Manufacture of Substance in Industry
Manufacture of Substance in Industry
Kubang Pasu
Manufacture Substance
In Industry
Sulphuric Acid….
iii) Burning of Fossil Fuel
ii) Metal Extraction
~ Sources:- i) Contact Process
Environmental Pollution
Sulphur Dioxide to Sulphuric Acid
Sulphur Trioxide is dissolved in concentration sulphuric acid to produce oleum. Stage 3
H2S2O7(l)+ H2O(l)2H2SO4(aq)
Dilute the oleum with water to produce concentrated of sulphuric acid of about 98% in the
Sulphur Dioxide to Sulphur Trioxide
Past through the mixture a converter. Stage 2
2SO2(g)+O2(g) 2SO3(g)
Optimum condition use 450°C, 1 atm, Catalyse-Vanadium(V) oxide.
Produce 95% Sulphur Trioxide.
Sulphur to Sulphur Dioxide Stage 1
Burning metal sulphides
Mixed with excess air and dried.Then, purified to remove impurities.
6.Cleaning metals
5.Electrolyte in car betteries
4.Synthetic Fibre
2.Paint Pigment
iv) Volcanic Eruption
Chemical properties
a) Ammonia gas dissolves in water to form a weak alkali.
NH3(g) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)
Physicals Properties
Very soluble in
Pungent smell
Haber Process
1. Ammonia is manufacture on a large scale in industry through the haber process. In this process,
ammonia is formed form direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen gas in the volume ratio 1:3.
2. The gas nitrogen obtain form the fractional distillation of liquefied air. The hydrogen gas is obtained
form the cracking of petroleum or from the catalysed reaction of natural gas, CH 4, with steam.
2. The mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen gases is passed over an iron catalyst under controlled optimum
condition as below to form ammonia gas.
i. Temperature: 450-500°C
ii. Pressure: 200-500 atmospheres
iii. Catalyst used: Iron fillings
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)
3. Under these control optimum condition, only 15% of the gas mixture turn into ammonia gas. The
nitrogen and hydrogen that have not reacted are then flow back over the catalyst again in the reactor
4. The ammonia product is then cooled at a low temperature so that it condenses into a liquid in the
cooling chamber.
1. Nitrogen is required in large amount by plant to make proteins which are necessary for growth
and cell repair.
2. Most plant are not able to get a nitrogen supply directly from the air although it is abundant in
the air (78%). Plants can only absorb soluble nitrogen compounds from soil through their roots.
3. The nitrogen compounds are usually soluble nitric salt, ammonia and ammonia salt which are
manufacture as chemical fertilizer.
4. Reactions of ammonia with acids produce ammonium fertilizers.
~ A mixture of two or more elements with a certain fixed composition in which
the major component in a metal.
Physical Properties
1.Ductile- can be drawn into fine wire
2.Malleable- can be beaten into thin sheets without cracking
3.Lustrous- becomes shiny when polished
4.High density
5.High melting ang boiling point
6.Good conductor of electric and heat
Synthetic Polymers
Synthetic Man-made in
laboratory through
Polymers chemical process
1. Addition polymerisation
~ Involve monomer with carbon-carbon double between the carbon atoms
2. Condensation polymerization
~ Joining the monomers with the formation of other smaller and simple
Polyethylene ethylene insulation
–(CH2-CH2)n– rigid, translucent solid
high density (HDPE) CH2=CH2 bottles,
similar to
atactic: soft, elastic solid
Polypropylene –[CH2- propylene LDPE
isotactic: hard, strong
(PP) different grades CH(CH3)]n– CH2=CHCH3 carpet,
Poly(vinyl chloride) vinyl chloride
–(CH2-CHCl)n– strong rigid solid siding,
Poly(vinylidene chloride) vinylidene chloride
–(CH2-CCl2)n– dense, high-melting solid covers,
(Saran A) CH2=CCl2
Polystyrene –[CH2- styrene hard, rigid, clear solid cabinets
(PS) CH(C6H5)]n– CH2=CHC6H5 soluble in organic solvents packaging
Polytetrafluoroethylene tetrafluoroethylene surfaces
–(CF2-CF2)n– resistant, smooth solid
(PTFE, Teflon) CF2=CF2 electrical
Poly(methyl methyl
–[CH2- covers,
methacrylate) methacrylate hard, transparent solid
C(CH3)CO2CH3]n– signs
(PMMA, Lucite, Plexiglas) CH2=C(CH3)CO2CH3
1. Glass is one of the most useful but inexpensive materials in the world. Many
products are made from glass because of its specials properties.
2. Glass is:
a. Transparent, hard but brittle.
b. A heat and electric insulator.
c. Resistant to corrosion.
d. Chemical not reaction and therefore resistant to chemical attack.
e. Easy to maintain.
1. Metal such as copper and aluminium are good conductor of electricity, but
20% of the electric energy is lost in the form of heat during transmission.
2. Super conductor are materials that have no resistance to the flow of electricity
at a particular temperature. Hence, 100% electricity transmission is possible.
3. One of the most dramatic properties of a superconductor is its ability to
levitate a magnet. Superconductor are used to build magnetically levitate high-
speed train (at about 552 km/h).
4. Superconductor are used to make chips for smaller and faster supercomputer.
Superconductor also play an important role in high speed data processing in
internet communication.
1. Fibre optic is a composite material that in used to transmit signals for light
2. Fibre optic is used in
a. Telecommunicate where the telephone substation are liked by fibre optic
b. Domestic cable television network
c. Closed circuit television security system.
3. Fibre optic also used in medical fields. It is used in a number of instrument
which enable the investigation for internal body part without having to
perform surgery.
1. Fibre glass is glass in the form of fine threads. Molten gas is dropped onto a
refractory rating disc when the glass flies off the disc glass to form fibre.
2. Fibre glass is strong than steel, do not burnt, stretch or rot, resistant to fire and
water but is brittle.
3. When fibre glass added to a plastic, a new composite material fibre glass
reinforces plastic is formed.
4. Fibre glass reinforces plastic has more superior properties than glass and
plastic. It is
a. Extremely strong
b. Light weigh
c. Resistant to fire and water
d. Can be molded, shaped and twisted