DLL G6 Q3 Week 2
DLL G6 Q3 Week 2
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ 2. Uses technology in gathering 2.1 Conduct a survey/interview 2.2 Conduct a survey/interview 2.3 Conduct a survey/interview 2.4 Conduct a survey/interview of
Objectives information about trees and for the following: for the following: of the following the following
fruit trees. elements to be observed in market demands for fruit sources of trees and fruit famous orchard, farm in the
Write the LC code for each data preparation planting trees and fruit bearing trees. trees. country.
use of survey trees.
use of interview
II. CONTENT 2a. Discuss the different 2.1.1. Elements to be observed 2.2.1 Identify different market 2.3.1 Present data regarding 2.4.1 Present data regarding
tools/instruments in gathering in planting trees and fruit trees demands for trees and fruit trees different sources of trees and famous orchards and farmlands
data for trees and fruit trees. Be able to present data using Be able to present data using fruit trees within the community in the
Interview interview or a survey. interview or a survey. Be able to present data using different provinces in the country.
Survey interview or a survey. Be able to present data using
interview or a survey.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask any one from the class to Identification of the different Report on market demands for Discussion on the different Presentation of the different well-
presenting the new lesson report about trees and fruit elements to be observed in trees and fruit trees. sources of trees and fruit trees. known orchard/farm in the country.
trees. planting trees and fruit trees.
Importance and the benefits
we can derive from planting
trees and fruit trees.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Be able to discuss before the Present the different Learners will identify the Present before the class some Learners will be able to gain
lesson class the use of interview and elements to be observed in different market demands for sources of trees and fruit trees. information about the success story
survey in gathering data and planting trees and fruit trees. trees and fruit trees. of some well-known
other information about trees orchards/farms in the country.
and fruit trees.
Presentation of Show data regarding the Identify market demands for Using a developed data base, Presentation of the different well-
C. Presenting examples/instances data/information on the different elements to be trees and fruit trees. present before the class the known orchards/farms with
of the new lesson different trees and fruit trees practiced in planting trees and different sources of trees and exemplary characteristics and
grown in the different fruit trees. fruit trees as follows: awards.
provinces with focused on its Commercial Nursery
Ordinary name and its Agricultural Institutions
scientific name Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Plant Industry
Present data gathering Present charts/pictures showing Interviewing skills on market Presentation skills using video Video presentation featuring the
D. Discussing new concepts and instrument using Interview and the different elements demands for trees and fruit footages on the different outstanding orchards/farms in the
practicing new skills #1 Survey. practiced in planting trees and trees. sources of trees and fruit trees. country.
fruit trees.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Discussions on the use of List down different elements Identify some market demands Presentation skills on the Video coverage presentation of
Formative Assessment 3) technology in gathering data involved in planting trees and related to trees and fruit trees. different agencies, partners some well-known orchard farm in
on trees and fruit trees. fruit trees. being the source of trees and the country.
fruit trees.
G. Finding practical applications Present before the class the Demonstrate the different Present before the class Show some footages of Present data of some outstanding
of concepts and skills in daily scientific practices in gathering practices in planting trees and videos, film clips of different different government, non- orchards/farms in the country.
living data about the trees and fruit fruit trees. products that serve as a market government as well as private Present their sample proposals or
trees. demand for trees and fruit trees entities, where trees and fruit project study.
trees are obtained from.
(ex: foods: fruits, candies, jams,
non-food: furnitures, energy
source, infrastructure, etc.
The importance of scientific The different elements in Some products derived from Sources of trees and fruit trees. Qualities and characteristics of an
H. Making generalizations and tools in data gatherings. planting trees and fruit trees. trees and fruit trees that will ideal orchard.
abstractions about the lesson provide for a market demand.
Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation. Written examination.
I. Evaluating learning Demonstrations. Demonstrations skills. Video presentation. Word Game.
Brainstorming. Role Play. Quiz. Direct Observation.
Present documentaries and Demonstration on the different Invite at least one practitioner Develop flip chart on the Video shoot of different types of
J. Additional activities for some data about trees and practices in planting trees and who can share his/her different sources of trees and orchard.
application or remediation fruit trees that are gathered fruit trees. expertise/experiences in fruit trees.
through surveys and marketing products out of trees
interviews. and fruit trees.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
School Grade Level VI
Teaching Dates and Time NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter 3RD QUARTER
II. Content Enhancing/ decorating finished products
III. Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide Pages- K-12 TLE6IA-Ob-3, p. 39
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Give the different methods in Give example of activities to What are the different sources of What are the market trends should What are the finishing materials
Lessons enhancing/decorating finished determine market trends of finishing materials, accessories and be done in marketing products to enhance finished products?
products. finished products. design? made of bamboo, wood and
B. Establishing purpose - Do you have any finished - Our country has vast Show some pictures of finished 1. Showing some pictures of Have them share/show the
for the Lesson product or handicraft made of natural resources where products finishing products. given assignment
bamboo, wood or metal in useful products are
your home? Where did you derived. The different kind What finishing materials did they
buy it? of finishing materials like use to beautify it?
varnish, paint, lacquer, - Finishing- is the method of
enamel shellac and many beautifying the project. It is
more had their sources. the last step in the completion
of a project.
- In this lesson we are going
to discuss the sources of
finishing materials,
accessories and designs.
C. Presenting One of the steps to ensure the Show some pictures of finishing There are processes and treatments . Show pictures of unfinished and Have them discuss what the
examples success of the products is materials, accessories and done on some materials before finished products .Let the pupils finishing materials they used on
/instances of the marketing. designs. making them into articles. describe and compare the their finished products.
new lessons - Product marketing is the set Treating Bamboos pictures.
of activities one should be - What are the finishing 1. Preserving and Treating Bamboos
aware in order to know more materials you can see in the There are various ways of treating
about the products that made pictures? bamboo to preserve its natural
of bamboo, wood and metal. beauty. It is called the resin-oil
extraction method. It is done by
either wet or dry process. In the wet
process, the bamboo is soaked
overnight in a solution of 0.1% to
1.2% caustic soda or carbonate of
soda or boiled in this solution for 10-
15 minutes. In the dry process,
bamboo poles are evenly heated
over charcoal at a temperature of 49
C to 54 C for 20-30 minutes.
2. Bleaching
Bleaching is the process of whitening
or removing the colour by sunlight
exposure, air ventilation or by the
use of chemical solutions.
3. Dyeing Bamboo Poles and Splints
Dyeing is the process of applying
colour into the materials. The direct
dyeing or reactive dyeing method
may be used. In direct dyeing,
bamboo splints make sure of
vegetable dye. It is done by boiling
water with dye and immersing the
bamboo splints until the desired
colour is achieved. They are dried
under the sun. In reactive dyeing, the
following materials are used: 30% of
dye; salt is 30 grams per liquid and
fixing agent is 30 grams per liquid.
The dye is dissolved in water and is
diluted to the final volume. The
bamboo splints are soaked for10
minutes then salt is added and
dyeing is continued for an hour.
4. Pyrography
Pyrography is the process of burning
designs of bamboo with hot wire.
The electric soldering iron is
considered the best tool in
D. Discussing new Here are some activities to There are sources of finishing Enumerate the fundamental Why is it important to paint Why is it important to paint
concepts and determine market trends on materials like: processes in treating bamboos. materials made of wood? materials made of wood?
practicing new products made of bamboo, wood or 1. Shellac – it is a good Discuss the following processes in How finishing
skills #1. metal. finish for many projects. It treating bamboos. materials helps your -discuss/review all the previous
1. Direct Marketing – through comes from the excreta of project/product more attractive lesson you taught for the week.
demonstrations, trade exhibits and insects called a luc bug. The and saleable
other public venues. This is popular colour is yellow and appears like Have them share their learnings
activity being done by the small pieces of cellophane. on the previous lessons.
producers to motivate consumers Before it is used, it is mixed with
or buyers about the products. denatured alcohol.
