ABQ Criminal Procedure
ABQ Criminal Procedure
Engr. Magna Nakaw, the District Engineer of the DPWH in the Province of
Walang Progreso, and Mr. Pork Chop, a private contractor, were both charged in the
Office of the Ombudsman for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
(R.A. No. 3019) under a conspiracy theory.
Rule on the motion to terminate filed by Mr. Pork Chop, with brief reasons.
a) How long after the commission of the crime can he still execute the
warrantless arrest?
b) What does “personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances that the person
to be arrested committed it” mean?
The accused wants to have the case dismissed because he believes that the
charge is confusing and the information is defective. What ground or grounds can
he raise in moving for the quashal of the information? Explain.
An information for murder was filed against Rapido. The RTC judge, after
personally evaluating the prosecutor’s resolution, documents and parties’ affidavits
submitted by the prosecutor, found probable cause and issued a warrant of arrest.
Rapido’s lawyer examined the rollo of the case and found that it only contained the
copy of the information, the submissions of the prosecutor and a copy of the warrant
of arrest. Immediately, Rapido’s counsel filed a motion to quash the arrest warrant
for being void, citing as grounds:
a) The judge before issuing the warrant did not personally conduct a searching
examination of the prosecution’s witnesses in violation of his client’s
constitutionally-mandated rights;
b) There was no prior order finding probable cause before the judge issued the
arrest warrant.
McJolly is a trouble-maker of sorts, always getting into brushes with the law.
In one incident, he drove his Humvee recklessly, hitting a pedicab which sent its
driver and passengers in different directions. The pedicab driver died, while two (2)
of the passengers suffered slight physical injuries. Two (2) informations were then
filed against McJolly. One, for reckless imprudence resulting in homicide and
damage to property, and two, for reckless imprudence resulting in slight physical
injuries. The latter case was scheduled for arraignment earlier, on which occasion
McJolly immediately pleaded guilty. He was meted out the penalty of public
censure. A month later, the case for reckless imprudence resulting in homicide was
also set for arraignment. Instead of pleading, McJolly interposed the defense of
double jeopardy. Resolve.
May the prosecution assail the acquittal without infringing the constitutional
guarantee against double jeopardy in favor of Juancho? Explain your answer.
Tomas filed a motion to dismiss the separate civil action on the ground of litis
pendentia, pointing out that when the criminal action was filed against him, the civil
action to recover the civil liability from the offense charged was also deemed
instituted. He insisted that the basis of the separate civil action was the very same
act that gave rise to the criminal action. Rule on Tomas’ motion to dismiss, with
brief reasons.
During the trial, Boy Maton moved for the dismissal of the information on the
ground that the facts revealed that he had been illegally arrested. He further moved
for the suppression of the evidence confiscated from him as being the consequence
of the illegal arrest, hence, the fruit of the poisonous tree.
The trial court, in denying the motions of Boy Maton, explained that at the
time the motion were filed Boy Maton had already waived the right to raise the issue
of the legality of the arrest. The trial court observed that, pursuant to the Rules of
Court, Boy Maton, as the accused, should have assailed the validity of the arrest
before entering his plea to the information. Hence, the trial court opined that any
adverse consequence of the alleged illegal arrest had also been equally waived.
Paz was awakened by a commotion coming from a condo unit next to hers.
Alarmed, she called up the nearby police station. PO 1 Remus and P02 Romulus
proceeded to the condo unit identified by Paz. PO 1 Remus knocked at the door and
when a man opened the door, POI Remus and his companions introduced themselves
as police officers. The man readily identified himself as Oasis Jung and gestured to
them to come in. Inside, the police officers saw a young lady with her nose bleeding
and face swollen. Asked by P02 Romulus what happened, the lady responded that
she was beaten up by Oasis Jung. The police officers arrested Oasis Jung and brought
him and the young lady back to the police station. PO Remus took the young lady's
statement who identified herself as AA. She narrated that she is a sixteen-year-old
high school student; that previous to the incident, she had sexual intercourse with
Oasis Jung at least five times on different occasions and she was paid P5,000.00
each time and it was the first time that Oasis Jung physically hurt her. P02 Romulus
detained Oasis Jung at the station's jail. After the inquest proceeding, the public
prosecutor filed an information for Violation of R.A. No. 9262 (The VAWC Law)
for physical violence and five separate informations for violation of R.A. No. 7610
(The Child Abuse Law). Oasis Jung's lawyer filed a motion to be admitted to bail
but the court issued an order that approval of his bail bond shall be made only after
his arraignment.
