222s Atmosphere 1 and 2 2010
222s Atmosphere 1 and 2 2010
Why study the atmosphere?
Sustains and protects life on Planet
Provides O2 we breathe.
Provides O2 to support combustion for generation of
Shields us from harmful (uv-) radiation from Sun.
Mediates between incoming and outgoing radiation to
maintain temperature of biosphere at life-sustaining level.
Protects us from space debris (as in comets) and other
materials coming from space.
Composition fairly constant over years man has
inhabited the Planet.
But that is changing, particularly in some minor
constituents and this is affecting the atmosphere’s
ability to sustain and protect life.
Chemical Composition of
Constancy of Chemical
This constancy is deceptive because atmosphere is
really in a “steady state” - the result of massive
influx and loss of material – the rates being equal.
Consider O2
3x1014 kg consumed per annum by living things.
Constancy suggests this loss is made up by influx of O2
from some source. (What is the source?)
Change in Chemical
In some cases the changes caused by man’s activities are affecting
the ability of the atmosphere to perform its life-protecting functions.
Consider the balance between incoming energy from the Sun and
outgoing energy from the Earth, for example.
About 1025J are incident upon the Earth over a calendar year.
All this energy must be radiated back to space to keep the Earth’s mean
temperature at a level that is amenable to life. That temperature is
actually 288 K or 15°C.
The atmosphere performs that balancing act – in a way that is very
sensitive to atmospheric composition.
CO2 content of the atmosphere is important in this – and its mass in the
atmosphere has been fairly constant over the time of man’s existence on
Earth. (2.7 x 1015 kg )
Over the past 150 years this has been increasing at a rate of about 1013
kg per year - because of anthropogenic activity.
This relatively small change affects the rate of re-radiation of energy
back to space and appears to be causing warming of the atmosphere.
Global or Trans-boundary
Issues in Atmospheric Science
Warming is predicted to have adverse effect on climate and to
affect Earth’s ability to sustain life – so is a global concern.
We will look at the Science behind this expectation of “Global
Warming” in this course.
Other issues:
Loss of stratospheric ozone at certain locations and times –
Ozone Depletion.
Trans-boundary transport of acidic gases has led to acidification
of lakes and streams far from the site where gases are generated
– Acid Rain.
Effects of atmospheric pollution – resulting in “Smog” that leads
to health and damage to property.
When you have done this course it is expected that you will be
able to discuss these issues from a scientific point of view.
See Detailed Course Outline.
Structure of Atmosphere and
Basis for Understanding Structure
In the next couple of lectures we will look at the physical
structure of the atmosphere and its main characteristics both in
the vertical and horizontal.
We will examine this first to set some kind of basis that will help
us to understand how small changes in the Chemistry can have
such profound effects as mentioned earlier.
Temperature Profile for Daytime
Atmosphere up to 100 km.(1)
Typical Temperature Profile of Atmosphere
•Starting from bottom one
can see the highest
temperature in the region of
interest is at the surface. T Thermosphere N2,O2, O+,
O2+, NO+,e-
on average is 288 K.
• Temperature decreases
temperature begins to
increase with height.
N2, O2,
• This height where the
temperature trend reverses
is called the tropopause,
N2, O2,
mesosphere. Stratosphere
Chemical Composition of Daytime
Atmosphere up to 100 km.
• The composition of the
troposphere is essentially the Typical Temperature Profile of Atmosphere
composition described in the
table given earlier, mainly N2,
O2, CO2, and water vapour. Thermosphere N2,O2, O+,
O2+, NO+,e-
•There is not much water
vapour or CO2 in the
stratosphere, but the bulk of
the atmosphere’s O3 is
30 km.
• The Ozone concentration in
this layer is usually expressed 40
N2, O2,
as a partial pressure. A typical O3
exist, while above 90 many 170 190 210 230 250 270 290 310
ions and even free electrons Temperature /K
appear to exist.
Altitude/ km
50% of
10 mass below
this level.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Pressure/ mbar
Derivation of the Hydrostatic
•Consider a cylindrical shaped volume element
of air of height dz, area A, mass dm, and a
pressure difference of dP between top and
bottom. P2
•So dP = - gρdz
•Note the negative sign, suggesting that
pressure decreases with height.
•This dP = - gρ dz is known as the hydrostatic
Lets express ρ in terms of P so we can separate and collect the variables and
integrate the equation.
PV = nRT or
P =(m/MV)RT = ρRT/M
So ρ = PM/RT
This becomes
Pz = P0 exp[-z/H] where H = RT/ Mg known as the scale height.
This really sums up the effect of gravity on the Earth’s atmosphere. It causes the
pressure to decrease exponentially with height. Pressure decreases by 1/e of its
value over a distance equal to the scale height.
Variation of Atmospheric Pressure
with Height
1 bar = 100,000 Pa 1 mb = 100 Pa 1 atm = 101,325 Pa
50% of
10 mass below
this level.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Pressure/ mbar
Temperature Profile for Daytime
Troposphere 2
Most of radiation from Sun heats lower troposphere by being
absorbed at the surface first and then heating the air in contact
with the surface.
Typical temperature profile has temperature decreasing with
height from 288 to about 225 K over height of ≈10 km in the
So typical “lapse rate” = 63/10 = 6.3 K km-1
Lapse rate = 9.78 K km-1 which is quite a bit more than the typical
observed value in the tropics.
Temperature Profile for Daytime
Troposphere 4
The main reasons for the difference between estimated and actual lapse rate
Some heating occurs in higher part of atmosphere as a result of absorption of incoming
and outgoing radiation (H2O and CO2)
Condensation of moisture (water) in rising air releases heat in upper troposphere.
These both serve to make the actual lapse rate smaller than that estimated from
using adiabatic expansion, ideal gas assumptions.
As moist air rises its degree of saturation increases (as temperature decreases).
It eventually reaches a temperature where it is 100% saturated with water vapour.
Condensation occurs at and above this level.
Notice though that the troposphere is generally unstable because the warmer
(less dense) air is at the bottom, so air is continually rising – while this
temperature profile is maintained.
Particularly stable and unstable conditions in the troposphere are associated
with the actual lapse rate being greater than or less than the adiabatic lapse
rate. (Note lapse rate is really 1/[Slope of Plot])