2. Advertising in Print Media – 2. Varnish – it is another
these activities is done through finishing material that beautifies
advertisements in newspapers, and preserves a project. It is
magazines and flyers about the made from copal gum dissolved
product. in pure boiled linseed oil. Copal
3. Radio, Television and gum comes from resin of pine
Internet Advertising – it is a modern trees buried several feet below
ways of endorsing product. the ground. Linseed oil comes
4. Distributing Products via from oil of cotton seed. When
Transport System – Products varnish becomes sticky and
reached the consumers faster hard, add turpentine to make it
through the means of land, air and thin and usable again. Varnish
sea transportation spreading and turpentine are sold in cans
promotion, feedbacks even in the and bottles.
farthest region of the country. 3. Paint – it is another
• What is direct marketing? finishing material that is always
• Explain what advertising in used because of its beautiful
print media is. colour and a good protector of
materials. The body of paint is a
• Discuss the modern ways of mixture of four elements:
endorsing products. pigment, vehicle, thinner, and
• Give an example of drier. It comes in cans of
distributing products via transport different sizes. When the paint
system. gets sticky or hard, add paint
thinner. If thinner is not
available, use gasoline or
petroleum as a substitute.
4. Lacquer – this is a
synthetic product which is
largely used in all manufactured
articles. This finishing material
could retain the natural colour
of the material to which it is
applied. Like varnish and shellac
it is sold in cans and bottles. The
solvent used is lacquer thinner.
5. Stain (Tina) – stain is
colouring material which is
applied to the surface of a wood
to improve its appearance.
There are three kinds of stain:
oil stain, water stain, and spirit
When you mix the dye (tina)
with petroleum, the result is oil
stain. When the dye is mixed
with water, it is now water stain.
When the dye is mixed with
alcohol, the mixture is called
spirit stain.
The dye is sold in boxes or in
kilos. Spirit stain is ready mixed.
It is sold in cans and bottles. All
of these stains are applied by
means of brush, spray, or cotton
6. Sandpaper – it is made
grits, usually ground silica, flint,
quartz, or emery glued to thick
paper or cloth. Sandpaper for
wood is called flint paper and for
metal it is called emery cloth at
present we have water proof
abrasive for metal. Both are
used for smoothing rough
surface of objects.
7. Glue – glue is a paste for
wood materials. It is in powder
or in cake form. It is
manufactured from fish,
animals, and plastic resin.
Activity No. 1
Direction: Draw smiling
face if the sentence
is correct and sad face if it
is wrong.
__________ 1. When you mixed
the dye (tina) with Petroleum
the result is oil stain.
__________ 2. When varnish
becomes sticky and hard, add
water to make it usable again.
__________ 3. The body of paint
is a mixture of four elements.
__________ 4. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with alcohol, the
mixture is called spirit stain.
__________ 5. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with water, the
mixture is called water stain.
F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical Why is having the
Applications of knowledge of conducting
concepts and skills survey using technology
in daily living important in your future
alternative plans?
H. Making Generalizations
& Abstractions about
the lessons
I. Evaluating Learning
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level VI
GRADE 6 Teacher Learning Area TLE – H.E.
Teaching Dates and Time NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter 3RD QUARTER
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Management of family resources
VIII. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
RESOURCES manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
C. References
5. Teacher’s Guide
6. Learner’s Materials
7. Textbook pages
8. Additional Materials THE II Teacher’s Manual. 1991. Pp. THE II Teacher’s Manual.
from Learning 23-24 1991.pp. 23-24
Resource (LR)portal
D. Other Learning Resource Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and
Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) (2014) Growing up with Home (2014) Growing up with Home J.P. (2014) Growing up with Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
Growing up with Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Economics and Livelihood Home Economics and Livelihood Growing up with Home
Economics and Livelihood FNB Educational, Inc. QC. Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Economics and Livelihood
Education. FNB Educational, V QC. QC. Education. FNB
Inc. QC. Educational, Inc. QC.
K. Reviewing previous Last week, there was a Recap of the lesson the previous day Recap of the lesson the previous Recap of the lesson of the Recap of the lesson of the
lesson or presenting the discussion on management
new lesson of the family income. day previous day previous day
Management of family As a segue, mention that the day
income means allocating it
before, the class learned the factors Yesterday, we discussed the Yesterday, we learned
to provide for the basic
needs of members and for that should be considered in principles that need to be applied budgeting and how it can be
comfortable living. budgeting. to make family budgeting a applied to the family.
successful and fulfilling task.
Budgeting is critical because it is
Ask the class to identify some of the oftentimes difficult to ensure
priniciples. that we will be able to make
both ends meet when times are
We also identified items that were hard.
included in the family budget.
L. Establishing a purpose Ask the class about the For the day’s lesson, the class will Ask what items are included in the How can we prudently manage Ask the class about the
for the lesson relationship between identify where the income goes or budget. the financial resources of the relationship between
management and budgeting what the family includes in the family? management and
of family income. budget. Then, present the following list budgeting of family
culled from the book: Group the class into four (4). income.
Aside from the knowledge of what Food and clothing Each group will answer the
comprises a family budget, the class Shelter and education question. “How can we make
needs to be aware of certain Social needs both ends meet?”
principles to be applied effectively in social and moral obligations
order to make family budgeting a family activities
Reporting per group follows.
school affairs
successful and fulfilling task.
Savings/emergency budget
health The results of the discussion will
According to Bantigue and Pangilinan house repair be processed by the teachers.
(2014), the summary of the
principles that should be applied to
make family budgeting a successful
and fulfilling task are as follows:
Know the family’s income.
List your expenses. Know which
components are fixed and which
are flexible.
Set priorities.
Keep records of expenses.
Allocate an amount for savings.
M. Presenting By means of budgeting, the Ask the class to bring out the photos Tell the learners that items 1 and 2 Show photos of different Divide the class into four (4)
examples/Instances of family can properly allot the they were asked to bring. Group the are basic needs and are familiar to items/situations. groups.
the new lesson income. A family should
class into 4 (four). Let the class them. Mention something about
have a knowledge of family
identify where or what the family food and clothing, shelter and Ask the learners if they are needs Using the concepts learned
budgeting to know how
much is spent for family includes in the budget. Prioritize the education. or wants. yesterday, come up with an
needs and where the income items. The class will be given ten activity that will
goes. Through family minutes to complete the activity. Ask them to give examples of the demonstrate the difference
Ask why they think it is a need or
budgeting, the members will Reporting follows. items under social needs, and between needs and wants.
learn to spend wisely, save want.
savings/emergency budget. Think of activities outside
regularly, participate in
family matters more actively the box.
with the maximum benefit These are the following:
from the wise use of a. Social and moral obligations –
resources, like time, energy, birthdays, baptisms, etc.;
and abilities.
b. family activities;
c. school affairs.
N. Discussing new concepts Ask: What are the factors SHORT SKIT Mention that a family budget also The teacher writes two columns Presentation per group.
and practicing new skills that need to be considered Using the previous group provides for the following needs: on the board. One column has
#1 assignment, discuss among the
when budgeting? Refer to the examples given by the the heading NEEDS. The other
group the principles in making family
Size of the family budgeting a successful and fullfilling learners. If it was already column has the heading WANTS.
Family income task. The twist is this will be mentioned, do not include in the
Kind of work each presented in a short skit. list. Randomly distribute metacards
family member
containing a list of needs and
does The group will be given five (5) Food, shelter, clothing, education, wants.
Talents and abilities
minutes to present the short skit. household operations,
of each member
Locality where the maintenance/repair, utilities Ask the learners to post the
family lives (water, electricity, telephone, metacards on the board.
transportation, medical and dental
care, rest and recreation, stipend, Ask the learner to explain/defend
savings. his/her choice.
O. Discussing new concepts . Presentations Divide the class into four groups Based on the activity that was
and practicing new skills Group 1 Provide situations wherein the conducted ask the learners to
#2 differentiate needs from wants.
Group 2 group will prepare a budget for the
entire family for one week.
Group 3 Note that there are four types of A need is a requirement for
Group 4 situation. The group have the survival, e.g. breathable air.
option on how they will present it in A want is a desire. It may be the
a most creative and innovative way. desire for a need (e.g. a choking
person generally wants to be able
to breathe) or for something not
needed for survival, such as
chocolate or a new car.