Before arraignment, Oasis Jung's lawyer moved to quash the other four
separate informations for violation of the child abuse law invoking the single larceny
b) Should the motion to quash be granted?
c) After his release from detention on bail, can Oasis Jung still question the
validity of his arrest?
AA, a twelve-year-old girl, while walking alone met BB, a teenage boy who
befriended her. Later, BB brought AA to a nearby shanty where he raped her. The
Information for rape filed against BB states:
"On or about October 30, 2015, in the City of S.P. and within the jurisdiction of
this Honorable Court, the accused, a minor, fifteen (15) years old with lewd design and by
means of force, violence and intimidation, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously had sexual intercourse with AA, a minor, twelve (12) years old against the
latter's will and consent."
At the trial, the prosecutor called to the witness stand AA as his first witness
and manifested that he be allowed to ask leading questions in conducting his
directexamination pursuant to the Rule on the Examination of a Child Witness. BB's
counsel objected on the ground that the prosecutor has not conducted a competency
examination on the witness, a requirement before the rule cited can be applied in the
a) Is BB's counsel correct?
In order to obviate the counsel's argument on the competency of AA as
prosecution witness, the judge motu proprio conducted his voir dire examination on
b) Was the action taken by the judge proper?
After the prosecution had rested its case, BB's counsel filed with leave a demurrer
to evidence, seeking the dismissal of the case on the ground that the prosecutor failed
to present any evidence on BB's minority as alleged in the Information.
c) Should the court grant the demurrer?
Ludong, Balatong, and Labong were charged with murder. After trial, the
court announced that the case was considered submitted for decision. Subsequently,
the Clerk of Court issued notices of promulgation of judgment which were duly
received. On promulgation day, Ludong and his lawyer appeared. The lawyers of
Balatong and labong appeared but without their clients and failed to satisfactorily
explain their absence when queried by the court. Thus, the judge ordered the Clerk
of Court to proceed with the reading of the judgment convicting all the accused.
With respect to Balatong and Labong, the judge ordered that the judgment be entered
in the criminal docket and copies be furnished their lawyers. The lawyers of Ludong,
Balatong and Labong filed within the reglementary period a Joint Motion for
Reconsideration. The court favorably granted the motion of Ludong downgrading
his conviction from murder to homicide but denied the motion as regards Balatong
and Labong.
(a) Was the court correct in taking cognizance of the Joint Motion for
(b) Can Balatong and Labong appeal their conviction in case Ludong accepts his
conviction for homicide?
A search warrant was issued for the purpose of looking for unlicensed firearms
in the house of Ass-asin, a notorious gun for hire. When the police served the
warrant, they also sought the assistance of barangay tanods who were assigned to
look at other portions of the premises around the house. In a nipa hut thirty (30)
meters away from the house of Ass-asin, a barangay tanod came upon a kilo of
marijuana that was wrapped in newsprint. He took it and this was later used by the
authorities to charge Ass-asin with illegal possession of marijuana. Ass-asin
objected to the introduction of such evidence claiming that it was illegally seized. Is
the objection of Ass-asin valid?
The accused’s lawyer counter-argued that the court can rule on the motion
even if the accused was at-large because it had jurisdiction over the subject matter
of the case. According to said lawyer, there was no need for the accused to be under
the custody of the court because what was filed was a Motion to Quash Arrest and
to Fix Bail, not a Petition for Bail.
