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Interim On:
PRN: 15010323163
Under Guidance Of
Prof. Hifajatali Sayeed
The salient focus of this paper is to locate the relevance of media-politics-economy interface
in India. The media at present is growing at a massive phase and is considered as one of the
important role in having better governance and also helps in bringing the issues related to
government into the public domain. This paper has tried to analyze the political economy of
media in India and a brief evolution of it.
The paper also tries to showcase how the media coverage is focused around the issues of the
elites and the middle class and has marginalized the problems of the majority sections of the
population which has also led to the emergence of the other alternative media like the
community radio stations in the country.
At the outset of this chapter, we defined political economy as the study of production, and
subsequently considered what it means to study the production of media. Then we looked at
how production reveals a set of political relationships which are far from ideologically
neutral by looking at a range of issues pertaining to ownership, intellectual property,
relationships to government, and funding mechanism. This was especially via advertising,
and we considered in some detail how these factors can be understood to influence the
content and messages commonly encountered within media texts.
I. How Media improves governance by monitoring the actions of those in power and
alerting the public to corruption or abuse of trust?
II. Does Media helps to improves the efficiency of the economy by providing actors
more and better information with which to make decisions and improving stability?
III. How Media catalyzes positive changes in society by providing the information that
influences public opinion?
IV. To what extend do specific political and economic structures form media institutions
and thus regulate flows of information and visual cultures?
V. How do media technologies shape the economic and political practices that eventually
create structures?
The type of research that will be used in this study is qualitative research and quantitative
research. The methodology adopted is largely analytical and descriptive. I have used many
secondary sources like books and articles. The lectures and classroom discussion have been
rich with valuable pointers and gave direction to the research.
This project has been divided in seven chapters. It consists of following chapters,
Introduction (Chapter I), The Evolution and Critique of Media-Politics–Economy (Chapter
II), Foundation and Expansion of Media-Politics-Economy (Chapter III), Media improves
governance by monitoring the actions of those in power (Chapter IV), Media helps to
improves the efficiency of the economy by providing actors more and better information
(Chapter V), Media catalyzes positive changes in society (Chapter VI) and Conclusion
(Chapter VII).
A Legal Analysis of Politico- Economic Perspective of Media
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The purpose of this paper is to present evidence suggesting that a quality, independent media
has a positive impact on society and should be viewed as a critical development outcome in
itself. The review is divided into three sections addressing three areas where media can have
a positive effect on societies:
Economic Impact: Economic actors need accurate and timely information to allocate
resources efficiently. Investors and other groups increasing value and demand a governance-
monitoring role from the media. A free and independent press can provide information and
monitoring to the economic policy development process leading to more effective economic
policies. It can also reduce political risk and increase good governance—conditions that are
important for robust economic development.
Political Impact: In order for development to be just and sustainable, citizens must
productively participate in the decisions that shape their lives. Participation requires an
informed citizenry. A free and independent media supply timely and relevant information to
citizens allowing them to change their own behavior and to demand higher social standards
for society.