P. Developing mastery Let the learners cite Comments on group presentations: Reporting of results of group work. Show a short clip on managing Giving feedback on
(leads to Formative examples of the factors that Group 4 will comment on Group 1 money: Needs versus Wants presentations.
Assessment 3) need to be considered when Group 3 will comment on Group 2
budgeting. Analyze the movie and relate it to Examples of guide
Group 2 will comment on Group 3
needs versus wants. Note that questiona:
Group 1 will comment on Group 4
some of the contents of the video
may be debatable e.g. chocolates
Limit the comments on the contents is needed by soldiers for Was the group effective in
of the presentation. Does the endurance in the middle of a war emphasizing the difference
presentation manifests the while in a normal situation it is a between needs and wants?
principles in making family want for another individual. If yes, How?
budgeting a successful and fulfilling
task? What concepts in the
presentation had an impact
on you? Why?
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
H. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
I. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang mas malalim na pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino tungo sa pagtugon sa mga suliranin , isyu at hamon ng kasarinlan
Pamantayan sa Pagaganap Nakakapagpakita ng pagmamalaki sa kontribusyon ng mga nagpunyaging mga Pilipino sa pagkamit ng ganap na kalayaan at hamon ng kasarinlan
1.Nasusuri ang mga pangunahing suliranin at hamon sa kasarinlan pagkatapos ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig
Mga Kasanayan sa 1.1 Natalakay ang Suliraning Pangkabuhayan pagkatapos ng digmaan at ang naging pagtugon sa mga suliranin
Pagkatuto (Isulat ang 1.2 Natatalakay ang ugnayang Pilipino-Amerikano sa konteksto ng Kasunduang Militar na nagbigay daan sa pagtayo ng Base Militar ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas
code ng bawat kasanayan) 1.3 Natatalakay ang “Parity rights” at ang ugnayang kalakalan sa Estados Unidos
1.4 Naipaliliwanag ang epekto ng “Colonial Mentality” pagkatapos ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
I. Layunin
Nailalahad sa pamamagitan ng Naipakikilala sa lahat ang isang Base Nasusuri ang iba’t ibang reaksiyon Nakapagbibigay kahulugan Naipapaliwanag ang
Film showing tungkol sa Base Militar ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas ng mga Pilipino tungkol sa Epekto kung ano ang colonial epekto ng “Colonial
Cognitive Militar ng Estados Unidos sa –Clark Airfield ng Parity Rights at ugnayang mentality at Neocolonialism Mentality” pagkatapos ng
Pilipinas sa Subic Bay kalakaran Ikalawang Digmaang
Nakapagbibigay halaga sa Nakatatamo ng kasiyahan sa Nakapagpahayag ng saloobin Nakapagpapahalaga sa mga Nakapagtimbang-timbang
pagkatatag ng isang Base Militar sa kabutihang naidulot ng pagtatag ng tungkol sa epekto ng Parity Rights positibong diwa ng Colonial tungkol sa mabuti o
Pilipinas sa Subic Bay Base Militar ng Estados Unidos sa Mentality at Neocolonialism masamang epekto ng
Pilipinas –Clark Airfield Colonial Mentality
Nakabubuo ng isang Nakagagamit ng isang Semantic Web Nakakagawa ng Carousel Photo na Nakapagsusulat ng journal Nakakabuo ng Retrieval
konseptogamit ang concept map (Picture Smart) upang maipakita ang nagpapakita ng epekto ng Parity tungkol sa kahulugan ng Chart tungkol sa epekto ng
Psychomotor kung paano naitatag ang Base pagtatag ng Clark Airfield Rights sa panig ng mga Pilipino at colonial mentality at Colonial Mentality
Militar sa Subic mga Amerikano Neocolonialism
A. Paksa Base Militar ng Estados Unidos sa Base Militar ng Estados Unidos sa Ang Epekto ng Parity Rights at ang Ang kahulugan ng Ang Epekto ng Colonial
Pilipinas – Subic Bay Pilipinas – Clark Airfield Ugnayang Kalakalan a. Colonial – Mentality Mentality
b. NeoColonlialism
B. Sanggunian Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG,
Ang Bayan Kong Mahal 5, pp.184- Pilipinas: Ang Ating Bansa (5), CG, Pilipino Ako, Pilipinas
185, 1999 209-213 2000 pp. 197-204 Ang Bayan ko (Patnubay
ng Guro) 5 pp. 152-154
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Paglalarawan ng mga bata sa “Data Retrieval Chart” Pagpapakita ng larawan na isang Pagpapakita ng larawan ng Pagbabasa ng mga mag-
halimbawa sa bagong nakitang “Film Showing” Tanong: Ano ang nasa loobng Clark bata ay inagawan ng bagay ng isa isang Filipino made products at aaral sa mga nakatalang
aralin Air Field? foreign made products iba’t ibang colonial
mentality/ Neocolonialism
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Mga Tanong: Bakit kaya Pagtatanong sa mga mag-aaral Hayaan ang mga mag-aaral na Batay sa lista ay
konsepto at paglalahad ng Ano ang itinayo sa itinayo ang Clark tungkol sa larawang nakita magbigay ng kumento tungkol magtatanong ang guro sa
bagong kasanayan #1 Subic Bay? Air Field ? sa larawang ipinakita epekto nito.
Bakit kaya itinayo
ito sa Pilipinas?
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pagdedebate tugkol sa Ano kaya ang kabutihang Pagpapangkat: Hayaang basahin Hayaang basahin ng bawat Magbibigay ng listahan ng
konsepto at paglalahad ng kabutihan/kasamaang dulot dulot ng Clark Air Field sa Pilipinas? ng bawat grupo ang paksang grupo ang teksto ng paksa at epekto ang uro sa bawat
bagong kasanayan #2 ng Base Millitar ng Estados inatas at hayaan silang magbigay magtalakayan grupo at hayaan ang mga
Unidos sa Pilipinas. ng sariling kuro-kuro mag-aaral na talakayin ito
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasan Ang mga bata ay magbuo ng “Semantic Web” Ipaulat sa bawat grupo ang Ipasulat sa meta strips ang mga Pagtatalakayan ng mga
(Tungo sa Formative concept map kung paano naitatag Paano natatag ang Clark Air Field? kaalaman tungkol sa Parity Rights diwang natutunan sa paksang mag-aaral at guro
Assessment) ang Base Militar sa Subic. nabasa Halimbawa: Produkto ng
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Sa pamamagitan ng mga News Sa palagay ninyo, tama ban a pinaalis Ano ang naitulong ng Parity Rights Magsulalt ng 3 halimbawa ng Ano ang gagawin mo
pang-araw-araw na buhay Clippings,Ano ang naitulong ng ang mga Base Militar sa Pilipinas? sa pang araw-araw na colonial mentality na upang magkaroon ka ng
Base Militar sa pang araw-araw na pamumuhay ng mga Pilipino? karaniwang ginagawa n mga tiwala sa sarili?
pamumuhay ng mga Pilipino? Pilipino?
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang naitulong ng Base Militar Sa pamamagitan ng Flip- Ano-anu ba ang naging epekto ng Ano ang kahulugan ng colonial Ano-anu ang mga epekto
ng estados Unidos sa Pilipinas Book,Ipalarawan sa mga bata ang Parity rights sa eknomiya ng Mentality at Neocolonialism? ng Colonial Mentality?
noong unang panahon? Clark Air Field? bansa?
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Sa pamamagitan ng “Centers” “Talk Show” Pagpapagawa ng Carousel Photo Pagsusulat ng journal tungkol Pagsasagot ng maikling
papabigayin ang mga bata sa Kabutihang dulot ng Base Militar sa sa bawat grupo sa kahulugan ng colonial pasulit.
kahalagahan ng pagtatag ng Base Pilipinas sa Clark Air Field? Mentality at Neocolonialism
Militar sa Pillipinas sa Subic Bay.
