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Aashto M-180 PDF

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Standard Specification for

Corrugate d She et Steel Beams for Highway


AASHTO Designation: M 180-00


1.1. This specification covers corrugated sheet steel prepared for use as beams in highway guardrails.

1.2. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.


2.1 . AASHTO Standards:

• M 120, Zinc
• M 232M!M 232, Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware
• M 291M, Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Me tric]
• M 298, Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel
• T 65Mff 65, Mass [Weight] of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy

2.2. ASTM Standards:

• A 307 , Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength
• A 653/A 653M, Standard Specification for Steel She et, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-
Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
• E 376 , Standard-Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-
Current (Electromagnetic) Test Met hods
• F 568M, Standard Specification for Car bon and Alloy Steel Externally Threa ded Metric

2.3. ANSI Standards:

• B 1.13M, Metric Screw Threads D M Profile
• B18.2.4.1M, Hex Nuts, Style 1, Metric
• B18.2.4.6M, Hex Nuts, Heavy, Metric

2.4. Military Standards:

• DOD-P-21035, Paint, High Zinc Dust Co ntent, Galvanizing Repair (Me tric)


3 .1 . Four types and two c1asses of guardrail are provided as follows:

TS-4d M 180-1 AASHTO

3.1.1. Types:
Type l-Zinc coated, 550 g/m 2 (1.80 oz/ft 2) minimum single-spot.
Type l/-Zinc coated, 1100 g/m2 (3.60 oz/fr') minimum single-spot.
Type l/l-Beams to be painted.
Type lV-Beams of corros ion resistant steel.

3.1.2. Classes:
Class A-Base metal nominal thickness-2.67 mm (0.105 in.).
Class B-Base metal nominal thickness-3.43 mm (0.135 in.).


4.1. Orders for guardrail under this specification shall inelude the following information, as required,
to adequately describe the desired material:

4.1.1. Quantity (linear meter or number of pieces) ,

4.1.2. Class of Guardrail,

4.1.3. Type of Guardrail,

4.1.4. Effective length ofbeam section 3.8 or 7.6 m (12.5 ft or 25.0 ft),

4.1.5. Shape (W-Beam or Thrie Beam), and

4.1.6. Exceptions to this specification or special requirements, if any.


5.1. All material shall be subject to inspection and sampling at the fabricating plant, warehouse, or
after delivery to the site of construction.

5.2. Acceptance by Sampling:

5.2.1. The Engineer may take one piece of guardrail, a backup plate, and end or buffer section from each
200 pieces in a lot, or from each lot if less than 200 pieces are ineluded therein, for determination
of compliance with specification requirements. If one piece fails to meet, two other pieces shall be
tested. If either of these pieces fails to conform to the requirements of this specification, the lot of
material represented by these samples shall be rejected. A lot shall be considered that quantity of
material offered for inspection at one time which bears the same heat and coating identification.

5.3. Acceptance by Brand Registration and Guarantee:

5.3.1. By mutual agreement between the fabricator and Engineer, acceptance may be based upon a Brand
Registration and Guarantee filed with the Engineer by the fabricator. For acceptance of a brand,
the fabricator shall furnish a Brand Registration and Guarantee meeting the approval of the
Engineer and showing the brand name or designation, the manner in which it will appear on the
fabricated beams, the typical mechanical properties, chemical composition if specified, the elass
and type of guardrail, and other specified properties. The fabricator shall also guarantee that as

TS-4d M 180-2 AASHTO

long as material is furnished under that brand and designation , it will co nform fully to the
requirements of the specification and shall be replaced without cost to the Engineer when found
not in co nformity with an y of the specified requirements. The Brand Registration and Guarantee
shall be sworn to for the fabricator by a person having legal auth or ity to bind the company. Upon
approval of a Brand Registration and Guarantee, that brand will be acce pted without further
certification. If, in subsequent actual field use, there is evidence of misbrand ing as determined by
rand om sampling and detection of inadequate tensile strength , yield stre ngth, elongation, improper
coating, defi cient thickness or improper fabr icat ion , the mate rial will be rejected and approval for
further use withdrawn until sub sequently reapproved . Samp les for test of any material offered for
use may be taken at an y time deemed des irable by the engi neer.

5.3.2. The manufacturer or fabricator shall make such tests and measurements as necessary to insure that
the material produced complies with all specification requirements. T hese tests and measurements
shall be so identified by the identifi cation symbo ls or code used on the beam that the manufacturer
can produce specific rep orts sho wing these test result s. Co pies of reports of these tests shall be
kept on file and shall be submitted to the engineer upon reques t.

5.3.3. The brand shall be rem oved or obliterated by the manufacturer or fabricator on all material where
control tests, as outlined herein, do not show conformance to this specification.


