United States Court of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit
Dissent by Judge W. Fletcher;
Dissent by Judge Wardlaw;
Dissent by Judge Fisher;
Dissent by Judge Reinhardt;
Concurrence by Judge Rymer
The panel has voted to deny the Petition for Rehearing and
Petition for Rehearing En Banc.
From the time of his initial arrest until today, Kevin Cooper
has consistently maintained his innocence of the murders for
which he has been convicted. Cooper was convicted of capital
murder and sentenced to death by a California court in 1985.
The California Supreme Court affirmed Cooper’s conviction
and sentence in 1991. People v. Cooper, 53 Cal. 3d 771
(1991). The California Supreme Court denied Cooper’s state
petition for habeas corpus in 1996. A three-judge panel of the
Ninth Circuit affirmed the denial of Cooper’s first federal
application for habeas corpus in 2001. Cooper v. Calderon,
255 F.3d 1104 (9th Cir. 2001). That decision was called en
banc, but the call failed.
Two days before the murders, Cooper had escaped from the
minimum security section of a nearby California state prison
by walking across an open field. Shortly before Cooper’s
scheduled execution date, Midge Carroll, the now-retired war-
den of the prison, provided a sworn declaration in which she
stated that she had learned from her staff that shoes issued to
prisoners “were not prison manufactured or specially
designed prison-issue shoes,” but, rather, were “common ten-
nis shoes available to the general public through Sears and
Roebuck and other such retail stores.” Carroll stated that she
had learned this information during the investigation and con-
veyed it to investigators before the trial. This information
would have been critical to Cooper’s defense, for a key to the
prosecution’s case at trial was that identical shoeprints at the
crime scene and in the house where Cooper had been staying
were made by Pro-Ked “Dude” tennis shoes, and that these
shoes were distributed only to prisons and other institutions.
Warden Carroll’s information, though clearly exculpatory,
had not been provided to Cooper prior to trial.
I. Background
ER 3116-17.
ER 1599-1600.
ER 3119.
In 2004, when the district court was making its initial plans
for mitochondrial DNA testing of the hairs in Jessica’s hand,
the California Deputy Attorney General informed the court
that Furrow had retained an attorney. Through his attorney,
Furrow declined to provide a hair sample. 6/2/04 RT 5. The
Deputy Attorney General informed the court that Koon, on
the other hand, “indicated he will provide whatever the Court
would request, voluntarily.” Id. at 5. According to Koon’s
story, as recounted to Wisely and recorded by Detective
Woods, Koon stayed in the car while the other two men went
inside with their axes. If this is true, Koon would of course
have nothing to fear from providing a hair sample.
On the night of June 4, three men came into the Canyon
Corral Bar, which is located near the Ryen house. Several
employees testified at Cooper’s trial that the men came into
the bar sometime around 8 or 9 p.m., left, and returned later.
Witnesses’ estimates of the time of their return range between
11 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. See ER 3648. When the men returned,
at least one of them was extremely inebriated. The bouncer,
Ralph Land, did not testify at trial, but stated in a tape-
recorded interview with Cooper’s investigator in January
1984 that “two of them were really close-cut hairs and all that
and then the other one had long, straggly like dirty, like I
thought maybe they just a couple of Marines and they ran into
an old buddy or something.” ER 3616. The witnesses who tes-
tified at trial stated that all three of the men had close-cut mil-
itary haircuts.
Lance Stark, a regular at the bar, also testified for the first
time in 2004. He described “a couple of young loud mouths”
being rude to some women at the bar. 7/23/04 RT 20-21, 59.
He also commented that the third man in the group was very
quiet and not noticeable. Id. at 40. He described the men as
scruffy looking or dirty looking, and he observed that one of
the men looked like he had grease or mud on him. Id. at 22-
24, 60, 62, 63. He recalls one of the women telling that man
that he had something on him. Id. at 108-09.
Within the first few days after the murders, deputies dis-
covered two distinctive matching shoeprints tying the crime
scene to the Lease house. Later, a deputy in the crime lab dis-
covered a bloody shoeprint on a bedsheet that had been col-
lected from the Ryen master bedroom. At trial, the
prosecution presented evidence that the shoe that likely made
those shoeprints — a Pro-Ked Dude tennis shoe — was
nowhere available for retail sale and was only available
through institutions such as CIM. The prosecution also pre-
sented evidence that Cooper had been issued such shoes at
II. Discussion
a. Daubert
The only contested issue was the second prong — what the
presence of EDTA proved or tended to prove. The district
court rejected Dr. Ballard’s testimony because it erroneously
concluded that his measurements, even though accurate, did
not satisfy the second prong of Daubert. See Dist. Ct., 510
F.3d at 941 (“Lacking any evidence to show that EDTA test-
ing is a reliable means of determining whether a blood sample
has been planted, the Court concludes that Petitioner’s EDTA
evidence fails the Daubert test.” (emphasis added)).