J. Karagdagang gawain para Galing sa mga News Gumawa ng scrapbook tungkol sa Isulat ang aspeto ng Prity Rights sa Ipaliwanag ang mga Magbigay ng 5 halimbawa
sa takdang-aralin at Clippings,Magsulat ng Base Militar ng Pilipinas. panig ng mga Pilipino at sumusunod: na nagpapakita ng Colonial
remediation pinakamahalagang pangyayari sa Amerikano. 1. Colonial Menatality Mentality ng mga Pilipino.
Base Militar sa Subic. 2. 2. Neocolonialism
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School Grade Level IV
Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates And Time NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter 3RD QUARTER
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Chart for Detecting bias- Chart - The Rio Grande- http://informationliteracy
Learning Resource (LR) portal (http://www.wikihow.com/ http://englishforeveryone.or On-line game: Encyclopaedia Britannica – wactc.pbworks.com/f/Deb
Recognize-Bias-in-a- g/PDFs/6_The_Rio_Grande_ http://pbskids.org/arthur/game on line reference ate_Etiquettes_1_.doc
Newspaper-Article) Free_Sample.pdf s/factsopinions/factsopinions.ht
Chart for Different
Propaganda Techniques- or Encyclopaedia Britannica – on
Presentation line reference
E. Other Learning Resource PowerPoint presentation, Short Article: The Rio Laptop, projector, pictures, on- Chart, picture, mini-board Chart for debate-rubrics,
laptop, projector Grande- Chart, picture line game, chart picture
Cardboards, picture, chart
U. Reviewing previous lesson or Have you tried to convince Can anyone from the class Read your answers loudly about Read the editorial article How would you like others
presenting the new lesson someone to do something give the different techniques the facts you have learned from about the President of the to react on your opinions
for you or make someone in propaganda? the article, inquiries that you Philippines. and beliefs?
believe in you? How did are still interested to know and
you do it? state your opinion about the
V. Establishing a purpose for the Drills. Do you know the importance Show the picture and let them Play a game: “Mini Me” Discuss shortly the rules on
lesson Unlocking of of water? analyze it by sharing their ideas. game the teacher will call debate.
difficulties. What are the uses of water? someone who will act in http://informationliteracy
Arranged the Ask the pupils: front of the class and the wactc.pbworks.com/f/Deb
jumbled letters (to Where do you think the shadow class shall imitate the actor ate_Etiquettes_1_.doc
identify the came from? in front whatever it may act
different out. Points of information:
techniques of http://vivifyphotography.com/ Etiquette:
propaganda) wp- 1. Be respectful to
beside the sample content/uploads/2014/09/Fant the speaker
pictures. asy-Self-Portrait-Reaching-Arm- 2. Rise calmly and
Vivify-Photography- quietly
DARC GNIKCSTA – Focuses 1024x682.jpg) 3. Wait patiently for a
on the best features and response from the
leaves out or lies about speaker
problems 4. Make sure your
LAINOMOTISET – a well- (POI) Points of
known person endorses Information does
the product or service. not exceed 15
– uses words or ideas that Answer to the question: tree How to answer:
evoke an emotional (http://il3.picdn.net/shutterstoc 1. Be bold and
response. k/videos/9573419/thumb/1.jpg concise
REFSNART – relates a ) 2. Use POI’s to your
product to someone or advantage:
something we like. To advance
NIALP SKLOF – Uses regular more
people to sell a product or arguments
a service. Take away
NOGAWDNAB – asks arguments
people to join the crowd from the other
and take action because Possible answer: From the hand side
everyone is doing it. a monster outside the window. 3. Do not let the POI
EMAN GNILLAC – connects distract you or get
a person, product or idea you off topic
to something negative. 4. If POI is not clear
or does not matter
in the debate, say
Planning Strategy:
1. Anticipate
2. Make your POI’s
witty and insightful
3. A POI can be new
argument, an
reference to an old
argument, or
evidence that
makes the
speaker’s points
W. Presenting - Show different Identify the meaning of Is your answer correct? Create sentences based on What are the things you
examples/Instances of the advertisement to the the bold words using the pictures using past form must remember in stating
new lesson class. context clues. How would you react on the of regular verb. your opinion?
ideas you have stated just
1. He was furious when basing on the pictures
he found out his presented and not on the actual
girlfriend had scenario?
- Ask them if they will cheated on him.
buy the product. 2. The
- Ask them the reason of higher elevations ha
buying the product. ve a dry, temperate,
healthful climate. 1.
3. His life, as
they significantly cal
- Visualize: l it, was untouched
(add more)
You want to buy new set of
clothes, how will you
convince your parent to
buy it?
X. Discussing new concepts and Analyse the different Read aloud the text “The Rio Play on line – or create the A teacher support material State the ideas and
practicing new skills # 1 Propaganda Techniques- Grande” same idea: consisting of activities Let opinions of the group from
http://englishforeveryone.or Binky’s Fact and opinion. the pupils identify first the the chosen topic from the
g/PDFs/6_The_Rio_Grande_ (http://pbskids.org/arthur/gam meaning then let the pupils list.
Free_Sample.pdf es/factsopinions/factsopinions. to use the appropriate past
Read the text with accuracy, html) form of regular and irregular
appropriate rate and proper verb and to formulate Group 1:
expression. dialogues based picture
presented. Are Video Games Good for
The Rio Grande although not You?
the longest river in America,
the Rio Grande is one of the Group 2:
most important. But, unlike
other significant rivers, it is Do you know the difference Which is better, television
not used for shipping. In between Facts and Opinions? or books?
fact, oceangoing ships If I say “Pal has four legs,” that’s
cannot navigate the waters. a Fact. It’s a Fact because I can
No, what makes the Rio show somebody else why it’s
Grande so important is its true, and evidence can be
location. Since 1846, it has proven.
been the official border of No matter who says it, it’s true:
Texas and Mexico. Rio Pal has four legs.
Grande Geography The Rio
Grande is either the fourth
or fifth longest river system
in North America. It all
depends on how it is
measured. Because the river
twists so much, it
occasionally changes course. But if I say, “Pal is the best pet,”
And these course shifts can that’s an Opinion.
cause it to be longer or It’s n opinion because I can’t
shorter. At its last official show somebody else that it’s
measure, the Rio Grande true.
clocked in at 1,896 miles. Somebody else might that
The river starts in Colorado Nemo is the best pet.
and extends downward to We would have different
the Gulf of Mexico. Opinion.
Downward is the best way of
describing it too. Not only
does the river extend south,
but it also starts in the
mountains and gets lower
and lower in elevation as it
extends to the Gulf. Its name
is Spanish for the “Big River,”
but the Rio Grande is
actually known as Rio Bravo
in Mexico. “Bravo” translates
as “furious,” so the name
makes sense. Because of its
twists and turns, it certainly
does seem to be angrier
than most rivers! The Rio
Grande Today The Rio
Grande today is mostly used
as a source of drinking
water. Sadly, much of the
water has been drained from
the river. Parts of the river
are almost dry! This is
because people use more
water from the river than
the river can get back from
rain and other sources.
Experts are working to
correct this, though, with
hopes of restoring the river
to its past strength. Today,
the river is important as a
source of water for Texans
and Mexicans. More
important, it is a symbol of
cooperation between two
nations. Though borders like
the Rio Grande separate
nations, they are also shared
spaces. The Rio Grande is
therefore a symbol of
friendship and peace
between two peoples.
Y. Discussing new concepts and Show a picture, and then Group Activity: Divide the Show sample of an Editorial Discuss the Time Signals of Guided Debate.
practicing new skills # 2 let the pupils describe it. class into group and write Cartoon and let the pupils verb specifically irregular Based on the chart for
their answer in a manila discuss and state their opinions. verbs. rubrics.
paper. Identify the irregular verb of
the following pictures and
1st group: use it in a sentence.
Look at how the writer
treats the people he is
writing about. Do some
sources or witnesses
"claim" their stories while
others "explain" them?
Make notes of language
that gives you a positive or
negative feeling about a
piece of information, but
which represents the
writer's opinion, and not a
verifiable truth.