6.1. Bas e Metal- The beam, transition, end and buffer sec tio ns shall consist of sheet made of open
hearth , electric furnac e or basic oxygen steel and shall meet the mech anical properties specified in
Secti on 8. Th e chemical co mpos ition of the base metal for Ty pe IV beams shall be as approved by
the engineer.

6.2. Zinc- The zinc used for the coating of Type I and 11 sections shall be as prescribed in M 120, and
shall be at least equal to the grade designated as "Prime We stern ."

6.3. Bolts and Nuts:

6.3.1. Unless otherwise specified, bolts and nuts for Types 1, 11, and III beams shall co nfor m to or exceed
the requirements of ASTM A 307 and shall be coated in accordance with Section 9.4.

6.3.2. Bolts and nuts for Type IV beams shall be of an approved co rrosion resistant material and
conform to or exceed the requirements of ASTM A 307.

6.3.3. All connections or splices shall be formed with oval shoulder button headed bolts to minimize
projections on the road side of the guardrail. Splice and post bolt s and nuts shall co nform to one of
the configurations shown in Figure 3 or Figure 4. Either of the alternate configura tions may be
furnished unless otherwise specified by the engineer.

6.4. Waslzers and Backup Plates:

6.4.1. Washers shall be rectangular as shown in Figure 1. Washers for Types 1, 11, and III beams shall be
galvanized in accordance with Section 9. Washers for Type IV beams shall be of an approv ed
corrosion resistant steel. Back-up pIates if specified for use at non -splice points shall consist of
30S-mm (1-ft ) sections of beams and shall be of the same Cla ss and Type specified for the full-
length beams.

6.5 . End or Buffer Sections:

TS-4d M 180-3 AASHTO

6.5.1. End or buffer sections shalI be of the same or greater thickness of metal and the same type as the
beam to which it is attached or the engi neer may specify the minimum thickne ss of metal and type.


7.1 . The beams and end or buffer sections shalI be shaped and punched in conformance with the
requirements shown in Figures 1 and 2. Tra nsition sections shalI be fabricat ed in accordance with
Figure 5 and shalI pro vide a smooth and uniform transiti on between beams. They shalI be ready
for assemb ly when delivered. Only drilling or cutt ing necessary for special connections and for
sampling will be permitted in the field. Warped or deformed beam s will be rejected. Beams to be
erected on a radius of 46 m ( 150 ft) or less shall be shop curved to the appropriate curvature of the
installati on.


8.1 . The mechan ical properties of the base meta l shalI co nform to the followi ng requ irements:

8 .1.1. Beams and transition section s:

• Yield Point, minimum, 345 MPa (50000 psi);
• Ten sile Strength, minimum 483 MPa (70000 psi); and
• Elongation, in 50 mm (2 in.), minimum, 12 percent.

8.1.2. End and buffer sections:

• Yield Point, minimum , 227 MPa (33000 psi); and
• Ten sile Strength, minimum 310 MPa (45000 psi).

8.1 .3. Test specimens for mechanical properties shalI be prepared and tested as specified in ASTM
A 653 except that correction for thickness of zinc-coated specimens shall be 0.08 mm (0.003 in.)
for Type 1 beam and 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) for Type 11 beam .


9 .1. Type 1and II Beams:

9 .1.1. The beams may be galvanized before or after fabrication.

9 .1.2 . The mass of coating shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Tab le 2 for the types
specified. The mass of coating is the total amount of galvanizing on both sides of a sheet or beam,
expres sed as grams per square meter (oz/tr') of sheet.

9.1.3. The sheets or beams shall be of prime finish, that is, free from injurious defects such as blisters,
flux, and uncoated spots. Uncoated edges resuiting from transverse shearing or punching of holes
will not be considered objectionable.

9 .1.4 . The coatin g shall be smooth, free of beading or sharp projections along the edge s and shalI adhere
tenaciousl y to the surface of the metal. The adherence of the zinc coating to the surface of the base
metal shalI be determined by cutting or prying with a stout knife, applied with considerable
pressure in a manner tending to remove a portio n of the coating by paring or whittling, and it shall
not be possible to peel any portion of the coating so as to expose the base metal.

