requisite: Contrary to the standard moment. More dramatic changes take a
rule, an elf may raise his or her CHA score turn of concentration to effect. It is not
by point swapping during character creation. possible to duplicate the appearance of
another using this glamour.
3. Disguise object: An object in the
Combat: Elves are naturally talented fight- elf’s hand is made to appear as some-
ers and may use any weapons and armour. thing else (of similar dimensions). The
Immortality: Elves can be killed but do glamour lasts until the object is touched
not die naturally. They are immune to the by another being.
mundane illnesses of mortal-kind, but are 4. Moon child: The elf’s eyes perceive
affected normally by diseases of magical night as it were day. Even the blackest
origin (e.g. cause disease, lycanthropy, tomb is perceived as if by gentle
the touch of a mummy). Elves also cannot moonlight.
die of thirst or starvation, though a lack of 5. Seeming: The elf may make his or her
sustenance drives them insane and sadistic. garb appear as he or she wishes. The
Unearthly beauty: Elves—both benev- glamour is only visual, however, and is
olent and wicked—are beautiful, by mortal revealed by touch.
standards. For CHA tests based purely
on physical attractiveness, an elf is always
treated as having a CHA score of at least 14.
6. Silver tongue: By using ancient Read magic: Given an hour of solitude, an
modes of the high elfish tongue, the elf elf may read magical scripts and runes, as if
is able to communicate with any being, by the magic-user spell read magic.
including dumb animals. This ability Magic items: Elves have a natural affinity
may only be used to communicate in for the arcane and are able to use any magic
one language per day (e.g. one mortal item usable by arcane spell casters. This
tongue or the speech of one species of includes casting spells from scrolls (with the
animal). use of their read magic ability).
7. Vanishing: The elf disappears from
another creature’s sight for one round. Weaknesses
This glamour may only be used on any Cold iron: As fairies, elves are vulnerable
individual once per day. to iron weapons, suffering double damage
8. Walk in shadows: The elf can walk on a successful hit.
circuitous pathways between worlds,
Silver: Elves find mortal silver base and
seemingly stepping out of the mortal
disgusting. An elf in physical contact with
world and, moments later, reappearing
silver is sickened and suffers a -2 penalty to
at a different location. There is a 2-in-
attack rolls and saving throws.
6 chance of a suitable shadow door
existing in any given 10’ by 10’ area Resistance to divine aid: There are no
of darkness. Searching for such a door gods in Elfland and the gods of mortals are
takes one round. Stepping through a loath to aid its folk. If an elf is the subject
discovered shadow door, the elf disap- of a beneficial divine spell, there is a 2-in-6
pears for one round, then reappears at chance of it having no effect on the elf.
a random location within 60’.
Reaching 9th Level
Runes: An elf may be granted the use of
magical runes by performing services for a Upon reaching 9th level, an elf may estab-
fairy lord or lady. See Favours for the lish a stronghold and domain in either the
Elf Lords. An elf may know a maximum mortal world or Fairy. Elves and other fairies
number of runes equal to his or her level. in the region may come to live under the
character’s rule.
Woodgrue (Demi-Fey)
Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, Woodwinding: Woodgrues can communi-
minimum WIS 9 cate on the winds by blowing a tune upon
Prime Requisite: CHA a woodwind instrument. Such communica-
Hit Dice: 1d6 tions can be heard by all other woodgrues
Maximum Level: 10 and any indentured servants of the wood-
Allowed Armour: Leather, no shields grue within a number of miles equal to the
woodgrue’s level. Such songs can be heard
Allowed Weapons: Any, though they
even in the Otherwold.
prefer clubs and cudgels
Languages: Alignment language, Mad revelry: Once per day per level of
Woldish, Sylvan experience, a woodgrue may play one of the
following enchanted melodies on a wood-
Hooting and cavorting through the deeps wind instrument, while dancing terribly and
of Dolmenwood are the capricious, bat- hooting like an insane barn animal being
faced goblins known as woodgrues. These skinned alive. Anyone—man, elf, or beast
little beings have a head and chest coated in alike—hearing the tune must save versus
soft, downy fur, while the rest of their body spells or be afflicted. (Fairies and demi-fey
appears like that of a child or little man. They gain a +2 bonus to the save.) The effects last
are a frivolous and unsavoury lot, known as long as the woodgrue keeps playing.
for their gallows humour and enchanting •• Imbibe! Subjects ravenously consume
woodwind songs that lure folk down deep any liquids (potable or not), drugs, or
trails and into the woods. Humans cautiously mushrooms they have on them. Even if no
welcome these demi-fey into their towns, mind-altering substances are consumed as
because they know that barring them entry a result, subjects will act as though drunk,
would only cause greater misfortune. While suffering -2 to-hit until the revelry ends.
a woodgrue celebrating is cause for concern,
they will only cause grave mischief if slighted. •• Jubilate! Subjects burst into irrepress-
ible laughter, preventing them from
Prime requisite: Contrary to the standard speech. There is a 1-in-6 chance each
rule, a woodgrue may raise his or her CHA round of falling prone in a laughing fit.
by point swapping during character creation.
•• Dance! Subjects begin dancing terribly,
Abilities their footwork following a profane jig that
Combat: A woodgrue can make use of any doesn’t make any sense. Those affected
weapon in combat, though they are noted cannot move while dancing, but gain a
for their love of slings, clubs, and cudgels. +1 to AC.