Pay attention to the overall
tone of the article. Does
the feeling it gives you
relate to the information
given (e.g. murder makes
you feel sad) or to the
writer's opinion (e.g. a
particular political party is
Z. Developing mastery(leads to Game: Group Presentation . Class Activity: play and discuss Using mini-board- Construct Share in the class your
Formative Assessment 3) Let us play the game “Hep, Let each member discuss the questions in the paper. sentences using a card, use conclusion based on the
hep, hooray “whoever got your written answer in a Turn the Question Around! Oral the appropriate past form of result of the debates.
it incorrect shall identify manila paper. Practice regular and irregular verb
the technique use in the Pass the ball to all pupils inside and to formulate dialogues
propaganda. the classroom while singing based picture presented.
“London Bridge is falling down”
then as the song ends whoever
holding the ball shall answer to
the question posted on the 1.
1. board.
1. What is your favorite
food? Why?
2. Where would you like 2.
to go on vacation?
2. Why?
3. Who is your favorite
teacher? Why? 3.
3. 4. Why do you like recess?
5. What is your favorite
sport? Why?
AA. Finding practical application of How will you react in a If you’re going to write a Why is it important to identify What is the importance of It is important to respect
concepts and skills in daily simple statement that short story about yourself factual information to opinion? the correct usage of verb in others in their own opinion
living concerns you or your what will be the highlights Can it affect a person? In what expressing your thoughts, and beliefs? Why?
family? Will you analyze and sequences of your way? emotions etc?
and detect bias from the story?
statement or react easily?
DD. Additional activities for Cut and paste 10 different Take home activity: Identify Make a 3- paragraph editorial Group the class into 6 groups Make you own stand based
application or remediation kinds of advertisement and the facts you have learned article about the President of for the simple debate on the on informed opinion
identify techniques used in from the article, inquiries the Philippines. Read it in the next discussion. regarding on the picture
it. that you are still interested class tomorrow. Use this Other possible and statement below.
to know and state your diagram to answer your take- topics:http://webspace.ship.
opinion about the article. home activity. edu/hliu/347/12current/50t State your opinion in a
Hamburger Paragraph opics.pdf paragraph using compound
- Topic Sentence and complex sentences.
- 4 - Sentences Pros and Cons
- Concluding Sentences
Group 1: Are Video Games
Good for You?
Group 2: Which is better,
television or books?
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: FILIPINO
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Pagsasanay Piliin ang mga pandiwa sa Paano malalaman ang katangian ng Magbigay ng mga halimbawa ng
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng Isulat ang uri ng pangungusap pangungusap. Ilista sa inyong isang tao? pang-uri at pang-abay.Isulat sa
bagong aralin a.Nakatulog si Abby sagutang kuwaderno. Pagtsek ng takdang-aralin. loob ng hugis
habang nagbabasa. 1. Nahulog sa ilalim ng mesa ang
b.Hanapin ang mga nars. 2. Tumatakbo nang matulin ang
c.Saan ako naroroon? mga sasakyan.
d.Aba, parang may 3. Nakabili kahapon ng bagong TV
prusisyo! ang kapitbahay namin.
e.Sino ka? 4. Tumakas noong nakaraang
linggo ang 7 bilanggo sa piitang
5. Magagandang bulaklak ang
pinitas nila sa halamanan.
6. Masisipag lang ang tinatanggap
na manggagawa sa paggawaan ng
7. Lumipat na sila ng tirahan sa
San Pedro, Laguna.
8. Ang grupo nila ay sumasayaw sa
9. Naglaro nang mahusay si
Jempot kaya sila nanalo.
10. Nagtanim maghapon ang mga
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Ipaturo ang kaliwang kamay ng mga BASAHIN ANG BABALA Gaano ninyo kamahal ang inyong Pagbasa isang liham sa ph. 24-25
aralin bata sa kaliwang bahagi ng silid- INAALAGAANG MABUTI ANG MGA lolo? (Hiyas sa Pagbasa )
aralan. PUNUNGKAHOY SA GUBAT. May kasabihan na “ Matibay ang
Ano-anong mga bagay ang ITINANIM NANG MAAYOS ANG walis kung ito’y nakabigkis.”
nasa kaliwa mo? MGA PUNO RITO. PARURUSAHAN Binibigyang-diin nito ang
Ipaturo naman ang kanang NANG MABIGAT ANG MANINIRA kahalagahan ng pagkakaisa at
kamay ngmga bata sa kanang NG PUNUNGKAHOY. SUMUNOD pagtutulungan ng mga kasapi ng
bahagi ng silid-aralan. NANG MATAIMTIM SA BATAS NG pangkat. Hindi magtatagumpay ang
Ano-anong mga bagay ang KAGUBATAN. anumang gawain kapag watak-
nasa kanan mo? watak ang mga taong gagawa nito,
Alin sa mga larawang ito? tulad ng pangyayari sa susunod na
Meron bas a mga bagay na ito? kuwento ni Lolo.
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Pangkatin ang mga bata sa lima (5) Ano ang pandiwa sa unang Ibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang
halimbawa sa bagong aralin pangungusap? (Inaalagaan) Paano sinalungguhitan. Pagkatapos
Ipaguhit sa bawat pangkat ang inaalagaan? gamitin sa pangungusap.
mapa ng sariling silid-aralan gamit (Mabuti) Anong salita ang Abala ang isipan nina Bryan sa mga
ang manila paper. binibigyang turing ng salitang binabalak nilang gawin
mabuti? (Inaalagaan) kinabukasan. ( nahihibang, nag-
Anong bahagi ng pananalita ang iisip, gumugunita )
mabuti? (Pang-abay) Masaya na ang pananim sa hardin
makalipas lamang ang ilang araw.
Ang mga halaman ay
(nagtatawanan, nagsisisayaw,
nananariwa )
Kapag napabayaan pa, babagsak na
ang negosyo nila at wala na silang
hanapbuhay. (madudurog,
malulugi, mawawasak )
Sadyang nakikiisa ang lahat sa mga
gawain sa hardin. ( tumutulong,
naninisii, nagpapabaya )
Narinig ni Lolo Juan ang pagtuturo-
turuan ng mga apo sa mga gawain
sa poultry. ( pagsisihan,
pagtutulung-tulongan, pag-aaral)
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Gamit ang mapang nabuo, ipagawa Ano ang pandiwa sa ikalawang Pagganyak sa Tanong Sino kaya si ate Lydia?
konsepto at paglalahad ng sa bawat pangkat ang sumusnod: pangungusap? (Itinanim) Paano Katulad ba kayo ng mga apo ni Lolo Ano ang suliranin ni Eunice?
bagong kasanayan #1 • Lagyan ng tsek (/) ang pintuan. itinanim? Juan kung nagtatrabaho? Ano ang pamilyar na salita?
Kulayan ito ng berde. (Maayos) Anong salita ang Pagbasa sa kuwento ng guro Magbigay ng mga halimbawa nito
• Lagyan ng ekis (X) ang bintana. binibigyang turing ng maayos? Paalala ang mga pamantayan sa batay sa nabasang liham.
Guhitan ito ng kurtinang kulay (Itinanim) Anong bahagi ng wastong pakikinig. Ano ang di pamilyar na salita?
berde. pananalita ang maayos? (Pang- Ano-ano ang mga di pamilyar na
• Lagyan ng dalawang guhit ang abay) Ang mga salita at pariralang salita ang napapaloob sa liham?
cabinet ng aklat. Isulat ang naglalarawan o nagbibigay turing Ano ang maaaring mangyari sa
pangalan ng inyong guro sa ibabaw sa pandiwa ay tinatawag na pang- Madalas na pagshampoo ng
nito at kulayan ng dilaw. abay. buhok?sa
• Lagyan ng pahilis na guhit ang Sobrang init ng hair dryer?
pisara. Isulat din dito ang ngalan ng Ano-anong mahahalagang detalye
paaralan. ang iyong natutuhan sa binasa?
Ilahad ng bawat pangkat ang
natapos na gawain.
Nagawa ba ng maayos nang
bawat pangkat ang mga panutong
Ano ang ginawa ng bawat
pangkat upang maayos at wastong
masunod ang mga napakinggang
Bakit mahalaga ang pagsunod sa
Kung sakaling liban ka ng araw na
ito na naituro ng guro ang
pagsunod sa hakbang sa paggawa
ng balulang,ano ang
mararamdaman mo?