TS -4d M 180- 4 AA SHTO

~ ~~~
- 7.62 mor 3.81 m 0.54 m -
5'_-_0· or12'- 6")
_ _ _ _-:.(2_ (21-1/4)

~~ 00
I ~~~
_ 0_- __ 0 __ 0__ ' _ - --'l-
: i

Lapped Indirection of traffic Lapped onlraffic sIde

Wood post shown - When steel post Is Beamwasher BeamWasher Beamwasher
used, offset as reqtinld lo miss web 0.70 m I

.-L Ui
ERECl10N (2~1Q) ----¡ ~
~.32 m---l

(3-318) 85.7 It
-;) 254.0 (10)

T . . f ,-

~\.\I\&) ~~i
~+ i:J I
;.J. (12-1M¡1 m

i ,- .n, 0.3 m
0.54 m

¡ 1 76.2
4.8 (3116) I r I

17.511 25.4 hale

(11/16 x 1)
~E ~LdL------=-
+31.8 (1-1/4)
¡ i J~ b;:?'
-8.4 (1/4) I I
J108.oL I !
NOTE 1-AII dimensions are subject to manufacturer's tolerances except --"';215.9 ~
where allowable tolerances are shown.
NOTE 2 -AII dimensions are in millimeters unless specified otherwise
(all parenthetical values are in inches, unless specified otherwise).

NOTE 3- Rectangular plate washers are optional only in the transition sections.
They are not to be used in the main sect lons of strong post guardrail.
:r: Figure 1-W-Beam
a. i"
I Post boIt slol ~~_13i
_____ 7.62m
3.81 m
r 12'·61 [~(21-1/4)
0.54m 1
Post bolt slot

?:i i I 0CI::4 .L.L
, ' '- _.- _.- _.- _.__._-
-6"'"1- -1-Cf"t-.--.-----.__.-_.__._-._-
•• 1
..--.--.n.h.- ---.j-ti-.u.--.u.n.----.n.- Jr nu__. _
Wood post shown• Whensteel post ls " Lapped In directlonof traffie Lapptd on traffielid
used, offset 11 requiredto miss Wlb BeamwIshers Beamwashers Bllmwllhel'l

-~ ·_ ·_ ·- ·t · ---· r
· · . -. - - - - - - ~
. . -----1 1\.\'\Ó)
I ~~\



2i ~ I-- ¡- +
Post bolt slot
19.1 x 63.5 (3) I 4.8 (3116) I r As req'd ¡
G "1'" __._-= _

(314 x 2-112)

~ (1~+ ~
Splleebolt slot ¡ i
23.0 x 28.6 (typ.) _ _i 215.9 11~_

(29/32 x 1-118 :(~112)i
17.5 x 25.04 hole I
(11116' 1) BEAMWASHER O~1 )
~I L ·

I --¡1080j-
*tolerance ¡ J4-1i4~ NOTE 1 - AII dimensions are subject to manufacturer's tolerances except
+31.8 (1-1/4)
-6,4 (1/4)
I .
where allowable tolerances are shown. Asreq'd -1
NOTE 2 - AII dimensions are in millimeters unless specified otherwise FER END
(all parenthetical values are in inches, unless specified otherwise) .

NOTE 3 - Rectangular plate washers are optional only in the transition sections.
They are notto be used in the main sections of strong post guardrail.

~ I Figure 2- Thrie Beam


As ReQ u i red




NOTE: 0.,.01 lhoukMr Iholl hO'le lmooftI rodJl

and lholi mohfo" on .... mIaU y fuI(
( J i-» X (I/,~ in -:) ver"cal Mlght 01 'he O~I o, Ihe ovo 1.
;¿5.'iO~ ~. ~ J. 5'f tntn. DE.E.P AlI dlmenllonl Il'loWn on Alternole 80"
No. I cilO oJ)9ly lo Alfe rnol. Solf No. 2.
1 one ()( bonll, ....."'r--, AII dimenl ionl o re .ubJ.CI 10 monufactur.,'.
l oler one ta . &Cepl .. Iler . ollo.. obl. tol.ronc ..
ore &Ilo.. n.

15 . e8nv1\.( !YSÍ'I.) POS T on SPL I CE: 80 LT AND HU T


Figure 3-15.88-rnrn e/s-in. ) Post or Splice Bolt and Nut

TS-4d M 180-7 AASH TO


J~ A "'6_2 THREAD

L J5

re801 J~ JQ
Fee02 50 .5
FB80J 25' 100
reeo. 410 100
r8805 640 100
.,'6_2 MODFIED
25 O I 1.5 OEEP

NOT~- 'P.1e bolt shall have Ml6x2 threads as defined in ANSI ti 1.13M for Grade 6g tolerances, Bolt material shall conform
for corrosion resistant bolts shall conform lo ASTM F 568M for Class 8.8.3 bolts.
10 ASTM Jo' ~68M for Class 4.6. Material

NUlS shalJ have ANSI BI.l3M MI6x2 Grade 6H threads. The geometry of the nuts, wilh the exception of the recess shown in the drawing. shall conform to ANSI
BI8.2.4.IM Style I for zinc-coated hex nuts and ANSI BI8.2.4.6M heavy hex corrosion resistance nuts. Material for zinc-coated nuts shall conform to the requirernents of
A:\SHl'O M 291M for Class 5 and material for corrosion resistant nuts shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 291M for Class 8S3. Zinc-coated nuts shall be
tapped over-size e specified in AASHTO M 291M except that a diametrical allowance of 510 mm shall be used instead of 420 mm

Dimensional tolerances not shown or implied are intended lo be those consistent with lhe proper funclioning of the pan, including its appearance and accepted manufacturing

Figure 4-16-rnrn Post or Splice Metric Bolt and Nut

TS-4d M 180-8 AASHTO


t f
Figure 5-Transition Section

M 180-9
9.1.5. The test specimen size and method of tests for determining the mass of coating sha ll be as
prescribed in T 65. At the option of the Engineer, materia l may be accepted on the basis of
magnetic gage determinations made in accordance with AST M E 376 .