ER 4128-29.
Dr. Maddox and Mr. Sims’ designee, Mr. Myers (the dis-
trict court erroneously referred to him as Dr. Myers), chose an
area of the t-shirt between stains labeled 6J and 6K as a
replacement for Area 6G. In their view, this area was likely
to contain Cooper’s blood. They therefore took their sample
from this area. They then divided the sample into three pieces.
They sent one of the pieces to the state-designated lab, sent
one to Cooper’s designated lab, and retained the third piece
at Dr. Maddox’s lab. However, no one tested the new sample
(or any part of it) to determine if any of the three pieces actu-
ally contained blood.
Dr. Melton tested the blood from VV-2, unaware of the fact
that the State had not intended to send it to her. Dr. Melton
found that the blood from VV-2 contained the DNA of two
or more people. This was a truly startling finding. On August
2, 2004, Dr. Melton informed the court of her finding. ER
I do not pursue the argument here, but there is ample reason to con-
clude that the district court also disregarded our directive by unduly limit-
ing the mitochondrial DNA testing of the hairs in Jessica Ryen’s hand and
by prematurely foreclosing the opportunity for further testing.
Vial VV-2 originally contained only Cooper’s blood, and
should have continued to contain only Cooper’s blood. The
most logical explanation for the finding is that someone added
another person’s blood to the vial. Why might that have been
done? One explanation is that someone took some of Coo-
per’s blood out of the vial for some purpose (planting it on the
t-shirt?), and wanted the vial to appear as full as it previously
had been. In order to accomplish that, he or she had to add
someone else’s blood to the vial to bring it back up to the
proper level.
ER 4464.
The best fit linear regression equation for these data is: DNA = -0.185
+ 0.001 * Siuzdak. The R2 value for these data is 0.974; the regression
coefficient for the independent variable is statistically significant at p =
Graph 3: Correlation Between DNA and Ballard’s EDTA
Measures8 (Samples 2, 3, 4, and 6)
Third, the district court did not account for the correlation
between human DNA and EDTA in the control samples when
it stated: “While the extraction and measurement of EDTA in
a sample may theoretically be accomplished, the ubiquity of
EDTA in the environment prevents any meaningful interpre-
tation of the significance of an ‘elevated’ level of EDTA
within a forensic sample.” Dist. Ct., 510 F.3d at 941. The data
demonstrate that, contrary to the view of the district court,
meaningful interpretation of the significance of an elevated
level of EDTA is possible. They demonstrate, in fact, that Dr.
Siuzdak’s test results were probably valid.
Neither Dr. Siuzdak nor Dr. Ballard, nor indeed any expert,
was given the opportunity by the district court to look at both
the EDTA and the DNA data.
e. Summary
It is clear from the foregoing that the district court did not
properly carry out our directive to perform EDTA testing on
Cooper’s blood on the t-shirt. The court did not permit Coo-
per’s experts to participate in or even see the selection of the
t-shirt samples chosen for testing. It refused to allow testing
of the newly chosen sample, which was supposed to contain
only Cooper’s blood, to determine if, in fact, it contained his
blood, or any blood at all. It refused to permit an inquiry into
why vial VV-2, which was supposed to contain Cooper’s
blood, contained the DNA of two or more people. It refused
to permit discovery of Dr. Siuzdak’s raw data and bench notes
after he withdrew his test results — results that strongly sug-
gested that Cooper’s blood had been planted. It incorrectly
concluded that Samples 2, 3 and 4 were proper controls, and
therefore incorrectly concluded that the testing laboratories’
results could not be correct. And it refused to allow further
testing after it allowed Dr. Siuzdak to withdraw test results
that had been favorable to Cooper.
Josh Ryen was eight years old at the time of the murders.
He was left for dead in his parents’ bedroom with his throat
cut. He did not take the stand, but his audio- and videotaped
testimony was introduced at trial. That testimony was that he
saw either a single man or a single shadow in the house dur-
ing the murders. This testimony was flatly inconsistent with
the information he provided immediately after the murders.
Q: By the bathroom?
A: Yeah.
A: Just one.
A: Essentially, yes.