Manghihinayang ka ba?Bakit
Ano-anong mga magagalang na
pananalita ang maari mong
magamit upang maipahayag ang
iyong panghihinayang?
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Talakayin ang Pag-Aralan mo Paano nag-uusap ang mga apo ni Itala ang mga nakalap na
konsepto at paglalahad ng pah.2-5 Lolo Juan sa unang bahagi ng impormasyon sa pamamagitan ng
bagong kasanayan #2 kuwento? balangkas. Gamitin itong gabay.
Ano sa palagay mo ang gagawin ng
mga apo ni Lolo Juan sa poultry
farm kinabukasan?
Nag-usap nga kaya ang araro at
asarol sa kuwento ni Lolo Juan? Ano
sa palagay mo?
Mahal ba ni Lolo ang mga apo niya?
Bakit mo nasabi?
Mahal ba ng mga bata si Lolo Juan?
Patunayan ang iyong sagot.
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Babasahin ng guro ang Isulat kung ang mga pariralang Panuto: Basahin ang bawat B. Basahin ang talambuhay ni
panuto.Hayaan ang mga bata na pang-abay na may talataan. Ibigay ang maaaring Manuel L. Quezon at gumawa ng
isagawa ito salungguhit ay pamaraan, kalabasan ng mga pangyayari. balangkas upang maitala ang mga
A.Gumuhit ng isang parisukat. Isulat panlunan o pamanahon. Bilugan ang titik ng napiling sagot. mahahalagang impormasyon.
dito ang BAWAL MAGTAPON NG 1. Tulung-tulong na naglilinis ang Matalinong bata si Raul. Siya ang
BASURA mga tao bago magpiyesta. nangunguna sa klase subalit ang Manuel Roxas – Talambuhay Buod
Kulayan ito ng kulay dilaw 2. Umusad nang dahan-dahan ang hindi niya matutuhan ay ang sa Tagalog/Filipino (google)
B. Gumuhit ng malaking bilog. Sa mga sasakyan. dumating sa takdang-oras. Isang Huling Pangulo ng Komonwelt ng
kanang bahagi nito maglagay ng 3. Sila’y nagtatanim sa mga araw, mayroon silang pagsusulit sa Pilipinas
maliit na kamay. Sa gitna ng bilog bukiring may patubig. paaralan. Nag-aral siyang mabuti. Unang Pangulo ng Ikatlong
ay isulat ang salitang HELLO gamit 4. Nahuhuli sa dagat na malapit sa Kinabukasan, tinanghali siya ng Republika ng Pilipinas
ang malaking titik Estancia ang maraming isda. gising kaya nahuli sa pagpasok. Mayo 28, 1946 – Abril 5, 1948
5. Sa Linggo ng hapon Nang umuwi si Raul matapos ang Mga Personal na Tala sa Buhay ni
magpupulong ang mga magulang pagsusulit, mukha siyang Manuel Roxas
at guro. malungkot na malungkot. Araw ng pagkasilang: Enero 1,
6. Tuwang-tuwa at patalun-talon Ano sa palagay ninyo ang nangyari? 1892
na sumalubong ang kanyang aso. Maaaring sumakit ang ulo ni Raul Lugar na sinilangan: Capiz
7. Umalis siya na mabigat ang Maaaring may nawala si Raul Ama: Gerardo Roxas
damdamin. Maaaring pinagalitan ng guro si Ina: Rosario Acuña
8. Naglilinis sila ng silid aralan Raul Maybahay: Trinidad de Leon
pagkatapos ng pulong. Maaaring hindi natapos ni Raul Araw ng kamatayan: Abril 15, 1948
9. Iwinawagayway ang watawat ang pagsusulit Lugar kung saan namatay: Angeles
tuwing may pambansang Iniwan ni Aling Puring na nag-iisa sa City, Pampanga
pagdiriwang. bahay ang kanyang bunsong anak. Sanhi ng Kamatayan: Atake sa
10. Ang matitibay na kahoy ay Naisipan ng batang maglaro ng puso
matatagpuan sa kagubatan ng lutu-lutuan. Kinuha niya ang Edad nang mamatay: 56
Pilipinas. posporo at sinindihan ang kanilang Edukasyon
kalan. Biglang sumiklab ang apoy. Elementarya at Mataas na
Ano ang maaaring mangyari? Paaralan
Nasunog ang bahay nina Aling Pampublikong Paaralan ng Capiz
Puring. Kolehiyo ng Saint Joseph sa
Nakapaglaro ng lutu-lutuan ang Hongkong
bata. Mataas na Paaralan ng Maynila
Umiyak ang bunsong anak ni (1910)
Aling Puring. Kolehiyo
May mga bisitang dumating sa Batsilyer ng Abogasya,
kanilang bahay. Pamantasan ng Pilipinas
Isang araw, naisipang ayusin ni mga nagawa at mga programa
Flora ang kanilang altar. Hinugasan Tala sa Kasaysayan: Mga Nagawa
niya ang plorerang mahal na mahal at Programa na Naipatupad
ng kanyang ina, pinunasan at Naging topnotcher sa Bar
nilagyan ng magagandang bulaklak. examination noong 1913.
Ilalagay na lamang niya ito sa altar Nagtrabaho bilang personal na
nang dumating ang rumaragasang kalihim ng Kataas-taasang Hukom
pusang hinahabol ng aso. Cayetano Arellano.
Lumundag ang pusa sa kamay Naging pambayang konsehal ng
niyang may hawak na plorera. Capiz.
Nabitawan niya at nabasag ang Nagturo ng Abogasya sa Philippine
plorera. Law School at National University.
Ano kaya ang gagawin ni Flora? Nahalal na gobernador ng Capiz
Magwawalang bahala nong 1919.
Itatapon ang plorera Hinirang na chairman sa
Magsasabi ng totoo sa kanyang Kumbensiyon ng mga Gobernador-
ina panlalawigan.
Ilalagay sa altar ang basag na Kumandidato at nanalong
plorera. kongresista ng Capiz noong 1922.
Kaisa-isang anak ni Aling Perla si Naging ispiker ng Kapulungan ng
Ramil. Si Ramil ay laging malungkot, mga kinatawan noong 1935.
masakitin at mahinang kumain. Kasama si Osmeña ay nanguna
Isang araw, pinayuhan ni Aling Perla siya sa isang misyong ukol sa
ng kanyang kaibigan na pabayaan kasrinlan sa Estados Unidos at
niyang maglaro ang anak sa labas tinulungan din nina Jorge Jacobo,
ng bahay upang makalanghap ng jayme de Veyra at Catalino
sariwang hangin at mainitan ng Lavandia.
araw. Pinakain din siya ng mga Nakamit ng grupo ni Roxas mula sa
gulay at bungang-kahoy at kongeso ng Estados Unidos ang
pinainom ng sariwang gatas. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act, ang batas
Sa palagay ninyo, pagkatapos na nagkakaloob ng kasarinlan ng
mapagpayuhan ng isang kaibigan Pilipinas sa loob ng 10 taon.
ang kanyang ina, ano ang Tinanghal na natatanging
mangyayari kay Ramil? kinatawan ng Kapulungang
Siya ay lalong pumayat. Konstitusyonal noong 1934-1935.
Siya’y nagging masaya at Hinirang ni Quezon na maging
malusog. Kalihim ng Pananalapi.
Lalo siyang naging masakitin. Naging Chairman of the Board of
Lalo siyang ikinulong ng ina. Directors ng National Economic
Malakas ang buhos ng ulan. Baha Council.
na sa mga daan. Inggit na inggit si Nanguna bilang senador sa halalan
Roberto sa mga batang noong 1941.
nagtatampisaw subalit kagagaling Naglingkod sa Hukbo ng Pilipinas
lamang niya sa sakit. Dumaan ang nang sumiklab ang Digmaang
kanyang mga kaibigan at niyaya Pandaigdig II.
siyang maligo sa ulan. Ayuda-de-Kampo kay Hen.