(a) If you are the Sandiganbayan, how will you rule on the motion?
(b) If the Sandiganbayan denies the motion, what judicial remedy should the
accused undertake?
A was charged with murder in the lower court. His Petition for Bail was
denied after a summary hearing on the ground that the prosecution had established
a strong evidence of guilt. No Motion for Reconsideration was filed from the denial
of the Petition for Bail. During the reception of the evidence of the accused, the
accused reiterated his petition for bail on the ground that the witness so far presented
by the accused had shown that no qualifying aggravating circumstance attended the
killing. The court denied the petition on the ground that it had already ruled that (i)
the evidence of guilt is strong; (ii) the resolution for the Petition for Bail is solely
based ont eh evidence presented by the prosecution; and (iii) no Motion for
Reconsideration was filed from the denial of the Petition for Bail.
(a) If you are the Judge, how will you resolve the incident?
(b) Suppose the accused is convicted of the crime of homicide and the accused
filed a Notice of Appeal, is he entitled to bail?
Solomon and Faith got married in 2005. In 2010, Solomon contracted a second
marriage with Hope. When Faith found out about the second marriage of Solomon
and Hope, she filed a criminal case for bigamy before the RTC of Manila sometime
in 2011. Meanwhile, Solomon filed a petition for declaration of nullity of his first
marriage with Faith in 2012, while the case for bigamy before the RTC of Manila is
ongoing. Subsequently, Solomon filed a motion to suspend the proceedings in the
bigamy case on the ground of prejudicial question. He asserts that the proceedings
in the criminal case should be suspended because if his first marriage with Faith will
be declared null and void, it will have the effect of exculpating him from the crime
of bigamy. Decide.
The Ombudsman found probable cause to charge with plunder the provincial
governor, vice governor, treasurer, budget officer, and accountant. An Information
for plunder was filed with the Sandiganbayan against the provincial officials except
for the treasurer who was granted immunity when he agreed to cooperate with the
Ombudsman in the prosecution of the case. Immediately, the governor filed with the
Sandiganbayan a petition for certiorari against the Ombudsman claiming there was
grave abuse of discretion in excluding the treasurer from the Information.
a.) Was the remedy taken by the governor correct?
b.) Will the writ of mandamus lie to compel the Ombudsman to include the
treasurer in the Information?
c.) Can the Special Prosecutor move for the discharge of the budget officer to
corroborate the testimony of the treasurer in the course of presenting its evidence?
Jaime was convicted for murder by the Regional Trial Court of Davao City in
a decision promulgated on September 30, 2015. On October 5, 2015, Jaime filed a
Motion for New Trial on the ground that errors of law and irregularities prejudicial
to his rights were committed during his trial. On October 7, 2015, the private
prosecutor, with the conformity of the public prosecutor, filed an Opposition to
Jaime's motion. On October 9, 2015, the court granted Jaime's motion. On
October 12, 2015, the public prosecutor filed a motion for reconsideration. The court
issued an Order dated October 16, 2015 denying the public prosecutor's motion for
reconsideration. The public prosecutor received his copy of the order of denial on
October 20, 2015 while the private prosecutor
received his copy on October 26, 2015.
a.) What is the remedy available to the prosecution from the court's order
granting Jaime's motion for new trial?
b.) In what court and within what period should a remedy be availed of?
c.) Who should pursue the remedy?
Hercules was walking near a police station when a police officer signaled for
him to approach. As soon as Hercules came near, the police officer frisked him but
the latter found no contraband. The police officer told Hercules to get inside the
police station. Inside the police station, Hercules asked the police officer, "Sir, may
problema po ba?" Instead of replying, the police officer locked up Hercules inside
the police station jail.
a.) What is the remedy available to Hercules to secure his immediate release
from detention?
b.) If Hercules filed with the Ombudsman a complaint for warrantless search,
as counsel for the police officer, what defense will you raise for the dismissal of the
c.) If Hercules opts to file a civil action against the police officer, will he have
a cause of action?