Hall Ticket March 2019 - Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El - Ed)
Hall Ticket March 2019 - Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El - Ed)
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D.El.Ed (For Untrained In-Service Teacher) January - 2020 Last Supplementary Theory Examination Hall Ticket
Enrolment Details
Reference No. D181501566
Important Instructions
1. Candidates Should carry the I card issued by NIOS and the print out of the Hall Ticket/Intimation card without which the
candidates will not be allowed to enter into the Examination Hall.
2. Apart from the I card and the Hall ticket, candidates should carry one valid Photo ID Proof issued by the Government to enter into
the Examination Hall.
3. Examination will start as per the timing mentioned in the Date-sheet.
4. The following items are not allowed in the Examination Hall -electronic devices such as Mobile phone, Ear Phone, and Bluetooth or
any other electronic devices, book(s), notes, papers or any such materials.
dled.nios.ac.in/attendancelogin/HallTicket.aspx 1/1