Ano kaya ang ginawa ni Roberto? Douglas McArthur sa corrigidor.
Hindi sumama si Roberto sa mga Naging Pangulo ng Komonwelt ng
kaibigan. Pilipinas noong Abril 23, 1946.
Sumama siya agad sa mga Naging Pangulo ng Pilipinas sa
kaibigan. Panahon ng Pananakop ng mga
Nagalit si Roberto sa mga Hapon.
kaibigan. Pinamunuan niya ang Preparatory
Nagtutulug-tulugan na Commission for Philippine
lamang si Roberto. Independence na may layuning
himukin ang mga Pilipino na
sumuko na at makipagkaibigan na
lamng sa mga Hapones.
Katulong na bumuo ng Saligang
Batas ng Japanese-Sponsored-
Philippine Republic.
Tinangkang patayin noong Hulyo
5, 1943 ng mga taong galit sa
kanya dahil sa pakikipagkaibigan
niya sa mga Hapon.
Nahuli ng mga kalabang Hapon sa
Mindanao at ibinilanggo sa Camp
Nakipagtulungan sa Estados
Unidos para sa gawaing pang-
ekonomiya upang maiangat ang
kabuhayan ng bansa na sinalanta
ng digmaan.
Sa ilalim ng kanyang pamamahala
nagkarron ng kasunduan tungkol
sa Philippine Trade Act of 1946
kung saan nabuo ang malayang
pakikipag-kalakalan ng Amerika sa
Agarang nahirang sa tungkulin
sanhi ng pagpalit ng uri ng
pamamahala mula Komonwelt
tungo sa Republika.
J. Karagdagang Gawain
para sa takdang aralin at
A. Bilang ng nakakuha ng
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo ang nakatulong
ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang
aking naranasan na
solusyonan sa tulong ng
aking punongguro at
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and time: NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3rd QUARTER
B. Performance Performs accurately the Consistently practices ways to "The learner creates simple Participates and assesses
Standard design of structure of a given maintain a healthy environment printmaking (silkscreen) performance in physical activities.
musical piece designs on t-shirts and posters.
The learner describes the basic
concepts and principles of
basic photography."
C. Learning Analyzes the musical forms of Describes diseases and disorders The learner knows that design Explains the background of dance
Competencies the following caused by poor environmental principles still apply for any PE6RD-III-B-1
(write the LC Code) 1. Leron Leron Sinta sanitation new design (contrast of colors,
2. Silent Night H6EH-IIIa-1 shapes, and lines produces
3. Happy Birthday harmony) whether done by
4. Joy to the world hand or machine (computer).
5. Bahay Kubo A6EL-III-A
6. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay
7. Paru-Parung Bukid
8. Ang Bayan Ko
9. Pamulinawen
10. Tinikling
11. Lupang Hinirang
Forms Poor Environmental Sanitation PRINT MAKING Finess Enhancement through Folk
C. Presenting Let them identify the forms of Group pupils into 4. Show pictures of silk screen Show pictures o9f folk
examples/instances of the songs..How many times They will identify the different printing. dance and let them
the lesson did u sing it? diseases caused by poor Discuss ask about the materials identify each.’
environmental sanitation. needed.
1. Respiratory Diseases
2. Gastrointestinal
3. Skin Diseases
4. Neurological Impairment
D. Discussing new concepts Form in music is the way a What are respiratory diseases? How can technology change
and practicing new skills musical composition is Gastrointestinal? Skin Diseases? silk screen printing? What is dance?
#1 arranged. This composition Give some examples. Let them see a picture of Dance is an activity where
colud be either any musical silkscreen printing machine. you move your body in
piece as sung by vocalists or Describe the machine. time with the music.
singers or the music created Dancing is a part of human
by means of musical expression. People dance
instruments. to celebrate, compete,
perform rituals, and enjoy.
Some to stay fit. You, as a
young person. Have all the
qualities to be involved in
dance. You should know
what dancing can do to
you. Dance, as s physical
activity, gives benefits to
young people like you.
E. Discussing new concepts Diff Kinds Of Forms: Identify the following diseases; Explain the ff materials in silk What are the skills needed in
and practicing new skills 1. Unitary Form- 1. Diarrhea screen printing dancing?
#2 contains only one section 2. Cholera 1. Mesh screen a. Social skills
which remains the same all 3. Dysentery 2. Liquid emulsifier b. Coordination
throughout the whole 3. Fabric paint c. Endurance
composition ex. Dandansoy 4. Squeegee
d. Motor fitness
2. Binary(AB)- made up 5. Design printed on
of two musical parts or has transparency e. Lung condition
two different melodic ideas. f. Flexibility
Ex Paru-Parung Bukid g. Weight balance
3. Ternary- utilizes a
three-part form represented
by (ABC) and sometimes, third
part is a repititon of the first
part represented by (ABA) Ex.
Lupang Hinirang
4. Rondo (ABACA) is
made up five or more musical
parts with some repetitions.
Ex. Maligayang Araw
F. Developing mastery (lead What are the different forms? What are the three diseases How is silk screen printing What are the benefits do we get
to formative assessment Give examples for each. brought by poor environmental done? from dancing?
3) sanitation? 1. Prepare a design and 1. Immune system becomes
print on transparency stronger
2. Prepare the mesh 2. Bones and muscle are
screen. Coat it with strengthened
light sensitive 3. Joints become more
3. Position the printed flexible
film over the screen 4. Entire body is toned.
and expose it to a very 5. Balance and posture
bright light source improve
4. Rinse off the excess 6. Stamina and flexibility
emulsion. Once you increase
have all the screens 7. Confidence is developed
exposed and cleaned, 8. Social life may improve
you are ready to print
5. Place screen over t-
shirt. Apply ink, any
color of you choice,
using a squeegee.
6. Using a blow dryer,
dry ink on t shirt. You
now have a finished
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
G. Finding practical applications of Group Activity: Give 5 objects that Pair-share: Cut the above Match Column A with column B
concepts and skills in daily living are models of the following spatial graphics and glue them under 1) The base is a polygon and its
figures: suitable categories. faces are triangles.
1.cone 2) A spatial figure with a polygonal
2.cylinder base whose edges meet at a
3.cube common vertex.
4.prism 3) A spatial figure having a circular
5. sphere base and one vertex.
4) A spatial figure with 2 parallel
congruent faces called bases and
the other faces are parallelograms.
5) A spatial figure with 2 circular
bases, no edge, and no vertex.
a. rectangular prism
b. cone
c. pyramid
d. cylinder
e. triangular prism
H. Making generalizations and What are the different spatial What is the difference between a What is a prism? What are the How do you identify the faces of a solid figure?
abstractions about the lesson figures. Describe each one. plane figure and a solid figure? kinds of prisms? Describe each.
What are their common ANSWER What is a pyramid? What are the A face is one of the flat surfaces on a solid figure. A
characteristics? The difference between plane kinds of pyramids? Describe each. planefigure is a flat, two-dimensional figure. A prism is a
Give examples of real life objects and solid figures is in their three-dimensional object with two congruent parallel
that represent each spatial figure. dimensions. Where a square is a bases that are polygons. A pyramid is a three-dimensional
plane figure, its 3D counterpart, object with a base that is a polygon and
the cube, is a solid figure. The triangular faces that meet at one vertex.
same comparison exists between
a circle, or plane figure, and a
sphere, a solid figure. Individuals
create plane figures by
connecting points on a grid to
create 2D geometrical shapes.
The same shape takes on extra
dimension by adding additional
points and lines to give the shape
height, width and depth.
I. Evaluating Learning A. Draw in your notebook Sort-out the figures into their Identify the spatial figure Complete the table: Complete the table:
objects that resemble the represented by the following: Soli Dra No. No. No.
following space figures. d w of of of
1) 2) 3) 4) Figu The Ver Fac edg
re Fig. tice es es
B. Name the spatial figures 2.sq
that resemble the following uar
objects below: e
1) box 6) tin can pyr
2) ball 7) camping tent ami
3) dice 8) funnel d
4) ice cream cone 9) water pipe 3.cy
5) globe corresponding columns. 10) glass lind
J. Additional activities for Construct each spatial figure using Answer Math
application and remediation art paper. Challenge on
1) blue pyramid 4) green page 199
2) black cone rectangular prism
3) yellow cube 5) red cylinder
6) violet sphere
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect movement of objects.