ER 746.
The other shoeprint at the Ryen house was on the spa cover
outside the master bedroom. That print was discovered after
some delay. Several people testified that, even after the print
was purportedly discovered, that they had looked at the spa
cover and had not seen the print. SBCSD Sergeant Arthur,
head of the investigation, testified that he pointed the print out
to Deputy Duffy at approximately 2:07 p.m. on June 5, but
Deputy Duffy testified that he did not know about the shoe-
print until Detective O’Campo pointed it out to him at sunset
that day. SBCSD Sergeant Gilmore testified that he did not
see any footwear impressions on the cover on the afternoon
of June 5. 12/18/84 RT 5160-63; 11/15/84 RT 3363-64, 3396,
3299. Deputy Smith, who was ordered to sketch all of the
shoeprints on the spa cover on the morning of June 8, three
days later, testified that she sketched all of the prints that she
saw on the spa cover. However, none of her sketches matched
the print of a Pro-Ked Dude shoe. An unidentified officer
directed her back to the spa cover later on June 8. She then
saw a Pro-Ked Dude print that she had not previously seen.
1/22/85 RT 6869, 6871-73, 6878-79.
The spa cover was left out in the open, moved several
times, and stepped on by at least one deputy before it was
taken into evidence. Then the shoeprint was destroyed, pur-
portedly in a failed effort to lift and preserve the image. 11/
15/84 RT 3297-98; 11/19/84 RT 3447-48.
But the shoeprint in the Lease house could also have been
planted. The day before the Lease house search began and the
Pro-Ked Dude shoeprint was discovered, the front door to the
house had been left unlocked and other evidence was likely
planted in the house. (See the discussion below of the hatchet
sheath and jacket button.) 1/29/85 RT 7312. The print in the
Lease house was discovered after some delay, after approxi-
mately twelve people had walked through the house. 1/23/85
RT 6956-58. Deputy Baird testified that the shoeprint had
been “marked off so that it would not be stepped on” by mid-
afternoon of June 7. 11/12/84 RT 4760. Deputy Smith, who
arrived at 8 p.m. that day to draw sketches of the prints, testi-
fied that nobody had instructed her to sketch the print that
turned out to be the Pro-Ked Dude print. Instead, she testified
that she discovered that print on her own after first sketching
several other prints she was instructed to sketch and then
walking around the house to look for more suspicious prints.
Contrary to Deputy Baird’s testimony, Deputy Smith gave no
indication that the Pro-Ked Dude print had been marked off
at the time she sketched it. 11/22/85 RT 6864-72.
b. Summary
B. Brady Claims
The district court was wrong on both counts. First, the dis-
trict misstates the evidence at trial. That the distribution of
Pro-Ked Dudes was “limited to prison inmates” was not
“never assumed.” Quite the contrary — it was “assumed”;
indeed, it was shown by uncontradicted testimony of Stride
Rite executive Michael Newberry. Newberry’s testimony
effectively eliminated the possibility that the shoeprints on the
bloody sheet in the master bedroom and on the spa cover
could have come from anyone other than an escaped prisoner.
The California Supreme Court specifically relied on Newber-
ry’s testimony in affirming Cooper’s conviction and death
sentence. It wrote:
ER 4932, 4967.
It is almost certain that the State did not give the daily logs
to Cooper’s counsel before trial. District Attorney Kottmeier
testified at trial that documents turned over to the defense are
stamped with a page number “relating the number of discov-
ery when that page was given to the defense.” 1/6/85 RT
6555. The daily logs introduced into evidence at the 2004-
2005 hearing have no such page numbers. At the 2004-2005
hearing, Assistant District Attorney Kochis testified that doc-
uments obtained by means of a subpoena would not go
through the D.A.’s office, and therefore would not have page
numbers. 8/13/04 RT 182-84. But the State has been unable
to produce any record indicating that the logs were turned
over to Cooper’s counsel pursuant to subpoena.
4. Summary
IV. Conclusion
Kevin Cooper has now been on death row for nearly half
his life. In my opinion, he is probably innocent of the crimes
for which the State of California is about to execute him. If
he is innocent, the real killers have escaped. They may kill
again. They may already have done so.
Cooper’s February 19, 1985 judgment of conviction, and sentence to
death on May 15, 1985, was affirmed by the California Supreme Court.
People v. Cooper, 53 Cal.3d 771, 837, 281 Cal.Rptr. 90, 129 (1991). The
United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari, Cooper v.