They will also use musical instruments that •• Jape! Subjects mock the immediately
do not take their fancy as improvised clubs. preceding occurrence, be it a deed of
Dark vision: A woodgrue can see normal- words or acts.
ly in darkness, viewing the world as though it •• Confide! Subjects speak in a slurred
glows in faint moonlight. voice, confessing a sin or secret about
Hiding: A woodgrue who hides in the one of their allies or about some deeply
woods or in shadows has a 3-in-6 chance of hidden emotion.
going unnoticed. If they are given a minute, •• Strip! Subjects doff clothing and armour.
a woodgrue may hide a small object (1’ •• Revel! Subjects cannot speak, instead
around or smaller) in a cunning location. they bark out terrible scats of sound, in an
For anyone else to discover this hidden item, attempt to keep up with the woodgrue.
apply the rules for finding secret doors. Movement speed is halved if they are not
headed in the direction of the woodgrue.
•• Mount! Subjects attempt to mount an
adjacent creature, be it friend or foe, and
ride it piggyback. If the bottom creature is
unwilling, it can buck the rider off, dealing
1d4 damage.
Code of hospitality: Like other goblins,
woodgrues are bound to ancient rites of hos-
pitality and charity. If a woodgrue is invited
into a place by way of handwritten invitation
or swearing an oath of good behaviour, he
or she is unable to use mad revelry while
within the place.
Cold iron: As demi-fey, woodgrues are
vulnerable to iron weapons, suffering double
damage on a successful hit.
Compelled to jubilation: A woodgrue
who witnesses a party, feast, celebration, or
festival must partake; they are utterly com- Reaching 9th Level
pelled with every fibre of their being. If, for
some reason, a woodgrue wishes to resist Upon reaching 9th level, a woodgrue may
this compulsion, he or she may save versus construct a manse or secret lair. 2d6 1st level
paralysis (but will feel drained and downtrod- woodgrues from the surrounding region will
den for the length of the engagement). congregate around the PC, accepting him or
her as their master.
Silver: While woodgrues appreciate the
colour and sheen of silver, they find it horri-
bly uncomfortable to touch. A woodgrue in
contact with silver is sickened and suffers a
-2 penalty to attacks and saves.
Favours for the Elf Lords
The portion of the mortal world in which
Dolmenwood lies is claimed not only by the
Elf Runes
Duke of Brackenwold, but also falls partly One who completes a quest for an elf lord,
within the dominions of the lords of Elfland. however petty or grand, may be granted
While these ancient and mighty beings are knowledge of an elf rune — one of the
seldom encountered in the mortal realm of secret, magical sigils guarded by the lords of
Dolmenwood, one who dares tread the per- Elfland. Note that elf runes are not physical
ilous paths of Fairy may come to their great objects — they are magical blessings that
castles and treat with them. may only be granted by fairy lords and ladies.
Each rune has strict limits on the number of
times it may be used by the one on whom it
Quests is bestowed.
The lords and ladies of Fairy are fickle, wilful,
and perilous to deal with, but they some- Limit on Possessed Runes
times wish to send adventurers on errands As noted in the description of the elf class,
or quests. There is, of course, a chance that individuals of that race may possess up to
such quests may by quixotic or imaginary. It one elf rune per level of experience. Non-
is also likely that magical geases will be liber- elves may only ever possess a single elf rune.
ally applied to ensure the trustworthiness of
the applicant. Using Runes
Activating the power of a rune takes a mere
Rewards for Completed Quests thought. Unlike normal spell casting, this
When a character (or adventuring party) cannot be disrupted in melee.
completes a quest for an elf lord, the referee
should make a reaction roll to determine Rune Usage Frequency
their reward: 2d6 modified by the charac- The frequency with which a rune may be
ter’s CHA score and the following factors: used is determined by the magnitude of the
rune and the experience level of the charac-
•• Mortal: -2
ter who possesses it. See the table opposite.
•• Demi-fey: -1
•• Magnitude of service: +0 (minor Common Runes
favour) to +3 (mighty deed) Certain runes may be granted by all elf lords.
These common runes duplicate the effects
•• Experience level 5+: +1
of magic-user or cleric spells or magic items.
•• Experience level 10+: +2
•• Lesser: Charm person, sleep.
The modified reaction roll indicates the
•• Greater: Charm monster, invisibility,
reward granted:
dispel magic.
2d6 Reaction
•• Mighty: Raise dead, wish (as per a ring
2 or less Fickle displeasure. No runes. of wishes).
3-5 One lesser rune.
Special Runes
6-8 One greater rune.
Some elf lords possess special runes known
9-10 One greater and one lesser only to them, which they can grant to those
rune. who aid them. The special runes known by
11 One mighty rune. a selection of elf lords are listed to the right.
12 or One mighty, one greater, and
more one lesser rune.
Rune Usage Frequency
Rune Character Level
Power 1-4 5-9 10+
Lesser Once per day Twice per day Thrice per day
Greater Once per experience level Once per week Once per day
Mighty Once ever Once ever Once per year
Special Runes
Duke Mai-Fleur The Earl of Yellow
Summon Wild Hunt Emissary of the Earl
This mighty rune, when used, invokes the This greater rune summons a great, golden
blasting of ghostly hunting horns, summon- wolf, equipped with saddle and bridle. The
ing forth a hunting host from the wild woods beast will serve its summoner until dawn.
of Diuthurina (the Duke’s dominion in Fairy). Golden Wolf: HD 4+1, AC 7, Att 1 × bite
The Wild Hunt is composed as follows: (1d8), MV 180’ (60’), Al N.
•• 4d6 fairy hounds.
Fairy Gold
•• 4d20 elf hunters on foot. Using this greater rune conjures 2d100 gold
•• 4d20 elf hunters mounted on fairy horses. coins from the Earl’s mint. They vanish after
•• 1d6 goblin hornblowers. 1d6 hours.
Demihumans of Dolmenwood
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