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce an advertisement demonstrates road safety
Describe gravity Describe gravity affects motion Describe how gravity
Cite situation which show the Cite situation which show the affects motion.
presence of gravity S6FE-IIIa-c-1 presence of gravity S6FE-IIIa-c-1 S6FE-IIIa-b-5
Infer how friction and gravity
Appreciate the importance of the Appreciate the importance of the -Show through group
C. Learning The learners should be able to affect movements of different
awareness on gravity awareness on gravity activity how gravity
Competencies/Objectives describe gravity. objects. S6FE-IIIa-c-1
affects motion
-Appreciate the
importance of gravity
and motion
II. CONTENT / TOPIC Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravitational Force How does Gravity
Affects Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG, pp 94
Cyber Science 6 pp.
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Science Links p.309-316 Science in Our World p. 189-193 The New Science Links 6 pp.
3. Textbook pages
http://www.kids-science- Test Papers
4. Additional materials from
http://www.sciencefair- Activity Sheet Activity Sheet CG, pp 94
LRMDS portal
B. Other Materials Explore and Experience Science 6, Video clip Video clip https://video.search.ya
Mercado et.al., pp.218 - 221 https://www.youtube.com/watc hoo.com/yhs/search?fr
h?v=9gTfCgETDAw =yhs-blp-
Roll the ball. Pupils will pass the Roll the ball. Pupils will pass the What is gravity? Review:
ball while the music is playing. ball while the music is playing. Games
As the music stops, the pupil As the music stops, the pupil Identify the ways to
holding the ball will answer the holding the ball will answer the reduce friction by
questions to be asked by the questions to be asked by the arranging the jumbled
teacher. teacher. letter
Ask pupils about gravity. Ask pupils about gravity. .
To a applying surface
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
Moving between
presenting the new lesson
contact reducing
Contact between
minimizing the surfaces
Shapes using
Find out students' ideas about gravity. Show a video clip of a child Show a video clip of a car in a When you throw two objects Motivation
Ask: climbing up a tree steep road and a car running on with different weight, which will Gravity Song (video
What is gravity? What can you say about the child? the normal road fall first? Does weight affect Presentation)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Where is gravity? What may happen to him? What can you say about the the motion (speed) of the falling Ask what is about the
lesson What does gravity do? Have you experienced climbing a two cars? object? song?
tree? Which car runs fast? Describe the song in
Have you experienced riding in a one word.
car on o steep road?
C. Presenting examples/ EXPLORATION Teacher gives initial instruction Teacher gives initial instruction Setting of Standards . Instruct one pupil to
instances of the new lesson (COLLABORATIVE APPROACH) about the activity about the activity Small Group Activities throw the ball upward.
a. Setting of standard in performing See Activity Sheet Observing Ask: What did the boy
an activity Force of Gravity (Science Links 6 do?
b. Activity proper pp. 310) What happened to
the ball when it was
Activity 1. Materials: A Styrofoam thrown upward?
cup, a pencil, water, and a bucket. What is the
1. Poke a hole in the side of the cup movement of the ball
with the pencil. Make the hole about as it reaches the
2 inches above ground?
the bottom of the cup. The teacher will
2. Cover the hole with your thumb tell the pupils about
and fill the cup with water. that the lesson is about
3. Hold the cup up high and uncover How Gravity
the hole. Make sure the water flows affects motion.
into the bucket or 1.Group the class into
do this experiment outside. What two. .Each group will
happened to the water? Did it gush perform differentiated
out of the cup? activity
Cover the hole with your thumb again 2. Distributes the
and fill the cup. activity cards.
4. Now make a hypothesis: If you 3. Recall the standards
drop the cup into the bucket, would in doing the activity.
the water flow more
quickly or more slowly out of the hole
in the cup?
Activity 2:
Small dowel or stick
Strong magnets (Use either
neodymium magnets .5 inch or bigger
or ceramic magnets .75 inch or larger.
Regular craft magnets won’t work.)
Metal ruler (or wooden ruler with
Blocks, books, or other material for
Why it is difficult to
upward a hill or to an
elevated placethan
going down?
How would you make use of your How would you make use of your
Imagine you throw a ball upward. knowledge about gravity on your knowledge about gravity on your Valuing
What happened to the ball? Why do everyday lives? everyday lives? To ensure safety
you think this happened? at home especially
during earthquake,
G. Finding practical applications
of concepts and skills in daily
precautionary measure
shall we follow using
our knowledge
About how gravity
affects motion?
What is gravity? Teacher will ask pupils to make a Teacher will ask pupils to make a Generalization:
Gravity is a force that tries to pull two generalization about today’s generalization about today’s
objects toward each other. Earth’s lesson lesson Describe how does
H. Making generalization and gravity is what keeps you on the How does gravity affects motion gravity affects motion
abstraction about the lesson ground, what causes objects to fall, ? by making a concept
and is why the objects fall down map.
rather than up!
______ of Learners who earned 80% ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners
A. No. of learners who earned
above 80% above 80% above 80% above who earned 80% above
80% in the evaluation
______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for who require additional
additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No
? No. of learners who have ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners
caught up with the lesson the lesson the lesson up the lesson up the lesson who caught up the
______ of Learners who continue to ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners
D. No. of learners who continue
require remediation to require remediation to require remediation continue to require remediation who continue to
to require remediation
require remediation
Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that
___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning work well:
___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Socratic
___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture Questioning
Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations ___ Game-Based
The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom Learning
experiment, a survey,a simulation or experiment, a survey, a simulation experiment, a survey, a experiment, a survey, a ___ Interactive Lecture
an analysis of secondary data. or an analysis of secondary data. simulation or an analysis of simulation or an analysis of Demonstrations
___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning secondary data. secondary data. The activity can be a
___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws ___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning classroom experiment,
___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks ___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws a survey, a simulation
___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips ___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks or an analysis of
___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips secondary data.
___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Cooperative
presentation presentation ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual Learning
___Text books ___Text books presentation presentation ___Jigsaws
E. Which of my teaching
___Investigations ___Investigations ___Text books ___Text books ___Gallery Walks
strategies worked well ? Why
___Models ___Models ___Investigations ___Investigations ___Fieldtrips
did this work ?
___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations ___Models ___Models ___Making notes from
Other Techniques and Strategies used: Other Techniques and Strategies ___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations book
___Manipulative Tools used: Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies ___Use of
___Pair Work ___Manipulative Tools used: used: internet/audio visual
___ Explicit Teaching ___Pair Work ___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools presentation
___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___Pair Work ___Pair Work ___Text books
___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___Investigations
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___Models
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___Demonstrations
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads ___ Diads Other Techniques and
___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction Strategies used:
Why? ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___Manipulative Tools
___ Complete IMs Why? ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___Pair Work
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs Why? Why? ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Group
___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials collaboration
collaboration/cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Carousel
their tasks collaboration/cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Diads
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the their tasks collaboration/cooperation in collaboration/cooperation in ___ Differentiated
lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation of doing their tasks doing their tasks Instruction
the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation of ___ Audio Visual Presentation of ___ Discovery Method
the lesson the lesson ___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of
___ Pupils’ eagerness
to learn
___ Group member’s
ion in doing their
___ Audio Visual
Presentation of the
__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude pupils
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Pupils’
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology behavior/attitude
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Colorful IMs
F. What difficulties did my __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Unavailable
principal or supervisor can help Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Technology
me solve ? __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works Equipment
__ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/
which I wish to share with Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Localized and
other teachers ? __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Indigenized IM’s
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Localized Videos
views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality __ Making big books
__ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to from
be used as Instructional Materials be used as Instructional be used as Instructional be used as Instructional views of the locality
__ local poetical composition Materials Materials Materials __ Recycling of plastics
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition to
be used as
Instructional Materials
__ local poetical