9.2. Typ e 1/1 Beam s:

9.2.1. Beams which are to be painted sha ll be cleaned and sho p painted with one coat of rust-inhibitive
primer. The primer shall have a tough and durable surface and shall be thoroughly dry before the
sheets are handled or packed for shipment.

9.3. Type IV Beams:

9.3.1. Beams of corrosion resistant steel shall not be painted or galva nized. They shall be so handled and
stored that the traffic face of these beam s, used in a continuous run of guardrail, shall not show a
distinctive color differentia l.

9.4. Bo/ts and Nuts :

9.4.1. Bolts and nuts shall be hot-dip zinc coated in acco rdance with the requi rements of
M 232M1M 232, Class C or mechanicall y zinc coated in accordance with M 298 , Class 50,
Type l .

9.5. Waslzers:

9.5 .1. Washers shall be hot-dip zinc coated in accordance with the req uirements of M 232M1M 232.

9.6. Galvanizing Repair:

9 .6 .1. Where the galvanizing on guardrail or fitting s has been darnaged , the coa ting shall be repaired by
rega lvanizing or the surface repaired by paint ing with two coats of zinc dust-zinc oxide paint
conforming to Federal Specification TT -P-64 1 or OOO -P-21035 .
Table 1- Beam or Sheet Thickness

Beam or Sheet Th ickne ss

Class A Class B

To lerance Tolerance
Under Under
Spec ified Spe cified
Thi ckness, Th ickne ss,
No Limit for No Limit for
Type Th ickne ss Over Th ickness Thickness Over Th ickn ess
mm in mm in mm in mm in
1 2.74 0.108 0.23 0 .009 3.51 0.138 0.25 0.010
11 2.82 0.111 0.23 0 .009 3.58 0 .141 0.25 0.010
III 2.67 0.105 0.23 0.009 3.43 0.135 0.2 5 0.010
IV 2.67 0.105 0.23 0.009 3.43 0.135 0 .25 0.010

T8-4d M 180-10 AA8HTO

Table 2-Weight of Coating

Weight of Coating

Min Check Min Check

Limit Limit
Single-Spot Triple-Spot
Test Test

Type glm 2ozlft3 glm 2 ozlft 2

1 550 1.80 610 2.00
JI 1100 3.60 1220 4.00


10.1. Sheet or Beam Thickness:

10.1.1. The nominal thickness for the finished beam or sheet shalI conform to the requirements as
prescribed in Table l.

10.1.2. For fabricated beams, thickness measurernents wilI be made on tangent portions of the cross

10.2. Sheet Width:

10.2.1. The beam elements shalI be formed from sheets having nominal widths of 483 mm (19 in.) for W-
Beams and 749 mm (29 1/ 2 in.) for Thrie Beams. Tolerance from the nominal width of minus
3.2 mm ct/g in.) wil1 be permissible.
Note 1 -The requirements of paragraph 10.2 .1 are intended to define the minimum width sheet
permissible. Calculation of exact width dimensions from Figures 1 and 2 shows that the finished
product may slightly exceed these widths. However, the dimensions of Figures 1 and 2 can be met
within alIowable tolerance by using the nominal widths. Use of sheets slightly greater than the
nominal widths is permissible provided the tolerances in Figures 1 and 2 are met.


11.1 . Each beam element shalI be identified by the folIowing:

• Name or Brand of Manufacturer,
• Identification Symbols or Code for Heat,
• Number and Coating Lot,
• AASHTO Specification Number, and
• Class and Type.

11.2. Markings shall not be placed at such a loeation that they will be obscured after erec tion, or in a
man ner that the brand wil1 be conspicuous to any traffic . Markings placed on the traffic face of the
beam shall be placed in the val1ey of the center corrugation and shalI be die imprinted with letters
and numerals having a maximum height of 32 mm (11/4 in.) and a minimum height of 19 mm
e/4 in.) and shalI be clearly legible after galvanization of the rail elements.

11.3. Marking material shall be such as to resist obliteration during storage, transportation, and erection.

TS-4d M 180-11 AASHTO

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