California, 502 U.S. 1016 (1991). Cooper’s first federal application, sub-
sequently amended and supplemented, was filed August 11, 1994, and
denied August 25, 1997 following an evidentiary hearing. 92-CV-427,
Doc. No. 165. We affirmed, Cooper v. Calderon, 255 F.3d 1104 (9th Cir.
2001) (Cooper I); denied Cooper’s PFR/PRFEB; and his petition for a writ
of certiorari was denied, 537 U.S. 861 (2002). Cooper filed a second fed-
eral application on April 20, 1998 raising a claim related to the Koon
statement, which we construed as an application for authorization to file
a second or successive petition, and denied. Cooper v. Calderon, 274 F.3d
1270 (9th Cir. 2001) (Cooper II). Cooper sought to file another successor
application that involved DNA testing and tampering, which we denied,
Cooper v. Calderon, No. 99-71430 (9th Cir. Feb. 14, 2003, April 7, 2003)
(orders noting that DNA tests to which the state and Cooper agreed do not
exculpate him, nor were there newly discovered facts establishing his
innocence, and denying PFR based on asserted deficiencies in the testing
and tampering). Meanwhile, Cooper filed seven petitions in the California
Supreme Court together with a writ of mandate and various motions, a
habeas petition in the San Diego County Superior Court, and six other
petitions for a writ of certiorari in the United States Supreme Court as well
as two petitions for habeas corpus, each of which was denied. On October
22, 2002 Cooper filed a motion for mitochondrial DNA testing of hairs,
and on June 16, 2003 for testing of the tan T-shirt, to show tampering.
These were denied following an evidentiary hearing in the state court that
found no tampering. Another petition in the California Supreme Court
raised essentially the same claims as asserted in this application: actual
innocence, tampering with evidence, failure to disclose exculpatory evi-
dence, offering unreliable eye witness testimony of Josh Ryen, and deny-
ing Cooper effective assistance of counsel during post-conviction DNA
proceedings; the supreme court denied all claims on the merits on Febru-
ary 5, 2004, and also denied as untimely those having to do with evidence
tampering, failure to disclose exculpatory evidence, submission of false
testimony to the jury, and offering Joshua Ryen’s unreliable testimony. On
February 6, 2004, Cooper filed another application to file a successive
application, which was initially denied, Cooper v. Woodford, 357 F.3d
1019 (9th Cir. 2004), withdrawn, 357 F.3d 1054 (Editor’s Note Feb. 8,
2004), but was later granted when this court reheard the application en
banc, Cooper v. Woodford, 358 F.3d 1054, 1117 (9th Cir. 2004) (Cooper
III). As authorized by Cooper III, Cooper filed his third application in the
district court April 2, 2004. The district court held an evidentiary hearing
At this stage, AEDPA requires federal courts to presume that
factual determinations by state courts are correct absent clear
and convincing evidence to the contrary. 28 U.S.C.
§ 2254(e)(1).2 This applies to determinations adverse to Coo-
per on police tampering with A-41 and cigarette butts, the
presence of three men at the Canyon Corral, and tampering
with the tan T-shirt. AEDPA also precludes federal courts
from granting habeas relief when a state court has adjudicated
the merits of a claim raised in a federal petition and the state
court’s adjudication is neither contrary to, nor an unreason-
able application of, federal law as determined by the United
States Supreme Court. § 2254(d).3 This applies to state court
determinations on Cooper’s claim of actual innocence, evi-
dence tampering, Josh Ryen’s statements, destruction of the
bloody coveralls, the blue shirt, and failure to disclose excul-
patory evidence.
at which 42 witnesses testified, and denied the writ. See Cooper IV,
Appendix A. It is this ruling that is the subject of this appeal.
All references are to Title 28 of the U.S. Code Section 2254(e)(1) pro-
(e)(1) In a proceeding instituted by an application for a writ of
habeas corpus by a person in custody pursuant to the judgment
of a State court, a determination of a factual issue made by a
State court shall be presumed to be correct. The applicant shall
have the burden of rebutting the presumption of correctness by
clear and convincing evidence.
Section 2254(d) provides:
(d) An application for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of a per-
son in custody pursuant to the judgment of a State court shall not
be granted with respect to any claim that was adjudicated on the
merits in State court proceedings unless the adjudication of the
(1) resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an
unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law,
as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States; or
(2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable
determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented
in the State court proceeding.
AEDPA further provides that federal courts must dismiss
claims that the petitioner has presented in a prior application.
