Trust Reviewer
Trust Reviewer
Trust Reviewer
It can, however, be waived, by the failure of the latter is the beneficiary. However, if the person
opposing party to object when a parol evidence to whom the title is conveyed is a child,
concering a trust of an immovable or interest legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying
therein is being presented in court. the price of the sale, no trust is implied by
law, it being disputably presumed that there is
Except for immovable or interest therein, express a gift in favor of the child.
trust can be created by writing, deed, will or oral
declaration. No particular words are required or Art. 1449. There is also an implied trust when a
essential for the creation of an express trust donation is made to a person but it appears that
(NCC 1444). although the legal estate is transmitted to the
donee, he nevertheless is either to have no
Kinds of Express Trust beneficial interest or only a part thereof.
Art. 1446. Acceptance by the beneficiary is Art. 1453. When property is conveyed to a
necessary. Nevertheless, if the trust imposes no person in reliance upon his declared intention to
onerous condition upon the beneficiary, his hold it for, or transfer it to another or the grantor,
acceptance shall be presumed, if there is no there is an implied trust in favor of the person
proof to the contrary. whose benefit is contemplated.