§ 2244(b)(1).4 This includes handling of A-41; the Koon state-
ment; destruction of the bloody coveralls; and planting evi-
dence, or manipulating tests, on cigarette butts. AEDPA
likewise requires dismissal of claims for which the factual
predicate could have been discovered before and that, if
proved and viewed in light of the evidence as a whole, would
be sufficient to establish by clear and convincing evidence
that, but for constitutional error, no reasonable factfinder
would have found the petitioner guilty of the underlying
offense. § 2244(b)(2)(B)(i)-(ii).5 This includes the blue shirt
and daily log; cigarette butts and their testing; Josh Ryen’s
statements; the three men at the Canyon Corral; Lee Furrow
and the bloody coveralls; destruction of the coveralls; and the
hatchet sheath.6
Section 2244(b)(1) provides:
(b)(1) A claim presented in a second or successive habeas corpus
application under section 2254 that was presented in a prior
application shall be dismissed.
Section 2244(b)(2) provides:
(b)(2) A claim presented in a second or successive habeas corpus
application under section 2254 that was not presented in a prior
application shall be dismissed unless—
(A) the applicant shows that the claim relies on a new rule
of constitutional law, made retroactive to cases on collateral
review by the Supreme Court that was previously unavail-
able; or
(B)(i) the factual predicate for the claim could not have been
discovered previously through the exercise of due diligence;
(ii) the facts underlying the claim, if proven and viewed in
light of the evidence as a whole, would be sufficient to estab-
lish by clear and convincing evidence that, but for constitu-
tional error, no reasonable factfinder would have found the
applicant guilty of the underlying offense.
Even if Schlup v. Delo, 513 U.S. 298 (1998), rather than AEDPA,
applies to actual innocence for purposes of gateway claims, the question
As the dissent pays no attention, and gives no deference, to
state court determinations, and reaches the merits of claims
without regard to whether AEDPA mandates their dismissal,
the picture it paints is quite different from the canvas that is
actually before us.
would be whether, in light of all the evidence, including reliable new evi-
dence, it is more likely than not that no reasonable juror would have found
Cooper guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Following an evidentiary hear-
ing the district court found that, to the extent there was new evidence, it
was incredible, unreliable or unpersuasive with respect to all claims in the
petition, that neither EDTA nor mitochondrial DNA tests showed inno-
cence or undermined evidence of Cooper’s guilt, and that the showing of
actual innocence was insufficient to avoid procedural bars. The evidence
supports these findings, therefore Cooper cannot pass through to other
claims by means of either § 2244(b)(2)(B)(i)-(ii), or Schlup.
Cooper III, 358 F.3d at 1124. Having noted Cooper’s position that the
question of his innocence could be answered “once and for all” by mito-
chondrial testing of blond hairs in Jessica Ryen’s hands and testing for the
presence of the preservative agent EDTA on the tan t-shirt, Cooper III also
observed: “The district court may be in a position to resolve this case very
quickly. As soon as Cooper’s application is filed, it should promptly order
that these two tests be performed in order to evaluate Cooper’s claim of
innocence.” Id.
Given the posture of the case as it was before the en banc panel, how-
ever, I disagree with the dissent’s implicit assumption that this court could
have “directed” the district court to conduct the two tests. The only issue
before the en banc panel was whether Cooper should be allowed to file a
successive application for habeas corpus under AEDPA. 28 U.S.C.
§ 2244(b)(3)(A); Cooper III, 358 F.3d at 1123 (“We hold only that Cooper
has made out a prima facie case that entitles him to file a second or suc-
cessive application.”). Once this court authorized the application to be
filed, it was up to the district court to decide in the first instance whether
any of the claims — including those involving EDTA and mitochondrial
DNA testing — could go forward, and how to deal with them. See 28
U.S.C. § 2244(b)(4). Its decision is, of course, subject to appeal and those
issues are now properly before us. But our review is guided by AEDPA,
not by a mistaken assumption about the scope of our prior mandate.
it did precisely what Cooper III suggested that it do. Between
April 2, 2004 (when Cooper filed his application pursuant to
our authorization) and April 1, 2005, the district court held a
tutorial on testing for the presence of EDTA,7 requested sub-
missions on a variety of testing-related issues which the par-
ties provided after consulting with their experts, participated
in numerous hearings and conferences over a three-month
period to develop a protocol, ordered the two tests to be con-
ducted, resolved problems that came up during the process,
analyzed the results, and issued a thoughtful 159-page ruling
that discusses in meticulous detail all aspects of the testing as
well as each claim in Cooper’s petition.